Who is Vladislav Ramm dating now? The soloist fired from MBAND changed his wife to Misha


The ex-star of the pop group Mbend Vladislav Ramm denied rumors about the decline of his solo career, the singer's biography will continue on stage. More recently, Konstantin Meladze and Ramm got into a terrible scandal. At the end of the quarrel, Vlad slammed the door loudly, leaving the popular project.

For two years, the singer's career was in limbo. And here in the means mass media leaked information about the return of the singer. Did the former producer forgive Vlad? Or found a loophole in the contract? It is not known, but the journalists found out that it will appear soon new project, where Ramm will sing a duet with the golden child backstage. Many are sure that the scandal with the singer was conceived for the sake of this duet.

Vladislav Ramm is a closed person, information about his family is collected bit by bit. Why his inner circle is so closed is unknown. But Vlad Ramm does not hide his novels in his biography.

The childhood and youth of the singer

As the sensational performer himself says, he spent his childhood in the capital of the Kemerovo region. The Siberian wilderness could not hide young talent. Creative skills in the child was developed by his mother, serving musical theater. According to some reports, Vlad's mother's name is Alena. There is also practically no information about the father, only the name is clear from the patronymic of the singer - Alexei.

Vlad respects his father and in interviews often says that it was his father who instilled in him volitional qualities. Male upbringing was not in vain, and Ramm does not throw words into the wind, clearly moving towards the goal, fulfilling his plan.

Little Vlad bore the surname Ivanov and dreamed of fame. His studies took place at Lyceum No. 89 in Kemerovo. Paying little attention to school, the future singer diligently studied music. And by the age of 18 he had achieved real success. Stubbornly moving towards the goal and acquiring an unthinkable number of tattoos along the way, the young man was able to break through a lot to the casting of Konstantin Meladze.

Before the casting, Ramm managed to enter the theater college of Oleg Tabakov. But the vicissitudes of life forced him to drop out of school. After all, there the dream of all the girls was broken by one of the classmates.

Project "I want to Meladze"

Ramm can not be denied originality, having made his way to the casting, he managed to catch the wife of the chief producer Vera Brezhneva. Down to her feet balloons. There was no limit to the amazement of the presenter, and he immediately became the favorite of the project.

The jury did not leave indifferent the vocal data, which unanimously let Vlad go first to the first round, and then to the final of the show.

During the project, the young talent never ceased to intrigue and puzzle the public. As it turned out, Prince Charming had already become king. It turned out that attractive guy already married, and this is only 18 years old.

Fans of such projects have not seen such a heat of passion for a long time. The outrageous performer turned out to be an anemone, started an affair with a dancer in a ballet show, and openly met with her. The whole life of Vladislav Ramm is covered with a veil of secrecy. His constant omissions give rise to various rumors.

In the final, the audience was again in for a scandal. He publicly confessed to his wife of infidelity, but she did not stand aside either, stunned by the news of her pregnancy. The famously twisted melodrama gave positive results, the performer became a finalist and got into the MBAND group, for which the whole show was actually created.

Soloist of MBAND

Now with the prefix ex. Having won the final of the “I want to Meladze” project, Vlad Ramm was able to achieve incredible popularity. Every young girl in our country dreams of meeting him. The songs of the group, of which Ramm was the soloist, are heard by all young people and even older people listen to his romantic singing.

The group's first hit is still one of the most popular. The composition "She will return" was presented in 2014 on November 24. Many fans identified the hit that was gaining momentum with Vlad's personal drama.

The Mband group took Vlad to new level. Together with the team, he began to gain personal popularity by performing as part of the group in the "Big Love Show2015". The producer and participants do not hide the fact that she has become the Russian analogue of the famous Irish band.

But in the same year, Ramm's fate gave another unexpected turn. Before the new year 2016, unsuspecting fans learned about Vladislav Ramm's departure from the MBAND team. Everything happened unexpectedly, information was posted on the contact page that Ramm was expelled from the group due to professional unsuitability.

