How did the ancient Egyptians live? What do Egyptians like and dislike in Russia. Education in ancient Egypt


The Egyptians are among the peoples whose achievements amaze scientists and historians. Their civilization was one of the most powerful and at the same time remains mysterious to this day. Many secrets are not revealed, however, thanks to writing, the Egyptians were able to convey to modern people information about the way of life, features of life and its history.


Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations. The first settlements arose along the valley of the Nile River, rich in fertile lands. The emergence of states dates back to the 4th millennium BC. Gradually, two powerful states were formed, which are usually called Upper and Lower Egypt. They regularly clashed with each other in military battles, and in the 3rd millennium BC. Upper Egypt managed to win, which marked the unification of the country.
A distinctive feature of Ancient Egypt was the power that made it possible to achieve prosperity. At the head was the pharaoh, whose origin was deified. He not only ruled the country, but also participated in major military campaigns.
It was military campaigns that allowed the Egyptian civilization to become great. One of the most important campaigns was the conquest of the south, where there were always a lot of slaves and gold.
Having reached Nubia, located in the south, the Egyptians managed to conquer the country, which opened them access to tropical Africa with valuable timber, a variety of livestock, poultry and thousands of people who could be enslaved.
The Egyptians also moved east. There they managed to capture the Sinai Peninsula, taking copper mines, Palestine, Phenicia with important trade routes. Having established trade relations with Asia Minor, the Egyptians were able to receive silver, which at that time was valued much more than gold. In addition to military clashes, the Egyptians had time to conduct exploration of the area. The Phoenicians, who swore allegiance to the Egyptian pharaoh, were able to explore the Red Sea coast, the Strait of Gibraltar and part of the African continent.
Regular wars could not only bring success, it was quite difficult to support the army, so one day the Egyptian dominion began to lose strength, and the lost battle at Pelusium turned out to be fateful for the whole civilization.


The life of the Egyptians was completely dependent on the pharaoh. The origin of a person did not matter - even people from noble families obeyed the will of the ruler and did not have property. Each merchant was given a charter that allowed him to dispose of cattle, house, things that he could exchange or sell. Without this letter, a person lost the right to dispose of any property. The Egyptians used money in rare cases, necessarily drawing up contracts that indicated the amount, the name of the product and specific volumes. An important part way of life Egyptians was collectivization. Thanks to her, they were able to achieve high altitudes and create architectural masterpieces. People did many things together, which allowed the society to develop.
Family was considered the greatest value. The typical Egyptian did not want to leave his relatives under any circumstances, so going to war was considered a punishment. The authority of the father required the complete subordination of the son, but for the child, the mother was most important. This fact is evidenced by the records of scribes of that time. The son was obliged to honor his mother, to protect her from any offense. Otherwise, he could incur the displeasure of the gods. Society, of course, relied on men - there was no matriarchy. However, the role of a woman remained great, since she was given the right to receive an education and apply the acquired knowledge. We have heard stories about the great Nefertiti, Queen Nesitanebtasha. Women often made copies of the manuscripts that have survived and are presented in contemporary museums. The Zuch manuscript can be seen in the British Museum. A woman was allowed to manage her own property on an equal basis with a man, to conclude deals.
The Egyptians rarely entered into forced marriages. Parents participated in the choice of the bride or groom, often invited matchmakers, but the final decision was always with the spouses. Women and men lived in harmony, asking each other for advice. The sage Ptahhotep wrote that a wife should be valued, fed, protected, and delighted. It is important to avoid quarrels, cruelty. A woman should thrive in a man's house.
The scribes also noted that it was impossible to command a woman, it was dangerous to start a dispute, as this wreaked havoc in family relationships. The real owner of the house always strives to keep order.
Children in slave families began to work as early as 5 years old, only people from wealthy families could dream of toys. In rich families, children were given pets: birds, snakes.


Children could afford education free families. In the families of the pharaoh, children were taught at home. Often, priests were involved in teaching, who assessed learning abilities and natural talents. Even a child from poor family could afford education, and thanks to his talents, become a significant member of society. IN Ancient Egypt there were many famous warriors, priests and politicians who came from families of modest means.
Schools made it possible to study writing, learn to read, learn arithmetic. The Egyptians studied market prices, features of the agricultural business. The training of warriors took place in the stables of the pharaoh, where the basics of riding, combat, tactics and command were certainly learned.
Girls were usually educated at home, physical punishment was not applied to them. The use of corporal punishment was necessary in case of disobedience or lack of proper concentration.
The choice of profession for the Egyptians was extremely important. considered the most prestigious public service, because it did not require much effort and could bring a good income. In the private sector, people had to work hard. Even the entrepreneurs of that time, who had workshops, weaving and laundries, coped with difficulty.
The work of a scribe was considered the most significant in Egyptian society. It's simple: a person did not have to worry about income and at the same time make a lot of effort. This view was justified by relatively good earnings and low workload. Many fathers told their sons that if they became scribes, they would never curse their craft. Any plowman languishes, but the scribe always prospers. As a result, this approach has become a textbook.


The most common material for tailoring was white linen. Belts were made of leather, and sandals were made of cane. Historians note that for several centuries the clothes of men and women were very open. People were not embarrassed by their bodies, considering nudity to be natural. Of the clothes, the villagers used only loincloths. Among the noble Egyptians, completely transparent dresses connected with straps were common. The most common color was white, sometimes red and yellow were worn. Pharaohs wore skirts and large crowns. Later, cloaks and tunics appeared. Contrary to popular belief, the pharaohs did not constantly renew their clothes. It was often washed using clay as soap.
The Egyptians did not like shoes. It was rarely worn even by representatives of the nobility. She was only needed long road or travel to the mountains. The Greeks and Romans at the final stage of the existence of the Egyptian civilization brought closed shoes. The sandals worn by the Egyptians were made from papyrus. It was forbidden to wear shoes in the house. Even the pharaohs went barefoot, followed by shoe-bearers. Compliance funeral rite meant leaving shoes in a set of things that would be needed for the afterlife. Surprisingly, the most luxuriously dressed in Egypt have always been the statues of the gods. Their fingers were decorated with plates of pure gold, gold bracelets were fixed on their feet and hands, even their nails were covered with lapis lazuli. It is believed that false nails were invented in ancient Egypt.
The Egyptians themselves also loved jewelry. They gave them a mystical meaning. Rings remained favorite decorations: straw, glass and gold. The rings depicted gods and goddesses, scarab beetles.
The Egyptians paid a lot of attention to hair. In a hot climate, you had to constantly cut your hair, but Egyptian men were very fond of beards and mustaches, so they used false ones. At some point, thin and neat tufted beards, which even women wore, came into fashion. Among them was Queen Hatshepsut.
Hair was difficult to care for, as most Egyptians had coarse hair. Therefore, people cut their hair short, preferring to use wigs made of sheep wool. Women used hairpins, ribbons, wore diadems. Even modern fashion indulges the Egyptians by popularizing the famous foxtrot hairstyles.
Almost all Egyptians bathed regularly. Even the poor had access to ponds with clean water. After washing, ointments and oils were necessarily used to make the body fragrant. Women and men dyed their hair black to hide gray hair. The beauty of the body was perceived as something sacred and important, so every Egyptian paid a lot of attention to it.


