Humanity as one whole. More about one of the common theories


In this formulation, this question can, of course, cause bewilderment. Does anyone doubt that we exist? It seems that one can argue about what humanity is, how it differs from other components of the world, but it is somehow strange to doubt its existence, real existence.

However, we will not rush to assess the question posed. Indeed, the fact of the existence of ourselves, other individuals, many people is not disputed by any sane person, whether he is just a naive realist or a professional philosopher. Everyone clearly understands (if he is not an absolute subjectivist-solipsist) that other people exist independently of him.

But is there such a subject of activity, an acting agent of history, as HUMANITY? The answer to this question requires theoretical proof. Isn't that why the clarification of its essence more than once baffled even outstanding minds. Let us first refer to A. I. Herzen, a bright and noble Russian thinker. In the book “The Past and Thoughts,” he wrote that, in his opinion, the word “humanity” is repulsive, it does not express anything definite, but only adds some kind of demigod to the vagueness of all other concepts.

Many modern Western philosophers are trying to prove that humanity as a whole is a fiction. So, the American philosopher Stuart Chase in the book "The Tyranny of Words" argued that humanity does not exist as an independent entity: "Try to call: Hey, Humanity, here! And no Adam will answer your call."

The famous culturologist Oswald Spengler in his book "The Decline of Europe" wrote that humanity is an empty word and that it should be excluded from the circle of problems. historical forms. The well-known English historian Arnold Toynbee thought in the same spirit. In his exposition, there is no Mankind, but there are some independent cultural and historical systems (local civilizations) that arise, become, develop and perish, like biological organisms.

As you can see, there are many skeptics who question the reality of the “humanity” phenomenon. But HUMANITY EXISTS REALLY AND OBJECTIVELY, regardless of the mental refinements of certain theorists. There is humanity as a fragment of the objective world, there is its world history, its UNITY AND GENERALITY has long been recorded by numerous studies.

Domestic historians of recent decades from I. Konrad to B. Porshnev, from L. Gumilyov to L. Vasiliev showed that the general line of development historical process can be traced only on the material of the history of all mankind, which is its true subject.

It is clear that world history is made up of stories individual peoples, ethnic groups, states, each of which has its own face. And yet one cannot but agree that humanity is the ultimate category of any historiosophical, sociological reflection.

THE UNITY OF HUMANITY at any stage of its being is DETERMINED BY THE UNITY OF ITS BIOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. People form a single species. The children of the Earth are part of its biosphere. People are united in their physical appearance, morphological (species) characteristics, genetic characteristics, anthropomorphic constant. These or other differences of the type of racial characteristics are only variants of a single basis.

THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH ARE ONE ESSENTIALLY - SOCIALLY. Once upon a time, the early K. Marx convincingly noted that it was in processing objective world for the first time man really asserts himself as a generic being. Production is its active generic life. LABOR ACTIVITY - first of all, what united into humanity small groups of first people scattered across the expanses of the prehistoric Oikumene (from the Greek ecumene - I live, inhabit; it means the part of the earth inhabited by man). Wherever the first people live, they come from a single root, their actions are correlated due to the homogeneity of life activity, they are united by the substance of labor, it makes them facets of integrity.

THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH ARE ONE INTELLECTUALLY. In any act of logical reflection, one can see the bonds that bind millions and millions of individuals, hundreds and hundreds of generations into something unified. The nature of Reason (for all its historicity) is still one, it is the same for all peoples and individuals, as much as they differ in all other cultural and historical characteristics. The presence of logic requires the mind to recognize the presence of Humanity.

Economic, social and political processes in the XX century.

It seems that the time has not yet come to comprehend the development of the world in the 20th century, its main trends: it is very complex, unlike everything that mankind has experienced before. In addition, we are still too immersed in this world, so it is impossible to distance ourselves from it in order to survey its general panorama, to separate the essential from the vain and momentary. Understanding the vulnerability of such intentions, we will nevertheless try to outline some contours of the history of mankind in the 20th century.

There have been huge positive changes in the ECONOMIC FIELD. The center of these changes was scientific and technological revolution, the real and large-scale transformation of science into a direct productive force. Cybernetization, computerization, informatization, the emergence of fundamentally new technologies have become a reality of social production.

Essentially in the 20th century leadership in social production has moved to the spiritual sphere: it is the human intellect (its capabilities) that has become a factor that determines the scale, dynamism, in general, the whole appearance modern society. On the basis of these changes, the total material and spiritual wealth of mankind has increased dramatically. In many regions of the world, societies have developed that provide high standards of consumption, comfort, and services. It is also important to note that shifts in social production organically include the human creator and require more and more full use of his creative, individual-personal qualities and abilities.

