Scenario of a funny show champions in Guinness style. "Nice Show"


Elena Grinchenko

Scenario competitively - game program for pupils of middle, senior and preparatory groups.

Leading: teacher Grinchenko E. N., instructor in FC Polevik O. I.

Materials and equipment:

Book of Records;

Diplomas for all record holders and teams;

Balloons (per team member);

Peas, 2 tablespoons and 2 identical bowls;

Plasticine for 2 teams;

Chairs for all team members;

Table, chairs, score sheets and pens for the jury members;

Microphones for presenters;

Jury composition:

Deputy Head according to VMR Lopatina N.I.

FC instructor with teaching children to swim Polevik N. L.

Educator Dronova A.N.

Presenter 1: Hello, Dear friends! We are glad to see you on our « Guinness - show» (Engine the audience with loud applause)

Lead 2: Have you heard about the Book of Records Guinness? It contains an incredible number of the most unheard of and amazing records made not only by people, but also by nature!

Presenter 1: Have you ever set real records? No? Then today you have a chance to become real champions of our programs« Guinness show»

Lead 2: Guys, do you know the history of the appearance of the Book of Records Guinness? No? Well then, I'll tell you now ... in exactly 1 minute! Wow, and I'll probably become a record holder in the Book of Records Guinness according to the story of the book! So, on Saturday, November 10, 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver was hunting in an area called North Dirt on southeast Ireland. But the hunt failed, the hunter was not able to shoot a few Golden Plovers that day. That same evening, the hunters realized that not a single reference book gives an answer to the question of whether the golden plover is the most fast bird Europe. Probably, the hunters wanted to justify the unsuccessful hunt. So the idea arose to create a book that would include all the world records.

Presenter 1: In 1955, the 1st copy of the Book of Records was published Guinness, which got its name from the publisher in which it was published. Now this is the most popular book in the world! Millions of people dream of getting on its pages, making the most incredible records! Would you like to be on the page famous book? Then let's try!

Lead 2: We need to choose 2 teams, 6 people each, who consider themselves to be real champions. Guys, come join us here!

Presenter 1: (To the audience) Friends, look, these are real heroes, ready to make extraordinary records. Let's welcome them! They have to go through hard way to prove your dexterity and strength! The team with the most points will go down in history. programs« Guinness show» .

Lead 2: So, let's start our competitive program. I ask you to listen carefully to the rules for setting records. But, for starters, I suggest that each team come up with a name!

Presenter 1: In the meantime, the teams think about the name, I want to introduce you to a member jury:___,___,.

Lead 2: The teams came up with names for themselves, we meet - team No. 1 - ___, team No. 2. Record number 1. Now we must identify the record holder who will sit on a chair with his legs up the longest without helping himself with his hands. (Team badge + personal record)

Presenter 1: So, the teams got ready - started!

Lead 2: Great! Here's our first record holder, what's your name? Congratulations, you've earned your first token for your team!

Presenter 1: You must have heard or seen on TV amazing records that delight us; for example, a long pasta about 2 km, made in Italy, or a huge cake, 2x- storey house. People made these miracles, dreaming of getting into the Book Guinness.

Lead 2: And now you will try to set the next record! Record #2 "Long plasticine sausage roller". Everyone needs to roll out of plasticine "Sausage", connect it with the whole team. And the distinguished jury will compare which of "sausages" did it get longer?

Presenter 1: Amazing! The team became the champion. And she earns a token.

Lead 2: Well, we are moving on to setting the next record. Record number 3. This time the teams will have to stay without shoes for a while! And you need to take off your shoes in order to build a bridge out of your shoes. And again, our incorruptible jury will determine the shoe bridge of whose team will be longer! Fans, support the teams!

Presenter 1: And here we have new record installed and the team gets the badge again! Well done. Congratulations!

Lead 2: In the meantime, the teams are putting on shoes, we will set several records with the audience! Record number 4 Guys, do you know who was the most tall man in the world? Well, I'll tell you now! His name was Robert Perling, he lived in the USA, his height at the age of 22 was 2.72 meters. Here is a giant! Now let's choose the tallest boy from the audience!

The tallest boy, he is given the title "Gulliver"

The shortest girl "Thumbelina"

Presenter 1: Applause to our champions! Now, are the teams ready? We continue our competitive program. Record #5+ personal best. In the book Guinness Recorded that one person managed to stand on one leg for 34 hours. I think you can stand on one leg too. Now you are invited to stand in a pose "Swallows" and the jury will determine which team will receive the badge.

Lead 2: Here is another record holder who has earned a badge for his team.

Presenter 1: Well, we will return to the pages of the Book of Records, in which she has information about what long name consists of 622 letters! Imagine how hard it is to pronounce!

Lead 2: Record #6+ personal best. And let's find out which of the team members has the longest name.

