Scenarios of the festive reporting concert of the pop vocal studio. See you all on the islands! But every time the excitement, anxiety


Scenario of the Reporting Concert “Lighting the Stars!”

1) Hello, right man! (performance of the song).

1 presenter : - Good afternoon, dear guests!

2 Lead: - Good, spring day!

3 Lead : - Hello, friendly connoisseurs

vocal creativity!

4 Lead:WITH great joy We We greet you -

our loved ones are the closest people in the world!!!

1 presenter : - Today we present to your attention

the program of the reporting concert of the vocal studio

"Droplets" of the center of technical creativity "Dream"

2 Lead: - Ask me where my house is.

And I'll take a look

And the slope, and the forest, and the valley.

I'll say - "Yes, here he is, next!".

3 Lead: - Ask me - where is my house,

Desirable and beautiful.

My home is three willows over a pond

And the whole of Russia.

4 Lead: - On the stage - the vocal studio "Kapelki"! -

2) "Brothers Russians" (performance of the song).

Host:- It turns out that the birth of stars is not only

astronomical phenomenon. The stars may be

right next to you! After all, our vocal

the team is a wonderful constellation of talents

different sizes!

Host:- Some stars have already managed to open and ignite themselves and

therefore they are seen and known by many, while others only

begin to light their starlight and have not yet

so noticeable.

Host:- That is why"Lighting the Stars!" - this is the motto

only today's concert, but also the entire creative

life of our team.

presenter - Like a song of boundless Russia,

City names sound

Leading - But still the most beautiful

There is a city, friends, I have!

Leading - Author's song head of our studio

Vasyuchkova Svetlana Valerievna"The city where

I live! performs - Kaletinsky Bogdan - who is in this

year lit his solo star in our team,

becoming the Laureate and Diploma of International and

City Contests!

3) "The city where I live" (performance of the song).

Host:- family joy

Happy faces!

We wish all families

Glow with love!

Host:- love flourishes

Around the Earth!

Peace to your home

And every family!

Host:- Meet!mixed vocal group stars

school number 116 with the song "Family".

4) "Family" - school 116 sings

1leader: - The stars are symbol of success,

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

2 Lead: - And children, like stars, also burn!

No wonder today is such a starfall!

3 Lead: - On the stage - novice stars - guests of our


4 Lead: - Meet! Choreographic Association


5) "My guardian angel."

Leading : - It's no secret that vocal lessons are not easy

entertainment - but hard, but pleasant, work.

Leading: - From occupation to occupation of our boys and girls

studios comprehend the heights of vocal mastery.

Leading: - And how many interesting and informative learned

guys for this academic year! How many wins are they

win in competitions! Star wins!

Leading : - And now, behind the scenes, all the guys are very worried about

this critical moment.

Leading: - Therefore - let's support all our artists

friendly applause!

Host:- Meet - on stage - middle group our

collective together with the choreographic association

"Smile" -"Lazy cat"

6) "Lazy cat" (performance of the song)

Leading: Each of us, looking at the night sky, dreams of seeing a shooting star and making a cherished wish. But, as the comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon only have time to say: "Wow!" as the star immediately disappears.

Leading: But today, on this stage, we will see not the fall, but the birth new star. And not just stars - but a star duet !!!

Leading: It remains to be hoped that you will have time not only to enjoy the light of our stars, but also their singing!

Leading: Meet! Soloists of the vocal studio "Kapelki" - Veropakh Elizaveta and Kaletinsky Timur - "Soul"!

7) "Soul" (performance of the song).

Vedas: How easily and beautifully our artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right?

Vedas: Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to go on stage here! In adults, then the knees of the artists are shaking! And what can we say about young, quite small stars?!…

Vedas: But all the participants of this concert are already real artists!

Let's give our youngest vocalists a big round of applause!

8) "Red cat". (performance of the song).

Leading: And now another group of aspiring artists will enter the stage.

Leading: The guys studied for the whole academic year, tried, overcame difficulties, laziness, fatigue, and not always everything worked out the first time.

Leading : But if you firmly believe, really, really want and try hard .., then everything will definitely work out. Remember, everything is in your hands, believe in luck and it will definitely come.

Leading: So, meet! On the stage - first-graders with a song

9) "Five lazy frogs" (performance of the song).

