Outstanding architectural monuments of ancient Greece. Culture of ancient Greece


planning travel to Greece, many people are interested not only in comfortable hotels, but also in fascinating history this ancient country, an integral part of which are objects of art.

A large number of treatises by well-known art historians are devoted specifically to ancient Greek sculpture, as the fundamental branch of world culture. Unfortunately, many monuments of that time did not survive in their original form, and are known from later copies. By studying them, one can trace the history of the development of the Greek visual arts from Homeric period to the Hellenistic era, and highlight the most striking and famous creations of each period.

Aphrodite de Milo

The world-famous Aphrodite from the island of Milos refers to Hellenistic period Greek art. At this time, by the forces of Alexander the Great, the culture of Hellas began to spread far beyond the Balkan Peninsula, which was noticeably reflected in the visual arts - sculptures, paintings and frescoes became more realistic, the faces of the gods on them have human features - relaxed postures, an abstract look, a soft smile .

Statue of Aphrodite, or as the Romans called it, Venus, is made of snow-white marble. Its height is slightly more than human height, and is 2.03 meters. The statue was discovered by chance by an ordinary French sailor, who in 1820, together with a local peasant, dug up Aphrodite near the remains of an ancient amphitheater on the island of Milos. During its transportation and customs disputes, the statue lost its arms and pedestal, but a record has been preserved of the author of the masterpiece indicated on it: Agesander, the son of a resident of Antioch Menida.

Today, after a thorough restoration, Aphrodite is exhibited in the Louvre in Paris, attracting natural beauty millions of tourists every year.

Nike of Samothrace

The time of creation of the statue of the goddess of victory Nike dates back to the 2nd century BC. Studies have shown that Nika was installed above the sea coast on sheer cliff- her marble clothes flutter as if from the wind, and the slope of the body represents a constant movement forward. The thinnest folds of clothing cover strong body goddesses, and powerful wings spread in joy and triumph of victory.

The statue did not have a head and hands, although separate fragments were discovered during excavations in 1950. In particular, Karl Lehmann with a group of archaeologists found right hand goddesses. Nike of Samothrace is now one of the outstanding exhibits of the Louvre. Her hand was never added to the general exhibition, only the right wing, which was made of plaster, underwent restoration.

Laocoon and his sons

Sculptural composition depicting the mortal struggle of Laocoön, the priest of the god Apollo and his sons, with two snakes sent by Apollo in retaliation for the fact that Laocoön did not listen to his will and tried to prevent the entry Trojan horse in town.

The statue was made of bronze, but its original has not survived to this day. In the 15th century, a marble copy of the sculpture was found on the territory of the "golden house" of Nero, and by order of Pope Julius II, it was installed in a separate niche of the Vatican Belvedere. In 1798, the statue of Laocoon was moved to Paris, but after the fall of Napoleon's rule, the British returned it to its original place, where it is kept to this day.

The composition depicting Laocoön's desperate death struggle with divine punishment inspired many sculptors of the era. late medieval and the Renaissance, and gave rise to a fashion for the display of complex, vortex-like movements of the human body in the visual arts.

Zeus from Cape Artemision

The statue, found by divers near Cape Artemision, is made of bronze, and is one of the few pieces of art of this type that has survived to this day in its original form. Researchers disagree on whether the sculpture belongs specifically to Zeus, believing that it can also depict the god of the seas, Poseidon.

The statue has a height of 2.09 m, and depicts the supreme Greek god, who raised his right hand in order to throw lightning in righteous anger. The lightning itself has not been preserved, but numerous smaller figurines show that it looked like a flat, strongly elongated bronze disk.

From almost two thousand years of being under water, the statue almost did not suffer. Only the eyes, which were supposedly made of ivory and inlaid, disappeared. precious stones. You can see this work of art in the National Archaeological Museum, which is located in Athens.

Statue of Diadumen

A marble copy of a bronze statue of a young man who himself crowns himself with a diadem - a symbol of sports victory, probably adorned the venue for competitions in Olympia or Delphi. The diadem at that time was a red woolen bandage, which, along with laurel wreaths, was awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games. The author of the work, Polykleitos, performed it in his favorite style - the young man is in a slight movement, his face reflects complete calm and focus. The athlete behaves like a well-deserved winner - he does not show fatigue, although his body needs rest after the fight. In sculpture, the author managed to very naturally convey not only small elements, but also general position body, correctly distributing the mass of the figure. The full proportionality of the body is the pinnacle of the development of this period - classicism of the 5th century.