Presenter 1: Congratulations to the record holder and the team that earns 1 more token! And we move on to the next competition to set a new record. Record #7 "Pea Picker". Which of the teams will collect more peas scattered on the table in 30 seconds. For 1 time it is allowed to take 1 pea!

Lead 2: And again the jury will determine the team of champions!

Presenter 1: Congratulations to Team ___ who earned 1 more token! Well, we're moving on to competition"Giretopusher" Record #8+ personal record! All team members are invited to compete, who will push further balloon hic!

Lead 2: The jury determined the new champions. Congratulations to the team ___ and ___ who brought her a badge!

Presenter1: In the meantime, the jury is summing up and getting ready to announce all the record holders, I want to appeal to everyone fans:

Again the game comes to us -

We divide the hall in half:

Left "Yes" screaming back

Right answer "No".

live without candy guys

Very bad, boring?. Yes!

There is a bike

What flies into space? No!

Maybe an athlete

Jump to the moon? No!

Everyone stands at a red light -

Both cars and people? Yes!

Maybe a black cat

Can't see at night? Yes!

seagoing ships

Can they swim on dry land? No!

Lunch can be delicious

From raw potatoes?. No!

Maybe a water gun

Shoot a giraffe? No!

Can fashionista vest

Wear for a holiday? Yes!

Gotta buy a ticket

For a tram ride? Yes!

From a dry pond

Will the fish be caught? No!

Do all trains run?

Only on rails only?. Yes!

Maybe a very old grandfather

Back to school? No!

All answers are good

You screamed from the heart.

Let's say goodbye

Let's shout: "Goodbye!"

The jury announces record holders and awards diplomas to all participants and teams!

Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "Clip-Gag"

Goals and objectives:

To develop the artistic, aesthetic, musical, theatrical abilities of children;

Introduce the kids to musical literature(Russian and foreign stage);

To develop the children's observation, quick wits, resourcefulness;

Teach children to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: Concert Hall.

Props: tokens for the lottery, notes with the names of pop stars, lyrics for children's songs, lottery drum, prizes.

To conduct competitions, teams must prepare clips of Russian or foreign pop stars.



Masha Tusovkina

Any cheerful music sounds. Leading Sasha and Masha come on stage.

Sasha. Hello boys and girls! Masha. Hi all! Great! So many familiar faces in the hall!

Sasha. And look how they smile! Probably, they guess that we want to tell them something important.

Masha. Well, dear friends, we are pleased to tell you sensational news that only two people know about: I am Masha Tusovkina!

Sasha. And I'm Sasha Deejakin! So, attention! Today, here, now, in this wonderful hall, a club of amateurs is opening contemporary music called "Clip-Gag"! Your thunderous applause!

Masha. But this is only the beginning, because the stars of foreign and Russian stage, such as...

Lead enumerates music bands, which the squads put clips on.

Sasha. And in a few minutes we will certainly see their performances! But that's not all, because I invite everyone in the hall to become members of our music club"Clip-Gag"! Your applause!

Masha. To do this, you need quite a bit of desire, namely, to take part in competitions. By the way, everyone who enters this stage will receive such a token with a number. (Shows a token resembling a CD with a number written on it with a marker.) It will give you the right to participate in a grand lottery where Grand Prize our evening.

Sasha. So, the club of music lovers opens its doors, and the first to enter them with their video is the youngest detachment of our camp...

Speech of the 9th detachment.

Masha. And we are starting to choose the members of the Klip-Klyap club, and for a start, I propose three girls and three boys to go on stage.


Masha. I hope that this task will not seem too difficult for you. All of you have leaflets on which the names of Russian pop stars are written. Everyone in turn will go on stage and sing to the soundtrack in the image of the star that you got. So let's meet!

The presenter reads out the names of the performers popular songs, the DJ includes one-minute excerpts of the soundtracks of these stars, the participants depict them.

1. Zhanna Friske "La-la-la"

2. Bianca "About Summer"

3. Kristina Orbakaite "Without you"

4. Oleg Gazmanov "Sailor"

5. Verka Serduchka "Hop-hop-hop"

6. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin "This is love"

7. Andrey Gubin “Winter. Cold"

Sasha. And now I want the hall to just explode with applause, because the eighth squad comes on stage with a clip ...

Speech of the 8th detachment.


Masha. And we continue to choose members of the club and five people who are familiar with the work of the American pop star Michael Jackson are invited to the stage.

Participants take the stage.

And the task is very simple. Now our DJ will turn on the famous song of Michael, and you need to portray his famous moonwalk.

The contestants portray.

Sasha. And now meet - a clip from the seventh detachment!

Speech of the 7th detachment.


Masha. In order to take part in the next competition, ask yourself the question: can you act as a showman? If you can, then go on stage. For this game, I need five participants.

Participants take the stage.

Your task: the sixth detachment is preparing to enter the stage with the clip of the group "Accident", and each of you, like a real showman, must announce their release.

The contestants announce each in their own way the exit of the group.

