Che to do the husband plays slot machines. How to get rid of gambling addiction - treatment


Love for casinos or slot machines is serious psychological problem psychologists say. Gambling addiction is very expensive and cheaper to get rid of. Entrepreneur Valery has been living on loan for two years. He owes not only to friends, parents and neighbors. Recently, a young man owes money to the bank. And the point is not at all that Valery's business is failing, on the contrary, it is flourishing. It's just that Valery often goes to the casino ... And he loses a lot. For two years of passion for gambling, the young man lost about $ 170 thousand.

“Even at the institute, we somehow looked into one of the establishments in Kyiv and decided to try our luck on slot machines,” he says. close friend Alexander. - From time to time we came in, played, rejoiced if we managed to win. But it wasn't serious. At least that's how it seemed to me at the time." Perhaps for Alexander, the hobby remained just a hobby. But Valery, having started earning his first considerable money (the young man is engaged in the sale of refrigeration equipment), became interested in the casino. “His biggest loss in one run was $30,000. He played, lost, and returned to the casino again. He inspired himself that he was about to win, give out debts and get rich. But so far this has not happened, ”Alexander confesses.
And there are many like Valery. "Money" found out why the excitement is stronger than the player and what to do about it.

All life is a game.
Many psychologists call the passion for casinos or slot machines not an innocent hobby at all, but a psychological illness. Even if a person only once a month, but regularly, allows himself to play, this can be considered the beginning of the disease. Most likely, such a player persuades himself that he does not play often. But since the need arises regularly, it is an addiction.

Gambling addiction is determined not by frequency, but by how consciously a person acts. If a person acts consciously, does what he wants and sees fit - he is free. That is, he can go to the casino every day and still not be addicted. If he acts impulsively, internally resists, but still does the same, then there is an addiction. For example, if he takes out a quick loan for something he needs, and impulsively loses all this money, not knowing how he will return it.

Passion for the casino can be compared with alcoholism and drug addiction. Some resort to alcohol, others skydive, and still others play in the casino. The need for intense emotions strong feelings most people have. Some satisfy her in the casino. You can, of course, say that gambling addiction is easier than addiction to alcohol, drugs or tobacco. After all, it does not cause physical addiction. But it is hundreds of times easier to get rid of the physical “thrust” than the psychological one. For example, with alcoholism, you can force a person to give up alcohol for physical level. This number does not work with players.

Lose - so a million
The casino gives a chance to win, you can get rich “at the casino”, Alexander is sure, a friend of the entrepreneur Valery (the same one who has already lost $ 170 thousand in the casino - Auth.). This, according to Alexander, does not allow his friend to part with roulette.

Psychologists and psychotherapists talk about other reasons. The player believes in his exclusivity. He believes that it is he who can win, and winning for him is tantamount to recognizing his importance. Despite the fact that at first glance the goal is to win, in fact, the player gets the main pleasure from the proximity of a possible win. Everyone knows that we get more pleasure from anticipation than from the process itself. The attraction to the casino can be caused by the desire not only to win, but also to get rid of money. If a person deep down believes that this money does not belong to him, that he did not rightfully receive it, he will strive to lose it. Although the opinions of experts on the causes of addiction differ, they agree on one thing - the disease must be treated. But how? There are different ways...

Foul or foul?
"Some experts prefer radical methods. They directly offer a psychologically dependent person a new relaxant - basically, extreme sports play its role, ”they write in their book“ Psychological Addiction: How Not to Go Broke Buying Happiness. In this way, the addict (addict) is made to feel in his own skin that life is good. Action-packed adventures should give a person a feeling similar to the excitement and satisfaction received during the game. In addition, the gamer is created conditions in which he has no the slightest chance return to the game - in the forest, in the mountains, in the steppe, in a word, in the bosom of wild nature. Having jumped with a parachute, wandered in the forests, slept on the bare ground, the addict begins to realize ... fear. Only he is afraid social problems(with which, in fact, his flight from reality once began). He is afraid of death, injury, illness. Survival is not the worst way to clear your mind.

be treated for gambling addiction need with the help of a psychologist online. There are, of course, other methods, such as coding. True, you need to understand that this can bring great harm - loss of self-respect and self-confidence. After all, a person understands that he did not cope with his addiction, therefore, the problem cannot be solved in this way. For Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is to say, “I am an alcoholic. As with any other addiction, it is necessary to recognize that it exists in order to fight for freedom.

