“Vasily Terkin is a truly rare book: what freedom, what wonderful prowess ... and what an extraordinary folk soldier's language” (I.A. Bunin)


It was created during the harsh war years from 1941 to 1945. In it, in a simple and accessible form, military life, the hard lot of a soldier, the psychology of a person in war, and also philosophical reflections about life and death, glory and suffering of the Russian heroic soldier.
The prototype of the protagonist of the "book about a fighter" - cheerful and lucky Vasya Terkin - appeared on the pages of the newspaper "On Guard of the Motherland" during the Finnish campaign of 1942. This lubok, largely conditional figure of a fighter-hero appeared thanks to collective efforts, while Tvardovsky simply wrote an introduction to the “collective” Terkin. Later, the thought of continuing to work on this image did not leave him. According to Tvardovsky's plan, everything in Terkin was to change: the story about the Russian soldier from the columns of "Corners of Humor" and "Direct Pickups" was to rise to seriousness and even "lyricism of content."
The need for Terkin arose from the beginning of World War II. In the "book about a fighter", as in the annals, the main events of the Great Patriotic War, the composition of the book is determined by military reality. “There is no plot in war,” one of the chapters of Vasily Terkin confirms. Tvardovsky himself wrote about his "book ...": "The genre of my work was defined for me as ... a book, a living, mobile, free-form book, inseparable from the real cause of protecting the Motherland by the people, from their feat in the war."
The image of Vasily Terkin is a collective image of the Russian people who rose to the liberation war. In the first chapter of the "book ...", where the author introduces the reader to Terkin, it says: "A guy of this kind / There is always in every company, / And in every platoon." The features common to all Russian soldiers are embodied in Terkin: “Terkin fights, holds the front,” the author says about him. This is most clearly presented in the chapter "Terkin-Terkin", where Terkin meets his peculiar double. It means that there are many such Terkins in the world, in every Russian soldier there was something from Terkin. Or, rather, on the contrary, the author embodied in Terkin the main features of a Russian soldier, only made them brighter, more expressive. Terkin is peculiar folk wisdom and worldly ingenuity, which is manifested in his sayings and sayings (“Time is an hour for fun”, “On which river to swim - / That and glory to create”), while many sayings were invented for Terkin by the author, but they feel completely folk (“ Don’t look what’s on your chest, / But look what’s ahead”, “Guns go backwards to battle”).
The image of Terkin echoes the Russian folk epic. In the chapter “Duel”, Terkin fights hand-to-hand with a German and features appear in his image. epic hero. He is endowed with fantastic strength in the chapter "Crossing", when he swims across a cold night river, comes to life after a sip of vodka and immediately swims back. In the chapter "Soldier and Death" he, like the cunning soldier from the Russian fairy tale, does not succumb to death. Terkin seems to be the defender of the Russian land at the moment when an enemy aircraft is shot down from a gun. He performs a real, unprecedented feat, but out of modesty (also distinguishing feature Russian soldier) refuses the order, saying: "I'm not proud, I agree to a medal."
Terkin turns out to be not only a brave soldier, but also a cheerful comrade: with his “joke, the most unwise joke,” he brightens up the painful military life of soldiers:

Hey Slavs, what's with the Kuban,
From the Don, from the Volga, from the Irtysh,
Take heights in the bath,
Fasten fast!

The author depicts Terkin as a hard-working soldier, in this one can guess following the traditions of depicting the war not as a brilliant heroism, but as hard everyday work. Tvardovsky depicts the war without embellishment:

Where in the quagmire, in rusty porridge,
Unanswered - in the account, not in the account,
We walked, crawled, lay our
Day and night through...

Terkin's humor is often interspersed with tragic experiences of the horrors of war. The cruel and bitter truth sounds in the words: "A terrible battle is going on, bloody, / A mortal battle is not for the sake of glory, / For the sake of life on earth", which are repeated throughout the poem as a refrain, are heard in its finale. War mercilessly consumes human lives, and the author, with all certainty, without unnecessary pathos, shows this in the “book about a fighter”:

And saw for the first time
It will not be forgotten:
people are warm and lively
Going down, down, down...

