Friday press service. Studio "Ukraine": who shoots entertaining hits for Russian TV


Ekaterina Kovaleva was a producer for several years entertainment programs channel "Friday!", and recently assumed the position of creative director of the channel. The presenter talked with Ekaterina about what is now interesting to the viewer, about the famous confectioner, who recently acted as the protagonist of a reality show, and about various wedding TV shows.

: Katya, tell me which project on the Friday! TV channel, shown in Lately, can be called the most rated?

Alexei: If you take the entire media market in the context of entertainment broadcasting, why do some projects gain popularity while others do not?

Catherine: Because TV people think that you need to invent a bicycle. This is the most big mistake. There are a number of companies in the world that are engaged only in thinking through and working out various formats, testing them. We just need to take ready-made solutions and competently adapt them for display on the territory Russian Federation- in other words, come up with your own style of riding this bike. Some people sometimes manage to come up with their own bike. But that's rare and lucky. (smiles).

Alexei: And yet, is there a project that you created yourself and that you are proud of?

Catherine: This is the Confectioner project, which was invented by us from scratch. This is a huge luck, which rather confirms the rule - you need to be able to find the right format and adapt it with talent.

Alexei: I know that this project was your personal idea. Tell us how did you meet Renat Agzamov?

Catherine: I often scroll through my Instagram feed in search of new faces. For example, possible future presenters for our TV channel. One day I came across a stunningly beautiful cakes. So I subscribed to Renata and followed his work for two months. Even then, I began to have the idea that it would be great to do some kind of reality show with him. And then, quite unexpectedly, I received a letter from his assistant in the mail that they would like to participate in the project of the TV channel. The first meeting with Renat took place in our office. Then the releases of “Knives!” were already being filmed with might and main. with chief Kostya Ivlev.

We understood that we needed an equally charismatic hero who will always be for truth and justice, who can raise his voice, and at the same time be soft and affectionate. On the TV channel we call such people “charming boor”. It quickly became clear that Renat had just such a character. We decided to send to him for production film crew. When the director, editor-in-chief and producer returned from this shoot, their eyes were burning. And, by the way, it is not so easy to surprise these people with something. In general, we immediately realized that the viewer would fall in love with Renat when we ourselves fell in love with him (laughs).

Alexei: The idea was that Renat was looking for an assistant. Is the heroine who won the final of the show really working with Renat now?

Catherine: This question is asked by many viewers of the show "Confectioner". Yes, Renat really invites her to his projects. Soon she flies with him abroad for one of the weddings. Of all the participants, she had the most important and important advantage: she wanted to go forward, she wanted to prove to Renat, who, of course, was her idol, that she could do anything and win everyone. This was the main reason for her victory.

Alexei: I have seen several episodes and they are really very addictive. As far as I understand, all the cakes that were made during the project were made for real events. What moments from the shooting do you remember the most?

Catherine: The funniest part, as usual, happened behind the scenes. Therefore, we even made the 13th episode, in which we showed our viewers how the project was filmed. The funniest thing was to carry various confectionery tools and cake blanks with me on a business trip. The shooting in the Kremlin was memorable, when Renat's team was preparing a confectionery masterpiece for the anniversary of Philip Kirkorov.

Alexei: When the project was filmed, you saw not only the backstage of the confectionery industry, but also how they prepare various events. After that, you have formed an understanding of what kind of wedding you want yourself?

Catherine: When I was still living in Ukraine, I worked as a producer of a wedding project. Therefore, I have attended numerous weddings - more than 150 events. After that, it's hard to surprise me with something. At a certain moment, I realized that it doesn’t matter at all how much the wedding costs, it is important with what mood the bride and groom approach this. Probably on this moment I would lean towards a chamber, cozy wedding in the circle of the closest people.

Alexei: After seeing so many celebrations, what advice would you give to couples preparing to get married?

Catherine: I would advise less listening to parents in matters of preparation. A wedding is your holiday, and it is with it that family, adult life begins. So let the first step along this path be finding a compromise with your families. This important quality in adulthood, and such an event is an excellent opportunity to master it. If we are talking about older couples, for whom this may not even be the first marriage, then I would advise you to get high from everything that happens on this day, enjoy and treat any “something went wrong” with humor.

