The true story of the Great Schemer: the prototype of Ostap Bender (1 photo). The real great schemer: who was the real prototype of Ostap Bender


For almost a century now, the works of Ilf and Petrov about the adventures of the great schemer have not lost their popularity. During this period, the novels "12 Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" survived several adaptations, and the phrases from them have long become winged. Few people know that Ostap Bender is not collective character. He had real prototype- Inspector of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Ostap Shor, whose life was no less exciting than that of his literary counterpart.

In the spring of 1927, an imposing middle-aged man entered the editorial office of the Gudok newspaper. He went to two young reporters, whose names were Ilf and Petrov. Yevgeny Petrov familiarly greeted the newcomer, since it was his brother Valentin Kataev. Soviet writer winked conspiratorially at both of them and announced that he wanted to hire them as "literary blacks." Kataev had an idea for a book, and young reporters were asked to dress it up in literary form. According to the writer's idea, a certain leader of the county nobility Vorobyaninov tried to find the jewels sewn into one of the twelve chairs.

The creative tandem immediately set to work. Literary heroes Ilf and Petrov were "written off" from their environment. Almost everyone had their own prototype. One of episodic heroes became a common acquaintance of the writers, a certain inspector of the criminal investigation department of Odessa, whose name was Ostap Shor. The authors decided to leave the name, but the surname was changed to Bender. As the book is being written, episodic character every now and then came to the fore, "pushing the rest of the heroes with his elbows."
When Ilf and Petrov brought the manuscript to Kataev, he realized that the work turned out to be completely different than he had originally imagined. Valentin Petrovich decided to remove his name from the list of authors, but demanded that Ilf and Petrov print a dedication for him on the first page of the published novel.

When the novel gained immense popularity, fans began to look for a prototype of the main character. Some Arab scholars seriously argued that Ostap Bender was a Syrian, their Uzbek opponents took the point of view regarding him Turkic origin. Only at the end of the twentieth century did the name of the real Ostap Bender become known. It was Osip Veniaminovich Shor. Friends called him Ostap. The fate of this man was no less exciting than his literary character.

Ostap Shor was born in 1899 in Odessa. In 1916, he entered the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute, but to finish it young man not judged. Happened October Revolution. The way home took Ostap about a year. During this time, he had to wander, get into trouble, hide from his pursuers. Some of the adventures that Shor later told his friends about were reflected in the novel.

When Ostap Shor got to Odessa, she changed beyond recognition. From a prosperous city of enterprising businessmen and Italian opera it turned into a place where they hosted criminal gangs. This was not surprising, because in the three years after the revolution in Odessa, power changed fourteen times. Residents of the city united in people's squads to fight crime, and the most zealous fighters for justice were awarded the title of inspector of the criminal investigation department. It was he who became Ostap Shor. The growth of 190 cm, remarkable strength and a heightened sense of justice made Shor a thunderstorm for the criminals of Odessa.

Several times his life hung in the balance, but, thanks to sharp mind and lightning-fast reaction, Ostap always managed to sneak away. What can you say about his brother. Nathan Shore was famous writer who worked under the pseudonym Nathan Fioletov. He was about to get married. Nathan and his fiancee were choosing furniture for their future apartment when three people approached him and, asking for his last name, shot at point-blank range. The criminals simply confused Ostap with his brother.

Ostap Shor took the death of his brother very painfully, and after a while he left the UGRO and went to Moscow. Because of his impulsive nature, Ostap constantly got into all kinds of trouble. The expression of a literary character: “My dad was a Turkish citizen” belongs to Shor. When the question of military service arose, Ostap often uttered this phrase. The fact is that the children of foreigners were exempted from military service.

In order to hint at the work of the real Ostap in the criminal investigation department, Ilf and Petrov indicated several times in specific phrases in the novel that their main character- a good detective. In the chapter "Etc." Ostap Bender busily draws up a protocol from the scene: “Both bodies lie with their feet to the southeast, and their heads to the northwest. There are lacerated wounds on the body, apparently inflicted by some kind of blunt instrument.

When the books "12 Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" were published, Ostap Shor came to the authors and insistently demanded to pay for the image written off from him. Ilf and Petrov were at a loss and tried to justify themselves, but at this time Ostap laughed. He stayed with the writers for the night and told them about his adventures. In the morning, Ilf and Petrov woke up in full confidence that they would publish the third part about the adventures of the great strategist. But the book was never written, because Ilya Ilf fell ill with tuberculosis.

Ostap Shor himself lived to be 80 years old. All this time he wandered Soviet Union. In 1978 came out biographical novel Valentina Kataeva "My Diamond Crown", which contained clear hints from whom the image of Ostap Bender was written off.

Not only Ostap Bender had his own prototype. These


Osip Shor - the prototype of Ostap Bender

It is known that Ostap Bender is a collective image. However, the prototype still existed. His name was Osip Shor.

Childhood and youth

Osip Veniaminovich Shor was born on May 30, 1899 in the city of Nikopol in the family of the owner of a store of colonial goods, merchant of the second guild Veniamin Shor and his wife, the daughter of a major Odessa banker Ekaterina Berger. He grew up in Odessa, where the Shores moved when Osa was a year old, i.e. in 1900.

Osip or Ostap, as his family and friends called him, was the second child in the family. His older brother Nathan later played in the life of Ostap important role. In 1901 their father died of a heart attack. A few years later, Ekaterina Berger remarried a successful St. Petersburg merchant, David Rappoport. From this marriage, the girl Elsa was born, who later became a famous artist.

In 1906, Ostap Shor entered the Iliadi men's gymnasium. Many years later, Ilf and Petrov “identified” Ostap Bender here, who, according to the authors of The Golden Calf, remembered for the rest of his life “Latin exceptions, memorized in the third grade private gymnasium Iliad". Based on the estimates, exact sciences he was inclined more than to the humanities (the only three among the thirteen disciplines he had in the Russian language, but in jurisprudence, mind you, five).

Having become a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Novorossiysk University and changing his mind about studying at this wonderful university, 17-year-old Osip-Ostap, without a penny in his pocket, went to St. Petersburg in 1916 to write an application for admission to the Faculty of Mechanics with his own hand Institute of Technology named after Emperor Nicholas I. But, as they say in Odessa, the music did not play for long: the case of accepting Osip Shor as a student, which began on November 13, 1916, was completed on September 13, 1917.

