How to do tricks at home. How to learn how to do simple tricks - discover the secrets


Some self-taught healers believe that the nebulizer and inhaler are one and the same device. However, the truth is far away. The difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer is that the nebulizer can spray medicines, while the former only allows you to inhale vapors. The difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer is that the inhaler can deliver medications exclusively to the upper and middle respiratory tract, while the second spray transports medications to the lower respiratory tract. So what will help the cure in a particular case: an inhaler or a nebulizer?

Main differences

What to choose, nebulizer or steam inhaler? Mainly, with steam inhalation, it is customary to use decoctions, oils and other homeopathic remedies. Of course, this type of treatment is effective for banal colds, but in cases where you need to deliver an antibiotic or decongestant drugs directly to the respiratory tract, then a steam-type device will be ineffective. In addition, hot steam small child represents a danger. Yes, and children do not know how to inhale medicines correctly. The main difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler is the ability to use liquid medicines with it. At the same time, they will be delivered not to the mouth, not to the stomach, but to the bronchi and lungs, which need treatment. This is the main difference between an inhaler and a compressor nebulizer. The use of this device is justified for cough, rhinitis, bronchial asthma. You can dilute medicines only with saline! The use of the following drugs in a nebulizer is allowed:

  • antibiotics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • hormones;
  • mucolytics;
  • cromohexal;
  • hypertonic solution.

It is forbidden to use herbal decoctions, oils and aminophylline.

Types of modern nebulizers

Inhaler and nebulizer are devices used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory tract. In our article, we will try to answer the frequently asked question about how these devices differ.

The purpose of both devices is identical: they are used to perform inhalations, however, when using an inhaler, a liquid drug passes into a vapor state, and when using a nebulizer, it is converted into a fine aerosol.

Emphasizing the great similarity of design and functions, many manufacturers produce their devices under the double name: inhaler-nebulizer, while doctors still see some difference in their effect on the patient's body.

From their point of view, the inhaler can be used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (URT), since it only gives the patient the opportunity to breathe in vapors of the medicinal substance.

The nebulizer, endowed with the ability to aerate the treatment solution, split into tiny particles, can act pointwise, delivering it directly to the infected areas of the respiratory tract.

That is why it is advisable to include inhalations using a nebulizer in the treatment regimen for patients suffering from damage to the middle and lower respiratory tract. The medical literature describes cases of successful use of a nebulizer in treatment.

Types of inhalers and their features

Depending on the principle of action, modern inhalers are:

  • Steam, designed to affect the upper respiratory tract by inhalation of vapors of a medicinal substance. The mechanism of action of steam inhalers is based on heating the applied solution to 45 degrees. Inhalations of this type are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many diseases accompanied by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The main advantages of devices of this type are the possibility of using a wide range of medicinal solutions, ease of use and low cost. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of influencing the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  • Compressor (aka nebulizer), equipped with a built-in piston compressor that creates a powerful air jet, with the help of which the medicinal solution is converted into an aerosol consisting of the smallest particles. Due to the sizes fluctuating within 1-10 microns, the particles of the medicinal substance penetrate into the most distant parts of the respiratory tract. Inhalers of this type, widely used both at home and in hospitals, are used to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. A special advantage of compressor inhalers is their versatility, which allows you to perform inhalations using any medicine. The only drawback of this type of device is that the compressor is too noisy.
  • ultrasonic, capable of converting a medicinal solution into an aerosol cloud using high frequency ultrasonic waves. The effectiveness of ultrasonic inhalers used to prevent and treat colds and infectious diseases is much higher than in the case of steam and compressor type devices. The main advantage of ultrasonic inhalers is their compactness and absolute noiselessness of operation, however, not all medicinal substances are able to maintain their beneficial features under the influence of ultrasonic waves. This circumstance somewhat limits the possibilities of using devices of this type.
  • There is another type of device: MASH inhalers, capable of converting a medicinal solution into an aerosol using a built-in vibrating device. Devices of this type, used to treat chronic inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, allow you to perform inhalations with any medicinal solutions. The main disadvantage of MES inhalers is their high cost, but it is more than redeemed by a number of undoubted advantages: devices of this type are highly technical, compact, and silent; they can be used in a horizontal position.