Ancient Egypt gave the world a great heritage. The minds of Egyptologists and historians are still excited by the ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods, headed by the supreme deity, personifying the sun, Ra. It was with him that the pharaoh was identified.
The Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, so during the burial rites they took with them those things that, in their opinion, should certainly be useful in the afterlife. The greatest tombs were the pyramids, where the tombs of the rulers were located.

  1. Totemism was elevated to a cult, as evidenced by the heads of the gods in the form of animals. The Egyptians revered lions, bulls, cows, ibis, scarab beetles. The Egyptians were one of the first peoples to spread writing through the invention of papyrus.
  2. The Egyptians were the first to discover beekeeping.
  3. It was they who began to master the construction and processing of stone on a large scale first.
  4. Hieroglyphic writing, counting system, mummification - all these are also the merits of the ancient Egyptians.
  5. The culture of Ancient Egypt is most appreciated for its architecture. The Egyptians primarily focused on the creation of tombs, attaching importance to the afterlife. Over time, the Egyptians began to master sculpture, including portraiture. Many of the statues are well preserved to this day. During the Middle Kingdom, they began to actively improve weapons, improving the technology of metal smelting. Glass production was established, the irrigation system was improved to increase the efficiency of agriculture.
  6. The Egyptians were interested in medicine, anatomy, mathematics, astronomy. Herodotus, known to the whole world, said that it was Egypt that began to teach us geometry.
  7. The Egyptians were good at predicting the sun, moon eclipse. They were the first to realize the effect of the influence of the moon on the tide cycle.

According to many scholars, the Egyptian solar calendar considered perfect among other civilizations. During the period of the New Kingdom, the Egyptians were able to improve mummification by learning how to embalm bodies, perfect relief and ornament, and make literature multi-genre. The heyday of poetry and painting fell on the reign of Akhenaten.


Initially, the Egyptians built houses from papyrus wood using its stems. They tied them with ropes, dug them into the ground to give strength to the structure. With the manufacture of clay, bricks began to appear. By mixing mud and earth with water, the Egyptians managed to get a good one by the standards of that time. construction material. The rest of the work was done by the sun, drying the stones. With the onset of the Middle Kingdom period, the technology of roasting became available to the Egyptians. Many houses are still preserved in excellent condition, which is explained by the strict observance of building standards.
The nobility lived in brick houses richly decorated with curtains. ABOUT high position the owner of the house was evidenced by the plaster and beautiful murals, which decorated all the rooms. Each yard had a swimming pool and a garden. The house could have several bedrooms, a reception room, a closet, a pantry and a place for ablution. There were separate rooms for women.
The dwellings of the poor were in the form of a block in which square windows were cut. Houses were located close to each other, forming narrow lanes. The floor in such a dwelling was made of earth, and there was only one room. It is rare to find several walk-throughs, although some had housing with a bedroom, kitchen, pantry and even a cellar. An indispensable attribute of the dwelling was the altar, located in the living room.
Housing development was influenced by progress, improved technology allowed the Egyptians to create houses that delight many builders around the world today. Their prototypes are used in fiction and cinematography.


The diet of the Egyptians was varied, but they were directly dependent on the Nile. During weak or excessive flooding, there were lean months. First of all, provisions were stocked up for the pharaohs, so the population had to save food. Bad harvest times provoked robberies: people did not hesitate to break into temples, attacking the guards, and were ready to do anything to get food.
In the harvest years, the happiness of the Egyptians knew no bounds. It is known that during the reign of the Ramses, most people ate a varied diet, as evidenced by the rich reserves in the tombs of the pharaohs themselves. This is confirmed by the hieroglyphs deciphered by Egyptologists.
Archaeologist Anthony Harris wrote that Ramses the Third was distinguished by unprecedented generosity, treating temple attendants and making offerings to the gods.
Meat was the most popular food in ancient Egypt. The tombs often depict animals being led to the slaughter. Ioa bull meat was considered the best. Fed, they could reach enormous sizes. Some animals grew so large that they could hardly walk. The quality of the livestock inspection was very strict, so the safety of the products was not in doubt.
Hunting allowed catching antelopes, gazelles, which were later domesticated. The development of animal husbandry eventually ceased, giving way to cattle breeding.
Wild animals were not only eaten, but also sacrificed. For example, oryxes - large antelopes, were mainly sacrificed to the gods.
The Egyptian people ate more poultry. Papyrus Harris shows that total during the record keeping, almost 20 thousand quails were counted.
The Egyptians used a lot of hunting equipment. They caught hippos with harpoons, birds with nets, and fish with tops.
A significant product was flour, which was made from barley, spelt or wheat. The harvesting of grain was mainly done by women. Processing was carried out using mills. Flour served as the basis for making bread. It is not difficult to guess that barley served not only as the basis for baking, but also for beer. It was national drink throughout Egypt, which was served in taverns and consumed at home.
According to Herodotus, the Egyptians liked to eat raw fish, although sometimes they resorted to curing and salting it. Food was often cooked over an open fire using various seasonings. Spreading meat on cakes, the Egyptians received well-known to modern residents Central Asia dishes. Ancient Egyptian recipes are detailed on stone slabs found during archaeological excavations. However, most of the instructions for cooking have not yet been deciphered. It is known, however, that the Egyptians were very fond of sweet pastries. As a filling could use:

  • fruits
  • milk
  • oil.

