Amish life. Amish: lifestyle and traditions


Amish took a picture at the gas station. (The Amish do not like to be photographed, as they believe that their images can be used "for evil").
I decided to tell about this community.
Found stories in different places and photos in Corbis.
I myself have seen them, the impression that I got to the shooting of a historical film.
Once I was riding in an elevator with several representatives. The smell, I must say, comes from them ...

Sources: Wikipedia; Amish country; BBC Russian Service, Pennsylvania - lost World: how the Amish community lives in the USA.

At first, when you see the beards of men, you perceive the Amish as Orthodox Jews, but the Amish have nothing to do with Jews.

The Amish are a Christian movement of Mennonite origin.
The founder is Jacob Amman, a priest from Switzerland who emigrated to Alsace in the second half of the 17th century.

Their church doctrine can be characterized as the most conservative version of Mennonism.
The Amish did not build churches, but prayed with their fellow tribesmen, perhaps each in turn.

Main feature their creeds are more strictly followed Holy Scripture.
IN early XVIII century, part of the Amish moved to the United States (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana), where the Quaker Wilhelm Penn (Pennsylvania), who proclaimed freedom of religion, provided the Amish and Mennonites with refuge in the southeastern part of the state.

Main city county seat and "Amish Country" Cross Keys ( modern name- Intercourse (Intercourse - intercourse)).

Amish and Mennonites in the United States are collectively referred to as "pennsylvania dutch" ("Pennsylvanian Dutch").

The Amish refer to the rest of the United States as "English".
Between themselves, they still speak a German dialect called Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch, and English language are taught in schools.

The Amish have kept their way of life and appearance almost unchanged since the 17th century.

Most of them wear clothes and hats of certain colors and styles, ride in old horse-drawn carts, use only steel wheels, plow the land with a horse-drawn plow.

They are forbidden to serve in the army, take pictures, drive cars and fly airplanes, have computers, televisions, radios, wear wrist watch And wedding rings.

Amish marriages are concluded only with their co-religionists.

As a result of intermarriage within small communities, the Amish are subject to genetic degradation.

They sew their own clothes, only the material is bought in the store.

Don't go to public schools: they have their own, where education is eight years.

Monochromatic dresses - blue, purple or dark gray, made of thin fabric, similar to wool, but with an obligatory apron: married woman he is black, the unmarried woman is white.

The men wear black and navy blue suits. Pants support suspenders; there are no buttons on the trousers, they are replaced by a hook and loop system.

Pure color shirts; white for church service.
The wardrobe is complemented by a black felt hat.

Children dress the same as adults, boys usually wear straw hats.

The closer you get to their habitat, the darker the roads and streets become.

There is no street lamps The Amish don't use electricity.

A separate kerosene lamp burns in each window of their houses, or they use electricity generated by wind turbines.

The same installations drive fans with large wooden blades hanging from the ceiling.

In pitch darkness, the sound of hooves is occasionally heard.
Late fathers rush home in traditional Amish horse-drawn carts.

The only signs of modernization of these vehicles are headlights and turn signals, which are necessary in order not to fall under the wheels of cars of restless tourists roaming at night.

The appearance of Amish women on the streets after dark without special reasons considered debauchery.

The Amish are hereditary farmers.

They grow everything, make butter, cheeses, cottage cheese and sell it in the market of neighboring Philadelphia or to customers who come from all over the state.

Amish products are not cheap because they are considered environmentally friendly.
(I drank their milk, it is fat and stinks of a cow).

The Amish do not recognize any mechanization and refuse to change to tractors.
They do everything by hand: they plow, harvest, milk the cows, mow the grass.

In addition to private lands, there are also public fields under the supervision of the Council of Elders.

On the proceeds from the sale of crops from these fields locals maintain roads in proper condition, pay salaries school teachers and a blacksmith.

An integral part of the interior of the Amish home is a patchwork blanket - called a quilt. (quilt), as well as wooden things - chests, chairs, beds, rocking chairs.

Children's toys are simple, home-made: rag dolls, wooden trains, cubes.

If any of you have seen the movie Witness (1985) with Harrison Ford, you may already have great performance about who the Amish are and how they live.

Here are some more photos.

Strictly speaking, the Amish are religious movement. But I write about the Amish because here in the USA, many people know them and often cite them as an example. So they say: “Well, you are a real Amish!”. Are you interested? - Well, listen.