Leading : You know, I have one cherished desire, and in order for it to come true, you need to see a shooting star and have time to make a wish.

Leading : It would be great if all dreams come true! Only there may not be enough shooting stars for everyone ...

Leading : And imagine if looking into the starry sky, we see not a fall, but the birth of a new star?

Leading : Yes, I know one of our soloists, who seems to have managed to light his star! After all, only during this academic year he received 5 diplomas of the Laureate of various International competitions, and 6 times became a Diploma winner in city competitions!

Leading : Oh yeah! He lit up very bright star in our team!

Leading : Meet - Kaletinsky Timur with the song - "Music of the Sea"!

10) "Music of the Sea" (performance of the song).

Host:- Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So does anyone need it?

Host:- So, it is necessary

So that every evening over the roofs

Did any of the stars light up?

Leading: I know that the next participant in our concert with early childhood There is cherished dream: she, like many girls, dreams of becoming a star.

Leading: And I know that she not only dreams, but also tries very hard to fulfill her dream herself. Meet! Panasenko Ulyana with the song "I want to go south"

Leading: Panasenko Ulyana with a song

11) "I want to go south" (performance of the song)

Leading: And what do you think, (name of co-host), the path of the star - what is it like?

Leading: I think bright!

Leading: But it must be very difficult and responsible to be

a bright star and always shine for everyone!

Leading: I think - it's very difficult - when you're on top

everyone can see you - every step you take! Both successes and mistakes!

Leading: - yes, bright Star Trek can lay only the most

talented stars!

Leading: - And it will depend only on them how long their

star trek and how high!

Leading: – Meet – Bright soloist vocal Kapelka studios,

Multiple Laureate of International and City

competitions - Drozdova Arina - "The Way"!

12) "The Way" (Performance of the song)

Leading: The alleyways are quieter

All yards empty

Drumming rain on the roofs:

Tam-taram, taram - taram.

Leading: With every sound note above,

The rain is pounding, sparing no strength.

Everyone is running, rushing under the roofs

Listen to the music of the rain.

Leading: Aspiring soloist - a small star of our team

Leading: Shakirova Alisa with a song"Man in the rain" Meet!

13) "Man in the rain." (performance of the song)

Leading: - When the soul aspires to fly,

When the soul cannot help but sing,

Leading: She needs to be a free bird

And fly into the sky like a bird.

Leading: Meet - on stage - the soloist of the group -

Leading: laureate International Competition in Novosibirsk - Nikonova

Tatyana - "How to become a bird."

14) "How to become a bird " (performance of the song)

Host 2: - What do you think, friends, what will happen if you invite two pretty girls to the stage now who can sing well, dance great and make good friends? -

Presenter 1: make a great duet.

15) "I will find a way" - Performed by Veropakha Elizaveta and Semchenko Polina.

Host: Yes Stars... How many times we looked in and couldn't stop admiring them! Sometimes you want to get up and take a closer look at them, but, unfortunately, this is not given to us.

Leading: And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Leading: And also - when igniting themselves, the stars help to light up other stars around - there is no more beautiful and brighter light in the world!

Leading: Meet - on stage duet - Drozdova Arina and Kaletinsky Bogdan with a song "I'm with you"!

16) "I'm with you" (performance of the song)

Leading - You know, ... (name of co-host) - it seems to me that the smartest and most talented children in the world live in our city!

Leading Of course, I completely agree with you! Moreover, all the smartest and most talented children are engaged inour team! And now you will be convinced of it!

Leading - meet, on stage - the youngest preschool group vocal studio "Kapelki"

Leading "Fashionista" !

17) Fashionista (performance of the song)

Leading: What good fellows! So young and so bright stars!

Leading: And not in heaven, but on our stage!

Leading: Yes, but there are just too many stars in the sky! And on the stage ... alone,

two ... .. (counts)

Leading: Well, you don’t think that you have already counted all our stars?

Leading: What, is there anyone else?

Leading: Well, of course! And we need to see the next issue! Because now we will see a whole constellation!

18) "Sweetie" (performance of the song)

Leading : During this academic year, the pupils of the studio had a lot of interesting events.

Leading : Our guys participated in city, district and international festivals and competitions

Leading : And they always became Laureates and Diploma Winners both in solo performances as well as in the ensemble!

Leading : The guys not only studied, they were friends, met and parted, quarreled and put up, fantasized, dreamed and made their dreams come true!

