Zakhoder years of life and death. Winnie the Pooh and other ... Russified Britons by Boris Zakhoder


Boris Zakhoder is a children's writer whose name is familiar to each of us since childhood. This is a man who made a lot of efforts to make literature for kids stand on a par with serious works - and he certainly succeeded. However, not everyone knows that creative biography Boris Zakhoder was not limited to writing fairy tales and poems for children: Boris Vladimirovich was also a talented translator and poet.

Childhood and youth

Boris Zakhoder was born on September 9, 1918 in the city of Cahul, in Moldova. Boris's father in 1914 signed up for the army as a volunteer. There the man met fate - a beauty named Polina. The woman worked as a nurse at the front. Soon, the replenished Zakhoder family moved to Odessa, and then, a few years later, to Moscow.

Boris Vladimirovich's father worked as a lawyer and was famous as a competent and competent specialist. The mother, being a well-read and educated woman, was able to find a job as an interpreter.

Since childhood little Boris was distinguished by curiosity: the boy liked biology and natural Sciences in addition, the future translator and writer enjoyed learning foreign languages ​​and visited several sports sections simultaneously. And here fiction Boris was not interested, therefore, for close people, the profession chosen by Zakhoder became complete surprise.

Young Boris Zakhoder during the Great Patriotic War

As Boris Vladimirovich himself later admitted, initially he was attracted by the path of a scientist. To a young man I liked to explore plants, draw conclusions about the characteristics of certain species and make bold experiments, confirming my own guesses. Therefore, the writer received his first education at Moscow State University in the department of biology.

And only after some time the young man realized what his real calling was, he entered Literary Institute, who was able to finish only in 1947, interrupting his studies due to the Russian-Finnish, and then the Great Patriotic War, in which he participated as a front-line journalist. It is worth noting that in 1944 Boris Vladimirovich was even awarded the medal of honor "For Military Merit".


The first works of Boris Zakhoder were published in 1938. Unfortunately, the circulation of the newspaper turned out to be small, so the first published poems of Zakhoder passed by the reader.

The first failure did not upset Boris Vladimirovich. In 1947, Zakhoder decides to try his luck again: a poem for children " sea ​​battle". In the same year, Boris Vladimirovich will show the famous children's writer fairy tale poem "Letter "I". But, despite the approval of the great master, the publishers will not like the tale, and for the first time this work will be published only 8 years later.

Such a cold attitude towards own creativity Boris Zakhoder bore it stoically. The poet found himself in translations. Boris Vladimirovich so skillfully conveyed the style and nuances of the language of foreign authors in Russian that soon many publishing houses considered it a pleasure to cooperate with a talented translator.

In 1952, the stories of Anna Zegers, translated by Boris Zakhoder, came out of the printing house. The book was published under the pseudonym B. Volodin. Three years later, together with the published poem "The letter" I ", the first book with poems by Boris Zakhoder," On the Back Desk," was printed. very flattering about this debut. The following years in the career of Boris Vladimirovich were marked by translations " funny stories» Karel Capek, as well as books by Julian Tuwim, Jan Bchzheva and Jan Grabowski.

In 1958, Boris Zakhoder was officially accepted into the ranks of the Writers' Union of the USSR. This meant a lot to Boris Vladimirovich: in those years there was an article in circulation for the so-called parasitism. Each person was obliged to have a place of work, so freelance writers and artists had a hard time. The status of a member of the Writers' Union protected a person from criminal prosecution.

Popularity came to Boris Vladimirovich after the first published book. After some time, the writer became in demand: the children fell in love with the witty heroes of Zakhoder's poems and fairy tales. In 1959, the book "Four-Legged Helpers" was published, the following year the collection "Who looks like whom" appeared.

Until the mid-1990s, Boris Zakhoder will continue to produce own works. Especially worth noting are the books "The Whale and the Cat", "The Furry Alphabet", "The Little Mermaid", "My Imaginations", "Bird School", "The History of the Caterpillar", the collection "Change", " gray star"and" What is the most beautiful of all. These collections and fairy tales were the first self-read works for several generations of children, filling the imagination of young readers. good stories and dreams of adventure.

Translations and literary adaptations stand apart in the work of Boris Vladimirovich foreign fairy tales. "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", " Peter Pan”and many, many other books that children and adults eagerly read are the fruit of the efforts and talent of Boris Zakhoder.