Historians note that the cuisine of the ancient Egyptians was high in calories - often melted fat was added to the dish.

The civilization of Ancient Egypt showed the whole world that collectivization can lead to prosperity. The Egyptians are among the peoples whose influence can hardly be overestimated. Nowadays, there are many facts that surprise even skeptics. For example, relatively recently it became known that the Egyptians were the first to invent batteries capable of generating electricity. Modern Egypt is a problematic country. Long lived off tourism, the Arabs who occupied it found themselves in a difficult position due to civil crises and a weak economy. Ancient Egypt has disappeared forever, but the memory of its former greatness will live on for a long time.

Of course, our article would not be complete without mentioning the secrets of the people. Therefore, we recommend watching a video about the five most interesting mysteries of Ancient Egypt.

Rest and life in Egypt - two big differences. This is when the resort ends and weekdays begin. Worldly, full of household chores, worries and surprises.
Russian Egyptian Yana will share with the magazine Reconomica experience of immersion in Egyptian realities.

How to save money on a flight, where to live and how to buy a home, about visas, prices and work, transport and medicine, about the local mentality - Yana will tell you in detail and in detail. This is a story about everyday life and everyday issues - that's what interests ordinary person after relaxing by the pool and contemplating the pyramids. Read the interview - it will be interesting!

Living in Egypt as a resort: mission possible

Hi all! My name is Yana Domoradova, I am 33 years old and I live in Egypt, in the city of Sharm El Sheikh.

The reason for my move is marriage: my husband is an Egyptian. The prospect of moving pleased, worried about one moment - the city in which we will live. The work of the husband allowed not to be attached to a certain place of residence.

Life in Cairo, I could not imagine even in a nightmare. The choice arose between Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, and we stood on the latter. There was only one reason - cleanliness. Egypt is very dirty, and only this city is exclusively a resort.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, mostly tourists and working personnel live: there are very few Egyptians, the indigenous population. Conferences and meetings at the state level are often held in Sharm, so cleanliness and safety are diligently monitored here.

Moving: a bride with a visa and one suitcase

To live in Egypt legally, I needed a residence visa. First, a fiancee visa is issued for 6 months for registration marriage contract. After that, a resident visa is issued for one year, then for 5 years, and only then they offer to obtain citizenship.

Recently, the purchase of real estate is not a reason for obtaining a resident visa. In general, the laws in this country are very loyal.

If you have overstayed any type of visa, no matter how long, then upon departure at the airport you need to pay a fine of $ 100. And that's all. You are not threatened with deportation and other sanctions. The cost of a resident visa for a year is within $ 60, for 5 years - about $ 300.

As for moving, we can say this: easy, but expensive. We had a lot of suitcases. According to the rules, only one suitcase is allowed per ticket. The rest of the luggage is paid extra.

If Egypt - then only Sharm el-Sheikh!

We took the tickets for a charter at an agency that sells tickets for charter flights. Regular travel agencies offer two-way tickets. If you find an airline that sells one-way tickets, the price will still be high. Therefore, it is better to contact specialized agencies.

It is worth noting that all airlines charge for extra baggage in different ways.

Some set a fixed amount for a suitcase, some for 1 kg, some have cheaper prices, some have more. It happens that when booking additional baggage there is a discount.

Egyptian prose of life

In Sharm El Sheikh, I encountered nuances that you do not notice when you come as a tourist. First we rented an apartment. I wanted to live in a house with direct access to the sea and the beach, but this is only possible on site.

The price for a two-room apartment is about $350 per month. By the way, studio apartment here - this is one bedroom and a living room, two-room - two bedrooms and a living room, three - respectively.

For a small family, a one-room apartment is enough.

A villa in Sharm el-Sheikh is good, a compound is cheaper.

If you rent in compounds, the price will be much lower.

It all depends on the compound. In a small one, you can rent a house for $120, or even for $250, if it has a developed infrastructure, a well-equipped territory, and there is an additional service.

In any case, all these are residential complexes with swimming pools. You will need to either walk to the sea or drive a little.

There are areas with villas in which apartments are rented. I do not really like this option, since all compounds are guarded around the clock. As for the villas, there is practically no security, and thefts often occur.

Despite the security in the city itself, thefts in apartments are a frequent occurrence. If you decide to rent a villa or an apartment in a villa, pay close attention to the issue of security.

Housing in Egypt: choice and purchase

After a couple of months, we took up the issue of buying an apartment. We considered only compounds. Prices depend on the location and arrangement of the territory.

For a two-room apartment, the price ranges from $ 15,000 and above. You can find it for $50,000 or more.

The pricing policy is simple: closer to the sea - more expensive, further from the sea - cheaper.

If you want to stay at the resort - live in Sharm el-Sheikh!

Apartments in villas are also inexpensive, and most importantly, they are located near the sea. It was important for me that we live in a clean, well-groomed area, where there are security guards, gardeners and other attendants. But if we consider the villa in its entirety, then this is the most successful option.

Apartments in villas have their advantages: for example, a private pool, close access to the beach, with a large terrace and yard. The price starts from $100,000.

There is also such a moment in Sharm el-Sheikh: the property bought by a foreigner remains in the property a certain amount of time (69-99 years).

Then, perhaps, it is necessary to re-register documents. I can't say for sure, I didn't know.

Repair in Egypt is a delicate matter

After buying an apartment, problems began with the repair. There are very few good artists here. You can’t leave them alone: ​​you need to follow everything they do. Even for little things. And be prepared for the fact that you will have to change masters more than once. It is better to search only according to recommendations - in order to avoid new costs.

Hotels, villas, compounds - but where to buy furniture?

Furniture is a different story. The city is a resort, the competition is small, there is no choice. Therefore, the prices bite. There are a couple of good companies, but their prices are high. There are workshops where prices are lower, but the quality and appearance match the price.

I ordered a kitchen from a trusted expensive company: the kitchen must be durable. I ordered sleeping beds, wardrobes in the workshops and saved a little. When ordering furniture, you need to stipulate everything that seems obvious to you, otherwise there may be surprises.

Jobs in Egypt

There are a lot of Russian speakers in Sharm, so you can find an occupation in any profession.