Although the bronze original has not survived to our time, copies of it can be seen in many museums around the world - the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, the Louvre, the Metropolitan, the British Museum.

Aphrodite Braschi

A marble statue of Aphrodite depicts the goddess of love, who was naked before taking her legendary, often described in myths, bath, returning her virginity. Aphrodite in her left hand holds her removed clothes, which gently fall on standing next to jug. From an engineering point of view, this decision made the fragile statue more stable, and gave the sculptor the opportunity to give it a more relaxed pose. The uniqueness of Aphrodite Brasca is that this is the first known statue of the goddess, the author of which decided to portray her naked, which at one time was considered unheard of insolence.

There are legends according to which the sculptor Praxiteles created Aphrodite in the image of his beloved, hetaera Phryne. When her former admirer, orator Euthias, found out about this, he raised a scandal, as a result of which Praxiteles was accused of unforgivable blasphemy. At the trial, the defender, seeing that his arguments did not impress the judge, pulled off Phryne's clothes to show those present that such a perfect body of the model simply cannot harbor a dark soul. The judges, being adherents of the concept of kalokagatiya, were forced to fully acquit the defendants.

The original statue was taken to Constantinople, where it died in a fire. Many copies of Aphrodite have survived to our time, but they all have their own differences, since they were restored according to verbal and written descriptions and images on coins.

marathon youth

Statue young man made of bronze, and presumably depicts the Greek god Hermes, although there are no prerequisites or his attributes in the hands or clothes of the young man. The sculpture was raised from the bottom of the Gulf of Marathon in 1925, and since then has replenished the exposition of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. Because the statue long time was under water, all its features are very well preserved.

The style in which the sculpture is made reveals the style famous sculptor Praxiteles. The young man stands in a relaxed pose, his hand rests on the wall, near which the figure was installed.

Discus thrower

Statue ancient Greek sculptor Myron was not preserved in original form, but is widely known throughout the world thanks to bronze and marble copies. The sculpture is unique in that for the first time it depicted a man in a complex, dynamic movement. Such a bold decision of the author served as a vivid example for his followers, who, with no less success, created objects of art in the style of "Figura serpentinata" - a special technique depicting a person or animal in an often unnatural, tense, but very expressive, from the observer's point of view, pose.

Delphic charioteer

A bronze sculpture of a charioteer was discovered during the 1896 excavations at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, and is a classic example. ancient art. The figure depicts an ancient Greek youth driving a wagon during Pythian games.

The uniqueness of the sculpture lies in the fact that the inlay of the eyes with precious stones has been preserved. The eyelashes and lips of the young man are decorated with copper, and the headband is made of silver, and presumably also had inlay.

The time of creation of the sculpture, theoretically, is at the junction of archaic and early classics - its pose is characterized by stiffness and the absence of any hint of movement, but the head and face are made with a rather great realism. As in later sculptures.

Athena Parthenos

Majestic goddess athena statue has not survived to our time, but there are many copies of it, restored according to ancient descriptions. The sculpture was completely made of ivory and gold, without the use of stone or bronze, and stood in the main temple of Athens - the Parthenon. Distinctive feature goddesses - a high helmet, decorated with three crests.

The history of the creation of the statue was not without fatal moments: on the shield of the goddess, the sculptor Phidias, in addition to the image of the battle with the Amazons, placed his portrait in the form frail old man who lifts a heavy stone with both hands. The public of that time ambiguously regarded the act of Phidias, which cost him his life - the sculptor was imprisoned, where he committed suicide with the help of poison.

Greek culture has become the founder for the development of fine arts around the world. Even today, considering some modern paintings and the statues can detect the influence of this ancient culture.

Ancient Hellas became the cradle in which the cult was actively brought up human beauty in its physical, moral and intellectual manifestation. Inhabitants of Greece of that time, they not only worshiped many Olympic gods, but also tried to resemble them as much as possible. All this is displayed in bronze and marble statues- they not only convey the image of a person or a deity, but also make them close to each other.

Although many of the statues have not survived to the present, their exact copies can be seen in many museums around the world.

