Famous Serbs. Famous Serbs


Journalist Katarina Lane wrote a very soulful article about Serbian men. She herself is happily married to a Russian husband, they live and work with him in the Balkans. So her view of the situation can be called both a view from the outside and from the inside:

Before traveling to Serbia, I had never met a single Serb, and therefore I was in for a shock even at the airport. While looking for my gate, I noticed several dark-haired men in the crowd who were talking and laughing loudly. I thought then that it sport Team flies to the collection. I was surprised at how big the team was, they occupied almost the entire plane. Leaving the airport in Belgrade, it became clear that the whole country could be included in the national team. Since then, I have been looking for my gate on a Serbian flight only this way: if handsome dark-haired men tower somewhere above the crowd, then this is almost one hundred percent of the flight to Belgrade.

Like behind a stone wall

We are Russians, for the most part, women who understand the word “married” in it. traditional meaning: behind her husband, like behind a stone wall. And we are looking for and choosing men with whom we feel confident and calm as our companions. I, as the owner of 157 cm height, which in Russia is called “a meter with a cap”, next to any Serbian man, I feel like a little defenseless girl. Nice feeling, I won't hide it. In Russia, in general, men look completely different, they are much shorter, and this difference is immediately evident. This is the first captivating impression that Serbian men produced for Russians.

Sports style and character

Serbs are very fond of sports, everyone is a fan of their favorite football or basketball team, in every yard there is a sports ground where the boys play ball from morning till night. On an ordinary urban provincial beach, it is easy to meet men who can be safely photographed for the cover of a sports magazine. Love for sports, among other things, develops such a quality of character as stubbornness. The number of Russian women who have married Serbs shows that Serbs know how to get what they want! They also wear sportswear. Therefore, they wear it everywhere, but it looks very harmonious. Well, or every day I meet only those who are after sports or on their way to the gym!

Heroic people

Cover photo: Milos Bikovic. Photographer, Yulia Khanina.

located in Eastern Europe The country of Serbia is historically connected with Russia by strong ties. Even the Serbian and Russian languages ​​are similar to a certain extent, and other similarities can be traced in culture, national cuisine and architecture. This is a very friendly region, which has become very attractive and flourishing since the end of the conflict in the Balkans.

Facts about Serbia

  • After the collapse of Yugoslavia, until 2006 it was part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Kosovo is de jure part of Serbia, but de facto it is a partially recognized state and is not controlled by the Serbian authorities.
  • Most of the Serbs speak the Serbo-Croatian language, various dialects of which are also common in Montenegro and Croatia ().
  • The capital of Serbia, the city of Belgrade, is one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded about 2300 years ago.
  • Lives in Belgrade 10 times less people than in Moscow. However, in all of Serbia, the population is 2 times less than in the capital of Russia.
  • Primitive people lived on the territory of modern Serbia as early as the Paleolithic, as evidenced by the archaeologists discovered here stone tools labor().
  • The most popular drink among Serbs is coffee. But he hardly drinks tea at all. Some Serbs sincerely believe that this is generally some kind of medicine.
  • Some of the baths that Serbia is famous for were built here during the time of the Roman Empire, and they still function.
  • About 30% of all raspberries in the world are grown in Serbia.
  • For a long time, Serbian territories were part of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Serbian flag looks like the Russian tricolor turned upside down ().
  • Serbian swearing is very similar to Russian.
  • The vast majority of Serbs have a very warm attitude towards the Russians, considering Russia a brotherly country.
  • In Serbia, it is not customary to take off your shoes when visiting, even if it is wet and dirty outside.
  • There are two unofficial alphabets - Cyrillic and Latin. IN Lately Latin is becoming more popular, but Cyrillic is the official one.
  • Most Serbs live with their parents for an average of 30 years.
  • Many drinking establishments in Serbia do not have a kitchen. And where you can eat deliciously, there may easily be no alcohol.
  • Despite the similarity of the Serbian language with Russian, there is no “y” sound in it, and it is not given to Serbs at all.
  • The total length of the borders of Serbia is 2364 km, which is 1000 km less than the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk ().
  • More than a dozen Roman emperors were born in Serbia at one time.
  • Red wine in Serbia is called black.
  • About a third of all Serbian territories are occupied by forests. Half of them belong to the state, the other half - to private individuals.
  • The birth rate in Serbia is one of the lowest in the world.
  • Russian bread in Serbia is called almost ordinary black bread. Almost because it's sweet.
  • Serbian railways are notable for the fact that trains are almost always late here.
  • The most famous ethnic Serb is the inventor Nikola Tesla, who is still very revered here ().
  • In many regions of Serbia, Hungarian, Slovak and Romanian also have official status.
  • Serbia cares a lot about the environment. Excessive deforestation was banned here in the 14th century.
  • Serbs make up about 83% of Serbia's population. The rest are Hungarians, Albanians, Gypsies, Montenegrins, Bulgarians, Romanians and representatives of other nationalities.
  • Almost everywhere in Serbia you can safely drink water straight from the tap. If not, a warning sign will be posted.
  • The Serbian region of Sjenica is the coldest permanently inhabited place in Europe. Once it was -39 degrees.
  • A unique Serbian spruce grows in Serbia, which is not found anywhere else in the world (interesting spruce facts).
  • Serbian drivers almost never use turn signals when changing lanes.
  • Theft in Serbia is extremely rare. In supermarkets, instead of lockers where you can leave your bags, there are simply hooks on which you can hang your bag.
  • The word "vampire", which has become common to a number of world languages, comes precisely from the Serbian language.

