Christian Bale on the role of the machinist. Christian Bale's transformations


The star of the films "Batman" and "Terminator" Christian Bale puts cruel experiments on himself, which not everyone can repeat.

However, his experience can be useful for those who are going to lose weight immediately and a lot.

Christian Bale is a serious dramatic actor, and his role in The Machinist is proof of this. However, the first thing you notice in this film is not Christian's game, but his impossible thinness. According to the script, the hero of Bale does not sleep or eat for a year. To play this role, the actor had to lose 28 kilograms in 4 months. As Christian Bale himself says: “I wanted to lose more weight, but they stopped me in time.”

After an interview with a film actor, one gets the impression that he managed to lose weight, mainly due to self-discipline. Difficulties, if any, but mostly psychological nature. Christian lost weight himself, focusing only on his own well-being. Many friends were worried that he might be ill. But the actor claims that he felt good. He felt calm and even peaceful. The desire to prove to himself that he is capable of much for the sake of an interesting role, Christian calls the desire to get new impressions one of the main incentives in the fight against his own body.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Diet Christian Bale

What was the diet: Christian Bale used the following menu to lose weight:

  • Bale relied on a morning meal for a cup of black coffee, in which the actor did not add sugar or its substitutes.
  • Lunch was supposed to be canned tuna in its own juice. You could eat 200 g of this fish. The drink was again black coffee, unadorned.
  • For dinner, the actor only drank a cup of coffee.
  • During the day, 1 small green apple was allowed.
  • To reduce harm to the body, the performer of the role took multivitamin complexes.

With such a diet, not only the fat mass, but also the muscle mass disappears instantly, since the starved body used up all the reserves of the available mass to maintain vital activity.

  • In addition to the diet, the actor tried to run as long as he had the strength. His goal at that time was to burn as much muscle and fat as possible, and aerobic exercise without proper nutrition causes the body to use the available reserves of substances to the maximum.
  • In addition, Christian distracted from the desire to eat with the help of favorite activities - for example, reading books.
  • He also tried to carry out everything free time at home and did not attend star parties so that there would be no temptation to eat or drink too much.

Subsequently, Bale admitted that he managed to lose so much weight only thanks to discipline and dedication. Losing weight, he was guided only by his own feelings, practically without resorting to the recommendations of nutritionists. Friends, relatives and colleagues expressed their concern about the condition of the actor, but he himself claimed that his health was quite normal.

Consolidation of the result from Christian Bale

“When dieting, it is very important to focus on something, to concentrate your attention, to distract yourself from the desire to eat,” says Christian, who has lost weight.

During bouts of hunger, he read books - this allowed him to simultaneously relax, learn new information and, of course, forget about food for a while. During his weight loss, the actor adhered to home comfort. He did not go anywhere, as communication with relatives and friends means not only talking about life, but also additional food or drink.

After you achieve the result, you need to fix it. In pursuit of perfect body, sometimes it is worth giving up the most favorite sweets and dishes. In the first few weeks, try not to eat sugar and hot spices. You need to forget about flour immediately, introduce fatty foods gradually, eat fried and smoked meat no more than 1 time per week. Over time, when you get used to it, you can return other favorite foods to your diet, but gradually, so as not to harm the recently starved body. try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Continuation of the games with the weight of Christian Bale

Christian's experiments did not stop there. For Saving Dawn (2006), he again lost weight to 61 kg to recover to 83 kg in the film " The Dark Knight» (2008). After 2 years, he weighed 66 kg in The Fighter, and for The Dark Knight Rises (2012) recovered to 90 kg.

Information for men

The actor is completely immersed in his roles and lives them together with his hero, so it was important for him not to portray someone, but to be him. With all the admiration and respect for Christian Bale, I would like to emphasize separately that such experiments on your body and health can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Metamorphoses of Christian Bale

I would like to note: no matter what result you want to achieve - lose weight or get better - to achieve your goal physical exercise must be mandatory and regular!

