What is the difference between fiction and science fiction? Examples.


When asked what is different artistic text from scientific set by the author Olga Gracheva the best answer is What is the difference between a literary text and a scientific one?

Answer from chevron[expert]
scientific style
Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in this or that scientific field; the authors of the texts this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.
Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and real nouns.
The scientific style exists predominantly in writing. monologue speech. His genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. style features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), clarity, generalization.
Art style
Artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.
The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and publicistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; used to create images language tools.

Answer from black-hundred[expert]
The first embellishes, the second sets out FACTS and EVIDENCE! Thank you.

Answer from Lana+[guru]
The scientific text will be from special terms

Answer from groan[guru]
Simply put:
Scientific style involves the use of emotionally neutral words, and impersonal sentences.
Words like: fool, stink, blatant, torment, whore, drunkard are not allowed. Such words are replaced scientific terms or neutral words. Science has its own vocabulary. It is dry and boring. The main task is to convey information, not to entertain.
Such sentences are not allowed: I think ... In my opinion...
Replaced by: There is a point of view... The author believes...
Art style. Here the word is a tool, the task is to convey an image, feelings. Each writer shows his mastery of the word. Everything is possible here, the main thing is that it works for the plot, for creating an image, and that it meets the general aesthetics and does not contradict the rules of the language.

Answer from Varvara Verzilova[newbie]
scientific style
Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.
Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and real nouns.
Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), clarity, generalization.
Art style
Artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.
The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and publicistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

The world of literature is amazing and diverse, there are a great many books, and their most basic division is into scientific and artistic. Let's see how they differ.


difference fiction from scientific consists in the purpose of writing a work. So, if a novel, story or poem can give the reader aesthetic pleasure, gives him the opportunity to immerse himself in the world of the author's intention, then a reference book or Scientific research has more mundane motives - communication of certain facts, hypotheses, analysis of a phenomenon. To write such works, as a rule, not only the knowledge of a particular scientist is used, but also the systematization of data on a particular subject, the achievements of researchers of past years are described. They argue or agree with them. The purpose of a scientific treatise is to inform colleagues about the discovery made, to secure the right to it.


If there is a plot in a work of art, then it is not in a scientific treatise or monograph, the text is a consistent presentation of facts, attempts to interpret and explain them, and contains hypotheses. The presentation is strictly logical, while in a novel or story the author can work with several time plans, looking ahead or going back.

At the same time, in one work there can be a number of storylines, and a work or treatise describes several phenomena or objects, but the presence or absence of a plot will make it possible to distinguish one work from another.

Use of artistic techniques

What is the difference between fiction and scientific literature in terms of design? First of all, for the first, not only the content is important, but also the form. The writer is the master of the word. He tries to clothe his thoughts in perfect shape, therefore, actively uses tropes: sonorous epithets, bright catchy comparisons, hyperbole, parallelism. Oxymorons and euphemisms help to achieve a special effect. For example, Tolstoy's play is called The Living Corpse. This is an oxymoron, that is, a combination of words that do not match in meaning. In reality, a corpse cannot be alive. But it is this trope that helps the author to characterize the character of the protagonist, Fedor Protasov, his torment and quest, the desire to die.

But the scientific literature does not use the trail. The speech of a scientist is always accurate, the object or phenomenon being studied is described in detail, clearly. Of course, the researcher can use comparisons and definitions, but only in order to describe the object of his work in as much detail as possible. Exaggerations, oxymorons in a strict treatise are unacceptable.


Another difference between fiction and scientific literature is the presence or absence of heroes. So, in a novel or a poem, there must be actor. In "Eugene Onegin" it is Onegin himself, Tatyana, Lensky, Olga. In the course of the story, different events happen to them, the characters undergo personal evolution, communicate with each other. Some characters are the main ones, key to revealing the author's intention, others are secondary, necessary to play out any situation with the main characters or also to express the ideas of the writer. Individual characters in a work of art may die in the course of the story, which also makes it possible for the writer to convey important information to his reader. For example, the murder of Lensky in a duel in Pushkin's novel suggests that Onegin, despite the ability and ability to think, has not yet departed from the rules imposed by a society despised by him.

IN scientific treatises and work is different. They don't have a hero. You can, of course, conditionally call the subject and object of research heroes, but there is no author's fantasy in what happens to them. Scientists present all the facts, based on their own observations, and conjecture may also take place. For example, when describing an insect unknown to science, an entomologist may assume the purpose of a particular organ. Therefore, in an article or monograph there are the words "I suppose", "I suppose", "hypothesis". Gradually, already in other works, each hypothesis is tested by facts and refuted or confirmed.


Another difference between fiction and scientific literature is their use of different genres. So, for the artistic, first of all, the division into prose and poetry is characteristic, within which a story and a novel, an elegy and a thought, a play and a fairy tale stand out. Each genre has its own specifics and distinctive features. The world of scientific works is also quite diverse: these are treatises, articles, reviews, reports, abstracts, reviews.