And now let's ask the winner of this competition to announce the clip of the sixth squad again.

Speech of the 6th detachment.

Who is first

Sasha. And we continue to select members of our music club, and for the next competition I need five boys and five girls who love to dance.

The dancers take the stage.

So, when the music starts, you should dance, and as soon as it stops, you should quickly sit down. Whoever sits down last is out of the game. And so on until the most attentive participant remains.

A competition is being held.

Masha. Now let's yell and clap like you've never yelled and clapped before, because the Fifth Squad is coming on stage.

Speech of the 5th detachment.

Mus auction

Masha. And the next game is for everyone who loves and knows songs that have numbers. And I announce the start of a music auction, in which anyone present in auditorium. Your task: to name or sing a song from the place that mentions numbers, well, for example: “Twice two - four ...” Whoever completes my task last will win this competition.

A competition is being held.

Sasha. And now meet the fourth squad with a clip...

Speech of the 4th detachment.

Songs inside out

Sasha. We continue, we continue to choose the most musical guys of our camp, and for the next competition, I invite three participants to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

Here is a task for you: I will read excerpts from the songs, but inside out. For example: “Yes, the robbers go to bed late!” Rewrite these words the other way around, and you get a phrase from one of your favorite songs: “Oh, early, the guards are up!” Well, if the task is clear, then I begin to read inside out excerpts from children's songs, and whoever gives the correct answer first will win. Go!

1. Clouds, black-tailed crocodiles. (Clouds, white-winged horses.)

2. He runs on the moon. (I'm lying in the sun.)

3. Masha, Masha, let's stand, plant a cucumber. (Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.)

4. One is sad to run in the room. (It's fun to walk across the open spaces together.)

5. Yo-oh, yo-oh, today we will give everything to the poor! (Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, tomorrow we will rob the king!)

6. Black planes are flying over the ground. (White ships float across the sky.)

7. No need for drivers to crawl beautifully in the snow. (Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.)

8. On the leg of someone else's log. No no no. (In my sawdust head, yeah, yeah, yeah!)

9. Six black chipmunks, yes, six black chipmunks. (Three white horses, oh, three white horses.)

Masha. The moment has come that we all have been waiting for, especially the fans of the third squad, we meet the video ...

Speech of the 3rd detachment.

Sasha. And we continue to choose members of our club "Klip-Klyap", and for the next competition I invite three participants who can perform rap to the stage.

The contestants go on stage, Masha gives them the lyrics.

So, dear participants, you have to perform famous children's songs: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Little Red Riding Hood's song", "Tired toys are sleeping", and sing them as if real rappers did it.

The DJ turns on one of Eminem's backing tracks.

The guys take turns rapping.

Masha. It's time to meet with thunderous applause clip of the second detachment

Squad 2 performance.

Guess the melody

Masha. For the next competition, I invite five applicants.

Participants take the stage.

Now the DJ will turn on the greatest hits, and whoever names the artist first will win. Started!

DJ includes 15 excerpts from any famous songs guys guess.

Sasha. The climax of our program has come, because the first squad comes on stage with a clip ...

Performance of the 1st squad.

Masha. It's time to take stock and find out the best clips. But before the jury celebrates the distinguished musical groups that performed on our stage today, I propose to choose the lucky one of the Klip-Klyap club and hold a lottery.

The hosts collect all the tokens from the guys and put them in the lottery drum, Sasha holds a lottery and chooses the winner, who is given a CD with popular music. The jury comes out, the teams are rewarded for the best clips.

Scenario of the competitive program by March 8"Miss Impromptu Show" was written by real professionals, such a program can be held in any, even clean women's team. No special preparation is required: you just need one good host and a desire to have fun. This is a wonderful example - programs about women and for women: with contests, table entertainment and compliments. (Thanks to the author of the idea from the site

Forewordie to the competition program "Miss impromptu show"

Leading: When talking about one of the women the whole world, then, most likely, this is a show business star. If the lady is known without exaggeration to the whole country, then we conclude that she is the wife of the president. If a woman is popular in wide circles one city, then, most likely, she owns a beauty salon. But when a woman reigns supreme in the soul and mind of one man, it means that she is his beloved, the one and only!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you at this gala evening. Moreover, it will be dedicated to Her Majesty the Woman! I think that the men gathered here today will not at all be against such a wonderful object for discussion. IN old days the sages said that “there is always something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe". I'm sure this is true truth, otherwise there would not be so many poems and songs on earth dedicated to beautiful lady! (we turn on the soundtrack, under which the presenter recites).

Musical congratulations on March 8 "The most-most ..."

Lovely, nice, kind, cute,

And practical, besides very.
Your whims, smiles, your greatness
They drive us insanely crazy.
We can't do without you
It's not a trifle
I say it to you
We are nothing without you
Everyone knows that
Can't live without women
Smart, strict, domineering, very different,
But you are all beautiful as one.
You just learned to subordinate us,
So you reign over us always!

