Stagnation in creativity. Causes of the creative crisis


Creative crisis can sometimes become a real scourge for copywriters, bloggers and, in general, all creative people, regardless of nationality, age, gender and political views. Where does it come from? How to overcome it? And how to make it occur as little as possible? Today's article will answer all these questions.

Where does creative crisis come from?

Creative crisis is a temporary state in which creative process a stupor falls, ideas run from his head like rats from a sinking ship, and he begins to officially be listed as missing.

This may be due to fatigue, stress, feeling unwell or banal. In the previous article, we considered such a negative concept as excessive motivation. It can also provoke creative crisis.

Creative crisis: ways to overcome

Whatever reasons lead to the fiends of mental deadlocks, there are always several ways to put everything in its place, we will consider them further.

1. Good rest

One of the most innocuous ways to overcome creative block is to take a good rest, fill your life with entertainment and do what gives you pleasure. If conscience wakes up, then let him rest with you. Iron "excuse": rest is necessary for any person, no matter how hard he may be.

2. Physical activity

Physical activity is another way to overcome a creative block. Unlike rest, in this case, pleasure and entertainment are not expected, instead of them - severe trials. exercise, horizontal bars, dumbbells and other equipment.

Physical activity is useful not only because it will save you from a creative crisis, but also because an additional physical activity will keep you constantly in shape and will serve as a prevention of troubles that annoy people with a constant sedentary lifestyle.

3. Task switching

If a creative block is preventing you from moving forward in some endeavor, put it aside for a while and do something else. For example, if you are a freelancer and work from home, do the cleaning, cook dinner, hang a picture, or wash all your dirty laundry. If you work in an office, switch to other tasks, do a couple of organizational things, learn something new, etc.

Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Get over your creative block
  2. Do the things that you would have to do, sooner or later

4. Brainstorm

If a creative crisis leads to the fact that thoughts stubbornly refuse to come to your head or drag on one after another, getting lost on the way to your consciousness, you can speed them up. This is done with the help of the so-called brainstorming.

The essence of the method is that you switch to the idea generation mode (and only generation). At this stage, you don't think good idea or bad. You can generate complete nonsense, the main thing is to fix all thoughts.

Then see what you got. The result will lead you to new thoughts and ideas, and the work will begin to boil. In any case, analyzing the fruits of your mind generation, you will be a little distracted, and if you are lucky, you will have fun, so it certainly will not be in vain.

5. Tips

If a creative crisis torments you and haunts you, then you can always ask friends and acquaintances for advice. All people are social beings, everyone has connections, no matter what. real life or on the web.

In addition, you can always use tools such as ICQ, Twitter , social media and other mediums for getting a whole bunch of advice and food for thought from people you may not even know.

6. Problems

A radical way to deal with the creative crisis. Artificial creation of problems for a sense of contrast. It is possible that by resorting to this method, you will get a sky in diamonds, headache, spoiled relationships with people, unnecessary financial expenses and total demoralization, but there will be no trace of a creative crisis. You can be sure that you will have something to say, something to describe, and you will be pierced by streams of violent feelings that you can throw out in your work.

This is the first phase. The second phase comes when you deal with your problems and experience relief. After this, any creative crisis will not be worth a damn, and, therefore, as a problem, it will cease to exist for you.

Main question: where to find problems? This goodness in Slavic countries head is enough. Flush the condom down the toilet from the upper floors, shout "Spartacus champion!" in the locker room of Dynamo Kyiv, stick your head out the window with a mop during events under the windows with the participation of senior officials - and problems will be provided.

7. Refinement and rework

If the creative crisis stubbornly does not let new ideas and thoughts come to you, you can use alternatives approach to work. One of these options is to refine or rework existing ideas.

It is physically impossible to always create something new. Whatever you do, there will always be people who have either already done something in this area, or are doing something in this moment. And if so, there are no reasons preventing you from taking someone else's idea and implementing it in your own way, making it better and finalizing it.

