All the heroes of the work are master and margarita. The main characters of The Master and Margarita


""fantasy novel", which was created by Bulgakov in the last twelve years of his life, is recognized the best work a writer in which he, as if "summarizing what he had lived", managed to comprehend with amazing depth and with deep artistic persuasiveness to embody his understanding of the fundamental issues of life: faith and disbelief. God and the Devil, man and his place in the universe, the soul of man and its responsibility before the Supreme Judge, death, immortality and meaning human existence, love, good and evil, the course of history and the place of man in it. It can be said that Bulgakov left readers a testament novel, which not only "gives surprises", but also constantly raises questions, the answers to which each of the readers must find in correlating the work with their own ideas about what these "eternal Problems".

The composition of the novel "The Master and Margarita", which is rightly called a "double novel", is very interesting - after all, the "Romance of Pontius Pilate", created by the Master, is jewelry "inscribed" in the novel itself, becoming an integral part of it, making this work in genre plan unique: the opposition and unity of the two "novels" form a kind of fusion of outwardly incompatible methods of creating a narrative, which can be called "Bulgakov's style". Here special meaning acquires the image of the author, who occupies a significant place in each of the novels, but manifests itself in different ways. In the "Master's novel" about Yeshua and Pilate, the author deliberately withdraws himself, as if he is not in this almost chronologically accurate presentation of events, his "presence" is expressed in the author's view of the depicted, inherent in the epic, the expression of his moral position, as it were, "dissolves" in the artistic fabric works. In the “novel” itself, the author openly proclaims his presence (“Follow me, my reader!”), He is emphatically biased in depicting events and characters, but at the same time, his author’s position cannot be easily understood, it in a special way"hidden" in buffoonery, mockery, irony, deliberate credulity and other artistic devices.

The philosophical basis of the moral position of the writer are the ideas " good will" and "categorical imperative" as mandatory conditions existence human personality and a rationally arranged society, and it is they who serve as a "touchstone" for evaluating each of the heroes and historical events depicted in both novels, which are related in common moral situation: the era of Yeshua and the era of the Master is a time of choice that each of the heroes and society as a whole has to make. In this regard, the opposition of these central images is obvious.

"Yeshua, nicknamed Ha-Nozri"in the novel" The Master and Margarita "is a person who initially carries goodness and light in himself, and his attitude to the world is based on the moral strength that is inherent in this weak, defenseless person, who is in the power of the procurator Pilate, but stands immeasurably higher all those who seem to have power over him.There is a lot of debate about how close the image of Yeshua is to evangelical Christ, but, with their undoubted similarities, what distinguishes them is that Bulgakov's heroes initially do not perceive themselves as the Messiah, he is primarily a man in his behavior and attitude towards himself. However, this is only because, in fact, he is the one higher power, which determines everything that happens - and it is he who "decides the fate" of the heroes, it is with him that Woland argues in a special way, restoring justice trampled in the world of "Massolites" in his own way, in the end, it is to him that all the thoughts of the heroes of the novel are turned, realize or no they are. We can say that the image of Yeshua in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is spiritual center works, this is the moral principle that ensures the possibility of the existence of the world.

Image of the Master in the novel The Master and Margarita tragic image a person who was given the "gift of the Word" from above, who managed to feel it, to fulfill the mission entrusted to him - but then he was unable to maintain himself at the moral height to which he was raised by his creativity. Unlike Yeshua, the bearer and embodiment of "good will", the Master is only temporarily imbued with the idea of ​​serving goodness as the basis of life, but a real collision with this very "life" (denunciation by Aloisy Magarych, Professor Stravinsky's clinic) forces him to betray himself, then the best thing in him was to renounce not only his novel, but, in fact, everything that was connected with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btransforming life. As a human being, one can understand a person who has been “well-finished” (to use Woland’s expression) and who admits his defeat: “I hated this novel and I’m afraid .. Now I’m nobody .. I don’t want anything else in life ... I have there are no more dreams and inspirations" However, each of the people in life has its own path, God's Providence determines the place of each of us in this world, and therefore the Master, who renounced his novel (and therefore, from himself), it turns out, "did not deserve light, he deserved peace", which, probably, can heal his tormented soul in order to ... but then where can he get away from the memories of his surrender to the world of everyday life and lack of spirituality? ..

