What is a small home. Class hour (grade 9) on the topic: My small homeland


What is a "small homeland"? There are many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of "small motherland". This phenomenon is considered as a literary metaphor, a topographic category, its phenomenological and structural analysis from the point of view of various scientific disciplines. But it is also a psychological phenomenon. Undoubtedly, the word "motherland" is the same root as the word "birth". Therefore, often the homeland is understood precisely as the place of birth. Motherland can have quite large scale countries, states. Then this concept claims to be a certain objectivity, universality for a certain group of people. Under the "small homeland" can be understood as a certain relatively small region, settlement, area, which are subjectively and individual for each bearer of this phenomenon. For each person, the place of his birth has a certain subjective meaning. Often it is the place of birth that is metaphorically called the “small homeland”. A “small homeland” for a person can also be a place with which childhood memories are associated. It also happens that the phenomenon of a “small homeland” finds its localization in those areas in which a person has not been for a long time or not been at all, but knows about them, dreams of going there. These areas may be associated with the heroic past of his ancestors. This is especially true for representatives of noble families, creative elite who honor their family traditions and traditions of their people. It happens that a person, being a carrier of a minority culture in society, identifies himself with the carriers of that culture that is valuable for him. "Small homeland" he will consider the territory on which given culture is dominant. The phenomenon of the "small motherland" found its reflection in literary, artistic and other types of creativity. And also the plot of mother earth, which gives strength, is very common in mythologies. various peoples peace.

To the "small homeland" a person experiences positive, warm feelings. It has a certain, one might even say, sacred meaning for him (the testament to be buried in the “land of the fathers” is one of the vestiges of such sacralization), is often poeticized and idealized, and is of a certain value.
Exist different approaches to the definition of "small homeland" from various scientific positions. We are more empathized with the position of MP Krylov, as it is more psychological. In his article “Russian cultural and historical space. The Problem of Regional Identity”, published in the journal “World of Psychology 2005 No. 3”, he gives the following understanding of the “small motherland”: “small motherland” is the perception by the plurality of interacting individuals of their habitat as a special, some kind of conditional integrity, which has an internal cultural and spatial logic, and representing the totality of spatial identities within a region, including identities settlements and local expressions of identity.

Therefore, to study the phenomenon of "small motherland" through the category of identity seems to us the most adequate. Since this phenomenon has its own topographical dimension, with which a person is historically and mythically connected, belonging to some territory with its sociocultural traditions is expressed through identity.

Identity is a mental formation that is a consequence of the process of identification. In the broad sense of the word, identification (from Latin - identification) is an emotional-cognitive process of unconscious identification by the subject of himself with another subject, with a group, a model.

There are several approaches to understanding identity. The theoretical basis of this study is the cognitive approach proposed by G. Tejfel and J. Turner with their understanding of social identity.

Based on the above theoretical base, we will try to define the phenomenon of "small motherland":
The phenomenon of the "Small Motherland" is an identification with a valuable region that plays a significant role in the formation of personality, this identification is carried out by including oneself in the group of bearers of the socio-cultural traditions of this region.

In this study, the phenomenon of "small motherland" is correlated with the category of local identity. Namely, it is a variation of it. Local identity can act as a particular category in relation to the concept of regional identity.

Local identity, a variation of which is the phenomenon of "small homeland" determines behavior not only at the level of cognitive regulation, but also at an emotional, often unconscious level. " Small homeland is also a value phenomenon. The space of the "small motherland" is saturated not only with objective the objective world, but also phenomena with which, through their experiences, the human self correlates.
Personality is formed in a certain socio-cultural environment. It is the environment and the region that have had the greatest impact on the formation of a person's personality that are designated by the concept of "small homeland". At the same time, the person himself feels this influence. The person is included in the group of inhabitants of the region. He begins to highlight the features that distinguish this group from everyone else and is already able to make comparisons with other groups. If your group has a large number positive characteristics compared with others, then a positive identity is formed, if less, then a negative one.

The phenomenon of a “small homeland” can manifest itself in the fact that a person realizes himself first of all as a resident of a small area, and only then as a resident of a country or a representative of a nation. Sometimes people try to keep local culture the region that he considers his small homeland. And he considers himself the bearer of this culture.
Studying the phenomenon of a “small homeland” makes it possible to understand what a person feels when he is away from home for a long time. Helps to study the process of adaptation to new social and cultural conditions.
The image of the "small motherland" is formed through the prism of the human self, which was formed under the influence of a certain region with its sociocultural traditions. The image of the "small motherland" is formed on the basis of the reflection of individual significant features of the subjectively identified region. The image of the "small motherland" accumulates the life world of the individual. And the concept itself acquires a phenomenological character.

