Summary of the GCD on the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development" for children of the senior group "Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky - my small Motherland. "My small homeland"


Olga Kobzeva
Open lesson on the topic: "My small Motherland" in the senior group.

Integration of educational areas : cognitive development, speech development, physical development, social and communicative development.

Program content:

to form love for the native city and interest in its past and present; to acquaint children with the history of the name of the city, to cultivate a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen; to introduce wild animals living in our forests; to introduce children to Ekaterina Keib, a famous sportswoman of our city. Enrich and activate vocabulary. Cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for the small Motherland.

Preliminary work: talks about the city; excursions around the city; looking at photographs with views of the city;

Materials: photographs with views of the city; an audio recording of a song about Balashov; pictures of paper sheets, felt-tip pens.

An audio recording of a song about Balashov sounds

Educator. Hello blue sky) Hello golden sun Hello free breeze Hello little oak tree. We live in our native land, I greet you all. Why do we love our Motherland Russia? Because nowhere is the Motherland more beautiful! Guys, look, this is a map of our country. And what is the name of our country (Russia) A map can tell a lot about our country. Russia is big and strong state, in which there are many cities, lakes, rivers, forests. We are proud of our country. But each of us has our own small Motherland - that corner of the earth where we were born, grew up, where our home is located.

Child: Small Motherland - an island of the Earth. Under the window, currants, cherries blossomed. And a white birch, and under it a bench. Affectionate, my small Motherland! Tell me, please, what do you like about our city? (children's answers)

(beautiful flower beds, modern playgrounds, sports grounds, fountains) Today representatives of large families came to visit us: these are Natalia Anatolyevna Sedova and Elena Vladimirovna Zharkova. Please tell us if your family has favorite places in our city? Where do you take your children on weekends (the word to the guests).

But it wasn't always like that. Can you imagine that once upon a time there was nothing on this place, where our city is now located?

The teacher's story. Guys, what is the name of our city? (Balashov) And why was it called that? According to one of the legends, our city was named after Vasily Balashka, who lived on a farm in the first half of the 18th century. He was young and hardworking. He was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, on wild unoccupied land. Gradually, 300 peasants moved to him and a village called Balashovo turned out. .There were brave, daring people who knew how to live well and amicably. And so, by decree of Empress Catherine II, the village of Balashovo was transformed into the city of Balashov. (show photo of "Old Balashov"

Everyone living in our city considers it the most beautiful, most comfortable and tries to do something useful, necessary, leave behind good memory We have a lot of people, our countrymen who do everything to make the city more beautiful, richer, we are proud of those teachers and doctors who teach and treat people, our athletes who participate in various competitions, poets who compose such wonderful poems, poems. These are all our fellow countrymen who live next to us, from whom we can take an example, whom we can be proud of. While you are still preschoolers, you have yet to do great, good deeds. In the meantime, you need to love your city, and to love means to know it.

Let's play a game: "What do you know about your city?"

What is our city named after? ()

What is the name of the street where you live

What street is our kindergarten? ()

What is next to the kindergarten? (school, kindergarten, residential buildings)

What streets of the city do we know? (.)

Which school is next to the kindergarten? ()

How many kindergartens are there in our city? ()

How should people, children treat their hometown? (carefully, keep cleanliness) Showing a photo of modern Balashov. And now I invite you to modern, today's Balashov: this educational establishments of our city: University, School of Music, medical school, agricultural college, vocational school. There are many students in our city, they study different professions. And in our city there are monuments (to soldiers of the Second World War, soldiers to Afghans and border guards)

I see that you know your city well. And now I invite you to listen to the statements and determine whether they are true. If not, prove that it is not.

The game "Is everything right, prove it."

Do we live in America? (in Russia) Display the flag of Russia, and the coat of arms.

Do Russians live in Russia?

Our city is called Voronezh? (Balashov)Show coat of arms of Balashov

Do we have monuments in the city? Which?

The head of our city VV Putin?

Does the forest grow around our city?

The children answer.

Educator. It is true that a forest is growing around our city. Let's go there.

Fizminutka "Autumn Forest" (sounds of the forest)

We have come to the autumn forest!

How many miracles are around here!

On the right - a birch in a dress is standing.

On the left, the tree is looking at us.

Here the bunny jumped

He ran away from the fox.

The gray wolf roams through the forest,

He is looking for prey.

We all hide now

He won't find us now.

Sparrows fly by

How beautiful are our birds!

