The guy explains how to play slot machines. How to get rid of gambling addiction - treatment

Vika Dee

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, one of the three water signs of the zodiac (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces), occurs from the Latin wordScorpio. This sign is ruled by the red planet Mars. Scorpio's date of birth is between October 24th and November 22nd.

The Scorpio woman is a proud, self-confident woman. She knows exactly what she wants from life and will always achieve what she wants. Such women are called fatal - falling in love with them is dangerous, life with them is never calm and measured. Scorpio women constantly overwhelmed by passions, they strive to turn their lives into a seething whirlpool, but at the same time they do not lose their heads.

The Scorpio woman is very proud and self-confident.

Such a girl is able to make men run after her with just a glance. She usually has a bright, outstanding appearance. She is clearly not a timid ten and will give odds to anyone. She has a strong and independent character, partly masculine - deep down, a Scorpio woman may even regret that she was not born a man. She has inflexibility and iron will, such a woman cannot be broken.

The character of the Scorpio girl is very stormy!

She is prone to excessive vehemence - throwing herself headlong into the maelstrom of a new passionate romance is quite in her spirit. The essence of this woman is passion. She always uses all her emotions to the fullest: if she loves, then madly, if she hates, then sizzling. Wherein she's too straight forward If she doesn't like something, she will immediately say so.

Such women are often very vindictive and will never calm down until they take revenge on the offender. However, they are not vindictive and are not in the habit of reminding others of the wrongs done to them.

The character of the Scorpio girl is explosive

There may be a misleading impression that it is impossible to establish friendships with such a woman, but this is not so. Although she is very demanding of herself and others, A Scorpio woman can be a great friend and adviser, if he considers a person worthy of such an honor. She obviously will not hang out with the dead and weaklings.

Compatibility of Scorpio women with other zodiac signs in a relationship

Scorpio Woman gets along well with representatives of the same water sign with her- Pisces and Cancers. The common water element makes these people similar to the tendency of constant change. Such couples reach mutual understanding and they will not get bored of being with each other. Such a union is most suitable for marriage.

A Scorpio woman gets along well with representatives of the same water sign with her.

Scorpions are not at all compatible with Leo and Aries - the relationship of these signs is doomed to failure, since the partners will strive for a dominant position and none of them will want to give in to the other. But with mutual attraction, such a couple can survive a short love affair.

Also, Scorpio should not seek relationships with another Scorpio - for the same reason as with Leo and Aries

Even if there is attraction between two Scorpios, love is likely to fade quickly.

How a Scorpio woman behaves in bed

The Scorpio girl is incredibly passionate and loves bright, unusual sex. She tries to bring something new intimate life, so it partner must be ready to experiment. Such a woman is very erotic and literally bursts with sexual energy. She can get involved in a sexual adventure, but she will not let herself lose her head and always knows when to stop. Mistress- Scorpio is not shy and not bound by complexes. She always knows what she wants from a partner.

The Scorpio girl is incredibly passionate and loves bright, unusual sex

As with relationships, best compatibility in bed with Scorpio with representatives of the water sign.

Falling in love with such a girl is not easy - she is indifferent to compliments and flattering speeches, she is not greedy for gifts. She can be conquered by a strong and strong-willed personality, living in a bright frantic rhythm, like herself. If this girl allows herself to be seduced, although it often happens the other way around, then this is within the power of a self-confident, charismatic person who has own opinion. However, she may like weaker men, awakening maternal feelings in her. In such an alliance she will patronize and support a partner but only until she gets bored with it.

The Scorpio woman demands respect for herself and gives herself to the whole relationship, demanding the same from her partner.

Also she needs a certain freedom in a relationship, she does not tolerate limits and restrictions. You should not try to lock such a girl at home, she will break out, and it will not work to return her.

The ideal man for such a girl, in addition to a strong-willed character, must have a spectacular appearance - Scorpio appreciates external beauty and the ability to present yourself.

The ideal man for such a girl should have a spectacular appearance.

Although such a girl sometimes herself cannot understand what kind of man she needs for a relationship.

