Write off, using the necessary synonyms: hospitable, hospitable or hospitable. Insert the missing letters


I don’t know exactly how and when they met, what spiral, what turn of fate brought together in one of the Leningrad living rooms covered with redwood St. Petersburg haze my mother and the poet, whose poems I remembered from childhood. I only know that it was Faina Ranevskaya who introduced Tatyana Vecheslova to Anna Akhmatova.

Soon after they met, Anna Akhmatova invited Vecheslova to visit. She had friends. The composition of those gathered, the mother, remembering, did not specify, but the circle can be imagined: even then it was not wide. Vecheslova was worried, because the hostess had long been a legend, and that time had the property of a resonator for legends. So she had, as the actors would call it, clip number eight. There were wonderful crystal Alexander glasses on the table. At current prices, they are simply unbearable for a worker of culture, but even then they cost some money, although they were not valuable for this ... If you imagine who poured the sizzling Clicquot into these glasses, playing with a halo of fragrant, tickling the palm of the hand, flying up over their thin edge, whose deft fingers dangerously played with them in the pause between the acmeistic sacraments... If only to imagine - head goes around.

And now, in the arms of the clamp, Tatyana Vecheslova, having sipped champagne, with a slight movement puts the glass on the table - and, if it is not easy, after waiting a second, it flies off its crystal leg with a melodic ringing. Nice animation at the table, and suggestions like "Friends, it seems it's not time to break the dishes yet!" - somewhat softened unexpected vandalism. But the embarrassment and awkwardness of the situation only increase the tension: “Anna Andreevna, dear, but I (takes a glass in hand) Yes, I just took it and put it, here! Puts. The glass, after waiting a second, flies off its foot with a slight melodic ringing.

There is silence around the table. “No, how? - mother in a knockdown. “I'm just…” “Darling, it's not necessary,” Faina Georgievna carefully tries to stop the course of fate. "Not really! - raises his voice to the fate of the mother. - I just took (takes, silence becomes sticky) and put…” A second - the third glass flies off his feet with a slight melodic ringing. As Mark Twain wrote, let's draw a curtain of mercy over the end of this scene...

But what a generation! Their perseverance, confidence in the rightness, their attachment to beauty and - latent - to destruction ... Akhmatova never mentioned these glasses to Vecheslova. But she remembered.


One winter - on her mother's birthday, when forty or fifty people gathered in the house - Anna Andreevna came to congratulate her along with Faina Georgievna, who happened to be in Leningrad at that time. “Look what Annushka brought you,” Ranevskaya prompted the embarrassed Akhmatova for some reason. "Congratulations! Here ... ”- Anna Andreevna took out a bundle from her bag. There was a wonderful figurine by Danko. An extraordinarily exquisite figure of twenty centimeters stood on a round white pedestal in a long smoky tunic. A terracotta-colored shawl was thrown over her pointedly straight shoulders. The head - slightly lowered and turned three-quarters - was instantly recognizable by the famous profile and bangs. “Only her head was beaten off,” said Anna Andreevna, and her embarrassment became understandable. “But I glued it myself, so far it’s holding on.” Mother recalled that this was said very seriously.

Now the statuette is in fountain house- Akhmatova Museum in St. Petersburg. Her mother gave it to the museum. Having completed the circle, domestic Lar returned to his altar. I want to believe forever.

And that evening, in the hallway, Ranevskaya said: “You know, I re-read Ronsard yesterday, it’s amazing ...” And she began to read in French, lowering her eyelids, slightly swaying to the stanza. But suddenly, suddenly interrupting and opening her eyes wide, she asked: “Well, how? You can screw up, right?!"


After the war in Leningrad, the authorities staged another auto-da-fé. This time it took the souls of Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. Their texts were banned, their books were destroyed. Shortly before this, the mother, before leaving for the sanatorium, went to see Anna Andreevna. There was a book on the table, handing it to the guest, Akhmatova said: “Well, the long-awaited one has finally come out.” Her books have not been published for a long time. Everyone waited, got tired of waiting, and again waited with the poet. The mother carefully took the book and asked without thinking: “Anna Andreevna, I’m going to the sanatorium for treatment, can I take it with me?” Akhmatova was even confused: “Darling, understand, this is a signal specimen! I didn’t have time to be with him properly and didn’t have time ... ”-“ Anna Andrevnochka, please, please! It’s so boring in the sanatorium, doctors ... I’ll die of boredom there! ” Akhmatova sighed, smiled and said: “You are sick, so you need it more.” She sat down at the table, signed the book and handed it over. A few days later, the entire circulation was destroyed. Not a single copy remains. Besides, with my own hands the author of what was given, and therefore, probably, the survivor.