Thanks for the applause! They are for you ladies! After all, you are simply magical! As one witty and observant Italian said: a woman can make a salad, a tragedy and ... a hat out of nothing! A very subtle observation, isn't it?! Based on that, I suggest playing around a bit!

Game moment "Hat from nothing"

Leading: That's right, a hat in a woman's life is a separate chapter. Karl Lagerfeld used to say: add a little hat to a woman, a little bit of feathers, and any of them will turn into a beautiful and mysterious stranger! Apparently, the fashion designer of the "House of Coco Chanel" is right, especially if you recall the anecdote about two friends who met by chance. “Oh, what a hat you have,” one says to the other. "It must have cost you dearly?" “No, quite at a reasonable price: one scandal, two broken cups and a week of silence!” - answered her friend. So, ladies, let me offer you a "hat auction." Its conditions are as follows: it is necessary to recall the literary, musical works and movies with titles that mention cherished word"hat".

(the leader needs to follow the most active participants, which then he will invite to participate in the competition. There should be three or four of them. The answer options are as follows: "Straw hat", "Living hat", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sombrero", "Wizard's hat", etc.).

Competition "Reliable roof"

Leading: Let's speculate: what is actually a hat? Why is she needed? The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of protective function hats. Right? A hat is like a roof. This means that the hat should not only be beautiful and elegant, but also reliable. Go ahead. A hat is almost a roof, a roof is a good protection, and who can become a real woman the best protection? Certainly, a real man! Please do not confuse: we are not interested in those men who are "hats", but those who are "roofs"! Reliable, strong and not leaking! Therefore, ladies, choose one such male defender from the audience!

(men go up on stage and are given funny paper clown hats; sewing needles are attached to the tip of the hats - we immediately warn the players about this!).

Leading: We will decorate our "roofs" a little, because they should also be beautiful! No matter how you symbolize a roof-hat. Now each of you quite fits the definition of "elegant"! Spin around you please! Good! However, we are forced to check your reliability, because, unfortunately, even a very beautiful roof-hat can leak or have some other flaws! Ladies! Get one balloon! When I wave my hand, you will toss the balloons up, and the men you have chosen should pierce the balloon with a needle embedded in the cap. This is necessary so that the ball, God forbid, does not fall on the wonderful head of your lady! (the host addresses the men) You need to pierce the ball without the help of hands and feet, only by touching it with the tip of the cap! Whoever copes with the threat first - he won! In this case, you can butt the ball, press it with your head to the floor or walls, in general, use your head to full program! Do not be shy! And you, ladies, are not at all forbidden to toss the ball several times, but no more than three times!

Game episode "Salad"

Leading: Well, our ladies really made a hat out of “nothing” easily, especially since real men helped them, who can serve not only as a hat, but also as a whole roof! And now it would be interesting to see, and, perhaps, try a salad made also from “nothing”! No, no, we will not chop men. Especially since modern women prefer low-calorie foods, which can not be said about Russian fellows! However, the author of the statement familiar to us, most likely, had in mind the lack of suitable products. But this, I promise you, does not threaten us. But first, a little warm-up for you ladies!

Game decoy "In the garden, in the garden"

The host invites women to remember songs in which, one way or another, the names of berries and fruits are mentioned. It is imperative to keep an eye on the most active participants, three of which will become the next players. Possible options answers: “The aroma of love beckons with a paradise apple”, “ Apples and pears bloomed ..”, “Raspberry beckoned us to itself ...”, “Apples in the snow ...”, “Horses in apples, white horses ...”, “Oh, an apple, but on a plate. .." etc.

Leading: excellent results, girls! Introduce youreself! ( Members of this musical call their names). And we will get acquainted with the recipes for your fruit and berry salads later!

Competition "Chop cabbage"

Leading: As the dictionaries say, "salad" is, first of all, a mixture of different components. So we "mix" various cabbages. Why not a vitamin salad? But don't think that we are talking about broccoli and ordinary white cabbage. Now we will chop a cabbage of a different kind. Can you tell me what kind of cabbage people chop with special pleasure? (The word “money” is necessarily shouted from the audience). Certainly! Everyone will like this cabbage. However, it is very difficult to process. And now I will offer our heroines to pull one piece of paper out of my cabbage bag without looking. The catch is that, along with real banknotes of various denominations, ordinary pieces of paper will lie in a bag of cabbage. Each participant will have three opportunities to visit the coveted bag. How more money By total amount the participant scores, the more likely her winnings! Be careful: simple pieces of paper have the same size and texture as real money!

If, after three attempts, everyone has the same amount, then you can allow the ladies to “cut cabbages” one more time. The winner is given a cosmetic set, and all other participants - a tube of a good hand cream. Then everyone returns to their seats.