Around - peace and quiet,

Well, it's time for us to go home.

Guys, now we will play the game "Who lives in our forest?" Children come to the table and choose only those animals that are found in our forest. Well done. You know everything about the nature of our region. Nature must be loved, preserved and protected. After all, the sun, air and water are ours best friends! So? And what else do people need to be beautiful and healthy (go in for sports) Do you go in for sports? And today, the famous athlete Ekaterina Keib, a three-time world champion, multiple winner of the European Championship, multiple winner of the European Sumo Championships, came to visit us, she will now tell you about what she does

Educator. Today we talked about how our city began to be built, what it is now. You showed with your answers that you know and love your native Balashov. As we wrap up our conversation, let's dream about what you want to do for the city when you grow up. Our dream game will be called “Dreamers” and it can be started with the words: “When I grow up. ”

(When I grow up, I will be a builder and build a swimming pool in the city.

When I grow up, I will be a businessman and buy a lot beautiful toys for all kindergartens in our city.)

What wonderful dreams you have!

I think that each of you will definitely succeed in fulfilling your dream. In the meantime, you can do it on paper using felt-tip pens. Imagine that a huge square of the Sun was built in the center of the city. Every Sun Ray is your dream. I suggest you draw your dream at the ends of each ray.

On a pre-prepared material from 4 sheets of drawing paper, the sun is drawn with rays emanating from it, at the end of which the children draw their dream. After finishing drawing, the children go around the table, looking at each other's drawings. One prepared child reads a poem about the Motherland.

Project in the senior group "My small Motherland"

MBDOU "Kugessky kindergarten "Berry"

Cheboksary region Chuvash Republic

Pedagogical project

V senior group


caregiver: Nikitina

Natalia Grigorievna

For Russia, the village is a particle,

And for us, he parental home.

And we're glad we can be proud

Malaya motherland, where we live".

What we We call home?

The house where we live

And the birches along which

We're walking with mom!

View project: long term, group, information and creative.

Members project: children 5-6 years old, parents of pupils, teachers.

Relevance of the topic: Acquaintance with the native village has great importance in the education of patriotic feelings of preschool children, in the development of their intellectual and creativity, in expanding horizons. « Small Motherland» - this is, first of all, his family, home, kindergarten, nature that surrounds him, memorable places native village, its cultural and historical centers, streets, famous people who are proud of. However, conversations with children show that children's knowledge in this area is insufficient, superficial.

Target project: To introduce children to their native village and its sights. Cultivate a sense of pride in your little one Motherland, the desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Tasks project:

1. Introduce children to their native village (history, symbols, sights). Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the village.

2. Teach children how to navigate the streets, how to follow the rules of safe movement around the village.

3. Shape ecological culture in children and their parents desire to take part in environmental protection activities.

4. To cultivate interest and love for the native village, region, the ability to see the beautiful, be proud of it.

Estimated result:

Children can know and name the place residence: village; some enterprises of the native village and their significance; symbols of the village, sights; flora and fauna;

Children can give their home address, kindergarten address; feel love and affection for home, family, kindergarten, happy to go to kindergarten;

Children can know and name the place of work parents, the significance of their work; feel pride and respect for the work of adults; to show attention and respect to veterans, the elderly, to provide all possible assistance.

Themes project:

1. My native village. Streets of my village.

Informative conversation "Through the streets of our village" (acquaintance with the history and sights of the village of Kugesi).

Targeted walk through nearby streets “We walk the streets, we will see everything, we will recognize everything”. Repeat home address.

Introduction to symbols. Reading, telling children about our village. Examination of photographs brought from home, illustrations from family archives.

D/games "Tell me where you live", "Name the streets of our village", "Find out, name what is in the photo". Drawing on topic: "We are walking in the park", "The house I live in".

Registration in photo exhibition group“We love and know our village Kugesi”.

Review competition of drawings and posters "My village Kugesi".

Role-playing games "Family", "Village Journey", "Kindergarten". Exhibition of family creative works "My safe way to a kindergarten".

2. Buildings and sights of the village.

Teacher's story "Monuments, sights of Kugesi". Examination of photographs, albums in a book corner with memorable places.

Target walk along the street. Soviet. Consolidation of knowledge about the streets, buildings, residential buildings our village.

Excursion to the library.

Target walk to music and art schools.

Making up stories "Kindergarten is our home".

Drawing on a theme "My Kindergarten".

