Garden musical entertainment senior group. Synopsis of entertainment in the senior group "winter calendar"


Entertainment for children in senior group"Zimushka - winter"

Purpose: Creation emotional mood, consolidate children's knowledge about winter activities.

Pin characteristics winters.

Educator in the role (Zimushki - winters)

Children come to the hall, decorated and smart.

Winter: Hello guys! Look how beautiful and fabulous everything is here! Who do you think meets you? Of course, this is Zimushka - winter! Let's listen to a poem.

The cold has come!

The water turned to ice.

And cowardly bunny gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying.

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this all happen?

Children: In winter.

Winter: Right in winter. Do you want to visit Zimushka - winter?

Guys, I have magic snow clouds.

Get up, close your eyes and fly away to Zimushka.

We circled around a bit and landed on the ground.

(Sounds of blizzard music).

So we flew to winter kingdom to Zimushka - winter.

(Children stand in a circle and sing a song for Zimushka - winter).

The song "Once a snowflake".

Winter: I am very glad to see you in my kingdom! How did you know that winter has come?

Children's answers: (In winter it is cold, snow is flying everywhere, standing very coldy, the trees are wrapped in snow, we can sled, ski, build snowmen, the rivers are covered with ice, snowstorms are sweeping, the animals have changed their coats, it is snowing, in winter the most long-awaited and fun party « New Year»).

Winter: Let's take a break and playgame "Zimushka - winter".

Hello Zimushka - winter!(We bow).

What did you bring as a gift?(We spread our arms to the sides).

White snow fluffy(We squat and touch the imaginary snow).

Hoarfrost silvery(Get up, raise your hands up).

Skis, sleds and skates(We imitate the movements of skiers).

And lights on the tree!(Lanterns).

Winter: Guys, tell me, do you know a lot of poems about winter?

Children read poems about winter.

1. Everything is covered with white snow -

And trees and houses

The winged wind whistles

2. An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill

This hare typed:

Hello Zimushka - winter!

3. We put bird feeders,

Fill them with food

And the pichugs sing in flocks:

Hello Zimushka - winter!

4. Snow falls on houses

Winter has come to us again!

Brought in a knapsack

Blizzards and snows.

Cold, snowdrifts, ice

And, of course, the New Year!

5. Cheerful winter has come

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks

With a magical old tale.

6. On a decorated Christmas tree

Flashlights swing

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

Winter: Well done! Very beautiful poems read. I suggest you playgame "It happens, it doesn't happen."

Does a blizzard blow in winter?

Does the river freeze in winter?

Does it rain in winter?

Does the rabbit go to school?

Does the sun shine at night?

Does the wind shake the trees?

The wolf plays the violin

Thunder in winter?

There is snow in the winter?

Do you celebrate New Year's in winter?

Winter: Guys, what do you like to do in winter? What winter games do you know?

Children: We walk a lot, make snowmen, go downhill, sledding, play snowballs.

Winter: Let's all play snowballs together.

Game "Snowballs"

Two baskets. Children collect snowballs in one basket. Zimushka - winter in another. Who will collect more snowballs faster and more.

The game "Snowflakes and wind"

Children gather in a circle and hold hands. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind blew strong, strong. Fly away, snowflakes! - scatter into different directions around the hall, spreading their arms to the sides, swaying, spinning. "The wind is down! Come back, snowflakes, to the circle! Children run into a circle and hold hands.

The game "Like snow on a hill"

Like snow on a hill, snow

And under the tree snow, snow

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow(fold hands over head).

And under the tree snow, snow(sit down, hands to the sides).

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!(threaten with finger).

Let the bear sleep in the den.

Winter: Well done boys! You love winter very much with games, with winter fun, with frost, with fluffy snow, with happy holidays.

Oh, snowflakes are flying, snow-white fluffs.

This is Zimushka - winter has led her sleeves.

She swirled all the snowflakes and lowered them to the ground.

Dance "Snowflakes"

(Zimushka - winter dances with the children).

Winter: Today we had fun and played and frolicked.

And now kids, it's time for us to rest.

Thanks guys! I really enjoyed playing and having fun with you. Did you guys like it in my kingdom?

Children: Yes.

Winter: Guys, it's time for you to return to the group. Magical clouds are waiting for us.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten Alzamai

Educator: Kovel V.K.

Irina Tkachenko
Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group "Winter's Tale"

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group

Theme: "Winter's Tale".

Target: amuse, amuse, entertain children.