In this case, you:

  1. First, get rid of the creative block
  2. Secondly, develop the direction
  3. Thirdly, save a lot of time

Of course, the conceptual novelty cannot be compared with any refinement, but, in many cases, this is relevant and justified. Take some ideas

A creative crisis visits every person, no matter what they do. There is nothing more difficult for the brain than to figure out what to give another person for an anniversary. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by unbearable agony at the thought of what to cook for dinner. Similar problems occur in creative professions and personal life. Let's see what people have prepared for us, whose life is pushing us to give out a mountain of ideas here and now, otherwise the project will fail and our career will be in jeopardy.

It's rare that a book doesn't have an author. The book “Again the creative crisis? 90 ways to get out of it” from this category. To her well-known and not very representatives creative professions share their tips on how to wind up the brain and make it produce a lot of ideas. Tips are different, professions too, so everyone can find a few unusual ways, and then, perhaps, be inspired and come up with your own (even inventing your own way out of a creative crisis destroys the latter). Advice may even contradict each other, but that's what art is for. In addition, some people metaphorically describe their vision of creative block, which is also extremely interesting.

Find yourself a genius

What's great about geniuses is that they tend to be found in groups. If you find one genius, it will lead you to the rest. Collaborate with geniuses, especially with unrecognized ones - they are more accessible and waiting for your suggestions.

Keep trying, drawing and banging your head against the table

Tip from an illustrator. Very often, all ways out of the crisis are just ways. So just draw, draw whatever you want, even if you deviate a lot from the topic. If you want to become an artist, draw and draw again, there is no other way. You are an artist only when you are painting.

Make lots of mistakes

The problem of a creative crisis is the fear of making a mistake. This turns on procrastination, fear-driven shirking. Mistakes are great. Every mistake moves you towards and this new way of thinking will change everything. Treat mistakes as an opportunity to improve.

By the end of the bike ride, everything is somehow getting better.

I take a long bath, water washes away all bad thoughts. Then I do the cleaning, because how can you think while there is a mess around. If that doesn't help, I get on my bike and try not to think about the project. In the end, everything sort of works itself out.

Stay in an expensive hotel

Pay in advance for all three days that you will spend here. Take everything you need with you. Now just write ten thousand words. If you feel like you're having a creative block, think about the crazy money you shelled out for a room.

Take any book. Whatever - it could be Science fiction, IKEA furniture assembly instructions, religious text. Open a random page and a random offer. I came across a sentence: "There was no pain, but this power was destructive." Wonderful. Think about how this phrase evokes in the context of the text you are or the problem you are solving. Or: "The next morning I went to British museum in London to see the treasure." Perfect. Thoughts come of vampires, cursed jewels, Indiana Jones, the holy grail. Why not? Mix lyrics different authors, try to catch on to any phrase. Didn't like the phrase? It doesn't matter, take another, no one forces you to get hung up on anything.

Speak everything

Panic. You are overwhelmed with a feeling of anxiety, you begin to rush about like a decapitated chicken. I make tea or coffee - I need to freshen up. Go out for a walk, talk to people about your problem, or talk to yourself.

Change chips

This is the Spanish equivalent, meaning a reboot of consciousness, a change in your thinking, a look from the outside. Change anything in your life, anything. Write not at the table, but in a cafe, change food, go to places you would never go to.

Creative crisis is growth

Try to always stay optimistic, go to sleep and wake up with a single thought: "I have not run out of ideas, I'm just trying to come up with something better." Still, it's very simple - if you keep telling yourself that nothing will work, nothing will work.

No two creative crises are the same

You don't need to create rules for wrestling. There are a lot of crises and they are all different, like snowflakes. Generate bad and mediocre ideas, so you will be able to stumble upon something worthwhile. Use all the ways you know. One and the same method can also become boring and temporarily stop working.

Why not drink coffee right before bed?