"American Hustle", according to tradition in the Russian translation, called the hackneyed word "scam", more than ever, characterizes this wonderful film with its name David O. Russell, which pleased in the past with an interesting "Fighter" and cute "Rays of Hope". By silent collusion before the upcoming Oscars, Russell quickly made a movie “based on real events”, so casually prescribing at the beginning that “some events are real”, immediately stopping all attempts of the viewer to compare the real and the artistic every second. New film director, with a script finally green-lit for production, obviously didn't turn out exactly the way he intended it to. As you know, the actors of the picture themselves made a huge contribution, developing their half-fictional, half-realistic prototypes of personalities that existed in the late 70s. The director's favorite stars have come together again so that, without forgetting about the main frame of the story being filmed, they play very strong, dignified and professionally. The fuss shown in the tape is American, because by combining the cranking scam and the personal lives of several main characters, actively including various music of the 70s in almost every scene, you get a kind of cocktail of rock and jazz in a glass with rhinestones and other all sorts of tinsel, distracting while you are being deceived.

A scam here means an FBI special operation to track down and catch scammers selling copies famous paintings under the guise of the original and various frauds with money, in this case it was a well-sung couple in love with Irving Rosenfeld and Sidney Prosser, but having settled one case, the American FBI agents represented by Richie DiMaso just don’t leave. Like the virtuoso Iranian "Argo", with the help of Irving and Sidney, they decide to pull off "Abskam", during which they plan to take several high-ranking corrupt officials from the US Congress. Almost turning this whole cooperative process of scammers and agents public services to a full house with dressing up as Arab sheikhs and their glamorous assistants, the plot, which is mercilessly attacked by developing characters, invites you to watch very carefully how personal qualities heroes, their feelings and actions are intertwined with family problems. It is far from immediately possible to understand in which direction Irving is moving, his suddenly appeared “sharp”, but attractive wife Rosalyn, or Richie, who strongly desired not only to fervently catch everyone and everything, but also the body of the charming Sydney.

The presented event turns would probably take place in reality, since they are caught and brought to clean water people, directly manipulating their personal desires and a subtle calculation for the future, but somewhat kitsch (in good sense words, specifically for this film) the manner of the story, allows you to look at it all with a smile. Stylish clothes, moderately chic, “classic” interiors of hotels and houses where the action takes place, more than ever, complement the atmosphere of numerous dialogues with which this tape is full, and dialogues consisting of discussions of actions, emotional showdowns and quarrels look with due tension, with the knowledge that one of the characters is now lying. In dialogue cinema, where we are talking about crimes, and there are only three shots, and then, in a flashback, it is very important to observe the semantic content of the scenes where the characters are forced to “believe what you want to believe”, beautifully playing their roles in the “Abdul scam” . It is rare that such a movie without visual dynamics maintains constant interest with semantic, verbal or something dynamics, and this is all not without the help of a wonderful ensemble of actors who sometimes improvise in scenes, as their characters improvise.

About similarity with real personalities in this picture there can be no question, it seems to me, because Russell worked with pets who came over from his previous projects. This does not prevent you from enjoying the friendly work of the entire ensemble, here no one overplayed or underplayed, even episodic Robert DeNiro in a dangerous moment at the table was cooler than his character in "Season of the Killers". Sometimes there was a feeling that the director started this project for the sake of the actors themselves, who noticeably like to act together, well, and the award that is already waiting for one of them will be judged by who, according to the Academician, is worthy. Christian Bale, one of my favorite actors, ate his stomach and if you make a comparison of his condition in The Machinist and here, then the photos can be posted on the resource “Change your weight for the love of the game”. bale perfectly merged with the image of a full, almost bald swindler, often correcting his glasses. Bradley Cooper good, but didn't outdo himself from "Rays of Hope", but gave a great moment with a parody of his boss on the couch. Jeremy Renner looks good not only in action movies, but Amy Adams here it is much better than in Man of Steel and the outfits of the 70s suit her very well, emphasizing sexuality. Jennifer Lawrence being the favorite Lately actually turned out to be even better than the last one. Again in shock, on the same wavelength with the director.

