Shorties from the flower city are the main characters. Dunno: The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends


Leading Characters Appearing in All Books

Main and notable characters

Avoska and Neboska- twin brothers from the Flower City. They became famous for the fact that they liked to do everything at random (at random). Favorite words: Avoska has “maybe”, and Neboska, respectively, “probably”, cf. Oh and Ah). The writer's grandson Igor Nosov notes that Avoska and Neboska in the novels of Nikolai Nosov could appear by analogy with the heroes of Gogol's The Government Inspector, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

Together with other shorties, Avoska went on a trip in a hot air balloon. For this trip, he dressed in his ski suit, as he considered it very convenient for this kind of activity.

While traveling in a balloon, Avoska cut a hole in the balloon basket with a penknife in order to pour out the sand, which Neboska scattered from the ballast bag. Thus, it contributed to the quick breakdown of the basket when it hit the ground.

Wizard- The only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the general sci-fi concept of the work. Possesses supernatural abilities. It has magic items, one of which (a magic wand) he gives Dunno for use.

Julio- a small, low-moral entrepreneur from the moon, an arms dealer. His shop was called "Shop of assorted goods". He is not averse to doing any legal and illegal business that can bring profit - he took part in the creation of Giant Plants JSC. He easily betrays his principles and people: he was bribed by Spruts, he was going to live sweetly on the proceeds of millions. Together with Miga and Krabs, he extorted money from Skuperfield, succumbed to his cunning. After being hit on the head with a cane, he lost consciousness. Abandoned by Miga and Krabs in the forest, later came to Mr. Spruts, helped him survive in the new conditions. Participated in the explosion of the FIS rocket.

button- Kind and educated baby. She got to know Dunno more closely thanks to her common passion for fairy tales. The button made a trip to the Sunny City together with Dunno. It has a small nose, and for this reason it received the name Button.

goat- a sleepwalker who has had his fill of life, who, despite all the problems that fall on him every day, is still trying to maintain the appearance of an honest little man. Dunno met him in the jail, where Kozlik ended up for sniffing a bagel in a bakery, which was regarded by the seller as an attempted theft. The life-wise Kozlik and the frivolous Dunno became good friends, which helped them survive in the difficult conditions of existence in the lunar world.

Miga Julio's friend and partner. He was bailed out of prison. Practical, witty and a rare scoundrel, however, according to Julio, the most honest and kind shorty. Initially, Miga, along with Julio, really wanted to help Dunno, but the rich of the city had other plans. I met with Dunno in the jail, where he helped him adapt to the situation. Subsequently, he also outwitted Julio, hiding with the money along with Krabs.

motley- aka Pack u la, he's Pachuale Pestrini. Accompanied Dunno and Button to the Sunny City. He received his nickname from a wandering short man named Tsirkul, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Pyostrenky. He experienced many adventures during the trip, after which he decided not to contact Dunno again.

Pulka- one of the 16 shorties from Kolokolchikov Street. The hunter has a gun that shoots corks and a dog, Bulka. After the balloon crashed, Bulka ran back to the Flower City, and Pulka sprained his leg and was treated for a long time in the Green City hospital near Medunitsa, where he spoiled himself and became very capricious - he almost went crazy. When Pulka and his friends returned to the Flower City, he met up with Bulka.

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City crash landed. Dunno during his stay in the Green City lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other babies. Described as a fair and reasonable baby.

Saccharin Saharinich Syrupchik- Shorty of the Flower City, who loves syrup and other delicious drinks. Likes to dress in plaid clothes. Competed with Donut in thickness while flying in a hot air balloon.

scooperfield- character last book trilogy about Dunno. A resident of the city of Brechenville, an incredible miser and greedy. At the same time, it's also a bit silly. An example is the facts of his behavior in a hotel, in a forest and on a train, as well as the instructions that he gave to his “gorloderiks” (brokers) - to sell shares of giant plants for a furthing thing, as a result of which he almost went bankrupt, because by that time the Society of Giant the plants burst, and the shares became just paper, but he did not know anything about the news of the stock exchange, because he felt sorry for the money for newspapers. All my life I suffered from the fear of losing all my money. I got rid of this fear when I really lost all my money. I got into the forest for the first time with the help of Mr. Krabs (Spruts's assistant), where he was tied up for a long time before the arrival of Migi and Julio. The latter wanted to receive a reward for their "care", but Skuperfield managed to escape from them by hitting Julio on the head with a cane. After that, he wandered through the forest, was bitten by ants. In the fog I came across a potato field, where I picked potato tubers, not suspecting what they were. Was chased away by the watchman. Lost part of his capital as a result of unsuccessful financial fraud with shares of the Giant Plant Society. After the reduction of their wages at the factory, the workers went on strike. An attempt to hire new ones failed - their workers did not let them into the factory and beat them. After the arrival of Znayka with friends, the workers drove out Skuperfield and took over the factory as their property. Subsequently, Skuperfield was reeducated and went to work at his own pasta factory. Since then, he has been going to the zoo every day, as he loves animals very much (especially after visiting the forest with Krabs) and nature.

Spruts- the richest and most influential lunatic. He loves the current regime very much and reacts extremely painfully when someone tries to get rich without coordinating it with him. Even more, he dislikes those who get rich for good causes, as happens with the Giant Plant Society. He is a very dangerous opponent for positive characters, especially after he was able to lure the weak Migu and Julio to his side, but soon he has to find himself in a situation where his money is already powerless. True, this makes him even more dangerous - after all, he, together with Julio, blew up the FIS rocket.

Klepka- eccentric engineer solar city. Has a choleric temperament and is very mobile. Inventor. His multifunctional transforming and all-terrain vehicle struck Dunno while traveling to the Sunny City. Traveled to the moon, where he was injured in a confrontation with the police.

Krabs- Manufacturer Spruts, a dexterous negotiator. Convinced Miga and Julio to break up the Giant Plant Society and then escaped with Miga, betraying Julio.

Migle- one of the lunar policemen (it is interesting to note that the names of all policemen, judges and private detectives, i.e. those who work with laws and criminals, end in "gl"). Conducts registration of offenses and preliminary inquiry. Possesses flat humor. He considers himself the first person in control, since the detainees first get to him. According to biometric data, he mistakenly identified the arrested Dunno as a dangerous criminal, bank robber Pretty Boy. Corrupt. He extorted a bribe from Dunno.

Herring and Fuchsia- scientists from the Solar city, designers of at least three rockets flying to the moon.