Grand schemer

Shor had many brilliant ideas, but he dreamed of finding a goose that would lay golden eggs for him. And he met this chicken literally. Osip found her on the road and something in her appearance was indecent - she was naked, without a single feather.

A bright future awaited them at the agricultural exhibition. The bald hen has become a celebrity. Odessa newspapers spread the news about the amazing discovery of domestic breeders - the dream of cooks and housewives - a chicken that does not need to be plucked! The meat industry immediately reacted to this message.

The largest meat producers sent their agents to Odessa, who were invited to the local scientific society, where a gray-haired professor gave them a long lecture about the revolution in the field of poultry farming. Shore in disguise acted as the professor.

The Ideal Chicken company has signed contracts with the largest poultry farms in the south of Russia. However, the chickens were not delivered to the customers at the appointed time. The breeders sounded the alarm, but the professor and the firm could not be found. They found only a chicken with a note hanging around its neck: “We, Odessa breeders, also bred a chicken without a head and bones.”

On May 30, 1918, Osip Shor celebrated his 19th birthday. Very respected people came to congratulate him - the sugar factory Yevlampy Kutyakin, the bandit Vaska Kosoy and the rabbi of the local synagogue Bershtein. All of them addressed the birthday man with great respect and thanked him for his brilliant ideas.

The merchant Kutyakin was indebted to Osip for the grave of his life because he helped him get rid of his competitor, the merchant Rosenbaum. Both of them preserved the wine with sugar, and both of them turned sour before reaching Samara. Shor whispered to the merchant Rosenbaum a secret recipe - if boric acid is added to wine, it will not turn into vinegar, even when it reaches Khabarovsk. As a result, Rosenbaum went bankrupt - the wine turned out to have such an oversaturated bouquet that even bitter drunkards did not drink it.

The gang of Vaska Kosoy had long been eyeing a bank for robbery, but there was a huge two-hundred-kilogram door with combination locks, which was unapproachable. Just by looking at the bank building, Osip realized that he did not need to open the door, he only needed to change into chimney sweeps and get into the bank through the chimneys. Needless to say, Shor received his percentage after the robbery was carried out?

But he proposed the most witty idea to the rabbi. berstein wanted a better life for his parishioners and on the advice of Osip, he began to sell places in paradise. For clarity, a scheme of paradise was hung on the wall of the synagogue, presented as an expensive boarding house. At the bottom was a price list where everyone could choose a place in paradise according to their taste and pocket. With contributions from those who wished, the rabbi restored the synagogue and repaired his own house.

Of course, his ten-month journey from Moscow to Odessa deserves special attention. Chaos reigned all around, so the penniless Ostap got out as best he could. What did he do on the way home! Not knowing how to play chess properly, the failed student presented himself as a grandmaster; never holding a brush in his hands, he got a job as an artist on a steamship that cruised with propaganda flights; visited various establishments as a fire inspector ...

In addition, Osip married an obese woman who served as the prototype for Madame Gritsatsuyeva. He did this solely for mercenary reasons - the times were hungry, and she kept a shop. That's how I got through the winter.

"Borzoy" opera

He returned to Odessa at the very hard times. For very short term 14 authorities changed in the city. Gangs of Mishka Yaponchik were operating with might and main on the streets - the city was drowning in banditry. Young Odessans began to unite in people's squads under the auspices of the local police. Osip Shor was physically developed person. Even in the gymnasium, he was fond of classical wrestling, kettlebell lifting and football. There was nothing for him to live in Odessa, so Osip Shor got a job in one of these squads and soon became the leading detective in the fight against banditry of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Department.

Osip Shor did not spare the raiders, and mercilessly eliminated the bandits who resisted the arrest. Those caught were interrogated with such passion that they betrayed accomplices in batches. Naturally, Mishka Yaponchik ordered the “borzoi” opera to be soaked. A famous shootout took place in a cafe on Longeronovskaya Street, during which the gang was missing four hired killers, and Osip Shor did not even get a scratch.

And yet he got revenge. The bandits killed his brother, the poet Anatoly Fioletov. Having figured out the killer, the opera personally appeared in the gangster "raspberry" in the Second Zalivny on Peresyp, laid out the nominal weapon on the table and asked: "Which of you scoundrels killed my brother?" In a wide jacket, a sailor's vest and a "captain" on his head, Shor, terrible and powerful, stood for a long time in front of the repentant murderer. And then... forgave him. Ostap spent the whole night with the bandits. By the light of cinders they drank pure alcohol without diluting it with water. They read the poems of the murdered poet and wept. With the first rays of the sun, Ostap hid his Mauser in a wooden holster and left unhindered to start fighting the bandits again to the death.

However, the death of his brother had a depressing effect on Shor, as the bandits expected. He vowed not to take up arms anymore, resigned from the criminal investigation department and left for Petrograd. There he immediately (in 1922) went to jail for a fight with a man who insulted his companion. Osip did not stay in prison for long: he was released immediately after information was received from Odessa about his military past and they began to persuade him to join the Petrograd criminal investigation department.

Further wanderings

In 1934, Shor left for Chelyabinsk to help his friend Vasily Ilyichev, director tractor plant, lift up National economy. In 1937, Ilyichev was arrested by the NKVD in his office. Ostap starts a fight with them, which was, no doubt, a bold act. He was arrested, but he again did something outstanding - he escaped. For a long time hid in Leningrad, and then moved to Moscow, where he lived with his Odessa friend, already famous author"Three Fat Men" and "Envy" by Yuri Olesha.

During the Great Patriotic War Ostap is trying to break into besieged Leningrad, where his relatives are. He doesn't succeed. In the end, because of all the torment, he developed a serious illness - eczema, which eventually developed into skin cancer. Sick Ostap is evacuated to Tashkent, where his sister was evacuated. Here Osip was cured.

After the war, Ostap Shor and his sister moved to Moscow. He had no children - Osip Veniaminovich never got a family, his sister Elsa Rappoport (by the way, the first wife of Leonid Utyosov) worked at Mosfilm as a makeup artist.