Role-playing games "Kindergarten", "School", "A toy shop". Didactic games "Familiar Signs", "Name your profession".

3. Village transport. Children on the street.

Acquaintance with road signs for pedestrians. Monitoring the movement of cars on the street. Target walk with parents To pedestrian crossing, traffic lights: learning the rules of safe traffic, crossing the street.

Application "Buses ride through the village". Consolidation of knowledge about transport.

Didactic games "Red, Yellow, Green", "Can-Impossible", "Road signs".

Role-playing games "Bus ride", "Green Light" and etc.

4. The nature of the native village. Rest places.

Conversation about the preservation of the nature of the native village. Target walks with parents into the forest in different periods of the year.

Children's labor in nature: picking up dry leaves, collecting seeds, clearing snow, planting plants, etc.

Promotion "Feed the birds in winter!".

Examining trees, leaves while walking. Consideration of illustrations, photographs about the nature of the village of Kugesi in different time of the year. Reading poems about birch - a symbol of Russia.

Educational quiz "Who lives in our forests?".

Enriching children's ideas about folk winter fun games walking, playing snowballs, skiing, sledding, skiing.

Design and presentation of family newspapers: "How we relax with the whole family", "How I spent this summer".

5. Residents of the village.

Introduction to professions. Monitoring the work of adults on the improvement of the territory of the kindergarten.

Targeted walks in nearby streets villages: monitoring the work of people on the improvement of the village.

Excursion to the post office "Who works at the post office?"

Game-occupation "Journey to the City of Masters" (professions of kindergarten workers).

Didactic games "Who needs what to work?", "Name your profession", "Familiar Signs".

Festive lesson-concert for dads and grandfathers. "Our Defenders". Consideration of illustrations depicting weapons, soldiers of different branches of the armed forces.

group"Let's serve in the army" (teamwork) .

“Introduction to the professions of our mothers.

The release of the poster-congratulations in group"Our mothers"

6. Interaction with parents.

Questionnaire « Patriotic education preschoolers"

Conversations with parents.

Children's co-creation and parents in the design of exhibitions "Crafts from natural and waste material".

attraction parents for joint activities, group holidays and entertainment.

Consultation: “The role of the family in educating children in love for small Motherland» .

Target walks "My Street Life".

Parent meeting"Education of love for the native village and city in kindergarten and family".

7. Bottom line project.

Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”

Quiz game "Do you know your little Motherland

Abstract of the lesson in senior group(5 – 6 years old)

"My small homeland - Kugesi»


Give children an idea of ​​what motherland, motherland;

To acquaint with the map and symbols of the Russian Federation;

Form an idea of ​​a small Motherland;

Clarify and expand knowledge about the native village;

Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary on the topic;

Cultivate love for the native land.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of the capital of Russia, Chuvashia, sights of the village of Kugesi and nature native land, recording of the anthem of the Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic.

1. Organizational moment.

The song sounds: "Where does it begin motherland

What is the song about? (O Motherland)

Today we will talk about Motherland.

2. The main part. Conversation about Motherland

Tell me what is motherland? (Motherland is a country in which we born and live. These are forests, fields, rivers. This is our city. This is the place where loved ones live People: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother. This is the place where our kindergarten stands. This is a place that people miss being in a distant land. This is the most precious thing a person has. This is the land where our ancestors worked.

Yes, each of you correctly answered my question.

Now listen to the poem about Motherland:

"What we We call home?

The house where we live

And the birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What we We call home?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside the window!

- motherland is the country in which we live.

What is it called? (Russia)

Tell us what you know about Russia? (children's answers)

Russia is big country. It has many cities, rivers, forests. A main city our country? (Moscow)

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. We are proud of our country.

Russia - you are a great power!

Your expanses are infinitely great,

For all ages you crowned with glory,

And there is no other way for you!

There are many cities in Russia. Guys, tell me where we live?

(In Chuvashia)

(show map)

Look - this is a map of the Chuvash Republic. The capital is Cheboksary. And we live in the village of Kugesi. Do you think our Republic is big or small? (children's answers)

Symbols of our republic: coat of arms and flag.

The triple repetition of the star that overshadows the main part of the coat of arms - the shield, means Chuvash folk concept"Pulna, Pur, Pulatpar ("Were. We are. We will be.") and is its graphic expression. The emblem is located above the central part of the coat of arms - the shield. Its lower end is at the level of a conditional straight line connecting the two upper semicircular peaks of the shield.

