Ural batyr Bashkir folk epic in Russian. The epos "Ural Batyr" and the Scythian genealogical legend


These steppe expanses, forests framing the steeps of the Ural Mountains have recently changed their ancient appearance. Oil derricks have become the visiting card of the republic, where more than 15 million tons of oil are produced annually. Oil is a symbol of the Bashkir treasure. With modern methods of extraction, oil no longer allows it to so openly spurt out of the ground. But once "black gold" itself came to the surface and in ancient Bashkir legends oil was called "oil of the earth".

Many thousands of years ago, this "oil of the earth" was formed from the spilled magical blood of a hero, whose name was Ural-batyr. But he gave his people not only the opportunity to enjoy the oil wealth. Thanks to the Urals, a whole beautiful world arose with all its mountains, meadows, rivers and underground treasures. But the main legacy of the epic hero is the rules of life for posterity, the secret of happiness for all people. Why did Ural Batyr become famous, that even the mountains bear his name? And what do we know about this national hero now?

In 1910, the teacher and collector of folk tales Mukhametsha Burangulov went on an expedition to the Itkul volost of the Orenburg province. Today it is the Baimaksky district of Bashkortostan. His attention was attracted by the ancient tales of sesen poets filled with the spirit of the mystical past and revealing the secrets of the creation of the world.

Bashkirs have always had great respect for sesens. These poets not only composed, but also memorized, performed, and passed down old tales from generation to generation. And the sesens accompanied their performances with the jerky sounds of the ancient musical instrument dumbars. In addition, it was believed that the old tunes also have healing effects on the listeners, which of course only added to the sesengs of universal respect.

The tales of the sesens so impressed Burangulov that he thanked the poets by giving them his horse. He had to walk home, but what did that mean compared to the treasure he had found. It was not only about unique ethnographic material, but also about mysterious information which Burangulov took more than 10 years to process. At the beginning of the 1920s, a written version of the epic about the batyr appeared for the first time, i.e. about the Ural hero and his glorious deeds.

In ancient, ancient times, an old man and an old woman lived in the world. And they had two sons. The eldest was called Shulgen and the youngest was Ural. When they grew up, the father saddled two lions and sent his sons to wander. He asked them to find living water which will give immortality to man and nature, and destroy death itself. And the brothers left Father's house. Long was their way. Along the way, the brothers faced danger and temptation. Shulgen could not stand all the tests, he betrayed the good and went over to the side of evil. Shulgen became the main enemy of his younger brother and one of the main warriors of the dark forces. And the Urals remained faithful to the precepts of his father.

Day and night, year after year, the Ural-batyr performed his exploits. He defeated the bloodthirsty king Katila, the king of snakes Kahkahu and found the same living water. He fought with the evil divas and their leader Azraka and, finally, met his brother in battle. And all this so that people are happy, so that grief and death leave the earth forever.

It would seem that almost any nation has such epics. But the Ural Batyr clearly stands out from the background of his fellow heroes. And the fact that his path is the search for absolute goodness and the fact that in today's Bashkiria the epic about his exploits is more than just a fairy tale.

In one of the battles, Ural killed the main evil diva Azraka. He cut off his head with a diamond sword, and when the diva fell, it seemed that the whole world shuddered. Its huge, terrible body split the expanse of water in two. In place of that, a mountain has risen. Big Yamantau is the same mountain that, according to legend, arose from dead body Azraki. This is the highest point of South Bashkortostan. The name Big Yamantau means Big Bad or Evil Mountain. Among the local population, she has always enjoyed a bad reputation. It is believed that something strange is constantly happening in her district. The horses never returned from there. Previously, many ferocious bears lived there, and even now no one undertakes to predict the weather on the slopes of the mountain, and they even say that by climbing Yamantau you can invite trouble on yourself.

In these places, the Urals performed their last, most heroic feat. Entrance to the mysterious gloomy cave Shulgan-Tash. There are two underground lakes here - a round one with stagnant water (otherwise Dead) lake and a blue one (it is considered alive). It is fed by a river whose waters flow deep underground. This river is also called Shulgen. Why does the reserve, and the caves, and the river still keep the name of the elder brother of the Urals?

When the Urals fought with Shulgen, he, in order to avoid complete defeat, along with his servants, evil divas and other evil spirits, dived into the local bottomless lake. Then Ural-batyr decided to drink all the water from the lake filled with snakes and demons. Ural drank water for a long time, but even he was not up to this task. In addition, along with the water, the Urals also swallowed evil divas. They then tore his noble heart from the inside.

According to legend, the batyr also had living water and it could heal him and even give immortality. But he did not keep a drop for himself when he sprinkled it on nature and said that no one but her should live forever. So he revived the earth depleted by evil, but he himself fell in the last battle with the enemies of mankind. But why didn’t tradition make its hero immortal? Why did the Urals have to die in the minds of the people?

The life and work of the Urals was continued by his descendants. Children tried to make people's lives even better. Batyrs went on long journeys to look for a source of happiness. With their diamond swords, they cut through the mountains and where they passed, large rivers formed.

The ancestors of the Bashkirs settled on the banks of four rivers. Later, the rivers were named after the children of the Ural-batyr and his nephew: Sakmar, Yaik (Ural), Nugush, Idel (Agidel). This is how the world appeared, in which the Bashkirs live now. And all this thanks to the heroic deeds of the Ural Batyr.

But the epic itself and the image of the hero have given the researchers a lot of mysteries around which there are heated debates. Here is just one of them: when exactly did the first stories about exploits appear? legendary hero?

One of the legends of the epic says that Shulgen, who went over to the side of evil, caused a worldwide flood to destroy humanity. The Urals entered into battle with the evil divas subordinate to Shulgen. While he fought, people escaped from the water by climbing high mountains.

And water covered the whole earth
The land hid under it forever
People made their own boats
Didn't die, didn't drown in the water
To the mountain that rose from under the waters
The saved people were chosen.

Isn't it a very familiar story? Of course, this is very similar to the biblical legend of Noah and his ark. And therefore, some researchers believe that the Ural Batyr epic and the Bible arose from a single source. They find parallels in the Bashkir epic with ancient Sumerian myths and claim that these myths are almost the same age. So, let's try to establish when the legends about the glorious Ural Batyr arose.

Every resident of Ufa knows one of the famous structures made of glass and concrete. This is one of the most modern hippodromes. On weekends, serious sports passions reign here, but now we are not interested in the breeds of horses and the results of races or bets, but the name of the hippodrome. It is called Akbuzat. And this is not at all accidental.

Akbuzat is the winged horse of the Ural Batyr and his true friend. According to legend, Akbuzat himself had to agree to leave with the batyr, and the Urals had to prove their right to be a rider on a wonderful horse. When our hero got tired, the faithful horse carried him out of the battle. When the batyr gained strength, Akbuzat again rushed into battle with a whirlwind. He did not burn in fire and did not sink in water and dazzled everyone with his beauty.

According to legend, all the horses that live on earth today are the descendants of Akbuzat. They remember the order of the faithful horse Ural-batyr always and at all times to faithfully serve people. And the life of the most legendary horse was not easy. The evil brother of the Urals, Shulgen, managed to steal Akbuzat from the hero and hid it at the bottom of the same underground lake where he himself hid.

It would seem that this is quite a fairy tale story. Well, what can be realistic in a story about many years of imprisoning a horse under water? Of course, all these are legends and traditions, but ...

In the late 50s of the last century, the Shulgen-tash cave presented scientists with real sensation. From it appears the first version of the origin of the Ural Batyr.

Later, the historian Vyacheslav Kotov, using modern technology, examined the images in the famous cave, which were not visible to the naked eye. He noticed that the focus of primitive artists was the horse. The researcher saw the trinity of the universe in this: the upper horse in the figure with a trapezoid on its back is a winged horse - a symbol of the sky and the sun. In another composition, you can see how the hero with his horse fights against dark forces. underworld.

Another one curious detail- Ural-batyr and other heroes of the epic move, from time to time, on a flying lion. This, of course, is also a mythical image, but where did the ancestors of the Bashkirs, who lived in the Volga region and Southern Urals, could know about lions at least not flying?

In Bashkir folklore, there are two proverbs directly related to the lion. They sound something like this: “If you sit astride a lion, then let your whip be a saber” and “If the lion went hunting, then he will not return without prey.” But proverbs are not created on empty place.

Paleontological studies indirectly prove that prehistoric cave lions, which were much larger than their current descendants, could be found not only in Africa, but also in Europe, the Urals and even Siberia. In addition, they could jump further and higher than modern lions. Maybe that's why the ancient people who met with these formidable creatures came up with the myth of flying lions.

The archive of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences holds the oldest copy of the epic manuscript. It was printed in the Bashkir language in Latin script about 100 years ago. But how exactly this written text came about is probably the biggest mystery of the whole story. The appearance of the written version of Ural Batyr is a real detective story.

By official version Ural-Batyr was recorded in 1910 by Mukhametsha Burangulov, but no one has ever seen his original handwritten record. It is believed that she was lost during the searches of Burangulov. At Soviet power he was arrested several times as an enemy of the people.

Skeptics object - the records were not lost anywhere because they simply did not exist. And Mukhametsha Burangulov was the real author of the Ural Batyr. So did he really just invent all the stories about the glorious deeds of the batyr and in general the image of the main character, and all his stories are just a pastiche of the ancient Bashkir epic, which the ancestors of the Bashkirs simply did not have.

Journalist and public figure Karim Yaushev suggested that the epic Ural Batyr cannot be considered authentic. folk art, but is a literary work of the writer Burangulov. Or he reworked together all the scattered legends of the southeastern Bashkirs. But why should Burangulov compose a poem about the Ural Batyr? Perhaps it was a matter of personal creative ambitions, and perhaps political reasons. One of the versions is that he did this on the instructions of the Soviet leadership of Bashkiria, which sought to create a new history of the Bashkir people. True, then he suffered for the same - he was declared a nationalist.

For the first time in the Bashkir language Ural-Batyr was published in 1968. And in Russian even later - seven years later. Since then, many editions and translations of the epic have been published, but disputes about it do not stop. In general, the Ural-batyr is the only one of the epic heroes around whom the spears break with such bitterness with which, probably, the hero himself fought with his enemies.

So did the Ural Batyr exist? There is little specific human information in the legends about him, there are no ancient images of him. But perhaps his appearance is not so important because the legend gives the Urals everyone positive qualities, making his image and life path an example to follow. That is why the exposition of the entire epic from beginning to end was considered by the Bashkirs to be the most important part of the rite of passage in adult life.

Here is an example of respect for someone else's life and nobility even in relation to defeated enemies. Once the evil and bloodthirsty king Catilla sent a gigantic bull against the Urals. But it was not there. No matter how the bull didn’t puff and didn’t try, no matter how he didn’t fight, he didn’t struggle to free himself, he didn’t find the strength, he went down to his knees in the ground. But having defeated the bull, Ural-batyr took pity on him and left him alive. Since then, the bulls have crooked horns and cracked hooves into two halves and the front tooth does not grow. All this is the legacy of the lost battle of the distant ancestor Ural Batyr.

Of course, the circumstances of the fight with the bull, the size of the horned opponent of the batyr in the legends are truly mythological in nature. However, this is probably the most realistic of all the exploits of the Ural Batyr. Since ancient times, the strongest men from different peoples they measured their strength with bulls and information about such battles is found not only in myths, but also in Roman historical chronicles. Perhaps a certain brave wrestler was one of the prototypes of the heroic Urals, or this myth about the struggle with a giant bull came to the Bashkirs from other peoples. So, there is a third version of the origin of our hero.

The well-known historian Tatishchev in his book cites the lines that the northern Scythians had Uranus as their first sovereign. This suggests that there really was some kind of ancient state whose ruler was Uranus or, as we say today, Ural-batyr. He was deified, as a result of which he became one of the gods, first here in the Urals and then was transferred to Ancient Greece and became, as a result, the initial ancient Greek god.

However, perhaps this is too bold version. It is not shared even by most of those scientists who believe that the legend of the Ural Batyr is a true epic of the Bashkir people. The prevailing opinion is that the glorious batyr is a purely mythical figure. In this, he also differs from his colleagues from other legends, for example, from the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. Although the Ural-batyr surpassed many famous heroes in the number and scale of exploits, because in fact he created the whole world.

When, having accomplished his last feat, the Urals died, people were seized with grief. But then they decided to keep his memory forever. The people with great respect buried the Urals at the highest point. Each of the people brought a handful of earth to his grave. So a huge mountain grew. Over time, she shone like the sun - the body of the Urals turned into gold and precious stones, and the blood into the oil of the earth - oil. Well, the mountains began to be called in his honor - the Urals.

For many centuries, in any school in the world, in geography lessons, children have learned that the border between Europe and Asia runs along the huge Ural Range. So the name of the ancient hero becomes known to billions of inhabitants of our planet. These mighty peaks eternal monument to the exploits of the Ural Batyr, who forever gave the Bashkir land and people incredible beauty of nature, inexhaustible wealth of mineral resources and great history.

"Ural-Batyr" - the most major work Bashkir folk epic, created and enriched over the centuries, starting from the era of the decomposition of the primitive communal system and up toXIXcentury..

Compositionally, it consists of three parts, telling about the deeds of three generations of heroes. First, it tells about the first people Yanbird and Yanbik, about the birth of their sons Ural and Shulgan. As the plot develops, there is a transition from an archaic myth to a concrete historical understanding of reality. Ural and Shulgan leave home in search of immortality. Along the way, Ural-batyr destroys the cruel Khan-conqueror Katil and the kingdom of the king of snakes Kahkahi; kills Azraka - the king of the Underground and Underwater kingdoms; fights with his brother Shulgan, who has gone over to the side of Evil; sprinkles the land of the Bashkirs with living water and thus brings immortality to it. The third part of the epic tells about the birth of the sons of the Urals and Shulgan, who continue the work of the Urals - they fight with divas, extract living water. The events in the epic end with the death of the Urals. The body of the batyr after his death turns into the mountain Uraltau, symbolizing the homeland of the Bashkirs.

The unfading universal significance of the Ural-batyr kubair and the greatest wisdom of its creators lies in the idea that the immortality of a person does not consist in endless longevity, but in his good deeds for the benefit of the whole world, the whole people.

Ural Batyr

About how old man Yanbirde and old woman Yanbika lived; about how their eldest son Shulgen did not hold backfather's command, did not heed the mother's words; like a king's daughterSamrau named Humai was captured by them

In ancient times, long ago

There was, they say, one place,

Where no one has set foot

(And in the whole world no one

I didn’t know, I didn’t know about that dry land).

Surrounded on four sides

This place sea ​​water.

Lived from time immemorial

There is a family couple:

An old man named Yanbirde

With Yanbikoyu, his old woman.

Wherever they would like to go,

There were no barriers in their path.

How on earth they turned out to be the one

Where is their mother, their father, where is their native land,

They say they forgot.

So or not, in the direction of the sea

They planted the seed of life […]

They had two children,

Two sons are retired.

They called the elder Shulgen,

They named the youngest Ural.

And so they lived together,

Not seeing people, in a deaf place.

They did not have their own livestock,

Didn't get good

They didn't even hang the boiler

Over a blazing fire;

Didn't know what sickness was

Death was unknown to them;

Believed: for everyone in the world

They themselves are death.

Horses were not saddled for hunting,

They didn't know the bow and arrows yet,

Tame and held

Lion-Arslan, to carry them,

Falcon to beat the birds,

A leech to suck the blood of animals,

Pike, so that there is enough fish for them […]

Well, black marsh leeches

Animals were stabbed into herbivores,

So that from the strained blood

Make your own drink.

To their young children,

That they did not hunt,

Drink blood, eat head or heart

Strictly forbid […]

And then one fine day

The old man with his old woman

We went hunting together

Leaving the dwelling for the sons […]

Schulgen did not think for a long time,

At least he knew about his father's prohibition:

Don't joke with that shell

Never drink from it

All the same, he began to persuade his brother,

In every way he incited […]

“Let that blood be very sweet

I won't take a sip

Until I grow up as an eget,

Until I know the reason for the ban,

Until I pass through the white world

And I'm not sure that in the world

There is no more in sight of Death,

I won't hit anyone with Sukmar,

I will not kill any creature,

Blood sucked by a leech

I will not drink - that's my word! […]

Hearing such words

Shulgen thought at first,

But then he decided

Again, persist on your own.

I took a sip of blood, and, fearing retribution,

He decided to close his mouth to the Urals:

And made my brother swear

That he will not inform his father.

With rich booty returned home

An old man with an old woman, they say.

As usual, the whole family

Gutted the game, they say

And before a hearty meal

Sat down, satisfied with yourself [...]

“Father, if you follow Death,

Will it be possible to find her?

If you manage to catch up, tell me

Is it possible to crush her head?

“Death is tricky. She never

It did not openly appear to the human eye.

Invisible that creature lives -

Nobody knows when it will attack.

There is only one possibility here:

In the kingdom of divas, in a distant land,

The Living Spring flows.

Who will drink from it - and instantly

Immortalize himself, they say

Death will recede, they say.

Having told such things about Death and having had enough of food,Rick pulled out the sink to drink krivi. Seeingthat the contents of the shell had diminished, Yanbirde began to ask his sons which of them had drunk the blood. Shulgen began to dodge: they say, no one touched that blood. Old Yanbirde took a stick and began to beat his sons one by one. Out of pity for his brother, the Urals also continued to remain silent, and Shulgen, unable to stand it, confessed his guilt to his father. When the old man started beating Shulgen again, Ural grabbed his father's hand and said to him these words

[…] If you kill your brother today,

Tomorrow you will plunge your knife into me,

If you stay lonely

You will become a deep old man,

In three deaths you will begin to bend,

You won't be able to climb a lion,

To hunt in the forest, to eat game,

Launch a falcon on the beast,

Give food to hunting birds, -

And your lion and your dog

Will they die of hunger here,

Will their eyes be swollen with longing? […]

Hearing these words, old Yanbirde stoppedbeat Schulgen. “Death can also appear invisible;Perhaps it was she who came, and that's what tempts me. Notmaybe no one can see with their own eyesDeath. We must ask the animals and birds, ”he thought, and called the forest population

[…] Everyone reasoned in their own way,

I thought in my own way,

So, without coming to unity,

A little while later

They parted ways, they say.

The old man wilted after that,

Go hunting alone

He became afraid, and completely weaned.

Somehow four - the whole family

To hunt early

Together they went.

Having stuffed a lot of game in the forest,

They returned to their shack.

Among the prey - birds and animals -

There was a swan...

[…] She began to ask, to beg:

“I flew to see the world [...]

My father is the master of birds -

Everywhere I was looking for a couple,

But there was no such thing on earth.

To find an equal

Father rushed to heaven

Met the sun with the moon there,

Loved them with all my heart.

He had two children.

Neither I and my half-sister,

Neither our father knew illnesses,

We did not recognize the power of death.

My father still rules there.

I plead with you:

Let me go

I return to my native land.

If you eat me, it's all the same

I am not destined to become food -

I will lie inside you like a stone.

Water from the Living Stream [...]

I am the daughter of the king, whose name is Samrau,

My name is Humai […]

Let me go

I return to my native land,

Path to the Living Spring

I can tell you."

Hearing these words, Yanbirde and Yanbika becameto reap advice with children. Schulgen was in favor of eating the bird. Ural - for letting her go. Because of thisthey got into a quarrel with each other. Ural took the birdso that Schulgen would not get it, he took it aside ...

When everyone began to eat, the bird waveda flat wing - and three feathers fell out of it; When shemoistened them with blood from a broken wing, threeswan and carried it away with them. Old men Yanbirde and Yanbikavery sorry that we could not find out wherethere is a living spring.

The old man immediately ordered Shulgen and the Urals to sendfollowing them, to find the Living Spring. If Death meets on the way, cut off her head and returnhuddle home. Having put two sons on two lions,he led them on their way.

About how the Urals became famous, defeating and destroying the king of Katil, and giving people freedom

Ural with an older brother together,

Counting days, months, years

Where through the black windbreak,

Where through the mountains, and where the ford -

Moving together on the same path...

They met an old man

With a white beard to the ground ...

“There are two paths before you:

Go left - ahead of you

Laughter, carefree fun await.

There, worries and enmity not knowing,

Live in full harmony

Wolves and sheep in free meadows,

Foxes and chickens in dense forests,

The Samrau bird is revered with all my heart,

Do not eat meat, do not drink blood -

Death is not allowed.

That's the kind of country there is.

Respond to kindness with kindness -

Custom in the land of fertile volume.

And you will go to the right - along the whole road

Only tears and cries of people.

Full of cruelty and sorrow

That bitter side.

The treacherous king Katil rules in it,

He drinks living blood from people.

Everywhere you will see there heaps of bones -

This is what awaits if you go to the right "...

And the right Ural went the way.

Shulgen took the left path […]

On the way, Ural meets two women who tell him about the atrocities committed by Katil and his entourage.

Ural said goodbye to them,

He jumped on his lion, and headlong

To the palace where King Katil lived,

His lion galloped with all his strength ...

The king also did not keep himself waiting:

He was surrounded by the nearest nobility;

And the four royal batyrs

The path was pierced by the ruler of the world.

On a wondrous throne carried by slaves,

Vladyka Katil himself rode.

Like a mad camel he was

Like a bloodthirsty predator, he was...

And in fear before him the people

Bends his head to the ground...

The tsar's daughter chooses the Urals as her suitor, but the Urals are in no hurry to take the place of her husband and provoke the anger of the tsar, speaking in defense of his subjects (comp. ed.).

"I'm still such a king

And such customs

To slaughter living people like this,

And did not see, and did not hear,

Even though I've seen a lot of land.

I'm looking for the villainous Death around the world,

For all mortals I will avenge her;

I'm not afraid of your orders

I'm not afraid of insidious death ... "[...]

Eget evoked pity from everyone.

Oh, the eget will disappear, the eget will disappear! -

They said weeping.

And here is Katila's daughter:

"Oh father, in the name of love

Don't kill him for no reason!"

But her father did not listen to her,

He did not soften his black soul.

A gigantic bull appeared,

He scraped the ground, beat with his hooves,

Saliva your poisonous lil ...

“... I ... destroy you

Not going at all, bull.

To bring you down to the ground

I won't waste my energy, bull.

Know that there is no creature on earth,

Who would be man is stronger.

Not only you - all your descendants

From now on they will become slaves of people ...

And now his Ural

Grabbed by the horns and squeezed tightly;

No matter how the bull neither puffed nor tried,

No matter how he fought, or escaped,

I did not find the strength to free myself -

He went down to his knees in the ground...

"The horns that I bent

Curves will remain forever

A mouth from which a tooth flew out

With a hole will remain forever.

Cracked hooves

They will not grow - they will remain so.

And your children have hooves

Forever remain double "...

In an unequal battle, Ural defeats King Katil and his henchmen and marries his daughter.

About how the Urals saved Zarkum from death, how theytogether they came to the father of Zarkum, the king of Kakhkah; HowUral penetrated the secret palace; about getting marriedhe is on Gulistan

After a few days

After a magnificent wedding

Overcame many waters, they say ...

The Ural becomes a witness to the fight between a huge snake and a horned deer. Unable to defeat the deer, the serpent appeals to the Urals with a prayer (approx. comp.):

"Hey, eget, I'll be useful to you,

Just don't let me die here.

I am the son of Kahkahe

And my name is Zarkum.

If you help me I can

Repay - I will not remain in debt ...

Have pity on me, eget,

Help me in misfortune

Break off deer antlers;

Let's go to my father together

Whatever you want, we will take ... "

Having learned the secrets of the divas, Ural

Instantly broke off deer antlers.

I didn't even have time to blink an eye.

The snake eget became beautiful ...

However, Zarkum, fearing that he would be punished by his father for revealing palace secrets, plots evil against the Urals. Together they come to the Kahkahe palace (comp. comp.)

... And then I saw the Urals

By the huge iron fence

Nine-headed terrible reptile

Curled up in a ball, that kite lay,

Protected the royal chambers ...

He soared up in one leap,

Mouth gaping, hissing, they say,

He threatened to burn him in the fire, they say.

The Urals were not embarrassed either,

He hit the snake on the head,

And the snake from that head

A bunch of keys with a ring fell ...

The Urals cut the heart of the snake,

The palace of secrets opened with a key,

I found beauty behind the door ...

There, inside, he saw the throne,

He saw the pearl rod.

"Take the rod with you on the road,"

Batyrs advised him in chorus.

At this time the doors of the palace

The white kite opened wide.