Other characters

  • Alpha And Memega- astronomers from the moon. Proved the existence of an outer Earth.
  • watermelon- a famous architect who found a wonderful way to build very beautiful buildings and invented a whole range of new building materials. Mentioned by Kubik.
  • Squirrel- a friend of Sineglazka.
  • Beagle- a detective hired by Mrs Lamprey. I followed the unknown.
  • pancake- the famous artist-transformer, who performed in the Solnechnogorod pop theater.
  • Boltik- TV reporter from Fantômas. He was reporting on a police raid on the village of Neelovka, where giant plants were sown.
  • Brykun- one of the donkeys turned Dunno into a short man. Partner of Caligula and Pegasus.
  • Bell- is mentioned when discussing the case of the disappearance of Leaf by one of the passengers of the ninth bus number in the Sunny City as his acquaintance, who "got lost one night on the street and could not find his way home."
  • Bagel- a resident of Zmeevka and a driver of a carbonated car.
  • Bukashkin- a newspaper reader from the Sunny City who published " great article in the newspaper" about the outrages of the windmills.
  • Lettering- Leaf's friend. Together with him she founded a book theater.
  • Vertibutylkin- an architect from Sun City, who created the first project of a revolving house in Sun City "several years ago".
  • Grumpy- a grouchy character, always dissatisfied with everything. Lives in Flower City.
  • Wrigl- Judge in Davilon. At the trial, Dunno was recognized not as the famous gangster Handsome, but as a “shanty with empty pockets” and ordered to be put on the street (in fact, he justified, so to speak).
  • Check mark- Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Carnation- a resident of Zmeevka and a bully, later reformed.
  • Grizzly- lunar journalist, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Davilon humoresques", owned by Spruts, and master of PR. He himself buys on it (plans to buy shares of giant plants)
  • Gryazing- lunar capitalist and soap manufacturer. In his house, Kozlik once worked as a stoker.
  • Guslya- musician and composer of the Flower City. Tried to teach Dunno music. He flew with Znaika to the moon.
  • Dracula- one of the lunar capitalists and the largest landowner, who owns the entire coast, from Los Paganos to Los Svinos. Subsequently - a salt tycoon and chairman of the salt bredlam. Together with other salt magnates, he brought Donut and other small salt producers to bankruptcy.
  • Drigl- one of the lunar police officers and a guard in the jail.
  • Dryaning- one of the lunar oligarchs, the owner of paid rooming houses for the homeless and a member of the big nonsense.
  • Dubs- one of the lunar oligarchs, the owner of sawmills and a member of the big bredlam. Thinks hard.
  • herringbone- Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • brush- the leader of the crowd of pedestrians of the Sunny City, who tried to take away the hose from Pegasik and Dunno who were pouring water.
  • jading- one of the lunar oligarchs and a member of the big bredlam. Rivals in greed with Skryagins and Skuperfield.
  • Zainka- a friend of Sineglazka.
  • Star- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.
  • Zvezdochkin- a professor, an astronomer from the Sunny City and an opponent of Znayka, who later admitted he was wrong. During the flight to the moon - his closest assistant.
  • Needle- An employee of the art department at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.
  • kalachik- a combine driver and a resident of the Sunny City.
  • Caligula- one of the donkeys turned Dunno into a short man. Brykun and Pegasik's partner (in fact, their informal leader).
  • Kantik And quantum- lunar physics.
  • droplet- A resident of the Flower City. Mentioned as the little girl who "cried every time it started to rain".
  • Karasik- a foreman at a clothing factory in the Sunny City, as well as an actor in the theater.
  • Karaulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who, when Dunno was detained for pouring water from a hose, was sitting at the remote control in the police station. Vertically challenged and plump.
  • kitty- Swallow's friend.
  • Klops- a resident of Davilon and the owner of the garden, where Dunno went down by parachute. He poisoned Dunno with dogs.
  • Klyushkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.
  • Kozyavkin- professor from Sun City. Revealed the secret of the social phenomenon of carminos.
  • Spikelet- a sleepwalker and a peasant from the village of Neelovka near the lunar city of Fantômas. He was the first to meet Znayka with friends who had flown in on a FIS rocket.
  • compressor- a doctor from the hospital of the Sunny city.
  • cube- an architect from the Sun City. He flew with Znaika to the moon.
  • small egg- Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Eraser- a famous writer from the Sun City. He is mentioned as the author of the book "Thirty-three merry little crows", which was used by Dr. Kompressik in the treatment of policeman Svistulkin.
  • Martin- Kitty's friend.
  • Lily- Duty director of the Solnechnogorod hotel "Malvasia".
  • leaf- a kid from the Sunny City, turned by Dunno into a donkey, a typical "book swallower", the founder of the book theater and Bukovka's friend.
  • poppy- the baby who delivered the policeman Svistulkin to the hospital.
  • Daisy- Sineglazka's neighbor.
  • Lungwort- Doctor of the Green City.
  • microsha- A resident of Flower City and a friend of Topeka.
  • Lamprey is a wealthy dog ​​lover in San Comarique. Dunno worked for her as a dog nanny. Having learned from the detective Beagle that Dunno was taking the dogs entrusted to him to a rooming house, she personally appeared there and, seeing that her pets were lying on dirty floor and amuse themselves with rats, arranged loud scandal, announcing Dunno that he was fired.
  • silent- Resident of the Flower City. Almost always silent.
  • vengeance- Ober-ataman and head of the police of Fantômas. Led the attack on the FIS missile.
  • front sight- a friend of Knopochka and Gunka, who protected her and Knopochka from Dunno. Watched the balloon take off.
  • Thread- an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City and a chess player from Chess City.
  • Pegasus- one of the donkeys of the Sunny city, turned by Dunno into a short man. Partner of Brykun and Caligula.
  • Peryshkin- Newspaper correspondent from Sun City.
  • Compliant- a homeless man from San Komarika and an inhabitant of a rooming house. Strives to see the good in everything. In this respect - the opponent of the Shrew.
  • Button
  • Fluffy- a friend of Sineglazka.
  • confusion- a resident of the Flower City, prone to losing and forgetting everything.
  • Bagel- a resident of the Space City, the first to notice the disappearance of the rocket.
  • Chamomile- baby from the Flower City. Watched the balloon take off.
  • Gemstone- poetess in the Green City.
  • Sapozhkin- a policeman who “grabbed Supchik by the collar and dragged him to the police station”, and then arrested him for 7 days.
  • Svistulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who detained Dunno for pouring water from a hose and sent him to the police station. Long and skinny. After the destruction of the Dunno police station, he received a head injury (probably a concussion) and lost his memory for a while.
  • Sedenky- a lunatic peasant, a poor man, and the first shareholder of the Giant Plant Society, who gave an interview to the press.
  • Skryagins- one of the lunar oligarchs and a member of the big bredlam.
  • Smekaylo- writer of the city of Zmeevka. He gave a soldering iron to Vintik and Shpuntik for car repairs.
  • Snowflake- Colleague (colleague) of Sineglazki.
  • Conscience Dunno- constantly reproaches him at night for bad deeds.
  • Straw- scientist, agronomist and breeder of watermelons from the Green City.
  • Steklyashkin- Flower City astronomer. He flew with Znaika to the moon.
  • Dragonfly- a friend of Sineglazka.
  • Obstinate- a homeless man from San Komarika and an inhabitant of a rooming house. Scolds Mr. Dryaning, the owner of the hotel. In this regard, he is an opponent of Compliant.
  • soup And Pretzel- residents of the Sunny City and the windmills who quarreled on the street.
  • Tarakashkin- a reader of the Sun City, who posted a response to Bukashkin's article in "another newspaper". It is mentioned that Gulkin, Mulkin, Promokashkin, Cherepushkin, Kondrashkin, Chushkin, Tyutelkin, Murashkin, as well as professor Mordochkina also made articles "on this topic".
  • topic- A resident of the Flower City and a friend of Mikrosha. Initially, I did not believe that the balloon would fly.
  • hasty- Resident of the Flower City. He is in a hurry all the time and does not sit still.
  • Tups- one of the lunar oligarchs and a member of the big bredlam. Like Mr. Dubs, he does not shine with intelligence.
  • Tube- artist of the Flower City. He taught Dunno painting and painted portraits of the inhabitants of the Green City. He flew with Znaika to the moon.
  • Fantik- entertainer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.
  • Figure- chess champion from the Sun City. Designed a large chess machine.
  • Fix And Fex- servants of Klops. The first of them caught Dunno eating raspberries and, captivating, by force delivered to Klops. The second brought dogs so that Klops could poison Dunno with them.
  • Figl- one of the lunar police and patrol. Judging by his name, he is prone to rudeness, sadism and psychopathy. He detained Dunno after an unpaid lunch in the canteen and took him to the police department.
  • flyazhkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.
  • Funtik- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.
  • haps- the owner of the Emerald Hotel in the lunar city of Davilon, where Dunno settled for free after his arrival in the guise of an astronaut and a wide PR campaign on television and radio.
  • flower- the pseudonym of the poet Pudik from the Flower City. Taken because poets, according to the book, "love beautiful names».
  • cylinder- An engineer who is mentioned by Karasik when demonstrating the large textile cauldron of Engineer Cylindrical's system at the clothing factory in Sunny City.
  • Compass- the famous cyclist traveler from the city of Katigoroshkina, who decided to go around all the short cities "that were in the world." Mentioned when explaining the name of Pachkuli Pyostrenky.
  • Chubchik- a gardener in the Sun City.
  • hairpin- an artist at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.
  • Syringe- Doctor from Davilon. During the solemn meeting of the alien from outer space, he volunteered to examine him for free. While listening to Dunno, at the same time he advertised his services and prices.
  • Shtuchkin- theatrical director-vetrogon from the Sunny city.
  • Screwdriver- a resident of Zmeevka, a mechanic and inventor, who has everything on buttons.
  • joked And Korzhik- residents of the Sun City, two friends and wits. Wrong door, the wounded Svistulkin fell asleep in their apartment.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Characters of Dunno books

For those people who are used to thinking that plans for wars and battles are drawn up by generals in the same way that each of us, sitting in his office over a map, makes considerations about how and how he would dispose of such and such a battle, questions arise why Kutuzov did not do this and that during the retreat, why he did not take up position before Filey, why he did not immediately retreat to the Kaluga road, left Moscow, etc. People who are used to thinking this way forget or do not know those inevitable conditions in which the activity of any commander-in-chief always takes place. The activity of a commander has not the slightest resemblance to the activity that we imagine sitting freely in an office, analyzing some campaign on the map with a known number of troops, on either side, and in a certain area, and starting our considerations from what some famous moment. The Commander-in-Chief is never in those conditions of the beginning of some kind of event, in which we always consider the event. The Commander-in-Chief is always in the middle of a moving series of events, and in such a way that he is never, at any moment, in a position to consider the full significance of an ongoing event. The event is imperceptibly, moment by moment, cut into its meaning, and at every moment of this successive, continuous cutting out of the event, the commander-in-chief is in the center the hardest game, intrigues, worries, dependencies, power, projects, advice, threats, deceptions, is constantly in the need to answer the countless number of questions offered to him, always contradicting one another.
We are seriously told by military scientists that Kutuzov, much earlier than Filey, had to move troops to the Kaluga road, that even someone proposed such a project. But in front of the commander in chief, especially in difficult times, there is not one project, but always dozens at the same time. And each of these projects, based on strategy and tactics, contradicts one another. The business of the commander-in-chief, it would seem, is only to choose one of these projects. But he cannot do that either. Events and time do not wait. He is offered, let's say, on the 28th to go to the Kaluga road, but at that time Miloradovich's adjutant jumps up and asks whether to start a deal with the French now or retreat. He needs now, this minute, to give the order. And the order to retreat knocks us off the turn onto the Kaluga road. And following the adjutant, the quartermaster asks where to take provisions, and the head of hospitals - where to take the wounded; and a courier from St. Petersburg brings a letter from the sovereign, which does not allow the possibility of leaving Moscow, and the rival of the commander-in-chief, the one who undermines him (there are always such, and not one, but several), proposes a new project, diametrically opposed to the plan for entering the Kaluga road; and the forces of the commander-in-chief himself require sleep and reinforcements; and the venerable general, who has been bypassed by the award, comes to complain, and the inhabitants plead for protection; an officer sent to inspect the area arrives and reports the exact opposite of what the sent officer said before him; and the scout, the prisoner, and the reconnaissance general all describe the position of the enemy army in different ways. People who are used to not understanding or forgetting these the necessary conditions activities of any commander-in-chief, they present us, for example, the situation of the troops in Fili and at the same time assume that the commander-in-chief could completely freely resolve the issue of abandoning or defending Moscow on September 1, whereas with the position of the Russian army five miles from Moscow, this issue could not be . When was this issue resolved? And near Drissa, and near Smolensk, and most palpably on the 24th near Shevardin, and on the 26th near Borodino, and every day, and hour, and minute of retreat from Borodino to Fili.

