Little-known poets and writers of the Smolensk region. What does Smolensk say


Public organization"Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia"

The Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia has rich history formation and development.

The first association of writers of the Smolensk region in the twentieth century. we must consider the literary studio Proletkult, founded in 1919 by S.A. Stradny, whose goal was to “give their own Pushkins, Koltsovs and Tolstoys”. After its collapse in 1921, the Arena literary group arose. Along with the "Arena" at the regional newspaper "Working Way" there was literary association headed by M.V. Isakovsky (D. Zemlyak, N. Burkin and others), who advocated the use of the experience of the classics and a closer connection between literature and life.

In March 1924, an organizational meeting of Smolensk writers of all groups and associations took place with the aim of creating a “branch office” of the All-Russian Union of Writers. In fact, it did not contribute significant changes V literary life the edges. Therefore, in 1927, the first provincial conference took place, uniting a group of so-called. “proletarian writers”, and in March 1930, at the regional writers’ conference, the association of proletarian writers of the Western Region was proclaimed, which essentially put up an impenetrable barrier to the penetration of peasant writers and writers from the intelligentsia into literature. This separation of writers' forces was eliminated by the First Regional Congress of Writers, which took place in April 1934. The chairman of the organizing committee, M. Zavyalov, made a report at it. The congress created the Union of Writers of the Western Region, which then included the Smolensk, Bryansk and part of the Kaluga regions. The created Union elected delegates to the First All-Union Congress writers of the USSR (M. Zavyalov, N. Rylenkov, A. Tvardovsky).

After the congress, the writers of the Smolensk school, united on the basis of a common creative method, got the opportunity to print their works not only in local periodicals(newspapers Rabochiy Put, Bolshevik Molodnyak, Bezhitsky Rabochiy, Decade Literary Newspaper, For Proletarian Pedagogy, Kolkhoznaya Gazeta, Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda, etc.; the magazines Western Region, Offensive ”), but also in central publications (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Znamya”, “Kolkhoznik”, “Krasnaya Nov”, “Oktyabr”), as well as in central publishing houses.

With the departure to Moscow, M.V. Isakovsky (1931) and A.T. Tvardovsky (1936), the literary forces of the Smolensk region united around N.I. Rylenkov, who for twenty years headed the Smolensk Regional Writers' Organization. In the pre-war years, local Smolensk newspapers, almanacs and other books of Zapoblgiz regularly published poems and fiction Smolensk writers, collective collections of works and books of individual authors were published.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War many writers of the Smolensk region were at the front: N.I. Rylenkov, V.F. Shurygin, E.M. Marenkov, N.M. Gribachev and a number of others; in partisans: V.A. Zvezdaeva; A.T. worked as front-line correspondents. Tvardovsky, D.P. Dvoretsky, D.D. Osin, V.A. Ardamatsky, A.I. Gitovich, S.A. Fixin, N.V. Polyakov and others. Defending the Motherland, I. Kutasov, V. Gorbatenkov, Ya. Sinelnikov, G. Nilov, A. Belyaev, V. Aristov perished.

IN post-war years organization Smolensk writers strengthened by young authors. They were skillfully directed by N.I. Rylenkov, who edited and published the first works and their first books. The poet successfully combined work in the governing bodies of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR and the Smolensk Writers' Organization. After his death in 1969, the writers' organization was headed by N.G. Antonov, Yu.V. Pashkov, L. I. Kozyr, V. I. Tazov. Playwrights also performed alongside prose writers and poets. A. Bodrenkov's play "Pavel Brodov" for several seasons was on the playbill of the regional drama theater, staged in Moscow, broadcast on central television and Moscow radio. At the same time, T.G. Yan and N.A. Semenov. In the Smolensk Regional Drama Theater there were plays by T. Yan “Nabat on a Midsummer Night” and “Beloved”, children's theater in Moscow he staged the plays The Girl and April (1969) and The House in the Sun (1970). Dramatic works ON THE. Semenova went beyond the Smolensk region and Russia - they were recognized by European, American and Japanese audiences.

After the collapse of the USSR, two writers' organizations were formed: the Union of Russian Writers and the Union of Writers of Russia. The Smolensk organization of the Writers' Union of Russia was headed by N.A. Semenov (1991-1996), and after her death V.P. Smirnov.

Since December 2013, the Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia has been headed by O. I. Dorogan, Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia.

The Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia rightfully dates back to 1924, when the first Smolensk writers' organization was created, uniting literary groups and individual writers of the Smolensk region under the leadership of M.V. Isakovsky, and carries out a succession. Currently, the organization has 59 members of the Writers' Union of Russia.

The most important areas of work of the Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia are identified:

Activation of the activity of the creative writers' union for the development of culture and art in the Smolensk region, organization and participation in cultural events of the city and the region;

Following the rich historical traditions and multiplying them, relying in their work and literary and social activities on continuity, connecting the departed and living generations, giving priority attention to both revered older writers and talented youth.

Addressing and transferring spiritual, ethical and aesthetic ideals and guidelines, artistic samples of the art of the word professed by writers to various layers of civil society, which would contribute to the consolidation of various social forces, social strata and groups, in the name of strengthening peace and harmony in civil society.

Improving the spiritual dominant of the events, achieving their high-quality educational impact in the spirit of Orthodox morality and patriotism.