How to understand that a Scorpio girl is in love

It is difficult to hide the love and sympathy of a Scorpio girl, although she can pretend that she is completely indifferent to the object of adoration. But such people cannot endure love suffering, and rather she will try to attract the attention of a man than will wait for signs of attention from him. Scorpio in love knows how to win over the object of her love. If this is not possible, she may quickly lose interest by finding another love interest.

The best gift for an impregnable Scorpio woman

Scorpio Woman does not tolerate gifts "for show". The gift for her should be special, chosen specially and chosen with soul. Fantasy should be included when starting to choose a gift for such a girl.

The Scorpio girl really likes gifts related to erotica

It is better to give her something unusual and rare - beautiful gem, whimsical jewelry made of precious materials, a stylish practical gadget or something that hints at sexuality. The Scorpio girl really likes gifts related to eroticism: beautiful lingerie, red things.

February 10, 2018

Scorpios are the most powerful tempters in love, they always strive for sensual pleasures and have high demands on the opposite sex.

Representatives of this Sign are very freedom-loving and love loneliness. In order for Scorpio, you need to allow him to be as he is, and in no case limit his freedom. Scorpios are unpredictable, so you have to use all your senses in order to even roughly understand what your partner wants. Very often, Scorpios perceive love solely as sex. But actually, true love for them - harmony in spiritual and sexual terms and complete understanding with a partner.

How to fall in love with a Scorpio woman?

These women are very wayward and selfish, after they get the desired result, interest in the partner disappears. Representatives of this sign are dependent on their mood, so you should not annoy them, otherwise the vindictiveness and vindictiveness of Scorpio will bring a lot of trouble.

To fall in love with a Scorpio woman, you need to give her complete freedom and independence, unobtrusively care, often surprise, prepare bright romantic surprises for her without warning. Find out everything about her preferences: books, movies, music... Such women appreciate those partners with whom they have common interests.

If you want to make a Scorpio woman fall in love with you, entertain her all the time, don't be boring, don't ask her about anything, let her keep her secrets and be herself.

How to fall in love with a Scorpio man?

Such a man appreciates passion, sensual pleasures and will depend on the companion who will make life bright. To fall in love with a Scorpio man, you need to give him complete freedom, but in order for him to choose you in the end, you will have to give yourself completely and sacrifice everything for the sake of his whims. You need to constantly transform, follow his hobbies and live up to his ideals. In such a relationship, a woman should show wisdom, restraint and be tolerant of all the whims of the chosen one.

If you pamper your partner, tempt him with sensual pleasures and get to know his intimate fetishes and fantasies, you will certainly be able to captivate him. Remember that such men have a wealth of experience. love affairs, but, having met the only one who will win his heart and soul, they remain faithful to her.

Scorpios have a magnetic energy that attracts women. They are self-confident, perfectly control their feelings and emotions. The secret impulses of their passionate nature go unnoticed by others. Girls will be interested to know how a Scorpio man in love behaves, who hides his feelings. Representatives of this sign are ready to fall in love and tell about their attitude only to those who can interest them not only in external attractiveness, but also in intellectual data.

Well-groomed women with good taste attract the attention of representatives of this sign. Beauty alone is not enough to seriously hurt his feelings. The chosen one must have inner beauty, be independent, sincere.

scorpions subtly feel falseness in a relationship, so you can’t play with them in love. You should not fully reveal yourself to the partner, a little understatement and unrevealed secrets are attractive to these men.

Expression of feelings

It is important for Scorpios to have their own personal space, free from any encroachment. Even the closest people are not allowed into this secretive world. experiencing strong feelings, the guy will try to hide their manifestation by all available means, such is the nature if the man is Scorpio. What is he like when he loves - characteristics behaviors:

The intimate side of relationships great importance for Scorpio. He does not suffer from hypocrisy, loves experiments and novelty. For him, the active participation of the girl in the process, her willingness to accept his proposals is important.

How to behave with a Scorpio?

Men born under the sign of Scorpio have several characteristic features. Their knowledge will help to understand the motives of actions, behavior, attract attention, build long-term relationships.

Representatives of this sign are purposeful and courageous., but they have a vulnerable soul, so they are reluctant to reveal themselves even to close people. With ill-wishers, they are cruel and insidious, but they will not make an effort to simply take revenge. Their motive is not emotion, but cold practical calculation. They strive to achieve specific goals, without being sprayed on trifles.