One evening my mother was dancing in Don Quixote. Anyone who has seen this ballet remembers that the role of Kitri in the classical repertoire is one of the most victorious female ones. Akhmatova was at the performance; she sat in the director's box, to the right of the stage, close to her. Vecheslova recalled that the whole performance was seen by eyes closely following her. Later, in the night, the phone rang: “I wrote poems about you!” The ensuing conversation with a demand to read it immediately, with a request to be patient until the poems settle down, etc., was, in itself, not important. What was important was the steady approach of the character of the newly born verse/myth to the prototype - now it will close, short-circuit, two unmerged realities will merge. Myth, having broken through the dam of reality, will turn the stream of life into the channel of history and memories.

The inscription on the portrait
Is yours
Smoky fiend of the full moon,
White marble in the dusk of alleys,
Fatal girl, dancer,
The best of all cameos.
That's how people died
For such Genghis sent an ambassador,
And such on a bloody platter
She carried the head of the Baptist.

A poem was written on a piece of grayish-yellow, rather rough cardboard under a photograph pasted on it, in which Vecheslova was naked to the waist ...

“I forced the photographer to put on the light, the equipment, and then ordered me to throw myself out of the dressing room. He was very resistant, but I forced him. Only then she took off her robe and stood in front of the camera. And Galya Ulanova pressed the shutter.

This portrait, under which Akhmatova wrote and signed cursed verses with her own hand, was stolen from me. And so the myth went on its journey. There are no accidents here.


The last time we saw Akhmatova was in Komarovo, where we arrived at the booth, as Anna Andreevna called small house in which she lived. While they were talking, I wandered around the neighborhood, because for me it was just the time when girls were more interesting than poetry. Parting, Akhmatova and Vecheslova stood at the gate for a long time. When leaving, the mother kept turning around, and Anna Andreevna kept looking after ... Komarovo, having become the place of their farewell meeting, turned out to be the place of last rest. Their monuments are very close. I'm sure it's not by chance.

Hi all! Let's talk about what each of you will have to face upon arrival in Russia. Quite right! You will be invited by Russian acquaintances or friends to visit them. And here are the customs different countries in some ways they are similar, but in some ways they are radically different from each other. I invite you to look with me into the house of a modern Russian, and at the same time replenish your lexicon new expressions of hospitality.

So, Welcome (in the old days they said, “You are welcome, dear guests! The more you are rich, the more you are happy!”) to visit us!

What is famous for any house in the first place? Of course, with their hospitality. Russians here do not lag behind other peoples. There is even an expression that can still sometimes be heard today - hospitable house or hospitable hosts . Previously, everywhere the mistress of the house met guests with bread and salt at the entrance to the house. She bowed low to everyone and offered to eat a broken piece of bread with salt (as a symbol of the house, i.e., communion with it). Thus, the openness of the soul, the purity of thoughts and the goodwill of all those present towards each other were emphasized. Now this custom has been preserved when meeting large foreign delegations at airports, at weddings, as well as in provincial Russian cities and villages. But the meaning that carries this expression remained. And be sure that if you are invited to visit the Russians, then you will be greeted most in the best way, arrange a holiday, and the whole family will gather.

Remember one rule - do not come to visit empty-handed! What is important is not the price of the present, but your attention, and therefore respect for the house of those who invited you. A small souvenir, sweets, a toy for a child - everything is at your discretion.

One of the forms of Russian speech etiquette- this is to wish before eating to all those present " Bon appetit ". It is our tradition to always wish each other a pleasant meal. And with this phrase you will make it clear to the mistress of the house that you are ready to help her fulfill her main task - to feed and drink you to your heart's content. Previously, the bulk of the population was made up of villagers - peasants. The distance between the villages was great and the villagers were glad to every visiting tourist. He got the best food and drink. Such a guest always left with a full stomach, and at the same time told everyone he met along the way, what hospitable people he visited.

And when you are about to leave the house, be sure to thank the hostess and the owner of the house for the welcome. Most likely you will hear in response - " To health! ». General meaning these words are consonant with the word " Please ”, only wider and more voluminous. You really wish health, wealth and prosperity.

