Drawing lesson on the theme of spring. GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group "Early spring


When it got warmer outside the window, the snow began to melt, and inspiration appeared, it's time to take paints with the child and draw spring.

Spring, which after frosty and snowy winter, everyone is looking forward to, brings not only changes in nature, but also changes in human mood. It becomes upbeat, joyful, you want to be renewed, like nature, you want to create and create. And then the kids were given the task to draw an early spring, so you can combine your creative impulses with its implementation.

How to draw early spring with children in stages with paints for beginners?

Simple, feasible for children several options are offered.

Early spring- these are swelling buds on trees and bushes, which are getting larger every day and are ready to turn into young leaves or flowers. Therefore, you can first draw a branch, using a wider brush for this, and then more fine brush draw small shoots and leaves on the branches.
To make the drawing bright and life-affirming, the sheet on which the branch is drawn can be pre-colored, for example, blue color.

Children's drawing spring paints: steps 5-7.

Children's drawing of spring with paints.

Early spring is the first flowers.
We draw a snowdrop, a tulip, any other flower with petals around the core. In children, such uncomplicated drawings will turn out well. Above the flowers, children will be happy to draw a cheerful bright sun. Those who are older can add an insect to the drawing, which will enliven the image.

Spring flowers in stages: tulip.

Spring flowers in stages: snowdrop. Spring flowers in stages: narcissus.

You can also suggest drawing a landscape, such as hills that are gradually but steadily falling snow. Therefore, somewhere you will need to leave White color in the picture, and somewhere already paint over the hill with a dark brown color. Again, let the bright yellow sun shine over the hills and ravines, bringing the long-awaited warmth closer.

Spring landscape.

An interesting option is to create a picture in a non-traditional form just with paints and brushes, but, for example, by dipping a small diameter of the bottom plastic bottle into paint. So, a branch is preliminarily drawn. Then, as it were, the bottom, which has bulges, is imprinted on it, it turns out very elegant and beautiful drawing, and the child is interested in using different methods his creation.


How to draw spring in the forest in stages with paints?

  1. Spring needs to be painted bright colors- blue, yellow, brown.
  2. The composition of the drawing is determined, for example, a forest standing in the distance and a field in front of it.
  3. The horizon line is marked, and it does not need to be in the middle of the sheet.
  4. The contours of the forest are outlined against the sky, the shades for the trees are selected. Trees can be painted in a circular motion with a brush. We remember the rule: the farther the object, the more vague its image should be, and vice versa.
  5. The sky is painted with diluted blue paint.
  6. I detail the trees and with the help of thicker and paint Brown. By mixing blue and bright - yellow color you can get a gently green tint of young foliage.
  7. Now we draw melting snow, we make clearings in the forest with the help of brown paint.

How to draw spring with gouache quickly?

  1. Take a sheet of paper and gouache paint. Mix white and blue colors, paint over about a quarter of the sheet with the resulting one. It will be the spring sky.
  2. Mix white, blue and red paints to get a lilac-purple hue, and in a circular motion in the upper part of the picture we make the outlines of the forest in the distance.
  3. Apply some white or blue paint on top to get volume.
  4. In the foreground, blue and white paint can depict a melting shapeless snowdrift.
  5. Add to the center of the picture yellow paint, separating it from the image of the forest and from the snowdrift with white stripes.
  6. Detail the image of the forest by painting the trunks and twigs of the trees in the forest with a more saturated blue color. On top of the yellow background in the center, add green young sprouts.
  7. When you're done with the background, wait until the drawing is completely dry.
    Next, you can draw birch trees, they are just getting ready to wake up in early spring after winter. First draw their outlines.
  8. Cast shadows on the white contours of the birches with blue paint.
  9. Then add texture to the birch bark by mixing black and white paint.
  10. Draw twigs on the birches, put black paint on the trunks to finish the bark.
  11. Finish the drawing by adding brown and white paint on the ground to show that somewhere the snow has already melted, and somewhere else it has been preserved in a shapeless form.

Spring in gouache.


