Russian language project "Me and my name". people know the meaning of their name


Rtishcheva Vera Grigorievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal educational institution"Lesogorsk average comprehensive school», Municipality"Vyborgsky district", Leningrad region.

Awaken interest in the history of the origin of your name;

educational: consolidating the skill of writing proper names;
developing: creating a search situation, striving for research work on the origin and unraveling the meaning of the names, surnames of your friends, relatives and friends;
educational: evoke an emotional response; help to realize moral sense name.

exhibition of books on the history of the origin of names and surnames;
handout (texts of poems by Z. Alexandrova "Eight Tans", S.Ya. Marshak "In defense of children"; an excerpt from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland");
layout of the game "Do you know the names of your girlfriends?"
Key words, expressions:

With the name Ivan, without a name - a blockhead.
Well there and here, where the name is called.
Without a name, the child is an imp.

During the classes.
1. introduction teachers:
Let's remember famous fairy tales English writer Lewis Carroll about Alice and her funny friends. Let's read an excerpt from the story:
- I hope you do not intend to lose your name?
"Of course not," said Alice, confused.
"I don't know, I don't know," the Gnat muttered. “Just think how convenient it is to come home without a name!” For example, you are called in a lesson. The teacher says: “Go to the blackboard ...” and then she will be silent, because you will not have a name, and you, of course, can pretend that it is not you who is called, but someone there.
“Nothing will come of it,” said Alice, “and all the same, you will have to answer me, and not someone out there. If the teacher forgets my name, she will say: "Hey, you!" or "Hey!" or whatever.
Have you guys guessed what will be discussed in our lesson? (About the name of a person, about his last name, how a person should guess that they are addressing him).
Write the topic of the lesson in notebooks.

2. Lexical work. The meaning of the word "name".
A) explanation of the meaning (orally): The name, surname of a person serve to distinguish in any group of acquaintances or relatives: in the family, in the class, i.e. in a narrow circle.
B) writing in a notebook:
Name - a distinctive name, designation of a person, which is given at birth.
Name - advertisement, narok, name, nickname, nickname, nickname, naming, nickname.

3. Message from students about the occurrence of names:
A) according to the text of A. Ugryumov "On our names."
B) C primitive society there were no names, surnames, patronymics. People took them from the surrounding life.
Scientists have found that names reflect various properties and qualities of people; features of their character; behavior, speech; physical strengths and weaknesses. In Ancient Rus', there were such names as Nezhdan (i.e. a person who was not expected), Zhdan, Big, First, Buyan (pugnacious), Pockmarked, Crooked, Wolf, Cat, Bull, Bear, Eagle, Perch, Beetle, Hedgehog, Oak, Stone, etc.
Traces of such names are visible in our modern surnames People: Nezhdanov, Zhdanov, Bolshakov, Pervukhin, Buyanov (Buyakin), Ryabov (Ryabikov), Krivosheev, Volkov, Kotov (Kotovsky), Orlov, Okunev, Zhukov, Yezhov, Dubov
and so on.

4. Self-presentation. Representing yourself.
Clearly pronounce your first name, last name, patronymic. Briefly describe your family tree.
Once again, spell out the name of your name, surname, patronymic. Write them down in a notebook.
Dictate your data to your desk mate.
Write down the names of the girls in your class in one column and the names of the boys in the other.

5. Conversation.
What is the name for?
Teacher's addition: a person carries a name through his whole life. He can be deprived of all wealth, titles, all rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name. The name, as the riddle says, is that "it does not sink in water and does not burn in fire." A kind, respected person is always called by name. The people who created good name, have long been called "eminent", "noble", "glorious", "famous".
In different parts of the Earth, it is customary to swear by one's own name, that is, to convince another of the correctness of what one is talking about.
Cities, streets, parks, orders and much more are named after respected, honored people.
Give examples from history native land(streets, cities, towns, institutions). (In our village, one of the streets bears the name of the first cosmonaut of the earth, Yu.A. Gagarin. In the city of Svetogorsk, which is located two kilometers from our village, some streets are named after soldiers who performed a feat defending our region. These are the streets of Garkavoi, Korobitsyn).
Write down 4 - 5 own names in a notebook.

6. Let us turn once again to the fairy tale about Alice and her friends (the teacher reads).
My name is Alice and I...
- Pretty stupid name! Humpty interrupted her impatiently. – What does it mean?
- Is the name supposed to mean anything? Alice asked puzzled.
"Undoubtedly," Humpty Dumpty snorted. - Personally, my name indicates the fragile form that is inherent in me. Awesome shape! And with a name like yours, you can be whatever shape you want, even the ugliest.
Are you guys interested in learning about the origin and meaning of your names?
And who already knows what his name means and where it came from?
(Student answers).
Alexander (Greek): alexo - to protect, andros - husband: a courageous fighter, protector of people.
Artem (Greek): artemius - dedicated to Artemis (goddess of the moon, hunting), artemis - healthy, unharmed.
Marina (Latin): marinus - marine.
Dmitry (Greek) - dedicated to Demeter (goddess of agriculture and fertility).
Catherine (Greek) - pure.

7. Prepared student messages from the book "A Brief Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Names and Surnames".

8. An entertaining minute. Puzzle games:
The name of this girl is spelled and pronounced the same way both from left to right and from right to left. Guess him (Anna, Alla, Ada).
If you subtract a letter from the name of the boy, you will get the name of the girl. What are the names of the boy and girl? (Kolya - Olya; Vasya - Asya)
What name is the gender of me? (Fields)
name female name, which consists of two vowels. (And I)
What female name does not end with either the vowel A or Z? (Love)
The name of which city in Ukraine consists of one male and one hundred female names? (Sevastopol)
What belongs only to you, but is used more often by others than by you? (Name)

9. Teacher's word:
Names can be complete or incomplete. The names with which we usually address each other are incomplete, abbreviated. For example, however, not all names can have an abbreviated form Tanya - Tatyana; Sasha - Alexander; Sveta - Svetlana .. For example, the names Vera, Nina are used in only one form, which, although short at first glance, is considered complete.