In the field of social change, as philosophers believe, three major factors can be noted:

Firstly, this is the DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY AS A SOCIAL COMMUNITY covering the whole world. Mankind has always existed as a kind of social integrity. But, of course, on different stages history, it was not the same, differed by one or another degree of development of integral social connections. 20th century was that stage world history when the ties that bind humanity were strengthened, concretized. He developed a "feeling of the elbow", a feeling common destiny, common habitation on one planet - Earth.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the increased conjugation of humanity as a whole and each individual destiny. Moreover, this conjugation is manifested not just in the field of purely rational reflection, but precisely in the field of everyday, real-life interests.

Second, in the 20th century direction social development is increasingly shifting FROM SOCIO-CLASS COMMONITIES, which possessed a huge socio-regulatory power that crushed a person, TO MORE DYNAMIC MICROSOCIAL COMMUNITIES. It is this layer of social ties and relationships, as philosophers think, that constitutes the social environment of human existence in the 20th century. At the same time, it should be noted that the degree of individual-personal choice by a person social community, close and comfortable to him, has increased.

Third, the 20th century was marked by enormous changes IN THE FIELD OF ETHNO-NATIONAL RELATIONS. On the one hand, in the XX century. the colonial system of oppression and enslavement of many peoples, nations and races was finally liquidated. On the other hand, in the 20th century, especially recent decades, marked by outbreaks of nationalism, the opposition of nations to each other. Apparently, this explosion of nationalism is not fully understood. It seems to us that there is some kind of deep, not quite clear connection between the development national idea and evolution of personality.

In short, the 20th century from the point of view of social evolution, they present a motley and contradictory picture. Some socialities have strengthened and flourished, others are leaving the historical arena, some social contradictions obviously softened, for example, class ones, others, such as national ones, harden.

IN THE POLITICAL FIELD in the XX century. ambiguous and contradictory processes were also observed.

First of all, it should be noted such a fact as a DRAFT EXPANSION OF THE SCALE OF PARTICIPATION OF THE MASS IN POLITICS. If we compare the XX century. with the previous ones in terms of the number of people interested in politics, participating in various political actions, then, I think, the 20th century. has no equal. It can be called the century when the masses became the subject of politics.

At the same time, the connection between the masses of people and politics develops, as it were, along two opposite, but in fact interconnected channels. On the one hand, a person, as it were, distances himself more from politics, drawing a clear line between his life, interests and the area of ​​intervention of the state and other political institutions. On the other hand, it is from this distance, having strengthened in their own economic, social foundations, a person is more actively interested in politics, influences it, demands that it take into account his interests more and respond to them. Therefore, the problem of human rights and freedoms in the XX century. acquired special meaning.

20th century was the time of the development of classical democracy, multi-party system. Although difficult, with digressions and extremes, democracy nevertheless determined the prospects for the political evolution of the 20th century, it was and remains the standard of political life, which the vast majority of countries have been guided by.

However, the political history of the XX century. marked by outbreaks of the most extreme antipode of democracy - totalitarianism, reactionary dictatorship. This totalitarianism was embodied in the fascist regimes of Italy, Germany, in the Stalinist reactionary regime that dominated the USSR and was implanted in a number of socialist countries. Totalitarianism was based on the suppression of human rights and freedoms, on the organic rejection of the value of human life and individuality. totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. forced humanity to remember the darkest pages of its political history. inhumanity totalitarian regimes naturally led them to collapse.

We may be mistaken, but we believe that the XX century. was not marked by any fundamental shifts in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps only in the area scientific knowledge This is the time of revolutionary breakthroughs. But for all the significance of science, it does not fill the entire space of the spiritual life of mankind. There are still areas of moral creativity, art, philosophy, searches in the field of religious values, etc., etc.

Globalization of public life in the XX century.

Our age is not only a time of general growth in the scale of human transformations, but also a time when these transformations acquire a universal character, become events in the life of all mankind. So the 20th century with certain justification can be called a global age. The economic basis of this globalization is, of course, the growth of the scale of creative and objective human activity. Universality, coverage of all continents and countries, stepping over the borders of states - these are the features of modern production. Likewise, the growth of available Vehicle, the activities of the means of mass communication, information, etc. bring peoples together, make everyone almost instantly involved in the affairs of the whole world.

In this connection, the significance of the achievements of cosmonautics cannot be underestimated. Indeed, today astronauts, in fact, are representatives of all mankind. In short, the life of mankind in the XX century. becomes more and more universal, its space is our entire planet.

At the same time, I would like to note that globality entered the life of mankind in a somewhat paradoxical way, so to speak, with a minus sign. It was in the 20th century. the world faced such a negative phenomenon as world wars, it was in this century that humanity came close to the threshold of atomic suicide, it was in this century that it faced the threat of ecological self-destruction. These events, these tragedies of human existence showed people that the world of earthlings is one.