After analyzing the features of the above devices, we can conclude that only steam inhalers cannot be classified as nebulizers, since they are not equipped with a device that allows the drug solution to be converted into an aerosol cloud. Devices of other types can be called both inhalers and nebulizers.

Features and varieties of nebulizers

Home hallmark nebulizers is the ability to convert the medicinal substance into an aerosol, and the size of the aerosol particles depends on the technical parameters of these devices.

The smaller these particles, the further the drug penetrates into the organs of the respiratory system. Modern manufacturers equip their devices with special nozzles that make it possible to obtain an aerosol cloud consisting of particles of a certain size, which can be used to deliver a medicinal substance to a specific part of the respiratory tract.

Aerosol with particle size:

  • 8-10 microns settles in the oral cavity;
  • 5-8 microns affects the sinuses of the nose, larynx and nasopharynx;
  • 3-5 microns penetrates into the trachea and bronchi;
  • 1-3 microns reaches the bronchioles;
  • from 0.5 to 1 micron is able to penetrate into the lung alveoli.

Nebulizers are:

  • ultrasonic. The compactness and noiselessness of operation make it possible to use devices of this type for the treatment of young children, however, due to the ability of ultrasound to destroy certain types of medicinal substances, expectorant and hormonal drugs, antibiotics and immunity enhancers cannot be used in them.
  • Compressor. Having larger dimensions and being rather noisy, nebulizers of this type allow the use of any medicines.
  • Electronic mesh, converting the drug into an aerosol cloud through a membrane dotted with many tiny holes. The extremely small size of aerosol particles resulting from the passage of the solution through the vibrating membrane allows the use of these devices for the treatment of all parts of the respiratory tract.

Which is better, inhaler or nebulizer?

There is still no final unity in the views on this issue. Most experts are of the opinion that a nebulizer is an improved type of inhaler that has a wider functionality that allows you to direct and more accurately act on a particular part of the respiratory tract.

Instructions for use of the nebulizer

  • Before each use of the device, wash your hands well, and then assemble it in strict accordance with the instructions.
  • After making sure that the filter is clean and that all tubes are connected securely, they start measuring a certain amount medicinal product. For its cultivation, only physiological saline can be used.
  • After pouring the required amount of saline solution into the nebulizer chamber, a carefully measured drug is added to it. It is most convenient to fill the device with a sterile disposable syringe with a needle.
  • Putting a special mask on your face or holding the mouthpiece with your lips, you must take a sitting position (during the procedure, seriously ill patients can lie; small children are held in their arms).
  • Turning on the device, start inhaling the aerosol. In case of damage to the upper and middle parts of the respiratory system, one should breathe through the mouth measuredly and deeply. To improve the penetration of the drug into the focus of pathology, you should, after inhaling the aerosol for two seconds, hold the exhalation.
  • The cessation of steam emission indicates that the medicine in the device is over. Most nebulizers will beep when this happens. Average duration procedures - from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, the device is disassembled, the medicine container is thoroughly rinsed, the mask and adapter tubes that have been in contact with the patient are washed and disinfected. Each treated part is wiped dry with a sterile cloth.

I want to make the birthday of my beloved son or daughter a memorable and bright holiday. Clowns and fireworks are rather tired of spoiled kids. We need to come up with something new. Simple tricks for children, learned by parents and the birthday boy, will surprise even the most fastidious guests and create an intriguing atmosphere.

