Finger theater in kindergarten. Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games


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1 Finger theater as a means of sensory development of children preschool age SLIDE 1 At present, the problem of educating preschool children with impaired speech development is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, it is very important to identify and eliminate these disorders as early as possible so that at school the child does not experience difficulties both in learning and in communicating with peers. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between the coordination of small hand movements and speech. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking is slowed down, since thinking is closely connected with speech and depends on it. Educators and psychologists dealing with early childhood problems believe that hand movements associated with the inclusion of fingers are necessary for the development of the child. They not only contribute to speech development, but also have a significant impact on the overall psychophysical development, acquire skills non-verbal communication, sharpen tactile capabilities, train muscle memory. In the 20th century, researchers such as L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, M.M. Koltsova, A.R. Luria, M.N. Shchelovanov, came to the conclusion that sensorimotor development is the foundation of mental development. They point out that " mental capacity the child begins to form very early and not by itself, but as his activity expands, including general, motor and manual. "However, despite the fact that children's teachers and psychologists note the effectiveness of finger theater in the development fine motor skills, only a few of them are used in kindergartens. Analysis of the programs "Origins", "Childhood", "The program of education and training in kindergarten"Showed that work on the development of fine motor skills is not a priority and is not given due attention. 1

2 SLIDE 2 Therefore, work in this direction will be effective only if an educator, speech therapist, psychologist, music director, instructor physical education, parents. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be higher than normal. It has been proven that the movements of the fingers stimulate the development of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech. Therefore, the constant development and strengthening of the muscles of fine motor skills is necessary in permanent job. to one of effective ways correction of children's speech can be attributed to the finger theater. The finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero .. Also, the finger theater is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children, the development of fine motor skills: during games, children develop dexterity , the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity, which is a natural means of self-expression for the child, and the use of symbolic materials helps him to distance himself from problem situations. Finger theater is effective tool development of fine motor skills of the hand in children of primary preschool age. SLIDE 3-5 Finger theaters are primarily: knitted figurines that are worn on the fingers; from paper pulp; from the balls on which the faces of the characters are drawn; finger puppets made from various types of fabrics; a small screen and scenery. Characters are created from paper, small boxes in which holes are made for fingers. These are miniature figurines made of cones and cylinders that are put on fingers. Figures or only heads are drawn, glued to cardboard rings and put on fingers. 2

3 SLIDE 6-9 For three years, the project "Theater for All!" has been implemented in our garden. Its participants were children, their parents and teachers. The implementation of this project began in the academic year. Working as an educator during the academic year preparatory group, together with the children we staged the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", took part in the show of carnival masks, and also, participating in the "Fairytale Tour" in kindergarten, demonstrated the fairy tale on the umbrella "Masha and the Bear". In the school year, my pupils were children of the first junior group. And when carrying out theater week they participated in fabulous tours with the finger theater "Kurochka Ryaba", and in the entertainment "Funny Folklore" (they played sketches, nursery rhymes and mini-sketches). The finger theater is held both during classes according to the plan of the educator, and in free time and regime moments time. In particular, the finger theater is carried out by me as a way of children's play activities. All children of the group take part in finger theatrical games. My work in this direction is structured as follows. SLIDE For example, when playing the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", children first get acquainted with the fairy tale. Directly during the playing of the finger theater, children remember the heroes of the fairy tale, the course of events in it, diligently answer the questions posed by the content, learn the movements of the puppets, thereby contributing to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Then on their own free time from activities they play without the help of a teacher. SLIDE With great pleasure, the children act out the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", and even remembered the songs based on this fairy tale: "I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, I'm blasted around the barn." 3

4 sang along with the teacher. After the finger theater, the children made a successful attempt to act out this fairy tale during play activities. SLIDE 14 Finger theater "Turnip" is of interest to children. Remembering the moments from the fairy tale, the children answer the questions posed by the teacher and themselves play out this fairy tale in play activities without the help of the teacher. SLIDE Exhibitions “Such different theater" and " Unusual transformations ordinary things." SLIDE Together with children and their parents, I took part in the creation of this exhibition, which included exhibits of my theater corner. Finger theater is one of the most successful means in the development of fine motor skills with a well-developed theoretical base and rich historical background. This is especially important due to the fact that at present most of today's children have a general motor lag. The consequence of the poor development of motor skills, and in particular the hand, is the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development. However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is well managed with his own hands. Thus, one can speak of finger theater as an excellent universal, didactic and educational material. The method and meaning of it is that the nerve endings of the hands act on the child's brain and brain activity is activated. For schooling, it is very important that the child has well-developed fine motor skills. The finger theater is a good helper in order to prepare the child's hand for writing, to develop coordination. Scientists have proven that the development of hands is closely related to the state of speech and thinking of the child. SLIDE 19 4