    Volcano walk

    There are many reasons why any traveler could visit the island of Nisyros in the south of the Aegean Sea: plunge into a healing spring and bring home a brilliant souvenir born in red-hot lava, bow to the miraculous icon of the Virgin, marvel at the power of the fiery forces of the earth. In appearance, Nisyros is a beautiful, but absolutely uninhabitable island.

    Greece: Halkidiki. Psakudya

    Resort town Psakoudia is located on the peninsula of Kassandra, which is often referred to as the first prong of Halkidiki. The city has a favorable geographical position, thanks to which the rest in Greece in Psakoudia is not limited to local attractions and entertainment, it is easy to get to any point of Halkidiki from here.

    Meteora, St. Stephen Convent

    When you approach Kalambaka, leaving the city of Trikala, and looking at the rocks of Meteora, from a distance of 16 km, you see on the first rock to your right, the monastery of St. Stephen, which has majestically risen for centuries in this place. The monastery can be reached by two roads, the first leads from the village of Kastraki, and the second from southeastern sides of Kalambaka.

    Miraculous icons of Athos monasteries

    On Mount Athos there is a wonderful monastery of Pantokrator. This is where it is right now miraculous image in a silver chasuble. Mother of God depicted in prayer. She stretches her arms to the sky. There are many stories related to the miraculous power of the Image Holy Mother of God Gerontissa.

How do children's impressions differ from the impressions of an adult. When I first time in school age I was in Athens, it seemed to me that the Acropolis is huge and endless, that you can walk around it forever, and that you will not see such a number of ruins of ancient buildings concentrated in one place anywhere else. But when I arrived there as an adult, I realized that either I already travel so often that it’s harder and harder for me to be impressed, or the Acropolis is really not that big, and one should be surprised that such a huge place happened in such a small area. number of important historical events that influenced the course of the history of the world.

In general, even cities as huge by ancient standards as Athens or Rome now seem almost tiny. I mean history modern cities, Certainly. Almost all the most important things are within easy walking distance from each other, very convenient for tourists. On the other hand, if you think about the fact that the ancient Greeks once walked on these very stones, that Socrates, Plato, Plutarch were here ... - it becomes somehow a little uncomfortable.
From the modern bustling area of ​​Monastiraki, the road to the Acropolis takes only 15-20 minutes, and even then at a leisurely pace. True, you have to go uphill all the time, because the Acropolis is located on a hill. The higher you climb, the better you can see the ancient buildings that have survived in the area:

The first stop on the way is the hill of Ares, or Areopagus. Among the ancient Greeks, this place was known as the meeting place of the council of elders who ruled the city in ancient times. From here one of the most beautiful views to Athens. View from the Areopagus towards the Agora and the Temple of Hephaestus:

Towards Pnyx Hill:

Modern Athens is quite Big city. Sometimes it's hard to believe that once life here was concentrated in a much smaller space. In the distance, you can see Lycabettus Hill - this is another fairly popular place for tourists with cameras. Below are paths among numerous ancient stones: it’s even a shame that so many buildings have not survived from those times:

traditional look from the Areopagus to the Acropolis, more precisely, to the Propylaea - the main gate of the Acropolis:

And this is the view from the Acropolis to the Areopagus. This very small and uneven stone hill is the Areopagus, the place where important political and judicial decisions were once made. In size, by the way, it is somewhere the same as the famous stones lying in Central Park in New York. But the historical significance cannot be compared.

The Parthenon is under chronic restoration. The ancient stones scattered across the territory of the Acropolis are trying to gather together and restore the building from them to the maximum. It is still difficult to say what will come of this venture, especially considering how much was taken from the Acropolis from Greece back in the Middle Ages. Elements of the Parthenon are now kept in Paris, the Vatican, Munich, Vienna, Copenhagen... And, of course, no one is going to return them to the Greeks.

But the Erechtheion for some reason is not being restored. Although, maybe they will reach it in time:

The famous portico of the Caryatids:

The Acropolis is always quite crowded. It is understandable, because this is the most famous place in Athens. In scale modern world The Acropolis seems rather small. From this angle, almost the entire hill is visible:

Meanwhile, even now a building of this magnitude seems grandiose:

The rise and fall of civilizations is generally an interesting thing: once one of the greatest nations in Europe, it suddenly disappears. In rare paintings by Greek artists of the Middle Ages, you can see images of shepherds grazing goats on the top of the Acropolis: several centuries have passed since the collapse of Athens - and there seems to be no trace of the ancient Greeks. The medieval inhabitants of Greece, probably, did not even know what kind of buildings they were standing on the hill.

