Viagra group all participants. "VIA Gra": all the participants in ten years (14 photos)

Ukrainian pop trio "VIA Gra" - the brightest musical project 2000s, the success of which could not be surpassed by any female group that subsequently appeared in the domestic show business.

History of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating a group belongs to the Ukrainian businessman, owner of the music channel "Biz-TV" Dmitry Kostyuk. Inspired by success spice girls, he suggested to the composer Konstantin Meladze, well known for creative union with brother Valery, to launch their own women's project.

The first participant was Alena Vinnitskaya, who then worked as a host on Biz-TV. Two more girls were picked up for her and a trial clip was shot. But the result did not impress the producers, and they continued to search for new participants.

During a tour in Zhytomyr, Valery Meladze met Nadezhda Granovskaya and recommended that his brother pay attention to her. The girl was approved immediately after the first viewing, and the work began to boil. Initially, the group was supposed to be called "Silver", but, looking at the sexy Nadia, the producers decided to call the team "VIA Gra".

Another version says that the name of the group is composed of the names of the first composition. "VI" is the first letters of the surname "Vinnitskaya", "A" - from "Alena", "Gra" - Granovskaya. Also "Gra" can mean "Voice, Joy, Artistry".

The main stages of creativity

In the summer of 2000, a video was shot for the song "Attempt No. 5", which made an incredible sensation. After recording six more songs and shooting a video for the song "Hug Me", the producers and the group began touring.

VIA Gra - Attempt No. 5

On December 20, 2000, the first concert of the newly-minted group took place in Dnepropetrovsk, which took place with resounding success. Girls began to be invited to television and radio, and their performances were invariably accompanied by an enthusiastic reaction from the public. In the fall of 2001, the group's first album, Attempt No. 5, was released and a contract was signed with Sony Music to record five more. Alena and Nadia starred in New Year's musical for the Inter channel with the participation of the leading stars of show business, which further added to their popularity.

At the peak of success, Nadezhda suddenly found out that she was pregnant and decided to leave the group. This event has become complete surprise for Kostyuk and Meladze. They urgently began to look for a similar participant, and soon St. Petersburg model Tatyana Naynik took the place of Granovskaya. She lacked neither Nadia's charisma nor her vocal abilities, so it was decided to strengthen the line-up with the young charming Anya Sedokova, who had a beautiful voice and a luxurious figure. The audience favorably accepted the video for the song “Stop. Stop. Stop ”with new soloists, and the group continued to exist safely.

However, six months later, Granovskaya, barely recovering from childbirth, came to Meladze and tearfully asked to take her back. For a while they performed as a foursome, but later Nainik took up solo career.

VIA Gra - Stop! Stop! Stop!

Soon it was the turn of Alena Vinnitskaya to leave the group. The girl was much older than the rest of the participants and felt uncomfortable. And the singer's husband, musician Sergei Bolshoi, was not happy with her participation in Viagra.

Alena quickly picked up a replacement in the face of a resident of Dneprodzerzhinsk Vera Galushko, who was ready for anything to break out of poverty. In record time, the girl turned from a simple provincial girl into a luxurious, sexy beauty that can turn any man's head. Vera came up with the sonorous pseudonym Brezhnev and shot with her participation a video for the song "Don't Leave Me, Darling", which became an absolute hit in 2003.

In the same year, the second album of the group “Stop! Shot”, in support of which a grandiose tour was organized. The success of the album exceeded all expectations of the producers, and it was decided to go global. With the release of the English version of Stop! Stop! Stop!”, the group went on a tour of the countries of the East (Japan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong), which was a resounding success.

The group entered the Western market under the name "Nu Virgos" (which means "Nude Maidens" in translation) in order to avoid lawsuits from the manufacturer of the drug "Viagra".

Satisfied producers were already making plans to conquer Europe and America, when in April 2004 Sedokova unexpectedly announced her pregnancy and left the group a month later. Her departure cost the producers several tens of millions of dollars. The casting was urgently announced, and Ani's place was soon taken by the wayward Svetlana Loboda, who never managed to find mutual language neither with the participants, nor with the producers.

Four months later, the girl left the group, and Valery Meladze's protege Albina Dzhanabaeva came in her place (as it turned out later, his mother illegitimate son Bones). The girl was much inferior to the rest of the participants in appearance and the notorious sex appeal, but, having enlisted the support of Valery, she began to restore her own order in the group.

VIA Gra - Biology

In 2005, the team began serious problems. His popularity with the departure of Sedakova sharply declined, and soon Vera and Nadia asked for "freedom". Konstantin Meladze did not interfere with them, and he himself was already thinking of closing the project.

