Music lessons in dow notes. Game "Musical Guess"


Target: develop musical perception, the ability to feel moods in music, their change.

Tasks: to draw the attention of children to the various intonations of music, to teach them to distinguish between means musical expressiveness: tempo, dynamics, register, harmonization; to develop the ability of children to convey the nature of a musical work with movements; teach children to convey the emotional coloring of songs through means of expression performances: sad, lyrical - affectionately, melodiously, at a moderate pace; cheerful, fervent - with a light sound, at a lively pace.

To the music, children calmly enter music hall and sit on chairs. The music director sings the musical greeting "Hello guys!" on the steps of the major triad. Children answer "Hello!" also on the steps of the major triad.

Musical director. Guys, what do you think, when I said hello to you, what was my mood? (Children answer: the mood is cheerful, joyful.) That's right! My mood is very good, cheerful, because I am very glad to see you at this musical lesson. What if I suddenly said hello like this? (Repeat greeting in minor. Children answer: sad, sad.)

That's right guys. After all, you and I already know that music has a magical property - it can convey the mood of a person, express different feelings, experiences: tenderness, excitement, sadness, pity. Now we will listen to a play called "Doll's Disease". It was composed by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Listen carefully and you will understand what feelings the composer wanted to express in this music.

Held comparative analysis two contrasting works.

A fragment of the play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Doll's Disease" from the "Children's Album" sounds.

Who can tell us what music was played now?

Children. This music is sad, sad, gloomy, disturbing, plaintive, dreary, offended, crying.

1st child.

Very sad music

In it we hear sadness.

And I don't want to laugh

And we feel sorry for someone...

Musical director.

It's right. Here sounded

Notes of sadness and sadness.

Here's another melody

Can you tell us which one?

The play sounds New doll" P. I. Tchaikovsky from the "Children's Album".

Children. This music is cheerful, joyful, playful, perky, jumpy, lively, mischievous, sunny.

2nd child.

Very happy music

Legs dance on their own.

Both boys and girls

Now they will dance here!

Musical director.

I am satisfied with your answer.

Well, friends

Let's sleep!

The dance "Change a couple" is performed. For the dance, you can use the melody of G. Struve's song "About the Goat" or any other two-part polka.

BUT. Children in pairs easily run in a circle. The boys sit on one knee, and the girls run around them.

B. Standing facing each other, the children make three claps at the right and left ear.

The boys make a “spring”, and the girls run to the next boy in a side gallop.

After the dance, the children sit down. The music of P. Tchaikovsky "Morning Reflection" sounds quietly.

Musical director. Do you guys remember wonderful fairy tale about Thumbelina? See what's in front of you beautiful flower! Maybe we'll find it there, inside? (Opens the petals and takes out the chrysalis.) Here is Thumbelina! (Places the doll between the flowers that are scattered on the table.) Remember, in the fairy tale, Thumbelina dreamed of the land of elves? We will help her get there if we complete all the musical tasks that are under these colors.

The music director turns the flowers over in turn and invites the children to complete the task. Small flat flowers are made of colored cardboard. On the reverse side each flower - musical task and a painted elf doll with wings. The elf is attached so that when the flower is turned over, the elf figurine rises perpendicular to the flower.

Musical director.

We will take the first flower

And let's find out what's in it.

"To sing loudly, cleanly,

You have to know a lot.

Right from the morning

On the chant of the kids.

Exercise for the development of musical ear and voice “Here I go up, here I go down. Top-top-top-top-top. Top-top-top-top-top! The exercise is performed with various tasks. It is necessary to sing: sad, cheerful, gloomy, affectionate, angry, drawn out, at a fast pace, etc.

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

Let's find out what's in it...

"Early in the morning in a bright house

We all walk happily.

In this house...

Children. Kindergarten!"

Musical director. It's arranged...

Children. For guys!

The song "Kindergarten" is performed, words and music by N. Ponomareva

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

What we are asked, we will find out.

"Oh, what a pity -

It's been four days

I had a fight with a doll

Doesn't listen to me."

Girls-soloists perform the song "Oh, what a pity", words and music by T. Kopylova.

Musical director. Which the sad song. Swearing, children, is not good, we urgently need to make peace!

We will take the third flower

And let's find out what's in it.

"The forest is friends, and the meadow is friends,

The sun is our friend too!

In a circle, you children need to stand up

And talk about friendship.

A cheerful dance “You are my friend, and I am your friend” is performed to the song of A. Pugacheva “One Hundred Friends”. Movements for the choice of music director.

Musical director.

Raise another flower.

Now let's find out...

"What's the noise, what's the ringing?

It is heard from all sides.

So these are the cuties

Our tumblers!”

Dance "Tumblers".

Musical director.

It's time to take another flower

What are we asking again?

"Goodbye again

Dance for us!"