Capaciously and briefly present in the table the differences between fiction and scientific literature. This will help you remember the material faster and, if necessary, refresh it in your memory.

The table shows the key differences between fiction and scientific literature. In conclusion, we note that contemporary authors often try to combine features, for example, setting out in scientific work information emotionally and expressively. However, taking into account the scope of application, it is always possible to quickly determine whether a particular work belongs to scientific or artistic literature.

Artistic style is a complex alloy, which reflects all the richness national language. It is possible to combine elements of all styles here. literary language. means artistic word through a system of images, the artistic style influences the mind, feelings and will of readers, forms their ideological convictions, moral qualities and aesthetic tastes.

Imagery distinguishes the artistic style from other styles. The use of linguistic means is due to its purpose - to figuratively recreate reality. The language of fiction is characterized by an exceptional richness of vocabulary and phraseology. Historicism, archaisms, dialectisms, elements of vernacular, even jargon are introduced in works of art. An example of archaisms: Mute mouths open.

An example of dialectisms: “In Yaremche, not far from the waterfall, a Hutsul was sitting in a captarik, in a keychain, in an embroidered shirt and smoking a pipe. Nearby lay linen besags with some kind of kadibok, bought in Yaremche at the fair, the besagas stretched out their legs in white gachas.

In the artistic style, emotionally expressive vocabulary is widely used: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms, phraseological units. A variety of methods are used to convey thoughts (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, symbols, etc.).

scientific style

The main function of scientific style is communication. The works written in this style contain scientific information, therefore, it is subject to strict requirements in compliance with the norms.

The scope of the scientific style is scientific and scientific-technical works intended for specialists, textbooks for higher schools.

The main purpose of the style is to present the consequences of research about a person, society, natural phenomena, substantiate hypotheses, prove the truth of theories, classify and systematize knowledge, explain phenomena, excite the reader's intellect to comprehend them.

The main features of the scientific style: clarity and objectivity of interpretations, logical consistency and evidence of presentation, generalization of concepts and phenomena, objective analysis, accuracy and conciseness of statements, argumentation and persuasiveness of statements.

The main feature of the scientific style is terminology. The world described in terms. Often defined different concepts, phenomena, processes, etc. Since the basis of terminological vocabulary is nouns, this part of speech in the scientific style is represented more than other parts of speech, for example, verbs. In the works of scientific literature, common words are nouns formed from new, verbal and adjective roots with the help of various generalizing suffixes:

  • awn: property, humidity, consciousness, duration;
  • nn (i): competition, ignoring, prosperity;
  • Ann (I): relationships, relationships;
  • inn (i): understanding, conscience;
  • stv (o): students, peasantry;
  • tstv (o): production, cooperation;
  • ats (iya): aviation, mechanization;
  • ism: historicism, aphorism;
  • ism: humanism, Darwinism.

Works in a scientific style saturated with abstract vocabulary. Common words are used, as a rule, only in one of their meanings.

In the scientific style, repetition of the same words in a small text is allowed. This is due to the need to accurately and unambiguously express an opinion.

“The wire is insulated with a thin layer of scale, so the turns of the wire are insulated from each other. A metal rod is placed above the winding, along which the slider can move. The slider with its contacts is pressed against the turns of the winding. From the friction of the slider on the coils, the scale layer under the contacts of the slider is erased, and the electric current in the circuit passes from the turns of the wire to the slider. And through it - into a rod with a clamp at the end. (From textbook)

IN scientific speech dominated complex sentences, especially complex subordinate, participial and adverbial phrases, plug-in and plug-in designs. This emphasizes the bookish nature of the scientific style, which allows for a logical and consistent presentation of information.

Literature is an indispensable part of the culture of every country. Without it, it would be impossible to exchange information, learn last news or study science. In all its splendor, literature appears before readers in various genres. And it is often difficult to choose which book to give preference to. Especially often such torments arise when the reader does not know what is the difference between fiction and scientific literature. Well, let's try to help him.

It all starts with theory

Before classifying texts into artistic and scientific, it is worth arming yourself with theoretical knowledge in this area. That is, to learn about what scientific and fiction literature is.

  • Fiction is a kind of art, the main component of which is the word.
  • Scientific literature - is written works, which were created in the course of certain studies using some scientific method. This one is intended to provide information to scientists about the latest developments in their field.

If you look only at these definitions, it is impossible to understand what, in fact, is the difference between fiction and scientific literature, except for the target audience.

What is style?

Therefore, it is worth studying this issue in more detail. Fiction and non-fiction did not receive original titles. The thing is that the first is created by artists, and the second is full of formulas. It's all about the features (or, as they say, styles) of writing the text.

Style is the layout of the text. This is a kind of "clothes" of the text. Speaking scientifically, style is a system of language means and methods that are used to present any information. Each system and method is used in certain cases.

What is the difference between fiction and scientific literature? First of all, in the style of the text. And if you analyze in more detail, then you need to know about the features of the textual conventions of each style.

Artistic speech style

This style is emotional and expressive. The author of the text is mainly focused on displaying images and emotions, which, in fact, captivates readers.