Why is the phenomenon of "small motherland" becoming relevant? IN modern society there is an identity crisis. The polarity "globalization - regionalization" can lead to the actualization of the phenomenon of "small motherland", that is, local identity comes to the fore, and not national or ethnic. People strive to develop their own unique, relatively characteristic small group features, and on the other hand, they are increasingly striving for universality, globality. On the one hand, globalization is the strengthening of interconnections between people different countries, ethnic groups and cultures, leading to the formation of the population the globe united humanity. On the other hand, cultural and ethnic boundaries are blurred. Which leads to loss of identity, destruction national identity. These trends can be seen most clearly in the border area, where long time several ethnic groups coexist. Here a special type of person is formed, belonging to several cultures. Regional rather than ethno-national affiliation is beginning to take the first place. One of the reasons is the polyethnic nature of the border region.

Grodno region is a border region, which is part of the Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian border. In the conditions of interpenetration of cultures, the phenomenon of the “small homeland” acquires significance.
In this study, an attempt was made to empirically study the content and emotional tone of the image of the "small motherland" of students of the regional and city classes of the lyceum No. 1 in Grodno of younger youth (15-17 years old). Selecting this age group not accidental, in given age the value-semantic sphere of personality is formed.

The method of free interpretations was used. The subjects were asked to continue the statement: "small homeland" for me is ... ".
Most of the students of the regional classes defined "small homeland" as "the place where I was born (was born)". Most of the students in the city classes defined their "small homeland" as "the city of Grodno". In second place was the definition of "small motherland", as "home" among the regional classes, and as "family" among the city. The appearance of the category "home" among the students of the regional classes is very interesting. It should be noted that they permanently reside in the Grodno region, they came to Grodno for the duration of their studies. Perhaps, in such conditions, the house acquires special significance for them.
The method of semantic differential was used to determine the emotional tone of the image of the "small motherland".
In the regional classes, the majority of the subjects characterized the image of the "small motherland" as sublime, tender, good, open, bright, mysterious, soothing; , "open-closed", "dark-light", "mysterious-ordinary", "disturbing-soothing" inappropriate for characterizing the image of the "small motherland". This means that students in the regional classes use a wider repertoire of adjectives to characterize the image of their “small homeland”. Hence, this image richer, more versatile.

For most of the subjects from the regional classes, the "small homeland" is more warm, lively, cheerful, important, beautiful, optimistic, attractive, safe. Which speaks of the greater dynamism and eide-ness of this image.

Equally and almost equally, the "small homeland" was rated with positive adjectives in the regional and city classes: light, close, bright, pleasant, optimistic, strong, calm, inspiring, beautiful, exciting, natural.

Analyzing the data obtained, it can be seen that the image of the "small motherland" has a positive emotional tone among urban and regional students. But the ideas about the "small homeland" are richer and more figurative among students from the regional classes. It is possible that the influence of the city or regional socio-cultural environment in the process of personality formation played a significant role here. But this assumption requires empirical evidence.


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Almost all Russians (92%) believe that a person should know where he comes from (only 7% of respondents believe that it is not necessary to know). At the same time, 49% of survey participants associate the concept of "Motherland" with the specific place where they were born; 47% identify the Motherland with all of Russia. It should be noted that representatives of the older generation (53%) and respondents with higher education (54%).

The assessments of experts and the opinions expressed by the participants of the DFG allow us to conclude that Russians clearly distinguish between a "big" and a "small" Motherland.

  • "Small" Motherland - this is where they were born. And the "big" Motherland - it seems to me, you go abroad - then the "big" Motherland, Russia"
  • (DFG, Moscow).
  • “It seems to me that the “small” and “big” Motherland diverge in time; the “small” one has remained in the past, with our years of childhood and youth, and the “big” one is always with us”
  • (DFG, St. Petersburg).
  • “As for the “big” Motherland, it’s clear: Russia, but as for the “small” Motherland ... For me personally, where I live, because I was born there, but didn’t live, and I didn’t live somewhere all the time, but all the time wandered abroad, then in other places"
  • (DFG, Moscow).
There is a close relationship between the "small" and "big" Motherland:
  • "If the "big" Motherland is bad, then your "small" is even worse. Everything is interconnected"
  • (DFG, St. Petersburg).
  • "The country is big, and, feeling its involvement in big country, a person also feels the need for his "small" Motherland, for the place where he was born, where he was surrounded by his father and mother, friends, and so on. And so the feeling of a huge country lives in us in parallel with attachment to the "small" Motherland"
  • (expert, Ulyanovsk).
Revealing the meaning of the concept of "Motherland", participants in group discussions often mention house - as something very close and even intimate:
  • "It becomes warm in the soul that I came home: finally you can relax, just calm down"
  • (DFG, Voronezh).
  • “It’s probably easier for men to understand this, when they come from the army ... I went there, felt what it was like when I left, looked around and exhaled:“ At home! ”
  • (DFG, Voronezh).
"Motherland" in the views of respondents is sometimes associated not only with a certain place (apartment, house, village, etc., where you were born, where you live), but also with a special type of relationship between a person and the community with which he identifies himself:
  • "Small" is where you want to return, really, from everywhere. And "big" - what you want to be proud of "
  • (DFG, Moscow).
An important component of this kind of relationship is the willingness to live in one's own country, even if one has the opportunity to choose one's place of residence. When asked if they would like to leave Russia for another country for permanent place residence, 80% of Russians answered in the negative. Only 15% of our compatriots would prefer to leave. It is noteworthy that in this group the proportion of representatives younger generation(27%), optimists (23%) and residents of the South federal district (22%).

