Topalov is engaged. Solo music career


IN breaking news from the world of show business in 2018, a message appeared about the upcoming wedding of Regina Todorenko and Vlad Topalov. The girl was the first to reveal the intrigue, boasting on her Instagram page a photo with a ring on her ring finger and the hashtag “Agree!”.

It is noteworthy that young people either jokingly or seriously exchanged posts on the social network with characteristic questions and answers. The future groom made an offer to the host of the Eagle and Tails program through an international messenger.

How the novel began

After leaving the TV project, Regina Todorenko radically changed her life. The TV presenter for a long 4 years practically did not pay attention to her family and personal life. As a result, her three-year romance with the producer has completely exhausted itself.

With Vlad Topalov Regina met at the rehearsals of the play "Hand over your wife in a pawnshop." Director-producer Sergei Rost saw glimpses of dramatic talent in a promising girl and invited Todorenko to leading role. Colleague on stage turned out to be, former soloist once popular group"Smash!!"

Relations developed rapidly and already in February 2018, rumors about a new star couple filled social media pages. But none of the couple confirmed the presence of romantic feelings for each other. At first, Regina and Vlad went on a trip to Lake Baikal, then the couple posted joint photos from London on Instagram. In the capital of Britain, Regina celebrated her birthday, the singer flew to foggy Albion as the most welcome guest.

Previous experience

The chosen one of the TV presenter at the age of 32 has a sufficient number of relationships that did not bring Topalov much happiness:

  1. . A member of the Tatu group, which became popular thanks to the track "They Won't Catch Us", met Vlad during the time of general performances as part of the children's musical group "Fidgets". Their relationship was unpredictable, stormy and caused numerous gossip among friends and foes of artists. Volkova, after another loud quarrel with the singer, managed to get married and give birth to a child from another man. And she came back and went again. The couple even told everyone in 2006 about their plans and upcoming wedding. But the young people did not succeed, both tried to remake each other, to become leaders in the family.
  2. Olga Rudenko. The advertising director could not resist the charm of Topalov, and in 2008 the press started talking about serious relationship between young people. All interviews with Olga and Vlad are dated by the end of May, the bride and groom were sharing stories about wonderful experiences associated with preparing for the upcoming celebration. And they even planned the appearance of twins in the near future. But there was no news about the continuation of the novel.
  3. Xenia Danilina. The owner of a prestigious studio and the daughter of a famous millionaire, a beauty and a participant in social events became the first official wife artist. But the marriage broke up in March 2017. Although Topalov warned the press about the divorce and said that the separation was due to mutual agreement, the news that former spouses meet on various events and talk nicely about the past, did not appear in the press.

Back in May 2018, in an interview for a Ukrainian channel about the latest news from secular life Regina Todorenko announced her desire to become a wife and complained that a marriage proposal had not yet been received. And already on July 25, Vlad Topalov asked the girl to become his faithful companion.

Excitement around new relationships

When, in the latest news for July 2018, the TV presenter confirmed that she was meeting with Vlad Topalov and spoke about joint plans, the network literally exploded with congratulations and comments. Someone wishes the young people happiness and sincerely rejoices for the 29-year-old Ukrainian and the 32-year-old Russian artist.

Others saw in the rapid connection a hint of the girl's pregnancy and began to carefully examine her body under her clothes in search of a growing belly. And some representatives of the yellow press even staged a kind of competition in predicting the sex of the unborn child. According to reporters, the girl should give birth to her first child in December this year.

In 2001 on Russian stage the group "Smash !!" was formed, the participants of which were Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov. Although the band existed for only 3 years, it gained great popularity, and many still remember the joint work of the musicians.

Although Lazarev and Topalov no longer work together, they met yesterday at the opening of Sergei's store. The men took several photos together, and on his Instagram, Topalov wished his colleague every success, admiring his hard work.

But Vlad himself did not cause admiration from the public. Although he is two years younger than Lazarev, he looks much older. Nostalgia when looking at joint photos singers from the once fans of the Smash group !! failed, because now Topalov barely resembles who he was 15 years ago.

"Something Topalov doesn't look like ice next to Lazarev"

"Topalov is terribly old!"

“Lazarev just doesn’t drink or take anything, but goes in for sports. 34 years old is not the right age to look like a grandfather”

"Sergey, as always, is stylish, well-groomed, smart! But Vlad ... what's with his face? ((With his money, look like this ..."

"Topalov loses next to Lazarev"

"Topalov is such an old one"

"God, what happened to him?"