Kostyuk still managed to persuade his colleague to continue working, and soon a real leapfrog of the participants began. Over the next seven years, six soloists changed: first, Christina Kots-Gotlieb, then Olga Koryagina, and, finally, Meseda Bagaudinova came to Granovskaya's place. They were looking for a girl to replace Brezhneva for almost a year, all this time VIA Gra was a duet. Finally, in March 2008, the singer Tatyana Kotova joined the group, then Granovskaya returned to the group to replace the departed Bagaudinova. In March 2010, Kotova's place was taken by Eva Bushmina, and a year and a half later, Nadezhda, who again expressed her desire to leave the group, was replaced by Santa Dimopoulos.

After a year in the team, Santa got married. "VIA Gra" again turned into a duet. At the end of 2012, the producer of the group announced the closure of the project. But, as it turned out, the news was a carefully planned PR campaign. Meladze, who by that time had already broken up with Kostyuk, decided to recruit a completely new line-up. To do this, he organized the television show "I want to Meladze", whose mentors and jury members were former participants.

Winners of the show "I want to VIA Gro"

Three girls reached the final - Misha Romanova, Erika Herceg and Nastya Kozhevnikova, who became the new VIA Groy. At first, the girls loudly declared themselves with the songs “Truce” and “I have another”, but over time, interest in them faded. They never managed to repeat the phenomenal success of the “golden” composition of ViaGra, which shone on the stage in the mid-2000s.

Collaborations with other artists

  • “I didn’t understand” - VIA Gra ft. Verka Serdiuchka
  • "Ocean and three rivers" - VIA Gra ft. Valeriy Meladze
  • "There is no more attraction" - VIA Gra ft. Valeriy Meladze
  • "There is nothing worse" - VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • "I don't want a man" - VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • “I have another one” - VIA Gra ft. Vakhtang
  • "Oxygen" - VIA Gra ft. Mot

VIA Gra and Mot - Oxygen


After Meladze's decision to reform the group and recruit new members in the TV show, a black cat ran between the producers of the group. They could not agree on the rights to the brand. Dmitry Kostyuk decided to open his own project with the same name, since in Russia the rights to the name belonged to him, and in Ukraine the VIA Gra brand was registered on Meladze. As a result, Kostyuk recruited a new line-up, which included Dasha Medovaya, Dasha Rostova and Aina Vilber. In 2015, the group ceased to exist, as Rospatent stopped the protection of Kostyuk's trademark ahead of schedule.


  • Attempt #5 (2001)
  • Stop! Taken! (2003)
  • Stop! Stop! Stop! (2003)
  • Biology (2003)
  • L.M.L. (2007)

Group "VIA Gra" now

Staff turnover did not bypass the updated version of " VIA Gra". On March 24, 2018, the group performed with an updated line-up: the place of Misha Romanova was taken by an unknown singer from St. Petersburg Olga Meganskaya. The replacement became known 2 days before the concert. The previous soloist left the band for personal reasons.

In September 2018, Anastasia Kozhevnikova left the group - her 5-year contract with Meladze expired, and shortly before that she married a businessman who, after the wedding, decided to help Nastya with producing solo project. A graduate took her place. new factory stars "Ulyana Sinetskaya. The group in the new composition continues to tour and break the audience applause.

On the eve of the airing of the show of the channel "1 + 1" "I want to go to VIA Gru!" Lady.TSN remembered all its members for 13 years.

Alena Vinnitskaya. "number one"
Alena Vinnitskaya

Alyona - stage name Vinnitskaya, according to her passport, her name is Olga. In 1993, under the influence of the work of Viktor Tsoi, she created the group "The Last Unicorn", after the collapse of which she was the host on the BIZ-TV channel.

In "VIA Gre" she sang from 2001 to 2003. She starred in the videos "Attempt number five", "Hug me", "Bomb", "I'm not coming back", "Stop! Stop! Stop!", "Good morning, dad." Left VIA Gra to start solo career which he is now successfully doing. She is the only glam-pop-rock performer in Ukraine, she writes her own songs.

Hope Granovskaya. "Long-liver"
Nadezhda Granovskaya

She managed to stay in the group from 2001 to 2006. And, according to the figurative expression of one of the producers of the project, Dmitry Kostyuk, she just played the role of "the main Viagra" - Granovskaya's incredible sexuality had a stunning effect on men (both in direct and in figuratively!) impact. After leaving VIA Gra, she became Meikher-Granovskaya. But over time, the second part of the surname was lost somewhere, and now Nadezhda is just Meikher.