The colors of the state emblem are yellow (gold) and purple (sandal red)- traditional colors Chuvash people. Yellow (Sarah) color in Chuvash folklore endowed with the concept of beautiful color, personifying all the most beautiful and bright. Gold in the heraldic interpretation - wealth, justice, mercy, generosity, constancy, strength, fidelity. Purple color is one of the most common colors among the Chuvash, which performed the main elements. folk ornament. Purple in heraldic interpretation - dignity, power, courage, strength.

The state flag of the Chuvash Republic is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio 5 :8 crossed on yellow (up) and purple (at the bottom) fields, with purple ancient Chuvash emblems located in the center of the flag - the "Tree of Life" and "Three Suns".

The colors of the national flag are yellow (gold) and purple (sandal red)

In the geometric middle of the flag's cloth there is a composition that occupies 1/3 of its length and consists of the emblems "Tree of Life" and "Three Suns".

There are many fields, forests, rivers, meadows in our region.

Guys, they live in our Republic different nations (Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, etc.) All of them live in peace and harmony.


What we We call home?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

On which we are walking.

What we We call home?

The sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What we We call home?

The land where we live.


Hello world. (hands up)

It's me! (on the chest)

And around my country! (scatter)

The sun is burning in the sky (up)

And the earth lies at your feet! (incline)

There are forests! (lock right)

And then there are the fields! (lock left)

Here are friends (head turn)

And friends are here. (right and left)

Hello home - you are the best (spread downwards)

Hello, mighty native land! (spread tilted up)

Hello my country! (scatter)

Hello world!

Meet me!

Guys, do you know that each country has its own symbols? Which? (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

Look - this is the coat of arms of Russia. What is shown on it? (children's answers)

National emblem Russian Federation made in the form of a red quadrangular heraldic shield. Its lower corners are rounded, and it is pointed along the edges. The shield depicts a golden double-headed eagle with spread and raised wings. He is crowned with three crowns connected by ribbons. The eagle holds a scepter in its left paw and an orb in its right paw. A small red shield is depicted on his chest, in which a silver rider is located on a silver horse and in a blue cloak. He strikes a black dragon with a spear of silver, which is knocked over backwards. The color scheme of the golden double-headed eagle on a red background has been present in the coat of arms since the 15th-17th centuries. What does the coat of arms with the image of an eagle mean? This bird is the most majestic among all the others. Since ancient times, it has been a royal symbol of power. Eagles were depicted on the monuments of the time of Peter the Great. Also, the three crowns depicted above the heads of the eagle belong to this era. Now they symbolize the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and all its subjects. The scepter and orb in its paws represent single state and his power. The horseman slaying the dragon with a spear is an ancient symbol of the defense of the Fatherland, the struggle of light against darkness and good against evil.

The second symbol of the Russian Federation is the flag. The national flag is the face of the country, a symbol of independence.

What colors do you see? (White blue red).

What do these colors mean? (children's answers)

White is a symbol of purity, honor and peace;

Blue is the sky.

Red is the color of the sun, energy, strength, life.

The third character is the anthem.

Do any of you know what an anthem is? (children's answers)

Listening to the anthem of Russia.

A hymn is a solemn song. When do you think it is performed?

Children: - It is performed on especially solemn occasions, during the raising of the national flag, during national holidays during military rituals and sports competitions. When the anthem of any country is played, the people listening to it stand up, the men take off their hats. This shows respect for the country.

But our Chuvash Republic also has its own anthem. Let's listen to him.

Guys, Russia is our big motherland. Every person and every one of you has small motherland. Maybe some of you know what small motherland?

- Small Motherland - a corner, Where are we were born, the place where we live, where our house is located, where people close and dear to us live.


Small Motherland - an island of land,

Under the window currant, cherry blossoms,

The apple tree is curly, and under it is a bench -

Affectionate, my small motherland!

3. Ball game "What is our village?"

Now we will play a game where each of you must tell what is our village? I ask you question: what is our village?

Our village... (beautiful, clean, green, modern, beloved, amazing, blooming, magnificent, hospitable, multinational, beautiful, wonderful).

Do you love our village? (children's answers)

Why do you love him? (I love Kugeshi for what it has....(schools, new sports complex with two swimming pools, stadium, gardens, house, friends)

4. Summary of the lesson.

And so our journey has come to an end. Motherland. Today you learned about Much new to the motherland. Is it true?