Well, if you want to be thought of as modest and wise man who knows how to value people's time, say in the end - " Being a guest is good, but being at home is better! ". I guarantee that you will forever remain a welcome guest in this houseJ

Now you are ready to visit a Russian family. It remains only to get nice clothes in which you would go to an important meeting ... That's all. And please don't be late. Come on time. You will be looked forward to.

See you again.

If you ever hear the phrase, "hosting is an art," don't be so quick to dismiss it as banal. This is truly art.

How to satisfy emotional hunger

Hospitable hostess: PR for herself Although with the same people on no man's land communicate for a long time and with pleasure. Sometimes you feel so good and comfortable that you don't want to leave. And you subconsciously look for an excuse to return, forgetting your belongings from the hospitable hosts. Is it really about the energy at home? To some extent, yes. We are drawn to places where it is pleasant to be.

To receive positive emotions is a human need, no less important than eating, drinking and breathing. It's like a drug that you want to take again and again. There is nothing surprising in the fact that there is a direct connection between the ability to give positive emotions and the presence in our lives of loving relatives, true friends, ardent admirers with serious intentions and reliable business partners. Your personal PR depends on the ability to receive guests - neither more nor less.

It is clear that the ability to cook deliciously is not enough. As an aperitif - sincere joy, as a side dish - genuine attention, and for dessert - warm words. Remember the instructions for dealing with guests before the ball at Woland's, set out by Koroviev to Margarita? "Among the guests there will be different, oh, very different, but no one, Queen Margot, no advantage! If someone does not like ... I understand that you, of course, will not express this on your face ... No, no "You can't think about it! He'll notice, he'll notice at the same moment. You need to love him, love him, queen. The hostess of the ball will be rewarded a hundredfold for this! And one more thing: don't let anyone in. At least a smile, if there is no time to throw a word, at least a tiny turn heads. Anything, but not inattention. This will make them sick..." This is how the simplified formula looks like. But can you cook gourmet dessert"Tiramisu", if you have all the necessary ingredients in front of you, but there is no main thing - the recipe. So, eight "recipes" that will help satisfy not only the emotional, but also the intellectual and gastronomic hunger of the guests.

Recipe one: quantity does not turn into quality

"How many guests can be given attention so that both the host's nerves are the goal and the guests are satisfied?" I asked a psychologist friend after one of my disastrous parties. And I learned about the existence of a certain magic formula. By the way, she not only simplifies the life of the hostess, but also helps Japanese managers create their famous family teams. It looks like this: 7 + - 2. This is the number of people you can feed with positive emotions without straining. If more, you will have to take a "deputy" (and for every nine people - one "deputy"). Otherwise, you will lose control of the situation, and the festive atmosphere will be in jeopardy. Guests will begin to unite in clans according to their interests, and someone will definitely be left out. But that's not what we need at all! Much easier to negotiate with your husband or close friend that the role of toastmaster is yours, and serving, washing dishes and other "technical" moments are her concern. Naturally, when guests descend on her, you will become her right hand on "technical part" or purchases.

Recipe two: each holiday has its own role

Oksana has a holiday - her wedding anniversary. The hostess almost broke into a cake, trying to please every guest. Everyone was happy, of course. And only the husband sighed sadly: “I don’t understand why Ksyusha and I weren’t the main characters on our anniversary?” I sympathetically look at mego, and I have another recipe.

FOR GUESTS. To please the future mother-in-law, to win over a person who can influence your career, arouse sympathy among colleagues, push a fan to become a legal spouse ... This is the case when the hostess needs to make an indelible impression on the guests. And therefore behind her careful preparatory work: find out food preferences, habits, interests, tastes.

FOR HOSTS. This category includes birthdays, anniversaries, wedding anniversaries. The main role goes to the owners, and with it full right put your favorite dishes on the table and turn on your favorite music. Here the task of the guests is to find out their preferences and prepare surprises. However, this does not mean that you can ignore the tastes of the guests. Why else would you call them?

Recipe three: places you need to know

The rules of etiquette have been written for centuries. And now hardly anyone will remember what a deep psychological meaning was invested in them. My former classmate, now an NLP specialist, whom I met at the engagement of our mutual friends, discovered it in the seating rules and advised not to neglect them. "Main actors knowingly advise to sit at the head of the table. This place is perceived as "guiding", - the guru of technologies of influence began his lesson. The guests did not suspect that they were objects of our close attention. While they were having fun, I learned that:

* at their celebration, the hosts sit next to each other at the head of the table in order to pay maximum attention to each other. But at the celebration for guests - by different sides"barricades" to keep everyone present in sight and no one to ignore.

