Event about monuments and obelisks. "International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites", class hour


Love is the most beautiful feeling in human life. They say that real love over time it only gets stronger. And I want to wish you that your feelings become even more tender, strong and caring over time. Always be attentive to each other, forgive weaknesses, be quick-witted and always treat with humor the most difficult situations! Happiness to you! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the formation of a family!

Dear bride and groom! From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on the day of your marriage, the Sun gave you a particle of itself, and this particle is a family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source
family life. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. For the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Dear newlyweds!
Today you are united with each other by the bonds of marriage. You will live together. So let your life be filled with the sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your house be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Today you are glowing with happiness, it is so pleasant to look at you that it is obvious to everyone present that you are the most happy couple! And we are all very happy for you! Let the sparkle in the eyes and in the heart of tenderness not go out in a year, and after many years, let the family hearth burn and give warmth to loved ones and relatives. May good luck accompany you in life!

I congratulate you on your solemn marriage. I had the great honor not only to be present at your wedding, but also to play the role of an honorary witness. I cannot describe all the feelings that are now seething in my soul. I am infinitely happy for my best friend, who finally found such a beautiful soul mate. Today you look just great, I wish you to stay at this level for another hundred years. And at the same time, during these hundred years, increase not only your family capital, but also the number of members of your family.

A dove walked along one path, and a dove walked along the other, and it was for them to go damp and lonely. But God saw them and brought the paths into one. And now the dove and the dove, embracing their wings, will go along one wide path. So let's wish them to go happily and amicably, to love each other and breed chicks!

Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to give them wise advice at the same time: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare them a kind word. After all, an affectionate word is not difficult, but quick. Come closer to them, and bow down to them lower, as they said in the old days. After all, the young work with his hands, and the old - the mind gives. Attach to your mind and parental - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding of parents and newlyweds!

Our dear "newlyweds"! Congratulations on your family's birthday. We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration. Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to pick up wishes, because you already have the most important thing: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon lasts a lifetime, that your rings do not fade and your feelings do not grow old, that your love is your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, that it is “bitter” only at the wedding, but in life it is sweet and light, so that you lived a happy and friendly life.

Dear (names of spouses)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Dear my friends! I was present at your wedding from the very beginning to this moment and have not seen a happier expression on your faces than now. You simply radiate a rainbow glow that enveloped not only us, but the whole environment. I just dream, having got into such a situation, a year or two later, to see you next to me, but in the amount of three copies.

I will not repeat everything that has already been said before me. I just want to once again sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. I saw how my friend was worried this morning, I saw how timidly she stepped on the carpet in the registry office, and I see what a happy face she has now, so even in later life all the good things go on increasing, as today.

I wish the newlyweds shoulder to shoulder to overcome difficulties in life. A husband should not forget that a wife is a gentle creature and she needs to be helped so that her lovely figure does not bend from the weight of worries, does not turn pale Red roses on her cheeks, the sparkle of her eyes did not disappear, and her heart did not close for the beautiful.

Dear friend! We want to tell you a story about animals this happy for you and your newly-made wife! Once upon a time there was a frog, she lived joyfully and happily, and she decided to go and become a traveler, find her happiness in life……. Jumping-jumping…. and suddenly on the road she comes across rails, only she jumps over them, then out of nowhere, a train ... .. And cut off her ass ... .. Jumps further and thinks: “Why am I so beautiful, so smart and without a butt I will do” and she felt so sorry for the ass that she decided to return. She jumped and jumped, and jumped to the rails, then out of nowhere the train and while she picked up her ass, he picked up her head and cut it off. We want to wish you a groom, so that you never lose your head because of a beautiful ass!

Grooms and brides, action "Ah, this wedding!" show you how to save time and money right choice! Wedding proposals just for you! Participants of the action "Oh, this wedding!" We are ready to help you with any questions regarding the organization of the wedding, to give professional advice, provide quality service and make your wedding unique!

They say the years life together over time, they turn love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish you that the love that united you today will grow stronger over the years, so that you do not lose tenderness and warmth, so that you are attentive to your soul mate, able to endure, forgive, turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly!