The dance "We wanted to dance" or any other is being performed general dance chosen by the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director. Our lesson is coming to an end, and I would very much like to please you. Look how many balloons I have! Today we talked a lot about mood in music. What color do you think sad mood is? What about fun? Dreamy? Angry? (Children answer.)

And let's try to "revive" these Balloons! We will choose for them "eyes", "eyebrows", "mouth" and try to more accurately express the "mood" of the ball of each color.

Sounds "Morning meditation" P. I. Tchaikovsky, the children perform the task. For the manufacture of eyes, mouths, eyebrows, noses, it is convenient to use a colored self-adhesive film. Eyes and noses can be glued in advance so that the “face” does not spread beyond the reasonable. The expression of the "face" of the ball is achieved by gluing in different position eyebrows and mouths.

Musical director. Now it is clear that this is a sad ball. This one is thoughtful and dreamy. And this one was very angry about something. And this one is a funny laughter! They are as different as our moods are. Take these balls with you to the group, there you will play with them again. And it's time for us to say goodbye. (Sings.) Goodbye, children! Children (sing). Goodbye!

To a calm melody, the children leave the hall.


Kaznacheeva T. N. Abstract of a musical lesson. / Musical palette. No. 1. 2007. Root 3. Musical and didactic games.

Contained in sections:

  • Music and choreography. Musical development of preschoolers, materials for music teachers

Showing publications 1-10 of 4745 .
All sections | Music lessons. Abstracts, GCD

"Game speech technologies at a music lesson in 2 ml." "Journey to the Forest" PURPOSE: To develop musical and Creative skills children, develop the speech apparatus and speech TASKS: Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle Development: musical, ...

Synopsis of OOD on music for children of the group preparatory to school "I love you, my Russia" Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten" Martin" municipal district the city of Nerekhta and the Nerekhtsky district of the Kostroma region Abstract of an organized educational activities in the direction of music educational area"Artistic and aesthetic...

In MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type" of the city of Pikalevo for preschoolers of all age groups thematic festive music classes "February 23!" Children know that our country and the kindergarten celebrate the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day! AT...

Music lessons. Abstracts, NOD - Synopsis of a musical lesson for children of the preparatory school group "Unusual Meeting"

Purpose: To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brhythm in older children. Tasks: - to educate a child's musical culture; - develop musical ability, sense of rhythm, memory, attention; - to form the ability to reproduce musical rhythm by reading rhythmic diagrams, ...

"Snowdrop". NOD in music in the senior group Software content: * Develop aesthetic education, the imagination of children, their figurative representations. * Cause an emotional response when looking at illustrations, listening to music. Show synthesis artistic word, music, plastics, painting. *...

Lesson summary: "Missing notes" for children with ONR from 5 to 6 years Theme: "Missing notes" for children from 5 to 6 years old. Purpose: Formation of the musical culture of children preschool age through various types musical activity Tasks: Educational: - Consolidate children's knowledge about proper breathing, clear articulation, rhythm in singing. -...

Purpose: - to consolidate children's knowledge about human breathing, using the means of musical activity. Tasks: - explain to children the meaning and functions of the human respiratory apparatus, clarify the meaning of the words "breathing", "smell"; - demonstrate and reproduce some abilities...

Children who attend music lessons, the most receptive to the world around them, they subtly feel, see and hear the world, their emotions are always pronounced, and intelligence is an order of magnitude higher than that of their peers. At school, he easily remembers the information received, and, therefore, learns better.

In this section, we have collected a large number of abstracts of music lessons with preschool children, developed by kindergarten teachers. Here you will find classes for all age groups, starting with toddlers, and in various directions. This and a whole series of music lessons called " forest fairy tale”, and a lesson dedicated to Russian folk musical instruments, and a series of events“ Musical tower", and many others.

All of them help children develop their imagination and express their thoughts and feelings through music. They also develop the child's memory, because by repeating the same melody, the child automatically trains the memory by scrolling through the music played in the head. He studies in correct sequence describe events, facts and phenomena. If your child is not reading yet, or he is not able to read well, then you should also read our recommendations-notes, as music helps to determine the rhythmic structure of the language, which means it helps to quickly learn to read. And what is most surprising is that music improves health, as children learn to breathe correctly, develop their lungs, which means that blood begins to circulate better throughout the body and this causes a healing effect.

Music is the real happiness for a child, so do not pass by and give a piece of happiness to your kids with our help.

Age group: older 5-6 years
GCD theme: « musical colors spring"
Leading educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic"

direction "Musical activity"

Target: Development of music-making skills in children of senior preschool age, using rhythmic and motor exercises, songs, games.


  • To consolidate the ability to perform a rhythmic pattern with gestures and with the help of noise and musical instruments.
  • Achieve friendly ensemble performance on children's musical instruments.
  • Develop auditory attention, a sense of rhythm.
  • Generate interest in doing tasks together.
  • Develop creative abilities, instill communication skills.
  • Cultivate emotional responsiveness to beauty spring nature through music.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards peers.

