Reporting concert of an adult vocal group. Scenario of the reporting concert of creative teams of the Center for Additional Education for Children


Video "From the life of the ensemble." The screensaver from the "Song of the Year" sounds, the presenters come out

ATriding 1: Hello, Dear friends!

ATtraveling 2: Hello Center children's creativity"Childhood"

ATriding 1: It is a great honor to hold today's concert was entrusted to us! The presenters of today's concert are ..........

ATtraveling 2: and …..................

ATriding 1: We congratulate you, sitting in this hall, on the New Year! And Congratulations on the start of the main competition, the main festival, the final concert "Song of the Year 2014"!

ATtraveling 2: Throughout 2014, hundreds of radio stations received and carefully studied thousands of your letters, telegrams, sms, calls and emails

ATriding 1: and they did it with only one goal - to determine the best New Year's songs, to determine the most beloved performers ... To do everything so that these New Year's songs sound here today, in this hall, the Children's Creativity Center "Childhood", on the "Song of the Year 2014"!

ATtraveling 2: Therefore, everything that you see and hear today is selected by you, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Well, with your help, and with your support, we are starting!!!

ATriding 2: Tell me....what do you think? What is better to sing or dance?

Presenter 1: I can't answer your question... But I know for sure that the guys from the vocal ensemble "Firebird" manage to combine singing and dancing!

Host 2: M.... Interesting to see!

Presenter 1: Meet at our contest "Song of the Year 2014" the famous and beloved by the audience vocal ensemble"Firebird" with a song "Dance and Sing"

The song "Dance and sing" sounds

Host 2: To congratulate and reward the participants of our competition, I invite Elena Vladimirovna Melkozernova, head of the vocal ensemble "Firebird" to the stage !

The music from the song of the year sounds, E.V.

Awards children from the vocal ensemble "Firebird" 1st class:



Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble "Merry Keys" has been studying at the Childhood Center for 5 years already. They are the favorite performers of the residents of the Crimea microdistrict and school No. 63.

Host 2: Vocal ensemble "Merry Keys" with the song "Dedication to friends ........"

Presenter 1: And now we will check which contestants we have are friendly and attentive. We will ask you riddles and you answer in unison!

1) I have gifts in my bag
Caramels, chocolates
Round dance around the Christmas tree
What holiday? …( New Year)

2) We are waiting for him today
So let's call
He brought us gifts
Come on together! … (Santa Claus)

3) We are so tired today
Sang songs and danced
Even though it's winter, it's hot here
And in the bag they are waiting for us ... (gifts)

4) Time to light the Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We shout one-two-three
Christmas tree together ... (burn)

5) All dressed up in toys
All in garlands and crackers
Not prickly at all
Well, of course it is ... (Christmas tree)

6) We are not afraid to freeze
We dance and sing
We laugh we have fun
And we are waiting for gifts
And around the elegant Christmas tree
We lead a round dance
We are not afraid to freeze
We meet ... (New Year)

7) The bear has a jar of honey
Does the cat have a mouse
There are Christmas trees and needles.
The tree has ... (bumps)

8) She is not afraid of blizzards,
She is not afraid of a blizzard
On a broomstick flew to us
Evil ... (Baba Yaga)

Host 2: Well done, you got it all! Deserved a musical gift from the girls from vocal ensemble "Firebird" "At my Russia". Your applause!

Presenter 1: Once again, I invite Elena Vladimirovna to the stage to award the following winners in the "Song of the Year 2014" contest

It turns out E.V. music from "Song of the Year" sounds. Rewards 2nd class:_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Host 2:…......... do you hear?!

Host 1: What!?

Host 2: Is someone crying out loud? Maybe something happened?

Presenter 1: AAAAA ........ this is the same Princess Zabava from the cartoon.

host 2: Disorder-New Year will come soon ......... It is necessary that no one should cry, it is not in vain that they say: how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it! Let everyone smile and rejoice!

Host 2: I propose to ask her to sing for our viewers, maybe the girl will have fun ?!

Presenter 1: Good idea! Princess Zabava, please come out and sing your song to us!

Sounds "Song of the Princess of Fun" in Spanish. Alena Sukhoi

Host 2: With thunderous applause we would like to thank Alena Sukhoya for performing this wonderful song! And we continue main concert 2014 "Song of the Year"

Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble "Merry Keys" sings for you!

The song "Who, if not me" (performed by the vocal ensemble "Merry Keys")

Host 2: And once again we will invite Elena Vladimirovna, the main jury member of our Song of the Year 2014 contest, to this stage.

The music “Song of the Year” sounds, E.V. awards 3rd class_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

presenter 1: Tell me, do you already feel the approach of the new year?

leadinguy 2: Uh, strange question...of course! The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerine ..........

Presenter 1: The holiday is good, it is unnecessary to go to school, study!

Host 2: What are you!? School is the same interesting place: lessons, assignments, communication with classmates ....

presenter 1: And the guys from the vocal ensemble "Firebird" will now tell us their story ........

vocal ensemble "FIRE-bird" "Oh, this school" ....

host 2:……………………… we urgently leave the studio

presenter 1: What happened?

Host 2: We just heard on the radio that we are expecting an invasion of flying dragons at the end of 2014 ......

presenter 1:............ you got it all mixed up! It was reported that the girls from the ensemble will now perform "Bells" with the song "Drakosha"

Song "Dragon"

Host 2: There are truly talented children and wonderful parents at our competition today......

Presenter 1:.......... what are you talking about?

Host 2: I would like to congratulate all the children and parents on the New Year somehow in a special way: for example, give them a trip to Veliky Ustyug to Santa Claus or a trip to sunny countries...

Presenter 1: I think that the next contestant will give all the audience such vivid emotions that no one wants to leave our hall. Meet Alena Dry with the song "About traces"

Song "About Traces"

Host 2: Meet Elena Vladimirovna again to award the winners of the "Song of the Year 2014" contest!

Sounds music from the "Song of the Year" E.V. rewards 4th and 5th grades_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: And now we will offer you to solve tricky riddles from the evil Baba Yaga:

1) I fly in a mortar,
I kidnap children
In the chicken hut
I live on the leg
golden-haired beauty,
And my name is...
Vasilisa the Wise Baba Yaga

host 2: In a dense forest, in a swamp
You will certainly find it.
She is not a fish, not a frog,
My dear friend.
slender figurine,
Her name is...
Snow Maiden Kikimora
Presenter 1: There is one more in the forest
A very important gentleman.
He is all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is...
Dunno Goblin
Host 2: He lives in the wilderness
My heart is a hero.
He shakes his bones
And scares everyone around.
What is this old man?
Well, of course,..
Piglet Koschey the Immortal

Presenter 1: You have worked hard, and have a good rest to the song of the vocal ensemble "Firebird" "In the viburnum grove."

