Art history online learning. Courses


School of collectors and experts

Winzavod, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1

What they teach: the school enrolls in several courses, including "Modern Russian art”, “Collector”, “Many faces of Italy”, “Historical mosaic of art and life”, “Architecture”, “Beautiful France”, “Great Britain”, “Description and analysis of works of art”

Teachers: Kirill Svetlyakov (Head of the Tretyakov Gallery's Department of Contemporary Art), Sergei Popov (owner of the pop/off/art gallery), Alexandra Obukhova (Researcher at the Garage Museum), Kirill Alekseev (ex-employee of the Tretyakov Gallery, now Associate Professor at the Kosygin Textile University)

How many: the average cost of the course is 40,000–55,000 rubles.

The school positions itself as a pass to the world of art. Here they promise not only to teach the history of art, but also to teach future collectors and experts how to behave correctly at vernissages and in dealing with gallery owners and artists. Small groups, there is an individual course of study. Field classes and lectures are held in museums, galleries and artists' studios. The "Basic Course in Art History and Introduction to the Art Business" includes 24 group lessons lasting 3 hours, of which 19 are lectures and 5 are field trips. Each student is provided with a course CD so as not to forget the content of the lectures. Classes are held in the mornings or evenings twice a week. The school is located in a well-known center of contemporary art, which gives a certain guarantee for the quality of education. The teaching staff is highly qualified art historians, which also confirms the seriousness of such training. Apparently, the course is designed to "improve the skills" of professionals already working in the field of contemporary art, or novice collectors.

Phillips Auction House Education Program

Vozdvizhenka, 7/6

What they teach: modern Art

Teachers: Stas Shuripa (artist, art theorist), Alina Makeenkova (lecturer of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Maxim Shishigin (art critic, artist), Vita Khlopova (choreography researcher)

How many: 5 lectures - 10,000 rubles.

Supported educational program auction house Phillips, was launched by Marina Dobrovinsky in 2008 and consists of two directions - thematic lectures and history of contemporary art. The first area includes lectures on classical art, in the second - the history is counted from late XIX centuries to the present day. Classes are held once a week in the evenings. The program includes courses in art history for art lovers and collectors, excursions and trips abroad, as well as lectures by authoritative people from the art world. IN foreign trips, designed for three to four days, promise to help you get to places you can never go without an escort from the house of Phillips, as well as leave time for dinner and shopping. The program is designed for the amateur level, its main goal is to teach the listener to navigate in contemporary art.

Cultural platform "Synchronization"

Bobrov Lane, 6, Strastnoy Boulevard, 12

What they teach: art history guide in 5 lectures - "Antiquity", "Middle Ages", "Baroque and Classicism", "Romanticism - Symbolism", "Realism - Modernism"

Teachers: Elena Lichmanova (lecturer of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Natalya Vostrikova (art critic), Elizaveta Borovikova (expert appraiser of antiques), Olga Chuvorkina (art critic)

How many: 1 lecture - 900 rubles, 5 lectures - 3500 rubles.

Here the lecturers follow not an academic, but a cultural approach. In teaching, the emphasis is not on academic learning, memorizing dates and periods, but on research interesting facts and paradoxes of culture. Lecture topics are extraordinary and answer witty cultural questions. For example, why in Ancient Greece could a portrait be a crime? How can a Mannerist artist create if everything has already been invented before you? How did the artist turn from a romantic into a conscience of the era? It is announced that the course is aimed at "those who want to have an idea about the main stages of development visual arts and learn to understand the monuments of any era, style and direction. Simply put, for those who are quite professionally interested in art without the goal of getting into a university. Lectures are given on weekday evenings or on weekends. Groups of about 25 people. In addition, separate lectures are given here on various interesting topics: about the artists who changed the art of the twentieth century, as well as about the most bright personalities past, for example, about Caravaggio and why he can be called the first modern artist.