5 Thank you for your attention! 5

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second qualification category

MADOU kindergarten №73 of the city of Tyumen

Finger theater- This is a set of figurines-characters that are put on a separate finger. It can be just individual dolls, animals, some items for staging a fairy tale, or everything. famous characters our favorite Russian folk tales. The Finger Theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero. The child can put any character on his finger and play. It is very important, when playing, to contact the child, including him in the game. The theater is also an excellent speech and sensory-motor simulator. Dolls develop the mobility of the fingers of both hands, help to master the speech of the characters, help to develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Finger theater is designed for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech; development of communicative abilities of preschool children in the process of finger theater.

Tasks: To teach children to act out small performances, skits, fairy tales with the help of a finger theater;

Develop: speech, thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination; enrich vocabulary;

evoke positive emotions; to instill a steady interest in the theater;

Description: knitted, sewn finger puppets, decorations.

Training: Set the scenery, assign roles.

Usage variability:

Learning nursery rhymes;

Dolls can be used to get acquainted and study the account (for example, in the fairy tale "Teremok" a mouse, a frog, a hare three together began to live, then a fox came - there were four of them); to get acquainted with the characters and the plot of the fairy tale, to get acquainted with the concepts of “right - left”, “next to”, “one after the other”;

Playing out fairy tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen" ...;

Come up with your own story;

Guess the hero;

- “Who says what” (onomatopoeia);

- "World of emotions" (sadness, joy, anger, surprise);

- "What color is the hero?" (kolobok-yellow, fox-orange, mouse-gray).

Finger theater and finger games develop the child's brain, stimulate the development of speech, Creative skills, fantasy kid. Simple moves help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. The better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better the child speaks.

Dear teachers and parents - participants of the exhibition!

On June 2, 2015, in the information and exhibition complex of the Tyumen Regional Duma, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional methodological exhibition "Modern educational environment kindergarten and family.

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers," The hand is the instrument of all tools, "Aristotle concluded. "The hand is a kind of external brain," wrote Kant.

These conclusions are not accidental. Indeed, the hand has a large "representation" in the cerebral cortex, so the finger theater is of great importance for the development of the child.

The development of finger motor skills has a positive effect on the formation of speech, which is necessary for writing, drawing, any gaming and household activities. Training fingers through certain areas in the cerebral cortex stimulates the mobility of the organs of articulation, making the child's speech more clear and correct. Systematic exercises that require subtle finger movements increase the efficiency of the brain, giving powerful push child to cognitive and creative activity. Regular repetition of motor exercises for the fingers contributes to the development of attention, thinking, memory, and has a beneficial effect on the child's speech. The hands become more mobile and flexible, which helps future students to successfully master writing skills.

Finger Theatre:

Stimulates the development of fine motor skills;

Introduces the child to such concepts as shape, color, size;

Helps to develop spatial perception (concepts: right, left, side by side, one after another, etc.);

Develops imagination, memory, thinking and attention;

Helps to develop vocabulary and activates speech functions;

Forms creative abilities and artistic skills;

Introduces elementary mathematical concepts.

Also, finger puppet theater develops curiosity, imagination, sociability, interest in creativity in a child, helps to cope with shyness, contributes to the development of memory, attention, perseverance, broadening one's horizons.

Fiction has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language. In stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

Along with the heroes of Russian folk tales, the new modern heroes of the Smeshariki, beloved by children, are also used. When reading works of art to children in speech development classes, a variety of methods and techniques are used, but the practical method, namely theatrical activity, is more effective (as practice shows). It is theatrical activity (as one of the types of gaming activities) that contributes to the easy and free implementation of the processes of learning and development of children. Preschoolers are happy to join the game, embody images, turn into artists. The game is serious business, but also fun. Theatrical games make it possible to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, and the sound culture of speech is being improved. In addition, dramatization games allow you to solve several tasks at the same time: the development of speech and skills of theatrical performance, the creation of an atmosphere of creativity, social emotional development children, and much more.