Together: Meet!

"In the viburnum grove"

Host 2: We want to please a few clockwork girls

from the ensemble "Firebird" with the number "Young Horse".

The song "Young horse" sounds

Host 2: Without promising good luck, I hope that the New Year
He will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.

Presenter 1: I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits all of us like never before.

Lead 2: Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success.

Presenter 1: Life in happiness and harmony,
We sincerely wish you

together: In the coming year!

The background music sounds "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Choir concert script

Vedas 1: Hello Hello!

Vedas 2: We are pleased to welcome you to the concert of school choirs.

Ved1: We dedicate this holiday of the song to the end of 2014 - the year of culture.

Vedas 2: Since the beginning of this academic year, our school has been successfully implementing the project "Music for All", which was put forward by the first president of the Republic of Sakha / Yakutia / Mikhail Efimovich Nikolaev.

Ved1:Singing is creative expression human nature, which is an expression of feelings, emotions, passions.

Ved2:This is the work of thoughts and imagination ...

Ved2: Since the beginning of the new academic year, new choirs have been created at the school. This is a choir of 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades, a choir of boys of the second grades and fifth grades.

Vedas 1: Repertoire works performed varied; these are songs about mother, motherland, school, friendship and childhood...

Vedas 2: Our concert will be opened by a choir of 2nd grade students. Head of the choir Stepanova Elena Afanasievna.

Ved1: Music by Valery Egorov, lyrics by Ivan Gogolev "Oloru Kharystaan".

No. 1- "O5oloru kharystaan"

Vedas 2: Recently, the entire musical community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the great Soviet teacher, children's composer, founder school curriculum on music "Three Whales in Music" by Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky.

Ved1 : Words of the Alien, music. Kabalevsky - "Our land".

No. 2 "Our land"

Vedas 2: Ebeem miene kyrdya5as

Ol ereeri symna5as.

doohalyyn yes aha5ac,

Sanaalyn da saya5as.

Ebeeleh dien uchugei!

Min ebeebin taptyybyn!

Vedas 2: Bu yryany kun-kubei ebeelerbitiger anyybyt.

No. 3 "Ebee, ebee barakhsan"

Vedas 1 : In December, the composer turned 85, whose songs are known to everyone who loves to sing. This outstanding composer songbook -

Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Vedas 2: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova - "Bird of Happiness".

No. 4 "Bird of happiness"

Ved1:vocal singing the most common art for all times and peoples. It affects the aesthetic formation of personality, develops creative skills and qualities.

Vedas 2 : How versatile is the music! How young

She, sounding through the layers of time,

In human hearts touches the strings

Love, sadness, memory, dreams.

Ved1:Our concert continues, and we invite you to the stage 5th grade boys choir, artistic director Egorov Andriyan Vasilyevich.

Vedas 2: Suuren- k8t8n sylayan

Diabar kiiren calabin,

Iyem naryn micheerin

K8rs8n olus u8rebin

Iyekem, ieken,

Ming kundu kihthem

Taptyybyn eyigin

Tuohtaa5ar yes kundutuk!

Albina Degtyareva rear, Egor Neustroev melody - "Ochcho5o".

No. 5 "Ochoo5o"

Ved1: There are songs that we do not dare to forget, because they contain our history, our memory, which we must pass on to the next generation.

Vedas 2: Victory Day is a special holiday,
Hush, guns, please be quiet!
We want the kids not to know
scary horrors formidable war.

Ved2: "Haiyyar" - Kostin melody, Vinokurov - Cha ҕ ylҕ an tyllara.

No. 6 "Haiyyhar"

Ved1:Children's voices are always beautiful! They are like rays of the sun breaking through a snowstorm, warming people's hearts. Children's vocal groups are "small islands of hope", in which there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among the students.

Ved2:And ahead of us new meeting with another creative choral group. This is a third grade choir.

Vedas 1: Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You school family dedicate.

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

Vedas 2 : But children grow up, from school bench

Walking the paths of life

And in memory they wear your lessons,

And keep you in your heart.

Vedas 2: "My good teacher!" - that's the name of the next song. Soloists - Rygunova Anatolia, Fedorova Naryyaana

No. 7 "My good teacher"

Vedas 2: Eriekkes yes yrya

U8heetten cutullar,

Ooh, kere da sanaa

Supahpar uhuktar.

Min k8tu8kh kurdukpun,

Kannaty hannah?

Min yryam -toyugum,

K8ru8xher haida5th?

"Min Duam Illyr"

No. 8 "Ming duham ylyyr"

Vedas 2:“... The one who does not part with the song will be able to boldly go through life. And for all of you, as the song says, all the roads are still ahead ... ".

Ved1: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova - "Tree of Friendship".

No. 9 "Tree of Friendship"

Ved1:And how much beautiful music you can hear and sing! ... And most importantly - in choral group there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among students. Soloist Timur Solovyov ("Friendship")

No. 10 "Friendship"

Vedas 2:
Vedas 1:And our concert continues with the choir of boys of the second grade, artistic director Sleptsova Alena Nikolaevna. Soloists Androsov Denis, Semyonov Marcel, Nikiforov Andrey, Petrov Fedot, Dyakonov Vadim.

Vedas 2: Iie baar buolan biygi yllyybyt

Iie baar buolan biigii warebit..

Kun kubei iielerbitiger anaan

No. 11 "Iie micheere"

Ved1: No, I'm not a knight though armor
I'm dressed like armor.
And I fight for honor
But, nevertheless, war is alien to me.

Vedas 2: Yes, I'm a fighter, a hockey player
And this is my whole destiny!
Stand guard without being shy
At the main border.

Ved1: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova -

"Coward does not play hockey"

#12 "A coward doesn't play hockey"

Ved2:Saha omuk hohun walattara,

Innin diekki horsunnuk haamallar.

Harana kuusterten cha5ybattar,

Dinneeh Sakha chuluulara.

Vedas 2:Syrdyk olo5u batyhallar,

Kuha5antan kier hayi hallar.

Dyinneeh Sakha ho huttara,

Inniki buolun 8ruutu.

Ved2: Makar Zhirkov tyllara, Nadezhda Makarova melody - “Min sakha uolabyn”

No. 13 "Min Sakha Uolabyn"

Vedas 2:
Even the sun rises earlier.
And the dream is calling us on the road.

Ved1:- Take a song with you on the road
Take a smile and friends
And the song will be more fun.

Vedas 2:- Friends, let's smile!
We will plunge into the world of childhood with you.

Vedas 1: And we invite the 4th grade choir to the stage.