They say that family life is divided into two stages. The first stage is a honeymoon filled with fresh feelings, romance, passion. And this one is pretty short period compared to poetry. The second period is the rest of life, which is often written in prose. And today I want to wish your whole life to be written in verse, so that your grandchildren, listening to your love story, admire the romance and warmth of feelings that you will undoubtedly carry through for many, many years.

Our dear bride and groom! Today you started building your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your family ship turns out to be durable, reliable, so that it does not crash into everyday life and troubles, so that storms are not afraid of it! May the sun shine brighter on your way, may the voyage drag on for many years and be sure to be happy!

Dear ___ (name of the groom) and ___ (name of the bride)!
Congratulations on the birth of your family! Let the basis of your family relations Faith, Hope and Love will fall. May these saints keep your family hearth and feelings! Walk through life hand in hand on the road of love, trust, passion! Good luck, newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds!
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a family. The most valuable thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! Advice and love!

Well, young people, I probably worry as much as you. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young for the second time. Everything that I did not have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your marriage, you have been working towards this for a long time and, finally, you gave us all such pleasure - to take a walk at your wedding. I, as the father of not only your father, but of the whole family, have full right give a parting word to you for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Wisdom says: "You can't choose by choice." Therefore, marriage is something like a potion. Both should be taken without hesitation, in one gulp. But judging by the happy, radiant faces of the newlyweds, the mutual choice was successful. And therefore, let us rejoice for our newlyweds, congratulate them on their legal marriage and wish them a serene, long, successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life in love, respect, and mutual fidelity!

Expensive… ! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish so much that we can’t count everything. The greatest happiness that exists in the world. Husband - to obey his wife, and love her alone, And to his wife - to give birth to children, glorious, sweet children. We expect heroes and beautiful daughters from you!

I am very happy for you my Dear friends. From today you are husband and wife. Now the fun times will begin for you, which you have to go through together. Now you will go through life hand in hand. Family life is a very serious matter. Be always next to each other, do not forget this very have a good day in your life.

Family is fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, therefore, in order to achieve harmony, you have to spin in every way, otherwise you will not achieve order. We wish you that in music based on harmony loving hearts, never sounded notes of disappointment and falsity. Let the wild, insane cacophony of scandals and strife never burst into this music. May your hearts always beat in unison!

All those present undoubtedly know the nine commandments of God: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First: a sober person at a wedding is a spy; being at a wedding and not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: whoever gets drunk well will remember well. Let's raise our glasses to these blessed time-tested commandments and vow never to violate them for the sake of the happiness of our newlyweds!

I want to congratulate you on this significant day in your life. May this day be remembered by you, and the happiness that you are experiencing now, and the joy that overwhelms you, will never be forgotten. I also want to wish that your hearts be soft, especially in relation to each other, and your spirit, firm in any life situations and twists and turns. And then they will always find a way to family harmony and well-being!

Dear..., today is a special day in your life, you have taken the first step towards family happiness. And I want to wish that on this path you will always be protected by your love, help and support of relatives and friends. And if there are obstacles on your way, let them make you stronger, wiser and closer friend to friend. And remember - it is very important to live your life in such a way that your parents can be proud of you.

Today's solemn event unites you as one. I would like to wish you that you always remember this, that the joy of one is always the joy of the other, that you listen to each other and feel each other - it helps to live so much! Happiness and good luck to you, dear newlyweds!

When the merging of hearts has already taken place, the newlyweds need to think about peace and harmony in the family. But how to achieve it? My advice to you. Let the wife raise her husband in thought to a marble pedestal, and let the husband raise his wife in thought to a marble pedestal. And bow before one another, and exalt one another. This The best way save mutual love and respect. Happy and long life to you!

Our fiance has one anatomical feature ... Do not be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on right side, there sits his young, charming wife. Let us wish, dear friends, that this phenomenon persists throughout his long and happy life, that his heart always reaches out to his wife, and the heart of his wife reaches out to her husband, and that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms, vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather. For your well-being and happiness!

Dear young! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a family! Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in human life. May your love be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. IN good hour, expensive! Bitterly!

Life is a vanity, consisting of many little things, heaped up with unnecessary words, empty arguments, stupid quarrels. Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, an alternation of white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and prudence, the ability to find compromises and steadfastly endure life difficulties. Let everyday trifles and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness!