The best ideas come when trying to sleep. Put a notepad and pen next to you, and create the opportunity to turn on the light without even getting out of bed.

Do something

Cook pastries, clean up the apartment, wash the dishes, draw a face on a sticker and stick it on your computer, chop wood.

Creativity crisis is normal

Great idea. Whenever there is a crisis, we begin to sprinkle ashes on our heads and the thought slips through: “Well, it happened. I'm dull and old." Get it out of your head and start replacing it with another one. The creative block will pass, it always passes, especially when you relax and do not put pressure on him.

Just. Explain. problem.

Creative block very often occurs when we are trying to solve a problem that we ourselves have not formulated for ourselves. Isn't it stupidity? Start looking at the problem. An amazing thought that everyone should understand - in any problem there is an answer. Not in any, but in any. The answer is in the problem itself, that's what you need to understand. He has nowhere else to be. By understanding this, you will show your brain that the solution is in the problem, which means that your problem is solvable.


Why try to fish out some glimpse of an answer when you can rummage through books - thoughtlessly, haphazardly and start a circuit in the brain.

Sit down, shut up and turn off the internet

How long have you been just meditating in silence? Isn't it strange how we replace thinking with browsing in ? Sit back in your chair and just meditate. All geniuses have done this.

Eat cheese before bed

And see what comes of it. You never know.

Creativity is a muscle

She also needs to rest and recover. Just like training. Alternate work with watching movies, games and books.

Deadline is the best remedy

For many projects, you simply cannot take on until the survival mechanisms turn on. Promise others that you will complete the project in a couple of days. Or promise it to yourself. Make a project in 10 minutes. Let the project take, according to your estimates, a month, sit down and decide that you will do it in 10 minutes. And see what happens.

Imagine you are a possum

These are all great tips that are served under an ironic sauce, and it is precisely irony that allows us to release tons of our creative energy and allow us to relax. Experiment with these tips, print each one on A4 paper and hang it on the wall.

And what methods of overcoming a creative crisis do you personally know? Share it in the comments.

Crisis, creative in particular, can cause a real depression. Are you a person who makes a living from creativity? It does not matter what exactly you create - paintings, music, confectionery or advertising. Even if the object of your creation is a quarterly accounting Report, to create it also needs an impulse called "inspiration". The lack of inspiration, which is called "golyak" or "stupor", can make life unbearable. In this article, we will tell you how to overcome a creative block and not be afraid of impasses, if any.

Hello crisis!

A creative person feels his mood very subtly, because the results of his work depend on his spiritual uplift. When all is well, work goes smoothly, life seems like a joyful and pleasant walk on a sunny day. But what does it turn into when a creative crisis hits? What to do in this case to return everything to normal? Follow the tips below and your muse will return to you.

Not a word about the problem

Thinking over and over again about how the crisis has broken your creative process, you only aggravate your situation. Even if the stagnation has been going on for more than one week, and you regret the absence of your muse, you should not draw inconsolable conclusions. Let go of the situation and accept what is.

How long will the crisis last?

Creative stagnation can last for months, but this is not a reason to put an end to life and plunge into the deepest depression. Remember that the black stripe will not be replaced by a light one while you are discouraged. It's just a vicious circle - until your state of mind unstable, you will not be filled with inspiration. Try to just forget about what you need to do. As soon as you do something passionate and clear your head of depressing thoughts, inspiration will return on its own.

Extreme to help you

Overcoming the creative block - non-standard task, which means that the solutions will be non-standard. The first way out of stagnation is to cheer up your body. Skydive, kayak down a river, climb mountains, or do something else you've always dreaded. Such influence from the outside will help you see the world from a different perspective, and perhaps your creative vein will kick in again.

A new kind of creative activity

We continue to give unusual, but working advice to the question: "How to overcome a creative block?". actionable recommendation there will be a change in the type of output of your inspiration. get busy creative activity, which has never been done and for which, as you think, you have no predisposition. Treat this with all responsibility, diligence. Let you not know how to draw and do writing activities but try to draw a masterpiece in bright colors. By engaging in an activity that is not characteristic of you, you force both your hemispheres to work, which leads to the emergence of creative ideas.