Person of transit profession

Shor retired due to disability, but until the last years of his life he worked as a conductor on the Moscow-Tashkent train. For 15 days he traveled by train to Tashkent, 15 days - back to Moscow, lived with his sister in the capital for a month in a tiny room - and so on until the end of his days. He wore a shabby mackintosh and sandals and, in his old age, almost did not communicate with anyone.

Osip Shor lived to be almost 80 years old, having suffered two heart attacks and went blind in one eye, and was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow in 1978.

“PROTOTYPE (from Greek - prototype) - real face, which served as a prototype for the author to create a literary character.
Many literary characters had prototypes - real living people. Sometimes they are very famous. Sometimes not so much. But there are many examples.
Today I will talk about the prototype of the hero of the novels by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”, a charming adventurer, “great strategist”, distinguished by enterprise and a sense of humor - about the prototype of Bender Bey, Ostap Suleiman Ibrahim Berta Maria, and in simple terms - Ostap Bender.
Everyone knows about Ostap Bender. If anyone has not read the works of Ilf and Petrov, then he probably watched one of the many screen adaptations about the adventures of the Grand Schemer. It is known that Ostap Bender is a collective image. However, there was still a prototype, and what a one! His name was Osip Shor.
Osip Veniaminovich Shor was born on May 30, 1899 in the city of Nikopol (now Dnipropetrovsk region) in the family of the owner of a colonial goods store, a merchant of the 2nd guild Veniamin Shor and his wife, the daughter of a major Odessa banker Ekaterina (Kuni) Berger. He grew up in Odessa, where the Shores moved when Osa was a year old, i.e. in 1900
In Odessa, the Shorov family lived in house number 78 on Poltava Victory Street (now Kanatnaya). Osip or Ostap, as his family and friends called him, was the second child in the family. His older brother Nathan later played an important role in Ostap's life. In 1901 their father died of a heart attack. A few years later, Ekaterina Berger remarried a successful St. Petersburg merchant, David Rappoport. From this marriage, the girl Elsa was born, who later became a famous artist.

In 1906, Ostap Shor entered the Iliadi men's gymnasium. Many years later, Ilf and Petrov “identified” Ostap Bender here, who, according to the authors of The Golden Calf, remembered for the rest of his life “Latin exceptions, memorized ... in the third grade of the private Iliad gymnasium.” Judging by the estimates, he was more inclined to the exact sciences than to the humanities (the only three among the thirteen disciplines he had in the Russian language and literature, but in the subject that studied the "laws of the Jewish faith", Shor had a solid four). But according to jurisprudence, mind you, five!
Osip Shor

Having become a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Novorossiysk University and having changed his mind about studying at this wonderful university, without a penny in his pocket, seventeen-year-old Osip-Ostap went to St. Petersburg in 1916 to write an application for admission to the mechanical faculty of the Emperor Nicholas Institute of Technology I. But, as they say in Odessa, the music did not last long: the case of accepting Osip Shor as a student, which began on November 13, 1916, was completed on September 13, 1917.

Unrecognized genius. Shor had many brilliant ideas, but he dreamed of finding a goose that would lay golden eggs for him. And he met this chicken literally. Osip found her on the road and something in her appearance was indecent - she was without a single feather.

A bright future awaited them at the agricultural exhibition. The bald hen has become a celebrity. Odessa newspapers spread the news about the amazing discovery of domestic breeders - the dream of cooks and housewives - a chicken that does not need to be plucked! The meat industry immediately reacted to this message.

The largest meat producers sent their agents to Odessa, who were invited to the local scientific society, where a gray-haired professor gave them a long lecture about the revolution in the field of poultry farming. Shore in disguise acted as the professor.
The "Idealnaya Kurtsa" firm has signed contracts with the largest poultry farms in the south of Russia. However, at the appointed time, the chickens were not delivered to the customers. The breeders sounded the alarm, but the professor and the firm could not be found. They found only a chicken with a note hanging around its neck: “We, Odessa breeders, also bred a chicken without a head and bones.”

Here are some more jokes:

On May 30, 1918, Osip Shor celebrated his 18th birthday, very respected people came to congratulate him - the sugar factory Yevlampy Kutyakin, the bandit Vaska Kosoy and the rabbi of the local Bershtein synagogue. All of them addressed the birthday man with great respect and thanked him for his brilliant ideas.
Osip Shor

The merchant Kutyakin was indebted to Osip for the grave of his life because he helped him get rid of his competitor, the merchant Rosenbaum. Both of them preserved the wine with sugar, and both of them turned sour before reaching Samara.
Shor whispered to the merchant Rosenbaum a secret recipe - if you add boric acid to wine, then it will not turn into vinegar, even when you reach Khabarovsk. As a result, Rosenbaum went bankrupt - the wine turned out to have such a rich bouquet that even bitter drunkards did not drink it.

The gang of Vaska Kosoy had long looked after a bank for robbery, but there was a huge two-hundred-kilogram door with combination locks, which was impossible to approach. Just by looking at the bank building, Osip realized that he did not need to open the door, he only needed to change into chimney sweeps and get into the bank through the chimneys. Needless to say, Shor received his percentage after the robbery.

But he proposed the most witty idea to the rabbi. Bershtein wanted a better life for his parishioners, and on the advice of Osip, he began to sell places in paradise. For clarity, a scheme of paradise was hung on the wall of the synagogue, presented as an expensive boarding house. At the bottom was a price list where everyone could choose a place in paradise according to their taste and pocket. With contributions from those who wished, the rabbi restored the synagogue and repaired his own house.

But of course, his 10-month journey from Moscow to Odessa deserves special attention. Chaos reigned all around, so the penniless Osip got out as best he could.

What did he do on the way home! Not knowing how to play chess properly, the failed student presented himself as a grandmaster, never holding a brush in his hands, he got a job as an artist on a steamship that cruised with propaganda flights, visited various institutions as a fire inspector ...

In addition, Osip married an obese woman who served as the prototype for Madame Gritsatsuyeva. Moreover, he did this solely for mercenary reasons - the times were hungry, and she kept a shop. That's how I got through the winter.