In an interview, the producer of the group and the rest of the participant stated about the betrayal and unworthy behavior of the singer. It is known that Ramm was often late for serious events. He also communicated with the guys incorrectly. Although on one of the radio broadcasts, when the presenter asked him about his attitude to the mat, Ramm said "I have nothing to do with him and do not often use him in my speech."

The popularity of the singer is largely justified by his mystery. Despite open and, at times, shocking statements, they are usually not confirmed by anything. So Meladze declares betrayal, to which the ex-soloist replies with extremely flattering reviews about former producer. For example, in an interview for MUZ TV, Ramm spoke very loyally about his former producer, and spoke about the hope of a solo career.

It has already become clear to everyone that he does nothing just like that, and if he talks about solo career then most likely he will have it. But it is not known how he will do this, the offended Konstantin Meladze made demands under the contract. They say that the soloist does not have the right to solo performances until 2021, but can pay a penalty and continue to perform.

Where the truth in the dispute is still no one knows. The remaining soloists chuckle at Ramm, after his touching appeal on Instagram. There, he said goodbye to fans as the lead singer of the group and promised to return soon with a solo performance.

After a speech in the Kremlin, MBAND members spoke about their attitude to Vlad's act, calling him a weakling and a "starred" traitor. They also doubted the promise of the ex-soloist to return in a different format. But contrary to expectations, the group did not begin to get a new member. What this is connected with is not clear.

Assumptions about the departure of Vlad Ramm from MBAND

The first assumption at the time of the publicity of Ramm's departure from the group was a PR move. Many fans believed in a quick return, after the release of the film being shot, where the team played in in full force. But to everyone's disappointment, the released film did not make the ex-soloist return.

The performer himself spoke of his departure as a fait accompli. The impossibility of self-expression put pressure on him and became a decisive factor in leaving the group. Vladislav Ramm argued about independent solution, but on his page on the social network he left a double message. In which it was said about a certain duplicity of his environment and that he was glad to finally remove all the masks and dot the “and”. However, he declined to comment on his post. Leaving fans to figure out the rest for themselves.

Fans also put forward their assumptions. There was even talk that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his idol Zayn Malik, a British singer-songwriter.

The most likely is the assumption about the reason for leaving, a misunderstanding on the part of the other members of the team and the producer.

Already the field of Ramm's exclusion from the pop group, came out on the wide screen Feature Film about MBAND. At the time of filming, there were statements from the then soloist that he was more of an actor than a singer. And he got on the stage by accident, after he dropped out of college. Oleg Tabakov.

A musical comedy called "Fix Everything" tells about a pop group that owes a debt to "Star" (Nikolai Baskov). Young people go through many tests, both moral and physical, and manage to get out of a difficult situation without soiling their dignity. As expected, the film ended with a happy ending for everyone. It is noteworthy that this time Vlad used the name Demyanenko for the credits.

Personal life of Vlad Ramm

The romantic pop singer deliberately puts his personal life on display. IN different time his pages in in social networks photographs with famous representatives of the fair sex are full of. However, he does not give any real confirmation of his novels.

So, having announced the presence of a wife, there was no supporting data on the registration of marriage, and subsequently, its dissolution.

Ramm's "wife" Muscovite Veronika Generalova reportedly gave birth to a child by him after he publicly confessed to infidelity. Vlad is such a secretive character that sometimes it seems unreal. Even the paparazzi can't film him with his family. And all the unexpected shootings do not seem so unexpected. Even on the Internet there is not one joint photography Ranma with his phantom child, which is rather strange.

During the show “I want to Meladze”, he tried to build a relationship with a dancer, about whose affair he confessed to his wife. But these relationships, most likely, were needed only to raise the rating. As Ramm later stated, he deliberately created intrigue around himself and divorce was its apotheosis.

