Dolmens of the Western Caucasus: riddles, myths, legends. Caucasian dolmens


There are about 9,000 dolmens in the world. These unique ancient structures are scattered all over the world: Spain, France, England, they are in Portugal, India, Malta, Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, in North Korea, Bulgaria and other places. It is believed that the famous Stonehenge also belongs to the dolmens. These stone structures are attributed magical power- it is believed that when communicating with them, a person receives sacred knowledge and discovers unusual abilities in himself.

Dolmens are stone structures, megaliths. The name "dolmen" comes from the combination of two Breton words, "toal" - "table" and "men" - "stone", which literally translates as "stone table". There is also another interpretation of the word "dolmen", - "changing share". The age of the Caucasian dolmens is approximately 4-6 millennia. Presumably in 4-2 millennia BC. there was an unknown civilization from which these megalithic structures have come down to us.

Dolmens of the Caucasus are located on the coastal strip, which stretches from Novorossiysk to Abkhazia for 400 km. In width, this strip goes into the mountains for 75 km, almost to Maikop. Dolmens usually stand in groups and occupy comfortable and fairly flat areas along the watershed elevations, on the flat tops of the spurs of the mountains. They stand along the river basins, turned by a portal into open space - mainly to the south, east, or in an intermediate direction - between south and east.

In the middle of the twentieth century, a special group of archaeologists was created to study dolmens under the leadership of L.I. Lavrov (under the auspices of the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences). By 1960 he had compiled a catalog of 1139 dolmens North Caucasus. In the second half of the 20th century, a group of scientists led by V.I. Morkovin, student and follower of L.I. Lavrov. In his monograph "Dolmens of the Western Caucasus", V.I. Markovin determined the distribution of dolmens in the Caucasus region, studied them in detail and described them based on the study of archival materials and the results of expeditions of 2308 dolmens.

Sochi scientist V.M. Kondryakov devoted many years to the study and systematization of dolmens. He superimposed the layout of the dolmens on the geological map of the area, and it turned out that all the dolmens are located above the fault line of the earth's crust. It is on these lines that a colossal force of tension arises and accumulates. This is essentially anomalous zones with different energy emission streams.

L.I. Lavrov proposed a classification of dolmens, which is still used today.

  1. Tiled - was built from 6 multi-ton slabs - one foundation or heel stone, two side slabs, a portal slab, a rear slab and a floor slab (according to V.I. Markovin, 92% of all dolmens are tiled.).
  2. Composite - made up of several large blocks.
  3. Semi-monolithic or trough-shaped dolmen - hollowed out entirely in a rock block and covered with a slab on top.
  4. Monolithic - completely carved into the rock through a hole.

The holes of the dolmens were closed with stone plugs - phallic-shaped bushings weighing up to 150 kg. Now such plugs are kept in museums. Krasnodar Territory.

Regarding dolmens, there are many theories, both scientific and alternative. Often they contradict each other and do not disclose mysterious origin these ancient buildings. There are opinions that dolmens are space portals, burial places ancient nobility, weather stations, ancient observatories, teleportation points and even weapons.

The hypothesis put forward by archaeologists that stone structures are funerary burials local nobility, by the archaeologists themselves and was refuted. Burials were indeed found in some of them, but it turned out that they are all much older than the dolmens themselves.

Numerous studies have shown that the Dolmens, as well as the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge and other megaliths of England, generate high-frequency vibrations and electromagnetic waves. Their activity increases at sunrise and sunset, and also intensifies on the turning points of the year - the spring and autumn equinoxes. What is the reason for these phenomena in megaliths? The fact is that dolmens were built from quartz sandstone. Quartz crystals have the property of direct and inverse piezoelectric effect. Quartz works in a huge range of frequencies, creating acoustic and electrical waves.

Self-excitation of quartz crystals in megaliths occurs due to the constant propagation of acoustic waves and electrical discharges on the Earth. They are formed from the deformation of the earth's crust caused by tectonic activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets. It should be borne in mind that dolmens were built on faults in the earth's crust, and strong energy flows are observed in these places. Quartz crystals are excited throughout the volume of the massive dolmen slab, generating very high frequencies.