Lazarev thanked the guests of the store opening event for their support, but he did not say anything specific about his former "groupmate".

And yesterday, the Secret to a Million program was aired with the host Lera Kudryavtseva, on the air of which. It is she, according to Internet users, that is the reason for his depressing appearance.

Why didn't they add up?

You said that you started living together only after the wedding ... Pretty conservative for our days. How long have you been rubbing against each other?

We are still rubbing. Even when flying Honeymoon to America, had a fight on the plane, so much so that I wanted to immediately return. Previously, every quarrel was a reason to leave. Now we understand that there are issues and they need to be addressed. There is simply no option to leave.

Before Ksyusha, I never lived with girls. After school, he immediately moved out from his parents. I can’t say that I have always been independent, I just got used to thinking only about myself. Now I am learning to leave work problems outside the door, come home and really be interested in how my mother-in-law is doing, how my grandmother feels. At first it was difficult for me to do it, but now I love it all. He began to relate to himself, to his work in a different way and even recovered at the institute, which he left three years ago (Vlad studies at the faculty of pop-jazz vocals at the Institute contemporary art. - Ed.). So now I'm a student again.

You have the same tattoos. At what point did you decide to make them?

When Vlad and I just started dating, we were so happy that we found each other that we decided to capture this moment. Now we have our initials engraved on our hands and the inscription "We found love" (from English - "We found love"). When a child is born, we will make one more.

So you are already thinking about children?

Yes, we are ready for this. We want three or four.

I definitely want a girl.

Who will be the first, it doesn't matter, it's up to God to decide. The main thing is that the children are healthy!

Style: Anastasia Korn. Makeup: Anastasia Kuznetsova/M.A.C Events Team. Hairstyles: Timur Sadykov/Redken art partner.
We thank the entertainment complex "Port at VDNKh", the studio of summer emotions Budetleto and the design workshop balloons BeCreate for helping organize the shoot. Video: Evgeny Yustyuzhenkov and Nadezhda Ermakova


Since the popular artist Vlad Topalov married his beloved Ksenia Danilina, he has not given a single personal interview. We present the first.

They got married in September 2015. Without hundreds of guests - colleagues in show business, without TV cameras and the flashy hashtag # wedding of the year. Singer Vlad Topalov and his chosen one Ksenia quietly signed in the Kutuzovsky registry office, after which they modestly celebrated this event in a restaurant in a narrow circle of relatives. Then to the offer HELLO! tell their story Vlad replied: "Thanks, maybe later." And so it happened: both before the wedding and after it, Vlad and Ksenia did not give interviews about personal - now about life together they decided to talk for the first time.

Vlad, Ksyusha, it is known that you have known each other for a long time. How did you first meet?

We met through mutual friends 14 years ago. Ksyusha was still at school then, and I sang in the Smash !! group. But then we didn't talk much.

It's true: then our relationship did not work out, but I still treated Vlad with respect.

Why didn't they add up?

He led too active image life, it was not close to me.

To be frank, I was a young arrogant turkey. (Laughs.)

I remember Vlad invited me on a date and we went to the zoo. I will never forget how we hid in the reptile pavilion from the crowd of female fans who were chasing us. Then I realized: this guy is not for me.

Vlad, how did you decide on a second attempt?

Not only for the second ... We did not communicate for several years, but I was subscribed to Ksyusha's pages in in social networks and offered to meet. And you know what: she didn’t come to the meeting twice! Either her battery in her phone was dead, or important things appeared in last moment. No one has ever made me feel like this in my life! (Laughs.) When we phoned in Once again, I suggested Ksyusha to go with me and my younger sister, Anya, at the Evgeni Plushenko show. Ksyusha agreed and finally came. When I saw how great she gets along with my sister, how she takes care of her, I realized: this is the woman from whom I want children.

Ksyusha, what were your thoughts when you returned home that day?

For me it was a meeting of two old acquaintances, nothing more. I did not consider Vlad as a potential young man. But then we began to communicate more and I realized that in front of me was a completely different Vlad Topalov - not the one who was once with me at the zoo. The current Vlad was very attentive, gallant and, which was especially important for me, did not rush things. We even began to live together only after the wedding.

Ksyusha, how did your parents react to your romance with a famous singer?

At first, when they only found out about everything, they were alarmed. Still, there is a certain stereotype about people from show business, especially if you open the Internet, you can read this! .. (Laughs.) But, having met Vlad, they accepted him well and were not against our relationship.