His anger so and so bent:

“Who dared to enter here,

Who dared to take my staff,

Not available to anyone?"...

Ural defeats Kahkahe, frees people swallowed by reptiles and marries a girl he saved named Gulistan.

About how Shulgen fell for the cunning of the king of di-Vov Azraki; how he went to the country of birds Samrau;how Humai locked him in the palace dungeon

Shulgen, who walked to the right,

Met another old man...

[…] On the way, when I didn't wait,

He met Zarkum by chance -

He fled desperately from the Urals.

Zarkum Shulgen began to question.

When Shulgen told everything,

The son called himself Azraki,

So Zarkum lied to Shulgen,

I swore to him

Together to go to Azraka,

Receive gifts from him

And on the slope of a steep mountain

Drink from the living spring,

To make life last forever...

Zarkum entered the lord of the palace.

Somewhere near Azraka

He saw his father.

Azraka with Kahkaha

About the Urals at that time

They were talking among themselves...

“... We need to find a person,

To use it to enter

In trust to the king of Samrau,

Take away Akbuzat from him ...

Like winter needs white snow,

So we need a man now

To Humay at any cost

I could bewitch myself;

For her to love him

So that Akbuzat with a diamond sword

She gave along with her.

Then, having pleased him in everything, -

Giving any beauty to him,

Giving any country

We'll get his soul

Ural-Batyr then we will beat ... "

Zarkum deceives Shulgan. He calls himself the son of Azraki and introduces him to the beautiful Aikhil, introducing himself as her brother. In fact, she is Humai's sister, kidnapped by the diva Azraki. Playing on Shulgan's jealousy of the glory of the Urals, Azraka sends Shulgan and Zarkum to find Humai and the miraculous diamond sword. They arrive at the palace of King Samrau, but Humai recognizes Shulgan, exposes Zarkum and imprisons them in a dungeon.

About how the Urals came to the Humai Palace; how are youfulfilling the condition of the princess - to find the Living Spring,found Humay's sister Aikhila and brought her to the palace

The maid Humai informed that

That a certain batyr appeared in their house.

Humai immediately recognized

In the unknown traveler of the Urals,

But she didn't tell him about it.

And he couldn't even think about it.

That it was to Humai that Rock brought him.

She approached the batyr,

Full of immeasurable beauty

Immeasurable like a waterfall

Throw down - fall to the heels

Coins humiliated all

Falling braid;

Black eyes burning gaze

Looks straight through the eyelashes;

Floating eyebrows above the eyes

Smile with love.

And the elastic chest is poured,

Like a river wave, plays;

Her camp is thin, like that of a bee,

shimmers with silver;

Seeing a girl that is cheerful,

Had a friendly conversation

The Urals did not know what to answer.

About the fact that this is Humay,

Ural did not guess everything ...

Ural tells Humai about the search for the Living Stream. Humai is ready to help him if he finds an unprecedented and unheard of bird that has absorbed "the tones and colors of all other birds", and promises a wonderful Akbuz-tulpar and a diamond sword as a reward. Ural finds a bird, which turns out to be the beautiful Aikhylu, who escaped from the divas.

About how King Samrau agreed to marry Ural Humai, give him a horse Akbuzat as a giftand a damask sword; about how the Shul brothers metgene and Ural, how the elder brother turned out to be insidious andan evil man, how he disgraced himself on the Maidan, convenedMr. Khumay, how the Urals surprised everyone who gatheredI'm on the Maidan

... And, Humai is in love with the batyr,

Rushed to her father. There she is

Passion and confusion is full

Revealed the secret of the heart to him,

To his sovereign father.

“Love - do not exhaust your soul,

Marry him

Give him Akbuzat

Know happiness and joy in love;

Batyr is the same as the Urals,

Become a noble mother;

In the name of Ural Batyr you

Let him go to the will of his brother ... "

Meeting with Shulgen, Ural

He did not hide his joy.

Seeing my brother in front of me

He was happy to meet

About everything that I saw along the way,

Shulgen told in detail.

Brother listening to his

Schulgen argued in his own way ...

But he decided to kill his brother,

To endow him with glory,

Take the beautiful Humai as a wife,

Akbuzata then saddled

And pick up the diamond sword.

The fact that Schulgen was constantly angry,

That he wandered gloomy, like an ox,

What looked suspiciously at everyone,

Ural did not take seriously.

"Because he was captured,

He's uncomfortable now."

Ural talked about himself ...

“... Let's go to war against Samrau,

We'll take away Akbuzat,

One of us will take a magic wand,

Another will sit on Akbuzat -

Can anyone stand against such a force?

We will become the head of the country -

We must conquer all around;

Let's become mighty kings!

“Know, Schulgen: they never

No harm was done to people

They didn't shed any blood

Others were not considered enemies.

We'd better go together

Into the realm of divas and beat them.

All those who languish in terrible agony,

We will return to freedom from the dungeon ... "

Hearing this, Shulgen fell silent,

Finally taking his brother's thoughts into account ...

Seizing the moment, Shulgan declares his love for Humai. The princess promises to gather a maidan (competition), the winner of which will own her, Akbuzat and a diamond sword (comp. comp.)

A to b u z a t:

“The beautiful will not bring me glory,

He will not climb on my back,

I recognize only courage and strength ...

To the pommel of the golden saddle

The sword is trimmed with the likeness of a wing...

That diamond sword will never melt.

Nothing can break it

Sharpen the blade firmly.

If a batyr entering into a dispute

Will not throw above the mountains

The weight of seventy batmans,

Then three fingers will not catch,

Let him not call himself a batyr, -

He will not take a diamond sword.

If he is not such a strong man,

Another worthy will not be mine ... "

Shulgen approached that stone,

I began to feel from different sides,

I realized that the stone is very heavy,

So tensed up to the knees

In the ground, where he stood, he left.

The month was pushing, they say

The whole year was pushing, they say,

Pushed with both hands -

Only the stone did not move from its place;

finally exhausted,

He fell helplessly off his feet.

Humai looked at the Urals,

“Well, now you, batyr,” she said;

The Urals approached the stone, they say.

Was upset and filled with shame

For his brother was put to shame.

He hit the stone with his fist,

Pulled him out of the ground with a jerk,

And then grabbed that stone

Launched into the blue sky -

Accurately shot, he soared

And disappeared into the sky...

Ural framed one hand,

Caught the falling stone.

"Which way is Azrak?" - asked

And when they showed him

Towards Azraki Country

The stone launched with all its might […]

Ural marries Humai. In order to calm Shulgen, who suffered a fiasco, they decide to marry him to Aikhyla. Shulgen, seeing her, understands that he was deceived by Azraka and Zarkum, but he is afraid that Humai will find out about his insidious plans.

About how, having stolen a magic wand and with ithaving caused a storm and a flood with power, Shulgenrushed to destroy people, how he escaped with Zarkumom to the king of the divas Azraka; about how Ural killed Azrakaand other divas, as he created from their mangled bodiesmountain ranges

When Humai returned to the palace,

She went down to Zarkum;

In an instant, the light faded for Shulgen:

What if Zarkum reveals a secret?

This trouble promises him a lot ...

While Humai was talking to Zarkum,

Then came out of the dungeon,

Schulgen found out about everything

And he took the magic wand to his hands ...

He struck the ground with his rod,

He flooded it all with water

Shulgen plunged the human race into horror.

Seeing such a change

Zarkum turned into a big fish…

Ural guessed that

That his brother turned out to be an enemy.

When the water gradually receded,

When Shulgen is full of poison and evil,

I realized that the strength of the wand is weak,

To resist the horse

Then with Zarkum I went again

Seek salvation to Azraka...

And trouble came to earth:

It was flooded with water...

The Urals did not flinch before the trouble,

Before the fiery veil.

Vividly jumped on Akbuzat,

I immediately seized the diamond sword,

Divas insidious at the same moment

Declared mortal war...

The Urals fought for days on end,

Nights without sleep fought the Urals.

When he was engulfed in battle,

When he crushed enemies in shoals,

Azraka met him -

And they clashed together...

Azraka's sword fell into the water -

The whole world seems to tremble;

So killed Azraka Ural.

His huge, terrible body

The expanse of water was cut in two;

In place of that a mountain has risen,

So that people can get there

Relax and gain strength.

And the Urals galloped forward;

His horse cut the abyss of water.

Where he rode, a true support

High mountains rose

which no water

Could never flood;

Each mountain that arose was glad -

Both old and young climbed on them.

About how his sons came to Ural-batyr:Yaik - from the daughter of the king Katila, Nugush - from Gulistan.Idel - from Humai, son of Shulgen Sakmar, bornfrom the daughter of the Moon - Aikhil; How did they become loyal to him?companions on the way, fearless companions in a bitve and defeated the insidious dragons; about what happenedbetween the Urals and Shulgen

For many years the Urals fought,

Destroyed many divs.

Mountains were born one after another -

Under his mighty hand.

Children born into the world

When he entered into a fierce battle,

Could now rush at full speed,

Following the Ural-father,

Along the ridges and mountain peaks.

Four fellows say

Getting ready for the big fight

On four tulpars in a row

With heroic equipment

They went by the way of their father, they say.

Not lagging behind each other

The trail of the Urals in the mountains without losing,

They came to him, they say

They greeted him, they say […]

Ural listened to everyone,

He delighted in their words.

He was incredibly happy

Because with my own eyes

He happened to see the Egets.

He tasted great joy.

Full of new courage and strength,

He mounted his horse again;

Surrounded by his sons

He continued the war against the divas,

Cleansing the country from them.

They fought for a month, they say

They fought for a year, they say.

In one of the fierce battles Ural

Finally attacked Kahkaha,

Foaming the sea, he floundered,

He emitted a heart-rending cry and a groan,

His scream resounded like thunder.

From the pieces of his body then

They laid down another mountain;

Divam and Shulgenu on the mountain

A mountain split the sea in two.

Shulgen lost his head here,

What to do, how to act, did not know.

Left by his side

Gathered every single one;

And then against the surviving divas

The Urals started the battle again.

When fierce battles were going on,

When, bubbling and boiling with foam,

The sea water bubbled,

Brother of his Ural

I met you unexpectedly.

The brothers clashed with each other.

A fierce battle broke out.

Shulgen swung his wand at him,

I wanted to burn the Urals with fire,

Deprive him of 1 life by witchcraft.

Only the Urals were not taken aback,

Immediately drawing a diamond sword,

Strike a crushing meeting;

His anger increased a hundredfold -

He smashed that rod to smithereens...

The Urals gathered people to that place;

So Shulgen appeared before everyone.

“From childhood, you grew up as an insidious villain,

Drinking the forbidden blood

I ignored the words of my parents.

Evil ruled only you

With all your black fate ...

I waited until the time expired.

You just didn't keep your words

So on an honest path and did not get up,

I did not heed the father's word,

Maternal covenant trampled,

The whole country was flooded with water ...

Evil is crushed by kindness -

It will never return!

Do you now understand that evil

Will be overcome by good?

Do you understand that a person

Will it be higher than divas in everything? ..

Kohl, kissing the earth, you won’t give a word,

I bow my head before the people,

You won't take a sacred oath

If you do not admit that the tears of people

Only on your black conscience,

And, having met our father,

Don't tell him everything...

I will turn you into a black rock

To which the living soul will not come -

Not in a month, not in a year;

No one will remember good

Grass will not rise in place that ...

This is how you become a rock!” -

The Urals issued a verdict such […]

Shulgen, frightened by his brother's words, promises to improve and begs to forgive him for the last time.

The Urals decided to heed his request,

Test it for the last time:

“If, having lost his honor, the husband will go astray,

He will lose everything in his life ...

If you finally understand all this,

If you part with deceit,

If you turn from darkness to light,

If you find the strength to learn

At his lion that stumbled along the way -

Once again I will do your will.

For the honor of my father,

In memory of my mother

I'll test you for the last time

For the last time I will heed your request.

About what the old man said, exhausted from the impossibility of dying; how Ural Batyr took water from the Living Spring into his mouth, but did not even take a sip - he sprinkled the earth around him with that water, and all of it came to life

Letting Shulgen go, Ural

So he said to the assembled people:

“Death that is visible was for the eyes,

We drove out of our country.

Divas who drank the blood of us

They made it the firmament of mountain ranges.

Water of the living spring,

Having scooped up, we will bring here -

Let everyone get that water.

From Death, which is hidden from the eyes,

From the diseases that wear us down

From pain and torment, oppressive from the century,

Save the human race

Let's make a man immortal

We will bring joy into every heart! […]

At this time, an ancient old man appears, who experienced the endless torments of immortality by drinking water from a living spring. He says that the immortality of a person does not lie in endless longevity, but in his good deeds for the benefit of others.

“... My bitter experience of the days lived

Helps save others from troubles.

Wishing to live forever in the world,

To be beyond the control of death,

Unwilling to accept her power,

Do not drink from the Living Spring!

The world is a fragrant garden

And the creatures that live there

Like plants and flowers

Some of that garden litter themselves,

Others grow, admiring beauty,

Different colors and comfort

They give plants to the garden.

What we call death

We give evil nicknames to whom, -

Eternity imperishable law,

He cleanses the world from rot,

From sick and withered herbs

It cleanses forever.

It refreshes the garden of life.

Don't want to be forever

To drink the Spring of the Living!

What remains on earth

Than all the best is created,

Garden beauty and fragrance -

This is goodness and beneficence.

It will not burn in the fire - a boon,

It will not drown in water - a boon,

It will rise to the sky - a blessing,

Will remain in memory - a blessing,

It is the head of all things,

For all people living in the world

It will remain as the highest destiny of the world.

And hearing the words of the old man,

Realizing their deep meaning,

Together with all the people of the Urals

Went on a long road.

And in front of them is the Living Spring -

The mouth filled the Urals with water,

On the stitch that he himself laid,

On the mountains that raised to heaven,

Splashed with that water, they say:

“Let the bare thickets turn green,

May they acquire the color of immortality

Let the birds chirp louder and sweeter

Let people sing cheerful songs!

Let the enemy flee from our land,

Black envy expiring!

Let the people love this land

Let it bloom with a beautiful garden,

Let the heart of enemies with beauty will wear out! ”-

So the Urals loudly spoke ...

The news reached Schulgen. “From now on, I have a protector, Who will grab people, Kill and kill them from the world. My protector is Death. There are no barriers now in front of her, She will help me Mercilessly destroy people, ”Schulgen thought to himself ...

Days and months have passed

People built their own houses

We went to visit each other

They drank a full cup of fun,

Married for bridegrooms.

Everyone was calm and happy

Among those restless places

Peace and tranquility have been established.

About how, in anger at the atrocities of the divas, the Urals drankthe lake where they hid; like penetrating into his insidessnakes gnawed the heart of the batyr; about what Ural saidbatyr before his death; about how they settledpeople on the slopes of the Ural-tau, how animals, animals and birds bred there, how they did not have enough duringdy; how the rivers Idel, Sakmar, Nugush, Yaik were formed;how people lived in prosperity, forgetting about the pasttroubles and disasters

But here again the peace was disturbed:

Girls walking for water

Men walking on a forest path

Divas began to lie in wait

And by the very water to swallow ...

Again they came to the Urals in a crowd,

Through tears they started talking about divas.

And he decided to rally the people,

To exterminate the evil divas to the end;

Only those who knew about it

They stopped getting out of the water.

Ural did not think for a long time,

Idel, Nugush, Yaik,

Sakmar and other batyrs -

He punished his army to manage;

The diamond sword pulled out later,

Akbuzat saddled,

Causing both noise and thunder

He rushed to Akbuzat,

Raised a storm on earth

Waves from the water uprooted;

Jumped to the lake of divas:

"I'll drink the lake in full,

I will dry up to the very bottom,

From the divas who survived

Who does not allow people to live on earth,

From shulgens and other reptiles

I will deliver the people forever!”

He began to drink the lake -

Water began to bubble in it;

Divas frightened clamor -

They wanted to hide from the batyr,

Only drank all the Urals and drank,

And div after div entered it.

Many of them accumulated in it inside,

Everyone has sharp teeth

They gnawed at his heart and soul.

He splashed the lake back;

Divas jumping out

All were killed by batyrs in a row.

Unable to stand on my feet

Can't fight anymore

Ural fell on the same place.

The people knocked down the rampart here.

“He was the happiness of the people to the end!” -

The orphaned people wept.

“... Listen, children, I tell you,

Listen, my country, I tell you:

And being the bravest lion in the world,

From birth, having the name of a batyr,

Nevertheless, without going around his country,

Wade her grief and blood without passing,

One's heart cannot be tempered;

To not be at the same time with enemies,

Do not do business without advice!

Children, listen to my words:

On the land that I have cleansed

Get earthly happiness for people;

Be wise in war.

To gain glory for the country,

Strive to become batyrs yourself;

Don't ignore their advice.

But for those who are younger, do not forget -

You raise them and raise them.

If a speck has landed in someone's eyes,

that can make them blind

Become eyelashes for them you,

Brush away that rubbish with your hands ...

Sons! Tell your mothers:

Let the Urals be forgiven for everything

Let each one say: "He was my husband."

Let me remind you all of this:

Let good become only your horse,

Let your name be - man,

Do not give way to evil forever

May peace and goodness last forever!”

Those parting words said

And the batyr Ural died.

Sorrow to appease without having the strength,

The people bowed their heads.

A falling star broke through the darkness -

For Humai she brought a message;

Humai put on a bird outfit

And flew here, they say

And the lips of the dead Ural,

They say she kissed

“Ay, you are my Ural, Ural,

I didn't have time to see you alive

Didn't hear what you said

I couldn't comfort my soul...

Although I have a name - Humai - I have,

Although people know that I am a woman,

I won't take off my bird's coat,

A look to fall in love with

Never again will I...

What can I do for you?

By the road where you rode

On the mountain range that you created

Dug out the grave, I will bury,

I will forever keep you in my heart.

The great path, where did you ride,

No water will flood;

The mountains you created

They will take you into their arms

Your ashes will be kept forever

They will live forever in the world.

Once upon a time you drained the sea here,

He became the very first batyr,

He founded the country on the shore;

From now on, in the arms of a mighty mountain,

You will be the light of the country,

You will be a bright soul for people,

And the dead, you will be alive, you live,

You will be more famous

You will be unfading gold;

Having exalted the human race,

Your glory lives on earth!

And, having said such words,

Buried him in the mountains

She flew away, they say

Deciding not to go back.

Ural road - great mountains,

The grave of the Urals - high mountains,

They adopted the same name - Ural.

After many years

She was sad in the Urals,

Along the path he paved

Waving wings, flew

Went down on a mountain

Thinking about the Urals, I was sad.

Later she brought out chicks there,

Spawned white swans

And everyone knew about it.

Saying: "This is the Humai bird",

They took swans for relatives,

It was forbidden to hunt them;

Don't catch noble birds

We agreed among ourselves -

That is why the birds have bred.

Therefore, the meat of swans

Forever forbidden to humans.

Lots of thunder With since then it has faded

One after another, the years passed.

And again Humai flew here,

And then animals and birds

She brought along:

Say, the land is fertile here,

She returned to the Urals again;

Keeping affection and love for her,

They came and flew in a string

Animals, animals and birds.

Knowing that all creatures have converged there,

That no one is in danger,

The bull rolled his tribe,

To whom he was the leader,

On the spurs of the Ural Mountains,

Where space is blessed

Brought to live with everyone,

Bow your head before the people.

Akbuzat wandered around the countries,

The horse race united

He himself walked at the head of the herds,

Then he brought everyone here ...

Animals and birds sprang up.

There wasn't enough water to drink

(None of the people drank from the lakes).

Then to Idel and Yaik, Nugush-batyr and Sakmar,

Gathered together, the people came

From all sides of the Ural land

And, unable to hide the sadness,

They began to ask how they should be […]

Idel, hearing these words,

Thought, got off the saddle,

The sword that the Urals left

He took mighty hands

He ascended the high mountain

And he said these words:

"In the hands of the father's diamond sword

Could whip snakes and divs-dragons;

From the Urals came into the world,

Is it worthy to bear the name - batyr,

Who will call me a man

If people suffer from thirst

Without water, without life-giving rivers? -

So said Idel, and now

He cuts the mountain with a diamond sword;

Waters white as silver

They streamed immediately from the mountain,

The mountain on which Idel stood

Where he galloped merrily,

Where did that river come from?

The name was adopted - Iremel.

The wedge of the mountain that dammed the river,

Where Idel cut it,

Kyrykty began to be called.

Idel extracted water

The name of the river "Idel" took forever,

Everyone drank, this water is glad;

And following its course,

Filled with happiness and excitement,

He sang this song, they say:

“Idel cut down the river,

It flowed dry through the valleys,

Sweet Idel and bitter she,

Will dry up all your sorrow

And bloody tears to the bottom.

The people sang songs about happiness and peace,

About the glorious son of the Ural Batyr,

Sweet Idel and bitter she,

Will dry up all your sorrow

And bloody tears to the bottom.

Tears dried up, sorrows disappeared.

On the banks of the Idel River

The people began to settle with might and main,

Raise livestock there;

The number of people grew

They got tighter and tighter

They began to miss the land,

The Idel River narrowed.

Then the batyrs got together

Batyrs Yaik, Nugush and Sakmar

They dispersed in search of new rivers.

Like Idel, each of them

The earth was cut with a sword.

Three rivers, from the depths of the earth

Having escaped, spread to the sides.

Four batyrs invited the people,

Divided for each of the four.

In the valleys of the four rivers

They began to build housing,

Settled there forever.

Batyrs of those four names

Four rivers then received;

In all generations, at all times

Those batyrs lived in the hearts of their descendants.

(Ural-batyr // Bashkir folk art. Volume 1. Epos. – Ufa, 1987. pp.35-134)

Aidara Khusainova

Night, deep night everywhere. No star or spark is visible anywhere, only deep darkness around, darkness without end and without beginning, darkness without top and bottom, without the four cardinal directions.

But what is it? As if brightened around, and the darkness shone with a heavy vague radiance. It was in its core that a golden egg suddenly appeared, the light from which pierced the endless thickness of darkness.

The egg shines more and more, but the heat does not scorch it, it only captures more and more space, becomes unbearable, and suddenly disappears, and here we have a clear sky, a wide steppe, high mountains on the horizon and huge forests behind.

And if you go even lower, you can see how a person similar to small mountain. This is Yanbirde - the Giver of the Soul. It is several times larger than big man because he is the first man. He lives so long ago that he does not even remember when he was born. Next to him is his wife Yanbike - the Soul of Life. They have been living together for a long time, and whether there are still people in the world - they do not know, a long time ago no one came across to meet them.

They are returning from hunting. A lion is dragging behind, on which they have loaded prey - a high deer, a falcon flies in the sky above them, he looks out for what is happening in the district.

Here is a clearing. From there two boys run towards Yanbirde and Yanbike. The one that is shorter is called Ural, he is younger. The one that is taller is called Shulgen, he is older. Thus begins our story about the Ural Batyr.

How Shulgen violated his father's ban

Yanbirde and Yanbike have lived in these places since time immemorial. They did not have a house and they did not conduct any household. Food was cooked on a fire, they ate from whatever they had to, and if they wanted to sleep, tall grass spread like a soft bed, tall lindens bent their branches to cover them from the rain, dense hawthorn and wild rose closed around them to protect them from the wind. There was no winter, no spring, no autumn in those places, but only one endless summer.

Yanbike and Yanbirde lived by hunting. They rode on mighty ferocious lions, the pike helped them fish in the rivers, and the faithful falcon beat birds for them. They had neither a bow nor a knife, they caught animals in the forests with their bare hands and felt like the owners of those places.

They had a custom from time immemorial - they collected the blood of dead animals and made a special drink from it, which gave them strength and vigor. But only adults could drink this very drink, and their parents strictly forbade their children, Shulgen and Ural, to touch the shells in which it was stored.

The children grew up quickly. When Shulgen was twelve years old, he decided to ride a lion and go hunting like his father.

Ural, who at that time was ten years old, decided to hunt with a falcon, as his father hunted.

But Yanbirde did not give them his blessing and said this:

“My children! I love you as I love my eyes with which I look at White light. But I can’t allow you to hunt - your milk teeth have not yet fallen out, you have not yet become stronger in body and soul, your time has not yet come. Don't rush your childhood and listen to me. And I tell you - to get used to riding - sit on a deer. To learn how to hunt with a falcon, let it go on a flock of starlings. If you want to eat - eat, if you want to drink - drink, but only water from the spring. You are forbidden to drink what my mother and I drink.”