In a theatrical game, emotional development is carried out: children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, realize the reasons for this or that mood. The importance of theatrical play for speech development(improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Theatrical activity allows you to solve many problem situations on behalf of any character. This helps to overcome shyness associated with communication difficulties, self-doubt.

"The theater is a magical land in which the child rejoices when playing, and in the game he learns the world," these are the words of S.I. Merzlyakova.

Experience has shown that the participation of children in theatrical games has a positive effect on the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, on the development of speech abilities. Older children, together with adults, take part in a finger show for kids, where they learn to work in a team and where a good attitude towards kids is brought up. I drew attention to the fact that children improve their mood, self-confidence, they feel freer, more relaxed, communicate more trustingly. Children transfer the acquired skills in theatrical games to everyday life - these are songs, dances, and poems.

The work organized in this way contributes to the fact that the theatrical game becomes a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child in various types of creativity, self-assertion in a group of peers. And the life of preschoolers in kindergarten is enriched by the integration of the game and familiarization with fiction, which are embodied in theatrical and gaming activities.

Used Books.

1. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for a kindergarten teacher. M., 1999.

2. Istomina Z.M. The influence of a verbal pattern and visual material on the development of the speech of a preschool child. Izv. APN RSFSR. 1966.

3. Karpinskaya N. S. art word in raising children. M., 1982.

4. Leushina A.M. The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. M., 1941.

5. Nemenova T. Development of creative manifestations of children in the process of theatrical games // preschool education. 2007. №1.

6. Sokhin F.A. Understanding of speech by older preschoolers. Preparing children for school in kindergarten. M., 1978.

7. Shurochkina I.S. The use of theatrical activities in working with children. // Reference book of the senior educator. 2008. No. 3.

Explanatory note

In connection with the increase in the number of children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP), the problem of developing a variety of tools that contribute to the effective formation of speech in this category of children is very relevant.

The general underdevelopment of speech is characterized by the underdevelopment of all components of the speech system: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, the development of which includes coherent speech.

Traditionally connected speech is divided into two main types: dialogue and more complex view- monologue. Monologue speech, as a rule, is the most unformed. This is determined by the fact that a monologue is an arbitrary type of speech and does not form independently, but meanwhile it is one of the conditions for a child’s successful education at school, which is especially important at senior preschool age. It follows from this that the formation of a connected monologue speech- one of the main tasks of the speech development of preschoolers.

Exists a large number of methods for the formation of coherent monologue speech in preschoolers with ONR (V.K. Vorobyeva, V.P. Glukhov, T.A. Tkachenko, F.A. Sokhin, etc.). Most researchers build their work according to the degree of complication of speech activity: from the formation of an easier type of coherent monologue speech - retelling finished sample to a more complex one - compiling an independent story. Various auxiliary means are used in the methods - plot and subject pictures, photographs, illustrative - graphic schemes, illustrations for the work. When forming a coherent monologue speech, tasks become more complicated over time by gradually reducing the amount of visibility.

Based on the classification of thinking according to the genesis of development accepted in psychology, it can be concluded that researchers in their methods will use means based on the developed visual-figurative thinking of the child, which is characterized by reliance on representations and images. When performing tasks, the child needs to operate with visual images of objects. AT simplest form visual-figurative thinking occurs mainly in older preschoolers, at the age of five to seven years. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, the transition to visual - figurative thinking from it more early form- visually - effective, due to a defect, as a rule, slowed down.

Theater is a unique tool that allows to include specific game actions in classes, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to affect the “world of images”. It allows you to observe a smoother transition from the ability to operate with objects to the ability to operate with images, while taking into account the leading activity of preschoolers - the game.

Benefits of finger theater

The finger theater is one of the types of puppet theater and has the following advantages over its other types:

  • Finger theater promotes the development of fine motor skills. Thanks to actions with puppets, thin differentiated movements of the fingers are formed;
  • The use of finger theater does not imply that the child has special technical skills, which may be needed when using glove puppets, puppets, etc.
  • Finger theater is familiar to children from preschool age, as educators widely use it in various classes in the learning process;
  • In dramatizations, the finger theater allows the child to show several characters at once;
  • Finger theater puppets take up little space and do not require large material costs.

There are various different types finger theater, made using various technologies, taking into account the physiological capabilities of children.

In the finger theater, director's play is used as a type of theatrical games. In it, the child does not play the role of any character himself, but controls the artists - puppets. In this type of theatrical game, the child “voices” his characters and comments on the plot as the author, thereby developing his monologue speech.

