Alexander Maslyukov KVN biography year of birth. Good girl from a good family


Name: Alexander Maslyakov

Age: 77 years old

Height: 170

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: married

Alexander Maslyakov: biography

Alexander Maslyakov - TV presenter, founder comedy program KVN, producer. During the creation of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, no one imagined that this game would turn into national movement and will go beyond television studios.

Maslyakov's brainchild today is a forge of qualified personnel Russian show business, alma mater of talented artists, parodists, producers and directors.

Childhood and youth

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was born in the capital of the Urals in 1941. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and then was listed in the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha was brought up by her mother Zinaida Alekseevna. 4 generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to break this family tradition naming their son Alexander.

After leaving school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), from which he graduated in 1966. In childhood and youth future star Russian television and did not think that he would become famous.

After graduating from the university, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. From 1969 to 1976, Maslyakov worked as a senior editor at the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth, after that - special correspondent.

Since 1981, Alexander Vasilievich worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.


Maslyakov got on television by chance, as a 4th year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the KVN team of the institute asked him to become one of the 5 TV presenters of a humorous program, which was filmed by the winning team of the last game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The humorous television show The Club of the Merry and Resourceful appeared in 1961. Its prototype was the program of Sergei Muratov "Evening of funny questions" in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech counterpart "Guess, guess, fortuneteller." At the evening, the questions were answered not by the teams, but by the viewers. The program was created by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival Edition of the Central Television”. On the 3rd edition of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the TV presenter, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

After 4 years, the creators of the "Evening of Funny Questions" released a new humorous program called "KVN". The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to traditional meaning The club of the cheerful and resourceful, the name hinted at the TV brand - KVN-49, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. After 3 years, he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. In his youth, Maslyakov did not broadcast alone, he was helped by soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. Subsequently, the man became the sole TV presenter, which he remains to this day.

For the first 7 years, KVN was released exclusively in live. But later, since the jokes of the teams sometimes related to Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be broadcast in recordings, after cutting out from them all the moments that were objectionable to the party leadership.

The then head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, so the State Security Committee began to closely censor the program. The KGB directives were sometimes simply absurd: for example, the participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, as this was seen as a mockery of. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed altogether.

The creative biography of Alexander Maslyakov at one time gave rise to many assumptions. So, the most common rumor was that at the same time as the closure of KVN in 1971, Maslyakov was in prison for currency fraud for several months. The TV presenter himself refuses to comment on this fact, arguing that with a criminal record he would no longer be allowed to soviet television.

The break after the closure of KVN lasted 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, at the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. Alexander Maslyakov remained the TV presenter.

In just a few releases, the program has gained the same popularity as in the 60s. A movement of the game arose, humorous competitions were held in schools, institutes and children's health camps. The geography of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful has noticeably expanded: they began to play in KVN Western Europe and America, in 1992 the first international game between the CIS countries and Israel, in which, after 2 years, the World Championship was held, where the teams of the CIS, Israel, Germany and even the USA participated.

In 1990 Alexander Maslyakov founded creative association"Alexander Maslyakov and Company" (abbreviated as "AMiK"). This company became the official organizer of the KVN games, as well as a number of related programs (“First League”, “Outside the Game”, “Voicing KiViN”, “Sense of Humor”, etc.). Alexander Vasilyevich is the host and head of a number of programs produced by the AMiK company.

In 2013, the only son of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. became the General Director of TTO AMiK LLC, replacing Naum Iosifovich Barulya, who previously held the post of director television program KVN.

Unlike Soviet years, when KVN went against the policy of the party, today the program is aired on Channel One and does not allow attacks on the current government. Moreover, in 2012, the host of KVN was a member of the "People's Headquarters" of the presidential candidate.

Putin himself, it must be said, does not remain in debt and has already visited the anniversary games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful several times in the status of prime minister and president. IN last time it happened in the fall of 2016, when the Club was celebrating another anniversary in the Kremlin Palace - 55 years of the game. In the summer of the same year, AMiK filed documents with Federal Service on intellectual property with a request to register the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

At the end of 2016, not only KVN celebrated its anniversary. Its permanent leader turned 75 years old. In this regard, several heads of the Caucasian republics that are part of the Russian Federation at once assigned Maslyakov honorary titles. So, Alexander Vasilyevich became people's artist Chechnya and received the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan. The man also received a medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Today, the structure of KVN includes a number of divisions: 4 television leagues, 8 central, 10 inter-regional and 49 regional leagues. The Club has an official website, a YouTube channel, and also has a profile on Instagram. Here are photos of KVN participants, short humorous miniatures of different years.