From this article you will learn

"glued spoon"

A primitive trick will perform even junior school student. Prepare a glass of compote or very sweet tea. Stir the drink with a spoon and quickly attach it to your nose with the concave side. Because of the sweet syrup, it will hang without falling for a long time. If the clown adds a couple of acting jokes, the performance will turn out to be as fun as possible.

"The Pencil Moves"

Kindergarteners and junior schoolchildren will be able to play the master of the pipe. It is important to learn how to make movements invisible, then the focus will delight children and adults.

Technique: hold a tube or a simple pencil in a fist. Turn one hand towards the guests, with the other hand make movements in different sides. The tube will rise.

The secret of execution: rests on the tip of the tube thumb the hand holding the object. He presses on the tube and makes it move up.

"Runaway Orange"

A simple trick can be performed even by kids and shown to everyone in kindergarten. The little fakir takes an orange in his hand and shows it to the audience. Covers with a handkerchief, says any abracadabra and tears off the fabric with the other hand. What do the stunned classmates see? Apple!

The key to the trick: the orange must be peeled in advance, without tearing the peel much. Place an appropriately sized apple inside the crust. The peel is removed along with the handkerchief.

On a note! For the young magician, put on a hat, cloak or cape for entourage.

"I can fly above the ground"

Magic is based on optical illusion. The adult stands sideways to the children so that the toe of the left foot is not visible. He waves his arms and smoothly takes off five to ten centimeters above the floor, raising right leg up. In fact, home Hmayak Hakobyan leans on the toe of his left foot.

To perform this mystical trick, you will have to practice a little, otherwise the performance will fail due to the insight of young spectators.

"Button Commands"

A magical experiment begins with a demonstrative filling transparent glass mineral water or light soda. Movements must be done smoothly so that the fizz does not spill onto the table. Then we lower a small light button into the soda container and command: “Rise!” The button floats up. We wait two or three seconds and again command, looking into the glass: “Get down!” The button will fall to the bottom immediately or after a couple of seconds. An amazing focus will impress guests of any age.

Secret: hocus pocus does not need to be prepared specially, it takes a long time to train. The button rises and falls due to mineral gases. They pick it up, release it alternately due to the chemical interaction with oxygen. The young fakir needs to pick up the weight, the size of the button in advance, work out the duration of the pauses between commands. The experiment can be shown to guests at the dacha, when going out into nature, in a cafe - wherever there is a glass of soda.

“And I can crawl through a hole in paper!”

Such a statement will shock the audience. The magician will need the following set: A4 paper, scissors. The sheet should be folded in half. Make zigzag cuts with scissors, first on one side, then on the other. Then cut through the joints between the pieces of bent parts. It is important not to damage the last folds. They will connect the paper into a ring. Inventory is better to prepare in advance.

After a funny statement, the magician will take the prepared sheet and scissors. It will make the appearance of an incision, stretch the paper into a long ribbon and calmly pass inside. The result of the show is usually laughter.

Watch the video on how to do it right:

On a note! Before everyone knows the answer, arrange a quick wits contest. Distribute scissors and paper to boys, girls, adults. Let them try to guess how the performer will get through the hole in the paper, practice on themselves. And a smart magician at this time will prepare a spectacular final show for everyone.

"Young telepath"

The child promises friends or mom to guess what number they have in mind. Asks guests to think of anything - from 1 to 5. Waits a minute. He pretends to read minds. He asks to tell what number the interlocutor has thought of, and takes out a card with the image of the number from the closet, from the shelf, or from any other place in the room.

The secret of the magical action is this: the magician writes the numbers on the cards in advance, lays them out in hiding places. Remembers the storage location of the clue. Pulls out a card at the right moment.

Hold a competition for guessing the intended numbers in the senior preschool group when children are already familiar with writing numbers and counting. Focus is fun. But at the same time, it will amuse and teach children to be attentive, train their memory, and raise self-esteem to the performer.

"Flying Cup"

This is an interesting trick game. Dads and kids will love it.