Kind of activity:Fine.

Form of organization of activity: Workshop.

GCD theme: "Spring has come."

Target: The formation of children's ideas about the genre of painting - landscape.


1. Learn to create landscape composition depicting nature in spring.

2. To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, about changes in nature in the spring.

3. Develop visually - creative thinking, attention, speech, creativity.

4. Educate careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, blanks (sun, tree, flowers, stream, birds) for landscape modeling, slides depicting landscapes, still life, K. Ushinsky's book, watercolors, brushes, non-spill bottles, sheets of white paper, lined oilcloths, napkins.

Course progress.


Welcome Ritual:

Stretch your hands to a friend (children stand in a circle),

Hold hands tightly (hold hands).

Right friend and left friend (turn and look at each other),

It turned out a friendly circle (raise hands up).

Good afternoon to you, kids,

Glad to see you always!

- The sun not only stays longer in the sky, but also heats noticeably stronger every day. At first, thawed patches appear on the fields: but soon the earth, wet, soaked with water, shows up everywhere from under the snow.Another week will pass, another - and the snow will remain only somewhere in a deep ravine where the sun does not look. The trees also wake up from their winter sleep and, warmed by the sun, are filled with juices. The sky is getting bluer and the air is getting warmer.

What season is the author talking about? (About spring).

Is it now spring in all countries?

But it is not everywhere the same as ours. Who knows what kind of spring, for example, in Africa? (It is hot all year round and there is no snow, and in spring it does not melt, they do not even have the first flowers).

And how can you make the children living there find out what kind of spring we have in Siberia? (You can tell this passage that the author wrote, or you can draw a picture and send it by letter).

And if the picture shows forests, fields, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, a city, a village - what is the name of such a picture? (scenery)

2. Goal setting.

Today we are going to draw watercolor paints Beautiful spring landscape. And then we'll put it in an envelope and send it to the guys from Africa and Antarctica!

3. Joint activities of the educator and children.

Now ... will read us a poem:

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut, -
Be sure to picture
It is called ... .. (landscape).

Let's say this word together.

Now take a close look at the slides. Think about which picture is superfluous? (slide number 1: landscapes: winter, spring, summer, autumn and portrait).

Why this particular picture? (This is not a landscape).

Tell me, what season is drawn in each picture? (slide number 2: landscapes: winter, spring, summer, autumn).

How can one say differently, knowing that a picture of nature is a landscape? (Winter landscape, spring, summer, autumn).

Tell me, please, did the artists beautifully depict nature in these paintings?

And what needs to be done so that she always remains as beautiful? (Take care of her: do not cut down trees, do not burn fires in the forests, do not break branches, etc.)

Of course, nature must be loved and protected!

Show a picture with a spring landscape. (slide number 3: spring landscape).

Why did you decide that spring is depicted? (children's answers).

What else happens in nature in spring? (The sun warms more, thawed patches appear, the day becomes longer, the buds swell, the first grass and flowers appear).

And now I propose to compose (simulate) my spring landscape.

What will definitely be in the picture if it is spring and it is getting warmer every day? (Children choose the sun from three proposed blanks: without rays, with short rays, with long rays).

What else can you draw if the landscape is a picture of nature? (Children choose a tree from the three proposed: autumn, spring and New Year's spruce).

What else? When the snow has only melted in places, what is it called? (thawed patches)

The snow melts and turns into what? (into streams)

And flowers can be drawn in our picture? Choose which ones. (Children choose the right one from three: tulip, snowdrop, chamomile).

What else can you draw? Who flies to us in the spring? (Children are offered a rook and a bullfinch).

Here is the landscape we have.

Well, now let's stretch.


The sun began to warm, (hands up, stretched)
Droplets began to knock. (Fists knock)
Drop - one, drop - two, (hands alternately forward, palm up)
Drops slowly at first, (clap hands)
And then, and then, (jumping)

All run, run, run (slow run in place)
Faster, faster, faster (fast running in place)
A small stream is running! (squat)

Now I suggest you go to our workshop and draw your landscape.