In 2000, the writer, poet and translator Boris Zakhoder received a high state award, which has become an honorary recognition of merit - State Prize Russian Federation in the field of art and literature.

Personal life

Boris Vladimirovich married three times. The first chosen one of the writer - Nina Zozulya - met a man in 1934. Unfortunately, Boris Zakhoder made a mistake in his choice. Beautiful wife was cheating on her husband. In 1940, Boris Vladimirovich divorced for the first time. The divorce caused serious depression and apathy, Boris Vladimirovich seemed to break not only with his wife, but also with friends: the writer did not communicate with anyone, led a secluded life.

According to tradition, a man was brought out of this state new love. Kira Smirnova was able to charm Zakhoder and heal the man's heart wound. In 1945, the lovers got married. The second marriage of Boris Vladimirovich turned out to be stronger and happier: the couple spent 21 years together. However, this union also broke up, leaving Zakhoder a bachelor again.

The third wife of Boris Zakhoder in 1966 was Galina Romanova, a writer and photographer. This woman will remain by the side of the writer until last days, and then release a book about the beloved man "Zakhoder and all-all-all". In this book, Galina Sergeevna will try to describe in detail the difficult life ups and downs, as well as creative ups and the fall of the master of the word Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.


Boris Vladimirovich passed away on November 7, 2000, being in a very old age: The writer was 82 years old. Zakhoder died in a hospital near Moscow Korolyov. The writer was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The grave of the writer for many lovers of his work has become a meeting place. Fresh flowers are constantly lying on this grave, which better than loud words shows the attitude of people to what Boris Vladimirovich did.

Books - his own works and translations - left by the great master as a legacy to children of all ages, are still popular with both young readers and those adults who are not averse to returning to a carefree childhood and give themselves a couple of evenings with a book of fairy tales in their hands .


  • 1955 - "On the back desk"
  • 1956 - Monkey's Tomorrow
  • 1959 - "Four-legged helpers"
  • 1960 - "Who looks like whom"
  • 1962 - "Comrade children"
  • 1964 - "The Whale and the Cat"
  • 1967 - "The Little Mermaid"
  • 1970 - "School for Chicks"
  • 1977 - Good Rhino
  • 1979 - "Counting"
  • 1980 - "My Imaginations"
  • 1981 - "If they give me a boat"
  • 1990 - "About everyone in the world"
  • 1994 - "Grass-everywhere-growing"
  • 1995 - "Island Somewhere"

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was born on September 9, 1918 in the Moldavian city of Kogul, where his parents first met and got married. Boris's father volunteered for the Russian army in 1914, his mother was a nurse at that time, caring for the wounded in the hospital.
However, the Zakhoder family did not live long in Moldova: first they moved to Odessa, and then moved to Moscow. Father graduated from Moscow University, began to work as a lawyer; mother, being an educated woman and knowing several foreign languages, worked as a translator.
In 1935, Boris Zakhoder graduated from high school, went to work at the factory as a turner apprentice, and later went to study at the Moscow aviation institute, then continued his studies at the biological faculties at Moscow and Kazan universities, and in 1938-1947. - at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.
Participated in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars where he volunteered. He was an employee of the army press. In the short interval between the two wars, he wrote poems and essays about the construction of VDNKh - the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.
In 1946, Boris Zakhoder returned to Moscow, the next year he graduated from the Literary Institute. Boris Zakhoder published his first children's poem "Sea Battle" in 1947 under the pseudonym Boris West in the magazine "Zateynik". He spoke highly of the work of Boris Zakhoder famous writer Leo Kassil, predicting great fame for the poet.
Zakhoder's works were published in the newspaper " Pioneer Truth”, the magazine “Murzilka”, Boris Vladimirovich published collections of poems “On the Back Desk” (1955), “Martyshkino Tomorrow” (1956), “Nobody and Others” (1958), “Who Looks Like Whom” (1960), “To Comrades children (1966)", "School for Chicks" (1970), "Reckoning" (1979), "My Imagination" (1980), "If they give me a boat" (1981), etc.
Boris Zakhoder also wrote plays for children's theater: "Rostik in the Dark Forest", "Mary Poppins" (both 1976), "Thumbelina's Wings" (1978; the last two co-authored with V. Klimovsky), "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1982); Zakhoder is the author of the libretto for the opera Lopushok at Lukomorye (1977), plays for puppet theater"Very smart toys" (1976).
Zakhoder's works written in prose are also deservedly popular: the book of fairy tales "Martyshkino Tomorrow" (1956), "The Good Rhinoceros" (1977), "Once upon a time there was Fip" (1977), the fairy tales "The Gray Star" (1963), "The Little Mermaid "(1967), "The Hermit and the Rose" (1969), "The Story of the Caterpillar" (1970), "Why the Fish Are Silent" (1970), "Ma-Tari-Kari" (1970), "The Tale of Everyone in the World" ( 1976) and many others.
Great fame Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder brought masterfully executed translations of well-known foreign children's fairy tales: A.A. .Travers "Mary Poppins" (1968), L. Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1971-1972), fairy tales by Karel Capek, the Brothers Grimm (" The Bremen Town Musicians", 1982, etc.), plays by J.M. Barry "Peter Pan" (1967), poems by L. Kern, Y. Tuwim, W. J. Smith, J. Brzehwa and others.
Boris Zakhoder was widely known not only in our country, but also abroad, he is the winner of many literary prizes, including International Prize them. G.H. Andersen.
Boris Zakhoder died on November 7, 2000 in Moscow.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was born in 1918 in the Moldavian city of Cahul, spent his childhood in Moscow. After school, Zakhoder entered the Literary Institute, from where he went to the front at the age of 23. Zakhoder graduated from the Institute in 1946, after demobilization.