"Borzoy" opera. He returned to Odessa at the most difficult time. For very a short time 14 authorities changed in the city. Gangs of Mishka Yaponchik were operating with might and main on the streets. The city was drowning in banditry. Young Odessans began to unite in people's squads under the auspices of the local police. Osip Shor was a physically developed person. Even in the gymnasium, he was fond of classical wrestling, kettlebell lifting and football. There was nothing for him to live in Odessa. Therefore, Osip Shor got a job in one of these squads and soon became the leading detective in the fight against banditry of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Department.

Osip Shor did not spare the raiders, and mercilessly eliminated the bandits who resisted the arrest. Those caught were interrogated with such passion that they betrayed accomplices in batches. Naturally, Mishka Yaponchik ordered the "greyhound" opera to be shot.

A famous shootout took place in a cafe on Longeronovskaya Street, during which the gang was missing four hired killers, and Osip Shor did not even get a scratch.

And yet he got revenge. The bandits killed his brother, the poet Anatoly Fioletov. Having figured out the killer, the detective personally appeared in the gangster "raspberry" in the Second Zalivny on Peresyp, laid out the nominal weapon on the table and asked: "Which of you scoundrels killed my brother?" In a wide jacket, a sailor's vest and a "captain" on his head, Shor, terrible and powerful, stood for a long time in front of the repentant murderer. And then ... forgave him. Ostap spent the whole night with the bandits. By the light of cinders they drank pure alcohol without diluting it with water. They read the poems of the murdered poet and wept. With the first rays of the sun, Ostap hid his Mauser in a wooden holster and left unhindered to start fighting the bandits again to the death.

The death of his brother had a depressing effect on Shor, as the bandits expected. He vowed not to take up arms anymore, resigned from the criminal investigation department and left for Petrograd. There he immediately (in 1922) went to jail for a fight with a man who insulted his companion. Osip did not stay in prison for long: he was released immediately after information was received from Odessa about his military past and they began to persuade him to join the Petrograd criminal investigation department.

In 1934, Shor left for Chelyabinsk to help his friend Vasily Ilyichev, director of a tractor plant, raise the national economy. In 1937, Ilyichev was arrested by the NKVD in his office. Ostap starts a fight with them, which was, no doubt, a bold act. He was arrested, but he again did something outstanding - he escaped. For a long time he hid in Leningrad, and then moved to Moscow, where he lived with his Odessa friend, the already well-known author of "Three Fat Men" and "Envy" Yuri Olesha.

During the Great Patriotic War, Ostap tries to break into besieged Leningrad, where his relatives are. He doesn't succeed. In the end, because of all the torment, he developed a serious illness - eczema, which eventually developed into skin cancer. Sick Ostap is evacuated to Tashkent, where his sister was evacuated. Here Osip was cured.

Osip Shor

After the war, Ostap Shor and his sister moved to Moscow. He did not have children - Osip Veniaminovich never got a family, his sister Elsa Rappoport (by the way, the first wife of Leonid Utyosov) worked at Mosfilm as a dresser-make-up artist.

Human peaceful profession. Shor retired due to disability, but until the last years of his life he worked as a Moscow-Tashkent train conductor. For 15 days he traveled by train to Tashkent, 15 days back to Moscow, for a month he lived with his sister in the capital in a tiny room, wore a shabby mackintosh and sandals, and due to his old age he no longer communicated with anyone.

He lived to be almost 80 years old and was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow in 1978, having suffered two heart attacks and was blind in one eye.

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not know who Ostap Bender, or the Great Combinator, is.

More than one generation of Soviet citizens fell in love with this literary hero Ilf and Petrov, who saw a certain challenge in the image of this hero. Soviet image life.

After the publication of The Twelve Chairs, the search for prototypes of the novel's heroes was carried out at the most serious level, and the versions were very different. The prototypes of almost all the heroes were discovered, but Bender's prototype was never found. It was believed that this image is a collective one.

B.E. Galanov, who wrote the book "Ilf and Petrov. Life and Work", believed that the prototype of Ostap was a certain Mitya Bender, an Odessa acquaintance of the authors. R.A. Alexandrov in the book "Walks on literary Odessa"calls Mitya Agatova - apparently, this is the same person who lived in the chic hall of apartment N4 at 33 on Peter the Great Street.

But all this was, as they say, "past the box office." However, Ostap Bender also had a prototype! This one's name wonderful person Osip Shor.

Osip Veniaminovich Shor was born on May 30, 1899 in Nikopol (now it is the Dnepropetrovsk region) in the family of the owner of a colonial goods store, a merchant of the 2nd guild Veniamin Shor and his wife, the daughter of a major Odessa banker Ekaterina (Kuni) Berger.

Osip grew up in Odessa, where the Shores moved when the boy was one year old, that is, in 1900.

In Odessa, the Shorov family lived in the house N78 on Poltava Victory Street (now Kanatnaya). Osip, or Ostap, as his family and friends called him, was the second child in the family. His older brother Nathan subsequently played an important role in Ostap's life.

In 1901, their father died of a heart attack, and a few years later, Ekaterina Berger remarried a successful St. Petersburg merchant, David Rappoport.

From this marriage, the girl Elsa was born, who later became a famous artist.

In 1906, Ostap entered the Iliadi men's gymnasium. Many years later, Ilf and Petrov “identified” Ostap Bender here, who, according to the authors of The Golden Calf, remembered for the rest of his life “Latin exceptions, memorized ... in the third grade of the private Iliad gymnasium.”

Judging by the estimates, Osip was more inclined to the exact sciences than to the humanities (the only three among the thirteen disciplines he had in the Russian language and literature, but in the subject that studied the "laws of the Jewish faith", Shor had a solid four). But in law, mind you, he had a solid five!

Having become a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Novorossiysk University and changing his mind about studying at this wonderful university, while not having a penny in his pocket, seventeen-year-old Osip-Ostap went to St. Petersburg in 1916 to write an application for admission to the mechanical faculty of the Institute of Technology with his own hand named after Emperor Nicholas I.

But, as they say in Odessa, the music did not play for long: the case of accepting Osip Shor as a student, which began on November 13, 1916, was completed on September 13, 1917.