Russian troops, retreating from Borodin, stood at Filey. Yermolov, who had traveled to inspect the position, drove up to the field marshal.
“There is no way to fight in this position,” he said. Kutuzov looked at him in surprise and made him repeat the words he had said. When he spoke, Kutuzov held out his hand to him.
“Give me your hand,” he said, and turning it so as to feel his pulse, he said: “You are not well, my dear. Think what you are saying.
Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Hill, six miles from the Dorogomilovskaya outpost, got out of the carriage and sat down on a bench on the edge of the road. A huge crowd of generals gathered around him. Count Rostopchin, having arrived from Moscow, joined them. All this brilliant society, divided into several circles, talked among themselves about the advantages and disadvantages of the position, about the position of the troops, about the proposed plans, about the state of Moscow, and about military questions in general. Everyone felt that although they were not called to the fact that although it was not called that, but that it was a council of war. The conversations were all kept in the area of ​​general questions. If anyone reported or found out personal news, then this was said in a whisper, and immediately went back to general issues: no jokes, no laughter, no smiles were even noticeable between all these people. Everyone, obviously, with an effort, tried to keep to the height of the position. And all the groups, talking among themselves, tried to stay close to the commander-in-chief (whose shop was the center of these circles) and spoke so that he could hear them. The commander-in-chief listened and sometimes asked again what was said around him, but he himself did not enter into a conversation and did not express any opinion. For the most part After listening to the conversation of some circle, he turned away with an air of disappointment - as if they were talking about something completely different from what he wanted to know. Some spoke about the chosen position, criticizing not so much the position itself as mental capacity those who chose her; others argued that the mistake had been made earlier, that it was necessary to accept the battle on the third day; still others talked about the battle of Salamanca, about which the Frenchman Crosar, who had just arrived, in a Spanish uniform, spoke about. (This Frenchman, together with one of the German princes who served in the Russian army, sorted out the siege of Saragossa, foreseeing the opportunity to defend Moscow in the same way.) In the fourth circle, Count Rostopchin said that he and the Moscow squad were ready to die under the walls of the capital, but that everything nevertheless, he cannot but regret the uncertainty in which he was left, and that if he had known this before, it would have been different ... Fifths, showing the depth of their strategic considerations, spoke about the direction that the troops would have to take. The sixth spoke complete nonsense. Kutuzov's face became more preoccupied and sadder. Of all the conversations of these Kutuzov saw one thing: there was no physical possibility to defend Moscow in the full meaning of these words, that is, to such an extent it was not possible that if some crazy commander in chief gave the order to give battle, then there would be confusion and battles all it wouldn't have happened; it would not be because all the top leaders not only recognized this position as impossible, but in their conversations discussed only what would happen after the undoubted abandonment of this position. How could the commanders lead their troops on the battlefield, which they considered impossible? The lower commanders, even the soldiers (who also reason), also recognized the position as impossible and therefore could not go to fight with the certainty of defeat. If Bennigsen insisted on defending this position and others were still discussing it, then this question no longer mattered in itself, but mattered only as a pretext for dispute and intrigue. Kutuzov understood this.
Benigsen, choosing a position, ardently exposing his Russian patriotism (which Kutuzov could not listen to without wincing), insisted on defending Moscow. Kutuzov clearly saw Benigsen's goal as clear as day: in case of failure of the defense, to shift the blame on Kutuzov, who brought the troops without a battle to Sparrow Hills, and in case of success, to attribute it to himself; in case of refusal, to purge oneself of the crime of leaving Moscow. But this question of intrigue did not occupy the old man now. One terrible question occupied him. And to this question, he did not hear an answer from anyone. The only question for him now was: “Is it possible that I allowed Napoleon to reach Moscow, and when did I do this? When was it decided? Was it really yesterday, when I sent the order to Platov to retreat, or on the evening of the third day, when I dozed off and ordered Benigsen to give orders? Or even before?.. but when, when was this terrible thing decided? Moscow must be abandoned. The troops must retreat, and this order must be given. To give this terrible order seemed to him one and the same thing as to refuse command of the army. And not only did he love power, got used to it (the honor given to Prince Prozorovsky, under whom he was in Turkey, teased him), he was convinced that the salvation of Russia was destined for him and that because only, against the will of the sovereign and according to the will of the people, he was elected commander in chief. He was convinced that he alone, and under these difficult conditions, could keep at the head of the army, that he alone in the whole world was able to know the invincible Napoleon as his opponent without horror; and he was horrified at the thought of the command he was to give. But it was necessary to decide something, it was necessary to stop these conversations around him, which were beginning to take on a too free character.
He called the senior generals to him.
- Ma tete fut elle bonne ou mauvaise, n "a qu" a s "aider d" elle meme, [Is my head good, bad, but there is no one else to rely on,] - he said, getting up from the bench, and went to Fili, where his crews stood.

In the spacious, best hut of the peasant Andrey Savostyanov, a council met at two o'clock. The peasants, women and children of the large peasant family crowded into the black hut across the canopy. Only Andrei's granddaughter, Malasha, a six-year-old girl, to whom the brightest, after caressing her, gave a piece of sugar for tea, remained on the stove in a large hut. Malasha timidly and joyfully looked from the stove at the faces, uniforms and crosses of the generals, one after another entering the hut and taking seats in the red corner, on the wide benches under the icons. Grandfather himself, as Malasha Kutuzova internally called him, sat separately from them, in a dark corner behind the stove. He sat sank deep into a folding chair, and incessantly grunted and straightened the collar of his frock coat, which, although unbuttoned, still seemed to pinch his neck. One by one, those who entered approached the field marshal; to some he shook hands, to others he nodded his head. Adjutant Kaisarov wanted to draw back the curtain in the window against Kutuzov, but Kutuzov angrily waved his hand at him, and Kaisarov realized that his Serene Highness did not want to be seen on his face.
So many people gathered around the peasant's spruce table, on which lay maps, plans, pencils, papers, that the batmen brought another bench and put it at the table. The newcomers sat on this bench: Yermolov, Kaisarov and Tol. Under the very images, in the first place, he sat with George on his neck, with a pale sickly face and with his high forehead merging with a bare head, Barclay de Tolly. For the second day already, he was tormented by a fever, and at that very time he was shivering and breaking down. Uvarov was sitting next to him, and in a low voice (as everyone else said), he was telling Barclay something, making quick gestures. Small, round Dokhturov, raising his eyebrows and folding his hands on his stomach, listened attentively. On the other side, Count Osterman Tolstoy, leaning his broad head with bold features and sparkling eyes, leaned on his arm, seemed lost in his own thoughts. Raevsky, with an expression of impatience, curling his black hair at his temples forward with a habitual gesture, glanced first at Kutuzov, then at the front door. Konovnitsyn's firm, handsome and kind face shone with a gentle and sly smile. He met Malasha's gaze and made signs to her that made the girl smile.
Everyone was waiting for Bennigsen, who was finishing his Tasty dinner under the pretext of a new inspection of the position. They waited for him from four to six hours, and during all this time they did not start the meeting and carried on extraneous conversations in low voices.
Only when Benigsen entered the hut did Kutuzov move out of his corner and move towards the table, but so much so that his face was not illuminated by the candles served on the table.
Bennigsen opened the council with a question: "Should we leave the sacred and ancient capital of Russia without a fight or defend it?" There was a long and general silence. All faces frowned, and in the silence one could hear Kutuzov's angry groaning and coughing. All eyes were on him. Malasha also looked at her grandfather. She was closest to him and saw how his face wrinkled up: he seemed to be about to cry. But this did not last long.
- The sacred ancient capital of Russia! he suddenly spoke, repeating Bennigsen's words in an angry voice, and thereby pointing out the false note of these words. - Let me tell you, Your Excellency, that this question does not make sense for a Russian person. (He rolled forward with his heavy body.) Such a question cannot be asked, and such a question does not make sense. The question for which I asked these gentlemen to gather is a military question. The question is the following: “The salvation of Russia in the army. Is it more profitable to risk the loss of the army and Moscow by accepting a battle, or to give Moscow without a fight? That's the question I want to know your opinion. (He leans back on the back of his chair.)
Debate began. Bennigsen did not yet consider the game lost. Admitting the opinion of Barclay and others about the impossibility of accepting a defensive battle near Fili, he, imbued with Russian patriotism and love for Moscow, proposed to transfer troops at night from the right to the left flank and strike the next day on the right wing of the French. Opinions were divided, there were disputes in favor of and against this opinion. Yermolov, Dokhturov and Raevsky agreed with Bennigsen's opinion. Whether guided by a sense of need, the sacrifice of leaving the capital or other personal considerations, but these generals did not seem to understand that this council could not change the inevitable course of affairs and that Moscow had already been abandoned. The rest of the generals understood this and, leaving aside the question of Moscow, talked about the direction that the army was supposed to take in its retreat. Malasha, who kept her eyes fixed on what was happening in front of her, otherwise understood the meaning of this advice. It seemed to her that it was only a personal struggle between "grandfather" and "long-sleeved", as she called Benigsen. She saw that they were angry when they talked to each other, and in her heart she held the side of her grandfather. In the middle of the conversation, she noticed a quick sly look thrown by her grandfather at Benigsen, and after that, to her joy, she noticed that grandfather, having said something to the long-haired man, reined in him: Benigsen suddenly blushed and walked angrily up and down the hut. The words that had such an effect on Bennigsen were, in a calm and quiet voice, the opinion expressed by Kutuzov about the benefits and disadvantages of Bennigsen's proposal: about the transfer of troops from the right to the left flank at night to attack the right wing of the French.
“I, gentlemen,” said Kutuzov, “cannot approve the count’s plan. Troop movements at close range to the enemy are always dangerous, and military history confirms this idea. So, for example ... (Kutuzov seemed to be thinking, looking for an example and looking at Benigsen with a bright, naive look.) Yes, at least the Friedland battle, which, as I think, the count remembers well, was ... not quite successful just because our troops rebuilt at too close a distance from the enemy ... - Followed, which seemed to everyone very long, a minute's silence.
The debate resumed again, but often there were breaks, and it was felt that there was nothing more to talk about.
During one of these breaks, Kutuzov sighed heavily, as if about to speak. Everyone looked back at him.
- Eh bien, messieurs! Je vois que c "est moi qui payerai les pots casses, [So, gentlemen, therefore, I have to pay for broken pots,] - he said. And, slowly rising, he approached the table. - Gentlemen, I heard your opinions. Some will disagree with me, but I (he stopped) by the power entrusted to me by my sovereign and fatherland, I order a retreat.
Following this, the generals began to disperse with the same solemn and silent caution with which they disperse after the funeral.
Some of the generals, in a low voice, in a completely different range than when they spoke at the council, conveyed something to the commander in chief.
Malasha, who had been waiting for supper for a long time, cautiously descended backwards from the bed, clinging with her bare little legs to the ledges of the stove, and, mingling between the legs of the generals, darted through the door.
Having released the generals, Kutuzov sat for a long time, leaning on the table, and thought about the same terrible question: “When, when, at last, was it decided that Moscow had been abandoned? When was the thing done that settled the issue, and who is to blame for it?”
“I didn’t expect this, I didn’t expect this,” he said to Adjutant Schneider, who came in late at night, “I didn’t expect this!” I didn't think that!
“You need to rest, Your Grace,” Schneider said.
- No! They will eat horse meat like Turks, ”Kutuzov shouted without answering, striking the table with his plump fist,“ they will, if only ...