The focus is on showing the role of Russia in the global historical process from a highly spiritual Orthodox position. Members of the organization will stop any manifestations of xenophobia, hatred towards other nationalities, call to cherish the friendship between fraternal peoples, strengthen and increase it.

As one of priorities is to provide effective assistance to people with disabilities, gifted and striving to express themselves creatively.

In the context of a unified comprehensive cultural program The Smolensk regional organization of the SP of Russia, using the help and support of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Smolensk Region, various social and public structures, cultural and historical budgetary institutions, carries out a number of major projects and events.

The writers' organization has a composition of the most active writers who participate in all or almost all events. Regularly members of the writers' organization by writers' delegations, "landing forces", speak at literary venues and rallies dedicated to outstanding poets Smolensk region - M.V. Isakovsky, A.T. Tvardovsky, N.I. Rylenkov, as well as the writer B.L. Vasiliev, at events in the Smolensk Regional Universal Scientific Library. A.T. Tvardovsky, city libraries, in the Literary Lounge, created under Smolensky state museum-reserve. And, as a rule, - disinterestedly and gratuitously, one might say, on a volunteer basis. Each member of the writers' organization is tasked with finding talent, especially among young people, and working with them. And the members of our organization, founded more than 90 years ago by M.V. Isakovsky, for the most part strive to continue and increase the reasonable, kind, and eternal that was done by our classics for the humanization and harmonization of civil society within the framework of their time.

Together with employees of the Smolensk Regional Universal scientific library them. A.T. Tvardovsky is being literary competition"BiblioParnassus", covering all areas of the Smolensk region, attracting gifted talented authors to participate in it.

On the basis of the Smolensk Writers' Organization, the Smolensk Regional Association of Orthodox Writers was created under the leadership of N.N. Kezhenov, a member of the board of the Smolensk Regional Organization of the Writers' Union of Russia. It holds meetings and events under the influence and spiritual pastoring of the head of the commission for the work of Orthodox libraries at the Holy Dormition Cathedral, Mitred Archpriest Father Michael (Gorovoy). Regularly, at least once a month, classes are held at the Assumption Cathedral, spiritual and moral, cultural and educational work is carried out in universities, including the Military Academy of the Air Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, schools and gymnasiums, among students and students, as well as among children with disabilities. limited opportunities.

In terms of attracting literary creativity as many Smolensk authors as possible hold monthly meetings of "Spring" - a creative association created by the Smolensk poet Yu.V. Pashkov, and it now bears his name. It is headed by L. Serdechnaya, a member of the Smolensk regional organization of the SP of Russia.

One of the most important development factors literary process and coverage as possible more creative people is the holding of competitions. The most significant was the form of organizing the International Simonov Competition together with the Mogilev regional branch of the "Russian Society" and the Mogilev branch of the Writers' Union of Belarus, the competition commission included members of our Smolensk writers' organization as co-chairs and members of the jury.

There is constant interaction with creative organizations of the regions of Russia: the board and secretariat of the Writers' Union of Russia, the Literary Society of Writers of Russia, the All-Russian Literary Society (the board of these three organizations includes the chairman of the Smolensk regional organization of the Writers' Union of Russia). Information and creative connections with regional organizations of the Joint Venture of Russia of the Moscow, Leningrad, Pskov, Bryansk, Oryol regions, with the Association "Commonwealth of Writers of the Upper Volga Region" (under the Agreement on cooperation in the field of culture of the Smolensk and Tver regions).

Under the Smolensk Writers' Organization, nine issues of the almanac "Native Side" were published; literary and artistic collection "Connection of Generations".

Thus, the most important task facing the entire writers' organization today is to sow the meanings of kindness and love, philanthropy and mercy. These meanings are the seeds that carry out creative work in the hearts and souls of people, helping to resist the forces of destruction.

Two sites have been opened in the information field to cover the activities of the Smolensk regional organization of the SP of Russia.

In 2010, M.N. Paramonova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Smolensk Writers' Organization, opened the main website of the writers' organization: “The Writers' Union of Russia. Smolensk regional organization”, covering the most socially significant events and ongoing activities.

Since the beginning of 2018, all events held with the participation of the organization, as well as its members individually, are also covered on the Smolpisatel website, which is run by N.N. Chepurnykh, a member of the board of the Smolensk Regional Writers' Organization of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Anton Savenok

Time Machine

"What is famous indian culture? - Vladimir Vysotsky once asked himself a question and wrote another masterpiece about Indian yogis. "What is Smolensk culture famous for?" - we asked ourselves and ... tried to find the answer to this question. There are names that for many years have been habitually associated with the Smolensk region. Glinka, Tvardovsky, Isakovsky, Konenkov, Przhevalsky… Gagarin, of course. However, as it turns out, many of the most famous, talented, original writers, artists, musicians, whose names are on everyone's lips, were also somehow closely connected in various periods of their lives with the Smolensk region. Moreover, it was their stay in Smolensk, even if it was short, that had a significant impact on all their work.

In this issue we will talk about writers - engineers of human souls.
Materials used in the preparation were,,

Isaac Asimov

Portrait of the world-famous science fiction writer along with others famous natives Smolensk region adorns one of the halls of the administration building of the Smolensk region. And this is as strange as it is understandable. Indeed, today the village of Petrovichi, in which on January 2, 1920 in a modest Jewish family Isaac was born (Isaac is the English pronunciation of this biblical name) is located in the Shumyachsky district of the Smolensk region. So everything seems to be correct: a fellow countryman is also a fellow countryman in Africa. Only at the time of Azimov's birth, this settlement, according to the administrative-territorial division, belonged to Belarus.