Finally, the global confrontation between capitalism and socialism, which, in fact, embraced the whole world and subjugated it at a certain stage, testified to the global nature of human existence.

Reflecting on the problems of the globalization of life in the 20th century, one should suggest that the deepest basis of this phenomenon is globality itself as a feature of human existence. It is the universality of human essence, the boundlessness of human abilities, among which consciousness and labor should be put in the first place, in the opinion of philosophers, that were the most important sources of global processes of the 20th century. “An intimate-global man,” perhaps this is how he should be characterized in the 20th century.

Capitalism and socialism are the main trends of the 20th century.

Perhaps the most basic intrigue of the 20th century. - this is the relationship of world capitalism and socialism. (Here we are not talking about the essence of socialism, about how legitimate it is to characterize the system in the USSR and other countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America like a socialist. We proceed from a certain tradition of designating these states and their association).

Considering the 20th century in a general retrospective, it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question: whose century is this, which formation triumphs here, and which suffered a historical defeat?

Of course, if by formations we understand socio-political organisms, certain countries that are usually called capitalist and socialist, then the answer to the question posed is obvious. The 20th century showed not the decay, not the decline of capitalism, not its general death, but, on the contrary, its new rise.

As for the fate of the socialist countries, it is truly tragic. Socialism, which began its historical procession in 1917, having first established itself in one country, then embodied in the socialist camp, having achieved a very tangible political weight in the world, military-strategic parity, essentially disintegrated at the end of the century. And he broke up not under the influence external forces, wars, natural Disasters etc., but due to indigenous internal contradictions.

The fact that the peoples of the socialist countries are looking for a way out of this situation by turning to the values ​​of the capitalist world emphasizes even more clearly the immanent inferiority of the socialist socio-political model of the 20th century. So the answer to the question of which system won the historical distance of the 20th century is clear. By the end of the century, capitalism came triumphant, and socialism, to use the same sports terminology, generally fell out of the race.

But this conclusion is about the main intrigue of the 20th century. for all its correspondence to historical realities, it is still only a first-order entity. I think there is a deeper sing historical development, whose analysis shows that the situation is far from being as unambiguous as it is suggested by the external course of events.

First of all, it is worth considering how capitalism ensured its prosperity in the 20th century. Of course, the main socio-economic tendencies of classical capitalism remained with him in the 20th century. However, to the credit of the peoples of these countries, their wealthiest strata, their political and intellectual elite should be attributed to what they understood: if you continue to increase class exploitation, if you continue to enslave the working people, if you ignore their rights, freedoms, creativity, then this is the path leading to the self-destruction of society.

Hence the reorientation in politics, the consistent development of democracy and cultural and humanistic traditions, the incessant restriction of the selfish tendencies of employers, the turn to the priority of the general interests of society, relentless search forms of social consensus, its preservation and development.

It is often said that the prosperity of the peoples in the countries of modern capitalism is the result of the struggle of the working people. Of course, this achievement of wage laborers cannot be discounted or underestimated. But, recognizing this truth, one cannot close it with another, deeper one: the growth and prosperity of society, social peace and harmony in it, high level the lives of all people are provided by all classes and social strata. In a word, capitalism in the 20th century. achieved that a person began to live better, more comfortable, that he became socially more secure, politically more active, and in general - a freer and more creative subject.

It is not difficult to see that these results and values, which capitalism aspired to and achieved, are of a universal character. Moreover, their universal essence is at the same time an expression of the values ​​of socialism. After all, the first symbol and highest goal of socialism in all its modifications - from the most primitive to the most complex - is a person, his prosperity, social justice. In other words, we can say that capitalism in the 20th century, proceeding from its own tendencies and pursuing own goals, developed along the path of turning towards universal and at the same time socialist values.

A certain role in this social correction of the strategy of capitalism was played by the first experience of real socialism in the 20th century. First steps socialist development first of all, they showed the whole world the attractiveness of the ideas of humanism, social justice, socialism for the working people, and for the whole society. Further, totalitarian life under the banner of Stalinist socialism showed the whole world how important the values ​​that it possesses, how important it is to preserve and increase them, how easy it is to lose them, and what can be achieved as a result of this loss.

And yet, recognizing the full significance of the example of international socialism, it is not necessary to exaggerate it. Capitalism did not develop by plagiarism of socialist values ​​developed somewhere outside of it. social space, but along its own trajectory, realizing that potential, those opportunities that are inherent in it. In this regard, the fact that universal, socialist values ​​can develop precisely on this basis. makes you think about a lot.