10. Task: write down your name and the name of your desk mate in short and full (if any) form.

11. Work in pairs. A game"Do you know the names of your girlfriends?" Appendix 2

12. Lexical work.
Are you familiar with the word namesake?
(namesake - people who have the same name).

13. Reading a poem Z. Alexandrova "Eight Tan"
There are eight Tans in the first grade -
This is straight up punishment!
After all, they have, wherever you look,
Everywhere Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!
If they say: “Tanya, get up!”
Eight Tans will rise at once.
But you can very simply
Understand newbies...
Explain how this can be done? (It is necessary to name the girl's name).
Are there namesakes among students in your class? (Two Daniels, two Dmitrys).

14. Visual dictation. Copy the text from the board:
Eight Ivanovs in our village. How to distinguish?
Distinguish, not confused. Vanya is big, yes Vanya is small, yes Vanya is a pud, yes Ivanko, yes Ivko, yes Vanya is son-in-law, yes Ivan Ivanovich, yes Vanyusha.
What do you think makes the villagers distinguish between people who have the same name? (thanks to the use different forms names, nicknames, indications of family ties)

15. Lexical work. The meaning of the word PATRONYMIDIC (record on the board and in notebooks: PATRONYMIDIC - the name of the father). A person receives a patronymic from his father, i.e. the father's name is added to the child's name to indicate whose son or daughter the child is. The patronymic is always given by the full name.

16. Choosing a name.
A) Teacher's word:
Not always, when giving a child a name, some parents think about its meaning, are familiar with its meaning. Many young mothers and fathers seek to give their baby beautiful name, having no idea about this name.
What inconvenience can expect the children of those parents who thoughtlessly approach the choice of a name?
B) reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak
In defense of children
If only you are smart
Don't let the guys
So fancy names
Like the proton and the atom.
Mother wanted to please
blonde daughter,
That's what I thought to call
Daughter Dictatorship.
Although her family called her
Dita for short
On parents was
The girl is angry.
For another father was looking for
They are smarter
And he finally called
His daughter - Idea.
Called mother and sister
Girl Idea,
And the guys from the yard
They began to call the Indian.
And one original
Stuffed with newspaper.
He named his son a Companion.
I named my daughter Rocket.
Let father and mother understand
What's up with this nickname
Age will have to age
Unfortunate children.
Discuss the content of the poem.

Conclusion: the choice of a name must be treated thoughtfully and carefully.

17. Summing up the lesson.
A) emotional. The teacher reads a poem by the Ingush poet Dzhemaldin Yandiev “There are four initial words…»
There are four initial words, and each nation
They are given to the child forever to cherish and love:
The word is LIFE, because he, there will be time, will die,
The word DEATH, because he is obliged to live correctly,
The word MOTHERLAND that you can’t sell at the market,
The NAME given by the mother, let it bear immaculately -
This is the legacy that is given to all of us, friends,
And the people will always demand an account from us.

B) cognitive.
What does the word NAME mean? (The name is a distinctive name, the designation of a person, which is given at birth).
Why (for what purpose) does a person need a given name, surname, patronymic? (By last name, first name and patronymic, we distinguish people from each other. In official documents (passport, driving license) the last name, first name, patronymic are indicated).
How did the names and surnames of people appear? What is the meaning behind this? (Names appeared in ancient times and at first reflected the characteristics of character, behavior, habits, and sometimes shortcomings. Already in ancient times people tried to separate themselves from others).

C) reflection. Questionnaire. Annex 1.

18. Homework: (differentiated)
A) for a strong group of students: research activities: ask your parents why you were named that way and not otherwise; find out if your mom and dad are familiar with the secret of their and your names; prepare a presentation on the results of your research;
B) for students with a small zone of proximal development: the same task, but with an execution algorithm, without a presentation;
C) for students with hypo-custody: a card with tasks by type:
1. Write the last name, first name, patronymic of your parents; grandparents.
2. Add the middle name of the girls according to the given male names: Ivan, Oleg, Maxim, Alexander, Alexei, Gennady, Dmitry, Vasily, Pavel.
3. Write 10 names of girls (boys).

Annex 1.
Questionnaire for students:
What does your name?
Are there such names in your family, in your family?
What names would you give your children?
What forms of work at the lesson did you like the most?
(individual, work in pairs, on cards, independent work, group work, research work).

Annex 2. Layout of the game "Do you know the names of your girlfriends?"
Write given name V full form(each cell corresponds to one letter in the name)


List of used literature
1. Borisova Yu.S. All the secrets of the name. - M .: OOD TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2010
2. Zubova E.N., Titkova E.V., Shcheglova O.A., Kuzina E.V., Larina O.V., Pivovarova I.A. The secret of your name, surname, patronymic. LLC "House of the Slavic Book", 2009
3. Otkupshikov Yu.V. To the origins of the word: Stories about the origin of words. - St. Petersburg: Avalon, ABC Classics, 2008
4. School phrasebook of the Russian language: Meaning and origin of phrases / N.M. Shansky, V.I. Zimin, A.V. Filippov. - 2nd ed. - M .: Bustard; Russian language, 1997
5. Brief explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Comp. I.L. Gorodetskaya, T.N. Popovtseva, M.N. Sudoplatova, T.A. Fomenko; Ed. V.V. Rozanova. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add.-M.: Rus.yaz., 1982
6. Sinitsyn V.A. "I'll start, and you continue ...": An entertaining guide to the Russian language for a teacher primary school. - Cheboksary: ​​CLIO, 1997

Internet resources
2. - "Teacher's newspaper"
3. - Russian educational portal
4. - educational server "Schools on the Internet"
5. - the newspaper "First of September"
6. - All Internet education
7. Dictionary of Russian surnames
8. Dictionary IN AND. Dalia
9. Russian dictionaries. Russian language service›articles/410246/


"The Secret of the Name"

Completed by students

3 "B" class.