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love needs daily support, I wish the young to remember this and then they will be happy. And may everything always be fine in their house. Take care of each other, try to understand and forgive, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your house be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, an alternation of white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and wisdom, the ability to find compromises and steadfastly endure life's difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness! One a wise man He said: “There are many who seek in life, but it is difficult to find those who find it.” Today you are the happiest because you have found each other. May your family hearth always burn with a bright and cheerful flame and illuminate your life with the warmth of happiness and love!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you to always go through life by your side, let the husband not forget that his wife always needs help, so that there is always a happy smile on her lips, so that the joyful sparkle of her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home, knowing that his beloved is waiting for him there. May your family life always be happy! May your home always be the happiest and safest place for you in this life. Let your love bloom and grow stronger!

Today I was lucky to witness the happiest event - your marriage! And on this special day, I want to wish you, dear bride and groom, that your family hearth burn with bright fire for many, many years, warming not only you, but also your future children, your parents and loved ones! Love to you, prosperity, patience, mutual understanding, warmth, kindness and tenderness! Be always happy together!

There is quite effective remedy make marriage strong and happy. The husband and wife each take a sheet of paper and each separately begin to fill them out. On the left half of the sheet, the wife writes everything good that is in her husband, on the right - everything that she does not like about him. In the same way, the husband fills out his sheet. Next, the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets, carefully glue them together and ... throw them away! And each of the spouses memorizes the left half and repeats it every day. There is no person about whom there would be nothing to write on the left half of the page, especially if we are talking about our newlyweds. I propose to drink for all the good that is in our groom and our bride!

There are three words in Russian that sound somehow especially charming and gentle. Femininity, love, self-sacrifice - all this is expressed and combined in three words: "bride", "spouse" and "mother". How beautiful is our young today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white, pure, like love itself, outfit - recently a bride, and now a spouse. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is, turned to her loved one! And if we were able to look into her heart, we would notice that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness, and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. And I propose to raise our glasses so that happiness is endless!

They say that true love eventually turns into strong friendship. And I want to wish you that your tender feelings eventually turn into even more tender ones. Be always attentive to each other, sensitive! Have to forgive other people's weaknesses, be quick-witted and always treat the most difficult situations with humor! Happiness to you!

“The duty of the family is selfless love. Everyone must forget his Self, devoting himself to another. Everyone should blame themselves, not the other, when something goes wrong. Endurance and patience are needed, but impatience can ruin everything. There should be a desire on both sides to make the marriage happy and overcome everything that hinders it, ”the Empress Alexandra Romanova, the smartest of women, thought so. A kind, sensitive, tender mother, she knew the secret of marital happiness. I wish the young to take advantage of the instructions of this noble woman, and then the marriage union of our young, their life path will be illuminated by angels. For the young!

Married life is a book that consists of two parts: the first part, poetic - honeymoon, the second part, prose - the whole future life. Of course, in the first part there are very few pages, in the second part, on the contrary, there are a lot. We wish you that the second, most you divided the books into several chapters and made each of them honey!

Let's wish the newlyweds that all difficulties are on their shoulders, that their shoulders are strong and broad and cope with all the difficulties, no matter what they fall on! For the young to walk shoulder to shoulder and live together long life full of joys and achievements!

Dear newlyweds, today is the most significant, the most important day in your life. You become captains on a ship family life. Let your ship sail without knowing the winds and storms. Let only clear weather and a fair breeze accompany you. Take care and respect each other. We wish you all the best, prosperity and prosperity. May fate always be kind to you. Be always happy, loved and desired. Let good angel protects your family nest from all troubles and failures.

We sincerely wish the young people happiness, good luck, peace and prosperity. Let swan fidelity will always be with you. Today you have become a legal husband and wife. So let this moment be remembered for a lifetime. May God reward you with children, may there always be order in the house. Divide all joys and sorrows in half, because now you are one whole. Let your life flow like a river, let there be no obstacles on the way. Let the constellation of love be a talisman for your happiness. Live well and love each other.