At the same time, focus group participants repeatedly noted the lack of harmony in relations between Russians and the state, which, in their opinion, does not at all contribute to the growth of a sense of patriotism. So, to the moderator's question : "What do you think about the "big" Motherland? What feelings do you have?" answers follow:

    Vladimir: - Complicated.
Victor: - We do not live in the Motherland in which we were born.

Elizabeth: “Right now, it makes me feel frustrated. This is due to all the negative phenomena that we are seeing now.

Irina: - Disgusting. The country does not need us - and this is a shame. The Worst Feelings(DFG, Voronezh).

  • "There is nihilism, such a perception, you understand, when people do not see ... They live for a year, two and already ten in constant reforms that do not lead to anything good. And this feeling - it is lost, i.e. we do not feel themselves as one nation now"
  • (expert, Ryazan).
At the same time, there is a strengthening of regional identity, a tendency is developing to identify the individual with territorial communities.

Judging by the data of the mass survey, 60% of respondents believe that their fellow countrymen are different from residents of other regions of Russia. A third of the respondents do not see such differences. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the Volga Federal District feel the least difference from others (42%), which may be largely due to the multi-ethnicity of this region. Among the experts, only one in eight believes that his countrymen do not differ from the inhabitants of other regions.

To the question: "Do you think your countrymen differ from the inhabitants of other regions for the better, for the worse, or are they just different?" 45% of respondents did not give any answer. A quarter of respondents believe that their fellow countrymen are not better or worse, but simply different, the same proportion of survey participants are on the position of regional centrism, believing that their fellow countrymen are better than others. Apparently, the line between "we are different" and "we are better than others" is very thin.

An essential component of the relationship between a person and his homeland is the feeling of patriotism, about which the survey participants talk a lot. Based on their opinions, two significant aspects of this feeling can be distinguished: Love And service.

  • "Patriotism is love for the Motherland after all. ... Love for those places, people who, to some extent, think and feel the same with me"
  • (expert, Vladimir).

  • “Obviously, love for one’s Motherland, “big” and “small” at the same time, preference even for some of one’s goods, and even different cultures - probably, this is where patriotism manifests itself.
  • (expert, Tula). And the transition to the idea of ​​service:
    • “Well, I think that patriotism is not only love, for example, for a “small” Motherland or a “big” Motherland. But this is still some creative activity. So that both "small" and "big" your Motherland - it ... flourished. Those. not just tenderness there with some kind of beauty, a birch or something else, but to make this land flourish"
    • (expert, Gorno-Altaisk).
    • "I believe that a person should talk less about patriotism and do more for the sake of the prosperity of his country, then he will be a true patriot"
    • (expert, Vladimir).
    • "For me personally, patriotism means serving the Motherland"
    • (expert, Ryazan).
    • "Of course, I am a patriot of a mega-machine - in the sense that the machine that is a state, a country, i.e., which holds the unity of gigantic territories, is also dear to me, of course. There are, as it were, two aspects, i.e. ., on the one hand, these are people and responsibility to them, on the other hand, the need to realize belonging to a mega-machine and the desire to preserve, strengthen, promote it"
    • (expert, Krasnoyarsk).
    Another important aspect The topic is related to the fact that many survey participants view their attitude to the Motherland through the prism of blood, family ties, both with the place where they were born and raised, and with their people.
    • "Not in vain natal charts compiled for the place where he was born. Those. this card is very big role plays. These are all the stars, the location of the area ... And they are inherited in the genes. Those. he was born already with some kind of program, exactly corresponding to the given place of birth"
    • (DFG, Moscow).
    • “Naturally, love begins with a feeling of soil, i.e. it is based on the soil on which a person was born and raised, which means, and then this feeling overflows into love for the Fatherland, for a system that ensures the stability and security of this place of birth or so-called "small" Motherland. There is no contradiction here"
    • (expert, St. Petersburg).
    Apparently, it is no coincidence that 73% of the participants in the all-Russian survey would not want to be born in another country, and only 13% of the respondents would prefer to be born outside of Russia.