1. Methodological passport of the project

2. Stages of the project

3. Names of our class

4. Relevance of the project.

5. The meaning of our names.

6.Common names in our school


8. Literature used

"Names, names, names -

In our speech it is no coincidence that:

How mysterious is this country -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery "

(A. Bobrov)

"Mystery of the name". But if you turn to the origin of names, you can find out a lot of interesting things!

Many guys became interested in what their names mean, their origin. The families remembered the day when the child was born, who chose the name for him. Wonderful memories! Great work has been done!

Methodological passport of the project


"The Secret of the Name"

Academic subject

The world, literary reading, Russian language


Primary school students

Project participants

Teacher, children, parents

Project type

Search and research, individual-group, medium-term, informational;


A person is given a name from birth. He does not choose him, others do it for him. We wanted to know the history of the origin and the meaning of the names, whether our character traits match the meaning of our names. We think that a name is just a word given by a mother at birth to her child.

Project goal per slide

reveal the secrets of the names of students Grade 3

Project objectives

1. Study the history and meanings of names. Learn about the meaning and origin of your name, about the role of a name in a person's life.

3. Instill love for your name and for the name of others

4. Find out if the guys know the meaning of their name and the history of its origin.

5. To study the lists of students in order to determine the frequency of using names.

6. Systematize and formalize the materials obtained during the study.

7. Learn about the history and origin of names.

8. Determine the most popular and most rare names in the classroom, school, what they mean.

First direction

Expanding children's knowledge about the origin of names. The guys are looking for information in various sources, read articles on this topic, compose interesting tasks for their classmates, come up with names for themselves that their parents could have given them in ancient times.

Second direction

This direction includes a whole system of work: Acquaintance with the science of studying the meaning of names, the guys count the names in the class, find out which names are the most popular in the class and find out who in their family gave them a name and how it was chosen. The guys will find out if there is a fashion for names.

third direction

This work makes children special interest. The boys learn their names interesting information: the meaning of their name, the color of the name, and find out what the character of a person with a given name should be.

Fourth direction

This is especially important in the project - involving not only project participants, but also your family in the work. To this end, the project participants organize meetings with parents in the classroom: my family’s holiday “Choosing my name”, a showcase “ Mysterious names», literary evening"Names in children's works", competitions of poems, nursery rhymes and songs "Names around us".

Subject of study

Names of students of the class, school.

Research methods

1. Study of literature.

2. Conversation with parents;

4.Own observations.

5. Questioning, observation, collection of information from literary sources, generalization.

Research methodology

Stage 1: preparatory

Statement of the problem, formulation of the research topic, goals and objectives, definition of the object and subject of research, choice of research methods.

Planning, identification of sources of information.

Definition of a group of students

Definition of areas of work

Stage 2: work in previously defined areas

Questioning and survey of primary school students.

Studying the stages of the history of names

Stage 3: processing and processing of the collected material

Systematization and registration of materials obtained during the study.

Stage 4: project protection

Preparing messages about the meaning and origin of your name. Conducting class hours.

creative work students (books - babies).

Project presentation.

Planned result

Deepen your knowledge of your names

Create a collection of student names

3 "b" class

You are given

And people use it

How and when did the idea for this project come about? How did we choose the theme of the project?

We study in the 3rd "b" grade of the Pravdinsky School No. 1. We are 22 young Russians: 9 girls and 13 boys. Our teacher's name is Marina Vladimirovna.

We became interested

There was an interest in this topic. So names became the object of our study. That's why we decided to learn more about names.

The purpose of our work.

How we did the research.

1. Study of literature.

2. Conversation with parents

3. Search for information on the Internet;

4.Own observations.

5. Questioning, observation, collection of information from literary sources.

Before starting work, we conducted a survey in our class. 22 people took part in the survey.

Survey results.

The survey data showed that the majority of students do not know the meaning own name, its origin, name day.

The results of the survey further strengthened our desire to continue research work and show that getting to know the secret of names is an exciting business. Learning the name of a person is very educational and fascinating process, which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Having started studying this topic, we decided to follow the following plan:

1. Determine the most common and rare names in the class and among first graders in our school

2. Collect information about the meaning and origin of the names of students.

3. Reveal famous people, which have the same names.

What are the names of our class?

In our class 1-Diana, 1-Lubov, 1-Mikhail, 1-Ayten, 1-Aleksey,

1-Alexandra, 1-Nikita, 1-Victoria, 1-Xenya, 1- Alina, 1- Yaroslav, 1-Egor, 1 - Denis, 1 - Miroslav, 1 - Artem, 1 - Anna, 1-Igor, 1- Otabek, 1-Roman, 1-Maxim, 1-Daniel, 1-Ekaterina.

Let's arrange our names in accordance with this order:

A - Ayten, Alexey, Alexandra, Alina, Artyom, Anna
B - Victoria

D - Diana, Denis, Daniel.
E - Egor, Ekaterina
I - Igor

K - Xenia

L - Love

M - Maxim, Mikhail, Miroslav.

N - Nikita
O - Otabek

I am Yaroslav

Thus, we will draw the following conclusions:

2. Most names starting with the letter "A" - 6 names.

A study of the names of students in grade 3 "b" showed that boys and girls predominate Greek name options - 8 (Alexey, Alexandra, Xenia, Artem, Egor, Denis, Ekaterina).

In second place are names that have latin origin - 4 (Diana, Victoria, Maxim, Roman).