At the age of less than three years of age, Azimov was taken by his parents to America and never again visited Russia or Belarus in his life; and he never knew the Russian language (everyone in the family always spoke exclusively in Yiddish, and in the USA, naturally, English became his “native” language). So, dear reader, decide for yourself how correct it is to call Isaac Asimov a Smolensk writer.

In his autobiographical book While the Memory is Fresh, Isaac Asimov wrote about his small homeland: The city where I was born is called Petrovichi ... I always thought that Petrovichi, probably, Big city or even a separate province and was quite disappointed when I found out that it was a small place. My father sometimes saw maps of Europe or Russia in my school textbooks or somewhere else and always eagerly tried to find the Petrovichi, but did not find them. Later, when I grew up, I myself tried to look for Petrovichi, I wanted to know if it was all a mirage, maybe I was born in an open field or a lifeless desert. During World War II, I bought myself big map Europe, on which he intended to mark changes on the fronts with colored pins. Studying that part of Russia where the fighting was going on at that time, I found Petrovichi with joy and surprise. For the first time I saw Petrovichi on the map! I marked this point with a special pin, which always remained in place, wherever the European fronts moved. After all, I needed every possible proof that I was actually born somewhere...

The location of Petrovich seems unusual to me. I have never lived further east or north in my life than where I was born.…»

At the end of the 1950s, when the Khrushchev “thaw” came, the inhabitants of the already “Smolensk” Petrovichi dared to write a letter to their great and by that time already well-known countryman in the USSR. And Asimov answered it.

« It is very nice to hear news from the place where I was born. My parents lived there happily and remembered it fondly for many years after they moved to the United States. I don't remember Petrovichi because I left them before my third birthday. But I never forgot where I was born. As for information about me, there is very little of it. My life consists entirely of writing and may seem incredibly boring to some. To date, I have published 379 books, so as you can see, I don't have time for anything else. But it gives me a feeling of inner happiness…»

What is the name of Isaac Asimov for readers all over the world now? In 1941, the story "The Liar" was published from his pen, in which, for the first time in the history of literature, mechanical analogues of a person appeared - robots. Asimov developed three laws of robotics, which became indisputable dogmas for science fiction writers around the world. Of course, you remember them very well, these axioms are still actively used by science fiction writers and creators of fiction films.

laws of robotics

1. A robot cannot harm a person or by its inaction allow a person to be harmed.

2. A robot must obey all orders given by a human, unless those orders are contrary to the First Law.

3. The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that this does not contradict the First and Second Laws.

Isaac Asimov was repeatedly awarded prestigious awards in area science fiction- Hugo and Nebula (the latter, for example, is called "Oscar" fantasy literature). In the Anglo-American literary tradition Isaac Asimov, along with Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Heinlein, is one of the "Big Three" science fiction writers.

The writer Asimov died on April 6, 1992 from heart and kidney failure. By the will of the deceased, his body was cremated and the ashes scattered.

Alexander Belyaev

One of the most famous natives of the city of Smolensk. Which of us in childhood and youth did not read his exciting, action-packed and very informative works? "Professor Dowell's Head" and "Lord of the World", "The Island of Lost Ships" and "The Air Seller", "The Man Who Lost Face" and " Last Man from Atlantis." And, of course, "Amphibian Man", Ichthyander and Gutierre ...

The works of Belyaev have always absorbed the reader so much that they were “swallowed” literally in a matter of hours, leaving after reading an unforgettable aftertaste of joy and admiration. While the life of Alexander Belyaev was not at all cloudless, and there were not so many joys in it. There were many more human tragedies in it.

Alexander Belyaev was born on March 4 (16), 1884 in Smolensk, in the family of an Orthodox priest. There were two more children in the family: sister Nina (died in childhood from sarcoma) and brother Vasily, a student at a veterinary institute (he drowned while riding a boat).

The father wanted to see in his son the successor of his work and sent him to the seminary. Alexander graduated from it, but did not become a priest. In defiance of his father, he entered the legal lyceum in Yaroslavl. Soon after the death of his father, he had to earn extra money, giving lessons, painting scenery for the theater, playing the violin in the circus orchestra.

At the end of the Lyceum, Belyaev received the position of a private attorney in Smolensk and soon gained fame as a good lawyer. He has a regular clientele. Material possibilities also grew: it was possible to rent and furnish a good apartment, buy a good collection of paintings, collect a large library. Having finished any business, he went to travel abroad, visited France, Italy, visited Venice. (However, in memory of Russian Empire and the whole world in 1914, Alexander Belyaev left law for the sake of literature and theater.)

Five years later, Belyaev fell ill with tuberculous pleurisy. The treatment turned out to be very unsuccessful - tuberculosis of the spine developed, which was complicated by paralysis of the legs. A serious illness for several years was bedridden. The young wife left him, saying that she did not get married in order to take care of her sick husband. In search of specialists who could help, Alexander Belyaev, with his mother and old nanny, ended up in Yalta. There, in the hospital, he began to write poetry. Not succumbing to despair, the writer was actively engaged in self-education: he studied foreign languages, medicine, biology, history, technology, read Jules Verne, Herbert Wells, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Purposefulness and willpower bore fruit: in 1922, Belyaev returned to a full life, moved from Yalta to Moscow, where he got a job as a legal adviser. There he began his serious literary activity.