Alexei: Tell us about the wedding projects that you show on the TV channel?

Catherine: On Friday! there is already a show "Zhannapozheni", in which our main task was to show interesting customs And beautiful traditions weddings in different countries Oh. Perhaps in the near future there will be another wedding project. But this is still a big intrigue!

Alexei: Why is Russian film and TV production so different from Western production?

Catherine: Of course, first of all, this is influenced by the difference in mentalities. That is why in Russia and in the West they are filming different films and serials. But on the other hand, Netflix recently bought the Major series and this format to sell it for production around the world. This is admission Russian market as a whole and separately to Alexander Tsekalo's Sreda company, which produced this product.

Alexei: However, many Russian TV channels create mediocre entertainment content. Is it the result of a lack of funding or a lack of proper competence?

Catherine: This is unprofessionalism and lack of passion for work. As Kartozia once said, in this business it is impossible to work with a cold heart. Here I agree with Nikolai more than ever.

Alexei: In the opinion of many, in the television sphere, in terms of the quality of the media product, we are ten years behind the West. When will we shorten the time?

Catherine: And who are the judges? (laughs) I can just scold, too, but this is a road to nowhere. It's time to realize that we do not need to look up to anyone, but we need to be ourselves. Let us be equal!

Alexei: Is it necessary to be pro-Western at all? Or is Russia able to create its own market, for example, as in Japan?

Catherine: What is the habit of being pro-someone? When you are confident in your strengths, capabilities, talent, experience, knowledge, you do not need to "mow" under someone. “To be, not to seem” is my main principle in life. It's the same at work. We are who we are, here in Russia. We are cool. If you don't like it, don't watch. I prefer to be myself. I'm Russian. Like it or not, I'm proud of it. Well, she's half Jewish, of course. (laughs).

Alexei: The needs of the viewer always influence the formation of content. How are they defined in Russia? In other words, what is trending right now? What do our people like to watch?

Catherine: We are the people loving movies or series in which we can recognize ourselves, our neighbor, friend or girlfriend. The series "Fizruk", "Olga", "Real Boys" is an excellent example of this. Taking advantage of my official position, I want to give you a small "Spoiler" - this fall, on our TV channel "Friday!", The amazing series "Favorites" will be released. It will appeal to both the youngest and oldest viewers, and moreover, your favorite pets will also like it! Very soon, stay tuned for our news!

Alexei: Will television go to the Internet in the future? After all, now many people are watching everything on the global network.

Catherine: You should never confuse Moscow, St. Petersburg, large cities and the rest of Russia. IN big cities a completely different rhythm of life, while in many more remote places of our country there is simply no Internet. Russia - huge country. And I can say with absolute certainty that television will never completely go to the Internet. With the advent of television, there was also an opinion that sooner or later it would supplant cinemas and theaters. But people continue to go to plays and movies.

Alexei: What do you think the trends will be in the coming season?

Catherine: It has become much more interesting for people to look at what is happening inside the country. It can be assumed that this was influenced by the course. However, even very wealthy people preferred to travel interesting places Russia, not abroad. Moreover, our country is very rich in them.

Alexei: In terms of show formats, how will this affect them?

Catherine: This trend will also spread to various reality shows, which will now much more affect the features of life and issues within the country. In any case, the fictional story became less and less interesting and attractive to people.

Alexei: What are the main "ingredients" needed for a quality reality TV show?

Catherine: Casting. Nikolai Kartozia opened a studio at the Moscow State University department this year, and I went there to give a lecture. It was a very interesting experience. Everyone is so different, but very talented. So there was one boy who had done nothing by the age of 30, but tried to prove to me that he knew everything about reality (I love such people: their life usually trolls wildly later). I can repeat a million times: your reality will do the casting! The rest is a secret! Only Misha Kovalenko and I know these secrets, executive producer Channel "Friday!". In general, Misha and I know a lot of things (laughs).

Alexei: One of the differences of the Friday! channel that I noticed is that all the programs and shows are very positive. Is this a channel policy?

Catherine: The motto of our TV channel: "Taste the world". That is, our viewer is interested in learning something new, kind, bright, light. We are for the fact that it is this message that is best carried to people!