Vedas 2:- The bell is ringing
Scattering cheerful laughter,
- He yearned
In the summer hour for us.
Good day school
dear school!
Good afternoon,
Our cozy, bright class!

Vedas 1: Again guys
You call at dawn -
And you say:
"We're together again, kids!"
And you meet us
As your friends.

Vedas 2 : meet, ensemble "Khotugu sulutar", choir of 4 classes, soloist Danil Latyshev.

No. 14 "Poppuri - school years»

Vedas 1 : Suurbut-kopput kyrdallarbar

Lya5y tupput honuularbar

Sotuoleebit koluchcheber

Soruukeebit tyalarbar

Elbehtik da ergilliam

Sanaam gave an onoston.

Tyllara onna melodiata Svetlana Neustroeva

No. 15 "Eder Saas"

Vedas 2: Singing in the choir is a real pleasure! Children enjoy attending choir classes. After all, here they communicate with each other. They share their thoughts and experiences... and their favorite songs unite them with one common mood.

Vedas 1: And our concert continues with the song that you will recognize from the first chords. Soloist Vlad Zakharov. Meet -« Wiwillrockyou"

No. 16 "

Vedas 1: Members of this choir are graduating from elementary school this year. These guys have years of hard work behind them. The main thing that the guys have learned over the years, what they have achieved is patience and diligence, the ability to concentrate and achieve their goals.

Vedas 2: Ahead of them are waiting for new achievements, new victories.

No. 17 "One, two, three"

Vedas 1 : Rejoice in the sun, the coming day. To be surprised at the blossoming flower, the song of the lark in the sky, the bewitching music that sounds in this hall.
Vedas 2:Vedas 1:So our holiday came to an end, which gave us all a lot of positive emotions. And may your life be always joyful and bright.

Vedas 2:We thank everyone for your attention. And we say: "See you again, friends!". The hosts of the concert are Rita Ivanova and Aiyina Burnasheva.
Together: Good luck to you!

We wish you health, success, love, always smile and be happy!

Reporting concert of the department choral singing
"April drops"

The curtain is open. On stage - Senior choir


Good evening, Dear friends!
Continuing the series of Anniversary Reporting concerts of school students, we welcome you to holiday concert vocal music"April drops".
- Our concert opens ...

Concert numbers No. 1-5 sound.

- The reporting period is the most exciting in the academic year. The choirs of the department carefully prepared for the final concert. At this concert, the names and surnames of students participating in the choral festival will sound like the sounds of an April chapel. The guys in our department are very fond of choral singing. As the students themselves say, this is not only a way of teaching joint choral singing, but also a school creative union, interesting and emotional communication as part of a large team.
Singing is a creative manifestation of human nature, which is an expression of feelings, emotions, passions. This is the work of thoughts and imagination ...
“... A wonderful union - music and children!
What a joy to hear voices that are not more wonderful in the world! And see grateful eyes. Our senior choir - we believe without a doubt - will please us for many more years! Let the new replenishment come, and the new ones achieve victories ... ".
- And our concert continues with a new addition to the department of choral singing - a student

1st class...

Concert numbers No. 6-8 sound.

- The first rays of the sun and the sound of April drops make us forget about the winter cold. Spring, most people associate with delicate green leaves, fresh air. In the spring, after our long northern winter, we like to listen to the music of the spring drop, listening to the hurried babbling of the river, to the sonorous conversation of birds. Rejoice in the sun, the coming day. To be surprised at the blossoming flower, the song of the lark in the sky, the bewitching music that sounds in this hall.
"... There is such a force in music, such a burdensome power that it is worth falling under it - and life becomes beautiful ...".
“Music in a song,” as the outstanding Austrian composer and conductor Gustav Mahler once said, “can express much Furthermore what the words say.
Vocal singing is the most common art for all times and peoples. It affects the aesthetic formation of personality, develops creative skills and qualities.
…Our concert continues…
And ahead of us is a new meeting with another creative team of the choir department.
On the stage…

Concert numbers No. 9 - 12 sound.

- Singing has been known since ancient times, when Homer, Sophocles and other well-known talented individuals composed works and performed them on string instruments. It is considered that professional singing originated in China. And in Europe, vocal art developed in the form of folk singing. Representatives of this direction are considered: troubadours, bards, buffoons, guslars. The ability to sing is a skill acquired over time, over the years of study in music school.
- In our department, children who have chosen singing as their specialty are engaged.
“... The one who does not part with the song will be able to boldly go through life. And for all of you, as the song says, all the roads are still ahead ... ".
- And I'm sure that next participant of our holiday there will also be new victories, and new meetings in this wonderful world, whose name is “vocal art”.
- I invite you to the stage ...

Sounds concert number number 13.

Singing in the choir is a real pleasure! This subject is taught in all music departments of our school. Children enjoy attending choir classes. After all, here they communicate with each other. They share their thoughts and experiences... And our concert continues Junior choir instrumental department.

Concert numbers No. 14-16 sound.

- Vocal music is as beautiful as an artist's painting. The artist and the singer, during creativity, equally get inspiration for art. One can equally enjoy the world of painting flowers and the world of beautiful flowers musical sounds. In music and in painting, the creator also takes pleasure in his work.
Today's Concert vocal art- How is that musical picture"Spring", which came to us in snowy winter. Boys' voices are ringing. The singing of the girls shimmers like a nightingale trill. Children's voices are always beautiful! They are like rays of the sun, breaking through a snowstorm, warming people's hearts. Children's vocal groups are "small islands of hope" for the preservation of Russian traditions, the education of the future, on which the prosperity of vocal art depends.
And, continuing our concert "April Drops", I invite you to the stage ...

Concert numbers No. 17-24 sound.

- How quickly the years of study at the music school pass. It seems quite recently that many members of the vocal ensemble "Akvarel" came to the preparatory class of the department, and now, this academic year, for some, has become the last. Behind him are years of hard work of the ensemble members, their parents, and the teacher-leader. The ensemble has something to be proud of: Laureate of city, regional and international competitions! But, probably, the main thing is victory over oneself: overcoming laziness, clumsiness, patience and diligence, the ability to concentrate and achieve goals. Each of the band members left their mark and brought new colors to the sound of the vocal "Watercolor". Of course, teachers and your parents have regrets that despite all your successes, many of you, dear graduates, did not want to continue studying music. But we know for sure that no matter who you become, the qualities you have acquired while studying in the vocal community will help you in life.
- The lyrical culmination of our holiday will be the performance of the ensemble "Akvarel" and their leader ...

Concert numbers No. 25-26 sound.

