Drawing in the preparatory group theme gifts of autumn. GCD on drawing in the preparatory group for children with mental retardation


Problems and prospects of informatization

modern preschool

In all areas of activity of preschool institutions, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become relevant. These technologies have made significant changes in the work of preschool institutions, which allows the teacher to be an active participant in the educational process. Various resources the Internet, such as: Federal portal " Russian education" , Catalog of educational resources on the Internet for schools and kindergartens, Single window access to educational resources etc., are now urgently needed to improve the psychological and pedagogical knowledge and qualifications of teachers preschool education. It's no secret that now in preschool institutions there is a large percentage of educators who do not have the skills to work not only on the Internet, but also on a computer. This mainly disrupts the process of adaptation to the new informatization reforms of a modern preschool institution and the introduction of new educational programs and technologies.

There is another important problem - the unwillingness or inability of teachers to work on the introduction of ICT in educational process with children preschool age.

At present, there is another difficulty associated with technical equipment preschool institutions - insufficient material support, which does not fully enable the purchase of computers and other multimedia tools, and hence the provision of access to educational institutions located in hard-to-reach, with geographic point view, places to information resources.

Therefore, one of the main conditions for the introduction of ICT in the educational process of a preschool institution is, first of all, that teachers should work with children who know the technical capabilities of a computer, multimedia equipment, as well as have working skills, clearly comply with sanitary standards and rules for using them in educational institutions.

Possession of information and communication technologies helps the teacher to feel comfortable in the new socio-economic conditions, and the educational institution to switch to the mode of functioning and development as an open educational system. Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new technologies into pedagogical practice. methodological developments aimed at the implementation of innovative ideas of educational - educational process.

At present, computer technologies have been actively used in the educational process. A lot of simple and complex computer programs are being created for children of older and younger preschool age, aimed at the development of cognitive and research processes, which in turn gives the teacher the opportunity to implement various creative projects. Depending on the age of the child and the programs used, the computer can act as an opponent in the game, be a storyteller, tutor, examiner. There are various computer tools aimed at developing various mental functions children, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal - logical thinking and others, which can be successfully used in teaching preschool children. One of these technical means is an interactive whiteboard, the use of which makes learning children younger age more attractive and interesting. Interactive and multimedia tools are designed to inspire and encourage children to strive to acquire new knowledge.

In our group, our kindergarten, we successfully use multimedia technologies in classes with children. Using a projector and a computer, we study the basics of mathematical knowledge, listen to the sounds of music, nature, model, learn the beauty of painting, etc. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance the assimilation of the material.

It is a pity that not all kindergartens have such an opportunity, and I would like to hope that in the wake of this reform, preschool institutions, like schools, will be computerized and interactive teaching aids, such as interactive whiteboards, computers, will be excellent helpers in diagnosing children: the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, personality, skills learning activities.

Introduction to information culture is not only the mastery of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual culture. The fact that children can master with enviable ease how to work with various electronic, computer innovations is beyond doubt; at the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but appreciate and strive for lively, emotional human communication.

The use of ICT in the classroom makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated way of teaching to an active one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge. ICT also makes it possible to simulate various situations; control and draw conclusions. Evaluation of the results of the child's activity can be carried out even with the help of cartoon images, but at the same time a negative assessment is excluded in order to create a situation of success and form a positive attitude in children.

It is worth noting that the informatization of a modern preschool institution, in a special way, brings work with parents to new level communication. Organizing an electronic journal in each group: for example: “How we spent the day” makes it possible for each parent, by entering the group page, to find out what his child was doing, and also posted Additional Information about the life of the group, pedagogical recommendations for parents are posted. A good experience for us is interaction with parents through the Question-Answer dialogue on the kindergarten website page. There, urgent issues are discussed with parents: the upbringing and development of children, the successes of teachers and gratitude from parents, as well as congratulations and wishes are noted.

Summing up, we can say that informatization and further development preschool is a long and painstaking process.

Transition from one state to another, more high level, requires teachers special conditions and knowledge in order to fulfill the set information and pedagogical tasks.

The informatization reform of a modern preschool institution, we believe, should be held under the motto "Do No Harm"!

