Draw your child as we see him. If a child does not like to draw at all, how to inspire him


In order for the baby to fully develop, he needs drawing. All children love to draw! But there are such kids who in a tough form refuse to draw, shouting: “I don’t want to!” What to do with it? To begin with, do not panic and calm down, you do not need to immediately think that you have a handicapped child. Understand the reasons for this behavior of the crumbs and try to interest the baby in drawing.

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Photo gallery: What to do if the child does not want to draw?

Because of what, the baby flatly refuses to draw? For example, today the baby is not in the mood or he does not feel well, maybe he now wants to do other things more than this.

However, this may be once or twice, but what if the baby does not want to draw at all or refuses to do this periodically? There are, of course, other reasons that we need to understand.

There is also such a reason that the kid does not want to draw on the tuteme that he is asked, especially if the adult does not even try to interest the child in any way.

Parents constantly send the child to do something, and not sit, for example, near the TV. Adults say to the baby: “Go do something useful, draw at least!” However, the child does not understand why he should be distracted from what he is doing now in order to go to pencils and markers?

When kids draw kindergarten, then educators should come up with some kind of playful, entertaining and surprise moments, but they are also not always able to attract the attention of the baby.

For example, if the teacher says to the children: “A little bunny has come to us, let's draw a carrot for him!”, then this is unlikely to interest the kids. Even if a professional teacher cannot always interest a child in a particular topic, then parents will not succeed even more so.

Very often, children do not want to draw because they cannot draw something beautifully or because they are not confident in their abilities. Such babies constantly refuse any offers of drawing, moreover, they almost always start to cry. And all the time they say such words: “I won’t succeed! I can't!".

In order to somehow solve this problem, or at least smooth it out, you need to sit next to the crumbs and show him how you draw or show him some new tricks. Maybe you will even try to explain to the kid that you yourself are not very good at drawing, but you like it. So the child will be able to quickly calm down and wipe away the tears, he will carefully and calmly take a pencil or brush and begin to draw, and the drawings will be no worse than those of other children.

Such kids, of course, can draw, they are just afraid that they will not succeed. He thinks that other children or even adults will laugh at his work, and perhaps even scold him for unsuccessful scribbles.

Often, children are too confident in their abilities and are ready for any deeds and feats. If, for example, you ask a baby: “Can you fly an airplane?” or “Can you build a house?”, then the baby, of course, will answer: “Yes!”. All little children are convinced that they can do everything, even when they have not really tried to do it.

However, if the results of the kid constantly do not attract attention, are not interesting, or worse, they receive not quite good reviews, then he will certainly give up his activity and no longer want to draw. Perhaps they will not show any desire and begin to perform the task blunder, without trying at all, because an adult will still not be satisfied with his work.

There is another reason for not drawing, which is very rare compared to the previous ones. But it is worth remembering that all children are different and everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs. There are some kids who just don't like to draw - they don't like to do it. Even if you try very well and beg the baby, he will not agree, because, for example, he likes to read and look at books more or to collect large puzzles.

What to do if the kid is not eager to draw?

- Nothing!!!

This is very difficult, but it will be best if you do not impose on the baby what you want or like. Leave the child alone and allow him to do and enjoy what he likes. Only sometimes you can offer him a piece of paper and paint or pencils, but without insisting and without leaning on the child. Maybe after a while the baby will show interest in drawing, but maybe this will never happen. After all, adults don’t like some things either, for example, many women don’t like cooking at all. Even if you are constantly given cookbooks and explain all the advantages of cooking, you won’t be able to love cooking.

However, in every child you can awaken interest and love for painting, you just need a desire and, of course, time.

How to try to awaken the love of drawing in a child?

In this case, the main thing is to act correctly and in no case be nervous and not show your displeasure. Know that our babies are psychologically connected with us, so they constantly feel our mood, and if you start to worry or get nervous, then the baby will also be in a tense mood.

To instill in your child a love of drawing, you can try unconventional technique. For example, start drawing through stencils, paint with your fingers or splatter with paints. Offer the child what he likes the most, what makes him feel better.

If the kid does not want to draw, then do not force. Just offer, but unobtrusively. If the baby refuses once, then it’s not worth repeating the second time, offer to do something else.

If the kid suddenly began to draw, then do not interfere with him. Many adults begin to correct the child, climb with their advice on how to fix something somewhere. Be more restrained. Let the kid draw the way he likes. If suddenly red grass or an eight-legged dog bothers you a lot, then have a conversation on this topic with your child, but only after he finishes drawing.