Alexei: Let's assume that you are performing in live in front of the whole country. Do you have something that you would say to people?

Catherine: I would say to live happy moments, love each other and always remember that the light side wins, no matter how bright it is on the dark side! And if something now seems like a big nuisance, in a year it will most likely not even be remembered.

Blitz Poll:

Continue associative series: HBO, NBC…
Netflix. Partners. formatters. Cool. We actually work with them. When you're in the TV realm, you have no reverence for monsters. You're learning, you're collaborating, you want to jump over. This is fine. This is our world and it is. Weird.

The most incredible reality show you've ever seen? Not necessarily Russian.
Oh, I laughed wildly at one of the Cannes exhibitions. The headliner last year was some Norwegian channel with the idea of ​​slow reality. Well, for example, at 18:00 they just show you how a ship sails on the sea. Removed from the bow of the ship. Well, it's just water and that's it. Okay, I can still understand - look in new year's eve as the fireplace burns federal channel but 18 hours of water? For us, this is too slow TV!

A series that you would recommend to everyone?
I really don't like advice. Here in general. In life. At work. If they ask, I'll tell you. Actually, I'm not a serial person. My life has always been more interesting than any series, and I am one of those girls who does not like "Sex in big city". In terms of work, this is a hit brilliant story even here (let me remind you, the mentality is different, but it works!), but I, as a simple girl, are not interested in this. I'm a Ray Donovan fan! I'm falling asleep to "Lucifer" now. But this is hardly a compliment to the series (laughs). I love "Force Majeure", from ours - I'm a direct fan of "Major". To each his own. You need to feel and do what you want, and not live according to the tracing paper of other people.

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    Redheads (10th series) (16+)

    Shurochka (15th episode) (16+)


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    School of Doctor Komarovsky (36th series - "How many doctors - so many opinions") (12+)

    Charmed (episode 10) (12+)

    Charmed (episode 13) (12+)

    Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did it work Magic force spells? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

    Charmed (episode 14) (12+)

    Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!


    Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (14th episode - "Solomon Islands") (12+)


    Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (15th episode - "Queensland. Australia") (12+)


    Eagle and tails. America (episode 14 - "Costa Rica") (12+)






    Eagle and tails. America (13th episode - "Nicaragua") (12+)


    I am your happiness (3rd series - "Shooting Club and balloon") (12+)


    Eagle and Reshka. Megacities (3rd series - "Bangkok. Thailand") (12+)


    Eagle and Reshka. On the seas-3 (3rd series - "Sri Lanka") (12+)



    Russo-Latino. Peru (5th series) (12+)


    • Entertainment


      Friday News (episode 26) (12+)

      Supernatural (Episode 20) (16+)

      Supernatural (episode 21) (16+)

      Description: Young, handsome, witty and unmarried brothers are driving around America in a rare car, investigating strange events. They are experienced hunters of evil spirits. Ghosts, vampires, homicidal maniacs and other unkind entities now and then test their strength. Although, evil spirits, it would be worth avoiding such meetings. And the brothers are helped by a brutal car of kindness and a bottomless arsenal of weapons in the trunk.

      Description: Young, handsome, witty and unmarried brothers are driving around America in a rare car, investigating strange events. They are experienced hunters of evil spirits. Ghosts, vampires, homicidal maniacs and other unkind entities now and then test their strength. Although, evil spirits, it would be worth avoiding such meetings. And the brothers are helped by a brutal car of kindness and a bottomless arsenal of weapons in the trunk.


      Dangerous tour (5th series - "Lisbon") (12+)

      Redheads (1st series) (16+)

      Description: They say they came from the sun to make the world brighter. Their mission is to bring light and nanotechnology. People with copper-red-yellow hair on their heads, or, as they are also called, "redheads". They are among us. They are just like us - everything falls out of their hands, coffee falls on the keyboard, the mother-in-law from Elektrostal arrives, their legs fall into one leg. They are as hilariously cunning as we are, and just as inevitably become victims of their own tricks. But watching redheads is somehow more pleasant than fooling yourself.