In third place are names that have Jewish origin - 3 (Mikhail, Anna, Daniel) and Old Slavic origin - 3 (Love, Yaroslav, Miroslav).
In fourth place are names that have Turkic - 2 (Ayten, Otabek).
On the fifth 1 - Old Germanic - Alina and Old Norse - Igor.

There are no duplicate names in the class.
The survey also made it possible to answer the question - why or in whose honor are people named?

It turned out that:

60% were given baptismal names or in honor of the saint on whose day they were born;

20% - were named by the names that were most popular at that moment;

15% were given names because they are rare;

5% could not answer this question.

Being engaged in the project, we got acquainted with books in which we learned about the meaning and origin of our name, about the role of a name in a person's life. We found out whether name days and birthdays are identical concepts. We got acquainted with the biographies of the famous namesakes.

Through our research, we found that many celebrities are named after the names we studied.

Project relevance

What have we learned about names?

Since most of the students we interviewed did not have a clear idea of ​​what a person’s name means, we tried to define the concept of “name” using reference literature.

According to the dictionary:

"A name is a word that is called, means an individual, a person"

As soon as people began to speak the language, names were given to objects, phenomena and, of course, to the people themselves.

The name is the main means of communication, the personal name of a person. Since ancient times, people have perceived names as part of a person. Our ancestors believed: name, given to man, not just belongs to him at the whim of his parents, it grows together with a person.

There is not a single person who does not have a name. It happens that the person himself is long gone, but his name lives on. So the names brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka from our wonderful tales. They didn’t exist at all, but the names live on.

We want to give you all a riddle. About names

Names, names, names -

In our life they sound not by chance:

How mysterious is this country -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

What are names? A name is not just a word. Behind each name is a certain personality, a person who is not like everyone else, the one and only.

On class hour we learned that in ancient times people gave each other only meaningful names, calling children suitable, in their opinion, words. The ancient Greeks had such names: Peter, which meant "stone", Foka - "seal", Chrysis - "gold".

So did our ancestors. Old Russian names sounded differently: Miloneg, Dobroslava, Dobrynya, Malusha. Could give the boy

the name Wolf - so that he is strong, bold and long lived. Those who were born on Saturday were called Sobotka, the first-born - Pervush, the screaming baby - Sleepless or Restless. It became interesting for us whether our names, our character, the character of boys and girls of the 21st century determine . Why are we called that? We asked our parents about this. In addition, we decided to find out what our names mean.

We set ourselves the goal of finding out what names the guys in our class and first-graders of our school have and to reveal the secrets of their names.

We set ourselves the task of finding out:

1) the meaning and origin of names

2) Are the names that parents gave their children in the past different from those given now?

3) what names are the most common in our class and

first graders of our school?

What is the meaning of our names, why we were called that. In the course of the study, we learned the history of our family, because many bear the names of their grandparents, uncles and aunts. A survey was conducted, during which the following results were revealed. Many students do not know the meaning of their name, and only a few do. How and why they were named so, many also do not know. But they all really wanted to know about it.

They were supplanted by foreign names that came with the Christian religion.

For example,

The name Alexander comes from Greece: it means "protector of people." Valentina is Latin for "daughter of a healthy, mighty man."

These names were distributed among all European peoples, each remade them in their own way.

A person is given a name once, at birth, and accompanies him throughout his life. Recorded in official documents, it becomes his personal name. We get used to consider our name as the closest word to us. mother tongue and a kind of synonym for our own personality.

However, many do not know the meaning of names and do not even think about it. Each of us will say his name, but not everyone will be able to explain his meaning.

Indeed, is there any meaning in the words that are our names?

Personal names have not only meaning, but also their history. They, like other words, are born by human imagination, flourish, grow old and die, disappearing from the language of the people who were their creator.

Naming babies at all times was considered as one of the most important rituals that provides a person with prosperity, health, good luck in the future (or, on the contrary, leading to failures and illnesses). The name was treated as a talisman, and the very procedure for choosing a name was like a fortune-telling, an attempt to gain a child better share. On this basis, different peoples formed different traditions and different traditions and systems of taboos associated with names. Giving a child a name in honor of a particular saint, people assume, firstly, that the character of their son or daughter will resemble personal characteristics this righteous man (i.e., a kind of role model); and secondly, that this saint will become a heavenly intercessor-prayer book before God specifically for this child. The name should be beautiful and sonorous, not very long and easy to pronounce, well combined with the surname and patronymic. Extraordinary stories always happen

only with people whose names are difficult to pronounce.

How long ago did people begin to pay attention to the role of the name in the fate of the child? It seems that this began from the moment when a person began to realize himself as a rational being.

When we started work, we read a lot about names. We learned that choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task. The choice of a child's name is influenced by family traditions and fashion trends, and national, religious roots, and even Political Views parents. The fashion for names should be discussed separately. This fashion has always existed, there is nothing wrong with that. Usually it is associated with a change in values ​​in generations, so almost every decade bears its own names.

It's good that the fashion for such names has passed. After all, there are beautiful, sonorous Russian names

In the era of Christianity, the so-called baptismal names appeared, which corresponded to the names of saints. Such names are no longer of Slavic, but of Greek origin. However, and some Slavic names were recognized by the church, even though they had nothing to do with the saints. These are, for example, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav and the Scandinavian Oleg. The most common in the era of Christianity were the names Ivan and Fedor. The names Peter, Paul, John (Ivan), Alexei, Philip, Mark were also widely used. Many of the baptismal names had ancient Jewish origin, for example, names: Anna, Daniel.

So, starting from the 10th century and up to the 17th century, there was a tradition to give the child two names: baptismal church name and the profane name given by parents to denote intra-family nicknames. At the same time, the baptismal name was obligatory, but the secular one was not.

Those times have long since passed, but the newly-made parents are still serious about choosing a name.

