Hip hop training for kids. Hip hop in MainStream: why attend our classes


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About hip hop dancing

In the 70-80s of the last century, a society for which there were only ballroom dancing, had to endure the breakthrough of Latino and rock and roll. And then a new blow followed: hip-hop ghetto dance. It's no surprise that hip-hop has been seen by society as a threat to the future. What does it really represent - a dance that will eventually go into oblivion or subculture with its music, clothes, words? Definitely the last option! Hip-hop dance sections are growing like mushrooms under the warm rain of appropriate music, and five-year-old children are already dancing the “adult” dance. Drive, excitement, delight, freedom - these are the words that can describe the feeling of seeing hip-hop. Do you want to take these classes? Then you have to delve a little into the culture and styles of this dance. Then it will not be blind copying of movements, but self-expression, freestyle, which is the quintessence of dance.


The father of hip-hop is considered to be DJ Afrika Bambaataa, who developed the five basic elements of dance. It happened in 1974. Well, the "ancestors" include African jazz, rhythms of drums and tom-tom. In the poor American neighborhoods, too, they loved self-expression and dancing - this is how amazing and daring hip-hop was born, combining afro-jazz, funk, break, pop, and continuing to absorb new trends and assimilate with them. Loose clothes, caps, glasses, a special gait and plasticity - this is what distinguishes "authentic" hiphopers. And also - a certain love for graffiti.

Interestingly, it is in this dance that there is such a type of competition as battles. Such international competitions are held in Europe, Australia, Japan. Well, after hip-hop classes, no one bothers to arrange an expressive battle on the dance floor or right on the street.

Dance styles

Since hip-hop is a creative and collective dance, there are many directions in it. Keep this in mind when choosing where to practice hip-hop dancing. If you have doubts about the chosen direction, visit the training in the section as a spectator and decide if the style suits you.

Old school dance is the old school of the 80s, which includes the first experiences of hip-hop:

  • popping;
  • locking;
  • breakdance.

Many MTV stars have become popular thanks to these directions. There is a lot of acrobatics here and the physical form of the hiphoper must be impeccable. Modern direction- new style school (since 2000) - focuses more on footwork (footwork). One of the most popular and spectacular is LA Style - a "choreographic" version that is used on stages, in clips and productions. This is the most artistic kind of hip-hop.

Who is street dancing for?

The hip-hop section accepts both adults and children, but still this “topic” is more suitable for people 15-30 years old. Endurance is very important here. physical strength when executing the lower elements. A fast pace and the ability to quickly switch in training are also very important. Of course, this does not limit the possibility of classes for people of a different age, if they have sufficient enthusiasm and physical fitness. Interestingly, hip-hop is more masculine than female dance, there are more representatives of the stronger sex in it. The more interesting this situation for girls! You will definitely be the center of attention in training and in the club. And for children and teenagers, dancing in the hip-hop section is a great way to overcome shyness and tightness.

Benefits and contraindications to hip-hop

The main benefit is excellent physical shape. It is unrealistic for a hiphoper to stay "in the body", and the process of losing weight is very fast. Classes successfully replace training in the gym - here in literally breaks seven sweats. However, this imposes certain restrictions in the classroom. Hip-hop is not an option for people with cardiovascular problems, asthma, high pressure, serious diseases of the spine and joints. Injuries to the knees, elbows, and wrists are common here.

How to dress for a hip hop workout

T-shirt, top and sports trousers are enough. It is worth noting that it is traditionally customary to wear oversized loose clothing. It's not a good idea to show up to class in a shirt, cap, and glasses—leave those cute traditions for later when you've mastered the basics. As shoes, high-quality sneakers or sneakers are optimal. Do not forget drinking water and a towel.

Choosing a hip-hop section in Moscow

Hip-hop dance lessons are held both in groups and individually, so anyone can choose a section to their liking. On our site you can sign up for hip-hop dances near your home, place of study or work. Take classes seriously and do not skip workouts: in a couple of months, both you and those around you will notice the result. It's time to surprise your friends with new skills - it is quite possible that you will gain new associates in hip-hop.

