Blitz survey by countries and continents. School quiz in geography "by city and country"


Sosnorova Olga Vladimirovna
KSU "Nalobinskaya secondary school"
Educational psychologist

Development of the holiday "Dedication to first-graders".

This event can be held as the first of September, and at any other time. This development contains a selection of poems, exciting contests which are sure to please the kids.
Event goals:
Adaptation of first-graders in school.
Increasing learning motivation.
Formation and unity of the team: student, parent, teacher.

Event progress:

LEADING: Hello, dear children, teachers and parents! We have gathered for fun party- "Dedication to first-graders." (Beep sounds.) Do you hear? The students are already on the doorstep. Meet dear guest! (8 first-graders enter, they have signs with the letters on their chests: “SH-K-O-L-L-N-I-K”)
LETTER S: We are first-graders.
All around are looking after us,
They say: "Charming!"
We agree, no doubt.
LETTER K: We proudly walk to school
This sultry September.
And seriously we say:
We follow science!
LETTER O: Both girls and boys,
Toddlers and strong men,
We carry books in briefcases,
Pens and pencils.
LETTER L: Wait, dads, moms!
We grow up a little
institute program
Let's start at school.
LETTER b: wish us good luck
And study "with a bang."
Don't go far -
It's time for our lessons!
LETTER N: I go to school with joy.
Everything in the world is interesting to me.
I look at the teacher
He explains so wonderfully.
LETTER I: What I imagine at the same moment,
As I walk around Africa.
And I hear a monkey cry
I collect bananas for them.
LETTER K: Then another lesson,
And I build castles from numbers.
And only a bursting call
It will cover my head.

(Confusion and Nehochuha run out. Confusion confuses the guys with letters. Nehochuha sits on a chair and "plays".)

HOST: Guys! What kind of strange guests do we have? (sneaks up Confusion) Gotcha! Who are you?
CONFUSION: (nose up) I am Confusion!
LEADING: So you mixed up all the letters?
CONFUSION: Well, I, and what?
LEADING: And the fact that I tried in vain. Our guys fixed all your dirty tricks.
(Children restore the word and sit on chairs.)
CONFUSION: But I know that many of you moms and dads do not obey, do not want to teach lessons. You probably don't care about school at all. No?
CHILDREN: Interesting!
CONFUSION: Well, okay! But I know a boy who can't do anything and doesn't want anything. I don't want to!
CONFUSION: Come here!
UNWANT: I ​​don't want to.
CONFUSION: Come here, I say! Now tell me your favorite poem.
UNWANT: I ​​don't want to.
NEHOCHUKHA: I am the great Nehochukha,
I do not want anything.
And I'll tell you frankly
I don't take lessons.
I don't go, friends, I'm going to school,
I sleep all day long
Because because
I do not want anything.
CONFUSION: That's it. And no one will change it.
LEADING: And you, Nehochuha, instead of the words "I don't want" try to say: "I want! I'll be happy!"
NEHOCHUKHA: I will never be able to do it.
HOST: Guys, let's help Nehochukha! He will say the word "I", and you - "I want", and Nehochuha will say further what he wants to do.
CHILDREN: I want...
CONFUSION: I just know one game. I will speak the words. If they have a T in them, raise your hands. If not, don't pick it up. (They play.)
CONFUSION: Nothing, nothing. I made another dirty trick - I threw out the words from the poem. You will never guess what those words are.

After the deadline your coming
What will the teacher call?
There will be punishment
You for ... (Late.)

Show the world on a map
I know where Baikal, Pamir,
I will point to the cities:
Minsk, Moscow, Karaganda.
Eyes run after me
Because I - ...! (Pointer)

Footsteps in the hallway
That calls everyone to the class ... (call).

NEHOCHUKHA: But no. You won't hear the call again. In order for us to give it away, you need to pass some tests. You must prove that you are worthy of the title of "first grader". Here are the route sheets, there are many tasks waiting for you on the way.
LEADING: Good luck guys! Help each other along the way!
The guys go through the stations. Carry out the tasks given by the leaders.

Count in chorus from 1 to 10 and back.
"Compilation of objects according to pictures."
Pictures of a car and a fish are laid out in front of the students. The child must, focusing on the sample, fold similar drawings from matches from memory.
How many fruits of each type?
The students are shown pictures of fruits, among which there are vegetables. The task of children is to count how many fruits of each type.
Logic riddles and tasks for ingenuity
1. In the children's pyramid, a smaller one is placed on a larger ring. The red ring is smaller than the green but larger than the blue. The yellow ring is larger than the green one. Draw this pyramid.
2. My name is Olya. My brother has only one sister. What is the name of my brother's sister?
3. Klusha has 7 chickens - cockerels. Each cockerel has one sister. How many chicks does a klusha have in total?
4. There are 9 fish in the aquarium. How many more aquariums do you need to buy to have 3 fish in each?
5. There are 6 small cacti in one pot. How many more pots do you need to buy so that each has 2 cacti?
6. The tails of all puppies stick out from the booth. How many puppies are in the kennel if we see 9 tails?
7. Petya had 5 stamps on the theme "Space". He exchanged 3 stamps for the same number of animal stamps. How many stamps does Petya have now?
8. There were four chocolate gingerbread cookies, 5 ripe pears and 7 caramel sweets on the table. How many fruits are among them?
9. There were 8 pears and 9 plums on the table. How many more plums than apples?
10. An old woman was walking from the city to the village, and 3 students were walking towards her. How many people went to the village?


For praise and criticism
And school grades
Is in the portfolio among the books
Girls have boys
Someone doesn't look big
What is his name? ... (Diary)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine.)

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone.
But you are from her
You won't hear a word. (Book.)

He will paint a picture
And color Pinocchio.
He will write an ad
And a greeting card.
Draw posters master -
Bright, thin ... (Felt-tip pen.)