The dolmen chamber itself is a resonator. Thanks to the parallel plates, a standing wave is created in the dolmen, as in a tuning fork. If a tuning fork is brought near a source of chaotic noise, it begins to sound, generating a certain frequency. So the dolmen chamber amplifies underground vibrations. Inside such a chamber, oscillations are created that are emitted through the hole, or a plasmoid body is formed.

It is quite possible that the dolmens, connected by vibrations to each other, form single system and affect nature, weather and life biological processes.

A very interesting and one-of-a-kind dolmen was found in a mound on the banks of the Psynako River in the Tuapse region, near the village of Anastasievka. The place where he stands was used for ritual actions as early as the third millennium BC and was a sanctuary. A stone corridor approaches the dolmen, blocked in several places by large slabs. Scientists suggest that it contains an imitation of the vault of heaven. Here the regularities of the solstice were studied and observations of the moon were made. This is a kind of ancient observatory. There are four other similar megalithic structures in the world. One in Ireland, another in Denmark, a third in Portugal and a fourth in Spain. All dolmen buildings have one thing in common: they face the sunny or bright side. This indicates that the dolmen builders worshiped the Sun.

Often megalithic structures are located in the center of circles and spirals, made, as a rule, from menhirs or laid out stones correctly spaced around the circumference. There are complexes with both one and several rings around the megalith. Some experts see in this annular environment some landmarks located along the circumference, with the help of which it is convenient to engage in astronomical observations, being in the center of the megalith. Some researchers see in the circles some kind of wave generators that amplify and transmit energy from the megalith. Some researchers give this fact a certain mystical and ritual coloring.

On Mount Neksis near Gelendzhik, there are two dolmens, famous for their unique designs and well accessible to tourists. The open surface of the mountain slope with rare low trees and alpine-looking meadows gives a special flavor. Thanks to this, not only the dolmens themselves look picturesque, not obscured by thickets of trees, but they are also created excellent conditions to observe unforgettable views of the surrounding area. One of the dolmens has a slab construction with a unique joining of massive slabs and unusual, complex and rarely seen structures of the slab joining zones. The people called this dolmen "Sunny". Indeed, the surface of the front plate is covered with a yellowish coating of some kind of microvegetation. Therefore, under the rays of the sun, especially in summer, the photographs of the dolmen turn yellowish. There is a belief that this dolmen is a carrier of solar energy and is able to restore vitality person. The power of the Solnechny dolmen activates spiritual energy and releases creative inner potential, promotes rejuvenation of the body, slows down the aging process, fills the human soul with youthful energy.

No matter how many conflicting legends go around dolmens, the fact that they have great energy is noted by many who have been near them. They say that many who were close to them experienced dizziness, weakness, or, conversely, energy and lightness suddenly appeared. Now many seminars and excursions to the Dolmens of the Caucasus are being organized. People are promised an extraordinary mystical experience and the fulfillment of their most secret desires. Many tourists go to the Dolmens on their own, they set up tents in the mountains, some of them even sleep inside the stone giants.

Dolmens- These are the tombs of the Middle Bronze Age, built by the carriers of the dolmen culture and consisting of megaliths. On this moment scientists are expanding the time frame for the creation of these structures even at a later bronze age, but there is little evidence for this, since a significant part of the dolmens has already been destroyed.

Where and when were dolmens built?

The geography of dolmens is determined by the following boundaries: from the cape Tuzla(Taman Peninsula), the mountainous part of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory to the Abkhazian city Ochamchira in the south and the Laba river valley in the north. Traces of the existence of these structures remained in Stavropol and Zheleznovodsk.

A kind of "corner" of the crypts of the dolmen different shapes there is Karachevo-Cherkessia (Kyafar river basin).

As a rule, dolmens are located 250-400 m above sea level ( highest altitude- 1 km.) on the sunny side of the ridges, on the top on a flat area or on a river terrace. Orientation to astronomical objects and down the solar slope is traced.