Most likely, his second novel also served to maintain popularity. With a member of the group "VIAGRA" Misha Romanova. which was confirmed by joint vacation, as well as photos published on the network. Unfortunately, it is not known on what note their relationship remained after the breakup and the departure of the singer from the MBAND group. To date, information about new girlfriend No. Anyway, there's another rumor, oh gay outrageous artist. There was talk of a tender relationship between Vlad and another MBAND soloist. But this is not the first "duck", with the help of which performers raise their ratings.

Further creative destiny

Immediately after the break with the MBAND group, Vladislav Ramm made statements about famous producers who offered him cooperation. So, in particular, Igor Matvienko was mentioned in an interview for MUZ TV. But, according to the singer, he is no longer interested in producer custody, for this he left the composition popular group to be able to express themselves.

Another loud statement has not been confirmed. The artist told reporters by phone that he intends to sue Konstantin Meladze, with a lawsuit to lift the ban on his solo career. In the same statement, he agreed to pay a penalty and peacefully part with such a master as Meladze.

For a year of free swimming, the singer was able to record a whole album called "#First". The album contains 13 compositions, performed in the usual manner for modern popular culture. The composition “#First” is the most different from the usual songs for Ramm; it is distinguished by the almost absence of sounds.

The sound range consists of almost individual electronic sounds, slightly reminiscent of a melody. And the words of the song are not sung, but mostly read as in a turnip. The released song immediately took a leading position in IOS and Android media players.

As the performer himself admits, it struck him on the spot. Vlad says that now he has an incentive to move on, with the blessing of his fans. Adding that he finally achieved his goal.

And really not in vain, having managed to record an album in a year and release it in a mobile form, the singer also established other contacts. More recently, Internet news channels began to be full of messages about future cooperation as a fait accompli. It is said that Yana Rudkovskaya is negotiating with Meladze about the possibility of transferring production rights to her.

Did Ramm's statements turn out to be ambiguous again? So far, it is only known for sure that the son of Rudkovskaya, Nikolai Baturin, together with Vladislav, recorded the composition “Enough of the Spirit”. And they even planned to shoot a video. The song was released in January 2017.

It is known that photos and videos began to appear on his pages on the network. ex-husband Rudkovskaya. What is it for? Maybe the singer will again make a loud statement? So far, judging by the same sources, he is actively recording new album and meet his fans. We are waiting for the next performance of Vladislav Ramm.

Being one of the most bright participants boy group MBAND, Vlad Ramm, of course, was wildly popular among the girlish audience. However, it seems that the artist does not have long to break the hearts of the beautiful half of humanity from the stage, because, judging by the news feed of the first half of November, he will no longer sing as part of a popular group. It is not known what exactly Vlad Ramm caused the wrath of the omnipotent producer of the team Konstantin Meladze, however, in his decision not to allow the guy to the stage anymore, he is absolutely adamant. Be that as it may, but it is difficult not to recognize the fact that in addition to his beauty and brightness, this member was also the most scandalous in the group. What is the story worth wife of Vlad Ramm Veronica left by him for the stage?

This story is still actively discussed on social networks by the artist's fans. Of course, many do not want to believe that their idol is capable of such meanness as leaving a pregnant wife, and even in public. Nevertheless, there are those who in every way confirm the authenticity of all the facts. Apparently, the recognition of Vlad Ramm himself, made literally at the beginning of the year in big interview. Judging by the young age of a member of the popular team, this marriage was concluded as a result of passionate youthful love. Most likely, not only Vladislav Ramm, but also his newly-made wife were not too ready for family life, therefore, it is not surprising that their union broke up. In this situation, more alarming is the fact that the unfaithful husband made the decision to part ways already during the “I Want to Meladze” project, which clearly speaks of self-promotion. In principle, Vlad Ramm himself does not deny that he played a little in public in this matter.