Game episode "Tragedy"

Leading: It's just wonderful that so far everything is working out exactly as the witty Italian noticed! It remains only to “prepare” the tragedy and, as usual, from absolute “nothing”! Moreover, let's try to play. I'm just sure that Russian women - the most talented women on earth - do not cost anything! So, listen to the third competitive task.

Game decoy "Tragic plot"

Leading: My enchantresses, do you know that every real tragedy, to achieve its full effect, must be distinguished by three unities? It is the unity of time, place and action. That is, everything should happen quickly, preferably in a confined space (in the bedroom or in the kitchen) and face to face with your lover who has been at fault. However, let me tell you! You know all this yourself! Only one question remains unanswered: on what occasion to throw a scandal, that is, to arrange a tragedy ?! I invite the whole room to answer the question posed. Authors the best options rise to the stage and continue the competitive program.

Of course, they may sound different reasons: coming home drunk, going fishing instead of a planned trip to the theater, but you should choose three ladies who answered more original, for example, while on a business trip, did not send daily wishes good morning and good night.

Competition "Find a handkerchief"

Leading: Let there be a "tragedy" ahead of us, nevertheless I will ask you, ladies, to name your names! Remember Shakespeare said. That the world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. He also wrote the world famous sad story about the love of the Moor Othello for the beautiful Desdemona. Yes, it all ended sadly! But I will not be afraid to offer you, ladies, to choose Othello for yourself from the hall, however, do not be alarmed, we will not allow murder! Who remembers why all the fuss flared up in this tragedy? Exactly! Because of a simple handkerchief! Isn't it a very insignificant thing, especially considering the consequences. But we will change the roles a little, and in our tragedy, women will strangle men ... a joke! We will not strangle anyone this time! Also a joke! It's just that our "Othellas" will receive handkerchiefs from us. You, dear men, need to carefully hide them in your clothes. At this time, women will turn their backs in my direction, and finally, they will notice what an attractive person is entertaining them all evening!

Leading: So, the scarves are hidden! Ladies, look closely into the eyes of these insidious traitors - what do they hide in their depths?! I give you half a minute, after which you give me your answer.

It is unlikely that women will immediately guess where their gentlemen hid their handkerchiefs. So the competition continues.

Leading : Well, well, it's really difficult! Therefore, I officially allow you to engage in assault, that is, simply touch this insidious subject. But rummaging through pockets and behind the scruff of the neck is prohibited! You can only lightly touch the clothes.

Here you can give two attempts to correctly locate the scarf. Someone will definitely find it. The one who did it first, won.

Final contest "Weak?"

Leading: I like the expression that a woman's strength is in her weakness. This is very true. Therefore, our final has such a name. For the “weak” competition, I invite three of our winners. The task is simple: each of you informs an honest company that she can do something special right now and thereby takes her rivals poorly. If the opponents are able to repeat the declared feint, then the game continues. If someone still does not dare to repeat, then, unfortunately, he drops out of the competition. This continues until there is no lady left whose trick no one but her can do. We'll give her the grand prize!

As competitive moments, the tasks to sit on the splits, take off the dress, kiss someone else's husband, and so on are not very suitable.


Leading: famous author « little prince” attribute the expression that a woman is “the most obvious living flesh that radiates the most tender light.” I join the words of Exupery one hundred percent! After all, there is so much in a woman! She was given such inner treasures by God that they are enough for many people around. She can be gentle and weak, but fearless and the strongest, she is kindness itself, but if necessary, she will be the most principled and tough. She knows how to love unconditionally! She does not measure her need for money and just expects reciprocal love and understanding from others. Men! Be attentive to the woman! Make sure that your woman never loses the feeling of her own pricelessness!

May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial power,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, O woman,
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.

Record holders in Guinness style. fun show

Preliminary preparation

1. Production of a colorfully designed camp record book, medals for awarding record holders.

2. Decoration of the hall: posters “Smiles prolong life, but we don’t need to grieve”, “We life is better everyone, because laughter is with us," etc. d.

All competitions are judged by a jury.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends. Today's show, you guessed it, is dedicated to the Guinness Book of Records. Do you know what this book is about? That's right, about records, about the most outstanding achievements, sometimes unusual, sometimes funny and even ridiculous. Don't believe? But listen.

The presenter reads out information about some records from the Guinness Book of Records.

How do you like these records? True, I'm not sure that they are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Or maybe I read it inattentively and just didn’t notice, or maybe I read it, but forgot ...

Day by day the cat is getting smarter -

He gnaws at the granite of sciences.

And over the last five years

He didn't try cutlets.

And his record is:

A cat walks without teeth.

Grandfather and Baba settled

On a green baobab.

They were charging there.

Bathed in a solar bath.

And they have one record:

And there are no wrinkles.

Schoolboy Petya Ushibeykin

A whole day on the jalopy.

Pits, bumps - not a barrier.

Oncoming pole - what a surprise!

And his record is:

Forty shishaks a day.