The rudeness of Scorpio should not be taken unequivocally, it can be just defensive reaction in response to an invasion of privacy. An enthusiastic display of feelings, flowery compliments are alien to his nature. He chooses not to speak beautiful words and perform a specific action. He is honest in relationships, will not leave his beloved alone in trouble.

It is sometimes difficult to understand him. You have to not rely on sincere conversations, but carefully look at. The intonation and timbre of speech, facial expressions, look can tell a lot about mood and feelings. It will be useful to learn about some of the features inherent in many Scorpios:

  • Prefers to take important decisions, does not accept direct pressure and covert manipulation. He is perceptive enough, possesses intuition to avoid such actions.
  • On a subconscious level, he fears betrayal and disappointment, so at first he will test your honesty and devotion. Alertness is manifested to all unfamiliar people; at the beginning of your acquaintance, there will be no exception to this rule for you. The constant manifestation of love and confirmation of the seriousness of feelings in the future will become the key to a strong relationship.
  • Compliments are cold. He does not need outside support, as he is self-confident and knows his own worth. Praise can only cause irritation and arouse suspicion of the sincerity of the interlocutor.
  • From the outside, a man may seem like an insensitive and cold type, but rudeness, misunderstanding are perceived by him painfully. He does not like criticism, and even more so from his beloved woman he will not tolerate it. It is necessary to carefully choose expressions so as not to accidentally hurt self-esteem. Otherwise, separation is inevitable.
  • The Scorpio man will not share problems, ask other people's advice. In case of troubles, he needs to be a little alone, to think. Do not disturb him at such times.
  • Scorpions sometimes have outbursts of anger, at this moment they are sharp, rude. No need to try to respond in kind, provoking a proliferation of conflict. Otherwise, the vindictive partner will remember your reaction more than once. The best behavior is not to object, but simply to listen to the angry person, especially since this happens very rarely.

How to fall in love with a Scorpio man?

There is a certain female type that attracts the attention of a Scorpio man. What they are like when they are in love depends largely on the lady of the heart. May enter into sexual relations, not considering them serious, until they are convinced of the fidelity of the partner.

Charming lady, confident, smart, able to maintain a conversation can count on reciprocity.

Men of this sign are leaders by nature, it is important for them to take the initiative in everything. Seeing his interest, you should not get acquainted first. Scorpio will not forgive betrayal, and he will be jealous of the chosen one's friends.

Representatives of this sign are able to easily see insincerity, they are not interested in coquetry, flirting. They want to see in their chosen one a good hostess, a reliable keeper of the family hearth. Prudent, self-serving, stupid women have no chance for a long harmonious relationship. Attract passionate emotional girls. It is important for him to exchange energy, feelings. Considers unacceptable for a companion:

  1. neglectful attitude;
  2. authority;
  3. fraud in any form;
  4. manipulation;
  5. mockery of weaknesses;
  6. relationships on the side.

For a woman who understands how to behave with a Scorpio man, it remains important separate moment- is it possible to . If the couple's feelings are sincere, then temporary separation will not become an obstacle that destroys this union. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by sanity, responsibility. Married Scorpio reliable, will not betray in a difficult situation.

Attention, only TODAY!

27-02-2007, 17:23


27-02-2007, 19:13

I want to help my friend to wean her husband from playing slot machines. I would be grateful if anyone could share their experience.

My mother-in-law has been trying for six years. Unfortunately, nothing helps. The most important thing here is the desire of the gamer himself. If it doesn't exist, then it's useless.

27-02-2007, 20:36

Soon all these machines and casinos, including, will be closed. And so gambling is the second drug addiction,
don't jump off if you're already addicted. I know a very sad case about such a player!
Everyone understood that he was hurting loved ones, but he stopped only when he laid hands on himself ... And so he lost absolutely everything !!! Thank God that his wife at least had her own dacha, which he simply could not put up, otherwise the family would have remained on the street, since the apartment was also lost. Terrible thing!!!