Course progress.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs
M. r. — (sings a greeting): "Hello guys"
Children - (sing): Hello Larisa Nikolaevna!
M. r.- Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.
Children- "Hello, guests"

M. r. - Well done! They wished everyone good health, but guys, something is disturbing in my soul. Today I came to the music hall and noticed that someone was here: firstly, I found these footprints on the floor ( show trace layout), secondly, on the table with musical instruments, I see extra items. Look carefully and tell me which of them are superfluous? ( there is a brush and a palette on the table) (children answer).

M. r. - That's right, guys, I agree with you that a palette and a brush among musical instruments are superfluous. What do you think, who could have left these items here? ( children's answer) I also think that the artist forgot the brush and palette here. But what was he doing here? ( children's answer) Yes, probably, the artist painted pictures here, and he didn’t have time to finish some picture. I wonder which one? Look at the screen, maybe there you will find the answer. ( on the slide, pictures of all seasons are painted, and the spring picture is not painted) Who guessed which picture the artist did not have time to finish? ( children's answer). That's right, this is a picture of spring. Guys, I think that you and I can make a surprise for the artist - color spring picture. Are you willing to help him? But as? ( children's answer). I propose to paint it not only with paints, but also musical sounds, and we will start with the sun, we will sing for him a welcome song "Healthy"

Song "Healthy"

M.r. - Well, look, we did it: the sun smiles and dances merrily in the sky, but only silence is all around. Silence, silence, silence all around.
Suddenly, it was replaced by a ringing knock. ( woodpecker knock)

Look at the woodpecker sitting on the tree

And with his beak he knocks a telegram.

Guys, the woodpecker is sending everyone a spring telegram in the form of a rhythmic pattern of beetles. Look carefully at the rhythm, and let's clap our hands for short sounds, and slap our knees for long ones. Ready? We started.

Exercise with gestures and claps V. Suslov "Spring telegram"

The woodpecker sat on a thick bough
To all my friends to the south TUK! TUK! TUK! TUK!
Sending telegrams urgently Tuki - Tuki TUK, tuki-tuki TUK!
What a spring already underway TUK! TUK! TUK! TUK!
That the snow melted around thumps - thumps thumps, thumps - thumps thumps!
That snowdrops bloom thumps - thumps thumps, thumps - thumps thumps!
The woodpecker hibernated the winter, TUK! TUK! TUK! TUK!
Haven't been to hot countries TUK! TUK! TUK! TUK!
And it's clear why thumps - thumps thumps, thumps - thumps thumps!
It's boring for a woodpecker to be alone! TUK! TUK! TUK! TUK!

M.R.- Well done! Everyone tried to perform correctly, a rhythmic pattern. Look, our woodpecker put on bright plumage. The telegram quickly flew to the birds and a whole flock of them gathered, but why are they silent? ( children's response). Guys, let the birds sing different voices, it is necessary to take noise and musical instruments and perform "Bird Fantasy" using different rhythm and dynamics. Come out, choose your tools.
Music making “Bird Fantasy” to the music of L. Vikhareva “Spring Song”

M.r. - Great! It turned out to be a real bird concert and the birds in the picture also turned into different colors and chirped merrily ( sounds of birds chirping in the audio recording).
M. r. - Well, our picture is gradually coming to life. Even in the sky something mysterious appeared. Take a metallophone and a stick, look carefully at the screen. You will need to find on the metallophone a plate with a circle of the color that will now appear in front of you on the slide. ( a red line appears). Now hit the plate with the red circle with the stick. Keep looking at the screen and doing the task. ( children gradually play on all the records of the metallophone) Guys, what appeared in the sky? ( children's answer). That's right, a rainbow appeared in the sky.

M. r. - Oh, guys, I hear some strange noise. ( the sound of a stream sounds in the recording) Whose sound do you think it is? ( children's response). That's right, this is a cheerful spring stream, he invites us to play. ( bells lie on the floor in a circle)

Hello, hello, brook, sonorous, sonorous voice.

You murmured in the spring, ran to visit the river.
Come out into the circle, go dance with the stream.

M.r. - Look guys what time big lake our stream has turned. bells,
lying on the floor form the shores of our lake. The water in the lake keeps coming and coming. This blue handkerchief will represent a stream. With cheerful music, you will pass it to each other from hand to hand. When the music is over, the one who has a handkerchief goes into a circle, leaves the handkerchief near him, takes a metallophone and performs glissando waves on the lake, and the rest of the guys will play the bells, depicting overflows of water on our lake.
Game - improvisation "Merry stream and waves"

M.R.- Thank you all for the friendly performance. Look carefully at the picture, every time it becomes brighter and brighter. It remains only to color the flower meadow, and here are the fairies. They love to sing and compose different rhythms. Their songs-rhythms are carried throughout the clearing. Fairies have beautiful, gentle voices, and therefore their songs sound loud, crystal. Let's do one of them.