In a day wedding celebration, resolve from pure heart congratulate you. May the beginning of your life be bright and rosy. Do not hesitate to be in love, cherish your love so that you can be called newlyweds all your life. From today, you do not have a half, you have become one, and everything is one for you. May love always guide you through life. Much happiness to you, our dear newlyweds. Let only white stripe will always be on your life path. God bless you from troubles and failures.

Release name: Wishes to the young for the wedding in short prose. Happiness, love and harmony, be close, live together. May your family be stronger than stone, and life be happy.

I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you a wonderful life, fluttering love, and emerald happiness, so that all life is light and bright.

Live long, happily, richly and in harmony. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Your story is just beginning, because only in a fairy tale does a wedding end. And you, dear newlyweds, still have a lot of adventures and a lot to overcome.

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on your wedding day. And for you, friends, we want to wish you the happiest, most beautiful, wonderful, prosperous family life.

I congratulate you on your wedding day with eternal love faithful to you, full trust and mutual understanding, high prosperity in the house and laughter of wonderful children.

My dear dad and mom, congratulations! Without your marriage, there would be no me. So that makes it essential to my very existence. May your life together continue to be good and happy. May it bring you only joy.

Let your life be like grand show with salutes and fireworks of emotions. So that there is never a stagnation in business and the brightest adventures to happen to you. Let youth be full of surprises.

Dear children! I wish you to burn with a bright fire of inspiration and hope, not letting each other go out and constantly maintaining the ardor of love in your hearts. May you be cozy and comfortable together, may your family be strong and happy.

Today is a true celebration of the triumph of love! May this joyful day last you a lifetime. I wish you mutual understanding, family comfort and children's laughter!

Best wishes to the happy couple, congratulations on this joyful event and all the best to you for all the years of your life.

Children you raise healthy, smart, funny. Keep tender feelings throughout your life.

Dear and wonderful newlyweds, I congratulate you with all my heart on your wedding day. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your house in the near future be filled with children's joyful laughter.

Today your family has come into force and there are already obligations and rights to be happy and loved. So that the groom builds a house and planted a tree, and the task of the wife is to raise worthy son. So that your happiness at the same time was not only in everyday life.

Today is a significant day - the day of your wedding! We wish you good health, patience, harmony of the soul, inspiration and a lot of strength, because you will soon need them to raise your wonderful grandchildren.

May goodness and prosperity be with you and your house filled with a cornucopia. On your wedding day, we only want to wish you happiness.

Dear newlyweds. Good luck to you and your wife for long years life in love and harmony, wealth and joy from the fact that the two of you are walking along the path of life.

I heartily congratulate the beautiful and happy newlyweds. I wish that your feelings never lose sincerity, and relationships are always built on trust and mutual understanding. May the Lord send grace and happiness, peace and bright hope to your family.

I want to congratulate you on this significant day in your life. May this day be remembered by you, and the happiness that you are experiencing now, and the joy that overwhelms you, will never be forgotten.

On such a full day of happiness, I would like to wish you a great fate and life together. Congratulations on your wedding day.

Congratulations! I wish children, like stars in the sky, happiness and love, which the whole world will envy. Prosperity and happiness in your family. Faithful and true friends.

May your marriage be strong and your family happy! Support each other at any moment, because you have a very long way to go, always hold hands and don't let adversity lead you astray!

Be armed with the purest and sincere feelings and then no barriers and sorrows will touch your family hearth.

Live happily dear bride and groom. And radiate happiness and love as long as possible. May the family road be sweet and even, so that the sun illuminates the path.

Lovely and dear children. We wish you to live a long family life, overcoming all the obstacles and tricks of fate, filling each other's hearts with love and joy, building strong relationships and maintaining an atmosphere of comfort and understanding in the house.

We wish you the most earthly happiness, good health to you and your children. After all, happiness is in the little things, share breakfast and stars outside the window together.

Congratulations, great guys. This wedding is the most wonderful, and you, dear ones, be the happiest. I wish you many successful, cheerful, joyful and amazing days in your lifetime, I wish prosperity, peace, health and prosperity for your family.

We wish you, newlyweds, tender and pure love like a snow-white veil. Relationships are beautiful, like a charming bride's bouquet. Sweet moments like a wedding cake. And sparkling happiness, like champagne in your glasses!