Higher School of Art Practices and Museum Technologies (HPMT), Faculty of Art History, Russian State University for the Humanities

Miusskaya Square, 6 (RGGU building)

What they teach: history domestic art of the twentieth century, the language of fine arts, the history of Russian art, the history of contemporary art, art Western Europe until the end of the 19th century

Teachers: Alexandra Danilova (research fellow at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Alexander Markov (teacher at Lomonosov Moscow State University), Tatyana Malova ( art critic), Irina Zakharchenko (candidate historical sciences), Ilya Pechenkin (Associate Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities)

How many: 51 000 rub.

An academic art history program taught by university-level educators. Here we start from antiquity and ancient Russian art and end with contemporary art of the twentieth century. Students are promised to be taught how to describe and analyze works of art. The course is designed for 228 teaching hours classes are held in the evenings. The course is rather addressed to RSUH applicants who are aimed at entering the university. The HPMT Higher School is a division of the Russian State University for the Humanities, established in 2011. In addition, here you can listen to an additional course "Art Practice" (160 hours), where Valentin Dyakonov, Ilya Budraitskis, Boris Klyushnikov and Larisa Grinberg give lectures on curatorial practice (for a fee). The training is designed for beginner curators.

Institute of Cultural Education "Kultprosvet"

Luzhnetskaya emb., 6

What they teach: general history art with a focus on the fundamentals of attribution and examination of antiques

Teachers: leading experts in the field of antiques and art history, including 26 candidates of sciences, 10 doctors of sciences, 2 laureates State Prize RF

How many: depends on course

The school practices both daytime and evening forms of education, both long courses and short courses. The emphasis here is not only on the academic teaching of art history, but rather on the fundamentals of attribution and examination of antiques. Special Program Arte Vera is designed for training antiquarians, the Academy cycle is for an in-depth course on a chosen art history topic. The school promises to provide students with internships in foundations and exposition halls leading museums. In groups of 7-10 people. Training is designed for future antique dealers and expert appraisers.

Association "Manezh" together with Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov

Museum-workshop of Nalbandyan, Tverskaya, 8/2

What they teach: general history of art in several courses

Teachers: Ivan Tuchkov (Dean of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov), Nadezhda Nalimova (Senior Lecturer, Department of General History of Art, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov)

How many: one lecture - 500 rubles, 11 lectures - 5000 rubles.

On March 30, 2016, Manege and Moscow State University launched the General History of Art lecture course. Its first part, read from March to June, was devoted to art ancient world. The second, designed for the period from September to the end of November, is dedicated to the art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The next course is expected to start in early 2017. While the decision to extend the course is under discussion. It is announced that " key concepts art history, such as cultural and historical era, style, direction, art school will be explained with examples. specific works". The program was compiled on the basis of the art history course of Moscow State University, taught by the luminaries of the department. A unique opportunity to "learn" at the university for little money.

Lecture hall of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin

Volkhonka 8–10, 14, Kolymazhny per., 6, building 2

What they teach: history foreign art

Teachers: staff of the Pushkin Museum

How many: one lesson in a lecture subscription - 300 rubles, the subscription price is determined by the number of lectures.

For eighty years the lecture hall of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin introduces everyone to history Western art. In 2016–2017, subscriptions are offered to lectures on the history of art from ancient times to the present day, as well as series of lectures on the architectural appearance of cities and art collections of museums around the world. You can listen to a course on Western European art of the 17th-19th centuries, impressionism, the work of Andy Warhol and pop art, Everyday life in Ancient Greece, the history of cinema from the Dadaists to Fluxus and modern video art. Lectures are addressed to a wide variety of audiences: adults and children, lovers of the classics and avant-garde, students and grandmothers, amateurs and professionals. In fact, in Pushkinsky's lecture hall one can obtain university knowledge in all areas of foreign art, and even learn directly from originals or museum copies from professional art historians.