The bearer of the highest justice in Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is Woland, Satan, who arrived with his retinue in Moscow in order to "see Muscovites", in order to understand how " new system"changed people who, as he knows very well, are not inclined to become better. Indeed, the "session" in which Muscovites are completely "exposed" (and not only in literally words), Styopa Likhodeev and other satirically depicted images seem to convince him that "these townspeople" have not changed "internally", so he has every reason to draw his little optimistic conclusion: "... people are like people , ... ordinary people...". However, the story of the Master and Margarita shows Satan that in this world of "ordinary" people there is something that goes back to completely different moral categories - there is selfless, devoted love, when "He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves."

Dedication margaritas, ready to cross the line separating Good from Evil for the sake of saving a loved one, is obvious, but here Bulgakov shows us not just love, but love that opposes generally accepted norms, elevating people who seem to violate these norms. After all, Margarita's relationship with the Master is a violation of her marital fidelity, she is married, and her husband treats her wonderfully. But this "marriage without love", which turned into torment, turns out to be untenable when the heroine finds herself in the grip of a real feeling that sweeps aside everything that prevents people from being happy.

Probably, Margarita's readiness to save her beloved at any cost is also due to the fact that she feels guilty for having delayed leaving her husband for too long, the punishment for which was the loss of the Master. But, having agreed to become the queen of Satan's ball, having gone through everything that was prepared for her, in the very last moment the heroine turns out to be unable to do what she went through such trials for - she asks Woland not to return her beloved, but about the unfortunate Frida, who was promised help ... Probably, here we can talk about the complete triumph of "good will", and it is precisely by this act of hers that Margarita proves that, in spite of everything, she is a truly moral person, because the words "cherished and prepared in her soul", she could not pronounce ... And how would she herself she did not convince that she was a "frivolous person", after all, Woland was right: she was a "highly moral person." It's just not her fault that she lives in a world where true moral values ​​are inaccessible to most people.

Of great importance in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is the image of the poet Ivan Homeless, who later became Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev. This person, a gifted poet ("pictorial ... power ... of talent"), after meeting with the Master, understands his moral unpreparedness to be a servant of the Word, he is, as it were, a disciple of the Master, who consciously deviates from the chosen path, thereby repeating the fate of his teachers.

The satirical "layer" of the analyzed Bulgakov's novel is very convincing, here the writer uses a wide palette visual means- from humor to farce and grotesque, he draws a society of people busy with their petty affairs, settling in life at any cost, from flattery to denunciations and betrayal. Against the backdrop of authentic moral relations such a “life” of the main characters cannot but cause condemnation, but the writer pities most of his heroes rather than condemns them, although, of course, such images as Berlioz and the critic Latunsky are written out very unambiguously.

Back to the image of Woland. His "activities" in Moscow became a special form of restoring justice - in any case, he punished those who could not be punished, and helped those who had the right to count on help higher powers. Bulgakov shows that Woland fulfills the will of Yeshua, being, as it were, his messenger in this world. Of course, from the point of view of Christian ethics, this is unacceptable. God and Satan are antipodes, but what if everything in this world is so messed up that it’s hard to understand how you can make people remember that they are, after all, God’s creations? .. In this regard, the role of in the novel Pontius Pilate, the purpose of which was the condemnation to death of Yeshua, who tried to save him and then suffered from what he had done - after all, in fact, the procurator of Judea plays the same role on earth that Woland is assigned to in the universe (according to Bulgakov): to be a judge. Pilate internally feels the impossibility of sending the "wandering philosopher" to his death, but he does it. Woland, it seems, does not experience inner feelings and hesitation, but why then does he react so emotionally to Margarita's request? ..