- The choir lesson is one of the most important subjects in the department. Everyone sings: from preschoolers to graduates. Year after year, the guys climb the “choir ladder”, gradually mastering vocal and choral skills. What is the most important thing in vocal music? Her beauty, not popularity, as many people often think. To feel this beauty, you need to hear it. It is not easy to learn this… But with the teachers of the choir department of our school, it is interesting and easy to learn. And how much beautiful music you can hear and sing! ... And most importantly - in the choir there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among the students. Because from the first steps of training they are engaged in collective creativity. To touch the soul of the listeners, to open their hearts to them - this is the task that is set before young musicians their mentors are teachers.

“... You must sing - by all means!
Above the world your song should ring.
At least my heart was crying, sobbing ...
You must sing! You must sing!
Let your song: infuriate some,
To others, it is a healing balm.
And let her console someone's old age,
Will direct youth to bright skies.
You must sing while blessings
Creator of everything. And your hard work
Until the beating of the heart subsides
As long as the melodies live in you.
You must sing - let your song rush
To the hearts that groan in grief and sorrow.
And let her smile gently at them,
And it will shine with light in the sky! ... "

The final chord of our celebration of vocal music "April Drops" will be performed by ...

Sounds concert number number 27.

- So our holiday came to an end, which, I think, gave us all a lot of positive emotions. And may your life always be joyful and bright in spring. We thank everyone for your attention. And we say: "See you again, friends!".
Good luck to you!

If the day starts with a song
Even the sun rises earlier.
So, it's more interesting for us to live with you,
And the dream is calling us on the road.

Take a song with you on the road
Take a smile and friends
After all, it will be more interesting with them,
And the song will be more fun.

Friends, let's smile!
We will plunge into the world of childhood with you.
Merry May warm day
Let's start our holiday joyfully.

2nd child:

Let's hear more songs!
Let the sun pour from above!
And let the circle of friends be small
May all dreams come true!

3rd child:

If the song is spinning in the sky
Foliage rings merrily.
If everyone around makes friends,
There will be more magic.

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

What is a song?

This is a true friend.

The song is joy

ringing laughter around,

There is nothing in the world

Music is more wonderful,

Because music is always with you!

There is one country on earth

It's called music.

Consonances live in it and sounds,

But whose hands open them?

Of course he's a musician

His impulse, his talent,

His desire to create

And give beauty to people.

performed by Lyubashova Uliana, Shkobareva Tatiana, Romazanova Amina, Popova Lisa.

Listening to a beautiful melody, people become closer friend to friend. Music has great power convergence.

Scientists have proven that music can make a person happy, it is necessary for a person.

Music must be enjoyed, it must be listened to and understood, then life will become easier and people will become kinder.

Latest songs, alas, sounded
Well, dear - health to all of you.
Today we are even a little tired,
We are all waiting - did you like it?


reporting concert vocal studio"Inspiration"

"Lighting the Stars!" (2015)

(curtain opens)

There is an average and 1 junior group on the stage. The song sounds1. "On the wings of our songs"

(leaders exit from opposite wings)

Liza : Good afternoon, dear guests! Good spring day!

Dima: Hello dear friends!

Liza: We are glad to meet you, dear viewers, benevolent connoisseurs of children's creativity.We are very glad to welcome you again at the reporting concert of the vocal studio "Inspiration"!

Dima: It seems that very little time has passed since that memorable concert, when you first got acquainted with the work of this wonderful team.

Liza: But today is not just a reporting concert. Today, together with you, our dear viewers, we are celebrating the first anniversary! As quickly, inexorably time flies. And sovocal studio "Inspiration" for 5 years!

Dima: I would say: "Only 5 years!". After all, the team is still so young. How many interesting and informative awaits the guys ahead. From lesson to lesson, the boys and girls continueto comprehend the heights of vocal mastery.

Lisa : M You have not traveled this path in vain,

We learn to work hard.

For so many years there are only friends around,

After all, we had to cook in the same boiler.

Dima : You have reached the anniversary

The whole team is fun and bold.

Accept congratulations soon

Liza : Accept the first musical gift from the youngest participants of the vocal studio.

2. "Congratulations!"(Group "Barbariki") Use. 2 junior group

Dima : Each of us, looking at the night sky, dreams of seeing a shooting star and making a cherished wish. But, as the comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon manage to say only: "Wow!". We can only hope that someday, looking into the starry sky, we will see not a fall, but the birth of a new star.

Liza : As it turned out, the birth of stars is not only an astronomical phenomenon. Our vocal team is a constellation of talents of various sizes. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore many see and know them, others are just beginning to open up, and so far are less noticeable. Therefore, the motto of today's concert is "Lighting the Stars!" is the motto of all creative life team.

Dima : Stars are a symbol of success

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

And children, like stars, also burn!

No wonder today is such a starfall!

Liza: And the star team must certainly be congratulated by the star guests! Meet! On stage Lunatics!

3. "Lunatics" ( A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) App. 1 junior group

Dima : This spring, the Inspiration studio, together with the whole country, is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.Time takes us farther and farther away from the victorious May 1945. But no matter how far the years of the war go down in history, they will not be erased from the memory of our people.

Liza : A bright star lit up in the sky

on that May day when Victory came.

And let the years run mercilessly.

They do not overshadow that bright ray of light.

Dima : Victory lives in everyone's heart.

As a holiday the most joyful and bright.

He will never, I believe, die.

We are all warmed by his immortality.

4. "Fix the world" (A. and V. Pozdnyakov, V. Belyakov) App. E. Bondareva, I. Kuznetsov, S. Saprykin, M. Potapenko

Liza : What could be worse than war? And children and war are absolutely incompatible concepts.So can we sit with folded arms and not fight for peace when the memory of the Second World War lives in us, and when shots are fired again and peaceful people are dying?

Dima : Of course not! Let's unite our efforts in the fight against war! Let's vote for peace together! It is within our power.

5. "World without war"(E. Komar) Use. vocal studio "Inspiration"

Dima: Everyone has their own way of life

From birth to last days let's walk on it

“What a person should do, thoughts come to the heart,

How to illuminate your path and the path of other people.

Out of a thousand roads, we choose one

To bring joy and beauty to others.

Let the good trail of the living warms,

And the light of the soul is preserved by the Great Eternity.

6.Shine( John Ballard, Ralph Charlie and Gerard James Borg.)

Use Maria Potapenko, Elizaveta Bondareva

Lisa : D Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. But even with their excessive curiosity, it is not always possible to find answers to some questions. Do you know who lights the stars in the sky?

Dima : Yeees. There are such things in the world. Try not try, but some things you never see...

Lisa: I know.

At the edge of the old house

A cheerful gnome lives in it.

During the day, the gnome usually plays,

Lights up the stars at night.

This is rubbish for him!

Dima : That's the gnome! What a freak!

We can't count the stars in the sky...

Liza : And the gnome has friends!