You need to perform the trick like this: stick to plastic cup piece on one side double sided tape. Attach your thumb to the adhesive tape, conjure. Start raising your hands along with the cup. Do not forget to open your palms wide so that the mount is not visible and the audience does not begin to guess anything. The container will take off under the control of a fakir who owns telekinesis. The cup can float empty or filled with tea, compote.

On a note! After the holiday, be sure to conduct a lesson or master class for preschoolers on teaching this elementary trick. Making it easy step-by-step instruction help children become wizards.

"Plastic bag non-spill"

This is a cool trick that is easy to explain. physical laws. The parent, together with the children, draws water into the bag, ties a knot at the top. He takes a pencil and pierces the plastic packaging with the sharp end of the stylus. Gently sticks the pencil in and out on the other side. Babies usually watch the process with their mouths open. Waiting for the water to flow to the floor. But no! The liquid will remain inside the bag, not a drop will leak out.

The explanation for the miracle is easy to find in physics textbooks for the 7th grade: a pencil makes a small hole in the bag. The diameter of the hole is equal to the diameter of the stylus. The PVC from which the bag is made is elastic. The material tightly covers the pencil. There is nowhere for the water to flow.

"Tumbler match"

A simple trick can be performed at the matinee in the garden by the smallest fakirs. You will need an ordinary match. Place it between the index finger and thumb of your dominant hand. Squeeze tight. Carefully remove your thumb. The match will remain standing.

The preparation scenario is simple: you need to wet your finger with water and carefully press the match with your thumb to your index finger. When the tumbler sticks, carefully remove the support so that the match does not fall.

"Reading minds is an easy task for a wizard"

Another new version telepathic focus is suitable for little fairies and fakirs to prank guests at a birthday party. Magicians do not have to learn anything, they will need any available items, such as toys, as well as the coherence of the actions of the host and the magician.

Description of the trick: guests are seated in a room. Lay out on the table five to seven different items. The little fairy goes into another room so that there is no way to eavesdrop. Participants think of one subject each and report their choice to the leader. Toys remain on the table. The sorceress is back. He pretends to read the mind of the guest. Then he gives each chosen item.

So, the scheme of actions of a pair of magicians is as follows: the host and the telepath agree on a system of signs. For example, if the guest has chosen a squirrel, then the presenter touches his nose or sneezes, coughs; if the viewer preferred another object, then the telepath assistant needs to scratch his palm, and so on. At the prompt of the host, the magician easily guesses riddles, demonstrating the ability to read minds.

On a note! To avoid quick exposure, come up with subtle signals. Don't look into each other's eyes.

"Ball and needle"

Quite complex but beautiful magic trick. You can entrust it to children of 7 years old after long training in manual dexterity.

Young Wizard Needs: Inflated balloon and a sharp needle. The magician shakes the ball, shows it to the audience. He waved his hand. Sharply pierces the rubber material with a spoke. The magic happened: the ball is intact, and the needle went through its sides.

The key to the trick: on the sides of the ball you need to glue small pieces of adhesive tape. Lubricate the needle with oil. Take a thin needle so that the hole in the ball is small. Make clear flick when you pierce the ball. Get right into the tape. The duct tape will seal the hole, keep the air out.

You need to repeat the experiment at home several times in order to work out hand movements as well as possible. In the process of preparation, it is useful to watch videos of such jokes.

Watch the video on how to do it right:

"Blow out the candles"

Unusual science experiment will appeal to students elementary school, children from 5 years. Take a spoonful of vinegar and a pinch of baking soda. Mix in a glass. Cover with a lid. During the interaction of substances, a hissing sound will be heard. When the soda is extinguished with vinegar, hold the cup near the lit candles. Open the lid on the glass. Gently swirl the container of liquid around the flame. Slightly turn the glass upside down to let the air flow out of the container. Candles will gradually go out without touching hands and blowing out with your mouth.

On a note! Tricks with a chemical component, using candles, fire, smoke are relevant for new year parties, name day with cake.