In the magazines "Around the World", "Knowledge is Power", "World Pathfinder" science fiction stories and novels by Belyaev are published, which are very popular among readers. Very soon the writer deserves the title of "Soviet Jules Verne".

In 1925, the story "Professor Dowell's Head" was published, which the author called a biographical story: he wanted to tell "what a head without a body can experience."

During the years of his life in Moscow, Alexander Belyaev wrote "The Island of Lost Ships", "The Last Man from Atlantis", "The Amphibian Man", "Struggle on the Air", a collection of stories was published. The author wrote not only under his own name, but also under the pseudonyms A. Rom and Arbel.

In 1928, Belyaev and his family moved to Leningrad, and since then he has been exclusively engaged in literature. This is how "Lord of the World", "Underwater Farmers", "Wonderful Eye", stories from the series "Professor Wagner's Inventions" appeared. They were printed mainly in Moscow publishing houses. However, soon the disease again made itself felt, and I had to move from rainy Leningrad to sunny Kyiv.

The year 1930 turned out to be very difficult for the writer: his six-year-old daughter died of meningitis, the second one fell ill with rickets, and soon his own illness (spondylitis) worsened. As a result, the family returned to Leningrad, where Belyaev continued to study literary work. Shortly before the war, he underwent another operation; he refused the offer to evacuate with the outbreak of hostilities.

The city of Pushkin (a suburb of Leningrad), where in recent years the writer lived with his family, was occupied. In January 1942, Belyaev died of starvation. A German general and four soldiers carried his body out of the house and buried it somewhere. It was strange that the Germans were burying a Russian, but the general explained the situation by reading a short speech, from which it followed that in childhood he read Belyaev and therefore, as a token of gratitude, they honorably bury his body. (The burial place of the writer is not known for certain, and a memorial stele at the Kazan cemetery in the city of Pushkin was installed only on the supposed grave.)

The surviving wife and daughter of the writer were deported by the Germans to Poland.

Michael Bulgakov

Undoubtedly, Mikhail Bulgakov is one of the most widely read writers of the 20th (and now the 21st) century. Now his name is surrounded by readers' attention both in Russia and abroad. And readers older than forty, for sure, remember the time when even the name of Mikhail Afanasyevich was actually banned. Not to mention his works that do not meet the principles of socialist realism at all. Many of the "Soviet" generation read The Master and Margarita for the first time in samizdat rotaprint versions. And for millions of Soviet people, this book has become a real revelation. However, like the "White Guard", and " dog's heart”, and his stories, the basis for many of which was Bulgakov’s personal life experience, acquired by him while working on Smolensk land.

Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 3 (15), 1891 in Kyiv, in the family of Afanasy Bulgakov, a teacher at the Kyiv Theological Academy, and his wife Varvara (nee Pokrovskaya). Both parents of the future writer came from ancient families Oryol and Karachev (Oryol province) clergy and merchants: Bulgakov, Ivanov, Pokrovsky, Turbin, Popov.

At the age of nine, Mikhail was enrolled in the preparatory class of the Kyiv gymnasium, which he graduated "with a second degree award." Then there was study at the famous first male Alexander Gymnasium. Of Bulgakov's youthful hobbies, one can single out football - a game that was just beginning to gain popularity in Russia at that time (Michael's brothers, Nikolai and Ivan were also fond of it), as well as a passion for the theater: both as a spectator and as a participant in summer country performances.

After graduating from the gymnasium, Bulgakov did not hesitate for long in choosing a profession, entering the medical faculty of the Kyiv Imperial University of St. Vladimir, from which he received a diploma in 1916. The future writer was approved in "the degree of a doctor with honors with all the rights and benefits assigned by the laws of the Russian Empire to this degree."

From September 1916, the "Smolensk period" began in the life of Mikhail Bulgakov. He was sent to the Smolensk medical council and was assigned to the village of Nikolskoye, Sychevsky district, head of the 3rd medical station. Together with his wife Tasya, they arrived there on September 29 - it is this date, the beginning of the medical activity of the future writer in Nikolskoye, that is in the certificate issued to him later.

Bulgakov's wife described the new place of residence as follows: There is nothing. A bare place, some trees ... From a distance, the hospital is visible, the house is so white and next to it is an outbuilding where the hospital workers lived, and a special doctor's house. Downstairs is a kitchen, a dining room, a huge reception room, and another room. The toilet was downstairs. Upstairs is an office and a bedroom. The bath was aside, it was drowned in black…»

Nevertheless, even in this "deaf village" there was everything a doctor needed.

In Nikolsky, Bulgakov had to be a general practitioner, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, and a venereologist. And he did his job very well. Local peasants, at first not very trusting young doctor, after several successful operations, changed their attitude and began to actively use his indispensable help. The work of a “zemstvo doctor” is reflected in the autobiographical cycle of stories “Notes of a Young Doctor”, and in the story “Morphine”, Bulgakov indirectly tells about how he himself became addicted to the drug.

That's how it was. Fearing infection as a result of a tracheotomy in a girl with diphtheria, Bulgakov was forced to vaccinate himself against that terrible disease. As a result of this, he began to drown out the severe itching and pain with morphine, and as a result, the use of the drug became a habit. Soon he was injecting himself with morphine twice a day. By the end of the summer of 1917, many began to suspect that Bulgakov was seriously ill. It became impossible to work in Nikolskoye, and he asked to be transferred to Vyazma. This request was granted, and on September 20, 1917, Dr. Bulgakov became the head of the infectious and venereological departments of the Vyazemsky city zemstvo hospital.