In the image of Terkin, the hero-worker is combined with a joker and a philosopher. And together all this is the image of the Russian people in crucial moment our history:

Serious, funny
No matter what rain, what snow, -
Into battle, forward, into pitch fire
He goes, saint and sinner,
Russian miracle man.

"Freedom" and " wonderful prowess The poems are explained by the fact that the entire Russian people performed in collaboration with Tvardovsky. The "book about a fighter" states National unity so Terkin like collective image, turns out to be different parts front, takes part in various hostilities, finally, the author indicates several different places of his birth: Tula, Smolensk region.
As Terkin embodied all the variety of characters and skills of the Russian people, so the poem itself reflected the diversity of language and style. The author freely uses both literary (mainly in the chapters "From the Author") and folk poetic speech. The text of the poem includes folk songs: about the overcoat (“Oh, cloth, state-owned, / Military overcoat ...”), about the river (“I will wash my feet on the river, / Where does the river flow? / Towards my dear, / Maybe you’ll turn somewhere”). The main size of the poem - the four-foot trochee - is associated with Yershov's poetic adaptations of Russian fairy tales. The language of "Vasily Terkin" is light and varied; it remains understandable and delights all readers: both soldiers at rest, inexperienced in poetry, and such connoisseurs and masters of the Russian word as I. . The style of the poem is close to folklore, the hero's appeals to the forces of nature are often found, diminutive suffixes, repetitions reinforce the accents placed in the poem.
Tvardovsky called "Vasily Terkin" "my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart talk and a remark to the occasion." Readers highly appreciated the "book about a fighter": "Vasily Terkin" soldiers read at their leisure, it was more fun to endure military hardships with him. The soldiers did not allow Tvardovsky to "kill" his hero, they demanded the continuation of "Vasily Terkin". All this proves the unprecedented love of Russian people for this book, which fully reflects the events of the Great Patriotic War. "Vasily Terkin" can rightly be called artistic monument to the Russian people who endured the terrible war years and liberated our Motherland.

The text of the poem "Vasily Terkin" was created throughout the Great Patriotic War. In its final form, it amounted to thirty chapters. The protagonist of the poem is Vasily Terkin (the author brings his surname closer to the adjective “grated”: “a man who has been shattered by life”) - a fighter with whom the narrator became friends since the Soviet-Finnish war. This hero helped his creator to win fame and attention of readers.

The story about Terkin begins with the “middle”, and the author intends to continue it “without end”:

Why no end?
I just feel sorry for the young man...

For his twenty-five years, the hero has experienced "everything bad", but he remained alive and well and even became more cheerful than before. Terkin is endowed with a generous heart, and therefore the bitterness of disasters and losses turns out to be nothing to him. Difficulties only temper his character, showing everything best features, generalizing the properties of a male worker, a peasant and a soldier.
The main thing in creating the image of Vasily Terkin is the truth that hits right into the soul. Without it, one cannot live in a war, how not to live without water and good front-line food. It is the same condition of human life.

The true, simple, natural, kind and ardent desire to help people, "feeling strength in the shoulders", and in the soul believing in the bright essence of being, is characteristic of Terkin. The beginning of folk humor, based on such a belief, is embodied in a hero who has won national fame. His character is described in the poem with the help of monologues, stories, conversations.

universal recognition Terkin's joker is also connected with the fact that, putting into words the unspoken thoughts of his comrades, he reveals the bright side in them. What the fighter remembers is the opposite of sadness, night, fear of death, homesickness.

