Russian literature of the 19th century a brief description. Prose of the first quarter of the 19th century


literary school is the professional affinity of a group of writers. The authors of the Dictionary literary terms" V. Lesin and A. Pulinets understand the school as "trends, ideological and artistic features", the manner of writing, "inherent in writers who are under the significant influence of the great writer, his contemporary or predecessor. So they say about the Pushkin and Nekrasov schools in Russian classical poetry, about the Shevchenko and Frankovsk schools in ... Ukrainian literature. literary encyclopedia"(M., 1962-1978), in the "literary dictionary-reference book" (K., 1997) there are no separate articles devoted to the concept of "literary school".

Using the expression of P. Sakulin, the concept of "literary school" can be attributed to "wandering" terms. "Insufficient attention to the semantic content of the term literary school, - notes A. Savenets, - ... leads to confusion of concepts, in particular those that denote writing communities of different degrees of organization, attributing them to one paradigm."

F. Schlegel identified the literary school with style. According to him, the school is "natural uniformity of style."

A school is understood as a set of principles for recognizing and reproducing the world. By the way, this is how the method is defined.

A literary school is identified with a direction, a literary trend. In the "literary dictionary-reference book" the "lake school" is characterized as a direction, " natural school". D. Nalivaiko, highlighting the currents within romanticism, calls the "Byronic", "Hoffmann" schools. In the textbook "Theory of Literature in Connection with the Problems of Aesthetics" we read: both aesthetic and socio-political views. Such an ideological and aesthetic community is usually called a literary trend ... Literary current, which includes the closest followers of any outstanding writer commonly referred to as the literary school. its representatives are like-minded in all significant issues artistic creativity ".

Literary school is identified with a circle, literary group, grouping. The framework of the school is wider than them, but they are narrower from the concepts of "method" and "direction".

So what is a literary school? Does she have any signs? What are its relations with other writing communities? M. Sulima notes: “It is believed that one can speak of a literary school when the unity of the program-creative setting, themes, genre and style is obvious to a certain group of artists. collective publication.

Most precise definition schools are given by Yu. Kuznetsov: "A specific education in literature, a group of writers united by common style preferences, genre practice, thematic interests, issues, before aesthetic program which, projected into a new creative space, relies on a certain tradition, argues with it, rethinks it "2. The literary school is formed on the basis of stylistic similarity. It can have different time frames. "Ionian school" in Greek literature 19th century operated from the 1930s to the 1990s. A school almost always exists within one literary genre (the "Kyiv school" of poetry), but it can go beyond it (the "Zhytomyr prose school").

The school may not have known (notable) students.

Literary school sometimes focuses on creativity famous writer(T. Shevchenko, I. Franko), in this case we are talking about "Shevchenko", "Frankivsk" schools. A school can develop into a stylistic trend (Byronism), a trend (French symbolism), acquire features of a method ("natural school"), groupings ("Parnassians", "neoclassics").

A noticeable trace in Ukrainian literature was left by the "Prague school" of poets. This name belongs to the literary critic V. Derzhavin. "Prague school" he called Ukrainian poets interwar twenty years, which worked mainly in Podebrady and Prague. The Prague School is represented by E. Malanyuk, Y. Daragan, L. Mosendz, A. Stefanovich, Yuri Klen, Natalia Levitskaya-Kholodnaya, Oksana Lyaturinskaya, Y. Lipa, Elena Teliga, Oleg Olzhych, Galya Mazurenko, I. Irlyavsky, and . Ear. This school had neither a program nor a charter. The creativity of the poets of the "Prague school" is characterized by vivid "historiosophism", national pathos, strong-willed intonations, and tragic optimism. All the poets of the "Prague School" were united by the idea of ​​a national liberation struggle for the freedom and independence of Ukraine.

AT last years made the first steps towards understanding the features of the "Kyiv school" of poetry. This is the opposition wing of the sixties. The debuts of the "Kyiv school" fall in the mid-60s of the XX century, when the Khrushchev thaw, arrests of creative and scientific intelligentsia began. The "Kyiv school" of poetry is represented by V. Goloborodko, M. Vorobyov, V. Kordun, V. Ruban, M. Grigoriev, I. Semenenko, M. Rachuk, Marina Lesnaya, Alla Pavlenko, P. Marusik, M. Moskalenko. The poets of the "Kyiv school" - unlike the sixties, who sometimes flirted with the regime, wrote pro-communist poems - did not cooperate with the authorities, avoided socio-political vocabulary, ideological blindness, political engagement, tried to revive the mythopoetic consciousness, transform the ancient mythological thinking , relied on a new philosophy and psychology, activated folk poetic ideas, focused on man, nature, the universe, turned to the ancient poetic traditions, used free verse, avoided declarativeness and topicality.