Rhythmic game-improvisation "Flower fairies".

M.r. - Well done! With the help of the fairies and your faithful execution of the rhythmic pattern, our picture is completely finished. All living things rejoice in spring. Spring brings joy and a feeling of blossoming nature. This is what our "Endless Spring Song" is about. Let's sing it so that spring hears how we admire it and admire the sounds of spring.

Song "Endless Spring Song"

M.r. - You tried very hard to sing the song, and our artist heard it. He wants to tell you something.

Painter - Hello adults! Hello children!

Health to the entire multi-colored planet!

Remember all friends gray world can't live!

I'm glad my picture came to life

She brought spring joy.

Thanks guys! Goodbye, see you again!


M.r. — Our lesson has come to an end. Today we have discovered a secret: the sound of spring is conveyed not only by words, but also by colors and music.


You all did a very good job. And now we will determine with what mood you will leave the lesson. These notes will help us. If now you have a good, spring, sunny mood, then your cheerful note soar to the highest step of the musical staff. If something didn’t work out for you today, don’t be upset, you can rightfully so put it a little lower. And if you leave with sad mood, you didn’t like it at all, then place your note on the lowest step of the stave.

Title: Abstract of a musical lesson in the senior group "Musical colors of spring"
Author: Lipilina Larisa Nikolaevna
Position: music director of the highest qualification category
Place of employment: MOU-SOSH No. 6 of the city of Marks, Saratov Region, a structural subdivision of the MDOU -d / s No. 16 of the city of Marks
Location: Marks city, Saratov region

Lesson topic: "Portraits in music."

This lesson uses the technology of problem-based learning.Students develop thinking skills - the ability to listen, prove and generalize, develop the ability to compare, contrast.

The lesson uses a partial search method, modeling methods, plastic intonation, graphic illustration, the effect of surprise.

Lesson Objectives:


  1. to form thinking skills - generalization, the ability to listen and prove
  2. developing the ability to compare
  3. formation of integration skills various kinds art


  1. creating conditions for optimizing the creative abilities of students
  2. development of improvisation in forms accessible to children
  3. create an atmosphere of creativity in which students self-actualize, self-create


  1. education of emotional responsiveness to music
  2. education of a competent listener

Lesson type: Learning new material


  1. verbal-inductive (conversation, dialogue)
  2. visual - deductive (comparison)
  3. partially - search (improvisation)
  4. modeling
  5. plastic intonation
  6. graphic illustration

Lesson equipment:

  1. portraits of composers
  2. « children's album» P.I. Tchaikovsky
  3. audio recordings for music
  4. POWER POINT presentation
  5. piano, sheet music, music center
  6. related illustrations, student drawings

I. Organizational moment.

E. Tilicheeva "Music Lesson".

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. During the classes.

W: Guys, today we continue to study the topic "Portrait in Music".

We have already listened to a fragment from the opera, in which the music told us about fairy tale characters. What is the name of this fragment and what opera is it from?

D: "Three Miracles" from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

D: I composed a fairy tale Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.(A portrait of Pushkin is projected on the screen).

W: Right. And who is the author of the opera?(Portraits of Russian composers are projected on the screen- P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, if the guys give the correct answer,the portrait of Rimsky-Korsakov increases in size, remains alone on the screen).

D: Music composed by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

W: Correctly. What is another name for Nikolai Andreevich?

D: Composer-storyteller, because he composed many operas on fairy-tale plots.

W: Good. What is "opera"?(The term “opera” appears on the screen, an explanation of the term).

D: Opera is musical performance, in which everything characters sing.(An explanation of the term appears on the screen.)

W: Right. And what three miracles does the music describe? Remember how music draws fabulous miracles?

(Listening to the audio recording of the beginning of each of the plays).

W: Whose topic has just been mentioned?

D: The theme of the squirrel sounded. (An image of a squirrel appears on the screen).

W: Correctly. And how did you guess? What voice does a squirrel sing?

D: The squirrel sings loudly high voice. The music in the play is cheerful, lively, playful, light.

W: Maybe some of you have already heard the melody of this song before?

D: I heard, but this song is very short - "In the garden, in the garden."

W: Right. Rimsky-Korsakov included the Russian folk song "In the garden, in the garden" in his opera.

W: Good. And what is this miracle? What is the music here?(Show heroic posture and become).

D: The theme of heroes came up.(The image of the heroes appears on the screen).

W: What is the music here? How does she sound?

D: It sounds loud, strong, courageous, proud, in a low register. It is like a procession, a march.

W: And what is this miracle?

D: The theme was "Princess - Swans".

W: What is the character of the play "The Swan Princess"? What does the music represent?(The image of the Princess - Swan appears on the screen).

W: How will our hands move to this music?(Plastic intonation: a hand in the air draws the figure of a swan).

D: The character is melodious, smooth, gentle, affectionate, beautiful. The music is like the sound of waves.