By the way, such a PR move added popularity not only to a member of the boyish team, but also to his ex-wife who has since become an incredibly popular social media personality. How else? After all, now all the fans of Vlad Ramm are looking for her friendship, or at least communication, in whose heads suspicions have ripened about the truth of the existence of the performer's wife. By the way, pregnancy ex-wife the singer also resolved very safely - the girl gave birth to a beautiful daughter, named rare name Nicole. Unfortunately, neither the baby nor her mother is interested in Vlad Ramm anymore. To be completely objective, it is worth adding that Veronica herself, when asked if she still has any feelings towards the idol of millions of girls, replies that she does not love either him or the MBAND group, in which until recently he performed her ex-husband.

How often do we admire romantic noble images, talentedly embodied on the screen famous artists. And sometimes we don’t even think about how these celestials behave in Everyday life towards their chosen ones. Let's find out the details of the personal lives of some domestic celebrities who left the family, leaving their pregnant wives to fend for themselves.

Evgeny Tsyganov and Irina Leonova

The talented charismatic actor Yevgeny Tsyganov heads our original hit parade.

He left from civil wife Irina Leonova, pregnant with their seventh child, to actress Yulia Snigir, who also soon gave birth to his son.

This act of the actor caused a storm of condemnation in society, many colleagues in the shop turned their backs on the star of the Thaw. Over time, passions subsided, Tsyganov continues to live with Snigir, although he never took her to the registry office.

Eugene regularly lists ex-wife large sums of money for the maintenance of children, fortunately, is still one of the most sought-after and highly paid Russian actors.

Nikita Dzhigurda and Yana Pavelkovskaya

Pregnant Yana Povelkovskaya learned about her husband Nikita's affair with figure skater Marina Anisina by watching one of their performances in the Ice Age show.

Having skated the number, the outrageous showman knelt in front of his partner and confessed his love to her all over the country.

Not believing her ears, Yana threw a scandal on her unfaithful husband, after which Nikita packed up and went to his new “goddess”, leaving his pregnant wife, with whom he lived for 12 years, and 6-year-old son Artemy.

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin

The TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya had to go through a difficult period. Having lived with Zenit football player Andrei Arshavin for nine years in a civil marriage, having given birth to two children and being pregnant with a third, the girl was suddenly left alone.

Arshavin left for another woman, leaving the pregnant Yulia without the necessary material support with two children and a sick mother in her arms.

Baranovskaya managed to cope with a difficult life situation which she later described in her book.

Singer Maxim and Anton Petrov

The singer Maxim also had a chance to face the betrayal of her beloved man.

Dumped her in her seventh month of pregnancy civil spouse businessman Anton Petrov, who preferred the daughter of State Duma deputy Alexander Bryksin to the singer.

Now Maxim is raising two daughters alone, and Anton officially married his new chosen one.

Evgenia Nour and Ivan Telegin

The pregnancy of the common-law wife of hockey player Ivan Telegin did not at all embarrass the singer Pelageya.

Now Telegin and Pelageya are raising their own daughter and do not want to know anything about Nour and her son Mark. True, Telegin periodically transfers quite impressive amounts for the maintenance of the child.

Vadim Kazachenko and Olga Martynova

The aging star of the 90s Vadim Kazachenko, whom everyone had already thoroughly forgotten about, at the end of last year reminded himself of himself with a very ugly story. He tried in every possible way to get rid of his pregnant wife and unborn child, first forcing the woman to have an abortion, and then completely kicking her out of the house. Vadim even managed to annul the marriage in court, recognizing it as fictitious.

However, lawyer Katya Gordon arrived in time to help Olga, who herself at that time was in a similar situation, left deeply pregnant without the support of her loved one. Katya managed to restore justice and cancel the court's decision to recognize the marriage of Martynova and Kazachenko as fictitious.

Nevertheless, due to the imperfection of the judicial legislation, the singer, after filing an appeal, quickly formalized the marriage with his director Irina Amati. Now, if the court does not satisfy the artist's appeal, he will legally become a bigamist.