4. Independent activity of children.

Let's remember how to sit, hold a brush. How to draw with a brush to get a thin line? (draw a line with the tip of the brush).

And if I need grey colour, but it is not there, how to get it?

And if you worked with one paint and you needed another, what should you do? (Rinse the brush well).

And in order for your landscapes to turn out beautiful, you need to work carefully, do not smear the paint on a sheet of paper with your hands.

(The guys do the work on the music, the teacher provides assistance in case of difficulties).

Please take your drawings and stand in a circle.

4. Reflection.

What did we draw today? (nature or landscape)

What is the name of the picture that depicts nature? or What is a landscape?

Why are we painting the landscape?

If children from Africa look at our pictures, will they understand that we painted spring? By what signs can you determine that we were painting a spring landscape with you?

Did we make it?

Tell me, did everyone finish their drawings, or did any of you want to finish something else? We will rest and we will definitely finish your work.

Well done! Thank you for your work!

Tatiana Turusova

GCD abstract for drawing in the senior group

Topic: “Early spring. The arrival of the rooks.



To expand the knowledge of children about migratory birds. Cultivate a sense of kindness, love for birds.

Learn to arrange the plot harmoniously on a sheet of paper.

To fix the methods and techniques of drawing with colored pencils.


Develop fine motor skills hands, range of motion of the hand.

To develop the ability to look at the world through the eyes of artists, to notice and create Beauty;

Develop creativity and imagination, observation and imagination.


To cultivate love and respect for the fine arts;

Bring up artistic taste and a sense of harmony;

Cultivate independence skills.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils. Audio and video equipment, reproduction of A. K. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived".

Preliminary work: Birdwatching outside. Considering illustrations about spring. Reading a poem about spring.

Corrective work. The use of words in speech: painting, landscape, nature, artist. Names of migratory birds, signs of spring.

GCD progress

caregiver(makes a riddle)

Who passed so quietly,

Well, of course, not an elephant,

Even a fat hippo

I couldn't get through this quietly.

It's coming beauty

Lightly touches the ground

What does it touch

Everything is unraveling.

Children. Spring.

Educator. Right. As you may have guessed, today we will talk about spring. about early spring. Spring has long been loved by people. People called her "Spring is red." Poets wrote poems about spring. Which of you will remember and read us poems about spring? (Children read previously learned verses)

Educator. Where does spring begin? (From drops, thawed patches, the sun shines brightly, snowdrops appear, fly migratory birds etc.)

Educator. And what birds come to us in the spring? (Rooks, cranes, starlings, swallows, larks.)

Educator. What are they doing? (Build nests, repair old ones.)

Educator. Yes, spring brings the joy of life, the joy of creativity, not only to poets. See wonderful world nature, its beauty, artists help us. Today we will get acquainted with the picture of the Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov, who was very fond of painting the nature of our country. What it's called, I won't say yet. Let's try to guess.

What season is shown in the picture?

Why did you decide so? What are the signs that spring is coming?

The main detail that confirms our conclusions about the approach of spring is the rooks. Where do the rooks sit? What do they care about when they return from warmer climes?

Why are bird tracks so clearly visible in the snow?

Where are the birches? Describe them, what are they? With what colors did the artist paint the picture?

What is written in blue? What's grey? Brown?

What is the brightest thing in the picture?

What mood does the artist convey? How did the artist manage to show this?

What is this picture about? What would you name this painting?

Educator: The artist Savrasov called his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. People have always waited for spring and rejoiced at its arrival, as evidenced by the arrival of rooks. There is such a proverb - "Rook on the mountain ... spring is in the yard." When I look at the picture, I remember a poem by S. Rusanovskaya, which I really like:

Winter argues with rooks -

Freezes and blizzards.

open land

Again covered with snow.

Rooks do not lose heart -

And they croak and jump:

"We've overcome the road

And we will be alive!

We flew so long

Home, home!

Let's endure a little

Make peace with winter!

I really liked this picture. It evokes a feeling of joy.