Moscow Multimedia Art Museum

Ostozhenka, 16

What they teach: history of modern art, photography, architecture, fashion

Teachers: art historians and artists of Moscow

How many: from 500 rub. for the lecture

At MAMM you can listen to lecture courses on the most different topics. For example, about the history modern architecture, sculpture, painting, about photography, about Diaghilev, about the art of the Ancient Ages, about producing, as well as shooting a fashion editorial, whatever that means. There are lectures for children, teenagers, adult art lovers, for every taste. Lectures are read by both super-professionals, like Igor Mukhin (course - 49,000 rubles), as well as recent graduates of the Rodchenko School and fashionable photo editors.

Lecture hall MMOMA

Tverskoy Boulevard, 9

What they teach: history of modern Russian and foreign art of the XX-XXI centuries

Teachers: Gleb Napreenko (critic, editor-in-chief of the Differences project), Nina Lavrishcheva (research fellow at MMOMA), Olga Turchina (research fellow at MMOMA), Alexandra Danilova (research fellow at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Sergey Khachaturov (critic, lecturer Lomonosov Moscow State University), Stas Shuripa (artist, art theorist), Alexei Maslyaev (MMOMA curator), Ilectra Canestri (fashion expert)

How many: one lecture - 350–400 rubles, 10 lectures - 3000 rubles, 20 lectures - 5600 rubles, there is a system of benefits

From September to December at MMOMA you can attend two separate courses on the history of contemporary art - foreign and Russian. Russian art (16 lessons) is read from the end of the 19th century up to the present day, foreign art (18 lessons) - from the beginning of the 20th century to our time. Here they will tell not only about Kazimir Malevich, Picasso and Vladimir Tatlin, but also about the most contemporary artists - Taus Makhacheva, MishMash and Damien Hirst. Lectures are read by current critics, curators, theorists who are actively involved in the current art process. Courses are designed for wide circle fans of contemporary art. Since March, you can listen to MMOMA new program dedicated to interdisciplinary artistic practices: the interaction of contemporary art with other areas of culture - theatre, music, design, fashion, photography and architecture.

Tretyakov Gallery

Lavrushinsky lane, 12, Krymsky Val, 10

What they teach: history of Russian art

Teachers: employees of the Tretyakov Gallery

How many: 1 lecture - 270 rubles, 6 lectures - 1320 rubles, further depending on the course

The Tretyakov Gallery has a global lecture hall where you can learn everything about Russian art. In Lavrushinsky Lane, the course "Museum University" is taught, from ancient Russian art to landscape painting XIX century. "Museum University" on Krymsky Val begins with avant-garde masters and ends with art early XXI century. The Tretyakov Gallery also offers numerous lecture and art programs on various topics related to the exposition.

National Research University Higher School of Economics


What they teach: basic course art history

Teachers: Alexandra Staruseva-Persheeva, Artem Dezhurko, Maria Kalinina - lecturers at the HSE School of Design

How many: for free

The online course is designed for students of humanitarian areas, as well as applicants art universities who take the history of art. Here they read the basic course, from the ancient world to the art of the twentieth century. the main objective- give an idea of ​​the evolution of styles in the history of Western European art and about the most important phenomena in the history of culture. The course is sustained in the tradition of classical art history. As Alexandra Persheeva writes: “In our course, each lecture has two semantic levels. First, we give basic information about the art of a particular era, and then we touch on more subtle points, talk about how people lived and thought, and reflect on the connection between art and the spirit of the times.” In total, the course takes 12 weeks, a week you need to spend 6 hours on training.

School of Veronika Kalacheva (Kalacheva School)

online, or in one of the buildings of the School (in person)

Teacher: Tatyana Bykovskaya (art critic)

What they teach: Basic Art History Course from Egypt to the Renaissance (online), from Egypt to Cubism (online)

How many: RUB 18,000 / RUB 10,000

In the School of Veronika Kalacheva, where the main classes are devoted to teaching painting from scratch, art history lovers will be taught to distinguish Monet from Manet, and Van Dyck from Van Eyck. Here they follow the motto: “Everything as we love it: interesting, with soul and simple human language". Face-to-face classes (a course of 8 lectures) are held on weekends, you can sign up for online lessons at any time. Here they are extremely friendly towards future applicants: “All you need is good mood, time and Internet access. Classes will be divided into 2 parts - lecture, where you will get everything necessary knowledge, and practical. The courses are clearly designed for the amateur level and are addressed to those who want to learn more about art at their leisure.