W: Well done! And now you will hear a play, the music of which also draws the image of a fairy-tale character for us. The play was composed by the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.(A portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky appears on the screen).

Now we listen to music. Close your eyes and imagine this heroine.

(The play "Baba Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds).

W: Do you think this character is positive or negative, good or evil?

D: Evil, unkind.

W: Who owns this kind of music? Please remember the most popular fairy tale characters. Who can you name?

D: Baba - Yaga, Koschey, Pinocchio, Carlson ...

W: Which of the aboveheroes would suit such music?

D: Baba Yaga!

W: Quite right. How did you see her? What is her character?

D: Baba Yaga is evil, insidious, cruel.

W: And how did you understand it? The music of this play is similar to the music of the theme of the Squirrel or the Princess - Swans? Are the sounds long and smooth?

D: The sounds are short, sharp, angry, sharp, breaking off.

W: And did all the sounds sound even, or maybe the composer highlights some sounds?

D: Highlights. (The term "accent" appears on the screen.)

D: Yes, of course, we hear louder sounds. Pyotr Ilyich uses a technique in the play - accentuation of sounds. Guys, accent is the emphasis in music.(An explanation of the term appears on the screen, the term is written in a notebook).

W: How does the composer use accents? How can you graphically represent this music?(Work at the blackboard - graphic illustration).

W: What does Baba Yaga do: she sits in her hut or,maybe she flies on a broomstick or in a mortar?(An image of Baba Yaga appears on the screen, who is sitting in a hut and flying in a mortar).

W: How did you know she was flying? What is the tempo of the music?

D: The pace is fast, lively, does not stop.(An image of a flying Baba Yaga appears on the screen).

U: On What instrument is used to play the piece?

D: The piece is performed on the piano.

W: Interesting music, isn't it? She is loved by everyone who listens to her. And the poet Viktor Lunin composed poems especially for this play. Listen.

(Reading a poem: teacher and student).

W: Do you think the poet's poems help us understand music better?

D: Yes.

W: And I have such a proposal: let's try to sing this poem to the melody of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(The performance by the teacher of a fragment of the song and learning a few lines with the children).

W: Let's sing more expressively! We will show the character of the heroine with the intonation in the voice!(Repeated performance in character).

W: Good! Thank you! Now let's turn into ballet dancers for a moment. What is ballet, I think you remember very well. But still, let's say the definition aloud. Who wants to be reminded?(The term “ballet” and its explanation appear on the screen.)

D: Ballet is a musical performance in which all the actors dance.

W: Right. The dancers convey the content of the ballet through facial expressions, plasticity, movements of arms, legs, dance moves. What gestures, hand movements could we use to further reveal the image of Baba Yaga?

What should be the movements of our hands: smooth or sharp? And how will we hold our palm at the same time: round, squeeze into a fist, or maybe it’s better to spread our fingers? What do you think? Let's try to simulate!

(Modeling and plastic intonation).

D: Movements should be short, sharp, abrupt. It is better to spread your palm, as Baba Yaga should scare everyone.

W: Let's ask our pens to work. Don't forget: hands should be expressive! Please stand up.

(Plastic intonation).

W: How hard you all tried! Well done! And now let's try to combine our singing with plastic intonation.

(Performance of a fragment of the play with plastic intonation).

W: Thanks to all! Well done! You managed to understand and convey the character of Baba Yaga. Have a seat!

And I want to tell you that the play "Baba Yaga" is included in the "Children's Album" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(The image of the "Children's Album" appears on the screen).

Guys, what other plays, besides this one, are included in the collection? What songs are we already familiar with?

D: "Mom", "Sweet Dream", "Old Doll", etc.

W: Well done! Don't forget!

What do you guys think, can Baba Yaga be funny? It turns out that this happens.

Maybe one of you met funny Baba Yaga in fairy tales or cartoons?

D: In the cartoon flying ship».

W: Yes, in the cartoon "Flying Ship" there lives not one, but a whole multi-storey hut such cheerful forest old women. They are even called funny - Grandmothers - Yozhki. And they sing funny ditties. The music of these ditties and the entire cartoon was composed by Maxim Dunayevsky.(The portrait is shown).

(Runs into class vocal ensemble, dressed in costumes of Babok - Ezhek, they perform ditties and also quickly run away).

W: Well, they ran, made some noise, sang ditties and ran on.

Here, it turns out, how different Baba Yaga can be: both evil and cheerful, and insidious and funny.

Today we heard wonderful music that composers composed thanks to the fabulous image of Baba Yaga(portraits of P.I. Tchaikovsky and M.I. Dunaevsky are projected on the screen without surnames).

Which of you can name their names?(If the answer is correct, the names of the composers are displayed on the screen).

D: P.I. Tchaikovsky and M. Dunaevsky.

W: Correctly. Why do you think I put photos of both composers on the same slide? What can unite them?

D: I think because they both composed music about Baba Yaga.

