Card file of games for home in the work of a defectologist teacher (with young children). Lexical theme “Autumn. Trees". Lexical theme "Domestic animals and their cubs"


Natalya Meshalkina
The speech therapist gives homework. Why and how?

I present to the attention of my colleagues teachers a consultation for parents, designed in the form of a screen using a template on this site. The material is purposefully presented in the most accessible (somewhat ironic) and short form with a minimum of terminology so that parents can read without losing interest and understanding what they read.

Parents are increasingly surprised that a speech therapist asks to bring a notebook for homework, writes exercises in it, asks to take this notebook home every Friday and do everything.

After all, the child has already got into a speech therapy group, which means that all problems with his speech will be automatically solved by specialists.

And so the speech therapist works with children several times a week, and the educators also work out speech skills in the group. They will teach him to speak correctly, prepare him for school.

And it is very difficult to organize classes with a child at home.

Need to make time after a hard time working week, on a legal day off, to sit at the table with the child, open a notebook, and there ...

Exercises for fingers (you yourself will get confused how to connect them,

Gymnastics for the tongue (it doesn’t take long to break the tongue,

Oral tasks in vocabulary and grammar (these words scare me from school,

Games for correcting sound pronunciation (whoever pronounces this is already a hero).

More often, a speech therapist asks to draw or paste pictures on a topic into a notebook. But we don’t know how to draw, there is no printer, it’s a pity to cut magazines and books, and the glue is over ...

And the child whimpers and refuses not only to sit and move his tongue according to the instructions, but in general he closed his mouth and clenched his teeth!

In general, one torment, not teaching!

Probably, the speech therapist is simply lazy: he does not want to deal with the child, he shifts his work to the parents.

However, family and Kindergarten work TOGETHER for the benefit of every child, and even the best speech therapist cannot cope with a speech disorder, especially a severe one, alone.

Only with the joint and systematic work of a speech therapist and parents will a child learn to use the set sound in independent speech, stop making grammatical errors and delight parents and others with beautiful speech.

Effective memorization and consolidation speech material is possible only with repeated repetition of it in the garden and at home. Therefore, if homework is given and performed regularly, then we quickly get a positive and stable trend in the child.

At the same time, the speech therapist also spends his time developing a general and individual task for each child, to search for interesting material and pictures, then prints everything out, cuts it out, sticks it, distributes it into groups, takes it from the groups and checks it. This is definitely not like laziness and unwillingness to work.

A homework notebook is a dialogue with parents, introducing them to what a speech therapist does with a child, what topic they are talking about, what you need to pay special attention to.

That's why homework notebooks are needed.

Briefly about HOW to complete tasks.

1. The main mistake of parents is to perform tasks with the kids, as at school, at the desk.

But this - BEFORE pupils. Life for them is a game, and a game is life.

And at home we play with children with fingers, with a tongue, with words, depict monkeys, echo, help a bunny, a hedgehog, etc.

Enjoy the game yourself and the time spent together with benefit.

2. Common mistake parents to complete tasks for the child.

Help the child - but do not do the work for him. He won't learn anything unless he tries and fails.

Let him glue it crookedly or draw it unevenly, but he himself!

3. Also, you do not need to do everything at once.

A child with speech problems gets tired very quickly. It seems to us that all this is easy, but for him it is a difficult job.

Take breaks, take a walk, have tea, etc.

4. Scolding or mocking mistakes and failures - forever discourage the desire to practice.

Praise your child for every, even the smallest achievement. He is just learning, and in general - your favorite hero!

Every Friday we look forward to:

We are looking forward to a notebook from a speech therapist.

After all, we will boldly show each other our tongues!

Let's learn the verses and show on our fingers!

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Wrote in my notebook

Difficult task.

Mom and dad said:

- What a punishment!

The implementation of the written recommendations of the teacher-defectologist contributes to the best consolidation of the material studied in the correctional classes and makes it possible to freely use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in all areas of the child's life.

Recommendations are carried out in an individual workbook under the obligatory supervision of an adult. It is desirable that one of the parents constantly deal with the child - this helps the child and the adult to tune in and adhere to the familiar uniform requirements. Doing certain types of work at home on the instructions of a defectologist teacher disciplines your baby and prepares you for the responsible performance of future school homework.

So what does the defectologist teacher ask for homework?

Tasks are built on the material of the lexical topic, which was studied during the previous week in subgroup and individual lessons conducted by a defectologist teacher. Additionally new material fix the educators of the group outside of classes in a playful way, on walks, in the free activities of children.

Tasks include the main sections:

Articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises that prepare the articulatory structure for staging missing sounds.

In further work, automation exercises are added (the correct pronunciation of the set sounds in syllables, words, phrasal and independent speech of the child). These exercises should be performed at home daily 3 to 5 times a day. Exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can control himself). It is necessary to achieve a clear, precise, smooth execution of movements.

Task for the development of phonemic perception and education of the basics of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Lexico series - grammar tasks it is aimed at enriching the passive vocabulary, and most importantly, at stimulating and using the acquired knowledge in the active speech of the child, through exercises for word formation, changing by gender, numbers and cases, for coordinating adjectives and numerals with nouns; inflection with the help of prefixes, suffixes, combination of bases; selection of related, generalizing and clarifying words.

Tasks for the development of coherent speech: this is the construction of simple and complex common sentences with and without prepositions (according to the scheme); these are stories-descriptions according to plan and scheme; by a series of plot pictures and one by one plot picture, based on subject pictures and on presentation, using key words; paraphrases and independent creative stories children; memorization of verses selected for the child.

Tasks for development fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing: tracing, drawing elements, hatching in various directions different ways according to the sample; work with stencils and templates; cutting and pasting pictures; drawings, applications, graphic dictations; typing letters, syllables, words and sentences and small connected texts.


The teacher-defectologist writes down homework in an individual notebook.

Homework is not done in one go. And they are broken into parts (for 10-15 minutes of work).

We do not recommend doing tasks in the evening before bedtime. Completing the task in small portions (2-3 exercises each) will be of great benefit. Articulation gymnastics and automation of sounds are performed daily up to 3 times a day. The remaining tasks are performed once.

All tasks are read aloud by adults for the child. The child performs these tasks orally, and the adult enters the child’s answer into an individual notebook without correcting it: keeping all the pronounced endings and word forms.

The child performs graphic tasks independently (draws, hatches, etc.), but under the obligatory supervision of an adult. Then workbook will look neat, beautiful and colorful throughout the school year. A well-designed notebook is one of the moments of pedagogical and corrective influence.

Execution control homework allows you to maintain a close relationship between the teacher-defectologist, group educators and parents, common goal which is the successful correction of the child's speech and his comprehensive preparation for schooling; development of psychological and emotional readiness for the assimilation of new knowledge and skills; education of a competent, educated, harmoniously developed personality.


(rules for studying with a child at home)

Take care of your child at home every day.

Practice in a relaxed, friendly environment

Lesson time 10-15 minutes

Praise your child for every, even a small achievement.

Perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror so that the child can control himself.

All tasks (except graphic ones) are performed orally, and the adult enters the child's answer.

The child performs graphic tasks independently under the obligatory supervision of an adult.

It is very important to monitor the accuracy of the tasks.

Do only what is required in the task.

Dear Parents!

I wish you patience, sincere interest and success in your work with children.


GOAL: involve parents in doing simple homework to consolidate the speech knowledge and skills gained in group paid classes on the topic: "VEGETABLES».

    Repeat verse. Strengthen the small muscles of the hands.

One, two, three, four, five. (the child alternately bends his fingers)

You need to name the vegetables: (squeeze and unclench all fingers)

Onions, cabbage, zucchini, (they bend their fingers into a fist)

Sweet pepper and garlic.

What's this? (The child should know a general concept. These are vegetables).

Ask where vegetables grow? (Tell me that vegetables grow in the garden, in the beds).

    The game "Call it affectionately"

tomato - tomato

cucumber -…

eggplant - …

gourd - gourd

cabbage- …

radish - ....

    The game " One is many"

tomato - turnip tomatoes -

cucumber - cabbage -

eggplant - pumpkin -

zucchini - radish -


GOAL: involve parents in doing simple homework to consolidate the speech knowledge and skills gained in group paid classes on the topic: "FRUIT».

    Repeat verse. Strengthen the small muscles of the hands.

One, two, three, four, five. (the child alternately bends his fingers)

We will call fruits: (squeeze and unclench all fingers)

pear, apple, pomegranate,

Orange and grapes.

Tell that fruits grow in the garden, on trees. They are plucked from trees.

2. The game "Claps"

How many claps are in each word? (ba-nan, 2 claps)

3.Game "Greedy"

The apple is my apple.

Banana is my banana.

Lemon is my lemon.

Mandarin is my mandarin.

The pear is my pear.

4. The game "One - many"

apple - apples orange - ..

pear-…. tangerine - ...

banana - ... pomegranate - ...

pineapple - ... apricot - ...

5. Game "Call it affectionately"

apple - apple - orange - ..

pear- …. tangerine - ...

banana - ... pomegranate - ...

pineapple - ... apricot - ...


Homework for children of the middle speech therapy group.

GOAL: involve parents in doing simple homework to consolidate the speech skills and abilities acquired in group paid classes on the topic: "VEGETABLES FRUITS».

    Remember where vegetables grow. (Vegetables grow in the garden, in the garden).

Remember where fruits grow. (Fruits grow in the garden, on a tree)

    The child must be able to name (list)

3. Call it in one word: potatoes, carrots, cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage. (These are vegetables).

Name it in one word: apple, orange, tangerine, pear, lemon, banana (These are fruits).

4. The game "The Fourth Extra" (on natural products or pictures)

Tell me what is superfluous here, why?

a) lemon, banana, cabbage, Apple.

Sample response. Extra cabbage, because it is a vegetable, and the rest is a fruit.

b) onion, carrot, tomato, orange.

c) tangerine cucumber, orange, pear.


Homework for children of the middle speech therapy group.


    List the names of the berries . The child must name a general concept berries.

    Explain that berries grow on bushes (raspberries), on grass or small bushes (blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries).

    Repeat finger game"For the berries".

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (the child rhythmically squeezes and

Lingonberries, cranberries, for each name of the berry

Blueberries, raspberries, bend one finger per

We also put strawberries in our right hand.

Add to cart.

    The game "What is there in the forest?" (by pictures)

(We pronounce the endings of words and the preposition clearly)

AT a lot of strawberries in the forest and.

There are many blueberries in the forest.

There are many raspberries in the forest.

There are many cranberries in the forest.

    The game "Claps" with all the names of berries.

Ma-li-na, bar-no-ka, earth-la-no-ka, cranberry, black-no-ka.



Homework for children of the middle speech therapy group.

GOAL: involve parents in doing simple homework to consolidate speech knowledge and skills acquired in group paid classes on the topic: "TOYS"

    Ask your child what toys they know.

(car, pyramid, ball, bucket, matryoshka, top, cubes, bear.)

    Explain how you can play with each toy

(doll - undress, dress, roll in a stroller;

ball - throw, catch, toss, roll.)

    The game "Call it affectionately"

doll - doll bear - bear, bear

bucket - bucket pyramid - pyramid

ball - ball machine - machine

cube - cube

    Game "One - many"

doll - dolls ball - balls

cube - cubes bear - bears

bucket - buckets machine - machines

pyramid - pyramids

    Game "Greedy" with the same words

My doll.

My teddy bear.

My bucket.

My machine.

One of the most important areas in the correctional and educational activities of a teacher-defectologist of a preschool educational institution is work with parents as one of the conditions for optimizing the pedagogical process and socializing a child with special educational needs.

When working with children with disabilities, it is very important to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process. It is necessary to teach how to adequately assess the successes and opportunities of your child, to form the need to develop him not only in kindergarten, but also at home on your own.

We successfully use (except for such unconventional shape work with parents, like the "School of Caring Parents") home notebooks in which games are recorded, tasks to be completed at home. This allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained, make them deeper, more complete. Parents in practice get acquainted with the ways of interacting with the child, are involved in the correctional process. Home notebooks in work with children early age in methodological literature no, that's why I developed a card file of games for parents to consolidate skills at home.

The implementation of the written recommendations of the defectologist teacher contributes to the best consolidation of the material studied in remedial classes and makes it possible to freely use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in all spheres of life and the child. It is desirable that one of the parents constantly deal with the child - this helps the child and the adult to tune in and adhere to the familiar uniform requirements. Doing certain types of work at home on the instructions of a defectologist teacher disciplines your child and prepares him for the responsible performance of future school homework. Assignments are built on the material of a lexical topic studied throughout the previous week in subgroup and individual classes conducted by a defectologist teacher. In addition, the educators of the group fix the new material outside of classes in a playful way, on walks, in the free activities of children.