Tatiana Nainik. "Victim"
Tatiana Nainik

Before "VIA Gra" a graduate of St. Petersburg University. A. I. Herzen worked as a model for six years, her photographs were published in such well-known publications as Shape, Elle, Top ten. Replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya at the time of her maternity leave. She starred in the clips "Stop! Stop! Stop!" and "Good morning, dad."

She left the group after the return of Granovskaya. The reasons for leaving were not widely discussed. According to one version, the producers did not need a quartet (there are too many of them in show business), so one of the participants had to be sacrificed. The choice fell on Nainik. Today Tatyana sings in Russian group"Maybe", it was created on the principle of "VIA Gra" - on the stage there are sexy girls in varying degrees of "nakedness", but the popularity of the last "Maybe" is still very far away.

Anna Sedokova. "Slave of Love"

grew up in incomplete family: her father left when Anya was five years old, she and her brother were raised by their mother, a teacher of the Ukrainian language, who worked day and night to provide for the children. Sedokova was engaged in music and dancing practically from the cradle - from the age of six she danced in folk ensemble"Svitanok" graduated with honors from a music school, and after graduating from general education she entered the Institute of Culture.
Anna Sedokova

Before "VIA Gra" she worked as a model, was a presenter on radio and television. She participated in the first castings at VIA Gru, but did not pass the selection due to her young age: Anna was only seventeen years old at that time. The producers remembered her when in 2002 they decided to turn the duo into a trio. She left VIA Gro for the sake of love - Sedokova married football player Valentin Belkevich and gave birth to his daughter Alina. However, the first marriage, as well as the second, with, was short-lived - they say that despite the birth of Monica's second daughter, Anna is now free again. Under the pseudonym Annabelle tried to start a solo career, took part in projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, starred for men's magazines, but the audience still remembers Sedokova primarily as an ex-soloist of VIA Gra.

Vera Brezhneva. Dumpling turned into sex-symbol
Vera Brezhneva

Perhaps the most striking transformation - from a chrysalis to a butterfly, or rather, from Galushka to a real sex symbol - happened in VIA Gre with Vera Brezhneva. A girl from a large family, considered at school to be modest, "ugly" and "bespectacled", for a short time became one of the most attractive and seductive girls in Russian and Ukrainian stage. In "VIA Gre" Vera - intermittently - sang from 2002 to 2007. Today, she not only makes a solo career, but also acts in films, hosts television shows and takes first place in numerous ratings"the most beautiful" and "the sexiest".

Svetlana Loboda. "In" VIA Gru"on a bet"
Svetlana Loboda

Before "VIA Gra" she sang in the groups "Cappuccino" and "Ketch", performed main party in the musical "Equator", she tried to start a solo career, inventing the image of an incognito singer who never takes off her dark glasses and calling herself Alicia Gorn in a Western manner.

The soloist of "VIA Gra" became a bet. At stake was a red convertible, which was supposed to become the property of Svetlana, but only if she not only gets into the group, but also stays in it for six months. Soon I learned that a casting was being held in one of the projects of Konstantin Meladze. That we are talking about "VIA Gre", Loboda found out when out of five hundred applicants who competed in vocal, dance and acting, twenty remained, including her. "Mercedes wheels in my pocket!" thought Svetlana and tripled her efforts. However, already on the first tour of the group, Loboda concluded: "The group is a big machine for big money". Her partners were so tired at concerts that they fell asleep in hotel rooms, literally not having time to reach the bed. Then disagreements began with the producers, and Svetlana had to leave. And since she did not last six months, the red convertible remained a dream.

Albina Dzhanabaeva. "Second redhead"

After the departure of Anna Sedokova, "VIA Gra" needed a new "red-haired" soloist, and she became a graduate of the Gnessin Music College, backing vocalist Valery Meladze Albina Dzhanabaeva. Since on the eve of Albina gave birth to Valery's son Kostya, her invitation to VIA Gro was perceived by many ambiguously: someone considered him a reward, someone - a way to alienate her mistress, as they say, out of sight, out of mind.
Albina Dzhanabaeva

The soloists of "VIA-Gra", who happened to work with Dzhanabaeva, Tatyana Kotova and Meseda Bagaudinova, characterize her not from the very better side- they call it sharp and unrestrained, they assure that Albina could make a scandal on any, even the most insignificant occasion, and vented her anger at service personnel- make-up artists, costume designers, stage workers.

In "VIA Gre" she sang from 2004 to 2012, at the same time she studied at the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Psychology. After official closing group, its producer Konstantin Meladze announced the beginning of Dzhanabaeva's solo career.