Serbs belong to the group of southern Slavic peoples. This is the indigenous population of Serbia. The state is located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula (southeastern Europe). It has no access to the sea. The capital is the city of Belgrade.

Where live

The vast majority of Serbian citizens live in their home country. They also spread across neighboring countries. There are many Serbs in such states as:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • Croatia
  • Macedonia
  • Slovenia
  • Romania
  • Hungary

Serbs also live in Germany, France, Canada, Australia, America. Some go quite far from their homeland - to Africa, Argentina, Brazil. Not a large number of is also in Russia.


The population of Serbia speaks Serbian. It belongs to the South Slavic subgroup, along with Bulgarian, Macedonian, Croatian and Slovenian. It also includes Montenegrin and Bosnian languages. All of them are similar to each other.


The constant migration of Serbs is the reason why it is rather difficult to obtain accurate data on their numbers. According to various sources, there are from 10 to 13 million people. In Serbia itself, their number reaches 6-6.5 million. This is approximately 80% of total number the inhabitants of the country. There are 1,200,000 Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 700,000 in Germany, 300,000 in Austria, and 190,000 in Switzerland and the United States. Canada, Sweden, Australia receive approximately 100,000 Serbs each. In other states, their diasporas range from 10,000 to 70,000.


Before the arrival of Orthodox Byzantine priests, the Serbs were pagans. They adopted Christianity in the 7th century. Now the vast majority of citizens profess Orthodoxy. A small part are Catholics and Protestants. There are also Muslims and those who consider themselves atheists. Pagan beliefs left a certain imprint on the traditions and customs of the Serbs. The population still has old religious views, belief in the supernatural.


Representatives of the Serbian nationality are distinguished by their attractive appearance. They are tall, slender, stately. Men are broad-shouldered, have a proud posture. Women are graceful and graceful. Facial features are correct, with a thin nose, well-defined cheekbones. The hair is mostly blond, in some representatives it is dark or black. Girls draw attention to themselves with their bright appearance big eyes and seductive smiles.


This South Slavic people is characterized by such features as patriarchy, strong family ties, continuity of generations. They honor family traditions, national customs. Serbs are distinguished by patriotism, pride in their nation. Many of them are deeply religious. In the family, women are engaged in the upbringing of children, provide coziness, a comfortable environment. Men are responsible for financial side life. Older generation revered, family members treat each other with great respect.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, Serbs lived in rural communities. This way of life has been preserved even now in villages and villages. Gatherings are arranged there, at which the female part of the population is engaged in needlework to songs and music. In the warm season, people gather outdoors. Serbian women know how to spin and weave. IN countryside they made materials with their own hands and sewed clothes from them. Girls were taught this business from 9-10 years old. Young girls themselves prepared the dowry for the wedding.

Serbian wedding

Serbian families are strong alliances. The choice of a life partner is approached thoroughly, which guarantees a long, lasting marriage. Divorces are rare, as family ties are very significant for people. The birth and upbringing of children is considered the main purpose of a woman. The appearance of a child in the family is accompanied by various rituals. In the villages there are midwives who help to give birth and care for the newborn. Numerous relatives give the mother and baby gifts that have deep meaning. The things brought to the house of the newlyweds serve as amulets, preserve the health of the child, and contribute to its rapid development.