Homework in an individual notebook is written down by the teacher-defectologist og.

Homework is not done in one go. And they are broken into parts (for 10-15 minutes of work). We do not recommend doing tasks in the evening before bedtime. Completing the task in small portions (2-3 exercises each) will be of great benefit.

Control over the completion of homework allows you to maintain a close relationship between the teacher-defectologist, group educators and parents, whose common goal is the successful correction of speech and perception of the child; development of psychological and emotional readiness for the assimilation of new knowledge and skills.


Show the importance of using educational games at home;

To increase the competence of parents in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities;

To acquaint parents with techniques and exercises aimed at developing cognitive activity, perception in children;

To teach parents playing techniques and exercises for the development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception);

Educate parents about influence didactic games in intellectual development children.




1) We learn to find toys in the room, name them. Play the situation: a sad bunny appears, he cannot find toys for himself. We ask the child to help the bunny. At the end of the game, we sum up, point to the toys and say: “The ball, the car, the bear are toys.” We use new toys every time.

2) play hide-and-seek with toys. Together with the bunny, we hide toys on a chair, under a chair, on a shelf, under a bed, and then we look together with the child: “Where did the car hide? And here she is! Under the bed. Where is the bear? On the table!" etc. we comment on each action so that the child remembers and understands the prepositions ON and UNDER.

3) make a flower from yellow and red clothespins.

    Learning yellow. Prepare a lot of uniform items in blue, yellow, red, green. Show the child a yellow toy and ask: “Give me the same toy. Let's give the doll all the yellow toys." We give the doll yellow toys with the words: "On, doll."

    We play with the doll, swing it and sing a song: "Ah-ah." we show how the doll goes and say: “The doll is coming, top-top!”. Put the doll on a chair: "The doll is sitting on a chair", show how the doll jumps: "The doll is jumping." We perform different actions with the doll and comment.

    We play with large and small cubes, examine the object with the help of the palms, we conclude that the small cube is hidden in the palm, but the large one is not.


1) We consider pictures with a cockerel, chicken, chicken. We tell you where the chicken (cockerel, chicken) has wings, tail, beak, paws, head, scallop (cockerel). We compare a cockerel (chicken) and a chicken: “The cockerel is big, the chicken is small. The cockerel has big wings, big tail, big beak, big paws, big head, and the chicken has small wings, small tail, small beak, small paws, small head. The rooster has feathers, the chicken has down.

2) Articulatory gymnastics "Bear licks honey", "Fence - tube".

3) we collect grains for chicken and chicken. Mix beans, peas. We collect beans for the chicken, peas for the chicken.

4) "Show me the one I'm talking about."

He runs, squeaks “Pee-pee-pee”, pecks at grains. Who is it?

She calls the children “Ko-ko-ko”, walks around the yard, looking for grains and worms for the children. Who is it?

He gets up early in the morning and sings “Ku-ka-re-ku!”. Pecks grains. Who is it?

5) we build a fence for a cockerel from bricks.

6) tell the child the nursery rhyme "Chickens"

The hen went out for a walkwalk, hands behind the back

Pinch fresh grasssquat down , fingers "pinch" the grass

And behind her guys - yellow chickens run, "waving" wings

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Don't go far! “threaten” with the finger of the right hand

Row with your paws (hands in front of the chest, “row

Looking for grains! We squat down, we take out imaginary grains from the ground

We ate a fat beetle, we put our palms together

With an earthworm, twist the spirals with your index finger

We drank some water, we pull out the sponge, we draw in air

We stretch the full trough of the arm forward, join the palms together.

1) play with a bear (large, small, medium). We describe the appearance of the bear: "The bear is big, soft, fluffy." We ask the child which bear. Please show and name the parts of the muzzle and torso (nose, eyes, mouth, ears, paws). Next time we play with a small bear: “This bear is small, soft, fluffy. He has eyes, nose, mouth, ears, paws. We encourage you to name words. “The bear is a toy, we play with it. Ride the bear on the car (substitute objects can be used as a car: a cube, a plank, a kipichik, etc.). We ride the medium bear in a medium-sized car.

2) perform movements according to the words of the nursery rhyme:

The bear was walking in the forestwalk around the room

The bear collected bumps,pretending to pick up bumps from the floor

Our bear is very tired,

The bear sat down and dozed off.sit down close your eyes, put your hands next to your ear.

3) we give the bear toys of red and yellow color. “Give the bear a red toy. Well done! And now give me a yellow toy…” and so on. alternate colors.

4) please hide the bear under the table, on the bed, under the pillow, on the pillow, etc. (we fix the understanding of the prepositions ON and UNDER).

5) playing with the tongue: “We lick the honey off the bear”, slightly open the mouth and lick it with the wide front edge of the tongue upper lip, which can be smeared with something sweet.


1) Consider a cat and a kitten. We explain to the child that the cat is the mother, and the kitten is her baby. The cat meows loudly, and the kitten - quietly (voice). We show and name the parts of the body of a cat and a kitten.

2) the game "Cat Lushka"

The cat Lushka has ears on the top of her headshow ears with palms, putting them to the head

And fluffy tail piperaise our hands up

"Kiss-kiss-kiss - go home"go to the place

The cat loves milk

He licks with his tongueshow with the tongue how the cat laps milk

Drink everything and go to sleepput the palms under the cheek

We won't interfere with her.walk on toes

3) "The cat plays hide and seek": we learn to understand the prepositions ON and UNDER.

4) we give the cat red toys, the kitten - yellow ones.

5) from a cube and a brick we build a high chair for a kitten.

6) add a split picture with a cat or kitten.

7) "Show me who meowed." We ask you to show or name the one who meowed (we voice it with different pitches).

1) tongue play:

    "Tube - fence"

    "Blow the Snowflake"

    "Warm your hands: x-x-x"

    "The wind howls: o-o-o, v-v-v"

2) we talk about winter: “It is cold in winter, adults and children dress warmly, in winter there is a lot of snow, the sun rarely shines, it does not warm.” We talk about snow: “What kind of snow? White, fluffy, light, beautiful. And if we bring snow home, what will it be like? Wet, heavy, dirty, you can make snowballs out of it, it becomes water.” For clarity, we conduct an experiment.

3) We crush white paper in lumps, balls.

4) Fold the snowman out of 3 circles of different sizes.

5) Mobile game "Bunny"

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears:

Like this, like this

He moves his ears

(wiggle hands behind head)

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws:

Like this, like this

Gotta warm up the paws

(clap hand on hand)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump:

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump

(we jump)

1) cook different toys, items and among them clothes (hat, scarf, jacket, tights, sweater, etc.). Invite the child to find clothes.

2) cut out the outline of a shirt or any other clothing, prepare small pieces of plasticine and invite the child to decorate the clothes with buttons. Roll into small balls and press each ball in place of the fasteners (buttons).

3) we talk about winter: “It is cold in winter, snow will fall, the sun rarely appears, children and adults dress warmly.” We talk about snow: “The snow is white, fluffy, light, cold. If you bring snow home, it becomes heavy, wet, dirty, turns into water.”

4) “Make snowballs”: take sheets of white paper and crumple it until it turns into a ball.

5) playing with the tongue: “Blow off the snowflake”, “Warm the hands: x-x-x”, “The wind howls: woo (or v-v-v).

1) The game "Collect the Christmas tree"

Learn to find large and small triangles.

2) "Decorate the Christmas tree"

We decorate the Christmas tree together with circles and squares. We learn to choose shapes by word.

3) "Hide and Seek"

We hide a Christmas toy on a chair, under a chair, on a pillow, under a pillow, etc.

4) Playing with the tongue: “Blow off the snowflake”, “How the Christmas tree smells”, “Inflate the ball”.


1) We tell the child about winter, snow.

2) "Snowballs"

We'll raise the snowballs high, high, put your hands up

Together we will throw snowballs far, far awaythrowing imaginary snowballs

And now the snowballs have risenraise your hands up

And they ran in

3) "Hide the snowball." We ask the child to hide the snowball under the chair, on the chair, under the bed, on the bed, etc.

4) From a cube and a brick, we construct a slide for a small toy. We encourage the child to active speech: “Give me a cube. Here is the hill. The mouse is rolling. The bear is rolling down the hill." etc.

1) play with blue and green toys. Learn to match colors: blue toy to blue, green to green.

2) "Hide in the palm of your hand." Prepare objects and toys of different sizes (rings, balls, candies, rubber toys, etc.), a big bear and a small bear. We hide small toys in the palm of our hand.

3) "Blow on the snowflake." We blow on the cotton.

4) "Airplane"

Ran across the ground,

It has risen to the sky!

Airplane is flying

Straight ahead.We run around the room with the sound of U-U-U!

1) "Tracks for hedgehogs"

For big hedgehog building a track of blue color, for a small hedgehog - a green path.

2) "House and bench for a hedgehog"

We build a bench from cubes and bricks. We build a house from different building materials.

3) snort like a hedgehog: "F-F-F!"

4) finger game:

What a prickly hedgehog

He looks like a ballarms outstretched, fists rotate

And the hedgehog's needles are very prickly.we sharply throw out our fingers, then again we squeeze our hands into fists


1) Get acquainted with appearance and the purpose of trucks and cars, their parts, color. Compare cars by size. Words to be learned by the child:car, truck, body, headlights, cab, steering wheel, driver, wheels; the car slows down, honks, rushes; car rides andcars go .

2) "Let's ride toys"

We say that toys really want to ride a car. The child alternately rides a doll, a bear, a bunny in a car. We teach to understand simple instructions: "Take a bunny and drive a car"

3) "Wheels for the car"

Cut out the outlines of the car and the wheels in blue and green. The child must choose the right wheels for the car.

4) We ask the child to guess the riddle: “Guess what I'm talking about: this is a toy. She has a body, a cabin, headlights, a steering wheel, wheels. After the child says it's a car, the adult takes the truck out of the box. The child examines the toy, names the parts of the machine.

5) "Path for the car"

We build with bricks. Mix the bricks, cubes, balls and ask to take only bricks from the pile.

We explain to the child that a car on the street is a transport.

6) Learn to understand prepositionson, under, behind, near .

Please hide the car under the box, behind the box, put it on the box, next to the box.

1) We are talking about the main signs of spring: snow is melting, streams are running, thawed patches have appeared, the sun is warming, boats can be launched along the streams.

2) Cut out 2 blue triangles, one green triangle, a blue square from colored cardboard and fold a boat out of them with the child (“Gyenes Blocks”).

3) Learn blue and green color a.

4) The game "Hares and Bears"

Take a drum, tambourine or rattle. Demonstrate to your child how to move to the beat of the drum in different pace. Under frequent blows, you need to jump like a bunny, and under rare blows, portray the unhurried gait of a bear.

Encourage your child to complete this task on their own.

5) Articulation fairy tale "Turnip"

    We learn to understand what vegetables are, where they grow. Describing vegetables: “This is a cucumber. Cucumber green, fragrant, firm, prickly. Tell me, what kind of cucumber? “It's a tomato. Tomato red, round, soft. What tomato?

    We add split pictures with vegetables from 2 parts.

    The game "What's wrong?"

Put vegetables in front of the child: cucumber, carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage (change vegetables in the next game). The child remembers the vegetables, closes his eyes and says which vegetable is hidden, what is gone.

    We fix the prepositions on, under: “Put the carrot under the box, and the tomato on the box”, etc.

    We learn to generalize: tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber ... - these are vegetables.


    We continue to study vegetables.

    Game "One - many"

Put the vegetables in the back of the truck: "Here's a big crop of vegetables in the garden." We take out one vegetable at a time, name it and put it on a tray. We ask how many vegetables are on the tray (“Many vegetables or one vegetable”).

    "Great bag."

Put one or more vegetables in the bag. The child feels and says how many vegetables are in the bag (one or many). We also guess by touch what is in the bag.

    We learn to distinguish between nouns ed and pl. numbers: “Show me where the cucumber is. Where are the cucumbers? etc.

    We consider pictures or toys with a horse and a foal. We talk about the horse, ask the child questions: “This is a toy horse. She has a big head, sensitive ears, large kind eyes, beautiful long neck. This is the mane and this is the back. Behind a long tail. The horse has strong fast legs, and hooves on its feet. When the horse runs, the hooves click (click with the tongue). The voice of the horse gives like this: “Oh-ho-ho!”. You can ride a horse.

    Compare a horse and a foal: a horse has a big head, and a foal has a small head. The horse has a long tail and the foal has a short tail. The mother horse calls the foal loudly, and the foal responds quietly (show in a voice)

    Learning green. Draw green grass for the horse and foal.