- Namely: your family, your house is located in Chuvashia in the village of Kugesi.

Chuvashia is in Russia.

Well done boys!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 37

Zaprudnoe village



" SUN"


Educator: Kalinechenko Olga Alekseevna

Zaprudnoe village, 2015


keep shaping elementary representations pupils about their small homeland - the village of Zaprudnoe.


To give an idea that for each person the small Motherland is the place where he was born, where he spent his childhood;

Cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland (socialization);

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about their native village;

To instill respect for the traditions and customs of their small homeland.

Children present: 10 people

Vocabulary work: native, native; native side; Motherland; Russia; small motherland.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, we received a letter today. Let's see what's there. (we open). This letter says that the guys from another city want to learn about their small homeland. And telling children about it, we will be doing interesting tasks.

1.D / i: "Pick up a word." You need to come up with the words "native", "native", a suitable word. Remember who or what we can call native.

Suggested responses from children: mom, dad, brother, sister, home, kindergarten, city, region.

2.Educator: - Guys, how do you understand the expression " native side»?

- "Native Side" is a place where everything is dear and close to us, where we were born and raised, where everything is dear to us.

Such a place is also called in another way - "Motherland".

Listen to the poem: (the teacher reads).

"Where does the Motherland begin?"

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer.

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

No one can take away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From the same birch that is in the field,

Leaning under the wind, it grows.

3. Educator:

D / and: “Call me affectionately” (with a ball)

Children pass each other a ball and call each other affectionate name. After the circle has formed, the teacher says:

We have a tight circle. Here we are one big strong and friendly family. We live together, go to kindergarten together, celebrate together general holidays We speak the same language, we live in the same country.

What is the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia).

Yes, our Motherland is Russia.

Let's look at the flag and coat of arms of our country. What colors does the Russian flag consist of?

Children: White; blue, hope; red.

4. Educator:

Our country is huge, and who leads our country? (children's answers)

And what is his name? (children's answers)

caregiver : - But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow up - this is our native land, this is our small homeland.

Educator: - Each of us has a small Motherland.

And now it is necessary to correctly insert vowel sounds into the missing places, then we will be able to read what we will talk about next. (v. Zaprudnoe). What is the name of the village in which we all live? (v. Zaprudnoe).

I suggest listening to the song - “My Russia has long pigtails” (listening to an excerpt)

5. Physical minute:

Rise up, pull up

Two - bend, unbend.

Three - three claps in the palms, three nods with the head.

Four feet wider

Five - wave your hands

Six - sit quietly on a chair.

6. View illustrations "Sights of our village". (To the music "Hymn of Russia")

7. Educator: - And now I'm very interested to know what are the streets on which you live? (children name streets)

And now let's remember what we talked about, what tasks did we complete?

I think that the children learned a lot about their small Motherland. Really guys?

8. Educator: For you guys, I have prepared such a heart, this is our love for the Small Motherland. I suggest you take this heart and say just one word, for which we love our village.

Game "Pass a heart and say a word."

(the game takes place with calm music)

Children say why they love their city and pass on a heart toy.

I love my village because it is beautiful.

I love my village because it is green.

I love my village because it is cozy, etc.

Well done boys! What do you think should be done to continue our

small motherland - s. Zaprudnoye remained just as beautiful and only got prettier from year to year?

Children's answers: Love your village, take care of it, do not litter, do not

break, improve it, plant flowers, trees.

Educator: Guys, if you look from a bird's eye view, our houses will look like squares. What do houses really look like? I suggest you draw your house, your street.

Children draw with piece of music"Russia has long pigtails"

This concludes our lesson, I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you


Material Description: I offer you a summary directly educational activities for older children preschool age on the topic "Small Motherland". This lesson is aimed at fostering interest and love for their native land, its sights and the surrounding nature. Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation complete picture peace, the world), "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity".
Target: continue to acquaint children with their native land, with its history, sights and surroundings
educational: learn to identify and resolve problem situations highlight the characteristic and essential features of the sights of the native city
developing: to develop dialogical and monologue speech attention, observation, logical thinking, emotional responsiveness; encourage the use of explanatory speech.
upbringing: to cultivate love and interest in the native land, careful for its sights and nature.
Vocabulary work: Russia is my homeland; city ​​- Kirensk; Coat of arms; Flag; Prison; Printing house; Telegraph.
Materials and equipment: photos; books about Kirensk and Kirensky district; collection "Kirensky district" (poems and stories of our fellow countrymen; computer; projector and screen; envelopes with "Puzzles"; map of Russia; sheets-cards.