And yet, not everyone in your house was happy about the appearance of Vlad ...

Yes, my dogs turned out to be for us serious test. (Smiling.) The fact is that Vladik difficult relationship with animals, and I have been a volunteer since I was 12, dogs are a part of me. I accept his way of life - with tours, "concerts" - and I ask you to also accept mine - with my dogs. Until they become friends.

You see, all my life I hated miniature dogs, and now two dogs live with us. It's the same as if your loved one was breeding snakes and they crawled around the apartment all the time. I am already an adult man, an established personality, and it’s hard for me to take and love them overnight, but I’m working on it.

(31) not one of those artists who prefer to quickly record interviews by phone and go on business - always for a personal meeting. So I come straight to his office - there is his sound recording studio Miracle Production, in which now Topalov can be found most often. “And here is the office, she has her own event agency Ace Event", - explains Vlad while giving me a little tour. Bright walls, many doors, one of which leads to a meeting room with a large round table. Offers tea, coffee or Thai mango (I choose the latter, of course) and shares the latest news.

For example, a video was recently released for his song called "Enough". Of course, many media immediately wrote that the track is dedicated to him now ex-wife Xenia Danilina, with which Vlad confirmed about a month ago. “Even my grandmother said: “Vlad, aren’t you ashamed?” In fact, the song was recorded back in September, then we Ksyusha everything was fine, it just happened,” he says.

To dot all i, gave exclusive interview PEOPLETALK.

“I always understood that if you are a media person, then everyone is interested in your personal life. And I did not hide: I got married. And now he's divorced. True, I don’t want to focus attention on these facts, as well as hide them. ”

WITH Ksenia Danilina they had known each other since childhood (“To be honest, I don’t remember how we met, it was in 2002”). And so, they grew up, met one day and did not notice how they ended up in the registry office: “We started dating in the spring of 2014, and got married in September 2015.” The ceremony was really chamber: only the closest and no photo shoots for magazine covers.

« Ksyusha wonderful person, we have experienced a lot in these two years. And I will never allow myself to speak ill of her.. I would venture to suggest for both of us that the reason for the divorce was our inexperience, unwillingness to give in to each other in something. When we started dating, we were both at the age at which we already want to start a family and settle down. But it was such a big "boom" - two Scorpions collided (I believe a little in horoscopes), bright, emotional, strong, fighting. So we hurried into battle - we didn’t even have time to live together, only after the wedding did our life begin.

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They were not ready for this. It turned out that the representations Vlada And Ksyusha about the ideal family differ. “We had a sincere and honest desire to create this family, but she idealized everything, and I'm a realist, I didn't look like the hero she imagined. After all, she, like any girl, dreamed of a prince since childhood.

But to the question of what is for him perfect family and what kind of woman should be there, Vlad tactfully replies: “The family is a very complex structure that needs a lot of work. In the future, I want peace, kindness and a lot of warmth. And if I now answer this question, I will automatically say what Ksyusha was wrong, that's wrong. Let's talk about me."

He admits that it’s not a gift and it was not easy to adapt to his wife: “I always try to be polite, I’m not a boor, I’m not a cattle, I treat any woman with respect. Everyone can be rude to each other, but we have Ksyusha it never crossed the line. I difficult person and I need to be felt. I have a lot of cockroaches in my head, I can wind up for nothing, take a steam bath, get angry, eat myself up, wind up. I need a person who will smooth my sharp corners and mood. How to do that, I honestly don't understand."

father raised Vlada so that "a man solves his problems himself." So he is sure that when you have some difficulties, you don’t need to dedicate your wife to them: “A man was created to support a woman, and not vice versa.”

By the way, rumors that one of the reasons for the breakup were dogs Xenia, are quite true. Ksyusha She loves her two dogs, a Spitz and a Terrier. “Everyone laughs at me, even my father, I remember, told me:“ Are you an idiot? If you love her, love her dogs too!” And I loved Ksyusha so he endured. But now I understand that this was originally a wake-up call - if you don’t like something right away, you need to discuss it with the other half, and not think that everything will smooth out over time.

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When last November they "took a break" Vlad I was still hoping that everything would work out. But in the end 9th of March This year they received a certificate of divorce. “When we parted in November, it was uncomfortable and hard, we were very worried. We are all living people, and it would be foolish to build ourselves into an insensitive man who does not care about anything - this is an important segment in my life. But we are not made for each other, and parting was the right decision.. I got a good experience."