Nepotism is widespread among rural residents. Qom is present at the rite of baptism of all children born in the same family. Usually this is the best man (witness at the wedding). The child is given the name of the saint on whose day he is born. Also, children are often called by the names of their grandparents. At the conclusion of the union, the newlyweds are given a dowry. They can be household items, things, furniture, money. The dowry supports the young family well until they can stand firmly on their feet. Until the middle of the 20th century, when choosing a future spouse, they were guided by such aspects as financial position, physical data, weight in society. Now marriages are entered into, guided by romantic motives. The custom of courtship at a wedding has been preserved. Matchmakers are sent to the bride's parents, whose role is played by the groom's relatives. They discuss wedding preparations, determine the amount of the ransom. The wedding is accompanied by festivities lasting up to three days.


The national costumes of the Serbs are slightly different depending on the areas of residence. There are Shumadi, Uzhitsky, Pirot variants. Also Bach and Leskovo regions have their own features. However, they all share common character traits. The men's suit consists of the following parts:

  1. A shirt with a turn-down collar, sometimes with a stand-up collar. Sleeves of a free cut, on cuffs.
  2. Wide pants tucked into stockings (socks).
  3. A cropped jacket or a long caftan.
  4. A short sleeveless jacket worn over a jacket.
  5. A wide colored belt covering the upper part of the trousers - a sash.
  6. High woolen socks almost to the knees.
  7. Opanki - leather shoes without a heel, often with a long, curved toe.
  8. A small beanie or hat with a medium brim.

Pants and shirts were sewn from cotton and linen fibers. In some areas, trousers were made from half-woolen homespun cloth. Pants were girdled with a beautiful wide and long belt, the edges of which hung down to the knees. Hunters used leather belts, in the compartments of which weapons were conveniently inserted. Jackets, caftans were sewn from woolen fabrics. Shelves and cuffs of shirts were decorated with embroidery. The front part of the outerwear was trimmed with inlays, garus. Sleeveless jackets embroidered with ornaments were worn over shirts in the warm season.

in winter additional part clothes were long cloaks of leather or cloth. An interesting detail men's suits are high socks with embroidery along the top edge. They warm the legs and emphasize the harmony of the figure. Shoes are leather shoes like moccasins - opanki. They are lightweight and easy to move around. Light soft cloth hats are worn on the head. In winter, they are replaced by high-crowned fur hats. Neat felt hats with small brim are also common.

Women's national dress is very beautiful. It attracts attention with contrasting colors, rich embroidery, many decorative elements. The girls wore loose, light blouses-tunics made of thin linen. The neckline and upper part of the sleeves are adorned with ruffles, which add volume to the figure. The edges of the blouse are extended, gathering into beautiful folds. Shelves, the bottom of the sleeves are trimmed with sewing, embroidery, ribbons. The blouse is tucked into a flared skirt below the knee. Pleated fabrics were often used, which create a flowing effect. The top of the skirt is decorated with a wide colored belt.

A short sleeveless jacket is put on top of the blouse. She beautifully fits the female figure, fastening at the waist like a corset. They were made from satin or velvet fabrics. The entire front part is richly decorated with embroidery, braid, and colored appliqués. In cold weather, a woolen jacket is put on a blouse. An interesting detail women's costume is an apron. It is worn over a skirt. The apron covers almost the entire front of it. This element of clothing is also richly trimmed with appliqués and patterns. In some regions, family women wore two aprons - in front and behind.

On their feet, women wear woolen stockings, decorated with embroidery, and opanki. Headwear is different. Small round caps are common, tightly clasping the head. They are trimmed with ribbons, flowers, cords, coins. Some girls wore headscarves, shawls. Women's outfit is complemented by various decorative details, including:

  • flowers
  • necklaces
  • monisto
  • bracelets
  • small knitted bags


The types of residential buildings differ depending on the regions. The primitive type of Serbian dwellings in the Middle Ages were dugouts and huts. The first were called zemunitsy and were a depression in the upper layer of the earth with an upper part consisting of poles. They were covered with sod, sprinkled with earth. Huts (koliba) were made in the form of huts. Inclined walls were made of poles and long rods. From above they were covered with straw, bark, turf. The diameter of the dwelling was only about 2 meters. It could accommodate for the night or shelter from the weather.
Later buildings were as follows:

  • wooden frame;
  • stone house;
  • frame house.