1. Educational: continue to teach children to get used to the game situation.

2. Developing: develop musical and aesthetic perception, attention, develop existing skills, mental processes - activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team.

3. Educational: continue to cultivate organization, a friendly attitude towards others, positive attitude to musical entertainment.

Methods and techniques: art word, explanations, questions, guidelines, signals, reminders, praise, encouragement.

Equipment: costumes for characters, snowflakes, snowballs, buckets, medals, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

a) educator: writing a summary of a musical entertainment, reading additional literature, preparation of equipment and materials for musical entertainment.

b) children: guessing riddles about the seasons, reading poems about winter, about the seasons.

The course of musical entertainment:

(Children enter the hall to the music.) Music by A. Yermolov.


What kind of guests are in a hurry to the hall?

Glad to see you guys here!

Guys, now we will go to fabulous place. Do you want to know where exactly we will go?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then listen carefully to this poem and the riddle, and you yourself will understand where we are heading. It's clear?

Children: Yes!


Soft and fluffy paw,

The whitest on earth

Snow is knocking on my window:

"Hello, I've already arrived!"

And whitened from the snow

It suddenly became so beautiful

The snow falls clean, white,

Weightless, like fluff.

Everything is in the snow - houses and schools,

Parks, groves and fields,

After all, she came, scattering snow,

Real winter! Words by E. Snitsaruk.

Riddles about winter.


If the snow is all around

If the river is under ice

So, visit us yourself

Who came, tell me?

Children: Winter.

Leading: That's right, well done children, it's winter. We are going to winter forest. Oh, how beautiful the forest is in winter, well, just a fairy tale!


If there is a column of smoke,

Snow crunches underfoot

If your cheeks, nose are cold,

What's on the street?

Children: Freezing.


If Christmas trees in houses

In bright beads and lights,

If we lead a round dance,

What are we meeting?

Children: New Year. Words by T. Gusarova.

Leading: Well done! How do you like to solve riddles? Have you ever seen snowflakes?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And what are they?

Children: Magical, icy, beautiful.

Leading: Agree with you! Come on, and we will induce snowflakes. And we will dance a wonderful and cheerful dance of snowflakes. Fine?

Children: Yes!

(Dance with snowflakes.) Music by A. Varlamov.

Leading: Great! I loved your snowflake dance so much. Well, just keep your eyes peeled! Do you sing as well as you dance?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And now we'll check it out! Let's sing with you everyone's favorite song from the cartoon "If there was no winter."

(Everyone sings the song “If there was no winter.”) Music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Leading: Children, do you hear what kind of sounds are there?

Rushing in an ice carriage


The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path. Words by T. Bokova.

(Winter enters to the music). Music by Y. Serdobolskaya, lyrics by O. Serdobolsky.


Hello guys!

Dear guests!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

Let the fun come to us!


Winter has come, beauty

And the kids, oh, how they like it!

We love you, Zimushka!

Your frost and ice

And the sled and the skating rink!


So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: No!

Winter: Oh, let's check it out! We'll play a game.

(Children play to cheerful music.) Music by N. Glazkova.

Game: Snowflakes and wind.

Purpose: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; exercise in running, making turns around yourself, in squats.

Game progress: the teacher says the words:

Now I'll take a look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost.

The teacher - "wind" imitates a breath of wind, and the children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down when the teacher stops blowing.

Winter: Wow! Indeed, you are not afraid of frost! You know how not to freeze, look how they hid from the wind, well done! Guys, how much do you know about me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: And let me ask you riddles, and then we will see how much you know about me.

Riddles about winter.


Scattered Lukerya

silver feathers,

Twisted, swept

The street became white.

Children: Blizzard.


I live under the roof

It's scary to even look down.

I could live higher

If only there were roofs.

Children: Icicle.


I lived in the middle of the yard

Where children play

But from the sun

I have become a stream.

Children: Snowman.

Winter: Ay, well done! I have never met such smart kids!

Leading: Children, Winter whispered to me that she had lost snowflakes. And he can't find snowballs.

We must make an effort

After all, winter needs snowballs.

(Children play to cheerful music.) Lyubasha's music.

Game: "Who will collect snowflakes and snowballs faster."

Purpose: to exercise children in running, to continue to consolidate the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, to cultivate a positive attitude towards games.

Material: snowflakes and snowballs.

Game progress: children are divided into two teams. One team must find and collect snowflakes, the other team must find snowballs in the hall. Then the children put their finds in buckets. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Leading: We played well!