But what about socialism, how did it stand the first test of historical reality? It should immediately be said that the social contradictions that led to the socialist revolution are objective, and the revolution itself is natural. The demands of the working classes in the socialist revolution are just, the socialist goals and ideals proclaimed by the leaders of the socialist revolution—respect for working people, struggle against exploitation, freedom of peoples, equality of nations, human rights, etc., etc.—are progressive. So, in terms of their impulses, in terms of their goals, the processes that have resulted in socialist revolution and socialist construction, could well claim leadership in world progress.

But the model of socialism that came to life in the 20th century, like heaven from earth, turned out to be far from these goals and ideals. The liquidation of the exploiting classes by no means led to the social emancipation of the working people. The overthrown classes were replaced by the party-administrative elite, which, in its real attitude towards the people, turned out to be no less, but more cruel exploiter than the bourgeoisie and the landowners. Public property, having turned into state property, has in fact led to a colossal alienation of the working people from property, destroying in the bud the development of any economic interest.

The state of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and then the state of the whole people, turned out to be indifferent to the real interests of the people, moreover, their opponent, the author and executor of repressions, the analogues of which history does not know at all. Against this background, communist ideology has become the most unbridled demagoguery, an ideological means of manipulating the masses, a means of deceiving them.

But perhaps the most major vice models of socialism in the 20th century. - its fundamental rejection of a person, his interests. It was guided by the interests of the classes, but, strictly speaking, it was not about them. Talk about class interest only covered the interests of the totalitarian system itself.

All this led to the fact that real story socialism in the 20th century. became a history of paradoxes and contradictions: advanced ideology and cynicism of political practice, military power and the poverty of the people, geopolitical ambitions and inner emptiness, talk about a person and his real lack of rights, etc. All this accumulated, aggravated and ended in a natural collapse.

It should be noted that with all the retreats, "rollbacks" that were before in history and which accompanied the historical formation of new public forms, the collapse of such a scale, such intensity, such a total denial of certain forms of life, history has not yet known.

What played the role of the mainspring in this collapse of socialism? In the context of our lecture, two points can be distinguished:

firstly, it is a rejection of the essence of the very idea of ​​socialism - the unconditional priority of a person in society in all dimensions of his being. Just a man, his interest turned out to be the smallest and most insignificant factor in this socialism;

secondly, the real socialism of the 20th century. borrowed the basest features of past societies: exploitation of people, political fanaticism, hypocrisy, demagoguery and deceit, providing a comfortable life for the chosen political elite etc., etc. In short, all the vices that are characteristic of slavery, feudalism and capitalism in its primitive and wild forms have been revived in the history of the socialist countries.

It is precisely for these reasons that socialism of the 20th century could not stand the test of historical reality and collapsed under the yoke of its own irremovable contradictions.

However, let us return to the main question: who owns the 20th century, according to whose scenario did its history unfold?

Today it seems that it is not enough to raise the question simply about the alternative “capitalism-socialism”, since these concepts are no longer quite adequate to the realities that they usually designate. Therefore, the opposition of them as the main driving force of the XX century. is not suitable in this case. Here we need a different categorial-conceptual structure of thinking.

According to modern philosophers, the main course of the history of the XX century. determines the development of civilization, the civilization for which a person is a priority, which includes a high level of his work, creation, the development of his needs and their satisfaction, social harmony, the fullness of political rights, a guarantee from environmental, nuclear disasters and, perhaps most importantly, human freedom in its extensive and intensive manifestation.

In the XX century. the development of the capitalist world was more complete and adequate to the expression of the universal content of world civilization. As for the dramatic fate of world socialism, in its real practice it has departed from the values ​​of civilization, and therefore suffered a historical defeat. It is only now that the peoples of the former socialist countries are finding their way to these values ​​with difficulty.


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Humanity is a constantly evolving, dynamic system, the totality of all the people who have ever inhabited the globe.

The concept of "humanity"

Mankind is divided into peoples, ethnic groups, races, cultural and social groups. Such a division is not absolute indicator, after all, many nationalities and even races mix with each other.

Every small and large social groups that make up humanity are based on kinship. For example, people who long time reside in the territory of one state, may have common ancestors, that is, to be related by blood relationship.

Humanity as the sum of generations

Humanity can be thought of as the totality of all the people who have ever inhabited our planet. To date, the Earth is inhabited by about 7 billion people. But this is only a small part of humanity, because a thousand, and even ten thousand years ago, people lived on our planet. Imagine what a grandiose figure you get if you add up the number of all the people who lived on Earth!

Humanity can also be viewed from another point of view: not as a sum of people, but as a sum of generations. A generation is a collection of people who were born in the same year, in a broader sense - in the same decade.

For example, people who were born between 1980 and 1990 belong to the same generation. Their life has similar features: they live under the same socio-political conditions. Very often people. Those who belong to the same generation are called peers - they have the same life experience, similar views, interests and worldview.

