What are the reasons for the special development of Russian classical literature. A Brief History of Russian Literature


Author-developer - Malyukova Vera Fedorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category, secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Ivanteevka, Moscow Region, Honorary Worker general education RF.

Synopsis of an introductory literature lesson in grade 10 using health saving technologies and problem-based learning

Lesson 1. Russian literatureXIXcentury. Main stages historical development Russia and Russian classical literature


Alexander Blok

Lesson type: the study of new material - the "discovery" of new knowledge by students.

Working methods: lecture with elements of conversation.

Forms of organization cognitive activity students: frontal, group

Lesson Objectives:


    reveal the level literary development 10th grade students, their reading circle, reading interests, literary outlook;

    in the introductory lecture, characterize the historical development of Russia in the first and second half of the 19th century, give a general description of the literature of the century, identify the main stages in the development of Russian classical literature, the evolution literary trends and genres, artistic methods, Russian literary criticism .

2) developing:

    develop in schoolchildren the ability to draw up a plan (summary) of the teacher's story, fix its main provisions, draw up reference tables, and draw conclusions;

3 ) educational:

Equipment: literature textbook for grade 10. Part 1. Authors: V. Sakharov, S. Zinin. Moscow " Russian word", 2007; reproductions of paintings by Russian artists: “Tea drinking in Mytishchi, near Moscow” by V.G. Perova, “They didn’t wait” by I.E. Repin, “Defeated. Panikhida" by V.V. Vereshchagin, " Birch Grove» I.I. Levitan;

Used technologies: health saving, technology of problem study

During the classes

I. Self-determination to activity. Organizing time

    Getting to know the class.

    Introduction to the structure of the textbook.

The textbook consists of two parts. The book provides a deep analysis of the studied works, historical, theoretical, literary information, detailed biographical material, offers reflections that will help to understand the essence of the work. The textbook contains articles that reveal the essence literary concepts.

However, you must understand that no textbook or reference book can replace the piece of art. Only after reading the work, you can form YOUR personal opinion about what you read. There are tasks in the textbook marked with an asterisk. * are assignments for in-depth study some question or increased complexity and are individual. The textbook contains many reproductions of paintings and drawings that thematically echo works of Russian classical literature.

    Student Requirements: reading texts of works, writing in workbooks, portfolio of achievements (participation in subject competitions and olympiads); cumulative assessment (performing individual and group tasks: presentations, reports, etc.). Texts by heart– a must for everyone!

II. staging learning task. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. The word of the teacher. opening talk

Subject our introductory lesson: "Russian literatureXIXcentury."

Our task - identify the main stages in the development of Russian classical literatureXIXcentury, literary trends and genres, artistic methods, Russian literary criticism.

Review lectures involve taking notes, so today we will also develop the ability to draw up a plan (summary) of the teacher's story, fix the main points of the lecture, etc.

In grades 8-9 you studied works written in the first half of the 19th century.

    What are the main works that you studied in grades 8-9.

("The Captain's Daughter", "Inspector", "Undergrowth", "Woe from Wit", "Eugene Onegin", "Hero of Our Time", "Dead Souls")

The 10th grade program involves familiarity with the works of the second half of XIX century. And the very first work is the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

2. Work with an epigraph. Read. At the end of the lesson we conclude:

    Why did Alexander Blok say that "The nineteenth century, the iron, truly cruel age!

3. "Discovery" of new knowledge by students. Abstract of the main provisions of the lecture. Compiling a table

Periodization of Russian literature XIX century

general characteristics period

Development of the main literary genres

I quarter

Development of the ideas of noble revolutionism. Decembrism. The struggle of literary trends: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, early realism, naturalism. Mid 20s - the birth of the method critical realism. Leading artistic method- romanticism.

Ballad, lyrical epic poem, psychological story, elegy.

Literature of the 30s

Deepening of the general crisis of serfdom, public reaction. Loyalty to the ideas of Decembrism in the work of A. Pushkin. The heyday of revolutionary romanticism M. Lermontov. The transition from romanticism to realism and social satire in the work of N. Gogol. Leading value acquires realism, although most writers work within the framework of romanticism. Strengthening democratic tendencies. The government actively promotes the theory of "official nationality".