A television

The confidence with which Alexander Vasilyevich kept in the frame, competent speech, innate tact and great feeling humor made him an indispensable TV presenter. In addition to KVN, different years he hosted other programs. Among them were the talent show “Hello, we are looking for talents”, and sports and entertainment competitions “Come on, girls!” and “Come on, guys!”, Talk show “12th floor”, as well as humorous TV shows “Alexander show”, “ Funny boys and a sense of humour.

Leading "Come on, girls!" Alexander Maslyakov

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in programs unusual for him. So, in 1976 he held the second edition intellectual games"What? Where? When? ”, The author and creator of which was Vladimir Voroshilov (previously Maslyakov replaced him on the program “Come on, guys!” After the death of one participant). And in 1988, the famous TV presenter held the April Fool's Day issue of the Vzglyad program.

Maslyakov also acted as the host of the Sochi song festivals, in the late 70s he hosted the program "Song of the Year", conducted reports with international festivals youth and students, which took place in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

Leading "Songs of the Year" Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova

Cavalier of a number of Orders of Merit received in Russia, Ukraine and Chechen Republic, Honored Art Worker of Russia Alexander Maslyakov in 2002 received the prestigious Russian TV award "TEFI" in the special nomination "For personal contribution to the development of domestic television."

Maslyakov is considered a unique presenter who has worked on television for half a century and continues to do so to this day. In addition to KVN, which Maslyakov Sr. has been leading for so many years, he is a member of the jury of the Minute of Glory show, where he has established himself as a tough judge.

In 2016, the TV presenter released the book “KVN is alive! The most complete encyclopedia”, which included a description of events from the history of the Club of cheerful and resourceful, funny cases, behind-the-scenes tales, stories about jury members, popular jokes. The richly illustrated edition was a gift for fans of the game.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Vasilyevich is closely connected with the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. The wife of the TV presenter was Svetlana Maslyakova (nee Smirnova), who in 1966 got a job as an assistant director of KVN. After 5 years, Maslyakov and Smirnova got married, the woman to this day holds the position of director of the TV show.

In 1980, a son was born to the Maslyakovs, who continued the family tradition. After graduating from the Moscow state institute international relations, he acts as a TV presenter of the programs “Planet KVN”, “Outside the Game” and “Premier League of KVN”, and since 2013 he has been holding the post CEO paternal company "AMIK".

Alexander Alexandrovich, or, as the Premier League players affectionately call him, San Sanych, is married to Angelina Marmeladova. The daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr. is a journalist and writer who has published a number of novels. Today she is the director of the KVN House. In 2006, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya.

Maslyakov's granddaughter seems to follow in the footsteps of her relatives. When the girl was 5 years old, she stated that she wanted to lead KVN, like her grandfather and father. Already at the age of 9 she tried herself as a TV presenter charity concert"Adults and Children", which took place in May 2015 in concert hall"Russia". Pupils of the ensemble, where Taya has been studying since the age of 3, performed at the celebration dedicated to Children's Day. In addition to music, the girl draws a lot, skates, attends gymnastics training.

Now Taisiya is one of the TV presenters of the Children's KVN program, which is broadcast on the air of the STS channel. Moreover, the granddaughter of Alexander Maslyakov masters not only the skill of conducting popular show.

In 2016, she entered the stage of the "adult" KVN during the show " Homework» team major league the national team of the State University of Management and MISiS. Taisiya participated in a skit-parody on the show “Voice. Children". The girl believes that one day the children's KVN will become no less popular than the games of the Major League. The performance of the Children's KVN team took place on the air of Channel One at the Moscow Mayor's Cup. In addition to working on television, Taya is developing own YouTube channel, where he uploads travel videos.

Alexander Maslyakov now

In 2017, Alexander Maslyakov lost his position as director of the MMC Planet KVN. This happened after Transparency International published the results of an investigation into the center's illegal transactions.

The building "MMTS Planet KVN"

Later, the KVN press service clarified that the TV presenter own will. His departure from office coincided only in time with a request to the prosecutor's office.

