Musical entertainment for older children. Entertainment "Zimushka - winter" (senior group)


Abstract musical entertainment V senior group"Flower-seven-flower"

Target: development musical ability, the formation of the foundations of musical culture.

  • - develop musical memory through the recognition of melodies;
  • - to improve the skills of solo singing;
  • - to develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the character of music, its emotional and figurative content through movements;
  • - develop musical creativity V joint activities teachers with children;
  • - develop performance skills musical instruments;
  • - foster a friendly relationship between children;
  • - to cultivate an understanding of the beauty of musical works.

Material: musical instruments, dance attributes: leaves, Tsvetik-semitsvetik, tape recorder, video clip, synthesizer

Entertainment progress: Entrance to the intro of the song "Magic Flower". Music worker meets children.

We greet guests. The first verse of the song "Flower-Semitsvetik" sounds - free rhythmic movements to the music.

Musical hand: Guys, what is this song? And what is this flower in honor of which they even composed a song? Why is he fabulous? We talked a lot about the Seven-flower Flower, its magic, we drew our own flowers. That flower is fabulous, and we know that “The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it - good fellow lesson. What has this story taught you? And what wishes did you make to your flowers? How many petals did the girl waste? Why?

That's right, she mindlessly spent magic petals, desires, which she later canceled with other magic petals.

Petals scattered. And let's collect our Seven-flower Flower, which will fulfill really important and necessary innermost desires. Let's sit on the carpet together.

Educator: Oh, look, what are these some kind of drawing icons on the petals? Probably clues to collect our Semi-flower.

(The first petal depicts a rebus-word: RIDDLES, on the other musical instruments)

Educator: What do you think, what do we offer to make the petals?

Musical Hand: Verbal riddles about musical instruments, and riddles for the sound of instruments (synthesizer).

Well done, the petals are stuck in place (two-sided cattle in the middle) music game children's entertainment

The music is coming out Baba Yaga. See who is in a hurry to the sounds of musical instruments.

Baba Yaga: Hello Hello! And who are you? And that's right, children. And why do I hear some musical sounds from afar? And I have so many in the forest too .... different sounds: then the wind - shur, shur, shur, then it - woo, animals, insects spread rumors - z-z-z, then the rumble will pass - gu-gu-gu, then the forest will sigh fu-fu, and in the morning dew-ti-ti-ta, ti-ti-ta… Interesting!...

Musical Hand: Wait for Baba Yaga. Guys, does this remind you of anything? - Yes, we can play a little game for you on musical instruments just about your forest. Take with us any tool. Which one do you like? And you guys choose musical instruments. A game.

Baba Yaga. Oh how I wonder you are mine summer forest portrayed. All sounds. Oh yes, you have a TV here. Luckily, I grabbed my favorite laptop. Do you want to see how beautiful my autumn forest and how beautiful his music is. Tchaikovsky's video autumn song. October I liked it. Do you know what kind of music it was?

Musical hand Q: What can you say about her? Describe her? What else is music? Listen to this one. (Playing a synthesizer, describe it).

Baba Yaga Thank you. Directly nostalgia for my forest caused. I'll go home, check my possessions. It’s quiet, beautiful there, colorful leaves are flying. You will be in my possessions, come in - we will watch cartoons, we will play games .... computer, and take a walk in the forest.

Musical hand. Baba Yaga went to her forest to admire the fall of the leaves, and on our petal .... Look ... also leaf fall. And think about how we can show, tell about it, describe it.

(Poems, song "Beauty Autumn", dance "Falling Leaves")

Educator: Oh, two more petals have taken their place. (children on the carpet)

Golden autumn is visiting us, how beautiful it is. And by what signs do we determine that autumn has come? (children list…., rain)

Music worker: And on the petal we have rain. What is rain like?

Does rain always cause sad feelings? Can the rain be cheerful, playful, playful? Do you know anything about this rain? (poems, rain game)

Educator: The petal has taken its place.