Do not under any circumstances comment! Everything that seems wrong and different to us, the baby seems normal and as it should be. Start with questions. When the kid shows you his drawing, ask him why he depicted everything that way. Perhaps he painted the grass that grows with aliens, and the dog is not a dog at all, but fabulous creature, which in ordinary life cannot be met.

Do not forget to always praise your child, it is very important for him. However, remember that kids are great at fakery, so praise those moments that you like, that is really well drawn.

If you follow these simple rules, you can instill a child's interest in art.

In any case, if the kid is not predisposed to drawing, ask yourself, do you really like to draw yourself???

When a child begins to hold a writing object in his hand, he always strives to leave a trace behind himself. Any surface can become a canvas for young artist: and new wallpaper, and furniture, and floor. The desire to paint anything and everything is a normal stage in the development of a child, so parents will have to be patient and watch how the images and plots of children's drawings change. At a certain moment, the child begins not just to dirty the paper, but to portray all sorts of unknown creatures. These drawings represent inner world little man, and today we will figure out how to "read" a children's drawing.

How the drawing is located on the sheet

The entire paper space can be represented as a coordinate system with two axes known from school. The point of their intersection is the center of the sheet. The most favorable option is when the drawing is exactly in the center.

The vertical axis is the child's self-esteem and his sense of his position in the team.

  • The picture is shifted vertically upwards - high self-esteem, desire to win high position in a team (sometimes such children suffer precisely from the fact that their own high opinion of themselves is not shared by others).
  • The picture is shifted vertically down - low self-esteem, timidity, low self-confidence, a precarious position in the team (the child is not recognized in the team.

The horizontal axis is the time axis. The left side of the axis is associated with the past, while the right side is associated with the future.

  • The drawing is located to the left of the center - the child is more directed to the past. Such children are more "in themselves", make few plans and dream little, show little activity.
  • The drawing is located to the right of the center - the child is directed to the future, he is often on a positive wave, very active and active.

Analyzing the elements of the image


The position of the head and face matters.

  • If the head is turned to the right, the child is aimed at the implementation of his ideas and plans. If he has conceived something, he tries to implement it, even though he throws some ideas halfway through.
  • If the head is turned to the left - plans and ideas mostly remain in the head, the child does not attempt to implement his ideas due to indecision.
  • If the head is straight, the child is focused on himself, selfish, has high self-esteem.


If ears are attached to the head, this means that the child is ready to listen. This may appear as cognitive interest(listens to information), or maybe as an interest in the opinions of other people (listens to others in everything).


In the drawing, the eyes are a symbol of fear, especially if they big size, clearly traced, circled many times. Notable and big eyes- a symbol of intense fear. Traced eyelashes speak of some coquetry, attention to one's own appearance, the desire to please.


The mouth can be drawn in different ways: open, closed, just a line or real lips.

  • Clearly drawn lips speak of a child's sensuality.
  • If the emphasis is on the language, the child is very talkative.
  • Sometimes both lips and tongue are drawn. This indicates the expression of both qualities.
  • If the mouth is open, but there is no tongue or lips, especially if there is hatching, the child is very timid, can easily get scared, constantly doubts and does not trust. This is especially true for teenagers.
  • Traced teeth indicate verbal aggression. This aggression is usually defensive in nature, that is, the child can respond if something happens.


big and high forehead- a sign of the predominance of a rational principle, erudition.

Moms take note!

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Unusual details on the head

Sometimes children draw different details on their heads, which can also be deciphered.

  • Horns - aggressiveness or a desire to defend themselves, the ability to "wrestle" if necessary.
  • Feathers - the desire to attract attention, stand out, the desire to decorate oneself.
  • Hairstyle, mane or wool - the child seeks to indicate what gender he is, to emphasize this.


The drawn creature can stand on its feet or legs. Their appearance also speaks of internal state child.

  • Massive, strong limbs indicate that the child stands firmly on his feet in life. He has something to rely on, he makes balanced decisions, considers his actions.
  • Weak thin legs or their absence, indicate the fragility of internal positions, beliefs. The child makes decisions rather impulsively, his judgments are not deep.

Special attention should be paid to how the limbs are connected to the body.