The process of population growth on Earth

Thanks to the research of modern demographers, we can know and independently investigate the process of population growth on Earth. At the end of the Paleolithic era, the population of our planet reached 3 million people. At the beginning of our era, only 50 million people inhabited the Earth.

But after a millennium, this figure increased by 6 times. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Earth was inhabited by about 2 billion people. Today, the number of people has reached 7 billion. The largest country in terms of the number of people is China. It is home to about 1.5 billion people.

India is second with a population of 1 billion. Russian Federation occupies the 7th place, the number of our compatriots is 143 million.

Generation as part of humanity

Humanity is an uninterrupted relay race of generations of people. Each generation surpasses the previous one, thanks to the inherited experience.

We, the people of the living generations, are far superior to our ancestors, as we are more intelligent, purposeful and educated. We have at our disposal latest achievements science and technology. Each generation is an important component of all mankind, ensures its further progress and development.

- Man is the crown of creation of the highest heavenly powers, - every believer will say.

No, - the convinced materialist will object to him. - Man evolved from apes in the process of long evolution millions of years ago.

You are both right and wrong, an intellectual who keeps track of information about all the latest scientific discoveries and hypotheses will tell them. - The fact is that evolution really took place, but it is also very likely that some heavenly forces initiated and directed it ...

The material below also supports this point of view.

About the sons of God

For thousands of years, people believed that their distant ancestors were created by the gods - or God, the Most High, the Creator. This process is described in sufficient detail, in particular, in the Bible (Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter two).

But in 1871, the book of the English naturalist Charles Darwin "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" was published, where the author substantiates the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor.

Soon this hypothesis was recognized as reliable by both many scientists and people "from common people". However, not everyone recognized it as such, and not only from among the ministers of worship and believers of various faiths. And this controversy continues in society to this day.

And since the second half of the 20th century, they have become popular various options"crazy" hypothesis, according to which the appearance of people on Earth is the result of the activity of ... aliens.

Two events contributed to the development of such an idea: the appearance on June 24, 1947 over the Cascade Mountains, in the northern part of the Pacific coast, of a link of obviously manned flying saucers, and also an emergency landing (or catastrophe) of an alien that allegedly happened exactly one week later, on the night of July 2 spaceship near the town of Roswell in US state New Mexico.

By the way, it was after these two events that the term "unidentified flying object" - UFO (in English Unidentified Flying Object - UFO) and the name of the science that studies such objects - "ufology" appeared.

It is characteristic that some adherents of the idea of ​​the "creation" of mankind by space aliens refer to ancient myths and legends. various peoples, in which the gods who created people, as a rule, arrive on Earth from heaven. The Bible tells the same story. In it, along with the statement about the creation of Adam and Eve - the two first people in our world - the Lord God himself also speaks of the participation in the production of the earthly population of some sons of God: “When people began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born to them, then sons God saw the daughters of men, that they are beautiful, and took them to their wives, which one they chose. “At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them ...” (Bible, Old Testament, Book of Genesis, chapter six, 1-2, 4 ).

Star Brother Rescue

After the Roswell incident received wide publicity, publications began to appear in the media (mainly in the American ones) about meetings and conversations of people with aliens, during which space aliens reported how their ancestors participated in the creation and formation of our population.

According to an article in the September 1996 issue of the American magazine Pague, one of these encounters took place just over a month after the Roswell incident, and again in New Mexico.

On the evening of August 13, 1947, six young descendants of the Apache Indians stopped for the night in the desert area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe said state. They were preparing supper when there was a great rumble, then a crash, and the earth trembled like an earthquake. Having gone on reconnaissance, the Indians found a mangled metal object crashing into the ground not far away, inside of which there was strange creature vertically challenged. It was badly maimed, but showed signs of life. The Indians decided to try to save their foundling.

They managed to get out Star Brother, as they began to call him among themselves. Having recovered, Brother (his real name sounded like Bek Ti) with the help of a crystal that transmits information in the form of images, told young people an absolutely incredible story of the Earth and mankind.

It turns out that aliens appeared on our planet back in those days when it was a lifeless stone block, and during the entire period of evolution they constantly interfered in its course. In some cases their intervention was beneficial, in others it was not. When people appeared on Earth, the aliens directed the development of mankind, but at the same time they often led him to a dead end. They became our gods... and our devils. But they have always been here.

How people were created

About the rescue of Star Brother, as well as what this messenger of a distant highly developed civilization told the earthlings about the history of their planet, 20 years later he told his young grandson - Robert Morning Sky - one of those six Indians who saved the dying Beck Tee.

