All the secrets of Yulia Sanina, frontwoman of The Hardkiss.

celebrates its fifth anniversary: ​​for the anniversary, the musicians have prepared a new show, which will be shown in Kyiv on October 21 and 22, and after that they will go to big tour. Daria Slobodyanik spent several days side by side with the group's frontwoman Yulia Sanina and asked her about all the secrets.

I have known and loved The Hardkiss- for their character, drive and courage, and this year I got to know the musicians even closer: in the summer the group invited me to go on a small tour to Ternopil, to the festival "Fine Misto". We spent almost two days together: we slept in a real concert bus with a colorful driver, spent a soundcheck in the pouring rain and were freezing at rehearsals, falling asleep in a cafe from fatigue. I watched how make-up artist Slava Chaika and hairdresser Vitaly Datsyuk, hung with combs, cosmetics and hair dryers, conjure over the image of Sanina, how the whole group, a couple of hours before the concert, gathers in Chaika’s room to stroke, comb, line their eyes with black eyeliner (and this does not apply to Yulia Sanina). Together we experienced a three-hour delay in the performance and together - finally! - came off when the headliners of The Hardkiss hit the stage at exactly midnight. During this time, I learned a lot about the group, but the main thing unexpectedly turned out to be this - being an artist is hard and tiring: artists sleep little, hardly eat, and work a lot.

In this touring turmoil, I was most struck by the fragile at first glance. Despite all the delays and tired, she was collected, cheerful, professionally withstood a three-hour make-up, and at the same time answered my questions, periodically being distracted by calls home - she stayed in Kiev with Val Bebko, creative producer and guitarist of the group, infant. When it turned out at the sound check that everything was dragging on for a couple of hours, Yulia did not resent or complain, but simply went to bed right in the concert bus, under the sound of rain. "Superwoman, not otherwise" - I thought. After a tiring day on her feet, superwoman Sanina drank hot tea and went on stage at midnight - and sang and danced for an hour and a half in high heels, well, just a rock girl. At first, however, he reprimanded the festival in a cold tone for poor organization and apologized to the public for the delay. Therefore, when a couple of months after the trip to Ternopil, we met with Yulia in Kiev to record this interview, the first thing I asked was how Sanina, who graduated from a jazz school as a child and sang in a jazz big band, became a real rock star:

I have a classic jazz education but I always wanted to sing rock. In rock music you can show your whole voice, among musicians it is generally very authoritative to play rock. All musicians love rock, but are afraid to “touch” it. I have always loved this style: at the age of 17-18 I worked in cover bands, and even then I felt this buzz - to sing what you want. True, then I had a pop period: when Valera (Val Bebko - approx.) and I met, we soon launched the Val & Sanina project, which turned out to be quite pop.


Because at first we listened to people from TV - program directors and producers. But we stopped it in time, because this is not what we wanted to do in life.

And I also found out that you once sang in girl group"Siren Sisters", it was 2006, I think.

Yes, I was still in school, I was 16 years old. But by the way, you should have noticed that we played rock there - the guys from Green bands Grey. True, I didn’t work for a long time in the Siren Sisters - in my case, the girl bands are doomed, I find it hard mutual language with girls, especially if I'm not the main one in the project (laughs).

Did you sing in cover bands - and performed in bars?

Certainly! I was 18, in my second year of university, and I needed my own income. I am very grateful for this experience - working in clubs hardens, after that you can sing everything. A lot of musicians work this way - the way to big stage thorny.

In October you celebrate the fifth anniversary. What are you especially happy about this?

I am glad that we have succeeded. Five years is not a long time for musicians, because many play with school bench so we're only five years old. But we succeeded a lot - first of all, to get our listener, who heard and fell in love with us, and who is ready to follow us further. This is the backbone of our fans, which we call The Hardkiss family.

Yes, I was at your performance during the national selection for Eurovision and noticed that you, like classic rock stars, are surrounded by fans.

Yes, and these are not the people who listen to one thing today and another tomorrow. They follow us all the time.