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Victoria Kharitonova's contemporary dance school for children organizes classes for boys and girls. Lessons are taught by professional teachers. Our experts will help each student to discover their talent and feel self-confidence.

Modern parents are worried about many problems. For example, how to help a son or daughter realize himself? What can be done to raise the child's authority in the eyes of peers? How to protect him from the negative influence of the outside world? The perfect solution to all of the above problems are children's modern dances!

Features of classes in the modern dance studio for children

Classes in our modern dance studio for children are designed in such a way that each child feels comfortable and confident. Incendiary rhythms hip hop and others club destinations awaken the desire to move to the beat and cheer up. As a result, quiet and insecure children are liberated, become more active and self-confident. Fidgets, on the contrary, get the opportunity to throw out excessive energy. Therefore, at home and at school, they become more obedient and assiduous.

Thanks to the first successes of studying in the studio, the children awaken an interest in children's modern dances. This means that after the lessons they will rush to the next workout with friends, and not for a walk in a dubious company.

Our dance school offers classes in different directions. Today, children are increasingly choosing hip-hop as the epitome of fashion culture and freedom of expression. It's more than musical or dance direction: It's a whole philosophy. It is based on the concept of freestyle - a free style that opens up almost limitless possibilities.

The main varieties and directions of hip-hop

Classes in a dance school for children begin precisely with an understanding of the hip-hop culture. It originated among African Americans, which determined the main features of plasticity and rhythm. Unlike Europeans, these peoples believe that the gods do not live in heaven, but in the earth. That is why most of the movements are concentrated in the lower plane. Traditional African instruments, such as tam-toms and drums, determined the rhythm of this dance style.

In the classroom at school, children will get acquainted with the two main subspecies of hip-hop dance - Old School and New Style. The first was formed around the 70-80s of the last century. It includes the following branches:

  • Popping - a special muscle contraction that creates the effect of a rhythmic shudder;
  • Locking - a series of fast funky movements and fading in certain poses;
  • Robot - a style known from Michael Jackson's music videos;
  • Ticking - intermittent and broken ligaments;
  • Waving - wave-like movements, etc.

In the 90s, hip-hop began to dance to heavier music, the New Style direction was born. In our dance school, children will get acquainted with the following styles:

  • Harlem shake - expressive and chaotic movements of a group of dancers;
  • C-walk - improvisational foot movements;
  • Krump - group dances, etc.

Benefits of doing hip hop at a dance school for kids

In our Center in Moscow, students not only master various dance moves, but also comprehensively developed. Thanks to the fast pace and a large number complex ligaments during training, physical strength and endurance are significantly increased. The guys develop plasticity, flexibility, coordination, reaction, memory, imagination, learn to control their body correctly. If your son or daughter is experiencing communication problems, are not confident, - teamwork help them overcome their fears and teach them how to communicate openly with others.

The Victoria Kharitonova Center in Moscow is waiting for you:

  • professional teachers who are fluent in technology;
  • spacious bright halls with mirrors and other necessary equipment;
  • friendly staff and always a pleasant atmosphere.

For more detailed information about courses, you can contact the manager of our school of children's modern dances.

Congratulations, in just 5 minutes you have learned about the differences between our school and many others. We are convinced that in order to learn to dance, it is not necessary to have an innate talent. Therefore, we have created a training program that will teach everyone to dance, regardless of gender, age and physique. Sign up for classes and see for yourself.

Modern dance training

If you have a desire to master a new style for yourself, such as hip-hop, but natural shyness will not allow you to do this, then you can contact our studio. Experienced teachers and a friendly team will help you quickly master the basic elements of this dance. Thanks to our teaching methods, you will feel that you have not only learned to dance, but also gained confidence in your own abilities.

Especially for junior students age group The studio has a lesson on Saturdays. On this day, youth can be completely liberated, without looking back at their older comrades. There is also an opportunity to make new friends, thanks to whom the study will be fun and easy. The dance school takes very little time from its students. Our courses have the most humble people, after a few days of training, they become liberated and forget about their complexes. Such changes occur in a person due to the fact that emotions are released during intense movements.