I advise the player's relatives to talk to him without accusations and reproaches. If a person recognizes the perniciousness of a habit, the next step is to try to replace the object of passion. If the player had hobbies before the gambling addiction, try to indulge him in them. It is important that the hobby is not inferior in terms of adrenaline recharging addiction. A great way out is extreme sports. If this does not help, you can resort to the help of an online psychologist.
TOTAL: A great way to get rid of gambling addiction is to go in for extreme sports. The amount of adrenaline charging is important here!

Gambling addiction (ludomania) and its treatment

Gambling addiction, gambling addiction (from the Latin ludus - game), gambling addiction or pathological gambling - these terms are called mental disorder, which is based on a pathological attraction to gambling(games in casinos, gaming and computer clubs, sweepstakes, etc.). According to the international classification of diseases, the main symptom is constantly recurring gambling, which continues, often deepens, despite social consequences, such as impoverishment, the destruction of intra-family relationships, as well as personal life.

It is believed that gamblers are people prone only to easy money, but this is not always the case. As a rule, they are energetic, emotional, in many ways talented, who have known success or strive for it. Many of them loved sports, did good career, they are characterized by riskiness in business. They start playing not only for making money, but for entertainment, recreation, an easy way to get away from problems. Many of them want to "turn off their brains" from daily worries, experience unusual emotions, get rid of loneliness, boredom and the monotony of existence. Attracts the same easy way receiving cash rewards during a mindless game. However, many do not think that the rate in a dramatic, passionate game are not so much money as mental health, and sometimes life.

Involvement in the game happens quickly, sometimes in a matter of weeks. Once these people start winning, it seems to them that luck will accompany them all the time. They begin to spend more and more energy on the game process and would like to receive a reward for this in the form of a significant cash prize, but the loss is guaranteed, and the gain is probable. Losing gives rise to a feeling of guilt and annoyance, anger and an attempt to achieve the desired result at all costs, and, therefore, inflames the excitement. It unites problem players and the fact that they are used to winning in life, but they do not know how and do not want to lose.

Of course, not everyone becomes a pathological player, someone plays with a relatively cool head. These people are self-sufficient and have high level self-control. They spend quite a bit of time playing, do not make large bets, play for a certain amount, which they allow themselves to keep in gaming establishments. They play exclusively for recreation, occasionally, without pursuing selfish and conceited goals, they know how to react with restraint to a win and not to dramatize a loss.

When the players get excited, they play, making more and more high stakes, and thereby increase the risk in the game, then imperceptibly they begin to plunge into the so-called game trance (accompanied by an altered state of consciousness), when they forget about everything that worried them in real world. When they win, they usually do not walk away with a win, and again make bets, continuing to play all the way until the money runs out. Such a trance state is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of neurohormones, which provides a thrilling emotional experience. Players are immersed in a kind of virtual state, completely losing track of time and money. They can wake up from the game only when the money runs out or they fall exhausted after a multi-day game race.

After another loss, remorse is quickly forgotten, and soon the players again begin to experience a strong attraction to the game. Many want to win back and return the lost money, they are overcome by resentment and a sense of injustice, it seems to them that next time they will definitely be lucky and they will overcome " one-armed bandit". This motive brings them back to gaming establishments, where they are again captured by the process of playing and immersing themselves in a state of gaming trance. The higher the pleasure from winning, the deeper and harder the suffering from losing.

Gaming trance is a mental state that is comparable to the pharmacological effects of powerful psychoactive substances, such as narcotics in particular. The craving for such a pastime is so strong that a person gradually loses interest in real life. The dose of these super-emotions is the higher, the higher the stake in the game. That is, the higher the hope to win a lot and the risk of losing a lot, the deeper the game trance. It is this pathological condition that leads the gambler to catastrophic ruin, and not banal greed. The price for such a “gaming buzz” is huge.

For some time, pathologically gamblers may not play, because they do not have enough funds to play, or they enter the territory where there are no gambling establishments. But as soon as they find the required amount and get close to the gambling hall, something closes in their brain and the gaming trance turns on, which makes them think only about the game and nothing else. Under the influence of a strong and irresistible attraction, gamers become subtly cunning, coming up with a variety of ways to get money to start the next game. For a long time they keep their addiction secret, so it is extremely difficult to recognize that they have such a problem. However, in their behavior, relatives may notice that they suddenly began to save on everything, carefully control all purchases in the family, hide their income and expenses, come up with various versions of the loss of money and things, borrow money from friends and acquaintances under various pretexts. Resourcefulness and deceit are becoming commonplace for gamblers.