Galina Karplyuk in the article " Summary posts of the Kyiv school" notes: "The" Kyiv school "of poetry can be spoken of in several aspects: as a purely poetic phenomenon, the main feature of which was the freedom of creation; as a group of young nonconformists whose life vector was the freedom of freedom in all its manifestations: as an experimental attempt to live differently from other generations, to live as if everything is happening in a free independent country; as about the brotherhood of creators, whose main and extraordinary task was poetry itself "".

In the 90s of the XX century, the "Galician (Lviv-Stanislav)" and "Kyiv-Zhytomyr" schools were declared. "Galician school" (Yu. Andrukhovych, Y. Vinnichuk, V. Eshkilev, Y. Izdryk, T. Prokhazko), according to V. Danilenko, absolutizes formalistic searches, stylization on existing literary samples, and "Zhytomyr" - on the study of existential the depths of man, the observation of love, horror, death. "N. Belotserkovets points to the cultivation of various types of heroes by these schools." The heroes of the Galician-Stanislav school are refined intellectuals, prone to contemplation. The heroes of the Kiev-Zhytomyr school are burdened with a pathological consciousness." These schools represent the modern Ukrainian poet-modern - method, direction and style. Yu. , disappear from the space of literature." Yu. Kuznetsov's opinion deserves attention.

The literary direction is an artistic method that forms the general ideological and aesthetic principles in the work of many writers at a certain stage in the development of literature. The grounds necessary to attribute the work of various authors to one literary movement:

    Following the same cultural and aesthetic traditions.

    Uniform worldview attitudes (i.e. uniformity of world outlook).

    General or related principles of creativity.

    The conditionality of creativity by the unity of the social and cultural-historical situation.

The literary movements most significant for literature include: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism.

FLOW (ARTISTIC AND LITERARY) - a poetic grouping marked by a greater or lesser unity of artistic design techniques among the writers included in it. A characteristic feature of the artistic and literary movement is its chronological limitation.

School in Literature- this is a kind of established community of writers who realized themselves, theoretically outlined their boundaries and stood out from literary process into an independent education that has its own theoretical platform, principles, program, and publications. Schools can be formed and named after the leader - the Gogol school, the Nekrasov school, and so on.

41. Stages of literary development. The emergence of artistic methods and literary movements: Renaissance realism, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, symbolism, impressionism, modernism and postmodernism.

In literary criticism, the notion that there are moments of generality (repetitiveness) in the development of literatures is rooted and is not disputed by anyone. different countries and peoples, about its single "progressive" movement in a large historical time. The stages of the literary process are habitually conceived as corresponding to those stages in the history of mankind, which manifested themselves most distinctly and fully in the countries of Western Europe and especially brightly in the Romanesque. In this regard, ancient, medieval and - literature of the New Age with their own stages stand out (following the Renaissance - baroque, classicism, the Enlightenment with its sentimentalist branch, romanticism, and finally, realism, with which modernism coexists and successfully competes in the 20th century) . Scholars have best understood the stage differences between the literatures of the New Age and the literature that preceded them. method is, first of all, an ideological concept. Therefore, the above-mentioned artistic movements (baroque, classicism, romanticism) are at the same time methods of art

Realism of the Renaissance (XIV-XVI centuries)

originated in Italy. Return on a new, higher basis to the most important features of ancient art. Renaissance realism discovered individual person and approved its power and beauty, liberated the personality, delivered a person from the fetters of medieval asceticism. In emancipation, which implemented the principle of "do what you want", was not only the strength, but also the weakness of the realism of the Renaissance, since it opened up scope for the active self-fulfillment of any inclinations of the individual: both good and evil.

    Realistic way of thinking.

    humanist position.

    Personal affirmation.


    The striving for the ideal is combined with the affirmation of everything earthly, carnal.

    Extensive use of fairy-tale elements.