    Game "Let's build a fence"

We take cubes of different sizes (large and small). We show how to build a fence, the child completes the task and says: a big cube, a small cube, etc.

    "Who Hid"

We hide a horse or a foal, the child says who is gone.


Prepare 2 tracks (long and short), a pipe or a bell. Blow into the pipe for 1-2 seconds, showing the child how to lead the index finger along a short path at this time. Then show the child how to lead a finger along a long path, and at the same time play a long sound. After several repetitions, invite the child to listen to the pipe, and then show the appropriate track.

    We play the same games (above), only with fruits.

    Learn to distinguish between vegetables and fruits. We ask you to give vegetables to the bear, and fruits to the bunny.

    "Teapot and cup"

The cup is on the table

Hot tea is poured into it.

Ask your child to make a cup out of their hands. Bring the cup of the child with your palm, folded in the form of a teapot (fold your right hand into a fist, sticking out thumb- this is the spout of the teapot) and pour the imaginary tea from the teapot into the baby's cup. At the same time, say sound S-S-S This is how tea pours from a teapot. Let the baby repeat the onomatopoeia after you. Change roles.

    "Sound Charging"

Raise your hands up, sing the sound at the same timeBUT, then we lower our hands, singing this time the soundAt . next time we sing other pairs of vowels:IA, UA, IO, IO etc.

We sing the syllables in the same way:pa-po, po-po, we-mo, ma-mu etc.

Development of perception

Find and sort the leaves by color: red, yellow, green, orange.

There are three leaves on the table in front of the child: birch, maple, oak.

Which leaf is in the middle? And which side is birch and oak?

Or: the child should name them and say how they lie. Maple Leaf- between birch and oak. The birch leaf is to the left of the maple leaf, and the oak leaf is to the right of the maple leaf.

Memory development:

Game "Remember and repeat"

Autumn, leaf fall, coolness, harvest, puddle, wind, rain.

(Coolness, rain, leaves, dampness, vegetables, hibernation, clouds, bad weather, leaf fall, flight, etc.)

Development of attention

A series of pictures of leaflets is displayed in front of the child.

Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one leaf. The child opens his eyes and guesses which leaf is gone.

Development of thinking:

Game "Say one word"

What time of the year can be described in these words:

Golden, generous, dull, magical, fabulous. (Autumn)

Development of perception

Find and arrange the vegetables first by color, and now by shape.

Memory development

I know such vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, eggplant ………

I know such root crops: carrots, turnips, radishes……..

I know such leafy vegetables: dill, sorrel……

Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, cucumber, peas, tomato.

Development of attention

A number of pictures or natural vegetables are displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one vegetable.

The child opens his eyes and names which vegetable is gone.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Tomato, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, beets are (vegetables)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Tomato, ball, cabbage, onion.

Potato, zucchini, car, cucumber. Etc.

Development of perception

Taste Game

Guess the fruit to taste. What fruit is the softest, hardest, juiciest, most sour?

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The boy ate a sweet lemon. I saw a blue orange. Shchi was cooked from pears. We ate apple jam. The children drank plum juice. We ate dried grapes. Etc.

Memory development

Fruits or their images are laid out in front of the child, and then they are closed. The child should name as many fruit names as possible.

Game "What has changed"

Five or six fruits are laid out, then one or two more are added. The child names which fruits appeared. Sets of pictures are laid out in separate piles: fruits, vegetables, flowers. One of the groups of objects is removed. What group of items is missing? (for example: there are vegetables and flowers left, the child should name fruits)

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Banana, pineapple, peach, apricot, plum, pear, apple is (fruit)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Plum, cucumber, banana, pear.

Tomato, orange, tangerine, apple. Etc.

Development of perception

Find and name the berries red, green, black, orange.

Development of attention

The game "What berry is gone?"

A row of pictures of berries is displayed in front of the child.

Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one berry.

The child opens his eyes and guesses which berry is gone.

Memory development

The game "Who will remember the words more"

Images of berries are laid out in front of the child, and then they are closed.

The child should name as many names of berries as possible.

Game "What has changed"

Five or six berries are laid out, then one or two more are added.

The child names what berries appeared.

Sets of pictures are laid out in separate piles: fruits, vegetables, berries.

One of the groups of objects is removed. What group of items is missing?

(for example: there are vegetables and fruits left, then the child should name berries), etc.

Development of thinking

Classification of vegetables, fruits, berries.

(Raspberry, strawberry, cucumber, tomato, apple, etc.)

For example: I will put an apple in a vase. I'll put the cucumber in the basket.

I put strawberries on a plate.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Currants, gooseberries, peas, strawberries.

Raspberries, blueberries, red currants, sea buckthorn. Etc.

Development of perception

Arrange the mushrooms from largest to smallest.

The game "Answer the questions" (Spatial orientation)

There are three mushrooms in front of the child (russula, porcini, chanterelle) What mushroom is in the middle? And on which side is the russula. And which side is the fox?

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know edible mushrooms: boletus, boletus, boletus………

I know inedible (poisonous): pale grebe ……..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

White mushroom (boletus), russula, chanterelle, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus.

Development of attention

The game "What mushroom is hidden"

A row of pictures with mushrooms is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one mushroom. The child opens his eyes and guesses which mushroom has disappeared.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, russula, mushrooms - this is (mushrooms)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Boletus, fly agaric, chanterelle, russula.

Boletus, volnushka, blueberries, boletus.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the sights of the city: Nevsky Prospekt, Winter Palace, Hermitage, Peter-Pavel's Fortress, ………

I know the names of the rivers of our city: Fontanka, Moika……..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

City, house, alley, park, streets, rivers, bridges.

City walk game

Listen, remember and repeat the names of the institutions of our city: a pharmacy, a kindergarten, a school, a hospital, a post office, a shop.

Development of attention

Game "Build a house"

Development of perception

Game "Command"

Run the following commands. Stand so that the window is on the right and the wall is on the left. (Stand facing the door) Say what is in front and what is behind. Etc.

Development of thinking

The game "You can - you can not"

Can children open windows? Wipe off the dust. Sit on the windowsill? Wash the floors in the house? Etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the parts of the human body: leg, belly, neck…….

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Words denoting the mood of a person: joyful, sad, calm, upset, indignant, upset.

Development of attention

Put your hands on your shoulders. Put your hands on your belt. Hide your hands behind your back. Show left hand, right hand. Raise your right hand and place it on your left shoulder. Touch your right ear with your left hand. touch right hand to the left knee.

Turn around so that the wall is on the right and the door is on the left.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

What color are your eyes? What shape are they? From what geometric shapes can you draw a person? What color hair do you and your friends have? What is above our heads? (Ceiling, sky, chandelier, etc.) What's under your feet?

(Floor, carpet, earth, etc.)

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Head, neck, arm, elbow, leg, knee - these are (parts of the human body)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Hand, gloves, head, leg.

Eyes, ears, glasses, lips.

Fingers, palm, elbow, rake.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such summer clothes: sundress…….

I know such men's clothing: pants……

I know such women's clothing: a skirt ... ..

I know such winter clothes: a fur coat ... ..

I know such children's clothes: romper suits…..

Girl - skirt

boy - shorts

builder - overalls

doctor - white coat

cook - white hat

woman - headscarf

man - shirt

Development of attention

The game "What's wrong?"

A number of pictures of clothes or hats are displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Game "Answer the questions"

What geometric figure does a skirt, coat, pocket, hat look like.

Comparison of buttons by color.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Fur coat, dress, trousers, sweater, etc. - this is …. Clothing. A cap, a cap, a beret, a hat are ... .. Headwear.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Raincoat, jacket, boots, skirt. Panama hat, comb, beret, boards. Etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such men's shoes: boots ......

I know such women's shoes: shoes ... ..

I know such winter shoes: felt boots, high boots…..

I know such summer shoes: sandals…….

I know such sports shoes: sneakers, sneakers…..

Sneakers, boots, shoes, sneakers, sandals, boots, sneakers.

Development of attention

Game "Pick up a pair of shoes"

A row of shoes is placed in front of the child. Look and pick up a pair of slippers, find out where is the right and where is the left; sneakers, boots…….

Development of perception

Consider shoes of different sizes. Select large and small size shoes and find out whose it is.

Game "Select shoes by color"

Consider shoes of different colors. Match by color.

Development of thinking

(home, outdoor, adult, children's, winter, summer, autumn)

The game "I can - I can not"- I know how to fasten zippers on boots, shoes, wipe, clean, wash shoes; I don't know how to mend shoes, make shoes, tie shoelaces, …….

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such electrical appliances: vacuum cleaner, refrigerator…..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat pairs of words"


coffee grinder - grind

Radio - listen

mixer - beat

Vacuum cleaner - clean

stove - cook

Development of attention

Game "Look and Say"

Where do you have a refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, electric stove, electric kettle in your house…..

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

washing machine, coffee grinder, juicer, electric meat grinder, electric kettle - these are (electrical appliances)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

What do the objects have in common?

What is the difference?

Light bulb, candle, chandelier, sconce.

Sun, floor lamp, flashlight, telephone.

Game "Name a common feature"

Meat grinder, coffee grinder (they grind food)

Electric kettle, coffee maker, electric samovar (They can be used to quickly prepare hot drinks)

Washing machine, vacuum cleaner (They make household chores easier) Electric stove, microwave oven (You can use them to cook food) Radio, TV (They can help you learn a lot of new things).

Game "Can't"- electrical safety equipment.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the question"

Compare the feel of snow and ice. What is easier? What color can you draw winter, snow, ice, winter path? What shape is a snowflake?

What geometric shape does an icicle resemble? (Triangle) Observe how much time passes from the moment the water turns into ice and the ice turns into water.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such winter clothes: a fur coat ......

I know such winter footwear: felt boots….

I know such winter views sports: skiing……


Snow, snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowfall.

(Snow, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowfall)

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

In winter, the leaves on the trees turn green. Snowflakes swirl in the air. Children pour grain into the feeder. Mushrooms are collected in the forest in winter. Bullfinches sit on the branches. We are cycling. People walk around in boots.

Development of thinking

Game "Think and Say"

I will name the months, and you will name the season.

December January February. (Winter)

September October November. (Autumn)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Mittens, sheepskin coat, swimsuit, felt boots, fur coat.

Skis, sleds, snowmobiles, boats, snowmobiles.

Game "Name a common feature"

Snow and coat. (A fur coat warms people, and snow warms bushes and trees.) Cotton wool and snow.

(They are light and white in color)

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"

What is the largest piece of furniture?

What is the smallest piece of furniture in your apartment?

What is lower than a closet but higher than a stool? (Table)

What pieces of furniture are rectangular in shape?

What is oval? Round?

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Listen to the words and repeat: sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed.

Listen again to the words: sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed. Say which word has disappeared from the row: sofa, table, chair, bed. (Armchair)

What is the new word?

Listen to the words again. Sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed. Repeat the words again. Sofa, armchair, shelf, table, chair, bed. What is the new word?

Development of attention

The game "You can - you can not"

May or may not put the pan in wardrobe?

Sit on the chair?

Sitting in a closet?

To lay on the sofa?

Store clothes on the bed?

Scratch the table? Rip upholstery?

Painting chairs?

Development of thinking

Stool, chair, sofa, armchair, table. (Table, since you can’t sit on it) Ottoman, sofa, bench, chair. (bench as it is rigid)

Game "Name a common feature"

Wardrobe, sideboard and bookcase. (They have shelves and doors, they are made of wood, you can put something in them) Table, chair and sofa. (They are made of wood, they have legs) Bench, stool, chair and armchair. (You can sit on them)

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"

What color are the Christmas toys on the Christmas tree? (consider, discuss)

What figure do New Year's toys resemble? (Consider, discuss) (oval, round, rectangular, triangular)

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Listen to the words and repeat: tree, gift, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday.

Listen again to the words: Christmas tree, gift, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday. Say which word has disappeared from the row: Christmas tree, gift, Snow Maiden, holiday. (Santa Claus)

What is the new word?

Repeat the words again: Christmas tree, gift, cracker, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday. What is the new word?

Development of attention

A series of pictures with toys is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

For example: cracker, snowflake, ball, star, cone. (Any can be)

Development of thinking

Santa Claus - Snow Maiden, Christmas tree - holiday, holiday - gifts, gifts - poems.

Game "Can't"- Safety equipment with Christmas decorations.