In contrast to Kutuzov, at the same time, in an event even more important than the retreat of the army without a fight, in leaving Moscow and burning it, Rostopchin, who seems to us the leader of this event, acted completely differently.
This event - the abandonment of Moscow and its burning - was as inevitable as the retreat of the troops without a fight for Moscow after the Battle of Borodino.
Every Russian person, not on the basis of conclusions, but on the basis of the feeling that lies in us and lay in our fathers, could predict what happened.
Starting from Smolensk, in all the cities and villages of the Russian land, without the participation of Count Rostopchin and his posters, the same thing happened that happened in Moscow. The people waited carelessly for the enemy, did not rebel, did not worry, did not tear anyone to pieces, but calmly waited for their fate, feeling in themselves the strength in the most difficult moment to find what had to be done. And as soon as the enemy approached, the richest elements of the population left, leaving their property; the poorest remained and burned and destroyed what was left.
The consciousness that this will be so, and will always be so, lay and lies in the soul of a Russian person. And this consciousness and, moreover, the presentiment that Moscow would be taken, lay in Russian Moscow society in the 12th year. Those who began to leave Moscow back in July and early August showed that they were waiting for this. Those who left with what they could seize, leaving houses and half of their property, acted in this way because of that latent patriotism, which is expressed not by phrases, not by killing children to save the fatherland, etc., by unnatural actions, but which is expressed imperceptibly, simply, organically, and therefore always produces the strongest results.
“It is a shame to run from danger; only cowards flee from Moscow,” they were told. Rostopchin inspired them in his posters that it was shameful to leave Moscow. They were ashamed to receive the title of cowards, they were ashamed to go, but they still went, knowing that it was necessary to do so. Why were they driving? It cannot be assumed that Rostopchin frightened them with the horrors that Napoleon produced in the conquered lands. They left, and the rich left first, educated people, who knew very well that Vienna and Berlin remained intact and that there, during their occupation by Napoleon, the inhabitants had fun with the charming French, who were then so loved by Russian men and especially ladies.
They went because for the Russian people there could be no question whether it would be good or bad under the control of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French: it was the worst of all. They left before the battle of Borodino, and even faster after the battle of Borodino, despite appeals to the defense, despite the statements of the commander-in-chief of Moscow about his intention to raise Iverskaya and go to fight, and to the balloons that were supposed to destroy the French, and despite all that nonsense about which Rastopchin spoke in his posters. They knew that the army must fight, and that if it could not, then it was impossible to go to the Three Mountains with the young ladies and courtyard people to fight Napoleon, and that they had to leave, no matter how sorry it was to leave their property to perish. They left and did not think about the majestic significance of this huge, rich capital, abandoned by the inhabitants and, obviously, burned (a large abandoned wooden city must have burned down); they left each for themselves, and at the same time only because they left, and that majestic event took place, which will forever remain the best glory of the Russian people. That lady, who, back in June, with her black-haired men and crackers, was rising from Moscow to the Saratov village, with a vague consciousness that she was not a servant of Bonaparte, and with fear that they would not stop her by order of Count Rostopchin, did simply and truly that great the case that saved Russia. Count Rostopchin, who either shamed those who were leaving, then took out public places, then gave out useless weapons to drunken rabble, then raised images, then forbade Augustine to take out relics and icons, then seized all the private carts that were in Moscow, then on one hundred and thirty-six carts took away the balloon made by Leppich, then hinted that he would burn Moscow, then told how he burned his house and wrote a proclamation to the French, where he solemnly reproached them for ruining it orphanage; then he accepted the glory of burning Moscow, then he renounced it, then he ordered the people to catch all spies and bring them to him, then he reproached the people for this, then he expelled all the French from Moscow, then he left Ms. Aubert Chalmet in the city, who was the center of the entire French Moscow population , and without much guilt he ordered the old venerable postmaster Klyucharev to be seized and taken into exile; sometimes he gathered people to the Three Mountains in order to fight the French, then, in order to get rid of this people, he gave them a man to kill and he himself left for the back gate; either he said that he would not survive the misfortunes of Moscow, or he wrote poems in French in albums about his participation in this matter - this man did not understand the significance of the ongoing event, but only wanted to do something himself, to surprise someone, to do something patriotically heroic and, like a boy, he frolicked over the majestic and inevitable event of the abandonment and burning of Moscow and tried with his small hand to either encourage or delay the course of the huge stream of people that carried him along with it.

: "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon", the works of his followers.

The main feature of the universe is that it is inhabited by shorties - little men the size of a small cucumber.

The growth of shorties and the targeting of a children's audience determines the rest of the features of the universe. Due to their small stature, shorties perceive ordinary plants as huge and this makes it easier for them to get food. On the other hand, caring for plants and harvesting crops require the organized labor of several dozen short men.

The heroes of the first books are more like children of 7-10 years old and their world is filled with relevant objects and categories. For them, initially there is no concept of age, parenthood and kinship, death, love, family relations and so on. Shorties live small groups in houses where people live alone, the concept of a family is also absent in the trilogy. Outside the author's intention, there was also left where the heroes of all the fairy-tale novels came from, and what role their division into two sexes played in this.

In everyday life, along with things familiar to the human world, there are details characteristic of children's imagination: equipment that runs on carbonated water, more sweets in the diet.

In addition to the text by N. N. Nosov, illustrators Alexei Laptev and Heinrich Valk contributed to the visualization of the universe.

The shorties have an idea that other countries exist, as well as what names their inhabitants may have and what they may look like. According to the second part of the trilogy, Pachkula Pyostrenky, registering at the Solnechnogorod hotel, signed in the book for guests as "foreigner Pachkuale Pestrini." At the very beginning of the same book Dunno mentions French and a little later says:

We, shorties, are very small and cannot grasp big things with our small eyes.

Also in the second book, such a measure of length as a nail is mentioned. It is equal to 1 1/4 cm, and it is said that the growth of almost 9 1/2 nails = 11 7/8 cm is quite large for short people. Therefore, most of them are probably about 8 nails = 10 cm tall.

The timing is the same as usual. earthly time, but as the author explains, time goes more slowly for short men, so in one year of short time they can build or create as much as ordinary people would create 5-10 years.

Self-determination of shorties through small stature probably occurred in opposition to some large creatures. The neighborhood of shorties with ordinary plants, perceived by them as large, allows them to exist relatively comfortably in the prevailing food abundance.

Anthropology [ | ]

The social structure of earthly shorties is heterogeneous, differs between cities, but they are all united by the lack of money. A communist society has been achieved in the sunny city, where everyone receives the set of social and material benefits he needs absolutely free of charge, and in return works for the benefit of society in an enterprise or institution based on his abilities. Guests of the city, despite the fact that they do not work at city enterprises, have the same amount of benefits.

In other cities described in the books, there is subsistence farming and barter.

The Lunar Society is a satire of the European and American capitalist society of the 60s in the Soviet residents. In addition to commodity-money relations and private property, which is the main difference from the Earth, the moon is common, corruption, monopoly, advertising, unfair competition, stock speculation, irrational use manual labor, unemployment, vagrancy, lack of social policy and repressive legislation against vagrants and the poor and other negative phenomena of capitalism. With the appearance of earthlings on the moon, a social revolution takes place there.

Flora and fauna [ | ]

The flora of shorties consists of ordinary terrestrial plants, which, given the growth of shorties, seem huge to them. This removes the problem of food supply, but complicates the task of caring for plants and harvesting.

The plant world of the moon differs from the earthly one in the size of plants.

