Control work on the novel "fathers and sons". on peasant houses in the estate of Odintsova


Target: Develop students' creativity. With the help of tasks of a game nature, repeat the knowledge of the biography and work of I. S. Turgenev, the content of the novel “Fathers and Sons”, expand students' ideas about his heroes.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Today we will turn to the personality of this great Russian writer and person, we will try to creatively comprehend some pages of his works.

Reader 1: “An amazingly pleasant thing to do is lie on your back in the forest and look up. It seems to you that you are looking into the bottomless sea, that it spreads wide under you, that the trees do not rise from the ground, but, like the roots of huge plants, descend vertically, fall into those glassy clear waves; the leaves on the trees either shine through with emeralds, or thicken into golden, almost black greens ...

Ending with itself a thin branch, a separate leaf stands motionless on a blue patch of transparent sky, ”Turgenev writes in one of his works.

Reader 2: There is an inexplicable mystery in his words. The unique melody of Turgenev's speech flows surprisingly easily, airily.

Music sounds: Tchaikovsky, First Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, II part.

Portraits of Turgenev are shown: drawings by P. Viardot, A. A. Bakunin, Lipgart, A. Benois, portraits of Lamy, Nikitin, Repin, Perov, photographs of Panov, etc.

Reader 1: Although there are many portraits of Turgenev among the authors - the most famous Russian artists: Repin, Perov, Kharlamov, Pokhitonov, K. Makovsky and others - nevertheless, according to the unanimous recognition of contemporaries, they do not convey either the beauty and charm of Turgenev, or his aristocracy.

Therefore, the memories, stories and testimonies of people who knew Turgenev and his contemporaries are so important.

Reader 2: “Great, handsome and kind… So he was as a person and as an author; such were his mind, heart and appearance,” recalls Ludwig Pitsch.

Reader 1: “Turgenev, like a Greek fire, which does not go out anywhere in the water, wherever it passes - he will light it up everywhere, he is a wonderful, lively, inspiring person. In his presence, all the abilities of the spirit are warmed by living fire ... As he says, a miracle!” Alexei Bakunin enthusiastically exclaims in a letter to his brother.

Reader 2: “A Barin from the central Great Russian area spoke in Turgenev. Two-thirds of his life spent abroad did not discolor him at all ... In a whole thousand foreigners, he always stood out not only for his huge figure and picturesque head, but for his manner of carrying himself, special facial expression, voice intonations. It is difficult for foreigners to develop such a voice with such a figure: it would certainly be stronger, thicker or tougher, in general, much more effective, ”says the writer and journalist P. Boborykin, whom Turgenev met in Russia and abroad in the 60-80s .

Reader 1: Here's another piece of evidence. P. Antokolsky, sculptor: “Jupiter! was my first impression. His majestic figure, full, beautiful, his soft face, bordered by thick silvery hair, his kind eyes had something unusual, he reminded me of a lion, in a word - Jupiter ... "

Reader 2: “He spoke wonderfully, reporting the most insignificant fact artistic value and peculiar amusement, but he was loved not so much for his sublime mind, but for some kind of touching naivety and the ability to be surprised at everything. And he really was incredibly naive, this brilliant novelist who traveled the whole world, who knew all the great people of his age, who read everything that a person could read, who spoke all the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof Europe as freely as in his own, ”writes French writer Guy de Maupassant.

Today we have a literary game in the lesson, dedicated to creativity this amazing writer. The game is played by two teams.

Each team has its own fans who will also take part in the competition.

So we start.

Team task number 1.

Before you is a famous portrait of I. S. Turgenev (author Repin). Compose according to it verbal portrait conveying features of appearance, personality, inner life writer.

Host: While the teams are working, we offer fans a literary quiz:

  1. What was the name of Turgenev's first work?
  2. Name the first essay printed by Turgenev from the series “Notes of a Hunter”.
  3. To what story did Turgenev take the words of Tyutchev as an epigraph: “The land of the native long-suffering - // The land of the Russian people!” ?
  4. In what work did Turgenev most vividly display the features of his landowning mother?
  5. Which of the landowners in one of Turgenev's stories, having learned that the cart with the cook had collapsed and that the cook’s stomach was crushed, “he was frightened in earnest and immediately ordered to ask: are his hands intact? When he received an affirmative answer, he immediately calmed down”?
  6. Which forester took pity on the poor peasant who cut down the master's forest and let him go?
  7. To whose memory did Turgenev dedicate his novel “Fathers and Sons”?
  8. Which of the characters in Turgenev's works "stands up for the peasants", but, "talking to them ... frowns and sniffs cologne"?
  9. In what work of Turgenev does one of the characters give the following characterization to another: “Your brother, nobleman, cannot go further than noble humility or noble boiling, and this is nothing ... You are a nice fellow; but you are still a soft, liberal barich…”?
  10. Which of the heroes of Turgenev “on his desk ... has a silver ashtray in the form of a peasant's bast shoes”?
  11. Name the story in which Turgenev depicts the approach of night in this way: “Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like thundercloud; it seemed that together with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from the heights ... The pale sky began to turn blue again - but that was already the blue of the night. Asterisks flashed, stirred on it.
  12. About whom Turgenev writes: “... they brought him to Moscow, bought him boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom and a shovel in his hands and assigned him as a janitor”?

Team performances on task number 1.

Host: We recalled some events from the life of Turgenev, turned to his works. And now let's ask the teams to complete tasks related to the content of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Team task number 2.

According to the description of the estate, determine in whose estate you ended up. What details of this description correlate with the characters' personalities?

a) “The estate ... stood on a gentle open hill, not far from the yellow stone church with a green roof, white columns and al fresco painting over the main entrance, representing the “Resurrection of Christ” in the “Italian” style ... Dark trees of an old garden, an alley of trimmed fir trees led to the entrance.

b) “... on the slope of a gentle hill, finally, a small village opened up ... Next to it, in a young birch grove, one could see a noble house under a thatched roof. At the first hut, two peasants in hats were standing and swearing.

c) “He built a house, services and a farm, set up a garden, dug a pond and two wells; but the young trees were badly received, very little water was accumulated in the pond, and the wells turned out to be of a salty taste. Only one gazebo of lilacs and acacias has grown quite a bit; they sometimes drank tea and dined in it.”

Host: While the teams are working, we offer the task to the fans.

Time, meetings, environment - it all plays important role in the formation of a person's personality. Turgenev knew and was friends with many figures of domestic and foreign culture. What are the names and works known to you created by these people.

Team task number 3.

Library "Fathers and Sons": give each character the book that he reads in the novel. On what basis will you select books for each character?

Nikolai Petrovich - “Buchner “Stoff und Kraft”

Bazarov - Pushkin "Gypsies"

Arkady - Liebig's works

Kukshina - Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Arina Vlasyevna - Kislyakov's article on women's labor

Vasily Ivanovich - novels by George Sand Pelous et Fremy “Notions generales de Chimie”

Sitnikov - Michelet. “De l amour” Compositions by Horace, Ducret-Duminil “Alexis, or the Cabin in the Woods”

Host: Russian Noble Society II half of XIX century was distinguished by the desire for spiritual life. Music, art, literature - all this constituted the circle of interests of people close to Turgenev. Literary and musical salons discussed new literary works, poems were read here, favorite romances were often heard here.

Alyabyev's romance to the verses of A. Delvig "The Nightingale" sounds.

The results of task No. 3 are summed up.

Leading: Assignment to teams No. 4.

Write a letter on behalf of literary hero. Imagine at what point Bazarov could write a letter. What would this letter be about? In the letter, try to convey the character of the hero, the features of his feelings, his speech.

Leading: We listened to the letters, experienced feelings again Main character, rethought the most dramatic pages of the novel and were again convinced that Turgenev shows all the worst and best in his heroes through their ability to love. Offended sense of dignity, rivalry in love in the 19th century often led to a duel. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Bazarov were well aware of the rules of a duel, although in their time they were not called to a duel so often.

Assignment to teams No. 5

Remember the conditions under which Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich shoot. How were these conditions violated? What role does this play in revealing the characters of the main characters?

Host: Turgenev tested all his heroes with love. The pages of his works, telling about love, of course, are inspired by what the writer himself experienced.

Reader 1: In the autumn of 1843, Turgenev first heard the singing of Pauline Viardot and was literally bewitched by her extraordinary voice and artistry. From this moment on, all Turgenev's life, his talent, wealth were laid at the feet of this woman.