Let the child get his own "correct" name, and be with him

build your own destiny. And may he be happy!


The name of a person is the fate of a person, this is the symbol that accompanies a person all his life, a symbol with which a person goes through joy and sorrow, through smiles and tears, through good luck and trouble. That is why, to know the origin of the name, its interpretation and meaning, to understand all the subtleties and secrets that the name of a person hides - this is so important and necessary for each of us.

Whatever names we bear, no matter what our names predetermine to us, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what trace our name will leave on earth. Our study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Names - special words, all people should have them, each person has his own name.

The name means a lot to a person and can affect his character.

It is important to remember that the name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, you can give it away or throw it away. The meaning of the name is part of the personality, it is given only once and accompanies a person all his life.

Whatever names we bear, so that our names are not predetermined for us, we always remain cheerful and kind. It depends only on us what trace our name will leave on earth. It is in the hands of every person to create a good reputation for his name.

Thus, the choice of a name is influenced by many reasons. Sometimes people can't explain their choice. We think that we have managed only to slightly touch this mystery. And yet we have learned at least a little to navigate this wide world human names.

I wonder how our last names came about?

"It's not the name that makes a man,

and the person's name."


1. Intel® Teaching for the Future: Proc. manual - 8th ed., corrected and supplemented - M .: Internet University Information technologies, 2006. - 148 p. + CD

2. Higir of a person, his character and destiny. - M., 2006.

3. Petrova Ekaterina . Interpretation of names. - M., 2005.

BASOVA Tatyana Evening club, - M., 1996.

4.http://www. imena. org/name. html - origin and history of names.

5. http:///nam_A - interpretation of names.

6. http://horo. mail. en/namesecret. html is the mystery of the name.

7.http://www. lifebook. refus. ru/ - Book of Life.

8 .http://top50.nameofrussia. ru/ Project "Name of Russia" - 50 most popular names

9 .http://dictionaries. yandex. ru/dict/io Historical information

10 .http://www. detskiy http://www. chudopredki. ru/366-imja-rebenka.- meanings of names

11.http://www. chudopredki. ru/366-imja-rebenka.-aleksandr. html - about the name Alexander

12.http://www. solar. ee/names/n_02_01.htm

Poems, useful information

13.http://www. /poslovizi. html - proverbs about names

14.http://www. solar. ee/names/n_02_01.html - poems about names

MBOU "Secondary school No. 12"


Altai region

Completed by students

3 B class.

Supervisor Marchenko N. N. ,

primary school teacher


Objective of the project : 1. Find out what a name is.

2. Learn about the history and origin of names.

3. Determine the most popular and rarest names in the class, school, what they are


Project objectives : 1. Study the history and meanings of names. Learn about the meaning and origin of your

name, about the role of the name in human life.

2.Develop skills research activities

3. Instill love for your name and for the name of others

4.Find out if the guys know the meaning of their name and its history


5. Study the lists of students in order to determine the frequency

the use of names.

6. Systematize and formalize the materials obtained during the study.

Planned result : Deepen your knowledge of your names

Create personalized album students 3 "B" » class

slide 2

Names, names, names

In our life they do not sound by chance.

How mysterious is this country -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

slide 3 1. How and when did the idea for this project come about? How did we choose the theme of the project? We study in 3 "B" class high school No. 12, Yarovoe. We are 30 young Russians: 18 girls and 12 boys.We wondered what parents think about when they give a child a name? Why are we called that? We asked our parents about this. We wanted to know more about our names.We asked ourselves the question - what do our names mean? There was an interest in this topic. So names became the object of our study.slide 4.

The purpose of our work.

We set a goal for ourselves: to find out what names the guys in our class, school have.

We set ourselves the task of finding out:

1) the meaning and origin of names

2) Are the names given by parents to children in the past different from those given now?

3) what names are the most common in our class, school?

Slide 5. Hypothesis If we learn more about our names, about the names of our peers, we can avoid any mistakes in communication and behavior, and maybe in determining the future profession.slide 6.

How we did the research.

1. Studied literature.

2. Talked with parents

3. Searched for information on the Internet;

4. Conducted a survey school students, questioning, observation, collected information from literary sources.

Slide 7

Before starting work, we conducted a survey in our class. 29 people took part in the survey.

The survey data showed that most students do not know the meaning of their own name, its origin, name day.

The results of the survey further strengthened our desire to continue research work and show that getting to know the secret of names is an exciting business. Learning the name of a person is a very informative and fascinating process that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Slide 8 Relevance of the project

What is the meaning of our names, why we were called that. In the course of the study, we learned the history of our family, as many bear the names of their grandparents, uncles and aunts.

The names of people are part of the history of peoples. They reflect life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy

and creativity of peoples. And every person should know the history of his people.

This is the theme of our project.

slide 9.

We learned that there is even a special science that studies names -ONOMASTICS

Slide 10

Names appeared at dawn human history, along with the appearance of speech. Our ancestors, the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', bore names - nicknames taken from the names of animals, plants, things ...

Here are a few Russian names - characteristics:

    by the appearance of a person -Slanting, Pockmarked, Curly, Chernysh

    according to human nature - Dobrynya, Molchan, Nesmeyana,

    place in the family - First, Second, Tretiak and others,

Slide 11

What are the names of our class?

In our class there are 4-Anastasia, 2-Milena, 2-Nikita, 2-Cyril, 2-Elizabeth, 2-Victoria, 1-Catherine, 1-Julia, 1-Yana, 1-Ulyana, 1-Roman, 1-Dmitry , 1- Alexander, 1- Eugene, 1-Maria, 1-Vladimir, 1-Ivan, 1-Daniel, 1-Christina, 1- Karina, 1-Sophia, 1- Natalia

The question arose before us: "Do you consider Natalya Nikolaevna?" Natalya Nikolaevna always tells us: “We are one family, we must live together,” which means counting. Natalya is also one of us.

slide 12

We arranged our names in alphabetical order and came to the following conclusions:

    13 letters of the Russian alphabet are capital letters in our names, 20 letters turned out to be “unoccupied” with us.