For a long time, players convince themselves that nothing terrible is happening, that they will stop playing at any moment. Many of them say: "I'll win back my game and never return to the game." However, gradually the desire to participate in the game becomes so irresistible that it only leads to worsening addiction, deepening depression, loss of mental health, ruin of these people and the breakup of their family. The desire to get funds for the game at any cost often leads pathological players to commit crimes, and, unable to withstand their catastrophic fall, these people commit suicide.

However, gambling addiction, or gambling addiction, is curable. The effectiveness of getting rid of this dangerous mental disorder largely depends on the desire of the patient himself to fight this disease. And the earlier the professional help is provided to this pathological dependence, the deeper and more reliable the result of treatment will be.

Gambling addiction resembles a "viral" program that penetrates our consciousness, paralyzes our will, subjugates our feelings, thoughts and desires, controls our behavior. Treatment can be compared to the installation of an anti-virus program, which begins to return us to clarity of consciousness, control over thoughts, feelings, desires and behavior. What is the question most often asked by a player who has realized the perniciousness of his addiction to gambling: “How to break out of this vicious gambling circle?”.

The vast majority of pathologically gamblers rely only on themselves and do not seek to discuss their problem with anyone. The painful search alone for a way out of this difficult situation, unfortunately, does not lead to the desired result and only drags you into a deeper psychological, financial and social crisis. That is why a specialist is needed to find the key to solving this problem with him.

The main method of treating gambling addiction is individual complex psychotherapy, which can be successfully carried out not in stationary, but on an outpatient basis. important and effective method is a rational psychotherapy that addresses reason and is based on clarification and proof. It is this method that allows you to clear the patient's mind of false ideas, get answers to many questions, change your attitude towards gambling, get rid of the oppressive feeling of guilt, rehabilitate, first of all, in your own eyes, and also find a reasonable way out of a difficult life situation.

Special psychotherapeutic techniques and individually selected medications allow you to correct the psychological state of a problem player, restore it nervous system and increase their own control over pathological attraction. A visit to the clinic begins with an initial medical and diagnostic appointment, which lasts two hours. We analyze in detail the reasons that led to the formation of gambling addiction, explain the complex mechanism of this painful condition, set the patient up to fight this disease and give real recommendations for overcoming the crisis.

Already after the initial treatment, the patient's attitude to gambling fundamentally changes and the psychological state improves. At individual treatment sessions, the achieved positive effect develops and consolidates. For the treatment of gambling addiction, we use our own methods of psychotherapeutic correction and, if necessary, individually selected medications. We teach the patient the skills of self-regulation and self-control, family psychological counseling is conducted online.

Comprehensive gambling addiction treatment allows you to block the game dominant, free the patient from the so-called "gaming hypnosis", form in him indifference to gambling, restore his psychological state and use his potential in the direction of self-realization, and not self-destruction.


  1. Have you skipped work or school to gamble?
  2. Has gambling ever brought you bad luck?
  3. Has gambling ever had a bad effect on your reputation?
  4. Have you ever felt remorse after a game?
  5. Have you played to pay off your debts?
  6. Has gambling diminished your ambitions?
  7. Did you feel after a loss that you had to come back as quickly as possible and recoup?
  8. After winning, did you have firm conviction that you have to come back and win even more?
  9. How often do you play until you lose everything?
  10. Have you ever borrowed money to gamble?
  11. Did you have to sell anything to play?
  12. Does the concept of "money for the game" exist for you, which you use only for gambling?
  13. Has gambling caused significant financial harm to you or your family?
  14. Have you ever played longer than you planned?
  15. Have you ever played to forget about troubles?
  16. Have you ever broken the law to have money to play?
  17. Have you suffered from insomnia due to thoughts of gambling?
  18. Do problems, frustrations or frustrations make you want to get away from all this play?
  19. Do you have a habit of celebrating your wins at gambling?
  20. Have you ever thought about suicide after losing?

Oh, I didn’t think, I didn’t guess that someday this problem would affect our family, but it just so happened. I want to talk about our experience - how to get rid of gambling addiction. The story that happened in our family is not the most pleasant, but it seems to me that such things can and should be talked about - this can help someone recover or cure loved one.