As for work, it is mainly work in hotels. There are many vacancies, but English is needed everywhere - at least its minimal knowledge. And if you know another language, you can get a job with a very high pay.

The famous Old Market in Sharm El Sheikh.

It is easy for our men to find work in the construction industry. As I wrote above, there is a big problem with the masters, and professionals are valuable. Many girls work for themselves: manicurists, hairdressers, beauticians, seamstresses. Services are much more expensive than ours, so you can earn good money. Some even cook Russian cuisine - it is popular with tourists.

Features of the mentality of the Egyptians

The Egyptians themselves do not work for the result. They are not interested in you becoming theirs. regular customer brought in a steady income. It is important for them here and now to bring down as many as possible. What will happen tomorrow - they do not think.

Their mentality is not geared towards making money. Today they have earned, and tomorrow they may not want to work.

So I tried to find a permanent one. In this city, in this country, it seems to me that this is impossible. Once he delivers at an adequate price, the next time you call, and he either calls the space price, or simply does not want to go. And this is the situation in many ways: Egyptians are often highly optional.

Egyptian everyday life: about prices, travel, food and medicine

There are many moments that you learn when you live in Egypt permanently. If I had read a similar article before moving, I would have saved both nerves and money.

And the night Sharm el-Sheikh is beautiful!

At first, I took taxis everywhere. Not knowing the real prices and distances, I paid in full - even tourists are not “bred” like that. Then I switched to minibuses. The difference turned out to be significant.

From one end of the city to the other, a trip by minibus will cost 4 Egyptian pounds, by taxi - 200 pounds.

On these minibuses I learned the city. I began to understand the distances and the real cost of a taxi.

Discount - resident bonus

Absolutely everywhere you need to say that you are a resident (this can be seen from the absence of bracelets on your hands). Hearing this in shops, taxis, cafes, sellers will make a discount. The discount can be symbolic, but to get the real price you need to know the real cost.

I was interested in prices for everything and everywhere. I dropped it to a minimum, and then I began to navigate in the real price list. So, for example, fresh mango costs 15 pounds in kiosks. In a cafe, you can give 25-40 pounds for it. In all cafes on the menu with prices for tourists, this fresh costs at least 50 pounds.

Say that you live in Sharm - they will give you a discount of 5 pounds. But if you insist, you will get its real price of 40 pounds maximum. Some establishments have a fixed 20% discount for residents.

The main thing is not to settle for the announced price. Bargain to the last: only in this way you will understand where the final, it is real, price.

I'll get back to the buses. As a standard, they will take at least $ 1 from you or not give change. Just by saying that you live in this city, you will get a fare of 4 pounds. But it is possible that the surrender will have to be reminded more than once.

Making money on a tourist is the international motto of taxi drivers. But you can't make money as a resident.

At first I paid 5 pounds, but no one gave me change of 1 pound. I was embarrassed to remind - it seems not so much. But then she became a witness when the Egyptians made a scandal for half a pound. And then I decided to take my money for myself. Therefore, just remind the driver about yourself - do not be shy.

What is nice is the schedule of minibuses. They run until late at night. Even at 3 o'clock in the morning you can leave by minibus. There are police posts throughout Sharm El Sheikh, so it is absolutely safe to drive at any time of the day.

About products and prices: how to save

Of course, there are supermarkets that have fixed prices. I buy everything there, except for fruits and vegetables, which are better to buy in the markets. There they are fresher and the prices are lower.

Sharm is a tourist city. You need to know where to buy groceries so you don't pay tourist prices. There is a market in the area of ​​​​Hadaba and Hainur, in the Old City there are many shops with fruits and vegetables - but the prices there are unacceptable. I found only one - "Faran", where a good choice and everything is very inexpensive.

In Egypt, it is customary to buy food to go in restaurants, and all have a “Take away” service. So, for example, no one cooks seafood at home. You order fish, soup and in an hour you just take it with you.

When you are a tourist, you do not think where to buy fish cheaper.

The price of the finished dish is the same as the products: it makes no sense to cook at home. And this applies to absolutely any food. And staying in a restaurant, you will have to pay a rather big tax for the service, which is introduced in Egypt. So it is more profitable to take food from the restaurant with you.

Medical matters: vigilance is the key to health

There are many doctors in Egypt, and clinics too. With a resident visa, the prices will be the same as for the Egyptians. If you have a tourist visa, you will have to look for a private doctor, not a clinic: prices in the clinic start from $100 per appointment.

The public hospital is not popular with our citizens. Doctors are not qualified enough, and salaries do not stimulate Good work. There are good specialists in private clinics, but it is still necessary to monitor sterility.

Taking blood tests without gloves is common. There is no need to be shy about making a remark - this is your health.

Conclusion. What do I think about Egypt and Egyptians

Summing up, I will say this: life in Egypt is possible for me only in Sharm El Sheikh. And even here it is difficult for me to get used to the careless attitude of the Egyptians towards life, health, work, children, and the environment.

Throwing trash outside your apartment is normal. Arranging a meeting or visit at 15:00, and arriving at 18:00 is the same thing: it's still light! Eating an apple just bought at the store without even wiping it is just as normal as asking for water from your bottle.

Life in Egypt - when the resort ends.

There are many moments that are difficult for us to understand, but there are also many positive ones. Incredible beauty sea, warm all year round, healing mild climate. Those who have problems with blood pressure, allergies - everyone here feels great.

Sharm El Sheikh is considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in the world.

A minimum of cars, no plants and factories - only the sea and mountains. Yes, and housing prices are not so high, and for some products they are completely pleasing. So, seasonal fruits and vegetables cost a penny. Mango in season costs $1 per kg. Cucumbers, tomatoes all year round cost about $0.50.

And most importantly, before making a decision to move, I strongly advise you to come and live here for two or three months. This is the only way to understand how the local mentality and life in this country suits you. As for me, I managed to live in Egypt and stay in a resort - almost. So happy to move.

In ancient times in the territory modern Egypt civilization arose in the Nile Valley, leaving behind many secrets and mysteries. It still attracts the attention of researchers and ordinary people with its color, its unusualness and rich heritage.