Traditional view of the city from the Acropolis:

Below you can see the temple of Zeus:

Herod's Odeon is a huge beautiful amphitheater built in the 2nd century AD, already under the Romans. An absolutely colossal project by those standards: this Musical Theatre can accommodate up to six thousand people at a time. The Greeks have recently refurbished the Herodeon, and now concerts are held there from time to time:

Nearby is the theater of Dionysus, it is 5-6 centuries older than Herod's odeon, and was built in a typical Greek style: the Greeks always chose a natural hill for the construction of amphitheaters.

Behind the Theater of Dionysus, an ultra-modern building can be seen - this modern museum Acropolis, which opened a couple of years ago:

Let's go down to the theater of Dionysus:

View from the theater to the Acropolis:

Already somewhere at the exit from the territory of the Acropolis:

The new modern Acropolis Museum is really good. True, at the time when I was there, it was not yet fully open. But even the part that was in the public domain was impressive:

According to the plan, sculptures from the temples of the Acropolis, everything found on the hill, surviving fragments of the Parthenon, as well as copies of ancient works of art related to the Acropolis exported from Greece should be stored here.

The opening of the museum was planned to coincide with Olympic Games 2004, but the Greeks, in their traditional manner, extended all the deadlines, did not deliver the project on time, and the construction of the museum building was completed only by the end of 2007, and the final transfer of all the exhibits was completed only in the summer of 2009, i.e. . 5 years later than planned.

The museum, however, turned out to be very good, and now, perhaps, it can compete even with the National Archaeological Museum, which until now was considered the main museum of the city.

Well, to top it off - a short run towards the Temple of Zeus, which was visible from the Acropolis in the photographs above.
View from it towards the Acropolis:

The temple of Zeus itself was once the largest temple in all of Greece. It was built during four centuries and completed construction only in the 2nd century. BC. Now only a single corner and a couple of columns at the other end of the temple remain from the temple.

The most beautiful elements of the temple were taken from Athens to Rome by the ancient Romans.

But even from these few columns, one can quite imagine the scale of the building:

Greece is known for its natural beauty and fascinating history. Greek sights and ancient archaeological sites, countless islands, sandy beaches and mild Mediterranean climate make it one of the main tourist destinations in Europe.

What to see in Greece

Tours to Greece

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow

You can get to the main iconic places on your own, but it's still better to go on an excursion in Greece - the prices are very reasonable, usually around 20-25 euros per person. Photos of sights of Greece - main topic photo reports of tourists.

Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis - a symbol of Athens and Greece, and indeed of the whole Western civilization. It rises in the heart of the modern capital, it is crowned with three magnificent temples dating back to the 5th century BC. The most famous and most characteristic is the Parthenon, originally made up of 58 columns supporting the roof and decorated with ornate pediments and a frieze. Here passes the so-called archaeological Promenade - a 2.5 km long path that goes around the foot of the Acropolis and connects it with the city, as well as other main ancient attractions of Athens - the Ancient Agora, the Roman Forum, Kerameikos, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus.

How to get there. The most convenient way to get to the Acropolis is by metro. Nearest stations: Acropoli, Syntagma Square or Thissio. There are signs in the subway that will take you to the archaeological area. Be careful: Monday is a day off. Opening hours - from 8:00 to 20:00. In winter, there is a 50% discount on the ticket (10 euros instead of 20). Don't forget sunscreen and comfortable shoes- after all, this is a rather large and highly located place, bathed in the sun.

Monasteries of Meteora, Thessaly

Monasteries of Meteora - one of the most unusual sights that you just need to see in Greece - this is the mountain range of Pindus on the plain of Thessaly, where the centuries-old monasteries of Meteora ("Soaring in the air") are located on smooth stone rocks in the form of huge bizarre pillars. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, six of them are currently open to the public. One has to climb several flights of stone steps carved into the rock to reach each monastery. Inside, you'll find flickering candles, antique icons, and Byzantine frescoes. The opening hours of the monasteries may vary: to visit all six monasteries, you need to spend at least a couple of days. The closest city to Meteora is Kalambaka.