Christina Kots-Gottlieb. The shortest stay in "VIA" Gre"

Christina Kots-Gotlieb was born in Donetsk. She was engaged in dancing and sports - she is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The owner of the titles "Miss Donetsk", "Miss Donbass-2003", "Miss international Black Sea 2003", "Miss Donbass-2004".
Christina Kotz-Gotlieb

After Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group and Vera Brezhneva announced her departure, the producers began to look for a new sexy blonde. The contract with Christina was concluded for five years, but in fact she was the lead singer of the group from January to April 2006. After filming the video "Deceive, but stay" was fired from "VIA Gra". Moreover, according to Christina herself, the producers did not even tell her about it - they simply stopped responding to phone calls. Kots-Gotlieb was going to pursue a solo career, even starred in Bogdan Titomir's video "Do as I do!", But then she returned to her modeling career, becoming the face of the KOLTSO model agency. She took part in the contest "Miss Ukraine Universe-2009", where she won an unconditional victory.

Olga Koryagina. Designer
Olga Koryagina

A native of the city of Nikolaev came to the group in 2006, when Nadezhda Granovskaya Once again announced her departure from VIA Gra. She managed to star in two clips of the group - "L.M.L" and "Flower and Knife". Upon learning of the pregnancy, Olga announced her departure from the group and soon married the father of the unborn child, businessman Andrei Romanovsky. After the birth of the child, producer Maxim Fadeev offered Koryagina to return to show business, but she refused. Today he is engaged in the design of fashionable clothes.

Meseda Bagaudinova. Girl from Dream
Meseda Bagaudinova

The producers of VIA Gra have always sympathized with girls with a bright oriental appearance, so in April 2007 Olga Koryagina was replaced by a singer of Avar (by her father) and Ukrainian-Belarusian (by her mother) origin Meseda Bagaudinova. At the beginning of his musical career Meseda was a soloist of the rather well-known group "Dreams" in the south of Russia, but at that time she could not even dream of the glory of "VIA Gra". Meseda spent a year and a half in VIA Gre, and was forced to leave after Nadezhda Granovskaya announced her return to the group. Bagaudinova returned to the Dreams group.

Tatyana Kotova. "False Pregnancy"

The owner of the title "Miss Russia-2006", represented Russia at the contests "Miss World-2007" and "Miss Universe-2007". Tatyana is an economist and anti-crisis manager by education. She got into VIA Gro in 2008 after the departure of Vera Brezhneva. She starred in the clips "My emancipation", "Anti-geisha" and "Crazy".
Tatyana Kotova

In 2010, the media suddenly vied with each other to write that Kotova would soon leave VIA Gro due to pregnancy. The rumors turned out to be exactly half true: Tatyana really left the group, but her pregnancy turned out to be false. The singer herself, when asked about the reasons for leaving, answered as follows: “We cannot admire the sun around the clock. I received my portion of sunshine at VIA Gre, now it’s time to collect stars. I am offered to work on television and act in films, I want to realize my Creative skills to the end, because there is no limit to perfection."

Eva Bushmina. "Girl-accident".
Eva Bushmina

A graduate of the "Star Factory" Eva Bushmina replaced Tatyana Kotova in "VIA Gre". In the group, Eva spent total about three years. They say that in order not to "fly out" from the group, like other unsuccessful participants, she increased her breasts by two sizes - from the first to the third. In VIA Gre, Bushmina had a reputation as an “accident girl”, with whom something constantly happened, since Eva is a big fan of extreme sports and thrill. After the collapse of the group, despite the birth of a daughter (her father is the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vladimir Lanovoy),.

Santa Dimopoulos. Destroyer
Santa Dimopoulos

It was with her arrival in the group that it became clear that the history of VIA Gra in its former form was declining. Despite the many advantages bright appearance, sex appeal and sports training (Santa is a master of sports in dancing) - new soloist became just another and, alas, unsuccessful attempt replace the irreplaceable Granovskaya. In 2012, having spent in the group less than a year, Dimopoulos announced her departure from her and the beginning of a solo career, as a result of which "VIA Gra" turned into a duet "Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina", which soon broke up.

Taisiya Kondratieva

No one imagined what the new composition of VIAgra would be like when Konstantin Meladze's show began on the selection of new participants in the team. There were many worthy contestants, the Russian land is rich in beautiful and talented girls. And yet, three of them turned out to be the strongest - the amazing beauty of the voice, femininity and magnetic charm did their job. Recently, the new composition of VIAGRA was introduced to the people. It included three lovely girls— Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erika Herceg.