School-studio "Sleeve"

Earth shaft, 59/2

What they teach: art history from antiquity to the present day

Teacher: Anna Guseva (teacher at Lomonosov Moscow State University, graduate of the Glazunov Academy)

How many: one-time visit - 700 rubles, 5 lessons - 3200 rubles, 20 lessons - 11000 rubles.

Here they promise to teach not only the history of art, but also the understanding of "the internal processes of the spiritual life of mankind, which were reflected in the masterpieces of fine art." In addition to lectures, seminars are held. Classes are held on Saturdays. Reading in November Ancient Rome. The school was founded by Alexander Rukavishnikov, academician of the Academy of Arts, lecturer at the Surikov Institute. The main profile of the school is the preparation of young sculptors for admission to the university, for them, in general, an optional course in the history of art is designed.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Krymsky Val, 9

What they teach: modern Art

Teachers: Natalia Sidorova (employee of the Tretyakov Gallery), Tatyana Bortnik (art critic)

How many: 13 000 rub. subscription

The course taught at the Garage is called "Following the Footsteps of Contemporary Art". Cezanne, Van Gogh, Picasso, Duchamp, Warhol, Beuys, Kabakov and even Banksy - here they study the history of contemporary art through the personality of artists. The course consists of 20 lessons - 10 are read in February - April, 10 in September - December. But the most remarkable thing about Garage's educational program is the series of lectures and individual lectures by leading art historians, artists and curators. The cycle "Simply Art" is led by the famous art critic and teacher of Moscow State University Andrey Kovalev, inviting to a conversation famous artists. Art critic Irina Kulik leads the unique lecture program "Asymmetrical Similarities", creating dynamic pairs of authors who are not close in time or style. Entrance is free by registration.


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Do you want to enjoy contemporary art, know how the Renaissance differs from the Proto-Renaissance, and what inspired the great Russian writers?

This course is a godsend for those who want to learn to understand art. He gives the basic concepts of theory, talks about genres and techniques. Students will learn how to learn to enjoy contemporary art and "read" art, as well as what a "point of view" is, and why this "piece of plastic" is a brilliant creation.

Duration: 7 weeks
Start: September 14
Language: Russian
Price: for free
Author: MediaNovation Project

The course is taught by art historian and expert on Russian art of the 20th century Andrei Sarabyanov. Listeners will find out who the first avant-garde artists were, what inspired them and how they shocked the public, and how they tried to captivate the whole country with their utopias. The lecturer will tell how the most famous canvas of the Russian avant-garde - "Black Square" - appeared, and how Malevich's creative search ended.

Duration: 5 lectures and 20 additional materials
Language: Russian
Price: for free

Ilya Doronchenkov, Dean of the Faculty of Art History at the European University at St. Petersburg, will talk about how artists of the 19th century rethought historical events, about the symbols and meanings with which they filled their paintings. As an example, the lecturer will consider eight paintings by famous artists, including Goya, Delacroix, Surikov and Manet. Listeners will learn, for example, how Surikov wrote the main tragedy history, divided the people and the state and became Russian pride.

Duration: 8 lectures and 40 additional materials
Start: you can practice at any time
Language: Russian
Price: for free
University: European University at St. Petersburg

The authors of the course, teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities, offer to "talk" with Leonardo and try to understand the Master, his greatness and his tragedy. The course participants will learn how 3D scanners, 3D printers, laser cutters can be used to create and reconstruct complex objects invented by an artist in the distant past.

Duration: 8 weeks
Language: Russian
Price: for free
University: RGGU

This selection of audio recordings contains 30 lectures given to students by the best teachers in the Department of Art History at the University of Oxford. Topics are different: from European medieval architecture to Chinese art.