    Most names starting with a letter

"A" - 5 names.

"B" -3 names

"K" - 3 names

slide 13

A study of the names of students in grade 3 "B" showed that Greek variants of names predominate in boys and girls-11( Anastasia, Alexander, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Kirill, Nikita, Evgeny, Christina, Sophia);

In second place are names that are of Latin origin - 7 (Julia, Karina, Roman, Victoria, Uliana, Natalya);

In third place are names of Jewish origin - 5 - ( Elizabeth, Danil, Ivan, Maria);

Slavic - 4 (Vladislav, Milena, Vladimir, Yana);

Turkic - 3

slide 14.

The survey also made it possible to answer the question - why or in whose honor are people named?

It turned out that:

50% of students were named after close relatives;

20% - named by baptismal names or in honor of the saint on whose day they were born;

20% - were named by the names that were most popular at that moment;

5% were given names because they are rare;

5% could not answer this question.

26 guys in our class names gave parents,

and 4 are grandparents.

slide 15

Being engaged in the project, we got acquainted with books in which we learned about the meaning and origin of our name, about the role of a name in a person's life. We found out whether name days and birthdays are identical concepts. We got acquainted with the biographies of the famous namesakes.

So we got personalized albums that we give to our classmates for their birthday. We have 3 pages in the album so far (names: Ulyana, Dmitry, Karina). This is a very laborious work, but until the end school year we plan to finish the work on the album.

slide 16

We conducted a sociological study of the names of our schooland found out what names the girls and boys of our school have, how many people have the same name,
what names are ranked by frequency of use
first three places.

There are 486 students in the school in total.

By frequency of use, the names were distributed as follows:

Girls :

1m. Anastasia

2m. Julia

3m. Victoria


1m. Nikita

2m. Kirill

3m. Dmitriy

In addition, 1 girl in our school is named Snezhanna, 1 boy is named Renat

Slide 17

Pursuing project activity we have also collected a lot additional material
about names

We were very surprised that children could be called names formed from other words. It was fashionable.

Here are the five most popular names of the 20-30s:

Velior - GREAT October Revolution

Donera - Daughter new era

Leundezh - Lenin is dead, but his cause lives on

    Vors - VORoshilovsky Strelok


Proverbs about names

Slide 19

Name tongue twisters

Slide 20


slide 21 QUIZ

slide 22


The name of a person is the fate of a person, this is the symbol that accompanies a person all his life, a symbol with which a person goes through joy and sorrow, through smiles and tears, through good luck and trouble. That is why, to know the origin of the name, its interpretation and meaning, to understand all the subtleties and secrets that the name of a person hides - this is so important and necessary for each of us.

Whatever names we bear, no matter what our names predetermine to us, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what trace our name will leave on earth. Our study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Names are special words, all people should have them, each person has his own name.

The name means a lot to a person and can affect his character.

It is important to remember that the name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, you can give it away or throw it away. The meaning of the name is part of the personality, it is given only once and accompanies a person all his life.

"It's not the name that makes a man,

and the person's name


1. Petrovsky N.A. "Dictionary of Russian personal names" - AST, 2005

2.S.I. Ozhegov "Dictionary" - M.: ITI Technologies, 2008

3.L.V. Ouspensky "You and your name" L., Children's literature, 1972

4. A.V. Superanskaya, A.V. Suslov "On Russian names". St. Petersburg, Azbuka-classika, 2001

5. http :// www . imena . org

Department of Education of the Zhukovsky District Administration

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Zhukovskaya averagegeneral educationSchool number 2

the name of the Hero Soviet Union Egor Pavlovich Novikov

Scientific-practical conference "First steps into science"


on the topic: "The mystery of the name"

Done by 3rd grade students

Ivleva Violetta

Vlasov Sergey

Pronina Sofia

Skvortsov Denis

Tankova Daria

Yashkova Irina


primary school teacher

I.Yu. Kiseleva

Zhukovka 2017

    Introduction…………………………………………………………………...p. 3-5

    Main part……………………………………………………… 6

    1. Names and nicknames in Ancient Rus'……………………………….p.6-7

      The history of the emergence of names……………………………………..p.7-9

      Where did our names come from………………………………..p. 9-10

      Interpretation of names……………………………………………………p. 10


      Sociological study ……………………… .................... P.22

3. Supreme ..........................................................................................................

4. List of used literature………………………………………… 15



Names, names, names -

In our life they sound not by chance:

How mysterious is this country -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

Alexander Bobrov

Even in ancient times, people faced the problem of how to address each other.

We are used to calling everyone by their first names, but the name of a person did not arise by chance.

Each person after his birth receives a name. He does not choose him, others do it for him. Unfortunately, few of us know what the name given to us means and what is the history of its origin.

What do they mean by our names?

Responding to this question, we found out that no one knows the meaning of their name.

We wanted to know the history of the origin and meaning of names, whether our character traits coincide with the meaning of our names, how common our names are.

That's why topic of our research work"Mystery of the name".

We wanted to know:

When and how did the names originate;

Where did they come from in our language;

What do our names mean;

What are the most popular names at the moment.

Therefore, we devoted our research work to the study of names.

Target: by studying the name, show the individuality, originality of each child.


    Learn the history and meanings of names.

    Develop research skills.

    Learn the names of elementary school students.

    Find out if the guys in my class know the meaning of their name and the history of its origin.

    Establish the popularity of names among primary school students.

    Instill love for your name and for the name of others.

Object of study: our names.

Subject of study: origin story, meaning of our names

Research hypothesis: We assumedcan a person live without a name, what can a name say about a person.