Small wooden huts were called brvnara. This is a log house for one room, built of logs. The brvnars were low, had no ceiling, no foundation. Such housing, if necessary, was transferred to a new place of residence. In the middle or near the wall there was a hearth lined with stones. Clay huts were built along with brvnars. The walls of wicker rods were smeared with a clay mixture. Gradually the houses improved. By the middle of the 19th century, housing expanded: a second room appeared in it. They began to make the foundation, the roof. Initially, the roof was covered with thin boards, then they began to make a tiled covering. Often, an adobe half-castle was attached to the log house. She played minor role. The newlyweds settled in it, received guests. In the main room, they cooked food, did household chores, and rested.

Frame buildings were also one-story. They were called pletara. At first they built a box of boards around the perimeter of the housing. Then wicker walls were made, clay was smeared on them. After that, the braid was connected to the main frame. The walls were whitewashed inside and out. The roof was covered with boards or straw, later with tiles. In some regions of Serbia, such housing stood until the middle of the last century.

Later, they began to make strong and reliable houses of stone and brick. At first, dry masonry was common. Unhewn stones were stacked on top of each other without any mortar. The one-story dwelling had a simple gable roof covered with straw or shingles. Then they began to build two-room houses and extend them upwards. There were two- and three-storey buildings. In the lower tier there were rooms for storing supplies, pens for pets. Modern houses are made of stone and brick. They are placed on a high foundation. Roofs are mostly hipped. The buildings are complemented by terraces, verandas. The new buildings have high ceilings and large windows. Now frame houses are being built according to new technology.


Serbian culture is rich in holidays and rituals. Many of them have pagan roots. The most significant holidays for Serbs:

  1. Bozic
  2. God's glory
  3. Vidovdan
  4. Dzhurdzhevdan
  5. Vascres

The Cross Glory is one of the main family events the Serbs. It is celebrated as the feast of the saint - the protector of the family. It is traditionally held in the father's house. Every Serbian family has its own saint who passes down the paternal line. The married girl celebrates the Glory of her husband. On this day, invite guests, go to church. The priest pours wine over the brought bread, breaks it together with the owner.

Bozic - beloved winter holiday in Serbia. In Russia, its analogue is carol. It is celebrated immediately after Christmas Eve, on January 7th. On this day, the ceremony of badnyak (log) is performed. The log is smeared with honey, sprinkled with wheat and placed in the hearth. There it burns all evening. The log-burning ritual signifies the transition from the old year to the new. Fires are lit in the squares and branches are burned. When it gets dark, children go from house to house, singing songs and collecting sweets (carols).

Vascres, or Velikden - an analogue of Easter. On this day, eggs are dyed, exchanged, and guests are invited. In some regions of southern Serbia, eggs were dyed black, denoting the sadness of the crucifixion of Christ. The pagan custom with the use of eggs has also been preserved. You need to find an anthill and put an egg in the middle. This ritual attracts wealth and success.

Dzhurdzhevdan is celebrated on the first day of summer (for Russians, this is St. George's Day). Medicinal plants collected on Dzhurdzhevdan have magic power. They are used to treat various diseases, laid out at home, in cattle pens to protect against all sorts of misfortunes. Also on this day they made wreaths of flowers, collected dew, guessed on herbs.

Vidovdan - Vid (Vita) celebration day. This is a saint who brings hail down to earth. After the celebration of Vidovdan, the sun completes the summer circle and turns to winter (as the days are waning). On the night of the Vidov Day they burn bonfires, which are considered sacred.


Pagan beliefs left a big mark on the culture of the Serbs. This people has preserved many ancient rituals. Some of them are quite interesting: a climber, a dodola, a record.

A climber is a person who first came to visit at Christmas (in the morning). It was believed that what a person is, such will be the coming year. He was declared divine, as he performed important rituals in the house. Polaznik was treated, gave way to a place by the fire. He had to move the badnyak in order to attract happiness to the house. The guest was given a strong branch, and he hit the coals, trying to get as many sparks as possible. Each spark symbolized money, luck, material well-being.

Dodola was performed for the purpose of causing rain. This is necessary so that the plantings do not experience a lack of moisture and give a good harvest. The ceremony is performed in the summer between St. George's Day (May 6) and Petrov (June 29). To perform the action, a girl is found who is either an orphan or the last child in the family (dodola). Several other children join her. They are decorated with green twigs, wreaths of grass are put on their heads. Children go around all the houses in the village. Then a dance is performed to song accompaniment. The villagers take buckets of water and douse them all over - rain is simulated. After that, children are given gifts and sweets.