The time of the construction of majestic buildings is approximately determined by the end of the 3rd - the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. This dating concerns the largest megaliths (there are now ≈3000 of them, including those destroyed). Whereas in determining the time of construction of other buildings of this type (tombs under the mounds, Karachevo-Cherkess crypts, small dolmens, underground parts of crypts in the form of wells, ground domes of tombs) there are certain disagreements and problems.

Who set up dolmens in the Caucasus?

The peoples of the Western Caucasus are not pioneers in the construction of stone tombs. Older parallels to the dolmen tradition can be traced all over the world. The approximate distribution trajectory looks like this: Portugal - Sardinia - North Africa and Sicily - Jordan and Syria - Asia Minor and the Balkans - Western Caucasus. In addition, almost all Caucasian peoples used stone for burials.

What were they used for?

In addition to their direct purpose as burial places, there is indisputable evidence of the use of these structures as family sanctuaries, and some as common objects of worship (the Psynako I barrow in the Tuapse region, the Serebryany barrow in the Klady tract and the complex on the Zhana River).

Building features

The main material in the construction process was stone from the surrounding area (it was pricked with soaking wooden wedges, softer - with stone and even bronze tools). Suitable slabs were also used, both nearby and transported from several kilometer distance. Various sandy rocks served as a connector for stone parts. Surfaces were ground with stone grinders. The slabs for the cover were transported along an inclined embankment behind the dolmen.

Architectural specificity of dolmens

Basically, dolmens are houses consisting of slabs, the front openings in which are closed with stone plugs.

Depending on the design features, several types of dolmens are distinguished (classification by L. I. Lavrov): ordinary (consist of solid slabs), composite (they have walls consisting of small slabs or stones), trough-shaped (carved in a huge stone or rock and a roof-slab or turned down), monoliths (performed through the entrance to the rock, Volkonsky dolmen). This list does not include the Novosvobodnensky tombs discovered later.

Archaeologist A.D. Rezepkin proposed to divide dolmens into:

  • rectangular,
  • horseshoe tombs
  • and directly dolmens.

The immediate predecessors of the dolmens of the Caucasus are the stone crypts of the Maikop culture, which did not yet have a foundation and thick slabs.

Almost each of the monoliths has some of its own design features, corresponding to time and customs.

Tiled buildings can have a rectangular, square or trapezoidal design, composite - rounded or completely round. Crossed slabs can be installed straight or at an angle (often protruding in the form of a peak), connected (or not) by a groove. Often the side plates, protruding forward, form a portal, which may have its own overlap.

There are also many differences in the design of the floor, side plates and other elements (such as props).

As a rule, at the bottom there is an entrance-hole of a different shape. It may not be (false portal dolmens), then the hole is placed behind or on the side. On the walls, there may be remnants of fasteners for a wooden shelf.

Often the portal of the building is in the form of a terrace, but most often it is a paved courtyard. It can be surrounded by fairly high (up to the level of the dolmen itself) slabs. In some cases, there may be cromlech (stones dug into the ground around the building) or dromos (covered corridor). There were facts when dolmens were generally covered with stones up to the roof.

By order of magnitude highest level craftsmanship is distinguished by the Karachay-Cherkess tombs.

Decoration of dolmens

The main ornaments of dolmens are engraved and convex. Few have survived, apparently due to erosion. Where the drawings have been preserved, they are located inside and along the portal. The front plate depicted a cross in a circle, a labyrinthine pattern with a receding zigzag, vertical zigzags, or a pattern of another portal and a bulge. There may be others geometric patterns denoting rivers, mountains, sun.

The inside of the dolmens is decorated with a horizontal zigzag and a straight line or stripe, sometimes complemented by vertical zigzags. And also a lot of unsolved ornaments and plot drawings (deer hunting and a duel between two twins).

The surface of dolmens in Karachay-Cherkessia is almost completely filled with various symbols and undulating furrows.

A characteristic feature of the ornamentation of dolmens is the absence of colorful drawings on the facade and in the chamber.