Unfortunately, more and more often the most ordinary people without any bad habits - from teenagers to very old people, but people aged 23-45 are most susceptible to this misfortune. As you can imagine, the range is very large.

I'll tell you a little about our family so that you understand what's what. We helped my brother recover from gambling addiction, he is quite successful man- He has his own house, car, small business and a pretty wife. It would seem that a person has everything that is possible, but apparently something was still missing.

Our family has a negative attitude towards alcohol and other ways of expanding consciousness, and I am almost sure that my brother never drank anything stronger than beer or champagne in New Year. Nevertheless, he could not cope with his problem on his own, he needed the help of his wife first, and then all family members.

How addiction to gambling and slot machines develops

The main reason for the development of addiction to slot machines and other gambling is that a person has a reflex. The principle of gambling addiction (as gambling addiction is correctly called) is similar to drug addiction and alcohol addiction. You do something specific, and immediately you get pleasure.

There is another aspect, no less important. I don’t know about you, but in our family it has always been customary to achieve what you want, to try different approaches. Already when we tried to cure my brother, we talked with him, and he said that he remembers his expectations and thoughts from gameplay. You put it - it doesn't work. How did it happen? It should work! And this quagmire sucks every day deeper and deeper.

What is bad about addiction like gambling addiction is the lack of restrictions. It would seem that all dependencies can be described as a violation of some boundaries, but now you will understand what I mean.

Let's say a person can drink several bottles of vodka. Expensive or not, quality or burnt. But he can't drink her cistern. The story is similar with drugs. And if a person has signs of gambling addiction, then he can lose any amount in one evening.

My brother started playing slot machines and spent 100-500 rubles per evening on it. Not a lot of money, it did not affect his family budget in any way, and for a very long time even his wife did not know that her husband had a gambling addiction. Before we knew, the stakes in his games were five figures.

How to determine if a loved one is addicted

Like any psychiatric disorder, gambling addiction has its own symptoms. Unfortunately, a person is most often unaware that it is time to worry, but if you see any of the signs described below in your husband, brother, father, or any other close person, it's time to sound the alarm.

By the way, I often say that men are prone to gambling addiction, and I forget about women. In fact, there are slightly fewer women who want to recover from gambling addiction. So, the signs of gambling addiction:

  1. The person often plays large sums money (more than his budget can afford).
  2. He also often sets aside certain amounts for his entertainment - this becomes a constant expense.
  3. There is no sense of time - a person enters a casino or a gambling hall, and can spend from several hours to several days there.
  4. There is a desire to raise rates in order to experience pleasure.
  5. A person becomes aggressive and irritable if he fails to play.
  6. A person has tried many times to "tie up", that is, he partially assesses his condition as obsessive.
  7. With the help of the game you want to be distracted from life's troubles.
  8. The game and the gaming establishment become more significant than any other social objects or phenomena.
  9. A person returns to gambling despite the fact that it frankly interferes with his life.
Enough to note to yourself or someone close to you three points from this list in order to suspect the presence of addiction. If we are talking enough about teenagers one point to start worrying.

In our case, my brother's wife got worried. At first she thought that her husband had a mistress - this is not my brother's style, but nevertheless, it occurred to her. And I understand her - a person can be suspected of anything if he is clearly hiding something, looks irritated, nervous and tired.

Then she also noted that money began to disappear in the family. Unfortunately, she did not have the courage to talk to me or our parents about this situation, and she continued to struggle with her thoughts alone. When suddenly the brother did not come to spend the night - then we found out that something was happening to him, and the whole story was revealed about the fact that he goes to casinos and gambling machines.

How to treat

That's when we all thought about how to get rid of gambling addiction. The decision was unequivocal - we will fight and treat him.

Olechka, his wife, was also determined to fight for her husband, and this made me happy - on the one hand, life with dependent person obviously not sugar, and I would understand her if she decided to leave. On the other hand, it was already so difficult for him to overcome his illness, and he would not have endured a divorce, as it seems to me.

First of all, we all went together for a consultation with a doctor - we needed an authoritative opinion and direction of action.

Opinion of physicians

The main thing that is required for successful treatment is to accept the fact of gambling addiction. The patient must agree that this is an addiction, and it interferes with him.

