Drawing in the middle group winter. The theme of the week is "Hello, winter-winter"

Program content:

    Get the kids interested in drawing a winter picture.

    Continue to teach children to convey the correct structure of a tree, a Christmas tree.

    Strengthen the ability to use the palette. Exercise children in getting light and dark shades blue color.

    To instill in children the desire to convey beauty winter nature in the drawing.


    gouache sets (white, blue, brown, green, yellow);


    brushes No. 3;

    jars of water;


    sheets of A 4 paper, with a drawn frame;

    paintings on winter theme.

Preliminary work:

    targeted walk in the winter park;

    looking at paintings, postcards, photographs on a winter theme;

    conversations about winter;

    on a walk, sculpting buildings from snow (snowmen, a hill, snow houses);

    drawing trees and Christmas trees in a joint activity.

Lesson progress

    An interesting moment. Children with the teacher are talking at the window.

Look how beautiful it is outside! What season is it now? (winter) That's right, winter. Winter is the most beautiful time of the year. Let's go to the exhibition


    Main part

    Explanation and consolidation of knowledge

Children with a teacher go into a group and stop in front of 2 - 3 pictures.

The artists were very fond of painting winter, they depicted a winter forest (shows the first picture).

Nikita, tell us what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

Yes, a forest is depicted here, it must have been a heavy snowfall and the snow covered all the Christmas trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

Alina, what is shown in this picture? (there are snowmen, snow hill, snow house)

Yes, probably, the children walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow buildings. Do you remember how we made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

And what shape were our snowballs? (round)

Do you know what I suggest? Let's draw your winter pictures. And there will be snow buildings, and trees with Christmas trees all covered in snow.

Having received the consent of the children, the teacher asks them to sit down at the tables.

Let's remember how to draw trees. I will draw a tree, and you tell me. What do we draw first? (trunk)

The teacher draws a trunk.

What are we drawing now? (branches, they look up)

Now what? (on the branches of a branch)

The teacher draws

See how I paint - the end of the brush and the twigs are thin. Here is the finished tree. What are the branches at the top of the tree? - showing the top of the tree (thin, small)

And below the tree? – show (long, thick, and long ones have a lot of thin and small ones)

And where do we start drawing a tree? (from trunk)

Where do the branches of the tree go? (up to the sun)

Do not draw snow on the trees right away, wait for them to dry.

What is the difference between a Christmas tree and a tree while drawing?

(the branches look down at the Christmas tree, needles on the branches in winter and summer)

Right. Now think about what you will have in the picture. And start drawing.

    Independent activity.

    The kids get to work. The teacher looks

How children sit, how they hold a brush, use a palette. Helps struggling children with leading questions: What will you draw? What colour?

How to do blue paint? Etc.

    Evaluation of works.

Finished works are laid out on one table.

Look how beautiful winter pictures you created, they are all different. The teacher praises the children for taking the initiative: what a beautiful forest Nastya turned out to be. And at Vitya's, the children made snowmen. And Liza built snow houses. Etc.

What else do you need to add to your paintings? (children's answers)

In the evening, when your paintings are dry, you will finish and decorate them. beautiful frames. In the meantime, help me clear the tables.

The children help the teacher.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on native nature, speech development and drawing in the middle group, topic: “Winter has come”

Program content:

Clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena their relationship with human life.
To teach children to build sentences on a given topic, to answer questions with a detailed sentence.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape.
Improve the ability to draw with gouache paints.
Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech, creative imagination.
Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.


Reproductions of paintings depicting winter nature, audio recording of the play “December. Christmas time” (“The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky), drawing equipment, two flat counting sticks for each child.

Lesson progress:

Guys, quite recently the trees shed their last foliage and stood bare, it often rained. What time of year was this? In autumn. What time of autumn exactly? Late fall. And what has changed in nature now? (Answers of children). What time of year has come to replace autumn? Winter. Listen to a poem about winter.

Reading the poem "Winter Song"

Here comes the winter
Covered with white snow
The field is clean.

Skating day with kids
Everything is rolling
At night in the snowy lights
Falling apart...

Writes a pattern in the windows
Ice needle
And knocking on our yard
With a fresh tree.
(R. A. Kudasheva)

What period of winter is described in the poem? What word gave you the answer? What does it mean "winter is knocking on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree"? Why is winter often referred to as silvery?

Didactic game "Winter words"

Children clap their hands when they hear a word related to winter. (Snowflake, heat, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, leaf fall, Snow Maiden, peaches, sunbathing, snowfall, skiing).

Winter riddles

Solving winter mysteries.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
Because on the street...

He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
Which is always cold...

Under my feet
Wooden friends.
I'm flying at them with an arrow,
But not in summer, but in winter.

Do not suck, tomboys,
Ice lollipops!
I swallow pills myself
Because I ate...