Osip was often called unrecognized genius. Indeed, Shor had many brilliant ideas, but he dreamed of finding a goose that would lay golden eggs for him.

And he met this chicken literally. Osip found her on the road and something in her appearance was indecent - she was without a single feather.

Ahead of Osip-Ostap and his strange bird was a bright future at the agricultural exhibition. The bald chicken has become a celebrity!

Odessa newspapers spread the news about the amazing discovery of domestic breeders - the dream of cooks and housewives - a chicken that does not need to be plucked! The meat industry immediately reacted to this message.

The largest meat producers sent their agents to Odessa, who were invited to the local scientific society, where a gray-haired professor gave them a long lecture about the revolution in the field of poultry farming. Shor in disguise acted as the professor.

The company "Idealnaya hen" (well, why not "Horns and hooves" ?!) signed contracts with the largest poultry farms in the south of Russia. However, the chickens were not delivered to the customers at the appointed time.

However, who would have doubted ... The breeders sounded the alarm, but the professor and the company could not be found. They found only a chicken with a note hanging around its neck: "We, Odessa breeders, also bred a chicken without a head and bones."

It seems that if not without bones, then without a head were those who bought into the idea, seeing only one single chicken! Which, by the way, turned out to be without feathers for no known reason. Maybe she was sick ... Or maybe someone caught, plucked and the chicken escaped, bringing so many golden eggs!

And here are a few more "jokes" of the prototype of the immortal Bender. On May 30, 1918, Osip Shor celebrated his eighteenth birthday, very respected people came to congratulate him - the sugar factory Yevlampy Kutyakin, the bandit Vaska Kosoy and the rabbi of the local synagogue Bershtein.

All of them addressed the birthday man with great respect and thanked him for his brilliant ideas. And this is for an eighteen-year-old, one might say, kid!

And what was the matter? The merchant Kutyakin was indebted to Osip for the grave of his life for helping him get rid of his competitor, the merchant Rosenbaum. Both of them preserved the wine with sugar, and both of them turned sour before reaching Samara.

Shor whispered a secret recipe to Rosenbaum - if boric acid is added to wine, it will not turn into vinegar, even when it reaches Khabarovsk. As a result, Rosenbaum went bankrupt - the wine turned out to have such a "saturated bouquet" that even bitter drunkards did not drink it.

The gang of Vaska Kosoy had long looked after a bank for robbery, but there was a huge two-hundred-kilogram door with combination locks, which was impossible to approach.

Just by looking at the bank building, Osip realized that he did not need to open the door, he only needed to change into chimney sweeps and get into the bank through the chimneys. Needless to say, Shor received his percentage after the robbery.

But Shor proposed the most witty idea to the rabbi. Bershtein wanted a better life for his parishioners, and on the advice of Osip, he began to sell places in paradise. For clarity, a scheme of paradise was hung on the wall of the synagogue, presented as an expensive boarding house.

At the bottom was a price list where everyone could choose a place in paradise according to their taste and pocket. With contributions from those who wished, the rabbi restored the synagogue and repaired his own house.

But, of course, the ten-month journey of Osip Shor from Moscow to Odessa deserves special attention. Chaos reigned all around, so the penniless Osip got out as best he could.

What did he do on the way home! Not knowing how to play chess properly, the failed student presented himself as a grandmaster; never holding a brush in his hands, he got a job as an artist on a steamship that cruised with propaganda flights; visited various establishments as a fire inspector ...

In addition, Shor married a very obese woman who served as the prototype for Madame Gritsatsuyeva. Moreover, he did this solely for mercantile reasons - the times were hungry, and she kept a shop. So the guy survived the winter ...

Osip returned to Odessa at the most difficult time. In a very short time in the city, power has changed fourteen times! Gangs of Mishka Yaponchik were operating with might and main on the streets. The city was drowning in banditry. Young Odessans began to unite in people's squads under the auspices of the local police.

Osip Shor was a physically developed person. Even in the gymnasium, he was fond of classical wrestling, kettlebell lifting and football. There was nothing for him to live in Odessa.

Therefore, Osip Shor got a job in one of these squads and soon became the leading detective in the fight against banditry of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Department.

Osip Shor did not spare the raiders, and mercilessly eliminated the bandits who resisted the arrest. It is no wonder that Osip received the nickname "Greyhound Oper".

Those caught were interrogated with such passion that they betrayed accomplices in batches. Naturally, Mishka Yaponchik ordered the "borzoi" opera to be shot.

And then, in a cafe on Longeronovskaya Street, there was a famous shootout, during which the gang was missing four hired killers, and Osip Shor did not even get a scratch. In such cases, among the thieves and gangsters, he says: "lucky." Osip was actually lucky.

And yet Osip was avenged: the bandits killed his brother, the poet Anatoly Fioletov. Having figured out the killer, the "greyhound opera" personally appeared in the gangster "raspberry" in Vtoroy Zalivny on Peresyp, laid out the nominal weapon on the table and asked: "Which of you scoundrels killed my brother?"

In a wide jacket, a sailor's vest and a "captain" on his head, Shor, terrible and powerful, stood for a long time in front of the repentant murderer. And then... forgave him. Osip spent the whole night with the bandits. By the light of cinders they drank pure alcohol without diluting it with water.

They read the poems of the murdered poet and wept. With the first rays of the sun, Osip hid the Mauser in a wooden holster and left unhindered to start the fight against the bandits again, not for life, but for death.

However, the death of his brother had an effect on Osip Shor, as the bandits expected, depressingly. He vowed not to take up arms anymore, resigned from the criminal investigation department and left for Petrograd. There, immediately - it happened in 1922 - he ended up in prison for a fight with a man who insulted his companion.

Osip did not stay in prison for long: he was released immediately after information was received from Odessa about his military past and they began to persuade him to join the Petrograd criminal investigation department. But an oath is an oath - Shor turned out to be.

In 1934, Osip left for Chelyabinsk to help his friend Vasily Ilyichev, director of a tractor plant, raise the national economy. In 1937, Ilyichev was arrested by the NKVD in his office. Ostap starts a fight with them, which was, no doubt, a bold act.