Once Yanbirde and Yanbike went hunting and did not return for a long time. The boys played in the clearing, and when they got hungry, Shulgen suddenly said to his younger brother:

Let's try what our parents drink.

It is impossible, - the Urals answered him. - Father does not allow.

Then Shulgen began to tease his brother:

Don't be afraid, they won't know, we'll try a little bit. The drink is sweet, I guess. Father and mother would not go hunting, would not catch animals if they did not want to drink it.

No, Ural answered him. - Until I become an eget, until I learn the customs of adults, I will not kill a single animal, I will not drink this drink.

Yes, you're just a coward, - then Shulgen shouted and began to laugh loudly at his brother.

No, Ural told him. - Lions and tigers are very brave animals, but they also cry when Death comes to them. Suddenly, if you drink from shells, she will appear here?

And don't be afraid, - said the naughty Shulgen and drank some of the shells. So he violated the prohibition of his father.

How Yanbike and Yanbirde returned home

When Yanbirde and Yanbike returned home, they brought a lot of game with them. The four of them sat down at the table and began to eat. Suddenly Ural asks his father:

Father, this deer, no matter how hard he tried, did not leave your hand. Or maybe someone will come and kill us in the same way as you killed the deer?

Yanbirde answered him:

That beast dies, to which the time has come to die. No matter what thickets he hides in, no matter what mountains he climbs, we will still come after him. And to kill a person - such a soul has not yet been born here, Death has not yet appeared here.

Yanbirde became thoughtful, bowed his head, and was silent for a while. Recalling what happened to them in ancient times, he told the following story:

Long ago, in the places where we were born, where our fathers and grandfathers lived, Death appeared often. Then many, both old men and young men, fell to the ground and lay motionless. No one could make them rise, because their Death had come.

And then one day something happened that had never happened before - a terrible Div came from across the sea and began to kill people. He then devoured many, and those who escaped were swallowed up by the sea, which overflowed so that it soon covered the whole land. Whoever did not die ran away wherever his eyes looked, and Death was left alone. She did not even notice that your mother and I ran away, did not catch up with us.

And we came here, and since then we have been living in these parts, where there is no Death and where all living things are masters - we ourselves.

Then the Urals asked about these things:

Father! Is it possible to destroy Death so that it does no more harm to anyone in the world?

Death, son, is invisible to the eyes and its arrival is imperceptible, ”Yanbirde answered him. - It is very, very difficult to fight her. There is only one right to it - in the lands of the Padishah of all divas, the Living Spring flows. If you drink from it, then, they say, a person will never die. Death will have no power over him.

How Janbirde discovered that someone drank from shells and what came of it

He told Yanbirde for a long time, finally his throat was dry, and he decided to quench his thirst. He went to a secluded place and brought from there a shell of an unknown sea mollusk, in which he kept his drink. Yanbirde sat down at the table, opened the shell and suddenly saw that it was incomplete. Then Janbirde examined the shell carefully and found traces of children's fingers on it. He realized that one of his sons had violated the ban. Yanbirde was terribly angry.

Who dared? - he asked in an even more terrible voice and rose above them, huge as a mountain. Here Shulgen's heart could not stand it, and he squeaked:

Nobody drank, atay!

Yanbirde could no longer endure this. He grabbed a twig and began to beat his sons, saying:

Not only drinking, but also lying!

The boys screamed under the blows, covered themselves with their hands, but the twig ruthlessly thrashed them on their arms, backs, and legs. Finally, Shulgen could not stand it and shouted:

It's me, I drank from a shell!

But this did not bring him relief. Now his father beat him alone, beat him with a terrible, mortal fight.

Then the Urals jumped up to his father, grabbed his hand and shouted:

Father! Maybe you want to kill him? Stop!

Yanbirde whipped his son several more times, but the deed was already done, you can’t turn him back - the eldest son violated his father’s ban. He sat down on a stone and began to think.

Perhaps Death has come here invisibly and is tempting me to kill my son, he thought. - What is Death? We must call all the animals and birds, ask them all. It is impossible that no one has seen her. Then I will decide what to do next.

How was caught white swan

And so all the animals gathered in a large clearing in the middle of the forest. The Crane flew on thin wings, the Raven flew in, waddling heavily, the lions sat down to the right and left of Yanbirde, showing with all their appearance who is the most important here. The deer huddled not far away, the elk went out into the clearing, reached the very middle and stopped in some indecision. Capercaillie and smaller birds perched on the branches, and wolves, foxes and hares occupied the entire clearing.

Yanbirde sat on a stone in deep thought. He had not yet recovered from the shock that he experienced for the first time after many, many years of peaceful life. Then the Urals boldly stepped forward and said these words, addressing the birds and animals:

As long as we live, the strong always devour the weak. Let's reject this evil custom. After all, there are those among us who do not eat meat, do not drink blood. They raise their young to feed predators. It's not fair. Let's abandon this custom, then Death will be left alone, we will overtake her and destroy her!

The beasts of prey, and Shulgen with them, did not agree with these speeches, began to talk among themselves. They did not like the words of the Urals.

Raven, black as night itself, stepped forward and made the following speech: “I am not afraid to meet Death, I have seen a lot in my life. But to seize her and hand her over to be torn to pieces - I will never agree. Think for yourself - if the strong stop preying on the weak, if no one dies, if animals like hares that breed three times a year exist unhindered - there will be no place left on earth.

Whoever fears death, let him seek the way to salvation. Whoever wants to save his offspring, let him look for a safe place.”

The predators liked these speeches, and they made an approving noise, began to growl and jump on the spot.

Then cranes and geese, ducks, black grouse, partridges and quails decided to stick together, bury themselves in forest thickets and swamps, and bring their children to light there.

Wild goats and deer, brown-cheeked hares said nothing. They prided themselves on being able to run fast. They thought that on their fast legs they would run away from Death.

Larks, starlings and jays, sparrows, crows and jackdaws also remained silent, because they were small and weak birds, eating what was left of large animals, or simply eating anything. So they were ashamed to express their opinion at such a big council.

So they did not come to a consensus, each remained with his own.

From that time on, old man Yanbirde no longer left the Urals and Shulgen at home. From that time on, the four of them began to go hunting.

How the white swan was caught

One day they had a great hunt. The game seemed to climb into the snares by itself - all the hunting bags were overflowing.

When the hunters finally returned home, they began to sort out the prey. And then, among other living creatures, they came across a swan bird with a broken wing. The old man Yanbirde entangled her legs, brandished a sharp knife to cut off her head, and then the bird began to cry bloody tears, spoke:

Do not kill me, I am not a rootless orphan, not your human tribe's daughter.

Yanbirde, his wife Yanbike and their children Ural and Shulgen were surprised at such speeches, listened. And the swan continued:

My father, once looking for a mate for himself, did not find anyone on the whole earth. He turned his gaze to the sky and there he took the Moon and the Sun as wives, bewitched both to him. He is the Padishah of all birds, his name is Samrau, here is my father.

And if you don’t listen to me, if you tear me apart, every piece of mine will become your throat, I won’t be digested in your stomachs - my mother Koyash-Sun washed me in the waters of the Living Spring in infancy, so that I am not subject to Death. So I tell you, Humai. Release me, and I will show you the way to the Living Spring, which saves you from Death.

They did not know what to do, how to act for Yanbirde and Yanbike. They began to ask advice from their children. Shulgen did not believe the bird, said that it should be eaten, and the Urals stood up for the bird, he thought to let it go free. Such an argument broke out between them.

Finally, the Urals said to Humai, this name was given to the swan:

Don't worry, I will return you to your parents.

Carefully he placed the wounded bird on the ground.

The swan waved its healthy wing, and three feathers fell out of it. She smeared them with her blood, and suddenly, out of nowhere, three birds appeared. They picked up the swan with light wings and carried it into the high sky.

Then Yanbirde and his sons regretted that they had not found out the way to the Living Spring.

Then Yanbirde decided that the carefree time for his children was over, it was time for them to set off, the birds after them - to look for the way to the Living Spring. He ordered them to obey each other, to help each other in everything, and if Death comes across them along the way, to cut off their heads and bring them home. He gave mighty lions to the sons and led them on a long journey.

For a long time they looked after the sons of Yanbirde and Yanbike, and they did not know when they would see their sons again, whether they would ever meet each other.

Ural and Shulgen meet the old man and cast lots

The night passed - the day came. The day passed - the night came. It went on like this month after month, year after year.

The brothers matured on the road, the first fluff appeared on their chins, they began to look at the world with open eyes. They came across everything along the way, they had to experience a lot. Met different people, crossed wide rivers, crossed mountains, passed dark forests.

And then one day the brothers met a gray-bearded old man with a long staff in his hand. That old man stood under a huge oak tree, from under which flowed, noisily and shimmering in the bright sun, a large river.

The brothers dismounted, greeted the elder, bowed to him. The elder greeted them affectionately and asked where they were heading, whether their affairs were successful. The brothers did not hide, they told the elder everything as it was, that they planned to find the Living Spring, Death - to rein in the villain.

The old man thought, stroked his gray beard and said this:

Before you, my brave fellows, two roads.

The one that goes to the left leads to the country of padishah Samrau, the king of birds. Both day and night there is fun in that country, they do not know what sadness and despondency are. There, the wolf and the sheep graze in the same meadow, there the foxes and chickens walk together through the dark forests without any fear. Yes, that country is great and plentiful, they don’t drink blood there, they don’t eat meat there, they pay good for good, and Death will never find the way to that country.

But woe to him who goes to the right. The road will lead him to the country of Padishah Katil, the country of grief, the country of cruelty and evil. There the earth is strewn with human bones, there the living envy the dead and curse the hour when they were born. The whole earth is covered in blood.

The brothers heard these words and realized that it was time for them to part. They decided to cast lots to choose their own path. This is what they did - they took a staff and began to wrap their arms around it one after another.

And it so happened that Shulgen had to go to the right, to the country of Padishah Katil. Shulgen did not agree, furrowed his brows angrily, and snapped:

I am the elder, I choose the path.

And he went to the left without even saying goodbye.

There was nothing to do, and the Urals, thanking the old man, wishing him health and well-being, went to the right, to the country of padishah Katil, the country of immense grief and suffering.

How Ural Batyr came to the country of Padishah Katil

For a long time the Urals went to the country of Padishah Katil. He crossed wide rivers, crossed high mountains, and then one day he came across on his way, at the foot of a high mountain, an old woman in a beggar's rags that was sitting near the road. Her whole back was slashed with a whip, her shoulders were torn into blood, as if tormented by evil wolves. Her arms and legs were cracked, like those of a chicken, which day by day earns its livelihood by digging in the ground. Her whole face was as black as frost-beaten grass, and her bones protruded like branches of a tree.

A beautiful girl was clinging to her, it was clear that she was afraid of a stranger sitting on huge lion, and she is ashamed that she appeared before the eget in wretched rags.

Do not be afraid of me, - exclaimed the Urals, approaching them. - I do not harm anyone, I am looking for Death - the villain, I want to save people from it. Tell me which country I ended up in.

The old woman and the girl smiled, got up from their place, and approached the hunter. The old woman smoothed her disheveled hair, put it behind her ears and, straightening up a little, began to talk, opening her eyes wide.

Oh, eget, it is clear that you have not seen grief, you have not been to our country. Our cruel padishah Katil rules. His deeds are black - every year he grabs young men and women, men and women, selects the best of them, and brings them to his palace. His daughter takes all the Egets for herself, and he sends all the girls to his half. Whoever likes it, those close to him will dismantle it. And all the rest are sacrificed - the girls are drowned in the lake, the men are burned on a huge fire. Such a sacrifice they bring every year to their ancestors, their gods, so they indulge their vanity.

I gave birth to ten children, nine of them were taken away by the cruel padishah Katil. My husband could not bear such grief, not remembering himself, he rushed to the warriors of the padishah. They did not forgive him, they buried him alive in the ground. I have my only daughter, my youngest. And an approximate padishah came to me and said: “I liked your daughter, I take her as my wife.” But for me there is nothing more precious than my daughter - and so on a dark night we fled into the forest. There are many people like us hiding in the forests and thickets, our life is spent in suffering.

I see that you, Eget, are very kind, I beg you, do not go to the country of Padishah Katil, have pity on yourself, return to where you came from.

But Ural just shook his head:

When I went out on the road, I was still just a child. I lived for many years, I traveled many roads in order to return empty-handed to my father's land. I must find the villain-- Death, I must reckon with her.

The Urals said goodbye to the old woman and her daughter, sat on a faithful lion and set off on a journey to the camp of Padishah Katil.

How the Ural-batyr met the daughter of the padishah Katil

Several days passed, and now the Ural-batyr heard a distant murmur, as if thousands and thousands of people were making noise at some big holiday. He drove closer and sees - indeed, crowds of people have gathered here, all as one - in the same guise in which everyone is born. It can be seen that people were forcibly gathered here, because no one wandered around, no one talked to each other, as happens at noisy and cheerful holidays, and everyone stood in great fear, lined up at the back of each other's heads. On the left, the women stood in orderly rows; on the right, the men. Yes, but not everyone was naked in that crowd. Here and there flashed people in strange clothes, in their hands they had large whips, with which they pushed back those who violated the order, beat the disobedient, caught up with those who wanted to run away, returned them to their place with screams and blows of the whip. But there were very, very few of them, most of them stood in great fear and in great silence in the middle of a huge square.

What could bring so many people here? - Thought Ural-batyr. He already saw that in that crowd all the men and women were not younger than sixteen and not older than thirty-five. - Who are these guards? Whose evil will are they doing? Is this really the country of Padishah Katil, about which the old woman told him?

He decided to find out everything and without delay approached the people who were standing on the sidelines. There were just old people and children there. And they were dressed, as custom dictates and as it should be for people, which distinguishes them from animals that do not know other clothes than their own skin.

Seeing that an unfamiliar giant drove up to the crowd, people at first shied away from him, but seeing that he was smiling and seemed not going to do them any harm, they grew bolder and moved closer. A certain old man separated from the crowd, he turned to the batyr with the following words:

A powerful young man, your appearance, your surprised looks that you throw at the crowd, finally, at the lion on which you sit so proudly, can I assume that you came to us from a foreign country?

Seeing that the young man turned his gaze on him, the elder continued:

Let me, little one, explain to you what's going on here. There are padishahs in our country, as in all countries of the world. Our padishah has close associates, all of them from various clans - there is a clan that is stronger and more knowledgeable, there is a clan that is weaker and poorer. And today you just happened to be on a glorious holiday that our padishah arranges for his close associates in honor of his mother and his father, in honor of the well from which they took water to wash the newborn royal baby. And today great sacrifices will be made in their honor, as established in our area.

A raven is depicted on the banner of our padishah, and you probably noticed how many of these glorious birds fly around?

The Ural-batyr looked around - and indeed so many crows were flying around that it seemed that there was a crow's wedding here. More of them sat not far away, on a small hill. This hill was black from the birds that gathered here as if on their crow's Sabantuy.

Oh yes, powerful young man, it is to them that great sacrifices from our people will be made. Do you see the well? It is there that our girls without number will be thrown, so that later, when they die, their bodies will be devoured by crows.

And those Yegets from different families, a different fate awaits them - every year the daughter of the padishah chooses her groom from among them. Whoever pleases the padishah - he will be his slave, will serve him in the palace. The rest will be sacrificed to the gods worshiped by the padishah.

Suddenly, a great noise interrupted the speech of the old man, which the Ural-batyr listened to with great amazement. Trumpets sounded, rattles crackled, and now a royal procession appeared in the distance. It was the daughter of the padishah. She sat on a throne, which was carried by four huge slaves - giants.

Listen, listen! the heralds shouted. - Let your faces brighten, let joy fill your hearts! The daughter of the padishah is approaching! Our queen is coming!

And again the guards ran in, and again the whips hit those who spoiled the formation, who did not want to obey.

The procession moved slowly past the people. Behind the throne, at some distance, was the servant of the daughter of the padishah, and behind him, also at some distance, were the rest of her servants.

In the distance, only the high golden headdress of the queen swayed. So she drove closer, and everyone saw on the throne of unprecedented beauty a girl with eyes full of fire, in a robe that had no equal in the world. The Ural-batyr looked at this beauty with fascination, while the princess slowly circled the ranks. An angry grimace froze on her face, a grimace of disgust - she did not like any of these people, blue from the cold, cowering in the wind. Suddenly her eyes brightened - she saw a tall handsome young man - a giant, who stood in the crowd, like everyone else, and looked at her with admiring eyes. Without saying a word, with a majestic gesture, she stopped the procession. The eyes of the entire crowd turned to the one to whom she turned her attention. Silently, she burned the Ural-batyr with her eyes and handed him Golden Apple. Stunned by her beauty, because up close she seemed even more beautiful, Ural Batyr took this apple. The princess gestured at him to her servants, and the procession moved on. Now her path lay back to the palace.

Son-in-law! The son-in-law of the padishah appeared! - the heralds proclaimed. The crowd shied away from the Ural-batyr, servants ran around him, began to slap him on the shoulder, squeeze, shout in his face. The Ural-batyr did not like such a thing, he pushed the servants aside, frowned:

What does all of this mean? What you want from me?

Now you are our son-in-law, - one of the servants began to speak. - Come with us to the palace, you became the husband of the daughter of the padishah. You are now our master.

Ural-batyr did not agree with these words, he said calmly:

I have come to you from afar. I do not know your orders, therefore I will not go to the palace. I'll see how it all ends, then I'll decide what to do. If I want, I can find this girl myself.

The close queens were amazed, it was clear that such a refusal for them was an unprecedented thing. They began to whisper, not knowing what to do. Finally, one of them, the one who followed the relentless shadow behind the daughter of the padishah, ran to the palace to report to the daughter of the padishah.

The noise in the square did not subside. Suddenly the trumpets roared even louder, the rattles rattled, and a mighty procession appeared from the main gate. That went to his people padishah Katil.

Sixteen slaves carried his throne, countless ranks of warriors surrounded him from all sides, and the padishah himself towered over their heads, like a ferocious bear in the forest towers over hares. The procession moved slowly, the slaves who carried the padishah got tired quickly - padishah Katil was so heavy. They were replaced by others along the way.

The people in the crowd bowed their heads at once and stood in silence like that. No one could meet the eyes of Padishah Katil - the angry fire that escaped from his eyes knocked anyone down.

The Ural Batyr watched with curiosity what was happening, because everything was new to him. He could not understand why people are afraid of the padishah. True, he is taller than ordinary people. But what a funny belly he has - he looks like a saba - a waterskin in which koumiss is stored. It looks like a stone, but when you touch it, bright sparkling koumiss splashes in all directions. And the legs - you might think that he took these legs from the elephant - they are so big and ugly. And the back of his head, filled with fat - after all, it could be a well-fed wild boar, and Ural-batyr knew a lot about wild boars.

Padishah, meanwhile, toured the ranks of his slaves. From time to time he made a sign with his hand, and the person he pointed to was pulled out of the crowd and taken away - some to the right, some to the left. Whom to the right - he had to be a slave in the palace until the end of his life, to fulfill the insane whims of the padishah, and who was taken away to the left - he would be sacrificed to the Raven.

Suddenly there was a noise, shouting in the palace, and a girl on horseback jumped out of the gate. It was the daughter of the padishah. Having let her horse gallop, she rushed straight ahead, ignoring the cries of those unfortunate ones who fell under the hooves. Her whole face was contorted with anger. Her hair was blowing in the wind, her dress was not fastened with all the hooks and fluttered after her.

Having sharply reined in her horse near Ural-Batyr, she swiftly inclined her face towards him, burning with anger:

Who are you to dare insult me? I chose you as my husband, gave you a sacred apple, and you refused to come to the palace! You covered my face with darkness, you disgraced me in front of the slaves!

Finally, the padishah saw that something unprecedented was going on around him. He signaled and was brought closer. The acolytes were already whispering in his ear what had happened, why his daughter was in such a terrible rage. Having learned about everything, the padishah also became furious, so he even jumped off his throne and stood up to his full height in front of the Ural Batyr.

What kind are you, eget, that you dare to refuse my daughter? thundered his question over the square. People in horror covered their faces with their hands, the very voice of the padishah frightened them.

Seeing that the unfamiliar young man withstood the gaze of his fiery eyes, was not afraid of his speech, did not fall to the ground, like his subjects, the padishah continued:

Know, eget, that about my family, about me - padishah Katila, glory goes all over the earth. Not only people know about me, not only birds and animals, even the dead in their cramped graves know about me.

My daughter ordered you to go to the palace. Why do you refuse to do it? Why are you thinking? No one in my country has the right to break my laws.

The Ural-batyr did not succumb to the threats, boldly looked into the face of the padishah:

I don't know you and your habit of slaughtering people like cattle. Nowhere on earth, and wandering for a long time, have I seen such a custom. I am the one who seeks Death to kill Her. I am not afraid of Her and I will not give anyone, even a chick, to be eaten by Her. As for your customs, when I know them all, I will tell you what I think about it.

Then the padishah realized that before him was a man from a foreign country, a man whom he had not yet seen. You never know who this madman could be, he thought, and turned to his daughter:

My daughter, you see, this man is out of his mind. Are there not enough crazy people wandering around the world? Go to the palace, forget about your sorrows, we will find you entertainment to your liking.

A whisper ran through the ranks of those close to him, none of them wanted someone without a root to become the son-in-law of the padishah.

What are you standing for? - poured out his anger on the servants of Katil-Padishah. - Quickly throw into the fire those who are destined for fire, drown those who must find their death in the abyss. Get moving!

And he sat on the throne, majestic in his anger.

Then the Ural-batyr, having scattered the servants, boldly took the lead. His words thundered like thunder, addressed to everyone who had gathered in the square:

I was born into the world in order to defeat death, to find the Living Spring, to save people from death and resurrect the dead. I will not let you, bloodthirsty padishah, do your business! Untie the hands of the slaves, untie the hands of the girls. Minions, get out of my way!

Katil thought for a moment, rage overflowing him, and he signaled with hairy hands. Then four giants appeared from the gates of the palace, huge as divas, overgrown with wool, like animals. The earth trembled under their steps, the light dimmed from their movement.

Shackle this eget and bring him to me, - the padishah shouted beside himself with rage. - If he is looking for Death, show him death!

Stop, - exclaimed the Ural-batyr, referring to those batyrs. - I don't want to kill you. But I know that you will never bow to me until you have tested my strength. So - do you have such a strong beast that you cannot defeat? I'll fight him, then we'll see who's stronger here.

The warriors looked at each other and laughed. They decided that the Ural Batyr had chickened out. He laughed and padishah. He thought that it would even be better - if the recalcitrant was defeated by an animal, and not by people. Then they will say - nature itself rejects this madman who rebelled against Padishah Katil!

Bring, bring here the bull, - he roared in an elephantine voice, - my bull, the bull that supports my palace.

Hearing about this, people were frightened, they took pity on the Ural Batyr. “The eget will disappear, the eget will disappear for nothing,” rustled in the crowd. The adamant, proud daughter of the padishah also heard about it. Then she bowed before her father.

Stop, please," she said quickly. - After all, you yourself allowed me to choose a groom, you yourself gave me this permission, that was your permission. And so I chose an eget for my suitors, and what are you doing? You take it from me. I didn't even exchange a single word with him. Don't ruin him!

Padishah Katil looked gloomily, gloomily at his daughter, but did not answer her. He signaled and she was taken away.

The earth trembled once and twice, and then a bull jumped out into the square in front of the palace, huge as a mountain, terrible in its anger, like a thousand snakes. Saliva flew in all directions from his muzzle, and where it fell, the earth caught fire, where his hoof stepped - there was a hole, as if two diggers had been diligently digging all day.

He stopped at a sign from his master, padishah Katil, bowed his head in front of him, began to drive her from side to side, exposing a terrible fang in his mouth. On an empty square stood before him Ural-batyr, he did not bow his head before the monster.

So it was you, Eget, who disturbed my sleep, you deprived me of the joy of communicating with my beautiful cows? No, I won't leave you on the ground, no. You will rot on my horns, you will hang on them until the wind scatters your ashes, - the bull roared furiously, and its huge horns, straight as spears, huge as logs, moved from side to side.

And then the Urals answered - the batyr to that bull, said this:

And I promise you, great bull, that I will not destroy you. I will prove to you that man is stronger than anyone in the world, and then not only you, but your entire tribe will become a slave of man forever and ever.