In the name "American Hustle", the word "hustle" most likely refers to the concept of a dance based on improvisation of two dancers, which was so popular in the early 80s, and this is exactly what can be seen in the film, which is shot in a completely different spirit from the thrillers about FBI operations, but with an interesting ending. Russell's film about corruption in higher ranks, skills of fraud in favor of the state, almost crossed the line of a certain musical of the 70s, as if a film for the sake of a film. One of the few this year, found himself in a difficult assessment situation. Overrated by the Academy. Probably underestimated by me.

“Who is the master? Artist or imitator?

An excellent criminal-political tragicomedy about petty swindlers who prey on big schemers. All the stars burn with napalm!

Experienced swindler Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and his partner-lover Sidney (Amy Adams) pull off simple but reliable scams in America in the late 1970s. They try not to draw attention to themselves, but still fall into the sight of the FBI. When agent Richie di Mazo (Bradley Cooper) catches them red-handed, he demands that they help him catch more crooks. Sydney offers Irving to run away from the country, but he can't quit. little son in the care of his mentally unstable wife Rosalynn (Jennifer Lawrence). So the couple reluctantly agrees to work for the FBI and sets a trap into which, to the surprise of di Mazo, the mayor of the city of Camden (), famous mafiosi and members of Congress and the Senate fall.

If in the film the mayor of Camden is shown as a quite decent person, then real prototype of this character, the mayor Angelo Errichetti, was a real criminal "authority" associated with drug smuggling and the issuance of counterfeit banknotes

Here is the paradox - all Hollywood stars they dream of portraying heroes, but few people like it. Especially among actors who really know how to play and transform, and not just stand in the frame in a pretentious pose. It is more interesting and pleasant to imitate villains, because they are usually brighter, more insidious, more unpredictable than heroes, and they enjoy life while the savior of the world, gritting his teeth, breaks through the obstacles invented for him. Therefore, the stars who play heroes from film to film, like cats on valerian, pounce on the opportunity to portray a dubious character. And they do it with such enthusiasm that the sparks flying from them set fire to everything around and turn the picture into a festive firework.

Christian Bale changed so much to play Rosenfeld that Robert De Niro didn't recognize him when he came to the set to perform episodic role mafia boss

American Hustle is just such a movie. Former Batman (Christian Bale), current Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), future Rocket Raccoon(Bradley Cooper) and the one and only Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) under the direction of the director of the films "My Boyfriend Is a Crazy", "Fighter" and "Three Kings" by David O. Russell portray not superheroes and not well-wishers, but charming and colorful schemers, who are always ready to deceive not only third-party "suckers", but also each other - and even themselves. All of them are masters of their craft, but none of them is an invulnerable and flawless robot sociopath, and their quirks, vulnerabilities, slips and romantic attachments turn potentially cold history about spiders in a jar into a somewhat cynical, but still warm and sincere criminal tragicomedy. With an emphasis on the word "comedy".

If not for a few serious, dramatic scenes, "The Scam" could well be called a "farce", and it looks exactly like a sparkling farce. The actors clearly enjoy their characters immensely, and the film is worth seeing just for Bale's portrayal of a fat swindler, or Amy Adams' trying on the image (and style of dressing) of a vamp. It is so delightful and hilarious that, leaving the hall, you immediately want to buy a ticket again and relive the "Scam" again. But Bale and Adams are not together in the film, and, for example, Jennifer Lawrence, in the role of an insidious, noisy, but sexy psychic housewife with a “Babylon” on her head, completely won an Oscar for best role the second plan and for any other prize that can be awarded comedian. If Lawrence wasn't already a world-famous superstar, she would have risen to fame after The Scam.