I really feel how they grow with us. I know many of them by face, by avatars. I see them in the hall, how they turn from teenagers into students who enter some creative specialties. I know a girl, for example, who travels with us from city to city, and who this year specially moved to Kyiv to enter the direction. By the way, all our listening friends are artists, and this is largely thanks to Chaika - the make-up he does for me inspires fans and they want to draw. At the same time, I really like that people love not just a soloist, but, for example, stylist Slava Chaika, or guitarist Roma Skorobagatko, or our manager Yegor Kiryanov - the one who is generally behind the scenes.

You perform much more often not in Kyiv, but in the regions, travel a lot around small towns- Exactly, Zhitomir, Kremenchuk, Nikolaev. You know Ukraine and its people very well, better than some politicians. What is it, Ukraine, in your opinion? Everything is clear about Kyiv, but beyond its borders?

The audience is very different. There are cities where people jump up from the first song, meet you very violently and come off with might and main. There are very modest cities where people are clearly not accustomed to big concerts and seem to be shy. There are cities that immediately make contact, and there are those who need to be shaken up. And, of course, the West and the East are very different: in the East, people are simpler and more open, and in the West - try to win them over!

There are very punctual cities, - the group manager Yegor Kiryanov, who is sitting next to him, cuts into the conversation. - For example, Zaporozhye! We recently played there: at 19.00 I look from behind the scenes - and there is a full landing!

But the most unpunctual - Odessa - continues Kiryanov. - In general, on tour you learn a lot of interesting things about the country. For example, we were surprised to learn that in Chernihiv over the past two years, only two artists have gathered a full house - Oleg Vinnik and The Hardkiss.

Val Bebko

Back to the topic of fans. Is it true that after Eurovision The Hardkiss family collected petitions and wanted to challenge the result?

Yes, they were not too lazy and collected several thousand votes, and they were already ready to submit them somewhere, but we asked them not to do this. To be honest, it was unexpected for us that they took this competition so seriously - much more seriously than we do. We even felt football players- for them, too, the fans are ready to go into battle! ( laughs) Anyway, I was glad that it ended. Competitions and competitions are not close to my nature, because I don’t know how and don’t like to push with my shoulders.

Does that mean you won't try next time?

While we have not decided exactly, we want to understand what it is for us: a step forward, a step back, or a step in place. Besides, when Eurovision takes place at your home, all attention is focused not on the artists, but on how everything is organized and what bad roads are. I don't want to dive into it.

I understand correctly - the main thing that you got from participating in this competition is a new audience?

Certainly. We haven't had such a boom after the song Helpless and Eurovision for a long time. We felt miraculous influence TV - we were loved by grandparents, and middle-aged people.

Let's talk personal. You yourself run the group's Instagram account, and there you are quite frank, posting photos with a child ...

But I do not show it at the same time ... I do not photograph it.

No, there is no strategy, it is absolutely sincere. I will say more, I even fetter myself - I want to share and show off even more, like any normal mother! But I restrain myself so that all this does not become more than creativity. Our manager, by the way, swears when I post some personal stuff too often.

Yulia Sanina with her husband Val Bebko (photo from Instagram)

Tell me, how quickly after giving birth did you go on stage?

We played the first concert a month later, and the first big tour three months later. Honestly, I was not very drawn to the stage at first, I wanted to be with him and improve my life with the baby.

I noticed on tour that you turn off at the click of a button: if you have half an hour to sleep now, Sanina lies down and sleeps ...

It's in my nature - I should always have a plan for a month, a week, and more. I set priorities for myself, what is important for me now - to surf the Internet or still sleep. And with the advent of a child, it is impossible without a plan at all. Those who think that Small child- these are lyrics, they are mistaken: a baby is rock and roll!