How to get there. The most convenient way to go on an excursion to the monasteries of Meteora is by car. If you do not plan to rent a car, then Kalambaka can be reached by train or bus. Further from Kalambaka, you can take a taxi to any of the monasteries or take a local bus to Kastraki, and from there you can go on foot.

Delphi, Phocis

Delphi is on the list world heritage UNESCO. Built on the lower slopes of Mount Parnassus, overlooking the Gulf of Corinth, this place was sacred to the ancients, who came here to worship Apollo (the patron of light, prophecy, music, and healing) and seek advice from the Oracle. Delphi is made up of the crumbling ruins of numerous temples, a theater and a stadium dating from between the 8th century BC. BC e. and II century. n. e. Nearby is the Archaeological Museum, which holds an impressive collection of unique finds.

How to get there. Delphi is located 180 kilometers northwest of Athens. The most convenient way is to take a bus from the bus station. A ticket costs about 14-16 euros, buses run on schedule. Tickets to the museum and excavations cost 12 euros, in winter there is a 50% discount. Opening hours: from 8:30 to 15:00.

Mykonos Island

Mykonos has become famous as the most glamorous among the Greek islands and one of the best tourist attractions in Greece. Mykonos City (Chora) is a stunningly picturesque Cycladic town with a labyrinth of small streets and whitewashed houses. It is also known for its sandy beaches and vibrant nightlife, as evidenced by its huge number of bars and nightclubs. The island is especially popular among world celebrities.

How to get there. Mykonos is connected to the land by ferries and catamarans to Athens (ports of Piraeus and Rafina). average price ferry from Athens to Mykonos - 160 euros one way. In summer, the price can rise to 220 euros. Travel time - 4.5 hours.

Santorini island

How to get there. Santorini has an airport, which is 6 km from the city of Fira. You can also visit the archipelago by boat - a ferry from Athens will cost about 60 euros, travel time is 4 hours. Sometimes the road by plane is even cheaper than the ferry - 40 euros for half an hour.

Knossos Palace, Crete

How to get there. There are two airports in Crete - Chania International Airport named after Ioannis Daskalogiannis and Heraklion International Airport "Nikos Kazantzakis". Flights from Russia most often arrive in Heraklion.

Navajo beach, Zakynthos

The most famous attraction, his calling card, is Navajo Beach, the "Shipwreck". It is located in the northwest of the island, in the Smuggler's Bay. In 1980, the smugglers, pursued by the police, ran aground their ship, the Panagiotis, and escaped. The ship was washed ashore by a storm, where it is still rusting. You can get to the beach only by boat - it brings and takes away tourists according to the schedule. The beach is surrounded by sheer white cliffs. A long and steep staircase leads to the top, but the climb is worth it - the view is simply amazing. From here, base jumpers like to jump with parachutes.

How to get there. There is an airport on the island of Zakynthos (Zakynthos). Flights from Athens arrive here twice a day. Travel time - about 45 minutes, price - about 65 euros. By water, the island can be reached by ferry from the port of Kyllini (it can be reached from Athens by bus or taxi). Ticket price - 9 euros, travel time - about 1.5 hours.

Acropolis, Lindos

In Lindos there is a magnificent acropolis, with observation deck which offers a wonderful view of St. Peter's Bay. The Acropolis stands on a hill, which can be reached on a donkey. The town of Lindos itself consists of snow-white buildings, the streets are paved with pebbles, decorated with fountains.

How to get there. There is an international airport on the island of Rhodes. From the airport you need to take a taxi to the bus station (it is located in the city center, near the port) and there take a bus to Lindos. Travel time is about an hour, ticket price is about 5 euros.

Fortress, Rhodes

In ancient Rhodes, which is also called the "city of knights", you must definitely see the beautiful Rhodes fortress. The main building is the Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John. Severe walls with towers, moats, spacious halls for feasts - all this is worth your attention.

How to get there. There is an international airport on the island of Rhodes. The historic center of the city, where the port is located, is located within walking distance from the bus station, which can be reached from the airport in a few minutes.

Palace of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John. Rhodes, Greece.