  • If the connections are drawn well, the child carefully controls his reasoning, thinks logically and consistently.
  • If the connections are drawn carelessly or are absent at all, the child seems to be slightly out of touch with reality, his thoughts are chaotic.

In addition to legs or paws, the child can draw other limbs. They can serve as decoration, or they can carry some function.

  • Wings, shell, additional limbs indicate that the child is attracted to a variety of areas of activity, he is comprehensively developed, interested in many things, easily makes acquaintances. Such children are self-confident and easily take their place in life.
  • The painted tentacles indicate that the child almost always acts boldly.
  • Various bows, decorations in the picture reveal in the child a desire to attract attention, demonstrativeness and mannerisms.

An interesting element in the image is the tail:

  • If the tail is drawn on the right, the child has high self-esteem, he positively perceives himself and his actions. If on the left - the child is prone to self-criticism.
  • If the tail looks up - the child is active and self-confident, if down - the child is depressed, dissatisfied with himself.

"Three trees"

Studying children's drawings, you can not only analyze what the child draws spontaneously, but also give a task. Very simple and informative drawing test"Three trees".

Invite the child to draw three trees on a sheet, and then name which of the trees is the father, who is the mother, and which is the baby himself (there may be more trees, according to the number of family members). In this figure, we will be interested in the size of the trees. The key to the puzzle lies in the fact that the child relates trees to family members not by physical height / size, but by the share of influence that this family member has. So, for example, if a child associates himself with the smallest tree, there is nothing to rejoice at, because this suggests that the opinion of the child in the family is not significant. Parents should give the child more independence in making decisions and listen to his wishes. The most harmonious picture will be when all trees are equal. Yes, of course, a child can compare himself to a small tree. itself is small, but the meaning is deeper. Here it is written a little more about this - http://grigorieva-elena.ru/metodika-test-tri-dereva/

Mystery of color

Deciphering color is one of the most difficult. Each color has an ambiguous psychological meaning, and besides, for each child, the meaning of color can be different. That is why it is necessary to decipher the meaning of color based on the information already obtained from the drawing: color can emphasize the severity of the identified qualities or give them a special psychological meaning.

Psychologically, colors are usually interpreted as follows:

  • Red is a symbol of passion, love, but in some cases it symbolizes anxiety, aggression, strong negativity and a sense of danger.
  • Blue is the color of reason, logic, order. His other pole is fantasies, madness.
  • Yellow is the color of vitality, a symbol of openness and freedom. Sometimes personifies jealousy, deceit, envy.
  • Orange is a very energetic color, a sign of strength and personal maturity. His back side- militancy and the desire to fight.
  • Green is the color of growth, maturation, hope for the best. Sometimes denotes immaturity or soreness.
  • Purple is a mysterious color, a symbol of harmony and secret knowledge. It can denote anxiety, depression, withdrawal into oneself.
  • Black can be solid and solemn, or it can be mournful.
  • White is the color of purity, but sometimes it is a sign of inner emptiness and mourning.
  • Gray color is generally neutral, its negative interpretation is confusion, melancholy.

Comparing the results of all methods of working with children's drawings, you can find out about the child something that is hidden deep and not visible to the naked eye. Any concerns or issues that come up need to be dealt with. The first medicine mother's love, care and attention. Deeper problems are best dealt with by a specialist. Spend as much time with your baby as possible, play and draw together - this will help you better see the problems and give an understanding of how you can help the child.

READ ALSO: How to teach a child to distinguish colors -

Drawing is one of the favorite children's activities. From the drawings, you can see how the child sees the world, how he treats himself, what worries him, whom he loves.

Children's drawings are especially valuable material in cases where you need to find out if the child has any problems - fears, anxiety, aggressiveness.

Here are a few basic rules to keep in mind.

1. Drawings of children under five years old are poorly informative due to the fact that the fingers are still poorly developed and the drawings are sketchy. At this age, one can only assume certain features of the baby By color scheme . If prevails black, it speaks of aggression. Red means active and brown indicates possible ill health.

2. It is important to understand that a drawing is always a reflection of the momentary mood of the child. Therefore, it is impossible to judge his character only by one drawing. You must always look at general trends, having at least 5-6 samples made in different time. And ideally, if you want to make psychological picture baby, pick a time when he's in good mood and ask him to draw .