Look outside -
Home is like a home
But there are no ordinary residents in it.
It has interesting books
They stand in tight rows.
On long shelves
Along the wall
Fairy tales of old are included,
And Chernomor,
And Tsar Guidon,
AND kind grandfather Mazay...
What is the name of this house?
Try to guess! (Library.)

He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws.
And tonight
He will color the album for me. (Pencil.)

Near the river
In the meadow
They took a rainbow-arc.
straightened out
And they put it in a box. (Colour pencils.)

Game "Tell me a word". Mysterious rules of conduct at school.

Be diligent in class
Be calm and ... (attentive).

All write, do not lag behind,
Listen... (without interrupting).

Speak clearly, clearly
For everything to be ... (understandable).

If you want to answer
You need a hand ... (raise).

In mathematics, they count
At recess ... (rest).

Be diligent in class.
Do not talk: you are not ... (magpie).

If a friend began to answer,
Don't rush... (interrupt).

And if you want to help a friend -
Raise calmly ... (hand).
Know: the lesson is over,
Kohl heard you ... (call).

When the bell rang again
Always be ready for the lesson ... (ready).

So that doctors do not worry,
At breaks, don’t ... (shout).

Say the name of a literary hero

Little Red Riding Hood)
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Grandfather ... (Frost, Mazay)
Baba ... (Yaga)
Uncle ... (Fyodor, Styopa)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Koschei the Deathless)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)

Determine which one fairytale heroes received these telegrams.
1. If you walk across the field and find money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (Buzzing fly) K. Chukovsky

2. We, all three cheerful brothers, are in a hurry to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Learn better, and then you will be able to build the same solid stone house as our brother Naf-Naf! (Three Little Pigs) S.Mikhalkov

3. Do not run around the classroom during breaks, otherwise you may accidentally break a vase or drop a golden egg. And then I will have to incubate a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (chicken Ryaba) RNS

4. Congratulations to all first graders! I want to be smart and be sure to learn to read. And then when Papa Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to puppet show which I am very sorry about. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio) A. Tolstoy

5. Study as hard as you can at school, and not only in the sciences, but also in politeness. And then one day a girl Masha came to visit us. She ate our porridge, broke Mishutka's chair and even lay on our beds! (Three Bears) L. Tolstoy

6. I also dream of going to school like you! If I had studied at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, moreover, say where my grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood) C.Perro.

Children are given cards cut in half. Their task is students - to find their half.
Speak the short sentence.
- And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan
- Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the hallway.
- Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
- Seven in a sleigh sat themselves.

HOST: Well done guys! Completed all tasks. You, Confusion and Nehochuha, will have to give our call.
NEHOCHUKHA: And we are not sinister at all, we are kind and they call us Write and Read. We came up with all this to test you, do you know the letters, can you help each other. And we see that you are real first-graders.
LEADING: Now I ask the first graders to stand up and take the oath of the student:
First grader's oath

I swear to everyone to try, be healthy,
Go to our school regularly!
I swear!
I swear to read and write decently
And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."
I swear!
I swear that I will try hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!
I swear to be a child brought up
Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I won't play anymore!
I swear!
I will always be perfect as a child
And I will never forget my vow!
I swear!

It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
To help children always and in everything,
To collect the child to school in the morning,
Good parting words to give in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend
To avoid all diseases,
We need to toughen up more children,
Meetings also all attend,
Help the school as much as you can.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
Of course, I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!
Oath of parents of first graders
I swear whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father
Always say "well done" to your child!
I swear!
I swear in the study of the child not to "build",
I swear to learn a foreign language with him.
I swear!
For deuces I swear I will not scold him
And do lessons to help him.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth,
Then my promise baby
Feed daily boiled condensed milk!
I swear!
And I will never forget my vow
Then I'll be the perfect parent!
I swear!

Children are awarded "diplomas of first-graders" (music sounds). The floor for congratulations is given to the school administration and parents.

Sounds music "Teach at school"

Presenter 1: Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened all the doors for everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

So school life it all starts

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Young woman: Dressy!

Front doors!

So unobtrusive!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

Youth: And the boys are great!

So pretty

so meticulous,

They carry flowers in their hands!

Together: All former pranksters -

Today is first graders.

Everyone is good today

They are waiting for this at school!

Lead 2: We are going on a journey on this train.

You can board the train

This train is going fast

From border to border

Through the steppes to the blue mountains

On the green semaphore.

Presenter 1: He's in a hurry to school now

To us on a holiday in the first class.

You can't be late for the holiday -

Everyone knows this.

The train "First grader" rushes,

Gaining speed.

Presenter2 : And our train makes a stop. Who is meeting us? Guess!

My father had a strange boy

nice wooden,

And the father loved his son -

A slut……. (Pinocchio)

Right! This is Pinocchio from the tale of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio!".

Sounds music "Pinocchio"

(Pinocchio enters, holding a book in his hands.)

What is your book?
Pinocchio : I don't know, because I can't read.

Leading A: So, let's see! This is the Primer. It will help us learn the alphabet and learn to read!

Pinocchio : Oh, how interesting! I really want to learn to read, how about you guys? (Yes!!!)
But first, let's play and solve riddles!!!

1. There is a cheerful house.

There are a lot of nimble guys in it:

They write and count

Draw and read! (School)

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone,

But I am always silent.

To befriend me

Need to learn to read. (Book)

3. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write on them!

What is me? (Notebook)

4. Black Ivashka - wooden shirt,

Where will he hold his nose -

There is a trace. (Pencil)

5. I love directness,

I am straight.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons -

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

7. Black, crooked, mute from birth,

Sit in a row, everyone will talk. (Letters)

Pinocchio : Well done! How interesting with you guys. Can I sometimes come to you to learn to read, write, count.