Perhaps in no country in the world you will find as many ancient monuments as in Greece: the famous athenian acropolis and the revolving temple of Apollo at Delphi, the theater of Dionysus and the temple of Zeus, the Tower of the Winds, the Cave of Peramus and much more...

The white-stone ruins here keep the memory of the birth of civilization for centuries, turning legends and myths into history. RT has compiled a list of the most interesting attractions that are worth visiting for anyone who decides to go to this amazing country.



A unique architectural monument, the palace of King Minos, is located on the island of Crete. Legends about this palace have been going on since ancient times. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a labyrinth of more than a thousand rooms, the walls of which are decorated with frescoes and drawings.

Athenian Acropolis - incredible beauty building a hill in the center of Athens. It is known that the first temples and buildings appeared in archaic period. The Greek government has repeatedly carried out restorations to restore the place to its original appearance.

The Theater of Dionysus, located on the hill of the Acropolis, is one of the oldest theaters in the world. It was here that the works of the greatest representatives ancient Greek literature and dramaturgy: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes.

Temple of Nike Apteros is bright pattern classical Greek architectural art. From the site on which the temple is located, you can enjoy the beautiful and impressive panorama of Athens.

The city of Delphi is located in the region of Phocaea, on the southwestern slope famous mountain Parnassus, near the Corinthian Gulf. In ancient Greece, the city was a major trading and financial center.

Olympeion, or Temple of Olympian Zeus, is the largest temple in Greece. Its construction was carried out from the VI century BC. e. until the 2nd century A.D. e. This monument ancient greek architecture located in Athens, near the Acropolis and the city center. According to the legends, the temple was erected on the site of the sanctuary of the mythical Deucalion, who was considered the forefather of all the people of Greece.

The Arch of Hadrian was erected in the 2nd century AD. in honor of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Ancient architects placed it on the line of the road connecting the Acropolis Square and Olympion and leaving in a southeast direction.

The uniqueness of the Panathenaic Stadium lies in the fact that it is the only stadium in the world whose walls are made of white marble. It was here that the first Olympic Games were held in 1896.

The Temple of Hephaestus in Athens is one of the best preserved ancient temples in the world. All columns, pediments, as well as most of roofs.

In ancient times, the temple of Apollo was of great importance for the culture of ancient Greece. It was here that Delphic oracle- a great soothsayer, where even Alexander the Great himself came to ask for a prophecy.

The Temple of Hephaestus (Hephaestion), or Tesseion gave rise to many legends associated with its name. According to one version, the temple was dedicated to the son of Zeus and the god of fire, Hephaestus, the patron of blacksmithing. According to another version, the temple was named Tesseion - in honor of Theseus, famous hero ancient Greek mythology.

Delphi is the most popular among the sacred places of Ancient Greece. The town is located at the foot of Mount Parnassus - the place where Apollo lived, surrounded by muses. Since ancient times, many people have specially traveled here from afar to find out the predictions of the famous oracle of Apollo and look into the future.

A huge book depository, built in 132 AD, impressive in its size. Having built a library, Emperor Hadrian gave the Athenians a new cultural center with lecture halls and a lush garden.

The Tower of the Winds is the oldest meteorological monument with a height of 12 meters and a diameter of about 8 meters.

One of the most ancient world civilizations - the Holy Roman Empire - gave mankind greatest culture, which included not only the richest literary heritage but also the stone chronicle. For a long time there has been no people who inhabited this power, but thanks to the preserved architectural monuments, it is possible to recreate the lifestyle of the pagan Romans. April 21, the day of the founding of the city on seven hills, I propose to look at 10 sights ancient rome.

Roman forum

The area, located in the valley between the Palatine and Velia on the south side, the Capitol on the west, the Esquiline and the slopes of the Quirinal and Viminal, was a wetland in the pre-Roman period. Until the middle of the 8th century BC. e. this area was used for burials, and the settlements were located on the nearby hills. The place was drained during the reign of Tsar Tarquikios the Ancient, who turned it into the center of political, religious and cultural life townspeople. It was here that the famous truce between the Romans and the Sabines took place, elections to the Senate were held, judges sat and divine services were held.

From west to east, the sacred road of the empire, Via Appia, or the Appian Way, runs through the entire Roman Forum, along which there are many monuments of both ancient and medieval times. The Roman Forum houses the Temple of Saturn, the Temple of Vespasian and the Temple of Vesta.