Classicism Classicism is based on the ideas of rationalism, which found a vivid expression in the philosophy of Descartes. A work of art, from the point of view of classicism, should be built on the basis of strict canons, thereby revealing the harmony and logic of the universe itself. Interest for classicism is only eternal, unchanging - in each phenomenon, he seeks to recognize only essential, typological features, discarding random individual signs. The aesthetics of classicism attaches great importance to the social and educational function of art. Classicism establishes a strict hierarchy of genres, which are divided into high (ode, tragedy, epic) and low (comedy, satire, fable). Each genre has strictly defined features, mixing of which is not allowed.

As a certain direction, it was formed in France in the 17th century. French classicism asserted the personality of a person as the highest value of being, freeing him from religious and church influence. Productive creative method, it was based on the principle of "imitation of nature", which the classicists represented rationalistically harmonious and perfect (as an ideal creation of God).

This method affirmed the idea of ​​the original rationality and goodness of man, whose development depends only on good or bad education.

The artistic world created on the basis of this method seems to be harmonious, clear and didactic. The aesthetic system of classicism was a set of rules according to which works of art should be created:

- "purity of genre" and style(i.e. a strict division of genres into "high" - ode, poem, tragedy, and "low" - satire, fable, comedy);

- observance of the "three unities"(place, time and action) in drama, etc.;

- poetry should be distinguished by rigor and clarity thoughts, harmony of composition, purity of speech.

Sentimentalism(French feeling) - an artistic method that arose in England in the middle of the 18th century and became widespread ch. arr. in European literature Shzh Richardson, L. Stern - in England; Rousseau, L. S. Mercier - in France; Herder, Jean Paul - in Germany; N M. Karamzin and early V. A. Zhukovsky - in Russia). Being last step In the development of the Enlightenment, S. in its ideological content and artistic features opposed classicism. The social aspirations and moods of the democratic part of the “third estate”, its protest against feudal remnants, against increasing social inequality and the leveling of the individual in the emerging bourgeois society, found their expression in S. But these progressive tendencies of S. were significantly limited by his aesthetic credo: idealization of natural life in the bosom of nature, as free from any coercion and oppression, devoid of the vices of civilization; anti-rationalism; cult of intimate feelings.

Romanticism is an artistic method that took shape in the early 19th century. and widely used as a trend in literature and art in most European countries, Russia, and the USA. It appeared in Western Europe after the French bourgeois revolution of 1789. Romantic writers, denying reality, dreamed of a better future and called on readers to fight for the reorganization of society, the heroes of their works are rebels, fighters for justice. Often, romantics turned to the past, looking for unusual people in it, who accomplished a feat in the name of freedom. But the surrounding reality was a contrast for romantic ideas, so defenseless heroes, confused in front of the outside world, often left the pages of writers of this direction, and we see the tragedy of their destinies.

Unlike the representatives of classicism, the Romantics demanded complete freedom of creativity, stood for the use of a variety of genres, changed old genres and created new ones. The lyrical, personal beginning prevailed. The plot was based on extraordinary events, often fantastic. The author placed the characters in acute situations, where their characteristic features were revealed with particular brightness. The action was sometimes transferred to distant countries, took place in unusual, outlandish conditions. Russian romanticism, which appeared after 1812, 1825, is original and inseparable from the influence of Western romanticism.

The heroes of romanticism are passionate, restless, indomitable natures. In Europe, these are the characters of Hugo, Byron, Heine, Scott, Dumas; in Russia - Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Pushkin and others.

Aesthetic theory defines realism as an artistic method, a truthful, historically concrete reflection of reality from the standpoint of a certain aesthetic ideal. This is an artistic method that is characterized by a system of principles that allow a historically specific embodiment of an artistic concept in a work as an artistic whole. When it comes to realism as a principle of approach to the comprehension and reflection of phenomena, then it is inherent in truthfulness, historical concreteness, the reflection of typical characters in typical circumstances. The aesthetic ideal in realism as an artistic method is the result of the creative efforts of the artist, and not the starting position of creativity, as is typical for methods based on the principle of idealization of reality. (classicism, romanticism) Finally, as a historically developed community of artistic means, it is defined through the concept of the direction of art as a kind of structural unity figurative system and artistic means of displaying realism is a style.

Symbolism- one of the largest trends in art (in literature, music and painting), which arose in France in the 1870s and 80s. and the most developed turn of XIX and XX centuries, primarily in France itself, Belgium and Russia. The Symbolists radically changed not only different kinds art, but also the attitude towards it. Their experimental nature, desire for innovation, cosmopolitanism and wide range of influences have become a model for most modern trends art. Symbolists used symbolism, understatement, hints, mystery, mystery. The main mood captured by the symbolists was pessimism, reaching to despair. Everything “natural” seemed to be only “appearance”, which had no independent artistic value.