Duration: 30 lectures
Language: English
Start: you can practice at any time
Price: for free
University: Oxford University

The course invites you to embark on an imaginary journey into cultural space, inhabited by objects created by man: doors, windows, mirrors, and so on. At the end of the journey, the listener will be able to distinguish the author's metaphors in painting and decipher literary symbols.

Duration: 7 weeks
Start: soon, you can sign up for a restart
Language: Russian
Price: for free
University: Moscow State University

Massachusetts College of Art introduces the history of European art through the example of 24 greatest works. Among them are paintings, sculptures, architectural monuments, musical and literary masterpieces: from the Athenian Parthenon to the paintings of Pollock.

Duration: 9 modules
Start: you can sign up, we will inform you about the launch
Language: English
Price: for free
University: University of Massachusetts

Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 2000, department of art history. Specialization - the art of the Western European Middle Ages, book miniature. Fellow French school in Rome (L\"Ёcole française de Rome - 2002, 2004). Since 2002, he has been giving lecture courses on the history and methodology of art at Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow Art School, Russian State Humanitarian University, PSTGU. Member of the Association of Art Critics (AIS) and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Author of articles on the art of the Western European Middle Ages.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of History, Department of Art History, Candidate of Sciences.

Currently works at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Chief Specialist of the Department The latest trends.

He teaches the general history of art at the Moscow State Technical University. A.N. Kosygin, teaches the course "Curatorial Art in Contemporary Art" at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Since 2008, director of the Educational and Scientific Center for the Study of Russian artistic culture XX century. A.G. Tyshler RGGU.

Art critic, candidate philosophical sciences. Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1998, Faculty of History, Department of Art History.

From 1998 to 2002 he worked at the Museum of the East. From 2006 to 2012 - Senior Research Fellow, Curator of the Newest Trends Department of the State Tretyakov Gallery. In 2010-11 - nominee for the "Innovation" award, in 2012 - winner of the Kuryokhin award.

From 1999 to 2017 he taught the history of art of the twentieth century, the general history of art at the Faculty applied arts MSTU im. A.N. Kosygin. In 2016-17 - supervisor educational programs MO "Museum of Moscow".
IN currently- Associate Professor of the Department of Contemporary Art of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Art critic. For 5 years he worked as a researcher at the State Tretyakov Gallery. He teaches contemporary art at the Moscow Architectural Institute.

In 2004, he created the "Pop/off/art" gallery in Moscow, the owner and director of which is to this day. Since 2012 the gallery has a branch in Berlin.

From 2008 to 2010 he was the chief curator of the St. Petersburg Private Museum of Contemporary Art "New Museum".

Author of the book "Always different art. History of contemporary art in Russia. Collection of Viktor Bondarenko" (Moscow, Books WAM, 2011). Scientific editor of the book "500 Artists. Encyclopedia of Russian Painting of the 20th Century" (M., Books WAM, 2012).

Graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University, Faculty of Museum Affairs and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and State University management specializing in "assessment of the value of antiques and fine arts". The owner of the gallery "Classics of the genre". Curator of a number of private and corporate collections in Russia and Western Europe.

Art historian, literary and scientific editor.

In 2002 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin, Faculty of History of Fine Arts.

Freelance member of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin

Theater expert, theater critic, journalist.

Author of publications Afisha, Esquite, Vedomosti, KROT, Theater and others. Published a magazine about theater and contemporary art "Replica" (2010 - 2013), editor of the festival "Territory" (2013), program director of the festival "Texture" (2013), expert of the festival " golden mask"(2015/2018), curator of the festival "Forma" (2018). Collaborated with the Center for Drama and Directing, the Theater of Nations, the Center. Meyerhold and the Praktika Theatre. Chief Editor project "I'm in the theater."

He gives lectures on the theater of the past, present and future.

Since the early 1990s, he has been lecturing and conducting classes in Russian art XVIII— the beginning of the 20th century for an adult and youthful audience based on materials from the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, etc. Since 2008, she has been one of the organizers and hosts of the Tretyakov Gallery’s club “Three centuries of Russian culture. Intersection points. Author of numerous publications on the art of the XVIII - early XX century.