Development of prose genres. Romantic stories by A. Marlinsky, V. Odoevsky. Realistic aesthetics in critical articles V. Belinsky. Romantic character historical novels M. Zagoskiia, playwrights by N. Kukolnik, lyrics by V. Benediktov. The struggle of progressive and democratic forces in journalism.

Literature of the 40s-50s (1842-1855)

Strengthening the crisis of the feudal system, the growth of democratic tendencies. Development of the ideas of revolution and utopian socialism. Growing influence on public life advanced journalism. The ideological struggle between Slavophiles and Westernizers. heyday " natural school". A priority social issues. Development of the theme " little man". The confrontation between the literature of the Gogol school and the poets-lyricists of the romantic plan. Reactionary protective measures of the government in connection with the revolutions in Europe.

The main genres of the "natural school": a physiological essay, social tale, socio-psychological novel, poem. Landscape, love-aesthetic and philosophical lyrics of romantic poets

Literature of the 60s (1855-1868)

Rise of the Democratic Movement. Confrontation between liberals and democrats. The crisis of autocracy and the propaganda of the ideas of the peasant revolution. The rise of democratic journalism and its opposition to conservative journalism. Materialistic aesthetics of N. Chernyshevsky. New themes and problems in literature: raznochintsy heroes, passivity of the peasantry, showing the hard life of workers. "Soil" Realism and truthfulness in the depiction of life in the works of L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, N. Leskov. High artistic skill Romantic poets (A. Fet, F. Tyutchev. A. K. Tolstoy, A. Maikov, Ya. Polonsky)

Democratic story, novel. Activation of the genres of literary criticism and journalism. Lyric genres in the works of Romantic poets.

Literature of the 70s (1869-1881)

Development of capitalism in Russia. Democratic ideas of populism, their utopian socialism. Activation of secret revolutionary organizations. Idealization peasant life in the literature of populist writers, showing the decomposition of the communal way of life. The leading role of the magazine Domestic notes". Realistic tendencies in the works of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F. Dostoevsky, G. Uspensky, N. Leskov

Essay, story, story, novel, skaz.

Literature of the 80s (1882-1895)

Strengthening the reactionary policy of tsarism. The growth of the proletariat. Propaganda of the ideas of Marxism. Prohibition on cutting-edge magazines. The growing role of entertainment journalism. Critical realism in the work of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L. Tolstoy, V. Korolenko and others. Renewal of themes in literature: the image of the “average man”, an intellectual who professes the theory of “small deeds”. Motives of disappointment and pessimism in the work of S. Nadson and V. Garshin. Criticism of the ruling order and denunciation social inequality in the work of L. Tolstoy.

Story, story, novel. Romantic genres in the poetry of S. Nadson, social motives in the poetry of the People's Volunteer revolutionaries

Literature of the 90s (1895-1904)

Development of capitalism in Russia. Growth of Marxist ideas. Opposition between realistic and decadent literature. Ideas of raznochinny democracy in the work of V. Korolenko. The origin of proletarian literature (M. Gorky), the development of critical realism in the work of I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov.

Story, story, novel. journalistic genres. Genres in the Traditions of Revolutionary Poetry. Dramatic genres

III. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition. Primary fastening.

    Prove the validity of A. Blok's statement that « Nineteenth century, iron, truly cruel age

    Give brief description the main stages of the historical development of Russia.

(Development of the ideas of noble revolutionism. Crisis of serfdom. Rise of the democratic movement. Development of capitalism in Russia. Strengthening of the reactionary policy of tsarism. Growth of the proletariat. Development of capitalism in Russia. Growth of Marxist ideas.)

IV. Homework. A comment

Teacher. At home, read your abstract carefully. note to the main stages of the historical development of Russia and Russian classical literature. In the lecture there were concepts that you may not be familiar with.

1). D / W: textbook pages - 141. Basic concepts: Slavophilism and Westernism, "physiological" essay, " pure art”, an anti-nihilistic novel, populism, “pochvenism”.

IN reference literature find an interpretation of these concepts and write briefly in a notebook.