Kuzub Irina Nikolaevna,

Art. teacher

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Education

Moscow State University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Informatization of preschool education:

improving the communicative competencies of preschool teachers

The current state of preschool education is characterized by the fact that one of the most significant areas in its reform and modernization is the replacement of the traditional values ​​of teaching a child with the values ​​of personality development. Unlike education at other age stages of development, preschool education is viewed as a system in which the central place is occupied not by content and forms, but by the process of interaction between the teacher and children (E. G. Yudina). The educator acts for the child not so much as a carrier of some personal experience, how much a spokesman for the universal beginning, an authorized representative of culture. (L.S. Vygotsky)

But at the same time, preschool teacher– a key figure in the implementation of tasks comprehensive development child of the first seven years of life. The basis of his professional characteristics includes the ability to functional adaptation in various fields pedagogical activity, willingness to independently design and implement educational routes for the development of the child, the ability to work on new programs.

The process of informatization in preschool education institutions is conditioned by the requirement of a modern developing society, which needs its members to be ready for work ten times more productive and creative, which is ensured by the knowledge-intensiveness of all information means - from personal computers to global Internet connections. In accordance with the Concept for the introduction of new information technologies in preschool education, the computer should become the core of the developing subject environment. It is not seen as a separate educational gaming device, but as an all-pervading universal Information system, able to connect with various areas of the educational process, enrich them and radically change the developing environment of the kindergarten as a whole, ensure the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family at the modern level. Domestic and foreign studies on the use of a computer in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of a computer in the development of the intellect and the personality of the child in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petcu, I. Pashelite, S. Peypert, B Hunter and others).

Research scientists show that a very small number of preschools use computers to work with children. Moreover, such work is unsystematic, the selection of the content of the programs is carried out by teachers at their own discretion, and the conditions do not always meet the psychological, pedagogical and sanitary and hygienic requirements for conducting classes using computers for children 5-6 years old.

One of the leading reasons for the adoption computer technology in the system of work of the preschool educational institution, is the computer illiteracy of the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution. Almost the absolute majority of educators do not know how to use a computer and, therefore, do not represent the possibilities of using it.

In the context of the transition to information society new requirements are imposed on all specialists, especially on specialists in the field of education, since it is on them that the educational level society as a whole. The search for approaches, conditions and methods of preparing a person for life in the information society is an urgent task of modern pedagogical science. This makes it necessary to constantly develop and improve the training of each specialist in the field of education, including preschool education. At the same time, the issues of professional training of teachers in modern studies are covered and disclosed quite fully, and the professional training of teachers of preschool education in the field of information and pedagogical competence is not considered enough.

In practice, information technology in education is understood as the use of a variety of modern technical means of storing, searching, reproducing and transmitting information to organize the educational process, directly for learning or for self-education. This can also include audiovisual technologies, but mainly computer ones, because. a modern computer actually contains all the audiovisual possibilities. Therefore, the terms "information technologies" (IT), "new information technologies" (NIT), "information and computer technologies", "information and communication technologies" are often used as synonyms.

S.G. Vershlovsky notes that information technologies in the educational process contribute to:

More complete disclosure of the intellectual abilities of the individual;
individualization of the learning process;

Diagnostics and self-diagnosis of professional qualities based on the use of testing programs;

Wide access to reference, bibliographic, archival and other materials;

The use of virtual social and professional space in the learning process;

Conceptual monitoring of professional status using local and global networks, including the Internet;

Communication in a professional environment at the micro and macro levels, including teleconferences and publications in networks.

New information and communication tools change the principles of organization and functioning of education: they greatly facilitate the transfer of the center of gravity from lecture forms to independent meaningful educational activities of students, from pedagogical support independent work students for self-education. These processes in vocational education adults are moving at a rapid pace, provided that adults have basic computer literacy and access to computer and telecommunications facilities (S.G. Vershlovsky).

Social transformations associated with the transition to the information society actualize the problem of the formation of a new paradigm of education, characterized by a redistribution of emphasis from educational activities to self-educational ones. "The individual-personal process of converting information into knowledge (self-education) is becoming the leading activity in the information age."