7. "Gnome" (A. Ermolov, B. Shifrin) App. 2 junior group

Dima : The reporting concert of the vocal studio "Inspiration", as always, takes place in the spring. Maybe because the spring overflow of colors, pale green first leaves, alluring primroses and the rays of such a warm and gentle sun inspire the creation of beauty?

Liza : And I believe that every season can be beautiful and amazing and inspiring creative people- poets, artists, composers. So our team was born in September. Maybe it's not by chance?

Dima : Melody of autumn rain

Sounds like the blues... playing the saxophone.

And autumn is a blessing for me.

Let it be with specks in the gray sky ...

8. "Autumn Blues" ( A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) App. Anastasia Rubtsova

Liza: Anastasia Rubtsova! Applause for the studentInternational vocal competition"Magic range - 2015" in the city of Novocherkassk,holder of a 1st degree diploma international festival- competition performing arts"Golden Dolphin-2015" in Sochi!

Yes, autumn is rich in sadness motives.

And the sky in sadness sobs with rain.

But warm puddles were in no hurry to be sad.

Will summer return?

We will wait!

9. "It's raining today"(A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) Use. middle group

Dima : So, the vocal studio "Inspiration" is 5 years old. For the creative team, 5 years is a period of searching for their own path, their originality and uniqueness.

Liza : So many events have happened over the years, we have learned a lot. The pupils of the studio participated in various festivals and competitions, lost and won, met and parted, quarreled and reconciled, fantasized and dreamed...

Dima : It is not harmful to dream, it is harmful not to dream,

After all, without a dream you are gray, dull and boring ...

Liza : And there is no light in an indifferent look,

And the soul has no wings to fly!

10. "Dreamer"(M. Fadeev, A. Kozhikina, O. Seryabkina) App. Yaroslav Degtyarev

Liza : (comes out on the last chords, points to the girl with a wide gesture) ...Yaroslava Degtyareva winner of the Grand Prix of the International Vocal Competition "Magic Range 2015" in the city of Novocherkassk, winner international festival-competition performing arts "Golden Dolphin-2015"!

Dima : We dream of the "Main Stage":

Perform in the Bolshoi Kremlin.

Go to Eurovision

Liza: Dreams are supposed to come true.

Only work with talent to connect ...

Dima: In the meantime, you'll have to gamma

Learn-learn, learn-learn...

11. "Cuckoo Scales"(A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) App. 1 junior group

Dima : Dear viewers, let me interview you. (He says as he walks down the hall) All of you are not the first time at the concert of the vocal studio "Inspiration", and you know this group well. Tell us what you like about the work of our vocal studio?

(viewer responses, briefly)

Liza : And one more question: what would you like to wish our guys

(answers of the audience, briefly. At the end - "True friendship!")

Dima : Right! This is exactly what boys and girls sing about!

12. "Hey, boys and girls!"(from the repertoire of the children's vocal studio "Nuance", Gomel, Belarus, performer Diana Gromova) middle group

Dima : Spring. And the winds suddenly died down

and the snow turned into a stream.

She's always been beautiful

open, bright and draw.

Liza : Oh, how many colors are in this word

and the smell of forest flowers.

Oh, how much tenderness in him, affection,

how many unspoken words!

How much warmth, hope, light

and expecting miracles.

Spring is coming like a queen

like an angel sent from heaven.

On the stage - Sergei Saprykin! Laureate of the International competitions "Gukovo Art-Fest 2014" and Christmas holidays - 2015, diploma winner of the International festivals-competitions "Magic Range" and "Golden Dolphin"!

13. "Beauty Queen"(AND. Babajanyan, A. Gorokhov) App. Sergey Saprykin

Dima: (turns to Lisa)- Do you know what you need to do to make your dreams come true?

Lisa: I think to make a dream come true, you can just see a shooting star and during its flight have time to make a wish.

Dima: It would be great if everyone's dreams come true! Only there may not be enough shooting stars for everyone ...

Liza : Let's go and buy

Island. Somewhere in the Pacific.

"Island of dreams" let it become.

And welcomes guests from all over the world.

Don't get lost in the thick fog

The cry of loud-mouthed gulls will not allow.

Everyone will find a friend, a girlfriend.

And warm the souls of others.

And then, forgetting about all the ailments,

Looking at how the dawn is reddening,

Everyone will understand that their dream is not a ghost...

You just have to really believe in it!

14. "Dream Island"(A. Ermolov) Use. E. Makarenko, M. Potapenko, A. Rubtsova, V. Petreiko

Dima : They say that the soul of every nation is in its songs. And there is also an opinion that of all the varieties of music ever invented by mankind, the most "groovy" are gypsy singing and rock and roll.

Liza : Exactly! And even just songs about gypsies are always associated with unrestrained fun and boundless freedom. Just imagine: the endless steppe, the endless road and the starry sky, the neighing and snoring of black horses, the crackling of the fire and the melodious voice of a young gypsy...

15. "Oh, you horses" ( Zhenya Chernovsky, 1 TV contest " morning Star", 1991) Use Ivan Kuznetsov

Liza: We greet the winner of the Grand Prix with thunderous applause international competition"Magic Range", Novocherkassk -2015, laureate of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi-2015)

Dima : Chopin's music, like ringing drops,

Sparkling and sparkling, crumbled into space.

And violins and pipes seem to me

In the melodies of a charming waltz.

Fingers fly fast and easy

Above the ripples of black and white keys.

And, trembling, fly high

Soul and thoughts, but you don’t know where.

16. "Chopin" (words and music by E. Khruleva) Use. Elizabeth Bondareva

Dima: And more applause to the winner of the international festival of youth and students "Christmas holidays" (Sochi - 2015), laureate of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi-2015)

Dima: Friends! And now I invite you to solve a riddle.

Good, gray-haired,

Helps us all

Knitting socks for us

And sits until night

With us by the bed

If we are sick.

Who is she?..

That's right, "grandmother"! There are many grandmothers of our participants in the hall today. They are very worried about their beloved grandchildren. Dear grandmothers, the younger group of the collective sings for you.

17. "Song of Grandma"(studio "Rodniki") Use. 2 junior group

Dima : The sailors went to sea

Both brave and strong.

And led across the sea

Distant ships on their way.

It's good to argue with the wave

In a storm, in a storm or in a fog ...

And boldly shout to the sea:

Hello sea-ocean!

18. "Sailors" (Victoria Petryk, Eurovision 2014, Ukraine. Russian text by A. Tokarev)

Use middle group

Liza : Dear friends, have you noticed that all the songs that sound in our concert are certainly about kindness and friendship, cherished dreams and fairy tale characters? And they are also about a beautiful country called "Childhood".