Alexander Maslyakov Sr. still plays the role of TV presenter of the games of the Major League of KVN. In 2018, the project was dedicated to the release of the Tonight program, where, in addition to the founder of the TV show, there were popular ex-participants of KVN -

Today Russian television It is simply impossible to imagine without Alexander Maslyakov. Leaders, presenters, directors, producers change, new stars light up and burn out, and Alexander Vasilyevich, with his always slightly ironic and at the same time embarrassed smile, still modestly stands in the corner, pretending that he is almost superfluous on stage. But indeed, an ordinary Moscow engineer Sasha Maslyakov could live his life in a completely different way ...
If not for the Patriotic War, the son of a military pilot Vasily Maslyakov and housewife Zinaida Maslyakova would have been born in Leningrad. But after the outbreak of hostilities, his mother, who was in her ninth month of pregnancy, was forced to evacuate. Somewhere along the way, she gave birth to Sasha - the future TV academician and permanent head of KVN was born on November 24, 1941.
Maslyakov's childhood passed in Sverdlovsk and partly in Chelyabinsk. After the war, his father, a military pilot, was transferred to Main Headquarters Air Force in Moscow. Maslyakov finished school excellently, so the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT) accepted him, as they say, with open arms. However, he studied well at the institute, which did not prevent the artistic boy from studying in the student theater, trying himself in different roles.
In 1964, Maslyakov first got on television, although at first the young man did not really like the television authorities. “Unsightly boy,” one of the leaders issued a verdict, after which she waved her hand and dropped: “Although, let's try!”
The smiling student (Maslyakov was graduating from the institute at that time) from the first appearance on the stage showed himself to be a talented, witty, and most importantly, extremely restrained person. He came to the court - the young leader had a rustic, but pleasant face, good voice and the ability to keep yourself on stage.
In those years, KVN enjoyed unheard of popularity. Thanks to him, Maslyakov received invitations to other projects: “Come on, girls”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Addresses of the young”, “Bend” are also closely connected with his name. But in 1972, television and other officials, tired of fighting with sharp-tongued KVN officers, covered the program. It cannot be said that this unsettled Maslyakov, but a few years later his life underwent cardinal changes.
Trouble struck in 1974 - famous TV presenter sentenced for illegal currency transactions. In the USSR, it was forbidden to buy foreign currency at a bank or at an exchange office, as it can be done today. This was strictly followed. Those who dared to break the ban were severely punished. In 1961, the authorities unambiguously declared their attitude to such cases, introducing into the sanction articles for "illegal foreign exchange transactions" death penalty. In a few years, the number of Soviet citizens shot, accused of currency speculation, reached 8 thousand people. In the early 60s, a group of Moscow currency traders, led by a certain Rokotov and Faibishenko, fell under the "distribution". Young people were “smeared with brilliant green on their foreheads”, the rest were sent to prison for long years. And yet, even such harsh measures did not stop those eager to get rich. After all, a lot of money was earned on the currency - for example, $ 1.5 million was found in the same Rokotov during his arrest! And this was in the early 60s, when citizens of the USSR earned no more than 100 rubles a month.
Most often, the currency was bought and sold by artists, musicians, famous people who traveled abroad on "duty" basis. They had acquaintances of sellers who often collaborated with the KGB or OBKhSS (the department for combating the theft of socialist property). Chekists received information, after which they “took the fly” on those who violated the law. Further actions it is not difficult to predict - the "guilty" were offered to become "snitches". Those who refused were imprisoned, the rest wrote an "opera" together. It must be assumed that Maslyakov became a victim of such operational development. Judging by further events, Alexander Vasilievich made contact with law enforcement did not go. For which he got the deadline.
According to some reports, during the investigation, he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center, which local historians, in the absence of other celebrities who honored this institution with their attention, recall with pride. After the trial, Alexander Vasilievich was sent to colony No. 83/2 of the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region. Try all the charm of using strangers credit cards! at the lowest prices. Very high quality material! There he sat for only a few months, having served his term as a “man” and having gone free on parole. Although there are other versions of this. For example, the late Tver bard Mikhail Krug claimed that Maslyakov, who was imprisoned for currency fraud, was made a “cockerel” in the zone. It is known that the Krug maintained ties with criminal leaders and could know more than mere mortals. But we should not forget that among the "shadow" leaders there are also those who "for the sake of a red word will not spare their father." So let's leave this statement on the conscience of the bard and those who interviewed him.
It is noteworthy that the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service also maintain deathly silence regarding Maslyakov's criminal record. It is understandable - it is a long-standing matter and no one wants to wag their tongues in vain. Alexander Vasilyevich himself swears that there has never been such a page in his life. At the same time, people of the older generation claim that immediately after the story happened, one of the central newspapers published a feuilleton dedicated to Maslyakov, with the biting title "Sasha no longer laughs." So - who to believe, it is not clear. Presumably, to Alexander Vasilievich - firstly, because the one who laughs last laughs well. Secondly, the smile is a corporate brand famous TV presenter. And even if in his life there was difficult period, he managed to get out of everyday troubles without losing his natural love of life.
In the mid-80s, Alexander Vasilievich did everything to revive the fairly forgotten KVN. Having overcome many obstacles, he became its permanent leader, and after some time the president and founder of the AMiK company (Alexander Maslyakov and company). KVN has spread all over the world, wherever there are Russians. Alexander Maslyakov managed to connect the cheerful and naive sixties with our controversial and fast times.
Egor Schwartz