Solving the problem of training specialists of a new quality, not only mastered all the achievements modern science and culture, but also capable of further continuous self-education and research activities, which are based in a broad sense on the methods of obtaining, assimilation, processing and transmission of various information, is possible only on the basis of new methods of education. Their creation and distribution in the system of improving the communicative competencies of teachers will allow important condition improving the quality of education - the formation of information and pedagogical competence of a teacher-practitioner.

Proceeding from this, the problem of the formation of the information and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the conditions of advanced training acquires special theoretical and practical significance.

However, recent research reveals a number of contradictions:

Between the rapid growth of knowledge in modern world and limited opportunities for their assimilation by teachers-practitioners;

Availability a large number information of educational and scientific materials in electronic format and the lack of technologies that form the skills of working with information and the ability to present it in the retraining of preschool education specialists;

Between the modern requirements for the professionalism of preschool teachers, including information and pedagogical competence as one of the most important components of the professional competence of a teacher, on the one hand, and the lack of developed approaches to the targeted process of developing information and pedagogical competence, on the other;

Between modern understanding scientific - research work preschool teacher as a theoretical and experimental development of a project for solving an actual psychological and pedagogical problem and often its spontaneous, unsystematic implementation in the practice of preschool education.

Thus the organization information support the educational process does not contribute to the formation of information and pedagogical competence of teachers. Information computer technologies make it possible to modernize the organization, conduct, and information support of the educational process.

1. Vershlovsky S.G. Continuous education as an object of research /S.G. Vershlovsky // Andragogy: materials for the glossary. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
2. Kopytina M.G., Korchalovskaya N.V. The development of pedagogical creativity in the system of advanced training by means of ICT - a condition for the quality of preschool education /Internet
3. Kutuzova I. Improving the qualifications of preschool teachers in the modern pedagogical space // Preschool education. No. 9 - 2005.

4. Matyushkina M.D. Information technologies in adult education /M.D. Matyushkina //Andragogy: materials for the glossary. - St. Petersburg, 2005.
5. Pashkevich T.D. Changing the professional position of a preschool teacher educational institution in terms of advanced training: Ph.D. dis... cand. ped. Sciences. Barnaul. -2002.
6. Tkachuk T.A. Formation of information and pedagogical competence of future teachers of preschool education in the process of organizing research work: author. dis... cand. ped. Sciences: Petrozavodsk, 2007.

7. Shuklina V.A. Towards a new paradigm of education in the 21st century: from education to self-education // Education and society. No. 3. - 2004.

Labutina Elena Vladimirovna,

Art. teacher

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Faculty of Education

Moscow State University named after M.A. Sholokhov

To the question of the development of creativity in the course of organized educational activities in kindergarten

Modern preschool educational institutions are institutions that are able not only to ensure the child's stay outside the home with maximum safety and comfort, but also to organize his education before the start of systematic teaching at school. Highly qualified and enthusiastic educators in the process of classes expand the horizons of the child, teach them to correctly perceive the world of objects, people, human relations around them, develop memory, thinking, imagination and form the behavioral skills necessary for future educational activities.

Organize educational activities a preschooler is not an easy task, because it is necessary not only to take into account age characteristics, but to know the interests of each child. Children of all ages love to play, but preschoolers live by playing, so it is most effective to conduct classes in a playful way or incorporating elements of the game into the structure of the lesson. However, the exercises that are offered to children are not always of a creative, exploratory nature, where the child is required not only to find and demonstrate the correct solution, but to outline a different way of working, a different solution to the proposed problem. And, meanwhile, it is precisely such tasks, which involve many options for work and several possible correct answers, that help maintain the child's interest in a new intellectual activity that is difficult for him.

The modern educator should pay special attention to the development creativity(creativity) of preschoolers. The concept of "creativity" is used to denote the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a willingness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor. It originates from two English words: "create" - to create and "creative" - ​​creative, creative.

Most often, when talking about the creativity of a person, they mean his ingenuity, the ability to get out of hopeless situations, to achieve his goal in an unconventional way, using quite traditional everyday means in an unusual way.