* the evening at which they decide business matters are led by VIPs. Seat important guests with their backs to the wall, facing front door. Feeling safe, they will be in good mood. You will make a good impression.

* other guests are seated in "gender" order: man, woman, man, woman. Unless, of course, you want to deprive the ladies of male attention.

"But the most important event is getting to know your parents," the guru continued, lowering his voice. place the mother-in-law, and opposite the mother-in-law - the father-in-law. The bride and groom sit diagonally from their parents. The young man is between the "mothers", and the girl is between the "dads", in order to evenly pay attention to both. Looking at the happy couple, I guessed who tried hard here.

Recipe Four: Get Others to Talk

Communication in itself is an energy intensive process. About the same amount of mental strength and intelligence is spent on conversations with each guest as on an exam without preparation. Of course, feigning interest is much easier than being genuinely engaged in a conversation. And pretending to be a diligent listener, thinking about the upcoming general cleaning after the departure of dear guests, is much easier than delving into the meaning of what was said. But the imitation is quickly recognized as the on-duty, albeit polite, waiter's smile.

In order not to feel like a squeezed lemon in the midst of the festival, etiquette books advise you to find some time before the arrival of guests - to relax, gain strength. And at the same time think about what to talk about, and most importantly - what not to talk about. For almost a hundred years, three taboo topics have remained in force: politics, religion, and illness.

In familiar company interesting topics will always be found. If you have invited people who are not so close to you, do not rush to reduce conversations to a presentation of your intellect. It is much wiser to let them speak. Aerobatics for the hostess - to make sure that the guest speaks as much as possible himself. "Unwind" the future mother-in-law for frankness about her and her son, colleagues - about their talents and successes. The benefits are obvious - you will not only receive valuable information, but will forever remain in the memory of the guest as a sincere, attentive and intelligent person.

Recipe five: thrift exam

Ignore cooking item in the highest degree unwise. At the very least, the results of the "housekeeping test" will surely be evaluated by someone. For example, mothers-in-law. In this regard, a feast is much more profitable than a buffet table and a picnic. “From time immemorial, it has been imprinted in our genetic memory that people who share a joint meal with each other feel like members of the same tribe,” a government consultant on hospitality explained to me the importance of treats.

Every hostess probably has several special dishes and certainly one author's one. It doesn't matter if there isn't one. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you can use recipes from any cookbook.

At the same time, it is important to avoid the other extreme - to turn the party into a celebration of gluttony. "Eating up to satiety" does not apply to our holiday. Otherwise, the guests will fall into a half-asleep state, and the whole party will be in vain. "Where golden mean?" - I'm interested in the titled "guest expert" and learn about the rules of "relationship" with food. So, for a friendly democratic party, we devote 50 percent of the time to gluttony, and 50 percent to entertainment and conversations, for a buffet table - 5 and 75. For a pretentious reception, the alignment of forces slightly different: 75 to 25.

Recipe six: bread and circuses

The motto of the ancient Roman citizens has not lost its relevance for two thousand years. We still crave both. But it's one thing to arrange a joint TV viewing, and quite another to include guests in the game. It is quite clear that the "other" will be much "more nutritious for emotions".

I was convinced of the validity of my guess at the birthday party of my friend, who tends to come up with scenarios for all holidays. This time Svetlana celebrated her birth in the German style. Each guest was given name badges with the prefixes "herr" and "frau", sausage and sausage dishes were served on the table. According to the script, the toasts also had to be pronounced in German. Moreover, ignorance of the language did not exempt from responsibility. But how many positive emotions we received when one of the guests, the financial director of a reputable company, adjusting his glasses, said with an expression: "You'll be fantastic!", "Hitler is kaput!"

My parents love to visit the charming elderly couple Nikolaevs. They always return happy, and this charge of positive emotions is enough for them exactly for a week. In response to my meticulous inquiries, they tell me that Nikolaev every time they arrange a themed feast: either ten dishes of asparagus, or five exotic flavors. And Nikolaev works as a DJ at parties, choosing theme music from his collection records. After the cultural and tasting program, everyone sits down to look at the photos. But I'm sure the parents are missing something. Sometimes it seems to me that these Nikolaevs own certain secret tricks to attract guests. That is why I solemnly promise that I will definitely infiltrate the Nikolaevs and peep their equipment.