Wasting no time, Vadim Kazachenko sued Olga Martynova at once several lawsuits demanding to recover several million rubles from her. At the same time, the artist is in no hurry to take a DNA test to disprove his paternity.

Valeria Gai Germanika and Vadim Lyubushkin

The project "Dancing with the Stars" became fatal in the life of the outrageous director Valeria Gai Germanika. Hot dance steps turned into a stormy romance with Vadim Lyubushkin.

The cinematographer was preparing for the wedding, when the revelations of the groom's friend appeared in the media that Lyubushkin was still married to a US citizen. Valeria was so in love that she did not pay attention to the warnings and officially married the dancer.

Six months later, Guy Germanicus filed for divorce, and three months later she gave birth to a daughter, Severina, whom her biological father, who had left for America, had never seen before.

Vladislav Ramm and Veronika Generalova

The young soloist of the M-BAND group, Vladislav Ramm, refused family happiness with his pregnant wife for the sake of the stage.

Having won the “I want to Meladze” contest, the guy publicly stated that he decided to devote all his time to music and creativity, and not to diapers and undershirts. Nevertheless, there were rumors that the young man cheated on his wife right during the castings with Konstantin Meladze.

Now Veronica is raising her daughter Nicole herself, and Vladislav Ramm, who left MBAND with the scandal, started working together with Yana Rudkovskaya's son Nikolai.

Yuri Yakovlev and Kira Machulskaya

The legendary Soviet actor Yuri Yakovlev left his pregnant wife Kira Machulskaya after seven years life together for the sake of young Katya Raikin.

The new passion of the actor was also in interesting position, and with an interval of several months, Kira gave birth to the actor's daughter Alena, and Katya - the son of Alexei.

Yakovlev married Raikina, and for a long time participants in this love triangle had to meet in a circle of mutual friends.

Alla Larionova and Ivan Pereverzev

Truly Mexican passions boiled at one time between these famous actors. Ivan Pereverzev managed to turn the heads of two beautiful actresses at once - Alla Larionova and Kira Kanaeva. And when both girls became pregnant almost simultaneously, he treacherously signed with Kira, without even informing Alla.

Larionova was completely crushed and destroyed by such a betrayal of her beloved man. Nikolai Rybnikov, who had long and hopelessly been in love with the actress, hastened to help her. He offered his beloved woman a hand and a heart and adopted the born girl.

Artem Pindyura, 24 years old

The young man was born in Kyiv. Artem is known in narrow circles as a solo hip-hop artist Kid. At a blind audition, the guy could not give up his usual style, so he rapped out. Which provided him with respect for Timati, who sat on the jury and later became the guy's mentor. But as a result of the permutations of Konstantin Meladze, Artem ended up on the team of Sergey Lazarev and won.

“I did not expect that Sergey Lazarev would be more than just a mentor for me. From him I felt some unreal sincerity and openness. I could not imagine that Lazarev is such a professional artist. It was during the time that I worked with him that I opened up in vocally. And of course, I am very grateful to Timati for his support throughout the project, which gave me a lot of confidence "- shared Artem Pindyura.

As it turned out, young man were very serious relationship before the project, which almost reached the wedding. However, according to Artem, the girl did not support him in his work. And just in time, Pindyura found out about the casting in the show "I want to Meladze." It was a chance to prove their right to success.

“If before the project I was still thinking whether I should make music, now life itself, fate and the universe make me understand that this is my business. The thing that I love infinitely, the thing from which I get high at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any mood. I went to the show with the goal of giving people a positive. So that everyone in the hall and on the other side of the screen gets a charge of real emotions. I had no plans to even reach the final. But, as they say, appetite comes with eating, and later I also wanted to win., - admitted the third member of the MBAND group

In the past, a solo hip-hop artist - Artem Pindyura - was surprisingly easy to join a boy band.

