Russian classical writers. Russian classical prose


All the romantic pathos that shrouded the Middle Ages is presented in Ivanhoe. Valiant Knights, lovely ladies, castle sieges and the political subtleties of vassal relations - all this found a place in the novel by Walter Scott.

In many ways, it was his creation that contributed to the romanticization of the Middle Ages. The author described historical events, which cover the period in English history after the Third crusade. Of course, there were some serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this made the story only more exciting and beautiful.

It was impossible not to include in this selection the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of "Dead Souls" is the highlight of the literature lessons.

Nikolai Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of petty-bourgeois life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic heaviness of Tolstoy, nor the unhealthy psychologism of Dostoevsky. Reading is easy and enjoyable. However, hardly anyone will deny him the depth and subtlety of the observed phenomena.

The adventure novel "The Headless Horseman" is multi-layered: detective and love motives are intertwined in it. Plot intricacies create intrigue and keep in suspense until the very last pages books. Who is this headless horseman? A ghost, a figment of the heroes' imagination, or someone's insidious trick? You are unlikely to fall asleep until you get an answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular during his lifetime. People were waiting for him following novels about the same as we are now waiting for the release of some "Transformers". The educated English public loved his books for inimitable style and story dynamics.

"Death notes Pickwick Club» - the most funny work Dickens. The adventures of English snobs who proclaimed themselves explorers human souls are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, is present here, but it is presented in such a simple form that one cannot fall in love with English classic after reading it is simply impossible.

Madame Bovary is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels of the world classics. This title does not detract from the fascination of Flaubert's creation - the defiant story of Emma Bovary's love adventures is bold and daring. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to trial for insulting morality.

The psychological naturalism that permeates the novel allowed Flaubert to clearly reveal the problem that is relevant in any era - the convertibility of love and money.

The most famous work of Oscar Wilde touches the nerve with a deeply developed image of the protagonist. Dorian Gray, an aesthete and a snob, has an extreme beauty that contrasts with the internal ugliness that develops over the course of the story. You can revel in watching Gray's moral decline, allegorically reflected in the visual change in his portrait, for hours on end.

"American tragedy" - the wrong side american dream. The desire for wealth, respect, position in society, money is characteristic of all people, however, for the majority, the path to the top is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a native of the grassroots, who is trying with all his might to break into high society. He is ready to do anything for his dreams. But society, with its ideals of success as an absolute life purpose is itself a catalyst for the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law in order to achieve his goals.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel. Harper Lee described her childhood memories. The result is a story with an anti-racist message, written in a simple and in plain language. Reading the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, a continuation of the novel was published under the title " Go set a watchman". It's got so much inside out characters. classical work writers that cognitive dissonance when reading cannot be avoided.

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One can only guess to what level the outstanding Russian writers of the classics raised our culture, here the facts speak better than us. Museums, libraries, metro stations, squares, schools and streets in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are named after many of them. The works of Russian classics are popular all over the world, they are perceived and loved not only by Russians, but also by foreigners. Significant contribution to development Russian state also introduced the classics of Russian civil law, which can be called the classics of the domestic civil law 19th and 20th centuries. Among them are V.P. Gribanov, L.A. Lunts, G.F. Shershenevich, DI. Meyer, K.P. Pobedonostsev, O.S. Ioffe and others.

List of Russian classic writers

Books appeal to reflection, nurture independence of judgment, strengthen the power of the reader and give birth to a dream:

  • A.A. Block.
  • A.I. Kuprin.
  • A.N. Ostrovsky.
  • A.P. Chekhov. Anton Chekhov's masterpieces describing everyday life, continue to cause delight and peace. His famous plays do not lose their relevance today, they continue to go on the stage of theaters.
  • A.S. Griboyedov.
  • A.S. Green. I would like to note the works of Green, which tells about the romantic sublime love for beautiful women, about true and strong friendship. His books radiate light, they are marked by subtle sadness, purity and chastity. Green worked the Miracle in his imagination, unable to find it in life.
  • A.S. Pushkin. The genius Alexander Pushkin lit the way for subsequent generations for centuries to come. Through his works, the reader perceives the diversity and wisdom of this world.

  • V.V. Mayakovsky.
  • DI. Fonvizin.
  • I.A. Bunin.
  • I.A. Goncharov.
  • I.S. Turgenev. He wrote many novels, short stories and plays, short stories, multiplying and enriching world literature.
  • K.M. Stanyukovich. The works of Konstantin Stanyukovich are also peculiar, who, at the insistence of his father, chose the career of a military sailor, setting off on a round-the-world voyage. The writer has seen a lot, he was promoted to midshipmen, had a fever. His eventful life was reflected in his work, most of his works describe the life of the navy.
  • L. N. Tolstoy. raised Russian literature to the highest level writer Leo Tolstoy, who is read by the whole world. An original person, with a huge charge of energy, extremely versatile, he was able to express in his works the whole depth and beauty of his own worldview.
  • M. A. Bulgakov.
  • M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.
  • M.I. Sholokhov.
  • M. Yu. Lermontov.
  • Maksim Gorky. He went through a difficult life path He has seen a lot in his lifetime. From his works, which describe the real, "uncovered" life of people, it breathes with strength and vital truth.
  • N. V. Gogol. Great power, sometimes even mystical, and beauty are endowed with the works of Nikolai Gogol, a writer who entered the treasury of the world classical literature.
  • N. A. Nekrasov.
  • N. G. Chernyshevsky.
  • N. M. Karamzin.
  • N. S. Leskov. He is the author of the works "Lefty", "Damn's Dolls", "Unbaptized Pop", "The Life of a Woman", is considered the most national author of Russia, the most Russian writer.
  • S.A. Yesenin.
  • F.I. Tyutchev.
  • F.M. Dostoevsky. Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the most famous and important writers Russia, one of the most respected Russian authors in the world.