He graduated from the Department of Art History of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 1982, worked at the Central Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and the All-Russian Research Institute of Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning, as well as the editor of the department of the journal "Creativity". In addition to a number of articles, he is the author of the books Architecture of The Stalin Era, 1992 (Together with A. Tarkhanov) and The Moscow Metro is 70 years old (published as special edition magazine "WAM"). Member of the Union of Architects of Russia.


Graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University in 1995. In 2004 she defended her thesis "Madhubani Painting" in the art sector of Asia and Africa State Institute Art studies. In 2007, she received a Diploma in Interior and Furniture Design from Rachana Sansad Academy of Architecture (Mumbai, India). I read the course "The Art of India" at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Since 2008 lecturer at the Rachana Sansad Academy of Architecture (Mumbai, India). Organized several exhibitions dedicated to art India, including Good Spirits of Bihar Home in State Museum Vostok, 2004 and SPEAKING ART. Indian legends and myths narrated by traditional artists and craftsmen” at CSMVS (Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, Mumbai) 2008. Author of publications on Indian culture and architecture. Member of Indian Institute of Interior Designers (IIID) and Museum Society of Bombay (MSB).

Art historian. Specialist in the field of contemporary Russian art. Director of the Foundation Art projects”, Head of the Archive of Contemporary Russian Art (ACRA). In 2001, in collaboration with M. Orlova, she published the book “Painting Without Borders. From Pop Art to Conceptualism (Galart Publishing House).

Understanding art is the dream of many. This dream can become a reality. If there is already a great desire, we will add some free time and study the list of available lectures.

Garage Museum (free)

“Asymmetric Similarities” is a series of lectures that is already in full swing. And while you are reading this text, considering whether to go or not, the likelihood that you will miss another extremely interesting lecture increases! Hurry up. Moreover, art critic and presenter of this course, Irina Kulik, offers to get acquainted and try to understand the works of not one, but two artists within the framework of one lecture. Compared. Moreover, the focus is not on the fascinated and easily recognizable Pre-Raphaelites or Impressionists, but on the embarrassing, exploding subconscious artists who have been creating from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Yes, this is exactly what modern art is not entirely and not everyone understands.

Check the timetable

Lecture hall MOMMA (for a fee)

Few can understand and appreciate modern art. This is certainly an unplowed field for study, and sometimes on the verge of faith. Just trust the expert that this is a masterpiece. But for a reasoned conversation with an even less expert on this issue than you, you should prepare - stock up sharp phrases. The lecture hall of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art will come to the rescue, in the program of which there are answers to all questions and even in comparison or in combination with adjacent territories - theater, music, photography.

Check the timetable

Lecture hall of the Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin (for a fee)

Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin - the address for a mandatory visit. Queues intertwining the museum building from time to time signal that another exhibition has opened inside, which cannot be missed. However, you can turn the contemplation of pictures into the study. For this, a lecture hall operates within the walls of the museum, where you can cover all periods. For example, lectures “Impressionism”, “Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh”, “The Golden Age of Dutch Art: from van Eyck to Bosch” and many others are scheduled for April.

Check the timetable

Lecture hall in the Tretyakov Gallery (for a fee)

For those who want to immerse themselves in the topic from head to toe Tretyakov Gallery organizes a lecture hall, the program of which is very diverse. For example, for those who are waiting for a detailed journey through periods, centuries and works, subscriptions with in-depth study under common name Museum University in Lavrushinsky Lane. However, the program also contains Short story Russian Art”, where such names as Kiprensky, Venetsianov, Tropinin will fill you with meaning and illustrations…

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Lecture hall "Direct speech" (for a fee)

"Direct speech" has long been on everyone's lips. Tickets for the lectures of this project are sold out like hot cakes. The secret is in the stellar cast of lecturers. But do not look for entertainers among them, but really experts in their field and bright, fascinating storytellers. So, Dmitry Bykov is responsible for literature here, Dmitry Petrov will lead you into the jungle of languages ​​with a flashlight, Natalia Basovskaya has books on history in her hands ... The program of this lecture hall is not frozen for centuries - the list of lecturers is expanding and developing. In search of new knowledge, do not forget to look at the project website.