The obvious inconsistency of the image of Woland, his strange relationship with Yeshua and Pilate make this image tragic in many respects: his seeming omnipotence in fact cannot change anything in this world, because it is not in his power to hasten the onset of the "kingdom of truth" - it is not from him depends... "Forever wanting evil" - and "forever doing good" - this is Woland's destiny, because this path is determined for him by the One who "hung the thread of life"...

The novel "The Master and Margarita", which we analyzed, belongs to those works in the history of mankind that have become an integral part of his spiritual life. " Eternal problems"and momentary" truths "that disappear with the sunset, high pathos and tragedy and obvious satire and grotesque, love and betrayal, faith and its loss, Good and Evil as a state of the human soul - that's what this novel is about. Each appeal to him - this is a new introduction to the world of enduring moral values and true culture.

Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita mystical story love, causing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characteristics of Margarita in the novel "The Master and Margarita" plays significant role in the work. The theme associated with the name of Margaret true love, freedom, fidelity.

Full name main character novel - Margarita Nikolaevna. Surname unknown.


Bulgakov did not describe Margarita's appearance in detail. He tried to draw attention to external beauty women, and internal state souls. Emphasizing the timbre of her voice, movements, manners, laughter, we can assume that she beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart..."

Her low, chesty voice had velvety notes, softening the timbre of the sound.
One of Margarita's eyes was slightly squinted, which gave her image a devilish zest.

"Witch squinting in one eye..."

Light curl on short haircut. Snow-white smile. Perfect manicure with sharp nails at the ends. Eyebrows, like strings, professionally plucked and very suited to her face.

Margarita dressed stylishly, not defiantly. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention, no doubt, but not with her appearance, but with sadness and hopeless longing in her eyes.


As a young girl, at the age of 19, Margarita jumped out to marry a wealthy man. Ten years of marriage. Childless.

"Childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

The woman was lucky with her husband. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms, fulfill all whims, anticipate desires. Young, handsome, kind and honest. Anyone dreams of such a husband. Even leading household he put on the shoulders of the housekeeper he had hired. Stability, prosperity, but, despite this, Margarita is unhappy and lonely. "

She was happy? Not a single minute!”

Character. Personality of Margarita

Margarita is smart, educated. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated her intellect.
She is determined. Her actions have repeatedly testified to this. With her inner instinct, intuition, Margarita unmistakably determined what kind of person was in front of her. Non-greedy, merciful. She always helped those who needed help. Do not throw words to the wind. Proud and independent. From bad habits smoking can be identified. She smoked often, and to overcome this addiction I could not.

Meeting with the Master

Their meeting was by chance. She walked down the street with a bouquet yellow flowers thoughtful and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, followed. She spoke first. As the Master said, it was love at first sight.

“Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumping out of the ground ... and hit us both at once ...”

Margarita was truly happy for the first time. She loved and it was so new to her. For his sake, the woman was ready for anything. Endure adversity, share joys and sorrows, endure the hardships that have befallen them.

She sold her soul for the sake of her beloved. I was able to forgive when he disappeared. She remained faithful to the end. He was everything to her. Margarita could not imagine life without him.

Meeting with Woland

For half a year she did not know anything about the Master. He seemed to have sunk into the water. Only Woland could help bring back his beloved. To do this, she had to make a deal with him.

She must act as the queen of the ball with Satan. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the Master so that everything would return to its place. Basement, novel, He and She.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having earned eternal rest for love and loyalty to each other.

Philosophical novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Features of the genre and composition. History of creation - began in 1929, in 1930 - the most difficult period, destroyed the manuscript, frightened, burned it, and in 1932 started anew. In 1934 he finished, but worked on until the end of his life. There are 8 editions in total. The first publication - the magazine "Moscow", 1966-67, a wild success. Lipatov: if before that time belonging to intellectual elite was determined by familiarity at the level of quoting with ease "12 chairs" and "golden calf", then after that - the novel "The Master and Margarita" became the password. The novel “The Master and Margarita” is about everything: about creativity, love, cowardice and repentance, freedom and lack of freedom, faith, the struggle between Good and Evil in a person, about love, hope, hatred, betrayal and mercy.