3. If you have given the task to the kid to draw something on a given topic, do not interfere in the process. The task itself must be given in the general form- for example, draw a tree (house, person), whatever you want. Do not suggest that a person has ears, and you forgot to draw them. Try to be around, but pretend that you are minding your own business. Watch for yourself at this time.

Your observation and patience is the key to success, which will allow you to understand the hidden features, fears, doubts and character traits of your child.

4. For test drawing, it is better to offer the child pencils - they allow you to see the force of pressure.

5. Even if all the drawings of the child speak of internal negativity, do not be afraid. Perhaps now the baby is experiencing difficult period. In any case, the drawing is not a diagnosis, but an occasion to think about what is happening in the soul of a little man. If you find it difficult to figure out the causes of children's problems on your own, contact a psychologist.

So you asked me to draw person, house, tree, family .

And after the drawing is completed, the first step in the analysis can be your first superficial impression, you should evaluate what your child's drawing is, how it reflects reality, the mood of the child.

Look at the color your child used. According to psychologists, the color determines the inner mood of the child, his emotional sphere.

The child chooses a simple pencil and refuses color at all, this indicates a rather low intellectual level. Sometimes the rejection of color is motivated by a bad mood, but, as a rule, this happens infrequently. A child who uses gloomy colors is most likely at a low level of general development, has insufficiently developed abstract thinking, and has problems with memory.

The child uses the color standard for the depicted object, this indicates the normal level of his intellectual and general development. The kid adequately perceives the surrounding objects and people around.

If, when depicting a given object, your child uses non-standard colors or colors that do not correspond to certain parts of a given object, this indicates non-standard thinking, a highly developed fantasy.


As a rule, if a child is asked to draw a person, then it will be a person of his gender. The drawing of a sexless creature or a person of the opposite sex testifies to internal discord. If the figure is located in the center, this is a sign of a self-confident person. At the very bottom of the sheet (and 2/3 of the space at the top is empty), children who have low self-esteem draw a person. About anxiety and problems with communication can be a figure depicted in profile.

Each part of the drawn person means something.

Head is a symbol of intelligence. A big head speaks of developed mental capacity, small - about insufficient for his age. If a child needs protection, he will definitely draw a headdress.

Face talk about the sociability of the baby. Fuzzy facial features mean the "closedness" of the child in relation to other people. Drawn ears are a sign that hearing is an important channel for perceiving information in a child, that he listens to the comments of other people. An open mouth with teeth is drawn by aggressively minded children. Very large eyes with pupils symbolize the fears of the child.

big long hands show that the baby is agile and developed physically. Small hands will be drawn by a weak child. If he is unsure of himself, he will hide the hands of the little man in the picture behind his back or in his pockets. Raised hands indicate aggression, a wide range of hands indicates a desire to act.

Legs is a symbol of support in real life. If a child has a great desire to be independent, then he will draw very long legs. Widely spaced legs mean the baby's self-confidence.

Angled or square torso usually boys draw - this is a sign of masculinity. If the torso of a man is disproportionately small, this means that the child feels humiliated.


If a child often draws a house without windows and doors, this indicates problems in communicating with other people, about isolation. The smaller the window, the more shy the baby is. Sometimes the number of windows corresponds to the number of family members.


A large tree in the picture means that the child has a large Vital energy. The branches of the tree are directed upwards, and the tree itself has a thick trunk and stands firmly on the ground (even the roots are drawn) - in front of you is a self-confident, cheerful child.


Trunk symbolizes the inner core of the child, his personal potential.

The base expanded to the left - the child is a dreamy introvert, timid, indecisive, not showing initiative.

trunk straight, correct form- the child has difficulties with adaptation, but he is easily restored. General development such a child has enough high level.

The basis expanded to the right - the child is characterized by prudence, prudence, perseverance. He ignores the opinions of others, is not inclined to trust recognized authorities.

The trunk closed from above, speaks of vitality, impulsiveness. The kid is not inclined to abstract thinking, shows diligence in work.

Rounded and expanded base - the child is slow, thorough, but somewhat inhibited. At the same time, he has such undoubted advantages as responsibility and reliability.

The pointed trunk is usually drawn by the smallest ones, in which it is difficult to distinguish the constituent parts of the personality.

contour lines, barrel filling, testify to certain character traits of the drawing child.

Weak, uneven, dotted lines speak of an enthusiastic, uneven, impatient and impulsive character, as an intuitive, sensual and vulnerable child usually draws.