      Shurochka (16th episode) (16+)

      Description: Shurochka is a lonely girl with an open and good heart. Because of her excessive sincerity, she constantly gets into funny and ridiculous situations. Even getting to know a guy, Shurochka manages to bring the gentleman to hysterics, and the audience to Homeric laughter. There is no such problem that the charming Shurochka could not create for herself. No matter where she is, no matter what she does, everything will definitely go wrong. Not in the way you might have guessed. We are sure you will like Shurochka - she looks like a multi-colored bouncy ball.


      Eagle and tails. Shopping (3rd series - "Mexico. Mexico City") (12+)


      Eagle and tails. Shopping (35th episode - "Lebanon. Beirut") (12+)


      School of Dr. Komarovsky (37th series - "Secrets of air humidity") (12+)

      Charmed (episode 15) (12+)

      Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

      Charmed (episode 16) (12+)

      Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

      Charmed (episode 17) (12+)

      Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

      Charmed (episode 19) (12+)

      Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!


      Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (16th series - "Geneva. Switzerland") (12+)


      Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (17th episode - "Nigeria") (12+)





      The world inside out (3rd series - "Bolivia") (12+)


      The world inside out (4th series - "Bolivia") (12+)




      The world inside out (7th series - "Bolivia") (12+)


      The world inside out (8th series - "Bolivia") (12+)


      Russo-Latino. Peru (6th series) (12+)


      The world inside out (1st series - "Bolivia") (12+)

      • Entertainment

        The world inside out (2nd series - "Bolivia") (12+)


        Friday News (episode 27) (12+)

        Supernatural (Episode 22) (16+)

        Description: Young, handsome, witty and unmarried brothers are driving around America in a rare car, investigating strange events. They are experienced hunters of evil spirits. Ghosts, vampires, homicidal maniacs and other unkind entities now and then test their strength. Although, evil spirits, it would be worth avoiding such meetings. And the brothers are helped by a brutal car of kindness and a bottomless arsenal of weapons in the trunk.

        Supernatural (3rd series) (16+)

        Description: On the horizon of the brothers appears new demon he kills sinners to take their brains. Many years ago, Sam already encountered a similar phenomenon and now decides to get rid of it alone. evil spirits. Without informing Dean, Sam begins his own hunt for the demon.

        Supernatural (4th episode) (16+)

        Description: Dean is brought before the court of the Egyptian god Osiris. God weighs all good and bad deeds the hunter for evil spirits to make the final verdict. What cases will be more in the piggy bank of the eldest of the Winchesters? Can he escape exile in Purgatory?


        Dangerous tour (6th series - "Barcelona. Spain") (12+)

        Redheads (11th episode) (16+)

        Description: They say they came from the sun to make the world brighter. Their mission is to bring light and nanotechnology. People with copper-red-yellow hair on their heads, or, as they are also called, "redheads". They are among us. They are just like us - everything falls out of their hands, coffee falls on the keyboard, the mother-in-law from Elektrostal arrives, their legs fall into one leg. They are as hilariously cunning as we are, and just as inevitably become victims of their own tricks. But watching redheads is somehow more pleasant than fooling yourself.

        Shurochka (17th episode) (16+)

        Description: Shurochka is a lonely girl with an open and kind heart. Because of her excessive sincerity, she constantly gets into funny and ridiculous situations. Even getting to know a guy, Shurochka manages to bring the gentleman to hysterics, and the audience to Homeric laughter. There is no such problem that the charming Shurochka could not create for herself. No matter where she is, no matter what she does, everything will definitely go wrong. Not in the way you might have guessed. We are sure you will like Shurochka - she looks like a multi-colored bouncy ball.


        Eagle and tails. Shopping (30th episode - "Finland. Helsinki") (12+)


        Eagle and tails. Shopping (29th episode - "Netherlands") (12+)


        School of Dr. Komarovsky (39th series - "Bronchitis") (12+)

        Charmed (episode 20) (12+)

        Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

        Charmed (2nd series) (12+)

        Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

        Charmed (3rd series) (12+)

        Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

        Charmed (4th series) (12+)

        Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!