I'm currently watching Friends. Slowly I overcome series after series, putting on an English sound track. I like it, at the same time I tighten my tongue. So in this series or sitcom, the Amish are remembered through two episodes to the third.

Basically, it looks like this. For example, one of the characters in the film is going to make a simple table on the computer. And the second one asks him: “Why on a computer, isn’t it possible with an ordinary pen on paper?”

To which he receives the answer: “No, Amish boy!” That is, as if: “You can’t, Neanderthal!” Got it about the Amish? These are the people who… further from Wikipedia:

... are distinguished by the simplicity of life and clothing, unwillingness to accept some modern technologies and convenience. The movement of the followers of Jacob Ammann arose in 1693 in Europe, but then most of the Amish were forced to flee persecution and emigrate to America. The majority of the Amish currently live in the United States and Canada.

That is, in America there are separate settlements of the Amish. Moreover, unlike, for example, the Dutch settlements, which are more theatrical, staged, for the Amish this is a normal life.

There are many Amish in our state of Illinois, also nearby - in Indiana and Michigan. Well, in general, they are well settled in America. Many Amish also live in Canada.

The Amish appreciate manual labor, simple rural life, they practically do not use modern technology. They ride horse-drawn carts, they don't have cars.

Interestingly, the Amish family usually has 7 children. From this it is clear that the Amish population is one of the fastest growing in the world. If in 1920 there were only 5,000 Amish, then in the past 2011 there were already 261,150.

The fact is that the Amish are engaged in agriculture in the old fashioned way. And this means that their cows graze in the meadows and they do not add antibiotics to the chicken feed. Just go crazy! 🙂

That is, they have natural food. My wife is always looking for Amish egg cartons in the grocery store. They are more expensive, but there are eggs with a yellow yolk and delicious.

Amish furniture is made entirely of wood, no chipboard. The furniture is quite expensive, but very strong and reliable.

Interesting guys these Amish. They live on their own and do not interfere with others. I thought for a long time whether it was worth writing about them on this site, and then I decided that it would be interesting for someone.

Here are some photos of the Amish. The photos are not mine, I have not visited them in the village yet. But something tells me that I will go there! 🙂

By the way, the Amish themselves are never photographed. And so the state specifically developed passports without photographs for the Amish. Look, most of the photos are from the back or furtively!

P.S. It turns out that there is a film about the Amish with a very famous artists. Starring Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis (remember the doctor from Top Gun with a young Tom Cruise). And the film is called "Witness". Here is his promotional video.

One of the most famous bands religious minorities in the world, the Amish are famous for their traditional way of life. They live a much simpler life than the vast majority of people, often purely at the expense of Agriculture and industry. There are many legends around this group, which separated from the Mennonites several centuries ago, so let's try to figure out what is actually true.

Amish origins

The term "Amish" comes from the name of Jacob Ammann, a Swiss Anabaptist and Mennonite who vehemently advocated a literal interpretation of the Bible. His ideas caused a split in the church, and Amman's followers who left with him became known as the Amish.

Baptism and marriage

Baptism among the Amish occurs most often at the age of 18-22. Until this happens, a person is not allowed to marry. Also, at the time of marriage, both future spouses must be members of the church.


The Amish are notorious pacifists and reject any form of violence. That is why they did not participate in any war.

faceless dolls

Anyone who sees Amish dolls without knowing anything about them in advance will probably remember a couple of horror films. They just don't have faces. Faceless puppets are believed to keep people from pride and vanity. Also for a similar reason, the Amish do not play musical instruments, arguing that the tools are a method of self-expression that will stimulate the development of a sense of pride and superiority.


When an Amish child reaches the age of 16, they become a "rumspringa". For a certain amount of time, he is allowed to go outside and do things that are generally forbidden in the Amish community. During this time, the teenager must decide whether he will be baptized and become a member of the Amish Church or leave the community forever.

Amish in numbers

The Amish first emigrated to North America in the early 1700s and initially settled in Pennsylvania. Today, over 300,000 Amish live in more than 28 US states and Canada.

The role of women in the Amish

A woman in an Amish family is primarily a housewife whose duties include cooking, household and helping neighbors. “In public”, a woman, as a rule, follows the example of her husband.