And that is not all! Russell's film is not only a gripping (albeit completely devoid of action) tragicomedy, but also a political movie about American corruption and the fight against it. Yes, action picture based on real events, develops in the 1970s, but corrupt officials have not disappeared since then, and in the States politicians are regularly caught by the hand, who are not clever enough to cover their tracks. And this is worth learning from America. Is it possible to imagine Russian painting a scene in which an FSB agent tells the prosecutor that a bird of federal flight has fallen into his snares, and the prosecutor reacts not with horror, but with enthusiasm? Like, “now we’ll pinch a couple of senators, and I’ll be promoted!” But there is such a scene in The Scam, it is taken from life (unlike many other things in the film), and this should be envied. As one immortal hero says, "the rule of law in the country is determined not by the presence of thieves, but by the ability of the authorities to neutralize them."

Christian Bale is extremely talented. Today he is considered one of the best actors. contemporary cinema. Of course, talent alone is not enough, you also need dedication and hard work, which Christian does not take. After all, the shocking transformation of the body of Christian Bale in each role serves as proof of this. Not every actor will be able to lose weight and gain so easily. short period time. See below for all of Christian Bale's shocking body transformations.

News Sellers (1992)

Seventeen-year-old Christian appeared in the image familiar to us in the musical "News Sellers". His hero, with a scarf around his neck, sang and danced so professionally that Bale was nominated for the Young Actor Award for this role.

Velvet Goldmine (1998)

One of the most subtle and graceful transformations in Christian's career. This film about glam rock shows the artist as a fully grown man. A man who sometimes uses shadows, but at the same time performs courageous deeds.

American Psycho (2000)

For the role of a maniac and murderer, Bale had to recruit a little muscle mass. On the creation of such sculptural forms, he spent four months, studying gym three hours six times a week.

Machinist (2004)

For the role of Trevor Resnick in The Machinist, Bale lost 28.5 kg. This is one of his most famous roles. The actor had to get rid of his athletic forms and lose 26 kg in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee and one apple a day. For his role in this film, Christian Bale received an award as best actor at the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

Batman Begins (2005)

The actor was faced with the task of gaining weight in a short period in order to portray the indestructible Batman in all its glory. Bale switched to a high-carb diet and returned to three-hour workouts. Gained 27 kg before the film and another 18 kg during filming. He was awarded the MTV award as "Best Hero".

Rescue Dawn (2006)

Already a weight management pro, Bale easily shed 24kg to play the hero who has to endure hardship in order to survive. Stunning makeup, depicting the last stage of exhaustion, made his image extremely realistic.

Terminator: Let the Savior Come (2009)

A new loop in the weight change roller coaster. To successfully fight the uprising of the machines, the film needed an actor who had sufficient muscle volume. Bale followed them back to the gym.

To play the cocaine-addicted ex-boxer, Bale had to do intense cardio to lose weight and portray a credible drug addict. For this role, he received an Oscar, a Golden Globe, as well as a US Screen Actors Guild Award in the Best Supporting Actor nomination and was generally treated kindly by critics.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Christian Bale's body can change as much as he wants, unlike Batman, who must always look athletic and muscular. It was for the role in the third part of the trilogy that Bale built muscle again.

From Hell (2013)

Goodbye muscles, welcome bones. Actor in Once again significant weight loss was required for the role of a tortured and downtrodden factory worker.

American Hustle (2013)

For the role in the crime comedy American Hustle, where he played the role of con artist Irving Rosenfeld, Bale ate the wrong food, mostly cheeseburgers, and gained 20 kg. For this role, Christian was nominated for an Oscar, a Golden Globe Award, and a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.

Exodus (2014)

Since, in fact, no one knows exactly how much weight Moses was, Christian Bale simply returned to his usual weight and will appear standardly slim in the Ridley Scott film.

Christian Bale is one of the most beloved, most popular and highly paid actors Hollywood. Long list remembered bright roles, indisputable the highest level acting skills, which is confirmed, among other things, by the Oscar received for his supporting role in the film. But there is another circumstance that makes Christian Bale stand out. This is the kind of sacrifice he makes for roles - not only in morally, getting used to the role, but also in the physical, then gaining weight, but dropping it to completely unrealistic limits. In this article, we will try to follow the entire path of the actor Christian Bale and see the reincarnations of his image and the incredible transformation of his body.