Alexander Maslyakov is a television journalist, permanent host of the KVN comedy and entertainment program, founder of the AMiK creative association.

The childhood of the future journalist

Alexander Vasilyevich was born in the autumn of 1941 in the Urals. He was brought up in a strict, intelligent family. The boy's father was a military man, his mother was a housewife. At school, Maslyakov studied well, distinguished himself by diligent behavior. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of becoming famous, but having received a matriculation certificate, he took a package of documents to MIIT.

Alexander Maslyakov in his youth

After graduating from the institute, Maslyakov worked by profession for several years, but at some point he realized that this was not his path. In 1969, Alexander got a job at the Main Editorial Board of Youth Programs, where he took the place of senior editor, and stayed there for 7 years. Then he was transferred to another department as a special correspondent. In 1981, the young man moved to the Expert TV studio.

Maslyakov got on television by accident, at the request of his friend, he became one of the 5 leading student programs of KVN. New look Alexander liked it, he even thought about the author's program. The first transmission of the modern version of the club of the cheerful and resourceful went on the air in 1961, but for a number of reasons it was closed after the second edition. The return of the project to the TV screens took place in 1965, Albert Axelrod became the host of the project, but after 3 years Maslyakov got his place.

Crumpled start to work in KVN

For the first 7 years, the KVN program aired exclusively live, but due to Soviet ideology and strict principles, this idea had to be abandoned. Subsequently, all episodes were heavily censored before being aired. In the end, it got to the point of absurdity, so the participants in the show were strictly forbidden to wear a beard, because it defiled the image of Karl Marx. As a result of such upheavals, the broadcast of KVN was completely stopped.

Alexander Maslyakov at the beginning of his career

In 1986, thanks to the captain of the MISI-60 team, the Club of the cheerful and resourceful nevertheless returned to the TV screens. The leader of the project was still Alexander Maslyakov. In the new format, the program has become even more popular. It was played in schools, colleges, universities, and not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad.

Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova

In 1990 Alexander decided to open own project, which was called "AMIK". It was this creative association that became a permanent sponsor of the KVN games at various levels. Under this label, various entertainment programs. Modern releases of a humorous battle differ significantly from Soviet releases, where participants could criticize the current government to the nines.

Alexander Maslyakov managed the AMiK company

The brainchild of Maslyakov supports the policy of the incumbent president, who has been repeatedly invited to final games KVN. At the same time, Vladimir Putin did not refuse invitations, and made several return visits. In 2013, Alexander Vasilyevich handed over the reins of the AMiK company to his only son, whom the participants call San Sanych.

Alexander Maslyakov on the stage of KVN

In addition to the KVN TV show, Maslyakov hosted such projects as: “Hello, we are looking for talents!”, “Come on guys!”, “12th floor”, “Sense of humor”. His work has been highly acclaimed by numerous, prestigious awards.