Main content

Work on the formation of coherent monologue speech in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III using finger theater is built in the following sequence:

1. Preparatory stage.

b. Clarification of reading comprehension: conversation. character discussion, appearance heroes. Plot discussion.
in. Preparing fingers for actions with a doll: finger gymnastics, fixing the rules for using the doll
d. Joint compilation of a retelling with children using finger theater

2. Main stage.

b. Self compilation retelling by children using finger theater

3. Final stage.

1. Preparatory stage.

b. Preparing fingers for actions with a doll: finger gymnastics, fixing the rules for using a doll
in. New character doll introduction

2. Main stage.

b. Children inventing a new story
in. Self-compilation of a story by children - narration using a finger tetra

3. Final stage.

The result of the work on the formation of coherent monologue speech is an independent story of the child without relying on visualization.

Work on the formation of coherent monologue speech in children with OHP level III using finger theater is proposed to be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

I. Requirements for the organization of classes:

  1. Classes are held twice a week: the first day - work on the retelling, the second day - work on the story;
  2. There are several children in the classes (from 2 to 5)
  3. Classes are held in compliance with the time limit: 15 - 20 minutes.

II. Requirements for the structure of classes:

  1. Classes are built in accordance with the methodology for the formation of coherent monologue speech: from compiling a retelling to compiling a story;
  2. At both stages, work is carried out from compiling a descriptive story to compiling a narrative one;
  3. Finger theater acts as an auxiliary means.

III. Requirements for speech material:

  1. Fairy tales are used for staging, with the presence of the same type of episodes, repeating plot points. This makes it easier for children to memorize the texts of fairy tales. They observe a clear division into fragments - episodes, and the logical sequence of events is clearly traced (Appendix No. 1);
  2. Adapted texts of fairy tales are used that correspond to the age of children and the requirements of the educational program of the preschool educational institution:
  3. Texts are reduced by excluding dialogues, which allows the child to act as the author, using only monologue speech;
  4. In the classroom, texts of fairy tales are used with the highlighting of the main episodes. The main plot and the main idea were preserved.

IV. Requirements for the use of finger theater:

  1. During the approbation of a series of classes, different types of finger theater were used, made using various technologies: paper, felted wool and rubber (“ doll heads"). This is due to the gradual formation in children of the technique of using the finger theater;
  2. Finger theater puppets were a visual aid in the formation of coherent monologue speech;
  3. The appearance of the doll corresponded to the character of the fairy tale, was recognizable by children;
  4. At the lesson, only those dolls that were the heroes of this fairy tale were selected. (Exception - new character, introduced at the stage of teaching the story);
  5. At each lesson, before playing out the plot, a conversation was held with the children to consolidate the rules for using the doll:
  • The doll is completely put on the finger;
  • One child can put one or more dolls on his hand;
  • The doll looks at the viewer, or at another doll;
  • The position of the doll is vertical.

6. The main types of actions with the doll were fixed:

  • Putting on the finger;
  • Imitation of doll steps with hand movement;
  • turns;
  • wiggle;
  • Bows.

7. Before playing the fairy tale, finger gymnastics was carried out, corresponding to the plot of the fairy tale (2 - 3 minutes)

Lesson examples

Let's give an example of a lesson in accordance with this sequence.

Lesson on the fairy tale "Teremok". Fragment.

The first stage in the work is the construction of a retelling, since retelling is an easier type of monologue speech, based on a ready-made speech sample that needs to be reproduced.

I. Formation in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III of the ability to compose a retelling.

1. Preparatory stage.

a. Familiarization with the content of the tale: emotional reading of the tale.

Adapted fairy tales with excluded dialogues serve as speech material:

Adapted fairy tale "Teremok"

Stands in the field Teremok. A mouse runs past. I saw the tower, I stopped. She wanted to live in a tower. She asked who lives in the tower. Nobody responds. So she entered the teremok and began to live in it. A frog jumped up. I saw the tower and asked who lives in the tower. And in the teremka the mouse lived. And they began to live together .... Suddenly a clumsy bear walks by. The bear saw the tower, stopped and also wanted to live there. He asked who lives in the tower. They answered him: a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister, a top-gray barrel. And the Bear wanted to live with them. But he can’t climb in and decided to live on the roof. The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down and the teremok crackled, fell on its side and fell apart all over. The animals ran out, upset, they don’t know where to live now. They grieve and agreed each on a twig, and bring a piece of log to make the tower anew. They began to carry logs, cut boards - to build a new tower. Built better than before! And they began to live together, live and make good.

b. Clarification of reading comprehension: conversation.