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"

What time of year does winter come after? (After autumn) How long does winter last? (Three months) What winter months do you know? (December, January, February) What changes occur in nature with the onset of winter? (It's getting cold. It's snowing....) What happens in winter with deciduous trees? (They hibernate like bears, chipmunks, hedgehogs) What winter sports do you know? (Hockey, figure skating…..) What clothes do people wear in winter? (Winter clothes: fur coat, mittens…..) What holidays do we celebrate in winter? ( New Year, Christmas ....)

Memory development

Game "Choose the right word"

We ride in the winter on (sledding, skiing, skating)

We sculpt from snow (snowman, snowman)

The game "Listen, remember and repeat pairswords"

Rink - skates, hockey player - hockey, goal - puck, puck - stick, skaters - ice, lump - snowballs, frost - fur coat.

Development of attention

Game "I am not me"

I'm skiing. I'm going down the hill. I collect mushrooms. I wear boots. I launch boats through the puddles. I'm riding a snowmobile. I ride a bike. I made a snowman. I am watering the garden. I pick apples in the garden.

Development of thinking

Snowfall, blizzard, frost, heat. Snow, snowman, snowdrop, snowdrift.

Skiing, ice, ski track, skier.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

Lay out the pictures of birds so that the woodpecker is between the tit and the sparrow; bullfinch - between a dove and a crow (options can be varied). Who is on the right, who is on the left, who is in the middle?

Lay out the pictures so that the tit is higher than the sparrow - lower than the bullfinch.

Memory development

Sparrow, titmouse, crow, bullfinch, woodpecker, magpie, dove.

Development of attention

Game "What has changed?"

Which bird flew away?) or (Who flew in) Tell me, which bird from a series of words was lost?

Sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, woodpecker, magpie, dove. (Crow)

Sparrow, titmouse, crow, woodpecker, magpie, dove. (Bullfinch)

Game "Choose the right word"

Cooing - ...... (pigeon),

chirps - ...... (sparrow),

croaks - ...... (crow

Chirp - ...... (magpie).

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Sparrow, titmouse, crow, swallow.

Woodpecker, magpie, hare, dove.

Crow, rooster, bullfinch, titmouse.

Game "Name a common feature"

What do a bird and a fly have in common? (They have wings and they fly)

Between a woodpecker's beak and a chisel? (Sharp and durable and can punch holes)

Development of perception

The game "More - less"

Who is bigger - a bear or a wolf? (The bear is bigger than the wolf).

Which animal is smaller than a wolf but larger than a squirrel? (A hare is smaller than a wolf, but larger than a squirrel).

Who is smaller - a hedgehog or a hare? (Hedgehog)

Pictures depicting animals are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle.

Look and say who is in the upper right corner, who is in the lower left corner, who is in the middle.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words »

Hare, wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, elk, fox. Tell me, which animal from a series of words is lost? Hare, wolf, hedgehog, squirrel, elk, fox.

Game "Remember and Say"

How many paws do two cubs have? How many ears do two rabbits have? How many tails do three foxes have? How many eyes do three wolf cubs have?

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The squirrel ate the hedgehog. The fox fell asleep in a winter dream. The sheep attacked the wolf. The wolf climbed up the tree.

The hedgehog attacked the bear. The hare dries mushrooms for the winter. The fox climbed into the hollow. Elk sleeps in a den.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Hare, sparrow, bear, hedgehog.

Hare, hedgehog, kid, elk.

isa, wolf, hedgehog, horse.

She-wolf, bear, squirrel, moose.

Bear, elk, hare, wolf.

Development of perception

Big and small game

Show pictures of pets.

Who is the tallest of the pets?

Who is the lowest?

Whose cub is tallest?

Whose cub is the lowest?

Who is bigger - a kitten or a calf?

Who is taller - a foal or a pig?

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Pictures depicting pets or toys. Place the cow to the left of the pig, the horse behind the goat, and the sheep in front of the horse. Where is the goat? Who is after the sheep?

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Kitten, kid, foal, calf, lamb.

Tell me, which animal from a series of words is lost?

Kitten, foal, calf, lamb.

Listen to the words again: kitten, kid, foal, calf, lamb, piglet.

What is the new word? (piggy)

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

Choose words denoting actions for the names of domestic animals: dog, cat, pig, horse, sheep, goat. What is the dog doing? (Barks, bites, growls, gnaws, sleeps, guards, guards, makes friends, etc.)

Development of attention

Who bites and who caresses? (Dog Cat)

Who is mustachioed and who is shaggy? (Cat, dog) Who is horned and who is hunchbacked? (goat, camel)

Whose ponytail is like a lump, whose nose is like a snout? (Rabbit, pig)

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Cat, rabbit, hare, goat.

Dog, wolf, goat, pig.

Cow, elk, horse, sheep.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

Which bird is the largest?

Who has the biggest wings?

Who has the longest neck?

Whose chicks are the smallest?

Who has short legs?

Arrange the pictures of pet birds or toys so that they follow each other (in single file). Towards each other; in pairs. Put the chicken between the duck and the goose. Who is to the right of the chicken, who is to the left? Put the duck in front of the turkey and the goose behind the turkey.

Memory development

Drake, goose, rooster, turkey.

Listen to the words again and repeat: chicken, gosling, turkey, duckling. Listen to the words again and repeat: chicken, goose, duck, turkey.

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The hen laid an egg. The rooster spread its tail like a fan. The rooster dived into the river. The rooster found a seed. The chicken flew up the fence. The geese clucked loudly in the pond. The duck crowed loudly. The duckling chatters.

The game "Be careful!"

Clap your hands if you hear the name poultry: chicken, cuckoo, rooster, crow, chick, turkey, sparrow, duckling, goose, bullfinch.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Duckling, chick, foal, gosling.

Chicken, sparrow, turkey, duck. Drake, goose, chicken, rooster. Turkey, duckling, goose, chicken.

In order for us to live in peace, do what we love, learn, grow, we are protected by courageous, brave, heroic, courageous, courageous people. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. Defenders of the Fatherland are people of military professions. They guard and protect our Motherland.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

Who is the holiday on February 23 dedicated to? What is it called? What do defenders of the Fatherland do? What should be the defender to protect our Motherland?

(Bold, brave, …..)

What military professions do you know? (Pilot, tanker, missileman, border guard, captain, paratrooper, sailor)

The game "Who needs what"

Pilot - ...... (aircraft), helicopter pilot - ... .. (helicopter), tanker - ...... (tank), border guard - ......, sailor - ... .., paratrooper - ... .., gunner - ... ..

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and name the words in the given sequence"

Tank, plane, parachute, ship, cannon.

Add-ons game

Guards the border ... .. (border guard), rides a tank .... (tankman), parachuting ...... (parachutist), sailing in a submarine ... (submarine), serving at sea ... (sailor), flying a helicopter .... (helicopter), guards the border in the air ... (pilot).

Development of attention

Game "What's up?"

Match pictures with images military equipment or members of the military professions. Then show the child one picture at a time and offer to consider and name them.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Pilot, tanker, educator, sailor.

Captain, tank, ship, helicopter.

Border guard, helicopter, submariner, sailor.

Lexical theme "Zoo"

Animals of the North and hot countries)

Development of perception

What do humans and animals have in common?

(People and animals are living beings. We and animals are born, grow, breathe, see, eat, move. Animals, like people, can get angry, rejoice, communicate with their own kind, etc.)

The game "Who is attentive"

Place a zebra between an elephant and a tiger cub. Who is to the right of the zebra, who is to the left? Listen and do. Put the elephant next to the camel, the monkey behind the lion, the crocodile in front of the elephant, and so on.

Memory development

"Who knows, let him continue"

I know such animals living in hot countries: giraffe, elephant….

I know the animals of the North: the polar bear, the seal….

I know predatory animals: walrus, tiger….

I know herbivores: zebra, elephant……

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Giraffe, lion, tiger, elephant, walrus, seal, penguin.

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

An elephant floats on an ice floe. The polar bear sits under a palm tree. The tiger's mane has grown. A spotted zebra is chasing a rhinoceros. A striped giraffe ate an antelope. The hippo waved its trunk.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion. (The lion is a predatory animal, and the rest are herbivores).

Seal, tiger, polar bear, walrus. (Tiger - lives in hot countries, and the rest in the North).

Elephant, tiger cub, crocodile, lion cub. (The crocodile is an adult animal, and the rest are cubs).

Development of perception

Tell us about the smells of spring and your feelings. Compare dry and wet soil to the touch. In what soil are seeds sown? Compare unblown and swollen buds, feel their difference. Touch and compare the buds and young leaves. Compare kidneys different trees in color, shape and size.

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Spring. Children launch boats. Birds have come from the south. People are harvesting. The gentle sun came out. The boy is skiing. Snowmen are melting. The rivers are covered with ice. People put on coats. Snowdrops appeared on the thawed patches.

Memory development:

Game "Remember and repeat"

Melting, heat, flood, puddles, streams, snowdrop, buds, leaves.

Development of thinking:

The game "You can - you can not"

Make birdhouses for starlings. Run through puddles. To make a snowman. Swim on the ice. Launch boats through the puddles. Harvest fruits and vegetables. Rip dandelions. Walk in sandals.

The game "Which word does not fit?"

Snowfall, snowmelt, thaw, ice drift.

Return, arrival, departure, nesting.

Game "Choose the right word"

Swell ... .. (buds, barrels) Blossom ...... (leaves, threads) Murmurs .... (stream, water) Dig .... (land, garden bed) They plant ... .. (seedlings, seeds)

Development of perception

Family is the most important thing in a person's life. Look at photographs of the child's family members and tell who happens to whom. Arrange photos of family members by age, starting with the oldest. Name the last names, first names, patronymics of adult family members. Verify your home address. Place of work of parents. Compare the age of two family members (grandmother and mother or son and father), using the words older (younger). Name the youngest (oldest) member of the family.

There are three (four, five ....) people in my family: mom, dad, me (sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). What is family? (These are relatives living together) Can relatives be members of only one family? (There can be many relatives, several families. Relatives are people who have the same grandmother (grandfather, mother, father, aunt).

Development of attention

The game "I can - I can not"

I can vacuum carpet. I can wash dishes. I can dust. I can't cook dinner. I can't erase. I can't iron.

Memory development:

The game "Repeat, do not make a mistake"

Old, affectionate, kind, hardworking, caring, cheerful.

Development of thinking:

The game "Name the extra word"

Dad, grandfather, girl, son.

Grandmother, boy, mother, daughter.

You need to talk (angrily, politely, kindly).

It is necessary to live ( friendly, happily, strictly). Treat each other (attentively, respectfully, equally).

Theme: "My family".

The family consists of close and distant relatives. Close relatives - father, mother, sisters and brothers, grandfathers and grandmothers (parents of father and mother). Distant relatives-aunts and uncles (brothers and sisters of father and mother).

Every family celebrates "men's" and "women's holidays".

March 8 is Women's Day.

On this holiday, men are especially attentive to women: they prepare a festive table, buy flowers, and make gifts.

Men and women in the family are called differently;

The boy in the family is a son, brother, grandson; a girl in the family - daughter, sister, granddaughter;

Man - father, son, husband; mother, daughter, wife.

The most respected people in the family: - grandparents.

They raised their children and now help raise their grandchildren.

Everyone in the family takes care of them, try not to upset them, protect them from worries.

In a close-knit family, everyone is happy, happy when they meet, miss being apart, take care of each other.

They communicate a lot with each other: they talk about their affairs, successes and failures; discuss upcoming purchases, vacation destination.

Everyone in the family has the right to express their opinion, but the final decision is made by adults.

Development of perception

Red car, red bus, etc.

Game "Guess what's in the box"- find out by touch which toy car is in your hand.

Put the trolleybus behind the taxi, place the bus between the tram and the motorcycle, the plane above the helicopter, and the dump truck behind the truck. (Pictures or toys)

Development of attention

Game "Fix the Mistakes"

The pilot controls the ship. The driver sits at the controls of the aircraft. The driver is driving a truck for loading. The train was approaching the station and the captain slowed it down.

The game "Let's go, swim, fly"

Are called different types transport, for example: train - .... (rides), plane - .... (flies), boat - ... .. (floats), etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such water transport: a boat, a yacht…..

Air transport: plane, airplane ... ..

Ground transport: bus, tram ….

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Motor, wheel, fender, cab, window, door, hood, headlight.

Nose, wings, tail, landing gear, porthole - this is (aircraft), etc.

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Tram, bus, train, train. Airplane, helicopter, boat, rocket. Motor ship, boat, raft, motorcycle.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The train is moving across the sea. The train runs underground. The bus floats on the river. The plane flies behind the clouds. The boat floats on rails.

Development of perception

Game "Street"

Explain the meaning of the words and consider "highway", "roadway", "sidewalk", "roadside", "footpath".

Game "Traffic Light"- orientation in space.