However, the transfer to a new job did not help to recover from morphinism. As a result, Bulgakov worked in the Vyazemsky hospital for less than six months, after which he returned to Kyiv, where, through the efforts of his wife Tatyana and his stepfather, a doctor, he managed to get rid of his deadly addiction (almost a miracle, according to narcologists).

Despite all the troubles and sufferings experienced in Nikolsky and Vyazma, Bulgakov described his stay in the Smolensk region not in the most gloomy colors: “ And yet it’s good that I stayed on the site ... I became brave man ". Here his character took shape and tempered, here he began to write, write about the Smolensk region, about his medical practice in Nikolskoye. Later, these notes were reworked into Notes of a Young Doctor, realistic but life-affirming stories.

Then there were "Fatal Eggs" and "Heart of a Dog", there were great plays: "Days of the Turbins", "Running", "The Life of Monsieur de Molière", "The Cabal of the Saints". There were long years of non-recognition, contempt and persecution. There was desperation and disappointment. Was main work throughout his life - the novel "The Master and Margarita", written from 1929 to 1940, the year of his death.

But their first literary experiments Bulgakov began in Vyazma, describing the life of a zemstvo doctor in the Sychevsky district.

Boris Vasiliev

Based on the works of Zoshchenko, several feature films, including the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai "It can't be!" Many generations of remarkable artists have performed and continue to perform with his stories: Igor Ilyinsky, Sergey Yursky, Mikhail Svetin, Alexei Petrenko, Alexander Filippenko, Efim Shifrin.

The fate of the writer was not easy. After incredible popularity, public humiliation, poverty and betrayal awaited him ...

Mikhail Zoshchenko was born on July 28 (August 9), 1894 in St. Petersburg. The father of the future writer Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko was an artist. Mother Elena Osipovna Zoshchenko (née Surina) is an actress.

In 1913, Zoshchenko graduated from the Leningrad gymnasium, entered the university at the department of law, but studied there for only one year, after which he was enrolled in the Pavlovsk military school as a cadet of the rank and file on the rights of a volunteer of the 1st category, graduated from accelerated four-month wartime courses and was promoted ensign with enrollment in the army infantry.

From the beginning of March 1915 he was in the active troops.

Zoshchenko wrote about this time: “. .Served in the Mingrelian regiment of the Caucasian Grenadier Division... At the age of 19 I was already a lieutenant... At the age of 20 I had 5 orders and was promoted to captain. But that didn't mean I was a hero. This meant that I was in positions for two years. I participated in many battles, was wounded, gassed, spoiled my heart ...»

After the February Revolution, Zoshchenko was appointed head of the post and telegraph office and commandant of the Petrograd post office. Soon, however, he left this position and moved to Arkhangelsk, where he worked as an adjutant of the Arkhangelsk squad.

Zoshchenko took the October Revolution positively and sided with the Soviet government.

From 1917 to 1919, the "Smolensk" period began in the life of Mikhail Zoshchenko. First, he works as a secretary of the Smolensk court, and then goes to the village of Mankovo ​​(the current Krasninsky district), where he works - attention! - Instructor in rabbit breeding and chicken breeding.

Many critics believe that Zoshchenko's first stories of the period 19211-1923 have numerous interspersed with memoirs during his stay in Mankovo ​​in November-December 1918. In them, the writer mentions how good it is to live in the provinces. There is a complete shortage of bread in the capitals. But " the chairman of the executive committee breeds chickens, a member of the party also breeds chickens, Dr. Goglazov breeds chickens, and the commandant of the station is busy with rabbit breeding(story "War"). The Smolensk province and the city of Smolensk often appear in the author's early works.

In 1919, Mikhail Zoshchenko hastily left Mankovo. Apparently, there were quite good reasons for this. According to historians, there was a conflict between Zoshchenko and the local "land" elite. He was indignant and shocked by the desire to deal with some of the peasants, whom the landowners, in the event of the “collapse of the Bolsheviks,” were going to send to hard labor, flogged with rods, and even hang some of them.

In Mankovo, the writer had an affair with a girl, Veronika, the daughter of one of the local landowners. In this story, all sides acted not quite nicely: Mikhail Zoshchenko himself was not ready for family life, especially with a provincial, Veronica's father, offended by such behavior, wrote a denunciation to the local Cheka, accusing him of preparing a counter-revolutionary conspiracy.

The same unattractive story caused the author's conflict with his sister Elena (Lyolya, Lyolishche from Zoshchenko's children's stories). She, who had lived in these parts for more than one year, was unpleasantly surprised to learn that her brother allows himself actions that offend people whom he has known for many years. She asked Mikhail to leave immediately so as not to dishonor her honor, promising to keep this story a secret.

One way or another, Zoshchenko left the Smolensk region and, despite serious health problems, volunteered for the front.

After demobilization, he changed many professions: he served in the police, was an agent of the criminal investigation department, a clerk at the Petrograd military port, a carpenter, and a shoemaker. He made his debut in print in 1922. Belonged to the literary group "Serapion brothers" ...