Let's start with the fact that for the first time Christian Bale appeared on TV back in 1986, at the age of 12. And his first notable role was already in 1987, in a film that you can remember from childhood (or remember the book by Astrid Lindgren, on which it was filmed) - "Mio, my Mio." The film was shot in Sweden, Scotland and the Crimea with the joint participation of Soviet, Swedish and Norwegian studios. The director was Vladimir Grammatikov, and cast was international - in addition to Christian Bale, Christopher Lee also starred there. Such involvement of the Union in the production of the film was the reason why it was popular in the USSR, and also the reason why you can remember it. And that's why you probably don't remember Bale there, it's because he didn't play leading role(Mio / Bosse), and the role of his friend (Yum-yum / Benke). This is what a very young Bale looked like:

Christian Bale is a little older - 17 years old, singing and dancing in the movie musical "Newsies" (Newsies) (in the center of the frame):

A light, thin young man - Christian Bale is quite familiar to us.

And now in the year 2000. When all the fun began in terms of the transformation of the actor's body. "American Psycho" (American psycho).

Six times a week for three hours in the gym for four months. 81 kilograms (I had to gain a lot of weight compared to the previous "thin" youthful roles) and an impressive relief of the actor's body.

For the filming of "Reign of Fire" in 2002, Christian Bale gained two more kilograms (83 kg) and began to look more masculine.

Usually in Hollywood, if an actor achieves a good relief, he tries not to lose his position - this is very convenient for filming as athletic brutal supermen in action films and macho lovers in light comedies and love dramas. But, as you understand, this is not the case of Christian Bale. However, as it turned out later, getting in shape for an actor is absolutely not a problem. And, in any.

The most convincing proof of this was the 2004 film The Machinist. After an ideal muscle relief and a weight of 81 kilograms, Bale, as a result of the most severe diet (water, coffee and one apple a day), loses 26 kilograms within four months and reaches the mark of 55 kilograms. Not every girl weighs less, but at the same time, the actor’s height is 183 centimeters.

The changes were dramatic and even frightening. In addition, such a low weight for an adult male is a problem in terms of health - there is a risk of serious complications with the heart and blood vessels (up to death). But on the other hand, the acting task was completed - Christian fully conveyed the image of a man exhausted by prolonged insomnia.

One of Bale's most memorable roles and one of the most incredible transformations of his body.

The very next year (2005) Bale was supposed to play Batman in "Batman Begins" (Batman begins) - for this it was necessary to regain the body of a superman. For the actor, this was already a passed stage - a three-hour workout + a carbohydrate diet, and before filming, the actor gained 26 kilograms, and during the filming another five.

There were no problems with the credibility of Batman's combat image.

If Bale has gained weight, then what will have to be done soon? That's right, drop it. For "Rescue Dawn" (Rescue Dawn) in 2006, Christian dropped twenty-five kilograms, so that exhaustion looked natural and make-up artists had less work.

It is curious that in the same film, Christian is shown with a normal weight:

The difference is striking. The same trick was in The Machinist, and it also looked impressive.

Back in the Batman costume (2008) for The Dark Knight, again plus 25 kilograms, training and serious relief is not a problem.

In 2010, Bale played the Oscar-winning role of Dicky Eklund, a former boxer in the film. It was necessary to portray a drug addict, and therefore physical exhaustion was completely necessary factor. With the usual mechanics, the actor lost twenty kilograms (up to 66 kg of weight), and, as we see, critics noted this (however, like the audience, which is the most important thing).

Since no one was going to cancel the release of the third part of Batman, for The Dark Knight Rises, we again had to build up muscles (2012) ...

…and for Out of the Furnace in 2013, I had to drop them again and return to a skeletal-like view.

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