Thirty Dynasties of Egypt

It is not known exactly when the hunting tribes entered the Nile Valley and found there a lot of food and a wide river as a reliable source of water. Years passed. The rural communities organized here grew in size and became richer. Then they divided into two kingdoms - Lower (in the south) and Upper (in the north). And in 3200 BC. e. the ruler Menes was able to conquer Lower Egypt and organized the first dynasty of pharaohs, which controlled both the delta and the valley of the great Nile.

Map of unified Ancient Egypt

During the dynastic period, Ancient Egypt often became the dominant state in the region. This state had a complex social structure, advanced technologies for those times, a powerful army and developed internal trade. In addition, the Egyptians managed to achieve fantastic success in the field of construction - they were able to build efficient irrigation systems on the banks of the Nile, huge temples and pyramids that boggle the imagination of even a modern person. In addition, the Egyptians invented the hieroglyphic writing system, organized an effective judicial system and did many other important and amazing things.

In total, starting from 3200 BC. e., until the conquest of the Egyptians by the Persians in 342 BC. e. There were thirty dynasties of rulers of Egypt. It's true Egyptian dynasties- that is, their representatives were themselves Egyptians, and not conquerors from distant lands. The last pharaoh of the thirtieth dynasty was Nectaneb II. When the Persians invaded his state, he collected his treasures and fled south.

However, the history of Ancient Egypt, as many believe, does not end there. Then Alexander the Great was able to recapture Egypt from the Persians, and subsequently Ptolemy, Alexander's commander, began to rule this region. Ptolemy I proclaimed himself king of Egypt in 305 BC. e. He used local traditions, preserved from the ancient pharaohs, to gain a foothold on the throne. This (and also the fact that he died a natural death, and not as a result of a conspiracy) shows that Ptolemy was a fairly intelligent ruler. As a result, he managed to create his own special dynasty, which ruled here for more than 250 years. By the way, the last representative of the Ptolemaic dynasty and the last queen of Egypt was the legendary Cleopatra VII Philopator.

Some legendary pharaohs

The pharaohs stood at the top of the social ladder and were considered equal to the gods. Great honors were given to the pharaohs, they were considered so powerful that they were literally afraid to touch them.

On the neck, the pharaohs traditionally wore an ankh - a magical symbol and talisman, to which the Egyptians attached great importance. There have been many pharaohs over the centuries and millennia of Egypt's existence, but a few of them deserve special mention.

Almost the most famous Egyptian pharaoh- Ramses II. He ascended the throne when he was about twenty years old, and ruled the country for almost seven decades (from 1279 to 1213 BC). During this time, several generations have changed. And many of the Egyptians who lived at the end of the reign of Ramses II believed that he was a real immortal deity.

Another pharaoh worthy of mention - Djoser. He ruled in the 27th or 28th century BC. e. It is known that during his reign the city of Memphis finally became the capital of the state. However, Djoser went down in history primarily by the fact that he built the very first pyramid in Ancient Egypt (it is also the first stone pyramid in the whole world). architectural structure). More precisely, it was built by the vizier of Djoser - a man with outstanding abilities named Imhotep. Unlike the later pyramid of Cheops, the pyramid of Djoser consists of steps. Initially, it was surrounded by a wall with 15 doors, and only one of them opened. On this moment there was nothing left of the wall.

There were several female pharaohs in the history of ancient Egypt.. One of them is Hatshepsut, who ruled in the 15th century BC. e. Her name can be translated as "before the noble ladies." Having removed the young Thutmose III from the throne and declaring himself pharaoh, Hatshepsut continued the restoration of Egypt after the Hyksos raids, and erected a large number of monuments on the territory of her state. In terms of the number of progressive reforms carried out, she surpassed many male pharaohs.

In the time of Hatshepsut, it was believed that the pharaohs are the incarnations of the god Horus in the earthly world. In order not to sow confusion among the people, the priests reported that Hatshepsut was the daughter of the god Amun. But at many ceremonies, Hatshepsut still appeared in male attire and with a fake beard.

In modern Western culture Queen Hatshpsut was assigned the image of a smart, energetic, endowed analytical skills women. A place for Hatshepsut was found, for example, in the famous exhibition of the artist Judy Chicago " dinner party”, dedicated to the great women who influenced the history of mankind.

Pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled in the XIV century BC. e.- Another popular figure in the history of ancient Egypt. He carried out truly revolutionary religious reforms. He decided to make the previously unimportant god Aten, associated with the solar disk, the center of all religion. At the same time, the cults of all other gods (including Amon-Ra) were banned. That is, in fact, Akhenaten decided to create a monotheistic religion.

In his transformations, Akhenaten relied on people who held high positions in the state, but came from the common people. On the other hand, most of the hereditary priestly nobility actively resisted the reforms. Ultimately, Akhenaten lost - after his death, the usual religious practices returned to the everyday life of the Egyptians. Representatives of the new XIX dynasty, which came to power ten years later, abandoned the ideas of Akhenaten, these ideas were discredited.

Pharaoh-reformer Akhenaten, who, according to many scientists, was simply ahead of his time

And a few more words should be said about Cleopatra VII, who ruled Egypt for 21 years. It was really outstanding and, apparently, very attractive woman. It is known that she had an affair first with Julius Caesar, and later with Mark Antony. From the first she gave birth to a son, and from the second - two sons and daughters.

And one more interesting fact: Mark Antony and Cleopatra, when they realized that they could not resist the emperor Octavian, who was eager to capture Egypt, began to arrange endless drinking parties and festive feasts. Soon Cleopatra announced the creation of the "Union of suicide bombers", whose members (and all close associates were invited to join it) took an oath that they would die together. During the same period, Cleopatra tested poisons on slaves, wanting to know which one could bring death quickly and without severe pain.

In general, in 30 BC. e. Cleopatra, like her beloved Antony, committed suicide. And Octavian, having established his control over Egypt, turned it into one of the provinces of Rome.

Unique buildings on the Giza plateau

The pyramids on the Giza plateau are the only one of the so-called seven wonders of the world that has survived to this day.

Of greatest interest to Egyptologists and laymen is the Pyramid of Cheops. Its construction lasted about two decades and ended, probably, in 2540 BC. e. For its construction, it took 2,300,000 volumetric stone blocks, their total weight was seven million tons. The height of the pyramid is now 136.5 meters. The architect of this pyramid is called Hemiun, the vizier of Cheops.