Clarify the rules for crossing the road, knowledge of traffic lights. Use in speech the words: “left”, “right”, “between”, “about”, “near”.

Development of attention

The game "Guess which sign»

Recall and review various road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop place", "Tram stop place", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Point medical care”, “Food point”, “Maintenance point”, “Resting place”, etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such (inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road): road works, railroad crossing, ………. (Slippery road, rough road, children, other dangers)

I know such prohibition signs - red circle(abolish certain traffic restrictions): no traffic, no pedestrian traffic,…….. (no entry, no cycling, no motorcycles, no overtaking)

I know these (indicate certain modes of movement): go straight, go right, ……… (go left, roundabout, footpath, bike path)

I know such (service signs inform about the location of the corresponding objects on the route)

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Tram, bus, train, train. Bus, truck, plane, motorcycle. Plane, car, train, machinist. Ship, captain, driver, motorcyclist.

AT big city all movement - both cars and pedestrians - obey special rules which are called rules traffic.

Children must learn the basic rules safe behavior on the street.

1. Pedestrians walk on sidewalks, walking on the sidewalk must adhere to right side so as not to interfere with oncoming pedestrians.

2. Outside the city, you need to walk along the side of the road towards oncoming cars in order to see them in time and give way.

3. Crossroads - the most dangerous place for pedestrians, you can cross the intersection only at pedestrian crossings.

4. To cross the street you need to find a place pedestrian crossing.

5. Underpass is the safest for pedestrians.

6. To cross the street, first look to the left, if the roadway is free - go.

7. Having reached the middle of the street - stop, look to the right, if the roadway of the street is free - cross.

8. Before you have time to cross the street, stop at the safety island. If not, you need to stop on the center line.

9. A street where there is no pedestrian crossing must be crossed from one corner to another.

10. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.

11. STOP! STOP! - the red light of the traffic light commands the pedestrian.


13. THE WAY IS FREE! GO! is the green traffic light command.

14. Learn a poem: TRANSITION

Stripes go across the road

Development of perception

The game "Position correctly" - spatial orientation on the plane. Place the comb between the scissors and the pencil, the bandage behind the pencil, the shampoo in front of the scissors. (Pictures or toys)

Development of attention

A number of pictures or objects are displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Game "Who needs what?"

A pan is needed ...... (cook), saw ... (carpenter), ax ... (lumberjack), scissors .... (tailor, hairdresser), hammer .... (to a shoemaker, carpenter), brushes .... (painter, artist), broom .... (janitor), etc.

Memory development

Game "Guess the profession"

Operates a bus ….. (driver), operates a helicopter …… (helicopter pilot), operates a ship ….. (captain), builds houses ….. (builder), treats people …. (doctor), sells products ….. (salesperson), etc.

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Musician, shoemaker, teacher, doctor, salesman, tailor, educator.

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Screwdriver, saw, hammer, syringe. Rake, shovel, comb, scythe. Harmonica, saucepan, drum, pipe.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The cook stirs the soup in a saucepan. The hairdresser makes an injection. The teacher writes in a notebook. The doctor plays the piano. The dressmaker does the hair. The carpenter repairs the table. The shoemaker builds houses. The artist grows flowers. The musician plays musical instruments. The photographer sells books.

Lexical theme "Space"

Who was the first in space? (Dogs Belka and Strelka)

Who was the first astronaut on Earth? (Yu.A.Gagarin)

What qualities should an astronaut have? (strong, sturdy, hardy, patient, resourceful, etc.)

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

What is space? (This is a huge space that surrounds our planet). Huge stars move in this space, planets circle around them, comets fly.

largest planet solar system- Jupiter.

What is the name of our planet? (Earth)

What is the name of the most big star? (Sun)

What is the name of the earth's satellite? (Moon)

Memory development

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto (they all revolve around the Sun - this is the Solar System).

Add-ons game

Preparing for a rocket flight ... .. (cosmonaut). He puts on a special space ... .. (suit). On the astronaut's head is heavy .... (suit). From rocket to outer space come out ... .. (cosmonauts).

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The astronaut sat in the comet and flew. Spaceship landed in the steppe. The rocket flew around the planet Earth. A rocket went into space. The rocket is controlled by an astronaut.

Development of thinking

The game “What is superfluous and why?

Sun, moon, light bulb.

Star, planet, rocket.

Bold, brave, cowardly.

Earth, Sun, Jupiter.

Mars, Saturn, rocket.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

Lay out the pictures of birds so that the cuckoo is between the swallow and the rook;

Place a heron behind a stork, a crane behind a heron (you can vary the options).

What birds are missing?

Who is on the right, who is on the left, who is in the middle? Who is higher, who is lower?

Lay out the pictures so that the swallow is higher than the rook - lower than the cuckoo.

Memory development

The game "Who's talking"

Crane - ... .. (curls),

lark - .... (ringing)

swallow - ... .. (chirps),

rook - .... (shouting)

nightingale - ... .. (sings),

cuckoo - .... (cuckoo)

duck - ... (quacks).

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the birds"

Swallow, cuckoo, rook, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron.

Development of attention

Game "What has changed?"

(Which bird flew away?) or (Who flew in?) Tell me, which bird from a series of words was lost?

Swallow, rook, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron. (Cuckoo)

Swallow, cuckoo, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron. (Rook)

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Swallow, cuckoo, titmouse, stork.

Cuckoo, heron, crane, chicken.

Starling, birdhouse, rook, nightingale.

Game "Nonsense"

The stork has the shortest legs. The swallow has a nest on the roof. A rook settled in the birdhouse. Nightingale long legs. The cuckoo egg is square. The bird's beak resembles a rectangle. The crane is lighter than the nightingale. The rook is bigger than the stork.

Talk with the child about why children go to school, who teaches children at school, what school subjects are taught at school.

Explain what school years- the most great time in a person's life that at school every day children learn new and interesting things.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

What time of year does school start? What kind school supplies rectangular shape? What are the colors of pencils? What grades do students get?

The game " Choose the right offer"

Tanya left the scissors in the glass. -

Tanya took the scissors out of the glass.

Tanya put the ruler under the primer. - ……….

Tanya hid the eraser behind the glass. - ………….

Tanya left the album on the table. - …………….

Tanya put the briefcase under the table. - …………

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Eraser, notebook, diary, pen, pencil case, textbook, notebook, ruler.

Development of attention

Car, class, teacher, hammer, school desk, lesson, hedgehog, rocket, change.

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Pen, eraser, ball, pencil case. Briefcase, notebook, textbook, apple.

Pencil, screwdriver, pen, brush. Ball, eraser, pencil case, ruler. Eraser, briefcase, iron, pencil case. Album, primer, notebook, teacher.

Nonsense game Listen to the sentences and find the mistakes in them.

The album left Tanya on the table.
Kirill put the briefcase under the table.

Tell your child that we live in a huge beautiful country. This is our Motherland. As a person, the country also has a name - Russia. And we, who live in Russia, are Russians. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers preserved for us the beauty of our country - these are steppes, forests and rivers. They saved from death, from destruction, from the enemies of the Russian land. Now it is our turn to protect and protect our beautiful Motherland Russia.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Motherland, Fatherland, Russia, feat, parade, salute, veteran, victory, joy.

Development of attention

Parade, winter, victory, bird, salute, veteran, chair, pencil, soldier, warrior, sofa, spoon, Motherland, Army, feat.

Development of perception (Orientation in space)

Game "Build a house"

Compilation of houses from geometric shapes according to a given pattern. Make houses from geometric shapes of different colors. Specify the color of the walls, doors, roofs and other parts of the house. (You can cut it out of colored paper and stick houses of different designs and different heights into a notebook).

Game "Command"

Run the following commands. Raise your right hand. Jump on your left foot. Stand so that the window is on the right and the wall is on the left. (Stand facing the door) Say what is in front and what is behind. Etc.

Development of thinking

The game "Which word is superfluous"

Victory, winner, whitewash.

Russia, dewdrop, Russians.

Protection, latch, protector.

Sniper, tanker, artist.

Rifle, pilot, pistol.

Lexical theme "Insects"

Development of perception

The game "More - less"

Who is bigger - an ant or a bee?

Which insect is smaller than a beetle but larger than an ant?

Who is smaller - a dragonfly or a mosquito? Etc.

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Pictures depicting insects are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle. Look and say who is in the upper right corner, who is in the lower left corner, who is in the middle, who is in the upper left corner, who is in the lower right corner.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words »

Grasshopper, mosquito, fly, beetle, ant, bee, dragonfly. Tell me, which insect from a series of words is lost? Grasshopper, mosquito, fly, beetle, bee, dragonfly.

Try to remember and put the insects in the correct sequence:

bumblebee, butterfly, grasshopper, ant, beetle, mosquito.

Development of attention

Butterfly chirping? (No. She doesn't make any sound)

Is the grasshopper buzzing? (No. He chirps)

Does the dragonfly jump like a spring? (No. A grasshopper is jumping.)

Does an ant live in a hive? (No. Bees live in the hive.)

Are bees building an anthill? (No. Ants build an anthill.)

Ladybug collects nectar from flowers? (No. Bees collect nectar from flowers.)

Does a mosquito catch birds? (No. Birds catch mosquitoes.)

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Butterfly, bee, flower, bumblebee.

Dragonfly, grasshopper, butterfly, anthill.

Wasp, beehive, mosquito, ant.

Lexical theme "Flowers"

Development of perception

For example: (red - tulip, rose, aster, poppy, etc.)

The game "Who is attentive"

Pictures with the image of flowers are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle. Look and say which flower is in the upper right corner, which one is in the lower left corner, which one is in the middle, which one is in the upper left corner, which one is in the lower right corner.

Game "Three Flowers"

In front of the child are pictures of three different flowers. The child must name and say how the flowers are arranged. Answers: the bell lies between the chamomile and the dandelion. Or: Cornflower - to the right of the bell and to the left of the forget-me-not, etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the names of wild flowers: bluebell, poppy, …..

I know the names of garden flowers: rose, aster, …..

I know indoor plants: ficus, violet, …..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words »

Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, bluebell, chrysanthemum, rose, aster.

Tell me, which flower from a series of words is lost?

Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, chrysanthemum, rose, aster.

Development of attention

The game "What flower is gone?"

( Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, bluebell, chrysanthemum, rose, aster)

A row of pictures with flowers is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Cornflower, chamomile, dahlia, poppy.

Rose, bluebell, aster, dahlia.

Geranium, violet, ficus, tulip.

Lexical theme "Pisces"

Development of perception

The game "More - less"

Compare the size of the fish shown in the picture.

Which fish is bigger - ruff or swordtail? (Ruff)

Which is smaller - perch or catfish? (Som) Etc.

Put the catfish picture in the upper right corner, the pike in the upper left, the bondage in the lower right, the herring in the lower left, and the perch in the middle.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the names of marine fish: hammerhead fish, …..

I know the names of freshwater fish: pike, ……

I know the names of aquarium fish: scalar, ....

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words »

Mackerel, perch, flounder, catfish, pike, herring, ruff.

Tell me, which fish from a series of words is lost?

Mackerel, perch, flounder, catfish, pike, herring,

Development of attention

Ball game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Fishermen only catch big fish! Sword-bearer - sea ​​fish! Hiding behind algae at the bottom of the aquarium gold fish. A pike swims in the sea! Mom fried carp!

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Swordsman, pike, angelfish, guppies.

Flounder, ruff, catfish, carp.

Herring, hammerhead, goldfish, flounder.



State Budgetary Preschool Educational institution Kindergarten No. 7 of the combined type of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg

Homework on lexical topics for the development of mental processes

Defectologist teacher: Panina T.A.

Lexical theme “Autumn. Trees"

Development of perception

The game "Spread the leaves by color"Find and sort the leaves by color: red, yellow, green, orange.

The game "Answer the questions" (Spatial orientation)

There are three leaves on the table in front of the child: birch, maple, oak. Which leaf is in the middle? And which side is birch and oak? Or: the child should name them and say how they lie. Maple leaf - between birch and oak. The birch leaf is to the left of the maple leaf, and the oak leaf is to the right of the maple leaf.

Memory development:

Game "Remember and repeat"

Autumn, leaf fall, coolness, harvest, puddle, wind, rain.

The game "Pick up the words that relate to autumn"

(Coolness, rain, leaves, dampness, vegetables, hibernation, clouds, bad weather, leaf fall, flight, etc.)

Development of attention

The game "Which leaf is gone?"

A series of pictures of leaflets is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one leaf. The child opens his eyes and guesses which leaf is gone.