Dima: Oh, h The older we get, the harder it is for us to return to our childhood. Do you happen to know what means of transport you can get there? I'll give you a hint! A special train is leaving right now. Let's run, maybe we'll make it!

19. "Insect locomotive"(A. Ermolov, A. Morozov) Use. 1 and 2 junior groups

Dima : Lisa, do you know this song? I like it very much! "Don't look, don't look around, stay yourself, stay the way you are..."

Liza : I know this song. I just won't sing it now. Let him sing about the same thing - about his originality and originality - on English language Maria Potapenko!

20. "Whats_In_It_For_Me" (Amy_Diamond) Use Maria Potapenko

Liza: Please give your applause to the laureate of the 2nd degree of the international festival of arts "Gukovo Art-Fest-2014",international festival of youth and students "Christmas holidays" (Sochi - 2015), laureate of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi-2015)

Liza: Dim, why do you think people call childhood carefree? Do adults think kids don't have any worries?

Dima : That's it! Grown-ups think they're the only ones getting overwhelmedvarious problems, worries, difficulties…. All this in childhood, according to adults, simply does not exist. In the meantime, we are small children, we want to walk!

21. "Little children"(E. Krylatov, Yu. Entin) Use. middle group

Dima: 5 years vocal creativity - this is already enough for the team to say: "We are one big family, we have traditions, achievements, plans and dreams."And today another tradition is born: to say goodbye to graduates... This year Inspiration has two graduates - Elizaveta Bondareva and Maria Potapenko. Let's greet our graduates with a round of applause! The head of the vocal studio "Inspiration" Olga Gennadievna Bondareva is also invited to the stage.

O.G.: Dear friends! Our team is still having a very young anniversary. We already have our first graduates. From the house of children's creativity……. (letters are read out)Dear girls, Masha and my daughter Liza. You will forever remain stars of the first magnitude in the constellation of talents of the Vdohnovenie vocal studio. But now you have to shine your own light. And may the next school graduation year be successful for you, and all hopes and dreams come true. As a musical gift, accept a song performed by Kirill Logvinov.

22. "Eternal Love"(Denis Maidanov) App. Kirill Logvinov

Dima : Stars.… How many times have we looked intosky and couldn't stop looking at them! Sometimes you want to get up and take a closer look at them, but, unfortunately, this is not given to us. And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Lisa: Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So, does anyone need it?

So, it is necessary

So that every evening over the roofs

Did any of the stars light up?

The final 23. "Lighting the Stars"(K. Kostin, M. Liberov) App. vocal studio "Inspiration"

GBU DO Palace of Children's (Youthful) Creativity

Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg

Music department


anniversary concert

variety vocal ensemble "Ovation"

"Hello Spectator!"

Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova -

methodologist, teacher education

Susanna Stepanovna Yeghiazaryan -

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna

concertmaster of the music department

Saint Petersburg


Explanatory note

Idea. It has become a tradition to perform at the reporting concerts of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble of students, teachers and parents. The festival of creativity of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation" is held as part of the anniversary events of the 10th anniversary of the group.

Form : project-concert


  • Creation of musical traditions that unite the creativity of children, teachers and parents.


  • To change the attitude of children to music as a unifying factor of family values;
  • Create conditions for changing the motivation for learning music;
  • Encouragement to actively organize content musical leisure children and their parents;
  • To create conditions for the formation of a listening culture, developing the general and musical horizons of pupils on the example of family musical creativity.


  • Visual method (storytelling, showing photos and videos);
  • Visual-auditory method (performance of musical works);
  • positive example method;
  • Method of emotional impact and stimulation;
  • A method of encouraging the preservation of family values.


  • Children will expand their understanding of music as an opportunity to form strong family traditions;
  • Children will show enthusiasm and love for activities to a greater extent, will be oriented towards a positive attitude towards family values;
  • Children and their parents will listen to music performed by their parents and teachers, expand their musical horizons;
  • Parents will improve the culture of raising a child-musician and will acquire the opportunity to organize joint family leisure;

Features of the program implementation:

1. Venue - assembly hall of the Palace of Children's Creativity of the Moscow region;

2. Time frame - 1 hour 30 minutes;

3. Number of participants - 60 people - students of the music department, teachers and their parents, invited guests - creative teams of DD (U) T and the city of St. Petersburg.

Necessary equipment:

Piano, computer, CD player, video projector, screen, lighting equipment, 8 radio microphones, light gun.

Concert program hosts:

Dzendor Alisa and Strizhevsky Vitaly - students of the children's musical theater"Cantabile".



Concert progress

Technical Notes




First number on stage

  1. "Hello Spectator!" FROM THE POINT

Use Yulia Rudakova and the concert group of the ensemble

Good evening, dear friends!
Good evening, true connoisseurs of the song!We are pleased to welcome all guests and parents sitting in this bright and cozy room. Everyone who came today to share with us our joy - the 10th anniversary of the Ovation Variety Vocal Ensemble, under the guidance of a creative teacher, a talented vocalist, mother of many children and just wonderful person Yulia Vladimirovna Rudakova.

Ten years of creativity

Ten years of pedagogical search,

Ten years of singing, sparkling stars

Ten years of high professionalism and full dedication to students.

BRAVO! (applause)

Let's rise to the sky for a song

And dissolve into white clouds

Let songs always sound over the world,

So that in their melodies we live for centuries.

  1. "Hello world" group 301 and 501


A curtain

Phonogram minus

1 microphone

Phonogram minus

All microphones + blanks

Video #1

Slide #1

Video #2

6 min.


How glad we are to see your smiling faces. Today there is no reason to be gloomy and gloomy, because today is the anniversary birthday of the Variety vocal ensemble "Ovation".

There would be no such bright children, such a sonorous ensemble, if it were not for the friendly staff of our Palace of Children and youth creativity which will always support Hard time, will say kind parting words.

The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity of the Moscow District, she was awarded the sign "For Achievements in Culture" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. ...

Vergizova Elena Viktorovna

(flowers) applause...


Background music

Slide #1


10 minutes.


Great is the merit of the teacher in the education of talented youth, introducing children to the world of art, beauty, culture.

Timid kids come guys to the team.

Once upon a time, as today, today's graduates took the stage as small and inept as the youngest members of our ensemble. And that was 10 years ago.

  1. "Cranks" gr.201 EXIT

Phonogram plus

5 headsets

Video #3

3 min.

LEADING : Thank you, we continue our concert!

Anniversary date open,

Years fly like a bird, do not catch up,

But "Ovation" is only 10,

Let's celebrate with friends!

Today our old good friends have prepared their congratulations. They came to congratulate us. Meet the dance theater "Taledans" on the stage, leader and teacher - Lebedeva Tatyana Leonidovna!