Pharaoh Cheops gained the fame of a classical despot. Some sources report that Cheops used harsh measures to force the population to work on the construction of the pyramid. The very name of Cheops after he died was allegedly forbidden to pronounce. And the resources of Egypt as a result of his reign were so depleted that this led to the weakening of the country and the end of the Fourth Dynasty.

The second largest ancient Egyptian pyramid on the same plateau is the Pyramid of Khafre son of Cheops. It is indeed slightly smaller, but at the same time it is located on a higher hill and has a steeper slope. The Khafre Pyramid has the shape of a regular quadrangular figure with sides of 210.5 meters. Inside there is one burial chamber with an area of ​​71 m 2, in which the sarcophagus of the pharaoh was once kept. This chamber can be accessed through one of two tunnels.

The third pyramid - the pyramid of the pharaoh Menkaure- was built later than the other two. Its height barely reaches 66 meters, the length of the square base is 108.4 meters, and the volume is 260 thousand cubic meters. It is known that once the lower part of the pyramid was trimmed with red Aswan granite, a little higher the granite was replaced by white limestone. And finally, at the very top, red granite was again used. Unfortunately, the lining has not been preserved; in the Middle Ages, the Mamluks took it from here and used it for their own needs. The burial chamber in this pyramid is located at ground level.

Next to the three pyramids, everyone can see Great Sphinx - statue of a lion human face. This statue is 72 meters long and 20 meters high. Once between the front paws there was a sanctuary. The exact time of the creation of the Sphinx is unknown - there are disputes about this. Someone believes that Chefren built it, others say that it was Jephedra - another son of Cheops. There are also versions that the Sphinx appeared much earlier, about twelve thousand years ago (allegedly the ancient Egyptians simply dug it up during the dynastic period), and very dubious versions that the Sphinx was created by aliens.

Features of the society and lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians

The Egyptians believed that after death, the court of the god Osiris awaits them, who will put their bad and good deeds on different bowls of special scales. And in order for good deeds to outweigh, in earthly life it is necessary to behave appropriately.

In addition, it was important for the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt that their afterlife was like life on earth. Therefore, it was necessary to carefully prepare for the transition to another world. A wealthy Egyptian built an afterlife for himself in advance. When the pharaoh died, not only his body was placed in his tomb, but also many things that could be useful in another life - clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc. In this regard, the fact that the first pyramids were stepped - probably the steps were required so that the pharaoh could somehow rise to the world of the gods.

Egyptian society consisted of several classes and social status was of great importance here. The wealthy Egyptians were in fashion with wigs and elaborate headdresses, and they got rid of their hair. In this way, the problem of lice was solved. But poor people had a hard time - among them it was not customary to cut their hair "under zero".

The main clothing of the Egyptians was the usual loincloth. But rich people, as a rule, also wore shoes. And the pharaohs were accompanied everywhere by sandal bearers - there was such a special position.

Another fun fact: for a long time in Egypt, transparent dresses were popular among wealthy women. In addition, to demonstrate the social status of the Egyptians (and the Egyptians too) put on necklaces, bracelets and other similar accessories.

Some professions in ancient Greek society - a warrior, an official, a priest - were inherited. However, to achieve a significant position, thanks to their talents and skills, was also quite realistic.

Most of the able-bodied Egyptians were employed in agriculture, handicrafts or the service sector. And at the very bottom of the social ladder were slaves. They usually performed the role of servants, but at the same time they had the right to buy and sell goods, to receive freedom. And having become free, they could eventually even enter the nobility. The humane attitude towards slaves is also evidenced by the fact that they were entitled to medical care at the workplace.

In general, Egyptian healers were very enlightened for their time. They were well versed in the features of the human body and carried out very complex operations. According to the studies of Egyptologists, even the transplantation of some organs for local healers was not a problem. It is also interesting that in ancient Egypt, some of the infectious diseases were treated with moldy bread - this can be considered a kind of analogue of modern antibiotics.

Also, the Egyptians actually invented mummification. This process looked like this: the internal organs were removed and placed in vessels, and soda was applied to the body itself so that it would not decompose. After drying the body, its cavities were filled with linen soaked in a special balm. And finally on last step the body was bandaged and closed in a sarcophagus.

Relations between men and women in ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, men and women had virtually equal legal rights. The mother was considered the head of the family. The pedigree was conducted strictly along the maternal line, and land ownership also passed from mother to daughter. Of course, the spouse had the right to dispose of the land while the spouse was alive, but when she died, the daughter received the entire inheritance. It turns out that a marriage with the heir to the throne could well give a man the right to rule the country. Including for this reason, the pharaoh married his sisters and daughters - in this way he protected himself from other possible contenders for power.

Marriages in ancient Egypt were mostly monogamous. However, a rich Egyptian man, along with his legal wife, could keep a concubine. On the other hand, a woman who had more than one man could be punished.

Marriage in ancient Egypt was not consecrated by priests, the Egyptians did not arrange magnificent wedding festivities either. In order for the wedding to be recognized as valid, the man had to say "I take you as a wife", and the woman had to answer "You take me as your wife." It is important to add here that it was the Egyptians who first began to wear wedding rings on the ring finger - this custom was later adopted by the Greeks and Romans.

Ancient Egyptian newlyweds also exchanged gifts with each other. Moreover, during a divorce, you could return your gift (a very good custom). And in the later periods of the history of Ancient Egypt, the conclusion of marriage contracts became quite common practice.

Documentary "Ancient Egypt. The history of the creation of the ancient Egyptian civilization "

History ... This word evokes many associations - huge libraries of books, dusty tomes, fragile scrolls that keep the secrets of ancient civilizations. History is an area of ​​the mysterious and unsolved past, understanding and knowledge of which can give the key to the events of the future. History is often presented as a dry set of facts and events - foreign wars, internal reforms, uprisings. However, in any textbook there are paragraphs devoted to the socio-cultural life of society, and one should not ignore them and underestimate their significance. After all, history is, first of all, the people who create it. What was the life of farmers and artisans in ancient Egypt? This will be discussed in the article.