His poems appeared in the army press of the war years, but by professional pursuits Literature Zakhoder came only in the early 1950s. The first serious publication was a collection of translations "Merry Poems of Polish Poets".

The most famous are translations-retellings of Vladimir Zakhoder's fairy tales by Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", Astrid Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof", Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins", George Barry "Peter Pan, or the Boy, Who Didn't Want to Grow", Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland", fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, Karel Czapek, poems by Polish poets, Polish folk songs, poems by Johann Goethe.
Boris Zakhoder died on Tuesday, November 7 in the morning, at the age of 83.

Kitty grief.

Crying pussy in the hallway.
She has great sorrow:
Evil people poor pussy
Don't let them steal sausages!


The rain sings a song:
Cap, cap...
Only who will understand her -
Cap, cap?
Neither I nor you understand
But flowers will understand
And spring foliage
And green grass...

Fox and mole.

- nice house
cute mole,
Only painfully narrow entrance!
- Entrance fox,
Just right:
He won't let
To your house!

My lion.

My dad gave me a lion!
Oh, and I chickened out at first!
I was afraid of him for two days
And on the third it broke!

Frog song.

The frogs were asked:
What are you singing about?
After all, you, forgive me,
Sit in the swamp!
The frogs said:
- About that and sing,
How pure and transparent
Native reservoir.


The wisest bird in the world is the owl.
Everyone hears
But very stingy with words.
The more he hears
The less he talks.
Ah, this is what many of us miss.

Roly - stand up.

Ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ah!
Among the toys - panic!
All dolls in tears -
Vanka fell down - Stand up!
Matryoshkas drag iodine,
Bandages, cotton bags,
And Vanka suddenly gets up
With a wicked smile:
Believe me, I'm alive!
And I don't need a babysitter!
We do not fall for the first time -
That's why we are Vanka - Stand up!

History with magic.

I saw a brownie.
With goblin
Vova has been friends since childhood.
And Tom's
Like at home:
Feeds porridge
_ I have, -
Galka said,
A mermaid swims in the bath.
- Stop lying!
Mermaid in the bath -
As everyone knows-

Question song.

A cat meets a dog
Case -
Usually! -
Ends in a fight.
Same -
Usually! -
The case ends
If the dog
Dating a cat!
Oh why
Ah, why
Ah, for what
Is that how it works?…

Dog's grief.

In the woods across the river
A cottage has been built.
Lives in a cottage
Small doggy.
The dog is happy
And the forest, and the cottage,
But there are disappointments
In the life of a dog.

First, the dog is slightly annoying,
That the cottage is surrounded by a high fence.
After all, if not for this nasty fence,
That would be a different story with cats!