Interest in the problem of creativity arose in the 60s of the last century in connection with the establishment of the fact that there was no connection between studies of the level of intelligence and the success of solving problematic problems. People with revealed high intelligence solved problems that require an unconventional approach worse than one might expect. At the same time, A. Maslow noted that the original creative orientation is characteristic of everyone and is lost by most people in the process of life, as a rule, under the influence of the environment.

In domestic practice, the essence of the concept of "creativity", the mechanisms creative activity, thinking were considered by P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, Z.I. Kalmykova, G.S. Altshuller (P.Ya. Galperin, 1969; D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, 1983, 2002; Z.I. Kalmykova, 1981; G.S. Altshuller, 1979); , K. Taylor, G. Grubber, I. Hine, A. B. Schneder, D. Rogers (E. Torrance; D. Gilford, 1967; K. Taylor, 2009).

The creative search activity of a child is impossible without the participation of thinking and imagination, moreover, the child can solve the same problem both with the help of imagination and with the help of thinking, depending on its nature, the characteristics of the situation, the amount of time, the level of knowledge and their organization.

Initially, for the development of imagination, purposeful activity is necessary, that is, setting a specific practical task for preschoolers, the solution of which is not obvious and requires fiction, fantasy. For the correct organization of this purposeful activity and the development of the imagination, it is necessary to remember that this is facilitated by: situations of incompleteness, encouragement of questions coming from the child, stimulation of independence and independence, attentive attitude towards the child by adults. They impede the manifestation of fantasy and the development of imagination: conformity of adults, intolerant attitude towards manifestations of fantasy (not fantasy, but lies), rigid gender-role stereotypes that significantly narrow the role repertoire and the child’s self-expression possibilities, separation of play and learning, and the tendency of an adult to quickly change his point of view under the influence authoritative opinion.

I. Guilford (J.P. Guilford, 1967), along with the concept of "imagination", used the term "divergent thinking" (from Latin divergere - to diverge). It is understood that divergent thinking is the search for many solutions to the same problem. This way of thinking allows a person to express his individuality, to come up with a different way out, different from the one already proposed. Stimulate creative thinking questions from an adult addressed to a child in problem situation: “How else can you solve the problem?”, “What other way is it possible to do this?”, “How else could this story end?” and so on.

Divergent thinking is combined with convergent thinking, which involves the exact use of a previously learned way of solving a problem or action (from Latin convergere to converge). A similar intellectual approach prevails in the domestic educational system, which is justified, because the child must be taught to act systematically, follow the algorithms, and subsequently independently plan their activities and follow this plan, however, only creative thinking generates interest and brings intellectual pleasure to a person.

Many people at one time or another in their lives have experienced a feeling of joy, satisfaction, success, their own mastery, happiness that a difficult but interesting task has been solved. This state is called "flow" (M. Csikszentmihalyi in his work "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience").

Teachers and educators working with children at all stages of growing up should be guided by the formation of creative thinking, the creation of a “flow” state for the child in the learning process and achieve this every day with the means available to them.

List of used literature:

    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Intellectual activity as a problem of creativity. - Rostov n / D: GU, 1983.

    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Psychology of creative abilities. M.: Academy, 2002.

    Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991

    Galperin P.Ya. Teaching methods and mental development of the child. - M., 1985.

    Kalmykova Z.I. Productive thinking as the basis of learning. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981.

    Nikolaenko N. N. Psychology of creativity. Series: Modern textbook. - St. Petersburg: Speech - 2007.

    Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. - 1998.

    Guilford J.P. The nature of human intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 1967.

    Egan, Kieran Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Sidyacheva Natalya Vladimirovna,

candidate of psychological sciences

Associate Professor of the Department

pedagogy and psychology use of computer technology, information And communicationtechnologies. ...

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    ... usinginformation And communicationtechnologies useinformation And communicationtechnologies... about efficiencyuse V... before ... resources ... management ...

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    ... usinginformation And communicationtechnologies. © IIO RAO, 2010 Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………….4 Methodology useinformation And communicationtechnologies... about efficiencyuse V... before ... resources ... management ...