May peace and tranquility, advice and love always reign in your family. Love each other, appreciate and respect. Let your family hearth bring you only light and warmth, warming your family and delighting all relatives and friends. I raise this glass for the warmth of the family hearth, for family happiness.

Congratulations, you made the right decision to start a family, and today your marriage took place. We also wish to jointly make any decisions in the family, share secrets and ask for the necessary advice.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wonderful holiday - your wedding day! I wish you a long life filled with happiness and fulfillment. Let complete understanding, tenderness and care soar in your marriage. Be a reliable complement to each other, loved, beautiful and unique!

Our daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday! May a fabulous life await you ahead with unforgettable events, good people, promising ideas and positive thoughts.

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on the most important day of the beginning of family life - your wedding! We wish you to walk through life hand in hand, always together, always supporting each other.

Happy wedding day warmly and loudly congratulations. We wish your passion to seethe and hiss for as long as possible. And so that love warms you all seasons, and time does not dispel the heat.

We wish that the children and your family will then be made stronger, parents closer and dearer to the heart. Let only a warm atmosphere surround you, and let the veil of love cover you.

With the beginning of your family life, may all the dreams in your hearts come true. WITH Best wishes to both of you.

Live only happily and amicably. And then your hearts will not grow cold, and there will be no cold home. Let this holiday kindle a fire, and you save it so that it does not go out.

Although love has united you, you yourself must be able to fight and protect it. So that it never fades away and then your family will be strong and reliable.

We congratulate our wonderful friends on their wedding day. Our dear ones, we wish you many years of happiness and good, strong family and a cozy home, healthy kids and great joyful events in life.

The untried stage called we begins on the day of the wedding for the young. Now you are not separate from each other. I would like to wish every day to elevate your love, find mutual support, cheer up in difficult moments and never forget that now you are a single whole.

Today you have accomplished a very big and important step in your life! And I wish that each of your further steps, each of your steps of progress be just as successful and joyful!

May the star that was born with the advent of your feelings never go out. Dawn happy life so that it never darkens until the diamond jubilee.

Live without pain, and do not know grief, because life has very different and unpredictable facets. Let her prepare only happy and bright days for the newlyweds.

Inspired by happiness, we congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day! We wish infinite personal well-being to two hearts burning with love. Be always there, take care and protect each other, please and indulge, listen and support! All the best to you for years to come!

Dear newlyweds. I want to congratulate you on this significant event for you, Happy Wedding Day, and wish you well in all your endeavors, long happy years life together, so that every day would bring you only happiness and joy.

Let all nights keep the sweetest secrets. And the days breathe with the fulfillment of all plans and desires conceived. Live in harmony, work miracles and just dream.

Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, trust, reliability, fun and luck. May every day be filled with serene happiness, carefree love, boundless caress. Let children's laughter fill the house, and happiness will be eternal.

We wholeheartedly welcome you to legal marriage. The most important thing in life is great human friendship and true love. May your love be as long as your life!

Today you are the most beautiful and happy couple, I wish that happiness sparkles like champagne in the depths of your eyes. Let sadness and poverty bypass you.

You are incurable for life, an epidemic of “love” has overtaken you. We wish you never to cripple your fate, but to bind yourself with strong family ties. Let this decision to play a wedding be single and irrevocable.

I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you to write your future family life together. I advise you to approach this process creatively and make your life interesting and easy, fun and happy.

Give each other best moments in life! We wish you good health, prosperity and prosperity. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

I wish you happiness, be cheerful, laugh more and joke!

You are such an amazing couple. Holding hands on this day, I wish you not to let them go until the end of your life, and after many years, remember how it all began.

I wish that Hymen's chains were not heavy and did not hamper the movement forward. What would follow honeymoon long years began, which can be said in chocolate.

I heartily congratulate the beautiful and happy newlyweds. Let a thin children's voice sound in your house. Be together all your life!

Dear friends, with the most important day in your life together. Let love, harmony, mutual understanding and prosperity reign in your family. I wish you a speedy replenishment of the family - 4 sons and a sweet daughter.

In family life we ​​wish you happiness, love and harmony! Holy keep this date, be there on weekdays and holidays, live together, support each other in everything, and let it be bitter for you only at the wedding!