Despite a difficult breakup, they remained friends ( “Being friends with an ex-wife is strange, I don’t have such a goal”) - everything was decided on the eve New Year. “I remember that at that moment she spoke very aggressively, I also understood that my nerves were on edge. And then he just sat her down and said: Do you really want to burn bridges in one second? 'Cause we've had so many good things. Our lives will cross again." And she heard me, for which I am very grateful to her.».

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Now Vlad plunged headlong into work: writes songs, plays comedy performance "Airborne Forces Day" V Petersburg and became co-owner of the medical center Mozhayka 10.

"IN last years I devote a lot of time to charity and social projects who help people with drug addiction. And I'm glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of such a great cause. Unfortunately, I myself went through this and I understand very well people who find themselves in such a situation. I am very worried that in our country drug addiction is such a terrible and taboo topic.».

Vlad recalls: when in 2009 he told in an interview what he had to go through, people did not understand him. “I just admitted that I made a mistake, but I got over it. I wanted to draw the attention of society to the fact that such people should be helped, and not look at them with disgust».

So the medical center for Vlada- breather. By the way, I invited Topalov become part of this project owner Mozhayki 10. Then Vlad worked on a charitable project to promote healthy lifestyle life, and Masha I was just about to restart the clinic. Topalov became interested and helped with finances: “We made a good repair, bought German equipment, there are very serious doctors and drugs. We have been preparing for the opening for more than six months.”

I followed her diet, corresponded with her, brought her to her senses, gave advice. And a month later, she really got prettier and fresher, she enjoys the good weather, uploads pictures on Instagram, smiles.

Probably recognized Vlad while in the clinic, he rehabilitates himself. “I feel very sorry for the parents of these teenagers, I remember how hard it was for mine. I just want to do something good because I did a lot of bad things. I do not make a saint out of myself and I do it for the heart and soul.”

Vlad tells patients that there is another way, that life does not end with addiction, that you can become better, bolder, stronger, more successful, because people who have overcome addiction have incredible strength will and are able to move mountains. He recalls that when he needed help, "doctors, parents, friends and God" were nearby, it was thanks to them that he was able to become a different person: "I couldn't do it on my own".

Vlad Topalov - Russian crooner, ex-soloist of the musical group "Smash !!". Vladislav Topalov was born in Moscow. His mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, was a historian-archivist, and his father, Mikhail Genrikhovich Topalov, ran his own business as the owner of a law firm, had some relation to the production center. Vlad has a 3-year-old younger sister, Alina.

Since the elder Topalov was seriously interested in music in his youth, he was a member of several musical groups in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and St. Petersburg, including performing professionally with the Fourth Dimension rock group, his children are very early age began to attend various children's music studios and mugs.

Vlad Topalov started musical biography even before entering general education school. Vlad studied at music school in the violin class, and at the age of 5.5 he became a member of the famous children's musical ensemble"Fidgets". Its leader was Elena Pinjoyan.

Vlad was one of the soloists of the choir, and also sang in a duet with Yulia Malinovskaya, who would later become famous TV presenter programs " morning Star". The organizers of the group arranged concerts for the pupils as in home country as well as abroad. Children's team toured many countries, performed in Japan, Italy, Norway, Bulgaria and other countries and repeatedly won international competitions.

When Vlad was 9 years old, his parents send him to an English closing college, where the boy studied for 3 years. But in 1997, the teenager returns to the capital of Russia and further education takes place in a specialized school with in-depth study foreign languages.

When Vlad was 15 years old, his parents divorced. The boy stayed with his father, and his mother took her daughter Alina with her. Subsequently, Tatyana Anatolyevna remarried, and Vladislav was born in 2008 stepsister Anna. In 2002, Topalov became a student at the Russian State Humanitarian University, choosing the Faculty of Law, which he successfully graduated in 2006.


In 2000, Topalov Sr. decided to release a CD for the 10th anniversary of the Fidget ensemble. For this were rewritten best songs, they made new arrangements. Vocal parts were also performed by Vlad Topalov s. In parallel, the guys decided to record a separate duet and sang several songs, including beautiful aria on French"Belle" from the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris", which then thundered all over the world. This is how the Smash! group was born, which already in 2001 signed a contract with the French recording studio Universal Music Group.

In the spring of 2002, the duo won the competition for young performers in Jurmala " New wave” and closes in the studio to record songs. First, a promotional single and a video for the song "Should have loved you more" were released. And then in 2003 was published debut album"Freeway", which very quickly went platinum, and not only in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union but also in many countries South-East Asia.