Development of thinking:

Game "Say one word"

What time of the year can be described in these words:

Golden, generous, dull, magical, fabulous. (Autumn)

Lexical theme “Vegetables. Garden"

Development of perception

The game "Spread the vegetables by color, shape"Find and arrange the vegetables first by color, and now by shape.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, eggplant ………

I know such root crops: carrots, turnips, radishes……..

I know such leafy vegetables: dill, sorrel……

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, cucumber, peas, tomato.

Development of attention

The game "What vegetable is gone?"

A number of pictures or natural vegetables are displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one vegetable. The child opens his eyes and names which vegetable is gone.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Tomato, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, beets are (vegetables)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Tomato, ball, cabbage, onion.

Potato, zucchini, machine, cucumber. Etc.

Lexical theme “Fruits. Garden"

Development of perception

Taste Game

Guess the fruit to taste. What fruit is the softest, hardest, juiciest, most sour?

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The boy ate a sweet lemon. I saw a blue orange. Shchi was cooked from pears. We ate apple jam. The children drank plum juice. We ate dried grapes. Etc.

Memory development

The game "Who will remember the words more"

Fruits or their images are laid out in front of the child, and then they are closed. The child should name as many fruit names as possible.

Game "What has changed"

Five or six fruits are laid out, then one or two more are added. The child names what fruits appeared.

Sets of pictures are laid out in separate piles: fruits, vegetables, flowers. One of the groups of objects is removed. What group of items is missing? (for example: there are vegetables and flowers left, the child should name fruits)

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Banana, pineapple, peach, apricot, plum, pear, apple is (fruit)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Plum, cucumber, banana, pear.

Tomato , orange, tangerine, apple. Etc.

Lexical theme “Berries. Home preparations»

Development of perception

Match the berries by color game

Find and name the berries red, green, black, orange.

Development of attention

The game "What berry is gone?"

A row of pictures of berries is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one berry. The child opens his eyes and guesses which berry is gone.

Memory development

The game "Who will remember the words more"

Images of berries are laid out in front of the child, and then they are closed. The child should name as many names of berries as possible.

Game "What has changed"

Five or six berries are laid out, then one or two more are added. The child names what berries appeared.

Sets of pictures are laid out in separate piles: fruits, vegetables, berries. One of the groups of objects is removed. What group of items is missing? (for example: there are vegetables and fruits left, then the child should name berries), etc.

Development of thinking

The game "Vase, plate, basket"Classification of vegetables, fruits, berries.

(Raspberry, strawberry, cucumber, tomato, apple, etc.) For example: I will put an apple in a vase. I'll put the cucumber in the basket. I put strawberries on a plate.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Currant, gooseberry, peas, strawberries.

Raspberry, blueberry , red currant, sea buckthorn. Etc.

Lexical theme “Forest. Mushrooms"

Development of perception

Match the mushrooms by size game

Arrange the mushrooms from largest to smallest.

The game "Answer the questions" (Spatial orientation)

There are three mushrooms in front of the child (russula, white mushroom, chanterelle) Which mushroom is in the middle? And on which side is the russula. And which side is the fox?

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know edible mushrooms: boletus, boletus, boletus………

I know inedible (poisonous): pale grebe ……..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

White mushroom (boletus), russula, chanterelle, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus.

Development of attention

The game "What mushroom is hidden"

A row of pictures with mushrooms is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one mushroom. The child opens his eyes and guesses which mushroom has disappeared.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, russula, mushrooms - this is (mushrooms)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Boletus, fly agaric , chanterelle, russula.

Borovik, wave, blueberries, boletus.

Lexical theme “My country. My city. My street"

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the sights of the city: Nevsky Prospekt, the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, the Peter and Paul Fortress, ………

I know the names of the rivers of our city: Fontanka, Moika……..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

City, house, alley, park, streets, rivers, bridges.

City walk game

Listen, remember and repeat the names of the institutions of our city: a pharmacy, a kindergarten, a school, a hospital, a post office, a shop.

Development of attention

Game "Build a house"

Development of perception(Orientation in space)

Game "Command"

Run the following commands. Stand so that the window is on the right and the wall is on the left. (Stand facing the door) Say what is in front and what is behind. Etc.

Development of thinking

The game "You can - you can not"

Can children open windows? Wipe off the dust. Sit on the windowsill? Wash the floors in the house? Etc.

Lexical theme “Man. Body parts"

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know the parts of the human body: leg, belly, neck…….

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Words denoting the mood of a person: joyful, sad, calm, upset, indignant, upset.

Development of attention

The game "Listen carefully and do it"

Put your hands on your shoulders. Put your hands on your belt. Hide your hands behind your back. Show me your left hand, your right hand. Raise your right hand and place it on your left shoulder. Touch your right ear with your left hand. Touch your left knee with your right hand. Turn around so that the wall is on the right and the door is on the left.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"

What color are your eyes? What shape are they? From what geometric shapes can a person be drawn? What color hair do you and your friends have? What is above our head? (Ceiling, sky, chandelier, etc.) What's under your feet? (Floor, carpet, earth, etc.)

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"

Head, neck, arm, elbow, leg, knee - these are (parts of the human body)

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Hand, gloves, head, leg.

Eyes, ears, glasses, lips.

Fingers, palm, elbow, rake.

Lexical theme “Clothes. Hats"

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such summer clothes: sundress……. I know such men's clothes: pants…… I know such women's clothes: skirt….. I know such winter clothes: fur coat….. I know such children's clothes: rompers…..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat pairs of words"

Girl - skirt Boy - builder's shorts - Overalls Doctor - White coat Cook - White cap Woman - Headscarf Man - Shirt

Development of attention

The game "What's wrong?"

A series of pictures of clothes or headgear is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Development of sensation and perception

Game "Answer the questions"

What geometric figure does a skirt, coat, pocket, hat look like.

Comparison of buttons by color.

Lay out large buttons on the left, and small ones on the left.

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"Fur coat, dress, trousers, sweater, etc. - this is …. Clothing. A cap, a cap, a beret, a hat are ... .. Headwear.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Explain why one item does not fit.

Raincoat, jacket, boots, skirt. Panama, comb, takes, pays. Etc.

Lexical theme “Shoes. The materials from which they are made

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know such men's shoes: boots…… I know such women's shoes: shoes….. I know such winter footwear: felt boots, high fur boots….. I know such summer footwear: sandals……. I know such sports shoes: sneakers, sneakers…..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Sneakers, boots, shoes, sneakers, sandals, boots, sneakers.

Development of attention

Game "Pick up a pair of shoes"

A row of shoes is placed in front of the child. Look and pick up a pair of slippers, find out where is the right and where is the left; sneakers, boots…….

Development of perception

Game "Compare shoes by size"Consider shoes of different sizes. Select large and small shoes and find out whose they are.

Game "Select shoes by color"Consider shoes of different colors. Match by color.

Development of thinking

The game "What are the shoes?" - classification

(home, outdoor, adult, children's, winter, summer, autumn)

The game "I can - I can not"- I know how to fasten zippers on boots, shoes, wipe, clean, wash shoes; I don't know how to mend shoes, make shoes, tie shoelaces, …….

Lexical theme “Electrical appliances. Safety »

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know such electrical appliances: vacuum cleaner, refrigerator…..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat pairs of words"

TV - watch coffee grinder - grind Radio - listen mixer - beat Vacuum cleaner - clean stove - cook

Development of attention

Game "Look and Say"Where do you have a refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, electric stove, electric kettle in your house…..

Development of thinking

The game "Name it in one word"Washing machine,coffee grinder, juicer, electric meat grinder, electric kettle - these are (electrical appliances)

The game "The Fourth Extra"What do the objects have in common? What is the difference? Bulb, candle, chandelier, sconce. Sun , floor lamp, flashlight, phone.

Game "Name a common feature"Meat grinder, coffee grinder (they grind food)

Electric kettle, coffee maker, electric samovar (They can be used to quickly prepare hot drinks) Washing machine, vacuum cleaner (They make household chores easier) Electric stove, microwave oven (They can be used to cook food) Radio, TV (They can be used to learn a lot of new things).

Game "Can't"- electrical safety equipment.

Lexical theme “Winter. Signs of winter»

Development of perception

Game "Answer the question"Compare the feel of snow and ice. What is easier? What color can you draw winter, snow, ice, winter path? What shape is a snowflake? What geometric shape does an icicle resemble? (Triangle) Observe how much time passes from the moment the water turns into ice and the ice turns into water.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know such winter clothes: a fur coat ...... I know such winter shoes: felt boots .... I know such winter sports: skiing……

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"Snow, snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowfall.

The game "Which word" lost "(Snow, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowfall)

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"In winter, the leaves on the trees turn green. Snowflakes swirl in the air. Children pour grain into the feeder. Mushrooms are collected in the forest in winter. Bullfinches sit on the branches. We are cycling. People walk around in boots.

Development of thinking

Game "Think and Say"I will name the months, and you will name the season. December January February. (Winter) September, October, November. (Autumn)

The game "The Fourth Extra"Mittens, sheepskin coat, swimsuit, felt boots, fur coat. Skis, sleds, snowmobiles, boat, aerosleigh. Game "Name a common feature"Snow and coat. (A fur coat warms people, and snow warms bushes and trees.) Cotton wool and snow. (They are light and white in color)

Lexical theme “Furniture. The materials from which it is made

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"What is the largest piece of furniture? What is the smallest piece of furniture in your apartment? What is lower than a closet but higher than a stool? (Table) What pieces of furniture resemble a rectangle in shape? What is oval? Round?

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"Listen to the words and repeat: sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed.

The game "Which word is lost?» Listen again to the words: sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed. Say which word has disappeared from the row: sofa, table, chair, bed. (Armchair)

What is the new word?Listen to the words again. Sofa, armchair, table, chair, bed. Repeat the words again. Sofa, armchair, shelf , table, chair, bed. What is the new word?

Development of attention

The game "You can - you can not"Can or can't you put a pot in a wardrobe? Sit on the chair? Sitting in a closet? To lay on the sofa? Store clothes on the bed? Scratch the table? Rip upholstery? Painting chairs?

Development of thinking

The game "Exclude an extra item"Stool, chair, sofa, armchair, table . (Table, since you can’t sit on it) Ottoman, sofa, bench , armchair. (bench as it is rigid)

Game "Name a common feature"Wardrobe, sideboard and bookcase. (They have shelves and doors, they are made of wood, you can put something in them) Table, chair and sofa. (They are made of wood, they have legs) Bench, stool, chair and armchair. (You can sit on them)

Lexical theme “New Year. Toys"

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"

What color are the Christmas toys on the Christmas tree? (Consider, discuss) What figure do New Year's toys resemble? (Consider, discuss) (oval, round, rectangular, triangular)

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Listen to the words and repeat: tree, gift, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday.

Game "Which word is "lost"?"

Listen again to the words: Christmas tree, gift, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday. Say which word has disappeared from the row: Christmas tree, gift, Snow Maiden, holiday. (Father Frost)

What is the new word?

Repeat the words again: Christmas tree, gift, clapperboard , Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, holiday. What is the new word?

Development of attention

The game "What toy is gone?"

A series of pictures with toys is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Or "Lay out the toys in sequence, as I did"For example: cracker, snowflake, ball, star, cone. (Any can be)

Development of thinking

The game "Add a word that fits the meaning"

Santa Claus - Snow Maiden, Christmas tree - holiday, holiday - gifts, gifts - poems.

Game "Can't"- Safety equipment with Christmas decorations.

Lexical theme "Winter fun"

Development of perception

The game "Answer the questions?"

What time of year does winter come after? (After autumn) How long does winter last? (Three months) What winter months do you know? (December, January, February) What changes occur in nature with the onset of winter? (It's getting cold. It's snowing....) What happens to deciduous trees in winter? (They hibernate like bears, chipmunks, hedgehogs) What winter sports do you know? (Hockey, figure skating…..) What clothes do people wear in winter? (Winter clothes: fur coat, mittens…..) What holidays do we celebrate in winter? (New Year, Christmas….)

Memory development

Game "Choose the right word"

We ride in the winter on (sledding, skiing, skating) We make snow (snowman, snowman)

The game "Listen, remember and repeat pairs of words"

Rink - skates, hockey player - hockey, goal - puck, puck - stick, skaters - ice, lump - snowballs, frost - fur coat.

Development of attention

Game "I am not me"

I'm skiing. I'm going down the hill. I collect mushrooms. I wear boots. I launch boats through the puddles. I'm riding a snowmobile. I ride a bike. I made a snowman. I am watering the garden. I pick apples in the garden.

Development of thinking

The game "Which word does not fit?"

Snowfall, blizzard, frost, heat . Snow, snowman, snowdrop, snowdrift. Skiing, ice, ski track, skier.