Many scientists have tried one way or another to approach the resolution of the issue of the origin of dolmens, to find out the details of their origin and appearance in the Caucasus. Among the antiquities of the Kuban and the Black Sea region, no such monuments have yet been found that would be structurally close and at the same time preceded them. Obviously, they will not be found. It turns out that the dolmen culture of its genetic roots among the antiquities of the Kuban and the Black Sea region does not have. No "Long Prior Development" local culture"In the Western Caucasus, which could lead to the independent emergence of dolmens was not, even if you try to connect the evolution of the" stone industry "from the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age with a continuous line.

An attempt to explain the emergence of dolmens in each part of the world independently, in the case of the Caucasus, does not find any grounds. Jacques de Morgan writes about the autochthonous origin of dolmen structures: “... you don’t have to be influenced by distant centers at all in order to erect large stones and cover them with a roof.” The prerequisites for such a statement were rather late tombs in Talyn (Azerbaijan), which he mistook for dolmens, and known theory that the dolmen structure could have arisen "from a grotto that served as a tomb, an artificially reproduced form of which was the dolmen." This "cave theory" had many supporters among Western European scientists (Gabriel de Mortillet, K. Schuchhardt, Christian Cervos, and others). Our compatriots who were engaged in Caucasian archeology (D.N. Anuchin, M.M. Ivashchenko) also leaned towards it. However, if the provision on the transition from burials in the rocks (caves, grottoes, under sheds) is to a certain extent true for some islands mediterranean sea(Corsica, Sardinia, etc.), where buildings are known that are semi-grottoes - semi-dolmens, then the features of the monuments of the Western Caucasus indicate a different path of development.

The lack of initial paths for the appearance of dolmens in the Kuban and Black Sea regions led some researchers to search for directions along which the “idea” of a dolmen could come to the Caucasus. In the 70s years XIX century, the scientist S. Bayern, collecting information about them, was surprised that all the dolmens are located either near the Black Sea itself, or not so far from the coast. Having studied the map of the location of dolmens, one can come to the conclusion that in the Caucasus they could only appear from the sea.

The famous archaeologist B.A. Kuftin also intensively searched for ways to clarify this issue of interest. He believed that it could be resolved only on the basis of taking into account real engines historical process and their correlation with the geography of natural forces to the extent of mastering the latter economic activity person." Using the concept of "cultural production groups", B.A. Kuftin believed that for dolmens such a "group" could exist in the Mediterranean, on the Deccan Peninsula and in the Southern Caspian. L.N. Solovyov, highlighting the "southern dolmen culture", assumed that the bearers of this culture did not come to the construction of dolmens on their own, but using " ready-made forms”, widespread in “Asia Minor”, ​​especially in Syria and Palestine. This construction, in his opinion, arose early “under the influence of ties with the Asian Minor cultural world, carried out by sea"" L.N. Solovyov draws quite vivid pictures of the life of the bearers of the "southern dolmen culture". They had peaceful relations with the population of the Kuban region, which "was also reflected in the spread of the construction of dolmens in this part of the Caucasus." Further, at the turn of the III-II millennia, according to L.N. Solovyov, from Asia Minor there is an invasion of Kashki - tribes, "in all likelihood related to the South Dolmen" population, while the Kashki (according to L.N. Solovyov they are carriers of the "Proto-Colchian culture") brought new types of dishes and skills in metallurgy to the local environment .

A number of other well-known scientists associate the appearance of dolmens in the Western Caucasus with the development of commercial and military navigation among the coastal peoples in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, when "Caucasian masters" could see dolmens in other countries and then erect them in their homeland. We should also recall the statement of Academician B. B. Piotrovsky, who noted that “the shape of the Caucasian dolmens coincides so much, even in detail, with the Mediterranean and European ones that the question of their connections is quite natural.”

megalithic cromlech dolmen architecture

Dolmens, like any megalithic structures, are universal. In other words, they are found all over the planet. As you can see, the dolmens on the maps are located very extensively. But their concentration is especially large in countries where the Celtic peoples used to live (these are Great Britain, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain and others), as well as in Russia in the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory. In fact, this is far from full list countries where these ancient creations can be found.