  • Dn (m) f 3 "information and communication technologies in science and education"


    Competencies in the field useinformation And communicationtechnologies in research... informational space that provides efficientinformational human interaction, their access to the world informationalresources ...

  • Galina Kudinova
    The main directions of informatization of the management of an educational institution




    G. I. Kudinova, Head of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 16 in the village of Kyiv Municipal education Krymsky district.

    annotation: This article analyzed the main directions of informatization of the management of an educational institution. Efficiency of using educational institutions based on use of computer programs.

    Keywords: innovation; information Technology; information educational environment; personality-oriented interaction; management informatization; subjects educational process; teacher portfolio; informational- communicative competence of the head; individualization of the pedagogical process.

    Modernization of preschool education involves the introduction of innovations in management of a preschool educational institution(DOE). To change the old system management, to make it flexible and efficient in the new conditions of reform, such innovations are needed (eng. innovation, which will qualitatively increase the level of development institutions. An innovation that dramatically improves efficiency management activities, which means it contributes to the development institutions in general, currently considered information Technology(IT). Most often under informational technology refers to the technology of active use of the computer. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, informational technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods effective organization labor of people employed processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this.

    Process optimization issues management information processing considered in the works of A. E. Kapto, Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, L. I. Fishman, T. I. Shamova. A. D. Homonenko in his articles proves that informational technology is one of the integral components of effective management information support. It reveals the issues of automation of provision management and improvement of documented management. Current developments to create information model of an educational institution(Yu. Yu. Baranova, E. N. Bogdanov, A. B. Borovkov, K. P. Volokitin, L. V. Zhilina, N. V. Kisel, D. Sh. Matros, E. A. Tyurina, V V. Khabin, A. A. Chadin and others) do not consider the issues of improving administrative - management activities, do not contain specific recommendations on the use of new information technology manager - user. However, they remain unresolved problems implementation informational-communication technologies in the activities of the head of the preschool educational institution. As our assistant, the computer performs painstaking processing and storage of huge volumes information, freeing the manager from the process of obtaining information in favor of its analysis and adoption of operational management decisions. Proved that informatization of management allows you to create an information and educational environment, which includes technical, software, telecommunication tools that provide access to information for children teachers, parents, leaders educational institution and the public, and also creates conditions for personality-oriented interaction of all participants educational process. It is obvious that the spheres informatization of the management of preschool educational institutions are quite diverse:

    Passport of the educational institution ( general information about educational institution, logistical and methodological support, the formation of reports for preschool educational institutions, etc.);

    Personnel (management of personal files, accounting for the movement of employees, maintaining a book of orders for personnel, billing);

    Pupils and their parents (management of personal files, attendance records, development control, formation of individual educational routes of development of children, etc.);

    Schedule of types of children's activities (automated compilation of options for the schedule of activities with the possibility of choosing the optimal one);

    Library (accounting for the library fund and its relevance, maintaining electronic catalogs of the library);

    medical office (keeping medical records of children, medical support);

    Accounting (accounting for financial, economic and statistical reporting);

    Methodological service (electronic portfolio of educators, as a means of storing information about the successes and achievements of teachers, presentation of experience, electronic reports, etc.)

    Despite this range of possible areas of IT application, preschool educational institutions found themselves somewhat out of touch with the present. As practice shows management, analysis of periodicals, leaders of preschool institutions experiencing serious difficulties in implementing informational educational technologies in educational and managerial processes.

    An analysis of this situation made it possible to identify a number of contradictions between: an increased need to use information technology in progress management and unpreparedness of managers for this activity;

    new requirements for the level of professionalism of the manager and the lack of readiness to create information and educational environment in a preschool;

    the need to form informational- communicative competence of the manager in the field of practical application information technology in its management activities and low efficiency of the process of advanced training, which most often comes down to the formation of the basics of computer literacy.

    Generally informatization DOW is understood by practitioners one-sidedly: the problem of equipping with computer technology is in the first place, and the issues of the content side of these funds are not given the necessary attention. However, there is an important objective reason why informational technology is not an effective means for making operational managerial solutions is the lack of computer programs adapted for the activities of preschool educational institutions. All this hinders innovative processes associated with the activation of informational-technical mechanisms in management of a preschool educational institution.