The temple in honor of the god Saturn was erected around 489 BC, symbolizing the victory over the Etruscan kings from the Tarquinian family. Several times he died during fires, but was reborn. The inscription on the frieze confirms that "The Senate and the people of Rome restored what was destroyed by fire." It was a majestic building, which was decorated with a statue of Saturn, it included the premises of the state treasury, an aerary, where documents on state revenues and debts were kept. However, only a few columns of the Ionic order have survived to this day.

The construction of the Temple of Vespasian began by decision of the Senate in 79 AD. e. after the death of the emperor. This holy building was dedicated to the Flavius: Vespasian and his son Titus. It was 33 meters long and 22 meters wide. Three 15-meter columns of the Corinthian order have survived to this day.

The temple of Vesta is dedicated to the goddess hearth and in ancient times connected with the House of Vestals. The sacred fire was constantly maintained in the inner room. Initially, it was guarded by the daughters of the king, then they were replaced by Vestal priestesses, who also held worship in honor of Vesta. In this temple there was a cache with symbols of the empire. The building was round in shape, the territory of which was bordered by 20 Corinthian columns. Despite the fact that there was an outlet for smoke in the roof, fires often broke out in the temple. It was saved several times, reconstructed, but in 394 Emperor Theodosius ordered it to be closed. Gradually, the building dilapidated and fell into disrepair.

Trajan's Column

A monument of ancient Roman architecture, erected in 113 AD. architect Apollodorus of Damascus in honor of the victories of Emperor Trajan over the Dacians. The marble column, hollow inside, rises 38 m above the ground. In the “body” of the building there is a spiral staircase with 185 steps leading to the observation platform on the capital.

The trunk of the column spirals 23 times around a 190 m long ribbon with reliefs depicting episodes of the war between Rome and Dacia. Initially, the monument was crowned by an eagle, later by a statue of Trajan. And in the Middle Ages, the statue of the Apostle Peter began to decorate the column. At the base of the column there is a door leading to the hall where the golden urns with the ashes of Trajan and his wife Pompeii Plotina were placed. The relief tells of two wars between Trajan and the Dacians, and the period 101-102. AD separated from the battles of 105-106 by the figure of winged Victoria, writing on a shield surrounded by trophies, the name of the winner. It also depicts the movement of the Romans, the construction of fortifications, river crossings, battles, the details of weapons and armor of both troops are drawn in great detail. In total, there are about 2,500 human figures on a 40-ton column. Trajan appears on it 59 times. In addition to Victory, there are other allegorical figures in the relief: the Danube in the form of a majestic old man, Night - a woman with a veiled face, etc.


The Temple of All Gods was built in 126 AD. e. under the emperor Hadrian on the site of the previous Pantheon, erected two centuries before by Mark Vipsanius Agrippa. The Latin inscription on the pediment reads: "M. AGRIPPA L F COS TERTIUM FECIT" - "Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, elected consul for the third time, erected this." Located in Piazza della Rotonda. The Pantheon is distinguished by classical clarity and integrity of the composition of the interior space, majesty artistic image. Deprived of external decorations, the cylindrical building is crowned with a dome covered with inconspicuous carvings. The height from the floor to the opening in the vault corresponds exactly to the diameter of the base of the dome, presenting an amazing proportionality to the eye. The weight of the dome is distributed over eight sections, forming a monolithic wall, between which are niches, giving the massive building a sense of airiness. Thanks to the illusion of open space, it seems that the walls are not so thick, and the dome is much lighter than in reality. A round hole in the vault of the temple lets in light, illuminating the rich decoration of the interior space. Everything has come down to our days almost unchanged.


One of the most significant buildings of ancient Rome. The huge amphitheater was built over eight years. It was an oval building with 80 large arches along the perimeter of the arena, with smaller arches on them. The arena is surrounded by a wall in 3 tiers, and total large and small arches was 240. Each tier was decorated with columns made in different styles. First - Doric order, the second - in Ionic, and the third - in Corinthian. In addition, sculptures made by the best Roman craftsmen were installed on the first two tiers.

The building of the amphitheater included galleries intended for the relaxation of spectators, where noisy merchants sold various goods. Outside, the Colosseum was finished with marble, beautiful statues were located around its perimeter. 64 entrances led to the room, which were located with different parties amphitheater.