  1. "Orchestra on the Avenue" Dance Theater "TaLeDance"
  2. "Rock-n-roll" Maria Ustavshchikova and Dance Theater "Taledans" EXIT

Words by Lebedeva T.L. (flowers)

  1. "A Tisket and a tasket" Sentbekirova Nastya EXIT



1 microphone


1 mic.

Slide #1

Slide number 2


Video #4

10 minutes.


If with a friend went on the road -

Merry road!

Without friends, I'm a little bit

Without friends, I'm a little bit

And a lot of friends!

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

What is pouring rain for me,

When my friends are with me!

Meet the vocal and choreographic studio "Kadans"!

  1. "Quiet Harbor" wok. –choreographic studio. "Kadance"


... microfiche

Slide #1

Slide #3

3 min

HOSTS: (backstage)

There is everything in childhood - both miracles and colors,

Fantasy, dreams and fairy tales

And rays of goodness laugh

And the sounds of songs pour right into the heart!

  1. "Potpourri school" conc. Gr. EXIT

9. "Valentines" 301 gr. FROM THE POINT


5 mic


8 mic

Slide #1

Video #6

Video #7

8 min


Thanks for your awesome songs! We wish you a bright creative way!

And we continue our concert!

The repertoire of the ensemble and its soloists includes folk, military-patriotic, pop, jazz and children's popular songs.

My homeland is rich in songs.

The song glorifies sweet lands.

Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

Love our songs villages, cities,

If there is a song nearby, grief is not a problem!

How many songs have been sung! How many we will sing!

We live in this world with a song!

  1. "Russian Field" trio Trifonova Nastya, Vasilyeva Marianna, Sentbekirova Nastya FROM THE POINT

10. "Fly summer" 501 gr. EXIT


3 mic


5 mic

Slide #1

Video #8

Video #9

6 min


Thanks guys!

……….. why are you sad?

: Looking at these young artists, I feel a little sad, because my childhood days at the Palace of Children's Art are over and will never come back.

Do not be sad, dear friend, smile!

Forget all sorrow and pain

Open your heart to the world

And the whole world will be kind to you!

Hall illuminated with wonderful light,

Filling my heart with warm summer

Sing melodies, the universe is silent

Only the music is playing!

Meet! On our stage - graduates of the ensemble "Ovation"!

12. "Drop" Eva Batrukova FROM THE POINT

13. "Beautiful mess" Anast. Trifonova FROM THE POINT

14. "Pirate Blues" Maria Ustavshchikova EXIT

15. "Wreath" Susanna Yeghiazaryan and Alisa Rudakova EXIT


1 mic


1 mic


1 mic

2 mic

Slide #1

Video #10

Video #11

Video #12

Video #13

10 minutes.


Now our team is very popular and in demand in the city. Teachers and children had to work hard to establish themselves at city sites, to take their rightful place among the best teams cities!

For us The video greeting was prepared by the leaders of the City educational and methodological association of teachers of pop vocal direction and the center of culture and creative development"Rising star".

The ensemble is not born on its own - it is the tireless work of teachers, children and, of course, the understanding of parents who, together with us, create an atmosphere of creativity. Low bow to you, dear parents! And this song is for you!

Meet the ensemble of mothers "Trio Retro"!

16. “A song goes around” ensemble of mothers “Trio Retro” FROM THE POINT

Phonogram minus

3 microphones

Slide #1

Video #14

Video #15

4 min.


We are connected with the children's musical theater "Cantabile" not just by the common territory, we are with the theater - one whole, friendly and inseparable creative family!

The word is given

Head of the Music and Theater Section, Honorary Worker general education, the best teacher additional education Saint Petersburg, artistic director Children's musical theater "Cantabile" -

Rovnoskikh Elena Olegovna.

(delivery of flowers)

And now a creative gift from our friends!

17. Dance from the Performance "Dandies" music. theater "Cantabile" EXIT

Slide #1


4 min.


Thank you for a great number!

It seems to another person that it is easy to lead a team, make an arrangement, paint a vocal score, come up with and embody a stage number and image. But in creativity, the apparent lightness

achieved with great difficulty. Behind the song, which seemed to be easily performed, lies the intense rhythm of rehearsals. And for 10 years there were a huge number of them in the team!

Now a figure will sound ... But if you think about it, that there is something more behind the dry statistics, then you, dear friends, will now applaud. Over the years

his creative activity Ensemble "Ovation" participated in more than 700 concerts and performances. And there are still so many roads ahead, calling and alluring, so many festivals, competitions, and, of course, victories!

The stars from the sky illuminate the earth for us,

Carrying a quiet light of hope,

They are also lit on the ground,

It's not a little, as much as 10 years.

On the stages of the city they shine brightly

And there is no priceless gift for the viewer.

  1. "The World I Need" duet Maria Meleshko and Anastasia Sentbekirova

Phonogram minus

2 microphones

Slide #1

Video #16

4 min.


Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,

With friendship - life is full in spring.

Meet the creative gifts of our friends!

  1. "Will!" "The Grand Prix" EXIT
  2. "Nataraji" Dance Studio "Gardarika" Hand. And the teacher Yulia Alexandrovna Sergeeva.


7 mic


Slide #1

Slide #5

Slide #6



For these 10 years, true professionals have worked in our ensemble - teachers. We ask those present now to come up to this stage:

Lozhkina Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Chetvertkova Natalia Valerievna,

Ilyasova Elmira Borisovna,

Rumyantseva Galina Nikolaevna,

Zarubina Ksenia Petrovna,

Lvova Daria Alexandrovna;

Vasilyeva Tatyana Alexandrovna


Kukin Valery Viktorovich,

Osipova Galina Ilyinichna,

Cheredin Vladimir Ivanovich,

Lapina Maria Evgenievna,

Smirnova Marina Viktorovna,

Sintsova Daria Viktorovna,

Yeghiazaryan Susanna Stepanovna.

We invite to the stage our dear guests, leaders

Team "Gardarika" - Yulia Aleksandrovna Sergeeva,

Ensemble "Kadans" - Mazurin Alexander Alexandrovich. As a token of our respect and gratitude, accept these flowers! (Giving flowers)


What compares to music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? Brook sound?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul,

Love or sadness, fun or sadness - In any mood given by nature

Suddenly the music starts playing.

  1. "Youth" wok.-choreography. Ans. "Kadance" EXIT
  2. Potpourri Giants 301 gr EXIT

Background music


... mic


7 mic

Slide #1

Slide 7

Video #17

10 minutes.


The vocal group is not an addition, it is a multiplication of talents, and as a result - happiness and joy, which they have been bringing together for 10 years to near and far corners of the Earth. May your friendship never end

mutual understanding - musical and human, from which we all feel so light and good!