Musical hand: Guys, today we only do what we ask questions and answer them with the most different ways. And on the sheets we have questions, ....

What is the name of the children of all the earth who are so fond of asking questions?

Let's show our guests what kind of why age we have now, how much why we have. And then ask them to say if they could answer all the questions. (song-dance Why Age)

Musical hand: So we collected our magic flower. Let's once again tell him our kindest cherished wishes. Good girls. What could we give him? (Dance of the Seven-Flower Flower)

Musical Hand: And now I propose to take Tsvetik-Semitsvetik to the group on our cheerful little train. And may all your desires and the desires of our guests, which they now make in their hearts, be sure to come true.

Irina Tkachenko
Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group "Winter's Tale"

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group

Theme: "Winter's Tale".

Target: amuse, amuse, entertain children.


1. Educational: continue to teach children to get used to the game situation.

2. Developing: develop musical and aesthetic perception, attention, develop existing skills, mental processes - activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team.

3. Educational: continue to cultivate organization, a friendly attitude towards others, positive attitude to musical entertainment.

Methods and techniques: art word, explanations, questions, guidelines, signals, reminders, praise, encouragement.

Equipment: costumes for characters, snowflakes, snowballs, buckets, medals, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

a) educator: writing a summary of a musical entertainment, reading additional literature, preparation of equipment and materials for musical entertainment.

b) children: guessing riddles about the seasons, reading poems about winter, about the seasons.

The course of musical entertainment:

(Children enter the hall to the music.) Music by A. Yermolov.


What kind of guests are in a hurry to the hall?

Glad to see you guys here!

Guys, now we will go to fabulous place. Do you want to know where exactly we will go?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then listen carefully to this poem and the riddle, and you yourself will understand where we are heading. It's clear?

Children: Yes!


Soft and fluffy paw,

The whitest on earth

Snow is knocking on my window:

"Hello, I've already arrived!"

And whitened from the snow

It suddenly became so beautiful

The snow falls clean, white,

Weightless, like fluff.

Everything is in the snow - houses and schools,

Parks, groves and fields,

After all, she came, scattering snow,

Real winter! Words by E. Snitsaruk.

Riddles about winter.


If the snow is all around

If the river is under ice

So, visit us yourself

Who came, tell me?

Children: Winter.

Leading: That's right, well done children, it's winter. We are going to winter forest. Oh, how beautiful the forest is in winter, well, just a fairy tale!


If there is a column of smoke,

Snow crunches underfoot

If your cheeks, nose are cold,

What's on the street?

Children: Freezing.


If Christmas trees in houses

In bright beads and lights,

If we lead a round dance,

What are we meeting?

Children: New Year. Words by T. Gusarova.

Leading: Well done! How do you like to solve riddles? Have you ever seen snowflakes?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And what are they?

Children: Magical, icy, beautiful.

Leading: Agree with you! Come on, and we will induce snowflakes. And we will dance a wonderful and cheerful dance of snowflakes. Fine?

Children: Yes!

(Dance with snowflakes.) Music by A. Varlamov.

Leading: Great! I loved your snowflake dance so much. Well, just keep your eyes peeled! Do you sing as well as you dance?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And now we'll check it out! Let's sing with you everyone's favorite song from the cartoon "If there was no winter."

(Everyone sings the song “If there was no winter.”) Music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Leading: Children, do you hear what kind of sounds are there?

Rushing in an ice carriage


The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path. Words by T. Bokova.

(Winter enters to the music). Music by Y. Serdobolskaya, lyrics by O. Serdobolsky.


Hello guys!

Dear guests!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

Let the fun come to us!


Winter has come, beauty

And the kids, oh, how they like it!

We love you, Zimushka!

Your frost and ice

And the sled and the skating rink!


So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: No!

Winter: Oh, let's check it out! We'll play a game.

(Children play to cheerful music.) Music by N. Glazkova.

Game: Snowflakes and wind.

Purpose: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; exercise in running, making turns around yourself, in squats.