As for fatigue. You know, I'm just sure: you have no right to whine when around you large group. Well, in general, I'm a pretty staunch soldier - even when it's very hard on tour, I'm not the last one from the group to give up ( laughs). You can sleep - I sleep, you need to get up - I get up. And, of course, rejection bad habits- I don't smoke or drink, and in general, you know that The Hardkiss is a sober band, you were on tour with us ( smiling). I can't even imagine how to work in this state... We are very boring rockers in this sense.

Well, I have my own secrets: we in the rider have wishes that the concerts do not start later than midnight. The body can not be deceived - if in the yard deep night He wants to sleep, not sing.

Makeup artist Slava Chaika conjures over Sanina during an interview for the site

Do you have any favorite stage images? Perhaps some old ones?

Yes, I remember with pleasure our first work with Slava on the Babylon video: then for the first time he did my makeup with bleached eyebrows, and put a headdress of two dragons on my head. By the way, the most uncomfortable images were at first, when we tried and looked for ourselves. For example, five years ago we performed as the opening act for Hurts - it was the first big performance, the first Sports Palace. One Ukrainian designer gave me shoes on a huge platform, but I stood still for the whole concert - it was impossible to move in them. I also really like massive headwear or hair designs, but it’s hard to perform in them. A couple of years ago, at one of the concerts, I performed in Bicciola's puffy yellow dress, very beautiful, but very heavy. And our hairstylist Vitaly Datsyuk also came up with a hoop with huge birds, which was tied with tape. I have never worn anything heavier in my entire life! And after the concert, it turned out that the hoop stuck tightly and we took it off for a long time ...

Admit it - after all, in a purely feminine way, do you get high from all these crazy make-ups, hairstyles and costumes?

Certainly! Moreover, I think all the girls envy me ( laughs). IN ordinary life I don’t spend a lot of time on my appearance and go almost without make-up, and I am pleased that two or three pro guys conjure me two or three times a week. Plus, I'm very flexible and always open to experimentation, and almost never say "no" to our stylists! When Val and I quarrel, I tell him: “If you were in my place, you wouldn’t have survived even a week!” Our boys are sometimes cold, sometimes hot, sometimes prickly, sometimes uncomfortable. I endure everything.

You almost always perform in costumes by Ukrainian designers. It is fundamentally?

Yes, this is one of the main concepts of the group, which was introduced by Chaika - we show Ukrainian designers on ourselves. And not only me, but other musicians as well. Wherever we are - in Kazakhstan, Poland or Italy - we are everywhere asked: "What brand is this?" Most of my costumes are made in Ukraine: Frolov, Bevza, LAKE, Sasha Kanevsky, Elena Burenina, Alina Zamanova.

Slava Chaika likes to say that his main pride is that now clients or other artists come to him and say: I want makeup not like Kardashian, but like Sanina. "I saw you paint blue mascara on her eyelashes. last shot- it turned out cool, do it for me too!

Yulia Sanina during FNO in 2014

You really often have fantasy make-up. Does he help you get ready for the concert?

Yes, I feel more confident on stage in my image, I feel like a real artist. The songs we write are seasoned, pretentious and pretentious, in good sense, of course - I just can't sing them without makeup, it will be a complete dissonance.

After the words about "mothered songs" Sanina puts on a pink wig, which the hairdresser has prepared for her, and hurries to the stage: today she is the headliner of the Queen Tribute show. And very soon The Hardkiss will take the stage to Stereo Plaza to play big concert: tickets for the first solo album sold out a few months before the concert, and the group announced an additional one. For a solo concert in Kyiv, the group responsibly prepared for several months, and, as Sanina says, day and night: they wrote new songs, prepared visual effects and "a unique light that no other Ukrainian band had." 10 thousand spectators is not a joke!

Photo: Alina Krasieva, Vogue archive, The Hardkiss press service

Yulia Sanina, whose real name is Yulia Golovan, - Ukrainian singer, known as the lead singer of the English-language band "The Hardkiss".

She was born in Kyiv in a family professional musicians. At the age of three, the girl already went on stage and sang as a soloist in the ensemble led by her father. Later, Yulia began to study jazz and pop art at a music school, and at the same time she performed with various children's and adult groups, including the Sister Siren youth jazz band, and sometimes solo.