"Magic piggy bank"

Give this birthday trick to a child or adult. Use a thick book as a piggy bank. Have the children fold the coins inside, between the pages. Let them be three to five pieces. Close the book and say the spell. You can use a magic handkerchief or wand for more expressiveness.

Open the book and shake out more coins than the children put in. Hide the extra money in advance in the spine.

"Acrobat Fork"

You will need a glass or glass filled with liquid, a match and two forks. Clutch the cutlery between the teeth, insert a match between them. Install the design on your glass, achieve balance. You can push the forks a little so that they swing.

On a note! How to put the plugs, look at the photo. The main thing is to maintain balance.

Making tricks for kids at home is fun and exciting. Teaching kids to create magic, you develop logic, memory, attention, imagination. Easy tricks for kids younger age gradually replace them with more complex ones, make accessories and equipment with your own hands. joint creativity, general interest bring together, make family relationships warmer.

And from this video you will learn 5 more simple and cool tricks that even a child can do at home:

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the first

What could be more wonderful and exciting than the opportunity to demonstrate their supernatural, in front of their peers, magical abilities? Catching invisible people in a room, predicting the future, moving objects without any effort?

That is why showing easy tricks for children of any age will diversify and make any unforgettable. children's holiday, and impressionable children will talk about what they saw to their friends and parents for a long time to come.

Decorations and entourage

Are you going to give lessons in witchcraft and magic for children? Do not forget about the attributes that will help you make the right impression - the clothes of magicians and wizards, special lighting and, of course, the indispensable tool of any magician - a magic wand.

High pointed caps that can be distributed to all participants in the performance, the cloak of the main magician decorated with shining stars, light twilight in the room where the performance is held, lit candles - all this will make your magic lesson believable and exciting.

Lords of the Invisibles

For this session of magic you will need:

  • a scarf or a piece of opaque cotton fabric measuring 50x50 cm;
  • several disposable plastic spoons;
  • ordinary stationery scissors;
  • two or three metal spoons.

We prepare the necessary attributes:

Step 1. Sew the bottom edge of the scarf. The distance to which it is necessary to hem is no more than 1 cm. It is necessary so that the stalk from the spoon enters there without any problems. The corner of the handkerchief where the seam rests must be sewn up very carefully so that when the handle of the spoon rests on it and does not fall out.

Step 2. In the resulting hole, you need to thread the handle from the spoon (as if you were threading a pin with an elastic band) to the end of the lower edge, the handle should rest against it.

Let's start the magic session

The magician, appearing on an improvised stage (or at a table), takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and shows it to everyone. Expands, cowards.

Then he puts the handkerchief on the table not in a square, but in a rhombus (at the top and bottom there should not be even sides, but corners), and folds it, as follows.

  • The bottom corner rises and wraps up to about the middle of the rhombus.
  • Its upper part turns slightly in the opposite direction.
  • The remaining parts are wrapped according to the envelope principle.
  • The last upper corner is wrapped, overlapping the rest of the scarf.

The magician makes several movements with his hand, as if showing that he is catching someone invisible in the air. Then, making a sharp movement, he clenched his fist and announced: "Caught"! And for reliability, "hides" the one he caught under the scarf.

Now you need to prove that there is someone under the fabric. To do this, you need to carefully find the handle from the spoon located in the border of the scarf, and put it there vertically. This must be done at the moment when the magician allegedly "hides" someone under the fabric.

The handkerchief rises, and the audience creates a complete illusion that there is someone under it. For authenticity, the magician distributes ordinary metal spoons to the audience and offers to tap on the handkerchief. Spectators take turns knocking on the place shown by the magician, a dull sound confirms the presence of a foreign body under the fabric.

It is necessary to finish the session of magic beautifully: the magician must clap his hand on the handkerchief a little from the side, so that the handle from the spoon, located in the bottom seam, folds, then the fabric will fall off and the handkerchief will take its usual shape.