The next thing that relatives (and if we are talking about adolescent addiction, then parents) need to do is to take a firm stand and identify it. Playing is bad, spending money on it is bad, the family is against it, and if everything continues like this, then you can lose your family.

Ludomania can and should be treated - this is a disease, and not at all a feature of the psyche or a bad habit. Such a person should be treated with the involvement of doctors - relatives and friends are unlikely to cope with this task on their own, co-dependent relationships may arise that will cause even more harm to the family.

How to treat? This question must be answered by the doctor. I can only say about our situation - my brother was helped good doctor, who prescribed him several sedatives (names are not given here for reasons medical ethics and the safety of readers - the doctor must prescribe medication!) And psychotherapy.

In addition, the support from the family helped, of course. We firmly explained that the point was not that he was spending money - this was the reason for our first conflict with my brother, it seemed to him that we were simply forbidding him to play for materialistic reasons.

It was very difficult to convey to him that he was destroying himself and his family. That he found an outlet in this, and this is a false outlet, it does not bring him happiness. Psychotherapy helped a lot - first individual, and then group - being in a group, it was easier for my brother to agree that this disease can really be treated, and moreover, successfully.

Now my brother does not play, and I hope he will never start again - the whole family keeps abreast.

I would like to give a separate piece of advice to the parents of those teenagers who pay a lot of attention to gambling. Remember that teenagers are almost always at risk, and pay more attention to them. Better to be safe.

And do not forget that gambling for real money is possible even in mobile phone and home computer - just go to the online casino site to start playing. Unfortunately, it is very, very difficult to control this.

Try to assess the condition of a teenager according to the signs that I have given, and in case of the slightest doubt, go to a psychologist.

Hello! A couple of months ago I discovered that my husband withdrew money from my bank card and lost them online slot machines. After that, a serious conversation took place with her husband, during which he swore that he would no longer do this and that he was very ashamed of his act. There was also an agreement that if he "breaks loose", he will immediately have to tell me about it. Last week I went to his computer and found that he was playing again. He also began to hide his earnings, constantly says that they do not pay at work, waits until I fall asleep and goes to play. Please tell me how to behave in this situation, how to behave further?!

Hello Svetlana!

Your husband most likely has a gambling addiction - one of the most serious non-chemical addictions. You need to this moment protect yourself as much as possible - do not give bank cards, remove money, change passwords.

And your husband needs to work with a specialist. Talk to him. But you should take into account that he must have a desire to change the situation.
If you need help, please contact.

Psychologist Nikulina Marina, St. Petersburg. Consultations in person, skype

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Hello Svetlana!

All the best, Svetlana,

Kuvshinov Alexander Viktorovich, psychologist-psychoanalyst, St. Petersburg

Good answer 2 bad answer 2

The gambling business is so developed that not every person has the strength to pass by without trying their luck in slot machines. Many people know the feeling of joy from winning and disbelief in losing. Gradually, the desire to wait for your luck becomes so great that it prevails over common sense. Is everything really so superficial and what is fraught with such a hobby, is described in the article. After all, the question of how to get rid of slot machine gambling often worries relatives and friends of such a person.

Passion for the game

If you managed to get a prize, then the person begins to believe in his luck. He is sure that he has become the chosen one, unlike the others. The individual believes that some special source of income has opened up to him. At the same time, the player experiences unimaginable sensations, including joy and happiness. He wants to return to the machine to get a similar "dope" again. But gradually the euphoria is replaced by disappointment, a long wait for the wheel of fortune to turn towards itself. Therefore, the treatment of gambling addiction is a very responsible task that requires resolution at the earliest possible stage.

The system of slot machines is built in such a way that the losses in it significantly prevail over the number of bonuses. And if the player understands this at the very beginning, he is able to stop. After all, it is unreasonable to pay big money for a one-time feeling of victory. Otherwise, such a person begins to constantly play, can get into debt. In the case of such an addiction, treatment of gambling addiction is necessary. As a rule, the player's friends and relatives are the first to turn to a specialist for help when they find out about the problem. They should tactfully and unobtrusively help the sick person to get rid of addiction.

Illness requiring treatment

Gambling is a real modern disease. Getting rid of it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. At least 10% of people on the planet suffer from this problem. Slot machines are a success, and quite often they are found in online casinos. After all, it is very convenient not to go anywhere, but to rotate the drum at home. Like, the hobby is absolutely harmless and no one will know about it.