Recipe seven: thank you, dear guests, for coming

Every week on Fridays, my old friend Alena threw parties. Since all the guests were doctors, the gatherings were called "therapeutic". They enjoyed spending the evenings with Alena so much that they all sat up until deep night. The hospitable hostess did not even notice how Friday evening began to end first on Saturday morning, then on Sunday evening, and finally with general gatherings for work on Monday. main character"therapeutic evenings", who until recently reveled in her popularity, now dreamed of one thing: to send out a cheerful company. But how to do it right, so as not to quarrel with them, I had no idea. And then one day she went to the trick: she moved the therapy parties to Thursday. In the hope that on Friday the guests will gather together for work. But it was not there! On Friday mornings, participants in therapy parties were frantically asking for time off from work under the most unthinkable pretexts. And they left the welcoming house, according to tradition, on Monday.

Perhaps Alena would have made life easier by the experience of high-ranking persons who send out invitations with a clear indication of the time limits of the holiday. "I invite you to the party, which will take place on Friday from 17.00 to 22.00." Theoretically, the guests should work "internal clock". But not a fact. But my colleague came up with a win-win way to end the party. With the words "And now, in honor of the end of our evening, a surprise awaits you," she takes everyone out into the yard. Noisy volleys of fireworks put a beautiful end to the party.

Of course, the case with Alena is an extreme. But in fact, if the guests do not want to leave, it is good sign. You can congratulate yourself: the evening was a success.

Freelance situations

One more. preventive measures. No matter how many guests you invite, bet on one cutlery more. After all, it may well happen that a friend wants to bring a new boyfriend with her "to the bride".

Big purge. preventive measures. Why waste time and energy on general cleaning before the holiday. It will bring much more benefit after the guests leave. To create a reputation as an excellent hostess, it is enough to polish the places open for viewing.

Three four are waiting. preventive measures. Serve an aperitif. At the same time, check the sign: as soon as the guests are going to drink, latecomers arrive.

Kinder surprises. preventive measures. If the guests came with children, allocate for them private room(or fence off a corner of children's animation), prepare small gifts, cartoons and a sweet table - so that the kids are in business and do not spoil their holiday for adults.

An unfamiliar person. preventive measures. Invite him alone the day before. Let him get used to it. For him, the unfamiliar company itself is a stress factor. At least for the second time, at least the situation will be familiar, which will serve as psychological support for him.

Mr. Bean. preventive measures. Not only a man can turn out to be a harmful character, but also a woman with a difficult character. If the arrival of "Mr. Bean" is imminent, warn the guests. Put him in a relationship with a person who doesn't harbor negativity towards him.

“The chronicles unanimously praise the general hospitality of the Slavs, rare in other lands and until now common in all Slavic lands ... Every traveler was, as it were, sacred to them: they met him with kindness, treated him with joy, saw him off with blessings ... "

…..N.M. Karamzin “On the history of the Russian State”

Guests on the doorstep. This event is always exciting. Since ancient times, it has been customary: a guest on the threshold - joy in the house. This was explained by the fact that the villages and estates were located far from each other and new person has always been a curiosity. First of all, he brought news from the world, and therefore aroused interest: where was he, dear man? What did you hear and see? What will you tell? What now, when oh how many of us live on 1 square kilometer? We began to visit each other less often, business, worries and something else interfere with us. But there is no equivalent human communication, a friendly smile, a joke - all the atmosphere that is created in the circle of friends, acquaintances and close people. What to share if everyone knows everything from the media and the Internet? Yes, and now it’s not really necessary to go on a visit - I called, talked and, okay ... it becomes sad from this. But hospitality is inherent in us genetically (it seems to us) and the guest is not driven away, but accepted. Only the quality of the reception today depends on the qualities of the guest, and this should not be so.

Whatever nation you take, whatever way you consider, hospitality was taken very seriously everywhere. An invited guest was an uninvited, but crossed the threshold of the house, and a tired wanderer, and a kind traveler. And let the sayings speak not well of uninvited guests, but a hospitable host always knows how to make every guest feel at home. To be known as a good host or hostess, it is not at all necessary to impress guests with expensive dishes, silverware and rich treats. It is important that guests, having come to you, felt good and saw that they were sincerely welcome.