What he heard shocked and captured Robert. Since then, he has devoted himself to finding and studying sources that confirm Bek Ti's message. Its essence, together with the results of his search, Morning Sky outlined in the work “Terra. unknown history planet Earth”, published in the early 1990s. Here is its content.

In ancient times, aliens from outer space mastered the Earth, then still deserted. Homo sapiens - a reasonable person - was created by the decision of their leader, initially so that his subjects would have intelligent and obedient workers. But for the right to dominate the Earth, this ruler fought with his brother and, in order to assert this right, introduced his DNA into the genotype of the first human beings. And the first people became the "sons of God", the children of their creator.

However, this "God-Father" was also a scientist, he was interested in the possibility of creating creatures endowed with sensitivity and passion, as well as the ability to make their own judgments and independent actions. To achieve this goal, in the first generations of people, he used the DNA of representatives of another race, emotional and sentimental bird-like creatures. It gave people the opportunity to possess the qualities and abilities mentioned above. The "Creator" also taught people to unite for procreation of their own free will, without observing the pre-established rules of reproduction. And young human race began to grow rapidly.

Are they still with us?

As a result of the creativity of space aliens at an early stage of the emergence of mankind, two of its varieties arose: obedient individuals who unconditionally obey aliens and genetically changed mutants whose behavior was controlled by their own will. The brother of the creator of the human tribe drove the mutants into the desert, dooming them to inevitable death, and to be sure, he even staged a flood to destroy the entire recalcitrant branch of the human race. But its creator managed to save a certain number of persecuted shrews - a familiar episode from the Bible, isn't it?

The moment came when another race of aliens began to rule the Earth, in the guise of intelligent lizards, which are now often called "gray". The Grays, genetically created by an even more highly developed race of reptiles, whose empire is located in a distant galaxy, and now secretly, imperceptibly for us, manage many aspects of earthly life. They consume the natural resources of our planet, extract genetic material from our bodies to continue experiments to breed new types of intelligent beings, use our government agencies such as NASA and the CIA in the United States to keep secret the purpose, structure and operation of a vast class technical means, which we define general concept UFO. They have their own base on the moon, and they warned us not to go there and stay away from it.

Robert Morning Sky ends his work with the following words: “As long as people accept the existence of lords and gods, they also accept the existence of slavery. When a person finally realizes that his possessions have been taken away from him, when he finally begins to look at himself as his only god and master over himself, then, and only then, will he be freed from the power of aliens and alien gods. Develop your spiritual world... This is the only way to liberation.”

Evidence of alien visits

In the "Edge of the Canyons" ("Canyonlands") - national park state of Utah - there are a number of anomalies that, according to the Morning Sky, testify to the presence of aliens there back in time immemorial. He considers the main of them to be the Arch of the Druids - the ruins of a giant structure with preserved traces of a hieroglyph. According to Robert, it means "king", and this mark could be left by an alien ruler, proclaiming his dominion after winning a battle with a rival.

On one of the rocks, deep even horizontal furrows are cut in parallel. Their natural origin unlikely, especially since at the foot of the cliff there are no accumulations of crumbled rock, which are usual in such cases. These traces could be left by a laser beam from a powerful weapon of space aliens.

Huge boulders with smooth rectangular edges lie in the bed of the dried stream. In the rocks that form the bed, there are long straight furrows. There are no drops. A quarry using laser technology?

Along the road leading to the national park, there is a Rock Newspaper with numerous prints of six-toed feet scratched on it. All traces lead to the silhouette standing among the circles with various signs a vertical structure on three pillars (a spaceship?). According to Robert Morning Sky, this is a message about the resettlement of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth to other star worlds.

“You can believe everything that I have said, or not believe a single word of mine. Whether this is true or fiction is up to you." With these words ended in the old days their oral tradition Apache Indians.

Mankind has always sought to build a holistic philosophical image of man. It is with the "human problems" that the main directions of philosophical thought have always been associated throughout history.

IN ancient philosophy man was regarded as a microcosm, subordinate in his human manifestations the highest principle - destiny.

In the system of Christian worldviews, a person is a being in which two of his principles are inextricably and contradictory connected: soul and body, or man and God. The philosophy of modern times saw in man, first of all, his spiritual essence. In the XIX - early XX century. there was not yet a holistic doctrine of man, although the understanding of the real essence of man was already often seen in various theories. Over time, a person becomes the center of philosophical knowledge, from which there are threads that connect him through society with the entire vast universe.