In December 2004, the second disc of the 2nite group was released, and immediately Sergey Lazarev left the duet to start solo career. A vocalist was invited to take his place, but Vlad refused to work in a different line-up, and "Smash !!" ceased to exist.

Solo career

Vlad Topalov by example former colleague the group decided to start solo project. First, the CD "Evolution" was released in 2005, which included greatest hits duet performed solo by Vlad, as well as several new songs. Then he signed a contract with the Gramophone Music company and in 2006 released his debut solo album Lone Star, which included the musician's fresh hits The Dream, How Can It Be and For Love (For Your Love ").

After 2 years, the singer's second disc is released - "Let the heart decide", which was recorded at the studios in Moscow and Miami. And at the same time, the album "I Will Give It All To You" is published, which is a collection of all English-language songs performed by Vlad Topalov. In addition to music, Vlad participates in theatrical performances. In 2010, Topalov gets a role in the play "The result on the face", with which he tours the cities of the CIS. Subsequently, Topalov also tries himself as a film actor in the films "Inadequate People" and "".

In 2014, the musician released the radio single "Without Brakes".

In 2015, a recording was released into radio rotation new song Vlad Topalov "Let go", later a video clip for this composition was released. In the same year, the musician presented music video on the song "Close Relationships", recorded in a duet with Kristelle. To date, Topalov has released total– as part of a group and solo – 25 music videos.

In 2016 Vlad Topalov recorded new song"Parallel" and soon released Music clip for this composition.

Personal life

The singer's first love was, with whom he was familiar from the Fidget team. Their romance began when both were already famous, proceeded stormily, with periodic breaks in relations. Volkova even managed to start an affair with another person and give birth to a daughter from him, but later returned to Vlad. A wedding was planned in 2006, but due to complex relationships young people decided to break off the romance, this time for good.

Another serious love for Vlad could again lead to marriage, but his relationship with Olga Rudenko, the director of Sergei Lazarev, also ended in nothing.

In September 2015, Vlad Topalov entered into an official marriage. His chosen one was the owner of an elite studio, Ksenia Danilina, the heiress of a million-dollar fortune.

On March 9, 2017, Vlad Topalov divorced his wife. A month after the divorce, the musician commented on this event in order to avoid unpleasant rumors in the press. Topalov named ex-wife wonderful person and admitted that the problems in the family began due to the inexperience of the spouses: Vlad and Ksenia could not find compromises, they often cursed. According to Topalov, the singer will not be friends with the ex-wife, but wants to keep with Ksenia warm relationship. An unsuccessful marriage did not force the musician to abandon the idea of ​​​​marriage.

In March 2017, the artist released a new song "I got it" and shot a music video for this song. Although Topalov promised not to speak badly about his ex-wife, fans are sure that the refrain of the song "Got Me" is addressed to the ex-wife of the musician. The clip talks about Everyday life lyrical hero performed by Topalov, who is constantly disturbed by a girl who lives nearby: listens to music loudly, distracts, demands attention, which adds allusions to family life musician.

At the beginning of 2018, it became known that Vlad was dating a TV presenter. Young people met in the USA during the rehearsals of the play. The couple hid the relationship for the first time and even convinced the public of the opposite.

In the summer of 2018, the media and fans noticed Todorenko's rounded belly, which she tried to hide with puffy outfits. According to journalists, the firstborn of the singer and TV presenter will appear in December.

At the end of July, Vlad Topalov Regina during a holiday in Corsica. The girl agreed. In November 2018, the ring singers on ring fingers. Fans were quick to congratulate the couple on their official marriage. A lavish celebration, in view" interesting position"the brides, the newlyweds decided to spend after the birth.

December 5, 2018 Regina Todorenko. A boy weighing 3,690 kg and 59 cm tall was born in a Moscow clinic. The happy news was announced to the fans by the newly-made dad - Vlad Topalov.

Vlad Topalov now

Musician leads official account V " Instagram". The singer uploads frames from new clips, selfies with friends, does not hesitate to take pictures in everyday life and even upload frames where, for example, he is smeared with paint. Tens of thousands of subscribers are subscribed to Vlad Topalov's page.


  • 2003 freeway
  • 2004 2nite
  • 2005 Evolution
  • 2006 Lone Star
  • 2008 Let the heart decide
  • 2008 I Will Give It All To You

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