How to draw a candle on paper. Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Non-traditional drawing technique (candles) "Frost pattern"


unconventional drawing

Wax crayons and wax candle + watercolor

Drawing is one of important species art, which is not only a way to convey this or that image, but also internal feelings, perception of the outside world, emotions, fantasies and much more.

Target: introduce children to technology non-traditional drawing.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve desired result.

Acquainted with methodical literature:

A. V. Nikitina

"Unconventional Drawing Techniques in kindergarten»

I. A. Lykova

« Toolkit for preschool specialists educational institutions»

T. N. Doronova

"Nature, art and visual activity of children"

R. G. Kazakova

« Visual activity in kindergarten"

After reviewing this literature, I found a lot of interesting ideas and set before me tasks:

    to develop technical drawing skills in children;

    introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing;

    to teach how to create your own unique image, in a drawing according to unconventional drawing, using wax crayons of various colors and a wax candle.

Materials: wax crayons and wax candle, dense White paper, watercolor, bird feather template, scissors, glue, napkin, brush, glass of water, simple pencil for each child.


Children guess the riddle:

What is this miracle bird?
Not an owl and not a tit,
Not a crane or a thrush...
Like an open fan tail...
Blue, green, red -
How many colors are on the feathers?
Definitely important sir
Walks around the yard ... (Peacock).

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, children. Solve the riddle.

Guys! Listen to the poem:

There was a peacock in the zoo. A very important citizen.

He walked on us ... looked. Yes, and twirl his tail.

And on ours. on the eyes. He waved his tail.

The tail opened up…beauty. Multicolored tones.

The overflows played. And the colors all sparkled.

Like a fan has unraveled. The peacock surprised us so much.

Read about him in books. All habits knew him.

As we saw up close ... We quickly opened our mouths.

You can’t call it beauty… You can’t even pick up words.

It's like we're in a fairy tale. And we met a peacock.

Did you like the poem?

Children's answers.

Tell me, please, what, in your opinion, is the most beautiful thing about a peacock?

Children's answers.

Look at the photo.

Of course, the most beautiful detail in the appearance of a peacock is its tail.

A beautiful uppertail of feathers is necessary for a peacock. In order to subdue the female, the peacock unfurls its feather train. A beautiful outfit of feathers exists only in a male peacock.

Physical education minute:

We alternately spread and bring our fingers together first on right hand, then on the left, then on both hands at the same time.

Physical education "Bird":

The bird flew,

cross the palms of the hands

The bird is tired.

The bird folded its wings

make a castle

The bird washed its feathers.

lock rotation

The bird moved its beak

straightened connected little fingers depict a beak

The bird found grains.

The bird ate the grains

connected little fingers knock on the table

Opened the wings again


crossed palms making waves

Educator: Guys, let's cut out peacock feathers from paper.

Each child receives a template (peacock feather), white paper, scissors and a pencil.

On a cut (according to a template) peacock feather, we apply a drawing wax crayons and a wax candle. It turns out " magic drawing”, it is there, but it is not visible if we draw with a wax candle.

Then we paint over the pen with watercolor in one or more colors. The drawing comes through and we see where it is drawn with a wax candle, since it remains unpainted. The drawing is also done with wax crayons.

After the drawing (pen) dries, we glue it to the peacock.

Here's what we got.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques:

    contributes to the removal of children's fears;

    develops self-confidence;

    develops spatial thinking;

    teaches children to freely express their intention;

    encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

    teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

    develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception;

    develops creativity.

There is an artist in each of us, and we don't even know it. Remember the parable of "buried talents". But really, many people “bury” their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. This is how “undiscovered talents” walk the streets and live everyday life. It's just that no one paid attention to the makings and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no mediocre children, there are undiscovered children. And we, adults, should help to reveal these talents!
As V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

In fact, we will draw not only a candle. But it is thanks to the candle that our drawing will be magical. Children who encounter this technique for the first time perceive it as a miracle. Such work is within the power of four-year-olds. And at the age of six, they already come up with their own options for working in this technique.

For work we need materials:

  • sheets of thick paper (landscape),
  • colour pencils,
  • watercolor paints,
  • piece of candle (white).
  • Additionally:
  • a sheet of colored cardboard
  • glue stick.
  • Tools:
  • brush (soft for watercolor).


  • curly scissors,
  • ruler.


Acquaintance with this technique can be started like this: paint with watercolors an album sheet on which something is previously drawn with a candle. Usually the reaction of children: “Wow!” "How is it?" "Wow!" etc.

In this technique, we will perform the work "Starry sky".

1. We paint over the entire landscape sheet with colored pencils (by no means wax, oil, or fat), trying not to leave white places. For this we take light colors What color can stars be? If you look at the night starry sky, you can see that the stars shimmer with yellow, green, red, and other colors.

We take a piece of candle. And we draw stars for them. What shape the stars can be, look at the picture.

The pattern made by the candle is not visible, but it is felt to the touch. We place the stars all over the sheet, as in the figure above.

From the stars drawn by a candle, the paint slips, because. the paraffin from which the candle is made is greasy. This is how the stars are colored.

With a candle, you can draw fur, feathers or needles on an animal. Having drawn the animal with watercolors, the needles remain unpainted.

Using the candle painting technique, you can make a greeting card with your child.

On the landscape sheet with a candle, draw, for example, flowers. We paint over the sheet with watercolors in warm colors: red, pink, orange, yellow. Or one color, or all at once.

For the background of the postcard, use a sheet of colored cardboard. Using a ruler, measure the size of the fragment for the postcard.

Cut it out with curly scissors.

Using a glue stick, stick it on the front side of the postcard. If desired, you can make an inscription and also stick it on the front side of the postcard.