GCD progress:

1. Organizational moment.

We welcome guests.
Educator: Guys, listen to a short poem.
Hello! You will tell the person.
Hello! He smiles back.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy,
And will be healthy for many years.

Educator: What do we wish a person when we say "Hello"? That's right, health!
Educator: And now let's greet our guests.
Guys, we got an answer from the museum. Listen carefully: "Dear guys, we are very glad that you are taking part in qualifying round. We have received the results of the first stage and want to tell you that you have completed the tasks well. Therefore, we are sending you the second package of tasks for the next round, and we wish you good luck. Sincerely, the staff of the local history museum.
2. Main body
Didactic game: "What and why?"
Educator: Guys, your task is to compare and find the relationship between nature and the environment.

1. Why is there light in our house? (From the lamp)
2. And what can be compared with a lamp in nature? (Sun)
3. The sun not only shines, but also warms. What can you compare the sun in the house with? (With home heater, stove, radiator)
4.In nature it's raining and in our house?
5. In nature, the wind, but in the house? (Fan)
6. There is a floor in the house, but in nature?
7. We have a carpet on the floor, but on the ground?
8. In an ordinary house there are stone and wooden walls, but in nature? (mountains and trees)
9. In nature, snow falls, accumulates on high mountains and in the house? (A person has learned to “make” snow in the refrigerator)
10. Wild animals in nature, but in the house? (Homemade)
Educator: Well done! You have completed the task. Before we move on to the next task, solve the riddle.
Countries without people
Cities without houses
Forests without trees
Seas without water (geographic map)

Teacher: Answer a few questions.
1. What country do we live in? (Russia)
2. Residents of Russia? (Russians)
3. Your small homeland? (Kirensk)
4. Now the city of Kirensk, and before? (Kirensky Ostrog)
5. What kind of animal is depicted on the coat of arms of our city? (Sable)
6. The main solemn song of our state? (Hymn)
7. Residents of Kirensk? (Kirenchane)
8. In what region is Kirensk located? (Irkutsk)
9. Show it on the map.
10. Show it on the map.
11. What does the word jail mean? (Part, island, separately. That was the name of our city before).
12. How did the word city come about (enclose, enclose. Protection from enemies: fenced with high fences)
13.Which factories and cultural centers work in Kirensk? (Printing house; Pharmacy; Hospital; KPPK; City Library; Playground; D / c "Star")

Educator: Well done, you answered correctly and coped with this task. We are waiting for the next.
Didactic exercise"Collect and Say"
Guys, you need to collect the whole image and say what is shown on it.

Fizminutka to the music "I draw" DJ Rodikoff
Educator: The next task is "Find a couple." Guys, you need to carefully look at the pictures, using a felt-tip pen, draw lines from the pictures on the left side to the pictures with right side. And explain why. (verify with presentation)

Educator: Continue the sentences:
Something surprises you in your album: there are not drawings in it, but some ... (photo).
To confirm the biography with an image, I'll paste my self ...
Pieces of paper are like films, they store moments of history (photos).

Educator: The next task is called “Photo” (pictures appear, children name what is shown).
(view the slides and complete the task)

Integration of educational areas: "Communication" , "Knowledge" , "Reading fiction» , "Music" .

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, musical and artistic.

Objectives: to give children an idea of ​​​​what the Motherland, native land is. To introduce the map and symbols of the Russian Federation, to form an idea of ​​the small Motherland, to clarify and expand knowledge about hometown; develop coherent speech, activate the vocabulary on the topic, cultivate love for the native land.

Planned results: has an idea about his native city; knows the concept "symbolism" formulates answers to the questions of the teacher.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of the capital of Russia, the city of Orenburg, sights of the city and nature of the native land, recording of the anthem of Orenburg and the anthem of the Russian Federation.

1. Organizational moment.

The song sounds: "Where does the Motherland begin?"

What is the song about? (about Motherland)

Today we will talk about the Motherland.

2. The main part. Conversation about the Motherland

Tell me, what is homeland? (Motherland is the country in which we were born and live. These are forests, fields, rivers. This is our city. This is the place where loved ones live: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother. This is the place where our kindergarten stands. This a place that people miss being in a distant land. This is the most precious thing a person has. This is the land where our ancestors worked).