Mature, developed forms of hospitality are focused on the unfamiliar or stranger; the simplest, often ordinary forms are intended for a well-known guest, such as a relative or neighbor. The peoples of the Russian North have well preserved the most simple shapes hospitality, while among the peoples of the Caucasus it has complex, ritualized rites. The forms of hospitality among the highlanders of the Balkan Peninsula are close to Caucasian ones. At Eastern Slavs- Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians - hospitality eventually lost common Slavic archaic features and acquired peculiar Christianized forms. Today, in the age of globalization of almost all processes, hospitality itself is becoming generalized, that is, the same rituals of receiving a guest are being formed. In principle, the hospitality and cordiality of our ancestors, no matter what nationality they were, was aimed at ensuring that the guest did not feel bad away from home. But then, many centuries ago, the approach of representatives different cultures and nationalities were different: from the calm reception of the guest and treating him with simple food (in those regions where people had no difficulties on the way to the owner’s house, and therefore guests or travelers were not a curiosity there), to wild joy and celebration in honor of guest (in areas where the path from one locality to another was full of uncertainty and difficulties, in such places travelers were extremely rare and the news that they brought was accepted with greater gratitude, no matter what shade they carried).

The ritual of hospitality, in essence, is a dialogue of two parties entering into communication - the host and the guest. Both of them are subject to a fairly strict etiquette "script" that binds, limits their actions and at the same time allows them to achieve specific goals: the host - to adequately receive the guest, thus earning the grace of God and the respect of people, the guest - to receive shelter, food and support. The owner not only takes care of the guest, but also the obligation to protect on an equal basis with members of his family. But it is important to be able to be not only a hospitable host, but also a grateful guest - to know the measure and time when you need to leave, not to abuse the hospitality of the hosts. You have to be such a guest that the host would be glad to see you many more times. Receiving a guest is always a big concern for the host, but good guest will make it so that it turns out to be pleasant household chores. Then good impressions will remain with both the guest and the host.

Along with other customs, each nation had rituals of hospitality inherent only to it, rules for receiving guests and visiting friends. The ceremony of hospitality is rooted in primitive society as a custom of providing shelter to those who have strayed from the tribe, in need of protection, lost, traveling. In those times when communication between the tribes was weak, each guest was a carrier of information and was received with respect. In the time of Homer in Greece, all aliens from other places were considered to be under the protection of Zeus. In some countries (Dagestan, North Caucasus, Syria, Arab countries etc.) hospitality was so holy that even if a blood enemy came to the house, the owner met him and escorted him according to all the canons of hospitality and at that time nothing threatened his life. Now we almost never perceive a guest as lost, in need of protection, traveling, but this should not change the attitude towards the person who came to you. But it may also happen that a person needs help and participation, then a hospitable and hospitable host takes on the duties of a defender, assistant, sometimes even a mentor or adviser on certain issues with which the guest came to him.

“Hospitality is cordiality in receiving and treating visitors (guests), gratuitous reception and refreshment of wanderers, or hospitality,” this is how V.I. Dal. To be hospitable means to be able to offer a warm welcome to visitors, to create a calm, favorable and friendly atmosphere for them. Hospitality is one of the fundamental concepts of human civilization.

So let's be hospitable hosts, grateful guests. Let's share the news, looking into each other's eyes, smile and see the smile of the host or guest, feel warmth and support loved one, coming to visit him or hosting him, just laugh and be sad next to him, briefly leaving all new and high tech because, I repeat, there is no equivalent to human communication, a friendly smile, a joke - all the atmosphere that is created in the circle of friends, acquaintances and close people.

See hospitality Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. hospitality n., number of synonyms: 5 ... Synonym dictionary

J. distraction. noun according to adj. hospitable Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality, hospitality (Source: "Full accented ... ... Forms of words

hospitality- Syn: see hospitality... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

hospitality- see hospitable; And; and … Dictionary of many expressions

Hospitality, cordiality, hospitality; warm welcome, bread salt Dictionary of Russian synonyms. hospitality hospitality, hospitality, cordial welcome, hospitality Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E... Synonym dictionary

Friendliness, hospitality, hospitality, cordiality, cordial welcome, hospitality, affection Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cordiality, see hospitality Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: R ... Synonym dictionary

Hospitability, cordiality, cordial welcome, hospitality Dictionary of Russian synonyms. hospitality see hospitality Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

HOSPITAL, oh, oh; me, me. Welcome to guests. Hospitable people. Hospitably (adv.) meet. | noun hospitality, and and hospitality, a, cf. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (from lat. moralitas, moralis, mores tradition, folk custom, later temper, character, morals) a concept through which in the mental and practical experience people are singled out customs, laws, actions, characters, expressing highest values And… … Philosophical Encyclopedia


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