Game progress: the teacher says the words:

Now I'll take a look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost.

The teacher - "wind" imitates a breath of wind, and the children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down when the teacher stops blowing.

Winter: Wow! Indeed, you are not afraid of frost! You know how not to freeze, look how they hid from the wind, well done! Guys, how much do you know about me?

Children: Yes!

Winter: And let me ask you riddles, and then we will see how much you know about me.

Riddles about winter.


Scattered Lukerya

silver feathers,

Twisted, swept

The street became white.

Children: Blizzard.


I live under the roof

It's scary to even look down.

I could live higher

If only there were roofs.

Children: Icicle.


I lived in the middle of the yard

Where children play

But from the sun

I have become a stream.

Children: Snowman.

Winter: Ay, well done! I have never met such smart kids!

Leading: Children, Winter whispered to me that she had lost snowflakes. And he can't find snowballs.

We must make an effort

After all, winter needs snowballs.

(Children play to cheerful music.) Lyubasha's music.

Game: "Who will collect snowflakes and snowballs faster."

Purpose: to exercise children in running, to continue to consolidate the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, to cultivate a positive attitude towards games.

Material: snowflakes and snowballs.

Game progress: children are divided into two teams. One team must find and collect snowflakes, the other team must find snowballs in the hall. Then the children put their finds in buckets. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Leading: We played well!


It's time for me to go guys!

But it's not my fault,

Spring follows me

And he brings many holidays with him.

And I will come to you again

But only next year.

I thank you for everything

I will give you gifts.

(Winter distributes commemorative medals to children.)

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Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group "Flower Glade"

Integration educational areas : "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music".

Target: generalization of knowledge about summer flowers.


Educational: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsummer flowers, consolidate knowledge about summer, learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Developing: to develop musical and aesthetic perception, observation;

Educational: educate careful attitude to nature, curiosity.

Methodical techniques: conversations with children, reading poetry, game situations.

The song by Yuri Antonov "Do not pick flowers" sounds. Children enter the hall, sit down.

Entertainment progress.


How bright is the earth at dawn

And all open for fairy tales.

She is in pearls, in silver,

She is in emeralds, in diamonds.

Silence broken.

The very first ray of dawn

So sleep time is over

All flowers are waiting for a word of greeting.

Do you guys like flowers? What flowers do you know?

Musical director. What flowers will I sing to you now?

The song "Summer Flowers" is performed (music by E. Tilicheeva, lyrics by L. Nekrasova)

Children share their impressions about the song.

presenter. Hear how beautiful the wildflowers are!

Children read poetry.


Dandelion on the path

In a fluffy hat

With a long leg.

I found him in the forest

But I won't take it with me:

I'll just take it in a bouquet,

The wind blows - no hats! (L. Agracheva)

Only the sun will rise

Poppy will bloom in the garden.

Butterfly - cabbage

It will fall on the flower.

Look - and at the flower

More than two petals! (E. Feyerabend)


Inconspicuous, inconspicuous,

He shakes his head

Not silver, not copper

Blue bell.

silent bell -

This little flower

Calls, overflows

The wind doesn't blow. (E. Ilyin)

Bumblebee heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day.

He didn't just fly

He counted the flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: “It’s hard work!

After all, the flowers in the garden are countless! (E. Feyerabend)

presenter. It's good when the flowers don't count! This means there are a lot of them and they are not torn. They are admired!

I am talking about that.

That the whole earth is ours common Home, -

Our good house, spacious house. -

We all live in it from birth.

Also, I'm talking about

That we should save our house.

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The earth is relying on us. (R. Rozhdestvensky)

Leading. Let's go to the forest clearing, play there, have a rest. And we will go there not by train, not by car, but on horseback. Take the reins - and good luck!

(children "jump" on a horse into the forest)

Leading. And in the forest it is good, warm, the birds sing songs. And the flowers - apparently, invisible!


Hello white daisy

Hello pink porridge!