The writer's cloudless life ended abruptly in August 1946. After the well-known decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad, Zoshchenko's work was subjected to deafening criticism, he was expelled from the members of the Writers' Union and subjected to severe persecution.

In 1946-1953, Mikhail Zoshchenko was mainly engaged in translation activities (without the right to sign translated works), and also worked as a shoemaker. In June 1953 he was again admitted to the Writers' Union, worked in the magazines Krokodil and Ogonyok. After reaching retirement age and until his death, Zoshchenko was denied a pension.

Last years Zoshchenko lived in a dacha in Sestroretsk. In 1958, the authorities forbade his burial at the Volkovo cemetery, among former writers, and he was buried at the Sestroretsk cemetery near St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Prishvin

One of the most original Russian writers. He is not like anyone - neither in Russian, nor in world literature. The fate of his work is rather complicated. On the one hand, many works have long been widely known and enjoy the unconditional recognition of readers. On the other side, most of literary heritage was published by the widow of the writer Prishvina after his death.

The main subject in the works of Mikhail Prishvin is the relationship of man to nature, their inseparable bond and influence each other. The books written by him evoked polar feelings among contemporaries and descendants, from admiration to complete rejection, which speaks of the undoubted originality and originality of the author's creative talent.

Folk teacher and agronomist, local geographer and ethnographer, the most experienced hunter who comprehended the subtle professional secrets of the art of fur farmer and botanist, and above all a wonderful artist of the word - this is how Mikhail Prishvin appears to his readers.

Was born future writer February 4, 1873 in the Yelets district of the Oryol province in the family estate of Khrushchevo-Levshino. In 1883, mother Maria Ivanovna Ignatova took Misha to study in the first class of the Yelets classical gymnasium. There, Prishvin did not shine with success - in six years of study he reached only the fourth grade, and in this class he had to Once again to stay for the second year, but due to a conflict with the geography teacher Rozanov - the future famous philosopher - he was expelled "for insolence to the teacher." I had to finish my studies at the Tyumen Alexander Real School, and then at the Riga Polytechnic and at the agronomic department of the University of Leipzig, where Prishvin received a diploma in land surveying engineer.

Until 1905 he worked as an agronomist, wrote several books and articles on agronomy. In 1897 he was arrested for his connection with the social democratic organization, passion for Marxism and translations of Bebel's book "Woman and Socialism" and spent about a year first in Livonia and then in Jelgava prisons.

During the First World War, Prishvin worked as a war correspondent, published his essays in various newspapers.

Mikhail Prishvin arrived in Smolensk in August 1920 with Lunacharsky's mandate to collect folklore. Due to family circumstances (moving to his wife's homeland, the inability to get a land plot in a remote forest region) and as a result of some creative thoughts, he unexpectedly began working as a teacher of Russian literature at a second-level school. It was located in the village of Aleksino, Dorogobuzh district, Smolensk province, former estate landowners Baryshnikov. Talented writer man big soul And high culture thinking, Prishvin quickly got used to the new place, becoming a teacher. At the same time, he was in charge of the museum of estate life, collected songs, epics, fairy tales and wrote his diary.

Working as a teacher, in close contact with the people, Mikhail Prishvin rethinks his former writing aspirations. Here, in Aleksino, he continued to keep a diary, in which on May 26, 1920 he made a noteworthy entry: “ We, the writers, need to return to the people, we need to again eavesdrop on their moans, we need to collect blood and tears and new souls nurtured by their suffering, we need to raise the whole past in a new light.».

In his teaching, Mikhail Prishvin involved "local songs and fairy tales, wedding ceremonies, forest beliefs" in his classes. He used the local ethnographic dictionary of Dobrovolsky, the works of Chekhov, Bunin and other Russian classics. In connection with the search for new teaching methods, Prishvin expanded and deepened the definition of local history. In Aleksino, he created a whole program of study native land. To do this, he compiled stories from the life of the forest and steppe people, and on their basis he conducted literature lessons, introducing children to the ancient rites and customs of the Slavs.

The program for studying the native land was carried out in another way - through excursions to the museum of the estate life. The students willingly visited the museum, listening to fascinating and educational stories teachers.

In 1922, Mikhail Prishvin left the Smolensk region.

Your last major work- Prishvin wrote the story-tale "Ship thicket" during 1952-1953 and finally finished, being seriously ill, in last month own life. In print, he managed to see the chapters of his story. They opened his last book published during his lifetime, a large collection of short stories and novels for youth - "Spring of Light". The chapters went under the general heading "The Word of Truth." December 31, 1953 as new year gift The critically ill writer was brought home with advance copies of his Spring of Light.

Prishvin died on January 16, 1954, when his story "The Ship's Thicket" was typed for publication in the magazine " New world”, and then as a separate book in the publishing house “Soviet Writer”.

Smolensk land is rich in poets known throughout Russia. Tvardovsky A.T., Isakovsky M.V., Rylenkov N.I., Mishin A.V. Each of them wrote about his homeland in verse. We present you the poems of Smolensk poets

Alexey Viktorovich Mishin (1936-2009)

Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich (1910-1971)

Isakovsky Mikhail Vasilyevich (1900-1973)

Rylenkov Nikolai Ivanovich (1909-1969)

Poems about Smolensk

Smolensk region(Mishin A)

You are all in the palm of your hand
My past and future years.
Your hills and groves on the slope
Live in me
Like air and like light.