The purpose of our introductory lesson- not only to identify the main stages in the development of Russian classical literature of the XIX century. An equally important goal- these are the definitions of the level of literary development of each student. And this will be determined by a small questionnaire, the questions of which you will answer at home.

2). ALL:survey questions:

    What works of Russian literature of the 19th century did you read in the summer? Rate them on a 5-point system.

    What questions posed in Russian classical literature are still relevant today?

    Which characters in 19th century literature do you like or dislike? Argument your point of view.

3).ALL: prepare for a conversation on 1-10 ch. novel Oblomov.

4). F/C: prepare a message or presentation "Essay on the life and work of Goncharov"(textbook: pp. 176-184)

V. Reflection of activity.Self-assessment of results.Lesson summary(grading)

What was the task in the lesson? Did you manage to solve the task? Where can new knowledge be applied?

The 19th century is one of the most significant in Russian literature. It was this era that gave the world the names of the great classics, who influenced not only Russian, but also world culture. The main ideas characteristic of literature this time, is rising human soul, the struggle between good and evil, the triumph of morality and purity.

Difference from the previous century

Giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that the previous century was distinguished by a very calm development. Throughout the previous century, poets and writers sang of the dignity of man, tried to instill high moral ideals. And only at the end of the century began to appear more daring and bold works- the authors began to focus on the psychology of man, his experiences and feelings.

Reasons for flourishing

In the process of working on homework or a report on the topic “General Characteristics of Russian Literature of the 19th Century”, a student may have a natural question: what caused these changes, why literature was able to achieve such high level development? The reason for this was social events - this is the war with Turkey, and the invasion of Napoleonic troops, and the abolition of serfdom, and public reprisals against oppositionists. All this led to the fact that completely new stylistic devices began to be applied in literature. Working on a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is worth mentioning that this era rightfully went down in history as the "Golden Age".

Orientation of literature

Russian literature of that time was distinguished by a very bold formulation of questions about the meaning of human being, about the most pressing socio-political, moral and ethical problems. The significance of these questions she deduces far beyond her own historical era. When preparing a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, one must remember that it became one of the most powerful means of influencing both Russian and foreign readers, gaining fame as an influential force in the development of education.

Epoch phenomenon

If it is necessary to give a brief general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that the common feature of this era was such a phenomenon as “literary centrism”. This means that literature has become a way of conveying ideas and opinions in political disputes. It has become a powerful tool for expressing ideology, defining value orientations and ideals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether this is good or bad. Of course, giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, one can reproach the literature of that time for being too "preaching", "mentoring". Indeed, it is often said that the desire to become a prophet can lead to inappropriate guardianship. And this is fraught with the development of intolerance towards dissent of any kind. Of course, there is some truth in such reasoning, however, when giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is necessary to take into account the historical realities in which the then writers, poets, and critics lived. AI Herzen, when he found himself in exile, described this phenomenon as follows: "For a people who have been deprived of freedom of speech and self-expression, literature remains almost the only outlet."

The role of literature in society

Almost the same thing was said by N. G. Chernyshevsky: “Literature in our country still concentrates the entire mental life of the people.” Pay attention to the word "yet" here. Chernyshevsky, who argued that literature is a textbook of life, still recognized that the mental life of the people should not be constantly concentrated in it. However, "for now", in those conditions of Russian reality, it was she who took on this function.

Modern society should be grateful to those writers and poets who, in the most difficult social conditions, despite the persecution (it is worth remembering the same N. G. Chernyshevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and others), with the help of their works they contributed to the awakening of a bright man, spirituality, adherence to principles, active opposition to evil, honesty and mercy. Given all this, we can agree with the opinion expressed by N. A. Nekrasov in his message to Leo Tolstoy in 1856: “The role of a writer in our country, first of all, is the role of a teacher.”

Common and different in the representatives of the "Golden Age"

When preparing materials on the topic “General characteristics of Russian classical literature of the 19th century”, it is worth saying that all representatives of the “Golden Age” were different, their world was unique and peculiar. Writers of that time are difficult to sum up under any one general image. After all, every true artist (this word means a poet, a composer, and a painter) creates own world guided by personal principles. For example, the world of Leo Tolstoy is not similar to the world of Dostoevsky. Saltykov-Shchedrin perceived and transformed reality differently than, for example, Goncharov. However, representatives of the "Golden Age" and common feature- this is a responsibility to the reader, a talent, a high idea of ​​the role that literature plays in a person's life.