He is from the snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.
A little warm, cry instantly
And melts...

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now for the New Year
On the river we see...

He is kind, he is strict,
Beard up to the eyes overgrown,
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our favorite...
(Father Frost)

Dynamic pause "In December"

("New Year's round dance", lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by G. Struve)

White - white

December - December
(Torso turns left and right, arms to the sides)

Christmas trees - Christmas trees
(Hands raised up, stretched)

In the yard - in the yard
(Torso tilts left and right, hands on the belt)

Spinning - spinning
And sings - and sings
(circling in place)

festive - festive
Round dance - round dance.
(clapping hands)

slippery - slippery
December - December
(Imitation of sliding feet)

Hills - hills
In the yard - in the yard.

voiced - voiced
December - December
(Mahi hands)

Songs - songs
In the yard - in the yard.
(Jumping in place)

Spinning - spinning
And sings - and sings
(circling in place)

festive - festive
Round dance - round dance.
(clapping hands)

Didactic game "Fix the mistake"

Children, Dunno wrote a letter in which he wanted to talk about what winter is, but, as usual, he mixed everything up. Help correct the mistakes made by Dunno in the letter.

“The first winter month is called September. As winter comes, the cold begins, and people immediately put on warm clothes: fur coats, boots, mittens, hats, shorts, scarves. In winter, children go sledding, skiing, cycling, sculpting snowman, swim in the sea, slide on the ice, sunbathe, build a snow fortress and prepare for the holiday - Mother's Day. There are such athletes who go in for winter sports: hockey players score the puck into the goal with sticks; skaters dance on skis; skiers go down the hill on a sled; skaters skiing. In order not to catch a cold, you need to eat one icicle every morning. Winter is a wonderful time of the year!

Guys, do you agree with last sentence from a stranger's letter: "Winter is a wonderful time of the year!". Explain why. Tell us why you love winter.

Drawing up creative stories on the topic "Why I love winter"

Winter is full of holidays. How do you understand this expression? What are the holidays in winter?

St. Nicolas day

One of the legends says that Saint Nicholas introduced the custom of giving gifts at Christmas. He himself gave gifts secretly and for a long time no one knew from whom the children and the poor received toys, treats and gold coins. That is probably why Saint Nicholas still comes to the house invisible - the kids, who have been obedient all year, find gifts under their pillows in the morning.

Look under the pillow
Find a present there
From Saint Nicholas
May mercy come great!

On this holiday miracles
Open our eyes
For us to be happy
And to love each other.

New Year

New Year is probably the most wonderful and favorite holiday. They are preparing for it for a long time, waiting for gifts, everyone is busy preparing surprises. New Year - the expectation of magic, mystery and happiness.

New Year is a holiday celebrated by many nations. According to the calendar, the New Year begins when the last day of the year ends and the first day of the next year begins.

It stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
Under New Year -
The guys will be happy.
The hassle of the merry
Full mouth:
Get her clothes ready.
If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday? ...
(New Year)

After the New Year, there will be many more holidays in January and February, but we will talk about them later, but now take a look at how the artists saw and depicted winter. (Show).

Examining one of the paintings

From what do we understand that winter is depicted?
What did the artist depict?
What is shown in the picture close to us, and what is at a distance?
What color paint did the artist use?
Do you like this picture?
What thoughts and desires do you have when you look at this picture?

Let's try to draw a picture on a winter theme. But first, let's prepare the fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics "Skiers"

Index and middle fingers stretch and lower down, press the ring and little fingers to the palm of your hand with your thumb.

Place index and middle fingers on counting sticks.

Without tearing off the middle and index fingers from "skis" - counting sticks, the child "rides" with sliding movements on the table.

Let's go skiing in the morning
We quickly reached the forest on skis.
Time for dinner - the whole forest went around.
Together we came home on skis.

Drawing "Funny snowmen"

Try to draw a snowman. Just to be different from others. Of course, your snowmen will be similar to each other, because every snowman consists of ... what? How many snow globes does a snowman need? What size are these balls and how are they arranged? What can serve as a snowman's headdress? What items of clothing can be drawn for a snowman? What to give him? What facial expression can a snowman have?

Not only artists can depict winter with paints and pencils. Musicians depict winter with the help of sounds. You will work to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The play is called December. Christmas time. (You can use the Play "December" from the cycle "The Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi).

The theme of the week is "Hello Winter".

Synopsis of GCD " artistic creativity”, drawing in middle group



Purpose: to develop children's interest in fine arts through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Educational area "Artistic creativity": Continue to teach children to depict natural phenomena using an unconventional drawing technique: stencil printing. Develop technical skills and skills. Cultivate a desire to admire the uniqueness of the shapes of snowflakes.

Educational field "Communication": Activate epithet words in speech - fragile, graceful, lacy, fluffy. Fix the words in speech: stencil, print, foam rubber.