Presenter1 : Of course you can Pinocchio. And our journey continues. Oh, what is that noise? Looks like we have a guest.

(Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick) Sound "Chatushki Babok Ezhek"

Baba Yaga : What kind of meeting is this, what kind of assembly is this? On what occasion are fees?
Presenter2 : Oh, and you scared us, Baba Yaga. And we gathered for a holiday.

Baba Yaga : How? What is this holiday? So let's look at the calendar (takes out a calendar, flips through it) New Year already was, March 8, too, May 1 and 9 passed. There is no such holiday on the calendar. Why are you fooling the old grandmother?

Presenter1 : We have a special holiday “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Baba Yaga : Well, here we are. How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Lead 2 : And this means, dear Baba Yaga, that on this day all children go to school after summer holidays and children who go to school for the first time. And we give them the key to the door of knowledge!

(Baba Yaga snatches the key from her hands)

Presenter1 : Baba Yaga, return the key to the guys!

Baba Yaga : But I will not return! To whom did you entrust such a valuable key? I'll give you guys a little credit. Pass the test - I will give the key, do not pass it will remain with me. Got it? Here is my condition!

Presenter2 : Well, will you guys be able to pass the Baba Yaga test?

Children : Yes!

Presenter1 : Say your task, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Let's pack a bag for school!

So, children, if I name a subject that needs to be taken to school, you

Clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, then do not clap, but simply raise your hands up!!!

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Pencil case and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

Lead 2 : You see Baba Yaga, our guys are great, everyone knows!!!
Baba Yaga: Really well done!!! Well, so be it, I will return the key to Wonderland to you. But we'll meet again, I promise you! (leaves)

Presenter1: We continue the journey. Guys, who knows this hero? Let's get acquainted.
The song "Do not twist the motley globe" sounds

PDDeshka: Well, it landed. Hello, oh, hello! How many of you are here! Let me introduce myself - I am a kind sorceress of the road PDDeshka. I help pedestrians and drivers, but I came to you for a holiday not just like that, but for help.

I live in the magical land of traffic lights. And we had a misfortune, our owner Svetofor Svetoforovich fell ill and now the guys are the same as you can get into dangerous situation on road.

Lead 2: Guys, let's help PDDeshka?! If you like to travel, then let's go to magical land Traffic light.

(Magic music plays.)

PDDeshka: Oh, guys, we didn’t even notice how we ended up with you in the country of Traffic Lights. To get to Svetoforovich Svetoforovich itself, we will have to go through several tests, but you will learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.

Presenter 1: And here we have our first test. Road signs got mixed up and forgot what they mean. Help them, tell them what they mean.

(Signs are shown on the screen, children tell.)

PDDeshka: What good fellows you are! How much do you already know. Do you know what traffic rules are?

(Answers from the audience)

Do you know when and in what country did the traffic light appear?

Host 2: Well PDDeshka, you asked the guys this complex issue They are still first graders. Let me better tell you about it.

The first traffic light appeared in 1868. In the city of London, in front of the Houses of Parliament. And this year he turned 145 years old!

PDDeshka: How interesting! Guys, here is the house of Svetoforovich Svetoforovich, we have arrived.

Let's all say hello together, Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich.

All: Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich!

Traffic light: Hello guys! Friends, but who are these children who came to my country? (Looks around the room with a broad gesture.)

PDDeshka: This is Svetofor Svetoforovich, first grade students high school No. 122 They came to your country to cure you and become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Yes, I understand everything. Welcome to my country! My country is huge, it has many inhabitants: road signs, pedestrians, drivers and a lot more, but unfortunately my country is a complete mess, I am very sick and cannot drive it.

PDDeshka: Guys, we promised to help! You need to keep your word. Svetofor Svetoforovich, what needs to be done to make you recover?

Traffic light: Oh... for this you need to be brave and smart, and of course correctly guess my riddles. Let's play the traffic light game. When I raise the red circle, we stop, when I raise the yellow circle, we prepare to move, and if it is green, then we move. Guys, we are now in the assembly hall, so we are moving in place.

(Music sounds, children play)

PDDeshka: And you are doing well, but we didn’t just come here to play, but we want to become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Then you must study and obey the RULES OF THE ROAD. The most important rule: Be attentive, never rush or play on the road. And to become real pedestrians, I have to check you.

And avenues and boulevards
Everywhere the streets are noisy.
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
Here to play pranks, interfere with the people
Be a good pedestrian

If you are on the tram
And the people around you
No pushing, no yawning
Move forward quickly!
We know to ride a "hare"
Give the old woman a seat

If you're just walking
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Walk carefully.
Red light crossing
With green - even for children

Well done! You have become real pedestrians!

PDDeshka: Guys, well, our journey through the country of Traffic Lights has come to an end. In a few seconds you will find yourself in the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. Let's close our eyes and count to three. One two Three!!!
Sounds like magic music

Presenter 1: Guys, so we got to the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. School graduates have prepared a mandate for you:

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in class 1
You, my friend, listen to us, We will give you an order.

2. Tell everyone about the school,

Treasure the honor of the school!

Keep always in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Be careful, be polite

Don't forget to say hello!

4. You must know perfectly well:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs.

5. To be always healthy,

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!

Listen to dad, listen to mom

And the teacher too...

6. You learn the program,

If so, we can help!

If you follow orders

Get ready for the second class.

Lead 2 : Ready to take orders?

And now, guys, you will say the promise of the first graders. I will read the promise, and you say "I promise" in unison.

    I promise everyone to be healthy

    And I won't forget my promise!

    Chorus: I promise!

Presenter 1: School is a fun, carefree time, enjoy it!
Host 2: So, summing up, I announce my decision.

All of you are enrolled in the school fraternity!

Our big school

Opened the door for you.

You will learn.

You are students now!

Now let's all get up and dance a fun holiday dance!!!