Check the timetable

HPMT (paid)

In search of knowledge on the history of art, it is useful to look at the site high school artistic practices and museum technologies (RGGU). At scrutiny site here you can find many opportunities to study the issues of interest. However, this is hardly right choice for those who are looking for options for a one-time cultural trip. For example, courses on the history of domestic art of the 20th century and the history of Western European art are in full swing, each of which will last until May.

Check the timetable

A basic course for those who want to understand what contemporary art is and whether it exists in Russia. Teachers will explain what installation and performance are and why museums and galleries need curators and art critics. The course provides a good background - students will be able to comprehend all the themes and genres of art of the 20th century.

More of an engineering than a liberal arts course. But this is understandable: Leonardo da Vinci, as you know, was the author of many brilliant inventions, information about which remained only in sketches and sketches. The authors of the course intend, together with the students, to realize the artist's ideas with the help of 3D technologies.


Children and parents will be able to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the Russian Middle Ages, the structure and way of life traditional dwelling Slavs. The course promises to teach and practical skills - the old techniques for creating traditional dolls, the basics of the craft.

The course invites you on an imaginary journey into a cultural space inhabited by man-made objects: doors, windows, mirrors, and so on. At the end of the journey, the listener will be able to distinguish author's metaphors and decipher literary symbols.


Literary walks around St. Petersburg with the best literature teachers who will tell students about the St. Petersburg text, created by Russian writers and poets for several centuries.

Duration: 5 weeks.
Start: April 1, 2015
University: St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Pedagogical University im. Herzen.


The course will talk about eight revolutionary artists and how they perceived history and modernity. For example, you can learn why the Frenchman Jacques-Louis David is considered the creator of the Fascist salute, how Eugene Delacroix understood freedom, and how Francisco Goya turned the moment before his execution into a historic event.

Start: open all the time.
University: EUSPb.

Who, how and why in Stalin's time began to study philosophy - a quarter of a century after its traditions were destroyed, and how graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University created a territory of freedom in the magazine - the mouthpiece of the communist parties in the early 1960s.

Start: open all the time.
University: NRU HSE.

Why in the South American epic are the most sad stories in the world, how the first people overslept their immortality and how in South America got myths similar to the legends of Indonesia, Africa and China.

Start: open all the time.
University: EUSPB.


The folklorist-theorist will tell the audience how to properly collect folklore material, what text is considered ancient fairy tale in literature and why communication on the Internet is based on the principles of the folklore genre.

Start: open all the time.
University: RGGU.

Strelka Institute

Strelka is launching an online school for urban entrepreneurs. This course teaches not to understand art, but rather, it is learning the art of creating in order to make your city interesting and comfortable to live in.

Start: spring 2015.
Cost: on request.
Organizer: Strelka Institute.


A course for everyone who loves fantasy and historical fiction. If you want to write like Neil Gaiman, this is the place for you. One of the final tasks of the course is to write your own historical fiction novel.

Duration: 12 weeks.
Start: open all the time.
English language.
Organizer: University of Virginia

The course will help you understand how the Vikings' ideas about the world around them influenced Old Norse customs and traditions. Not only myths are studied, but also ancient runes, paintings, manuscripts, wood and stone carvings.

Duration: 12 weeks.
Start: April 7, 2015
English language.
Organizer: University of Zurich.

What happens to classic stories when they turn into online games? The course is quite serious: the theory of narration, history and game theory are studied, and as examples of works - the novels of Tolkien and the poetry of Keats, Tennyson and Browning.

Duration: 7 weeks.
Start: April 27, 2015
English language.
Organizer: Vanderbilt University.

The course develops critical thinking skills, teaches you to understand art and talk about it to other people, introduces successful teaching techniques and explains how to properly plan and conduct your own lesson.

Duration: 7 weeks.
Start: April 27, 2015
English language.
Organizer: Museum of Modern Art

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