Gambling suffers from people who are unstable. They are characterized by susceptibility to stress, as well as isolation. Such a player can be provoked to a breakdown by absolutely any little thing. He thinks: “How did it happen that now you can’t enjoy your favorite pastime ... After all, next to you, you just have to stretch out your hand, there are slot machines that have almost become native.” The player becomes angry, aggressive, withdrawn. In addition, this person himself is looking for a reason for a possible breakdown.

The importance of professional help

A person may believe that quitting a hobby is very easy. He thinks that for this it is enough just to stop the game. Then comes the period of manifestation of willpower. That is, the individual consciously suppresses the inner desire to place a bet. For this stage to really bring desired result, the player must have a strong motivational foundation. Otherwise, after some time, this experiment will fail with a huge bang.

If such a problem arises, care should be taken to contact the patient with a good psychotherapist. After all, gambling is an addiction. psychological nature Therefore, it is meaningless to carry out medical treatment here. Unless it should be taken into account: the efforts of a specialist will be justified and successful if the patient himself understands and recognizes the need for treatment.

Of course, it is always better to anticipate a problem than to deal with it later. Therefore, such a concept as the prevention of gambling should be given significant attention in the education of adolescents. Explanatory conversations should be held aimed at developing in the student an understanding of the unreasonableness of playing slot machines. You should also affirm in it the belief that it is impossible to get easy money, talk about the obviously larger number of losing bets in any casino.

What to do?

Let's say you find out that there is a player among your relatives or friends. How to be? The main thing, as already mentioned, is that a person is aware of the need for treatment. And then the relatives will not have a question: how to get rid of slot machine gambling? Experienced psychologists advise: the first thing to do is to remove the person from the gaming environment as much as possible. This stage consists in the maximum neutralization of situations that can push the individual to new game. Advise him to avoid places where there are machines.

Second important advice from the experts: the player needs to spend less online. This will reduce the temptation to visit virtual casino. If the work activity is connected with a computer, then labor efficiency should be increased. When you load yourself with tasks that need to be completed, there will simply not be time to visit the virtual gaming room.

If this does not help, and you do not know how to get rid of slot machine gambling, then try another way. It consists in a sharp reduction in the number of available Money for the player. You can block his accounts, personally take the salary received at work. Although here one should be aware of the possible appearance of credits, loans and debts. Therefore, such a person must be controlled.

Analysis of the situation

The problem of attachment to the game can be very deep. People often see in her elementary greed and unwillingness to realize passion in another area. In fact, things are somewhat different. The root of gambling, psychologists say, may be in problems in your personal life. Also, malefic attraction can be caused by failures in professional field, lack of comfort in everyday life. The passion for gambling develops due to pathological envy of more fortunate acquaintances or is the result of unfulfilled hopes.

To be able to overcome the disease, you need to understand it true reasons. A person must be clearly aware of what exactly prompts him to approach the machine and start the game. It is important for relatives to support the player, show him their care and participation, tell him that he is strong. This will help the individual to believe in himself, to gain determination. Psychologists recommend to take a person as much as possible: call him to the cinema, take him to picnics, invite him for a walk. In a word, do everything possible so that a person forgets about what he is so drawn to.

Choosing the Right Alternative

Experts are sure that in order to overcome a habit, you need to take care of its worthy replacement. Any hobby or sport can be an alternative. You can try not to remember what you liked before. Gradually the passion will be forgotten. It is best to purchase everything you need for the chosen activity. Let it be a good fishing rod or pottery kit.

How to get rid of slot machine gambling different ways take the initiative and take action. Remember that success depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Psychologists say: a player will quickly forget about a habit if you involve him in sports. Let a person go to the store with friends and choose a good shape for classes, comfortable beautiful shoes, sign up for the gym on their own. This will give a greater likelihood that you will like the activity and want to constantly return to it.

It should be borne in mind that if you refuse to play, you can develop negative and until that time hidden inclinations. Among such addictions, psychologists call alcohol, drugs, high-speed driving. Habits can be different and each of them can adversely affect consciousness, health and life in general.