The romance “On the road” (“Misting foggy ...” ) to Turgenev's verses, music by Abaze.

Reader 2: Did she love him? There was much that was attractive in the grace, intelligence, and beauty of the young Turgenev. Of course she liked it. I also liked his love for her. But she didn't hurt him. He had no power over her. She did not suffer for him, did not suffer, did not shed that blood of the heart that love requires.

Why do I keep repeating a dull verse?
Why, in midnight silence,
That passionate voice, sweet voice,
It flies and asks me, -
For what? the fire of silent suffering
It was not I who ignited in her soul ...
In her chest, in anguish of sobs
That groan didn't sound to me.
So why so crazy
Soul runs to her feet
As the waves of the sea rush noisily
To unreachable shores?

Reader 1: For 40 years, Turgenev's life was intertwined with the life of Viardot. He is in love. She allows herself to be loved. He spends many years of his life in France. He called Courtavenel - Viardot's estate - the cradle of his glory. The most Russian “Notes of a Hunter” were written in France. One fifth of all Turgenev's works were written there, under the wing of Viardot. Love gave birth to inspiration.

A poem in prose sounds “How good, how fresh the roses were ...”

Reader 2: The relationship between Turgenev and Viardot was a confirmation worldly rule defined by the writer: “Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first." Turgenev's suffering was a reflection of the tremendous power of a sense of devotion, selfless, unrequited love, but as beautiful as true love can be.

The poem in prose "When I'm gone" sounds.

The results of task No. 5 are summed up.

Competition results.

The final word of the teacher: Concluding the lesson, I want to wish you friendship with the great writer, a deep and enduring interest in his work, in the ideals worshiped by Turgenev.

Literature used in preparation for the lesson:

  1. I. S. Turgenev in the memoirs of his contemporaries: // In 2 volumes - M., 1983.
  2. Zaitsev B. Life of Turgenev // Zaitsev B. K. Far. - M., 1991.
  3. Kuchina T. G., Ledenev A. V. Control and verification work on literature. Grades 9-11. - M., Drofa Publishing House, 1997.


    We offer options for students to complete tasks No. 1 and No. 4.

    Bazarov's letter (option of the first command)

    Priceless Anna Sergeevna!

    By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be here. Fate had a quick end for me. But I do not regret anything, except that our last meeting was more than cold! I could not, and perhaps did not want to pour out my soul before you, to reveal my feelings. That now, when my end is near, I want you to know that you - the only woman who was able to breathe love into me, a feeling that I uncompromisingly denied.

    It is with a woman like you that I would like to share my thoughts and views. It is you that I would always like to see next to me. But, alas, you do not share my feelings. It was fate that punished me for my self-confidence and denial of everything and everyone. She sent me a love test. And I'm glad I experienced that feeling. Now I know that love exists and that it is beautiful. It is happiness and tragedy, because it reveals in a person everything that he carefully concealed for many years from others and from himself. Left alone with myself, I was indignantly aware of the romance in myself.

    If anyone had even hinted at the possibility of what was going on in me then, I would have burst into contemptuous laughter and street abuse. Yes, I was a great hunter of women and female beauty, but love in the ideal sense would be called rubbish, unforgivable nonsense. He considered knightly feelings to be something like deformity or illness.

    Yes, it is a disease. But beautiful and bright. And I loved you with this love. Even when I told you that before you is a mortal who has long come to his senses and hopes that others have forgotten his nonsense, I still loved you, stupidly, madly ... as before.

    Farewell! Live long! And don't deprive yourself of love.

    Evgeny Bazarov.

Bazarov's letter (option of the second command)
I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

In my soul it has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to sadden you with anything.

How strange it is... I just don't want to believe that I am writing these lines. I, who quite recently scolded and reproached poetry, did not recognize the arts, suddenly discover in myself some pathetic romantic.

Now everything is clearer than ever. You once told me that you have no desire to live. I beg you, Anna Sergeevna, believe me, as a person who loved only you, that life is wonderful gift, a peculiar form that we ourselves fill with either boredom and cynicism, or hypocrisy and envy, or ...

You never loved me, I know, but you fell in love with yourself easily, as if playing, just out of curiosity. You may even feel some guilt. Leave it right.

I am grateful to you for the new, full range of feelings that you gave me. Everything changed all around - my eyes were opened and I saw marvelous colors in nature, for the first time I noticed something that I did not even suspect existed.

It is desperately painful to say goodbye to this new life, which suddenly struck me with its multicolored life, however ... Alas!

Thank you. I bless you. I didn't live without you...

Option for completing task No. 1.

Repin's 1874 portrait of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is one of the best depictions of the writer. By this time, Turgenev had already lived a long life. He achieved true fame, gained great life experience, endured many hardships, and carried unrequited love in his soul for many years. And all this left its mark not only on his appearance, but also on inner world, which was reflected in the portrait by the great artist Ilya Efremovich Repin.

The painter managed to convey the greatness and humanity of a brilliant writer. Repin achieves this by means of deep psychological characteristics, thoughtful composition and generalized pictorial-plastic modeling of the face and hands. Monumentality of the image of Turgenev is given by a slightly lowered horizon; in general, a black jacket is painted in broad strokes, emphasizing the clear smoothness of the silhouette of the figure, light spots of the hands and head give balance and strength to the composition.

In the most majestically simple pose of Turgenev, in a beautiful head with a white lush beard and gray hair, in a “huge venerable” figure, the significance of his personality is felt. Pince-nez in the right hand emphasizes aristocratic refinement and artistry. His soft, “biblical” face, bordered by silver hair, majestic, strong, broad figure, gray beard, kind caressing eyes - all these features remind us of the God Jupiter. The writer's eyes are also very expressive, in which we see great longing. It can be assumed that this is homesickness. The expression of Turgenev's eyes is tired and sad. Probably, thoughts about the Motherland, about the expanses of the Oryol region, about his beloved Spassky overwhelm his soul.

Option for completing task number 2.

a) Odintsova's estate. The idea of ​​regularity and order, which organizes Anna Sergeevna's whole life, is also visibly manifested in the “man-made”, “ordered” landscape - trimmed Christmas trees and an alley drawn “according to a ruler”.

b) The house of Bazarov's parents. The simplicity and unpretentiousness of everyday life, following the natural, natural routine of life is a kind of antithesis of the “organized harmony” to which Odintsova’s life is subject.

c) The estate of Nikolai Petrovich. The pathos of active transformation (Nikolai Petrovich strives to keep up with life and does not shy away from economic innovations) is opposed by the poetic nature of the reformer himself - and therefore the “lyricism” (“useless” acacias and lilacs) dominates in the appearance of his house, and not the “practical acumen” of the landowner.

Option for completing task number 3.

Bazarov and Arkady have a common set of authors: the works of chemists Liebig, whom both Kukshin and Buchner also intend to read (Bazarov recommends giving his book to Nikolai Petrovich). The book of French scientists T. Peluza and E. Fremy Bazarov advises reading Odintsova - as a guide for amateurs. The “emancipated” Kukshina, in addition to scientific works on chemistry, reads “Moskovskie Vedomosti”, where she comes across “Kislyakov’s article on women’s labor”, and she recommends a book by the French historian Michelet to Bazarov and Arkady - judging by the context, “on the foundations of emancipation ". George Sand convicts Sitnikov of preferring novels to Emerson Kukshin's philosophical treatises.

Nikolai Petrovich, meeting Arkady, recalls lines from Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin": "How sad your appearance is to me, / Spring, spring, time for love"), at his leisure he reads "Gypsies", but he soon has to part with Pushkin's poem: Arkady exchanges it for Buchner's pamphlet.

The only book that Arina Vasilievna Bazarova read in her life was the sentimental novel "Alexis, or the Cabin in the Forest", while Bazarov's father showed interest in Horace .

Option for completing task number 5.

The “standard” duel rules are violated in “Fathers and Sons” from the very beginning: there was no obvious quarrel between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov that could serve as an official basis for a duel - Kirsanov simply hated Bazarov, and he despised him. The seconds of both sides were replaced by a common witness - Peter, moreover, a person of non-noble rank. Due to the lack of seconds, Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich personally agreed on the rules of the duel. Each duelist was entitled to two shots. According to the terms of the duel, the opponents had to fight at ten or eight steps - or rather, they did not agree, the scene of the duel itself is thoroughly parody: Pavel Petrovich tries to observe all the subtleties of dueling etiquette, Bazarov condescendingly agrees with him (for example, in the episode of choosing pistols: “Please choose” . – “I deign”). Bazarov laughs it off, and for Pavel Petrovich, the world order that he is trying to protect from Bazarov's invasion is made up of little things.