The novel itself is divided into three layers: historical, modern and fantastic, each of which has its own central figure: in the historical layer, the main characters are Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate; in the modern - the Master and Margarita, who go through "fire and water" in order to achieve peace. And, finally, fantasy, the devil in which is not the devil at all. All three layers are intertwined, it is impossible to separate them. Bulgakov emphasizes the immutability of the problems solved by man, their independence from time.

Story. The primary source of the novel about Pilate are chapters 18, 19 of the Gospel of John, where we are talking about the trial of Jesus Christ and his execution. The purpose and meaning of the "Romance of Pilate" is the same as the Gospel of John (not historical narrative, but a collection of allegorical parables), which is apparently why Bulgakov relied on the Gospel of John, despite the fundamental difference in the interpretation of the image of Jesus. The master (Bulgakov) needed Pontius Pilate as the main character, because otherwise it would not have been possible to show the difficult path of doubts, fears, outbursts of compassion, spiritual suffering of a person vested with power by the state and not in control of his actions.

The most terrible and unforgivable from Bulgakov's point of view is betrayal, because this is the main problem of the Yershalaim chapters. Pilate approves Yeshua's death sentence because he fears for his position and life. However, the punishment for cowardice is twenty centuries of immortal suffering. Judas betrays Yeshua because of his “lust for money.” This betrayal is “standard”, therefore Judas is not punished as terribly as Pilate, he is killed. Yeshua is kind and noble, but he is "alone in the world." He has the truth, and this is given to him at the cost of renouncing love and friendship.

When a genius turns to power, he dies, this is the thought of Bulgakov through suffering. In the novel, Pilate and the high priest Kaifa have power, but only Yeshua has real, spiritual power. That is why he is terrible for those in power, that is why he dies, although he does not ask for anything from the authorities.

In the historical part, love has nothing to do with the value it is for Bulgakov true love. Yeshua loves everyone, which means no one in particular. Judas selling love leads into a trap. Levi Matvey's love is consumer. Pilate sends the man he loves to his death. In situations where circumstances are higher than a person, there is no way to think about such a value as love.

Responsibility for action. According to Bulgakov, no god and no devil can remove a person from his personal guilt. For twenty centuries Pilate has no forgiveness for his betrayal. “Twelve thousand moons for one moon once” - for Bulgakov, not much.

For Yeshua, the truth is above all, even in the case when a lie could save his life. According to Bulgakov, truth is the only way to live full life but this requires fearlessness of the soul, thoughts, feelings.

Modernity. We meet the same problems in the modern layer of the novel, where Bulgakov draws Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century. This is a time of serious transformations in all spheres of society: industrialization, collectivization, preparations are underway for great terror, culture in general and literature in particular become completely dependent on power. Life in the 1930s combined mass enthusiasm and a lack of professionalism and qualifications; revolutionary romance and low level culture; faith in a bright future and admiration for the leader. In the story " dog's heart” and the novel “The Master and Margarita” accurately and colorfully reflect the realities of the time.

In the modern layer, first of all, the Master himself betrays the most valuable thing for Bulgakov - the appointment of the writer. But the Master's fear is not Pilate's cowardice, so the Master only "did not deserve the light, he deserved peace." Just like in the historical layer, there is a “standard” betrayal here - Aloysius.

The loneliness of a genius. The Master, like Yeshua, is “alone in the world,” like all geniuses. Even Margarita cannot help him: he does not need help. In the story “The Heart of a Dog”, Professor Preobrazhensky, despite his contempt for power, does not oppose it. The Master does not confront her directly, but she is the one who tries to break him. The fate of the master real life Bulgakov here coincide.