Avoidance and weaning

The Amish can punish members of their society with two different ways. The first of these is "avoidance", in which members of the community limit all contact with the offender in order to shame him and point out the fallacy of his path. A more serious punishment is "excommunication". This is a complete cessation of contact with a person and his expulsion from the community. Even parents should stop contact with their child if he has been excommunicated.


In general, it is a well-known fact that the Amish cannot use motorized vehicles such as cars. They mainly use horses and carts.

famous beards

If you just look at an Amish man, you can immediately tell whether he is married or not. After the wedding, every Amish immediately begins to grow a beard.

Women's dresses

Amish women have a different tradition after marriage. They put on their wedding attire(which must be sewn by themselves) for Sunday church services.


Amish children study in small schools for one class with teachers from the community. After the end of such primary education the child begins to receive professional education(for example, agricultural and carpentry skills) from their family and community members.


The Amish differ from other Christians in that they do not engage in missionary work or evangelism. Simply put, they are not trying to convert as many people as possible to their faith.


Amish communities generally do not mind the use of modern medicine and resort to it in serious cases. Since the Amish do not have insurance, the money to pay for the treatment of the patient is collected by the whole community.

Conversion to the Amish faith

Those who want to join the Amish Church will face certain difficulties. First, you need to learn the German dialect spoken by the Pennsylvanian Amish (some only speak German), as well as forego modern conveniences that the Amish simply do not have. The new convert is placed with an Amish family to adjust to their way of life. After a sufficient period of acclimatization, a vote is held in the church on the advisability of recognizing a potential convert as a member of the congregation.

You probably noticed in my two previous stories there are photos of women in long
dresses and bonnets. They look, let's say, a little unusual against the background of others
and the girls asked me to tell you in more detail who they were and why they were dressed like that.

So: in the photo are Amish Mennonites.

To be honest, I know about the life of the Amish only from stories, although I see them quite often, but I have never come across them closely.
Throughout America, dozens of the most diverse sects live in different places, since one of the main principles of the country is freedom of religion.
As long as the sectarians do not break the law, they are not touched and they live according to the customs that they have adopted.
The Amish are a Christian movement of Mennonite origin.
Its founder is Jacob Ammann, a priest from Switzerland who emigrated to Alsace (Germany) in the second half of the 17th century.

Those who today are called Amish (after the name of the largest sect) actually consist of Protestant sects that are not very different from each other, of which the largest are the Old Order Amish proper (Old Order Amish, almost like “Russian Old Believers”) , Mennonites and Brethren.

The first of them appeared Mennonites (from Menno Simons - the founder of the sect), back in 1530.
Unlike other Protestants, for example, they only baptized those who had reached the age of 18.
The Old Order Amish (named after Jacob Ammann) separated from the Mennonites in 1600 and went even further: they were already against any interference of the outside world in their lives.
At the end of the 17th century, most of the Amish were forced to flee persecution and emigrate to America.

Now the Amish live in 20 US states, there are many of them in our Wisconsin, and hardly any of you know that tens of thousands of people live in the United States in the 21st century, preferring a horse to a car and a tractor, practically not using electricity and telephone, mineral fertilizers and other achievements of civilization.
And these people live not only in the outback, their largest community is located in the state of Pennsylvania, just an hour and a half drive from Philadelphia.

Outwardly, representatives of different sects of the Amish almost do not differ from each other, just as their life philosophy.
It is no coincidence that the Amish themselves call themselves "plain people", that is, ordinary people.
They all wear very simple clothes: the women must wear long dresses, as the Bible teaches modesty.

The dresses are plain, made of fine wool-like material, but with an obligatory apron: for a married woman it is black, for an unmarried woman it is white.
The style of such a dress has been stable for the last two hundred years.

Even Wedding Dress it is sewn in one color, without decorations, of the same style, so that tomorrow you can wear it to work.
The external differences between single, married and married are strictly regulated.
This is the shape of hats and bonnets, the color of the dress and other insignificant little things.

So bonnets for married women in the form of a heart.
They do without jewelry, do not use cosmetics and perfumes and do not wear short haircuts.

In memory of those sad times when they were persecuted in their historical homeland by Prussian soldiers, dressed in bright uniforms with wide belts and large buttons, men wear only suspenders instead of belts, and women try their best to avoid buttons, replacing them with pins and hairpins.
Mennonites dress like the Amish, but their traditions are less strict.