General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century: table

The "Golden Age" is the time of writers of completely different literary movements. To begin with, we will consider them in a summary table, after which each of the directions will be considered in more detail.

GenreWhen and where did it originate

Types of works

RepresentativesMain features


17th century, France

Ode, tragedy, epic

G. R. Derzhavin (“Anacreotic Songs”), Khersakov (“Bakharian”, “Poet”).

The national-historical theme prevails.

The ode genre is predominantly developed.

Has a satirical twist

SentimentalismIn the second half XVIII V. V Western Europe and Russia, most fully formed in EnglandTale, novel, elegy, memoir, travelN. M. Karamzin (“ Poor Lisa»), early work V. A. Zhukovsky ("Slavyanka", "Sea", "Evening")

Subjectivity in assessing the events of the world.

Feelings come first.

Nature plays an important role.

Protest against corruption high society.

The cult of spiritual purity and morality.

The rich inner world of the lower social strata is affirmed.


Late 18th - first half of the 19th century, Europe, America

short story, poem, tale, novel

A. S. Pushkin (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Boris Godunov”, “Little Tragedies”), M. Yu. Lermontov (“Mtsyri”, “Demon”),

F. I. Tyutchev (“Insomnia”, “In the Village”, “Spring”), K. N. Batyushkov.

The subjective prevails over the objective.

A look at reality through the "prism of the heart".

The tendency to reflect the unconscious and intuitive in a person.

Gravity for fantasy, the conventions of all norms.

A penchant for the unusual and the sublime, a mixture of the high and the low, the comic and the tragic.

The personality in the works of romanticism aspires to absolute freedom, moral perfection, to the ideal in an imperfect world.

RealismXIX c., France, England. Story, novel, poem

Late A. S. Pushkin (“Dubrovsky”, “Tales of Belkin”), N. V. Gogol (“ Dead Souls”), I. A. Goncharov, A. S. Griboedov (“Woe from Wit”), F. M. Dostoevsky (“Poor People”, “Crime and Punishment”), L. N. Tolstoy (“War and Peace ”, “Anna Karenina”), N. G. Chernyshevsky (“What to do?”), I. S. Turgenev (“Asya”, “Rudin”), M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (“Poshekhonsky stories”, “ Lord Gogolevs"),

N. A. Nekrasov (“Who should live well in Rus'?”).

At the center of a literary work is objective reality.

Realists seek to identify causal relationships in events.

The principle of the typical is used: typical characters, circumstances, specific time are described.

Usually realists turn to the problems of the present epoch.

The ideal is reality itself.

Increased attention to the social side of life.

Russian literature of this era was a reflection of the leap that was made in the previous century. The "Golden Age" began mainly with the flowering of two currents - sentimentalism and romanticism. Since the middle of the century, the direction of realism has been gaining more and more power. Such is the general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century. The tablet will help the student to navigate the main trends and representatives of the "Golden Age". In the process of preparing for the lesson, it should be mentioned that the further socio-political situation in the country is becoming more and more tense, contradictions are growing between the oppressed classes and common people. This leads to the fact that in the middle of the century the development of poetry somewhat calms down. And the end of the era is accompanied by revolutionary moods.


This direction is worth mentioning, giving a general description of Russian literature of the early 19th century. After all, classicism, which arose a century ago before the beginning of the "Golden Age", primarily refers to its beginning. This term is translated from Latin means "exemplary" and is directly related to imitation classic images. This direction arose in France in the 17th century. At its core, it was associated with absolute monarchy and the establishment of the nobility. It is characterized by ideas of high civic topics, strict observance of the norms of creativity, established rules. Classicism reflects real life V ideal images that gravitate toward a particular pattern. This direction strictly adheres to the hierarchy of genres - the highest place among them is occupied by tragedy, ode and epic. It is they who illuminate the most important problems for society, are designed to reflect the highest, heroic displays human nature. As a rule, "high" genres were opposed to "low" ones - fables, comedies, satirical and other works that also reflected reality.