The list of writers of the classics of Russian literature is not limited to these most sought-after authors of works. Each of us can discover new books throughout our lives, which the classics of Russian literature have given us.

The best books of Russian classics

Russian classics teach us about life and wisdom. Educated, in the full sense of the word, can only be considered a person who knows classical literature. For each of us there is a list of works, which includes the best books of Russian classics. We all love them, appreciate them, re-read them repeatedly.

Most popular books Russian classics:

  • F. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov". The work is one of the most complex and ambiguous in the writer's work. The book is considered one of the best, where the theme of the original Russian soul is revealed. In the West, this work is given special attention. It's emotional, deep philosophical work about the eternal struggle, compassion, sin, about that ingot of conflicting feelings that embraces the human soul.
  • F. Dostoevsky "The Idiot". This work is considered the most unsolved novel of the great writer. Prince Myshkin, main character books - a person who embodies Christian virtue, spent a significant part of his life in solitude, and then decided to go out into the world. Faced with greed, deceit, cruelty, he loses his bearings, and the environment calls him an idiot.
  • L. Tolstoy "War and Peace". An epic novel that describes the life of the Russian nobility and the war with Napoleon, which is reflected in the relationship between the events of peaceful life and military operations. This is one of outstanding books world literature, it belongs to the treasury of eternal classics. It describes by the hand of a great master such opposite directions, gathered into a unity human life such as love and betrayal, life and death, peace and war.
  • L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". The novel describes love married woman, Anna Karenina, to the handsome officer Vronsky, which ended in tragedy. This is the greatest masterpiece, the theme of which is relevant to this day. "Anna Karenina" is a deep, complex, psychologically refined narrative, full of authenticity and drama, which women love to read.

  • M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". This kind of brilliant novel has no analogues. Bulgakov wrote his work for 11 years. However, during his lifetime, the writer never saw it published. This is mystical enigmatic work Russian literature. The book has world fame: many readers from all over the world want to comprehend its secret.
  • N. Gogol " Dead Souls". The immortal work of the author about human weaknesses, pettiness, cunning, shows the nooks and crannies of human nature. Under " Dead souls"imply not only those that were redeemed main character works, but also the souls of those living people who groan under the burden of their petty interests, without realizing it.

Enjoy the great works of the classics, rejoice with their heroes, empathize with them, these books contain great power life.

Classics in the Russian province

Russia belongs to one of the most reading countries in the world. Today, books are being replaced by the Internet, television, computer games to the 2nd plan. Literary action called "Classics in Russian province”, was held on June 1, covering the cities of the Association of Small tourist cities. The event was conceived to preserve the value of literature. The campaign started in 2014. Then, in June last year, in the city of Myshkin, one could observe an amazing living picture: in the merchant's estate of T.V. Chistov, ladies dressed in 19th century outfits walked slowly, like a lord. The summer breeze played with their curls, and the gentlemen, having drawn themselves up, paced along the old pavement. played classical music, against which the poems of A.S. Pushkin sounded unusually beautiful. So charmingly began the festival in June 2014. Thus, the classics resounded with their unceasing voice in the Russian provinces.

June 2015 continues this wonderful tradition by holding a literary action for the 2nd time. Its participants, like last year, read into the microphone for several hours excerpts from works of Russian classical literature. In honor of the anniversary of the Victory, the audience heard the work "Vasily Terkin" by A. Tvardovsky, which was included in the program of the event.

The action in the city of Azov was held at 3 city sites. In Kungur, excerpts from classical literature were heard in all city libraries. In Uglich, the action took place on the main city square, Uspenskaya. The participants of the holiday read the works of M. Chekhov and O. Bergholz. In general, the number of people participating in the literary event reached 3 thousand people. In Guryevsk, book exhibitions were installed on the main square and in the Park of Culture and Leisure, where the event was held.

IN total, the literary action lasted about 5 hours, nourishing the participants with the depth and beauty of classical works.

And which Russian classic writers do you prefer? Whose books do you read? Tell about it in

(ratings: 31 , average: 4,26 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are unusual, amaze with sincerity and vitality.

Main actor- soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the traits of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flatly, but multifaceted. They wrote about the life of not random destinies, but expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great gifts. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference books of Russian classics - ridiculing the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Books like this always touch my heart.