The bull became furious at these words, he rushed to the Ural-batyr, blowing up the ground with his hooves. He wanted to raise the eget on the horns, throw it up, so that later he would catch his body, string it on the horns as if on a skewer. But it was not there, the Ural-batyr contrived, he grabbed the bull by the horns and bent his head to the ground.

The bull began to escape from the hands of the batyr, went knee-deep into the ground from the strain, black blood flowed from his mouth, and a huge fang fell out of it. The bull became exhausted and collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, everyone was confused. There has never been such a thing that someone could defeat a huge black bull. And the Ural-batyr kept his word. Grabbing the horns, he pulled the bull out and put it on the ground with a roar. From this blow, the bull's hooves split, cracked in half, and sand, mixed with blood, clogged into the cracks.

Ural said then prophetic words:

Your horns, which I bent in a fair fight, will remain bent forever, a sharp fang will never grow in your gapped mouth, your cloven hooves will remain so forever as long as your family exists on earth. You have tested the strength of a man, you have understood that you are weak in front of a man. Now you will serve him until the end of time. Don't you dare threaten the man!

The padishah, seeing how things had turned out, nodded to his batyrs. And so great was the fear of him that the batyrs went to the Urals. They also hoped that now, after the battle with the bull, the Urals had weakened, and his strength had diminished.

When you die in our hands, which way will you throw your body? - then asked one of the batyrs, the most important over them.

The Ural-batyr was not afraid of their strength, boldly stepped forward.

I am the one who seeks Death to defeat her! - he exclaimed. - Test my strength, and if I die in your arms, give my body to the lion. And if you have enough strength, then throw me into the Living Spring.

But answer me too - if you fall into my hands, and your bodies flutter like moths at night near the fire, in which direction will your bodies be thrown? Where can I look for your bodies, ground into flour, when I return with Living Water to revive the dead?

The batyrs burst out laughing, the thought seemed absurd to them that the Ural-batyr would defeat them all.

Well, - drawled the most important through laughter. - If you really defeat us, then throw our bodies at the feet of the padishah and his entourage.

While one of them was speaking, the rest surrounded the Ural-Batyr from all sides and, at a sign from the leader, rushed at him. Four of them tried to knock him down, but the eget threw one, then the other, and then the two remaining. The warriors of the padishah flew high into the sky, and now they fell to the ground, so that it trembled from a mighty blow. The leader of the batyrs fell near the padishah, and the rest near his close associates. This is how the batyrs, who served the dark power, found their death, and their bodies turned into a dirty slurry.

Then all the slaves that were bound and waiting for their death realized that their life would not end today. They rushed to the Ural-batyr, surrounded him from all sides, began to proclaim to him a toast. The servants and the padishah himself rushed in all directions, trying to escape from the people's wrath, and many of them managed to do it. They hid like rats in the darkness of the night in order to find a shelter more reliable than the country of the padishah Katil, who was defeated by the Ural-batyr. Where the padishah himself disappeared to remains unknown.

With a crowd of people, Ural-batyr entered the palace, he announced that now no one can oppress people, sacrifice them. He also announced that everyone was now free.

And now farewell, people, - he said, - I am a batyr who is looking for Death to defeat her. I have to go.

Then the people were confused, not knowing what to answer the batyr. Nobody wanted him to leave. Then from the crowd they carried out in their arms the oldest person among the people, who still remembered the free days before the arrival of Padishah Katil.

He approached the Ural-batyr, raised a weak hand, and when the noise subsided, he said quietly, turning to the Urals and to all people:

Greetings, worthy young man! You, it turns out, from the Egets, the Eget, their brave men are brave! Your support is your heart m, but there is, it turns out, pity in your heart. You took pity on us, you freed us from a terrible oppression, you are a winner. But there is another person who helped you in this battle. It was she who aroused the wrath of the padishah, she pushed you against him and thus brought us freedom and happiness. This is the daughter of the padishah. She fell in love with you and therefore rebelled against her father. Marry her, eget, stay with us, eget. Be our master!

And at his sign, all the people began to praise the Ural-batyr and the daughter of the padishah, wishing them health and a happy life.

Seeing the general rejoicing, seeing close by that girl who was indescribably beautiful, Ural-batyr decided to marry her and stay in this country at least for a while. And then a feast began for the whole world, and for seven days and seven nights the people celebrated this wedding, which became a symbol of their liberation from padishah Katil.

How Ural Batyr met Zarkum

Only on the eighth day did the guests settle down, only on the eighth day did the whole kingdom of Padishah Katil fall into a dream. The padishah's daughter also fell asleep.

And the Ural-batyr decided to warm up after the stuffy halls of the palace. He sat on a faithful lion, strapped a bag with supplies to the saddle, armed himself and went to wander around the outskirts of the city. The Ural-batyr rode for an hour, rode for two, finally sleep overcame him, and he lay down under a high rock to rest.

Suddenly, through a dream, he heard a snake thorn. The batyr was sound asleep, he jumped to his feet, looked around - two hundred paces from him, a huge snake attacked a deer. This is not a simple snake, not a viper that crawls underfoot, not one that swims in the water, then a big snake - it will be a hundred steps long, no less, you won’t see a lion behind it, it’s so thick.

While the Ural-batyr was looking at the snake, he managed to knock down a deer. The Urals rushed to the aid of the deer, grabbed the snake by its long tail, and pressed it to the ground. The snake waved its tail and a clearing formed in the forest, a dozen or two trees fell to the ground. He waved the kite in the other direction and a wide clearing formed in the forest. But the Ural-batyr firmly holds the snake by the tail, does not let go, presses with his hands, hard as a rock.

And the kite keeps waving and waving its tail, and besides, it has another concern - it tries to swallow a deer. And he tries so and so, but it doesn’t work - huge, branched horns are stuck in the snake’s mouth. And it's not enough to break them.

The serpent was exhausted, exhausted - now he would have spit out that deer, but he can’t - the antlers are stuck. It also fails to swallow. And behind the Ural-batyr is pushing, his tail is pressed to the ground, now he will turn the snake upside down. He sees snakes, it's bad, he raised his head and said with a prayer:

Oh god, help me! Postpone my death hour! I am the son of the padishah Kahkahi, my name is Zarkum. I will repay your help, I will be your companion - if you need a companion, if you want gold, corals and pearls - in my palace you will find as much as you like.

Ural answered him:

I went on a long journey to save all the innocent creatures on earth from Death, and you betrayed my enemy a deer that has never harmed anyone in life. Why did you do this - tell me your secret.

O eget, the serpent answered him. - I'll tell you the whole truth, I won't hide anything. Not far from these places is the country of the padishah of birds Samrau. He has a daughter of extraordinary beauty, She was born by the Sun. I asked for her hands - both he and she refused me. "You are a snake," they said. And then I asked my father - make sure that they give me the daughter of the padishah Samrau as a wife. If not, go to war with them, flood their country with fiery rain.

Then my father advised me to go hunting and find a deer with twelve branches of antlers and swallow it. Then, he said, I will be able to turn into anyone, I will become the most beautiful of all people. Then Samrau's daughter will be mine.

And so I went hunting and you see - I can’t swallow a deer, the horns got stuck in my throat, my desire did not come true. Do not destroy me, eget, you will not benefit from this, help me, and then we will go to my father, and he will give you everything you ask.

And you ask him for something - not a beautiful girl, no, and not treasures. He will scatter before you a sea of ​​pearls and corals - turn away from them. And then he will say: “Look, a man refused treasures, no matter how much I wandered around the world, I have not seen this.” And then he will say: "Name your desire, I will repay you with kindness for the service." And then you tell him - let him take off his skin, become not an azhdah, but a snake, stick out his bird's tongue and put it in your mouth. Your father is going to frighten you, he will spit on the stone and the stone will flow like water. He will spit on the mountain and the mountain will flow like a spring, in an instant a sparkling lake will gather in the lowland - it will have neither end nor edge. Only you do not be afraid of this, ask him again and again. He will not resist, and you will kiss his tongue. Then his heart will thaw, and you will be able to say to him such words: “In my country, kindness is paid for kindness. What you love, then give. Then he will give you his staff with a head of pearls, and take it. With this magic staff you will not drown in water, you will not burn in fire. If you want to become invisible, not a single soul will find you.

Hearing these words, the Urals broke off the deer antlers, and the snake, having swallowed the deer, in an instant turned into a beautiful young man, who was not more beautiful in the whole world.

And at the same moment there was a whistle in the neighborhood. Zarkum turned pale, fear was reflected in his eyes.

What is this? - Ural-batyr asked him.

But Zarkum did not tell the Urals the truth. He thought like this:

These are my father's spies, they will immediately inform him that I blabbed, revealed to a stranger the great secret of the serpent kingdom. What am I to do now? There is not enough strength to swallow this eget - I have become very weak from the fight with the deer, but if I betray him to my father, I will repent, then my father will forgive me.

And out loud he said:

It's me that my father's servants are looking for. Well, are you coming with me to the palace of the serpent padishah?

I'm going, - said the Ural-batyr boldly. - I want to see your country, I want to test the power of my heart, which chose Death itself as an enemy.

And he thought to himself: “Well, if it happens in the world that they return evil for good - and I want to see this with my own eyes.”

Farewell, my faithful friend! - the Ural-batyr turned to his lion. - There's no other way for you. Do not wait for me for a long time, return to your native land, home, say hello from me.

Kissed the lion and said goodbye.

How Ural Batyr and Zarkum arrived in the snake kingdom

Ural-batyr and Zarkum descended into a deep crevice. They walked day and night, and then they saw that in front of them a huge mountain was blackening up to the sky. This mountain is engulfed in fire, which blazes tirelessly, like lightning without thunder and rain, like lightning in a clear sky.

What is this? - Ural-batyr was surprised. - Is there such a big mountain in the world? I have never seen such mountains.

Zarkum answered him:

It’s not a mountain, it’s a snake guarding the palace.

They came closer, and saw the Ural-batyr - near the iron fence of the palace lies, carelessly curled up in a ball, a nine-headed snake, guarding the palace.

Zarkum boldly approached him, kicked him, and shouted in a loud voice:

Bring the key to the palace!

The kite hissed, whistled with a loud whistle, the noise rose as if all the mountains of the earth had collapsed. As soon as the thunder subsided, it thundered, rattled again - these were four snakes with six heads dragging the key along the ground - and they did not have the strength to lift it, it was so heavy.

The Zarkum key easily accepted this, inserted it into the iron door, turned it - the heavy door opened, the entrance to the palace opened.

Come in, you will be a guest, - said Zarkum and with a broad gesture showed Ural-batyr the way to the palace. As soon as Ural-batyr entered, the door slammed shut by itself.

Stay here, - said Zarkum from behind the iron door. - I'm going to fetch my father. And I locked you up so that the snakes would not harm you.

Ural-batyr said nothing, began to look around the palace. Before he had time to sit down from the road, a loud hissing was heard, and from all sides the palace was in a ring - then snakes gathered around it from all around. Ural-batyr looked out the window, began to listen to their hiss.

The huge eleven-headed serpent spoke first.

My, my turn to eat it, my turn to grow the twelfth head. Then I will become a vizier with the padishah, he will bring me closer to his throne.

Well, no-o-o-o-o, - the nine-headed serpent hissed. - Only I can eat a man who learned the secret of the padishah from his son. The padishah himself will not eat him - he cannot destroy a person, that who saved the life of his son, but I can eat him - only I know all his secrets, only I. And you, small fry, - he hissed at the small kites that were circling in thousands around the palace in anticipation of the prey, - go away, there is nothing to spin around here. You won't be lucky today!

He said so and spun like a whirlwind, only sparks splashed in all directions. Small snakes were frightened, darted from side to side, and fled, hiding wherever they could. Seeing such a thing, the eleven-headed snake crawled away, and did not quarrel with the padishah's pet. Only the nine-headed serpent remained. He kept rushing around the palace, spinning, knocking out millions of sparks from the rocks around the palace, spinning, spinning, and now he turned into a beautiful girl. That girl came up to the closed gate and passed through it as if the gate did not exist. Seeing such a thing, Ural-batyr did not wait until she enchanted him with her beauty, grabbed his hands and squeezed so that the blood came out from under the nails. The snake could not stand such a squeezing, regained its fiery appearance, began to throw lightning, wanted to burn the Ural Batyr with fire. In a rage, then the Ural-batyr grabbed the snake by the throat, twisted it into a knot. But he did not kill, he threw it aside:

I know everything about you - you guard the padishah of the snakes Kahkahu, his faithful slave and keeper of secrets. What if you have nine heads that you grew by devouring people - you are not terrible to me.

The snake was surprised, thoughtful.

Are you a snake god? - he asked the Ural-batyr. - How do you know everything about me? After all, I thought that you were a man, and therefore I told the padishah that his son betrayed the secret to a creature with whom we are mortal enemies.

With these words, he crawled up to the Ural-batyr, began to caress him. But the smell of a human being hit his nostrils so thickly that he could not bear the snakes, and a terrible conjecture pierced him. He reared up, blazed with fire from his wide mouth.

No. You are indeed a man who treacherously penetrated our secrets. There is no life for you after this, I must put you to death.

He struck the Ural-batyr with lightning, scorched him with fire, struck with his tail as if a tree in the forest had fallen on a person. But the Ural-batyr did not give in, he withstood the onslaught of the serpent. Having contrived, he struck the main head of the serpent with his sword. With a ringing sound, the head crumbled into small pieces, and strange-looking keys fell out of it. The Ural-batyr struck other heads - and the bodies of eight heroes fell out of them.

The Ural-Batyr sprinkled them with spring water, which he brought with him. The batyrs woke up from a magical, magical dream, spoke:

All of us were once, in time immemorial, people. The damned serpent tracked us down, swallowed us up - we became its essence, its heads. Cut the heart of the serpent - in it you will find a golden key that opens a palace full of secrets. In that palace are stored all the treasures of the earth, which one can only dream of.

Ural-batyr listened to their words, cut the heart of the snake and the key of unprecedented beauty fell out of it.

How Ural-batyr entered the palace of secrets

The Ural-batyr took the golden key in his hands, and then the palace of secrets appeared before him. That palace turned out to be higher than the sky, lower than the earth, and it was invisible to the simple eye. What he took for a palace was only a small part of it. But if one end of the rope already fell into your hands, how not to wonder what is at the other end? So the Ural-batyr unlocked the palace and entered it. A hall richly decorated, of indescribable beauty opened up to him. In the middle of the hall was a throne, near which sat a beautiful girl, in a dress richly adorned with pearls, all wrapped in silks. The girl was silent, did not even move, so the Ural-batyr decided that she was bewitched.

Behind the throne, a secret door was found tightly closed - locked with many locks. The Ural-batyr opened it with one mighty blow and saw that in the pantry, and it was a pantry, there was a staff with a knob of pearls. Before he had time to touch him, take him in his hands, he rose in the hall strong wind and out of nowhere, a white serpent appeared. It was the padishah of the serpent Kahkah. He saw that his staff was in the hands of others and rushed at the Ural Batyr, he wanted to swallow it - to destroy it on the spot.

But it was not there - the Ural-batyr twisted the snake, threw it on the floor. He sees snakes - it's bad, you need to get out of trouble. And then he said such crafty words:

The magic staff left, left my hands, and my strength left with it. Now the power is in your hands, batyr. Order.

He thought that it was some unknown snake and defeated him.

I am the one who is looking for Death in order to destroy it, - said the Ural-batyr. - I will destroy everyone who is an enemy to people. Summon your snakes - who has grown his head, who has killed a man, who serves death - I will destroy everyone, I will not have mercy.

Then the snake padishah gave an order to his snakes, hissed in his snake tongue, spun like a top and disappeared out of sight. Then snakes came running from all sides, which the padishah called for help. And they began a battle not for life, but for death.

The Ural-batyr fought for a day, fought for two, which snake he cuts off his head - from there a man appears, enters the battle on the side of the Ural-batyr. So they defeated the serpent army, put an end to the serpent kingdom. Ural-batyr opened all the basements, released people from there who were languishing in anticipation of their fate.

They did not believe that salvation had come to them, they said among themselves:

The help that we expected from God came to us from an unknown batyr. How can we thank him? What will he ask of us?

The Ural-batyr heard these conversations and exclaimed, raising his voice:

People, don't be afraid of me. I have come to save you and put an end to the serpent kingdom. Your joy is my joy too. Your happiness is happiness for me too. Get it all together, let's arrange big celebration and then you yourself will choose a batyr for yourself, the one who will protect you in the days of troubles and sorrows and stand before you in the days of joy.

People were happy to hear from them. They began to shout:

"Algura! We want Algur to be the leader!

A gray-haired old man was found among them, this was Algur. Many years ago, he rose to fight against the snake kingdom, for many years he dealt him blow after blow, but now he grew old and was captured by his enemies. Now he became the leader of a new kingdom of people. He left the crowd, but not alone - he led by the arm the very girl that Ural-batyr found in the throne room.

The hero who defeated Azraka cannot leave us empty-handed. On behalf of all the people, we ask you to marry this girl, and then you will stay with us forever.

Let the batyr leave - the batyr will not disappear. May a new hero be born from you. He will grow among us, he will be our protector. This girl is a match for you, she will be a worthy mother to your son.

No wonder they say - every generation gives birth to its batyr. The time will come when you will leave us, but your children will remain - they will become batyrs.

The Ural-batyr could not refuse people, and the girl fell in love with him, he stayed with them. Then the people of Ural-Batyr arranged a merry wedding.

Shulgen meets a handsome young man

Since the two brothers parted, we completely forgot about Schulgen. And meanwhile he walked and walked along the road that led to the right. Silence and peace surrounded him, and neither a predatory beast nor a poisonous reptile met him on the way. Everything breathed peace and tranquility - the deer themselves approached him when he was sleeping by the road, the birds, without hiding, chirped over his head, and even when Shulgen extended his hand to them, they did not fly away immediately. So the days flowed amid the heat and laziness of the road.

Only a strange thing - it was deserted on that road, except for forest animals and birds of the sky, not a single person was met by Schulgen. And then one day he heard a strange noise around the bend, as if someone was splashing in the water, loudly rejoicing at life. Shulgen hurried then, quickened his pace, and now such a picture opened before him - a handsome young man with a strangely familiar face splashed noisily in a small stream. He was not at all afraid of Shulgen when he noticed him, but only got out of the water, threw on a wide robe and greeted Shulgen like a brother.

Who are you? - asked his amazed Shulgen. --Why do I know your face so well, because this is my first time in your area?

I am from a happy country, the young man answered him. - And my face seems familiar to you because, probably, you saw someone from our country. We all have the same face, as if we were all born of the same mother.

Wait, wait, - Shulgen then cried out in astonishment. - Most recently, I remember, an old man spoke to me ... Isn't your grandfather sitting a month away from here, at a fork in the road? You and him are so similar, and you have the same voice.

Know, young man, - the stranger answered Shulgen. That old man is my brother. We grew up with him.

But how then to understand - exclaimed the amazed Shulgen. “You are so young, there is not a wrinkle on your face, and your hair is as black as coal, and he is as old as death itself, and hunched like a willow by a river.”

In our country, the young man replied. Nobody gets old, we are always young until we die. We have such a custom - we do no harm to anyone, we do not shed anyone's blood. Everything we have in common - everything we have, we share equally among people. We do not offend orphans, the strong do not offend the weak. That is why we live happily ever after.

And my brother stumbled from our customs. Anyone he could overpower, he killed and ate. That is why people drove him out of our blessed country, because he became old and decrepit, and now sheds tears alone over his ruined youth. Age to bear on his face the seal of Death.

Shulgen was delighted, he realized that he was on the right track and began to ask the young man about his country. He also asked for his name.

We have no names, - the young man answered him, - and I will show you the way to our kingdom. It is a pity that I cannot see you off - I collect flowers, which are not found in our area, my work is not yet completed. But soon I will go to my country, because the air of your places is destructive for us.

With regret, Shulgen parted with that young man, and yet he was glad that he would soon see a country in which there is no death, a country in which everyone is happy and forever young.

How Shulgen got to a happy country

For a month and a year he rode his faithful lion, Shulgen, saw a lot beautiful places, forded rivers, overcame mountains. Where the night overtook - there he went to bed, where the dawn caught him - from that place he set off.

And then one day he did not notice how he found himself near the most beautiful lake, surrounded by mighty trees. Shulgen came closer - what a miracle, the most ordinary trees were so successful in height that it is difficult even to recognize them. The willow became like an oak, and the oak towered like a mountain over that lake. The most beautiful flowers as wide as a raft grew on the water. They were just water lilies. But how beautiful they were! Shulgen looked, admired their beauty, and suddenly something splashed in the depths - it was fish freely frolicking. Look - pikes do not attack minnows, perches peacefully swim past the paths, frolic, play - what a miracle.

Well, - Shulgen decided then, - I'll catch some fish.

He pulled out a long hair from the tail of his faithful lion, and went into the thick willow in search of a long stick for his rod. He parted the bushes, and what - small birdies sit on branches nearby - nightingales and larks, and next to them proudly sit a falcon, a gyrfalcon, and a hawk. And no one attacks each other. Shulgen looked at the slopes of the mountains - and there sheep and wolves peacefully graze next to each other, and near the water the fox plays with chickens. And something doesn't look like she was going to eat them. And then Shulgen realized that he had reached the country of eternal youth. And when I realized this, I was afraid. “What if I catch someone and eat them, and then immediately lose my youth? After all, the old man warned me that no one is killing anyone here. No, - decided Shulgen, - I must go further, find the Living Spring. When I am immortal, then I will return to this lake, feast on fame.

How Shulgen met Zarkum

And again Shulgen found himself at a crossroads, because he did not know in which direction to look for the Living Spring, the source of eternal youth. Day and night he rode along the desert road, saddling his faithful lion, not knowing with whom to exchange a word, from whom to ask for directions.

And then one day at the crossroads he met the same young man with a beautiful face. Shulgen greeted him joyfully, he thought that the young man was returning to his country.

But it was Zarkum, who fled from the Urals. So that they would not recognize him, he turned into an inhabitant of a happy country, who all had the same face. He began to question Schulgen, pretending to know him well. Shulgen did not hide anything, he told that he had reached a magical land, that he decided at the beginning to find the Living Spring.

Then, as if deciding to trust Shulgen to the end, Zarkum called himself the son of the padishah of the divas of Azraki. He invited him to visit, explained that he was hiding because he was in danger, but now, touched by Shulgen's sincerity, he trusts him in everything. As a great secret, he told the astonished Shulgen that it was in the possessions of his father that the very Living Spring was located. Shulgen did not understand the cunning, joyfully agreed to go with Zarkum to the country of Padishah Azraki.

And Zarkum decided to use Shulgen in the fight against his brother, Ural Batyr. And the gullible Schulgen blurted out about this. “He will tell you what the Ural-batyr is weak in,” thought Zarkum. When necessary, we will set him on his own brother.

And they set off on a long journey - to the country of the padishah of the divas Azraki.

How Shulgen and Zarkum arrived in the kingdom of Padishah Azraki

The path to the country of the padishah of the divas Azraki turned out to be not close. They crossed forests and mountains, forded rivers, descended into deep gorges and rose again into the light.

But everything comes to an end, and it came for this journey too. One day, a cloud appeared in the distance, its top reaching into the sky. If it is a cloud, then why does it rumble, as if thousands of blacksmiths are working in it? Maybe it's a mountain? But if this is a mountain, why is it constantly moving and boiling, like water in a cauldron, and its color changes, taking on all shades of black.

Shulgen marveled, began to question his companion, to whom he became very attached during their journey and who managed to pour a lot of poison into Schulgen during this time. Zarkum answered him:

This is not a cloud that moves in the sky, and not a mountain that grows from the very depths of the earth. It is a div guarding the padishah's palace. Seems. He noticed us, and now he will approach us, and I will answer him. If I disappear - wait for me, and be silent if you want to stay alive.

And in the same instant, the diva overtook them, enveloped them like a fog, and asked them who they were and what they needed, although it was impossible to understand who was asking and whether they were asking at all.

This lasted for one moment, and when the delusion dissipated, Zarkum was no longer around. Marveling at such miracles, Shulgen stayed to wait for him, as they agreed.

And Zarkum was already in the palace at that time - the diva recognized him, understood him without words and took him to the padishah, as if he were a dear guest.

happy news I brought it to you, sovereign, and to you, father, - said Zarkum, entering the palace. - The brother of Ural-batyr is with me, he will tell us how to fight him and how to defeat him.