Go in for sports

Don't be surprised by this advice, as it really works. You probably know how effective the change of activity is. You could see this at school, in primary school: after working for a while, the teacher offered the students a five-minute exercise. Inspiration and the creative process are not a lesson at school, and therefore the "charging" should be longer. But don't force yourself to go to the gym if you're against dumbbells. Physical activity can be any, the main thing is that your body works, and at the same time you enjoy it.

- away!

Sometimes inspiration "runs out" because you are overloaded with information. This advice may scare you, especially if your connection to the outside world and social networks are important to you. Meanwhile, disconnecting from the usual sources of information is guaranteed to make your brain work. What do we have to do? Try to live a few days without the Internet, newspapers, television, mobile phone. Since you will be deprived of external nourishment, you will begin to generate new ideas yourself.

Seek inspiration from others

Sometimes a good way to solve a problem is to borrow inspiration from others. Surely you get from contemplating or experiencing the creative flight of the thoughts of other authors. Forget that you are the creator and become a spectator. Visit exhibitions, go to concerts, read books, listen to music. Specially try not to create anything at this time, absorb, feed on other people's creativity, and after a short period of time you will "be born" yourself.

Look into the past

Surely you have some ideas that you started working on in the past, but never implemented them. Revisit your ideas. Perhaps they can be developed and create something worthwhile. It is also not uncommon for old ideas to lead to the creation of new ones. A creative crisis is most often associated with a lack of new ideas, but this does not mean that it is impossible to return to the past and look at old ones from a new angle.

From "owl" to "lark" and vice versa

Another change that can have a positive impact on a frozen creative process and will be a good answer to the question of how to get out of a creative block. Try changing your daily routine. For example, do not sleep at night if you are a "lark", or get up with the dawn of the sun if you are an "owl". Try to sleep well, asking loved ones not to disturb you in advance.

Change of social circle

It is not necessary to make new friends, especially since in this state you will not succeed. But you can try to change your usual social circle. For example, go to a biker bar or take a tour with nature lovers. Communication with people of interests not close to you will stimulate you to new feats and who knows what you will invent after such unusual communication?

In general, a creative crisis, or as it is also called creative stagnation, is a very common problem that many face in life.

A stupor in the head, lack of inspiration, no flow of new thoughts and ideas, an adequate assessment of the results of one's own work has been lost, a feeling of complete emptiness - that's all clear signs the presence of a creative crisis in a person.
If suddenly a person’s inspiration has disappeared, and there are no thoughts in his head, then you need not be upset and collect your thoughts, because this must be fought.

  • How to overcome a creative block

The very problem of overcoming the creative stupor lies in its concrete individuality. It's like in the case of the fight against laziness, first you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. It is necessary to ask a question, for what reason there was this stagnation in creativity? And when the reasons for which the crisis arose are analyzed in the head, then it will be much easier for a person to cope with it.

The main cause of the creative crisis can safely be called overwork. In this case, a decrease in the speed of work or a complete rest will help to get out of this stupor. After all, it is impossible to work at all without rest, or in the end it will lead to the fact that working capacity will completely disappear, fatigue will appear and apathy or severe depression will set in. When a person does not forget about his own good rest and constantly alternates work with it, then again and again he returns to it full of vigor, with a charge. new energy and great enthusiasm. You can also go to the cinema to see some inspiring film, visit a photo exhibition, or go to art gallery, relax on the beach or go fishing. One person, in order to get out of a creative crisis that arose due to fatigue, just needs to sleep for a few days and be with relatives and friends, another person will be helped only by a full-fledged long vacation. Everything directly depends on how high the degree of fatigue is.