It is also important that Terkin accepts everything as it is, without romanticizing reality. Military reality is well known to him. No matter what happens to the hero in the war, no matter how terrible and difficult his path is, and no matter how sad he is in his heart, he always sees the light ahead.
War for Terkin is a necessity, a difficult task set by time, which must be completed with heroism and dedication. Not only in his stories, but also in his actions, Terkin turns out to be “a guy anywhere”, a hero and a jack of all trades, able to repair watches that “are still standing from that war”, sharpen a “overwhelming saw”, cope with the world’s “trouble- devastation." He has a wound, and a shell shock, and the experience of losses - everything is "forgotten - not forgotten."

The self-righteousness, based on the perception of life as work for the good, helps the hero not to give up in a duel with evil. native land. This character trait of a Russian person, inherent in him at all times. The essence of Terkin's character is determined not by individual originality, but by the manifestation national spirit. He continues the galaxy of images folk heroes created both in folklore and in literary works.
Terkin embodies that combination of heroism and tomfoolery, deep moral basis, which is typical for the heroes of Russian fairy tales. But he is not a “carefree giant” performing fabulous feats, not a hero, but a living person of “simple leaven”. Even in stature he is “not tall” and physically weaker than a German, light in body and not averse to fear in battle. He is “ordinary”, like everyone else. And yet, all the best features of the Russian folk character are focused in Terkin, which is why he should be in “every company”.

The virtues of Russian nature are revealed by the national misfortune. War reveals a sense of belonging native land, the feeling is not false, but true patriotism, feeling own strength and faith in a just cause:

Serious, funny
No matter what rain, what snow, -
Into battle, forward, into pitch fire
He goes, saint and sinner,
Russian miracle man...

The heroes surrounding Terkin, including the author, are inseparable from him, are his counterparts. He is not alone - every Russian is responsible for everything around him. It is just as difficult for everyone, everyone has one enemy, and this unites the people so much that the traits of millions can be embodied in central image poems.

At the same time, the people are not a faceless mass. Nameless, but vivid and memorable images are depicted not as a background for Terkin, but as heroes of independent, although not developing lines.

In Terkin's humor, behind external amusingness, frivolity, a deep, universal meaning shines through, understandable to everyone in Rus', from a boy to a grandfather, from an ordinary to a general. Behind the hero's jokes is the life experience of a dashing soldier, a jack of all trades, and a folk philosopher, who is aware that "the truth remains the truth."

In terms of its ideological and artistic features, Tvardovsky's work merges into the tradition of creating a Russian poem on folk theme. Innovation in disclosure national character due to the lack of distance between the author and the hero, each of which turns out to be his own for the whole people.

Vasya Terkin - real hero. I know that he was and still is loved by many. It can be mistaken for a real person, and not for a fictional character. He still evokes sympathy, even admiration.

Not only did he manage to shoot down a German plane, while Vasya was in the infantry, which he adores ... He twisted the German with his bare hands. Although the fight scene shows how difficult it all was. The German is fat, sleek, strong. And Vasya has grown thin, tired. Of course, he jokingly asks for supplements from a local chef. And in general he gets it, but the cook is not very pleased - there are probably few products. And he even makes a remark to Terkin: “Why don’t you go to the fleet, such a glutton.” But Terkin, which is his remarkable quality, is not offended. He laughs it off, it's hard to hurt him.

But he (such a merry fellow) is experiencing negativity. For example, when it small motherland belittle. This is when in the hospital young hero offended that Terkin mistook him for a countryman. Why is Smolensk land worse?! And for her sake, Terkin is ready to perform feats. Il when a colleague laments that he has lost his pouch, Terkin freaks out in the end. He said to the bewildered once with a smile, twice with a joke, but he still does not let up. But it is clear that this was the last straw for the one who lost. He even complains that he lost his family, home, and now that pouch. But Terkin generously gives his own, saying, they say, the main thing is not to lose the Motherland. And what is needed for this? Cheer up, first of all!

That is, Vasily is an optimist, he is generous and courageous. He respects civilians: children, old people... By the way, the authorities too. Here he was talking about the general - how smart he should be. But this experience is also because when the soldier was still in the cradle, the future general was already at war.