Impressionism(from impression - impression) is an art direction that originated in France in the late 1860s. Its representatives strove to capture the real world in its mobility and variability in the most natural and unbiased way, to convey their fleeting impressions, psychological nuances, the mobility and variability of the atmosphere of the surrounding world.

As an artistic method modernism(originated at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries) became a kind of denial of the traditional norms of creativity, it was the principle "on the contrary" according to realism. Modernism "decomposed" the traditional artistic image, the absolute of its individual elements: the content of the image (naturalism), its expressiveness (abstractionism), emotional richness (expressionism), ambiguity, supernaturalism (surrealism) and others. In general terms, we can say that in the interwar period, a culture focused "on the depths of individual psychology" was affirmed. This approach received its initial design primarily in the theory of culture of the founder of psychoanalysis, the Austrian 3. Freud.

Postmodernism is more of a mindset, an intellectual style. As a type of mentality, postmodernism is a hyper-reflection that arose in the conditions of a religious and philosophical vacuum, discrediting ideological concepts, total relativism, and overproduction of items of momentary consumption. As a creative setting, postmodernism shows a maximum of intellectual-playing, heuristic, reflective, destructive and a minimum of meaning-forming, ethical, aesthetic, constructive. postmodernism does not belong to the field of philosophy or history, is not associated with ideology, does not seek and does not assert any truths. Postmodernism is regarded as a reaction to the modernist cult of the new, as well as an elite reaction to mass culture, as a polycentric state of the ethical and aesthetic paradigm. Postmodernism is also seen as a reaction to the total commercialization of culture, as an opposition to official culture. The essence of postmodernism is coquetry.

Literary direction - often identified with artistic method. Designates a set of fundamental spiritual and aesthetic principles of many writers, as well as a number of groups and schools, their programmatic and aesthetic principles, and the means used. In the struggle and change of direction, the laws of the literary process are most clearly expressed. It is customary to single out the following literary trends:




Romanticism (to which some include Baroque literature)


Realism (in which Renaissance realism is distinguished, i.e. the realism of the Renaissance, enlightenment realism, i.e. Enlightenment Realism, critical realism and socialist realism).

There is no consensus on the legitimacy of highlighting other areas - such as mannerism, pre-romanticism, neoclassicism, neo-romanticism, impressionism, expressionism, modernism, and so on. The fact is that literary trends, changing, give rise to many intermediate forms that do not exist for a long time and are not of a global nature. There have been attempts to offer more universal systems division into literary trends - for example. "classic" and "romance"; or "realist" and "irrealist" literature.

Literary current

2. Literary movement - often identified with literary group and school. Denotes a collection creative people, which are characterized by ideological and artistic affinity and programmatic and aesthetic unity. Otherwise, literary movement It is a kind of literary movement.

For example, in relation to Russian romanticism, one speaks of a "philosophical", "psychological" and "civil" trend. In Russian realism, some distinguish between "psychological" and "sociological" currents.

Speech as a means of individualization of the image.

In dramatic literature, the character of the hero is revealed mainly by means of language, by means of stage speech. Therefore, such a large role in solving the problem of creating a typical character was played in creative practice by the widely and brilliantly developed method speech characteristics acting person.

Psychological analysis in literature

Paradoxically, "psychological analysis" is a concept that is not often found in the psychological literature.

Psychological analysis began its starting point long before the appearance of Freud's works, but it was in his works that it acquired a special sound, like a new birth, and entered scientific practice.

PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS - a kind of scientific analysis, similar to philosophical, mathematical, etc. characteristic feature psychological analysis is that the object of its study is mental reality, mental processes, states, properties of a person. As well as various socio-psychological phenomena that arise in groups, collectives: opinions, communication, relationships, conflicts, leadership, etc. Methodological basis psychological analysis can act philosophical systems, general scientific principles knowledge, as well as general psychological provisions about the subject, the connection between internal and external, the specificity of psychological patterns to which this or that type of activity is subject. For example, the psychological analysis of self-education involves the study of the goals, motives, methods of independent work to acquire, deepen, expand and improve knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as its features in general and special education.

Psychological analysis is an example psychological image in literature.