"Rakityan Agrotechnological College»

Academic discipline


Test material on the topic:

“The novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev"

for 1st year students

professions 35.01.15 Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in agricultural production


Olga Alexandrovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

OGAOU SPO "Rakityan Agrotechnological College"

settlement Rocket, 2014

  1. To whom did I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"?
Answer: __________________

  1. Indicate what type of COMPOSITION the author used in the novel "Fathers and Sons".
a) circular or cyclic

b) consistent

c) parallel

  1. What character are you talking about:
From childhood he was distinguished by remarkable beauty; besides, he was self-confident, a little mocking and somehow amusingly bilious - he could not help but like. He began to appear everywhere as soon as he became an officer. He was carried in his arms, and he spoiled himself?

a) V.I. Bazarov

b) Arkady Kirsanov

c) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

d) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

  1. What character are you talking about:
Everyone in the house was accustomed to him, to his casual manner, to his uncomplicated and fragmentary speeches. Fenechka, in particular, got used to it so much that one night she ordered to wake him up: Mitya had convulsions and he came and helped the child.

Answer: _____________________.

  1. Match the description of the estate and the hero - the owner of this estate.

Description of the estate:


  1. The manor ... stood on a gentle open hill, not far from the yellow stone church with a green roof, white columns and paintingsalfrescoabove the main entrance, representing the "Resurrection of Christ" in the "Italian taste" ... Adjacent to the house on both sides dark trees old garden, an alley of cut fir trees led to the entrance.

A) the estate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

  1. On the slope of a gentle hill, finally, a small village opened up ... Next to it, in a young birch grove, one could see a noble house under a thatched roof. At the first hut two peasants in hats were standing and swearing.

B) the estate of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

  1. He built a house, a service, and a farm, planted a garden, dug a pond and two wells; but the young trees were badly received, very little water was accumulated in the pond, and the wells turned out to be of a salty taste. Only one gazebo of lilacs and acacias has grown quite a bit; they sometimes drank tea and dined there.

C) the house of Bazarov's parents

Answer: 1 - ____, 2 - ____, 3 - ____.

Corps of Pages

service in the Guards


departure to Baden

arrival at the estate

departure to Dresden

arrival from his estate to the city

  1. Find out the character of the novel from the biography presented by the main facts.
passion for chemistry

the invention of mastic

departure to Heidelberg

the study of architecture

Answer: ____________________________________

  1. On what circles of Russian society does E. Bazarov place his hopes?
A) the peasantry

B) noble aristocracy

C) Russian patriarchal nobility

D) intelligentsia

  1. Remember the contextual antonyms in the novel for the word "nihilist".
Answer: _________________, _________________, ___________________, __________________.

  1. Which of the characters is not directly involved in the action?
a) Fenichka

c) Odintsova

d) Princess R.

11. The disputes of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" were conducted around various issues that worried the social thought of Russia. (find the odd one):

A) about the attitude to the noble cultural heritage.

B) about art, science.

C) about the system of human behavior, about moral principles.

D) the position of the working class.

12. Determine the string love conflict in Fathers and Sons?

a) scene with Fenechka in the arbor

b) visiting Odintsova dying Bazarov

c) Bazarov's explanation of Odintsova's love

d) meeting of Bazarov and Odintsova at the governor's ball

13. Whose portrait characteristic?

Long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat upward, downward pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sandy whiskers, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.

a) Nikolai Kirsanov

b) Pavel Kirsanov

c) Evgenia Bazarova

d) Arkady Kirsanov

14. In the lines of which characters the following proper names sound. Match the name and character.

Answer: 1 - _____, 2 - _____, 3 - _____, 4 - _______.

15. Restore the storyline of Bazarov and Arkady.

A) Odintsova's estate

B) the estate of the Bazarovs

C) the Kirsanovs' estate

16. "Color" landscape sketch, choosing from the definitions given under the line, Turgenev's.

The morning was glorious, fresh; small ____________ clouds stood like lambs on __________ azure; fine dew poured out on leaves and grasses, shone silver on cobwebs; the wet _________ earth seemed to still keep a trace of the __________ dawn; songs of larks rained down from all over the sky.

ruddy, red, motley, dark gray, bright blue, pale clear, colored, off-white, gloomy black, dark.

17. Critical article "Bazarov" wrote ________________.

18. I.S. Turgenev is deservedly called the "master of the Russian landscape." What is the nature of the landscape in the final scene (at the grave of E. Bazarov) of the novel "Fathers and Sons"?

Answer: __________________________.

19. The main conflict of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is:

A) a quarrel between E. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov.

B) the conflict that arose between E. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov

C) the struggle between bourgeois-gentry liberalism and revolutionary democrats.

D) the struggle between the liberal monarchists and the people.

20. Which of the heroes I.S. Turgeneva D.I. Pisarev gave the following description:Superbly executed caricature of a brainless progressive ».

A) Bazarov

B) P.P. Kirsanov

B) Sitnikov

D) N.P. Kirsanov


1. V.G. Belinsky

4. Bazarov

5. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

6. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

7. Kukshina

9. Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles.

14. 1. – b, 2 – a, 3 – a, 4 – c.

16. The morning was glorious, fresh; small variegated the clouds stood like lambs on _ pale clear azure; fine dew poured out on leaves and grasses, shone silver on cobwebs; wet dark the earth seemed to still keep a trace ruddy dawn; songs of larks poured from all over the sky

17. D.I. Pisarev.

Twenty-five versts seemed to Arkady as much as fifty. But

here, on the slope of a gentle hill, a small village finally opened up, where

Bazarov's parents lived. Next to her, in a young birch grove,

one could see a noble house under a thatched roof.

(I.S. Turgenev “Fathers

and children")

The index mark is

thatched roof.

If you flip

a few pages back, then you can remember that thatched roofs were

on peasant houses in the estate of Odintsova.

"The estate where she lived

Anna Sergeevna, standing on a gentle open hill, not far away

from a yellow stone church with a green roof, white columns and

al fresco painting above the main entrance, representing the "Resurrection

Hristovo" in the "Italian" taste.

Particularly remarkable for its

rounded contours was a swarthy warrior prostrate on the first tan

Shishake. Behind the church stretched in two rows a long village with

chimneys over thatched roofs.

Thatched roof is a sign

poverty. Bazarov's parents were poor nobles. (I.S. Turgenev

"Glasses and children")

Here is another example of a culture-marked index


“Meanwhile, the dogs zatvapk all possible gtosalm: one,

throwing their heads up) ', led out so drawn out and with such diligence, as if for

it received God knows what salary; the other snatched hastily, as

sexton; between: they rang like a postal bell, a restless treble,

probably a young puppy, and all this was finally done by the bass, maybe

an old man endowed with a hefty canine nature, because he is a hritl. how wheezing

singing double bass, when the concert is in full swing: the tenors rise to

chicks off strong desire withdraw high note and everything that is

rushes up, tossing his head, and he alone, thrusting his unshaven

chin in gsastuk, crouching and dropping almost to the ground, passes from there

his fingernail, from which the stacks tremble and rattle.

(N.V. Gogol "The Dead

a strong economy: it means there is something to guard and what to feed.

Symbols are unique key signs cultural

paradigms. They store the program of that

or another culture. For example, a romantic symbol is the image

seas. This image appears in the works of potg-daisies. For example,

in a poem by A.S. Pushkin "To the sea". The sea is an unbridled element.

This image best reflects the philosophy of romanticism: the intensity of passions,

love of freedom

(... free element ..),


(... and you shine with pride








Your sad noise, your inviting noise ..,),

atypical circumstances,


The humble sail of the fishermen,

Thy whim kept.

I.S. Turgenev

"Fathers and Sons"

Questions and tasks.