27-02-2007, 21:41

I do not know, to be honest, how to wean.
She herself played for small stakes. At one terrible moment, she skidded and lost a lot.
I don't go to places where they play anymore!
The husband of one of her friends also decided that it was not necessary.
Without the desire of the player himself, it is very difficult to wean. It's like drug addiction ...
They promise to close all these establishments. And very good!!!

27-02-2007, 23:10

I agree with the previous statements that a person himself should want to quit playing. And these machine guns are so addictive! My husband and his friends went to these machines and disappeared there for a day, but thank God it was an isolated case, he didn’t get involved or we just don’t have money to throw them into the machine so easily. But his friend is lucky, he constantly wins, shares with those who came to play with him, some in his pocket, he continues to play for the rest. Actually, with the money that this person won, my husband played, but he dragged one thousand home. And the other day this lucky guy won 80 thousand rubles for a hundred rubles! I gave 10 of them to a friend... it's a pity then my husband wasn't there... So how can you stop playing with such winnings? In fact, he lives on this money. But all the same, it's good that the whole thing will soon be transferred far, far away.

27-02-2007, 23:31

It's impossible to help it. If a person does not want to, then the probability of weaning him from slot machines is zero. And even if he wants to - the probability is very small ...

28-02-2007, 00:03

28-02-2007, 00:59

There was a rather sad experience of a colleague at work - the husband got carried away so that he lost his, her money. And when he lost the company's money (and a lot), they ran into him and put him in jail for 2 years (((((((((((


28-02-2007, 10:26

Let him look for groups of anonymous players (there are also such in our city).
But if he himself does not want to stop playing, then it is useless to force him.
Those who say that gambling is a kind of drug addiction are right. The processes in the brain are identical when taking a drug and when gambling.

PS: It will be useful for a friend (and you too) to resemble groups for co-dependents.

If you need more detailed info, please contact me in a personal, because I'm unlikely to ever look at this topic again ...

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention co-dependence. :wife: They always treat not only the player, but also his immediate family members. Details are also in private.

28-02-2007, 12:22

My husband's brother has already lost in total 120 thousand dollars ....
Nothing helps....
The last time his wife (with the help of my husband) quite harshly said - that's it, no one will treat him or take him to a psychologist anymore. And even if money appears out of nowhere to cover the debts, he will be put out the door forever. Just for the very fact of the very approach to the machines. It looks like it's not possible otherwise :(
I do not know the situation yet, no one asks him. He works almost day and night to earn money and repay debts...

28-02-2007, 14:35

Does your husband want to unlearn? The whole point is in this. Does he see this as a problem?
Has a friend already discussed this topic with him, or so far only with you?
Few inputs for advice.

01-03-2007, 08:57

:(He himself wants not to play, but as soon as the money appears in his hands, he goes again ... He promises to quit. He understands everything, agrees that this is bad. All hope is that the machines will be removed from the city

* Lucky *

01-03-2007, 09:10

All hope is that the machines will be removed from the city

While you are waiting for this, you can remain without everything. Without funds, property, apartments.
This is very serious and needs to be treated, consider the same drug addict.
No will power to STOP. Don't give him money, get paid for him. We have one wife at work got it, because a man managed to drink on the way. She agreed with his leadership. Let yours go without a penny.

01-03-2007, 12:28

this is unlikely to happen............if most of them close...........only small................large halls will still remain ....... gambling companies will merge into larger ones ....... accordingly, the problem will remain ........... the city will not refuse such money .... .in two and a half years they will come up with something else ..... (


01-03-2007, 12:37

It is useless to take money, it will take from friends, a little bit from one, then from another. Exit - can be translated into limiting the money, for example, 200 rubles per day or 1000 per month. lost money - if you save it in advance as a loss, the desire may partially fade away, but not go out ... I have a friend who lives at work after going to such institutions and still sometimes goes in the hope of winning big

Love for casinos or slot machines is serious psychological problem psychologists say. Gambling addiction is very expensive and cheaper to get rid of. Entrepreneur Valery has been living on loan for two years. He owes not only to friends, parents and neighbors. Recently, a young man owes money to the bank. And the point is not at all that Valery's business is failing, on the contrary, it is flourishing. It's just that Valery often goes to the casino ... And he loses a lot. For two years of passion for gambling, the young man lost about $ 170 thousand.