The magician again collects the handkerchief and with the words: “I let you go, invisible spirit,” waves it. The fabric of the handkerchief straightens out, and the spirit disappears.

Perfume box

A very simple illusion that only requires a matchbox to show. Appearing before the audience, the magician shows a matchbox lying on the outside of his palm. Making passes with the other hand over the box of matches lying in the palm of the hand, the magician raises it almost vertically.

What's happening?

The secret of this trick is very simple: laying the boxes on the outside of the palm of your hand, open it, and “pinch”, closing, a strip of skin. In order to make this easier, the palm must be slightly bent with a boat. A strip of leather falls between the parts of the box and is clamped there.

It is not easy to do this the first time, so before the show you need to practice properly.

little trick

From several matchboxes, you need to choose the newest one, the one that has not yet been opened. Then it will be much easier to hook and hold the desired piece of skin with them.

In order to surprise the children more, in this session of magic, the maestro must be as convincing and believable as possible, demonstrating some effort during the “lifting” of the matchbox.

The magical world of illusions and magic will perfectly diversify children's leisure time, and will introduce an element of surprise into the scenario of any children's holiday.

tricky glass

Here is a very simple trick that is easy to show at home using a minimum of improvised means: plastic and glass glasses, water, colored cardboard and coins. This trick is simple and effective at the same time, and is sure to attract the attention of children of any age. And from the age of five or six, any child will be able to show it on their own, surprising friends and guests at their birthday or festive feast.

You will need:

  • a glass cup with a wide mouth;
  • a square sheet of thin colored cardboard;
  • a circle of colored cardboard, the same color as the main square sheet. The circle must be cut according to the diameter of the neck of the glass;
  • cotton scarf;
  • a small copper coin;
  • Super glue.


We proceed to the manufacture of the necessary attributes. Important point- carefully seal the neck of the machine with a cut out circle of colored paper. To do this, grease the edges of the neck with superglue and tightly attach a neatly cut circle of colored cardboard. You should get a glass with a sealed neck, this, in fact, will be main secret the trick being shown.

Demonstrating focus:

We put a coin on a sheet of colored cardboard, next to it, we put a glass turned upside down. It is necessary to start the show from this moment, then the audience will not see the neck sealed with colored paper.

Attention: The valve that closes the neck of our vessel and the sheet of cardboard on which the trick is demonstrated must be the same color!

Step 1. We cover the inverted glass with a handkerchief, leaving open the coin lying next to the cardboard.

Step 2 Then, taking the vessel covered with a handkerchief in our hand, we move it and cover the coin lying on the colored cardboard. Having tapped the glass a little, we take off the handkerchief and demonstrate to the audience that there is nothing under it, it is empty.

Step 3 We show the audience that the handkerchief is empty - and the coin is not hidden in it.

Step 4 Again we cover the glass with a handkerchief, and move it aside, putting it a little to the side, without moving it from the sheet of cardboard. The coin appears!

A circle of colored cardboard, with which the neck of the glass is sealed, perfectly hides the coin, imitating the stand where the glass is located. Therefore, you need to be careful not to move the glass from the sheet of cardboard on which it stands, otherwise the secret of the trick will immediately become obvious!

Children's interest in this trick can be satisfied after it has been shown by explaining to them what the secret was.

Any viewer at least once in his life wanted to know the secrets of illusionists and conjurers, in this article we will tell you how to make simple tricks for children at home. For novice magicians 8 - 10 years old, you can come up with a whole idea and unforgettable show for peers for a birthday at home and beyond.

Interesting tricks for children does not require special skills and special equipment, a child of 8 - 10 years old can easily cope with them. To start the performance, you need to carefully prepare and hone your skills to make the focus perfect. An amazing birthday trick will get your offspring bathed in standing ovations and applause, as well as raise his self-esteem.