The animal world is not described in such detail. On the one hand, shorties have animals corresponding to their height - dogs, donkeys, horses. In the sunny city there is a zoo where other animals are represented - a lion and a monkey. A small misunderstanding was made by the illustrators of the works. The artist Laptev depicted the dog of the hunter Pulka in the book "Dunno in the Sunny City" in the form of an insect - a grasshopper.

The mentioned insects, like plants, also have impressive sizes, for example, Dunno once encountered a May beetle.

Technologies [ | ]

The technology of the shorty world is close to technology human world as of the middle of the 20th century. They know electricity, telephone, television, cars and trains exist as means of transportation, planes are mentioned, although they are not described, progress has been made in automation and robotics. Most of the technology is described in the second book. The distinguishing feature is the use alternative sources energy, including gas released from carbonated water, alcohol, atomic energy, radio magnetic energy. Fuel oil combustion is considered obsolete and not environmentally friendly. A special source of energy is bioplastic, which, under the action of exciting electricity, creates kinetic energy that is many times greater than that spent. Various cars, spiral walkers, autohorses, motorcycles and so on are used as means of transportation around the city. Household machines, including agricultural ones, are often robotic. Automation is also being introduced in personal transport, although not so quickly. Develops and space technology. At the beginning of the third book, a way was discovered to easily obtain artificial weightlessness, which gave a breakthrough in rocket science.

Lunar technology is not so fantastic - everything corresponds to the earth-level technology of the 1960s, moreover - cheap work force allows the use of manual labor in many inappropriate cases - for example, for the rotation of water attractions in a water amusement park. With the arrival of terrestrial shorties on the moon, weightlessness began to be introduced everywhere in industry.

Cities [ | ]

flower city [ | ]

The hometown of Dunno and his 15 comrades, which stands on the Cucumber River. The city is called "Flower" due to the fact that all the streets were decorated with flower beds with a lot of flowers. The river is so named because of the huge number of cucumbers growing on its banks. Other kids and babies live in this city. The flower city appears in all three parts trilogy. There is a forest near it, where the little men got supplies for themselves. At first, the kids had little contact with residents of neighboring cities, despite the fact that there was a car running on sparkling water in the city.

The kids made their first journey from the city in a hot air balloon. The action of the entire trilogy begins and ends in the Flower City. After the next trip, something new appears there, brought by travelers from other cities. Innovations are described at the beginning of the next novel.

After traveling to the Green City, the short men built a bridge across the Cucumber River, reed water pipes and fountains, installed electric lighting on the streets of the Flower City and arranged a telephone, and also constructed a television set. After traveling to the Sun City of Dunno and many other shorties, revolving buildings appeared in the Flower City and a garment factory was built. A space town with a cosmodrome was built near the city.

Green City [ | ]

The police in the city are mainly engaged in regulating traffic, which increased enormously in last years. The police departments have a video surveillance system that allows real-time monitoring of the situation at all intersections of the city. There had been no crime in the city before the advent of windmills for many years. Because of this, even the policemen did not know what to do with the hooligans who appeared on the streets, and turning to the old and dusty book of punishments and imposing a punishment of several days of arrest, they were then tormented by remorse.

The city, however, is not without flaws - small incidents gather large crowds of onlookers, which interferes with traffic. Drivers violate the rules of the road, and the police for this conduct oral preventive conversations. The most frequent violations are not allowing pedestrians to pass, collisions with pedestrians and driving at a prohibitory traffic signal (especially for pipe-plane drivers, since they have very high speed and bad brakes).

Automated taxis in the city are created precisely to reduce congestion and improve road safety, as well as to reduce costs - so that fewer resources are spent on repairing personal cars. But residents do not want to part with personal transport. Due to the unrestrained character of Dunno, who used a magic wand for other purposes, the city was drawn into the hooligan mayhem of the "windmills" - imitators of three donkeys turned into people by the power of magic. Only the wizard solved the social problem that had arisen, returning everything as it was. Every year the city celebrates the "Day of Mittens" - City Day, during which residents fraternize among themselves, exchanging colored mittens.

See also City of the Sun, Heliopolis, Site Soleil, Sun City. Katigoroshkin- the city mentioned in the book, in which everyone rides bicycles. The traveler Tsirkul from this city gave shorty Pachkula a new nickname - "Motley", which practically replaced his name. stone city And Earth city mentioned when choosing Dunno further way at the fork.

Lunar cities [ | ]

Cities visited by Dunno and Donut during their expedition to the Moon on the NIP rocket (the name is given in honor of Dunno and Donut), and later by twelve shorties from the Flower and Sun cities on the FIS rocket (the name is given in honor of Fuchsia and Herring ).

Objects and places [ | ]

sunny city [ | ]

  • "Malvasia" - the hotel where Dunno, Button and Pyostrenko stayed. The only employee who appeared was the director on duty, Lilia, who communicated with the arriving guests via video link. The rest of the staff at the hotel were robots and automatons.
  • Book Theater - a theater founded by Listik and Bukovka. In it, the founders read various books to the audience.
  • Zoo - in it Dunno turned three donkeys into shorties, and also teased a monkey in a cage.
  • Sewing factory - a factory that produces various clothes. Well-known employees: Karasik, Thread, Needle.
  • Sunny Park - a recreation park on the eastern outskirts of the Sunny City, which includes five thematic towns: Sports, Water, Theatrical, Chess and Cheerful.
  • "Chess Town" - a specialized sector of the Solar Park for chess lovers, designed in the form of a chessboard, and pavilions and buildings in it - in the form of chess pieces. It contains chess machines. various levels difficulties that shorties can play with. Regular visitors to the town wear plaid suits or dresses embellished chess pieces. In addition to chess machines, the town regularly hosts tournaments, simultaneous games and thematic lectures that gather, in addition to the players, a lot of spectators.
  • "Merry Town" - a sector of the Solar Park, a town of attractions. The entrance to it is through a rotating transparent pipe, through which you must pass so that you never fall. If the shorty fell - this causes a whole storm of laughter from the public, although he himself had laughed at others before. Other attractions in the town are a ferris wheel, curved mirrors that can independently change their curvature, atomic booster seats and voice-controlled roller skates.

Sublunar world [ | ]

  • Miscellaneous Store - A weapons store in the city of Davilon, owned by Julio. It has a cache where explosives are stored. Subsequently, it was sold, and the building was occupied by a confectionery.
  • "Emerald" - a hotel in the city of Davilon, owned by Mr. Haps. It hosted a PR campaign for the arrival of the cosmonaut Dunno on the Moon. Dunno, Kozlik, Miga and Julio also lived there, and the latter two managed to get free accommodation from Haps.
  • Cheerful booth - entertainment establishment, the purpose of which entertainment is that the short man, who has stuck his head through the hole in the curtain and is therefore constrained in his movements, is thrown with rubber balls that can damage his health, and when the short man is writhing in pain, this amuses the audience to madness. But the shorty, if he holds out until closing (and the "brawl" can last at least all day!), Gets 3 furthings from the owner. The cost of one throw of the ball at the shorty is 1 centik. Kozlik took part in this public entertainment in San Comarique, wishing to earn money.
  • "Economic" - a hotel in the city of San Comarique. Staying in it is carried out on the principle of "payment upon use", that is, even having rented a room, it is impossible to use any benefits without additional payment, the so-called "hidden payments". Dunno and Kozlik stopped in it. The latter earned 3 furthings in the Merry Booth, and a double room cost 50 santiks. In just one evening and night of staying there, the friends spent almost all the money, and they only had 20 santiks left for two of them.
  • The Dead End is a hotel in San Comarique, located in a poor area on the outskirts of the city. Differs in extreme inconvenience and the same cheapness. It also has underground floors. There are a great many hotels of this type, and all of them belong to Mr. Drying. Dunno and Kozlik moved into it after spending almost all the money in the "Economic" hotel. At first, for 10 santiks, everyone lived on the minus second floor, and when it became expensive, they moved to the minus fourth floor for only 5 santiks per shorty, but the conditions there were much worse. In addition, Kozlik was bitten on the neck by a rat, and it almost cost him his life.
  • space city(on the Moon) - a temporary settlement near Fantomas, founded by Znayka and friends after landing on the FIS rocket. There was also a town with the same name near the Flower City on Earth, from where the NIP rocket was sent to the Moon.
  • wacky island(or Island of Fools listen)) is an island in the sea of ​​the inner lunar globe. Apparently, this island is divided into two parts. The first is a huge free amusement park with beaches and administrative buildings. The second is a pasture for walking sheep. All short men leading an asocial and impoverished lifestyle are forcibly sent to Stupid Island. Under the influence of the harmful air of the island, as well as an idle lifestyle, short men become sheep or rams with a huge amount of regrown wool, which is the final product and commodity that pays for the entire institution of the island of Fools. The criteria by which shorties are sentenced to be sent to this island are being on the street without some elements of clothing (boots, a shirt, or at least a headdress) and spending the night on the territory of someone else's or municipal property, as well as poverty and vagrancy. Dunno and Kozlik end up on the Island of Fools for vagrancy and the lack of shoes and hats, respectively (got along with other Brechenvilians who spent the night under the bridge), where Kozlik was exposed to harmful air and almost turned into a lamb. The idea of ​​the Wacky Island echoes the Land of Amusements from The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi (in the latter, loafers turned into donkeys).