Dodola Celebration

Record - a ceremony of worshiping a tree in order to protect the crop from bad weather. It originates in the ancient Slavic culture. There were sacred groves in which people gathered to communicate. They could not be cut for firewood, collect brushwood. In the village, the main tree with a large trunk, called the "record", was chosen. Usually it was oak or elm, beech. A cross was carved on it. Near it they prayed, made sacrifices. If a person began to get sick, his clothes were brought on record for healing.


Peasant food was simple: bread and milk, butter, some vegetables. Also, meat was always present in the diet, as the villagers hunted and engaged in cattle breeding. Serbs cook fish infrequently, preferring meat dishes. The villagers eat a lot of bread and pastries. Previously, cornmeal cakes were common. Now wheat flour is used much more. It is also mixed with rye, barley, oatmeal. Bread was baked on a fire, on round baking sheets. Some Serbs still make their own pastries.

In general, the cuisine is similar to Russian: there are soups, cereals, dairy products, potatoes, white cabbage. Many dishes are prepared from green beans. Milk is used to make cheeses, kaimak (a cross between sour cream and cottage cheese), cream. Serbian cuisine has been strongly influenced by the proximity of Turkey. Cafes and restaurants often serve dishes such as: kebab, a variety of shish kebabs, barbecue meat. In pastry shops you can find baklava, sweet rolls, French desserts. Serbian people love pastries. Here you can find a wide variety of pies with meat, cheese, vegetable fillings, as well as sweet confectionery. Pancakes (palachinke), donuts (priganitsa), cheese dessert with nuts - strukli are popular.
Notable national dishes of Serbian cuisine are:

  1. Splash is a kind of large cutlet made of twisted or minced meat. Served with vegetables, onions, bread tortilla. Sometimes described as a hamburger in restaurants.
  2. Chevapchichi. The dish resembles a Turkish kebab. These are minced meat sausages cooked on the grill. Served with kaimak, onion rings.
  3. Karadjordje's schnitzel. This is very tasty dish, the basis of which is a thin meat steak. It is rolled up and fried in a mixture of eggs and crackers. Served with spicy sauces.
  4. Pinjur. An eggplant and tomato based snack, sometimes called caviar. The composition includes onion, garlic, a mixture of hot peppers.
  5. Meshano meso - traditional Serbian meat platter. Several types of meat delicacies are laid out on a large dish. There can be shish kebabs, chevapchichi, meatballs, schnitzel and other dishes. One plate is enough for several people.
  6. Juvech is a stew with rice and vegetables. A bit like pilaf, but has a more liquid consistency.

Mixed meso

Drinks are mostly fruit juices. In the countryside, beech and birch sap is made. Plums and grapes are used to make delicious dessert wines, fruit vodka called rakija. A homemade drink is stronger than a factory one - it can contain up to 60 degrees. For the preparation of rakia, pears, quince, apples, and wormwood are used.


Serbs are friendly and hospitable people. They are very responsive, attentive to their family and friends. They love children very much and give them a lot of attention. At a party, it is customary to talk about family, relatives. Sisterhood is widespread. This ancient custom when people who are not related by family ties perform a certain ritual, after which they are considered brothers. Brothers have a close relationship, always help each other.

Frequent wars and attacks on the citizens of this country left their mark on the mentality of the Serbs. They have a courageous character, they are proud of their nation and state. Men can behave noisily, they have accepted strong handshakes, pats on the back. They are direct and sincere. Serbs value kindness and decency. They will always thank the one who helped them, they will be glad to see him at their place.

Serbia is a country of secrets and mysteries that often intrigue foreigners

Serbia is a country of secrets and mysteries that often intrigue foreigners. The whole appearance of Serbia attracts tourists to visit our country. We present you 18 facts about Serbia that inspire foreigners who find themselves in our area.

1. Serbs are descendants of the Celts

The Celts are considered to be the founders of the settlements from which later emerged the two largest cities of modern Serbia - Belgrade and Novi Sad, in ancient times known as Singidunum and Kuzum, and this information surprises foreigners who come to our country every time.

2. Serbia ranks first in the world in raspberry production

With about 100,000 tons, Serbia "beat" former leaders Poland and Chile. Income from the sale of state "red gold" exceeds all expectations. Serbia is the largest supplier of berries to the EU.