He was arrested, but he again did something outstanding - he escaped. From the NKVD! For a long time, Osip hid in Leningrad, and then moved to Moscow, where he lived with his Odessa friend, the already well-known author of "Three Fat Men" and "Envy" Yuri Olesha.

During the Great Patriotic War, the prototype of Ostap Bender tried to break into besieged Leningrad, where his relatives were. Many tried to break out of the besieged city at all costs, while Osip is torn to his relatives.

But he does not succeed. In the end, because of all the torment, he developed a serious illness - eczema, which eventually developed into skin cancer. Sick Osip Shor is evacuated to Tashkent, where his sister had previously been evacuated. Here Osip, fortunately, was cured.

After the war, Osip Shor and his sister moved to Moscow. He did not have children - Osip Veniaminovich never got a family, his sister Elsa Rappoport (by the way, who became the first wife of Leonid Utyosov) worked at Mosfilm as a dresser-make-up artist.

At the end of his life, Osip Veniaminovich was a completely peaceful person. Shor retired due to disability, but until the last years of his life he worked as a Moscow-Tashkent train conductor.

Fifteen days he traveled by train to Tashkent, fifteen days back to Moscow, lived with his sister in the capital for a month in a tiny room, wore a shabby mackintosh and sandals, and due to his old age he no longer communicated with anyone.

This outstanding man, who lived a turbulent and ambiguous youth, lived to be almost eighty years old and was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow in 1978, having suffered two heart attacks and went blind in one eye.

In the early spring morning of 1927, from the side of Bolshaya Nikitskaya, with a half-shooting step, he approached the massive door A tall man middle-aged in an elegant suit and patent-leather boots. He looked at the brass plate. It read: “The editorial office of the newspaper Gudok.

Showing the red book to the watchman, the tall man went up to the third floor and without knocking entered the room of the 4th lane. In a room smoky with cheap cigarettes were two young reporters.

I greet the workers of the pen, - said the newcomer.

The plot of "12 chairs" was suggested to the writers' tandem by Valentin Kataev

He sat down on the couch and crossed his legs.

Hello, Valyun, - this is how Evgeny Petrov called his older brother Valentin Kataev.
- Hello, Valentine, - nodded the second reporter with sad eyes. His last name was Ilf.
- I have a business proposal for you ... For both of you, - Kataev said conspiratorially and looked around. - I want you to become my ... literary Negroes.

Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf looked at each other in bewilderment.

IN Lately Valentin Kataev was haunted by the thought that he could become the Soviet Dumas father. Someone told him gossip that Dumas did not write his novels himself, but hired novice writers, gave them a plot, they wrote, and he edited. Valentin Petrovich told the reporters of "Gudok" his story. The story was that a certain district leader of the nobility, Vorobyaninov, was hunting for jewelry sewn into one of the twelve chairs. Ilf and Petrov liked the plot. The authority of Kataev guaranteed the publication and, consequently, the fee. Without much thought, the newly-minted literary negroes set to work that same day.

Ilf and Petrov began to write their first novel as literary blacks.

As literary heroes decided to make the most of all their friends. Literary caricatures were made for all buddies and friends. Almost every character had their own prototype. They decided to introduce one common acquaintance, a certain inspector of the Odessa criminal investigation department, into the novel as episodic person. They left him real name- Ostap. As for the surname ... Ilf gave him the surname of his neighbor, the owner butcher shop Bender. Ilf liked its sound. However, in the course of work, this very Ostap suddenly began to crawl out everywhere, “pushing the rest of the heroes with his elbows”, and literally after a few chapters turned into the main actor. As a result, when Ilf and Petrov brought the manuscript to Kataev for editing, it turned out to be a completely different idea. Kataev realized that in a short time literary blacks turned into real writers. The situation was, frankly, awkward. Valentin Petrovich, as a man of honor, refused to edit someone else's work and politely removed his name from the future cover of the book.

The story of the impostor artist entered the novel almost unchanged.

Kataev was forced to admit that the novel was a success. But for the use of his idea, he put forward two conditions. First: wherever and whenever this novel is published, on the first page of the book there should be a dedication to him, Valentin Kataev. Second: as soon as the novel is published, the author of the idea receives a golden cigarette case from the writers. Kataev foresaw that the novel would be a success, and already with pleasure presented the cigarette case that he would receive from grateful authors.

The prototype of Ostap Bender is the inspector of the criminal investigation department and adventurer from Odessa Ostap Shor

Later, the authors did give Kataev a cigarette case. But in order not to spend too much, they bought him the smallest, mockingly tiny ladies' cigarette case. However, a fact is a fact: formally, the cigarette case fully met the terms of the contract: it was gold and it was a cigarette case. Appreciating humor and a joke, Kataev accepted the cigarette case with a smile.

So the novel was born, and in it an illegitimate hero named Ostap Bender. Unbelievable, but true: in 1935, a survey was conducted among schoolchildren of the USSR on the topic “Who is your favorite literary hero?”, It was supposed to get an answer - Pavel Korchagin, but received - Ostap Bender.

Naturally, when the world appears great person, each nation is in a hurry to prove that he is precisely her son. Bender's nebulous origins have fueled a host of such claims. Serious Arab scholars have irrefutably proven that Bender was a Syrian. Their Uzbek colleagues successfully refuted this version, brilliantly proving that Ostap was a Turk. Germans, Jews, Georgians put forward their versions... It seemed that the final and fat point in the dispute between pundits was put in the mid-1990s, when the editorial office of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" received a letter from the Moscow Cultural and Educational Organization of the Karaites, where it was claimed that the Karaim Ilya Levi-Maytop, like Ostap, "the son of a Turkish subject", acted as the prototype of Bender. An no. Not only best sons nation, but also independent candidates. Moscow hooligan Yashka Shtopor, Petrograd dandy of the 1920s Ostap Vasilyevich, famous artist Sandro Fasini and the famous Odessa rogue Misha Agatov...

Odessa cafes were empty in the 1920s. Beer was sold only to union members

Did the great combinator even have a prototype? The end of the 20th century finally gave the long-awaited clue. The prototype of Ostap Bender was Osip Veniaminovich Shor. For friends and relatives - Ostap. Literary critics and journalists were able to find not only the person who served as the prototype of Bender, but also trace his fate, which turned out to be no less amazing than that of his literary counterpart.