Literally all over the world, on the territory of the most different countries. They are in North Africa, they can be found in Sicily, in Jordan and Syria, in the Balkans. The spread of dolmens throughout the planet provides us with the opportunity to trace the path of the carriers of culture, who created buildings from megaliths that are incomprehensible to us today. They passed from the very east of Europe, looking into Asia Minor, and completed their journey at the extreme western points of the continent.

Of course, I would like to explore all these regions, but now we will talk about the Caucasian houses of the soul, as dolmens are called in Abkhaz language. So let's get back to our dolmens in the Krasnodar Territory.

You can see their location on the map and choose which ones to see first.

Map of dolmens on the section from Anapa to Dzhubga

Map of dolmens from Dzhubga to Sochi

Excursions to dolmens in Russia

I managed to see them for the first time not far from where I was brought as part of the most ordinary excursion. More precisely, I even participated in such events twice, and both times I saw different dolmens, but I didn’t have any photos from the first visit. If you are wondering who and how built them, then the best place to start would be with a visual acquaintance with them. And of course, it would be most reasonable to travel around the Krasnodar Territory on your own and study all their diversity. But, of course, it will take more than one day. And therefore excursion to the Caucasian dolmens will be the best way out, and you will be able to get an initial idea about them, as well as answer yourself a number of simple questions. You can sign up for such an excursion with almost any representative. travel agency on the Black Sea coast. It is also possible to book it in advance via the Internet.

What scientists say about the appointment of dolmens - the official version

So, what do we even know about these strange stone creations? Let's turn first to the scientists, listen to what they have to say about dolmens How do they explain their existence? According to them, the Caucasian dolmens were built in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. They served as tombs and places of worship for tribal tribes, and most of dolmens was built on the mounds of the Maikop and Novosvobodnenskaya cultures. Also, scientists in their works quite rightly notice their orientation towards sunlight, for this, stone houses were built in open areas - on mountain ranges, forest edges, on river terraces.

Excursion to the dolmens in the rain forest

When there are such views around, you start to think that you are in a fairy tale.

Why are dolmens needed and how do they really work. different versions

Thus, by listening to scientists, we ourselves can conclude that sunlight was necessary element in the "work" of dolmens. Then you can try to draw parallels between dolmens in southern Russia and other megalithic structures Worldwide. For example, for important solar dates Like the Solstice and Equinox, many people flock to Stonehenge in England to see how a ray of light sparkles on a heel stone, and in the Mexican city of Teotihuacan, the play of light and shadow shows a serpent descending the stairs of the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl. And one more thing is worth noting: there is an opinion that dolmens are oriented to stellar objects in the boundless sky. In this case, we should certainly talk about the exact location of the dolmens relative to the cardinal points.

These comparisons are inevitable, despite the apparent dissimilarity (even in scale) of dolmens and giant pyramids. But there is also something in common: almost all stone buildings raise questions. And despite the assurances of scientists who think they have figured out why our ancestors built dolmens, we still do not know this. How do not know. So far, we are only guessing and drowning in the number of versions. And if burials have not yet been found in the pyramids, then they are sometimes found in dolmens. But were the people who built these structures buried there, or their descendants, or even people who came to this place after some time? No answer.

There is also a version that dolmens were built on the so-called places of power. The dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory draw energy from them when people come to them. It turns out that they are designed to connect a person with the forces of nature and transfer the energy of the earth and the sun. When a lot of negativity accumulates in a person, it becomes difficult for him to live, and things do not go well. And then the dolmen can help such people exchange energies with nature, lose negative energy and recharge with positivity. The power of a dolmen, its vibrations ignite something new and bright inside a person. And the evil force leaves, freeing the person for action. This is how people become happy. Natalya Yakimchuk writes about this in her book Dolmennaya Civilization.

And the dolmens continue to stand indifferently for centuries, not even imagining that they are a mystery. Can you figure it out?

Caucasian dolmen surrounded by megaliths

Not far from Tuapse you can see a composite dolmen. Such plates weigh up to 10 tons

Who built the dolmens and how?