Alexander Maslyakov and Vladimir Putin

Happy family man

Alexander met his wife Svetlana in 1966. She worked as an assistant director of the KVN program. For about 5 years, young people met, learned closer friend friend. Then Maslyakov made a marriage proposal to his beloved girl, and they registered the marriage.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

In 1980, the Maslyakov family was replenished, the first-born son Alexander was born. The guy followed in the footsteps of his parents, and graduated from MGIMO. In 2006, the son of the eminent presenter had a daughter, Taya, who also keeps up with her creative relatives. The girl has already tried herself as a leading charity project, dedicated to the Day child protection.

The son of Alexander Maslyakov with his wife and daughter

In December 2017, Maslyakov Sr. was at the center of a scandal, he is accused of numerous frauds while working in the KVN project. This was the reason for the dismissal of Alexander Vasilyevich from the post of the State Unitary Enterprise. The investigation was conducted by independent experts, who passed the available facts about corruption to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

About the life of the famous public figures read

Where Maslyakov was sitting ...

The popularity of some people is so high that it leads to all sorts of historical disputes. So in Ancient Greece seven cities disputed the right to be considered the birthplace of the great Homer. IN modern Russia this tradition was taken up settlements, claiming that it was in their colony that the permanent host of KVN Alexander Maslyakov served his term of imprisonment.

“Don’t you know?!”, residents of the Verkhnekamsky district are surprised Kirov region. “Everyone here knows that Maslyakov was imprisoned in Lesnoy. Years later, he was even invited here for some kind of anniversary: ​​“Welkom, Alexander Vasilyevich! Lesnoy is waiting for you again! But he refused."
The version about the Tver trace of the main "kaveenshchik" was once launched by the singer Mikhail Krug. Express-gazeta then turned to AMiK for comments, and Efimov, the KVN administrator, officially assured that Maslyakov had never been in jail. Only Krug insisted: “No, it’s true, he was sitting on our “weave”. Everyone in Tver knows this.”

The vast majority of Internet resources agree that Rybinsk had the honor of hosting the future president of KVN. Although, they are probably just copying the news from each other. Pretty much the way it did" Russian newspaper– Week”: “According to the media, Alexander Maslyakov spent several months in colony 83/12 of the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region.” Found a certain former employee this colony Safonov, who confirmed this version: “For the administration of the zone, Maslyakov was an ordinary convict, like the rest. Quiet, intelligent, he did not particularly annoy the authorities.

However, the patriots of the territories do not agree with such a falsification of history. Here are a few quotes from various forums and sites that refute the championship of Rybinsk.

“In fact, he was serving a term in the Udmurt colony st. Karkalay. At that time, buying and selling dollars was considered a very serious crime, but the case was presented as insignificant, Maslyakov served a short term and was released ahead of schedule a few months later.

“Maslyakov was serving his sentence on the outskirts of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, in a colony general regime. There is even a hut with the name "Maslyakovsky", or simply - "KVN". The inmates wanted to install a memorial plaque on the barracks and name the street on which the barracks are located after KVNshchik.
“He was sitting in the 70s for sure, in the Tula region, the city of Donskoy, with Gusman, for currency matters!” Like, local historians, in the absence of other celebrities, are proud of this fact.

"Maslyakov was in Tagil, so he never missed our teams."

In general, the story is dark, from the distant past - the beginning of the seventies, each time starting with the dubious "according to some reports." According to some information from the blogger, in 1972, the captain of the KVN team of the Dental Institute, when leaving for Israel during a customs inspection at Sheremetyevo, was arrested for trying to take out of the country about a kilogram precious stones. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that Maslyakov handed over the stones for sale to him, and he received 8 years in prison under Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Illegal transactions with currency values”. However, the Minister of Culture Furtseva allegedly stood up for the talented TV presenter, who put the corresponding letter on the table to Brezhnev. In 1974, Maslyakov's sentence was reviewed, the term was reduced, and he himself was released on parole.

The president of KVN himself completely denies the fact of his short stay in places not so remote. And the questions for this topic cause him by no means a cheerful and resourceful reaction, but obvious irritation and anger. He even got a certificate of no criminal record. However, despite the presence of a certificate, which can be completely consulted on Odessa import, there is no reason not to believe Alexander Vasilyevich. Although, it seems, in vain he does not want to use such a stable rumor to further popularize the game, after all, in Russia, every fourth adult man was directly related to the prison re-education system.

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Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Little Sashenka could rightfully be proud of his dad. He served as a navigator and military pilot who went through the Great Patriotic War. In peaceful postwar period served in the General Staff of the Air Force. The boy was born on the way to the evacuation.