Azraka and Kahkakha, the father of Zarkum, who took refuge from the wrath of the Ural-batyr with his old friend, were just puzzling over how they could defeat the unexpected enemy.

Not much good for us from a man, - said the formidable lord of Azrak. - What if he is the brother of the Ural Batyr? It is unlikely that he has his strength.

Here an old, gray-haired diva stepped forward - sonchi, court adviser to the padishah. He was so old that he was already translucent from old age and, so that they could see him, he appeared so that bright light, which divas generally do not like.

Do you remember, O lord of all divas, the day when the Living Spring suddenly bubbled up and its stream was half weakened? Do you remember the cry that rang out that day? A cry that caused the divas who flew in the sky to fall to the ground, as if the power that keeps them in the air refused to serve them anymore?

We learned then that a mighty child was born into the world, dangerous to us. We sent divas and genies to steal him away - at the mere glance of this child, their hearts burst with fear.

So this child is the Urals. Now he is approaching our country, and we cannot sit idly by. The only way out for us is to take possession of Akbuzat.

You're right, you're right, son. Do I not know about it? the padishah answered sullenly. - Didn't I send seven of my most powerful, most dexterous, most ferocious divas to take possession of Akbuzat, to subdue it, to bring it to me saddled or bareback? Akbuzat threw them into the sky with one blow, they became night stars, and now, when I look at the sky, I mourn the fate of the Etegan constellation - my faithful servants.

But after all, Samrau, the padishah, also has a red horse, we wanted to take possession of him, we kidnapped his daughter, the mistress of the horse. And all in vain - the horse was not given in hand. Rushed away like an arrow fired by a well-aimed hand.

Then the sons said:

And you, lord, caress the brother of your enemy. Here he stands at the gates of your palace, waiting for your word. He wants to become the padishah of any country - let him become the padishah. If he wants wealth, give him wealth. Let the daughter of the padishah Samrau love him, then she will give him Akbuzat, and magic sword. And with them we will overcome the Urals, we will become masters of the whole earth.

He took Azrak's advice and decided to follow it. He caressed Zarkum for bringing Shulgen, ordered the gates to be opened and Shulgen greeted as the dearest guest.

How Shulgen entered the palace of the padishah of the divas Azraki

Shulgen waited a long time for the return of his companion, various thoughts came to his mind. Still, he could not believe what his friend had thrown, so he got off the lion and lay down to rest.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, a thunderclap sounded, as if the sky had split overhead, and the palace of the padishah of the divas was painted with all shades of black. Shulgen jumped to his feet, did not know what to do, and at the same moment a dark cloud enveloped him - then the watchman diva approached. Before Schulgen had time to think about anything, the cloud dissipated, and he found himself in front of the wide-open gates of the palace.

Trumpets sounded, and a procession appeared from the gate, at the head of which walked high div in rich clothes, it was the padish of the divas of Azrak. Next to him, Schulgen saw his companion. His face shone with a friendly smile, followed by court divas of various stripes and also smiled friendly. And their faces were such that to see anyone in a dream - it was possible not to wake up again.

The padishah of the divas welcomed Shulgen, invited him to the palace, seated him in the most honorable place, began to introduce him to his entourage. He called Zarkum his son, he called Kahkakha his friend. And they began a feast, which does not happen in the world.

The tables moved by themselves, shifting into one large one, they laid themselves by themselves, dishes with the most exquisite dishes appeared by themselves.

When the guest satisfied the first hunger, the padishah clapped his hands, and the slaves dissolved the padishah's treasury. What riches it did not have, gold and silver, diamonds and pearls blinded the eyes, so you had to squint to see something.

The king clapped his hands again and the doors of the treasury were closed. Unearthly music sounded, and beautiful girls appeared from all sides. They danced for the guest.

Schulgen rubbed his eyes. It seemed to him that he was in a beautiful dream, which could suddenly end.

The dream really ended, because suddenly one of the girls appeared, seeing which Shulgen grabbed his heart. She stood out like a pearl stands out among the white stones on the days of the sea, she shone like the moon surrounded by crumbly stars, like the only flower in the middle of a green meadow, like a mole on the most delicate face of a beauty.

Shulgen could not stand it, leaned over to Zarkum's ear and began to ask who this beauty was.

This is my sister, - without batting an eye, Zarkum answered him. - If you want, I'll talk to my father, - he added, feeling Shulgen's fire. - He liked you, and he will not refuse you. You will be our son-in-law.

Shulgen rejoiced, could not contain his jubilation, he jumped up and began to loudly admire the beauty of the girl. And Zarkum quickly went to the padishah and with a look made it clear that their idea was a success.

The padishah clapped his hands again, and everything disappeared, and Zarkum and Shulgen remained in the throne room, who had no idea about anything.

What happened, - he began to ask Zarkum. - Maybe I did something wrong?

Oh no, Zarkum reassured him. - It's just that your father is thinking whether to give you your sister or not.

Shulgen's heart sank in fear, he did not know what would happen next.

And the padishah of the divas at that time spoke with Aikhil - the very girl that Shulgen liked so much. Under pain of the most painful death, he forbade Azrak to say that she was a prisoner. The girl was frightened and agreed to do as the padishah told her.

Again there was a heavy clapping of the palms of the padishah, so that everyone's ears were blocked, and again they appeared before Shulgen. But now with them was a beautiful girl in a wedding dress - Aikhylu.

They arranged a merry wedding for them, and when the time came, they escorted them to the bridal chambers. So Shulgen became the husband of Aikhilu, the daughter of the padishah of the birds of Samrau.

How Azraka spoke to Shulgen and Zarkum

I cannot express how happy Shulgen was with his young wife. Basking with her in a high palace, he forgot about everything in the world. The young people strolled through the marvelous gardens that bloomed in the palace, drank the sweet water of oblivion that flowed in those gardens in generous abundance, appearing from nowhere and disappearing to God knows where, tasting strange fruits that they could not find anywhere, even go around the whole earth.

The friendship between Shulgen and Zarkum also grew stronger. Now Shulgen doted on the one with whom fate brought him together, believed him in everything, blessed the day when their paths crossed.

And yet no, no, yes, and he remembered his brother, and then vexation gnawed at him that he easily got happiness, that he did not accomplish any feats on this path, the fame of which would spread his name throughout the world.

He knew about what was happening in the soul of Shulgen only the padish of the divas of Azrak, for he invisibly followed all the movements of the soul of Shulgen, not leaving without attention the slightest shadow on his face. When the time came when Shulgen's soul was most susceptible to the subtle poison of other people's thoughts, Azraka called his young friends to him and talked with them for hours, skillfully directing their thoughts in the right direction.

So he told about the greatest secrets on earth - about the magical horse Akbuzat, about the damask sword, which is not given to everyone, and about Humai, the most beautiful of the virgins.

And so he led his story that both Shulgen and Zarkum thought that this speech was addressed only to him, it was to him that the secret of the padishah of the divas of Azrak was revealed. They understood - the one who masters the sword, who pacifies the horse - will become the greatest of the heroes, everyone in the world will submit to him.

They talked for a long time among themselves, leaving the palaces of the padishah of the divas, and then one day they decided to secretly set off on a journey - to get the greatest treasures of the earth.

Zarkum supported Shulgen in everything, but he thought to himself:

Let him help me defeat the Urals, and then we'll see who he takes.

And so they saddled the mighty diva and set off on a journey to get a magic horse, a damask sword and a girl. And after them the sleepless eyes of the padishah of divas looked, from whom nothing was hidden in his kingdom.

How Shulgen and Zarkum met Humai

Shulgen and Zarkum did not have time to blink an eye, they did not have time to exhale the air underworld as the divas delivered them to the place. The cry of the flocks of birds deafened them, they had become unaccustomed to the noise of the earth, being in the possessions of the padishah of the divas. The bright light deafened them - their eyes were weaned from it, they got used to the semi-darkness and darkness of the possessions of the padishah of the divas Azraka.

But they did not have time to get used to the bird's cry, they were noticed, the bird's chirping and hubbub subsided. One of the birds separated from the flock, began to circle low, examining the aliens.

We came to Humai, - Shulgen shouted arrogantly. - Let him meet us according to custom, as dear guests!

She is not at home, - the bird answered, flying off to the side and getting lost in the flock. Suddenly, as if by an invisible sign, the birds began to shed their bird plumage. They turned into the most beautiful girls. Spirit captured from Shulgen and Zarkum, they could not stop looking at such beauty.

But even among the most beautiful girls, one refused, which eclipsed them all, as the moon eclipses the stars, as the sun eclipses the brilliance of the moon. Stunned, stunned, Shulgen looked at the girl and thought that this must be Humai.

Like a queen bee, that girl stepped forward, as if a hostess, who had been expecting dear guests for a long time, she invited Shulgen and Zarkum to the palace:

Come on, settle down. Humai will now appear in front of you.

As if important guests, decorously, swaggering, entered the palace of Shulgen and Zarkum, chose a more honorable place for themselves, sat down on them without any invitation, and began to wait.

Before they had time to get bored, a strange smoke began to cloud the room. Shulgen and Zarkum were worried, jumped to their feet, and then there was a thunderclap, the earth opened up, turning into an abyss and unexpected guests flew down with terrible speed.

But everything has its limit, and so they fell to the bottom of the deepest pit. Feeling himself, screaming with fear, groaning, Shulgen got to his feet. He began to fumble with his hands in the dark, trying to find a way out, but everywhere he came across the walls of the pit. He shouted, but no one answered his cry - because Humai (this was the very beautiful girl who invited them to the palace) threw Shulgen and Zarkum into different pits.

And Zarkum, who earlier came to his senses, because his body was inhuman, turned into a snake, began to look for a gap in order to get out into the wild. Humai knew about this in advance and ordered one of the girls to pour boiling water into the pit.

Zarkum rushed about in horror, water overtook him everywhere, and finally, he turned into a water rat and began to swim in the water, looking for salvation, until he was exhausted and stopped his attempts.

And Humai at that time appeared in the pit in which Shulgen found himself. She asked the bewildered Shulgen:

Did you know fear as you flew into the dark? I was also afraid when you sharpened a sharp knife on me. For this, I avenged you, eget! And now you will languish in this pit until your soul is reborn for love, until your heart - new, good, takes possession of your mind, until the fat of your heart thaws from evil! Turn away from the snakes, become their enemy, learn to choose your friends, learn to choose the right path, then you will become free again.

Humai said these words and disappeared, leaving the stunned Shulgen alone with his gloomy thoughts.

How Humai met Ural Batyr

Humai rose from the dark dungeons, she was joyful in her soul because she managed to captivate her old enemy from the snake tribe - Zarkum. But this joy was mixed with sadness, because she had to leave in prison Shulgen, the brother of the Urals, whom the girl's heart remembered, no, no.

She decided to arrange a holiday in honor of such a victory, called all her girlfriends, and a noisy commotion began in front of the palace of the padishah of the birds of Samrau. Thousands of bright plumage, thousands of beautiful voices adorned the sky, as if the brightest rainbow spread its wings over the earth.

And suddenly the pattern broke, the voices fell silent - something disturbed the course of the holiday, the bird-girls soared into the sky in a random crowd and began to circle there, trying to see what kind of guest had come to their country, what intentions he had - good or, maybe, evil?

And only one bird boldly rushed to the stranger - it was Humai. She assumed her usual form and approached the guest, whom she immediately recognized. That was the Ural Batyr. So that the girls-friends would not worry, she covered him with a magical veil, which made a person invisible to anyone, except for those who have magical eyesight, like Humai herself.

But the Urals did not recognize her, and no wonder - after all, he once saw a swan, and here in front of him stood a tall, beautiful girl with hair that rolled down from her shoulders like thick ears, reaching her knees. The most beautiful black eyes looked at the batyr through long eyelashes. The high chest was agitated under the gaze of the batyr, the thin, like that of a bee, the camp trembled while she walked towards him.

She seated the batyr in a place of honor, treated him from the road. And the batyr was so good with her that he gradually came to his senses, began to talk about himself and did not notice how he told about all his adventures.

Ural told about his dream to find the Living Spring, to destroy Death.

Humai answered him in deep emotion, she was touched by the ingenuous story of the batyr:

Finding the Living Spring is not easy, and yet I know where it is. But if you want my help, find for me a bird, which has no equal in the world, which no one has seen anywhere, then I will help you.

The Ural-batyr thought, shook his head:

I will find that bird and bring it to you, but in response to your words I will say this - I don’t need gold, I don’t have a cart to load it, I don’t need jewelry, because I don’t have a beloved to give her. I don't think of anything but goodness. Help me to fulfill the desires of people, to defeat Death, so that I can wipe the bloody tears of the human race. This is the gift I need. Tell me so I know what you can give me?

It will not burn in fire and will not drown in water, it will not let the wind keep up with it, it will not be afraid of either peaks or gorges, it will hit with a hoof - the mountains will crumble to dust, it will jump - it will cut the sea. The one who was born in heaven, who was raised in heaven, who has no offspring on earth, the one who could not be overcome by divas for a thousand years, the one who came to me from my mother, the one who is destined for my beloved - my tulpar Akbuzat. And with it I will hand you a damask sword - rust does not take it, against fire it becomes fire, against water - water. Divine death is that damask sword.

The Urals were no less excited than Humay. I jumped up and decided to set off immediately. Humai stopped him forcibly, begged him to stay for a day, to take a break from hard work.

Ural-batyr agreed, stayed in the palace for another day, but did not linger any longer - the road beckoned him, beckoned him with the expensive gift that Humay promised him.

In the morning he washed himself with spring water from the spring, broke bread with Humai, who went out to see him off, and set off, turning the magic staff of Kahkahi into a horse.

Humai looked after him for a long time. She did not open herself to the batyr, did not give her name, did not say that his brother was languishing in her captivity, and the batyr himself could not know about it.

How Ural-batyr found an unprecedented bird

The Ural-batyr rode for a day on his magical horse, rode for two, and there a week passed, and a month passed. His path ran through a strange area - only gloomy rocks rose around, as if cut in terrible anger by an unknown batyr. It was deserted around, only crows and jays flew low above the ground - neither a person nor any living creatures came across on the way.

Finally, a high mountain appeared in the distance, rushing its peak into the sky, so that you cannot see it behind the clouds - it is all in a haze.

The batyr decided to look around, got off his horse, turned him back into a staff and climbed the mountain. A day climbed, two climbed, and there a week passed, a month passed. Batyr pushes the clouds, the fog cuts, everything climbs up.

Finally, he reached the top, began to look around. Nothing is visible, around white - white, as if winter had come, and all the plains were covered with snow. These clouds cover the earth, do not allow the eye to break through. The Ural-batyr looked around for a long time, and finally decided to spend the night on that mountain.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he was awakened by a dream, as if the sky had cleared and a star appeared in a terrible distance. And she shone so unbearably that the Ural Batyr woke up. He rubbed his eyes, looked around - and saw that some star really shines in the distance. The Ural is watching - a batyr and cannot understand anything - something is shining, but what - it is impossible to make out. Then he took out his magic staff, and then, as if a miracle happened - a sparkling lake approached him.

The shores of that lake are not made of stones, but of pure silver. Flowers grow around the lake, the wind oppresses them, but they do not move. Because they are made of silver. The water surface glitters, but it just doesn’t ripple in the wind, it casts with a heavy brilliance, and when the light of the moon falls on it, it shines with clear pearls.

And unusual birds swim on that lake, the Urals have never seen such birds. There is only one among those birds - her plumage is such that she would look and admire for a century.

The Ural-batyr led his staff, enchanted the bird with its magical brilliance. He moved the staff again - and now he was already on the shore of that lake. Ural-Batyr was surprised at the magical properties of the staff, he really did not know that the staff shortens the distance. But there was no time to be surprised - it was necessary to catch a bird. Ural-batyr rushed to her, but the bird does not fly away, there is no fear in her eyes. And only when the Ural-batyr grabbed her in his hands, she thrashed in fright, tried to escape. But where is there - the iron grip of the eget.

The Ural-batyr came ashore, he does not know what to do with the bird. He can't let go, but he doesn't know how to bring her to Humai either.

Seeing his confusion, suddenly the bird spoke:

Who are you, genie? Or maybe a person? Tell me.

The Ural-batyr was surprised, he did not expect that the bird of unprecedented beauty could also speak. He began to ask her what kind of tribe she was, and how many people like her are found in the world.

But the bird was silent, only looked at him intently, as if it wanted to decide on something. The batyr had already decided that he had heard, you never know what could happen in such strange places, as the bird spoke again.

Oh eget, she said, let me go, close your eyes. I won't fly away from you, you see, I folded my wings. When I do, open your eyes.

Here the Ural-batyr thought about it, no matter how the bird escaped. He took out a magic staff and ordered him mentally to follow the bird.

It will rush into the water - turn into a pike, it will fly up into the sky - rush along the trail like a falcon. And on earth I myself will not miss it, ”he said.

Well, he released the bird from his hands, closed his eyes, and in time - it burned him with a bright light, so that if he looked, his eyes would certainly burn out.

Open your eyes now, eget, - he heard a familiar voice. The batyr opened his eyes and sees - in front of him is a girl of unprecedented beauty, eyebrows apart, dimples on her cheeks, a mole on her left cheek. Hair fluttering in the wind, and through thick eyelashes black clear eyes smile at him.

The girl lowered her gaze and said this to the Ural-batyr:

Yeget, tell me how did you get here? What trouble made you leave your native land? After all, the lake is not simple, but enchanted. No one, no one - neither man nor divas can get here just like that.

The Ural-batyr did not tell about everything that had happened to him, he only said:

I am looking for a bird of unprecedented beauty, which does not exist in the world. From afar I saw you on this lake, so I decided to look closer. And how did you end up here? Are you of the human race?

And I thought to myself - that's bad luck, apparently, my search will not stop soon.

The girl raised her clear, luminous face to the Ural-batyr and said in a quiet, clear voice:

My name is Aikhil. I have a mother, I have a father. From birth I was given the ability to swim in the water like a fish, to fly in the sky like a bird. Divas kidnapped me, kept me in their palace. Once some eget came to those parts, he married me. We lived with him for a short time, one day he suddenly disappeared. Then I decided to run away, and so that the divas would not attack my country, I hid here, on this lake. Here, I thought, no one will find me. But then you came, and my thoughts scattered like clouds in the wind, the roads along which I could hide disappeared, like a path that broke off on the run.

I have a magic horse - Sarysai. It is intended for my beloved. In battle, he will be your comrade-in-arms, you will die, suffer from thirst - he will save you, get water from under the ground. If you don't mind, let's go together to the father, he knows about everything in the world, there is no place where he has not been. He will tell you where to find that unprecedented bird that you are looking for.

And then, if you want, we will live together.

The Ural-batyr became thoughtful, not knowing how to answer, because he knew that another road was waiting for him.

Finally he said to her with a slight sadness:

Ah, beauty, I cannot accept your gift, and I will not go to your country either. Perhaps you are a bird, not a girl, so I will take you to one place, where you will tell about yourself. If you want - you will be a bird, if you want - you will become a girl, it will be the way you want. No one will dare to offend you, I will be your protector.

The girl realized that the Ural Batyr would not deceive her, again became a bird and got ready to go. And the way - it turned out to be not far - they sat on a magic staff astride and in the blink of an eye were near the palace of Humai.

No sooner had the Ural-Batyr descended to the land than the palace was in turmoil. Thousands of birds soared into the sky, all the windows of the palace, all the doors and gates were flung open, and from there girls poured towards the Ural Batyr.

“Well, it’s necessary,” thought the Ural-batyr, “do they really miss me so much?” And the girls, not paying any attention to him, surrounded the bird, which he brought with him. “Aikhilu!” they shouted, “Aikhilu!

A bird spun in the sky and turned into a beautiful girl. She escaped from the arms of her girlfriends, went up to the Ural Batyr and said to him:

This is fate, my eget, because the palace of my father.

The Ural-batyr was amazed, he could not understand anything.

Here, in front of them, surrounded by her maids, an excited Humai appeared. She hugged Aikhyla tightly, and then turned her joyful face to Ural-batyr.

Oh my eget! she exclaimed with a tremor in her voice. -What a hero you are! You freed my sister from the divas!

Eget spread his hands and began to ask Humai:

Tell me, how did you know that your sister is that bird? After all, I found her on a distant lake, and I did not fight with any divas.

Aikhyla realized that her sister did not know about anything and began to tell how she languished in captivity, how she escaped from the divas and how the Ural Batyr found her on the lake.

Humai thought hard then, she decided that she needed to call her father, who lived in the remote chambers of the palace.

They sent for him. Samrau Padishah did not hide his joy, he tightly hugged his missing and newly found daughter, but after listening to her story, he became thoughtful too. Here is what Samrau said after some thought, which fell like a heavy flame on his face:

My daughter, if the divas find out that you have returned, they will go to war against us, seize and ruin our country. You, daughter, are tired after so many disasters, we will send you to your mother, the Moon. You can rest there and improve your health. And you ... - he turned to Humai and the Urals, - Be silent and do not tell anyone that she has returned. Warn everyone to be silent, otherwise a terrible danger threatens us.

And they parted in joy from an unexpected meeting and in alarm before the coming trials.

How Ural Batyr found out that his mistress was Humai

For three days and three nights Ural-batyr slept, resting from new trials. For three days and three nights Humai sat by his bedside, leaving only for a short time, only to see her sister to her mother, the Moon. Aikhylu saddled the magical horse Sarysai, a gift from her mother, and with a heavy heart galloped into the sky, setting off on a long journey to her mother.

Humai returned to the chambers in which the Ural-batyr was resting, and thought, as she had been thinking without ceasing for a lot of these days, ever since the Ural-batyr appeared in her possessions.

But then the eget stirred, his face smoothed out, and he opened his eyes - he woke up rested, calm and happy, as if there, in a dream, all anxieties and worries had left him.

Joyfully he met his eyes with his beautiful mistress, with a girl whose name he did not know, but loved from the very moment he saw her.

Humai wished him good morning and left to meet the batyr again in the main chambers of the palace.

There, Ural-batyr expressed his desire to find out the name of the girl and how it happened that the bird girl turned out to be her sister.

The girl smiled, doubts left her, and then she said, smiling brightly and clearly:

Do you remember the swan you saved from death? After all, this swan is me. My name is Humai, the daughter of the padishah of the birds of Samrau before you.

Ural-batyr did not remain indifferent, strong excitement was reflected on his face:

If so, do you remember what you said about the source of Life, the Living Spring? What do you say to me now? Can you help me find it? When you sent me to find your sister, you promised me a reward. My beauty, the word is now yours. Only after listening to you, I will continue my journey on a long journey in the fight against death.

Humai could not hide her excitement, she got up from her place, and her quiet voice echoed through all the chambers of the palace:

I will leave you, my eget, but I will not leave you for long. You will hear my answer before the sun goes down.

And she went out through the little door in the throne room, through which only kings went.

Ural-batyr could not find a place for himself, he felt that his fate was being decided, he jumped to his feet and began to measure the chambers of the palace with long strides, holding the magic staff with his hand so as not to hit his legs.

And Princess Humai went to her father, burst into his chambers with a quick step, threw herself on his chest, asking him for advice.

My daughter, - the amazing voice of the padishah of birds Samrau rang out in the silence, - if you love him, you will marry him and give Akbuzat to him. In this world you will live cheerfully and happily. Batyr, by the power of your equal to the Urals you will become a mother, my child. Summon people, arrange a great feast for the brave batyr. And release his brother for the sake of such a holiday. May peace and happiness keep you, my child.

Humai listened joyfully to these words, her face brightened, and worries and anxieties left her. Joyful chores began for her.

How Ural Batyr and Shulgen met

The Ural-batyr was delighted, having met his elder brother, whom Humai released from the dungeons of the palace, began to tell him about what he had experienced, what he had seen on the way.

Shulgen listened to him with undisguised anger and irritation. He thought about how everything turns out with his younger brother and nothing comes out of himself, Shulgen, and he is the eldest!

“If the Urals become famous and return to their father, then who will listen to me? No one will reckon with me, he thought in anguish and despair. Therefore, Shulgen did not tell the Urals about his adventures, he hid his secrets from his brother, whose face shone with sincere joy. He decided, indulging in his malice, to destroy the Urals, to appropriate his glory, to take away the beautiful Humai, to saddle Akbuzat, armed with a damask sword. “Then,” he thought, “everyone will bow before me, admit that there is no batyr equal to me on earth.”