Expanses of flax.
thick honey clover,
And springs, that saucers, here and there.
And how many rivers run north
And to the southern blue seas?

Among forests, fields
Their journey is short
That bright Vazuza,
That Ustrom
They merge with Mother Volga,
And then slowly with the father-Dnepr.

What springs!
Dawns are here!
Evening light - dawn gets!
Here is a nightingale in the moments of dawn
He sings a duet in a grove with an oriole.

And every blade of grass freezes.
Under these trills and Gagarin grew up,
And these songs
The great Glinka himself
Through the years, he carried it in his soul.

My difficult edge
Not a quiet road
The flight of his fate is high ...
Whatever the hut -
The lead of war is stitched,
Whatever a verst - graves near the roads ...

This is where new talent grows.
Both music and poetry are born.
Already the liners
And miracle diamonds
The country takes from your good hands.

I will come to you, my land.
Where over the flower
A bumblebee floats.
I'll drink water
I look into my native faces -
And good forces will flow through the veins.

There are days
Harsh, unkind.
From troubles and tears
A good friend is not nice to me,
But without this small homeland,
A chick in a nest without wings.

Oh how right I was
Tvardovsky in the hour of rest,
Saying softly
But for the whole country:
- What happiness dear
Have your own side!

Smolensk(Isakovsky M.)

I saw piles of broken glass
I saw mountains of stone ruins...
Here the city street was
And there is none: the Germans have been here.

I saw a place where in the old days
Thick lime trees covered the sky.
They are no more. Only stumps remain:
Here the enemy has passed. The Germans have been here.

I saw a hill near the old walls of the Kremlin,
And this hill will hardly be forgotten.
Here the earth is all in tears and all in blood:
Here was the end. Buried in a hole here.

I saw everything that I had to see,
That the enemy tormented without any regrets ...
But not for a moment did he succeed.
You, Smolensk, put on your knees.

You did not bow your proud head, -
Let it be wounded, even crippled,
But you stand, but you are forever alive,
Straighten your shoulders towards the sun.

You escaped from the enemy's claws,
Got rid of the cursed night.
And tirelessly thousands of people
Yours, Smolensk, heal wounds.

And again free songs sound,
It sounds its own, dear to the heart, word,
And grandmothers cradle their grandchildren,
And the sun rises and sets again.

You are alive, Smolensk, and you will live forever!
And those who abused you
That they wanted to strangle the whole country,
For their robbery will pay us with a vengeance!

Do you hear - the blessed thunder roared,
Smashing enemies with a gigantic blow!
And how many fell across the Dnieper,
And how many were destroyed near Minsk!

They lie down in the dust
Lying around, crushed by an iron storm,
They rot in swamps and forests -
The vaunted fascist soldiers!

They will no longer do bloody deeds,
Don't mock our land...
And you live and will live forever
And rise higher every year!

September, 1944

(Isakovsky M.)

My Smolensk region
My native land!
Here is my youth
Once wandered.

Here is my youth
Once wandered,
Through the copses
Made fires.

Live high
Weaving wreaths,
Meetings unexpected
I was expecting here.

Into the far distance
Aspired from here.
Where did she go?
Where did she hide?

Know, noisy
spring water,
Know burned out
Evening dawn.

What am I wandering
Along the native land
What am I again
Do I remember her?

She never
Don't go back
Yellow leaves
They whisper to me indistinctly.

The geese are screaming
Flying over me
What has passed
It's golden time.

Someone is barely audible
Leads on harmonica:
- Overgrown

moss, grass,
where we walked
Honey, with you...

(Isakovsky M.)

Spring swept the pavement,
Broke the hard ice.
Soon, soon green fire
Gardens blaze in the sun.

More and more noisy band of thief O nya,
Everything is warmer overflow of the breeze.
And in the square of the revived Blonya
The human river roared.

And in the distance - behind the fortress wall,
At the sparkling sun of the eaves,
The roosters got drunk in the spring
And the roosters sing about spring.

Do you remember the summer near Smolensk
N.I. Rylenkov 1944

Do you remember the summer near Smolensk,
Green house near the Dnieper?
Wander through the quiet woods
I left with you in the morning.

There is still fog in the valley,
But the clouds are gone like dreams
And the skies are transparent blue
And the grasses are wet green.

Goldfinches whistle, waking up basking,
Oats rustle in clearings...
With the whole body we absorb freshness
Foliage, fog and dew.

As if again in the light of a sharp
It's time for the first meetings...
Do you remember in the summer near Smolensk
Green house near the Dnieper?

Sunsets bright postcards.
Foggy nights...
Yes, we were given in abundance
All that we call happiness.

But, only wandering around the world,
Seeing distant lands
We were able to evaluate this
The simple joy of being!

October 1944

I have in Smolensk
Rylenkov N.I. 1953

The girl lives well.
Blue eyes, and eyebrows, eyebrows,

Everything is nice to me, everything I like in it,
Smile - spring in the heart.
They say that at the factory at the sewing
She is the first master.

Look - all the outfits suit her,
Even though she doesn't wear silk.
All the guys from my brigade
They sing about her at parties.

And although neither a word nor a look
Until now, I have not opened up to her,
Happy to be walking around
My blue-eyed joy!

I believe: where does she look,
In the morning or at the end of the day,
Master builders will remember
Together with them, remember me!