Song we are little children, we want to walk.

(balloons are distributed)

Presenter1: Thank you dear guys! See you soon!

Date: September 2014

08.30 - 09.15 - children's songs about the school are played.

Gathering and building in front of the alley of the park "Youth".

The course of the district holiday program "Parade of first graders - 2014"

09.20 - Fanfare.


Today is a special day in Apsheronsk,

Above the park, songs are sonorous!

In honor of the first graders of 2014!

We're starting the parade!

Sounds like a festive march

Festive procession of first-graders with fairy-tale characters along the alley to the square near the stage of the Yunost park.


See how proudly the first graders go:

Elegant, neat, smart!

May their childhood be happy and festive,

Meet the future of the country!

The delegations walk along the paths of the park alley, pronouncing chants and approach the square-place of the parade

09. 30

Leading. We invite you to festive square first graders educational institutions Absheron region 2014-2015 academic year!

Total schools - 25

Total first graders -

The moderator introduces the school delegations.

The presented schools go along the square to their places (two delegations at a time - one to the right, the other to the left of the central red carpet).

Leading. We welcome the youngest schoolchildren of the Apsheron region!

The future of the native Kuban, great Russia!

Poems are read by children (ensemble "ECHO")

Proud of you, my Russia!

Proud of you, my land!

Your worthy citizen

I will, my Motherland!

At the intro of the song "My Russia"

Russia, you are always one

And therefore invincible.

Blossom and grow stronger every day!

We sing about you, country!

“My Russia!” - exemplary vocal variety studio"ECHO", choreographic team"Dance Theatre" "Nathan", MBOU DOD CDT

Leading. WITH welcome speech to the participants holiday parade first graders contact:

Chapter municipality Apsheron district A.E. Kravchenko;

Chairman of the Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Apsheron District I. A. Vodyanov;

The head of the Apsheron urban settlement V.A. Byrlov.

Welcome speech of honored guests

Sounds music at the advent fairy tale characters- Cheburashki with a briefcase, Fives and Twos.

Cheburashka. Hello first graders! (children answer)

How glad I am to meet you, my good friends!

I really love to study! Do you like being schoolboys?

The children answer.

Cheburashka. Amazing! I for a long time lived in the country of cartoons, and this year I firmly decided - I will become a first grader!

My faithful are with me school friends- Five, Period and Comma.

Five comes out, followed by a period, a comma.

Five. We are glad to make friends with you,

I hope we become friends!

You get five for knowledge,

For work, perseverance and diligence.

Responsible, diligent of all,

The school is going to be a big success!

Is it true?

Music sounds at the exit of the Deuce.

Two runs out.

Deuce. Have you forgotten about me?

See how beautiful I am!

I'm friends with those who know nothing

Who rests at school in the classroom,

Doesn't teach, doesn't decide, doesn't read!

Any child is happy for a deuce,

Everyone wants to receive a deuce.

Is it true?

The kids are in charge

Cheburashka. Friends, will you be friends with a deuce?

The children answer.

Cheburashka. What about five?

And to get fives,

You have to be strong and smart!

Dot. Every morning at school, start with a fun exercise, like us!

Comma. Repeat with us! And we'll see which school is the most athletic!

"School exercise" - conducted by teachers of the Central Children's Gallery

Lyrics against the background of the intro of the song "We are the champions"

Dot. Well done!

Comma. Go in for sports and become real champions!

"We are champions!" - exemplary vocal variety studio "ECHO", dance groups MBOU DOD CDT

School bell sounds

Dance picture "Change"

Locomotive whistle

To the cheerful music, the Steam locomotive (mast-up puppet) leaves.

Locomotive. Hello friends! I have an amazing itinerary today. I will take you to the Land of Knowledge!

Leading. We are lucky to live in Krasnodar Territory. And we have our good traditions. Before leaving for the Land of Knowledge, we all must say the first-graders' chants in unison.

Five. Repeat after me!

The whole Kuban knows about it!

Five. And now all together, louder and more fun!

The whole Kuban knows about it! (Children repeat)

And everyone congratulates me! (Children repeat)

I have a holiday today! (Children repeat)

I am a Cuban first grader! (Children repeat)

Representatives of each school (first-graders and characters with bundles of balloons) come out to line up behind the locomotive.

A train whistle sounds.

Leading. Good luck, friends!

To the music, the locomotive with characters and first-graders moves in a circle

Five. We've received an email!

Dot and Comma. Where?

Five. From Crimea!

The first-graders of the Crimea congratulate the first-graders of the Apsheron region and the whole Kuban on the coming academic year and wish them a successful and happy school journey!

Dot. It's great that this year there are a lot more first-graders in Russia!

Comma. Our friendly school family now has first graders from Crimea!

Five. And let's send our Kuban sunny greetings to all the children of Crimea!

We send the balls on a magical flight!

Let the cheerful wind carry on its wings

Greetings Apsheron to sunny Crimea!

Let the rainbow of happiness shine over him!

We are the children of Russia - a big family

Forever we are together, forever friends!

To the chorus of the song "Kuban - Father's house!" the characters release the balls.

Five. And now we invite all first-graders to an exciting journey into the world of creativity and sports, and new discoveries.

Together (Five, Period, Comma) - to the Land of Knowledge!

10.45. – 12.00 - entertainment"Journey through the Land of Knowledge" - the work of 16 thematic sites, within the framework of the day open doors institutions additional education children of the area.