Civilization of Ancient Egypt

Ancient civilizations are surrounded by a mystical halo of mystery, some aspects of their life still remain a mystery. Many researchers, scientists, and simply history buffs are attracted by the civilization of Ancient Egypt - one of the oldest world civilizations. It originated in the middle of the 4th millennium BC. in northeast Africa along the lower reaches of the Nile. Surrounded by natural boundaries (the Nile rapids to the south, the Mediterranean Sea to the north, mountain ranges and tropical deserts to the west and east), Egyptian civilization was a vast oasis among arid deserts. The prosperity of Ancient Egypt was largely due to the seasonal floods of the Nile, which filled the soil with moisture and brought fertile silt. In early June, algae appeared in the waters of the Nile, which painted the river green, then volcanic dust fell into the Nile, giving the water a reddish tint. The water level rose, and the river overflowed its banks, flooding the valley. In October, the water level began to decline. Thanks to such natural conditions the soils of the Nile valley were favorable for agriculture. The entire economy of ancient Egypt was based on productive agriculture.

irrigation system

To make the most of the Nile waters, the Egyptians developed the first irrigation system in history. They built earthen embankments that separated the fields, laid special drains and channels to their plots. When the Nile flooded, the water flowed exactly where it was sent with the help of this system of channels, lingered in the squares formed by the embankments, nourishing and saturating the earth with moisture and fertile silt. From a bird's eye view, the whole country looked like a chessboard. The irrigation system protected cities and gardens from floods by directing water flows in the right direction. Among other things, it also made it possible to solve the problem of drinking water.

The need to build and maintain an irrigation system required enormous efforts and forced farmers to unite. So there were nomes - associations of agricultural communities. As they developed inside, there was social stratification- the top of the nobles gradually stood out, taking on leadership functions, and the nomes themselves united. Thus, the creation of a unified irrigation system was a prerequisite for the emergence of a centralized state in Egypt.

The social structure of ancient Egyptian society

The social structure of the ancient Egyptian society is similar to the Egyptian pyramid: at the top is the pharaoh, below are the officials, priests and military leaders, then the nome nobility, then the farmers and artisans, at the very bottom of the pyramid are the slaves.

The majority of the population are farmers and craftsmen. How did these people live in Egypt? With their labor they fed not only the family, but also the pharaoh, his numerous servants and the army. What did farmers do in ancient Egypt? And the artisans? This will be discussed further.

Agricultural work calendar

So, how did the farmers and artisans live in Egypt? Let's talk about the first ones first. The entire agricultural life of ancient Egypt depended on the floods of the Nile. In November, when the fields were freed from water, it was possible to start work - the land was cultivated, crops were planted. In March-June of the modern calendar, a drought came to Ancient Egypt, which meant the time for harvesting and paying taxes - the very first ears were given to the nobles. At the same time, preventive maintenance of the irrigation system was carried out, preparing for a new flood of the Nile. While the fields were covered with water, the work of farmers in ancient Egypt was focused on the construction of temples and tombs of the pharaohs and nobility.

Tools of an ancient Egyptian farmer

Thanks to the fertile layer of silt, the earth was so soft that it was possible to plow it even with a light wooden plow. Livestock drove through the sown areas, which trampled grain into the ground, which made it possible to protect the crop from birds. Ripe ears had to be removed from the field as soon as possible, since there were frequent invasions of mice and locusts. For harvesting crops, a sickle was used, originally a wooden base with a silicon or bronze insert, later bronze and copper sickles appeared. The threshing of grain was also carried out with the help of livestock - they were allowed to trample and pull the cut ears. Then the grain was winnowed - scooped up with wooden shovels and thrown up so that the wind would blow away unnecessary husks and debris. Most of harvested crops were used to pay taxes.

farmer's daily routine

How was the farmer's day in ancient Egypt? Work began at sunrise and ended after sunset. After breakfast, the men went to the fields to work the land, remove weeds, sow, water the plants, dragging buckets of water from the irrigation basins. When the sun rose to its zenith, it was possible to take a short break, have a snack and drink water, relax in the shade under a canopy. And then back to work. Sowing work is hard work, so it fell only on men's shoulders. Women worked on the threshing floor, winnowing the threshed grain in the wind. Children, until they grew up, helped in the household, collecting fuel for hearth- dry grass, branches, manure.

Cultivated crops and personal farming

From grain crops, ancient Egyptian farmers sowed wheat and barley, and also cultivated flax for making fabric.

Leeks, beans, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, and lettuce were planted in the family's garden plots. Grapes, dates, and fig trees were common.

Some families on their plots were engaged in breeding sheep, goats or pigs, poultry(geese, ducks, pigeons) and even bees in special clay vessels.

food of the ancient egyptians

The owner of the house, as a rule, woke up earlier than the rest of the household and had breakfast alone, immediately after washing. His food was barley cakes, soft and tasty bread made from sour dough, which the Egyptians were the first to learn how to bake, and barley beer or kvass. Occasionally on holidays there was meat on the table.

Women got up later, had breakfast with fruits and clean water.

Lunch usually consisted of bread, vegetables and fruits, poultry or fish, and beer.

A common delicacy for the poorer segments of the population were sweet fruits, rhizomes or papyrus stalk.


The hot climate allowed the Egyptians to get by with a minimum of clothing.

Women wore dresses like sundresses - straight long shirts made of coarse fabric - kalaziris.

Men wore loincloths - shenti. The head was covered with a linen bandage or cap, or a special wig.

The Egyptians walked mostly barefoot, woven sandals appeared later and were highly valued - they were often carried with them in their hands, shoes only reaching their destination.

Worn by farmers and various decorations bronze and ceramics.

House of an ancient Egyptian farmer

In what houses did farmers live in Egypt? The majestic pyramids of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, built of stone, have been perfectly preserved to this day and excite the thoughts and imagination of researchers. But the stone was used only for the construction of tombs and temples. For other needs, clay bricks were used, made from water, earth and straw with the addition of clay and Nile mud.

The floor was trampled below ground level, steps were made at the entrance. The heat-insulating properties of raw bricks and the semi-basement location of the house made it possible to maintain a fairly comfortable temperature inside the house during the midday heat. The windows were small square holes in the ceiling. Lamps filled with olive oil or castor bean oil were used for lighting.


Now you know how the farmers lived. And the artisans in Egypt did not feast. Their lives were also difficult.