We look at the flowers

Let's sit in the meadow.

Bloomed in our forest

Various flowers:

Poppy, chamomile, cornflowers

Blue eyes.

I took my watering can

And watered the flowers.

Flowers will drink water

They will grow well!

The boys took the baskets

Run for mushrooms.

The boys brought home

Only leaves and buds.

presenter. How many boys brought cones!!! I think we will play with them.

Bump game. 1. Relay with baskets. 2. Game "Clean the forest"


Don't you guys want

Guess my riddles?

But not only to guess

And also draw.

"Riddles - drawings" (children listen to riddles and draw riddles)

1. In appearance - a wedge,

Unfold - damn it. (Umbrella)

2. We all like it,

We cry without him

And it will barely show up.

We look away, we hide.

It's painfully bright

And bright and hot! (Sun)

3. Red maiden

Sitting in the dark

Kos on the street. (Carrot)

4. Himself scarlet, sugar,

Green caftan, velvet. (Watermelon)

5. Sisters stand in the rays

golden eye,

White eyelashes. (Daisies)

6. Antoshka stands

On one leg. (Mushroom)

7. The ball was white,

The wind blew

The ball flew away. (Dandelion)

Leading. All of you know the game "The sea is worried." And since we are in the forest, in the clearing, we will say: “The grass is swaying”, and we will depict flowers. The most different, the most beautiful!

Imagination game.

(Children move to the music, when the music ends, the children freeze and depict a flower)

Leading. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Hold on tight to the reins and gallop!

(sounds "Horse", music by M. Rauchverger, children move to the music)

presenter. What did you like about our trip?

(Children share their impressions)


In parting, I want to tell you:

Do not tear flowers, do not tear,

Let the Earth be beautiful.

Musical holiday for older children preschool age, dedicated to the music of R. Schumann

Hall decoration: Silver Christmas trees, candlesticks with candles, small tables, trays with flower cards in pastel colors, a portrait of R. Schumann.

(The “Melody” by R. Schumann from the “Album for Youth” sounds softly, candles are lit, children enter the living room, greet the guests.)

Hostess of the music room: Hello, children! I am very glad to see you again in our musical lounge. Look how beautiful it is here! (Music stops.) You are in magical kingdom music that will tell us about winter. Today the works of the greatest German composer Robert Schumann. You and I know well that winter road starts in the far north. From there, the winter winds come to us and sing their songs, calling for winter to come.

(The mistress of the living room invites the children to sit comfortably on chairs, get ready to listen carefully to the music as is customary in the music room.)

(The Northern Song by R. Schumann sounds.)


Decorated winter:

Fringe on the dress

From transparent ice

Snowflake stars.

All in diamonds, pearls,

In colorful lights

Radiance pours around

Whispers a spell:

"Lie down, soft snows,

To forests and meadows.

Cover the paths

Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scatter crystal roses.

light visions,

Tricky weaves.

You, blizzard, weirdo,

Round dance backwaters,

Fly up like a whirlwind of white

Gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,

Save magical dreams:

Wait, dressed in brocade,

new dawn! (M. Pozharova)

(Sounds like musical composition R. Schumann "Winter".

By the end of the work, the Mistress of the living room gradually extinguishes the candles. The music room is dark for a few moments, then the lights gradually come on.)

You probably heard and understood everything, felt how the poet spoke about winter in verse, the composer painted with musical sounds winter picture. Try to become artists too, and with the help of different colors and their shades, convey the mood expressed by the composer Robert Schumann in this work.

(The musical work “Winter” sounds again, the children pick up cards with desired color and lay out the color scheme on the floor.)

I see that in your compositions you used warm, gentle tones... What kind of winter did you get?

(Children's answers.)

You are right, winter is different. You have a quiet, sad, sad, thoughtful winter ... But Robert Schumann has another work on winter theme quite a different character. Listen. (The musical work of R. Schumann "Santa Claus" sounds.)

What winter did the music tell us about in this work? (Children's answers.)