W: Quite right. But they revealed this to us in different ways. fabulous image. Besides that, what else have you learned?

D: We learned about stress in music.

W: Yes, we found out that such an emphasis in music. Guys, who remembers?

D: Accent is the emphasis in music.

W: Right. You remember everything correctly. Well done! You did a good job today!(Encouragement of students, grading).

At home, I will ask you to complete the following task - draw a picture for the play "Baba Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are a lot of fairy tales, they have always walked and will walk around the world, and you will sing about it to us now.

(With a hand gesture, the teacher asks the students to stand up,

children sing the song "Fairy Tales Walk Around the World", during which an image of fairy-tale characters appears on the screen).

Thanks everyone for the lesson! Goodbye!


Music lesson summary

1 class

Lesson and presentation preparedMakarova Svetlana Gennadievna,

music teacher of the highest category, MOU "Gymnasium Dmitrov", Dmitrov.

Theme of the lesson: "Musical alphabet".

The purpose of the lesson:

Introduction to musical notation.

Tasks lessons include educational, educational, developing.


Give the concept of musical notation;

Learn to memorize and name notes;

Develop ear for music.


- ability to perform collective actions;

Develop student initiative

Awaken interest in musical literacy.


- develop creative imagination, attention, observation;

Integrity of perception.

Equipment for the lesson:

Board, magnets, piano, music center, CDs, computer (presentation).

Music material:

"Song about school" D.B. Kabalevsky,

"Do, re, mi..."

The teacher needs to explain to the children that music, as well as poetry or stories, can be written down and read. Only it is written not in letters, but in notes. Notes are written on five rulers, which together form a stave. It should be emphasized that the lines musical staff counted from below. Notes should be written on the rulers, between the rulers and on the additional rulers. It is necessary to explain the difference between sound and note: sound is what we hear, sing; note - what we write, read from the record.

After the teacher explains to the children musical notation, they should systematically practice singing from notes at each lesson (2-3 minutes).

Music evokes positive emotions beneficial effect on the mental development of children. It is known that positive emotions stimulate human activity. I believe that it is the use of presentation in music lessons that helps children perceive information more accessible, more emotionally and understandably.

Music awakens creativity, imagination and fantasy in a person.


Teacher activity

Student activities

Entrance to the classroom to the music (“Song of the School” by D.B. Kabalevsky).

They take their places.

Musical greeting for children.

Return greeting.

Today, guys, you went into the classroom to the music. We recently got acquainted with musical genres.

What are their names?

What genre of music met us?

What is this song about?

Correctly. The school is always glad to see you and has already taught you a lot during this time. In the math lesson you made friends with numbers, in the reading lesson you open the alphabet book. Signs live in it - letters that add up to words.

Answer: song, dance, march.


About school.

Music also has signs that live in musical alphabet. This is the name of our lesson today.

Slide number 1.

What are these signs? Solve the riddle.

Slide number 2.

Perhaps they will help us see how music lives. And our Muse will help us as always.

Answer: notes.

A long time ago, music was recorded like this.

Slide number 3.

These musical signs were very uncomfortable for the musicians. And only four hundred years ago notes were invented in Italy.

All notes live in the musical house. Look how handsome he is.

Slide number 4.

Why is this house called the staff?

It is also called the stave and it consists of five lines. No wonder we have a five-story house. We count the rulers from below. 1,2,3.4,5.

To get into this house, we need a key, and not a simple one, but a musical, violin one.

Slide number 5.

See how it's spelled.

I will draw first

A squiggle like this

Round at the top

Oh, some goose came out.

I'm a little afraid of him.

Not! I'll do it like this:

So that there was not a goose, but a sign,

Fast line straight

I'll end with a bold dot.

So the key came out great,

And he is called violinist.

Answer: wears notes on himself.

So we got into the house to the notes. It's time to get to know them.

And who among you knows how many notes there are in music?

Slide number 6.

Correctly. There are a lot of musical sounds, but there are seven notes. Sounds are what we hear, sing, and notes can be written down, read from the record.

What happens in our life, in nature, with the number seven?

Answer: seven.

Seven days a week, seven colors of the rainbow.

Slide number 7-13.

Acquaintance with notes in verses.

The foundation of the house - note DO,

She lives in an annex

Her first apartment

The beginning of the whole building.


PE note, ah, PE note,

I didn't dare to get up

And next to the note DO

Slowly settled down.


On the ground floor, look

From the whole big family

In a warm apartment number three

Only MI lives there.


Note FA, pray tell

With a note, MI settled there.


Well, look at everything

Suddenly hung like in an elevator

After the note, salt is she.

Note SI, taking your luggage,

The third floor was chosen.

Now let's check together:

Are all the notes in place?


The children name the notes in order.

Slide number 14.

Everything is in place to one

Sing them all in order.

The first time they perform an “echo” after the teacher, they re-perform the scale together with the teacher.