And the Urals, out of their kindness, not expecting anything bad from their brother, did not pay attention to the fact that Shulgen met him without any joy. “The poor fellow was sitting in the dungeon, he was uneasy. But it's okay, we'll go hunting, we'll unwind, - thought the Ural-batyr. He was not surprised to learn that Humai imprisoned him in a dungeon, he remembered how intemperate his brother was in words and deeds. And Humai, not wanting to upset the Urals, did not tell him that Shulgen came to her country not alone, but with Zarkum - worst enemy birds.

Week after week passed, and the sullenness did not leave Schulgen's face. For whole days he sat in some secluded corner, immersed in his black thoughts.

And then one day, Ural-batyr, returning with Humai from a fun walk, searched for his brother for a long time, climbed all the nooks and crannies of the palace, finally began to look for him in the field and found him sitting on a stream in deep anguish. I tried to talk - Shulgen did not answer, closed in on himself. Nothing could distract him from his gloomy thoughts.

Seeing that all persuasions were useless, Ural-batyr got up from his seat and said these words, circling the whole world with his hand:

Listen, brother, you and I are batyrs. Is there a force in the world that will overcome the batyr? Joy and sorrow, happiness and misfortune follow the batyr like a shadow, never leaving for a minute. Now he will meet with joy under the sun, then with trouble. But does a man who is called a batyr retreat before something, does he succumb to trouble or become smitten with happiness? No, the batyr will not give way to anything. Against fire, he will become water; against the enemy, he will stand as a mountain. Not for his own sake, but for the sake of people, he will find a way out of all difficulties and sorrows.

Batyr does not complain about fate, because it is in his hands, he will not skimp on goodness - after all, all the goodness of the world belongs to him. In battle, he is tireless, he will rise to the sky without any stairs, it will be necessary - he will open the earth and descend into its gloomy dungeons, defeat all enemies and will live again.

Good advice given by a friend helps the batyr, and a drink given by an enemy becomes poison for him.

So his brother Ural spoke to Shulgen, inspiring him to feats worthy of a batyr.

Shulgen did not answer him a word, he could overcome the forces of his black thoughts, pushing him to an evil deed.

Then the Urals left his brother, deciding that time is the best healer, it will heal his spiritual wounds.

And Humai, who had thought a lot about the two brothers these days, already realized that the impression she had left from the first meeting with them did not deceive her. She understood that the Ural Batyr a kind person She attached herself to him wholeheartedly.

But Shulgen ... Shulgen caused her great concern. She was afraid of him, but she couldn't explain why. Just in case, she decided to separate the brothers, make sure that they slept in different places and saw each other as little as possible.

The Ural-batyr could sleep for five days in a row, and now Humai assigned five girls to him, so that they would protect his sleep, guard his peace.

And she placed Shulgen in other chambers, so that he could not commit the atrocity he had planned.

Shulgen was angry, could not find a place for himself, finally came to his brother to lay out everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Who knows how everything will turn out, - he said to the Urals. “Samrau might change his mind about helping you. But you are a batyr who has become famous everywhere. Let's seize Akbuzat by force, seize the country of Samrau, we will rule ourselves. One of us will take a staff, the other will sit on Akbuzat - then who will be able to resist us? Then I will be glorified, I will take the daughter of the padishah Samrau as my wife, I will sit on Akbuzat.

Ural-batyr did not immediately answer, he understood what was going on in the soul of his brother. But, on reflection, he decided not to quarrel with him, he did not want Shulgen to become his enemy, and therefore said:

They did no harm to anyone, did not shed human blood, there is no hostility towards people in their souls. Because they are our allies. But in the country in which the diva rules, people languish in slavery. This is the kind of country we must conquer with you, free the people. And about the girl and Akbuzat - if she loves you, she will be yours. If he gives you a horse - Akbuzat will be yours. It is not fitting for us, batyrs, to be at enmity because of a girl, It is not easy for us to open the way to Death. We are not murderers, not villains! Let's defeat Azraka, return home with glory, get water from the Living Spring, make all people immortal, brother!

Then Shulgen decided that everything was allowed to him, he took the words of the Urals for weakness. Now, he thought, I will capture Akbuzat, and Humai will become his.

Having chosen the time when the Urals were not in the palace, he appeared in the chambers of Humai.

Furious, strong, dangerous in anger, he hung over the girl like a mountain, opened his heart to her, confessed that he had been hiding for so long.

My heart is open to friendship, Humay, he said, but I do not forgive those who stand in my way. Remember, when I first arrived at your palace, you imprisoned me. Maybe you just wanted to get back at me for the grief I caused you. Well, you got your revenge.

But now that you've let me out of the dungeon, you and I are even. As soon as I saw your face - I forgot all my grievances, I fell in love with you again. Will you follow me? Will you give me your heart? If you marry me, if you love me, you will be my wife, and if not, my revenge will be terrible, I will do something that will make the whole world shudder.

Answer me now, I don't have time to wait.

Humai raised her clear face and said to Schulgen:

Eget, I see all your secret thoughts, I understood everything. But I am the daughter of the padishah, his eldest daughter! Not everything in this life depends on me! We will do as the custom dictates - we will arrange a big holiday, and there you will show the world your heroism, you will become famous on that Maidan.

I have a horse Akbuzat, given to me by my mother. He will jump to the Maidan, will dig the ground with his hoof. If you are a batyr, he will recognize you. If you can saddle him, if you can sit in the saddle, if you can take out the damask sword strapped to the bow of the saddle, then I will give you Akbuzat, I will ask my father to arrange a wedding for us, I will become your beloved.

Schulgen decided that Humai agreed to his proposal. Fury released him, and he went to wait for the holiday.

On the same day, Humai ordered to announce to everyone that there would be a holiday in her honor, where anyone could show their strength. The winner was to become the husband of Princess Humai.

How Ural Batyr and Shulgen competed on the Maidan

Thousands and thousands of birds flocked to the big maidan of the kingdom of padishah Samrau. From all over the big country they hurried to the holiday. Still, it’s not every day that the daughter of a padishah chooses a groom for herself. Moreover, the news spread throughout the country - two brothers, two batyrs, which the world has never seen before, are arguing for the daughter of the padishah, both are handsome, like a match. Noise and screams were heard from all sides, flocks of birds were circling in the air, which were looking for a place for themselves on the Maidan, on which there was already nowhere for a feather to fall. And yet the most big-eyed found secluded corners for themselves. Having quickly flown down, so that someone more fortunate would not take the place, the birds turned into girls. The whole square was as beautiful as ever from their outfits. But there were also ordinary inhabitants of the country of padishah Samrau, eternally young people with the same faces. No one was left out of the feast.

Suddenly, as if a wave ran through the assembled - they all turned their eyes to the palace, from which a procession solemnly appeared, headed by Humai. An exclamation of surprise was heard from all lips - the princess was beautiful in her wedding dress. So she approached a small hitching post, smoothly raised her hand, as if flapping a wing, and shouted with all her might, calling Akbuzat.

The sky answered her with thunder, the sun itself swayed, the earth set with a shake. As if a star fell from the sky and flew to the earth with a fireball - it was Akbuzat, terrifying the winged heavenly horse.

The lightning did not have time to go out, as he was already here, thumped his hoof on the ground, and the earth began to shake again. Akbuzat galloped up to Humay, bowed his head, froze.

A sigh of surprise escaped from the chest of those assembled. The unprecedented horse was so beautiful!

He pricked up his ears like an awl, his teeth were like cloves of garlic, his chest was high, like that of a gyrfalcon, his legs were thin, light, his stride was high. He snores, his wet eye flashes, and he chews the bit in rage. He is saddled, as if for war, ready to receive the rider, and a sword is hung from the pommel of the saddle - a sharp sword, a sparkling sword. Here he is, Akbuzat!

Humai caressed him, patted him on the withers, hugged his neck. Her sonorous voice resounded through the Maidan like a copper bell.

My Akbuzat, my winged horse! You lived in the sky like a star, waiting for the one who would take you by the bridle. How many batyrs did you throw down, in whose veins flowed inhuman blood, the blood of demons! How many batyrs from the human race, of those whom I chose, did you throw from the sky. No one, no one you found worthy of yourself, no one, no one you chose for me.

Today I again called you to the test. Batyrs are waiting for you, they are waiting for your decision. Who will you choose, how will you choose? Will you choose by beauty, or by wealth? Choose for yourself a worthy one, make him your companion. He will be your friend, he will be my lover.

Akbuzat raised his head, his low neighing thunder resounded through the neighborhood.

When the wind overtakes clouds, when a storm comes with rain, the tumbleweed will hide in the ravine, the handsome man will seek shelter in order to preserve his beauty.

But when I jump, the wind rises, from which the stones break loose like fluffs, the waters rear up and destroy all life, so that the fish cannot swim on the waves, as if it were not water, but a wall of stone. If I strike with my hoof, even Kaf - the mountain will tremble like dough and crumble into flour. All living things perish around, no one will be saved.

No, I don’t need a handsome man, but a batyr, such a batyr that he can hold a damask sword in his hand. The sun tempered that sword with its flame for many years. A fire capable of melting the entire world would not harm this sword. Nothing in the world is an obstacle for him.

That sword in his hands can only be held by the one who throws up a stone of seventy batmans into the sky, only by the one who holds this weight on the tips of three fingers. Only this man I will call a batyr.

He who wants to become my companion, let him first test his strength!

People heard what Akbuzat said, went to the foot of the mountain, to where huge stones lay. They found a stone worth seventy batmans, but they did not have the strength to budge. An hour passed, followed by another, and now messengers appeared on the Maidan. We can't move the stone, they say. Hearing these speeches, Humai looked at Shulgen. Her eyes sparkled with fire. “Pick up this stone and throw it into the sky,” the look said.

Went to the stone Shulgen. He felt him from all sides, stood up comfortably and attacked him as if he were an enemy. The stone swayed, moved from its place, and Shulgen went into the ground knee-deep. He does not give up, he thinks that luck is near, that he will throw a stone into the sky, he will get Humai and Akbuzat.

He stood for an hour, he stood for two, his veins tensed, he went into the ground up to his waist, but he could not move the stone. Tired, he can no longer breathe, he finally gave up this idea, stepped aside, hiding his eyes.

Then Humai looked at the Urals, everything was in this look - both love and hope.

In anger, the Ural-batyr approached the stone, it was insulting to him that his brother had disgraced himself. Even now, the Urals thought more about Shulgen than about themselves. He struck that stone with his fist, and the stone rolled like pebbles on a river bank. The Urals raised a stone of seventy batmans and threw it into the sky. Dropped easily, no stress. People who were not far away, only saw that the colossus took off into the sky and disappeared from sight. They looked at the sky for an hour, looked at the sky for two hours, and finally got tired. Who got a sore neck, who got sunstroke.

Noon passed, evening came. Then a menacing rumble was heard in the sky, and something seemed to be flying towards the earth in the sky. It was a flying stone. People got scared and cried. After all, a stone will fall to the ground, there will be trouble. The Ural-Batyr easily caught the stone, stretched out his hand, held the block on the tip of three fingers. Just asked:

In which direction does Azraka live?

People, not believing that they had escaped a terrible misfortune, began to shout in chorus, pointing with their hands, wondering why the Urals were doing this.

And the batyr raised a stone above his head and threw it strongly into the country of the padishah Azraki.

People looked at each other, were surprised, began to wonder where the stone would fall.

And at this time, Akbuzat, who froze on the Maidan, woke up and slowly approached the Urals, bowing his head in front of him.

Batyr, from now on I am yours - he said. Seeing this, he made a noise, the people rejoiced. Everyone saw what a glorious feat the Ural Batyr accomplished.

And then padishah Samrau stepped forward. He gave his hand to the Ural-batyr and said to him:

Be my son-in-law.

The people in the square shouted even louder. Everyone sang praises to the Ural-batyr, his bride Humai, everyone glorified the wisdom of padishah Samrau.

And then a feast began, the equal of which was neither before nor after. This feast continued for three days and three nights. No one stayed away from that feast, everyone was there, and everyone received gifts. Everyone was contented and happy, it seemed to everyone at that feast that a new, joyful life had begun.

How Schulgen found his wife again

Only one person did not rejoice, only one person did not smile at this holiday. It was Schulgen. He kindled with a fierce, deep hatred for his brother - for his humiliation, for his disgrace, for the glory that his brother had gained. Evil rolled in his soul like stones, which in spring are turned out of the ground by a stormy flood.

Ural-batyr saw the misfortune of his brother, felt sorry for him, but he did not guess about everything that was going on in his soul. He conspired with Humai and they went to the padishah of birds to ask to marry Aikhil, Humai's younger sister, to Shulgen. Samrau did not contradict their desire, agreed, and then, in the middle of the feast, Humai announced new wedding. “Great, nice! - began to exclaim people. - Fair!"

Before the toasts had time to resound, the earth trembled and the sky turned scarlet, as if someone generously sprinkled it with blood. Everyone jumped up from their seats, no one knew what had happened, began to wonder what it could be.

Isn't it amazing that this is going to war against us? - there were frightened cries.

At this time, a ball of fire fell from heaven with a cry of despair. The Ural-batyr picked him up and did not let him hit the ground. Everyone looked and found out that it was Aikhylu.

They pumped her out, began to ask what happened.

Opening her lips with difficulty, she whispered that she had seen how the Ural-batyr threw a stone into the sky, how he caught it again and threw it towards the padishah Azraki. That stone flew over the mountains and seas in the twinkling of an eye, fell on the land of divas. And immediately the earth cracked in half, a flame shot up to the very sky, overwhelmed Aikhyla and threw it from heaven.

People marveled, but also rejoiced - they made some noise to Azrake, now he will not go to war with the country of padishah Samrau, he will be afraid.

My two sons-in-law are my support, - the old padishah proclaimed, and the people supported him with noisy cries. And the wedding flared up with renewed vigor.

How the Ural Batyr gave his staff to Shulgen and what came of it

Seeing Aikhyla, Shulgen realized that the diva had deceived him by passing her off as his daughter. He was frightened that Aikhil might give him away, he rushed about, not knowing what to do. He rushed to Humai, to talk, to warn, but it turned out that she went down to the dungeon to Zarkum. Shulgen was scared, he was afraid that now Zarkum would tell that Shulgen had betrayed the Urals. Seized with fear, he went to the Urals and began to ask him to give the magic staff of Padishah Azraki.

I also want to become famous, - he repeated like a madman, - Everyone knows you, but everyone laughs at me.

The Urals felt sorry for their unfortunate brother, he tried to persuade Shulgen to stop, offered to go together, but Shulgen did not listen to him, he kept repeating his own. And then the Ural-batyr gave him the magic staff of the padishah.

Crazy joy distorted Shulgen's face, and he ran out of the palace. Away from people, on a mountain, he struck the ground with his staff and disappeared from sight.

The earth parted, and a powerful stream gushed from its depths, flooding the entire district in the blink of an eye.

Water also came to the dungeon in which Zarkum languished and where Humai came to question him. Humai was knocked down by a mighty stream of underground waters, and Zarkum, immediately realizing that someone had activated the staff, turned into a huge fish and swallowed Humai.

The whole earth was plunged into darkness. The sun itself ceased to shine without Humai, and people realized with horror that they had lost not only the ground under their feet, but also light and heat. A cry escaped from their chest, but this cry was muffled by the mighty clatter of hooves - then Akbuzat escaped from the stable!

He blocked the way to the stream, blocked the way of Zarkum. Wishing to escape at all costs, Humai let Zarkum out of his mouth, turned into a water rat and made his way far into the sea with narrow slits, away from the formidable hooves of Akbuzat.

And the great horse carefully delivered Humai to the palace. Waking up, she immediately called Ural and told him everything she had learned from Zarkum.

My brother turned out to be an enemy, - only Ural said. There was sadness in his heart.

The raging stream dried up, he did not have the strength to resist Akbuzat, the sun reappeared in the sky, because Humai was saved.

Zarkum and Shulgen again at the padishah of divas

And again Shulgen and Zarkum met on the way - one road led them to the padishah of the divas Azraka. They joyfully greeted each other, but in their hearts each of them was wary. Shulgen did not forget how Zarkum deceived him, saying that Aikhylu was his sister, and Zarkum immediately realized that who was now the owner of the magic staff. « I'll wait suitable occasion and take the staff. He is rightfully mine, he thought, and therefore a venomous smile painted his face.

How long, how short they walked, snakes know special paths in this world, but every path, once begun, ends. They also reached the possessions of the padishah of the divas Azraki.

Having learned about everything that happened with Zarkum and Shulgen, the padishah convened a great council, because what they were afraid of happened - the Ural Batyr got Akbuzat and a damask sword.

Kahkaha was also on that council. He immediately recognized his staff, which Shulgen held in his hands, but, looking into his face, he realized that Shulgen was no longer the youth he knew, a long experience of evil had transformed him, and he would not give up the staff. Nothing, Kahkaha thought. - I'll set him on my brother. Let one of them die, but the staff will still be mine. Padishah Azrak thought the same thing.

The council of the padishah sat day and night, and, finally, they decided to go to war against the people. “Whoever attacks first wins,” said the old diva. “As long as our enemies are confused about what to do, we will conquer them, we will destroy the human race.” On that they agreed.

Then Azraka ordered his divas to start a war. He divided all his troops into four parts in order to attack people from all four corners of the world. These units were headed by the padishah himself, Shulgen, Zarkum and Kahkakha. The padishah assigned his faithful henchmen to everyone with a secret task - if they want to go over to the side of the enemy, there will be no mercy for them. And the diva who followed Schulgen had to keep his eyes on the magic staff - such powerful weapon should not go to the enemy, he needs an eye and an eye.

Zarkum, Shulgen and Kahkakha said goodbye to the padishah and went to their troops to wait for the prearranged signal.

How the war with the divas began

Didn't last long happy Days Ural Batyr and Humai. One day the sky blazed with fire, as if someone had set fire to all the forests in the world. A heavy blow was heard, and all the water that was in the world fell upon the land. It was the divas who started the war.

There was water all around, the whole sky was on fire. Birds could not fly - their wings were scorched by heat. People could not find a dry place - everything in the world was hidden under sea water. People and animals - all appealed to the Ural Batyr, asked to protect them from this scourge.

The Ural-batyr was not afraid of either the water that flooded the earth, or the fire that engulfed the sky, or the divas that crawled out of all the cracks to destroy all life in the world. He said goodbye to Humai, jumped on Akbuzat and raised his damask sword, which flashed in the sky like lightning. Thus began a bloody war with the padishah - a diva.

How the Padishah of the Divas Azraka came to an end

Day and night, the Ural-batyr fought with the evil spirits that filled the earth. Akbuzat took him out of the battle when he got tired, Akbuzat rushed into battle like a whirlwind when the Ural-batyr gained strength again.

Divas died in a fierce struggle. Thousands and thousands of Ural-batyr crushed them, crushed, not allowing them to come to their senses, to hide in the depths of the sea that surged onto the earth. And so many divas died that a huge mountain arose in the middle of the expanse of water. Seeing the land, the surviving people sailed here, those who managed to escape on their fragile boats.

People climbed that mountain and saw how a battle was blazing in the distance, the equal of which had not yet been on earth. That met on the battlefield Ural-batyr and the padishah divas of Azrak.

Huge, like a mountain, the div silently stood looking over the battlefield, on which thousands and thousands of his subjects died. But he did not regret about them, he regretted that at that moment there was no magic staff in his hand with which he could crush the great power of the Ural Batyr.

But his sword was not the last, he concealed in himself a great power, from which no one has yet managed to escape alive. Raising his sword, the padishah of the divas waved his monstrous paw, and thunder rumbled over the earth. That sword flashed with fire and fell heavily on the Ural Batyr. The water boiled, the earth trembled from that blow.

But Akbuzat, fast, like lightning, carried the Ural-batyr out of the blow, he shot up into the sky and carried the batyr straight to the king of the divas. The Ural-batyr did not hesitate, struck with a damask sword and cut the padishah in two. The padishah screamed terribly, staggered and fell lifeless into the sea. From his fall, the earth trembled, and thousands of snakes squealed in grief and anguish. But it was too late - the sea parted, divided into two parts and a huge mountain Yaman-tau grew in that place - the Terrible Mountain.

And the Ural-batyr, not knowing they were tired, kept galloping and galloping forward. Where he passed with the faithful Akbuzat, the sea receded, a high mountain rose from the water, on which more and more people who had survived the flood climbed.

Ural-batyr meets his sons

Not a year or two has passed since the Ural-batyr entered the battle with the divas. He knew neither sleep nor rest in this war. He killed so many divas that he lost count. When he looked back, he saw mountains made of divas and snakes he had defeated.

The Ural-batyr has matured, before us is no longer the young man who went out with his brother Death of Lime, but the mighty all-conquering batyr. In his eyes - a mighty mind, in his hands - a sword that does not know tired, with him his faithful friend Akbuzat.

But fatigue began to overcome Ural-Batyr, he thought that only he needed this war and no one else, that people forgot about him in a desperate attempt to somehow settle down on bare, lifeless rocks sticking out lonely in the sea.

And then one day, when he was chasing the divas, a small detachment of eight people jumped out to cut across the retreating enemies.

With a mighty cry they attacked the divas and crushed them into small pieces. Surprised Ural-batyr, thought - what kind of helpers showed up with him? For many years he had not met such a person, except himself, who would risk crossing his swords with the enemies of people.

And at this time the detachment approached him. One of the four young batyrs who rode ahead boldly took off his helmet and greeted the Ural-batyr.

I am your son, born of Katil's daughter, Yaik!

And the second batyr took off his helmet:

I am your son Nugush, my mother's name is Gulistan!

And the third batyr took off his helmet, jumped off his horse:

I am Idel, your son, born Humay!

The fourth raised his head:

My mother is Aikhylu, my father's name is Shulgen. He is your brother and your enemy. My name is Hakmar.

Dismounted from his horse Ural-batyr, he rushed into the arms of his sons. During the years of war with divas and snakes, his heart did not harden, he kept in his memory the bright days of his youth, and now his children came to his aid - a living reminder of his love.

And who will you be? - he turned to the four batyrs, who, having dismounted, stood at some distance from the Urals and his sons. Yaik answered for them, he asked:

Don't you recognize them, father?

No, - stretched out Ural-batyr. “So much has happened over the years that I can’t remember if I ever saw them or not.

Then I ask you, father, - Yaik exclaimed passionately, - let's arrange a halt, arrange a holiday in honor of our meeting. After all, we brought you gifts from the homeland, gifts from our mothers.

Seeing such a sincere impulse, the Ural-batyr did not refuse, and they made a big halt, finding a secluded place among the rocks, posting sentinels.

What did his sons tell Ural-batyr

Having satisfied the first hunger, having relieved their fatigue, they sat down more freely. The awkwardness of the first minutes of the meeting disappeared, the sons of Ural-batyr began to feel freer, and Ural-batyr got a little used to the idea that in front of him were his sons, whom they had never seen. “We have already become big guys,” he thought, “how famously they dealt with enemies in battle.” The worm of doubt also disappeared after he recognized Humai's hand in the haraus that Idel had brought. The enemy is cunning, he could have deceived him, slipped snakes that changed their appearance instead of sons. But the bright, living charaus, embroidered by Humai's hand, would immediately wither and die in the snake's paws. So there is no room for doubt - these are his children.

Yaik, the eldest of the sons, raised his head.

Father, let me tell you about your travels, about how I was looking for you.

The Ural-batyr nodded his head, a lump came up to his throat.

Seeing his father's approval, Yaik's eyes shone with joy, and he began his story:

When I was eight years old, I mounted a horse and set off. I traveled many countries, everywhere I searched for your traces. And then one day I saw a strange picture - a whole lake of blood splashed in a certain place, so bright, as if it had just been shed. The earth did not take it, did not accept it, the crows did not drink it, the predatory animals that approached that lake turned away and ran away.

When I returned home, I asked my mother what it meant, where did the lake of blood come from in those parts.

My mother did not answer me, she only wept bitterly. I was also confused, I did not know what to say, what to ask, what secret reasons prompted my mother to burst into tears. And then, no matter how much I wandered around the world, no one could answer this question for me - neither old nor young. Only one old man with a gray beard, who looked at the ground from old age and could not straighten his back, said to me:

Son, your father is like God to us, and we cherish his honor as our own. You are his son, you are our son. But your mother is not a stranger to us either. And without her consent, we will not reveal secrets, we swore to that on our honor. Go back to your mother, son, and if she reveals this secret to you, you yourself will guess the rest.

But my mother did not want to talk to me, no matter how I asked, no matter how I begged.