Only left with reverse side glue a sheet of white or colored paper and write a congratulation.

Olga Alexandrova


Formation of an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, to artistic and creative activities.


1. Continue to introduce children to the landscape.

2. To consolidate the ability of children to use a brush, watercolor: select shades of blue, purple and brown, paint over the sheet evenly, leaving no empty spaces.

3. Develop imagination, creativity.

4. Cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature, its images in unconventional technique: candle and watercolor.

5. Cause a feeling of joy from the results of work.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the rookery. Examination of paintings: “Rooks have arrived”, “Spring has come”. Bird watching, snow melting in the sun, in the shade, the appearance of thawed patches, the first streams. Listening musical works P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". Compilation of stories - descriptions on the topic: What has changed lately.

caregiver“Children, Queen Tassel has come to visit us.

Show work sequence:

caregiver- "Queen Tassel" invites you to the art workshop, where we will make magic. To do this, take the “magic brush” with your thumb and middle finger, holding it on top with your index finger.

1. Dip the brush in water, then in blue or purple paint and paint over most sheet with a hand movement from left to right, evenly distributing the paint, diluting it with water so that the sheet does not get wet. This is the main background of our picture.

2. For the bottom of the picture we select a shade Brown. These will be spring thaws.

caregiver- Children, look - what have we got?

Children's answers.

caregiver- That's right, a boat is sailing along the stream, in the lower part on the right there is a bush, spring thawed patches, birds are flying at the top.

Children consider, complement.

caregiver- Before you is a picture of nature, which is called "landscape".

Before proceeding to the magic of creating a picture, we will massage the hands with a pencil.

Hand massage

Take a pencil in your hands, hold it between your palms and roll it,

Bring your palms to your right ear

Bring your palms to your left ear

What do you hear? (he rustles).

Put the pencils, put your palms on your cheeks, on your forehead. What do you feel (warmth).

caregiver- Take your places in the workshop and proceed to the "magic".

Doing work by children.

caregiver- We wash the brushes, dry them on napkins, put them on a stand.

Finger game "Five and Five"

Five and five went for a walk (arms in front of you, palms wide apart, fingers of both palms bend and unbend).

fun to play together (rotation of the hands).

Turned around, turned around (turning the palms to the right and left).

Curled up into a fist again (collect fingers into a fist).

Here are some good fellows (banging fist on fist).

We guys are brave!

The exercise is performed 2 times.

caregiver- Which wonderful pictures about nature - "landscapes" you got.

What painting secrets will you tell your parents at home? (children's answers).

What is shown on the right, on the left in the picture?

Children- On the right is a tree with swollen buds.

What is shown against the sky?

Children- Migratory birds above.

What do you see at the bottom of the sheet?

Children- Spring thaws.

What's going on with the bunny?

Children- The bunny hid about the animals not far from the tree, because he did not have time to change his white coat to a gray one and he was not visible.

caregiver- We got a real Art Gallery. All of you are great!

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Slides captions:

DRAWING WITH A CANDLE AND WATERCOLOR The work was done by Zatsepilova T.N.

WORK ANALYSIS When using watercolors and candles, original works are obtained. Develops creative thinking and interest in fine arts


M ATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES: 1. A-4 thick paper; 2.Watercolor; 3. Brushes (thin round and wide round); 4. Dishes for water; 5. Water; 6. Candles 7. Rag (napkin); for wiping the brush;


PROGRESS OF WORK: A candle is drawn on a sheet of paper.

The sheet is painted over with watercolor.

We paint every detail of the picture with watercolors.



INTERACTION OF THE TEACHER AND STUDENT The main characteristics of pedagogical interaction: mutual knowledge; understanding; relationship; mutual actions; mutual influence; support; confidence. Each of these characteristics has its own content, but only their complex implementation in educational process ensures its effectiveness.

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JOURNEY INTO HISTORY The history of the invention of the candle can be traced back to the heyday of the Roman Empire useful inventions. It was the Romans who first began to use the wick in the manufacture of candles, with which they illuminated their homes and temples, and also used to move through the dark streets of cities and wood.

A JOURNEY TO HISTORY Wax candles do not produce soot and bad smell they burn brightly and evenly. But fat is easier to obtain in large quantities than wax, so wax candles were expensive and were used only in the homes of wealthy citizens, the nobility and the royal court, this is how the history of the wax candle began.

TECHNOLOGY OF MANUFACTURING CANDLES They took a twisted thread - the future wick, twice as long as a candle and tied it to a stick, folding it in half and weaving the ends. On one stick there were several blanks for candles. Next, these wicks were dipped into the melted lard, taken out and allowed to cool. This procedure was repeated several times until candles of the desired thickness were obtained.

MODERN HISTORY OF CANDLES The mass production of paraffin made it possible to make cheap candles, since it cost much less than wax and similar substances. At the same time, paraffin burns as brightly as wax, without emitting an unpleasant pungent odor.

LESSON EQUIPMENT You will need: - candles - white paper - watercolors - brush - oilcloth (newspaper) on the table Creative task: 1. Cover the table with newspaper. 2. Spread a sheet of white paper and, pressing hard, make a drawing with a candle. 3. Paint on top of this drawing with watercolors

What you need to know! Watercolor paints GRIP or soak into the paper, but not where it's covered in wax. Watercolors are held onto paper by a force called LINK. But this did not happen where wax is present, because there is a great force acting between it and the paper, which is called STICKING. Game 1. You can draw several different candles with a candle. simple drawings and invite kids 2-4 years old to find out what is drawn with the help of watercolors. 2. Children can draw pictures on their own with a candle and develop them with paint.

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