Ostap Shor was born in late XIX centuries on Kanatnaya Street in Odessa in the family of a merchant, owner of shops of colonial goods. Ostap was the second child in the family. The elder brother Nathan, better known as the poet Anatoly Fioletov, played an important role in Ostap's life, but more on that later.

In 1901, his father died of a heart attack. A few years later, the mother married a successful St. Petersburg merchant, David Rapoport. From this marriage, the girl Elsa was born, who later became an artist at the Gorky film studio. Tender love for Elsa Ostap and Nathan carried through their whole lives.

Ostap's jokes were already worn at that time character traits Bender's humor Elza Davidovna Rapoport recalled several funny stories. Here is one of them. Once, in a conspiratorial voice, Ostap asked his sister if she would like to look at two corpses in the corridor of the apartment. The little girl flatly refused. For several days, Elsa only thought about the corpses in the hallway. She was afraid to go out into the street, to come from the street, in the evenings the girl was put to bed in the light ... Ostap's calculations turned out to be correct. Curiosity took over. Elsa approached Ostap and asked to be shown where the corpses were. Ostap agreed with his sister that if she gave him a porcelain piggy bank along with the contents, then he was ready to fulfill his promise. The girl nodded. A moment later, Ostap pulled two decapitated chickens from behind his back and waved them in front of his sister's face. The girl cried out in fear. Ostap calmed his little sister, pressing her head to his chest along with a porcelain piggy bank. From the age of eight, Ostap fell ill fashion game into the ball, which was brought to Odessa by English sailors. While all children of his age wanted to be sailors, pirates and musicians, Ostap was the first to understand that good money can be earned only by becoming a professional football player. It was football that brought him closer to the brilliant Yuri Olesha, the future author of Envy and Three Fat Men. Friendship with him lasted almost half a century.

In 1916, Ostap entered the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute, where he was caught by the October Revolution. Ostap traveled home to Odessa for about a year. He met people, got into trouble, fell in love, ran away from his pursuers. Ilf and Petrov drew many episodes for their novels from stories that Ostap Shor told his friends in subsequent years. The young Ilf was especially impressed by the stories about the fire inspector in the nursing home and the impostor artist on the ship - they entered the novel in whole chapters, with minor additions.

In Odessa, Ostap breathed more freely. But still Odessa was already different. The events of those years greatly changed its appearance. The city of enterprising businessmen, stock and ship brokers, clever swindlers, Italian opera, cafeterias and wits, where everything revolved like on a carousel in Dyukovsky Park, turned into a carousel of a different kind - bloody. For the first three revolutionary years fourteen authorities changed in the city. Austrians, Germans, French, British, troops of Hetman Staropadsky, Petliurists, Gaidamaks, white army General Denikin, the Bolsheviks, even the army of some Galician general Sekir-Yakhontov ... There were times when several authorities and political groups were in charge of the city at the same time. So, the Bolsheviks settled on Peresyp. The territory from the station to Arcadia was occupied by the Gaidamaks and Petliurists. The center was under the rule of the interventionists and the White Guard. The Moldavian woman was owned by the ten thousandth army of raiders of Mikhail Vinnitsky, better known under the nickname Mishka Yaponchik. Each government had its own state borders, marked with clotheslines with red flags, and, of course, their own currency. Many refugees from other provinces arrived in the port city Russian Empire. This created a special atmosphere and a huge field of activity for thieves, cheaters, pharmacists and swindlers. The city was choking with banditry. Odessans were forced to unite in people's squads to combat criminality. The most desperate were awarded the title of inspector of the criminal investigation department.

Yuri Olesha was one of Ostap's closest friends

Those who knew Ostap closely spoke of him as a kind, imposing, excitable truth-lover with a strong developed sense humor. Ostap was smart, decisive, with a lightning-fast reaction to momentary events.

In April 1918, Ostap Shor became an inspector of the Odessa Criminal Investigation Department. It must be taken into account that his height was under one hundred and ninety and he possessed incredible strength. Ostap Shor in a short time dealt a tangible blow to the gang of Mishka Yaponchik: he solved the cases of robbing two banks and a manufactory, set up successful ambushes and caught the raiders red-handed.

Ostap fled, jumping out of the window of the investigator's office

Today it is hard to believe, but the two most famous prototypes of the literary heroes Ostap Bender and Beni Krik hated each other fiercely. Yaponchik considered Ostap his personal enemy and publicly vowed revenge. The bandits tried to kill him several times. One evening they seized Ostap on Lanzheronovskaya Street, put the muzzle of a revolver to his back, put a mackintosh over the revolver for disguise, and took him to be shot at the port docks. But you need to know Ostap. Passing Fanconi's cafe, the detective managed to start a quarrel with one of the stockbrokers at a street table. A fight began. The bandits considered it good to retire.

In the first period after the revolution, power in Odessa changed more often than the seasons

But still they dealt their terrible blow. They wanted to shoot Ostap, but by mistake, misled by the surname, they shot Nathan, who in a few days was supposed to marry the young poetess Zinaida Shishova. The young people were in a furniture salon, where they chose furniture for their future home. There is a story in Odessa about what happened next. For the first time it was told by Yuri Olesha to Valentin Kataev. Kataev mentioned her in his biographical novel My Diamond Crown. And the inhabitants of Odessa gave history the image of a legend. We present it in full.

Three middle-aged men in boaters and suits of English cloth stopped in front of a furniture store. After standing a little at the window, they took turns crossing the threshold. Then everything happened quickly.

Shore Mr.
- Yes.
- Greetings from Mishka Yaponchik.

Four shots were counted by a fat, balding seller of double-striped mattresses in the furniture workshop of Mr. Mirkin on Deribasovskaya, corner of Ekaterininskaya. A young man was left lying on the floor in furniture shavings.

in Odessa opera house loved to be both bandits and security officers

Ostap was not at the funeral. All these days he was looking for killers. And found. Terrible as an autumn night storm, in a gray wide jacket, a captain's coat and a thick knitted scarf around his mighty neck, Ostap stopped at an old fishing halabud on Second Zalivnaya, on Peresyp. His tired eyes, the color of young Bessarabian wine, looked at the damp sky. Then Ostap's gaze dropped to the door. With a kick, like the center forward of the Black Sea, he knocked out the plywood door and entered the dark goiter of the basement.