The most severe stage of gambling

You can talk about gambling addiction for a long time, but this does not change the essence of the problem. And if you can cope with mild stages on your own, turning to loved ones for help, looking for new entertainment, then in severe cases you can’t do without the help of a professional doctor. We are talking about the stage, which is characterized by a manic desire to play, lack of satisfaction from winning. The process is often represented by a chain of actions, without which a person has a poor idea of ​​his further existence. This behavior is associated with severe depression and a deep sense of shame. At the same time, the consequences that arise as a result of experiencing such a stage can be significant.

Self-medication, which is performed when the disease is advanced, usually does not lead to healing. Therefore, the fight against gambling should be entrusted to a knowledgeable psychotherapist. Treatment must be comprehensive. Sometimes it is done on an outpatient basis.

How is the treatment going?

Primary treatment and diagnostic reception and its content depends on the chosen clinic. In any case, it consists of identifying the causes of the disease by the physician. The specialist should tell what the problem of gambling is and how to get rid of it. After the visit, the patient should be set to fight the disease. The doctor also provides the necessary psychotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, already as a result of the first reception, the desire to continue gambling becomes weaker. Then there are individual healing sessions. Their the main objective- maximum development and consolidation of the achieved positive result. Special techniques may be used, including drugs.

The doctor helps to carry out self-hypnosis, the action of which is aimed at correcting psychological state player. He must begin to think differently, learn to independently find a way out of difficult situation. And thanks to complex treatment, it becomes possible to free the patient from the influence of game hypnosis on him. Work is underway to form a person's indifference to gambling and restore psychological balance and stability.

pathological player

An already formed player can be recognized by a number of signs. They look like this:

  • Excitement while playing.
  • An upward trend in rates.
  • Complete preoccupation with one's occupation, which is expressed in memories of the bets made and planning for the future. It also has to do with thinking about fundraising.
  • The appearance of irritation and anxiety when it is necessary to limit rates or stop them.
  • The perception of the game as a way to remove from own problems. Such a person may seek to get away from depression and anxiety in this activity.
  • He is constantly obsessed with the desire to recoup. This manifests itself the very next day after the loss.
  • Deception of the psychotherapist, relatives and friends. This is done in order to hide the true level of passion.
  • Capable of stealing to get money to finance a hobby.
  • Can take risks in the name of his passion for the game.
  • He is engaged in the fact that he re-borrows money to pay off debts that have appeared due to the game.

It should be understood that a lot depends on relatives and friends. If a player has appeared in the circle of acquaintances, then you should not condemn him, blame him or punish him in any way. You need to show maximum, but unobtrusive participation. It is also important to show the person understanding of the essence of the problem. In this case, you will be able to reach out to him and persuade him of the need for fruitful treatment.

Although our government began to fight with slot machines that flooded the whole country, alas, enterprising businessmen find how to get around the law and those who suffer from a passion for the game can always find a suitable object for themselves. How to wean from slot machines?

Ludomania - this is the scientific name for a passion for various kinds of games and slot machines - is a mental disorder that refers to compulsive disorders. Unfortunately, our country began to investigate this problem not so long ago, while the West has already accumulated quite significant experience based on practical research.

How to wean a person from slot machines?

First of all, you need to understand what addiction is. Addiction is called a person's departure from real life by taking various psychotropic substances or compensatory substitution by some kind of activity. Slot machines give such compensation when a person begins to depend on risk. Alas, in this case, a person risks not his life, but only money, but, unfortunately, this also creates huge problems in the family and communication with relatives and friends.

By what signs can it be determined that a person has already become addicted to gambling, and specifically to slot machines?

Man starts almost everything free time to spend in the game room, and sometimes he spends time on it when he is supposed to go to work. Very often, gamblers spend the game and all night long.

More and more money is being spent on the game. At first, money from the family budget goes to it, but then it starts to be missed and the person begins to borrow money or simply spends other people's money, which he is no longer able to pay on his own. Ludomania can push the sufferer to theft or any other crime.

In addition, the passion for the game destroys family and friendships, because few people can withstand a long communication with a gambling addict. At first, wives or relatives try to persuade a person, appeal to his mind, ask him to stop. I must say that all this is quite useless. After all, passion for gambling is absolutely the same disease as drug addiction or alcoholism. What do you think - is it possible to persuade a drug addict to quit drugs, even if he understands that they are killing him?

Unfortunately this is not possible. That is why, in order to wean a person from slot machines, it is necessary to contact specialists who deal with this problem. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the better and the greater the likelihood of a person returning to normal life.

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