We sincerely congratulate the newborn family on their wedding day! We sincerely wish happiness, long joint years of life, save your love and increase it. Let disagreements and quarrels bypass. Love each other!

Everything starts with love and ends when it leaves. Happy wedding to you and eternal love. - Wishes to the young for the wedding in prose are short.

Support should always be mutual, drink coffee together in the morning. After all, true happiness lies in simplicity.

Let it be romantic every year, shine with the sun every new day. We wish that a shadow of sadness never falls on your family.

Congratulations on the day of the creation of the family, with a great celebration in honor of the birth of a new evidence in our swarm of bees. I wish you to be a cool couple, in love like d'Artagnan and Constance, young at heart like Romeo and Juliet, faithful like the Master and Margarita, dreamy like Assol and Grey, happy like Cinderella and the Prince.

The wedding day is a very important holiday in the life of every family. Newlyweds are invited to share with them the happiness of their closest, dearest and dear people. Therefore, the choice of congratulations on the wedding should be approached with special care. They should turn out to be joyful, positive, touching, beautiful, and, of course, memorable at the same time.

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding in prose from guests

Usually, congratulations on the wedding are read out right after festive table surrounded a large number guests. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that each text will turn into a full-fledged performance. If you wish, you can easily make it original and unusual. For example, pick up a beautiful video sequence and turn it on in parallel with your speech. It can be neutral - about love or dedicated specifically to the newlyweds.

You can turn to an experienced videographer who will make a full-fledged romantic movie from short clips from the life of lovers or from their joint photos from the very beginning of the relationship. You can mount it yourself, adding beautiful music.

If congratulations on the wedding are being prepared in prose, it will be important to make them cheerful and funny, turning them into a fairy tale or a fable. Let her talk about real history love of two people, but in a funny way. In the course of the fairy tale, it is worth adding a few actual wishes, and completing your speech with the words “and they lived happily ever after”, “and they had many beautiful and healthy heirs”, or other options that are pleasant for the newly-made husband and wife.

My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully store and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, indulge in care and affection. Let no difficulties overshadow your life. I wish you in life more romance and vivid impressions. Be for each other a reliable support and support in any situation. Love each other!

My dear newlyweds! I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation new family. I wish you that your family bonds were inseparable throughout life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. Let your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your house in the near future be filled with children's joyful laughter.

How rare in our time we can hear really touching wedding congratulations in prose. Such wishes, like a real Georgian toast, are not necessarily short, but always meaningful. Such table speech has its own, special rhythm, which is far from always possible to hear in flat rhymes told by a hired toastmaster. The main condition under which beautiful congratulations in prose, it is the sincerity of the speaker. He can speak text that he did not write himself.

The important thing is with what feeling he composed and with what feelings he reads this text. In terms of meaning, congratulations on a wedding can be serious and comic, it can be long or concise, but the most important thing is that the reader does not mutter on a piece of paper, but speaks from the heart, passing every word through himself and the prism of his rich life experience. Then these wishes will be remembered by the young for a long time.

Beautiful congratulations and toasts for the wedding

Love is a hard currency that supports your family's budget!
I would like to congratulate you on your wedding and wish you not only to live in abundance, but to have everything in abundance!
Not just joy, but fantastic happiness!
Not just devotion, but swan loyalty!

Dear guests! On this wonderful and significant day, the families of the bride and groom became related to each other. Now they have become family. A misfortune divided in two is no longer so terrible, but happiness divided into two is doubly pleasing! It is easier to endure any adversity not by yourself, but together with your loved ones, but if joy comes, it is more fun to meet it together! Congratulations on your wedding day and we wish the newly-made relatives happiness and a cloudless life under one roof!

Dear children! God bless your union and inviolability of marriage bonds! May love bring you joy and satisfaction! Become not only lovers, but also friends and associates. Take care of each other and appreciate what you once found under heaven - your great feeling!

Dear newlyweds! So many congratulations and toasts have already been uttered in your honor. You wished consent, mutual understanding and love. And I want to wish your family never to know feelings of jealousy, so that it, like a worm, does not undermine your strong relationship!

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