Giving a general description of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century, one cannot fail to mention such a direction as sentimentalism. In him big role plays the voice of the narrator. This direction, as indicated in the table, is characterized by increased attention to the experiences of a person, to his inner world. This is the innovation of sentimentalism. In Russian literature, Karamzin's "Poor Lisa" occupies a special place among the works of sentimentalism.

Noteworthy are the words of the writer, which can characterize this direction: "And peasant women know how to love." Many have claimed that a common person, commoner and peasant, moral attitude in many ways superior to a nobleman or a representative of high society. Landscape plays an important role in sentimentalism. This is not just a description of nature, but a reflection of the inner experiences of the characters.


This is one of the most controversial phenomena of Russian literature of the Golden Age. For more than a century and a half, there have been disputes about what lies at its basis, and no one has yet given any recognized definition of this trend. The representatives of this trend themselves emphasized the originality of the literature of each individual people. One cannot but agree with this opinion - in every country romanticism acquires its own features. Also, giving a general description of the development of Russian literature in the 19th century, it is worth noting that almost all representatives of romanticism stood up for social ideals, but they did it in different ways.

Representatives of this movement dreamed not of improving life in its particular manifestations, but of the complete resolution of all contradictions. Many romantics in their works are dominated by the mood of fighting evil, protesting against the injustice reigning in the world. Romantics also tend to turn to the mythological, fantasy, folk tales. In contrast to the direction of classicism, a serious influence is given to the inner world of a person.


The purpose of this direction is a true description surrounding reality. It is realism that ripens on the soil of tense political environment. Writers are starting to social problems to objective reality. The three main realists of this era are Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Turgenev. The main theme of this direction is life, customs, events from life ordinary people from the lower classes.

The totality of all literary works represents the development of the world verbal society. Historically, there have been many national literatures that conditioned this process. One way or another everything literary works have general properties. All of them are the result creative work writer, therefore have general images, aesthetic significance, the true form of embodiment, but at the same time, due to the peculiarities cultural development of one country or another, literary works are specific to each nation.

The peculiarity of Russian literature is that it reflects a close connection with Christianity adopted in 988. Centuries-old interaction with dogmas Orthodox faith could not but be reflected in the minds of Russian writers. The most important moral and philosophical problem, Russian high ethical pathos, is associated with the writers' observations on the relationship between the concepts of morality and holiness. From this main feature more particular ones follow:

Russian literature has high spiritual foundations - ancient Russian literature, which was based on spiritual phenomena, principles

Since the 18th century, Russian literature has closely interacted with world literature. philosophical idea. But at the same time, Russian writers rethought the most important ideas of the world, brought them closer to the principles of philanthropy, the search for an ideal

Russian literature is deeply philosophical. M.V. Lomonosov, N. Karamzin, V.A. Zhukovsky, M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy

Russian literature always strives for submission in the form of good

Western European writers perceived Russian literature as sacred.

N.V. Gogol in his book "Selected passages from correspondence with friends" pointed to the origins of the sanctity of Russian literature. According to the writer, it lies in the lyricism of our poets (“lyricism is something close to biblical”). “Our poets saw every lofty object in its legitimate touch on the supreme sources of lyricism (by God), some consciously, others unconsciously, because the Russian soul, due to its Russian nature, already hears this somehow by itself”

Periodization of Russian literature

1 period - Old Russian literature begins in the 11th century and ends in the 17th century

2nd period - 18th century - the era of enlightenment

3rd period - 19th century - the era of the golden age, classical era

4 period - the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century is called silver age

5 period - 20th century from 1918 to the 80s

6 period - the end of the 80s, the 90s the beginning of the 21st century

Literature Ancient Rus'

Old Russian literature is the spiritual foundation of Russian literature. It arose as a result of the Christianization of Rus'. In connection with the adoption of Christianity, Rus' joined the cultural and ideological foundations of Byzantium, received literature and writing.

The very first literary monuments in ancient Rus' were of a transferable nature. The first were the Gospel and the Psalter.

The Ostromir Gospel (1056-1057) was translated by deacon Gregory for the mayor of Ostromir in Novgorod.