Our courses are ideal for those who want to improve their choreographic skills, and they are also useful for those who want to impress in special venues.

Also, our school can be useful not only for novice lovers of this art, but also for professionals who want to receive quality training and improve their skills. Hip-hop allows, thanks to an unusual style, to express their bright individuality.

Our school opens doors for those who want to learn how to move gracefully and master new directions. After several months of training, students usually bring their friends to our studio. Together we will become a friendly team of like-minded people.


Hip-hop training allows you to better know the capabilities of your body, to discover additional resources of your own body. You can also keep your body in good physical condition. These classes involve considerable physical activity, so they can easily replace physical education. Let's briefly describe the history of occurrence. It is believed that the prototype of hip-hop was breakdancing. Some call breakdancing a "street dance", suggesting that it first appeared in disadvantaged areas of the United States of America. The difference between the mentioned styles is quite significant. If breakdance, in the vast majority of cases, is performed on the floor, then hip-hop is most often performed standing up.

Hip hop and culture

The contribution to its development was made by such directions as rap, jazz and many others. Latin American culture has also left its mark on the history of hip-hop. For the first time similar dances appeared in North America at the turn of the 70s. Several groups toured America and showed the audience their creative innovations in the field of choreography. For their beauty and originality, they quickly won the love of a huge number of people. Gained even more popularity given style, after his appearance in the cinema. The power of cinema has brought its popularity to a completely new level. From now on, the whole world has learned about a new, unusual dance style. As a result, a wide variety of youth groups appeared, which tried to inherit a new style and add your own elements to it.

This style requires the dancer regular workout which improve coordination of movements. Therefore, the key to success is constant diligence and dedication in training.


Breakdance is a type of hip-hop in which the dancer performs a variety of sharp and rotating movements, leaning on his hands. Breakdancing is most widespread among young people. There are two types of dance: upper and lower breakdance. With the upper breakdance, all movements are concentrated on the plasticity of the movement of the body. During the bottom break dance, all activity is concentrated on the floor. This style requires serious, regular classes.

famous style

None of our students remains indifferent to this style. Training takes place according to the methodology developed by the best specialists. IN special classes equipped with last word techniques, choreography classes are held. The school allows students to be liberated and get rid of all sorts of self-restraints. For the convenience of students, the groups are divided according to the age principle. While conducting lessons, we gradually immerse ourselves in its culture, listen to music and master the most simple elements on initial stage. In our educational institution You can get a variety of skills, briefly list the main ones.

Skills acquired in our studios:

  • Improving movement coordination;
  • Gaining a sense of self-confidence;
  • Learn to smile while speaking.

To get into our trial lesson, you need to fulfill a few simple but necessary conditions.

Requirements for participation in classes:

  • Great mood and desire to learn;
  • Comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • Absence medical contraindications for an active pastime.

For those wishing to master a variety of dances, including hip-hop, there are no age or other restrictions. In most cases, our students represent a fairly diverse cross-section of society.

The following categories also take part in the classes students:

  • People with no experience;
  • People who are in search of self-expression;
  • Experienced professionals who want to improve their skills.

To long time not to list all the advantages of studying in our organization, you can simply invite you to come and spend a few hours in the hall, or take a trial lesson. In most cases, a newcomer stays with us for a long time and acquires the necessary professional skills. Dancing helps not only to maintain a good physical form but also bring new positive emotions into your life. You can get rid of the gray everyday monotony. We invite you and your loved ones to enroll in our dance school. Come join us for our classes and you won't regret it!

Hip-hop for many years is not just body movements to music, but a lifestyle and a way of self-expression. Hip-hop lessons for adults and children allow you to relax, tone all muscle groups, come to weight and hone your coordination of movements. Zavod Dance School in Moscow helps you quickly and beautifully learn how to dance hip-hop and become a pro in the world of this street dance.

hip hop dancing

The popularity of the dance has spread to all corners the globe, and includes elements of such styles as funk, jazz, break and blues with an admixture of African American street philosophy. Fashionable hip-hop today originated at the end of the 20th century in Negro and latin quarters New York, where dance has become a saving alternative to criminal showdowns. However, very soon the dance went far beyond the poor neighborhoods, becoming a hit on all the world's dance floors.