Discussion of the character, appearance of the characters.

Children are given a sample of a coherent descriptive story, dolls are presented - which serves as an auxiliary tool for compiling a descriptive story:

Let's remember what heroes were in the fairy tale. Let's consider them in turn. Listen as I tell you about a frog - a frog: this is a frog - a frog, it is small, green, lives in a swamp, feeds on mosquitoes, and it also knows how to croak. And now you tell about any hero.

Plot discussion.

To consolidate knowledge and compose narrative story children are given questions about the content of the tale:

Where did our heroes live? Who first noticed the teremok? Second? ... Who came last and destroyed the tower? Where did he get to? Why? What happened next?

in. Preparing fingers for actions with a doll: finger gymnastics, fixing the rules for using a doll

At this stage, finger gymnastics exercises are included in the lesson, the rules for using the doll are fixed:

Finger gymnastics "Teremok"

Let's remember how to put on a doll? Where should the doll look? How can she move?

d. Joint compilation of a retelling with children using finger theater

Acting out a story with children. The teacher tells a story, the children help.

2. Main stage.

a. Self-compilation of a story by children - descriptions of the heroes of a fairy tale using a finger theater

Compilation of an independent story of description without a sample, but based on dolls:

Think of a story about a character you like. Describe him, and we have to guess who you're talking about.

b. Self-compilation of a retelling by children using finger theater

Children play the story without outside help. Since there is a group of children at the lesson, the retelling is built along the chain:

Now you can tell and show the story yourself. One starts - the rest listen carefully and continue.

3. Final stage.

a. Self-compilation of the retelling by children without the use of finger theater

Children retell the tale without outside help and visualization in the form of puppets. It is the final moment in the work on the retelling.

The second stage of work on a coherent monologue speech is the formation in children of the ability to compose a story. Children need to change the plot in accordance with the changed conditions.

II. Formation in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III of the ability to compose a story.

1. Preparatory stage.

a. Actualization of knowledge: repetition of what was covered in the last lesson

At the beginning of work, children are invited to remember what was covered in the last lesson, puppets act as an aid:

Let's remember what fairy tale we went through in the last lesson? Here are our heroes. Today we will compose a new fairy tale for them.

b. Preparing fingers for actions with a doll: finger gymnastics, fixing the rules for using a doll

Finger gymnastics "Teremok", fixing the rules for using the doll.

in. New character doll introduction

The change in the plot is carried out by introducing a new character into the fairy tale:

Look, which of the heroes was not in our fairy tale?

2. Main stage.

a. Children leaving the story on their own - descriptions of the new hero of the fairy tale using a finger tetra

Children must make descriptive story without relying on a sample story, but relying on puppets:

Let's talk about a new hero. What is he? In what fairy tales is it found? From what fairy tale did he come to us and why do you think?

b. Children inventing a new story

Children need to figure out how the plot will change if a new character appears in it. Leading questions are asked as needed. In drawing up the plot, the puppets of old characters and the new ones serve as a support.

in. Self-compilation of a story by children - narration using a finger tetra

Playing a new story for children.

3. Final stage.

a. Self-compilation of a story by children without the use of a finger theater.

The final stage in compiling a story is compiling an independent story without relying on visualization in the form of a finger theater.


Based on the study, we can draw the following conclusions:

The finger theater, which is the main auxiliary tool that facilitates the process of forming a coherent monologue speech, is also a tool that motivates children, as it arouses interest, curiosity, stimulates active participation in the lesson.

Children express the initiative to participate in the staging of fairy tales, make suggestions for organization, and take an active part in creating a new plot.

Due to the fact that a group of children is present at the lesson, the retelling or story was built collectively: one child starts, others continue, so all children are involved in the work. This contributes to the formation in children of the ability to listen to each other, not to interrupt, but, if necessary, to help with hints.

At the initial stages of work, certain difficulties may arise associated with the use of the finger theater.

For example: children make inexpediently wide movements with a doll, the doll falls from the fingers of children, etc. If the requirements are met, these difficulties are eliminated by repeating the rules for using the doll in each lesson and fixing them in practical activities.

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