“Even at the institute, we somehow looked into one of the institutions in Kyiv and decided to try our luck at slot machines, he tells close friend Alexander. - From time to time we came in, played, rejoiced if we managed to win. But it wasn't serious. At least that's how it seemed to me at the time." Perhaps for Alexander, the hobby remained just a hobby. But Valery, having started earning his first considerable money (the young man is engaged in the sale of refrigeration equipment), became interested in the casino. “His biggest loss in one run was $30,000. He played, lost, and returned to the casino again. He inspired himself that he was about to win, give out debts and get rich. But so far this has not happened, ”Alexander confesses.
And there are many like Valery. "Money" found out why the excitement is stronger than the player and what to do about it.

All life is a game.
Many psychologists call the passion for casinos or slot machines not an innocent hobby at all, but a psychological illness. Even if a person only once a month, but regularly, allows himself to play, this can be considered the beginning of the disease. Most likely, such a player persuades himself that he does not play often. But since the need arises regularly, it is an addiction.

Dependence gambling is determined not by periodicity, but by how consciously a person acts. If a person acts consciously, does what he wants and sees fit - he is free. That is, he can go to the casino every day and still not be addicted. If he acts impulsively, internally resists, but still does the same, then there is an addiction. For example, if he takes out a quick loan for something he needs, and impulsively loses all this money, not knowing how he will return it.

Passion for the casino can be compared with alcoholism and drug addiction. Some resort to alcohol, others skydive, and still others play in the casino. The need for intense emotions strong feelings most people have. Some satisfy her in the casino. You can, of course, say that gambling addiction is easier than addiction to alcohol, drugs or tobacco. After all, it does not cause physical addiction. But it is hundreds of times easier to get rid of the physical “thrust” than the psychological one. For example, with alcoholism, you can force a person to give up alcohol for physical level. This number does not work with players.

Lose - so a million
The casino gives a chance to win, you can get rich “at the casino”, Alexander is sure, a friend of the entrepreneur Valery (the same one who has already lost $ 170 thousand in the casino - Auth.). This, according to Alexander, does not allow his friend to part with roulette.

Psychologists and psychotherapists talk about other reasons. The player believes in his exclusivity. He believes that it is he who can win, and winning for him is tantamount to recognizing his importance. Despite the fact that at first glance the goal is to win, in fact, the player gets the main pleasure from the proximity of a possible win. Everyone knows that we get more pleasure from anticipation than from the process itself. The attraction to the casino can be caused by the desire not only to win, but also to get rid of money. If a person deep down believes that this money does not belong to him, that he did not rightfully receive it, he will strive to lose it. Although the opinions of experts on the causes of addiction differ, they agree on one thing - the disease must be treated. But how? There are different ways...

Foul or foul?
"Some experts prefer radical methods. They directly offer a psychologically dependent person a new relaxant - basically, extreme sports play its role, ”they write in their book“ Psychological Addiction: How Not to Go Broke Buying Happiness. In this way, the addict (addict) is made to feel in his own skin that life is good. Action-packed adventures should give a person a feeling similar to the excitement and satisfaction received during the game. In addition, the gamer is created conditions in which he has no the slightest chance return to the game - in the forest, in the mountains, in the steppe, in a word, in the bosom of wild nature. Having jumped with a parachute, wandered in the forests, slept on the bare ground, the addict begins to realize ... fear. Only he is afraid social problems(with which, in fact, his flight from reality once began). He is afraid of death, injury, illness. Survival is not the worst way to clear your mind.

be treated for gambling addiction need with the help of a psychologist online. There are, of course, other methods, such as coding. True, you need to understand that this can bring great harm - loss of self-respect and self-confidence. After all, a person understands that he did not cope with his addiction, therefore, the problem cannot be solved in this way. For Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is to say, “I am an alcoholic. As with any other addiction, it is necessary to recognize that it exists in order to fight for freedom.