"VIA Gra": was, is and will be

The famous producer and composer Konstantin Meladze has been the mentor of the VIA Gra group throughout the entire period of its existence, more than 13 years. During this time, the team changed several times. The changes that took place in the group concerned not only the fate of its members, but also reflected the technological, stylistic and sociological trends in show business. After all, VIA Gra has always been on the stage women's group No. 1. And it has become a "school of life" for many popular stars of our time. The graduates of this school are Vera Brezhneva, Svetlana Loboda, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and others famous singers, TV presenters and actresses.

The history of the show "I want to "VIA Gru""

This time, producer Konstantin Meladze instructed the people to choose a new composition of VIAGRA. Millions of viewers decided the fate of the group, created its history.

Fifteen thousand participants from four CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine) fought for the right to become one of the soloists of the popular band for several months. Two contrasting trios were selected for the final. The charming favorite of one of the jury members Igor Vernik - Maria Goncharuk, red-haired Julia Lauta and burning brunette Diana Ivanitskaya competed with amazing and extremely talented girls from Ukraine - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg. two completely different teams There was only one step left to take. But there was something that united them - this is the irrepressible energy of the participants, the undoubted talent of each of the girls, their amazing sexuality and femininity.

The winners have been determined!

Viewers through SMS voting decided the fate of the participants. It was hard to imagine who they would prefer. Upon completion of the voting and counting of votes, Igor Vernik opened the envelope with the names of the winners of the show. They were beautiful Ukrainians - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erika Herceg. According to the producer of the group Konstantin Meladze, the girls are very promising, creative, diversified, so they will surely be able to absorb the best traditions of VIA Gra and increase the success of the team with a thirteen-year history of existence. He also noted that the updated VIAgra group will not be exactly the same as the audience is used to. New composition will contribute to it bright colors. In addition, it was decided to somewhat change the image of the team, taking into account the characteristics of its new members.

Life before and after

Compound new group"VIAGRA" is defined, and now the fans of the legendary musical group more and more interested in the biographies of its new members. Let's find out what the life of the girls was like before they came to the Konstantin Meladze show.

Brief biography of Kozhevnikova Anastasia

Nastya was born in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in Ukraine. Already at the age of six, she took up vocals and began to sing in the children's choir "Kapelki". At the age of eight, Nastya went to a music school to learn how to play the piano. In parallel with studies in secondary and music schools the girl managed to do choreography and study acting skills in the pop song theater called "Galatea".

A childhood dream of becoming an artist on a big stage led Nastya through life. She did not miss a single opportunity and her talent. The girl took part in various music competitions, including "The First Swallows", "Running on the Waves", "Young Galicia" and others. But she did not achieve much success at that time. The only thing the jury paid attention to was the irrepressible energy of the young girl.

When Anastasia turned sixteen, she took part in her first casting on the Superstar show. But, unfortunately, the girl was again deprived of attention. Nastya did not give up and went to the casting of the X-factor show, where she also did not go beyond the first round. Desperate and leaving your dream of big stage, Anastasia became a student of Kyiv national university technology and design. When she found out about the start of the casting of the show “I Want to VIA Gru”, she decided to try her luck at last time. And this time, luck smiled at her - she joined the new VIAGRA! The photos that you see in the article demonstrate the genuine joy of the girl! By the age of twenty, she managed to carry out her first big dream and this is a real win!

Brief biography of Erica Herceg

Erika was born in a village called Malaya Dobran, which is located near the border of Ukraine with Hungary, near Uzhgorod.

Mixed blood flows in the girl: her father is a Hungarian, her mother is the daughter of a Ukrainian and a Hungarian. Erica's parents got married when they were very young - dad was 22, mom - 18. When the girl was five years old, the family decided to have a second child. The birth was very difficult, which adversely affected the health of Erica's mother. Concerns about the well-being of the family and the upbringing of young children completely fell on the shoulders of Nikolai, the father of the family. Erica went to a Hungarian school, where she studied for only two hours a week. Ukrainian language. Every day, for this, she went 12 kilometers from home and crossed the border. When the rules for crossing the borders of countries became tougher, the girl had to change schools.

In high school, Erica studied at the Lyceum at the local church, sang in the church choir.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl went to the city of Beregovo in order to become a student at the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakozzi II. During her studies, Erica worked as a waitress at a local cafe.

2008 was a year of change for the girl. She lost as much as 30 kilograms in order to try her hand at modeling business. She starred in commercials jewelry and underwear.

Work in modeling agency in 2011 she brought a girl to Kyiv. There, in 2012, she received her first major contract with a French lingerie company. In the same year, she was invited to appear in one of the autumn issues of Playboy magazine. And in 2013, she already gets into the new composition of VIAgra. At 25, Erica achieves real success.