  1. In order for the tricks to be performed in accordance with all the rules, the kid should come up with a costume and a stage image. Ask your child who he wants to be more, a street magician performing card tricks, an illusionist like David Copperfield, or even a real magician and wizard. Based on the preferences of your child, make the necessary props and costume to match the image.
  2. It is not difficult to learn how to impress the audience with tricks, the main thing is to develop sleight of hand and achieve mastery in distraction. Simple magic tricks for children can be based on physical and chemical properties objects and substances.

For example, light chemical tricks are performed using liquids (water, oil, soda, milk, etc.). Showing such the simplest miracles in kindergarten or at home for a birthday for 10 year old children, you can simultaneously teach them science. At the age of 10, children become more socialized, and such tricks perfectly develop communication skills and leadership qualities.

How to pierce a water bag without spilling water

For this scientific trick, you will need a tight plastic bag, pencil and water. Ordinary tap water is poured into the bag; for showiness, you can tint it with food coloring or just watercolor. Then we tie a bag of collected water and pierce it with a pencil. And voila! The package does not leak and the liquid remains in its place.

The whole trick lies in the property of the liquid, it's just physics, but from the outside it looks like an extraordinary miracle.

How to slip a coin through a table

Tricks with coins for children are probably the most popular. How often do we see in films how little peanuts have adult uncles getting a coin from behind their ear? But this is just sleight of hand, but being at home you can slightly change the focus with the coin. To do this, you need an ordinary table and a coin. The highlight of this magic lies in the penetration of the coin through the surface of the table. It is quite simple to execute it.

  • First of all, you need to sit at the table so that the viewer does not see your legs under the table. All actions are performed with two hands. The active hand (right) is constantly in sight, and the left is under the table (we pretend that we are catching a coin). The most difficult moment is to quietly throw a coin from the edge of the table into the left hand.
  • By doing this movement with three fingers, we create the appearance of holding a coin. Then clap your hands at the same time right hand on the table, and with the left we knock with a coin from under the bottom. Then we just take out a coin and expose it all as magic.

Focus coin through table

The balloon that can't burst

This scam is similar to the previous one with water and a pencil. Only instead of a package we use balloon, and a pencil - a long, thin and sharp knitting needle. To make the trick work, you first need to stick a tiny piece of transparent tape on the ball. You need to glue on both sides symmetrically. You can take a few more balls, but without adhesive tape. This is done in order to show that the balls are ordinary, and burst from the needle.

Then the kid inflates the "enchanted" ball, and pierces it into the places of the pasted adhesive tape through and through. And about a miracle! The ball did not burst, only you need to practice in advance.

Water turns to ice

A fun trick to freeze a liquid based on the chemical properties of water. As you know, at temperatures below 0 degrees, the liquid turns into ice. But this trick is spectacular, especially if you perform it on the birthday of 10 year old peers who do not yet know the laws of physics and chemistry.

  • Have to take plastic bottle draw tap water into it and put it in the freezer in the refrigerator for about two hours. Be sure to make sure that the water does not freeze, but only becomes very cold close to solidification. Then you can get ice for drinks and start pouring icy liquid from the bottle onto it, everyone will be delighted with what they see freezing and turning the liquid into a solid state, i.e. into the ice.
  • You can also invite the public to try ice cream from their favorite carbonated drink. To begin, before your show, shake up a soda bottle and refrigerate as above. Constantly make sure that the drink does not harden, this time is for different refrigerators individually. Therefore, from time to time go and check that no ice has formed.
  • Then, when it's time for the performance, take out the soda bottle (the main thing is not to shake it so as not to spoil the focus) open the lid gradually releasing the gas. Then slowly pour the drink into the chilled container, and you will see how it turns into ice cream before your eyes. Also, this magic can be arranged right in the bottle. To do this, shake the chilled soda.
  • If you prefer to experiment with water, then you can pour it into a cold cup and drop a piece of ice into it. The effect will be the same, only the liquid does not freeze immediately, but rather sticks to the ice. Stirring with a spoon or straw, you get a homogeneous mass. If you use a sweet drink, then it is quite possible to eat it as ice cream and offer it to those who wish. It turns out a kind of molecular cooking.