The dog is offended that people forgot
Invent cars for dogs.
The dog does not want to endure insults,
She barks desperately at cars!

She is sad to look at the flower beds -
They have owners in such a mess!
Once a dog dug them up nicely,
And to her, imagine, for this horrible.

The owner does not put the dog at the table,
And this, of course, offends her.
Not so nice for a decent dog
Sitting on the floor, waiting for handouts.

But give the dog a piece of biscuit
And all sorrows will end immediately.

Geography at a glance.

Got hit by a bus!
Crumpled into a cake
Brand new globe!
Our Earth has seen
But didn't see
Such a scandal!
The planet has become.
Everything is messed up:
Parts of the world,
All parallels and meridians.
Compasses, poor
Fight in hysterics:
North Pole
IN South America!
South fell apart
How less durable
For two: to the West
And to the East.
Africa made
somersault mortale,
On end
Both Americas stood up.
And to top it off
Came to Australia
Asia Minor!
Do you hear? Hear
Is the thorn poisonous?
It's boiling
Ocean Arctic -
It floods
Sahara Desert
And turns
Steam cloud!
From highest mountain
Everest -
Now left
Wet place.
And the famous
Lake Erie
In very deep cave.
White Sea
Slightly shriveled,
Black Sea
Completely whitened.
And unknown
Even the scientists
call him white
Or Black!
Instead of a mighty
Orinoco rivers
Orinoco Peak
stands alone
And obviously
Suffering a lot
Since it's nowhere
Doesn't fall!
Soaring in the sky
Migratory birds,
Not understanding,
Where to go -
To the southern tropic
The birds flew
And arrived
Into the realm of the blizzard.
near the equator
Ice floes are floating
penguins roam
In the steppes of Ukraine
And on highways
tigers run,
Polar bear
Worn through the forest:
looking for a way
to the homeland,
To the pole.
And from under the tree
Looks dumbfounded
first seen
A lion!
Somewhere in Antarctica
Roaring loudly
blue from the cold
- Hey!
Isn't it time to get back in order?!
We don't need geography

The termite diet

- I ate everything
barns and hangars,
Garages and gramophones
Tin can (barely),
And greenery
And the lime
wax products,
Pictures and baskets,
The shops,
Travel bags,
Chess and checkers,
I tried sleepers
And stamps
And electric lamps
Had tried
And never
Wasn't full!

“Yeah,” said the other Termite. —
Diet is of little use.
Better pop whatever!



Famous Soviet children's poet and writer, translator and, perhaps, the most famous Moldavian literary figure, was born in the Bessarabian city of Cahul in September 1918. He spent almost all his childhood in Moscow, where he received his secondary education and higher aviation education. In addition to the above education received, Boris also received a diploma from biological and literary institutes. IN war time Great Patriotic and Soviet-Finnish wars was special correspondent Moscow publications.

The debut children's poem "Sea Battle" was published in the magazine "Zateynik" in 1947. Zakhoder's works were regularly published in the popular children's magazine"Murzilka", as well as in the youth journalistic newspaper called "Pionerskaya Pravda". From the mid-50s, he began to actively publish collections of poems: “On the Back Desk”, “Martyshkino Tomorrow”, “To Comrades for Children”, “Counting”, “My Imagination” and many other children's books.

The main theme of Boris, passing through all his works, was the amazing fairy world animals, in which each of the inhabitants of the fauna were assigned their own traits and individual characters, peculiar only to them. For example, always positive and bright characters there were kangaroos, ferrets, camels, ostriches, which often caused tenderness. negative characters with stupid, ignorant features and pride were wild boars, parrots, peacocks, rhinos. Like most children's writers, Zakhoder also had fictional animal characters, like the Southern Ktototam or the funny Rapunok.

In the stories and poems of the Moldavian writer, the animals perform various acts typical of people: good and bad, good and evil, they communicate and argue, swear and reconcile, ask for protection and justice, betray friends and protect their home. Of course, under the mask of each animal hides a separate typical human personality, which is filled with its features and characters.

All Zakhoder's prose is filled with hidden deep meaning, which becomes clear only with time, as, for example, the transformation of an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly in reality suggests a metaphorical meaning: the road to finding one's own true "I". And there are many works with such backgrounds: "Monkey's Tomorrow", "Gray Star", "The Story of the Caterpillar", "The Good Rhino", "The Little Mermaid" and others. Even from the title of these fairy tale books, certain conclusions can be drawn.