Short biography of Misha Romanova

The third soloist of the renewed group was born in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. At birth, the parents gave their daughter the name Natalia. Her own real name- Graveyard. Misha Romanova is a stage name that the girl came up with in memory of the two men she once loved. The girl studied at general education school and often suffered from peer bullying. It's hard to imagine, but as a child she stuttered badly. This began after Misha became an unwitting witness to a quarrel between her parents when she was five years old. The girl recalls how hard it was for her, because she could not even buy chewing gum for herself in the store, as the sellers did not understand her.

On the advice of doctors, the parents gave the girl to vocal lessons. Misha's surprise and delight knew no bounds when she realized that she did not stutter when she sang. Since then, even in the classroom, when she was called to answer, she did not tell the learned material, but “sang”.

In 2001, the girl became a member vocal studio DK "Neftyanik", soon took the place of a soloist, and later an assistant to the head of the studio.

The dream of becoming an artist gave her the strength to take part in all possible music competitions. She won prizes in "Little Stars", "Carousel of Melodies", "World of Talents". Misha Romanova was educated at the Kiev Variety and Circus School, where she entered in 2007. At 23, her dream came true - she became a real artist, soloist legendary band"Viagra".

New line-up - new song - new concert!

The group has already managed to record several new songs, shoot a video, and worked on tour. The first joint work of the girls is the composition “Truce”, for which a video work has already been filmed by a talented director. And on November 4, 2013, the updated VIAGRA gave its first concert at the State Theater in Moscow. The new line-up - Erika, Nastya and Misha - captivated the audience, the girls gained thousands of fans, showing their selfless work on stage. And it was only their first concert!

High hopes

Listeners are waiting for many more amazing works of the VIAGRA group. The new composition of the team, which was formed by the people themselves, will surely be able to justify even the wildest expectations!

Which of the soloists popular group except for Vera Brezhneva pulled out happy ticket, and who was much less fortunate?

For more than 17 years of existence of the VIA Gra group, its composition has changed many times. The number of participants in the group was also variable: from a duet to a quartet. For many, VIA Gra turned out to be an excellent launching pad for a career in show business. One of the most bright stars groups, Vera Brezhneva, February 3, 2018 marks 36 years. Today she is one of the most sought after singers. Russian stage. How was the fate of other most bright participants popular team - in the material site

Vera Brezhneva

(Photo: Evgenia Guseva/KP)

Attention of VIA Gra producers Vera Galushka attracted me when at one of the concerts she volunteered from the audience to sing with the group. After this performance, she was invited to a casting. Vera took the pseudonym "Brezhnev" and sang in "VIA Gre" for four years, from 2003 to 2007.

In 2007, the singer leaves the group and begins work on a solo career. More Vera Brezhneva TV presenter and actress. Most famous films with her participation - the trilogy "Love in big city"And" Jungle ", and in the New Year's movie" Yolki "the singer plays herself.

Brezhnev is actively involved in charity work. Her Ray of Faith Foundation helps children with oncohematological diseases. Since 2014, Brezhnev has been the UN Ambassador for the rights and discrimination of HIV-infected women living in the territory Central Asia And of Eastern Europe(UNAIDS programme). Vera has two daughters - Sonya And Sarah. Since 2015, the singer has been married to a producer Konstantin Meladze.

Alena Vinnitskaya

The soloist of the first composition of Via Gra left the group in 2003 and began her solo career in Ukraine. She has released eight albums, twenty-three music videos and soundtracks for three feature films. On the personal front, the singer is also doing well. Alena Vinnitskaya married to a producer Sergei Alekseev.

Anna Sedokova


In the first group Anna Sedokova missed due to age. The producer did not dare to take a 17-year-old girl into a team with a provocative name. But in 2002, Anna comes to the group and attracts all the attention to herself. It is believed that the composition of the group with Sedokova was the most successful and sexy in the history of the team.

After leaving Anna Sedkova begins a solo career. She also managed to work as a TV presenter on Russian and Ukrainian TV, and in 2008 she played leading role in the comedy "Pregnant". In March 2010, Sedokova's book "The Art of Seduction" was published. Now Anna is not married. She has three children - daughters Alina And Monica and son Hector.

Svetlana Loboda


Soloist of "VIA Gra" Svetlana Loboda was in 2004 and only four months, but during this time she managed to star in one of the most famous clips groups for the song "Biology" and the New Year's musical " Sorochinskaya Fair". After leaving the group, Svetlana almost immediately released her first single and began to actively develop her solo career. The singer also managed to open her own tourist agency and create a line of youth clothing "F*ck the macho".