3. Drinking coffee is a way of life in Serbia

Drinking coffee in Serbia does not mean quickly brewing and drinking coffee. First of all, it is a ritual that begins with the very act of making coffee, writes Slavorum magazine. Coffee in Serbia is drunk always and under any circumstances, and it is considered the main hospitality when someone comes to visit, first of all offer a cup of coffee. This is usually Turkish coffee, which is also called local or Serbian coffee.

4. "Đavolja Varoš" - one of the natural wonders of the world

The natural monument "Đavolja Varoš" (Devil's City) is located in the southern part of Serbia. This natural phenomenon consists of two very rare phenomena: clay figures, like specific forms relief, which in nature look very attractive, and two sources of water with high mineralization. This phenomenon attracts tourists from all over, not only because of amazing view, but also because of one of the most strange legends that is associated with it.

5. Dinar as a currency

The Serbian dinar is the official currency of the Republic of Serbia. The cost of one dinar is equivalent to the value of 100 pairs. The international currency code for the dinar is RSD. 1 US dollar - 112.388 RSD, respectively, for 1 euro - 123.796 RSD. For foreigners, this information about our country is very important.

6. One country and two official flags

The Flag of the Republic of Serbia is also used as the National Flag and State Flag. The national flag is a horizontal tricolor of red, blue and white colors. The national flag has the same colors as the national one, but it also has the Small Coat of Arms of Serbia, Slavorum magazine writes.

7 Serbs Are Football Lovers

It is not unusual for men of all nationalities, but foreigners are especially interested in what Serbia beautiful women get violently ill at sporting events.

8. Position of Serbia in the Balkans

Serbia is located in Southeastern Europe and in the Pannonian Lowland. Geographically and climatically, one part rests on the Mediterranean countries. Borders with: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania.

9. The oldest manuscripts

The Mariinsky Gospel is the oldest manuscript in the Slavic language, in which lines of Serbian appear. national language, under the influence of which, later, the Serbian version of the Old Slavonic language developed. Written in Glagolitic, and on the basis of linguistic lines, dates back to no later than the beginning of the eleventh century. Found in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Svyatogorsk monastery of St. Mary, after whom it was named, and today is in Russian national library in St. Petersburg.

10 All Roman Emperors Were Born In What Is Today Serbia

Born in Serbia total, 17 emperors. And now the influence and cultural and historical values ​​​​of the heritage of the Romans in this area are felt. Upper Moesia was a Roman province, and was located on the territory of Serbia. This information about Serbia, which is of interest to everyone.

11. Karađorđevići

Karađorđevići - Serbian The Royal Family who ruled Serbia and Yugoslavia. Its ancestor is the leader George Petrovich - Karadzhorj, who raised the first Serbian uprising. After the coup in May, Karađorđe's grandson Petar was called to power. The kingdom was officially abolished in 1945 and the royal family was in exile. The son of King Peter II, Prince Alexander, came with his wife to Serbia in 2001 and lives on an estate in Dedinja. Mausoleum of the Karađorđevićs in Oplenets near Topola, their property was confiscated in 1947 by the new authorities.

12. Serb - adviser to Russians

Count Sava Vladislavich - Raguzinsky was a Russian diplomat of Serbian origin at the court of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great and Catherine I. He was entrusted with numerous diplomatic missions in Istanbul, Rome and Beijing. His most important assignment was probably the Treaty of Kyakhta, which governed relations between Russia and China until the middle of the 19th century. As one of the most respected people at that time in Russia, he won the trust of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great for the liberation of the Serbian people in the Balkans.

13. Fresco "White Angel"

The "White Angel" fresco with its beauty and perfect composition has been impressing lovers of painting and iconography for decades. The white angel is part of the composition "Mironosnice na Hristovom grobu", and the fresco depicts the Archangel Gabriel with outstretched wings, dressed in a white chiton, who sits on a large stone and points to the tomb of Christ at the moment of his resurrection.

When a satellite was sent into space from Europe with a "package of human achievements" - these were pictures of the conquest of the Moon by man, the Great Chinese wall and the White Angel... It was believed that if intelligent beings exist in the universe at all, the face of the White Angel would be perceived as a message of love and understanding.

14. Temple of St. Sava

Church of St. Sava in Belgrade is the largest Serbian Orthodox church, the largest Orthodox church in the Balkans, and in terms of area and volume the largest Orthodox church in the world. It is located in the eastern part of Svetosava Square, Vracar municipality, in Belgrade. It was built on the site where it is believed that Koca Sinan Pasha, in 1594, burned the relics of St. Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and foreigners are sure to come to Belgrade to see him.