1. According to the description of the estate, determine in whose name you ended up. What details of Turgenev's description are directly correlated with the character's character?

a) The manor ... stood on a gentle open hill, not far from a yellow stone church with a green roof, white clones and paintings al fresco above the main entrance, representing the "Resurrection of Christ" in the "Italian" taste ... Dark trees of the old garden adjoined the house on both sides, an alley of trimmed Christmas trees led to the entrance.

b) ... On the slope of a gentle hill, finally, a small village opened up ... Next to it, in a young birch grove, one could see a noble house under a thatched roof. At the first hut two peasants in hats were standing and swearing.

c) He built a house, services and a farm, laid out a garden, dug a pond and two wells: but the young trees were poorly received, very little water was accumulated in the pond, and the wells turned out to be of a salty taste. Only one gazebo of lilacs and acacias has grown quite a bit; they sometimes drank tea and dined there.

2. Two "identikit pictures" capture the most notable features of different characters in "Fathers and Sons", name each character. What details should be added to its "original" appearance?

a) In his face, long and thin, with hanging whiskers sand color, an alarming and dull expression had an effect, but the light, black, oblong eyes were especially good. He was dressed in an English suit, with a small fresco on his head.

b) Round. short, with red, childlike plump lips and delicate hands. disheveled, in a silk, not quite neat dress, she was reclining on the sofa. Calm and smart, just calm. not thoughtfully. her bright eyes looked.

3. Library "Fathers and Sons": give each character the book that he reads in the novel. On what basis will you select books for each character?

Nikolai Petrovich Buechner. " Stoff & Kraft »

BazarovPushkin. "Gypsies"

Arkady Liebig's works

KukshinaPushkin. "Eugene Onegin"

Arina Vasilievna Kislyakova's article on women's labor

Vasily Ivanovichroman George Sand

Sitnikov Michelet. " De l'amour"

Pelous et Fremy "Notions ge-

nerales de Chimie"

writings of Horace

Ducret-Duminil "Alek-

sis, or hut in the forest"

4. One of the "followers of the Bazarov case" - Sitnikov's wife considers "a fool and ... a writer." Formulate three theses that the "writer" Sitnikov - a parodic copy of his teacher - could put forward when writing an article about Pushkin.

5. In the plots of Russian classics, a duel is very common. Remember the conditions under which Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich shoot. To what extent were these conditions met? How is Turgenev distributed the traditional functions of the participants in the duel - duelists, seconds, doctors?

6. Restore the storyline of Bazarov and Arkady. What is compositional role wanderings of heroes? How do "travel impressions" affect the worldview of the heroes and their fate?

7. Get to know the characters of the novel, represented by the main facts of the biography. What narrative devices are used to introduce the character's biography into the novel?

Corps of Pages

service in the guards chemistry

half the invention of mastic

retirementdeparture for Heidelberg

departure to Baden study of architecture

arrival at the estate

departure to Dresden

arrival from his estate

in town

What technique is used to characterize the characters? In what works of Russian literature have you already met him?

But why should I becomeDown! .. Yes, I do not deny them.

recognize them?.. The ability to despise and express

I'll be told the case, I'm your contempt was pleasant

I agree, that's the feeling...

The art of making money! .. With ... two or three chemists,

Exclaimed .. with contempt not able to distinguish oxygen from nitrogen

grin. but filled with denial and self-respect ...

A decent chemist is in Petersburg.

twenty times

better than any poet...

9. "Colorize" the landscape sketch, choosing from the definitions given under the line, Turgenev's. What details of the landscape painting most vividly convey the author's vision of nature? Describe the functions of landscape in the novel.

The morning was glorious, fresh; small ... clouds stood like lambs on ... azure; fine dew poured out on leaves and grasses, shone silver on cobwebs; wet ... the earth, it seemed, still kept a trace of ... dawn; songs of larks rained down from all over the sky.

ruddy, red, motley, dark gray, bright blue, pale clear, colored, off-white, gloomy black, dark.

10. What is the meaning of the word "nihilist" in the language of Arkady, Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich, Sitnikov? What circle of phenomena is associated in the understanding of each hero with nihilism?

11. Recall the contextual antonyms in the novel for the word "nihilist". What facets of the image of the nihilist are presented with their help on the basis of the “opposite” principle?

12. What is the meaning of the following proper names in the novel: Raphael, Schiller, Goethe, Jean-Jacques Rousseau? in the replicas of which characters do they sound and in favor of what argument are they mentioned?

Do we know poetry?

Say a line of poetry

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick:
She has a special become -
One can only believe in Russia.

(F. Tyutchev)

We can't predict
How our word will respond, -
And sympathy is given to us,
How do we get grace...

(F. Tyutchev)

Dejected by the burden of the godmother,
All of you, dear land,
In the form of a slave, the King of heaven
Went out blessing.

(F. Tyutchev)

Oh, how deadly we love!
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are the most likely to destroy
What is dearer to our heart! ..

(F. Tyutchev)

How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand how you live?
Thought spoken is a lie.

(F. Tyutchev)

Gone!.. Ah! away from the masters;
Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,
Bypass us more than all sorrows
AND master's wrath, and lordly love.


Oh, mother, don't finish the blow!
Who is poor is not a couple for you!


He didn’t utter a smart word,

I don't care what's behind him, what's in the water.


But by the way, he will reach the degrees of fame nyh,
After all, now they love the dumb


Write on Thursday, one by one,
Maybe Friday, maybe Saturday
I have to baptize at the widow's, at the doctor's.
She did not give birth, but by calculation
In my opinion: should give birth. -


Taste, father, excellent manner;
For all their laws there are:
Here, for example, we have been doing from time immemorial,
What is the honor of the father and son;


When from the guard, others from the court
They came here for a while, -
Women shouted: hurrah!
And they threw caps into the air!


If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!"
I will say: “There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country."


The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
No more regrets for anyone.

(S. Yesenin)

Give me a paw, Jim, for good luck,
I have never seen such a paw.
Let's bark with you in the moonlight
For quiet, quiet weather.

(S. Yesenin)

Shagane you are mine, Shagane!
Because I'm from the north, or something,
I'm ready to tell you the field
About wavy rye in the moonlight.
Shagane you are mine, Shagane.

(S. Yesenin)

I love my homeland, but with a strange love!

My mind won't defeat her.
Nor glory bought with blood
Nor full of proud trust peace,
No dark antiquity cherished legends
Do not stir in me a pleasurable dream,

(M. Lermontov)

I was waiting. And in the shadow of the night
He sensed the enemy, and howl
Drawling, plaintive like a groan
There was suddenly ... and he began
Angrily paw dig sand,
He stood on his hind legs, then lay down,

(M. Lermontov)

And her outfit was poor;
And she walked easily, back
Curves long veils
Throwing back. summer heat
Covered in golden shadow
Her face and chest; and heat
I breathed from her mouth and cheeks.

(M. Lermontov)

The poet is dead! - slave of honor -
Pal, slandered by rumor,
With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge,
Hanging your proud head!

(M. Lermontov)

When through the noisy hail
I'm rushing through
That the elders say to the children
With a selfish smile:

(M. Lermontov)

I go out alone on the road;
Through the mist the flinty path gleams;
The night is quiet. The desert listens to God
And the star speaks to the star.

(M. Lermontov)

You will not see such battles!

Worn banners like shadows

Fire gleamed in the smoke

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,

The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,

And prevented the nuclei from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

(M. Lermontov)

What are passions? - after all, sooner or later their sweet affliction
Will disappear at the word of reason;
And life, as you look around with cold attention, -
Such an empty and stupid joke...


Stands alone in the wild north
On the bare top of a pine
And dozing, swaying, and loose snow
She is dressed like a robe.

(M. Lermontov)

So I begged for your love
With bitter tears, with longing;
So my feelings are the best
Deceived forever by you!


Under it, a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sunshine...
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

(M. Lermontov)

Farewell, unwashed Russia,
Country of slaves, country of masters,
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, their devoted people.

(M. Lermontov)

No, you are bored with barren fields...
Alien to you are passions and alien to suffering;
Forever cold, forever free
You have no homeland, you have no exile.

(M. Lermontov)

A golden cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant cliff;
She left early in the morning,
Playing merrily across the azure;

(M. Lermontov)

And if today I, a rude Hun,
I don’t want to grimace in front of you - and now
I will laugh and spit joyfully,
spit in your face
I am a priceless spender and spender.

(V.. Mayakovsky)

After all, if the stars are lit -
Does that mean anyone needs it?

So - someone wants them to be?
So - someone calls these spitting pearls?

(V. Mayakovsky)

"Horse, don't.
Horse, listen -
why do you think you are worse than them?
we are all a bit horses,
each of us is a horse in his own way.