Lexical theme "Wintering birds"

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"Lay out the pictures of birds so that the woodpecker is between the tit and the sparrow; bullfinch - between a dove and a crow (options can be varied). Who is on the right, who is on the left, who is in the middle? Lay out the pictures so that the tit is higher than the sparrow - lower than the bullfinch.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the birds"Sparrow, titmouse, crow, bullfinch, woodpecker, magpie, dove.

Development of attention

Game "What has changed?"(Which bird flew away?) or (Who flew in) Tell me, which bird from a series of words was lost? Sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, woodpecker, magpie, dove. (Crow) Sparrow, titmouse, crow, woodpecker, magpie, dove. (Bullfinch)

Game "Choose the right word"

Cooing - ...... (pigeon), chirping - ...... (sparrow), croaking - ...... (crow, chirping - ...... (magpie).

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

Sparrow, tit, crow, martin . Woodpecker, magpie, hare, dove. crow, rooster , bullfinch, titmouse.

Game "Name a common feature"

What do a bird and a fly have in common? (They have wings and they fly) Between a woodpecker's beak and a chisel? (Sharp and durable and can punch holes)

Lexical theme "Wild animals and their cubs"

Development of perception

The game "More - less"

Who is bigger - a bear or a wolf? (The bear is bigger than the wolf). Which animal is smaller than a wolf but larger than a squirrel? (A hare is smaller than a wolf, but larger than a squirrel). Who is smaller - a hedgehog or a hare? (Hedgehog)

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Pictures depicting animals are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle. Look and say who is in the upper right corner, who is in the lower left corner, who is in the middle.

Memory development

Hare, wolf, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, elk, fox. Tell me, which animal from a series of words is lost? Hare, wolf, hedgehog, squirrel, elk, fox.

Game "Remember and Say"

How many paws do two cubs have? How many ears do two rabbits have? How many tails do three foxes have? How many eyes do three wolf cubs have?

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The squirrel ate the hedgehog. The fox fell asleep in a winter dream. The sheep attacked the wolf. The wolf climbed up the tree. The hedgehog attacked the bear. The hare dries mushrooms for the winter. The fox climbed into the hollow. Elk sleeps in a den.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?

hare, sparrow , bear, hedgehog. Bunny, hedgehog, kid , moose. Fox, wolf, hedgehog, horse . She-wolf, bear, squirrel , moose. Bear, elk, hare, she-wolf.

Lexical theme "Domestic animals and their cubs"

Development of perception

Big and small gameShow pictures of pets. Who is the tallest of the pets? Who is the lowest? Whose cub is tallest? Whose cub is the lowest? Who is bigger - a kitten or a calf? Who is taller - a foal or a pig?

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.Pictures depicting pets or toys. Place the cow to the left of the pig, the horse behind the goat, and the sheep in front of the horse. Where was the goat? Who is after the sheep?

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"Kitten, kid, foal, calf, lamb. Tell me, which animal from a series of words is lost? Kitten, foal, calf, lamb. Listen to the words again: kitten, goat, foal, calf, lamb, piglet . What is the new word? (piggy)

The game "Who knows, let him continue"Choose words denoting actions for the names of domestic animals: dog, cat, pig, horse, sheep, goat. What is the dog doing? (Barks, bites, growls, gnaws, sleeps, guards, guards, makes friends, etc.)

Development of attention

Play "Listen carefully and answer quickly"Who bites and who caresses? (Dog, cat) Who is mustachioed and who is shaggy? (Cat, dog) Who is horned and who is hunchbacked? (Goat, camel) Whose tail looks like a lump, whose nose looks like a piglet? (Rabbit, pig)

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra? Cat, rabbit, hare, goat. dog, wolf, goat, pig. Cow, elk, horse, sheep.

Lexical theme "Poultry"

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"Which bird is the largest? Who has the biggest wings? Who has the longest neck? Whose chicks are the smallest? Who has short legs?

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on the plane.Arrange the pictures of pet birds or toys so that they follow each other (in single file). Towards each other; in pairs. Put the chicken between the duck and the goose. Who is to the right of the chicken, who is to the left? Put the duck in front of the turkey and the goose behind the turkey.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and name the words in the given sequence"

Drake, goose, rooster, turkey. Listen to the words again and repeat: chicken, gosling, turkey, duckling. Listen to the words again and repeat: chicken, goose, duck, turkey.Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The hen laid an egg. The rooster spread its tail like a fan. The rooster dived into the river. The rooster found a seed. The chicken flew up the fence. The geese clucked loudly in the pond. The duck crowed loudly. The duckling chatters.

The game "Be careful!"

Clap your hands if you hear the name of a poultry: chicken, cuckoo, rooster, crow, chicken, turkey, sparrow, duckling, goose, bullfinch.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?duckling, chicken, foal , gosling. Chicken, sparrow , turkey, duck. drake, goose, chick, rooster. Turkey, duckling, goose, chicken.

Lexical theme "Defenders of the Fatherland"

In order for us to live in peace, do what we love, learn, grow, we are protected by courageous, brave, heroic, courageous, courageous people. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. Defenders of the Fatherland are people of military professions. They guard and protect our Motherland.

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"Who is the holiday on February 23 dedicated to? What is it called? What do defenders of the Fatherland do? What should be the defender to protect our Motherland? (Brave, brave, …..) What military professions do you know? (Pilot, tanker, missileman, border guard, captain, paratrooper, sailor)

The game "Who needs what"Pilot - ...... (aircraft), helicopter pilot - ... .. (helicopter), tanker - ...... (tank), border guard - ......, sailor - ... .., paratrooper - ... .., gunner - ... .. Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and name the words in the given sequence"Tank, plane, parachute, ship, cannon.

Add-ons game

Guards the border ... .. (border guard), rides a tank .... (tankman), parachuting ...... (parachutist), sailing in a submarine ... (submarine), serving at sea ... (sailor), flying a helicopter .... (helicopter), guards the border in the air ... (pilot).Development of attention

Game "What's up?"

Pick up pictures with images of military equipment or representatives of military professions. Then show the child one picture at a time and offer to consider and name them.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?Pilot, tanker, teacher, sailor Captain , tank, ship, helicopter. border guard, helicopter , submariner, sailor.

Lexical theme "Zoo" (Animals of the North and hot countries)

Development of perception

What do humans and animals have in common? (People and animals are living beings. We and animals are born, grow, breathe, see, eat, move. Animals, like people, can get angry, rejoice, communicate with their own kind, etc.)

The game "Who is attentive"

Place a zebra between an elephant and a tiger cub. Who is to the right of the zebra, who is to the left? Listen and do. Put the elephant next to the camel, the monkey behind the lion, the crocodile in front of the elephant, and so on.

Memory development

"Who knows, let him continue"

I know such animals living in hot countries: giraffe, elephant…. I know the animals of the North: the polar bear, the seal…. I know predatory animals: walrus, tiger…. I know herbivores: zebra, elephant……

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"

Giraffe, lion, tiger, elephant, walrus, seal, penguin.

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

An elephant floats on an ice floe. The polar bear sits under a palm tree. The tiger's mane has grown. A spotted zebra is chasing a rhinoceros. A striped giraffe ate an antelope. The hippo waved its trunk.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?Elephant, giraffe, zebra, a lion . (The lion is a predatory animal, and the rest are herbivores). Seal, tiger , polar bear, walrus. (Tiger - lives in hot countries, and the rest in the North). Elephant, tiger cub, crocodile, lion cub. (The crocodile is an adult animal, and the rest are cubs).

Lexical theme “Spring. Signs of Spring »

Development of perception

Tell us about the smells of spring and your feelings. Compare dry and wet soil to the touch. In what soil are seeds sown? Compare unblown and swollen buds, feel their difference. Touch and compare the buds and young leaves. Compare the buds of different trees by color, shape and size.

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Spring. Children launch boats. Birds have come from the south. People are harvesting. The gentle sun came out. The boy is skiing. Snowmen are melting. The rivers are covered with ice. People put on coats. Snowdrops appeared on the thawed patches.

Memory development:

Game "Remember and repeat"

Melting, heat, flood, puddles, streams, snowdrop, buds, leaves.

Development of thinking:

The game "You can - you can not"

Make birdhouses for starlings. Run through puddles. To make a snowman. Swim on the ice. Launch boats through the puddles. Harvest fruits and vegetables. Rip dandelions. Walk in sandals.

The game "Which word does not fit?"

Snowfall , snowmelt, thaw, ice drift. return, arrival, departure, nesting.

Game "Choose the right word"

They swell….. (buds, barrels) Blossoming…… (leaves, threads) Murmuring…. (stream, water) Dig .... (land, garden bed) Planted ... .. (seedlings, seeds)

Lexical theme “Family. Mom's holiday "

Development of perceptionFamily is the most important thing in a person's life. Look at photographs of the child's family members and tell who happens to whom. Arrange photos of family members by age, starting with the oldest. Name the last names, first names, patronymics of adult family members. Verify your home address. Place of work of parents. Compare the age of two family members (grandmother and mother or son and father), using the words older (younger). Name the youngest (oldest) member of the family.

Game "Name your family members"

There are three (four, five ....) people in my family: mom, dad, me (sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). What is family? (These are relatives living together) Can relatives be members of only one family? (There can be many relatives, several families. Relatives are people who have the same grandmother (grandfather, mother, father, aunt).

Development of attention

The game "I can - I can not"

I can vacuum carpet. I can wash dishes. I can dust. I can't cook dinner. I can't erase. I can't iron.

Memory development:

The game "Repeat, do not make a mistake"Old, affectionate, kind, hardworking, caring, cheerful.

Development of thinking:

The game "Name the extra word"

Dad, grandfather, girl, son. Grandma boy , mom daughter. need to talk ( angrily , politely, benevolently). It is necessary to live (friendly, happily, strictly ). Treat each other (attentively, respectfully, equally).

Theme: "My family".

The family consists of close and distant relatives.

Close relatives - father, mother, sisters and brothers, grandfathers and grandmothers (parents of father and mother). Distant relatives-aunts and uncles (brothers and sisters of father and mother).

Every family celebrates "men's" and "women's holidays".

On Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23), boys and men are congratulated and gifts are given to them.

March 8 is Women's Day. On this holiday, men are especially attentive to women: they prepare a festive table, buy flowers, and make gifts.

Men and women in the family are called differently;

The boy in the family is a son, brother, grandson; a girl in the family - daughter, sister, granddaughter;

Man - father, son, husband; mother, daughter, wife.

The most respected people in the family: - grandparents.

They raised their children and now help raise their grandchildren.

Everyone in the family takes care of them, try not to upset them, protect them from worries.

In a close-knit family, everyone is happy, happy when they meet, miss being apart, take care of each other.

They communicate a lot with each other: they talk about their affairs, successes and failures; discuss upcoming purchases, vacation destination.

Everyone in the family has the right to express their opinion, but the final decision is made by adults.

Lexical theme “Transport. Professions in transport»

Development of perception

The game "Select vehicles by color"- red car, red bus, etc.

Game "Guess what's in the box"- find out by touch which toy car is in your hand.

The game "Position correctly" - spatial orientation on the plane.Put the trolleybus behind the taxi, place the bus between the tram and the motorcycle, the plane above the helicopter, and the dump truck behind the truck. (Pictures or toys)

Development of attention

Game "Fix the Mistakes"The pilot controls the ship.The driver sits at the controls of the aircraft. The driver is driving a truck for loading. The train was approaching the station and the captain slowed it down.

The game "Let's go, swim, fly"Different types of transport are called, for example: train - .... (rides), plane - .... (flies), boat - ... .. (floats), etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know such water transport: boat, yacht….. Air transport: plane, airplane….. Ground transport: bus, tram….

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"Motor, wheel, fender, cab, window, door, hood, headlight.

The game "Recognize transport by named parts"Nose, wings, tail, landing gear, porthole - this is (aircraft), etc.

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra" Tram, bus , train, train. airplane, helicopter, boat , rocket. Motor ship, boat, raft, motorbike .

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"The train is moving across the sea. The train runs underground. The bus floats on the river. The plane flies behind the clouds. The boat floats on rails.

Lexical topic "Rules of the road"

Development of perception Game "Street" Explain the meaning of the words and consider "highway", "roadway", "sidewalk", "roadside", "footpath". Game "Traffic Light" - orientation in space. Clarify the rules for crossing the road, knowledge of traffic lights. Use in speech the words: “left”, “right”, “between”, “about”, “near”.