As for the author's poems, they were filled with warmth, goodwill, "soft" humor, amazing word game which became the main hallmark poet. His collection of poems about classmates Vova and Petya, who were known throughout the school as fidgets and mischievous people, shows by a “bad” example how not to behave and what not to do, behind the humorous quatrains are hidden true lessons and teachings that are understandable even to first graders.

Apart from writing activity, Zakhoder became famous as a translator. It was he who first undertook to translate foreign children's literature: "Winnie the Pooh", "Mary Poppins", "Peter Pan", the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and many other world masterpieces. In the late 70s, Boris began to write adult satirical poems, distinguished by their sharpness and freshness of thought, as well as scripts for plays for the theater, such as Mary Poppins, Rostik, Thumbelina's Wings and others.

During his life, the writer was widely quoted outside the USSR and became famous abroad as a children's classicist of the "Silver Age".

He died in November 2000 in Moscow.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was born on September 9, 1918 in the Moldavian city of Cahul. Back in 1914, Boris's father volunteered for the Russian army, his mother was at that time a sister of mercy. Here, in Kogul, they met and got married.
The Zakhoder family did not live long in Moldova: first they moved to Odessa, and then moved to Moscow. Father graduated from Moscow University, began to work as a lawyer. Mother, an educated woman who knew several foreign languages, worked as a translator.
In 1935, Boris Zakhoder graduated from high school, went to work at a factory as a turner apprentice, later went to study at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then continued his studies at the biological faculties at Moscow and Kazan universities (he was fond of biology from childhood). But the love of literature won out: in 1938 he entered the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.
Participated in the Soviet-Finnish and the Great Patriotic Wars, where he went as a volunteer. He was an employee of the army press. In the short interval between the two wars, he wrote poems and essays about the construction of VDNKh - the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.
In 1946, Boris Zakhoder returned to Moscow, the next year he graduated from the Literary Institute. Boris Zakhoder published his first children's poem "Sea Battle" in the same year under the pseudonym Boris West in the magazine "Zateynik". The famous writer Lev Kassil spoke highly of the work of Boris Zakhoder, predicting great fame for the poet. Zakhoder's works were published in the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", the magazine "Murzilka", Boris Vladimirovich published collections of poems "On the Back Desk" (1955), "Martyshkino Tomorrow" (1956), "Nobody and Others" (1958), "Who is against whom similar" (1960), "To Comrades for Children (1966)", "School for Chicks" (1970), "Reckoning" (1979), "My Imagination" (1980), "If they give me a boat" (1981) and others.
Boris Zakhoder also tried himself in dramaturgy: "Rostik in the Dark Forest", "Mary Poppins" (both 1976), "Thumbelina's Wings" (1978; the last two co-authored with V. Klimovsky), "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1982 ); Zakhoder is the author of the libretto for the opera Lopushok at Lukomorye (1977), the play for the puppet theater Very Clever Toys (1976).
Zakhoder's works written in prose are deservedly popular: the book of fairy tales "Monkey's Tomorrow" (1956), "The Good Rhino" (1977), "Once Upon a Time Fip" (1977), the fairy tales "The Gray Star" (1963), "The Little Mermaid" (1967), "The Hermit and the Rose" (1969), "The Story of the Caterpillar" (1970), "Why the Fish Are Silent" (1970), "Ma-Tari-Kari" (1970), "The Tale of Everyone in the World" (1976 ) and others.
Great fame Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder brought translations of well-known foreign children's fairy tales: fairy tales by A. A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" (1960), P. Travers "Mary Poppins" (1968), L. Carroll " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland "(1971-1972), fairy tales by Karel Czapek, the Brothers Grimm ("The Bremen Town Musicians", 1982, etc.), plays by J. M. Barry "Peter Pan" (1967), poems by L. Kern, Y. Tuwim, W. J. Smith, J. Brzehwa and others.
Boris Zakhoder was widely known not only in our country, but also abroad, he is the winner of many literary awards, including the International Prize. G. H. Andersen.
Boris Zakhoder died on November 7, 2000 in Moscow.

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