Hatching and scribbles inside the trunk indicate insecurity, dissatisfaction and spiritual fragility of the baby.

The reproduction of the pattern of the bark is good sign- a sign of observation, critical mind, inquisitiveness, perhaps a good sense of humor and a rather high intellectual development.

Dots and spots inside the trunk are evidence of dissatisfaction and guilt, and perhaps that the child has a difficult period of development.

Wavy outlines in the figure mean liveliness, flexibility, a tendency to adapt, positive attitude your baby.

branches can tell about the relationship of the child with the outside world.

branches drawn parallel lines, express constancy, positivity, activity.

Branch lines diverging to the ends - expansion, adventurism, high conceit, a desire to assert oneself.

Radiant branches testify to nervousness, irascibility, lack of self-determination, throwing in search of his "I" from a young artist.

If in the picture your baby has singled out one branch, this indicates his ability to improvise, creativity, out of the box thinking that rejects conventions.

Twisted branches - susceptibility to other people's influence The kid who painted a tree with such branches loves games and fun activities, while it is difficult to force him to do what he seems tedious and boring.

The branches lowered down are drawn by ordinary dreamers, melancholics.

Curving branches - restraint, humility, responsibility, discipline.

Branches pointing upwards - practicality, irascibility, a tendency to adventurism.

Crown tells what are energy features and baby's abilities.

If the kid drew the crown of the tree in the form of a cloud, this indicates his inherent caution, thoroughness, and a high level of self-control.

The crown-corolla testifies to the prudence and diplomacy of the young artist.

Crown-circle - calmness, self-sufficiency, self-centeredness.

Children who are characterized by dynamism, distraction, sense of humor, cheerfulness usually draw a crown with curls.

Crohn with scribbles or shaded - disorder, anxiety, tension, indecision, impulsiveness, susceptibility to other people's influence.

Flat crown - depression, dependence, desire to lean on someone.

Children often do not draw the roots of a tree, because they are not visible.

My family

Children usually draw the most important person in their life first. The larger the figure of a person, the more authority he is for the baby. The child lovingly decorates such a person, pays attention to details.

If the child did not draw one of the family members, it means that he is unpleasant to him, quarrels often occur with him. A sign of non-disposition is a small schematic figure.

If all family members hold hands, the family is friendly.

Everyone is busy with their own business - the family is fragmented.

If there are objects between people that separate them, this indicates problems in communication.

The people involved in the game are a reflection of the rivalry in the family.

The raised hands of someone in the picture indicate aggression or a need for help.

Very often, children draw an imaginary family: a dad who does not live with them, a sister who is not there, a deceased relative, or in general stranger. This means that the child experiences discomfort in his family and wants to change it.

If a child draws himself the same size or even larger than adults, this indicates that he feels significant, unique.

The kid is not at all in the picture in the case when he feels superfluous in his family.

The attitude towards family members can be judged by the force of pressure. Unpleasant person the baby will draw with sharp, strong strokes, will often erase the drawing. The kid draws his favorite people with smooth movements, decorates in every possible way, chooses pastel or bright juicy colors.

If in the figure all family members stand side by side and hold hands, the child feels part of a single whole. He is calm and confident in universal love for himself, feels comfortable and protected.

Closer to himself, the child draws a person whom he trusts the most. A parent who communicates little with a child will find himself in the distance, sometimes separated by a line or placed in a window. younger brothers or little sisters often also find themselves aloof from the rest. If they are also microscopic in size, it means that the child is jealous and fights for the attention of his parents.

It is also interesting in what sequence the baby depicts his relatives. If he drew himself first, it means that he is egocentric. That's how it should be! Worse if he painted only himself alone. This means that your baby does not feel like a family member, exists in isolation. After himself, the baby usually depicts a family member whom he considers the most important.

It happens that the child did not draw someone close - perhaps the kid harbored a grudge against him or did not like this person at all. At the end, the child usually draws pets, that's right. It is worth considering if a child draws them right after himself, perhaps the child does not have enough of your attention and he feels lonely.

All children want to become adults as soon as possible, so the drawings depict themselves the same height as adults. If the child drew himself too tiny, perhaps you do not allow him to show his personality.

What color are the drawings?

Colors are very important that the child is using. He paints the people he loves the same color as himself. Restless kids choose such warm energetic colors, such as orange, raspberry. Quiet and serious kids choose cold and calm tones - blue, light blue, pale yellow. If the baby draws in contrasting colors - black and white - this indicates his internal conflict which he can't handle.