During her studies, Yulia repeatedly became a laureate music competitions, among which were the television competition "Krok do zirok 2001" ("Step to the Stars"), the festival "Christ in my heart", the international festivals "World of the Young 2001", held in Hungary, and "Slavianski Bazaar 2002". At the age of 16, Yulia reached the finals of the television contest "I want to be a star."

After receiving a matriculation certificate, the girl went for higher education, but for this she chose not a musical profile at all. Julia entered the Faculty of Philology of the Kyiv National University named after , from which she graduated in 2013 with a master's degree in folklore.

During her studies, Sanina became interested in journalism, she wanted to develop in this direction, but a new acquaintance with a music producer changed her life. Even before graduation, Julia was already a famous performer.

In 2016, Sanina's popularity in Ukraine rose to even high altitudes, since the singer joined the jury of the seventh season of the mega-rated talent show "X-Factor" on the STB TV channel.

Together with Yulia, they became the judges of the competition, and. Wards frontwoman "The Hardkiss" - Ukrainian group Detach - reached the super final of the TV show. The winner of the competition was a singer from Yerevan, whose mentor was. The Mountain Breeze Band, which was supported by Andrey Danilko, received third place.


Yulia Sanina was 18 years old when she met the music producer of the MTV channel Valery Bebko. Young people organized the Russian-language pop duet "Val & Sania" and recorded several songs, including a cover version of the famous Soviet hit "Love Has Come". This is how it started creative biography singers.

After some time, the musicians renamed themselves the duet "The Hardkiss" and began to sing on English language, and mostly - their own hits. The name of the updated ensemble was chosen by voting among subscribers " Facebook» Valeria and Julia. Titles included "The Hardkiss", "Pony Planet". In the comments to the demo version of the first hit, the friends of the band members noted that only the first name conveys the essence of the music.

IN short time a video was shot for the song "Babylon", which got into the rotation of the music channel "M1", and the first concert was held in the entertainment club "Serebro".

In the fall of 2011, The Hardkiss performed as the opening act for British group"Hurts" and DJ Solange Knowles, and was also nominated as the best Ukrainian musical project at the MTV Awards. At the end of the first year of work, the video for the hit “Dance with me” hit the air Russian channels MUZ-TV and MTV. Soon the artists went to conquer Europe, performing a concert in France at music festival Midem.

In 2012, the group begins to collect the first awards. Yulia and Valery became MTV EMA nominees, then received the Discovery of the Year award from the All-Ukrainian annual Brand of the Year competition, and performed at the Teletriumph award ceremony.

But the main victory awaited the musicians at the presentation of the national award YUNA, where the group "The Hardkiss" received two statuettes in the categories "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Video Clip". The second award went to the musicians for the video "Make-Up", directed by Valery Bebko according to the established tradition. The first contract with an international brand - the Sony BMG label - appears.

Gradually, the popularity of the group gained momentum. The compositions “Part of Me”, “Brazilian Fire” and the song “So little for you” together with the legendary Ukrainian rock group “Druha Rika” contributed to the fact that almost all fans started talking about Yulia Sanina contemporary music.

In 2014, The Hardkiss released their debut studio album"Stones and Honey" followed by the "Cold Altair" EP and a number of new singles such as "Helpless" and "Perfection".

Artists use the Internet to promote the group. In 2014, Julia started on video hosting YouTube a channel where she began to release videos dedicated to the behind-the-scenes work of the group. In 2015, the artists gave their first online concert in " In contact with", which was broadcast from the Kyiv headquarters social network.

In 2016, The Hardkiss became a member of the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. During the voting, the judges gave preference to Yulia and Valery, and the audience noted the performance, which became the winner of the competition.

Personal life

As it turned out later, the singer met not just creative producer and the guitarist of The Hardkiss, but also the future spouse. Young people hid their relationship for five years, although Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko got married two years after they met. The wedding celebration was decorated in Ukrainian authentic style.