Delegations of schools organizedly disperse along the routes (each class has its own route sheet, issued before the start of the parade):

Health Street - CRH

Knowledge Road - Library

Friendship Square - DD and UT and E (UT)

"Patriots Alley" - Museum

Technical crossroads – TsD(Yu)NTT

Corner of inspiration - TsDT, TsD (Yu) NTT, DD and YUT and E (YUT)

Tourist trail - DYUSSH

Olympic Avenue - Youth Sports School

Creative Arbat - Children's Art School

Music kiosk - DShI

Singing bridge - CDT

IN pine forest at the Wise Owl

Excursion bureau - DD and UT and E (UT)

Dance Circle (CDT)

Circus arena - RDK

Booklover's Gazebo - Library

holding celebratory event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge
"Parade of first graders - 2014"
Goal: Formation of positive motivation for learning activities positive attitude towards the school, the team of students.
create a festive atmosphere at the beginning of the school year;
to give ideas to first-graders about the school traditions of the holiday, to help them realize its significance;
to involve children in active participation in school holidays; set students up for communication, positive emotions;
cultivate moral feelings: tolerance, kindness, sensitivity.
The date of the event is September 1, 2014.
Time spending -
Venue - RDC "Petrovsky" square
Decoration - colorfully decorated backdrop, helium balloons, flowers from helium balloons.
Before the start of the holiday, children's songs are played, an exhibition is open decorative and applied creativity of pupils of TsRTDIU Art. Petrovskaya.
Spectators on the ground, according to the distribution. Columns of first-graders of schools No. 29; No. 31; No. 30; No. 9 - standing at the ready in front of the police building. A fairy-tale character leads the column of each school.
The call signs of the holiday sound - fanfares (leaders come out).
Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we welcome the residents and guests of our glorious village of Petrovskaya.
Presenter 2: Hello everyone who today, with all the vast Russian Power, is celebrating the first day of the New Academic Year! Knowledge is the main wealth of every true Russian.
Presenter 1: The road of knowledge is exactly the path that millions are rushing to take today Russian schoolchildren and students, hundreds of thousands of first-graders, and among this numerous guard girls and boys of our beloved and dear village of Petrovskaya.
(columns start moving from the police building)
Presenter 1: Many guests of honor gathered at our holiday and today the Parade of First Graders is being hosted by:
1 Head of Petrovsky rural settlement- Mikhailenko Vladimir Ilyich
2 Chairman of the Council of the Petrovsky rural settlement - Malezhik Elena Anatolyevna