They do not have divorces, but young men are allowed to communicate quite freely with girls of marriageable age.
Free means talking, joking, walking together on Sunday.
The appearance of Amish women on the streets after dark for no particular reason is considered debauchery.

Men wear straw or black felt hats.
Only married men They have the right to wear a beard, but the Amish do not wear mustaches, they are prohibited by law.
Amish usually do not serve in the army, they never in their American history did not fight.
Amish men's hats:

On the right, a high hat is for the holiday, and on the left, lower hats that young men who may already be married have the right to wear.

The trousers support suspenders, there are no buttons on the trousers, they are replaced by a system of hooks, loops and drawstrings, as worn by sailors.

Interestingly, Amish families tend to have 7 children, which is why the Amish population is one of the fastest growing in the world.
If in 1920 there were only 5,000 Amish, then in the past, 2011, there were already 261,150.
The Amish are also distinguished by their unwillingness to accept some modern technologies and amenities, they value manual labor, simple rural life, and practically do not use modern technology.

They ride on horse-drawn carts, they do not use cars as a matter of principle, considering them too easy and tempting way to travel in the world.
The most common Amish carriages are rectangular cabins, which they call "buggies" (from the word "bug" - beetle, and "buggy" respectively "bug").
For the Amish, the horse has always been and still is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

The Amish also often use scooters for individual transportation.
In addition to horse-drawn transport and scooters, another significant difference between the life of the Amish and the life of the civilized part of humanity is the almost complete absence of electricity and telephones in their homes.
Moreover, they are not against electricity as such, the whole thing, it turns out, is in the wires that bring it down and, in their opinion, serve as another path from the pernicious outside world.
The same applies to pipes supplying gas.

They are forbidden to serve in the army, take pictures, drive cars and fly planes, have computers, televisions, radios, wear wristwatches and wedding rings.
But electrical devices and mobile phones Without wires, the Amish use batteries.

By the way, here's a photo of me taken in St. Louis Arch: an Amish Mennonite in the hands of a mobile.

Amish schools are a special topic.
All students, as in Tolstoy's story, sit in the same room and study for eight years.
The teachers in these schools are girls who themselves have recently graduated from them and have not yet married.
In schools, they study only those subjects and only to the extent that they will need on farms: botany, zoology, arithmetic, the basics of geometry, English and German.

The Amish believe that this education is enough for a traditional farm life, but if someone wants to give children modern education can enroll them in the nearest regular school.
Of the books, not counting children's books, they kept only the Bible.
From pictures - wall calendars and a newspaper that they themselves print about the weather, harvest, milk yield, sowing or reaping.

Of the simple biblical values ​​that all Protestants tried to return to, the Amish revere family, honesty, and work on the ground as the main ones.
Considering the family one of the three main life values, the Amish give great attention and community life.
For example, if someone from the Amish needs new house(a family was formed or there was a fire), they build it with the whole community.
Dozens, if not hundreds of men gather and in one day (!) erect a large wooden house literally turnkey.
Women on this day prepare food for everyone, and such a day ends with a joint dinner.

In 1985, the country released a film called "Witness" with Harrison Ford in leading role.
There is no better film about the Amish, I watched it in one breath.
Moreover, the director showed the Amish community with great respect and sympathy.

The film takes place in the Amish community, and there they just collectively build a house.
Amish houses, like most houses in America, are wooden.
If in the pictures they look like brick or even stone, then this is only a cladding: the frame and all the floors are made of wood.
Outwardly, Amish houses are no different from the houses of other Americans.

They are only given out by washing drying on a rope, since they have electric dryers no, and standing in the yards and near the farms unharnessed buggies.

By the way, the big “Red Army” stars on Amish houses are an old sign that has the same meaning as a horseshoe: for good luck.
Horseshoes also sometimes come across, but stars are more common.
An integral part of the interior of the Amish house is a patchwork blanket - called a quilt, as well as wooden things - chests, chairs, beds, rocking chairs.

A simple children's toy.
Children's toys are simple, home-made: rag dolls, wooden trains, cubes.
The Amish don't have nursing homes.
If someone's house has old man who can no longer take care of himself, a list of duties is established and the whole community helps.