The main features of the artistic style:

  • The hero and the narrator in one bottle - a free reflection of his "I".
  • The text conveys images, emotional background and mood of the characters.
  • The author can use many stylistic constructions in the text: homonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, obsolete words, hyperbolas, etc. The choice of wording is unlimited.
  • In a literary text, the author can apply many different styles, beautifully "fitting" them to the general author's style.
  • Words always have a hidden meaning.

The main purpose of the text in this style is to convey emotions, to create a certain mood in the reader. This is the first difference between fiction and scientific literature.

scientific style

However, that's not all distinctive characteristics styles. It is impossible to compare artistic and scientific style without saying anything about the features of the content.

  • The author is objective and impartial. The pronouns "we" or "they" appear in the text.
  • Lots of terminology and speech clichés. No or minimal use
  • The text is static and reads slowly due to the abundance of adverbs, adjectives and nouns.
  • The text is structured logically, presented consistently, according to the theses.
  • Many introductory words that explain phenomena or concepts.

This is another difference between fiction and scientific literature.

A little about popular science

Many readers tend to confuse non-fiction with non-fiction. Popular science literature is a literary text about science. It is intended for both experienced researchers and the general public. The difference between fiction and popular science literature is that the latter combines the main features of the two literary styles. Here you can find images, emotions, and dry information that frightens with formulas and terminology.

Plan and example

There is a big difference between fiction and non-fiction. To summarize everything written, it is worth giving a practical example.

The difference between fiction and scientific literature (examples):

  • Art style: “The first rays of dawn were already rattling on the horizon, but no one in the camp paid attention to them. Each soldier was immersed in his own thoughts. Someone was cleaning the muzzle of the machine gun, someone was finishing the last lines of the letter, and someone was looking indifferently in the direction where the enemy was located. The decisive battle was to take place today. The whole night no one was able to close their eyes, and the minutes of early morning crawled like snails, until someone shouted: “It has begun!” ... "

  • scientific style: “The Berlin offensive operation began on the morning of April 16, 1945. 9,000 Soviet guns and mortars hit the German positions. Within minutes, the first line of defense was destroyed. Air bombers attacked the German artillery and headquarters. 2145 units of German military equipment were destroyed ... Germany announced its surrender on May 8, 1945.

These two texts tell about the beginning of the Berlin offensive operation- the last battle in the Great Patriotic war. And if you draw up a plan: “The difference between fiction and scientific literature,” then it will look like this:

  1. IN scientific text will always be:
  • exact dates and figures;
  • a list of the main operating elements;
  • assessment of what is happening;
  • attention to significant moments;
  • overall results;
  • figures, protocols, statements.
  1. Artistic text includes:
  • impressions about what is happening;
  • description of the place where the events take place;
  • means of expression that make the reader experience;
  • reality is painted in living pictures.

Even the small examples presented correspond to most of the points of the plan. What is the difference between fiction and scientific literature is briefly described in the article. If the first is something sublime, sensual and spiritual, then the second is its direct opposite - it sets out the main facts using complex terminology and, forgetting about the aesthetics of speech turns, stubbornly strides towards the goal. We can say that they are like heaven and earth. It's pointless to compare them. However, it is impossible to imagine the world of culture as without works of art, and without scientific papers.

Literature is a very broad field of knowledge. Let's try to deal with it. Texts - that's what they call literature in the very general view. And then there are styles. The text or work can belong to one of the styles: artistic, scientific, official business or journalistic. Therefore, the first difference between fiction and scientific literature is the stylistic component. In general, fiction is a kind of literature that uses all the available language possibilities for writing. plot work. We are approaching the two "pillars" of fiction: the variety of linguistic forms, stylistic devices (remember all these crazy expressive descriptions nature in novels) and the presence of a plot. Fiction This is a story, this is a life described in words. Scientific literature- this is a type of literature that is applied in nature and aims to explain phenomena, hypotheses, and the like. Moreover, most often this is a plotless essay in which there are no linguistic delights.

Scientific literature is made scientific by an abundance of cognitive information: numerical data, graphs and diagrams, dates, proper names. All this helps us to perceive information. As for fiction, it is replete with aesthetic and emotional information - we read it to enjoy, distract, pass the time, and so on. From this follows the difference in the target groups of potential readers of scientific and fiction, because often scientific literature is professional, and fiction, in turn, is designed for a certain age of readers: children's and teenage fiction are distinguished. It must be understood, however, that some literary works successfully combine best features both styles: artistic and scientific.

People who read predominantly non-fiction and people who prefer fiction exist because fiction and scientific literature actually have much more differences than similarities.

Findings site

  1. Fiction and non-fiction is different styles literature;
  2. Fiction - plot and metaphorical, allegorical - which cannot be said about scientific literature;
  3. Fiction puts aesthetics high, but the main goal of scientific literature is to teach and convey information;
  4. Fiction and scientific literature is dominated by different types information;
  5. Often, fiction and scientific literature are designed for different groups population due to its specificity.

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