She dearly loved her little son and devoted quite a lot of time to his upbringing. By the way, all the men of the Maslyakov family were called Vasily, only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to name her son Sasha, which violated the tradition that had developed over the years.

The guy successfully graduated from school, and after that he applied to the Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow. He did not take part in KVN games, but now and then flashed in theatrical productions.

After graduating from the institute, Alexander Vasilyevich worked for a long time as an ordinary engineer, but the dream of working on television did not leave.

The thing was that in the fourth year Sasha was invited to become one of the five leading KVN. The winning team of the previous games was supposed to shoot a humorous program, and young Maslyakov, among others, led it. Sasha literally fell ill with television.

In 1968, Alexander graduated from the Higher Courses for Television Workers, and a little later, additional courses for television workers. The talented young man was noticed almost immediately and invited to host youth programs. Also, Maslyakov worked for eight years as a senior editor of youth programs. He later worked as a special correspondent and commentator. Was in demand at the Experiment studio.

Alexander led popular programs aimed at a youth audience. Among them, I would like to highlight “Come on, girls”, “Turn”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Funny guys”, “Song of the year”. For a very long time, Alexander Vasilievich shone as the host of world youth and music television festivals, entertainment television programs. Few people know, but he became the first croupier of the program “What? Where? When? ”, hosted one of the episodes of the TV show“ Vzglyad ”.

One of the brightest pages in Maslyakov's life can be called the KVN game. Alexander Vasilievich has been directing this program for many years. Also, he directs and leads this humorous project. He heads the International Union of KVN. Maslyakov was seen several times as a member of the jury at KVN field festivals. In the early releases of this program, he appeared on stage with Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Maslyakov considers the closure of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful in 1974 on a far-fetched occasion to be a personal tragedy. The broadcast of the program resumed only after fourteen years. Alexander Vasilievich returned to the post of TV presenter, but Svetlana Zhiltsova flatly refused to host KVN.

Maslyakov invented and headed the AMiK creative association, which still organizes KVN games throughout the country. Also, the KVN brand was registered in the name of Maslyakov, although the issue here is rather controversial.

TEFI Award nominee, holder of the Order of Merit. He was a member of the People's Staff of Vladimir Putin, who at that time was running for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov

The whole life of Alexander Vasilyevich was constantly connected with the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. For a long time Svetlana Zhiltsova, who hosted KVN television programs with him, was considered his wife. However, Maslyakov frankly laughed at such statements and denied a close relationship with his partner.

The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov has never been a secret for the fans around him, journalists and colleagues.

Beloved wife of Alexander Maslyakov

Maslyakov's wife, Svetlana Smirnova, appeared in his life in 1966. This year, she began working as an assistant director on Maslyakov's favorite brainchild - KVN. Five years later, the couple started a family. They are happy together and have been married for over forty years.

Svetlana Maslyakova works as a KVN director to this day.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. - son of Alexander Vasilyevich

In 1980, a couple of Maslyakovs had a son, who was named after his father Sasha. The boy wanted to become either a politician or a policeman, but he resolutely rejected the career of a TV presenter.

Later, the genes, apparently, took their toll, and Alexander Maslyakov Jr. - the son of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - after studying at MGIMO, nevertheless became not a diplomat, but a leader. For a long time he has been leading the KVN Premier League and Planet KVN.

Maslyakov's son has a Ph.D. in economics. He heads the company "AMIK", as the chief director.

Cheerful and resourceful family of Alexander Maslyakov

The Maslyakov family is friendly, cheerful and resourceful. It is headed by Alexander Vasilyevich's beloved wife, Svetlana, who not only knows how to masterfully direct the performances of KVN teams, but also creates coziness and a warm atmosphere in the house.

The family of Alexander Maslyakov replenished when his son Sasha married Angelina Nabatnikova. The girl works as the director of the KVN House. She is a talented publicist and bright journalist.

In 2006, the most beloved granddaughter of Alexander Vasilyevich, Taisiya, was born. The girl, like her mother, does not miss a single KVN game played by her famous grandfather.

Why was Alexander Maslyakov in prison?

Yes, for nothing. It is a fiction that Alexander Maslyakov was in prison. There was no photo of this incident anywhere. Most likely, this is an information stuffing that corrupt media do for the benefit of some goal

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