Educational area "Reading fiction": Maintain children's interest in artistic word about nature.




Music Center;

CD-ROM with a record ("Seasons").

Demo material:

Snow cloud silhouette;

Snowflake silhouettes (suspended from the cloud);

Snowflakes to decorate the group;

Snowflake stencil, white or light blue paper.


Snowflake stencils;

foam swabs;

Stamp pads impregnated with gouache;

Paper napkins.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with non-traditional techniques drawing;

Conversation “What happens in nature in winter? »;

Talk about the art of lace. Examination of lace products.

Consideration of illustrations on a winter theme;

Reading poems: TA. Shorygina "Winged snowflakes"; A. Lipetsky "Snowflakes";

Observation of snow and its properties;

Examining a snowflake;

Didactic game "Make a pattern";

Children enter the hall and see a lot of snowflakes on the floor

Educator: Guys, look what is scattered all over the hall ??? Can you tell me? And guess the riddle

Fluttering, spinning

They sit on the hand.

Fluffs flicker,

Different. (snowflakes).

Right. And where do white fluffy snowflakes fly to us from?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, look who is meeting us? At the entrance we are met by a magical snow cloud, snowflakes live in it. They greet you with a gentle sway.

Now sit down, I'll tell you an interesting fairy tale. “We lived - there were snowflakes. They were born in a snowy cloud high above the earth. They grew by leaps and bounds. And every hour they became more elegant and beautiful.

They all looked alike, like sisters, but each had their own outfit. One was just like a star with six rays. Another snowflake looked like beautiful flower with six leaves. And the third sparkled like a six-sided gem.

Snowflakes grew and flew to the ground in a white flock. There were so many that no one could count them. One after another, they lay down on the branches of trees, the roofs of houses, on the road.

Fizkultminutka. Let's show how they circled to the music of "The Four Seasons"

Children begin to perform actions according to the text, the teacher recites:

Snowflakes are spinning (spinning on toes)

In the frosty air.

Fall to the ground (slowly squat, showing

Lacy stars, hands falling snowflakes)

Here she fell (get up, catch an imaginary

On my palm, snowflake on the palm)

Oh, do not hide the snowflake (carefully cover the snowflake,

Wait a bit. and blow it away)

Educator: Guys, spring will come soon and what will happen to the snowflakes?

Children's answers

Educator: I suggest you guys draw unusual snowflakes. Magic stencils and foam swabs will help us with this.

The teacher tells the algorithm of actions.

Choose any stencil;

We impose it on a sheet of paper, press it firmly;

We dip the foam swabs in paint and begin to “print” a snowflake;

Carefully remove the stencil (at the corners) and set aside;

Our snowflake is ready.

Independent work. The children are doing the task.

Individual work with difficult children.


Guys, I also drew snowflakes, one sad and the other cheerful. And choose according to your feelings after our game, which snowflake will you go to? What did you like the most? Do you remember? What can you teach your friends?

MBDOU "Bell", Noyabrsk, Tyumen region

Kovalenko A.A. Abstract of a drawing lesson on the topic: "Winter-winter" // Owl. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120112.html (date of access: 21.02.2019).

Program content:
- Continue to teach children plot drawing: place the image of a tree on a sheet in accordance with the real location (closer and farther from the drawer).
- Continue to develop an idea of ​​the variety of colors and shades, based on the actual color of objects.
- Cultivate independence and the ability to admire beauty
winter landscape.
- Raise interest in reflecting your impressions in visual activity.
- Cultivate accuracy when working with paints.
Equipment: easel, sultans, illustrations depicting winter, turntable, gouache white color; sheets of blue colored paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins,
Preliminary work.
- Excursion to nature and New Year's celebration to school.
- A conversation in the Russian language class about the winter landscape.
- View illustration
Lesson progress:
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling, laying down.
And in the morning with snow
The field is white
Like a veil
All dressed him up.
Dark forest- what cap
Covered up wonderful
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unshakable...
IN: Guys, please tell me what season this poem refers to.
D: Winter.
IN: What winter months do you know?
D: December January February.
IN: Yes, every season has its 3 months.
IN: Tell me, please, what kind of winter do we have?
D: White, fluffy, silvery, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fabulous, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, cheerful.
IN: Yes, guys, you are right, our winter is very different. She is cold, and with a thaw, with snowstorms and with a drop, with crisp snow.
IN: You know? What are the names of the paintings that depict
natural phenomena?
D: Scenery.
IN: And who draws them?
D: Painters, landscape painters
IN: Which landscape painter do you know?
D: Levitan, Shishkin, Vasnetsov.
IN: Let's see what the artist depicted and remember why we observed on a walk.
What did the artist depict?
What color paint did the artist use?
Let's try to draw a picture on a winter theme. And how we will draw it, and with what, I will tell you now. Take your seats. Today we will draw in an unusual way and with the help of semolina and cotton buds we will draw trees with a brush. Children, you already know how to draw trees.
-We will now remember together where to start drawing.
-I will start drawing from the Christmas tree, which is farther from us. With dark
with green paint I draw a contour (with the tip of a brush) after
I paint over, without leaving the contour, draw a birch with white paint. Next, take the mango. Manka miraculously looks like snow grains!
We will draw snowdrifts with glue - dip the brush in glue, and, like paint, draw snowdrifts, paths. You need to draw quickly - so that the glue does not have time to dry, because now that everything is drawn, we will take semolina in a pinch, and pour it on the glue - semolina grains will remain on the sheet exactly where the glue was. Carefully shake off the excess cereal on the newspaper . Using cotton swab, draw a snowball. First, dip the cotton swab into the water, then into the paint. We draw snowflakes.
But first, let's prepare the fingers for work.