3 Head of the department of educational, social and preventive work and additional education, department of education of the municipality Slavyansky district - Shablieva Larisa Vasilievna
4. Deputy of the Council of the Municipal Formation of the Slavyansky District - Kondratova Ekaterina Grigorievna
5 Member of the council of the Petrovsky rural settlement - Datsko Svetlana Alexandrovna
6 Rector of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, Archpriest Sergius Krivosheya
Presenter 2: Let's start the parade of first graders! Dear friends! Welcome owners honorary title"First Grader - 2014"
Presenter 1: The event for which we have gathered, which we have been waiting for with such impatience, will happen in front of your eyes any minute. Meet! A new generation, a large school family - seven-year-old residents of Art. Petrovskaya, who gave their families a new festive calendar date.
Presenter 2: The first of September 2014 for these young citizens will be the beginning of a bright path along the roads of the country of Knowledge. This year, 171 first-graders of our village will begin to receive their school education. Let's greet our lovely girls and boys with friendly applause! To the first graders of 2014, Hurray!
(Against the background of music, there are reports about schools No. 9, 29, 30, 31. The report about each school ends with a slogan and a friendly greeting from the first-graders of this school. First-graders march in columns to the square).
Presenter 1: Dear guys, you are the generation on which the future of all of Russia depends! We wish everyone health, fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of hopes, prosperity and happiness in the new academic year! The word for greetings is given to the head of the Petrovsky rural settlement - Mikhailenko Vladimir Ilyich!
(Speech of the head, the head says - "Holiday, dedicated to the day knowledge is declared open")
Anthem of Russia, Anthem of Kuban
Presenter 2: With a parting word to you, dear first-graders, the Head of the Department of Educational, Social and Preventive Work and Additional Education, the Department of Education of the Municipal Formation Slavyansky District - Shablieva Larisa Vasilyevna
(Speech by Shabliyeva L.A.)
Presenter 2: The floor is given to the Rector of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, Archpriest Sergius.
(Word of the archpriest)
Presenter 1: Our dear first graders! You came today so beautiful, so smart. And we know that you have prepared the poems, despite the fact that you are very worried.
Presenter 2: A word to our first graders.
(first-graders go to the microphones UNDER MUSIC, editing)
Performances by first graders.
1. First grader: Study, hello! School hello!
We go for knowledge in a campaign.
It is a holiday today!
School holiday! We meet academic year!
2. First grader.
Proud, well-dressed We walk along the street, With kind smiles Everyone admires us. “There is no need to see us off!” - We told mom. And what class are we going to, Guess for yourself.
3. First grader.
In kindergarten, I was friends with everyone for many days,
And now the time has come, There are more important worries.
I have books in my portfolio. I have a bouquet in my hand. All the familiar boys Look after them in surprise.
4. First grader.
Congratulations to our parents, happy holiday to you, with the first day of training! We also want to wish parents to help us everywhere and in everything
5. First grader. I woke up early in the morning, I immediately looked at my briefcase. There are notebooks and books in it, And a notebook with a square. I went to bed simple boy, woke up as a schoolboy.
6. First grader. Beautiful good books
I will learn to read.
I learn about everything interesting,
I want to become an academic.
7. First grader. I turned seven years old this year. Now I am big, I will go to study! I will try, I will not be lazy! I am very happy that I am a student!
8. First grader. Oh, how I want to study,
I promise not to be lazy.
And always by 7 o'clock
I will wake up myself.
9. First grader. I won’t sleep in class,
I will be diligent.
And a big boss
I will definitely.
10. First grader.
We are going to the first class, - The whole crowd is cheerful! Accept, school, us! Hello, hello, school.
(children go to their places to the music of _____________________________)
Presenter 1: In this touching minute, next to each of our first graders, the closest people - mothers and fathers, grandparents, holding tightly by the hand, help to overcome the excitement before entering the future, where they have to comprehend the unknown, the unknown, discover themselves and huge world.
Presenter 2: Dear first graders, accept a gift from the head of the administration of the Petrovsky rural settlement Mikhailenko Vladimir Ilyich books for reading.
Books for first graders are awarded:
1 Mikhailenko Vladimir Ilyich
2 Malezhik Elena Anatolyevna
3 Shablieva Larisa Vasilievna
4. Kondratova Ekaterina Grigorievna
5 Datsko Svetlana Alexandrovna
6 Archpriest Sergius Krivosheya
(Books are handed out to the music. _______ high school students help distribute.)
Presenter 1: There is a replenishment in our friendly family of students, let's welcome the first graders - 2014 !!
Presenter 2: Dear guys, and now we invite you to go to the assembly hall along this magical path to meet fairy-tale heroes!
(to the applause, life-sized toys lead the children into the hall along the red carpet to previously prepared places)
Theatricalization on September 1
"Pranks Shapoklyak"
The purpose of the holiday: to make the beginning of the school year unforgettable; help you move smoothly from summer holidays to study, using the game form of activity; promote the development of attention, ingenuity; set children up for the joy of communicating with each other.
Active heroes:
Fairy of Fairy Science–
Shapoklyak -
Cheburashka -
clowness -
Introduction, Number "Hare Trouble"
The music sounds, the Fairy of Fairy Tale Sciences and Cheburashka enter the stage.
Fairy: Good afternoon, students! Good afternoon parents! Good afternoon teachers! You came to visit not in vain, because today the best holiday, Holiday September 1!
Cheburashka: School doors are opening for us today.
For the first time we go to school, We enter the first class.
Fairy: I am the Fairy of Fairy Science.
Cheburashka: Well, of course, you recognized me, I'm Cheburashka - hello guys - first graders !!! I went to first grade today too! Hooray!
Fairy: Well done Cheburashka! September 1 is the start of a new academic year, in which there is a lot of work to be done and a lot to be achieved by everyone who studies and teaches.
So let's all start this school year together! I ask my assistants to show us the magical school calendar.
(Music sounds, the projector turns on and a calendar with the number August 31 appears on the board)
Fairy: Do you know what date it is today?
Children: September 1st!
Fairy: So let's tear off the last summer leaf and start the new school year!
(Music sounds - They tear off, they see August 32, they gasp in fright)
Cheburashka (surprised): Does it happen on August 32? So summer isn't over?
Fairy: I don't understand! Do you guys agree that August 32 simply does not happen? -Cheburashka: So, the guys and I prepared in vain, and in vain we bought new briefcases, notebooks, pens and pencils?
Fairy: Wait, guys, this is clearly someone's tricks. Some people really do not want the school year to come.
Cheburashka: But who could it be?
(Voice from backstage)
- And you still haven’t guessed whose tricks these are, of course, mine!) Shapoklyak’s song sounds, Shapoklyak and Lariska come out on their shoulders - they dance.
Fairy: Why did you ruin our calendar?
Shapoklyak: You still say that you want to study, work? Throw this nonsense, Shapoklyak herself tells you - let's have fun, frolic!
Go home.
There is nothing for you to do here.
Keep resting
Good food and good sleep.
August is standing in the yard,
Kids don't have to rush to school.
Holidays continue!
The first of September is cancelled!
Infinitely August will last
Children don't have to go to school!
You should thank me for giving you such a gift!!!
Cheburashka: We don't need such a gift.
Shapoklyak: Ah, old friends! Are you going to school too? You know, Cheburator - I do not advise! (shoots from a slingshot at Cheburashka's legs and laughs out loud)
Fairy: What is this? Why are you doing such a bad thing. well-mannered people must behave!
Shapoklyak: Yes, we did not graduate from universities, there is no need to teach us what is good and what is bad! Look how many children there are and bully them! Also me scientists!