Organizations [ | ]

  • "Spruts Manufactory" - the largest lunar factory in the city of Grabenberg, owned by Mr. Spruts and producing sugar, fabrics and other products.
  • "Scooperfield Pasta" - one of the largest lunar factories in the city of Brechenville, owned by Mr. Scooperfield. It consists of 12 huge buildings, and the number of workers is 5000 shorties. Produces pasta, vermicelli and noodles.
  • "The Society of Giant Plants" - Joint-Stock Company, founded by Miga, Julio and Dunno with Kozlik. It was supposed to sell shares for which it would subsequently be possible to obtain the seeds of giant plants hidden in a rocket on the surface of the moon, but since his institution was not agreed with Spruts himself, he quickly ruined him with his influence. However, lunatics eventually received the coveted seeds and without any bureaucracy.
  • The Society of Free Spinners is a secret organization founded by spinners Piskarik, Somik, Sudachk and Leshchik, whose goal is to force the owners of attractions to improve their working conditions. It also included Donut.

Characters [ | ]

In all three books, you can count more than a hundred characters. The names of most characters are his brief description (as a person or main activity). The names of some sound like surnames (Pilyulkin, Svistulkin), one has a first name, patronymic and surname (Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik).

On the moon, there are consonant names that reflect the activities of a group of characters. Among the rich of the Moon, names often end with foreign suffixes, for example, with “s” (Spruts, Klops, Dubs,) or “ing” (Gryazing, Drying) or are composed of foreign roots (Skuperfield). The names of police officers and other servants of the law end in "gl" (Migl, Zhrigl, Figl, etc.). Ordinary lunar inhabitants also have names, with the suffix "s" (Fix, Krabs, Migs), but this full names, which simple lunatics rarely use.

Characters of the book "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends"[ | ]

Sixteen shorties from Bell Street in the Flower City[ | ]

The main characters of the first book and Dunno's "family". Most appear in other books,

front sight- a friend of Knopochka and Gunka, who protected her and Knopochka from Dunno. Watched the balloon take off.

Steklyashkin- an astronomer from the Flower City. In the first book, Dunno addressed him when he thought that a piece of the Sun had hit him on the head. In the third book, he was one of the key characters, conducted observations of the Moon, including witnessing the launch of a rocket, flew with Znayka to the Moon, where he was the first to see the surface of the inner core of the Moon with a portable telescope.

flower- the pseudonym of the poet Pudik from the Flower City. Taken because poets, according to the book, "love beautiful names." Tried to teach Dunno poetry.

Chamomile- baby from the Flower City. Watched the balloon take off.

microsha- A resident of Flower City and a friend of Topeka. Watching the balloon take off

topic- A resident of the Flower City and a friend of Mikrosha. Initially, I did not believe that the balloon would fly.

Residents of the Green City[ | ]

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where travelers from the Flower City crash landed. Dunno during his stay in the Green City lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other babies. Described as a fair and reasonable baby.

Squirrel- a friend of Sineglazka. He wears an apron with a red squirrel embroidered on it.

Check mark- Sineglazka's neighbor. Black-haired baby.

herringbone- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Zainka- a friend of Sineglazka. He wears an apron with a green bunny embroidered on it.

kitty- Swallow's friend.

Martin- Kitty's friend.

small egg- Sineglazka's neighbor. Fat baby.

Daisy- Sineglazka's neighbor.

Fluffy- a friend of Sineglazka.

Snowflake- Colleague (colleague) of Sineglazki.

Straw- agronomist and breeder of watermelons from the Green City.

Dragonfly- a friend of Sineglazka.

Lungwort- a doctor in the Green City. Because of the prejudice in the Green City about the hooligan behavior of all the kids, she kept the short travelers in the hospital for as long as possible. She had a particular conflict with Dr. Pilyulkin, who for the first time appeared in the place of the patient, but categorically refused to recognize the methods of "treatment" of his colleague.

Gemstone- poetess from the Green City.

Residents of Zmeevka [ | ]

Bagel- a resident of Zmeevka, a driver of a carbonated car. He helped Vintik and Shpuntik - he drove them first to Zmeevka, then to the Green City, where, together with everyone else, he harvested fruit.

Carnation- a resident of Zmeevka, a hooligan, according to which the little ones from the Green City judged the behavior of all the kids, who later corrected himself.

Screwdriver- a resident of Zmeevka, a mechanic and inventor, in whose house everything is on buttons.

Smekaylo- a writer from the city of Zmeevka, who has not written a single book, but collects various devices for writing skills: the Burmotograph listening device, a folding table, etc. Vintik, Shpuntik and Bublik went to him to pick up a soldering iron borrowed by Screwchik for a long time for repairs car.

Characters of the book "Dunno in the Sunny City"[ | ]

Main [ | ]

Dunno- after the first book, he learned to write beautifully, fell in love with reading, but did not want to learn. In one of the books I learned that if you make three good deed in a row, the Wizard will appear and give a magic wand. He did not eradicate vanity and cockiness in himself, because of which he committed three bad deeds with the help of a magic wand, which caused the wand to lose its power, and the Sunny City plunged into turmoil of carmines.

button- a kind and well-mannered baby. She got to know Dunno more closely thanks to her common passion for fairy tales. The button made a trip to the Sunny City together with Dunno. It has a small nose, and for this reason it received the name Button.

motley- he is Pachkul, he is Pachkula Motley. Accompanied Dunno and Button to the Sunny City. He received his nickname from a wandering short man named Tsirkul, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Pyostrenky. He liked the new nickname more than given name, so he began to use it as such. And Paccuale Pestrini is his pseudonym, which he wrote down in the registration journal of the Malvasia hotel in Solnechnogorod, when he saw that Dunno had registered as “Neznam Neznamovich Neznaykin”. He experienced many adventures during the trip, after which he decided not to contact Dunno again. He suffered from ablutophobia, or rather, he followed it in principle, i.e. did not like to wash (and also to be surprised at everything) and got rid of it when the Wizard enchanted him in such a way that the dirt on his face would slightly annoy him until he washed.

Key [ | ]

Wizard- the only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the overall sci-fi concept of the work. Possesses supernatural powers. Has magic items, one of which ( magic wand) he gives Dunno for use. Appears at the beginning and end of the second book.

Conscience Dunno- constantly reproaches him at night for bad deeds.

Mentioned [ | ]

droplet- A resident of the Flower City. Mentioned as the little girl who "cried every time it started to rain".

Compass- the famous cyclist traveler from the city of Katigoroshkina, who decided to go around all the short cities "that were in the world." Mentioned when explaining the name of Pachkuli Pyostrenky.

sunny city [ | ]

Architects and engineers[ | ]

Klepka is an eccentric engineer and inventor from Sunny City. His multifunctional transforming and all-terrain vehicle surprised Dunno during a trip to the Sunny City. He has a choleric temperament, is very mobile, always talks loudly and interrupts everyone. In the third book, Klepka traveled to the moon, where he was wounded in a confrontation with the police.

watermelon- a famous architect who found a wonderful way to build very beautiful buildings and invented a whole range of new building materials. Mentioned by Kubik.

Vertibutylkin- an architect from Sun City, who created the first project of a revolving house in Sun City "several years ago".

cube- an architect from the Sun City. He demonstrated to Dunno and his companions the architectural delights of the Sunny City. Later, he introduced them to other Solarians. He flew with Znaika to the moon.

cylinder- An engineer who is mentioned by Karasik when demonstrating the large textile cauldron of Engineer Cylindrical's system at the clothing factory in Sunny City.

Policemen [ | ]

Karaulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who, when Dunno was detained for pouring water from a hose, was sitting at the control panel in the police station. Small in stature and plump.

Sapozhkin- a policeman who “grabbed Supchik by the collar and dragged him to the police station”, and then arrested him for 7 days, but, due to remorse, released him on the very first night.

Svistulkin- a policeman from the Sunny City, who detained Dunno for pouring water from a hose and sent him to the police station. Long and skinny. After the destruction of the Dunno police station, he received a head injury (probably a concussion) and lost his memory for a while.

fashion designers [ | ]

Needle- An employee of the art department at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.

Thread- an artist at a clothing factory in Sunny City and a chess player from Chess City.


hairpin- an artist at a clothing factory in the Sunny City.

Karasik- a foreman at a clothing factory in the Sunny City, as well as an actor in the theater.

windmills [ | ]

Caligula, Brykun, Pegasik- donkeys (Caligula - hinny), turned Dunno into shorties. All have freckled faces and upturned noses. They wear speckled berets (of various colors), tight jackets (also of various colors), and greenish-yellow poisonous trousers. Hooligans and brawlers.

soup And Pretzel- residents of the Sunny City, windmills who quarreled on the street.

Shtuchkin- theatrical director-vetrogon from the Sunny city.

Artists [ | ]

pancake- the famous artist-transformer, who performed in the Solnechnogorod pop theater.

Star- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Fantik- entertainer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Funtik- a singer from the variety theater in the Sunny City.

Newspaper writers and writers[ | ]

Kozyavkin- a professor from the Sunny City, who published an article in the newspaper about his scientific discovery - the reason for the emergence of the social phenomenon of carminos and the classification of carminos.

Bukashkin- a newspaper reader from Sunny City, who published a "big article in the newspaper" about the disgrace of the windmills.

Tarakashkin- a reader of the Sun City, who posted a response to Bukashkin's article in "another newspaper". It is mentioned that articles "on this topic" were also made by Gulkin, Mulkin, Promokashkin, Cherepushkin, Kondrashkin, Chushkin, Tyutelkin, Murashkin and also a professor Mordochkin.

Peryshkin- Newspaper correspondent from Sun City.

Eraser- a famous writer from the Sun City. He is mentioned as the author of the book "Thirty-three merry little crows", which was used by Dr. Kompressik in the treatment of policeman Svistulkin.