    So way, main goal the leader-innovator becomes the introduction and use information technology as a managerial resource in their work. Main tasks should become:

    Update, replenishment information resources in the management process of the preschool educational institution;

    Design and testing of new author's computer programs and automated systems adapted for preschool educational institutions, allowing to effectively carry out the interaction of all subjects educational process;

    System development self-education leader in matters of raising the level informational- communicative competence as a holistic personality education, which includes a set of knowledge, skills, motivational and value orientations and professional and personal qualities that ensure the success of its activities in the conditions informatization of the management of preschool educational institutions.


    If conditions are created in the preschool educational institution for information environment, then the system of preschool education be able to achieve qualitatively new high results.

    The main condition for achieving the goals is the personal interest of the manager in the application of modern information technologies. Usage efficiency information technology in management activities of leaders of preschool educational institutions can be considered on the example of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 of the village of Kyiv municipal education Krymsky district. Federal State educational standards impose requirements both on the preschool educational institution and on the organization of educational educational process and to recruitment. General project orientation implemented from 2010 to 2014 is to organize an innovation space, other forms management, educational technologies, improving the quality of preschool education and the status of preschool educational institutions in society. Implementation of the project "Model information and educational environment of a preschool educational institution in the context of modernization education”, assumed the systematization and structuring educational environments with well-matched ways processing significant volumes information. Were introduced: an electronic queue that allows you to track the order of admission to kindergarten, an electronic portfolio of teachers that allows you to correct and systematize pedagogical experience, the DOW website has been created, which is necessary for awareness parents about the work of the preschool educational institution, uses the PUBLISCHER program to create a quarterly newspaper for parents "Together it's fun to walk". To date, the program Network City. Education» - a computer program with an automated database, designed for the operational work of the methodological service, providing internal document management, and also allowing you to quickly process information O professional activity teachers, on the results of monitoring conducted with pupils, on the organization of internal control over the activities of educators, on the results of development institutions in general. It is planned to introduce "EMK" (electronic medical book)computer program, which allows for operational control over the frequency and timing of the passage of the medical commission by all employees of the preschool educational institution, and the Excel program for making menu requirements for the preschool educational institution.

    Results of data implementation information technologies can be formulated as follows way. From the point of view of a qualitative assessment we state:

    1. documents have acquired a unified structure, logical completeness, aesthetic design, competent content.

    2. conditions have been created for the individualization of the pedagogical process in terms of creating individual routes professional growth teachers and educational institution as a whole

    So way, qualitative changes affected the documents different types And types: ability to create electronic systems annual activity planning educational institution, the work of educators and PEI specialists; ensuring intra-kindergarten control over the quality of educational educational process and activities of teachers; creation of a system for monitoring the results of assimilation educational programs for pupils of preschool educational institutions; formation of an electronic portfolio of pedagogical achievements and professional skills of employees; creation of a cyclogram of the manager's activity for a year; organization of course training and certification of personnel, automated treatment results of pedagogical activity, building ratings of educators. Informational technologies provide: the presence of a single database, a single data entry with the possibility of their subsequent editing, a multi-user mode of data use, the use of the same data in various processes. So way reached the optimal level of formation informational- communicative competence of the head of the preschool educational institution, which allows you to effectively manage various streams information. From a quantification point of view, Mark:

    There was an increase in the volume of workflow while reducing labor costs for specific types technical work with documents;

    A significant increase in the efficiency of creating documents from several days to several hours was noted.

    So way, in general in institution improved quality information necessary for the adoption managerial decisions of a strategic and tactical nature due to such characteristics information,

    How: speed processing, reliability, objectivity, timeliness of receipt, reflection of the dynamics of changes in the object departments, etc.. d.

    With the use of computer technology, the manager can process large amounts of information quickly and accurately with minimal effort and time.

    It can be stated that within one educational institution information technology has become powerful managerial resource, allowing the head of the preschool educational institution feel comfortable in the current socio-economic conditions.