23 "Winner Takes All" EXIT

(Final) concert group and all participantsat the last verse, all participants of the concert go on stage)

Yu.V. Rudakova

It's time, it's time. The spotlights will go out, the hall will become empty, plunging into shadow,

But if the soul is open to joy,

You will keep this day in your heart.

Thank you for your kind attention

For the fact that you came to the anniversary.

Thank you, see you again

We will be glad to see all our friends!!!

Our concert has come to an end, but we, like our Music, do not say goodbye to you. We are again waiting for the moment to say to you: (everyone) "HELLO spectator!"

(delivery of memorable gifts, photo session)

Total: 91 min.


5 mic

Background Music "Winner Takes All"

Slide #1

Video #18



Perm region
Kungur municipal district
Municipal budgetary educational institution
additional education for children
"Komsomol Children's School of Arts"


vocal and instrumental

Compiled by:
Poteryaeva Yu.V.
Deputy Director for SD

v. Komsomolsky

Purpose: Development of interest in the use of ensemble performance as a form of music making.

Use the possibilities of the concert form of an extracurricular event to create interest in the ensemble performance of vocal and instrumental works among teachers and students.
Generate parental interest in attendance concert events at DSHI.
To form a culture of behavior of DSHI students during the event.

Preliminary work:
with students:
- preparation of musical numbers;
- conducting rehearsals.

with teachers
- selection of numbers for the concert;
- stage design sketch;

3. with parents
- placement of a big announcement about the concert for the residents of the village;
- individual invitations for parents of children's school students to a concert;

4. for deputy Director for SD:
- script development;
- Conducting the evening - a concert.
- organization of photography.

- scene design;
- musical instruments: synthesizer, button accordion, grand pianos, guitar;
- microphones;

Rozhkova Daria (5th grade)
Tabakov Viktor (5th grade)

Daria: Good afternoon!

Victor: Hello!

Daria: Today our hall hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone who wants to plunge into beautiful world, world of music! Joint, collective performance is one of the most interesting forms, one of the most beautiful inventions of mankind.

Victor: Music has tremendous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Music does not age, it will live as long as a person exists. Most big MIRACLE for you and me that only 7 notes can make such a wide variety of melodies, colors and characters.
Daria: We will start our meeting with Hora lower grades T. Izumi "Give me happiness" (headed by Borisova N.F.)

Daria: Ensemble, from the French word "Ensemble" means "Together". Play together, sing together, dance together. Ensembles are very different: a vocal ensemble is a commonwealth of singers, an instrumental ensemble is a commonwealth of musical instruments, vocal-instrumental- together singers and instruments.
On the stage Tabakov Victor and Subbotina N.G. gypsy song
"What is this heart"

Daria: Piano. This word means "Royal". Indeed, among musical instruments, it has no equal in its ability to sound so diverse. It is both powerful and melodious at the same time. In a word, a real instrument-orchestra. The piano ensemble genre has 2 types: on one and on 2 instruments.
On the stage piano ensemble Brezgina Kristina 4th grade and Poteryaeva Yu.V.
K. Khachaturian "Tomato" from the film "Chippolino"

Victor: On stage dance ensemble"Russian nesting dolls" preparatory
department. (supervisor Novozhilova I.Yu.)

Victor: An ensemble is a community of soloists who know how to listen to a partner, combine their voice with the voice of another instrument, and work towards a common result. Being a soloist is not easy, but the ability to play music in a team is a sign of professionalism. On stage Rozhkova Daria and Martyusheva Maria
P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz"

Victor: What is a choir? This is the harmony of voices and feelings, this is the fusion of thoughts and hearts, the desire to give the listener beautiful music, to become a conductor between the composer and the audience.
On the stage, the vocal ensemble "Fasolka" "Hello, happiness"
(supervisor Shestakova N.V.)

Victor: A. Petrov "Song about the sea devil." Performed by piano duet
Novozhilova I.Yu. and Poteryaeva Yu.V..

Daria: Word to the director of the School of Arts Syrvachev V.L.

Daria: Once the guitar was a lute, but we know that all sorts of transformations take place in the musical world, and now a guitar has turned out from a lute. The guitar is the most common in our life musical instrument. Just a few chords on the guitar - and the song you sing immediately sounds different. On stage Tabakov Victor and Nemtin Andrey M. Corulli "Larghetto" (teacher Subbotina N.G.)

Daria: I can't live a day without music!
She is in me. She is around me.
And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,
In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,
And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...
She is always and forever my companion.
On stage: Varvara Voloskova, 5th grade. and Poteryaeva Yu.V. M. Schmitz "Princess is dancing a waltz"

Victor: Thank you, music, for something that even smart people cannot fake, Thank you for that no one knows what to do with you.
On the stage, a dance group of elementary grades "Pigeon Song"

Daria: Listening to a beautiful melody, people become closer to each other. Music has a great power of rapprochement. Scientists have proven that music can make a person happy, it is necessary for a person.
Piano duo Ulyana Igoshev, grade 1, on stage. and Shestakova N.V.
N. Smirnova "Good mood"

Victor: Instrumental duo Poteryaeva Yu.V. is on the stage. and Syrvachev V.L.
A. Fibich "Poem"

Daria: Interesting in their sound mixed ensembles. Today at our concert you will hear several such bands. A bright alternation of different timbres, the beauty of the sound of each instrument attracts the attention of listeners. In accordance with the number of performers, the ensemble is called a duet (for 2), trio and tercet (for 3), quartet (for 4), etc.
On the stage, the trio of guitarists Ts. Fernandez "Beautiful Sky" (teacher Subbotina N.G.)

Daria: On the stage, the vocal ensemble of teachers "Enjoy life"

Victor: On the stage, the piano duet Morozova Ksenia 4th grade. and Zhukov T.F.
E. Doga "Waltz"

Daria: The song is the most ancient and most common today musical genre. They say about the song that she was born together with a person. The song, unlike other works of art, does not sound long: only 2-3 minutes. But in this short moment, she fulfills the mission that falls to the share of a work of art. On stage Syrvachev V.L. and Zhgileva I.G. "Clouds"
Victor: Music must be enjoyed, it must be listened to and understood, then life will become easier and people will become kinder. On the stage, the instrumental ensemble Andrey Nemtin and N.G. Subbotina. "White acacia clusters fragrant"
Darya: Good song– this is not necessarily the one that many people sing. The fate of a song largely depends on the performer, on those who carry the work to millions of listeners. A lot depends on the vocalist. He can find in the work such colors, such subtext, which will significantly enrich the song.
On stage High school choir "The time comes" (director Shestakova N.V.)

Daria: Our meeting with creative teams has come to an end!
We thank you for your attention!
Victor: See you soon!
All participants are asked to come on stage for a joint photo.

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