In addition, they often translated historical chronicles, lives of saints Anthony the Great, Andrew the First-Called, collections of stories about saints - Pateriki. In addition, theological writings. Over time, original works appeared.

Peculiarities ancient Russian literature

Ancient Russian literature was based on a system of religious .... this system was based on the religious symbolic method

High spirituality. The central theme can be considered ....

Close connection with history

Handwritten works. So there are options.

All works were written according to certain canons, rules. Each scribe was guided by the previous work.

Based on the canons, genres were formed Old Russian works:

The development of ancient Russian literature followed the path of gradual transformation of the Western system under the influence of growing ... .. to the inner world of man.

Original works ancient Russian literature "The Tale of Bygone Years", conditionally the first original can be called the "Word of Law and Grace" by Hilarion, written in 1037-1050.

Answered by: Guest

Barbos and Zhulka A. - dog and lion L. Tolstoy

Answered by: Guest

Two frivolous retired generals found themselves on a desert island. “Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; there they were born, brought up and grew old, therefore, they did not understand anything. they didn’t even know any words, except: “accept the assurance of my perfect respect and devotion.” one day the generals woke up - lo and behold, they were lying on the shore and there was nothing on either one or the other, except for a nightgown and orders around their necks. the general who served as a calligraphy teacher was a little smarter than the other. he suggests walking around the island and looking for food. but where to go? generals cannot determine which is west and which is east. the island is abundant, everything is there, but the generals are tormented by hunger, but they cannot get anything. they find only “Moscow Vedomosti”, where, as luck would have it, sumptuous dinners are described. from hunger, the generals almost each other. former teacher came up with calligraphy: you need to find a man who will take care of them. “for a long time they wandered around the island without any success, but at last the sharp smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin brought them to the trail.” they look, a lazy man sleeps under a tree. he saw the generals, wanted to run, but they tightly clung to him. the peasant begins to work: he plucked ten ripe apples for the generals, and took one sour apple for himself; dug in the ground and got potatoes; rubbed two pieces of wood against each other - and got fire; made a snare from his own hair - and caught a hazel grouse. and prepared so much food that the generals even thought about giving the “parasite” a piece? before lying down to rest, the peasant, on the orders of the generals, twists a rope, and they tie him to a tree so that he does not run away. two days later, the peasant got so good at it that he “began to cook soup even in a handful.” the generals are well-fed and satisfied, while their pensions are accumulating in St. Petersburg. the generals sit and read the Moscow Gazette. but here they are bored. The peasant built a boat, covered its bottom with swan down, laid the generals down, and, crossing himself, swam away. “how much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and different winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - that cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale.” but finally, Petersburg. “The cooks threw up their hands, seeing what kind of generals they had become well-fed, white and cheerful! the generals drank coffee, ate buns, went to the treasury and got a lot of money. however, the peasant was not forgotten either; sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man

Answered by: Guest

What effect does true art have on a person? is it capable of transforming him morally? The author of the text makes us think about these questions. g. i. Uspensky in this text reflects on the role of art. he talks about how he accidentally went to the Louvre, saw a statue of the Venus de Milo. for a long time, as if spellbound, he looked at her, feeling genuine joy in himself. something unusual happened to him at that moment. After this meeting, Mr. Uspensky changed a lot. the author believes that art is morally capable of transforming a person. I fully share the author's point of view that art can work wonders. we should devote more time to what surrounds us, because there is so much beauty around, but often, being in ourselves, we do not notice it. in story a. And. "ballroom pianist" main character Yura Azagarov, with his brilliant piano playing, interested A. Mr. Rubinstein. at the end of this story, the reader understands that everything in Yura’s life is going well for love of art. One of Anna Akhmatova's poems "solitude" is devoted to the theme of art. according to the poetess, love for beauty can heal a person, lead him out of the circle of interests and passions, depression and despondency. and to the beautiful wise life. so many stones have been thrown at me that not one of them is scary anymore, and slender tower became a trap, high, among high towers. after reading the article, I realized how great the role of art is, which can make our world kinder and better. After all, as the great F. Dostoevsky, "beauty will save the world."

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