Among the Amish there are not very poor, even by American standards, people.
This is explained by their very low expenses: they do not buy cars, do not pay for gasoline, they do not have mortgages (mortgages) on houses.
Also, the Amish don't buy insurance.
Even for visiting a doctor, they pay in cash.
If one of them needs a major operation, the entire community is reset.
The Amish don't buy expensive clothes, food, Jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, do not drink alcohol, and most importantly, they work on their farms and in workshops from dawn to dusk.

According to official USDA statistics, Amish farms are among the most productive in the country.

Amish farming is the old fashioned way; their cows graze in the meadows and their products are environmentally friendly and of high quality.
I always buy groceries in an Amish store with pleasure: the sellers are very smiling and attentive, however, it doesn’t happen differently in America, and the sellers are also dressed in strict dresses and caps.

In addition to being excellent farmers, the Amish are also famous for their handicrafts.
In their villages there are many handicraft shops and souvenirs made by them.

The Amish are famous joiners and carpenters, they make solid, slightly old-fashioned, but real wooden furniture.
Amish furniture is made entirely of wood, no chipboard.
The furniture is quite expensive, but very strong and reliable.
Lovers of such furniture come for it even from Philadelphia and New York.

Photographing the Amish is not easy.
I have almost no photos of the Amish, they do not like to be photographed and they themselves are never photographed.
For this reason, the state has developed passports without photographs specifically for the Amish.
Look, most of these Amish photos from the Internet are from the back or taken on the sly.

You won’t find family photos in Amish homes, but they have so-called “family lists” hanging on the walls.

Approximately such.
One list of parents, the other - modern family- name, month and year of birth.

But do not try to find even the most modest Amish church among them - the Amish simply do not have them.
The Amish in this matter went even further than the Mennonites: they generally abolished the church, literally following the Bible, for it is said in Scripture: "The Almighty does not live in temples made by man."
The Amish take turns gathering weekly in their own homes to read the Bible.

Even in Everyday life they still manage to literally follow the Bible, preaching three commandments in everyday life: modesty, simplicity and humility.
One cannot become an Amish at the behest of one's heart, one can only be born one.
According to the rules of the Amish, all members of the community once in their lives, in their youth, are given a choice: either to finally accept baptism, or to refuse and leave the Amish community, go to the big world.
Before that, they are allowed to try to live in the world, to see what and how it is there.
He can see all aspects of life in the world around him, both positive and negative, and make a completely conscious voluntary choice between life "in the world" and life in the Amish religious community.

The most striking thing is that up to 95 percent of young people, after looking at worldly life, return back to the community.
Only in adulthood they take the deliberate step of baptism.

Most of the "oddities" way of life Amish is associated with their desire to protect their lives and the lives of their children from pernicious influence outside world.
Actually, this is an old philosophical debate, what progress brings more: good or evil.
There is still no answer to it, therefore it is philosophical, but the Amish still firmly believe that time can be stopped, if not in a single country, then at least in a single community.
No one in America prevents them from doing this, and God help them!

The text is based on materials open sources the Internet.

Since my photos do not cause any reaction, which is very depressing ... considering the downpour outside the window ... In short, I made a strong-willed decision - to stop doing unnecessary garbage, I will not post them anymore. Instead, you will have to entertain you with local bikes.

The other day, I mean last week, I had a chance to talk with the Amish.

For those who are not in the tank

The Amish are one of the offshoots of Mennonism. The name comes from Jacob Ammann, a Mennonite leader in Alsace in the second half of the 17th century. The main feature of their doctrine is a more strict adherence to the Holy Scriptures. The Amish give paramount importance to the provision in Paul's letter to the Romans regarding the separation of church and state.

Amish leaders are not professional church leaders. They are elected by lot and carry out their activities free of charge.

The Amish do not have prayer buildings. Divine services are held in turn in the private homes of fellow believers. Services are held through Sunday. On those Sundays when there are no services (Friendship Sundays), the Amish rest and visit friends. Each Amish congregation has two preachers. The bishop and the deacon serve in two communities, holding divine services in them alternately on different Sundays. The Amish speak to each other in a dialect of German, but generally speak excellent English.

Women wear long plain dresses, usually black, blue or green, but with an obligatory apron: for a married woman it is black, for an unmarried woman it is white. Dresses do not differ in a special variety of colors and cuts - there are only two of them: a dress with a sewn-in skirt and a dress with an apron (similar to the Russian school uniform of the 70s and 80s). All girls and women wear caps - white or black, covering the back of the head and tied with ribbons under the chin.