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    Natalia Basargina
    Abstract of the lesson in preparatory group drawing "Gifts of Autumn"

    Target: to learn on the basis of impressions and knowledge and skills, independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, color scheme objects, background, as well as ways of depicting in a drawing.

    materials: Parsley doll, gouache, brushes, paper, jars of water.

    Lesson progress:

    The teacher reminds that children have learned to depict different vegetables, fruits, autumn branches, know their shape and color, know how to make beautiful still lifes from them.

    Today you will come up with and draw your own autumn still lifes. In a still life there can be a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, autumn branches. They can be depicted in a vase, in a basket, on a dish. You know that in every still life there is a main subject. How does it stand out from other items? (Location, size, color.) What should be kept in mind when depicting other subjects? (That these objects should match the main object in size, but differ from it in color or shades.) Having offered the children to start work, the teacher gives them complete independence.

    At the end classes children's works are exhibited at the stand.

    Let's play, says the teacher. - We will invite Petrushka to see our still lifes. He, of course, does not know what a still life is.

    He puts Petrushka on his hand.

    Parsley, we want to show you our still lifes.

    And what is a still life? - asks Petrushka.

    The child tells.

    If you see in the picture

    A cup of coffee on the table

    Or juice in a large decanter,

    Or a vase in crystal

    Maybe a glass of kefir, a liter of kvass or a cake

    So this whole picture

    Will be called - still life.

    And I see a still life. There he hangs on the wall. It also has natural objects on it. drawn! - Petrushka exclaims.

    Parsley, do you know that in every still life there are main subjects? - asks the teacher.

    And how do you know which subject is the main one?

    The teacher invites the child to explain to Petrushka how the main subject differs from others. You can continue the conversation with Petrushka and talk about the connection of other objects with the main ones through their size, color and location.

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    Still life "Gifts of autumn".

    Prepared and hosted:
    teacher Andreeva T.V.
    Moscow 2013
    Abstract of a lesson in drawing a still life "Gifts of Autumn".
    Software tasks.
    To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​the composition. Show role color background for still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three or four objects in watercolor. To acquaint with the concept of "flare", ways of drawing it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life
    Equipment and materials.
    Still life reproductions, still life (life) Watercolor, A4 sheets of white watercolor paper, brushes (squirrels No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child
    Course progress.
    - Guys, remember, we looked at paintings and got acquainted with one of the genres of fine art - still life? Let's take a look at one of these today. paintings - reproductions from the painting by I. T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.
    - What do you see in the picture? (children's answers)
    This painting is called "Flowers and Fruits". Why did the artist call her that? (children's answers)
    What genre of painting does it belong to?
    Still life translated from French means "dead nature", but this name does not define the whole essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe the richness of the natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty, originality. In still lifes, things speak for themselves, offer to admire the beauty of their form, texture, color, make us feel the aroma.
    - What is the difference between natural fruits and flowers from those depicted in the picture?
    - What color is the fruit depicted by the artist?
    - Where do you see the beauty of this combination and form?
    - What first attracted your attention?
    Ask the children to find composition center paintings, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.
    Visit us today
    Autumn looked,
    Left the gifts, Asked to pass
    What if we like this treat,
    Then we can draw everything without delay.
    And what has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look what beautiful fruits!

    (Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)
    Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. To say that the objects in the composition can partially cover each other, for example, an apple can lie on a table in front of a vase.
    To show children how to correctly sketch the main details with a simple pencil - when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects, all the details. The line should be barely visible so that it does not show through the watercolor later.
    The next stage of work is laying in tone. Without drawing details, generally applied light tone watercolor. Over dried, a more saturated one is applied, to highlight dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. To draw the attention of children to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To transfer the glare in the picture, a light tone remains in its place, the dark one is not superimposed.
    (Turn on soft music, the children get to work)
    At the end, consider all the drawings with the children, come up with a name for your still life.

    Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Gifts of Autumn"

    "vegetables" And "fruits" autumn


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    "Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Gifts of Autumn""

    Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Gifts of Autumn"
    Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Gifts of Autumn"

    Goals. Fix general concepts "vegetables" And "fruits", characteristic properties vegetables and fruits. To form the ability to make leaves using the origami technique. Systematize knowledge about the work of people autumn, bring up careful attitude to nature, respect for the agricultural labor of people.

    materials: mock-ups of vegetables and fruits, a hoop, sheets of colored square-shaped paper with a side of 6 cm, a tree without leaves, drawn on whatman paper.