Love. Margarita in the novel is an ideal loving woman. The prototype of Margarita is considered to be Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya and Margarita Petrovna Smirnova. Service high literature(Master) - the “divine” way, literature pleasing to the authorities (Ryukhin, Bezdomny) - “devilish”.

Responsibility for action. Bulgakov is just as merciless in the modern board as in the chapters of Yershalaim. Berlioz receives non-existence for unbelief, Margarita, who left the Master for one night, almost loses him. Fantastic. The prototype of Woland is Goethe's Mephistopheles. There are prototypes and his retinue. According to Bulgakov, the life he lives can only be changed with the help of supernatural forces. Woland is alone, like all geniuses. He is brilliant because he establishes justice, but around him there are only performers. Experiment problem. One way or another, Woland puts everyone to the test: tricks in the variety show, the test of Margarita, etc.


The analysis of the novel "The Master and Margarita" has been the subject of study of literary critics throughout Europe for many decades. The novel has a number of features, such as the non-standard form of "novel within a novel", unusual composition rich in topics and content. It was not in vain that it was written at the end of life and creative way Mikhail Bulgakov. The writer put all his talent, knowledge and imagination into the work.

Genre of the novel

The work "The Master and Margarita", the genre of which critics define as a novel, has a number of features inherent in its genre. These are several storylines, many heroes, the development of action over a long period of time. The novel is fantastic (sometimes it is called phantasmagoric). But the most striking feature of the work is its "novel within a novel" structure. Two parallel world- the masters and the ancient times of Pilate and Yeshua, live here almost independently and intersect only in the last chapters, when Levi, a student and close friend Yeshua. Here, two lines merge into one, and surprise the reader with their organicity and closeness. It was the structure of the “novel within a novel” that enabled Bulgakov to show two such around the world, events today, and almost two thousand years ago.

Composition features

The composition of the novel "The Master and Margarita" and its features are due to the author's non-standard methods, such as the creation of one work within the framework of another. Instead of the usual classical chain - composition - plot - climax - denouement, we see the interweaving of these stages, as well as their doubling.

The plot of the novel: the meeting of Berlioz and Woland, their conversation. This happens in the 30s of the XX century. Woland's story also takes the reader back to the thirties, but two millennia ago. And here begins the second plot - a novel about Pilate and Yeshua.

Next comes the tie. These are tricks of Voladn and his company in Moscow. This is where it originates and satirical line works. A second novel is also developing in parallel. The culmination of the master's novel is the execution of Yeshua, the climax of the story about the master, Margaret and Woland is the visit of Levi Matthew. An interesting denouement: in it both novels are combined into one. Woland and his retinue are taking Margarita and the Master to another world to reward them with peace and quiet. Along the way, they see the eternal wanderer Pontius Pilate.

"Free! He is waiting for you!" - with this phrase, the master releases the procurator and completes his novel.

Main themes of the novel

Mikhail Bulgakov concluded the meaning of the novel "The Master and Margarita" in the interweaving of the main themes and ideas. No wonder the novel is called both fantastic, and satirical, and philosophical, and love. All these themes are developed in the novel, framing and emphasizing main idea- the struggle between good and evil. Each theme is both tied to its characters and intertwined with other characters.

satirical theme- this is Woland's "tour". Distraught from wealth the public, money-hungry members of the elite, the tricks of Koroviev and Behemoth sharply and clearly describe diseases modern writer society.

Love Theme embodied in the master and Margarita and gives tenderness to the novel and softens many poignant moments. Probably not in vain, the writer burned the first version of the novel, where Margarita and the master had not yet been.

Empathy Theme runs through the whole novel and shows several options for sympathy and empathy. Pilate sympathizes with the wandering philosopher Yeshua, but being confused in his duties and fearing condemnation, he "washes his hands." Margarita has a different sympathy - she sympathizes with the master, Frida at the ball, and Pilate with all her heart. But her sympathy is not just a feeling, it pushes her to certain actions, she does not fold her hands and fights for the salvation of those she worries about. Ivan Bezdomny also sympathizes with the master, imbued with his story that “every year, when the spring full moon comes ... in the evening he appears on Patriarch's Ponds... ”, so that later at night you can see bittersweet dreams about wonderful times and events.