Nathan was killed
a few days before your

The three killers sat at a dirty oval yellow table. Ostap went up to the table and placed on it his Mauser with a polished handle, issued by the Odessa People's Militia. It was a sign that he wanted to speak. Shoot a little later.

Next to Ostap's Mauser were revolvers, finks and brass knuckles.

Which one of you scoundrels killed my brother? asked Ostap, wiping his tears with a turquoise handkerchief.
- It's my fault, Ostap, - said one of the bandits in the vest. - Decided it instead of you. Messed up the last name. God knows, I cry for him, as for my own brother.
- You better shoot me in the liver, you bastard. Do you know who you killed?
- I didn't know then. And now I have information - Nathan Fioletova, famous poet, a friend of Bagritsky. I beg your pardon. If you can't forgive, then take your gun. Here's my chest for you, and we'll be quits.

Ostap spent the whole night with the bandits. By the light of cinders, they drank rectificate without diluting it with water. They read the poems of the murdered poet and wept.

With the first cold rays of the sun, Ostap hid the Mauser in a wooden holster and left unhindered...

Ostap took the murder of his brother very painfully. He vowed never to take up arms again. After some time, he resigned from the criminal investigation department and left to travel around the country. Due to his impulsive and decisive nature, Ostap constantly got into dangerous troubles. So, in 1922 he ended up in Moscow, or rather, in the Taganskaya prison in Moscow. He landed there for a fight with a man who insulted the wife of a famous poet. But as soon as the investigators found out that Ostap was an inspector of the Odessa Criminal, he was immediately released.

Ostap remains in Moscow. Often appears on literary evenings where he meets his old friends, countrymen. His famous phrase dates back to this time: "My dad was a Turkish subject." Ostap repeated it often when it came to military duty (children of foreign citizens were exempted from military service). This phrase was popular in Odessa in the 1920s. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, in order to emphasize Ostap Shor's attitude to the criminal investigation, introduce a number of hints and specific phrases of Bender into the novel, showing him as a professional detective. And in the chapter "And others." Ostap Bender draws up a protocol from the scene. And in the most professional way. “Both bodies lie with their feet to the southeast and their heads to the northwest. There are lacerated wounds on the body, apparently inflicted by some kind of blunt instrument. But the most famous phrase about the key to the apartment where the money is, belonged not to Shor, but to one Odessa respectable billiard player.

Ostap Shor for a long time
outlived both authors
novels about their

After the release of "12 Chairs" and "The Golden Calf", Ostap Shor sought out the authors of the books. What was the surprise of Ilf and Petrov when Ostap demanded in a rather impudent form to pay him a large sum for the decommissioned Bender. Writers began to make excuses. Ostap laughed. Friends stayed up until the morning. Apparently, Shor was talking about his life. That is why the famous notebooks” Ilf, a record appeared: “Ostap could now still go through the whole country, giving concerts gramophone records. And I would live very well, I would have a wife and a mistress. All this should end quite unexpectedly - with a gramophone fire. Ostap Shor gave a new impetus to the co-authors. Ilf and Petrov conceived the third part about the adventures of Ostap Bender, where Bender would be the prototype of today's DJs. But the plan was not destined to come true. Ilf fell ill with tuberculosis for a long time.

In 1934, Ostap went to Chelyabinsk to help his friend, the director of a tractor factory. In 1937, the director was arrested by the NKVD. Ostap starts a fight with them, which was, no doubt, a bold act. He was arrested, but he again did something outstanding. He jumped out of the window of the investigator's office and fled. But still far from these events, he formulated some of his views, which Ilf and Petrov endowed with their beloved hero. In particular, both the literary character and his prototype are characterized by the following phrase: “I have Soviet power arose for Last year serious disagreements. She wants to build socialism, but I don't."

Ilf and Petrov conceived the third part about the adventures of Ostap Bender

During the Great Patriotic War, Ostap tries in vain to get through to his relatives in besieged Leningrad. In the end, because of all the torment, he developed eczema, which eventually developed into skin cancer. Sick Ostap is evacuated to Tashkent. In the evacuation, he works as a conductor on freight trains.

The corner of Richelieu and Lanzheronovskaya streets, where Ostap fell into the clutches of Mishka Yaponchik's gang

After the war, Ostap Shor and his family moved to Moscow on Vozdvizhenka. Retires on disability. Often visits the ailing Yuri Olesha in Lavrushinsky Lane. After the death of a friend, ailments haunt him, and Ostap practically goes blind.

In 1978, the biographical novel "My Diamond Crown" by Valentin Kataev was published. In it, Kataev only hints at who Ostap Bender was written off from. But Shor did not want to publicly talk about his life. Affected by age, and numerous blows of fate. He remained a mystery for another two decades.

Ostap Shor died in 1979. He was buried in Moscow at the Vostryakovsky cemetery. Such is the fate of this man, who became the prototype of one of the most popular literary characters.

Colossus on bronze legs

At first, the chief chess player of Kalmykia, President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, promised to open a monument to Ostap directly in Rio de Janeiro, but then, apparently, deciding not to squander the world cultural values, placed it at his side.

Since 1999, the two-meter figure of Bender has guarded the peace of the inhabitants of the City-Chess chess town (a hotel complex on the outskirts of Elista, built for the World Chess Olympiad). The authorities of Rio de Janeiro are still tearing their hair out of frustration.

If your friends have been to Italian Street in St. Petersburg, you could already see this monument in their red-eyed photographs. A rare tourist will resist the temptation to sit on the chair of the master Gambs in front of the lens of a soap dish. The son of a Turkish subject did not appear in Leningrad.

Nevertheless, in 2000, with great fanfare, the monument was unveiled. The sculptor could not stop at just one thing, and besides the chair, he gave Bender a folder with the Koreiko case. Facial features also had to be divided between Yursky and Mironov.


Photo sources: ITAR-TASS; Ullstein / Vostock Photo; Everett Collection; Corbis/RPG; in / about "Sovexport-film"; PhotoXpress

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