She always, laying me down, hummed a lullaby, from which I fell asleep sweetly. And then one day I decided not to sleep, cut my hand and poured salt on the wound. The wound hurt, and no matter how my mother rocked me, I did not fall asleep, but only pretended to sleep. I thought maybe she would say something while I was sleeping.

Whether my mother sat over me for a long time or not, only seeing that I fell asleep, she began to cry bitterly, dropping tears on my hand. She thought as she bowed her head and started talking to herself.

My beloved Ural left, left me alone. Whether he will return home, I don't know. So his son grew up, sat on a horse, and his father does not even know about it. But the son is one to one father - he has a double heart, courage and courage he does not hold. He will never give up on his own. How can I tell that his father shed this blood? I'll tell you - he will start looking for him around the world, leave me, leave me alone. I lost my husband, I will lose my son. I'm sad, I'm sad.

I got up at dawn, went to that pool of blood and said:

Here you are, it turns out, blood, my father shed you, is it because the earth does not want to accept you, that the hand of the batyr touched you?

Blood began to seethe, rushed over the white stone, and the following words were heard:

Your grandfather Katil- padishah captured us, four batyrs, by his order we entered into battle with your father, and now we have been suffering for many years. Go to your father, tell him about our grief. Let him find how to resurrect us so that we can stand on his side, in battle to atone for our sins!

I returned home, told my mother that I was going to my father, that now I knew her secret. She did not argue with her mother, did not dissuade, she only asked to wait a few days. And she herself turned to the prophetic raven, sent him on his way, but I don’t know where.

Every day she went out to meet him, and on the third day the raven returned, bringing some water in its beak. Then my mother told me to throw that water into the pool of blood. A puddle foamed, gathered into a lump, and four batyrs emerged from that lump, alive and unharmed. With them my mother sent me to way - way, asked me to say hello to you if I meet at the end of a long journey. And here I am, accept me as your assistant, - said Yaik, beaming from the fact that he still found his father.

The Ural-batyr smiled, and a warm, hitherto unknown feeling of pride washed over him. He remembered how his father looked at him when he was different in something and realized what happiness fatherhood is.

Let me tell you about my wanderings, - the second son, Nugush, excitedly raised his face. Seeing that his father was smiling at him, he continued his speech:

My mother, Gulistan, thinking about you, father, withered and could no longer stand on her feet, only lay and moaned softly in her sleep. And when I was six years old, Zarkum and Shulgen attacked our country. People fled in terror. And the snakes flooded our land with water, killing everyone they could find. Then I made boats, put on them all those who escaped, and I boldly entered the battle with snakes. The snakes and divas decided that a whole army had appeared out of nowhere. They didn't think that I was killing them one by one.

And then one day I met Zarkum. He did not pay attention to me, because I seemed to him a small child. But I boldly entered into battle with him and defeated him, crumbled him into small pieces. So, one by one, I destroyed a lot of snakes, and the rest, frightened, fled from my country.

I returned home with victory. Mother stood up with difficulty and came out to meet me. She put her hand on my shoulder and said these words, they burn with fire in my heart:

Nugush, your father's name is Ural. He was born a batyr, and now I see that his strength has been transferred to you. Saddle the tulpar, my son, find your father, become his helper in battle, become his support in his labors. She pointed the way, and here I am.

Nugush fell silent, and after him Idel, the youngest of the sons, began his story.

For as long as I can remember, every day my mother Humay flew up into the sky like a bird, as if looking out for someone. From above came her lamentations:

Where are you, my Ural, what's wrong with you? How will you overcome the divas and snakes, how will you dry up the sea that flooded the earth?

And then one day she looked at me and said:

Ah, if you had been born earlier, if you had been older, then you would have become a support for your father, tired of years of battles.

That same night, from a terrible blow, the doors of our palace were shattered, and a ferocious diva burst into our chambers. From side to side he shook his terrible heads, wheezed, muttered:

Is it you, Humai, are you the beloved of the one who destroyed my country, who threw a stone at the rocks, singeing with fire? Is it you, Humai, who gave our destroyer the horse Akbuzat, which raises mountains in its path? Is it you, Humai, who gave the damask sword to our grief? Answer yes or no? I will throw your head under the feet of the Urals, deprive him of half of his strength.

This diva rushed at his mother, but stumbled halfway when he saw me.

Then he growled:

Is this not the child of the one who destroyed my country?

Mother, pale as a sheet, stood, unable to move. And I, without saying a word, rushed to the diva. He whipped me with fire from one head, sprinkled poison from the other, but I overpowered him, squeezed his throat with my hands, beat him with my fists. Divas fell, became exhausted, collapsed to the ground and died. The blood of that diva flooded the entire palace, before that it was huge.

My mother then said, beaming with joy:

You were born a batyr, son, from a batyr father. You are young in heart, but strong in spirit. Your father fights alone, go to him, become his support. Let the enemies not get him in battle, become his comrade-in-arms, protect him.

Hakmar also said his word:

My mother is Aikhylu, my father is Shulgen. He is your brother. He shed a lot of blood, stood on the side of snakes, on the side of evil. My mother, having become his wife, doomed herself to disgrace. Once she called me to her, gave me a red tulpar, and ordered me to go to you with Idel, to be your assistant in everything.

The Ural-batyr was silent for a long time. His eyes either lit up with anger when he heard about the ordeals that befell his children, or shone with joy that his children became real batyrs, did not disgrace his honor. Finally he turned to his children with these words:

I am glad to meet you, my children. And I am glad for you, batyrs, that they came to me with friendship, not remembering evil. But cruel trials await us ahead, battles with a terrible enemy await us, so may the joy of meeting inspire us all, may it give us the strength to fight and win! Let's defeat the enemy, free the earth from evil spirits, defeat Death and bring salvation to the human race!

Let it be! - the sons of the Ural-batyr and their companions exclaimed in unison. - Let it be so! echoed through the neighborhood. Divas and snakes shuddered in their caves and burrows. They understood that their death hour was approaching, that now we would not save them.

How Kahkaha was defeated

For many years Kahkaha has been devastating human dwellings, he has destroyed many and has not met with rebuff anywhere. He heard that his comrade-in-arms Azraka died, he heard that death overtook his son Zarkum. The padishah of snakes was surprised, attributed their death to the weakness of his companions. They overlooked the danger. They fell under fire that would fall from the sky, otherwise who could take their lives, because it was not the Ural Batyr, about whom the padishah heard that he died during a terrible flood. No one returned to him with reports that entire countries were already free from divas, and therefore he felt calm. Although no, no, yes, and he was gnawed by anxiety for those snakes that went to conquer distant countries, but there was no hearing from them, no spirit, no answer from them, no greetings, and the messengers sent by the padishah did not return.

Then the padishah serpent decided to leave his underground shelter, to go at the head of a small army to see for himself how things were going. Imagine his surprise when he saw mountains in the distance. He understood that Akbuzat's intervention could not have happened here, that the Urals too - the batyr is most likely alive. He decided to return to his shelter and, having gathered all his strength, attack the Ural-Batyr, but they already noticed him and did not let him retreat. Ural-batyr and his associates attacked Kahkakha from all sides. In a fierce battle, they brought down the padishah snakes. Shouting with an inhuman voice, he floundered in the sea of ​​Kahkah, wriggling with his whole mighty body. His tail darted in the sky, trying to catch one of the fighters. He struck the rocks with lightning, emitting a piercing blue light. And yet he did not manage to leave, the tulpars trampled him down, the warriors cut him down with swords. So the padishah of the serpent Kahkah found his end.

From his body, the Urals - the batyr and his associates laid down a new mountain, and so divided the enchanted sea into two parts. He cut the communication between the two armies of divas and snakes. Now the divas no longer knew what to do, because all paths were cut off for them.

Battle with Shulgen

The Ural-batyr did not know peace, he looked for snakes and divas everywhere, destroyed them mercilessly. He knew that his brother Shulgen led a large army, gathered all the remaining divas and snakes under his command, united them with the power of a magic staff.

And then one day, in the midst of the fire and thunder of battle, two brothers, two mortal enemies, met face to face. They grappled in a cruel, merciless battle not for life, but for death.

From the side of the people, the formidable warrior Ural-batyr spoke, who covered his name with glory. From the side of snakes and divas - mired in evil, famous for his ferocity, not knowing pity Shulgen. In his hands is a staff, on his body is armor from the shells of underground reptiles, in his eyes - rage. He attacked the Ural Batyr, raising his magic staff. That staff shot out with fire, a furious flame, from which there was no salvation for those living on earth.

The Ural-batyr soared like a whirlwind, he dodged the blow, in a jump he hit the magic staff with a damask sword. That staff exploded in Shulgen's hands, thunder rolled through the heavens and the magical sea disappeared. Its water dried up in the twinkling of an eye. The divas immediately became exhausted, began to hide in all directions, turned into a shameful flight. The Urals grabbed the then stunned Shulgen, tied him hand and foot.

Hakmar, seeing that Shulgen fell, jumped up to him, brandished his sword, wanting to cut off his head. But the Urals did not allow him to hit the defenseless, stopped his hand, did not allow this revenge to take place.

How Shulgen was judged

A detachment of the Ural Batyr gathered in the clearing, gathered to judge Shulgen. Pale, with lips trembling with fear, Shulgen stood in front of those who defeated him in a fair fight.

In the midst of the silence that came so suddenly, the firm voice of the Ural Batyr was heard:

Since childhood, deceit has been lurking in you, as a child you did not obey your father’s prohibition, you secretly drank blood. So you turned away from good, so you took the side of evil.

You chose divas as your friends, but turned your back on people, made them your enemies, evil became your riding horse, your heart turned to stone. Your father has become a stranger to you, mother's milk has turned into poison in your womb.

You and I set out on the road together, and I thought that we would always be together, and I did not contradict your desires. You chose the girl - I gave in, I chose the horse - I did not mind, I wanted glory - and here I did not resist your desire, I gave you a magic staff, I did not regret it. And you repaid evil for good, you closed your eyes for good, believed the unclean, deceitful speeches of divas, scorched the country with fire, flooded with water, destroyed many, many.

What now, have you understood that good always triumphs over evil? Did you understand that man is the strongest on earth?

If you don’t bow your head before people, if you don’t admit your guilt when meeting with your father, if you don’t accept people’s tears on your conscience - I swear, I’ll grind you to powder, I’ll throw your head like a grinding wheel, over high mountains, your soul, trembling like a moth, I will turn into a night fog, and your body a bloodied burial place on the mountain that sprang from Azraka's body. No one will ever know where you are buried. You will become a black rock, from which the eagles will look out for the victim, under which the snakes will be buried from the scorching sun. Not a blade of grass will grow on your grave, you will crack from the sun and rain.

Shulgen was frightened that the Urals would really kill him, began to beg, wailed quickly - quickly:

Let me wash my face in the lake that is left of the sea. I will always be with you, I will be friends with people, I will become a batyr of the country, I will build a house, I will be your real brother, I will see my father and mother again, I will bow to them, I will ask their forgiveness.

Lake water will not wash your face, which is filled with blood, - said Ural-batyr slowly. - People who have seen so much evil from you will not make you their friend. Your poisonous heart will not thaw on its own. But if you want to become a friend to people, then become an enemy of their enemies, wash your face in their blood, as if in a lake. Let your heart ache, let your body wither, and let your soul be cleansed in suffering and the black blood of your heart again become scarlet, human. Only in battle with the enemies of the human race will you become a man again.

Shulgen gloomily drenched, fear fettered his veins, the blood froze in the veins. He understood that Death was close to him, as never before, he already felt her touch. Fear gave him strength, and he spoke. He spoke pleadingly, barely holding back tears:

The lion I was riding stumbled twice. I hit him twice. Hit so hard that blood came out. Sparks shot from his eyes and he fell at my feet.

And the third time he stumbled and looked at me pleadingly. Then my lion swore that he would not stumble again, and I did not beat him, did not scold him. This is how your brother Shulgen disappeared twice, becoming like a lion, instilled anxiety in your heart. But now I promise you to go to war against divas and snakes. I will kiss the earth as a sign of our oath, I will become a friend to people.

The Ural-batyr sighed with relief, he agreed with the words of Shulgen, and so he said to him:

Look, when you killed people on a black night, you didn’t think that the moon would rise, and after the moon the sun would come. And now you have seen with your own eyes that a bright day has come for people. Your padishah Azraka is defeated in battle, all your snakes and divas have fled in all directions. Now the black night has come for them.

And it will always be so, because evil will never defeat good! And if you really take an example from your lion and do not stumble again, I will expect nothing but good from you. For the sake of my father, remembering my mother, I will test you again, I will fulfill your desire.

Then the Urals untied Shulgen's hands, supplied him with supplies, and escorted him on his way. For a long time he looked after Shulgen, and a shadow of doubt appeared on his face, then a spark of hope lit up, and no one could say what tomorrow promised when they met with their brother, and where it would be, and how.

How Ural Batyr met the immortal

Everyone's heart brightened when the defeated Shulgen disappeared from sight. Then the Ural-batyr looked at his sons, looked at the batyrs - comrades in the struggle, looked at the people who joined his detachment and fought with him in the last battle with the enemy. He wiped the sweat off his face and smiled.

Rejoice! We defeated those who brought grief and suffering to our land. They drove away the bloodthirsty divas and snakes, exterminated them. Forever we will be reminded of that high mountains.

And now it's time to defeat Death, which is invisible to the eye. Let's go, let's collect water from the Living Spring, distribute it to people - from diseases, from misfortunes, we will save everyone who lives in the world, we will make everyone immortal.

The people joyfully greeted their leader. And when the screams subsided, suddenly everyone heard moans and sighs. People began to look at each other, wondering who could suffer so much when everyone was rejoicing. They saw an old man who was walking towards them, barely moving his legs, he was so old. Each step was given to him with difficulty, and therefore he groaned, as if divas and snakes tortured him.

As he walked, his bones rattled, his body withered, as a tree dries up, devoid of bark on a hot day. Loudly he called Death to save him from torment.

Then they began to question the old man, and this is what he said, groaning and crying:

I live so long that I don't remember when I was born, who my father and mother are, where I lived in my childhood. I only remember the times when people did not even look like people, when the father did not recognize his children, when people knew neither shame nor conscience.

Then other times came - I remember them too. People began to gather together, live in pairs. Then they began to unite in tribes. I remember how the strong began to attack the weak, I remember how divas and snakes pursued people. They began to kidnap people, some were turned into slavery, and others were eaten, growing their heads. The human race then sobbed with bloody tears, divas and snakes became their masters, they stretched their breasts over the country, and covered the sky with themselves.

I was young then, I did not know about death, but when it came to our region, I thought about it. And that's what I thought then - that such a great day would come on earth when a great batyr would be born who would destroy all the snakes. Then, I thought, all wounds will heal, smiles will appear on the faces of exhausted people, then the time of great joy will come, I thought. And so, in order to wait for this day, in order to attend the great feast in honor of the liberation from snakes, I drank water from the Living Spring.

When Death came for me, there was nothing she could do. Blood flowed next to me, Death grabbed me by the throat, put a knife to my heart, but I did not succumb to it. And so I waited have a bright day, came to your feast. I saw your joyful faces, now I will die without regret.

But Death, which I call, does not hasten to my call. She said:

You drank water from the Living Spring, now I will never take your soul. Your strength will run out, but you will live, your body will decay, eaten by worms, but you will live. In vain do you wait for deliverance from torment.

My eget, Ural-batyr! You turned out to be a real hero of the country, you won the land, now your descendants will have a place to live. Listen to my words, my experience is worthy of an example.

Do not condemn yourself to torment, as I did, do not give in to the desire to live forever. The world is a garden, all living things grow in that garden, and generation after generation, some live up to expectations, others dishonor, and yet everyone decorates this garden at different times. What we call Death, what we are accustomed to consider as evil, is only the eternal order of things. And in the garden, weak, obsolete plants are weeded with a ruthless hand, clearing the garden of them. Do not drink from the Living Spring, do not seek immortality for yourself - there is only one thing in the world that does not die and remains forever young, which makes up the beauty of the world, which adorns our garden - this is good. Good will ascend into the sky, good will not sink in water. Good will not burn in the fire, they tirelessly talk about good. It is above all things, it will become good for you and for all people in the world, the source of eternal being.

Heard these words Ural-batyr and opened to him great mystery life, its great meaning. He looked at the lifeless land, the wild rocks that perched above the surface of the vanished magical sea - at these wild ugly rocks, devoid of cover, at the void in which neither the beast can hide, nor the man find shelter. And then he went to the Living Spring, and drained it with one mighty sip. But he did not drink that water, but watered the land with it, which lay like a lifeless desert.

Let the mountains and forests turn green, let the birds sing of the peace that has come to earth! Let the enemies that fled underground, hiding in its gloomy depths, envy the beauty of the earth! To be our garden worthy of life, to be our country worthy of love! Let our land shine to the envy of enemies!

These words were said by the Ural-batyr, and everything around turned green, covered with flowers. Where more water live horrible - mighty evergreen pines rose and ate, much less water - oak forests rustled and tender lindens rustled in the wind.

Peace has come to earth! - The foliage sang. Peace has come to earth! - the grass sang. And the flowers silently bowed their heads, and the nightingales sang praise until dawn to the one who defeated the snakes and brought joy and happiness to the earth.

Shulgen again takes up evil deeds

Striking, stunning news overtook Shulgen on the road - there is no more Living Spring on earth! The Ural-batyr drank it, and gave away all the water to the earth, so that it would bloom forever and ever, to please the human race.

Day and night, Shulgen thought about this, he rode through the mountains and valleys to bow to his father and mother, as he promised the Urals. But gloomy thoughts did not leave him for a minute. He thought that now there is no immortality on earth, and therefore it is possible to defeat the human race, to force him to bow his head before him, Shulgen, the ruler of the underworld.

From now on, my assistant and intercessor on earth is Death, thought Shulgen. - She will help me to cope with the world of people. No, he will not go to his father and mother, he has things to do that will glorify him, so much so that the whole world will be sick!

Shulgen decided so and disappeared from the face of the earth, he went to the gloomy depths of the underworld to collect the remains of divas and snakes under his command.

And people began to gradually get used to peaceful life, forgetting about the dark times of the war. Axes rattled here and there, saws screeched, villages began to appear here and there. Having built houses, people began to visit each other, arrange funny games. Boys and girls began to get acquainted, began to fall in love, people began to become related to each other. And weddings began to rustle, played all over the earth, wedding songs began to be heard everywhere. Finally, people breathed freely.

And then suddenly the news began to come, one more terrible than the other.

They say the girl went for water and did not return. Just found a broken pitcher by the water. They say the young man went to the forest and disappeared - no news, no trace.

This news accumulated, and now it became clear to everyone - these divas and snakes began new war against people. And Shulgen was again at the head of them.

In fear, people came to the Ural Batyr, they prayed to overcome this misfortune.

Then the Ural Batyr gathered all the people that lived on earth and took them under his protection. Divas, having learned about that, ceased to appear on earth, they were buried in underground voids and caves, where people were forbidden to enter. They began to accumulate strength in order to attack people again.

But Ural Batyr did not wait until there were so many divas that they would not be afraid to come to the surface of the earth, leaving their cramped shelters. He gathered his batyrs, placing Idel, Yaik, Nugush and Khakmar, the son of Shulgen, at the head of the troops.

It was bitter in his soul, he wanted to take revenge on Shulgen, to destroy him along with all the divas - henchmen.

Ural-batyr went to the lake, what was left of the magical sea of ​​divas. In it, Shulgen hid with his army.

I will drink this lake to the bottom, I will free the human race from evil spirits! - decided Ural-batyr. He began to drink the water of the lake - the water boiled, began to seethe. They squealed in fear, the divas began to wail. The Ural-batyr drinks water, and the divas, along with that water, fall into his insides, gnaw at his liver and heart. The Ural-batyr felt that he felt bad, spat out that lake, and he himself, unable to stand on his feet, fell back.

The jumping divas were immediately finished off by the sons, but they could no longer help their father - the Ural-batyr weakened, the strength left his body.

The people gathered near the deathbed of the batyr, people were waiting for what their batyr would say to them in the end, what would be his last word.

The batyr gathered his last strength, half-baked on his deathbed and people heard his testament:

The water that lurks in lakes and various depressions will always bring you trouble. Divas and all evil spirits will always lurk there. Do not drink that water, otherwise the divas will penetrate your insides and destroy you. And I, proud of my heroism, did not appreciate my assistants, I wanted to free you from the divas myself, and now I am dying.

My people, I want to say these words to you - do not take evil as your fellow travelers, let your heart be a batyr and the hand of a batyr. But until you travel, you will not see the world. Until your heart becomes brave, do nothing without consulting wise people.

And you, my sons, my word. In these lands that I freed from marvels, arrange the happiness of people. Honor the elder in years, do not neglect his advice. Honor the youth for his youth, nor deprive him of your advice and participation.

I leave you my horse and my sword - only the brave will submit to them, only in the hands of the batyr of the country will they shine like lightning.

Tell your mothers, let them not hold a grudge against me, part with me in peace.

And I will say this to all of you - let goodness be your support, your companion on the way. Do not shun good, do not give way to evil!

Said so Ural-batyr and died. In sorrow, all the people bowed their heads low-- low.

At the same moment, a star fell in the sky, and Humai learned that her husband was no longer alive. She put on her bird clothes again. She flew in from behind the mountains, from the forests, from her bird country.

The farewell was sad. She kissed the dead Ural-Batyr on the lips and said this:

Ah, Ural, my Ural, I didn’t find you alive, I didn’t hear your last words to ease your sadness. In my youth I met you, then I threw off my bird outfit. When you went to war against the villainous divas, saddling Akbuzat, holding a damask sword in your hands, I accompanied you to battle, I was then the happiest in the world.

Now what am I to do?

Let people call me Humay, but I will not throw off my bird outfit. I will not again be a beauty to amuse the male gaze. Nowhere and never will I find someone like you, I will not become a mother to a batyr. I will be a bird forever. I will lay an egg, that child will be a white bird, like your pure thoughts, my Ural.

Humai buried the Ural Batyr on a high ridge. Water will not fill that grave, fire will not burn it. On a high mountain is the grave that the Ural-batyr raised from the sea. Humai flew away, disappeared from sight. And that mountain began to be named after the batyr - Ural - mountain. And soon the whole country began to be called by his name - the Urals.

How swans appeared in the Urals

Many, many years later, a strange bird descended from heaven on the grave of the Urals. It was Humai.

She missed her hero, so she flew on light wings. Not one flew in, along with her a whole brood of white birds - swans. People, knowing that they were Humai's children, did not touch the swans, did not hunt them.

And Humai, seeing this, remained to live in the Urals, it was hard for her in her bird country. And after her, her swans flew to the Urals and other birds and animals.

Since then, the Urals has become famous for its animals and birds. The bull Katila also heard about this, that for a long time he wandered the earth in search of a calm refuge with his herd, of which he was the leader. He brought his brothers to the spurs of the Ural Mountains, submitted to man.

And Akbuzat came to the Urals, brought herds of horses with him. People tamed them. Horses have since become faithful companions of people.

Every month, every day, the Urals were filled with more and more animals. In memory of that, people divided time into months and years, and named them after animals and birds in the order in which they came to the Urals - a fertile country.

Once people saw a glow emanating from the grave of the Urals. It turned out that it was the ashes of the Ural Batyr. Then people gathered on that mountain, each took a handful of his ashes as a souvenir. And over time, gold was formed in that place, they say.

How rivers appeared in the Urals

And it became visible in the Urals people, animals and birds. Everyone wants to drink, but there are not enough springs for everyone. Not to drink from the lakes, everyone well remembered the order of the Ural-batyr about the divas that live in the reservoirs.

Then the people decided to turn to their leaders - Idel, Yaik, Nugush and Hakmar.

What should we do? they asked the batyrs. The batyrs thought, promised to answer as soon as they could.

Then Idel also thought, he thought for a long time, days and nights, and soon he gathered the people and said to them this:

Until evil disappears from the water we drink, no one can live in peace. We must finally defeat Schulgen's troops, only then will we live in peace and tranquility. Only then will there be plenty of water for all people.

They supported him with loud shouts, it seemed to everyone that victory was close, that's it, and Shulgen would be defeated.

When the army gathered and Idel already wanted to go on a campaign, a bird slid down to him from the high sky. It was Humai. She flew up to her son and said to him these words:

Once upon a time, no one could even imagine that a batyr would be born who would defeat divas, build mountains from their bodies, dry up the sea, and create his own country. But your father came, and everyone saw that this happens.