15. Tower of Skulls

The Tower of Skulls is a monument from the First Serbian Uprising, which, as a sign of revenge, the then Turkish authorities in Serbia built from the skulls of killed Serbian soldiers, led by Stevan Sindjelic, in the Battle of Cegra. It is located near the center of the city of Nis, on the way to the Nis Banya. Declared cultural heritage due to of great importance for the Republic of Serbia and today is a museum exhibit.

16. Serbian monasteries

Serbian monasteries are a very important historical and cultural heritage of Serbia and represent big interest and the delight of tourists from all over the world. Built between the 12th and 17th centuries, they not only shaped the landscape of Orthodox Serbia, but are real and worthy witnesses medieval architecture and painting. From Fruška Gora in northern Serbia to Kosovo in the south, these sacred monuments stand guard over Serbian culture. Due to their cultural and historical significance, five monasteries are designated as world cultural heritage protected by UNESCO.

17. Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was one of the most famous Serbian and international scientists and inventors in the field of physics, electrical engineering and radio. Most significant inventions Tesla are polyphase systems, magnetic field, induction motor, synchronous motor and Tesla coil. In addition, he found a way to generate high-frequency current, made significant contributions to the transmission and modulation of the radio signal, and the rest of his work in the field of x-rays.

Its AC system allows for a much simpler and more efficient transmission of electricity over a distance. He was a key figure in the construction of the first hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls.

The only Serb to have an international unit of measure named after him, the force magnetic field- tesla.

18. Dracula was Serb

One of the most beloved Serbian legends is that of Petar Blagojevich, a farmer from Serbia, with whom the legend is associated that after his death he became a vampire, killed nine people, including his son. The word "vampire" is also the only word of Serbian origin that has become common to all languages ​​of the world. Foreigners love to retell this fact about our country.

Serbia cannot be classified by EU standards as a rich country, but you can’t call it backward either.

The main part of the cars scurrying along the roads of the country consists of old Vehicle. Many of them are 20 or even 30 years old.

And here Serbian villages can be compared with elite settlements in Russia. Serbs are great specialists and masters in construction. They can be seen at many construction sites around the world.

Serbia is the only country in the world where Russians can meet sincere love.

With the change of generation, it decreases, but the manifestations good relations Serbs to Russians can be found everywhere in this amazing country.

The Serbian people are one of the most cultured and educated in the EU. Serbs have two alphabets - Latin and Cyrillic both are taught in schools.

Official papers are drawn up in the country in Cyrillic. In everyday life, the Latin alphabet is very often used.

An interesting fact: the main rule in Serbian spelling is "write as you hear." Serbs cannot pronounce the sound "Y".

The Turks had a great influence on their culture. For more than 5 centuries, the state was under their yoke.

She is the only one European country, which was bombed with radioactive shells after the 2nd World War.

The country has two tricolor flags. The arrangement of the bands on them changed in different historical periods. On one state flag there is a coat of arms of the country, and on the other it is not.

Serbia - raspberry countries. Here they grow an amazing taste of berries. Almost 30% of raspberry supplies to world markets are produced from here.

Serbia is the only country in Europe that has signed a free trade agreement with Russia.

16 Roman emperors were born on the territory of the state. One of them is Constantine the Great. He ruled the Roman Empire for 30 years.

The country is landlocked, but its Silver Lake is recognized as the most beautiful in Europe.

Capital of coffee shops Belgrade

The capital of Belgrade in the entire history of its existence conquered 38 times by 40 armies various countries . Each time after the next conquest, it was rebuilt anew.

The most popular area among the party-goers of the capital, the witty people of Belgrade called it "Silicon Valley".

The first coffee shop in Europe was opened in Belgrade. Everybody drinks coffee in the capital. Belgrade people are real coffee lovers.

The capital is built on the ruins ancient city. They flow through it two rivers - the Danube and the Save.

Belgrade pedestrian Prince Michael Street is recognized as the most beautiful in Europe.

Temple of Saint Sava considered one of the largest European cathedrals. The height of its dome reaches 70 meters.

The largest sports and concert complex in Europe - Belgrade Arena.

Located within the city fortress and park Kalemegdan, which not only tourists like to visit, but also locals. Belgrade people bypass this fortress on the right side.

This is related to the fact that on the left side of this building is a zoo. Residents of the capital do not like to look at how animals languish in cages.