I remember the scene with the awarding of the order. When they called Terkin to that same general, and the soldier’s things were wet - only washed. And Vasya is in no hurry to see the general, although he was given “two minutes” time, because it is impossible in wet pants. He understands that there are certain boundaries that cannot be violated.

While I see some pluses in Vasya. Laziness is also not about him. He would not be able to sit out in the rear or in the hospital when the war ... The only thing that would give me a headache from him. There are way too many jokes.

But in the terrible time of the war it was necessary, I think.

Option 2

Vasily Terkin is a collective image of a Russian soldier. Where did he come from? Soldiers from all fronts wrote to Tvardovsky and told their stories. It was some of them that formed the basis of the exploits of Terkin. Therefore, it is so recognizable, so popular. Yes, in the next company there, Vanya or Petya did exactly the same as Terkin.

A cheerful, resilient joker who knows how to make everything with his own hands.

He served in the "Queen of the Fields" - mother infantry, which marched all the way to Berlin across Europe. Vasily managed to shoot down a German plane. And in a hand-to-hand fight, he defeated a healthy Fritz. And when the cook asks for supplements, but it is not provided - there is not enough food, he grumbles and sends him to the fleet. The naval at that time were fed better than the infantry.

Turkin is collective character, and every soldier recognized familiar features in him. Each chapter is separate story about the next feat of Vasily. Tvardovsky wrote the poem not after the war, but during the fighting, in the intervals between battles. He was a front correspondent.

Terkin was as alive. He communicated with the soldiers on an equal footing, gave good advice. The soldiers were looking forward to the release of each new chapter in the front-line newspaper. Terkin was a friend and comrade for everyone. He was one of them. If Terkin could do such a thing, then every soldier could do exactly that. The soldiers enjoyed reading about his exploits and adventures.

Tvardovsky specially invented his Terkin so that he would help the soldiers morally. Supported their fighting spirit. Terkin means "gritty".

Here it is melted down to the opposite shore under enemy fire. Alive, swam, and it was late autumn. The water in the river is cold. But it was necessary to personally deliver a report to someone, because. there was no connection.

The other messengers did not make it to shore. And Vasya swam. At stake was the life of many soldiers and officers who melted down from one shore to another and came under fire from the Nazis.

And for his feat does not require anything. You don't even need an order. He agrees to a medal. And the medal "For Courage" was considered a soldier's order. Well, another hundred grams of alcohol inside to keep warm. Why waste everything on skin? He also has the strength to joke around.

Composition Image of Vasily Terkin image with a description with examples and quotes from the text

Tvardovsky wrote his poem not after the war in the quiet of offices, but practically on it, in the intervals between hostilities. The chapter just written was immediately published in the front-line newspaper. And the soldiers were already waiting for her, everyone was interested in the further adventures of Terkin. Tvardovsky received hundreds of letters from all fronts from soldiers like Vasily Terkin.

They told him interesting stories about the exploits of their fellow soldiers. Some episodes Tvardovsky then "attributed" to his hero. That is why it turned out to be so recognizable and popular.

Didn't exist real person with the same first and last name. This image is collective. It contains all the best that is inherent in the Russian soldier. Therefore, everyone could recognize himself in it. Tvardovsky specially invented him so that in difficult times he would be alive, real man helped the soldiers morally. Everyone and everyone was best friend. Each company and platoon had its own Vasily Terkin.

Where did Tvardovsky get such a surname from? "Torkin" means a grated roll, beaten by life. A Russian person can endure everything, survive, grind, get used to everything.

From the poem, you can learn a little about the biography of Terkin. He comes from the Smolensk region, was a peasant. A good-natured Russian guy, easy to talk to, likes to tell all sorts of stories, a joker and a merry fellow. At the front from the first days of the war. Was injured.

Brave, courageous, fearless. At the right moment, he took command of the platoon. It was he who was sent across the river with a report that the platoon was entrenched on the opposite bank. Those who sent it understood that he had little chance of getting it. But he got there. Alone, swimming, in the icy November water.