It consists in the fact that complex states of mind characters are decomposed into their components and thus explained, become clear to the reader. At psychological analysis third-person narrative has its advantages. This art form allows the author to lead the reader into inner world character and show it in the most detailed and deep way.

Literature lesson in grade 9 No. 1. Introduction. Literary trends, schools, movements.

to introduce students to the textbook, program and objectives of the literature course in grade 9;

generalize knowledge, expand understanding of the stages of development domestic literature;

start repeating literary types and genres, generalize and systematize what was studied in grade 8.

Type of lesson: Lecture with elements of conversation.

Teaching methods: Frontal survey, work with the textbook, abstract notes.

Theoretical and literary concepts: literary situation, historical and literary process, literary direction.

Repetition: literary genera and genres.

During the classes:

    Repetition of the past:

What is literature?

Define the concept of "literature" (the art of the word).

What classic literature? Give examples of the classics of the 18th -19th centuries.

To which literary genre and the genre includes the works of A.S. Pushkin: “ Winter morning”, “Song of prophetic Oleg”,“ The Tale of Tsar Saltan ”,“ Dubrovsky ”,“ Stationmaster»?

    Work with the textbook (part 1, pp. 3-5); write down the theses.

    The word of the teacher about the features of the teaching materials of S.A. Zimin.

What's new in the content of the textbook?

On what basis is it located educational material? (chronology)

What writers and genres are you interested in?

    Lecture. Recording of abstracts and definitions.

4.1.Historical and literary process

***Historical and literary process - a set of generally significant changes in the literature. Literature is constantly evolving. Each era enriches art with some new artistic discoveries.

The development of the literary process is determined by the following artistic systems: creative method, style, genre, literary trends and currents.

The continuous change of literature is an obvious fact, but significant changes do not occur every year, not even every decade. As a rule, they are associated with serious historical shifts (change historical eras and periods, wars, revolutions associated with the entry into the historical arena of new social forces, etc.).

*** Can be distinguished main steps development of European art, which determined the specifics of the historical and literary process: antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

*** The development of the historical and literary process is due to a number of factors, among which, first of all, it should be noted historical situation (socio-political system, ideology, etc.), influence of previous literary traditions and artistic experience other nations . For example, Pushkin's work was seriously influenced by the work of his predecessors not only in Russian literature (Derzhavin, Batyushkov, Zhukovsky and others), but also in European literature (Voltaire, Rousseau, Byron and others).

literary process - it is a complex system of literary interactions. It represents the formation, functioning and change of various literary trends and trends.

*** Literary direction- stable and recurring in a given period historical development literature, the range of the main features of creativity, expressed in the nature of the selection of phenomena of reality and in the principles of choice of means that correspond to it artistic image by a number of writers.

4.2. Literary movements: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism (symbolism, acmeism, futurism), postmodernism

Classicism (from lat. classicus - exemplary) - artistic direction in European art turn of XVII-XVIII - early XIX century, formed in France in late XVII century. Classicism asserted the primacy of state interests over personal interests, the predominance of civil, patriotic motives, the cult of moral duty. The aesthetics of classicism is characterized by rigor art forms: compositional unity, normative style and plots. Representatives of Russian classicism: Kantemir, Trediakovsky, Lomonosov, Sumarokov, D.I. Fonvizin and others.

Main conflict classic works is the struggle of the hero between reason and feeling. At the same time, the positive hero must always make a choice in favor of the mind (for example, choosing between love and the need to completely surrender to the service of the state, he must choose the latter), and the negative one - in favor of feelings.

The same can be said about genre system. All genres were divided into high (ode, epic poem, tragedy) and low (comedy, fable, epigram, satire).

Special rules existed for dramatic works. They had to observe three "unities" - places, times and actions. the purity of the genre high genres funny or everyday situations and heroes could not be depicted, and in low ones - tragic and sublime);

purity of the language (in high genres - high vocabulary, in low genres - vernacular);

Strict division of heroes into positive and negative, while goodies, choosing between feeling and reason, give preference to the latter;

Compliance with the rule of "three unities";

· affirmation of positive values ​​and state ideal.