White snowflakes swirled and swirled.
Light fluffs flew up in a white flock.
(hands up and down, moving fingers)
The evil blizzard calmed down a little - they subsided everywhere.
(hands down)
They shone like pearls - everyone marvels at the miracle.
(fingers in a pinch, unclench)
Children and old women hurried for a walk.
(fingers of one hand pass over the palm of the other)

And now let's get to work. Grab your brushes and start painting. Do not forget that you need to draw quickly so that the glue does not have time to dry. Remember how you drew trees, branches, tree crowns in previous lessons. Is your drawing ready? Take semolina and pour "snow". In the course of work, individually help children who find it difficult to do something. Children work to music.
I speak 1-2 minutes before the analysis of the lesson. - Children, our lesson is coming to an end, we will look at our work
IN: Guys, I want to finish our lesson with you with a beautiful poem by A.S. Pushkin " Winter morning":
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Snow shining in the sun lies,
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
-Children look at each other, whose work you really like and
Why? (children choose)
Selected works will take their places at the exhibition.

Non-traditional techniques: drawing on foam, rubbing paint with a crumpled napkin.

Tasks: updating the dictionary on the topic "Winter"; expand children's ideas about winter changes in wildlife and inanimate nature, consolidate ideas about the winter forest; develop the ability to replace real trees with floor models, their transformation from a simple model to a more fabulous one with the help of paints; introduce children to the technique of rubbing paint with a crumpled napkin; .

Equipment: floor models of Christmas trees, paper snowflakes, cones, napkins, brushes, gouache (blue, purple, green), milk.

Preliminary work: beauty observation winter trees, guessing riddles about winter, looking at illustrations, individual conversations about winter changes in nature, learning the poem "Snowflakes".

Lesson progress

1. Beginning of the lesson: creating an emotionally positive background.

Children enter the office, which is decorated with floor models of white Christmas trees, around animals of the same color (fox, hare) and snowmen. The defectologist teacher reads poems about winter:

Oh you, winter-winter,

All paths covered.

I ate everything

Dressed in snow.

white, fluffy,

Painted, lush.

2. The main part. The teacher-defectologist shows the children a landscape depicting a snowfall, conducts a brief conversation about the snowfall. Invites children to take paper snowflakes and imitate snowfall.

Questions for children:

What falls to the ground?

When snow falls on the ground, is it snowfall?

Where do snowflakes go?

How cute can you call them?

The teacher notes that the snow is spinning in the air, lies on the ground, on trees, on Christmas trees. Invites children to read the poem "Snowflakes" by heart.

3. Reading a poem by heart (development of the prosodic side of speech, clarity of diction, expressiveness).

Oh, fly, fly snowflakes,

White fluffs.

This is winter-winter with its sleeves.

All the snowflakes swirled

And dropped to the ground.

4. Finger gymnastics"Snowflakes" (development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement).

I stand and catch snowflakes in my palm

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm right hand.)

I love winter and snow and snowflakes.

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index, on the palm of the left hand.)

But where are the snowflakes?

(Close your fists to the question, unclench to answer.)

Water in the palm.

Where did the snowflakes go? Where?

(Clench your fists for the first question, unclench them for the second.)

Fragile ice-rays melted,

(Small shaking with relaxed palms.)

As you can see, my palms are hot.

5. Creative activity. The defectologist teacher offers children to turn white Christmas trees into magical ones. Add blue, purple and green colors to make the trees come to life.

Before work, the teacher explains and shows the methods of work, highlights the stages with precise verbal instructions. Provides practical assistance when rubbing paint with a crumpled napkin.

6. Summing up the lesson. Discussion of children's work.

7. Composition "Magic Forest". The teacher-defectologist combines the work of children into a single composition "Magic Forest". Children admire the work, celebrate the successful compositional solution transformation winter forest into magical.

Drawing lesson prepared by L. Ostapuk

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