Manifestations of human essence are extremely diverse - these are mind, will, character, emotions, work, communication. A person gives in to emotions, constantly strives for something, achieves what he wants and, not being satisfied with it, rushes to new ideals and goals. Labor is the distinctive and essential feature of man. In labor, a person constantly changes the conditions of his existence, transforming them in accordance with his constantly developing needs, creates a world of material and spiritual culture. Labor is impossible in a single manifestation and from the very beginning acts as a collective, social, creating the material and spiritual wealth of society. A lonely man, left to himself, is powerless against the elements of nature, predatory animals and inhuman people. Only a citizen, that is, a member of civil society, is a real, complete person-person. Society is a supplemented, or expanded, personality, and personality is a compressed, or concentrated, society. (V.S. Solovyov. Works in 2 volumes M.1988). Society is not a simple sum of human units, and humanity is not just a sum of nations, peoples and states, but an integrity of a higher and qualitatively different order. At the same time, without the individual there would be no society, no nation, no humanity.

Man is a social being, and the highest cause of his life, the ultimate goal and meaning of his efforts lies not only in his personal destiny, but above all in the social destinies of his people and even of all mankind.

People, both in their biological nature and in accordance with the universal laws in which they are originally inscribed, and in their social entity- members of a single "planetary family". Everyone, being a citizen of one state or another, is at the same time a citizen of all mankind. And to some extent, he bears on his shoulders the burden of moral responsibility for everything that happens in the world community.

The wealth of mankind is always higher and more extensive than the wealth of an individual society, and even more so an individual person. Each society and each nation, obeying the universal principle of development, are called upon to independently pass their own special paths of culture, while, to one degree or another, entering into a universal world interconnection. “The people, acquiring the light of knowledge, do not harm their neighbors. On the contrary, the more enlightened the states, the more ideas they communicate to each other and the more the strength and activity of the universal mind increases. (K. Gelvetsky. About the mind M. 1938).

At present, thanks to the latest means of communication, the mass media, communication between peoples has increased tremendously. It has become more tangible for everyone that humanity is a single whole. The achievements of science and technology help us to feel not only the diversity, but also the integrity of the world, opening up new opportunities for the exchange of material and spiritual values.

Undoubtedly, the objective law of history is the creation of a more and more perfect society. Social unions, emerging from the beginning of life on Earth, enter into mutual clashes, into a common struggle for survival and the realization of personal and group interests. In the history of society, first the strongest, most viable, resourceful individuals and communities survived and flourished, then social structures of a wider national and multinational scale, and finally the most solidary, intelligent and cultural ones. The most important aspect of the study of society is the analysis of the historical process, the identification of its meaning and meaning, the solution of the problem of the direction of the historical process, etc.

The term "history" itself is very ambiguous. We can talk about the history of the Earth, humanity, country or city, family history. History is present in any science, characterizing the evolution of its subject content. In relation to society, history is most often understood as a set of events of the past. public life. That is, history is “a field of human knowledge that establishes, classifies and interprets evidence of what happened once to people for a long time and hard way development of mankind, the countries and peoples that form it. (K.Kh. Momdzhyan. Introduction to social philosophy. M. 1997)

History can also be understood as a synonym for the concept of "society". Philosophers often talk about the "laws of history", meaning not the regularity of historical events, but the laws of society in their substantial difference from nature. Time in history includes the past, present and future, linking them with the activities of people. As Mark Blok noted, history is “the science of people in time.” This is the true meaning of the philosophy of history. The problem of philosophy is connected with the scale of human history, the study of the main cultural and historical types of development (Egyptian, Chinese, Iranian, Jewish, Arabian, European, etc.), the interaction of their cultures, the influence of human activity on the course of world history, the creation of various scale models development of the history of human civilization. Historical progress is reflected in the development and satisfaction of human needs for scientific, philosophical, aesthetic knowledge of the world, in the development and satisfaction of the need to live according to the noble standards of truly human morality - the morality of high respect for oneself and others.

One of the most important philosophical problems associated with man is the problem of the relationship between the natural and the social in his historical and individual development. On the question of human nature, two positions have developed: biologization and sociology. Sociologising interpretations have spread especially widely among supporters of Marxist philosophy on the basis of a peculiar interpretation of the thesis of K. Marx about a person as a set of social relations. A common feature of biologization concepts is the interpretation of the essence of a person mainly from the standpoint of biology (social Darwinism - the survival of the fittest in natural selection, racism - the division of races into lower and higher, genetic determinism, which explains the social actions of a person by his genetic characteristics).

So, in the interpretation of human nature, the sociological concept absolutizes its social side (aspect), and the biologist concepts reduce its essence to biology, to instincts, to certain properties of genes. Man is a sociobiological being. As a person, he is undeniably sociological in nature. A newly born child, representing a biological material living environment, does not yet possess thinking and speech. His physiological and genetic organizations only have the ability, under certain conditions, to realize this ability to think and speak. These conditions include the immediate social environment - parents, close relatives, friends, etc. Without social factors there can be no person, in any case, a full-fledged person. The craving of an individual for creativity, the realization of the intended goals, improvement in work (profession), and even a person's awareness of his freedoms occurs in close contact with other individuals. So in a society one must always conform one's actions to the interests of other people, to the interests of the surrounding community, trying not to infringe on other people's freedoms, not to destroy other ideals while achieving one's goals, recognizing the full measure of one's responsibility to another person, nature or humanity as a whole.