I have in Smolensk, in Zadneprovye,
The girl lives well.
Blue eyes, and eyebrows, eyebrows,
Like the wings of a swallow, fly away.

seven hills
Rylenkov N.I. 1962

From the depths of time comes the rumor
And the Dnieper echoes her,
Worth my city.

Like Rus', it is ancient and, like time, new,
Like a miracle
I'm in love with him, but his hills
I will not count.

Wherever we are born in our day and hour,
In your favorite business
There are seven hills for each of us,
Seven days of the week.

We ourselves raise those hills
Fate's foot
And from those hills we gave any
We can see.

And yet, the rumor is pleasant to me,
Her heart echoes
That on seven hills, like Moscow,
Worth my city.

At the monument to Glinka
Rylenkov N.I. 1957

There is in the ancient Russian city of Smolensk
Cosy old garden and in that garden
He stands in front of the Fatherland,
Listening to the music of the universe.

Lives in it a Russian village song
A simple chant about joy and trouble,
Mazurka thunder with his soul in harmony,
Spanish dance joyful bursts.

No wonder he spent his whole life striving in the distance,
Everywhere I searched and found kinship.
How many songs have become dear to us,
Passing through his generous soul.
With him, our genius stands on a pedestal,
Responsiveness of our triumph.

In Smolensk, on Smyadyn, where once...
Rylenkov N.I. 1960

In Smolensk, on Smyadyn, where once
There was a princely court, there is an ancient temple.
I come in the spring at sunset
To him, as a visit to the ancient masters.

No wonder he was known, according to the chronicler,
In the midnight countries by a miracle of beauty -
Even now we never cease to marvel
Recognizing the greatness of the former trait.

Not God's spirit, harsh and incorporeal,
Not the face of war that dreamed around the fires,
The rise of the people's dream is imprinted
In the creation of nameless masters...
Born in ancient times
That dream is clear and close to us.

You were called the Shield of Rus' for a reason...

You were called the Shield of Rus' for a reason,
My ancient city, the city is young.
Standing ready for enemy strikes
You are above the epic, above living water.

Lost count in the centuries of ardent fights
At your walls, where you fought with trouble.
You are hunger, and pestilence, and fire
Devastated, my native city.

I saw you rise from the ashes
How, washing then, younger,
Before the Motherland, which grew stronger in trials,
Not complaining about your difficult lot.
You know more than anyone
How dear is the world to my people!


While clay and fire are subject,
A plumb line and a stone - it's worth living in the world.
Hills are reliable. Master Fedor Horse
This city will build up marvelously at times.

Let the tsar-fool ring in Moscow,
Let Boris wait for his quick death,
He will build such a fortress here,
What will become a support for the homeland in troubles.

From all over Rus', having gathered walking people,
He exhibited neither wine nor mead.
Heat bakes, oblique downpours pour,
But in common cause not a hardship.
Stronger and higher than royal power here
The daring of the master and the labor of the people.


In it, the air is infused with history,
The centuries did not bypass its pier.
He himself, and a worker and a warrior,
He taught higher citizenship.

Great foreseeing trials,
He talked to my youth
That is the language of ancient legend,
That is the language of the legend of our days.

I will remember those lessons and again
Before him I bow my head.
He gave me the strength to fight
Save in the soul the sacred, the feeling of the word.
I smell a spring stream,
And I need no other happiness.


Comrade, remember: here are buried
Faithful sons of your homeland,
That they did not spare their lives for her.
They have fulfilled their duty
Read and repeat their names
And, like them, learn to serve the fatherland


My city! About you
Everyone who does not ask will say:
This is the history of battles
This is a story about the fate of Rus'!

This is the memory of the ages
What has entered our days in reality ...
What else can I compare you to?
What will I call you?

Before my eyes
At the hour when the sunset is blazing,
Your ramparts
As witnesses of glory, stand!

How many times have you raised
Stand up for your people for Rus'!
From your stronghold
Baty's army retreated.

Here are your gloves
Bonaparte forgot in a hurry.
Every stone in your wall
It smelled of blood and smoke.

No, it's not for nothing that we are in our youth,
Only will blow in the spring,
Gathered with friends
At the old fortress wall.

And when they raised
We are the banners of spring in May -
Us spacious streets
They were narrow and cramped.

And thundered in the timpani
Old city from all squares:
- generation of spring,
Own everything under the sky of the Fatherland!

It seemed to us that the ancestors
They looked at us from the loopholes,
Saying: to no one
We never fell on our faces!

To no one, never,
So we swore to each other in the spring
Over the Dnieper wave
At the ancient fortress wall

Did we know then?
That the hour is approaching and in battle
We will seal with blood
We take a stern oath!

My city! We passed
Through the deadly fire mounted,
To meet again
At the ancient fortress wall!

You lay before us
Burnt and desecrated by the enemy,
On the hills of your ancients -
Blackened ruins all around.

But your ruins -
Have become thrice sacred to us.
We knew that from the ashes
You got up in the centuries more than once.

And we swore to you:
- Until you get up again -
We don't know peace
We don't count sleepless nights!

Each of us believed
Even a gray stone will sprout
At the origins of Rus'
Above the magical Dnieper water!

And until they roll
Waves of the Dnieper back,
You are on the steep of centuries -
You will stand above the former!

And seeing you
Anyone who asks will say:
- This is the chronicle of battles,
This is a story about the fate of Rus'!

Rylenkov N.I. 1943-1947

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