Research methods:

1. Literature analysis;

2. Work with the Internet.

3. Analysis of the lists of school students;

4. Systematization of known information and results;

5. Questioning;

6. Sociological research;

7.Conversations with parents;

8. Conduct your own observation of classmates.

The relevance of the work is as follows :

human name from ancient times has magic power, is the object of various theories and studies. The name is shrouded in a veil of secrecy.

This mysterious world, diverse and colorful, in an incomprehensible way affects our destinies.

The role of a name in a person's life has always excited and will excite people. Historical opinion has developed that through a certain name it is possible to convey to a person the qualities of character and destiny.

It is important for each person to know the meaning of his own name, its origin, why this particular name was given to him and how popular it is among his peers. . After all, a name is given at birth and accompanies a person all his life, being a kind of calling card its bearer.

2. The main part.

2.1. Names and nicknames in Ancient Rus'

There is not a single person who does not have a name. It happens that the person himself is long gone, but his name lives on. So the names of the leader of the largest uprising in Italy, who lived more than 2 thousand years ago, came to us - Spartacus, the queen of Assyria - Semiramis, who is credited with the construction of hanging gardens in Babylon - one of the seven "wonders of the world".

And what about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka from our wonderful fairy tales? They didn’t exist at all, but the names live on.

What are names? Names are words, but special ones. All words have a meaning, but they seem not to.

There are nations in which a person changes two or even three names in his life. And exactly nothing changes from this, maybe the names really have no meaning?

A name is a priceless gift that is given at birth once and for all. Without a name, it would be very difficult for us to communicate with each other and understand who we are talking about in a conversation with other people. That's why people value their names. A person carries a name throughout his life. He can be deprived of all wealth, all titles and rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name.

Names, like everything in the world, have their own history. They arise, change, disappear. The history of Russian names is closely connected with the history of the people and their language.

Ancient Russian names were peculiar characteristics of people. The name was given to a person as a sign by which it was possible to distinguish him from a family or clan.

There were many names in Ancient Rus'. They now seem ridiculous to us, but they noted the most characteristics or external features. For example, Balagur, Svetlana, Chernava, Chernysh.

There were names that often reflected the order in which children appeared. For example, First, Senior, Second, Tretiak.

Separate names characterized the time of the birth of the child. The child who was born in winter was called Winter. If born in hard frost, and they called it - Frost, and born in the spring, received the name Veshnyak, from the word "spring" - spring.

Some names characterized natural phenomena, for example, Metelitsa, Christian holidays, for example, Fasting, Meat-Eater.

Some names were given according to the profession of parents, for example, Rybak, Mukovoz, Kozhemyaka.

Other names reflected some features of newborns, for example, Piskun, Jumper, Lobik.

2.2. The history of the origin of names

Names appeared at the dawn of human history, along with the advent of speech. Although in modern understanding the term "nicknames" would be best suited to the personal names of primitive tribes. However, the names came to people once and for all. The name is the first thing that is mentioned in a conversation when it comes to a particular person. Each of us has a name. They address us by name, our names are registered in documents, and finally, we ourselves will give names to our children. And what is it - a name? According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, a name is “a name, a name, a word by which one is called, means a person.” The original meaning of a name, denomination is to try to capture, designate the deep meaning of a thing, reveal its essence, find its characteristic feature with one exact word or phrase.

The names of people are part of history and peoples. Russian names interesting story. One of them lived long life and survived to our time, others appeared more recently.

On early stage development of civilization, people for a long time did not choose what name to give the child. Our ancestors, the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', bore nicknames taken from the names of animals, plants, things and everything that was always in sight.

Some names were associated with events in people's lives, others indicated people's occupations, signs or features of a person's character. IN ancient Rus' there were many names. They seem ridiculous to us now, but they noted the most characteristic signs or external features of a person, for example: Svetlana, Belyak, Chernysh, Mal, Oblique, Pockmarked, Curly. There were names that reflected the order in which children appeared, for example: First, Second, Elder. Here are some characteristics of names by character - Dobrynya, Brave, Gord, Silent, Clever, Nesmeyana, Annoyance, Dobrava; by profession - Kozhemyaka, Selyanin, etc. You can not believe in their authenticity, thinking that these are nicknames. But these are really the names of our ancestors.

There was a belief that if you give a child a name known in some locality bad people, then the child will acquire similar negative traits. Therefore, only good things should be given. From here a tradition was formed, which is widespread to this day, - naming a person "in someone's honor."

Even in the annals of the 11th century, one can find well-known names (Oleg, Igor, Vladimir, Olga) and unfamiliar ones (Rurik, Askold, Luchezar). From these names breathes antiquity, heroic and glorious campaigns of ancient Russian princes. In ancient Rus', three groups of names were used:

Simple and dibasic Old Slavic names(Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Lyudmila)

Scandinavian names(Oleg, Igor, Olga, Askold)

Names used by the church (Ivan, Fedor, Elena).

With the adoption of Christianity from Byzantium, Bulgaria, the countries of the West and the Middle East, new names came to Rus' (Anna, Maria, Elizabeth).

At baptism, a person was given a second name, ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and others. A foreign name was incomprehensible to a Russian person, they used it only in documents, but did not use it in everyday life. For example: Stefan was listed in the documents, and in everyday life they were called Stepan or John-Ivan. Church is not

recognized all the names. So Prince Vladimir of Kyiv was given the name Vasily at baptism, and Princess Olga - Elena.

In Russia, for quite a long time: at baptism, the priest offered several names to choose from, which were listed in the calendar for the child's birthday.

The parents' business was only to choose and agree with any of the names. To avoid the forced choice of a name and to beg the priest to give another name cost a lot of work and money.

Only in 1905 this prerogative of the church was somewhat weakened and parents could already name the child at their discretion. After the revolution, from 1917 it became possible to call a child by any name without any restrictions, and a new fad began to fashion names.