Human activity to transform nature and society for a long time was considered as something localized either within a specific geographical space (village, city, country), or outside the Earth. It was believed that the transformations that contribute to a more comfortable life for people on our planet carry only positive charge. However, it quickly became clear that this is not so, that a person, society are part of more general systems, and therefore interference in the structural connections of these systems is fraught, among other things, with negative consequences in relation to a person and humanity as a whole.

The current stage of cultural development is characterized by the fact that society is aware of the current situation and is beginning to think more and more about solving such global problems in order to exclude or at least downplay their negative impact on the prospects for the development of the world.

What awaits our planet in the future, what are the prospects for the development of mankind? Obviously, the global nature of the problems facing society will not allow them to be solved regionally on the scale of one or several states. Pollution of a river flowing through several countries, the emergence of a new disease that can spread widely, oil spills in the coastal waters of several states - the fight against such phenomena must be carried out by the entire scientific community of the world, all countries must act together.

Back in the 5th century BC, the great Chinese thinker Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius) said: "Study the past if you want to predict the future." Studying the history of mankind and trying to imagine its future, unfortunately, does not inspire optimism. For 2 million years of its existence, mankind has endured thousands of flourishes and declines, wars and revivals. Civilizations existed in parallel, or replaced each other, cultures penetrated each other, giving rise to new, greatest humanistic ideas, were replaced by misanthropic and racist ones, scientific and technological progress either advanced humanity for decades ahead, or pushed it to the edge of the abyss, behind which a global catastrophe was clearly visible. . All this leads to an awareness of the responsibility of both an individual, individual countries, and humanity as a whole for the future of the world and to the formation of a special global type of thinking, which can only be based on traditional cultural values ​​based on local ethnic principles.

No matter how strong anti-globalization sentiments are now in the world, it will have to be recognized that only a global approach can provide a way to solving the problems facing humanity. The solution of these problems will inevitably require the creation of a special committee, or headquarters, or a planetary parliament, which will determine the strategies for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes and to correct the development of mankind.

In the context of global environmental pollution, overpopulation, the deterioration of the human genetic fund, the threat of a nuclear catastrophe or chemical poisoning, soil erosion, the drying up of large water basins, urbanization and the growth of cities, humanity will face a real problem of survival in full growth. Moreover, it will be not just about unhurried theoretical disputes and the development of various concepts, but about their solution in a crisis situation, in conditions of limited time and scientific and technical means.

The unusually rapid development of science and modern technologies requires the development of approaches to the evaluation of scientific achievements and the development of restrictions on the use of its results, up to their prohibition (for example, human cloning).

Under the influence of developed industrial states, humanity faces the threat of losing the national identity of less developed countries. It is necessary to develop legal measures to protect the cultures and cultural heritage of mankind.

The resettlement of large masses of people as a result of wars, the political situation or other reasons has already become a big problem for a number of countries (Germany, USA, Russia). Mankind must optimize its environment, create a relatively crisis-free economic development of countries.

The predatory exploitation of the planet and its resources leads to consequences that affect the climate of the Earth, a change in its position in the Cosmos as a result of powerful energies. A person is already experiencing colossal stress overloads associated with an increase in the volume of information processed by him, which leads to various diseases. And the situation will only get worse.

Man is increasingly struggling with diseases in an artificial way, making himself dependent on drugs, vitamins, etc. Consequently, its adaptive capabilities will be destroyed over time. I hope that humanity will learn to resist tension, stress and new diseases, learning and improving their internal mental, biological and physical reserves.

The pictures of Armageddon and Judgment Day should stand before the eyes of every inhabitant of the Earth. You should not delude yourself. Society, as never before, has come close to solving problems that will require the participation of all the reasonable potential of mankind.

To the credit of Russian philosophy, at all stages of its development, a particularly important role was played by the moral principle, the philosophy of Good, the philosophy of “we”, which asserts that only all together can be saved, the principle of conciliarity, which is important for solving the problem of social life. The same Russian cosmism with its “common cause”, with its humanism of reunification, concern for the Earth, the biosphere, the Cosmos with care for each person is an example of an objective question about the meaning of life.

Every person is a part of the human race. Awareness of the unity of human and human life with all life on the planet, with its biosphere and potentially possible life forms in the Universe is of great ideological significance and makes the philosophical problem of the meaning of life objective.

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