    Course progress.

    caregiver: I suggest you go to visit autumn She prepared amazing gifts for everyone. Guys, listen to the poem about autumn and think, which she gives us gifts.

    Hello hello, autumn golden.

    Autumn- Harvest time.

    You see autumn how we tried

    How did you not be lazy in the field all summer?

    Hello hello, autumn golden.

    Poured with sweet apple juice,

    In the garden, too, everything is in order,

    Lots of different vegetables in the garden.

    Lots of ripe cherries and raspberries

    Lots of honey in bee houses.

    We invite all the guys to visit,

    What we are rich, so we treat!

    caregiver: Which gifts brings us autumn? (children's answers)

    caregiver: Guess the riddles about the gifts autumn.

    1. Himself scarlet, sugar,

    Green caftan, velvet. (Watermelon)

    2. And a bush grew green and thick in the garden.

    Dig a little: under the bush (potato).

    3. Grass above the ground,

    Under the ground - crimson head. (Beet)

    4. As in our garden

    Riddles have grown.

    Juicy and large

    Those are round.

    green in summer,

    TO autumn blush. (Tomatoes)

    5. The calves are smooth in the garden,

    They lie in rows, they are green themselves. (Cucumbers)

    6. Red, but not a girl,

    With a tail, but not a mouse.

    Sitting in the dark

    And the tail is outside. (Carrot)

    7. There is a Matryoshka

    On one leg

    Wrapped up in clothes.

    Without counting clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

    8. Round, not a month,

    Yellow, not oil

    Sweet, not sugar

    With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip).

    9. Blooms white, hangs green, falls red. (Apple)

    10. Small and bitter, onion brother. (Garlic)

    11. The fruit looks like a light bulb,

    But you can't light it.

    It is yellow, juicy, honey,

    Grows on a garden tree. (Pear)

    12. The golden head is large, heavy.

    The golden head lay down to rest.

    The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)

    13. Head on a leg, peas in the head. (Peas)

    14. A grandfather is sitting in a fur coat, whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

    caregiver: That's how many gifts she brought us autumn. Let's cook a vegetable stew from them. What do we need for this.

    Children: Vegetables.

    A game "Vegetable stew". Target games: fix the names of vegetables, listen carefully to other players, quickly respond to what is happening.

    Description of the game. Each child guesses what kind of vegetable he is. (tomato, eggplant, potato, etc.) and inform everyone about it. In the center playground a hoop is placed depicting a frying pan, in which, in case of an error, the vegetables will be "fried".

    The first player runs inside the hoop, quickly pronounces the name of any vegetable chosen by another participant in the game, and runs back out.

    The player whose vegetable was named must also quickly run inside the hoop and name some other vegetable, etc. The one who hesitates remains "in a frying pan" roasted for stew. After a few minutes of such a game, you can congratulate the children who did not get into the dish, and list the vegetables from which it was possible "cook" stew.

    caregiver: Look, guys, what a beauty outside the window, how autumn has adorned everything. Solve another riddle about gifts autumn.

    Summer paints us with green paint,

    And the artist autumn, it's like a fairytale,

    And orange and gold

    And crimson, and just colored. (Leaves)

    caregiver: Look at the blackboard, why does the tree shown here look sad?

    Children: There are no leaves on it.

    caregiver: Let's decorate it with colorful leaves. Let's make them out of paper using the origami technique.

    Let's try to figure out on the operational map how to make a sheet. See what shape you need to take a sheet of paper to get a figure? (Square)

    That's right, you need to take square-shaped paper. What should be done at the first stage of work? (The teacher, together with the child, pronounces the sequence of making the figure, constantly referring to the step-by-step card. The children make the figure on their own using the step-by-step card. The teacher provides individual assistance if necessary. The leaves are attached to the tree.)

    caregiver: Admire how wonderful autumn we made an outfit for a tree. It is very happy and says to you: "Thank you!"

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