It's time for me to go guys!

But it's not my fault,

Spring follows me

And he brings many holidays with him.

And I will come to you again

But only next year.

I thank you for everything

I will give you gifts.

(Winter distributes commemorative medals to children.)

Related publications:

Photo report: Competition "Winter's Tale" in the senior group. Winter is great time. Winter is a time of fun and games. Children are running on the streets.

Synopsis of musical entertainment in the senior group "Russian Samovar" Presenter: Very often behind the events And behind the turmoil of the days of Antiquity we do not remember, We forget about it. And although we are more accustomed to flying on.

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Galina Prokopieva
Musical entertainment for the senior group "Merry Journey"

Entertainment for the older group.

« fun trip»

Leading: Guys, today we will go to a very distant and interesting place. journey. Now the drivers of our magic buses are ready. We will travel to the country « cheerful» , to the country of songs, games and riddles. (Slide #1) Attention, the traffic light is green, our train is leaving.

Slide number 2 (children under music"go" round)

Leading: (Slide #3) Attention. Guys, red light. We arrived at the station « merry dance»

Slide #4, 5 (Dance « colorful game» , "Dance of little ducks")

Leading: Well done boys. (Slide number 6) The green light is on, let's move on. (slide number 7). Red traffic light. We arrived at the Mystery Station.

I ask you guys

Solve my riddles.

1. Red, blue, bright, round,

He is handsome and resilient

Jumping, galloping

Guess this is... (ball) Slide #8

2. He is a gray robber,

He has no faith

All fangs click,

Who is this? (wolf) Slide #9

3. Who is the bully?

Most of the time he gets into fights.

Gets up early in the morning

Don't let the kids sleep. (rooster) Slide #10

4. Grandfather is sitting

Wearing 100 fur coats.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (onion) Slide #11

5. Two brothers live side by side,

And they don't see each other. (eyes) Slide #12

6. Over the mountains, over the valleys,

There is a fur coat and a caftan. (ram) Slide #13

7. Instead of a ponytail - a hook,

Instead of a nose - a patch. (piggy) slide number 14

We arrived at the station, which is called "Magic word". What is the magic word you say when you ask for something?


Leading: Let's play a game. I tell you what movements to do, but you only do them when I say the magic word - please.

Raise your hands


sit down


Get up on your toes


Spin around.

(Slide number 16) Attention, green signal, let's move on. (Slide number 15)

So we arrived at the last station, which is called the game station. What do you think we are going to do here?

Ball game. (pass over head)

The next game is called "Not really" Everyone please answer my questions.

Can carp get into the ocean? No

Can a thrush freeze its tail? No

Can a wasp fly to heaven? Yes

Can a badger climb a bough for cones? No

Can a sandpiper bite its own tongue? No

Can a seal lie on its side all day? Yes

Can a titmouse live on a roof? Yes

magic pouch:

One two Three,

Who is hiding inside.

Don't yawn, don't yawn

Please answer quickly.

Skok, skok boot

Go out to the meadow

Now jumping, then sideways,

Stomp, stomp your heels.

Leading: So ours ended with you fun trip it's time to go to group. (Children under music ride a train) (Slide number 15)

Related publications:

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Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Fun Journey" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 65" of Engels municipal district Saratov region.

Literary and musical entertainment "Journey through the work of A. S. Pushkin" To the sound of bells, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. In the center of the hall on a small table are: a portrait of the poet, an inkwell.

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Musical entertainment "Hello, winter-winter" for children of the older group Goal: Creating conditions for self-expression of children in various types activities: gaming, performing, creative. Tasks: Form.

Scenario musical - theatrical entertainment

« winter patterns» in the senior group

Target : Create good things in children positive mood from participating in entertainment.

1. To please the children, to evoke an emotional response to the plot.
2. Expand knowledge about winter and lexicon children.
3. Arouse a desire to participate in games, songs, dances, round dances.
4. Educate good relations to each other, the ability to negotiate, listen, hear adults and children.
Preliminary work: The repertoire was selected for the script, poems, songs, games, dances were learned with the children. Snowflakes were made for dancing and decorating a tree, costumes for heroes were selected.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated in a winter way, in the center of the hall there is a tree under the tree, an adult in a winter costume sits down, is covered with a white cloth, imitating the “Snowdrift”.

Characters: Presenter, children, Snowman, Winter.

Holiday progress:

(Children to the music of "Russian Winter" by T.I. Olifirov enter the hall, sit on the chairs)

Presenter: All covered with white snow

And trees and houses.