I advise the player's relatives to talk to him without accusations and reproaches. If a person recognizes the perniciousness of a habit, the next step is to try to replace the object of passion. If the player had hobbies before the gambling addiction, try to indulge him in them. It is important that the hobby is not inferior in terms of adrenaline recharging addiction. A great way out is extreme sports. If this does not help, you can resort to the help of an online psychologist.
TOTAL: A great way to get rid of gambling addiction is to go in for extreme sports. The amount of adrenaline charging is important here!

Gambling addiction (ludomania) and its treatment

Gambling addiction, ludomania (from the Latin ludus - game), gambling addiction or pathological gambling - these terms are called a mental disorder, which is based on a pathological attraction to gambling (games in casinos, gaming and computer clubs, sweepstakes, etc.). According to the international classification of diseases, the main symptom is constantly recurring gambling, which continues, often deepens, despite social consequences, such as impoverishment, the destruction of intra-family relationships, as well as personal life.

It is believed that gamblers are people prone only to easy money, but this is not always the case. As a rule, they are energetic, emotional, in many ways talented, who have known success or strive for it. Many of them loved sports, did good career, they are characterized by riskiness in business. They start playing not only for making money, but for entertainment, recreation, an easy way to get away from problems. Many of them want to "turn off their brains" from daily worries, experience unusual emotions, get rid of loneliness, boredom and the monotony of existence. Attracts the same easy way receiving cash rewards during a mindless game. However, many do not think that the rate in a dramatic, passionate game are not so much money as mental health, and sometimes life.

Involvement in the game happens quickly, sometimes in a matter of weeks. Once these people start winning, it seems to them that luck will accompany them all the time. They begin to spend more and more energy on the game process and would like to receive a reward for this in the form of a significant cash prize, but the loss is guaranteed, and the gain is probable. Losing gives rise to a feeling of guilt and annoyance, anger and an attempt to achieve the desired result at all costs, and, therefore, inflames the excitement. It unites problem players and the fact that they are used to winning in life, but they do not know how and do not want to lose.

Of course, not everyone becomes a pathological player, someone plays with a relatively cool head. These people are self-sufficient and have high level self-control. They spend quite a bit of time playing, do not make large bets, play for a certain amount, which they allow themselves to keep in gaming establishments. They play exclusively for recreation, occasionally, without pursuing selfish and conceited goals, they know how to react with restraint to a win and not to dramatize a loss.

When the players get excited, they play, making more and more high stakes, and thereby increase the risk in the game, then imperceptibly they begin to plunge into the so-called game trance (accompanied by an altered state of consciousness), when they forget about everything that worried them in real world. When they win, they usually do not walk away with a win, and again make bets, continuing to play all the way until the money runs out. Such a trance state is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of neurohormones, which provides a thrilling emotional experience. Players are immersed in a kind of virtual state, completely losing track of time and money. They can wake up from the game only when the money runs out or they fall exhausted after a multi-day game race.

After another loss, remorse is quickly forgotten, and soon the players again begin to experience a strong attraction to the game. Many want to win back and return the lost money, they are overcome by resentment and a sense of injustice, it seems to them that next time they will definitely be lucky and they will overcome " one-armed bandit". This motive brings them back to gaming establishments, where they are again captured by the process of playing and immersing themselves in a state of gaming trance. The higher the pleasure from winning, the deeper and harder the suffering from losing.

Gaming trance is a mental state that is comparable to the pharmacological effects of powerful psychoactive substances, such as narcotics in particular. The craving for such a pastime is so strong that a person gradually loses interest in real life. The dose of these super-emotions is the higher, the higher the stake in the game. That is, the higher the hope to win a lot and the risk of losing a lot, the deeper the game trance. It is this pathological condition that leads the gambler to catastrophic ruin, and not banal greed. The price for such a “gaming buzz” is huge.

For some time, pathologically gamblers may not play, because they do not have enough funds to play, or they enter the territory where there are no gambling establishments. But as soon as they find the required amount and get close to the gambling hall, something closes in their brain and the gaming trance turns on, which makes them think only about the game and nothing else. Under the influence of a strong and irresistible attraction, gamers become subtly cunning, inventing the most different ways get money to start the next game. For a long time they keep their addiction secret, so it is extremely difficult to recognize that they have such a problem. However, in their behavior, relatives may notice that they suddenly began to save on everything, carefully control all purchases in the family, hide their income and expenses, come up with various versions of the loss of money and things, borrow money from friends and acquaintances under various pretexts. Resourcefulness and deceit are becoming commonplace for gamblers.