(V. Mayakovsky)

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,
Poles, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

(N. Nekrasov)

Have returned. Everyone has a full basket,
And how many stories! Got scythe
Caught a hedgehog, got lost a little
And they saw a wolf ... wow, what a terrible one!

(N, Nekrasov)

And he cut my chest with a sword,
And took out a trembling heart,
And coal burning with fire
He put a hole in his chest.


And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
What in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

(A, Pushkin)

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

(A. Pushkin)

In the desert stunted and stingy,
On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
Worth - alone in the whole universe

(A. Pushkin)

Only me, the mysterious singer,
Shot ashore by a storm,
I sing old hymns
And my wet robe
Drying in the sun under a rock.

(A. Pushkin)

Clouds are rushing, clouds are winding;
Invisible moon
Illuminates the flying snow;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.
I'm going, I'm going in an open field;
Ding ding ding bell...
Terrible, terribly scary
Amid the unknown plains!

(A. Pushkin)

God help you my friends

And in storms, and in worldly grief,
In a foreign land, in a desert sea
And in the dark abysses of the earth!


Beautiful sea in stormy haze
And the sky in splendor without azure;
But trust me: the maiden on the rock
More beautiful than waves, skies and storms.

(A, Pushkin)

Love and friendship up to you
They will reach through the gloomy gates,
Like in your hard labor holes
My free voice is coming.

(A, Pushkin)

But a terrible thought darkens the soul here:
Among flowering fields and mountains
A friend of mankind sadly remarks
Everywhere ignorance is a murderous shame.

(A, Pushkin)

Everything is clapping. Onegin enters,
Walks between the chairs on the legs,
Double lorgnette slanting induces
On the lodges of unfamiliar ladies;
I looked at all the tiers,
I saw everything: faces, headwear
He is terribly dissatisfied;

(A, Pushkin)

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.


A storm covers the sky with mist,
Whirlwinds of snow twisting;
Like a beast, she will howl
It will cry like a child
That on a dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
Like a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.

(A. Pushkin)

On the winter road, boring
Troika greyhound runs
Single bell
Tiring noise.


My first friend, my priceless friend!
And I blessed fate
When my yard is secluded
covered in sad snow,
Your bell has rung.


My wishes have been fulfilled. Creator
He sent you down to me, you, my Madona,
The purest beauty, the purest example.


On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night;
Noisy Aragva before me.
I'm sad and easy; my sadness is light;
My sorrow is full of you


Friend of my harsh days,

My decrepit dove!
Alone in the wilderness of pine forests
For a long, long time you've been waiting for me.


"Magi are not afraid of mighty lords,
And they do not need a princely gift;
Truthful and free is their prophetic language
And friendly with the will of heaven.


Poet! do not value the love of the people.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
But you stay firm, calm and gloomy


It's done! Dark curled sheets;
On light ashes their cherished features
They turn white ... My chest was shy. Ash dear,
A poor joy in my sad fate,
Stay a century with me on a woeful chest ...


Before her, I stand thoughtfully,
There is no power to take your eyes off her;
And I say to her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!


I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.
A young eagle bred in captivity,
My sad comrade, waving his wing,
Bloody food pecks under the window,


Does the beast roar in the deaf forest,
Does the horn blow, does the thunder rumble,
Does the maiden sing beyond the hill -
For every sound
Your response in the empty air
You suddenly give birth.


Don't wake her up at dawn
At dawn she sleeps so sweetly;
Morning breathes on her chest
Brightly blazes on the pits of the cheeks

(A. Fet)

wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
Equestrian or foot
Can't be seen in the dust


Whisper, timid breath,
trill nightingale,
Silver and flutter
sleepy stream,

(A. Fet)

As simple courtesy dictates,

Came up to me, smiled

Half kind, half lazy

Touched the hand with a kiss -

And mysterious, ancient faces

Eyes looked at me...

Ten years of fading and screaming

All my sleepless nights

I put in a quiet word

And she said it - in vain.

You left, and it became again

My heart is empty and clear.

(A, Akhmatova)

I learned to live simply, wisely,

Look up to the sky and pray to God

And wander long before evening,

To relieve unnecessary anxiety.

(A. Akhmatova)

In the neighboring house, the windows are zholta.

In the evenings - in the evenings

Thoughtful bolts creak,

People come to the gate.

(Block A.)

And only high, at the royal doors,

Involved in secrets, the child cried

That no one will come back.

(Block A.)

You are extraordinary even in a dream.

I won't touch your clothes.

I doze - and behind the slumber is a mystery,

And in secret - you will rest, Rus'.

(Block A.)

There is a treasure in my soul

And the key is entrusted only to me!

You're right, drunk monster!

I know: the truth is in wine!

(Block A.)

How hard it is to walk among people

And pretend to be invincible

And about the game of tragic passions

To narrate to those who have not yet lived.

(Block A.)

About valor, about exploits, about glory

I forgot in the woeful land

When your face is in a simple frame

In front of me shone on the table.

(Block A.)

Oh, I want to live crazy

Everything that exists - to perpetuate,

Impersonal - incarnate,

Unfulfilled - to embody!

(Block A.)

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams

Through blood and dust...

Flying, flying steppe mare

And crushes the feather grass...

(Block A.)

And on downy feather beds

Falling into a deep sleep...

Yes, and such, my Russia,

You are dearer to me than all the edges.

(Block A.)

Are you still alive, my old lady?

Alive and I, hello to you, hello!

Let it flow over your hut

That evening unspeakable light.

(S. Yesenin)

So forget your worries

Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go to the road so often
In an old-fashioned ramshackle.


You, whose wide overcoats

Reminds me of sails

Whose spurs jangled merrily

And whose eyes are like diamonds

A trace was carved on the heart -

Charming dandies

Of past years.

(M. Tsvetaeva)

yellow brush

The rowan lit up.

Leaves were falling.

I was born.

(M. Tsvetaeva)

How to write an essay...

Essay(French essai - attempt, test, essay, from Latin exagium - weighing) - small prose text, expressing the individual point of view of the author.
The essay does not pretend to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject, topic. Rather, an essay is a kind of "flow of information" that combines the philosophical reflections of the author and has the author's emotional coloring.
However, despite the freedom, it is not at all easy to write in the essay genre, because essays are valued original ideas(even when covering traditional topics) and a non-standard view of the problem. Seemingly free, the composition of the essay should be subdued internal logic, and in the "variegated lace" of the author's reflections, the main idea of ​​the essay should be visible.

Conventionally, all essays can be divided into two large groups:
a personal essay, where the disclosure of some side of the author's personality comes to the fore (such essays are often written at entrance exams or when applying for a job. Very often, having seen that the applicant is an outstanding person with exactly the characteristics that are necessary, the commission accepts him, even if they did not pass the exams brilliantly;
an objective or "serious" essay, where the personal beginning is subordinated to the subject of description.
The task of the essay, unlike the story, is to inform about ideas, explain, convince, and not depict or retell any life situation. The essay achieves its goal with the help of the statements of the authors, and usually does not require the creation of fictional characters and the plot that connects them. Nevertheless, stories may contain certain elements close to essays: author's explanations, disclosure of the background of the relationship between the characters, descriptions; at the same time, in separate essays, one can find elements of narrative, even characters.
An essay differs from a traditional essay in that a rational combination of analysis of a work of art with one's own reasoning should prevail in an essay on a literary topic, and the author's position is clearly expressed in an essay.
In addition, the topic of an essay, unlike a traditional essay, can only give a direction for the author's thoughts. For an essay, the author can make his own title, which determines the content of the essay and, perhaps, the relationship between the topic and the title will express the relationship of the whole and the part.
An essay doesn't look like a report at all!
Essay style is different:
To convey personal perception, mastering the world, the author of the essay:
attracts numerous examples
draws parallels
picks up analogies
uses all sorts of associations.
The essay is characterized by the use of numerous means of artistic expression:
allegorical and parable images
The essay will look richer and more interesting if it contains:
unpredictable conclusions
unexpected twists
interesting clutch

How to start preparing an essay?

1. "Swarm" thoughts.

    Read the topic and reflect. The time you spend for reflection depends on you, it can be from several minutes to several days, weeks.

    No need to try to cover the whole topic, try to focus on what you are interested in, use your life experience, try to bring your vision of the problem.