This means it has come...

Children: Winter.

Presenter: Guys, let's read poems about Zimushka-Zima.

1 child: beautiful winter,
It's frosty outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
and keep warm!
I wear gloves
My mom knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I'll pull straight.

2 child: The whole lake is in ice
The trees are silver
And all around in the snow
And I'm going to ride.

3 child: I will ski down
from a steep mountain rather
I'll ride on a sled
And, falling, I will warm up.

4 child: How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times in the year
Where It is raining unexpectedly.
When mushrooms grow
And buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

5 child: Winter is the most beautiful!
Let it be cold, but still
Blush, more fun
It looks like a holiday!

(UnderUmka's song from the m / f "Umka is looking for a friend" comes out a snowman)

Snowman: I, guys, the Snowman, got used to the snow, to the cold.

I love to play, run, jump, dance.

Do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Snowman: I invite you to fun game which is called "Snowman"

(Children stand in a circle, a yoke is held)

Snowman: Guys, I'm not a simple Snowman, I'm a Snowman - a mailer. Brought a letter for you. You open the letter and read what is in it.

(The snowman gives the letter, says goodbye and leaves.)

Presenter: Well, guys, let's read the letter that the snowman left us.

"Hello my friends! I want to see you. Come visit me and play with me. We will walk through the forests, through snow-covered meadows ... I will be glad to meet you! Signature: Zimushka - Winter "

Guys, do you want to go to visit Zimushka - Zima?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Quickly get into the sled from the hill and roll merrily. Sing the song out loud! Zimushka welcome guests!

(Children run in a circle in pairs, two children in front hold an arc with bells, sing the song "Sanochki")

Presenter: So we arrived in the winter forest.

(Snowdrift moves under the tree)

Presenter: Oh look, the snowdrift stirred.

(Under magical music Winter emerges from the snowdrift

Winter: Hello guys!

Children: Hello Zimushka!

Winter: Who loves mine fluffy snow, patterns on the window? Who loves sledge fast running, who rejoices at me.

Child: We love you winter, your frost and ice, And the fluffy snow on the branches, and the sledge, the skating rink. What were you doing under this snowdrift?

Winter: I am Zimushka - winter, swirled, swept. The snow is fluffy, the trees are silvery. All paths were covered. Put all the trees to sleep. They are warm now under the snow blanket. Oh, I'm tired. I lay down to rest a bit.

(Winter looks at the tree spreads her arms)

Winter: Oh guys, I completely forgot about this tree without your help, I can’t cope, can you help me dress it up?

Children: Let's help, but how?

Winter: Guess my winter riddles.

What happened to the river

It's like it's turned to stone!

Only slippery all around

After all, the river was covered ....

Children: Ice!

(Children stand in a circle and perform a round dance “Like thin ice”)

Winter: Well done guys, they guessed my riddle and cheered me up with a beautiful song, this is my first decoration.

(Winter waves her hand to the magic music hangs a snowflake on a tree)

Winter: White fluffs fly
Spinning in the wind.
Cold beauties covered in the morning
Covered the whole earth.
The patterns are countless.
Snow-white fluffs -
These are gentle...

Children: Snowflakes

Winter: Fly snowflakes, fly We are cold, bring frost!

(Girls with snowflakes perform a dance to the music from the movie "Guest from the Future"

Winter: What a wonderful dance! And here is the second decoration.

(Winter hangs a second snowflake on a tree)

Oh guys, did you happen to freeze from my snow? How did I not think of this? Invited to visit and almost froze! And in order to warm up, I suggest you play the outdoor game "Slide, ice rink, snowdrift"

Listen, listen, don’t yawn and complete the task: Everyone got up on skates, ran one after another! (Children imitate skating in a circle, when the music stops Winter says: “Slide”, children raise their clasped hands up, depicting a slide.

Everyone got on skates together, ran one after another! Winter says "Snowdrift!" (children sit down and hug their knees with their hands)

Winter: You are doing well, you are great at skating! We have a merry holiday and another snowflake sparkled on the tree.

(Winter hangs another snowflake)

Winter: Like feathers Fire - birds All sparkles and sparkles. He covered the forest, the Winter Meadow, little white ...

Children: Snowball!

(Children stand in a circle, perform speech game with the movement "White snow fell")

Winter: Well done guys, have fun playing and dancing! All my winter riddles have been solved. Helped me decorate the tree.