In 2009, Loboda represented Ukraine at Eurovision. In 2010 the brand appears "LOBODA", now this is the name of her musical project. In 2012, Svetlana Loboda was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Now the singer is not married and has a daughter Evangeline.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

To "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva worked as a backing vocalist Valeria Meladze. Immediately after Anna Sedokova left the group, Dzhanabaeva was invited to take her place, but she refused, because she had just given birth to a son Kostya. Later, the singer replaced Svetlana Loboda in the group.

Even before leaving the group in 2012, Albina Dzhanabaeva combined her solo career with work at VIA Gre. She later worked in television, starring in the film Kirill Serebrennikov"Treason" and became one of the six mentors of the show "I Want V VIA Gru".

All the time of participation in the group, Dzhanabaeva managed to hide the secret of who the father of her son was. In 2009, a scandal erupted in connection with the divorce of Valery Meladze from his wife. He then officially announced that Kostya was his son. Since 2014, Albina Dzhanabaeva has been married to Meladze. The couple has two sons - Konstantin and Luca.

Olga Romanovskaya

After leaving the group in 2007, Olga Romanovskaya (she was a member"VIA Gra" for about a year) also decided to build a solo career, but it is difficult to call it successful. Later Olga tried it in other areas. She launched the Romanovska clothing line. In 2016, the singer replaced Elena Flying and became the host of the Revizorro program, but soon left the project.
Olga is married to a Ukrainian businessman Andrey Romanovsky. The couple is raising a son maxima.

Meseda Bagaudinova

In 2009 Meseda, who came to VIA Gro in 2007, left the group in connection with the return of Nadezhda Granovskaya. Bagaudinova's solo career after leaving VIA Gra is also difficult to call successful, in eight years she released only seven songs. In 2013, she was a mentor in the show "I want V VIA Gru".

Now Meseda is not married. She has a son Aspar.

Tatyana Kotova


Miss Russia Tatyana Kotova for two years she was a soloist of VIA Gra, from 2008 to 2010. After leaving the group, she took up acting and vocal career. Twice she became the cover girl of popular men's MAXIM magazines and XXL. Now Tatyana Kotova is working on a solo album.

Eva Bushmina

Yana Shvets took a pseudonym "Eva Bushmina" at the Ukrainian "Star Factory". In "VIA Gre" she performed from 2010 to 2012. After leaving, Eva actively began to pursue a solo career. During this time, she managed to release an album and shoot twelve videos. Eva Bushmina is married to the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Dmitry Lanov. The couple has a daughter Edita.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Real surname hopesmeyher. The pseudonym was advised to take by the producer of VIA Gra, Konstantin Meladze. The singer left the group three times. Granovskaya left the very first composition of VIA Gra in 2002, when she was pregnant with her son Igor. A month after giving birth, she returns to the team and sings in VIA Gre until 2006. In 2009, Granovskaya again became the soloist of the group. In 2011, Nadezhda was pregnant again, this time she finally left the team.

In between participation in the group, Granovskaya built a career as a presenter on Ukrainian TV. After the birth of a daughter Anna she returned to television, but already as a mentor in the show "I want V VIA Gru". The trio of her wards eventually won the show and are now the new line-up of the group.

Then, in 2014, Nadezhda took part in the One to One show, and in the same year she began her solo career. In 2016, in Kyiv, Nadezhda Granovskaya released her own performance "Historia de Un Amor"

Nadezhda Granovskaya is married to a Russian businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, the couple is raising their son Nadezhda Igor and two daughters Anna and Maria.

The new composition of "VIA Gra"

Misha Romanova

Erica Herceg

Unlike Misha, Erika did not seriously prepare for a career as an artist, and even more so did not count on the fact that she would have to conquer Russian show business. A girl with Hungarian and Ukrainian roots, she grew up in a village almost on the very border of Ukraine and Hungary, did not speak Russian at all and weighed more than 80 kilograms in her youth! But if someone thinks that she was unlucky in some way, then not Erica.

I think everything was great. I just wanted more.

Six years ago, Erica said to herself: "Enough!" And she began to "sculpt" a new self. She went on a diet, thanks to which she lost more than 30 kilograms, and after graduating from the institute in Hungary, she moved to Kyiv and became a model. Three years ago, Erika began to learn Russian, which she now speaks almost fluently. And although he speaks it with a noticeable accent, he is in no hurry to get rid of it.

This is my personality. If I remove the accent, it won't be Erica Herceg anymore.