The theme of forgiveness goes almost alongside the theme of sympathy.

Philosophical themes about the meaning and purpose of life, about good and evil, about biblical motives have been the subject of controversy and study of writers for many years. This is because the features of the novel "The Master and Margarita" are in its structure and ambiguity; with each reading they open up more and more questions and thoughts for the reader. This is the genius of the novel - it does not lose either relevance or poignancy for decades, and is still as interesting as it was for its first readers.

Ideas and main idea

The idea of ​​the novel is good and evil. And not only in the context of struggle, but also in the search for a definition. What is really evil? This is probably the best way to describe main idea works. The reader, accustomed to the fact that the devil is pure evil, will be sincerely surprised by the image of Woland. He does not do evil, he contemplates, and punishes those who act low. His tours in Moscow only confirm this idea. He shows the moral illnesses of society, but does not even condemn them, but only sighs sadly: "People, like people ... The same as before." A person is weak, but it is in his power to resist his weaknesses, to fight them.

The theme of good and evil is ambiguously shown on the image of Pontius Pilate. In his heart he opposes the execution of Yeshua, but he lacks the courage to go against the crowd. The verdict on the wandering innocent philosopher is passed by the crowd, but Pilate is destined to serve the punishment forever.

The struggle between good and evil is also the opposition of the literary community to the master. It is not enough for self-confident writers to simply refuse the writer, they need to humiliate him, to prove their case. The master is very weak to fight, all his strength has gone into the romance. No wonder devastating articles for him acquire the image of a certain creature that begins to seem like a master in a dark room.

General analysis of the novel

The analysis of The Master and Margarita implies immersion in the worlds recreated by the writer. Here you can see biblical motifs and parallels with Goethe's immortal Faust. The themes of the novel develop each separately, and at the same time coexist, collectively creating a web of events and questions. Several worlds, each of which has found its place in the novel, are portrayed by the author surprisingly organically. It is not at all surprising to travel from modern Moscow to ancient Yershalaim, Woland's wise conversations, a huge talking cat and Margarita Nikolaevna's flight.

This novel is truly immortal thanks to the talent of the writer and the undying relevance of the topics and problems.

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The novel by Mikhail Bulgakov attracts the attention of millions of readers. This work combines mysticism and reality in one. Some unknown force draws the reader to each character, which is special in its own way. Let's get to know them!


An interesting person who wrote true story about Pontius Pilate. Unfortunately, his creation was not appreciated, but rather the opposite - it caused general indignation and, in the end, led to a hospital bed in a psychiatric clinic.


A beautiful lady who conquered with her beauty and unfortunate fate at first sight a modest master. It was Margarita who was the first reader of the Master's creation, and she pointed out its uniqueness as a successful creation. Margarita was married woman and lived with an unloved man richly, but empty. When the Master is taken to the clinic, Margarita in desperation accepts Satan's agreement to become a queen at his ball in order to be with her beloved Master together again.


One of the most enigmatic characters in the story. Personifies Satan, at the same time practices black magic. A middle-aged historian who appears before the living in human form. Practicing demonstration of magic on people.

Bassoon (Koroviev)

Woland's right hand. Constantly accompanies him on all exits. Serving a sentence for an unfortunate joke about light and darkness.


A fallen angel, but with a disfigured appearance. He is also in a retinue with Satan.

Behemoth cat

Kind, understanding big black cat. Easily took on the images of a man, outwardly similar to a cat. Was in suite.


Vampire and witch at the same time. She constantly walked naked in front of Woland and his retinue. There was a large, ugly scar on his neck.

These are the most memorable characters. They are both beautiful and scary at the same time. In addition to them, many others were present, about which you can learn from the Ball of Satan. It was on him, in shackles on her legs and very heavy clothes, that our Margarita stood in the guise of the Queen, in order to regain the lost love of her life.

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