Development of attention

The game "Guess which sign» Remind and considervarious road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop", "Tram stop", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Point of medical care", "Point of food", "Point of maintenance", "Resting place", etc. d.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

I know such warning signs - red triangle(inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road): road works, railway crossing, ………. (Slippery road, rough road, children, other dangers)

I know such prohibition signs- red circle (abolish certain traffic restrictions): no traffic, no pedestrian traffic,…….. (no entry, no cycling, no motorcycles, no overtaking)

I know such prescriptive signs - blue circle(indicate specific driving modes): go straight, go right, ……… (go left, roundabout, footpath, bike path)

I know such indication signs - blue rectangle(service signs inform about the location of the corresponding objects along the route)

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra" Tram, bus , train, train. bus, truck, airplane , motorbike. plane, car, train, machinist. Ship , captain, driver, motorcyclist.

Traffic rules for pedestrians

In a big city, all traffic - both cars and pedestrians - is subject to special rules called the rules of the road.

Children should learn the basic rules of safe behavior on the street.

  1. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalks, walking on the sidewalk should keep to the right side so as not to interfere with oncoming pedestrians.
  2. Outside the city, you need to walk along the side of the road towards oncoming cars in order to see them in time and give way.
  3. The intersection is the most dangerous place for pedestrians; you can only cross the intersection using pedestrian crossings.
  4. To cross the street you need to find a place for a pedestrian crossing.
  5. The underpass is the safest for pedestrians.
  6. To cross the street, first look to the left, if the roadway is clear, go.
  7. Having reached the middle of the street - stop, look to the right, if the carriageway of the street is free - cross.
  8. You don't have time to cross the street, stop at the safety island. If not, you need to stop on the center line.
  9. A street where there is no pedestrian crossing must be crossed from one corner to another.
  10. When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.
  11. STOP! STOP! - the red light of the traffic light commands the pedestrian.
  13. THE PATH IS CLEAR! GO! is the green traffic light command.

14 . Learn a poem:TRANSITION

To teach the pedestrian to order,

They lined the asphalt like a notebook.

Stripes go across the road

And they lead the pedestrian. A. Volsky.

Lexical theme “Professions. Tools"

Development of perception

The game "Position correctly" - spatial orientation on the plane.Place the comb between the scissors and the pencil, the bandage behind the pencil, the shampoo in front of the scissors. (Pictures or toys)

Development of attention

The game "What's wrong?" (Syringe, comb, bandage, pencil, spoon, pen, scissors, ruler)A number of pictures or objects are displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Game "Who needs what?"A pan is needed ...... (cook), saw ... (carpenter), ax ... (lumberjack), scissors .... (tailor, hairdresser), hammer .... (to a shoemaker, carpenter), brushes .... (painter, artist), broom .... (janitor), etc.

Memory development

Game "Guess the profession"

Operates a bus ….. (driver), operates a helicopter …… (helicopter pilot), operates a ship ….. (captain), builds houses ….. (builder), treats people …. (doctor), sells products ….. (salesperson), etc.

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"

Musician, shoemaker, teacher, doctor, salesman, tailor, educator.

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Screwdriver, saw, hammer,syringe.rake, shovel,comb, braid. Harmonic,pot, drum, pipe.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The cook stirs the soup in a saucepan. The hairdresser makes an injection. The teacher writes in a notebook. The doctor plays the piano. The dressmaker does the hair. The carpenter repairs the table. The shoemaker builds houses. The artist grows flowers. The musician plays musical instruments. The photographer sells books.

Lexical theme "Space"

Clarify what holiday we celebrate on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day)

Who was the first in space? (Dogs Belka and Strelka)

Who was the first astronaut on Earth? (Yu.A.Gagarin)

What qualities should an astronaut have? (strong, sturdy, hardy, patient, resourceful, etc.)

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"What is space? (This is a huge space that surrounds our planet). Huge stars move in this space, planets circle around them, comets fly.

What is the name of our planet? (Earth)

What is the name of the largest star? (Sun)

What is the name of the earth's satellite? (Moon)

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and name the planets"

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto (they all revolve around the Sun - this is the Solar System).

Add-ons game

Preparing for a rocket flight ... .. (cosmonaut). He puts on a special space ... .. (suit). On the astronaut's head is heavy .... (suit). From the rocket into outer space go ... .. (cosmonauts).

Development of attention

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

The astronaut sat in the comet and flew. The spaceship landed on the steppe. The rocket flew around the planet Earth. A rocket went into space. The rocket is controlled by an astronaut.

Development of thinking

The game “What is superfluous and why?Sun moon,bulb. star, planet,rocket.Bold, bravecowardly. Earth,Sun, Jupiter. Mars, Saturn,rocket.

Lexical theme "Migratory birds"

Development of perception

Game "Answer the questions"Lay out the pictures of birds so that the cuckoo is between the swallow and the rook; Place a heron behind a stork, a crane behind a heron (you can vary the options). What birds are missing? Who is on the right, who is on the left, who is in the middle? Who is higher, who is lower? Lay out the pictures so that the swallow is higher than the rook - lower than the cuckoo.

Memory development

The game "Who's talking"

Crane - ... .. (curls), lark - .... (ringing), swallow - ... .. (chirping), rook - .... (shouts), nightingale - ... .. (sings), cuckoo - .... (cuckoos), duck - ... (quacks).

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the birds"

Swallow, cuckoo, rook, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron.

Development of attention

Game "What has changed?"(Which bird flew away?) or (Who flew in?) Tell me, which bird from a series of words was lost? Swallow, rook, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron. (Cuckoo) Swallow, cuckoo, starling, nightingale, crane, stork, heron. (Rook)

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"Swallow, cuckoo,tit, stork. Cuckoo, heron, crane,chicken. Starling,birdhouse,rook, nightingale.

Game "Nonsense"

The stork has the shortest legs. The swallow has a nest on the roof. A rook settled in the birdhouse. The nightingale has long legs. The cuckoo egg is square. The bird's beak resembles a rectangle. The crane is lighter than the nightingale. The rook is bigger than the stork.

Lexical theme "School supplies"

Talk with the child about why children go to school, who teaches children at school, what school subjects are taught at school. Explain that school years are the most wonderful time in a person's life, that at school every day children learn new and interesting things.

Development of perceptionGame "Answer the questions"What time of year does school start? What are rectangular school supplies? What are the colors of pencils? What grades do students get?

The game "Choose the right offer"Tanya left the scissors in the glass. - Tanya took the scissors out of the glass. Tanya put the ruler under the primer. - ………. Tanya hid the eraser behind the glass. - …………. Tanya left the album on the table. - ……………. Tanya put the briefcase under the table. - …………

Memory developmentThe game "Listen, remember and repeat the words"Eraser, notebook, diary, pen, pencil case, textbook, notebook, ruler.

Development of attentionThe game "Clap your hands if you hear about school"Car, class, teacher, hammer, school desk, lesson, hedgehog, rocket, change.

Development of thinkingThe game "The Fourth Extra"pen, eraser,ball, pencil case. Briefcase, notebook, textbook, Apple. Pencil,screwdriver, pen, brush.ball, eraser, pencil case, ruler. Eraser, briefcase,iron, pencil case. Album, primer, notebook,teacher.

Nonsense game Listen to the sentences and find the mistakes in them.
Tanya cut paper with scissors. The brush painted Lena.
The pen wrote a letter to Dima. The party sits behind Yegor.
The pencil case put Kolya in the briefcase. The primer reads Tolya.
Textbook learns from children. The textbook learns from Sasha.
The album left Tanya on the table.
Kirill put the briefcase under the table.

Lexical theme “Victory Day. Russia is my homeland"

Tell your child that we live in a huge beautiful country. This is our Motherland. As a person, the country also has a name - Russia. And we, who live in Russia, are Russians. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers preserved for us the beauty of our country - these are steppes, forests and rivers. They saved from death, from destruction, from the enemies of the Russian land. Now it is our turn to protect and protect our beautiful Motherland Russia.Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat"Motherland, Fatherland, Russia, feat, parade, salute, veteran, victory, joy.

Development of attention

The game "Clap your hands if you hear words about the holiday"

Parade, winter, victory, bird, salute, veteran, chair, pencil, soldier, warrior, sofa, spoon, Motherland, Army, feat.

Development of perception(Orientation in space)

Game "Build a house"

Compilation of houses from geometric shapes according to a given pattern. Make houses from geometric shapes of different colors. Specify the color of the walls, doors, roofs and other parts of the house. (You can cut it out of colored paper and stick houses of different designs and different heights into a notebook).

Game "Command"

Run the following commands. Raise your right hand. Jump on your left foot. Stand so that the window is on the right and the wall is on the left. (Stand facing the door) Say what is in front and what is behind. Etc.

Development of thinking

The game "Which word is superfluous"Victory, winnerwhitewash. Russia,dewdrop,Russians. Protection,latch, protector. Sniper, tanker,artist. Rifle,pilot, pistol.

Lexical theme "Insects"

Development of perception

The game "More - less"

Who is bigger - an ant or a bee? Which insect is smaller than a beetle but larger than an ant? Who is smaller - a dragonfly or a mosquito? Etc.

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation on a sheet of paper.

Pictures depicting insects are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle. Look and say who is in the upper right corner, who is in the lower left corner, who is in the middle, who is in the upper left corner, who is in the lower right corner.

Memory development

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words»

Grasshopper, mosquito, fly, beetle, ant, bee, dragonfly. Tell me, which insect from a series of words is lost? Grasshopper, mosquito, fly, beetle, bee, dragonfly.

The game "Spread out the pictures of insects"Try to remember and put the insects in the correct sequence:

bumblebee, butterfly, grasshopper, ant, beetle, mosquito.

Development of attention

Ball game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Butterfly chirping? (No. She doesn't make any sound) Is the grasshopper buzzing? (No. He chirps) Does the dragonfly jump like a spring? (No. A grasshopper is jumping.) Does an ant live in a hive? (No. Bees live in a hive.) Do bees build an anthill? (No. Ants build an anthill.) Does a ladybug collect nectar from flowers? (No. Bees collect nectar from flowers.) Does a mosquito catch birds? (No. Birds catch mosquitoes.)

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?Butterfly, bee,flower, bumblebee. dragonfly, grasshopper, butterfly,anthill. Wasp,hive,mosquito, ant.

Lexical theme "Flowers"

Development of perception

The game "Spread the flowers by color"For example: (red - tulip, rose, aster, poppy, etc.)

The game "Who is attentive"Pictures with the image of flowers are laid out on the sheet - four in the corners, and the fifth in the middle. Look and say which flower is in the upper right corner, which one is in the lower left corner, which one is in the middle, which one is in the upper left corner, which one is in the lower right corner.

Game "Three Flowers"In front of the child are pictures of three different flowers. The child must name and say how the flowers are arranged. Answers: the bell lies between the chamomile and the dandelion. Or: Cornflower - to the right of the bell and to the left of the forget-me-not, etc.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know the names of wild flowers: bluebell, poppy, ….. I know the names of garden flowers: rose, aster, ….. I know indoor plants: ficus, violet, …..

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words» Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, bluebell, chrysanthemum, rose, aster. Tell me, which flower from a series of words is lost? Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, chrysanthemum, rose, aster.

Development of attention

The game "What flower is gone?" (Chamomile, tulip, iris, cornflower, bluebell, chrysanthemum, rose, aster)A row of pictures with flowers is displayed in front of the child. Look, remember and close your eyes, and I will hide one picture. The child opens his eyes and guesses which picture is gone.

Development of thinking

The game “The fourth extra?cornflower, chamomile,dahlia, poppy Rose,bell,aster, dahlia. Geranium, violet, ficus,tulip.

Lexical theme "Pisces"

Development of perception

The game "More - less"Compare the size of the fish shown in the picture. Which fish is bigger - ruff or swordtail? (Ruff) Which is smaller - perch or catfish? (Som) Etc.

The game "Who is attentive" - ​​spatial orientation

Put the catfish picture in the upper right corner, the pike in the upper left, the bondage in the lower right, the herring in the lower left, and the perch in the middle.

Memory development

The game "Who knows, let him continue"I know the names of marine fish: hammerhead fish, ….. I know the names of freshwater fish: pike, …… I know the names of aquarium fish: angelfish, ….

The game "Listen, remember and repeat the words»

Mackerel, perch, flounder, catfish, pike, herring,ruff. Tell me, which fish from a series of words is lost? Mackerel, perch, flounder, catfish, pike, herring,

Development of attention

Ball game "It happens - it doesn't happen"Fishermen only catch big fish! The swordsman is a sea fish! At the bottom of the aquarium, a goldfish hid behind algae. A pike swims in the sea! Mom fried carp!

Development of thinking

The game "The Fourth Extra"

swordsman,pike,scalar, guppies.Flounder, ruff, catfish, carp. Herring, hammerhead fish,gold fish, flounder.

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