Record holder Vanya Lezhachkin

Eats and naps on the couch.

Day and night, night and day

He is not too lazy to eat and sleep.

And he set a record -

He became fat as an elephant.

Balabolkina Irinka

Chatters without hesitation

Two hundred words in a second

And her record is this:

The tongue has grown over the year -

Gets both eyes and nose.

And today we will write in the book of records of our camp (shows the book) the first outstanding records that you yourself will set. There will be 25 of them in total. One person from the squad is invited to achieve each record. But first, let me introduce you to the most honest jury in the world.

Jury presentation.

Record holders and competitions

2. Pea collector: who will collect in a mug in 30 seconds more peas scattered on the table. It is allowed to take one pea at a time.

3. Long plasticine sausage roller: who rolls the longest sausage from a piece of plasticine in 30 seconds.

4. Long-screamer: who can shout the sound “A” for longer in one breath.

5. Toy Finder: Blindfolded who can pick up the most toys from the floor in 30 seconds.

6. Pencil finger holder: who can hold a pencil on one finger longer.

7. Bubble Gum Blower: Who will blow the biggest bubble gum bubble.

8. Patter repeater: who repeats the tongue twister three times without hesitation. Each participant has his own tongue twister.

Patter options

Babkin bean blossomed in the rain.

There will be a bean in borscht for the grandmother.

Rooks roar on galchats,

The jackdaws look at the rooks.

Grandfather Dodon hummed in the tune,

Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

Donkey drove firewood to the village,

Donkey dumped firewood into the grass.

They gave Varenka boots,

Valenka - mittens.

Cat Potap clapped on the paw,

And from Potap the cat drowned.

Barbara made jam

She grumbled and talked.

Thickets more often in our forest,

In our forest, thickets are thicker.

Leading. I announce a happy change. Let's remember our little brothers. They also hold many records. Imagine how they could boast of their achievements or unique qualities. Answer me in chorus.

The duck said to the duck:

I was silent for two minutes!

- Well, in vain, well, in vain!

Children. Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Leading. Murka Murka said:

- Our skins are silky.

There are no better skins in nature!

Children. Mur-mur-mur! Mur-mur-mur!

Leading. The frogs croaked loudly:

- We are jumping athletes!

Let's jump higher than the grass!

Children. Qua-qua-qua! Qua-qua-qua!

Leading. Piggy said to pig:

- Oh, how fat we are,

You look! - I look!

Children. Oink oink oink! Oink oink oink!

Leading. The dog said to the dog:

- I got a prize for the cross,

I ran cross-country headlong!

Children. Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!

Leading. The goby said to the cow:

- Who is my equal in strength?

I'll lift a hundred kilos!

Children. Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo!

Leading. Two ravens spoke:

We built mansions

And the barn is ready in an hour!

Children. Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar!

Leading. We continue to identify record holders.

9. Button threader: who can thread the most buttons in 30 seconds.

10. Surprise getter: who will quickly get a Kinder Surprise toy wrapped in ten newspapers.

11. One-leg jumper: who jumps the longest on one leg over the rope.

12. Candy Grab: Who will take the most candies in a handful at a time.

13. Spoon glass drinker: who will drink a glass of soda faster with a large spoon.

14. Palmer: whoever jumps will leave a palm print higher than the others. (A large black sheet is attached to the wall at a level of two meters from the floor. Before the jump, the participant rubs his hand with chalk.)

16. Eyeball drawer: who in one minute draws a six-nosed eyeball on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen. Whose drawing is funnier and more original?

17. Straw eater: who will quickly eat a stick from a tall bottle - an edible “straw” without the help of hands (put a “straw” in the bottle so that only its tip sticks out.)

18. Ball picker: who will quickly pick up a table tennis ball with a teaspoon without resorting to the help of the other hand.

Leading. And again we have a fun change. What do you know about Japan? (Listens to answers.) The Japanese can be proud of their achievements in engineering, electronics, culture, and more. And tourists, coming to Japan, certainly buy gifts for their loved ones. My friend also visited Japan. So, the game "My friend came from Japan." I will repeat this phrase several times, and every time you have to ask me in chorus: “What did he bring you?”

For the first time, the presenter replies that his friend brought him a fan, and invites everyone to depict the movement of fanning right hand. Then he again says his phrase, and when the children ask him, he replies that a friend brought him a cell phone, and invites everyone to say the phrase: “Ding-ding, hello!”, while continuing to “plow with a fan”. Then he again says the phrase: “My friend came from Japan,” and when the children ask him, he replies that a friend brought a rocking chair. Children with their right hand continue fan-shaped movements, and the rocking chair is depicted by rocking the body back and forth, while saying: “Ding-ding, hello!” Moreover, the presenter himself shows the movements first and invites the children to continue the movements. He again says that his friend came from Japan. The fourth gift is a sewing foot machine. Now to rocking and plowing and saying "Ding-ding, hello!" alternate foot tapping is added. The fifth gift is a tape recorder that sounds like “la-la-la”. And now the whole hall is swaying, tapping its feet, waving its arms and saying: “Ding-ding, hello, la-la-la!”. The facilitator remarks: “Strange. And I thought that they go crazy one by one!