Below were privileged places for the noble nobles of Rome and the throne of the emperor. The floor of the arena, where not only gladiator fights took place, but also real sea battles, was wooden.

Today, the Colosseum has lost two-thirds of its original mass, but even today it is a majestic building, being a symbol of Rome. No wonder the saying goes: "While the Colosseum stands, Rome will stand, disappear the Colosseum - Rome will disappear and the whole world with it."

Triumphal Arch of Titus

The single-span marble arch, located on the Via Sacra road, was built after the death of Emperor Titus in honor of the capture of Jerusalem in 81 AD. Its height is 15.4 m, width - 13.5 m, span depth - 4.75 m, span width - 5.33 m. procession with trophies, among which the main shrine of the Jewish temple is the menorah.

Baths of Caracalla

The baths were built at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. under Marcus Aurelius, nicknamed Caracalla. The luxurious building was intended not only for the washing process, but also for a variety of leisure activities, including both sports and intellectual. There were four entrances to the "bath building"; through two central ones they entered the covered halls. On both sides of it were rooms for meetings, recitations, etc. Among the many all kinds of rooms, located on the right and left intended for washing rooms, two large open symmetrical courtyards surrounded on three sides by a colonnade, the floor of which was decorated with the famous mosaic with the figures of athletes, should be noted. The emperors not only lined the walls with marble, covered the floors with mosaics and put up magnificent columns: they systematically collected works of art here. In the baths of Caracalla once stood the Farnese bull, the statues of Flora and Hercules, the torso of Apollo Belvedere.

The visitor found here a club, a stadium, a recreation garden, and a house of culture. Everyone could choose for himself what he liked: some, after washing up, sat down to chat with friends, went to look at wrestling and gymnastic exercises, could stretch themselves; others wandered around the park, admired the statues, sat in the library. People left with a reserve of new strength, rested and renewed not only physically, but also morally. Despite such a gift of fate, the terms were destined to collapse.

Temples of Portun and Hercules

These temples are located on the left bank of the Tiber in another ancient forum of the city - Bull. In early Republican times, ships moored here and there was a brisk trade in livestock, hence the name.

Temple Portun built in honor of the god of ports. The building has a rectangular shape, decorated with Ionic columns. The temple is well preserved, since around 872 AD. was turned into christian church Santa Maria in Gradelis, consecrated in the 5th century as the church of Santa Maria Aegiziana.

The Temple of Hercules has a monoptera design - a round building without internal partitions. The construction dates back to the 2nd century BC. The temple has a diameter of 14.8 m, decorated with twelve Corinthian columns 10.6 m high. The structure rests on a tuff foundation. Previously, the temple had an architrave and a roof, which have not survived to our times. In 1132 AD The temple became a place of Christian worship. The original name of the church was Santo Stefano al Carose. In the 17th century, the newly consecrated temple began to be called Santa Maria del Sol.

Field of Mars

"Field of Mars" - this was the name of the part of Rome, located on the left bank of the Tiber, originally intended for military and gymnastic exercises. In the center of the field was an altar in honor of the god of war. This part of the field remained and subsequently free, while the remaining parts were built up.

Mausoleum of Hadrian

The architectural monument was conceived as the tomb of the emperor and his family. The mausoleum was a square base (side length - 84 m), in which a cylinder was installed (diameter - 64 m, height about 20 m), crowned with an artificial hill, the top of which was decorated with sculptural composition: emperor in the form of the god of the Sun, controlling the quadriga. Subsequently, this gigantic structure was used for military and strategic purposes. The centuries have changed its original appearance. The construction acquired the Angel's Courtyard, medieval halls, including the Hall of Justice, the Pope's apartments, a prison, a library, a Treasure Hall and a Secret Archive. From the terrace of the castle, above which the figure of an Angel rises, a magnificent view of the city opens up.


The catacombs of Rome are a network of ancient buildings used as burial places, for the most part during the period of early Christianity. In total, there are more than 60 different catacombs in Rome (150-170 km long, about 750,000 burials), most of which are located underground along the Appian Way. Labyrinths of underground passages, according to one version, arose on the site of ancient quarries, according to another, they were formed in private land plots. In the Middle Ages, the custom of burying in the catacombs disappeared, and they remained as evidence of the culture of Ancient Rome.

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