Is there anything else that dolmens have in common with other megalithic structures, besides orientation and mystery? Of course! Most of the heroic huts were built of sandstone (like or) or limestone. It is also noted that the giant and heavy slabs were somehow transported to the construction site, and then somehow processed. And the famous window in the house shows that even if huge blocks were found, and not cut out of solid rock (which in itself is a difficult task for primitive tribal people!), This hole could not have arisen by itself. The plates of the Caucasian dolmens are very thick, but the window passes through the entire thickness.

Of course, it is worth asking the question: how was it done hole in a dolmen? Scientists believe that their builders used the most primitive technology and chipped everything unnecessary from the dolmen with the help of an ordinary wooden peg that swells from wetting with water. But if you look closely, you can see that this window was not hollowed out through the efforts of an unfortunate person, but was a part sawn out in one technological step. And yes, we have no idea how and with what tool. Technology is lost.

Many of these dolmens, as in the photo, are destroyed. Their remains were used for various purposes.

In this photo it is possible to consider a smooth hole in the wall of the dolmen

What does a dolmen consist of - megalithic details

So heroic hut, it turns out, is not so simple, although it seems miniature compared to other temples of antiquity. Another feature of dolmens is that construction was possible only in a certain place. Each dolmen has its own. And them appointment also different. Exact unity with the surrounding landscape and amazing knowledge of how to fit an architectural element into nature, and then use the power that the dolmen gives.

There are examples of how a dolmen in the Caucasus was taken apart in an attempt to move it to another place and reassemble it. There were such scientific experiments. But these attempts failed: neither in the native environment, nor on the land or rock where it was transferred, the dolmen could not be reassembled. It collapsed over time or it was simply not possible to fit it into the landscape. After all, initially dolmens were built with mathematical precision and taking into account a lot of details that may not even come to our minds now.

It's not even that it was very difficult to drag such huge boulders into the forest or up the mountain in order to build a dolmen there. Main question– how and with what tools were they cut so precisely to fit perfectly with each other and fit into the features of the landscape? After all, the slopes of the earth's surface can be minimal, and the plates correspond exactly to this. This is the genius of the creators of details for the construction of dolmens!

And so, we can conclude that the most important thing in a dolmen is not even the stones from which it is built, but the place and shape of the structure, as well as how they interact with each other and with humans. This also confirms that all dolmens are different and each of them has its own characteristics. These megalithic structures look like houses for dwarfs or look like a ziggurat pyramid, they are composite and solid. On Caucasian dolmens, sometimes there are decorations in the form of inscriptions or stone patterns. After all, the different landscape of the area gives a variety in the physical embodiment of the idea, which is a dolmen. Otherwise, there is no point in its construction. How quickly the idea of ​​burials faded into the background! And although we still do not know what the dolmens were, but now we can guess what they were not.

Umbilical stone in the center of the dolmen

Menhir sticking out of the ground

The legend of the dolmens of the Western Caucasus

The Adyghe legend about dwarfs tells that dwarfs lived in the Caucasus in ancient times, who knew many secrets of nature, but they lacked physical strength. And since they were smart, they decided to ask the local giants to build houses for them to live in warmth and comfort. The dwarfs designed the houses, called them ispuns, and the giants built them. And the dwarfs became so proud of their mind that the mighty gods decided to punish them. All sorts of things fell to the ground natural disasters, and when nature stopped its rampage, it turned out that all the dwarfs died, but their houses, the fugitives, remained.

This legend inspires confidence, if only because we meet similar stories in all corners of the world. We read the story of the flood in the Bible, in the Popol Vuh epic, in the Sumerian tablets, in Japanese and Chinese legends and recognized in all this diversity one and the same story.

The scene of the legends of the Circassians is the Western Caucasus, the Krasnodar Territory

Stones hold many secrets

Adygs also called dolmens shower cabins. Did they mean that the souls of the people buried here would find their way to heaven? Or did the souls of ancestors live here, with whom you can talk? As is the case with . Again, we have to admit that there is no exact answer. We have nothing to say about the menhirs that usually accompany dolmens.

The maps show that these houses on the Black Sea coast were built in many places, and some of them were destroyed. Obviously, the place to which they were tied was also damaged as a result of earthquakes or other cataclysms. Which once again confirms the idea of ​​unity of place and structure. Like temples, Caucasian dolmens were built in special places designed just for them. And perhaps, unlike larger stone monolithic structures, dolmens are as individual as possible, personified, if I may say so about the stone.