Here you can find the best works of classical literature. You can download Russian classic books for free or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention 100 best books Russian classics. IN full list The books include the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that has collected best work great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they aspired to, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure a soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most notable works Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from school bench. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, and this requires wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete and can be continued indefinitely. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoyed our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but something not. Great opportunity to make your own personal list books, your top, which you would like to read.

Many of us from school have remained convinced that, for the most part, Russian classics are a rather boring and unthinkably drawn-out work for several hundred pages about the hardships of life, mental suffering and the philosophical searches of the main characters. We have collected Russian classics that are impossible not to read to the end.

Anatoly Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night"

“A golden cloud spent the night” by Anatoly Pristavkin- a story that is piercing in its tragedy, which happened to the orphans, twin brothers Sasha and Kolka Kuzmin, who were evacuated along with the rest of the pupils orphanage during the war in the Caucasus. Here it was decided to establish a labor colony for land development. Children turn out to be innocent victims of the government's policy towards the peoples of the Caucasus. This is one of the most powerful and honest stories about war orphans and deportation. Caucasian peoples. “A golden cloud spent the night” has been translated into 30 languages ​​of the world and is rightfully one of the the best works Russian classics. 10th place in our rating.

Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

Novel Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago", which brought him world fame and the Nobel Prize - in 9th place in the list of the best works of Russian classics. For his novel, Pasternak was sharply criticized by representatives of the official literary world countries. The manuscript of the book was banned for publication, and the writer himself, under pressure, was forced to refuse to present the prestigious award. After the death of Pasternak, she was transferred to his son.

Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

In terms of the scale and scope of the period of life of the main characters described in it, it can be compared with Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace". This is an epic story about the life and fate of the representatives of the Don Cossacks. The novel covers three most difficult eras of the country: the first world war, the revolution of 1917 and civil war. What happened in the soul of people in those days, what reasons made them stand up different sides barricades of relatives and friends? The writer tries to answer these questions in one of the best works of Russian classical literature. "Quiet Don" - on the 8th place in our rating.

Stories by Anton Chekhov

The universally recognized classic of Russian literature, occupy 7th place in our list. One of the most famous playwrights in the world, wrote more than 300 works different genre He passed away very early, at the age of 44. Chekhov's stories, ironic, funny and eccentric, reflected the realities of life of that era. They have not lost their relevance even now. Feature of it short works- do not answer questions, but ask them to the reader.

I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs"

The novels of writers with a wonderful sense of humor I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" take 6th place among the best works of Russian classics. After reading them, every reader will understand that classical literature is not only interesting and exciting, but also funny. The adventures of the great strategist Ostap Bender, the protagonist of the books by Ilf and Petrov, will not leave anyone indifferent. Immediately after the first publication, the works of writers were ambiguously perceived in literary circles. But time has shown their artistic value.

In fifth place in our ranking of the best works of Russian classics - The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It's not only great romance about one of the most difficult and terrible periods in the history of the country - repressions in the USSR, but also autobiographical work based on personal experience the author, as well as letters and memoirs of more than two hundred prisoners of the camps. The release of the novel in the West was accompanied by loud scandal and persecution deployed against Solzhenitsyn and other dissidents. The publication of The Gulag Archipelago became possible in the USSR only in 1990. The novel is one of best books of the century.

Nikolai Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a universally recognized classic of world significance. The novel "Dead Souls" is considered the crown of his work, the second volume of which was destroyed by the author himself. But our rating of the best works of Russian classics included the first book Gogol - "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". It is hard to believe that the stories included in the book and written with sparkling humor were practically the first experience in Gogol's writing. A flattering review of the work was left by Pushkin, who was sincerely amazed and fascinated by Gogol's stories, written by a living, poetic language without pretentiousness and stiffness.

The events described in the book take place in different time periods: in XVII, XVIII XIX centuries.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky ranks third in the list of the best works of Russian classics. He got the status cult book world importance. This is one of the most frequently filmed books. This is not only a deeply philosophical work in which the author poses to readers the problems of moral responsibility, good and evil, but also a psychological drama and fascinating detective. The author shows the reader the process of transforming a talented and respectable young man into a killer. He is no less interested in the possibility of Raskolnikov's atonement for guilt.

Great epic novel Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", the volume of which terrifies schoolchildren for many decades, is actually very interesting. It covers the period of several military campaigns against France, the strongest at that time, led by Napoleon Bonaparte. This is one of the brightest examples of the best works of not only Russian, but also world classics. The novel is recognized as one of the most epic works in world literature. Here every reader will find his favorite topic: love, war, courage.

Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Topping our list of best classics is the marvelous novel. The author never lived to see the publication of his book - it was published 30 years after his death.

Master and Margarita - so complex work that not a single attempt to film the novel failed. The figures of Woland, the Master and Margarita require filigree accuracy in the transfer of their images. To achieve this, unfortunately, not a single actor has yet succeeded. The film adaptation of the novel by director Vladimir Bortko can be considered the most successful.

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