By the way, Julia takes her image very seriously. Since the members of the "The Hardkiss" team always look more than impressive and outrageous, they have to cooperate with the best compatriot fashion designers, for example, Slava Chaika and Vitaly Datsyuk.

Yulia Sanina considers herself a workaholic and cannot for a long time be on vacation. The maximum vacation that the artist allows herself is five days on a European excursion tour. But not longer, otherwise the girl begins to feel blue and think that she is wasting her time in vain.

On November 21, 2015, a son was born to Yulia and Valery, who received the name Danil. But even the appearance of the baby could not tear the young mother away from her beloved work, and now the artist manages to combine childcare and recording new hits. Danil becomes frequent hero photos of Yulia, which the singer posts on her account in " Instagram". Fans note how quickly the baby is growing.

Julia Sanina now

The success of Yulia Sanina and the group "The Hardkiss" continues to be confirmed by new awards and the love of the audience. In 2017 Music band received national award YUNA in the nomination " Best Rock Group Ukraine”, and the TV channel “M1 Music Awards” noted the creativity of the musicians with an award in the category “Best Alternative Project of 2016 and 2017”. The singer also tried herself as a voice actress. Smurfette spoke in her voice in the Ukrainian version of the dubbing of the animated film "The Smurfs: lost village».

In 2018, The Hardkiss will be nominated for a YUNA award in several categories: Best Song in Ukrainian”, “Best Song of the Year” and “ Best Album". As competitive musical compositions members of "The Hardkiss" put forward new hits "Antarctica" and "Cranes" from last album"Perfection Is A Lie".


  • 2014 - "Stones and Honey"
  • 2015 - "Cold Altair"
  • 2017 - "Perfection is a lie"

Yulia Sanina (Golovan) is known for her unusual voice timbre, outrageous style and unbridled energy, and all this is the Ukrainian band The Hardkiss, whose English-language hits are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Yulia Sanina is not only the leading soloist of this group, but also the author of the music and lyrics of their songs.


Yulia Sanina, in childhood Golovan, was born on October 11, 1990 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Her parents were musicians, so from a very young age she was introduced to musical creativity. At the age of 3, she first appeared on stage as part of an ensemble led by Yulia's father.

According to Yulia, due to her vocal abilities, already in kindergarten she was taken to the main roles in all matinees.

In childhood

Her talent for writing lyrics woke up quite by accident. Resting in a pioneer camp, Julia decided to take part in a musical, since there was a voice and hearing for this. But, having gone on stage, she forgot her text, and in order to somehow get out she had to invent her own text on the go, and in poetic form.

Almost all of her childhood, Yulia sang in various children's groups, performed solo or as part of a jazz orchestra, participated in different bodies and radio programs. For her creative childhood and teenage years, Yulia Sanina has more than 10 different diplomas and victories in competitions and festivals:

Diploma of the festival "Black Sea Games" in 1999 and children's festival jazz them. Utyosov in 2004
Laureate of the festival "Christ in my heart" and "Rhythms of Jazz"
2nd prize winner International Festival World of the Young 2001 in Budapest
Winner of the TV competition in 2001 "Croc to Zirok"
Winner of the 1st Prize at the International Children's Festival "Slavianski Bazaar 2002"
Became a finalist of the competition on TV "I want to be a star" in 2006.

Graduated at the age of 15 music school children's variety and jazz art. After, for 2 years she was the soloist of the rock band Sister Siren.

Career and formation of The Hardkiss

Being a student of the Faculty of Philology and being fond of journalism, Yulia met Valery Bebko, having come to interview him. Then he was a producer popular broadcast on the MTV channel. Soon they decided to record a trial video and a couple of songs. The duet "Val & Sania" was formed.

2011 was the year of "birth" of The Hardkiss. This year has been very significant for career development groups.