        On knives (8th series - "Yekaterinburg") (12+)


        On knives (7th series - "Podolsk") (12+)


        On knives (15th series - "Yaroslavl") (12+)


        On knives (3rd series - " Nizhny Novgorod") (12+)


        On knives (5th series - "Novorossiysk") (12+)


        On knives (8th series - "St. Petersburg") (12+)


        On knives (20th series - "St. Petersburg") (12+)


        On knives (9th series - "Anapa") (12+)


        On knives (1st series) (12+)


        The world inside out (episode 10) (12+)


        The world inside out (episode 11) (12+)


        Russo-Latino. Peru (4th series) (12+)


        The world inside out (5th series - "Bolivia") (12+)

        • Entertainment

          The world inside out (6th series - "Bolivia") (12+)


          Friday News (episode 28) (12+)

          Supernatural (Episode 5) (16+)

          Description: To defeat a witch rampant in small town, the brothers have to look for her husband. It turned out that endless love affairs the wife angered the woman so much that she poured out her anger on the inhabitants of the city. What will help the Winchesters to pacify the deceived evil spirits?

          Supernatural (Episode 6) (16+)

          Description: Young, handsome, witty and unmarried brothers are driving around America in a rare car, investigating strange events. They are experienced hunters of evil spirits. Ghosts, vampires, homicidal maniacs and other unkind entities now and then test their strength. Although, evil spirits, it would be worth avoiding such meetings. And the brothers are helped by a brutal car of kindness and a bottomless arsenal of weapons in the trunk.

          Supernatural (Episode 7) (16+)

          Description: Young, handsome, witty and unmarried brothers are driving around America in a rare car, investigating strange events. They are experienced hunters of evil spirits. Ghosts, vampires, homicidal maniacs and other unkind entities now and then test their strength. Although, evil spirits, it would be worth avoiding such meetings. And the brothers are helped by a brutal car of kindness and a bottomless arsenal of weapons in the trunk.


          Dangerous tour (7th series - "Budapest") (12+)

          Redheads (2nd series) (16+)

          Description: They say they came from the sun to make the world brighter. Their mission is to bring light and nanotechnology. People with copper-red-yellow hair on their heads, or, as they are also called, "redheads". They are among us. They are just like us - everything falls out of their hands, coffee falls on the keyboard, the mother-in-law from Elektrostal arrives, their legs fall into one leg. They are as hilariously cunning as we are, and just as inevitably become victims of their own tricks. But watching redheads is somehow more pleasant than fooling yourself.

          Shurochka (18th episode) (16+)

          Description: Shurochka is a lonely girl with an open and kind heart. Because of her excessive sincerity, she constantly gets into funny and ridiculous situations. Even getting to know a guy, Shurochka manages to bring the gentleman to hysterics, and the audience to Homeric laughter. There is no such problem that the charming Shurochka could not create for herself. No matter where she is, no matter what she does, everything will definitely go wrong. Not in the way you might have guessed. We are sure you will like Shurochka - she looks like a multi-colored bouncy ball.


          Eagle and tails. Shopping (8th series - "UAE") (12+)


          Eagle and tails. Shopping (32nd episode - "Sweden. Stockholm") (12+)


          School of Dr. Komarovsky (40th series - "Gadget Security: New Recommendations") (12+)

          Charmed (Episode 5) (12+)

          Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

          Charmed (Episode 6) (12+)

          Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

          Charmed (7th series) (12+)

          Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!

          Charmed (Episode 8) (12+)

          Description: Three sisters, three gentle creatures live in San Francisco, in the house of their deceased grandmother. They are born witches. All the ancestors of the Halliwell sisters in the female line were fortune tellers. The fate of Prue, Piper and Phoebe is predetermined. The sisters must take the witches' dignity and forever refrain from going to church. The girls find the Book of Sacraments in the attic and cast a spell over its pages. The magic begins! How did the magical power of the spell work? From enchantresses who can turn the head of any man, the sisters turn into real sorceresses!


          Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (13th episode - "New Caledonia") (12+)


          Eagle and Reshka. Heaven and Hell (19th episode - "Accra") (12+)


          Eagle and tails. By the seas-2 (32nd series - "Sandakan. Malaysia") (12+)


          Eagle and tails. On the seas (19th series - "La Rochelle. France") (12+)


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