A photographer from Sweden named Kelly Gustafson says that when he has a breakdown and inspiration leaves him, he goes on vacation for two weeks. And during it, he just watches people and listens to music. For him, this is the most The best way get distracted, leave the framework of your work and overcome the stagnation in creativity.

Very common cause the emergence of a creative stupor are personal problems: a conflict at work, a quarrel at home or with a loved one, illness of one of the relatives, and so on. creative person any trouble can completely unsettle, because he is a very vulnerable person. To overcome creative stagnation, it is necessary to understand that life is striped like a zebra. And once the troubles that have arisen will still end and all the bad things will quickly be forgotten. But the best solution here is still to do everything possible to exclude the influence of personal reasons on the creative process. It is necessary to take measures so that longing ceases to be the cause of a creative crisis, so if a quarrel has occurred with someone, you don’t have to gnaw yourself from the inside, you just need to make peace and that’s it. If a firm decision has arisen in your head to part with your loved one, then it is necessary to burn all bridges as soon as possible and start a new life.

It happens that creative stagnation occurs due to lack of information. There is only one way out, and that is to find her. Everyone has their own ways of searching, remembering and processing the information found.

An artist and designer from Michigan named Chuck Anderson often looks to bookstores for inspiration. A stack of magazines, books and a cup of coffee. He also sometimes takes a computer there, but more often he just flips through the pages and looks at other people's ideas, drawing a lot from there for himself. Various publications about music, sports, art, tattoos, culture and design - this is what Chuck Anderson likes to read the most. He is oversaturated with the amount of information received and this almost always brings him out of a creative crisis.

And here is a freelance illustrator from England, whose name is Jasper Goodall. He prefers to visit the university library in moments of lack of inspiration and completely buries himself there, in old editions of photo magazines and geographical design, choosing from there only those things that inspired his imagination. He then goes home, where he prints them out and pastes them into a specially made scrapbook. various literature. And after all this, he has a lot of new ideas in his head.

The next reason why creative stagnation occurs is the monotony of both life and one's own work. In this case, new experiences are urgently needed. It is necessary to expand your leisure time, completely change the rhythm of life and at the same time introduce something new into your work. You can, for example, take on some unusual project or change your specific workflow. Various innovations in your life can be made in different ways: make new friends, make an interior design in an apartment, and so on. It must be remembered that in creative stagnation there is a fear of everything new.

If suddenly the cause of the creative crisis was that a person is dissatisfied with his own work then you need to re-evaluate your work. Because, it happens that a person baselessly criticizes his work. In this case, it is very difficult to experience this crisis precisely for those people who endlessly delve into themselves. Of the great people, Kafk, Chekhov and Dostoevsky were inclined to this. But if in fact it turns out that the work certain person is not good enough, then you need to work on the mistakes and understand how to make it better. Here it is worth paying attention to the creativity of your colleagues, and possibly even competitors in the desired field of knowledge and try to learn something from them.

When an artist and designer from Minneapolis named Chad Hagen has a creative block, he visits places where he would have a desire to become even better. He draws attention to creativity various people and this starts his already existing creative potential. For him, the best cure for this kind of crisis is the extraordinary things that other people have done. Chad Hagen visits museums, exhibitions and galleries that reawaken his desire to return to his work and create something special.

Also, a creative crisis can arise due to work on a large-scale project, where at any stage of work on it, a person’s emotions will overflow. This may be due to huge plans, a large number various options embodiment, interweaving of several ideas that have no end. In this case, a person is frightened by the scale of the project and does not understand how and where to start, because the thoughts are all mixed up in the head, and also the deadlines put pressure on him and do not allow him to relax for a second, and this is where the creative stupor arises. The solution to this problem can only be the correct planning of your own time and the correct setting of goals. You need to disassemble your project into its component parts and determine clear deadlines and time for their implementation, make a list of tasks that need to be solved in this project. And then you can move towards implementation own object and when the first successes are achieved, they will inspire further work.