(Hangs up the last snowflake)

Presenter: It's time for us to say goodbye

WITH winter forest part

The bells are ringing loudly

We all go to kindergarten.

Winter: Goodbye kids

Here are some snowballs from me.

Come back to the forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

(Distributes treats (zephyr), says goodbye, leaves.)

Scenario of entertainment "Zimushka-winter" for the preparatory and senior groups:

Target: Create a joyful festive atmosphere.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop figurative, expressive speech of children;


The path is covered with white fluff. How clear the air is in winter!

I’ll stand and admire a little how snowflakes fly over me!

Winter scatters them everywhere, gives everyone a silver outfit.

As if a fairy tale around comes to life, and snowflakes are spinning, flying!

Both adults and kids love winter! Therefore, they affectionately call it - winter-winter!


Dear children, today we have gathered in this hall to meet Zimushka-winter! Tell me, what winter months do you know?


December, January and February.


Right! And every month of winter is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year. January is the holiday of Christmas winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe, frosty month of winter. In February there are blizzards and blizzards. In winter, the circle is white and beautiful!


And who among you can say what kind of winter it is? Let's try to describe it:

Children's answers: (frosty, white, silver, cold, icy, snowy, beautiful, sparkling)


Right! Such a beauty she is! And she is also cheerful, because she brings with her a lot of joy, fun, games, holidays. So tell me, what games can we play in winter?

- Children's answers (in "snowballs", sculpt a snowman, ride downhill, skate, sled, ski, build a fortress).


That's how much fun winter has. Perhaps you can't wait to see our guest. Let's call her to us:


Winter, come!

Bring us snow

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

All together: Winter, come!

Winter enters the hall to the music.


Hello guys! I heard you called me, I am very glad that I am a welcome guest with you! And I'm happy to meet you.


You are such a talented artist - how you decorated everything! Guys, it's true, it's beautiful all around - everything sparkles, glitters, When will you see this again? Zimushka is winter, the children are very happy with you and want to give you poems:

Favorite winter

beautiful winter,
It's frosty outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
and keep warm!
I wear gloves
My mom knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I'll pull straight.

The whole lake is in ice
The trees are silver
And all around in the snow
And I'm going to ride.

I will ski down
from a steep mountain rather
I'll ride on a sled
And, falling, I will warm up.

How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times in the year
Where the rain comes unexpectedly.
When mushrooms grow
And buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

Winter is the most beautiful!
Let it be cold, but still
Blush, more fun
It looks like a holiday!


Wonderful poems, this is a very valuable gift for me! I also prepared many different surprises for you. When you meet me on the street, we play snowballs, we make snowman, but here, in this hall, we will not be bored. Do you want to play? Then let's start!

The game "Sugrobeki" is being held

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of drawing paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it. The action is repeated until the child gets through the snowdrifts to the Christmas tree. You need to run back to the team, pass the snowdrifts to the next one.


Guys, I brought you snowballs, let's play.

The game "Snowballs"

Snowballs are scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. On a signal, the children collect the "lumps" in the basket. The team with the most "lumps" in their basket wins.

The game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

The contour of the Christmas tree is drawn on two paper sheets, felt-tip pens are in the cups. To the music, the children begin to dress her up (draw balls). Whose team will draw more balls on the Christmas tree, he won.

"Snow fight"

Put tinsel on the floor. Teams stand on either side of her. Teams are distributed "snowballs" equally. The snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, it is counted on the half whose team turned out to have fewer snowballs. This team is winning.

Winter :

Now listenpuzzles:

1. Barely breathed in winter, they are always with you.

Warm two sisters. What are their names? (mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks, characters from different fairy tales.

Having fun and circling, what kind of holiday? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the very roof, it's even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is always busy with business, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow) .

5. Fish live warmly in winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls. (Hoarfrost).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not lag behind each other.

Both run in the snow, both songs sing. (Skis) .

8. First you fly from the mountain to them,

And then you pull them uphill. (Sled) .

9. Powdered the paths, decorated the windows.

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled. (Winter) .

10. The stars circled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflakes).

presenter :

The good guys got the job done.

Game "Magic Snowflake"


I invite everyone to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, we pass the snowflake, as soon as the music stops, whoever has the snowflake in his hands completes the task (sing, dance, recite a verse, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for the winter.

Song "Winter Song"


Well done guys! I'm so interested in you! But it's time for me to go outside - to add snow, to whiten the trees - I have a lot of things to do! And we'll see you on the street - just dress warmer! Goodbye, guys!

Teachers hand out candy.

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