    As can be seen from the data obtained, love for the "small" and "big" Motherland, the feeling of patriotism weakly correlate with the state of affairs in the country. As one expert stated:

    • "We will always love Russia as long as at least one person continues to speak Russian"
    • (expert, Krasnoyarsk).

    Class hour in 4 "A" class

    "My small homeland"

    Target: Show the importance of the motherland in the life of every person.


    Educational: generalize the concepts: Motherland, small motherland

    Developing: to develop speech, horizons, memory, attention in children.

    Educational: fostering interest and desire to learn more about their native land, their small homeland.

    Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation.

    Course progress.

    1. Organizational moment.

    the teacher greets the children, invites them to take their places

    2. Post subject. Target setting.

    Dear Guys! This class hour we have today is not at all unusual, because. We have guests in class.

    Pay attention to the slide. Read the topic of the lesson.

    Today we will talk with you about the Motherland. About a small homeland. What does a person call his homeland?

    3. Introductory speech.

    Now look at the map, (slide 2) compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the most large area?

    What country do we live in?

    Which country are you a citizen of?

    What is the name of the capital of our country?

    We all live in huge country name, which is Russia.

    Russia is the most big country in the world.

    The borders of Russia pass both by land and by sea.

    Our country is very beautiful and rich. All this is our country. - What does each of you consider your small homeland?

    What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?

    (Slide 3)

    MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my school ...

    SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.

    MOTHERLAND - because people close to my heart live here.

    What is RODINA for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where he was born; birch at the native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.

    4. Main body:

    Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that's the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is your own, and all the rest are a foreign land, even the most beautiful, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your homeland is, you are always expected, understood and loved.

    Motherland is the land, the state where a person is born .

    The word "motherland" comes from ancient word"Clan", which refers to a group of people united by blood relationship (Kin).

    5. Competition "Relatives" is held.

    It is proposed to name as many words as possible with the root "genus".

    ( Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.) (slide 4)

    PARENTS are the father and mother to whom children are born.

    RELATIVE - a relative, a member of the genus.

    RELATIVES - relatives.

    PEDIGREE - a list of generations of the same genus. People are proud of their pedigree, study it

    MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.

    PEOPLE - a nation, the inhabitants of a country.

    Teacher: Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this.

    A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, service to the Fatherland. native mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

    So we have keyword- HOMELAND. Proverbs say how carefully the Russian people have always treated their Motherland. (slide 5)

    6. (Game make up a proverb)

    Motherland - mother, serve the motherland.

    To live, know how to stand up for her.

    A man without a homeland will come in handy there.

    Where someone will be born, that a nightingale without a song.

    The concept of "Motherland" is broad and capacious. The vast expanses of Russia immediately arise in my thoughts with the breadth of its fields, rivers and lakes, forests and arable lands. And among all this diversity there is an earth, there is a point, there is the most dear to the heart and a place for the soul: this is your small homeland.

    But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow up - this is our native land, this is our small homeland. I wrote this word twice. What is their difference?

    (slide 6)

    When the word "Motherland" is spelled with capital letter?

    When is the word homeland capitalized?

    Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?

    Do you know famous countrymen?

    What can you tell about the history of your region?

    7. Questionnaire "Do I know my small Motherland?"

    Instructions: Choose one or more answers.

    1. Do you know the life history of your relatives (full name, occupation, place of residence)?

    A. I know everything about my parents

    B. I know everything about my parents and grandparents

    C. I know about my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents

    G. Difficult to answer

    E. I have partial information

    2. Are you a native of your village (3 or more generations of your family lived in this village)?


    B. No

    B. Difficult to answer

    3. Do you know famous countrymen?

    A. I don't know

    B. I know (specify) _______________________________________________

    4. Do you know the history of your region (region)?

    A. Features of speech

    B. Holiday traditions

    C. Features of the local costume

    D. Legends, fairy tales, legends



    Based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that the guys in our class are well aware of their small homeland.

    Outcome: - Our class hour has come to an end.

    Russia, motherland, small motherland. Such painfully native words.

    Life scatters people in many corners of the Earth.

    But wherever we are, your native land will always be for us that bright light that will be our own. bright light call us to our native land.

    Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his kind.