Slide number 15.

Do you guys know that our Muse has a song about notes. It's called Do, Re, Mi. Let's listen to her.

Slide number 16.

"Do, re, mi" - learning.

Singing planting reminder.

Work on clear diction and articulation at a fast pace, with intonationally and rhythmically accurate singing.

Work on doing the right rhythmic pattern in the song.

Children learn a song with the teacher.

Clapping a rhythmic pattern.

The game "Live sound".

The teacher-"conductor" distributes the tablets with the names of the notes to the students, arranges them in order and "plays" them, as if pressing certain notes on the keyboard.

The children sing along with the teacher.

Then a student is selected - a "conductor".

Open Music Books on page 22. You see dumb keys here. The keys can be played, but they can only sound with your voice.

Let's try to do it.

Perform a soundtrack.

Today for the lesson I prepared puzzles.

What are puzzles?

Solving puzzles, answers in slides.

Slide #17-22.

Answer: These are puzzles in pictures.

Pheasant, salt, meadows, lilacs, up to m, along mi to river.

Let's summarize:

What did the Italians call musical signs?

How many notes are in the musical alphabet?

Where are notes recorded?

And how to get to the musical staff?




On the stave, staff

Need a treble clef.

As a gift for you, the cartoon "Do, re, mi ...", about how the calf learned notes.

Slide #23

The lesson is over, good luck.

Watching a cartoon



Material Description: I offer you a summary of a thematic music lesson for children senior group(5-6 years old) "Music Toy Store" using creative tasks. This material will be useful music directors preschool institutions. This is a summary of the final lesson on the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers in all types of musical activities in kindergarten.

Target: To develop the creative abilities of children by means of musical activity, making the life of pupils the most interesting, meaningful, filled with the joy of musical creativity.


Educational: To form in children the ability to expressively convey the images given in piece of music. Find accents in music.

Educational: To develop creativity, ear for music, rhythmic and modal feelings, plasticity, emotional responsiveness to music.

Educational: Cultivate interest in musical culture, to elementary music making desire to improvise.

Attributes used in the lesson:

Bellflower, artificial flowers according to the number of children; "showcase" on which toys are located: a ball, a drum, a hare, a clown-puppet, clown hats (5 pieces), hats of geese, cows, horses, pigs according to the number of children, musical instruments on children's tables (xylophones, triangles, maracas, plastic cups, rubber squeaker toys), chicken costumes, chickens, cats, ducks, pigs.

Music material:

G. Gladkov " Kind fairy”, L. Schitte “Etude”, T. Lomova “Passing the ball”, F. Schubert “March”, E. Tilicheeva “Bunnies”, M. Skrebkova “Bunny, bunny, where have you been?”, D. Kabalevsky “Clowns” , Polish folk song“The children went out into the green garden”, A Filippenko “Polka”, A. Pinegin “Happy birthday!”

Lesson progress

Children with flowers enter the hall and perform a musical-rhythmic composition with elements of improvisation to the music of G. Gladkov "The Good Fairy". At the end of the dance, the children put the flowers in baskets and stand scattered.

Musical director. Guys, on this spring morning, your dance with flowers lifted everyone's spirits. See how our guests smile at you. Let's say hello to the guests.

Children sing: - Hello!

The music director addresses individual children and asks them to respond with the same melody

Musical director (sings). - Hello, Alya! (on a triad)

Hello Dima! (on third)

Hello Masha! (on one sound)

And who will say hello with his song?

The children sing the greeting at will to their own melody.

Musical director (draws attention to the "showcase"). Guys, look, you are in a toy store. (Rings the bell).

ding ding ding

ding ding ding

We open a store.

Come in, come in

Choose what you want. (Poems by V. Boldyreva)

To get a toy, you need to sing a song, the melody of which

come up with the words yourself: “I buy a toy and take it with me.”

Try to come up with a melody so that it fits the character of the toy.

The music director takes the ball from the window.

Here is a jumper - a fun ball,

He doesn't like those who cry

Loves music and laughter

He jumps the highest! (Poems by V. Boldyreva)

Who chooses the ball?...

A willing child comes out.

Musical director. How should the song for the ball sound? Child. Smartly, loudly, the melody seems to be jumping.

The child sings a cheerful song in the rhythm of the polka.

Guys, show what a dexterous, bouncy, light ball.

Children, standing up in arbitrary groups, perform the “Balls” etude, music. L. Shitte.

I propose to stand in a circle and everyone to play with the ball. Pass the ball to strong beat music in a circle, on whom the music will stop, come up with some dance moves with the ball.

The child who sang a song about the ball begins the exercise “Passing the ball”, music. T. Lomova. At the end of the exercise, the ball is placed on a separate table.

Guys, listen musical passage and guess which toy this music is suitable for? (An excerpt from Schubert's "March" sounds)

Children: This is a march, coming to the drum.

Musical director.

We bought a drum

To arrange a "ramble".