A large number of buildings in Belgrade were built according to the design of Russian architects.

Who doesn't love delicious food?

Like many southerners, Serbs don't drink tea. Their favorite drink is Turkish coffee. They brew and drink it everywhere and always.

Local establishments Catering divided into those in which you can eat and those in which only drinks are served.

The weakest local alcoholic drink - slivovitz. It is a brandy cooked on plums.

Only produced here pelinkovac is a special kind of herbal liqueur. Traditional food here bermet - sweet strong wine.

Very common among Serbs you can find dishes with the prefix "Russian". Russian salad is a regular Olivier salad.

Traditional Serbian salad is called "shopska". It is very reminiscent of the taste and method of preparation of a traditional Bulgarian dish.

Dairy products occupy a large share in the diet of Serbs. Traditionally they cook chorba in Serbia- fish soup with a lot of hot red pepper.

Fried minced meat sausages got a name in these places “chevapi”, and “kaymak” they called soft cheese.

Serbs are very fond of eating various vegetable snacks. One of them is called "ayvar".

Emotional beauties and beauties

Serbs are very beautiful people : men are tall and for the most part lush tar hair, and women have brown eyes and black eyebrows.

A fairly large number of them speak Russian perfectly, but even without knowledge of languages, a Russian person will be able to understand a Serb. The great similarity of languages ​​helps in this.

In terms of emotionality, the Serbs are inferior to the Italians, but they gesticulate no less than them. It can be said with certainty that this is the friendliest people of everyone living in the Balkans.

Their help is always selfless. Helping someone, they do not expect gratitude.

Visiting here is not customary to take off your shoes. Serbs are big smokers. They smoke here like locomotives, men and women. For a cigarette, they are not averse to drinking a glass of homemade wine or a glass of brandy.

Despite their love for good strong drinks, among the Serbs it is difficult to find people suffering from alcoholism.

Rarely do Serbs get married before the age of 30. Early marriages are not common in the country. In Serbian women, it is very difficult to determine the age from the back. Even at 50 years old, they have a beautiful figure.

Blondes in Serbia are called "plava kosa". It means "blue hair".

The locals are very fond of sports and big dogs. The local dogs are absolutely not aggressive, like their owners.

Serbs are very heavy on the buildup, but if they walk, then in full.

An interesting fact: Serbs never swear, they speak it.

Serbian traditions and holidays

One of the main holidays is dedicated to the family saint. He is known as God's glory. In terms of popularity, it is second only to birthdays, which people like to celebrate here.

This holiday can be called the name day of the family. The canon for celebrating this day exists only in Serbian Orthodoxy.

Another popular holiday Strangler. This is memorial day. Together with Montenegrins Serbians celebrate Bozic. It is celebrated after Christmas Eve.

This number for the inhabitants of the country has special meaning. In 1329 on this day Serbs were defeated by Ottoman Empire on the Kosovo field.

On the same day in 1991 the first shot was fired in the country during the bombing of Belgrade, in 2001 Serbia extradited Milosevic to the Hague Tribunal.

Serbs have a tradition of welcoming guests with a glass of water and jam. They kiss three times when they meet and three times when they part.

It is customary for them to look into each other's eyes when meeting and talking. Serbs always greet at the entrance to the store, and when leaving it, they say goodbye.

Until recently, there were traditions in Serbia that were inherent in the Middle Ages. These included the right of the wedding night and related marriages.

Serbian oddities and mysteries

Serbian trains are the slowest in the world and move along routes without a schedule.

The country is very pure water . And if there is no sign on the source that prohibits drinking from it, then it has absolutely pure water.

Despite the fact that Kosovo seceded from Serbia and is under the protection of the UN, it does not recognize its sovereignty. According to the Constitution of Serbia, Kosovo is considered part of the country..

Serbs don't like their own famous director Kusturica and Tesla is greatly revered. They like to attribute to the latter even that which he did not invent or invent.

Serbia's big mystery is Mount Rtan. In the pictures taken from space, its outlines are perfectly visible, having correct form. It looks like an Egyptian pyramid.

Serbs have many myths and legends associated with this place. For many years scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery correct outlines mountains, considering it a unique engineering structure.

Rtan has the ability radiate waves with a frequency of 26 kHz into the surrounding world. Near the mountain, all electronic devices fail.

According to some scientists, about 15 thousand years ago, the mountain played the role of a powerful cosmic resonator.


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