Then the record breaking continues.

Contests and titles of champions

19. Shoemaker: all participants take off their shoes, take a hoop and rotate it around their waist. Who gets dressed faster?

20. Coverer: pierce the Skeleton jars at the base, thread the elastic and put them on the participants' heads (the bottom of the jar should touch the forehead). Transparent lids are laid out side up in a row on the table in front of the participants, who bend over and try to put the lids on their jars. Who is faster?

21. Heel scratcher: whoever is longer, standing on his left foot, combs his heel with his left hand right foot bent at the knee.

22. Newspaper squeezer: who will quickly squeeze the newspaper in his fist so that it is not visible.

23. Staple chain assembler: who will assemble the longest chain from paper clips in 30 seconds.

24. Sex pusher: who can do push-ups in one minute more times.

25. Braider: who can weave the longest braid in 30 seconds with twine.


Again the game comes to us -

We divide the hall in half:

On the left, "yes" is shouting back,

On the right, the answer is "no".

live without candy guys

Very bad, boring?.. Yes!

There is a bike

What flies into space?.. No!

Maybe an athlete

To jump to the moon? .. No!

Everyone stands at a red light -

Both cars and people?.. Yes!

Maybe a black cat

Can't see at night?.. Yes!

seagoing ships

Can they swim on land? .. No!

Lunch can be delicious

From raw potatoes? .. No!

Maybe a water gun

Shoot a giraffe?.. No!

Can fashionista vest

Wear for a holiday? .. Yes!

Gotta buy a ticket

For travel by tram?.. Yes!

From a dry pond

Will the fish be caught?.. No!

Do all trains run?

Only on rails only?.. Yes!

Maybe a very old grandfather

Back to school?.. No!

All answers are good

You screamed from the heart.

Let's say goodbye

Let's shout: "Goodbye!"