For a long time, players convince themselves that nothing terrible is happening, that they will stop playing at any moment. Many of them say: "I'll win back my game and never return to the game." However, gradually the desire to participate in the game becomes so irresistible that it only leads to worsening addiction, deepening depression, loss of mental health, ruin of these people and the breakup of their family. The desire to get funds for the game at any cost often leads pathological players to commit crimes, and, unable to withstand their catastrophic fall, these people commit suicide.

However, gambling addiction, or gambling addiction, is curable. The effectiveness of getting rid of this dangerous mental disorder largely depends on the desire of the patient to fight this disease. And the earlier the professional help is provided to this pathological dependence, the deeper and more reliable the result of treatment will be.

Gambling addiction resembles a "viral" program that penetrates our consciousness, paralyzes our will, subjugates our feelings, thoughts and desires, controls our behavior. Treatment can be compared to the installation of an anti-virus program, which begins to return us to clarity of consciousness, control over thoughts, feelings, desires and behavior. What is the question most often asked by a player who has realized the perniciousness of his addiction to gambling: “How to break out of this vicious gambling circle?”.

The vast majority of pathologically gamblers rely only on themselves and do not seek to discuss their problem with anyone. The painful search alone for a way out of this difficult situation, unfortunately, does not lead to desired result and only drags into a deeper psychological, financial and social crisis. That is why a specialist is needed to find the key to solving this problem with him.

The main method of treating gambling addiction is individual complex psychotherapy, which can be successfully carried out not in stationary, but on an outpatient basis. important and effective method is a rational psychotherapy that addresses reason and is based on clarification and proof. It is this method that allows you to clear the patient's mind of false ideas, get answers to many questions, change your attitude towards gambling, get rid of the oppressive feeling of guilt, rehabilitate, first of all, in your own eyes, and also find a reasonable way out of a difficult life situation.

Special psychotherapeutic techniques and individually selected medications allow you to correct psychological condition problem player, restore it nervous system and increase their own control over pathological attraction. A visit to the clinic begins with an initial medical and diagnostic appointment, which lasts two hours. We analyze in detail the reasons that led to the formation of gambling addiction, explain the complex mechanism of this painful condition, set the patient up to fight this disease and give real recommendations for overcoming the crisis.

Already after the initial treatment, the patient's attitude to gambling fundamentally changes and the psychological state improves. On individual healing sessions the achieved positive effect is developed and consolidated. For the treatment of gambling addiction, we use our own methods of psychotherapeutic correction and, if necessary, individually selected medications. We teach the patient the skills of self-regulation and self-control, family psychological counseling is conducted online.

Comprehensive gambling addiction treatment allows you to block the game dominant, free the patient from the so-called "gaming hypnosis", form in him indifference to gambling, restore his psychological state and use his potential in the direction of self-realization, and not self-destruction.


  1. Have you skipped work or school to gamble?
  2. Has gambling ever brought you bad luck?
  3. Has gambling ever had a bad effect on your reputation?
  4. Have you ever felt remorse after a game?
  5. Have you played to pay off your debts?
  6. Has gambling diminished your ambitions?
  7. Did you feel after a loss that you had to come back as quickly as possible and recoup?
  8. After winning, did you have firm conviction that you have to come back and win even more?
  9. How often do you play until you lose everything?
  10. Have you ever borrowed money to gamble?
  11. Did you have to sell anything to play?
  12. Does the concept of "money for the game" exist for you, which you use only for gambling?
  13. Has gambling caused significant financial harm to you or your family?
  14. Have you ever played longer than you planned?
  15. Have you ever played to forget about troubles?
  16. Have you ever broken the law to have money to play?
  17. Have you suffered from insomnia due to thoughts of gambling?
  18. Do problems, frustrations or frustrations make you want to get away from all this play?
  19. Do you have a habit of celebrating your wins at gambling?
  20. Have you ever thought about suicide after losing?

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