Ordinary citizens[ | ]

Bell- is mentioned when discussing the case of the disappearance of Leaf by one of the passengers of the ninth bus number in the Sunny City as his acquaintance, who "got lost one night on the street and could not find his way home."

Lettering- Leaf's friend. Together with him she founded a book theater.

brush- a resident of the Sunny City, the leader of a crowd of pedestrians who tried to take the hose from Pegasik and Dunno who were pouring water over it.

kalachik- a combine harvester driver, a resident of the Sunny City.

Klyushkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.

compressor- a doctor from the hospital of the Sunny city. He treated Svistulkin.

Lily- Duty director of the Solnechnogorod hotel "Malvasia".

leaf- a short man from the Sunny City, turned into a donkey by Dunno, a typical "book swallower", the founder of the book theater and Bukovka's friend. Favorite hobby- reading. I read books even on the go, walking down the street.

poppy- the baby who delivered the policeman Svistulkin to the hospital.

Shutilo and Korzhik- residents of the Sunny City, two witty friends. Candy factory drivers living together. The wounded Svistulkin, who made a mistake by the door, fell asleep in their apartment.

Chubchik- a gardener in Sunny City, who lives next door to Professor Kozyavkin. He also became a carnivore, which led the professor to the idea that carnivore is the result of the mindless imitation of the behavior of the turned donkeys by the short men.

flyazhkin- a friend of Shutila and Korzhik.

Pets[ | ]

Dogs appear as pets in the books.

Bulka- the dog of the hunter Pulka, who accompanies him on the hunt. Found in the first two books.

Milordic and Cesarino- the dogs of Mr. Klops, with which he poisoned Dunno as a punishment for eating raspberries. When Klops tried to shoot Dunno with a gun, he accidentally killed Cesarino.

Mimi and Roland- Mrs. Lamprey's dogs; Mimi is a small Chihuahua dog, Roland is a male poodle. Dunno looked after them and took them to a rooming house, visiting the sick Kozlik, for which he was fired with a scandal.

The world of literature has replenished with another bright work - a trilogy about the adventures of Dunno. The first of these books is "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". Summary This colorful, kind and cheerful story can definitely prompt the thought of reading it. Introduce your child to complete version works, and you will have to re-read it again and again.

Why do you want to read Nosov's books

Nikolai Nikolaevich, the author of the book, managed to become a favorite writer not only for children, but also for adults. This is because his works are both realistic and fabulous, children are taught goodness, and adults are immersed in the warm atmosphere of a joyful childhood.

The idea of ​​creating a book came to Nikolai Nosov when his son was born. He created original stories about life in his mind simple boys from the yard and told until the younger Nosov grew up. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" is why readers like it so much because they are close, understandable and witty. The author's love for children is read between the lines, and the books themselves are timeless, which is why they have not lost their attractiveness to this day.

"The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends": a summary

The events of the work take place in which shorty kids inhabit. That's what they call shorties. This is because they are "the size of a small cucumber", so the flowers, grass, leaves, insects surrounding them are simply huge. In these "jungles" shorties have adapted to live, build their houses, walk and even make scientific discoveries!

This small model of society, in which everyone is engaged in a certain business, has its own character and is responsible for their actions. The only one who does not do this is Dunno. This prankster is able to disturb the general peace with one of his appearances, but more on that later.

Shorties - who are they?

Acquaintance with all the characters occurs gradually, depending on what kind of trouble the main character, described in the work "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends", gets into. The summary of the book can fit into one of the chapter titles (there are 30 in total). For example, the section "How Dunno was an artist" tells about what kind of work it cost him to comprehend the basics of art, and the chapter entitled "How Dunno wrote poetry" tells what poetic masterpieces he managed to create (the rhyme "stick - herring" was remembered, probably, to all readers).

The fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" tells about short men as professionals or outstanding personalities. Even their names match this. Live here: Znayka (scientist, wears glasses and comes up with various scientific ideas), Dr. Pilyulkin (doctor), mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, creative personalities Guslya, Tube and Tsvetik (musician, artist and poet), culinary lovers Donut and Syrup, astronomer Steklyashkin. The features of the rest of the characters can not be explained, these are: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, the twins Avoska and Neboska.

Dunno and his team

The carefree and calm life of the Flower City is impossible without periodic outbreaks of pampering, intrigues and the elimination of the consequences of the chaos caused by Dunno. This uneducated fellow is always in the place where something has been smashed, someone's pigtails pulled or teased.

He is not distinguished by neatness - his tousled mop of hair always sticks out from under a huge hat, which the hero never takes off. Yes, and he lives according to the principle "why make a bed before going to bed, if you make it again in the morning?".

It should be noted that such behavior is not malicious intent. It is impossible not to love Dunno for his misdeeds, because he commits them out of curiosity and his childish spontaneity. His friends are Donut and Gunka. It just so happened that they are also not very useful to the rest of the inhabitants of the city. And where without a lady of the heart? This is Button. It is she who begins the hard work of teaching Dunno to read and write.

Adventures young hero and describes the book "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". The summary of his "victories" in the Flower City ends with how Znayka invents a balloon and the inhabitants are going to fly to other countries. Here the plot is just beginning to unfold and sends the reader along with the characters on an exciting journey with Dunno and his friends.

He came up with the story of Dunno back in the 50s. 20th century Since then, the book about funny shorties from the Flower City has become a tabletop for many generations of children. Animated films based on the Nosov trilogy were released not only in the Soviet period, but also in the era of the new Russian cinema. However characters fairy tales have not changed. Who are they, the characters of the cartoon "Dunno"? And how do they differ from each other?

The characters of "Dunno and his friends": the history of the creation of the cartoon in 1971

The first animated film about Dunno was released in 1959. It was called "Exactly at three fifteen." Then there were short films “Dunno is learning”, “Vintik and Shpuntik are funny masters”, made in the form of sketch sketches from the life of the Flower City. In 1971, finally, a cartoon was released in which all the characters of Dunno were collected. The picture was called "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." The cycle was made in puppet technique and included 10 mini-films. The plot of the animated picture was attended not only by Dunno himself, but also by his many friends: Znayka, Gunka, Pilyulkin, Vintik, Shpuntik, etc. The cartoon is now rarely broadcast on central television, it can only be seen on the Internet.

Characters of "Dunno": names. Cartoon "Dunno on the moon" 1997

Compared to other adaptations, the animated film "Dunno on the Moon", released in the late 90s, is much more popular. studio "Russian gold". Voice acting children's film Kristina Orbakaite, Klara Rumyanova, Mikhail Kononov were engaged. All the characters of Dunno are presented in this cartoon in all their glory. The cartoon is made in hand-drawn technique, it looks interesting and colorful.

It is not difficult to guess the plot from the title: with a light suggestion from the restless Dunno, the little ones decided to go to the moon. In the most amazing way, the ignoramus managed to get a real moonstone that creates weightlessness. On its basis, shorty Znayka built spaceship. However, the inhabitants of the Flower City refused to take Dunno with them to the moon. He gave them too much trouble. Then Dunno sneaked aboard the ship with his friend Donut. Inadvertently launching the mechanism, two friends went to the moon without Znayka and other short men. From this moment, the stormy adventures of Dunno begin on an unfamiliar planet.

Dunno and Znayka - antagonist characters

The characters of "Dunno" seriously differ from each other: each of the characters has a special appearance, his own specialization and interests. However, Dunno and Znayka invariably remain the main characters and antagonists in this story. The first is a rogue in bright yellow trousers and blue. He likes to participate in various troubles, constantly provokes stupid situations. Dunno can be described as a short man with great potential and quick wit, but an absolute unwillingness to learn and discipline himself. It cannot be said that the hero is stupid. He is simply ignorant, so everything goes wrong for him.

Another thing is Znayka. He is the complete opposite of Dunno. Always collected, thoughtful and responsible not only for himself, but also for others. Znayka is among the shorties of the Flower City. He always knows what needs to be done in a given situation, consistently manages the process. Sometimes the shorty's scholarship turns into tediousness, but the hero is also quite capable of spontaneous actions. Throughout all the cartoons, clashes constantly occur between Dunno and Znayka. It cannot be otherwise, because they look at this world differently

Residents of the Flower City

The characters of "Dunno" are not limited to only two main characters. At various points in the story, the adventures of the other shorties come to the fore. For example, one of the main characters in the cartoon "Dunno on the Moon" is Donut - a fat man who constantly dreams of food and feels hungry. Next to Dunno in the Flower City lives his close friend Gunka. This shorty walks around in old, tattered clothes. IN free time does something that is not clear.

But a short man named Pilyulkin is engaged in a very definite profession. This is the main healer in the Flower City. True, he treats all diseases exclusively with castor oil. It is impossible not to mention Vintik and Shpuntik. This funny duo is perhaps the hardest working in the whole city. Masters are constantly designing, creating, planing, sawing and repairing something. Also in the Flower City live Avoska and Neboska, Button and Pulka.

Inhabitants of the moon

Completely new characters are presented in the cartoon Dunno on the Moon. The characters Julio, Kozlik, Skuperfild are native lunatics. The first hero is a dishonest businessman, an arms dealer. Together with him, the corrupt police officer Migle is involved in the development of events. Scooperfield is a local millionaire, a terrible miser, and also stupid. Goat - in literally"scapegoat". This is an honest lunatic who constantly suffers because of his decency.

Other characters

Two more cities are mentioned in Nosov's book, the inhabitants of which appear in animated films about Dunno. In the Sunny City, for example, engineer Klyopka lives, as well as scientists Herring and Fuchsia. In the Green City you can meet the doctor Medunitsa, the poetess Samotsvetik and the agronomist Solomka.