The key points of hip hop are:

  • expression;
  • Liberty;
  • emotions.

It is these manifestations in the dance that give an extraordinary feeling of flight, emotional emancipation and creativity.

Smooth and light, aggressive and sharp - hip-hop, invariably kind and positive dance, which will always have real fans and admirers. The concept of hip-hop dance is a combination of African American dances and breaks to the motives of house, rap and r "n" b. The "carrying" parts of the body in the dance are the legs and the body. The peculiarity of hip-hop is the absence of dangerous sharp jumps, falls and pushes, instead there is some kind of relaxed springiness, soft turns and the same soft jumps. However, only from the side it seems that the dancer is relaxed, in fact, all muscle groups work for him, providing a full-fledged physical activity body.

Hip Hop Lessons for Beginners

Comfortable freestyle clothing, wide pants, special shoes and hats - there are as many attributes of hip-hop as there are varieties of this dance. What does a beginner hip-hop dancer need to know and be able to do? If you think that you don’t need to study in order to move beautifully, you are mistaken. Only professional trainers will teach you the basics of dance, tell and show you 2 popular hip-hop styles.

Hip hop for adults

If you are 20+ years old and you want to dance, but don't know where to start, come to Zavod Dance School, where you can fully develop your dance potential. It's no secret that the acting and improvisation component in this dance is quite expressive, and adults who carefully hide any manifestations of emotions can fully reveal themselves in hip-hop. Do not forget that hip-hop is far from romantic, rather it is a dance of self-confident, daring, pretentious, stubborn and free people.

hip hop dance school

School of hip-hop in Moscow Zavod invites everyone to dance, regardless of gender, build and level of training. Only here you will get complete freedom to express emotions in the rhythm of the dance. To move beautifully and harmoniously, you should learn from professionals who will teach not only the basics street dancing but also the art of improvisation. Experienced dancers-coaches of the Zavod dance school will teach you the dynamics and plasticity of dance, help you immerse yourself in the exciting world of hip-hop, and what is called “infect” you with hip-hop fever.

If, having barely heard the music, you feel that you are unable to contain the surging emotions, then your choice is Hip-hop! We turn on the sound to the fullest and plunge headlong into the world of street drive.

The impetuous sounds of Hip-hop make you completely dissolve in it. A torn syncopated rhythm is carried by a nerve impulse to every cell and the body reacts to the slightest accent of the music. A storm of feelings: a thirst for life, freedom, aggression are mixed with passionate sensuality and rush out. Sharpness and impetuousness of movements, clear fixations, rapidly turning into soft waves of incredibly plastic sexuality, sliding movements, low body position, relaxed knees - all this is inherent in modern hip-hop dance. Today's Hip-hop is a mixture of many directions. Growing up on the streets of Latin American neighborhoods to the sounds of African jazz, Hip-hop endlessly improvises. Following music, it develops into new directions, borrows and adapts new techniques and elements both from related directions and from those that are absolutely incompatible with it.

Your choice is your character, Hip-hop at GS dance school

This style is for those who are ready to show their character, determination, show their individuality, courageous and ready for a challenge! Just come to us for a hip-hop trial class! Hip-hop training does not require special physical training. We have the most comfortable environment for beginners to hip-hop and others popular styles dance. You can start exercising at any age: from 7 to 70, the main thing is desire! Experienced teachers help you say goodbye to indecision forever and unleash your full potential. Hip hop lessons will completely change your life.

Hip-hop at the GS dance school is not only a dance - it's new bright world, chatting with friends: you can participate in flash mobs, try your hand at battles. Dare! If you are looking for where to learn Hip-hop in Moscow, then your choice is the GS dance school!

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