Like all Russian peasants, Terkin is a jack of all trades. What he just didn’t do was fix the clock, sharpen the saw, and even play the harmonica. He must have been the first guy in the village. Modest "... why do I need an order, I agree to a medal ..."

He lay in the cold trenches under heavy fire from the Nazis. In the face of death, he did not get scared, but asked her for a respite for one day to see victory and salute. And death receded.

Initially, Tvardovsky planned Terkin as a feuilleton image in order to entertain the soldiers and raise their morale. But he did not notice how he himself fell in love with his hero, and decided to make his image real, not caricatured. Give him the best human features- resourcefulness, courage, patriotism, humanism, a sense of military duty.

The author compares his favorite hero with the Russian hero folk tales, a soldier who managed to cook soup from an ax. Those. he is resourceful and savvy, can find a way out of any seemingly hopeless situation. "Russian miracle man". On people like Terkin, all of Russia rests.

The poem is written plain language, easily and permanently remembered.

Essay 4

Vasya Terkin, of course, is a well-known character and even beloved by everyone. However, I have a slightly different opinion.

I think he is a character, not real hero. That is, it is clear that such a person does not exist, cannot actually exist. He is too cheerful, optimistic, so joyful ... He would, frankly, annoy me. I'm surprised no one hit him from the soldiers. That is, raising morale is, of course, good, but playing tricks when there is a war around ...

For example, in the scene with the lost pouch. To the fighter who lost expensive thing, obviously no joke. From the outside it may seem that the pouch is nonsense. But it is clear that for a fighter this loss was the last straw, as they say. He held on when he lost his home, his family, but he held on last strength. And here is the pouch...

And our "hero" Vasya does not understand the suffering of a soldier. Laughing, mocking, shaming! To something he says that losing the Motherland is scary. But it is understandable, compared: the pouch and the Motherland.

So, Terkin is too positive. I'm not sure that such a person (with such dashing manners) could hold out on a real front.

But of course, Tvardovsky tried to invest a lot good qualities into your hero. And he boldly fights the Germans, and he cannot be kept in the hospital ... However, what unprecedented luck Vasily must still have in order to shoot down a German plane with a gun! It looks more like a soldier's bike! However, here he is Terkin - lucky. In fact, he was also lucky in hand-to-hand combat with the German, although the Fritz was well-fed and strong. It was lucky when our tankers picked him up in the wounded hut, took him to the doctor - they saved him.

I think that at that time the front-line needed such a hero. He is almost a hero, almost Ivan the Fool. He gives readers confidence in victory. The poet repeats through his lips that we will not lose in this war. Fortunately, these words have come true.

And yet, for me, this character is too simple. But that's just my personal opinion.

Option 5

Alexander Trofimovich Tvardovsky - the author of the unforgettable work "Vasily Terkin" Being himself in the thick of things, since he himself fought at the front and went through the whole war as a war correspondent, talked a lot with soldiers, and he himself more than once got into different difficult situations. Everything that he describes in his book, he heard from ordinary fighters, foot soldiers. During the Great Patriotic War, the infantry played essential role in the history of the war, and it is mainly to her that main merit in victory. That's main character The author's story belonged to the infantry.

The image turned out to be collective and averaged. He is an ordinary guy who dreams of love, happiness, family and a peaceful life. One participant in the war wrote: The Germans loved, knew how and wanted to fight, but we fought out of necessity. Turki also fought out of necessity. A cruel enemy attacked his beloved land. His serene happy life on the collective farm was cruelly cut short by a formidable misfortune, and the war became work for him, as hot suffering in the collective farm, when the rains broke out. The whole country turned into a single military camp, and even in the rear, the fascist could not sleep peacefully. Terkin endlessly loves his homeland, calling the earth "mother". His cheerfulness, courage and kindness permeate every chapter of the book. The cheerful and kind-hearted Terkin does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. Because his will to defeat the Nazis is very great in order to free mother earth from the damned invader. He is savvy, as he masterfully gets out of all the troubles in which the author puts him. In addition, he has great feeling humor, which helps to endure the hardships and difficulties of the front with ease, tipsy, and, not least, helps the reader with bated breath to follow the adventures of our hero and worry about him.