guinness show
Competitive music program for young people

Cheerful melodies sound in the foyer and in the hall. Posters, narrow ribbons of foil, serpentine are hung. In the foyer there are stands: “The longest word”, “The most “beautiful handwriting”, “The sweetest kiss”, “The most original greeting”. Visitors to the House of Culture take an active part in writing certain words, greetings. The girls "leave" their kiss. Required condition- indicate the last name, first name, patronymic under the “kiss” and written words. At the end of the evening-show, the jury sums up the results of the competition for the most, most.
On the stage there is a panel depicting a laughing face-mask. On the proscenium and in the hall - garlands, clusters of multi-colored balloons.
(Leaders exit.)
Good evening friends!
We are glad that you came to our show concert again.
And there are many more of you in the hall than on the previous evening.
So you like our program. A?
(Screams from the audience).
Wonderful! Let's all call her now...
Guinness show!
Guinness show is laughter, humor and opportunities to have a good rest!
Guinness show is records and victories, competitions and good luck!
Guinness show is a program for those who are friends with the head.
Guinness show is a fun, educational and exciting program, during which we will find out who is the most, most, most in Mileevo!
This word will sound today more often than others. So… Together. Guinness Show!!!
And at the very beginning we will talk about beauty.
Beauty is a relative concept. Relative in relation to the era, state, etiquette of all times and peoples. Someone and once, once and somewhere liked and likes thin ones, someone fat people. Differently treated and refer to the length of the legs, neck, eye and hair color, to the circumference of the chest and waist. Today we will try to find our ideal of beauty.
So to speak; Mileevskaya's ideal of beauty.
(Sounds of pop music).
The first, our competition will be "Hairstyle". The most of the most! We have an expression in Russia: “Spit - girlish beauty". But sometimes men like to wear long hair. So right? (Answers from the audience).
At the head of one of the Indian monasteries, the hair had a length of almost 8 meters, more precisely - 7 meters 93 centimeters. And which of our men has the longest hair? Those who wish to prove it, please go on stage.
(Men enter the stage. The presenter measures the length of their hair with a centimeter. The winner is awarded a hair care kit).
Wonderful! And girls are asked to show the shortest haircut.
(Girls with short hairdos line up on stage. The winner is given hairspray and styling lotion).
Isn't it true that both boys and girls with their favorite hairstyles are beautiful? !
(The melody corresponding to the topic of the conversation sounds).
Now let's talk about growth. Many women prefer tall men. It has been proven that the most a tall man- Robert Wadlow, who was born in 1918 in US state Illinois. At 22, Robert's height reached 272 centimeters, and his weight was 199 kilograms.
most tall woman of the world is Chicago native Sandy Allen. Her height is 2 meters 31 centimeters! People tall there is also in Mileevo. Now we will find out who is the tallest in our village.
(The winner will receive a prize.)
I am sure that few people think about how much a person can weigh. Is there a limit on a person's weight?
Of course, there is a limit, but there is also a very thin people, and very, very fat, there are lightweights, there are heavyweights. The most, most heavyweight is the American Robert Hugo. Its weight is 485 kilograms. In women, Flora Jackson is considered the record holder. With a height of 175 cm, she weighs 381 kilograms.
Now we will find out which of our villagers is the most, the lightest, the smallest. I ask all participants of this competition to come to the stage. After being weighed on a medical scale, the lightest will be awarded the prize and the title of "Miss Thumbelina".
(A lyrical melody sounds. There is a celebration of "Miss Thumbelina").
Our Thumbelina has beautiful dark hair! In fact, hair color plays into the lives of both men and women. big role. How often do we meet in life with examples when a girl fell in love with a boy. She likes everything about him, but the hair color ... Her friends say: “Blond-haired!” And how many dark-haired people would like to become blondes?! Conversely, many blondes dream of becoming brunettes. Only one hair color is unusual and rare, and that is red. Remember that many geniuses have had golden hair. In our hall, too, there is the most, the most golden. Now we will define it. Golden, please on stage!
Folk proverbs say: “He who is strong in the shoulder, the burden is unimportant”, “Strong in body, rich in deed”. It has always been considered that beautiful person- A man must be strong. And who among our villagers is the strongest? The task of the participants of this competition is to inflate the largest balloon and present it to beautiful girl. So, strong men, get to work!
(The competition is held to the tune of the song " Heroic strength". After that, a dance break. Then the second round of competitions begins - "Gentleman's").
The word "Gentlemen" is always associated with real men: the most ... Help me, dear viewers, complete the set characteristic features gentleman... Quite right. In general, this is a man who is the most, most of all, for his beloved girl.
By the way, about loved ones! Raise your hands those who have photos of their beloved girl, sister, mother-in-law with them. Oh, how few real gentlemen are in the hall!
Gentleman is an English word. And I am sure that many English men carry photographs of their loved ones in the inside pocket of their clothes. And what is in the pockets of our men? I ask those wishing to take part in the “Contents of Pockets” contest to come up to the stage.
So we will find out which of our guys is the most accurate! Accuracy is one of important qualities both men and women. But now more and more in men entrepreneurship is valued. Which of you, dear gentlemen, is the most enterprising? Anyone willing to prove it? Thank you enough! I give each of you some items: paper clips, corks, newspapers, nails, buttons ... Task: while the music is playing, you must sell it in the hall. Whoever earns more money will be the most enterprising.
A gentleman is always distinguished by a chivalrous attitude towards a woman. Your attention is invited to the competition "First Date". Task: to show ingenuity, ingenuity, tact, gallantry to appoint one of us, the hosts, the first date. The most inventive and witty will win.
I personally liked this competition very much. This is how every day men treat women with tenderness and love! Now, dear friends, let's remember the old good times which are now called stagnant.
Exercise; state more precisely and even verbatim the oath of the pioneers.
So we will find out the hero who has the most excellent memory! We give you a prize - a pioneer tie.
(Pioneering drum roll sounds. Musical pause. The 3rd round is announced. "The happiest").
We have already made sure that there are smart, dexterous, tall, miniature, beautiful people among us. But not without reason they say: "Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." On our show, any of you can be happy.
Unexpectedly happy! Anyone from the audience calls two numbers: the first is the row number, the second is the seat number. Whoever sits in this seat receives a prize.
And that is not all. When selling tickets, the cashier put stamps on the first and thirteenth tickets. Please bring these tickets to us, and we will award prizes to the lucky ones.
Happy decided! who is the luckiest among us? Now we get to know him. On the table are bottles of vodka, milk, glue, kefir and lemonade. All bottles are covered with paper caps so that the audience does not know where everything is contained. I will sell them and only after I collect for all the money, I will remove the caps. Like this! The luckiest one turned out to be ... (Names the lucky one).
The time has come to identify "Sherlock Holmes" among us. The "detective" is invited to the stage. Task: find a hidden object in the hall. And you, dear viewers, I ask the “detective” to help with remarks: “Cold!”, “Hot!”, Because.
you saw where this item is hidden. (To the soundtrack of the song to the words of R. Pauls I. Reznik "Sherlock Holmes" in the hall, two "detectives" work with the audience of the right and left half of the hall).
Incredible! We hand over to the local
‘To Sherlock Holmes’ Arthur Conan Doyle’s novel The Valley of Fear. (Turns to audience). Not tired yet? Then the auction! Song-musical on certain letters you name the names of the composer, performer, group, song.
Now let's move a little and find out the most active dancer. Maestro, music! We do seated dances.
Thank you guys! And now we invite everyone to dance hall, where the jury, with your help, will name itself, itself, itself.
Have a nice holiday! See you again.

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