2.3. Where did our names come from

At the end of the 10th century, Prince Vladimir of Kiev was looking for a strong ally against the steppe nomads who made devastating raids on southern Rus'. To this end, he concluded an agreement on mutual assistance with the emperor of Byzantium ...

In order for the military alliance to be strong and durable, from Kyiv prince demanded consent to the "baptism of Rus". Prince Vladimir accepted this condition.

The rite of "baptism" consisted in the fact that the inhabitants of Russian villages were herded into the river in droves and forced to rinse their bodies with water three times in order to wash away the "filth of the pagan faith" and the old "pagan" name. The Christian priests who stood at that time on the shore overshadowed each with a cross and gave a new name. So the Zhdans and the Brave, the Wolves and the Swans, the Beautiful and the Nesmeyany became Vasily and Kirill, Anna and Evdokia. The names were borrowed from the languages ​​of many oriental and European nations.

In 988, during the reign of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, Rus' adopted christian religion. This religion was borrowed from Byzantium. Together with her

many Byzantine names also came to Rus', which, in turn, came from ancient Greek and ancient Roman ones.

Ancient Greek and ancient roman names emphasized moral and physical dignity in people.

For example, Greek name Tikhon - means "happy", Roman name Marina - "marine".

Hebrew names meant an appeal to God. For example, Michael means "equal to God."

2.4. Interpretation of names

A name is not just a word. Behind each name is a certain personality, a person who is different from others, the one and only.

From the early childhood and throughout life, not a single word is heard by a person as often as a name.

Our name connects us with our family, with our friends and acquaintances.

Our name connects us with small and big motherland.

There is even a special science that studies names - ONOMASTICS.

Our ancestors treated names very carefully. They believed that the name had a certain mysterious power that could help or harm it, so the choice of the name had great importance and regarded as a ritual.

The names are not random. Parents give a name with the hope that the child will be beautiful and happy. Often the name is dedicated to one of the beloved relatives, from the heroes of their time. Parents want to go with the name to the child best qualities of people previous generation.

2.5. Questionnaire

The next stage of the research work was a survey of students in grades 1-4. Was polled 193 Human. The students were asked to answer the questionnaire.

The survey data showed that most students know the meaning of their own name, but do not know its origin, name day. The guys who are dissatisfied with their names came to light.

The results of the survey further strengthened our desire to continue research work and show that getting to know the secret of names is an exciting business.

There are 20 people in our class (including the teacher).

We have: Anastasia, Sergei, Sergei, Violetta, Evgenia, Irina, Eugene, Polina, Mikhail, Vladislav, Sophia, Valeria, Kirill, Denis, Daria, Valeria, Alexander, Irina, Maxim, Artem.

There are names by origin:

    Greek - 10 (Artem, Alexander, Anastasia, Polina, Kirill, Evgenia, Evgeny, Irina, Sofia, Irina)

    Latin - 4 (Violetta, Valeria, Maxim, Valeria,)

  • Jewish - 1 (Michael,)

    Russians - 4 (Vladislav, Denis, Sergey, Sergey)

    Ancient Persian - 1 (Daria)

2.6. Sociological research

We conducted a sociological study of names in grades 1-4 and found out which names are the most common and which are rare.

Among the names of girls:

    1st place - Anastasia;

    in 2nd place, the name is Valeria;

    in 3rd place the name is Daria.

Among the boys' names:

    1st place - Evgeny, Ilya, Artem, Daniil

    in 2nd place are the names - Maxim, Denis, Ivan;

    in 3rd place are the names - Alexander, Kirill, Dmitry.

Rare names, that is, those that met 1 time:

Thus, we can conclude:

    only half of our names are common enough in school;

    character traits match the meaning of our names.


We devoted our research work to the study of the history of the origin of names, studied their meaning. Having carried out my research work, we can say that at present many Russian people wear traditional names, although the fashion for names is changing.

In the process of working on the topic “The Secret of the Name”, we learned how to: formulate the goals and objectives of the project, choose methods and methods of work, plan upcoming activities, collect and analyze information, independently conduct research and questioning, summarize, present and evaluate the results obtained.

Our research work invites everyone to think about their names. After all, they are given to a person only once. The name is given to the child at birth by his parents. It is in the hands of every person to create a good reputation for his name.

Whatever names we wear, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what trace our name will leave on earth.

Unusual name not only supports the uniqueness of a person, but also his difference from others. The most important thing is to observe the measure, because a person who is not at all like those who surround him will feel "out of his element."

It is important to remember that the name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, can be given as a gift or even thrown away. The meaning of the name is part of the personality, it is given only once and accompanies a person all his life. Therefore, before calling a person, you need to heed the advice:

1) the name should be easy to pronounce;

2) must correlate with the patronymic;

3) should be easy to remember;

4) on behalf of should be formed diminutively - affectionate forms;

5) should not cause unpleasant associations in a person.

The research work "The Secret of the Name" turned out to be very interesting and fascinating. We learned a lot and were satisfied with our work.


1. Name, character, destiny. Collection. - M .: Yauza, Omega, 1995.

2. Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. M.: Russian language, 1980.

3. Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary. Compiled by Bulatov R. M .: “ Soviet Encyclopedia", 1988.-159 p.

4. Suslova A.V., Superanskaya A.V. About Russian names. - L .: 1978

5. Name mystery: Sat. - Kharkov: IKP "Parity LTD". – 608 p.

6. The secret of your name, surname, patronymic. Moscow. LLC "House of the Slavic Book" 2009-671s.

7. Uspensky L.V. You and your name L.: 1992

Internet Sources:

  1. Do you know what a "name" is?

    Do you know the meaning of your name?

    Do you know the origin of your name?

    Do you know when your birthday is?

    Are you satisfied with your name?

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