Caucasian dolmens

In the area stretching from Novorossiysk to the Georgian city of Ochamchira, many thousands of years ago, unknown builders created a huge number (about 3,000) of amazing structures - dolmens. If this word is literally translated from the Breton language, then the name “table-stone” will turn out. They are indeed a bit like tables intended for unknown giants: huge polished quartz sandstone slabs, folded into a multi-ton structure.

The dolmens of the Caucasus are one of the most ancient, they are older Egyptian pyramids: Their age is about 7,000 years. In shape, Caucasian dolmens resemble houses for short people (a child and even an adult can sit in them). Adyghes call dolmens syrpuns, which means "dwarf's house" in translation, there are even legends that talk about people vertically challenged, V time immemorial who inhabited these regions and built shelter-houses for themselves.

Similar structures can be found all over the world - in Spain and Portugal, in England and France, on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and in Asia ... Of course, they are different everywhere, but one thing unites them: blocks of stone are folded into a huge structure by an unknown force and with an incomprehensible purpose. On the territory of the famous Stonehenge there are also dolmens.

Dolmens of the Caucasus even have a front side, like real houses. There is a small hole in it that can be closed with a stone cork (only some dolmens have preserved it). The facade is decorated with the image of a gate (portal) leading to a certain (perhaps otherworldly) world, the Sun (in the form of a circle) and the Moon (in the form of a semicircle). Scientists who have studied dolmens hypothesize that they are places of burial or worship of the gods, sacred to the ancients.

There are other hypotheses, somewhat fantastic, but more interesting. In particular, some researchers believe that representatives of a completely different civilization lived on Earth before people. They possessed special knowledge and abilities, knew how to live according to the laws of goodness and harmony. But evil came to Earth, many began to violate the laws of good ... Then the most faithful went to remote places and built stone houses for themselves, in which they plunged into a special state in which life is maintained in the body at the level of a sleeping person, while the soul is awake, being in the superconscious condition. They gave their good energy and knowledge to the house in which they spent for a long time, i.e. dolmen. That is why dolmens have fabulous possibilities, they can give health, peace, knowledge, but only to a kind person.

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Stonehenge, dolmens and menhirs Of course, the difficulties facing the decipherers of ancient writings are very great. But then, when the letters are read, like a bright spotlight illuminates the darkness of centuries. Unfortunately, most ancient history not reflected in the monuments of the letter. AND

From the book Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Volume 2 [Collection of articles] author Team of authors

Dolmens Lyudmila Varlamova If you are a little interested in megaliths, then you may have heard the story of how in 1960 a dolmen from Esheri was transported to the courtyard of the Sukhumi museum - her archaeologist Alexander Alexandrovich Formozov told in his book “Monuments

From the book The Curse of Ancient Civilizations. What comes true, what must happen author Bardina Elena

From the book History Ancient World author Gladilin (Svetlayar) Eugene

Dolmens Of great importance in the study of the history of our ancestors is the study of megalithic structures. A huge area of ​​​​location: from the southern tip and oceanic islands of Asia to the extreme western points of Europe, continental America. Most famous

From the book Mysterious Places of Russia author Shnurovozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

by Aji Murad

Caucasian war and the world Unfinished documentary script The previous feature, written in 2005, received an unexpected continuation. In 2013, one of the film studios invited me to participate in a project conceived in connection with anniversary date- Bicentenary

From the book The Great Steppe. Offering of the Turk [compilation] by Aji Murad

Caucasian war and peace The script of the documentary film Captions... The bare steppe is on the screen, today is its day. With gophers, with wormwood, with eagles. Lots of sun and wild space filled with melodious spiritual music. Suddenly, a shot. And silence. Then bursts of machine guns,

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The study of prehistoric cultures Dolmens, megaliths and pyramids In the Neolithic there was another culture - the Sura-Dnieper. Small settlements of this culture are known. People lived in dwellings such as huts. Characteristic are stone vessels with a sharp bottom. During

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