“Each of us has thought about a solo career many times, but I personally feel very comfortable being a team member. I consider myself a good "player", and I'm extremely happy that we ended up with just such a group. Vlad Ramm, with whom we were in the team from the very beginning of the project, is absolutely unreal! Man-emotion, man-sincerity, practically a brother. We have been communicating with Nikita Kiosse since the first days of moving into the house, he initially seemed to me a little self-confident, but then I realized that Nikita - real winner, but he talks like an adult, smart guy. Tolik Tsoi is a real man, the strongest vocalist on the project, I admired his parts in every number. So I really like working in a team, especially this one!”- frankly said Artem Pindyura.

Video YouTube

Anatoly Tsoi, 25 years old

Anatoly is from Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan. For as long as he can remember, he has always sung. From the age of 14, he began to earn money at corporate parties and holidays. He won a bronze medal at the Second World Delphic Games in the nomination " pop vocal". At the blind audition of “I Want to Meladze”, he surprised everyone with the performance of the most difficult Naughty Boy song “La la la”, while dancing incendiary. I got into the team of Anna Sedokova, went through all the stages of the show with her and, just before the final, was transferred by Konstantin Meladze to the team of Sergey Lazarev.

“It was insanely difficult to transfer to the Lazarev team just before the final, since with Anya Sedokova we passed long haul. We have already managed to get used to each other very much, make friends, understand each other perfectly! But this replacement led me to victory, Konstantin saw the group in this lineup, I trust him completely, so this was not even discussed! The project became a rebirth for me, it started absolutely new life» - shared Anatoly Tsoi.

Vladislav Alekseevich Ramm ( real name Ivanov) - singer, ex-vocalist of the most popular boy band MBAND among the youth audience. The group was formed in November 2014 during the large-scale reality talent show “I want to Meladze”. At the end of 2016, the teen idol began his solo career.

As part of the former team, created as an analogue of the Anglo-Irish One group Direction, he became the owner of prestigious music awards - "Golden Gramophone", "RU.TV" (nomination "Real Parish"), Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards ("Breakthrough of the Year"), "Fashion People Awards-2015" ("Opening of the Year ") and others.


The future artist and object of admiration for thousands of fans was born on September 17, 1995 in the city of Kemerovo, located in the south of Western Siberia. His mother, an actress of the local musical theater, did everything possible for the musical and aesthetic development of her son: she taught him to listen, perceive and enjoy music. Thanks to her efforts, he had a desire to perform professionally on stage. He began learning to play the piano at music school, and later vocal art under the guidance of a teacher.

The father, as befits, by his example and deeds, contributed to the formation of a “male” attitude towards the world in his son. He brought an element of romance and brightness into his life, introduced him to the hobbies and duties characteristic of the stronger sex. According to the singer, he became his best friend.

After graduating from school, the Kemerovo resident went to the capital, where he entered the theater college at the Moscow Theater Oleg Tabakov. However, in the first year, Vladislav dropped out of school, allegedly because of unrequited love to a classmate and the inability to constantly see the person who broke his heart.

"I want to Meladze"

In 2014, the young man learned about the production project of the composer Konstantin Meladze “I want to Meladze” and decided to try his luck. As part of the project, a new boy band was created, aimed at an advanced young audience. The work of the contestants was evaluated by a representative jury represented by Sergey Lazarev, Polina Gagarina, Anna Sedokova, Vladimir Presnyakov and Timati.

And happiness smiled at Vladislav: he passed the casting, got into the final of the TV show and became its winner, surprising the audience with a spectacular appearance on stage - he jumped off the roof of the pavilion, holding Balloons and a bunch of flowers for the host Vera Brezhneva. And in the final, he “finished off” the jury with a phenomenal performance of the song “Why did she cry so loudly?” Alexandra Ponomarev.

"I want to Meladze": Vladislav Ramm, 1 round. Flowers for Brezhnev

During the event, interesting details from his personal life were revealed. The 18-year-old boy surprised the public by being married, then shocked his colleagues and viewers with a close relationship with one of the dancers, and after winning the seriality, with a public proposal to his wife, who was already pregnant from him, to leave.