At the front, all the soldiers were looking forward to the release of each new chapter about Terkin. They loved him as a brother and as a friend. And everyone found in themselves and in their comrades something from their favorite hero. The author is trying to show through his Terkin what the Russian people should be like. Only great courage, selflessness and kindness could lead the country to victory. And we won because the Russian engineers were more talented, the technologists were more brilliant, and our twelve- and fourteen-year-old boys, who got up to the machines instead of their fathers who had gone to the front, turned out to be more skillful and enduring than the overgrown German soldiers. And about each of them we can say that his name was Vasily Terkin. Soldiers fought and died not because their commanders sent them to their deaths, but because they fought for their homeland!!! This feat was, is and will always be, this is a feature of the Russian soldier - to sacrifice himself: Brest Fortress held until November, all died for their homeland! And there are tens of thousands of such examples!

"Vasily Terkin" can be called the bestseller of that time. Glory to the Russian soldier!

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Literature lesson in the 8th grade "Russian miracle hero!" (based on the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin")

Epigraph to the lesson:

The hero is not the same as in a fairy tale -

carefree giant,

And in a hiking belt,

A man of simple leaven, ...

In torment, firm and proud in grief ...

A. T. Tvardovsky.

Vasily Terkin.

Lesson Objectives: 1) reveal the civil courage of the poet; show the role of the poem and the hero during the war years; help students understand the origins of our victory;

2) improve the ability to analyze lyrical work; write a coherent text questions asked; develop acting skills;

3) arouse interest in the history of the war, the history of one's family; evoke an emotional response when talking about the war; contribute to the development of patriotic feelings.

Board decoration: an epigraph to the lesson, a portrait of A. Tvardovsky, a painting

Y. Neprintseva "Rest after the battle"

During the classes:

I. Conversation.

Teacher: upside down last pages poem "Vasily Terkin".

Did you like her? Tell me what you liked about it.

Teacher Q: What is the title of this work? Why?

| "The Book of a Fighter"

Teacher : In what conditions and when did A. Tvardovsky write this work.

| - He wrote during the war years.

The first chapters appeared in 1942.

He was a war correspondent in front-line newspapers.

Member of the war, several times left the encirclement.

He was where his hero and the readers of his work were.

Together with the fighters, he himself experienced the hardships of the war.

... in the rain, covered with a raincoat - a tent,

Ile, taking off the glove with his teeth,

In the wind, in the bitter cold,

I entered it in my notebook

Lines that lived scattered

I dreamed of a real miracle:

So that from my invention

At war to living people

It might have been warmer

Teacher : K. Simonov owns such lines about this poem: “Vasily Terkin is the best of everything written about the war. And to write the way it is written, none of us is given.

Teacher : What is each chapter of the poem?

| - Each chapter - independent work. There are 30 in total


But they are united by one main character - Vasily


| - The poem was written terrible years war.

Might know the previous chapters.

They read whatever they could get their hands on, but they understood what the poem was about.

Teacher : Did the fighters like the poem? How did they treat her?

| - The book became very popular.

She became dear to every fighter.

They kept it behind the tops of their boots, in their bosoms, in a hat.

They loved the main character.

Everyone wanted to be like him.

Thanks to this book, each company had its own V. Terkins, their own jokers, their own merry fellows.

Vasily Terkin became the soul of the soldiers.

Together with Terkin, the fighters rose to new attacks.

They more easily endured all the hardships of the war, all the hardships.

Teacher : Do you think Vasily Terkin is real face?

| - Vasily Terkin is a collective image. There really was no such person.