By the way, today Erica is the only soloist of the group whose heart is not free. For two years, she meets with a businessman whose name is kept secret. According to the girl, after winning the show "I Want V VIA Gru", she rarely sees her chosen one, but she hopes for understanding on his part. Be that as it may, despite her feelings for her beloved, Eric is not going to leave the team.

I believe that VIA Gra is my destiny.

Anastasia Kozhevnikova, 21 years old, Yuzhnoukrainsk

Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Anastasia's "romance" with music began in early childhood. She grew up in musical family, there was a piano at home. From the age of six, Nastya began to sing in a children's choir, and at the age of eight she began to perform solo. Before getting into the project "I want V VIA Gru", Nastya managed to take part in in large numbers competitions - both regional and national, but did not achieve great success. She has almost given up hope of becoming a singer and entered the university with a degree in management. But her mother, who always believed in her daughter's abilities and accompanied her to all competitions, convinced her to try her hand again. Nastya went to the show, not too expecting to win, according to her, she was ready to refuse, and the most important thing for her was to hear the opinion of the group's producer Konstantin Meladze. But it turned out that she was in the final three and became one of the winners. Now Nastya, who, according to her own confession, in childhood she was a kind of "kid" and was always friends with boys, gets used to her new status of a Russian-Ukrainian "sex symbol" and enjoys a new stage in her life. Even the fact that she has almost no free time, Nastya considers it rather a plus and admits:

VIA Gra" is not a job, it's my life!


New formula"VIA Gra": soloists of the group about themselves and their career path

Six months ago, the show "I Want V VIA Gru" ended, the winners of which - Misha Romanova, Erika Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikova - became the new soloists of the popular group. HELLO! talked to the girls and found out how their lives have changed after the project and why they consider themselves modern Cinderellas.

The new composition of "VIA Gra"

Passion and sexuality - these words instantly come to mind when it comes to the group "VIA Gra". And not only because the name of the group is consonant with the name of the drug to increase male potency: all 13 soloists who have changed over the 13 years of the group's existence - as a selection, clever and beautiful - were called to become an object of not only male, but also universal adoration .

At zero interest in his team music producer- composer Konstantin Meladze - was phenomenal, even despite the frequent change of participants. Having received the initial "capital" of fame in the group, the girls either went solo swimming, or got married and had children, sometimes combining both. Over time, VIA Gra turned into a kind of "star factory" for performers, through which Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, and Albina Dzhanabaeva once went through, and the status of the ex-soloist of VIA Gra became something like a quality mark .

And yet, at the end of 2012, after several years of leapfrog with soloists who could not repeat the success of the "golden" line-up of the group - Vera Brezhneva, Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya, Konstantin Meladze announced the dissolution of the group.

Konstantin Meladze announced the launch of the musical TV show "I Want V VIA Gra", the winners of which will become new members of the new "VIA Gra". Multi-stage telecasting ended in October last year, and three girls from Ukraine - Misha Romanova, Erika Herceg and Anastasia Kozhevnikova - received the right to perform in the group. In this composition, they have already managed to record the debut composition "Truce" and shoot a video for it, and now they are preparing another premiere. Speaking about their participation in the group, Misha, Erika and Nastya turn to enthusiastic exclamations. The girls, who became very close friends during the show, admit that they want to work for the benefit of the project for at least all five stipulated by the contract years. And all three are ambitious in a good way, so full of enthusiasm that they are ready to disappear for days at rehearsals and, it seems, have not yet fully believed what is happening to them.

Misha Romanova, 23 years old, Kherson city

Misha Romanova

Misha Romanova is sure: if you really want something, it will definitely come true. Since childhood, the girl, whose real name is Natalya Mogilevets, dreamed of becoming an artist. One serious flaw could prevent this - she stuttered badly. As a therapy, doctors advised her to take up singing, and at an audition at a local recreation center, Misha was surprised to find that she did not stutter when she sang. She began to study in a vocal studio, and soon music became her passion. True, it was not possible to completely get rid of problems with speech, but this does not bother Misha.

Surprisingly, I never stutter on stage.

Stubborn and purposeful, against the wishes of her parents, she decided to devote her life to music and after the ninth grade she went to conquer Kyiv. Entered the Academy of Variety and circus arts, took up solo musical career, and when the castings began in the show "I want V VIA Gru", then on the advice of a friend, Ukrainian singer and composer Max Barsky, joined the struggle for a place in the team. Today, Misha's life, like the other two participants, consists of rehearsals, concerts, filming, dancing and stage speech, but she is only glad of such changes - after all, she is doing what she loves. The only thing Misha is afraid of is catching star disease.

I'm afraid of losing the sincerity that I have. I want to be human no matter what.

Erika Herceg, 25 years old, the village of Malaya Dobran

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