The men wear black and navy blue suits. The clothes are sewn so that there is not a single button. This is because buttons were considered a luxury item, and were not used or used minimally, so that they were not visible on clothing. If there were several open buttons on a coat or jacket, then these clothes had to be removed at the entrance to the church, or rather, the house where they prayed. Pants support suspenders; there are no buttons on the trousers, they are replaced by a hook and loop system. Pure color shirts; white - for church service. The men's wardrobe is complemented by a black felt hat or a straw hat. Children dress the same as adults, boys usually wear straw hats.

In relations with the worldly environment, they behave in a closed way. They have kept their life and appearance almost unchanged since the 17th century. The Amish live in a community, help each other, lead a subsistence economy, give birth to many children, do not use the products of civilization, such as: electricity, vehicles (the Amish is allowed to ride in a car as a passenger, but not a driver), they sew clothes for themselves, only they buy material in a store , do not go to public schools: they have their own, where education is eight years old. The Amish pay taxes, but they don’t pay into the National Insurance Fund, which means they don’t receive a pension either: they take care of their old people themselves. They also treat themselves, probably, they have their own healers, because in eight classes you are unlikely to master the wisdom of medicine. But health, presumably, is not bad for them: this and natural selection, And healthy lifestyle life. Prohibitions on the use of electricity, cars and other elements of civilization are dictated not by religious, but by the moral convictions of the Emish: it is not the use of technical goods that is condemned, but their possible moral consequences. The Amish do not like to be photographed, as they believe that their images can be used "for evil."

The Amish rarely marry anyone outside their community, with the Mennonites being the exception. As a result of intermarriage within small communities, the Amish are subject to genetic degradation. If children do not like the life of their parents, they may well choose a different life. The basic law of the Amish is "heaven through hard work."

At the beginning of the 18th century, part of the Amish moved to the United States (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana), where the Quaker William Penn, who proclaimed freedom of religion, provided the Amish and Mennonites with refuge in the southeastern part of the state. The main city of the district and the center of the “Amish country” is Cross Keys (the modern name is Intercourse).

Strict adherence to Mennonite traditionalism led to a split in the Amish. In 1865, ultra-conservative co-religionists departed from the Amish. The most liberal groups merged in the 10-20s of the 20th century with the Mennonite Church in the USA and entered the Mennonite Central Conference (founded in 1899).

The Amish, who were not affiliated with the Mennonite Church, established the Conservative Amish Mennonite Conference in 1910, which was renamed the Conservative Mennonite Church in 1954.

The number of Amish in the United States at the end of the 20th century. - 90-120 thousand people living mainly in the state of Ohio. Amish and Mennonites in the United States are collectively referred to as "pennsylvania dutch" ("Pennsylvanian Dutch"). The Amish refer to the rest of the United States as "English".

In 198, a film called The Witness was released, starring Harrison Ford. Many believe that best movie about the Amish and hard to find, because the director showed the Amish community with great respect.

The Amish family I interacted with is impressive. Stately, thin, in old, slightly baggy clothes. The Amish are very tall: men under two meters, women under a meter 1.80. Men do not shave their beards and wear straw hats. So good, strong open people real peasants. Big, strong, hard-working hands. For some reason, I immediately thought that it was thanks to such people that the West was conquered. They speak English very clearly without an accent. Respect for elders is strictly observed, if the head of the family speaks, then everyone else remains silent.

This family came to Canada from the States to visit friends. However, the Americans got mad at them for some reason and gave them, in addition to their American passports, a piece of paper proving that they had no citizenship. So it turns out that they are not very much liked in the States, and according to them, with Bush coming to power, everything only worsened and they began to gradually survive. In Canada, they are also unwanted guests, given the Canadian-American good neighborly relations. In short, the Amish decided to tear their claws .... That's right, to Russia They say, we've been told so much that the Russians are evil, that they are bad, and we are convinced that this is not so. We have been to your country and we really liked it there. So, they say we want to get a residence permit, move to Russia (they are thinking about the Kaliningrad region), they are actively learning Russian (daughters already write and chat tolerably, adults read printed text and continue to actively carpet). We wrote a letter to the Minister of Agriculture Gordeev and the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region with a request to provide assistance .. In general, things are moving ...

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