  • 1 Avoska
  • 2 Screw and Shpuntik
  • 3 Wizard
  • 4 Gunka
  • 5 Julio
  • 6 Znayka
  • 7 Button
  • 8 Goat
  • 9 Miga
  • 10 Fly
  • 11 Dunno
  • 12 Motley
  • 13 Pilyulkin
  • 14 Donut
  • 15 Pulka
  • 16 Chamomile
  • 17 Blue-eyed
  • 18 Syrupchik
  • 19 Scooperfield
  • 20 Spruts
  • 21 Others
  • Notes


Characters in the books of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov about Dunno.

The name of each character is his brief description (as a person or main activity).

1. Avoska

String bag- Little Neboska's brother. He became famous for the fact that he liked to do everything "maybe". His favorite word is “maybe” (and Neboska, respectively, “probably”, cf. Oh and Ah).

The writer's grandson Igor Nosov notes that Avoska and Neboska in the novels of Nikolai Nosov could appear by analogy with the heroes of Gogol's Inspector Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

Dunno wrote a poem about Avoska: "Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow."

Together with other shorties, Avoska went on a trip in a hot air balloon. For this trip, he dressed in his ski suit, as he considered it very convenient for this kind of activity.

While traveling in a balloon, Avoska cut a hole in the balloon basket with a penknife in order to pour out the sand that Neboska scattered from the ballast bag. Thus, it contributed to the quick breakdown of the basket when it hit the ground.

In the Green City, Avoska worked as an assistant to Tubik. Tube made stencils for portraits, and Avoska painted them with the necessary colors.

2. Cog and Shpuntik

They live with Dunno and other shorties in the Flower City. As Nosov wrote about them, they were two very inventive and restless minds. Chief mechanics, carpenters, mechanics, etc. Flower City. Masters of all trades. Inseparable, as brothers should be.

They appear in all three books. Without them, the balloon and both rockets would not have been constructed.

3. Wizard

The only character from the trilogy who does not fit into the overall sci-fi concept of the work. Possesses supernatural powers. He has magic items, one of which (a magic wand) he gives to Dunno for use.

4. Gunka

Gunka- Dunno's best friend, lives in a flower city on Daisy Street. Dunno and Gunka often quarreled, but quickly reconciled.

One quarrel occurred because of Gunka's portrait, the second because Gunka was friends with the little ones, and Dunno did not like it.

In the Green City Dunno yearned for Gunka and returned with friends to the Flower City.

5. Julio

Julio- Arms dealer. Initially, he took part in the creation of Giant Plants JSC, but then was bribed by Spruts, and fled with Miga and Krabs.

6. Znayka

Znayka (Fig. A. Borisenko)

Znayka- a shorty, the eldest among the other shorties living in the Flower City. Znayka is very smart, as he reads a lot of books and is very inquisitive.

In addition, he is cautious with conclusions, but sometimes spontaneous. He can get into a fight, he can make a decision in the middle of the night and, without delay, leave early in the morning on business. Znayka wore a formal suit and glasses. Znayka has great authority among shorties. Znayka, without warning, summons Vintik and Shpuntik to the Sunny City, and they unconditionally obey. He is recognized in the scientific circles of the Solar City. Znayka's opponent is Professor Zvezdochkin, who subsequently reconciles with him, and they become friends.

7. Button

button (frame from the cartoon "Dunno in a Sunny City")

button- girlfriend of babies Mushka and Chamomile.

The button resembles Chamomile in character. Such a kind, sweet and educated little girl.

She got to know Dunno more closely thanks to her common passion for fairy tales.

The button made a trip to the Sunny City together with Dunno.

8. Goat

goat- a sleepwalker who has had his fill of life, who, despite all the problems that fall on him every day, is still trying to maintain the appearance of an honest little man. Dunno met him in the jail, where Kozlik ended up for sniffing a bagel in a bakery, which was regarded by the seller as an attempted theft. The life-wise Kozlik and the frivolous Dunno became good friends, which helped them survive in the difficult conditions of existence in the lunar world.

9. Miga

Miga Julio's friend and partner. He was bailed out of prison. Practical, witty and a rare scoundrel, however, according to Julio, the most honest and kind shorty. Initially, Miga, along with Julio, really wanted to help Dunno, but the rich of the city had other plans.

I met with Dunno in the jail, where he helped him adapt to the situation. Subsequently, he outwitted Julio, hiding with the money along with Krabs.

10. Fly

fly- girlfriend Chamomile and Buttons. Mushka's character is a bit absurd. Curious, but generally kind and good baby.

11. Dunno

Main character.

12. Motley

motley- he is Pachkula, he is Pachkuale Pestrini. Accompanied Dunno and Button to the Sunny City. He received his nickname from a wandering short man named Tsirkul, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Pyostrenky. He experienced many adventures during the trip, after which he decided not to contact Dunno again.

13. Pilyulkin

Pilyulkin- a general practitioner in the Flower City. He believes that healing should be not only curative, but also instructive. In this regard, he uses only castor oil (inside) and iodine (outside). The opponent (and, concurrently, a friend) is the doctor Medunitsa from the Green City.)

14. Donut

Donut (fig. G. Valka)

Donut- plump, a little tight-fisted, a little greedy, but in general, a kind and sympathetic little man.

Donut loves to eat. Especially all sorts of buns and pies. He also likes to drag all sorts of things into his room ( and suddenly come in handy!).

Donut made a flight to the moon together with Dunno. On the Moon (or rather, in the sublunar world), he tried to develop his own business, realizing his own personal characteristics and the earthly know-how known to him, but was quickly ruined by the local lunar oligarchs.

15. Pulka

Pulka- one of the 16 shorties from Kolokolchikov Street. The hunter has a gun that shoots corks and a dog, Bulka. After the balloon crashed, Bulka fled back to the Flower City, and Pulka sprained his leg and was treated for a long time at the Green City hospital near Medunitsa, where he became terribly insolent. When Pulka and his friends returned to the Flower City, Pulka met with Bulka.

16. Chamomile

Chamomile- a friend of Mushka and Buttons. He always walks in a skirt, with a bow on his head. The character is sweet, soft and kind-hearted.

17. Blue-eyed

Sineglazka- a baby from the Green City, where the travelers from the Flower City crash landed. Dunno during his stay in the Green City lived in the house where Sineglazka lived with other babies. Described as a fair and reasonable baby.

18. Syrupchik

Sakharin Sakharinovich Syrupchik- Shorty of the Flower City, who loves syrup and other delicious drinks. Likes to dress in plaid clothes.

19. Scooperfield

scooperfield- the character of the last book of the Dunno trilogy. A resident of the city of Brechenville, an incredible miser and greedy. At the same time, it's also a bit silly. An example is the facts of his behavior in the hotel, in the forest and on the train, as well as the instructions that he gave to his gorloderiks - to sell shares of giant plants at a furthing piece, as a result of which he almost went bankrupt, because by that time the Giant Plant Society had burst, and the shares became just paper, but he did not know anything about the news of the exchange, because he felt sorry for the money for newspapers. All my life I suffered from the fear of losing all my money. I got rid of this fear when I really lost all my money.

I got into the forest for the first time with the help of Krabs (Spruts's assistant), where he was tied up for a long time before the arrival of Migi and Julio. The latter wanted to receive a reward for their "care", but Skuperfield managed to escape from them by hitting one of them with a cane. Then he wandered through the forest, was bitten by ants. In the fog I came across a potato field, where I picked potato tubers, not suspecting what they were. Was chased away by the watchman.

He lost all his capital as a result of unsuccessful financial fraud with the shares of the Giant Plant Society. Because of the small salary, the workers of his factory rebelled and began to manage the factory themselves, which set an example for the rest of the lunatics. Subsequently, Skuperfield was reeducated and went to work at his own pasta factory. Since then, he has been going to the zoo every day, as he loves animals very much (especially after visiting the forest with Krabs) and nature.

20. Spruts

Spruts- the richest and most influential lunatic. He loves the current regime very much and reacts extremely painfully when someone tries to get rich without coordinating it with him. Even more, he dislikes those who get rich for good causes, as happens with the Giant Plant Society. He is a very dangerous opponent for positive characters, especially after he was able to lure the weak Migu and Julio to his side, but soon he has to find himself in a situation where his money is already powerless. True, this makes it even more dangerous.

21. Others

  • Bukovka (character) - Leaf's girlfriend.
  • Brykun is one of the donkeys turned into a short man by Dunno. Partner of Caligula and Pegasus.
  • Grumpy is a grumpy character, always dissatisfied with everything. Lives in Flower City.
  • Guslya is a musician of the Flower City.
  • Drigl is one of the moon cops.
  • Zvezdochkin
  • Caligula (character) - one of the donkeys turned Dunno into a short man. Partner of Brykun and Pegasik.
  • Klepka (character) is an engineer of the Solar City.
  • Klops is the owner of the garden where Dunno went down by parachute.
  • Krabs is the manager of the manufacturer Spruts.
  • Medunitsa is the doctor of the Green City.
  • Migl is one of the moon cops.
  • Silent (character)
  • sky
  • Pegasik is one of the donkeys of the Sunny City, turned into a shorty by Dunno. Partner of Brykun and Caligula.
  • confusion
  • Samotsvetik is the poet of the Green City.
  • Herring
  • Smekaylo is a writer from the town of Zmeyovka.
  • Steklyashkin - astronomer of the Flower City.
  • hasty
  • Tube - the artist of the Flower City.
  • Fix is ​​Klops' servant.
  • Figl (character) - One of the lunar policemen.
  • Fuchsia
  • Tsvetik is the poet of the Flower City.

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