Let's knock with a stick

The march is cheerful to beat out.

Who will take the drum?

Who will sing a song? (Poems by I. Sudareva)

The wishing child sings a song in the rhythm of the march.

Musical director. Let's play rhythmic echo. Gleb will beat out a rhythm on the drum, which you will clap your hands to him.

Playing with the drum "Rhythmic echo". Children take turns coming up with a rhythmic pattern, and Gleb repeats this rhythmic pattern on the drum. Note the correct repetition of the rhythm. After playing, put the drum on a separate table.

Listen to another musical riddle. The play "Bunnies" sounds, music. E. Tilicheeva.

The wishing child sings a song of the appropriate character (easily, playfully).

Here is the hare-coward!

We read about you in a book.

Children will recognize you immediately

They sing songs about you! (Poems by Y. Sklyarova)

Children sing the song "Bunny, Bunny, Where Have You Been", music. M. Skrebkova by roles: the child-"buyer" sings for the bunny.

There's another one for you musical riddle. Who is she talking about? (An excerpt from D. Kabalevsky's play "Clowns" sounds)

Children recognize the work and name the composer. A wishing child sings a song to a given text with the desired character (naughty, cheerful, funny). The play "Clowns" sounds in its entirety, to which the child leads a puppet clown.

The music director again draws the attention of the children to the window.

There are clown hats here. Who will come up with a fun mischievous dance today? We will see. Which clown will be more fun.

Distribute 5 caps to the children. Children perform a creative dance "Merry Clown". Note the variety of dance moves.

Guys, guess the riddle:

I know everything, I teach everyone,

And I am always silent.

To befriend me

Need to learn to read. (Book)

The music director takes a large book from the display case and leafs through it.

Which interesting book about animals. Here there are characters of the song familiar to you "Children went out into the green garden for a walk."

Take the hats of the heroes of the song and stand in a semicircle.

Children take hats of geese, cows, horses, pigs and stage the song “Children went out into the green garden”, a Polish folk song with movements.

Indeed, children are dancing merrily in our garden. And you can even come up with a dance yourself. Let's think of a polka.

Children offer familiar dance movements (circling in pairs, clapping, throwing legs on a jump, and others) and compose a dance.

They take off their animal hats and stand in pairs in a circle. Polka is performed in pairs, music. A.Filippenko.

Musical director. We also have musical instruments in our store. Name them (xylophones, triangles, maracas).

There are enough instruments here for everyone, though they are not all musical.

There are simple items: cups, rubber toys, but their noises will be useful to us.

Ding-ding, boom-boom

Our orchestra will make noise!

Let's make some noise, let's call

Let's have fun with the story!

I invite everyone to the fairy tale. We will tell a fairy tale called "Birthday". And these musical instruments will help us voice it.

Please, the heroes of the fairy tale, put on costumes, and the musicians, take apart the instruments.

Fairy tale-noisemaker "Birthday" on the audio cassette by E. Zheleznova. Children-artists perform a theatrical action, and children-musicians voice them. The teacher reads the text of the fairy tale:

Once in a chicken coop, in a nest behind a box, someone squeaked softly. Like this: squeak rubber toy.

The mother hen ran up to the nest and began to listen. In the largest egg, someone squeaked again, a little louder: Squeak with a rubber toy.

The hen gently tapped the egg. Tap the glass with a pencil

The egg cracked open and a little chick crawled out. Squeak with a rubber toy.

"Happy Birthday Baby! Come on, I'll show you where to eat!" And the chicken went out of the chicken coop into the yard. Like this. The xylophone sounds downstairs.

And the chicken ran after her. Like this. The xylophone sounds above.

The hen led her little chick to the feeder, and she herself went back to the hen house. The chicken began to peck at the grains. Like this. Tap the glass with a pencil.

The chicken ate, looked around and suddenly heard a quiet ringing. Triangle.

“What a beautiful call. It's because it's my birthday. We need to tell everyone about it." And he went to a big important duck. The xylophone sounds above. The duck is quacking.

“Hear how beautiful they call? Triangle.

It's because it's my birthday!" But the duck did not answer.

Then the chicken went up to a fat pig, which was eating something from a trough. The xylophone sounds above. The pig grunts.

“Hear how beautiful they call? Triangle

It's because it's my birthday!" But the pig said nothing.

Then the chicken went up to the cat (Xylophone sounds above), which was licking its paws with its tongue: “Do you hear how beautifully they call?”


The cat said "Meow!" and walked closer to the chicken. Maracas.

But then the mother chicken came running and took the chicken to the chicken coop. Xylophones

And there were a lot of little chickens running around in the chicken coop. Squeak with a rubber toy. “Do you hear how beautifully they call?” Triangle

“It's because it's our birthday!” the chickens squealed and flapped their wings. Like this: Clap your hands.

All children come out to the final song of A. Pinegin “Happy Birthday!”

Musical director.

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