And a few more tips on how to overcome creative stagnation:

Everyone is well aware that in order to achieve or obtain a positive result in absolutely any business, it is necessary to alternate between physical and mental labor. If suddenly there comes a feeling that a creative crisis is coming, you need to load your head with physically difficult work - this is the best medicine for her at such a moment. You can visit Gym, dig up a garden for relatives or friends, in general, in one word you need to sweat in literally words. After all creative people especially useful physical exercise, because most they spend their lives in a sitting state.

For example, a creative from California, whose name is Justin Christmayer, comes out of a creative stagnation with a rather long run. He believes that new ideas are in fat, and therefore, if you burn a small part of your fat, then you can release these ideas and find a use for them. When jogging, Justin takes with him mobile phone and writes down new ideas that suddenly arise in it.

But a photographer from Denmark named Keith Holtermand listens to music in the event of a creative block. He says that inexhaustible source inspiration is music. She is for him an assistant in raising his spirits. He created his work while listening to such amazing musicians as Sigur Rós - this is his favorite, Jonsi and Alex, Air, Dead Can Dance and others.

A writer and correspondent for a weekly called Russian Reporter, whose name is Marina Akhmedova, can write something only after a full eight hours of sleep and not a minute less, otherwise a stupor occurs in her head.

The creative director of Google named Ji Li, in turn, when a creative block occurs, does the following:
He stays in the shower for a long time and stands right under the stream of water, so he thinks in a completely different way. Gee believes that water washes away all old thoughts and there is a feeling of renewal of oneself.
Then he cleans up and puts things in order, because he cannot think fully if there is a complete mess around.
If suddenly the above two options do not work, then he goes to ride a motorcycle, completely forgetting about his project.
In the end, some of this helps him.

Death Sun, who is an artist and illustrator from California, believes that creative stagnation is very unpleasant, for this reason he tries to prevent it from occurring. There are many ways for him to make his brain work. He, for example, watches movies or reads books. It also helps Dat Sun to meet friends who have other interests.

How to do your job without leaving the creative crisis:

If suddenly there is a feeling of internal resistance and you don’t feel like working at all, then you need to force yourself to write at least one page and look at the result. After all, appetite very often comes with eating.

When there are moments of creative stupor, it is very necessary to have blanks available. For example, for a journalist, this may turn out to be an unedited or started article, or some other material left over from already published articles. They may not help you get out of a creative stupor, but when there is no inspiration, they will definitely help you not to fall face down in front of customers or your management.

At the moment when complete creative impotence sets in, one must, in no case, sit back and not torment oneself with thoughts about when it will all end. It is necessary to do the work for which there is often not enough time, namely: put all the papers on the shelves, purchase the necessary stationery items, read specialized literature, and so on. In a word, prepare yourself fully for the moment when inspiration returns.

At graphic designer from San Francisco by the name of Christopher Simons, it happens that a certain problem appears, and he often knows how to solve it, but in reality it turns out to be too complicated and he gives up. To overcome this uncertainty, he is helped by a complete switch to another type of work. This work should be simple and unrelated to the previous one. Christopher refers to such work as: cleaning the garage, painting office switches and stuff like that. After that, he returns to his problem again and looks at it with completely different eyes, because now it seems to him a mere trifle.

For each person, creative stagnation is a whole test, for some it is severe, but for others it is so-so. But one thing must be remembered that when it appears in life, it is best to turn to the above methods in order to return your entire work process to normal. These tips will also help not only to cope with the creative crisis itself, but also help to prevent its occurrence in advance.

I think that every author (beginner or already quite well-known) at least once in his life faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as a creative crisis. Dealing with this is sometimes very difficult. I want to try to figure out what it really is and draw the necessary conclusions.

So what is creative block? The answer is simple - a state in which the author, composer, artist, poet simply cannot take on and do what he, in fact, always does. In order to somehow cope with this condition, you first need to know what causes it. There may be several reasons for this.

The concept of "creative crisis."