    Write down the most successful, in your opinion, statements on this occasion.

    Get rid of entries that contain well-known statements that are not of interest when reading and do not emphasize your individuality (for example: The computer has firmly entered our lives. Everyone already knows this!).

    Replace statements that are general in nature (For example: Information Technology improve the quality of the educational process) more specific.

    Think about the fact that statements alone are not enough, it is desirable to convince readers that they are true.

2. We form the "skeleton" of the essay.
The "skeleton" of your essay will be formed from those statements that seemed successful to you.

  • Put the statements in some order. Consider whether any of them should be swapped.
  • Determine the number of paragraphs, taking into account the introduction, body, conclusion.

3. We draw the details.

  • Develop a thought in each of the paragraphs.
  • Support your statements with evidence, give facts.
  • Use vivid descriptions, quotes, etc. that will interest the reader.
  • Use "traps" to attract attention: a quote, a poem, a question, unusual fact, idea or funny story.

4. We carry out a check.

  • Make sure your essay is easy to read.
  • Check if your thoughts are consistent, whether they lead to the logical conclusion of the topic.
  • “Humor is a great tool, but use it wisely. A sarcastic or cheeky tone is often annoying. True humor is an art, it is a sign of good taste.” Writing an essay is not limited in time, you can rewrite it many times, ask friends to read your essay.
  • Essays are limited to a certain number of words, so you need to manage this amount wisely. Sometimes this means giving up some ideas or details, especially if they have already been mentioned somewhere or are not directly related to the case. Such things only divert the attention of the reader and overshadow the main topic of the essay.
  • Avoid using slang, formulaic phrases, word abbreviations, overly frivolous tone in the essay. The language used when writing an essay should be taken seriously


The text of the essay must correspond to a certain speech situation. Therefore, both the construction of the text and its vocabulary must obey the tasks of this situation. This should be constantly remembered. SKILLS are tested in the work (see the evaluation criteria of part C). If you know how to find a problem - well done, if you know how to comment on it, determine the author's position, agree or disagree with the author's position on the problem found, and also argue your position on the problem - half the job is done. Next, you need to logically correctly formulate thoughts (this will help paragraph division of your text), you should use different syntactic constructions and avoid repeating words (pay attention to how K6 and K10 are connected). Spelling, punctuation, grammar - this, unfortunately, you will not learn quickly, although it is never too late.

Therefore, we will try to score the maximum number of skills, and hence the points. To facilitate the task of writing (and checking by experts!) the text of Part C, we suggest sticking to a plan-algorithm that will help you quickly navigate the exam. The plan-algorithm is approximate, but in time pressure it can be useful.

  1. Read the text. find The main thing offer. If there are many, choose only one.
  2. Change it to an interrogative. Ask this one question to all text. If the text answers this question, you have found problem, raised by the author in the text . Comment on it, explain from what words of the author it is clear that it is exactly that problem that you found.

    If the text does not respond on that question, find another The main thing offer. (See point 2 below)

    Start the text with a nominal sentence. (For example, the text is devoted to the topic of honor, happiness, childhood, war, etc. The word subject should not appear in your essay). For example: The concept of honor ... or: Happiness ... or: Relationships ... etc. Next, write down your interrogative sentence and the words: “It is this problem touches the author in his text. Put a colon, open quotes and write down the words of the author that you found in paragraph 2. The quote should be small: either 1-2 small sentences, or only phrases.

  1. Feel key text. What and how the author does in the text (convinces, ironizes, regrets, etc.) in relation to precisely toy problem, which you wrote in the 1st paragraph. What words show this? You found author's position and attitude author to the problem.


  1. From the red line, write down the position of the author on this issue: “The author is convinced (says sadly, ironically, etc. (see paragraph 5)) that (about that, over that) ...” and then the very position of the author.
  2. First, (from the red line) show with an example from literature or from your personal life where a similar problem was encountered and how it was solved. If it was not in your personal life or you do not remember a single similar example, then write your own example for this problem (the one that was in the first paragraph). Prove that this particular example convincingly expresses your agreement (disagreement) with the position of the author on this issue.
  3. Secondly, (from the red line) give another similar example from literature (film) or from the life of someone. If you don’t remember anything, write another example and prove that this particular example convincingly expresses your agreement (disagreement) with the author’s position on this issue.
  4. Check yourself:

- you should consider only one problem, the one you wrote in the first paragraph!

- the word PROBLEM must be written in the first, second paragraph for sure!

- the word PROBLEM can be replaced by the MAIN QUESTION posed by the AUTHOR ...;

- there should be two arguments (example + research, i.e. why this particular example, from your point of view, confirms the logic of your reasoning, think about how it helps to understand the problem, whether it makes it possible to draw the right conclusions).


11. You can finish the essay with a call, a way to solve the problem, conclude that this problem is eternal and humanity will look for an answer to this question.

We bring to your attention an example of an essay in the genre of an essay that a student should write in part C. Match the source text with what the student should write. You can offer each class to work on this text. Our sample is a way of control.

Compiled by: O. F. Kalinina, school No. 832; Safonova T. V., school No. 902; Kabanova V. I., school number 902.

USE (C1)

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author in the text (avoid excessive quoting)

The volume of the essay is not less than 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text, without any comments whatsoever, then such work is evaluated with zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Text No. 1

(1) The Earth is a cosmic body, and we are astronauts making a very long flight around the Sun, together with the Sun through the infinite Universe. (2) The life support system on our beautiful ship is so ingenious that it is constantly self-renewing and thus keeps billions of passengers traveling for millions of years.

(3) It is difficult to imagine astronauts flying on a ship through outer space, deliberately destroying a complex and delicate life support system designed for a long flight. (4) But gradually, consistently, with amazing irresponsibility, we are putting this life support system out of action, poisoning rivers, cutting down forests, spoiling the oceans. (5) If on a small spacecraft astronauts fussily start cutting wires, unscrewing screws, drilling holes in the skin, then this will have to be qualified as suicide. (6) But there is no fundamental difference between a small ship and a large one. (7) It's only a matter of size and time.

(8) Humanity, in my opinion, is a kind of disease of the planet. (9) Wound up, multiply, swarm microscopic, on a planetary, and even more so on a universal, scale of being. (10) They accumulate in one place, and immediately deep ulcers and various growths appear on the body of the earth. (11) One has only to introduce a drop of harmful (from the point of view of the earth and nature) culture into the green coat of the Forest (a team of lumberjacks, one barracks, two tractors) - and now a characteristic, symptomatic painful spot is spreading from this place. (12) They scurry about, eating away the bowels, depleting the fertility of the soil, poisoning the rivers and oceans, the very atmosphere of the Earth with their poisonous substances.

(13) Unfortunately, just as vulnerable as the biosphere, just as defenseless against the pressure of the so-called technical progress, are such concepts as silence, the possibility of solitude and intimate communication between man and nature, with the beauty of our land. (14) On the one hand, a person, twitched by the inhuman rhythm of modern life, crowding, a huge flow of artificial information, is weaned from spiritual communication with the outside world, on the other hand, this outside world itself has been brought to such a state that sometimes it no longer invites a person to spiritual fellowship with him.

(15) It is not known how this original disease called humanity will end for the planet. (16) Will the Earth have time to develop some kind of antidote?

(According to V. Soloukhin)

Essay on text No. 1

Humanity is the "original disease", peculiar microbes that corrode with the products of their indefatigable vital activity such a deeply thought-out and debugged organism - our planet. Problem raised in this text is very important for the modern world. We are destroying what our life depends on, as if not understanding and not seeing our inextricable connection with Mother Nature.

The author, comparing our planet with a spaceship, in which a self-renewing life support system, says with pain that people "eat away the bowels", poison the Earth's atmosphere. So why deliberately disable it?! Our task is to realize the importance of environmental problems, to understand that the state of the planet and the fate of mankind depend on the environmentally sound behavior of people.

V. Soloukhin is right. Unfortunately, people destroy and destroy nature with their activities. Countless plants, factories, combines pollute the atmosphere, water, soil with their waste. A purely utilitarian attitude towards the land on which they live has taken root in people. We strive to extract inexhaustible (as it seems to us) wealth from the bowels of the Earth, without thinking about the consequences. And they already are! Ice is melting, fresh water supplies are decreasing, some species of animals are disappearing or are on the verge of extinction.