Sentimentalism (from English sentimental - sensitive, from French sentiment - feeling) - the literary movement of the second half of the 18th century, which replaced classicism. Sentimentalists proclaimed the primacy of feeling, not reason. Unlike the classicists, sentimentalists believe highest value not a state, but a person. Heroes in their works are clearly divided into positive and negative. The positive ones are endowed with natural sensitivity (sympathetic, kind, compassionate, capable of self-sacrifice). Negative - prudent, selfish, arrogant, cruel. In Russia, sentimentalism originated in the 1760s ( the best representatives- Radishchev and Karamzin). As a rule, in the works of Russian sentimentalism, the conflict develops between a serf and a serf landowner, and the moral superiority of the former is persistently emphasized.

Romanticism - - artistic direction in European and American culture late XVIII-- first half of XIX century. Romanticism arose in the 1790s, first in Germany, and then spread throughout Western Europe.

All romantics reject the world, hence their romantic escape from existing life and the search for an ideal outside of it. This gave rise to the emergence of a romantic dual world.

Rejection, denial of reality determined the specifics of the romantic hero. He is in hostile relations with the surrounding society, opposed to it. This is an unusual person, restless, most often lonely and with tragic fate. romantic hero- the embodiment of a romantic rebellion against reality.

Realism (from the Latin realis - material, real) - a literary movement that embodied the principles of a life-truthful attitude to reality, striving for artistic knowledge of man and the world.

Realist writers showed a direct dependence of social, moral, religious beliefs heroes from social conditions, great attention devoted to the social aspect. Central problem realism -- the ratio of plausibility and artistic truth.

Realist writers create new types of heroes: the type " little man"(Vyrin, Bashmachkin, Marmeladov, Devushkin), type" extra person"(Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin, Oblomov), the type of a "new" hero (nihilist Bazarov in Turgenev, "new people" Chernyshevsky).

Modernism (from the French modern - the latest, modern) philosophical and aesthetic movement in literature and art that arose on turn of the XIX--XX centuries.

Symbolism, acmeism and futurism became the most striking and significant trends in Russian modernism.

Symbolism - - a non-realistic trend in art and literature of the 1870s-1920s, focused mainly on artistic expression with the help of a symbol of intuitively comprehended essences and ideas. Symbolism made itself known in France in the 1860s-1870s.

Symbolism was the first to put forward the idea of ​​creating art free from the task of depicting reality. Symbolists argued that the purpose of art is not in the image real world, which they considered secondary, but in the transmission of "higher reality". They intended to achieve this with the help of a symbol. A symbol is an expression of the poet's supersensible intuition, to whom, in moments of insight, true essence of things. Symbolists developed a new poetic language, not directly naming the subject, but hinting at its content through allegory, musicality, colors, free verse.

The image-symbol is fundamentally polysemantic and contains the prospect of an unlimited deployment of meanings.

Acmeism (from Greek akme -- highest degree something, blooming power, peak) is a modernist literary trend in Russian poetry of the 1910s. Representatives: S. Gorodetsky, early A. Akhmatova, L. Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam. The term "acmeism" belongs to Gumilyov.

Acmeists proclaimed the liberation of poetry from symbolist impulses to the ideal, from the ambiguity and fluidity of images, complicated metaphor; talked about the need to return to material world, subject, exact value the words.

Futurism - one of the main avant-garde trends (avant-garde - extreme manifestation modernism) in European art at the beginning of the 20th century, which was most developed in Italy and Russia.

The Futurists wrote in the name of the man of the crowd. At the heart of this movement was the feeling of "the inevitability of the collapse of the old" (Mayakovsky), the awareness of the birth of a "new humanity". Artistic creativity, according to the Futurists, should not be an imitation, but a continuation of nature, which through the creative will of man creates "a new world, today's, iron ..." (Malevich). This is the reason for the desire to destroy the "old" form, the desire for contrasts, the attraction to colloquial speech. Relying on living colloquial, futurists were engaged in "word-creation" (created neologisms). Their works were distinguished by complex semantic and compositional shifts - a contrast between the comic and the tragic, fantasy and lyrics.

POSTMODERNISM - a literary movement that replaced modernity and differs from it not so much in originality as in the variety of elements, quotation, immersion in culture, reflecting complexity, randomness, modern world; the "spirit of literature" of the late 20th century; world war literature scientific and technological revolution and information explosion.

5. The results of the lesson. What is the strength and potential of literature? Why is reading books so rare these days? Try to evaluate this situation.