Yes, each of you correctly answered my question.

- And now listen to a poem about the Motherland:

“What do we call Motherland?
The house where we live
And the birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside the window!

Motherland is the country in which we live.

What is it called? (Russia)

Tell us what you know about Russia? (children's answers)

Russia is a big country. It has many cities, rivers, forests. And the main city of our country? (Moscow)

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. We are proud of our country.

Russia, you are a great power!
Your expanses are infinitely great,
For all ages you crowned with glory,
And there is no other way for you!

There are many cities in Russia. Guys, tell me, what city do we live in?

(In Orenburg)

(show map)

Look - this is a map of Orenburg. Do you think Orenburg is big or small? (children's answers)

Our city is large, it has many fields, forests, rivers, meadows.

Guys, different nations live in our city. What peoples live in our city? (Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, etc.) All of them live in peace and harmony.


What do we call motherland?
The house where you and I grow up
And birches along the road
On which we are walking.

What do we call motherland?
The sun in the blue sky
And fragrant, golden
Bread at the festive table.

What do we call motherland?
The land where we live.


Hello world. (hands up)
It's me! (on the chest)
And around my country! (scatter)
The sun is burning in the sky (up)

And the earth lies at your feet! (incline)
There are forests! (lock right)
And then there are the fields! (lock left)
Here are friends (head turn)

And friends are here. (right and left)
Hello home - you are the best (spread downwards)
Hello, mighty native land! (spread tilted up)
Hello my country! (scatter)

Hello world!
Meet me!

Guys, do you know that each country has its own symbols? Which? (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

Look - this is the coat of arms of Russia. What is shown on it? (children's answers)

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is made in the form of a red quadrangular heraldic shield. Its lower corners are rounded, and it is pointed along the edges. The shield depicts a golden double-headed eagle with spread and raised wings. He is crowned with three crowns connected by ribbons. The eagle holds a scepter in its left paw and an orb in its right paw. A small red shield is depicted on his chest, in which a silver rider is located on a silver horse and in a blue cloak. He strikes a black dragon with a spear of silver, which is knocked over backwards. The color scheme of the golden double-headed eagle on a red background has been present in the coat of arms since the 15th-17th centuries. What does the coat of arms with the image of an eagle mean? This bird is the most majestic among all the others. Since ancient times, it has been a royal symbol of power. Eagles were depicted on the monuments of the time of Peter the Great. Also, the three crowns depicted above the heads of the eagle belong to this era. Now they symbolize the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and all its subjects. The scepter and the orb in its paws represent a single state and its power. The horseman slaying the dragon with a spear is an ancient symbol of the defense of the Fatherland, the struggle of light against darkness and good against evil.

The second symbol of the Russian Federation is the flag. The national flag is the face of the country, a symbol of independence.

What colors do you see? (White blue red).

What do these colors mean? (children's answers)

White is a symbol of purity, honor and peace;

Blue is the sky.

Red is the color of the sun, energy, strength, life.

The third character is the anthem.

Do any of you know what an anthem is? (children's answers)

Listening to the anthem of Russia.

A hymn is a solemn song. When do you think it is performed?

Children: - It is performed on especially solemn occasions, during the raising of the state flag, during national holidays, during military rituals and sports competitions. When the anthem of any country is played, the people listening to it stand up, the men take off their hats. This shows respect for the country.

But our city of Orenburg has its own anthem. Let's listen to him.

Guys, Russia is our great Motherland. Each person, and each of you, has a small Motherland. Maybe some of you know what a small Motherland is?

The Little Motherland is the corner where we were born, the place where we live, where our house is located, where people close and dear to us live.


Small Motherland - an island of land,
Currants under the window, cherries blossomed,
The apple tree is curly, and under it is a bench -
Affectionate, my small Motherland!

3. Ball game "What is our city?"

Now we will play a game where each of you must tell what our city is? I ask you a question: what is our city?

- Our town… (beautiful, clean, green, modern, beloved, amazing, blooming, magnificent, hospitable, multiethnic, beautiful, wonderful).

Do you love our city? (children's answers)

Why do you love him? (I love Orenburg for what it has ... (schools, squares, parks, gardens, home, friends)

(differentiated approach for strong children)

4. Summary of the lesson.

So the journey through our country has come to an end. Today you learned a lot about the Motherland. Is it true?

Namely: your family, your home is located in the city of Orenburg.

And the city of Orenburg is in Russia.

Well done boys!

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