We have forgotten the great aesthetic power that communion with nature can give us. After all, it has always been a source of human spiritual strength. No wonder A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, S. A. Yesenin and other poets admired the beauty of nature, drew inspiration from it.

Text No. 2

(1) A person must be intelligent.

(2) And if his profession does not require intelligence? (3) And if he could not get an education: was it the circumstances? (4) And if the environment does not allow? (5) If intelligence makes him a black sheep among his colleagues, friends, relatives, will it simply interfere with his rapprochement with other people?

(6) No, no and no! (7) Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. (8) It is needed both for others and for the person himself. (9) And here's why.

(10) Many people think that an intelligent person is one who read a lot, received a good education(and even predominantly humanitarian), traveled a lot, knows several languages.

(11) Meanwhile, you can have all this and be unintelligent, and you can not have any of this to a large extent, but still be an internally intelligent person.

(12) Deprive a truly intelligent person completely of his memory. (13) Let him forget everything in the world, he will not know the classics of literature, he will not remember the greatest works of art, he will forget the most important historical events. (14) But if at the same time he retains a susceptibility to cultural values, an aesthetic sense, he can distinguish a real work of art from a crude "thing" made only to surprise, if he can admire the beauty of nature, understand the character and personality of another person, enter into his position, and having understood another person, help him, he will not show rudeness, indifference, gloating, envy, but will appreciate the other at its true worth - this will be an intelligent person ... (15) It is this intelligence that is very necessary for the life of the person himself and for those around him of people.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Essay on text No. 2

Undoubtedly, a person must be intelligent, even if it seems out of place in the environment where a person rotates. But what the basis of intelligence, so necessary for us for life? D. S. Likhachev convinced that intelligence itself does not depend on high education or knowledge of culture and languages, but from a special aesthetic flair, susceptibility to everything beautiful, and most importantly - from sensitivity and responsiveness. If this is characteristic of a person, then he can be called intelligent, even if this person forgets "everything in the world, will not know the classics of literature, will not remember the greatest works of art, will forget the most important historical events."

I share author's point of view . Really, intelligence as a manifestation of true humanism is impossible without a special moral basics, certainly strong, so as not to let a person go aside, confuse the bad with the good. To do this, it is necessary to prevent the penetration into the soul of gloating, envy, indifference, malice, in order to preserve the ability to understand another person and evaluate him according to his dignity. The very life of D.S. Likhachev confirms this. Having passed the Stalinist camps, being close to thieves, criminals, he remained true to himself.

The moral basis does not appear in a person just like that. It is laid in him from childhood, acquired through long reflections, sometimes painful and tearing the soul. But if this foundation exists, then a person can stand firmly on his feet. Parents, classical literature helps children understand "what is good and what is bad"

A person should cultivate in himself not only the mind, but also the soul, cultivate in himself the most best qualities, treats others with patience and understanding, and to himself - with exactingness. Like Andrei Sokolov from Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man", who went through a difficult school of life from a simple driver to a real person who is able to compassion and love

Sitting in the chariot to Bazarov, Arkady squeezed his hand tightly and said nothing for a long time. It seemed that Bazarov understood and appreciated both this shrug and this silence. He had not slept the whole night before, had not smoked, and had eaten almost nothing for several days. His emaciated profile protruded gloomily and sharply from under his pulled cap.

Twenty-five versts seemed to Arkady as much as fifty. But then, on the slope of a gentle hill, a small village finally opened up, where Bazarov's parents lived. Yevgeny leaned out of the carriage, and Arkady stretched his head out from behind his comrade and saw on the porch of the master's house a tall, thin man with disheveled hair and a thin aquiline nose, dressed in an old military frock coat unbuttoned. He stood with his legs spread, smoking a long pipe and squinting in the sun. The horses stopped and the young people went down to the porch of the house.

Having traveled a very restless path, both travelers felt exhausted, terribly tired. Having endured fatherly embraces and motherly kisses, having had a hasty dinner, Bazarov, without any words, pulled Arkady by the sleeve and retired into the room.

Young Kirsanov was taken to the dressing room allotted to him - very comfortable, with a large window and beautifully furnished. As soon as the head touched the pillow, a dream, previously not so intrusive, came by itself, erasing the impressions of the past day.

Getting out of bed, Arkady opened the window - and the first thing that caught his eye was Vasily Ivanovich. In a Bukhara dressing gown, belted with a handkerchief, the old man was diligently rummaging in the garden.

We wish you good health! How would you like to rest? - exclaimed the old man, noticing the guest.

Fine, - answered Arkady.

wonderful morning opened her arms to him. The sun was warming gently, not even passing into the midday zenith, somewhere in the garden the chirping of birds was heard; with all the desire, it was impossible not to admire the beauty that surrounded the young man.

Where is Eugene?

Arkady only lowered his gaze, examining the toes of his shoes and the grass under his feet.

Vasily Ivanovich quickly turned around.

Aha! Did you want to visit your friend early in the morning? And we already had a short conversation with him. Now we must go and drink tea, mother called, and I came to notify.

Bazarov Sr. went to the house. Arkady breathed a sigh of relief, as if some terrible secret almost became known to the whole world; there was still a blush on her cheeks. Bazarov stood with an imperturbable face, folded his arms and clamped his teeth on a thin spikelet of some kind of plant.

Wonderful morning, don't you think? Nervously fiddling with the end of the white shirt, Kirsanov glanced at his friend.

Trivia. You again with your romanticism ... sentiments, - Eugene snorted, - well, what are you standing, sissy? It is said to drink tea. Went.

It's noon. The sun was burning through a thin curtain of solid whitish clouds. Everything was silent, only roosters fervently called to each other in the village, arousing in everyone who heard them a strange feeling of drowsiness and boredom; and somewhere high in the tops of the trees the incessant squeak of a young hawk rang like a whining call. Arkady and Bazarov were lying in the shade of a small stack of hay, spreading two armfuls of noisily dry, but still green and fragrant grass under them.

Look, said Arkady suddenly, a dry maple leaf has come off and is falling to the ground; its movements are completely similar to the flight of a butterfly. Isn't it strange? The most sad and dead is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

Oh, my friend, Arkady Nikolaitch! - exclaimed Bazarov, - I ask you about one thing: do not speak beautifully.

I speak as best I can ... And finally, this is despotism. A thought came to me; why not express it?

So; But why shouldn't I express my opinion? I find that speaking beautifully is indecent.

Bazarov threw up his hands and grinned. And what masters of inventions and all sorts of epithets have become! And all out of boredom.

Full, please, Eugene; we finally fight.

Ah, Arkady! do me a favor, let's quarrel once well - to the point of robes, to extermination.

But this way, perhaps, we will end up with that ...

What shall we fight? Bazarov picked up. - Well? Here, in the hay, in such an idyllic setting, far from light and human eyes - nothing. But you can't get along with me. I’ll grab you by the throat now ... - Bazarov spread his long and stiff fingers ...

Arkady turned and prepared, as if jokingly, to resist. But his friend's face seemed to him so ominous, such a serious threat seemed to him in the crooked smile of his lips, in his burning eyes, that he felt an involuntary timidity...

A! That's where you got to! Vasily Ivanovich's voice rang out at that moment, and the old staff doctor appeared before the young people, dressed in a homemade linen jacket and with a straw hat, also homemade, on his head. - I was looking for you, looking for ... What are you doing here?

Evgeny indulges in nihilism, - bantering with a friend, Arkady crawled aside, away from sin.

Bazarov cast an angry glance at his friend. Playing around... Look what you thought, youngster! Yes, you are still quite inexperienced, Arkady Nikolaevich, since serious matters are pampering for you!

During the next hours, until nightfall, Bazarov did not open his mouth. He was silent as a fish, and, squinting, looked at the young Kirsanov. His eyes rested on Arkady's, as if looking for something, until Yevgeny's indignation flared up again and clouded his mind. He suddenly caught himself in all sorts of "shameful" thoughts, as if a demon were teasing him.

As usual, getting ready for bed, Bazarov, disheveled and sullen, entered his comrade's room without knocking and, in his own way, settled down on the bed. He found Arkady at his desk, with a book in his hands, in his frock coat buttoned to the top.

Haven't you gone to bed yet? he said, as if annoyed.

I was going before you came in ... - Arkady began and fell silent.

Yevgeny got up, walked around the room, then suddenly approached Arkady, who was looking at him, and squeezed his hand so that he almost cried out.