The debut video for the song "Babylon" was recorded, several songs were released. In October of the same year, they were invited to perform as an opening act at a concert by the British band Hurts. Already in 2012, the group was honored to become the "Discovery of the Year" at the All-Ukrainian annual competition "Brand of the Year".

Julia Sanina in 2012 releases a track together with Brazilian DJ Ulysses Nuns. First solo concert Hardkiss and Yuli took place in May 2013.

A little later of the same year, Yulia, together with the group, was awarded the YUNA award in the following categories: best video of the year and musical discovery of the year.

Group "The Hardkiss"

The group gained such popularity that a month later the guys opened the presentation music award Muz TV in Russia.

Education and hobbies

Despite constant performances and traveling, Yulia Sanina has higher education. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology National University them. T. Shevchenko in Kyiv. By profession, she is not just a philologist, but a philologist-folklorist.

In September 2018, the band released their third studio album Iron Swallow. In the new collection, the music of Ukrainian rock musicians sounds lyrical and heartfelt. Most tracks are Ukrainian-language compositions.

According to Yulia Sanina, this time they managed to create a truly integral album, literally in one breath. It took two years. October 19 "Iron Swallow" was presented at exclusive show at the Kiev Palace of Sports.

In 2017, "The Hardkiss" were recognized best rock group according to YUNA. Despite tight tour schedule, the rocker family continues to travel and enjoy family leisure.

In her interview to journalists, Yulia Sanina shared creative plans for 2019.

According to popular singer, the schedule of the group is scheduled for a year until December. A tour "Zalizna lastivka" is planned for the spring. The musicians expect to give twenty-one concerts in major cities Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

Personal life of Yulia Sanina

The personal life of Yulia Sanina developed in parallel with the emergence and development musical career. Now she has been happily married for several years to guitarist and producer of the group Valery Bebko (Val). Their relationship began to develop immediately after their first meeting, when young Julia came to interview him.

In the group for a long time, no one knew about their romance.

With Valery Bebko

After 2 years of meetings, they legalized the relationship. Julia and Val registered their marriage at the registry office only so that they could get married. In November 2015, in one of the private maternity hospitals in Ukraine, the first-born, Daniel, was born in a family of young spouses.

Together with her husband Valery, Yulia is engaged in the construction country house. The family plans to move out of town next year. The couple are considering having a second child.


According to Yulia, in her childhood, her parents were her stylists and advisers. It was they who instilled in Yulia the freedom of expression and a craving for experiments.

Julia Sanina
Ukrainian Julia Oleksandrivna Golovan

Julia at Odessa International Film Festival 2014
basic information
Name at birth Yulia Alexandrovna Golovan
Full name Yulia Alexandrovna Sanina
Date of Birth October 11(1990-10-11 ) (28 years)
Place of Birth Kyiv, Ukraine
A country Ukraine Ukraine
Years of activity 2011 - present time
Tools vocals [d]
Genres alternative rock
Collectives The Hardkiss
Audio, photo, video at Wikimedia Commons


From 2006 to 2008 - soloist of the group Sister Siren.

In September 2011, Yulia Sanina and music producer Valery Bebko created a pop duo Val & Sanina. A test video and a few songs were recorded. One of them is "Love has come" (lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky, music by Raymond Pauls).

Soon they changed the image and name of the group, added "heaviness" to the sound, began to sing in English - this is how the group was born The Hardkiss. Valery and Yulia write music and lyrics on their own. In the same autumn, the group released several songs and filmed their debut video for the song Babylon. Also at the end of October 2011 The Hardkiss Opened for British band Hurts. Until the end of 2011, the group released another video called Dance with me, which received rotation on the leading Ukrainian music channels.

Already in February 2012 The Hardkiss signed to a label Sony BMG. The team quickly gained popularity and a series of awards in Ukraine and abroad.

In December 2014, Yulia Sanina began posting video blogs on YouTube about her life and the group's behind-the-scenes work. The Hardkiss.

In 2016, Yulia Sanina became a jury member and mentor for the seventh season of The X Factor on STB. Her wards from the Detach group became superfinalists.

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