    Be proud of the people who glorify your country

    Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

    Assessing the activity of the children in the lesson, thank you for your attention.

    Children go to class, greet the teacher, sit down.

    Children look at the slide

    (Slide topic of the class hour)

    One of the students reads the title of the lesson:

    Children look at the slide (Slide: map of Russia of the Russian Federation


    Children answer questions.

    Children read the slide

    Children read the meaning of the words from the slide

    Children make up a proverb from cut words

    (slide children read proverbs explain their meaning)

    Children answer questions.

    (one is written with a capital letter, and the other with a small letter) (When we talk about our village, where we were born and live.)

    children answer questions

    children answer the questionnaire

    Introspection of the class hour "My small homeland"

    class teacher 4 "A" class Pashchenko S.Yu.

    This class hour is the implementation of the program "Moral Roots!" on the moral education of children with disabilities, from the block "I am the Fatherland". The form of the conversation

    Purpose: To show the importance of the motherland in the life of every person.


    Educational: to summarize the concepts: Motherland, small motherland

    Developing: to develop speech, horizons, memory, attention in children.

    Educational: education of interest and desire to learn more about the native land, their small homeland.

    Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation.

    Currently, one of the most pressing issues in education is moral education. The relevance of this program is increasing due to the growing role of patriotic education. Of great importance are the issues of patriotic education through the study of one's small homeland.

    The small homeland of the child is the nature that surrounds him, family, home, school, this memorable places native village, its historical and

    cultural centers, enterprises operating in rural areas

    administration and, of course, these are people, the pride and glory of their native village.

    Studying native land necessary, since the main

    personality traits. “You don’t know the world without knowing your edge!” understand inseparable bond, the unity of the history of their region, family, school with the life of our country; to raise children as citizens of their homeland, who know and respect their roots, culture, traditions, customs native land, schools. The theme of the class hour was traced throughout extracurricular activities. Used a variety of methods and techniques. The work was aimed at developing the concept of “Small Motherland” among students, teenagers talked about what the Small Motherland means, where does a person’s biography begin, what is historical memory in relation to their Small Motherland, why it is important for a person, what should be the responsibility to the Small Motherland today and in the future, what does it mean to think and worry about the fate of the Small Motherland.

    The children were organized, disciplined and active.

    During the class hour, she worked on the development of students' speech, sought common answers in the statements of children. The class hour was emotionally charged. We were able to complete the assigned tasks. Concluding the conversation, the students agreed with the teacher's opinion that, studying the history of their Little Motherland, paying tribute to their fellow countrymen for their labor and military exploits, for their inexhaustible talent, rejoicing at the positive changes in the fate of their village, everyone with a sense of pride can be proud of their small family.

    Many people remember with trepidation the place where they spent their childhood. Our native village seems to us a fabulous corner filled with vivid impressions. So what is a small homeland? This problem is raised by the well-known Soviet writer Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich in his text.

    The writer notes: “a small homeland is what gives us wings of inspiration for life.” And this happens due to the fact that in childhood all emotions seem more vivid, and what is happening is more fabulous. So the author depicts children's fantasies, showing a merman living in a whirlpool. It is these fabulous impressions that our small homeland gives us.

    The position of the author is clear to us. For E. I. Nosov, a small homeland is home village, which gives the child vivid memories and allows you to make small discoveries. It is there that a person first experiences a feeling of delight, experiences the first shocks.

    It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the writer, indeed, the impressions that we get in childhood, in our small homeland, sometimes become the brightest in our lives, and the native village itself is the most desirable and beloved place in the world.

    I think that many Russian classics who touched upon the problem of their small homeland would agree with Nosov's position. So in the work of Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich “Oblomov”, the memories of the village in which Ilya Ilyich grew up become the brightest and warmest for the main character. Native Oblomovka seems to him a piece of paradise, in which peace and tranquility reigned. The small motherland brought up Ilya Oblomov, made his temperament unhurried, and his character unflappable. Ilya Ilyich returned many times to his memories of Oblomovka, because it was there that he experienced the most vivid emotions, made his first childhood discoveries.

    The problem of a small homeland was also touched upon by the famous Soviet writer Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko in his work “Paradox”. The author describes village life two brothers. The village itself becomes a fascinating place of discovery for the boys. In the barrel they discover a whole undersea world and begin to fish with homemade fishing rods. Part of the crew, thrown out by the owners, allows the brothers to go on fantastic adventures. All these games and impressions given to children by their small homeland will remain in the memory of the boys for a long time and will warm them in difficult life moments.

    It turns out that a small homeland is the place that gives a person a childhood filled with vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions.

    (353 words)

    Updated: 2018-01-19

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