Fairy: You dear Shapoklyak clearly need a good upbringing. Really guys?
Shapoklyak: What else can your school teach?
Dear kids! Remember once and for all the first thing: learning is very harmful! Look at me: I am a victim of education. I studied all my life until I got old. Now I am a perfect old woman! I best years She spent her life at school: five years in the first grade, then three in the second and six in the third. Who will give me back my years, who?
Cheburashka: No, Shapoklyak, I think the guys disagree with you! We will go to school with pleasure, because we want to know a lot, and there we will make new friends.
Shapoklyak: But in vain. I do not advise you, no, no, no, no way! Look at me,
become the same! Let's go Cheburashka better shoot from a slingshot.
Fairy: Grandma Shapoklyak, before you go to mischief and dirty tricks, please return the calendar sheet to us, because the guys are really looking forward to the new school year.
Shapoklyak: Look what you came up with, just take it and return it? Well, then, to continue your holiday -
Pass the tests
Invented by me.
Fairy: (to children). Are you guys ready for the test?
Children. Yes!
Cheburashka: Aren't you scared?
Children. No!
Fairy: Can you handle any tasks?
Children. Yes!
Fairy: Start, Shapoklyak, tests.
Submit your assignments to us.
Our kids can handle them easily.
And you will like everything today.
Cheburashka: Well, for now I'll go and start collecting my portfolio, and you guys prove to the old woman Shapoklyak that you know everything about everything. Try to get the key to knowledge
(Cheburashka leaves).
Shapoklyak: Go, go already a student - a martyr! I'll personally check them out now, how smart they are! Ready? I will ask questions, and you try to answer them correctly with “yes” or “no”.
Will you always help out a friend?
Will you never lie?
Write down the answer in class?
Throw a rock at a cat?
Take a ticket on the bus? (That's right, don't, my school)
Do not be shy when trouble?
Not to spare for the affairs of labor?
Don't wash your hands when it's lunch? (Of course, no need to wash your hands, that's right)
Do you send greetings to lazy people?
What about those who always work hard?
Fairy: Well, I made sure that our guys are very difficult to confuse!
Shapoklyak: Okay, okay, we did the first task.
I liked a little.
Well done! You can put "five"!
Well, now I want to know:
Can you guys dance?
Fairy: There are countless talents in the hall!
They are on our holiday. Now you will see how our first-graders dance great. Moreover, they have already sat up and they really want to move! Are you guys ready? Then get up from your seats, look at our charming assistants and repeat!
Shapoklyak: May I come with you? Fairy: Well, of course, everyone dances!
(music turns on, Clowness and girls enter the stage - the heroes show, children dance)
Shapoklyak. Well done! Distinguished again!
I bet for this, guys, you "five"!
(music plays, Winnie the Pooh enters)
Shapoklyak: Are you really going to school?
Winnie the Pooh: Hello my friends! Today is the first day of autumn! It's time for hot chocolate and leaf jumping! And today is First Grader Day! Congratulations!
Fairy: You know Winnie, our school calendar was bewitched by the Old Woman Shapoklyak, time has stopped and we cannot continue the holiday.
Winnie: It's a mess, but what needs to be done in order for the school year to start?
Shapoklyak: What, what! Solve riddles!
They say you are erudite.
You know and are famous.
Solve these mysteries.
There are no harder ones in the world
Fairy: Let's guys try and prove to Shapoklyak that the school teaches a lot.
And the magic screen will help us in this, if you guess the riddle, then the answer will appear on the screen. Well, let's start!
(a presentation with riddles is included. The fairy reads each riddle, Winnie the Pooh helps to solve) Fairy: Well, Shapoklyak, are you satisfied with our guys?
Winnie: I think it's time to disenchant the school calendar?
Shapoklyak: Kids are pencils, or maybe you will change your mind about going to school before it's too late? And will you study for one five?
Fairy: Dear guys, in order for you to study only for fives, now we will conduct a wonderful ritual of addressing the lord of fives. But first, I think we should call our friend Cheburashka, because he is also going to the 1st grade and the fives will not interfere with him at all.
Shapoklyak: Or maybe he has already changed his mind about studying? We need to take him as a student as soon as possible!
Winnie: No, he didn't change his mind and now we'll all call him. Let's shout Cheburashka loudly at my command!
(children call Cheburashka, to the music he comes out with flowers and a briefcase)
Cheburashka: Oh, how I was in a hurry, I hope I'm not late?
Fairy: No, just in time, we were just about to perform the ritual of addressing the lord of fives. I'll show you now, and you listen carefully and repeat after me. (A ritual is performed to the background music)
They raised their right hand.
Fingers spread out. How many fingers are on one hand? That's right, five. This is the kind of assessment we want. Now loudly, at my command, we shout three times: “I want to study for five!”
So, get ready.
Is everyone's hand up? Do we know what to ask? Prepared and...
(Perform ritual.)
Cheburashka: Everything, now we will definitely be all excellent students! Hooray!!!
Winnie: I congratulate you all, but I have to go. BYE!!!
Fairy: So let autumn finally come. Shapoklyak disenchant our school calendar!
Shapoklyak: Yes, he has long been disenchanted,
welcome the new school year!
(music sounds on the slide, a calendar sheet appears from September 1)
Fairy: Well, September 1 is on the calendar, which means ...
The new academic year begins.
It will bring you many discoveries.
New items, new friends
Favorite teachers are waiting in the classroom!
Guys, do you know who will lead you along this great and bright road of knowledge? Your first teachers! The most kind and fair, the most knowledgeable and creative! Let's welcome them! To thunderous applause, we invite primary school teachers to the stage: (music sounds, teachers rise to the stage, they are immediately given gifts from the head and keys) 1. Solyanik Svetlana Ivanovna - teacher of the 1st grade, secondary school No. 29
2. Markelova Olga Vladislavovna - teacher of grade 1b, secondary school No. 29
3 Ignatenko Oksana Vladimirovna - teacher of the 1st grade, secondary school No. 29
4. Narinyan Inna Ilyinichna - teacher of class 1, secondary school No. 29
5. Reka Galina Grigorievna - teacher of the 1st grade of the secondary school No. 31
6. Pogorelaya Tatyana Alexandrovna - teacher of the 1st grade of the secondary school No. 31
7. Nazarova Elena Nikolaevna - teacher of the 1st grade of school No. 30
8. Kuryachaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna - teacher of the 1st grade of the secondary school No. 9
Fairy: Dear teachers! Happy holiday - Happy Knowledge Day. With all our hearts we want the Day of Knowledge to become the biggest holiday of the year for you, because on this day new hopes and ideas are born. May all your dreams and expectations come true! Accept a gift of memorable gifts from the head of the Petrovsky rural settlement, and I, the Fairy of Knowledge, hand you the magic keys to the country of Knowledge!
Cheburashka: Dear friends, the time has come for you to go to the Land of Knowledge, because now you have become real schoolchildren, and your dear teachers will look forward to seeing you every day in the amazing and wonderful Land of Knowledge. Shapoklyak: Under thunderous applause We ask our teachers to take their places in hall (to the music and thunderous applause, teachers descend into the hall) Dear guys! Here we come to the end of our fairy tale! But school fairy tale waiting for you ahead!
Cheburashka: Girls on the road, boys on the road!
Step boldly along the ladder of knowledge!
Wonderful meetings and good books will be steps on it!
Musical number - children sing gr. "Mommy's joy",
Fairy: Dear first graders, look how many kind faces around you are happy to greet you. From now on, the world called "School" is your big school family. Go to school with pleasure! Happy road to the Land of Knowledge!
Shapoklyak: And now our surprise! All pupils of the 1st grade are waiting for their favorite treat - ice cream, which your first teachers can get at the exit from the recreation center Music sounds. Everyone leaves the room.