But there were fighters, something similar to him.

Vasily Terkin is a fictional character from beginning to end.

Teacher : Guys, A. Tvardovsky, in the poem, through his hero, he wanted to show what a fighter should be, or did he have other goals?

Teacher : The fighter Baiduzhiy said: "Your poem is an encyclopedia of the front-line life of a fighter."

Encyclopedia is a scientific reference manual.

Teacher : The soldiers liked the book very much. They fell in love with the main character.

Do you like Vasily Terkin? What is he? What do you want to say about it?

Courageous, courageous, fearless, brave warrior.

Performed heroic deeds:

He swam across the river (chapter "Crossing"), shot down a German plane from a rifle

(chapter "Who fired?")

A good friend, a real comrade. Everyone loved him.

Tactful. Excellent harmonist (chapter "Harmonist")

Optimist. Never lost heart, never discouraged.

Always joked. This cheered up the soldiers.

Respects elders (chapter "Two Soldiers")


Smart, thoughtful.

Jack of all trades - repaired the clock, made a divorce at the saw.

Loves the Motherland.

Reading the epigraph:The hero is not the one in the fairy tale

carefree giant,

And in a hiking belt,

A man of simple leaven, ...

In torment, firm and proud in grief ...

A. T. Tvardovsky.

Vasily Terkin.

Teacher : Thanks to such soldiers as Vasily Terkin, the enemy was defeated. After all, the Germans reached almost Moscow.

II. Work based on the painting by Y. Neprintsev "Rest after the battle."

Teacher : Who do you see in the picture? What can you say about Vasily Terkin?

| In the picture we see fighters resting after the battle. General attention was captured by Vasily Terkin, an experienced soldier, a joker and a merry fellow. His fighting friends surrounded him in a dense ring. They laugh, which means that Vasily Terkin is talking about something funny. But at the same time, he himself is serious, only somewhere in the corners of his mouth and in the squint of his eyes a mischievous smile is hidden. But in this happy moment - characteristic- Vasily Terkin did not forget to put his rifle butt down on the toe of his boot.

Well, how is there

Guy on a hike.

III. Checking homework.

Teacher : at home you had to write out definitions from the work that characterize Vasily Terkin. Please read them.

  1. "Dashing Soldier"
  2. "Bogatyr"
  3. "A man of simple leaven"
  4. "Serious, funny"
  5. "Holy and sinful

Russian miracle man"

  1. "Proud in torment and firm in grief"
  2. “I just took a three-row accordion

It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordionist”

  1. "Favorite platoon"
  2. "Eagle"
  3. "Well, just a warrior"
  4. "Russian worker - soldier"
  5. "The life of a grated person

IV. Continuation of the conversation.

Teacher : So, you read the poem "Vasily Terkin". How is the work read?


Teacher: Why?

| - wrote interesting.

| - wrote in a living folk language.

The poem is close to oral folk art (many proverbs,

sayings, jokes, humour)

Teacher : Let's try to find humor in the work

1. Chapter "Crossing"

  1. Vasily Terkin asks to warm up from the inside.
  2. They gave him 1 shot, but he asks for more.

2. Chapter "Who fired?"

  1. Vasily Terkin argues at what time of the year is it better to die in the war?

Conclusion: fighters are reluctant to die at any time of the year, each season is beautiful in its own way.

Everyone wants to return home safe and sound.

  1. Vasily Terkin shot down a German plane with a rifle, and then he even got scared himself.
  2. The sergeant says that he received the order as if from a bush.

Vasily Terkin says:

Do not worry, the German has this

Not the last plane.

3. Chapter "At rest"

  1. Terkin asks the cook for more.
  2. Vasily Terkin's words about a blind tank.
  3. Vasily Terkin's discourse on the small, medium and main Sabantuy.

V. Teacher - But not only individual passages, but entire chapters cause laughter.

Dramatization of the chapter "About the award".