  • Even a kid in kindergarten will make the funny and simplest trick with the help of a matchbox. First you need to prepare the props, take a matchbox and pull out the inner box for storing matches from it, cut it in the center and turn one of the halves upside down. Then, using adhesive tape or paper, glue the box so that it consists of two halves turned in different directions.
  • Next, put the matches into the glued box and put them back into the boxes. The following actions: the box is taken and the inner box is pulled out halfway (so that the gluing is not visible), the observers see the matches, then the box is closed and turned back to the viewer.

Everyone thinks that by turning the box over and opening it all the matches will fall out. But it was not there! You pull out the box, but the matches remain in place, and for the viewer, the magic lies in the fact that the box inside turned over by itself.

Focus with ropes

You will need two participants and two identical ropes. To begin with, one participant (No. 1) is tied with a rope on his wrists in the form of handcuffs. The second participant is tied with a rope on one hand, the rope itself is passed through the “fetters” of the first (crosswise) and the second end of the rope is tied to participant No. 2. Then they are asked to free themselves from the fetters, without removing the ropes from their wrists and without cutting them.

From the outside, this case does not look very tricky, and it seems that it is impossible to free oneself. But there is a way out, and this is how: a rope is taken from participant No. 2 somewhere in the middle and its loop is threaded into the loop on the wrist of the first participant. Then the threaded loop No. 2, the participant No. 1 puts on himself on the arm through which the loop of the second was passed. And participant No. 2 throws off the loop at No. 1 and is released.

Trick with rope

Magic kits

A set of tricks for children can be given to your baby for a birthday or just bought for logical development and thinking. Ready-made kits can be purchased in online stores, such kits usually come with instructions for performing tricks.

These can be chemical or physical experiments, illusions, card tricks, practical jokes and much more. These simple tricks at home prepare the child for science and by playing with their parents, they develop oratory skills and develop creativity.

Experience with soda

The ingenious abracadabra with soda at first sight fascinates and confuses onlookers. The trick itself is to restore a crumpled aluminum soda can, followed by pouring a drink from a supposedly “empty” container.

To begin with, you will need a half-liter jar of your favorite drink (not opened). As well as a needle, adhesive tape and a black circle of paper (the size of a hole in a jar). First of all, you need to pierce the jar with a needle in some place (preferably higher and closer to the top).

  • Thus, we release pressure and part of the drink from the can. After, when the drink comes out by about one third, we seal the hole with tape. Then gently crush the jar itself, giving it a used look. We put a black circle of paper on the lid. From a distance, it will look like the jar is open and there is a hole in it.
  • Everything is ready for the performance, now you tell the audience that with the help of magic you can restore the can of coveted soda. You take the crumpled container and carefully show that it seems to be empty.
  • Then with the words - abracadabra, shake the bottle slightly and make mysterious gestures with your hands (due to the internal pressure of the gas in the jar from shaking, it will begin to burst and the remaining drink will straighten the bent aluminum). Then, distracting with other hands, and with words, carefully and imperceptibly remove the black circle with your thumb. Next, you open the cap of the bottle (revealing the ring) and pour the drink into a glass.

paper cover

Another experience built on science and physics. Again liquid, glass, but now still paper. Fill a glass with water (about halfway), and cut off a piece of paper a little larger than the diameter of the neck of the glass. Then cover the glass with a sheet of paper and quickly turn it over, holding the paper.

And lo and behold, the water did not spill, but remained in the glass. You can modify this experience with the help of a dye for the liquid and you can take different volumes of vessels. It could be a small glass liter jar, vase, etc. The main thing is that the neck of the vessels should be even.

Cool trick with water in a glass

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