In 1905, a whole settlement of artisans was discovered, employed in the construction of temples in the Valley of the Kings. Its study allowed archaeologists and historians to compile a picture of the life of artisans in ancient Egypt. Inhabiting Deir el-Medina, they occupied a more privileged position than the rest. For their work, they received payment in products (grain, fish, meat), fabrics or silver.

Craftsmen worked in special workshops belonging to the Egyptian nobility. There, their work was supervised by craftsmen who assessed the quality of manufactured products, and scribes strictly kept records of consumable materials. In their free time from orders, artisans could earn extra money by fulfilling orders from private individuals, because, like farmers, they had to pay rather high taxes. Where did artisans live in ancient Egypt? It often happened that they lived and worked in the same workshop. Or they had a separate, but very modest hut.

Types of crafts of ancient Egypt

What did the artisans do? Jewelers were highly valued in ancient Egypt. They served the needs of the pharaoh, the nobility and priests, creating amazing jewelry and religious objects - the statues of Egyptian gods were covered with gold and inlaid precious stones, sacrificial bowls were made of silver, the tombs of the pharaohs were filled with numerous golden utensils, designed to serve the deceased after his death in afterlife. This craft was often inherited from father to son.

Blacksmiths made weapons and tools from copper and bronze, later from iron.

What else did the artisans do? Carpenters worked mainly on imported raw materials - after all, only palm trees grew in Egypt, the wood of which was used to make ordinary simple furniture. For the needs of the court, pine and ebony were exported to the country.

Potters set up mass production of utensils, often decorating them with glaze or reliefs.

Weavers wove linen. There was even a special dye for dyeing fabrics. Tanners, shipbuilders, shoemakers - simple artisans, like farmers, worked from early morning until late at night.

We should not forget about the artisans involved in the processing of reeds and the manufacture of papyrus, which has preserved for us many valuable pieces of information from ancient Egyptian history.

Market relations

The division of labor in society involves the further exchange of goods and services between representatives of various professions and crafts. Money did not exist in Ancient Egypt, but there was their equivalent - most likely, the cost of a product was measured by the weight of the grain.

The work of an artisan in ancient Egypt was not easy, but it was well paid, and they themselves were respected in society. Despite some primitiveness of the instruments, the quality of the work of the ancient Egyptian masters was very high.

Now you know how farmers and artisans lived in Egypt. Their life cannot be called simple and carefree. The maintenance of numerous pharaoh's nobility and troops fell on their shoulders. Paying taxes was a heavy burden for the common people, they had to work all day to feed their families. But it was thanks to their labors and efforts that Ancient Egypt was able to achieve such an unprecedented prosperity and greatness and leave ancient monuments that have survived to this day.

The Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest on the planet. The state of Egypt still exists today. However, this article deals with the Egyptian state during the period of the early kingdom (about 3100 - 2549 BC). The Egyptian ethnos probably developed in the process of mixing various tribes of Northeast Africa, and possibly a number of tribes who later lived in Asia Minor also participated in it. Judging by the surviving images and bone remains, the ancient Egyptians were people of strong physique; with swarthy complexion and black smooth hair. Politically, Egypt of the Early Kingdom was a rather unstable confederation, consisting of separate regions (Nomes). In the most early period The early kingdom (before unification) on the territory of Egypt there were two independent states - upper Egypt and lower Egypt.


In the period of the early kingdom, Egypt (the ancient self-name of Egypt - Black Earth (Land of Kem, Ta - Kemet)) was considered only the valley of the Nile River. In ancient times, the southern border of Egypt was considered the first from the Egyptians - the last rapids along the river on the Nile, to the south of which the Nile Ethiopia (Nubia) was located. The whole life of the Egyptian civilization is closely connected with the Nile. It was thanks to the fertile (rich in river silt deposits) soils in the Nile Valley that the very existence of a highly developed Egyptian civilization became possible. From the border rapids, the Nile flows through a narrow valley squeezed by mountains - this part of the country was called Upper Egypt. Approximately 300 km from mediterranean sea the valley expands, and the Nile fan-shaped forks into several branches flowing into the Mediterranean Sea - this part of the country was called lower Egypt. The ancient Greeks called it "Delta" because the Nile river system in this area is shaped like the Greek letter D ("delta"). Lower Egypt was swampy due to its proximity to the sea and, consequently, excess moisture.


The main occupation of the Egyptians during this period was agriculture. Great progress has been made in the creation of irrigation systems. The ancient Egyptians were also engaged in cattle breeding (oxen, donkeys, rams, goats). In lower Egypt, agriculture was less developed than in upper Egypt, but there were great successes in horticulture, horticulture and viticulture. Also, the Egyptians were engaged in fishing, flax growing, hunting and breeding waterfowl. The Egyptians mined copper, gold, wood, various types of stone. Of the crafts, weaving, papyrus production and pottery were common. The Egyptians were engaged in trade - in particular, during excavations, dishes were found that were made on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

Means of transport

Due to the peculiarities of the geographical position of Egypt of this period, the Nile served as the main route of communication, so river boats and boats were of great importance.


Palaces and rich houses were built of wood, reeds and mud bricks and were often surrounded by brick walls. The houses of ordinary Egyptians were built of reeds and clay. The tombs of noble Egyptians (the rooted name is mastabas (Arabic)) were built of brick and stone and had ground and underground parts. The civil structures of the early kingdom are practically unknown to us.


Little is known about the military affairs of the early kingdom - there is only information about the wars of upper Egypt with lower Egypt (before the unification of Egypt) and the wars of the Egyptians with other tribes (in particular, with the Nubians). Information about the number of captured prisoners and booty paints a picture of fairly large-scale wars, but they should be treated critically.

Art and literature

Many small and a small number of large early Egyptian sculptures of people and animals have survived to our time. Individual sculptures amaze with their skill and precision of detail, but in general, sculptures of this period are often disproportionate. separate parts body. Some progress has been made in painting ( flat images carved on stone). The literature of the early kingdom is practically unknown to us.

The science

The Egyptians had a written language, used the decimal system of counting. Certain advances were made in astronomy, mathematics and geometry. The level of the Nile spill was measured annually.


The religion of the Egyptians was polytheistic, but most of the gods were local patrons. A number of gods (for example, the sun god Ra) had a common Egyptian meaning. There was an idea that a person has a soul - a double. The ancient Egyptians also believed in magic. The figure of the ruler was deified.

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