6. Homework :

1.p.6-9 (to write out theses. The specifics of Old Russian literature);

Literary direction - often identified with the artistic method. Denotes a set of fundamental spiritual and aesthetic principles of many writers, as well as a number of groups and schools, their programmatic aesthetic attitudes, and the means used. In the struggle and change of direction, the laws of the literary process are most clearly expressed. It is customary to single out the following literary directions:
Symbolism (fr.) is one of the largest trends in art (in literature, music and painting), which arose in France in the 1870s and 80s. and reached greatest development at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily in France itself, Belgium and Russia. The Symbolists radically changed not only various types of art, but also the very attitude towards it. Their experimental nature, desire for innovation, cosmopolitanism and a wide range of influences have become a model for most contemporary art movements.

Acmeism (from Greek - “highest degree, peak, flowering, flowering time”) is a literary movement that opposes symbolism and arose at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia. Acmeists proclaimed materiality, objectivity of themes and images, the accuracy of the word.
The formation of acmeism is closely connected with the activities of the "Workshop of poets", central figure which was the organizer of acmeism N. S. Gumilyov.
The term "acmeism" was proposed in 1912 by N. Gumilyov and S. M. Gorodetsky: in their opinion, the symbolism that is in crisis is being replaced by a direction that generalizes the experience of predecessors and takes the poet to new heights creative achievements.
Futurism. The author of the word and the founder of the direction is the Italian poet Filippo Marinetti (the poem "Red Sugar"). The name itself implies a cult of the future and discrimination of the past along with the present. Futurism can be viewed as a kind of fusion of Nietzscheanism and the manifesto of the communist party. The dynamics of movement should replace the static of posing sculptures, paintings and portraits. The camera and the movie camera will replace the imperfection of painting and the eye.

Literary current- often identified with a literary group and school. Denotes a set of creative individuals who are characterized by ideological and artistic proximity and program-aesthetic unity. Otherwise, a literary movement is a kind of literary movement.

Postmodernism(fr. postmodernisme - after modernism) - a term denoting structurally similar phenomena in the world public life and culture of the second half of the 20th century. The origin of postmodernism is the 60s - 70s, connected and logically follows from the processes of Modernism as a reaction to the crisis of its ideas, as well as to the so-called death of foundations: God (Nietzsche), author (Bart), man (humanities). The term appears during the First World War in the work of R. Panwitz “Crisis European culture» (1914). In 1934, in his book An Anthology of Spanish and Latin American Poetry, the literary critic F. de Onis uses it to denote a reaction to modernism.

Expressionism(from lat. expressio, "expression") - avant-garde movement in European art, developed at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, characterized by a tendency to express the emotional characteristics of the image (s) (usually a person or group of people) or the emotional state of the artist himself. Expressionism is represented in a variety of art forms, including painting, literature, theatre, cinema, architecture, and music.

Decadence (decadence)

Decadence (from late Latin - decline) is the general name for the crisis phenomena of European culture of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, marked by moods of hopelessness, rejection of life, and tendencies of individualism. A complex and contradictory phenomenon, has a source of crisis public consciousness, the confusion of many artists before the sharp social antagonisms of reality. Art's rejection of political and civic themes was considered by decadent artists to be a manifestation and an indispensable condition for freedom of creativity. Constant themes are the motives of non-existence and death, longing for spiritual values ​​and ideals.

Avant-garde (fr. Avant-garde, “advanced detachment”) is a generalized name for the trends in European art that arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, expressed in a polemical-combat form (hence the name itself, taken from the military-political vocabulary). Its time frame is considered to be the period from 1870 to 1938 [source not specified 167 days]. The avant-garde is characterized by an experimental approach to artistic creation that goes beyond classical aesthetics, using original, innovative means of expression, emphasized by symbolism. artistic images.
The concept of avant-garde is largely eclectical in its essence. This term refers to a number of schools and trends in art, sometimes having a diametrically opposed ideological basis.

Modernism (Italian modernismo - “modern trend”; from Latin modernus - “modern, recent”) is a trend in art and literature of the 20th century, characterized by a break with the previous historical experience artistic creativity, the desire to establish new non-traditional beginnings in art, the continuous renewal of artistic forms, as well as the conventionality (schematization, abstraction) of style. The modernist paradigm was one of the leading Western civilization the first half of the 20th century; in the second half of the century, it was subjected to extensive criticism. The term "modernism" is inherent only in the domestic art history school, in Western sources it is the term "modern". Since in Russian aesthetics "modern" means art style, preceding modernism, it is necessary to distinguish between these two concepts in order to avoid confusion.

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