The roads leading to art are full of thorns, but they also manage to pluck beautiful flowers.. George Sand.

The concept of "Creative crisis" consists of two words.

Creativity is an activity that generates new values, ideas, the person himself as a creator.

Crisis (from the Greek solution, turning point) - a coup, a time of transition, a turning point, a state in which the existing means of achieving goals become inadequate, resulting in unpredictable situations and problems.
Consider such a thing as an existential crisis, purely psychological. This is a state of anxiety, a feeling of deep psychological discomfort when asked about the meaning of existence. Most common in cultures where basic survival needs are already met.

Bottom line: a state of creative crisis, which means a certain inability to create, to express your thoughts through the type of creativity that you have chosen.

Some causes of the creative crisis.

Any human creation, whether it be literature, music or painting, it is always a self-portrait. Butler

The first and one of the most common having finished some of his work (usually midi or maxi), the author, who has invested his soul, energy, talent and time in his creation, is literally "emptied" for some time. After that, he suddenly cannot write anything - his hands simply do not reach, they drop after the first viewing of the "draft" of the new chapter.

Second: any failure in Everyday life(quarrels with parents, friends, not very good grades at school, comments from teachers, etc.). In this case, most often, unlike the previous one, there is not only inspiration, but also the desire to do something.

Third: fatigue. This often happens after important exams, tests, interviews, which you not only failed, on the contrary, most likely received the assessment of your abilities that you yourself gave, or even higher. Although, there may be another reason for fatigue. In this case, you most likely do not have the strength to do something.

Fourth: banal laziness. There is nothing to explain here.

Fifth: excessive motivation. Because of this, there great excitement, anxiety, fear of failure is possible.

Sixth: stress. Excessive psychological stress affects not only creativity, but also health. This can be caused by anything (at least a negative rating or comment).
Because of this factor, the creative crisis is usually the longest.

Several ways out of the creative crisis.

In order to have grounds for creativity, it is necessary that your life itself be meaningful.. Ibsen.

Good vacation- this method, I think, is more suitable for the first, third and sixth reasons. And in general, a good useful (which is probably the most important) rest has never harmed anyone.

Task switching- if you can't do your favorite thing, why not switch to something else? If you write music, for drawing, for example, or for practicing some kind of sport? After that, there big chance for inspiration and creativity.

Brainstorm- if you have good endurance and willpower, and there is not much time to deal with a creative crisis (you never know, you write a work for a competition, or at least school essay), then I think this option should suit you. The essence of the method is this - you begin to think about the idea itself (what is it, what is wrong with it, maybe something in it significantly interferes with you now). Perhaps this will lead you to some thoughts and speed up your thinking process. The only thing is, for this you need to firmly decide and take it. Otherwise, it might not work.

New looks and experiences- creative crisis does not like vivid impressions. This leads to some new ideas, the possibility of which you did not even suspect. Of course, it is not always possible to afford a trip abroad or to another city, but you can walk the other way from school, update your wardrobe, try to do something new for you.

Refinement and rework- the search for problems and a catch in the work is a fairly successful way to get rid of a creative crisis. You look for errors, shortcomings in the texts and as a result discover a lot of new things for yourself (for example, the idea that you have never really "bothered" about before). Of course, the refinement is much less effective way than a change of images and impressions, but this is often very relevant and justified.

How to do your work in case of a creative crisis?

If you feel low energy, inspiration, and similar symptoms of a creative block, try to do at least something. After all, it is known that appetite often comes with eating.

But, of course, you don't need to torture yourself by trying to do something for a very long time (this can simply lead to another reason for a creative block). Then, try to do something that usually your hands just don’t reach (to teach the same geometry, for example).


The art is to find the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.. Diderot.

After we've explored this topic a bit, we need to sum up the conclusion.

Conclusion. A creative crisis is something like a disease. And almost any disease can be cured. You just need to understand in time what is happening to you, the cause of this condition and choose the right "medicine".

Good luck in your creative work!

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