Pay attention also to how the picture is painted. If the pencil goes beyond the contours, the child is independent and freedom-loving. If the drawing is colored too neatly or if there is a gap between the outline and the main color white stripe, then the baby is not self-confident enough and constantly needs your support.

At 3-4 years old, a child draws something that looks more like humanoids than people. It is difficult to understand where the head is and where the hands are. The neck is often missing, and the legs grow straight out of the head. Sometimes only the torso can be shown.

By the age of 5-6, the child already draws all parts of the body and face. The absence of any part of the body should alert you.

The long arms of one of their relatives speaks of the child's fear of him. If parents often scold the child, then the baby may not draw a mouth for them. The thick legs of the figurines indicate that the child feels tension in the family and subconsciously desires a more reliable foundation. The baby, who is uncomfortable in the world, draws scary people with outstretched arms and thumbs.

special children

Drawings of hyperactive children asymmetrical: if this is a tree, then the trunk is twisted, and the leaves are few, not traced or depicted schematically. The figures of people are never static, they seem to be waving their arms, jumping, running. Such a child paints casually, often cannot complete the work.

Drawings of aggressive children are distinguished by a large number sharp corners(fangs, spikes, claws). The characters are screaming, fighting, chasing someone. Often in the drawings there are weapons - knives, pistols, swords.

Children used to getting their way with their fists, often depict large shaded hands. Conflict children draw a large open mouth with huge sharp teeth. Primary colors are either dark (black, brown) or bright (green, red).

In the drawings of anxious children many blackened spots or, conversely, the lines are almost invisible. Images of people - with large dark eyes, which seemed to be rounded with fear. Postures are static and uniform. Anxious children do not like felt-tip pens, preferring a pencil and an eraser to correct the lines just drawn. This shows their insecurity and fear of doing something wrong. In their drawings there are no bright and saturated colors.

Don't panic if in children's drawing you saw any scary signals. Maybe the baby just had Bad mood. Left alone with the child, ask him to draw what he wants. Write down all the comments that the baby makes in the process of work, and then discuss the drawing with him. Of course, in order to draw any conclusions, one drawing is not enough. But if from time to time in the work of the child the details that alarm you are repeated, collect his drawings and show the specialist.

In preschool as well as junior school age As a rule, all children like to draw. Only those children who have difficulties in drawing do not draw. In a child, what “does not work out” causes persistent rejection. Often this can be explained by quite justified reasons.

Poorly developed fine motor skills

The child's hands do not obey well, so he cannot hold the pencil correctly. IN primary school When handwriting is given special attention, writing classes turn into a real stress. Therefore, accordingly, the teaching turns into torment. It is for this reason that it is necessary to develop fine motor skills in advance, using coloring pages, entertaining recipes and much more for these purposes.

Poverty fantasy

This quality is directly related to the delay in mental development. It is especially manifested in those children who have already become accustomed to the computer and TV. Ten years ago, child psychologists worried that children who spent a lot of time in front of the computer and TV were depleting their imagination. Then, in the 90s, it seemed extremely controversial issue, since it was assumed that the baby, on the contrary, is enriched due to the variety of plots and images. And the games at that time were mostly educational.

But today such disputes have subsided. The fruits of such “developing” games are already very noticeable. And even if your baby looks exceptionally kind and good cartoons, but in unlimited quantities, this also negatively affects his creative fantasy. In the memory of children, an already formed visual image is fixed, obscuring the plots that may appear in his imagination. If this happens very often, then the child has a stamped thinking. How much room for his imagination can be here? Space requires free space: watch less TV, absorb more live, vivid impressions, arouse interest in writing fairy tales, reading, playing a variety of role-playing games.

It happens that a child needs only a small push for his fantasy to fill up with a key. It's insanely trendy today early learning, and often the child receives emotional trauma, as he cannot cope with the task, feeling the disapproval of the teacher.

The child is simply not able to understand his experiences, and even more so to tell clearly about them, so many parents are completely unaware of this. However, children develop a persistent dislike for an occupation that does not lend itself to them. Worried that he will make a mistake again, the child no longer wants to repeat the bad experience. And here everything directly depends on the parents, on their perseverance, patience and tact. By comparing him to more successful children, parents can make him feel inadequate. And on the contrary, approving the baby, helping him, they are able to get him out of this state.

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