In recent days, you yourself are not yourself, - young Kirsanov murmured, gathering his strength. His wrist ached with pain. He felt that tears were coming to his eyes, and he did not want to cry in front of his mocking friend.

You are flirting, thought Bazarov, you are bored and teasing me for having nothing to do, but what do I feel ...

His heart was really pounding. Something innocent in Arkady's face did not allow him to treat his friend in the same way as everyone else. Bazarov despised others, but he could not despise or even not treat him with the warmth that he so carefully concealed under the mask of nihilism.

Arkady trembled.

Eugene, - he said, - well, I don’t understand you. You deny everything, this is a clear matter; and the beauty of nature and the sweetness of sounds are indifferent to you. But don't you love anyone in this world?

Bazarov turned away and rubbed his forehead, brushing strands of hair from his face.

What kind of nonsense are you talking about? he muttered.

I know it's nonsense, - answered Kirsanov. - What's the trouble?

I love you, so what? - Bazarov was not entirely satisfied with himself - you, Arkady Nikolaevich, still think in a completely different way, you can’t explain it. Filial love, for parents, and love for strangers, whom you call husbands and wives, are two different things. And it's not love at all. So, affection, dependence and consumption.

Arkady was dissatisfied with him. In addition, he felt in his heart that causeless sadness, which is familiar only to very young people.

You're all about one thing, Eugene. Well, if you start preaching the complete absence of feelings at the level of the soul, will you start talking about physiology?

Listen, - Bazarov was annoyed, - after all, a person who put his whole life on the map of love, became limp, sank, such a person is no longer a man. Remember your uncle. You study anatomy textbooks: where does a mysterious look come from? And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We, physiologists, know what these relations are, we knew in our lifetime. It's all romanticism, nonsense, art!

Arkady jumped up, hitting a stool with his foot. It fell with a crash to the wooden floor. The young man's face turned red, his hands involuntarily clenched into fists.

You are a fool, Yevgeny Vassilyitch! - it seemed that the walls of the dressing room shook from the cry of Arkady.

Bazarov stepped back, watching as the young Kirsanov rushed to the window, covering his face with his hands. His shoulders shook.

Well, that’s enough, Arkady, - something stung in my heart, Bazarov’s voice softened, - what did you start again - love, feelings ... Or did you change your mind about being my student, do not like our way of thinking?

You have achieved your goal, Eugene, - the young man turned his face, wet from tears, to his friend, - can't you see how exhausted I am?

As much as I want to, I don't understand.

So know that I love you stupidly, madly ... That's what you have achieved.

The earth seemed to be leaving from under Bazarov's feet. He exhaled noisily, quietly approached his friend, stood next to him and pressed his forehead against the cool window. All the time that Arkady was following him, agreeing and pretending that he sees the world the same way, was it a lie? Some kind of nasty, nervous cough came up to his throat.

He did not treat Kirsanov badly, to some extent he appreciated their friendship. But what to do now? Feelings are rot that grows out of boredom, and the young man, despite the company of such a wise mentor as Bazarov, managed to pick it up somewhere.

With trembling hands, Eugene wrapped his friend's neck, drawing him to his chest. The unusual gesture aroused in him a chilling anxiety, a fearful expectation, which, however, subsided as soon as he realized that nothing had happened. The surroundings were quiet and calm. Only he pressed the still trembling Arkady to himself and gazed enchantedly at the wall, listening to his own feelings.

Kirsanov slowly tried to free himself from the embrace and looked into Evgeny's eyes. Bazarov's hand slid down the young man's cheek, his thin lips twisted either in a smile, or in a light, in his own way gentle, smile.

You know me, after all... - with a trembling heart, Bazarov lightly touched Arkady's forehead with his lips, - I do not accept sentimentality.

With both palms, Kirsanov rested on his friend's chest, but he unclenched his hands, releasing the young man from him, and headed for the exit.

Good night, Arkady Nikolaevich.

The young man stood motionless, looking lostly after Bazarov.

All night Arkady tossed and turned without sleep. Extreme excitement took possession of him. The young man did not understand how his mentor would eventually perceive those words, a confession that had been carefully hidden for a long time.

Despite the beautiful quiet morning, the cloudless sky and the rustle of leaves in the fluffy crowns of trees in the garden, Kirsanov's face was pale and his mood was useless. He tried to light a cigarette, but immediately with annoyance threw the cigar into the bushes and leaned against the wall of the house, looking into the blue sky.

It’s out of boredom that softness is made with a person, ”Bazarov patted Arkady on the shoulder,“ let's take a walk.

He walked along the path to the garden without turning around, as if he was sure that Arkady was unquestioningly following on his heels. Having reached the middle of this little forest, he suddenly stopped in the shade of a spreading lilac and took his friend by the hand.

Forgive me, Evgeny Vasilyich. You are right, all this is nonsense for us - representatives of the new generation, - the young man frowned.

Wait, Arkady, - Bazarov approached, - the past is not worth thinking about. Close eyes.

Looking at his friend's immediately closed eyelids, he himself no longer understood what was happening. It seemed that everything was stable, everything obeyed some kind of laws, only Eugene rushed from one pool to another, unable to decide, let alone understand what was happening in this difficult period of his life. The foundations of nihilism in him collapsed, cracked at the seams.

He ran his index finger along Arkady's cheekbone, leading lower, stopping at the middle of his chin. Bazarov studied his still completely innocent face, which had only recently thrown off the imprint of childhood. Velvet skin, now even paler than the day before, neat features, dark hair slightly curly in large rings...

Pure physiology ... - flashed through my head.

Bazarov bent down and touched his half-open lips. Arkady suddenly twitched weakly, recoiling slightly, but Yevgeny sharply pressed him against the wide trunk of a tree, renewing and prolonging his kiss. The palms lay on the lower back, going down, stroking the hips of young Kirsanov.

He rested his knee between the legs of a friend, spreading them wider. Having transferred the center of gravity to only one free leg, Bazarov could not resist: the shoes slid along the grass wet with dew. By the skirts of his frock coat, he dragged Arkady with him, and both friends collapsed on the soft grass. Yevgeny rolled over and hung on top, breathing heavily, not looking up from the reddened lips of his young comrade. Finally, Arkady perked up - although timidly, he nevertheless got to the buttons of his opponent's shirt and began to unbutton them one by one.
Bazarov pressed him firmly against the grass, the villi of the green carpet tickled his neck, the freshness summer morning only dispersed the blood and kindled the ardor.

Arkady ran his fingers through his friend's hair, tangling and tangling the silky strands. Bazarov seemed to go berserk: he intercepted his friend's hands, squeezing his wrists with force, despite the cries of pain; with his free hand he penetrated under the belt of his trousers, fingers cold as ice, causing goosebumps on the thin sensitive skin. With a muffled groan, Arkady arched his back. Eugene opened his mouth, as if choking. It looked like he was on fire.

They returned home only in the evening. Emboldened, Kirsanov was ready, instead of a friend, to answer the questions of the old staff doctor, Bazarov Sr., but there were no questions. True, no one noticed their absence. That was even better. Bazarov spoke little at table, feeling out of sorts, and drank cup after cup.
Having made his way to Arkady's dressing room at night, he silently lay down beside him.

I can now say, - muttered, lying in bed, Arkady Bazarov, who undressed, remaining in only one shirt, - what you once said to me: “Why are you so sad? Did you fulfill some sacred duty?”

Eugene snorted without answering, and pulled the blanket over to his side. Arkady thought, Bazarov turned his face to the wall. Several minutes passed in silence.

Eugene! exclaimed Arkady.

I was afraid you would be angry.

Nonsense. Why should I be angry with you, Arkady Nikolaitch?

For what has been said. It is for you - a matter of youth and inexperience. Romanticism, sentiment... It used to make you angry, you didn't admit it.

And now I don't admit it.

Arkady was possessed by a kind of restless curiosity that gave him neither sleep nor rest. Bazarov sighed - after all, he did not want to annoy his friend.

But it doesn't apply to you. Sleep.

Kirsanov turned his head and looked at the outlines of the nihilist's figure, at his hair spread over the pillow. Heard a mock whine. Perhaps the last words were enough for him.

The young man got up from the bed and silently approached the window. The moon brightly illuminated the courtyard, silvering the crowns of trees in the garden with light. A smile crossed Arkady's face.

Now he will definitely not let Evgeny go to Odintsova ...

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