Educator. And now, guys, I suggest you become artists and draw spring picture. Think guys what you will draw on your piece of paper. What colors will you take for early spring?

Independent work of children.

After composition sketch with a simple pencil children start to color scheme your drawing. Colored pencils make an excellent effect for children's work, especially when multiple colors or shades are used to embellish an image. In the course of work, make sure that the children hold the pencil correctly and freely, without tension, monitor the posture of children


When the children have finished the work, analyze the children's drawings, note who tried very hard and who could draw better.

Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, we looked at the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”. Each of you tried, and in your drawings it is clear that nature woke up, came to life.

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Spring is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature is waking up from hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain is heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I want to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. A wonderful time - beautiful ones are obtained literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, upload a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring at home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful photos of spring for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Now there are many photographers who shoot landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as wallpaper on your desktop spring.

Thanks to high resolution And large sizes, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, such as drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on the desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

You can admire the springtime not only on the screen of your computer or tablet, but also on your phone. Suitable for this various images even a small resolution. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look spectacular and advantageous.

There can be both urban landscapes with houses, from the roofs of which icicles with a drop hang down, and paintings of wide open fields and forests with trees shedding a snow cover from their branches.

Also a great solution would be to opt for images small parts, for example, such as small rivers formed from the melting of snow covers, peeping buds or the first leaf of a birch that appeared.

Spring, pictures on the phone: they make you wake up and get out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists sing of this time and depict it in their paintings. Start new age, the renewal of the earth inspires them to create something new, gentle and bright.

A variety of landscapes gives a wide scope for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes in the countryside.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize the thaw, the release of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new direction. The houses, decorated with melting icicles, look like they are from old good fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees, waking up from their sleep and shedding snow from their branches, are like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It is pleasant to hang such pictures on the wall at home and admire them, enjoying the nature of the world around us.

Beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always cheer you up and push you to new beginnings and incarnations of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, raising your spirits.

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about spring.

Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to depict pictures of nature, transferring it characteristics, to teach to place the image all over the sheet, to improve color perception, the ability to work with paints, to develop children's interest in visual activity, develop creative thinking, imagination, cultivate interest in creativity.

Equipment: art reproductions, tinted sheet blue color, paints, brushes, napkins, audio recording of Tchaikovsky's The Seasons.

Lesson progress:

Guys, in order for our lesson to be successful, we need to "call" good mood. Let's join hands and smile at each other. Well done!

Listen to the riddle, when you guess it, then tell me the topic of our lesson.

« The snow is melting

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does it happen? (Spring).

Right. Children, tell me, is spring good or bad? Children's answers.

Children, what signs of spring do you know? (ball game). Children's answers (snow melts, streams run, drops ring, birds fly in, animals wake up, leaves appear, the day becomes longer and the night shorter, etc.). Well done!

Now guys we will look at reproductions of famous Russian artists, how they depicted early spring. Painting by artist A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". What do you see? What colors did the artist use? What mood appears when looking at the picture?

The painting by the artist I. Levitan is called "Spring. Big Water". Describe her. What colors are in the picture the most? Look into the melt water in the picture, what can you see there? What sky? Why? There is more sun in the sky, so it is blue-blue.


The sun, the sun, the golden bottom

Burn. Burn brightly so as not to go out

Ran in the garden stream

A hundred rooks have arrived

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting

And the flowers are growing.

Children, tell me, what is the name of the room where artists draw their work? Now we will go to our workshop, and you will be the artists and draw your early spring, as you imagine it.

The teacher, together with the children, remember how they should sit at the tables and the rules for working with paints and brushes.

Children, so that your hands get ready for work, we will do finger gymnastics.

Everywhere you hear the sound of drops

These droplets sang their song

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

dripping softly

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

Drops dance loudly

The drops ran

Because they saw the drops of the sun.

Guys, start drawing, and to inspire you to work, you will draw to the music of the Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky.

Bottom line: Children, let's take a look at what kind of early spring you got? (cheerful, sonorous, beautiful) You are all great! And your paintings are sent to the art gallery.

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