At the end of the same year, a pop group created on the show, consisting of Vlad, who took on the sonorous pseudonym Ramm, Anatoly Tsoi, Nikita Kiosse and Artem Pindyura, presented the single "She'll be back." The composition was a huge success, taking the top of the charts and radio charts of the CIS countries. The video clip shot for it by June 2015 had collected more than 15 million views on YouTube.

MBAND - She'll be back (2015)

In February, Ramm, together with colleagues, spoke at concert venue SC "Olympiyskiy" as part of the musical event "Big Love Show 2015", dedicated to the Day all lovers. Then a tour awaited them.

By March, they prepared the release of the 2nd single "Give me", and by May the third single - "Look at me", which turned out to be no less successful. Interestingly, the singer Nyusha, as well as the producer and leader of the boy band, who reincarnated as a funny mustachioed gardener, took part in the filming of the video for the song “Look at me”, which took place in the historical center of the Ukrainian capital.

MBAND - Look at me

In June creative team presented the composition of Valery Meladze "Do it right now", included in the album dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the artist.

In the same period, the reality show “One Day with MBAND” was organized on the entertainment youth channel “CTC Love”, offering eight fans selected during a large-scale casting to spend time with their idols.

The debut took place in October solo performance boy band at the concert stage of the Bud Arena nightclub, broadcast on the same channel.

In September 2015, the young artist assured in an interview that he would not leave his boy band even in exchange for the invitation of Fyodor Bondarchuk to Inhabited Island-2. But already in November, Vladislav Ramm announced his departure and the beginning of independent musical activity.

Scandalous dismissal

Around the incident with the dismissal, there was a serious scandal. The singer assured that leaving the pop group was his own choice, while the founder of the boy band Konstantin Meladze stated that Vladislav was fired for common decision- him and the guys - because of disrespect for colleagues and, in general, because of professional unsuitability. In addition, the composer recalled that the young man is bound by the obligations specified in the contract he signed, and does not have the right to perform solo until 2021. The singer reacted to this with an assurance that the legal subtleties of the issue would be resolved in court.

Various, most incredible rumors appeared in the media about the real reasons for the singer's removal from MBAND. Some wrote that the conflict arose because of Ramm's passion for illegal medications, others - that his gay romance with the youngest and most beautiful member of the group, Nikita Kiosse, was to blame.

Be that as it may, these serious obstacles did not stop the persistent young man. In an effort to reach a new level, he managed even in such difficult situation focus on creativity, announcing that he "forgot what fear means."

Solo career

In April 2016, the artist made his debut in one of the leading roles in the light and romantic comedy film Fix Everything. The soundtrack for the film was the MBAND disc of the same name. The film is about young and talented musicians, caught in unpleasant situation threatening to lose the rights to their group. They owe a lot of money to a serious character named Zvezda performed by Nikolai Baskov. In an attempt to find the necessary amount and save the team, the guys are involved in an adventurous story and now they must adequately get out of the situation without compromising self-esteem and authority.

In December 2016, the singer presented his debut solo disc called "#ONE" to his listeners at a closed premiere. According to experts, his compositions are influenced by musical style Konstantin Meladze, there is a tendency towards electronic sound design, a tandem of RnB and hip-hop.

The album was released in January 2017, and on the first day of sales, it became the leader of the iTunes top chart, and soon topped the list of the most popular media products on Google Play.

Vlad's new producer was Yana Rudkovskaya. She learned about young performer from his son Nikolai, acting under the pseudonym Kolyas. The young man recorded the joint composition “Enough of the Spirit” with Ramm, putting his mother before the fact. “I knew right away that it was going to be a hit. Every word in this track is a quote, ”Yana later said. Apparently, she also managed to remove Vlad's obligations to the Velvet Music label.

Personal life of Vladislav Ramm

The pop singer, whom Meladze himself called an incredibly attractive and charismatic, but the most controversial personality musical group, divorced.

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