Yes, the winter there is cold, prickly, angry, frosty, with a snowstorm, howling of the north wind, angry ... The composer called this piece of music "Father Frost".

Now remember what poems about Santa Claus you know. (Children recite poems.)

Now I will read you a poem about Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up with icicles ringing:

“Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?

Why don't you wake me up?"

Blizzards came up

Howled: woo!

Whooped: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


The forest groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

The oaks groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

The birches groaned: mmm-mmm-mmm.

And Santa Claus conjures:

"Play out, blizzards!

Bend lower, pines, firs!

All that is in my forest

I’ll fall asleep, I’ll bring it in! ”

(S. Marshak)

We are not afraid of frost! Remember, children, how fun it is to play snowballs in winter!

Snowballs fly and flash

Snowballs cover your face

Snowballs blind our eyes,

Snowballs make us all happy!

(E. Alekseeva)

(The musical work of R. Schumann "The Hunting Song" sounds.)

So ended our evening in the music room, dedicated to creativity Robert Schumann! See you next time!

Musical entertainment in the senior group.

Subject: I am a resident of Russia.

Target: Raising a sense of patriotism in children through music. Teach children to be friendly and help others.

Equipment: poems about the Motherland, illustrations about the Motherland, cat-Vaska toy, musical instruments,

Repertoire: Listening to the poem "About our Soviet Motherland", music. the game "Vaska-cat", the song "Happy holiday » , Game song "Kitten".

Guys, where do we live. (in Russia). And who will tell me what our country (homeland) is to us. Many poets compose poems about our Motherland. Read an excerpt from a poem about the Motherland. What are the verses about?

But one Russian composer loved his homeland so much that he wrote a song about it. Let's listen to her.

What did the composer want to say in the song? What was his mood?

There is a rustle.

Who is it rustling? Let's listen.

Sounds like a melody for the game.

Game song "Kitten".

Who came to us? Cat. And what is his name? Vaska. He probably also wants to listen to music and play with you and dance. Let's sing a song for him. We sing the song "Guests have come to us."

Oh, Vaska doesn't know this song. Can we help him learn?

We help to learn the song to Vaska the Cat.

Well done guys, you helped our Vaska learn the song and he invites you to play with him.

Children play music. the game "Cat Vaska" 2-3 times.

Oh, we played, we played, and we were a little tired and I want to sing songs with you. Here Vaska knows what song. A fragment of the song plays, and the children must guess the song. Song Happy Holiday.

What is this song guys. Let's help our cat remember it, otherwise he knows the melody, but forgot the words. Let's remind him of this song.

Well done guys, helped the cat remember the words of this song.

We guys sang songs with you, listened to poems, played, and now let's show how we play musical instruments with you.

Children perform a melody on musical instruments.

Let's ask Vaska liked it with us today.


What mood did you have today. What did we remember poems about and listen to songs about? What was the mood of the song? What else did you like?

Vaska also liked to sing and dance with you, but it's time to say goodbye. Let's say goodbye to Vaska.

The children return to the group.


Game song "Kitten".

The facilitator sings a song, encouraging the children to sing along with onomatopoeia.

IN. A kitten came to us little kitty:

He plays with children, sings songs:

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

Vaska walks white,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And it runs like an arrow.

The eyes are closing

Claws straighten out

Teeth like a needle.

Step barely audible

Vaska's coat is lush,

Soft like linen.

Only mice will scratch.

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He will catch in an instant.

Rules of the game:

For the game, "Vaska-cat" and several "mice" are selected. All children stand in a circle and hold hands. The mice leave the circle, and the cat remains in the middle of the circle. Depending on the content of the couplets, the cat walks in a circle, closes its eyes, straightens its claws, shows its teeth, walks on its toes, listens to see if the mice are scratching.

At the end, the children who stand in a circle raise their clasped hands up and make collars. The cat starts to catch mice, running through the gates, and the mice run away from him. The game ends when all mice are caught. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

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