Didn't he tell you not to drink the water from the lakes lest you kill yourself? Even if you defeat Shulgen, will the water from his lake become mother's milk for people? No, that water will not quench human thirst. Therefore, my son, look for other ways worthy of a batyr.

Idel felt ashamed, he did not lead an army against Shulgen, did not go the easy way. He dismissed the people, and he himself went to a high mountain to think, to meditate.

Is the son of the Ural-batyr worthy of being called a batyr himself, if his people are suffering? In the hands of his father, the damask sword crushed the divas, can he render faithful service to his son? Idel thought so.

And so he struck the mountain with his sword, and that mountain split into two halves, and a silvery spring appeared from its depths. That spring murmured, flowed, sang its cheerful song, like a nightingale in the wild. The stream ran up to Mount Yamantau, which was formed from the body of Azraki. That mountain blocked the stream. He followed the Idel stream, raised his sword, and struck. He cut the mountain in two, opened the way to the spring.

The mountain that he cut, from which a spring flowed, became known as Mount Iremel. The gorge, which was formed from the fact that Idel cut the mountain with a sword, became known as Kyrkty. And the water that Idel obtained became a river, which is still called by the people of Idel.

Thirsty people came up to drink water from that river, everyone praised the batyr who got water for them.

The people lived in prosperity in the valleys of the Idel River, the clan multiplied from year to year, and there were many people in the country.

The spacious valleys of the Idel soon became crowded. Then Yaik, Nugush and Hakmar gathered and, following the example of their brother, set off to look for new rivers. One by one their swords rang out, and then three new rivers, full of life-giving moisture, saw the light.

The batyrs gathered the people, and people settled in the valleys of the four rivers. The names of the batyrs became the names of four rivers, and their names remained unforgettable for generations.

Khakimova A.I., Kidaish-Pokrovskoy N.V. and Mirbadaleva A.S. See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Main edition Eastern literature Nauka publishing house, 1977, pp. 265-372. Chief Editor series "EPOS OF THE PEOPLES OF THE USSR" Petrosyan A.A.; compilers of the volume Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; the authors of the comment Mirbadaleva A.S., Sagitov M.M.; Bashkir texts were prepared by Sagitov M.M., Kharisov A.I.; executive editor Kidaish-Pokrovskaya N.V., editor of the publishing house Yangaeva A.A.
3. Poetic translation of Shafikov G.G. (See Ural-batyr. Bashkir folk epic. Bashkortostan, Ufa, Bashknizhizdat, 1977).
5. Fairy tale translation in Russian.
6. Fairy tale translation in Bashkir.
7. Prose translation from Aidar Khusainov.
8. Cartoon "Ural Batyr".
9. "Ural-batyr" and the Flood.
10. "Ural" version of the epic by Artyom Lukichev.

See Bashkir folk epic. Moscow, Nauka, 1977, pp. 265-372.

IN ancient times
Where there was not a soul
Where no human foot has gone
That there is dry land in those parts,
No one knew -
Surrounded by the sea on four sides
There was one place they say.
They used to live there, they say
An old man named Janbirde;

10. With an old woman named Yanbike;
Wherever they go
Everywhere the way was open to them.
old man and old woman
They don't remember, they say
Where did they come from
Where were their father and mother,
Where is the native land, they did not remember.
And in those places together
They were the first to live.

20. They lived and lived together,
They made themselves two sons, they say.
The eldest was Shulgen,
The youngest was Ural.
They didn't see people at all.
Lived on Thursday
They did not run a business
Dishes were not provided.
They didn’t knead the dough, they didn’t hang the boiler -
And so they lived.

30. Not knowing diseases, ailments,
They did not know about death.
"Death to all living things -
We ourselves,” they thought.
They did not go hunting on horseback,
They did not take in their hands bow and arrows,
Kept as equals
Lion for riding,

Pike to catch fish
Falcon to release on the birds,

40. Leech - suck blood
Has it been like this for a long time?
Whether from Yanberde it was customary
And over the years on that earth
It has become a custom
If a wild animal is caught
And the beast will be a male
Husband and wife together
They eat his head
And Shulgen with the Urals,

50. Dog with a lion,
Falcon with pike
The rest is given away;
And if they catch a wild beast
And the beast will be a female
Husband and wife
They take his heart;
If a herbivore is caught,
They put a black leech on him,
For a leech to suck blood.

60. A drink is prepared from that blood.
Until their children grow up
Until they began to hunt the animals themselves,
They forbade their sons
Has the head and heart of the beast
Drink his blood to quench your thirst.
"Not allowed!" - they said.
Not by months, but by days growing up,
Children became intelligent
When Shulgen (was) twelve,

70. Ural turned ten,
One said: “I will sit on a lion!”
Another said: “I will release the falcon!”
Due to the fact that [father] was not given rest,
Janbirde to both his sons
So inspired they say:
“You are both my sons,
Black pupils of my eyes!
Your baby teeth didn't fall out
You are not yet strong in body;

80. Sukmar * hold in hands,
Release a falcon on a bird,
Ride a lion
Your time has not yet come.

Eat what I give
Do what I say:
To get used to riding,
You sit on a deer
To a flock of starlings
Release the falcon;

90. Thirst will overcome in the game -
clean water drink,
Blood poured into shells
Don't you dare try!" -
That's how their [sons]
Instructed [Yanbirde] again.
Drink the blood of your children
Once again forbidden to speak.
And then one day
An old man and an old woman together

100. Gone to hunt,
And Shulgen and Ural
They were alone in the house.
Since my parents left
A lot of time has passed
Two children were talking
We were talking about food.
Schulgen thought,
He knew: to drink the blood of the father
They were not allowed.

110. “Don't you dare drink!” - said.
[Shulgen] began to incite the Urals
And so he said to him, they say:
“If you kill livestock while hunting”
It was unpleasant
To quench my thirst with blood
Wouldn't it be sweet
Then father and mother, forgetting about the dream,
Sparing no one's strength, day after day,
Exhausted from fatigue

120. Leaving us at home [alone],
They wouldn't go hunting.
Ural, if that's the case, come on
Open shells
And a little bit of each
Let's drink drop by drop -
We know the taste of blood."

U r a l:
I won't break my father's command
I will not swallow this blood.
Until I become an eget,

130. Until I learn customs,
Until I roam the earth
And I'm not sure myself
That there is no death in the world,
Picking up the sukmar,
I will not destroy a single [living] soul,
Blood sucked by a leech
I won’t get drunk from a shell.”

Sh ulgen:
“Death, that man is stronger,
Will not come here

140. He won't come, he won't find us.
Father has already told us:
“We ourselves are death to all living things.”
After all, he once warned us,
What are you afraid of now?
Are you afraid to drink blood?

U r a l:
“Fast and frisky,
Majestic and strong
Cautious and patient
Day sensitive

150. And at night, when they sleep,
Lions, leopards, deer,
Bears and other animals -
Are they worse than us?
If a hoof is broken on a stone,
If they prick their paws with grass,
They will never lame;
In the summer heat they do not take off their clothes,
Fur coats are not worn in an ice blizzard;
If they rush to the victim,

160. Never take a sukmar [with them];
Falcons are not allowed on the bird,
Pikes are not allowed on fish,
Do not poison game with a dog,
On a falcon, on a lion, on a dog,
Not hoping for a pike
Do not languish in the hunt
Their weapons are fangs and claws,
They only rely on themselves.
They don't know fatigue

170. Their hearts do not know fear;
Leopards live like this
Both lions and tigers.
Even though they are so brave
Even though they terrify everyone,
But if you entangle their paws
And put a knife to your throat
Won't their eyes fill with tears?
Father told us about Death,

180. But we have never seen her
And on our land it was not.
"Man is a fierce death" -
Isn't that what animals think? What do you say?
Pike [hunts] for roach,
Marmot hunts [gopher],
The fox hunts the hare.
If you sort through all of them and think about it:
Strong for the weak
Isn't there death?

190. Frightened by [this] death -
Fish diving deep
Birds chirping on the rocks
Flying away in fear -
We catch and eat their heads,
Breaking the chest, we eat their heart.
We consider everyone weak
We have fun hunting them.
We are the worst of the worst
This custom was introduced -

200. Death was sown on the earth.
Aren't we four in these lands
Are we like this?
That we are fierce death,
destroying all living things,
So all [animals] will think [of us],
We will be considered death;
[If] claws [their] make a sukmar,
Hearts will turn into a brave falcon
All will gather together

210. They will rush [at us] at once;
And if they attack us
Then this death
About which the father spoke [to us],
But which we have not yet seen -
Will she appear before our eyes?”
Hearing these words
Schulgen thought,
However, [brother's] words
Did not take into account.

220. A little bit of shells
He drank blood, they say
And that the Urals will not tell their father,
He took the word from him, they say.
Having obtained a lot of game from hunting
Father and mother returned, they say
As usual, all together
Sat down to a meal for four
They tore all the game,
Started eating.

230. Thinking while eating
Ural said:
“Father, this beast
Though he ran away from you, hid,
Though he saved himself with all his might,
You did not miss, you overtook nevertheless,
The knife plunged into his throat.
And us here also somebody,
Coming here will not find
And not pierce with a knife?

240. Yanbirde: “Each living creature, whose lines has come,
We become death;
Wherever [animals] run,
In whatever rocks and thickets they lurk,
We'll still find them
I'll stick a knife in my throat.
To catch and eat a man
[To a knife] plunge into it -
Such a soul has never been born here.
Death that can destroy us

Ural batyr

Ural batyr

Bashkir fairy tale

In ancient, very ancient times, when there were neither the Ural Mountains nor the beautiful Agidel, an old man and his old woman lived in the middle of a dark dense forest. They lived a long life together, but one day the old woman died. The old man stayed with his two sons, the eldest of whom was called Shulgen, and the youngest - Ural. The old man went hunting, while Shulgen and the Urals stayed at home at that time. The old man was very strong and a very skilled hunter. It cost him nothing to drag a bear or a wolf alive. And all because before each hunt the old man drank a spoonful of the blood of some predator, and the strength of the beast whose blood he drank was added to the old man's own strength. And it was possible to drink only the blood of the beast, which the man killed himself. Therefore, the old man warned his sons all the time: “You are still small, and do not try to drink blood from a tursuk. Don’t even get close to the tursuk, otherwise you will die.”

Once, when my father went hunting, and Shulgen and Ural were sitting at home, a very beautiful woman came to them and asked:

And why are you sitting at home instead of going hunting with your father?

We would go, but our father won't let us. He says that we have not yet grown enough for this, - answered the Urals and Shulgen.

Is it possible to grow up while sitting at home? - the woman laughed.

What should we do?

You need to drink blood from that tursuk, - the woman said. - It is enough to drink just one spoonful of blood, and you will become real batyrs and will be strong as a lion.

Father forbade us to even come close to this tursuk. He said if we drink the blood, we will die. We will not violate the prohibition of the father, - the boys answered.

You really, it turns out, are small, and therefore you believe everything that your father tells you, - the woman laughed. - If you drink blood, you become strong and courageous, and you yourself go to the beast, and your father will have to sit and guard instead of you house and quietly grow old. That's what he's afraid of, and that's why he forbids you to touch the tursuk with blood. But I already said everything, and the rest is up to you.

With these words, the woman disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.

Believing the words of this woman, Shulgen tried the blood from the tursuk, and the Urals firmly decided to keep the word he had given to his father, and did not even come close to the tursuk.

Shulgen drank a spoonful of blood and immediately turned into a bear. Then the woman reappeared and laughed:

See what a strong man your brother has become? And now I'll make a wolf out of him.

The woman flicked her finger on the bear's forehead, and it turned into a wolf. Clicked again - turned into a lion. Then the woman mounted the lion and rode away.

Turns out this woman was a slut. And because Shulgen believed the sweet speeches of this yuha in the guise of a beautiful woman and violated his father's prohibition, he forever lost his human appearance. For a long time Shulgen wandered through the forests, either in the guise of a bear, or in the guise of a wolf, until he finally drowned in a deep lake. The lake in which the brother of the Urals drowned was later called Lake Shulgen.

And the Urals grew up and became a batyr, who had no equal in strength and courage. When he, like his father, began to go hunting, everything around him began to die. Rivers and lakes dried up, the grass withered, the leaves turned yellow and fell from the trees. Even the air became so heavy that it became difficult for all living things to breathe. People and animals were dying, and no one could do anything against Death. Seeing all this, the Urals began to think about how to grab Death and destroy it. The father gave him his sword. It was a special sword. With each swing, this sword emitted smashing arrows of lightning. And the father said to the Urals:

This sword can crush anyone and anything. There is no power in the world that can withstand this sword. Only against Death he is powerless. But you still take it, it will come in handy. And Death can be destroyed only by throwing it into the waters of the Living Spring. But this spring is very far from here. But there is no other way to defeat Death.

With these words, the father of the Urals led his son on a long and dangerous journey.

The Urals walked for a long time until they reached the crossroads of seven roads. There he met a gray-haired old man and addressed him in these words:

Long life to you, venerable aksakal! Can you show me which of these roads leads to the Living Spring?

The old man showed the Urals one of the roads.

Is it still far from this spring? - asked the Urals.

And this, son, I can’t tell you, - the old man answered. - For forty years I have been standing at this crossroads and showing travelers the way to the Living Spring. But in all this time there has not yet been a single one who would have walked this road back.

Son, walk along this road a little and you will see a herd. There is only one white tulpar in this herd - Akbuzat. If you can, try to ride it.

Ural thanked the old man and went along the road indicated by the old man. The Urals passed a little and saw the herd that the old man was talking about, and in this herd I saw Akbuzat. The Ural looked at the white tulpar for some time, and then slowly approached the horse. Akbuzat did not show the slightest concern. Ural gently stroked the horse and quickly jumped on his back. Akbuzat got angry and threw off the batyr with such force that the Urals entered the ground to the waist. The Urals, having applied all their strength, got out of the ground and again jumped on the horse. Akbuzat again dropped the Urals. This time the batyr went to the ground up to his knees. The Ural got out again, jumped on the tulpar, and clung to it so much that Akbuzat, no matter how hard he tried, could not throw him off. After that, Akbuzat, together with the Urals, rushed along the road to the Living Spring. In the twinkling of an eye, Akbuzat rushed through wide fields, rocky deserts and a rock, and stopped in the middle of a dark forest. And Akbuzat said to the Urals in human language:

We drove up to the cave in which the nine-headed deva lies and guards the road to the Living Spring. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. How you will need me, these three hairs fell, and I will immediately appear in front of you.

The Ural took three hairs from the horse's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from view.

While the Urals were thinking about where to go, a very beautiful girl appeared, who, bending over in three deaths, carried a huge bag on her back. Ural stopped the girl and asked:

Hold on, beauty. Where are you going, and what is so heavy in your bag?

The girl stopped, put the bag on the ground, and with tears in her eyes told the Urals her story:

My name is Karagash. Until recently, I grew up with my parents, free, like a forest fallow deer, and I knew no refusal in anything. But a few days ago I was kidnapped by a nine-headed deva for the amusement of his nine cubs. And now, from morning to night, I carry them river pebbles in bags so that they play with these pebbles.

Come on, beauty, I’ll carry this bag myself,” said Ural.

No, no, come on, and don't even think of following me, - Karagash whispered in fright. - Dev, as soon as he sees it, will immediately destroy you.

But Ural insisted on his own and carried a bag of stones to the cubs of the nine-headed deva. As soon as the Urals poured the pebbles in front of the deva cubs, they began their games, throwing and throwing pebbles at each other. And while these cubs were busy with their game, the Urals took a stone with a horse's head, hung it on a rope on the nearest tree, and he quietly went to the cave, in front of which the nine-headed deva himself lay.

The children of the deva very quickly ran out of all the pebbles. And then they saw a large stone hanging on a tree. One of them, interested, hit the stone. He swayed and hit the cub on the head. The deva cub got angry and hit the stone again with all his might. But this time the stone hit him with such force that the cub's head cracked open like an eggshell. His brother, seeing this case, decided to take revenge, and also hit the stone out of anger. But he, too, suffered the same fate. And so, one after another, all nine children of the nine-headed deva perished.

When the Urals approached the cave, he saw that a nine-headed deva was lying right on the road in front of the cave, and everything around was strewn with human bones. The Urals shouted from afar:

Hey, dev, give way, I'm going to the Living Spring.

But the deva did not even move and continued to lie. Ural shouted again. Then the deva pulled the Ural to him with one breath. But the Urals were not afraid and shouted to the deva:

Will we fight or fight!?

Dev had already seen a lot of brave guys and therefore was not very surprised.

I don't care, - he said. - What death you want to die, you will die with that.

They climbed to the highest place and began to fight. They fight, they fight, now the sun has approached noon, and they are all fighting. And so the deva tore the Ural off the ground and threw it away. Ural to the waist went into the ground. The dev pulled him out and began to fight again. Here the deva again raised and threw the Urals. Ural entered the ground up to the neck. Dev pulled the Urals by the ears and they continued to fight. And the day is already drawing to a close. Now the twilight has already come, and the Urals and the deva are still fighting.

And then the deva, who had already believed in his invincibility, relaxed for a moment, and in that instant the Urals threw the deva so that he entered the earth up to his waist. Ural pulled the deva out and threw him again. The dev went into the ground up to his neck and only nine of his heads remained sticking out above the ground. Ural again pulled out the deva and this time threw him so that the whole deva went underground. Thus came the end of the evil deva.

The next day, poor Karagash decided to at least collect and bury the bones of the Urals and climbed the mountain. But when she saw that the batyr was alive, she wept for joy. Then she asked in surprise:

Where did the dev go?

And I put the deva under this mountain, - said Ural.

And then, three steps away from them, clouds of hot smoke suddenly began to come out from under the mountain.

What is it? - Karagash asked in surprise.

In this very place, I drove the deva into the ground, - answered the Urals. - Apparently the earth itself is squeamish about keeping this reptile in itself. Therefore, this deva is burning right there, inside the earth, and the smoke comes out.

Since that time, this mountain has not ceased to burn. And the people called this mountain Yangantau - Burning Mountain.

After he dealt with the deva, the Urals did not stay long on the mountain. Pulling out three hairs, he set them on fire, and immediately Akbuzat appeared in front of him. Having planted Karagash in front of him, the Urals drove further along the road to the Living Spring.

They drove through wide fields and deep gorges, through rocks and impenetrable swamps, and, finally, Akbuzat stopped and said to the Urals:

We are already very close to the Living Spring. But on the way to the spring lies a twelve-headed deva. You will have to fight him. Take three hairs from my mane. When you need me, set them on fire and I'll come right away.

The Ural took three hairs from the tulpar's mane, and Akbuzat immediately disappeared from sight.

You wait for me here, - said Ural Karagash. - I will leave you my kurai. If everything is fine with me, milk will drip from the kurai. And if I feel bad, blood will drip.

Ural said goodbye to the girl and went to the place where the deva lay.

And now the Living Spring is already murmuring ahead, flows out of the rock and immediately murmurs into the ground. And around the spring, human bones turn white. And this water, which can heal a hopeless patient, and make a healthy one immortal, lies and guards the oldest twelve-headed deva.

Ural, seeing the deva, shouted:

Hey dev, I've come for living water. Let me pass!

This daeva has already seen many brave batyrs, but none of them has yet been able to defeat him. Therefore, the deva did not even raise his eyebrows at the voice of the Urals. Ural shouted again, this time even louder. Then the dev opened his eyes and with his breath began to attract the Urals to him. Ural did not have time to blink an eye, as he was in front of the deva. But the Urals were not afraid and challenged the deva:

Shall we fight or fight?

It doesn't matter to me, - answered the deva. - What death you want to die, you will die with that.

Well, then hold on! - said Ural, pulled out his lightning sword and waved it several times in front of the deva's eyes. From the lightning that fell from the sword, the devas even went blind for a few moments.

Well, hold on! - Ural shouted again and began to cut off the deva's heads one by one with his sword.

And Karagash at that time, without taking her eyes off, looked at the kurai that the Urals left for her. She saw that milk was dripping from the kurai, and she was very happy.

Then, having heard the desperate roar of the twelve-headed deva, all the smaller devas began to resort to his help. But the sword in the hands of the Urals continued to cut right and left, and the hand of the Urals did not know how to get tired. As soon as he crushed this entire pack of devas into pieces, a great many of the most diverse petty evil spirits appeared - genies, goblin, ghouls. With their whole crowd, they fell on the Urals so much that blood dripped from the kurai that Karagash had left.

Karagash, seeing the blood, became worried. And then, without thinking twice, she took a kurai and began to play some kind of unpleasant melody that she heard when she was in slavery to the nine-headed deva. And that petty evil spirits, it turns out, is all that is needed. Hearing the native tune, they, forgetting about everything in the world, started dancing. The Urals, taking advantage of this respite, defeated all this pack and went to the Living Spring to draw water from it. But when he approached the spring, he saw that the spring had dried up completely, and there was not a drop of water left in it. All these devas and other evil spirits drank all the water from the spring so that this water would never get to people. The Urals sat for a long time in front of a dry spring, but no matter how much he waited, not a single drop of water leaked out of the rock.

Ural was very upset. But still, the fact that the Urals defeated all these devas has borne fruit. Forests immediately turned green, birds began to sing, nature came to life, smiles and joy appeared on people's faces.

And the Urals put Karagash on Akbuzat in front of him and rushed along the way back. And in the place where the Urals left a pile of deva bodies cut by him, a high mountain appeared. People called this mountain Yamantau. And until now, nothing grows on this mountain, and neither animals nor birds are found.

Ural married Karagash, and they began to live in peace and harmony. And they had three sons - Idel, Yaik and Sakmar.

And now Death rarely began to come to these parts, because she was afraid of the lightning sword of the Urals. And because in these parts there soon became so many people that they no longer had enough water. Ural, seeing this case, pulled his all-destroying sword from its scabbard, waved it three times over his head and struck the rock with his sword with all his might.

There will be the beginning of big water, - said the Urals.

Then Ural called his eldest son, Idel, and told him:

Go, son, wherever your eyes look, walk among people. But do not look back until you come to a full-flowing river.

And Idel went south, leaving deep traces behind him. And Ural saw off his son with eyes full of tears, because Ural knew that his son would never come back.

Idel goes forward, goes, and now he turned to the right and went to the west. Idel walked for months and years and finally saw a large river in front of him. Idel turned back and saw that a wide river was flowing in his footsteps and began to flow into the river to which Idel had come. This is how the beautiful river Agidel, sung in songs, arose.

On the same day, when Idel set off on his long journey, Ural sent his other sons on the road with the same condition. But younger sons The Urals proved to be less patient. They did not have the endurance to go all the way alone, and they decided to go together. But be that as it may, the people remained forever grateful not only to Idel, but also to Yaik and Sakmar, and wished the Urals long life for raising such glorious sons.

But the Urals, already completing the hundred and first year of its life, did not have long. Death, which had long been waiting for the Urals to completely weaken, approached him quite close. And now the Urals are on their deathbed. From all sides people gathered to him to say goodbye to their beloved batyr. And then a middle-aged man appeared among the people, went to the Urals and said:

You, our father and our dear batyr! On the same day, when you lay down on your bed, I, at the request of the people, went to the Living Spring. It turned out that it was not all dry yet, and there was still some living water left. For seven days and seven nights I sat at the Living Spring and collected the remains of its water drop by drop. And so I managed to collect this horn of living water. We all ask you, our dear batyr, drink this water without a trace and live forever, not knowing death, for the happiness of all the people.

With these words, he extended the horn to the Urals.

Drink everything to the last drop, Ural batyr! - the people around asked.

Ural slowly got to his feet, took a horn with living water in his right hand and, bowing his head, expressed his gratitude to the people. Then he sprinkled everything around with this water and said:

I am alone, you are many. Not me, but our native land should be immortal. And may people live happily on this earth.

And everything around came to life. Various birds and animals appeared, everything around bloomed, and previously unseen berries and fruits poured out, numerous streams and rivers broke out of the ground and began to flow into Agidel, Yaik and Sakmar.

While people looked around with surprise and admiration, the Urals died.

The people with great respect buried the Urals in the most elevated place. And each person brought a handful of earth to his grave. And now, on the site of his grave, a high mountain grew, and people named this mountain in honor of their batyr - Uraltau. And in the depths of this mountain, the sacred bones of the Ural Batyr are still kept. All the innumerable treasures of this mountain are the precious bones of the Urals. And what we call oil today is the never-drying blood of a batyr.

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