Entrance of first graders to the music of "First Grader" (Introduce CR)

Dance of high school students "Let's be friends!"

Presenter 1: Good afternoon

Leading 2: Hello! We are glad to welcome everyone gathered in this hall: the heroes of the holiday - first-graders,

Presenter 3: their parents,

Leading 4: school teachers,

Leading 5: high school students!

Presenter 1: Stas, what does it mean for you to study at school?

Leading 2: It's learning something new every day

Presenter 3: find true friends

Leading 4: participate in fun games

Leading 5: set records in physical education classes, sing, dance and draw with pleasure!

Presenter 1: You, dear first-graders, have already studied at school for 2 months. Learned a lot, learned a lot?


Class 1: First we want to introduce ourselves:

2nd: Today, 90 first-graders are joining the friendly staff of school No. 348.

3rd: They are all inquisitive, active

4th: And everyone wants to become successful students!

5th: Daily in the morning

We need to take care of.

We do not take our eyes off the board,

And the teacher teaches us!

№ 2: Now let's see what you have learned.

№3 : Today we dedicate you to schoolchildren. To become real students, you need to pass tests. Ready?


№4: Challenge #1"We are together"

Listen to the conditions of the game: I will ask you questions, and you must answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!” or “No, not me, No, not me, these are not my friends!”. Be careful, do not make a mistake with the answer, you must tell the truth!

(The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" is being played)

Leading: Who is neat and cheerful

Rushing to school early in the morning?

Leading: Who is always in order

Pens, books and notebooks?

Children answer: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Host: Who's in bed all day

And who is lazy to study?

Children answer: No, not me, No, not me, these are not my friends.

Host: Tell me guys

Who does morning exercises?

Children answer: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

№ 4: Well done! You are very attentive and friendly guys! It's time to get to know you better. Students are invited to the stage 1 "A" class.


Business card 1 A

№ 5: Test by MATH

Tasks to be solved:

For 1 "B":

The hedgehog brought three apples from the orchard.

He gave the most ruddy squirrel.

The squirrel received a gift with joy

Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate. (2)

No. 1: For 1 "B":

Four funny funny teddy bears

Fragrant honey is eaten, bees are thanked.

Their friend approached inaudibly with a ladle

How many bears are at the big table? (5)

No. 2: For 1 "A":

Six puppies playing football

One was taken home

He looks out the window, counts

How many are walking now? (5)

#3: ALL:

Five hedgehogs walked in the forest

Collected strawberries,

And one went to sleep

How many of them are left to walk? (4)

№ 2: You know, Alla, I think that great scientists will grow out of these guys!

№ 1: And not only scientists, but also astronauts, and artists, and ... Let's see

Business card 1B


No. 4: Thanks guys, you are great!

Test number 3. Without grammar, friends, we can not live in any way.

Listen to the challenge:

We are ordinary words

Everyone knows us all

We contain the letter "A"

Thrice or twice.

But today ... - Well, well! -

They all fled.

Here's the trouble! Lost their trail!

Where did you get the agility?

If you can, children, help.

(write the deciphered words on the card)


1 "B" STRT, RTOs


No. 4: Everyone coped with the task, well done! Students 1 "B" are invited to the stage.


Business card 1 "B"

I suggest everyone take a break. We hold a physical minute for everyone: for first graders, their parents, teachers and high school students. Listen to how it will go: I will raise different letters, and you, in turn, must come up with an adjective - a characteristic for this letter. For example, I will ask: “Your class is the best” - “D” - friendly! And when you answer, you must get up. Got it?


Your teacher is the most - "L" (Best)

The boys answer:

And all the girls are the most - "K" (Cool)

Girls answer:

All boys are the most - "S" (Strong)

Moms answer:

Your dads are the most - "M" (Courageous)

Dads answer:

Your mothers are the most - "D" (Kind)

High school students answer:

And you, first graders, are the most - "U" (Smart)


Our school is the best - "L" (BEST)!!!

№ 1: Let's give ourselves a proper round of applause. Let's remember how it starts to rain. That's right, with small drops - we clap with one finger, then it started to drizzle (finger 2), the rain began to intensify (finger 3), even stronger (finger 4), and a real downpour began (loud applause).

№ 2: And the first graders already know how to dance! Meet dance group"Rainbow" Head Ivanova Margarita Gennadievna

№ 3: What's cutest

In bread - humpback,

In cabbage - a stalk,

In milk - foam,

And at school - change!

And I suggest we have a little school break.

The game "If life is fun, do it ..." 1 "A"

Dance "Ducklings" 1 "B"

Game "Brook" 1 "B"
(High school students are always with the kids)

№ 5: What are you capable, creative, hardworking - real students!

Presentation by high school students.

MUSIC "School ship»

No. 1. Here comes the desired hour

You are enrolled in first grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We will give you orders.

No. 2. Tell everyone about school

Treasure the honor of the school.

Keep always in order

Books, notebooks.

No. 3. Be careful, be polite.

Don't forget to be healthy.

No. 4. You should know perfectly well:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs!

No. 5. If you follow orders

Get ready for class two!

DANCE "LET'S BE FRIENDS" - ending(on the chorus, high school students give their hands to first-graders and go up to the stage for awards in classes)

No. 1: Dear first graders! You passed all the tests with dignity, and we are happy to initiate you as a student!

No. 2: We REWARD you with school badge #348, on which you will see waves and a flying seagull - the emblem of our school.

No. 1: If you study well, strive for knowledge, you will easily soar over the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife like birds!

No. 2: And very useful gift: this is the game "MR. TWISTER"

No. 1: Let's all sing a song together "The road of goodness"! Photo for memory. Congratulations from the principal of the school, parents.

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