What can be said from this chapter about Vasily Terkin?

| - Funny

| - He wants to return home safe and sound.

| - If he returns, then without a reward, it’s impossible ..

Dramatization of the chapter "Two Soldiers".

How do we see Vasily Terkin here?

| - Jack of all trades: repaired the clock, made a divorce at the saw.

Respect for old people.

Not lost under any circumstances.

Dramatization of the chapter "Death and the Warrior"

| This is a fairy chapter.

Terkin is wounded and has lost a lot of blood.

He is delirious.

It seems to him that death itself has come for him, but he is not given to it.

VI. Conclusion.

Teacher : The poem "Vasily Terkin" is a poem not only about Vasily Terkin. This poem is about fighters, war workers. They bravely defended our Motherland.

Kudos to them for this.

Many of them remained on the battlefields.

VII. A moment of silence.

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

IX. Homework.Create verbal portrait- a monument to Vasily Terkin, the favorite of the people.


  1. Grishunin A. L. Tvardovsky's work. - M., 1998
  2. Romanova R. M. Alexander Tvardovsky. Pages of life and creativity. - M., 1989.
  3. Turkov A. M. Tvardovsky - M., 1970.

Composition Tvardovsky A.T. - Vasily Terkin

Subject: - Russian hero Vasily Terkin (based on the poem by A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin") (1)

In the poetry of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, the most important, decisive events in the life of the country found the best reflection. In his works we see the deep realism of the depiction of events, the truthfulness of the characters created by the poet, the accuracy popular word. Among many of his works, the poem of the war years "Vasily Terkin" stands out in particular, in which the author with a bright artistic expressiveness painted the image of a real Russian hero.

Vasily Terkin - typical representative Russian people, many millions of soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He embodied the idea of ​​a soldier that existed among the Russian people. Creating his hero, the author relied on fairy tales, epics and legends about savvy heroes who do not lose heart even in the most difficult times. difficult moments. He is a master of all trades, always ready to help. Tvardovsky, speaking of his hero, even uses epic-fabulous expressions: "Terkin is not subject to death." Vasily boldly enters into a duel with death, but never flaunts his exploits. Terkin, first of all, is a simple person in whom every soldier could recognize himself or his comrade in arms. He became the personification of the people:

Into battle, forward, into pitch fire

He goes, saint and sinner,

Russian miracle man!

The author did not embellish the image of Terkin, but did not belittle his merits either. He created folk character, which reflected patriotism, diligence, steadfastness and courage of the Russian soldier. His hero is a modest, kind, resourceful, cheerful guy who will play the accordion and keep up the conversation. He goes with a "joke-saying" the roads of war:

That way is harsh,

As two hundred years ago

Passed with a flintlock gun

Russian worker-soldier.

Tolerates both cold and hunger.

And he was wounded, but, having healed, he returned to duty again:

Mines are bursting. The sound is familiar

Responds in the back.

This means - Terkin at home.

Terkin is back at war.

Because "fighters live in war", war to the bitter end is a difficult, common cause, the main thing now is in everyone's life. That is why many perceived Terkin as specific person, really existing and fighting in some regiment. And the incident at the crossing, probably somewhere once happened, some soldier crossed an icy river under crossfire to deliver an important message. And more than once, probably, there was a daredevil, with whom the last cartridge from a three-line rifle knocked down an enemy plane from his knee, without thinking about what he was doing as a hero. Yes, and the author himself, as it were, led the reader to this idea, saying that Terkin "is always in every company, and in every platoon."

The poem immediately gained wide popularity. Front-line soldiers wrote to the poet that he "with photographic accuracy” conveyed the everyday life of a combat life, that the fiery verse of the poem goes along with the fighters on the attack. The poem was read in any conditions: in a trench, in a trench, on the march, as they saw in it "an encyclopedia of the front-line life of a fighter, in which all questions of his life are touched upon." And the hero of Tvardovsky became a real embodiment of people's strength, vitality, patriotism - traits inherent in every Russian soldier.

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