Leading - There is a place for everyone in this world, since you were born - so live!

Leading - The world will become joyful and bright from friendship, laughter and love!

Meet! Multiple Laureate of International, city and district competitions - the brightest constellation of our star team -

The senior group of the vocal studio "Kapelki" with a song

19) "May the world be beautiful" (performance of the song).

Leading: So, song after song, our concert came to an end.

Leading: We hope that you did not look at your watch, remembering the tale of lost time?

Leading: And yet, I wonder how to become a star?

Leading: Yes, very easy! Love Her Majesty Song...

Leading: ANDLet this love lead you to our Creativity Center...

Leading: This is where you can show and develop your talents!

Leading: Take part in concerts, win competitions ...

Leading: And your star will definitely light up and shine, warming people close and dear to your heart with its light.

Leading: So, year after year, the light of our stars shines brighter and brighter, uniting us all into one big, friendly, talented family!

20) "This is my family."

(performance of the final song by all groups of the collective).

(When creating the script, materials from Internet sources were used)

Scenario of the closing concert of the creative season of the vocal-variety studio "LiKA"

(3 presenters: Maksimova I., Satsuk Kr., Volokhov A.)

Music sounds, presenters come out:

Vedas: Good evening, Dear friends!

Vedas: Good evening, our dear viewers!

Vedas: Hello, welcome to the next reporting concert Exemplary vocal and pop studio "LiKA"!

Vedas: Be a part of this wonderful creative team honorable and responsible!

Vedas: It's no secret that vocal lessons are not just entertainment - it's hard, but pleasant, work.

Vedas: And today the pupils of the LiKA studio will present the results of their work for this creative season!

Vedas: Our concert program we called "The World I Need!".

Vedas: Let it give you a good spring mood!

Vedas: And so we begin!

Vedas: On stage 1 is the junior staff of the studio!

(Children of the 1st group come out) Poems:

1: A beauty is walking on the planet - spring!

We learn by signs that she came to us!

2: We recognize by the clean thawed fields,

According to fragrant lilies of the valley, according to the songs of the rains!

3: April! April! ... Drops are ringing in the yard, Streams run across the fields, puddles on the roads. Soon the ants will come out after the winter cold. 1. Number: "Merry song"

1: My balloon

Hanging on a branch

Does not know,

Where would you like to go?

He can get down

Of course, down, but it can also rise into the sky!

2. Number: "Balloons"

What kind of monster is this, Three-headed, big, It flies above the ground, Puffs with a hot flame?


The night has come. Tired Dragon. He lay down on the bed, put his tops

On individual pillows. 3. Number: "Dragon"(leave)

Vedas: Childhood is a wonderful country that cannot be found on maps. Its territory lies not on the ground, but on the souls of people.

Vedas: Childhood is energy, optimism, self-confidence. This is the time when it seems that the future is limitless and that tomorrow will definitely be better than yesterday.

Vedas: They believe in magic here

Here are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Vedas: Here the clouds are not visible, here from smiles it is crowded,

Childhood floats somewhere on a creative wave.

Vedas: Meet average composition Studio "Lika"

4: Number: "I dream of a miracle"

1: Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

His azure alive

He blinds my eyes.

5. Number: "Spring"

2: April murmurs, ringing streams,

All around thawed patches are visible.

Spring washes away

Remains of the winter.

6. Number: "Good Tales"

Vedas: How easily and beautifully our artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing, go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right?

Vedas: Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to go on stage here! In adults, then the knees of the artists are shaking! And what about young people?!

Vedas: But the participants of our concert are already real artists!

( A boy (Ilya) comes out imperceptibly, approaches the host, pulls his hand)

Vedas: Get out of here, boy, don't interfere with work. (The boy from the other side comes in, pulls ...)

M: What are you doing here?

Vedas: Like what?! You don’t see, we are conducting a concert, go don’t interfere, I say!

M: So big, but you swear!

Vedas: Do not offend, boy, what do you want?

M: I also want to perform, that is, I want to sing!

Vedas: Sing then.

M: I don't want to sing alone, but with friends!

Vedas: Then call your friends soon, and sing already!

M: No, first I want to announce the number like a real artist!

Vedas: Well, announce already, finally, and sing!

M: We have not yet become laureates of the Republican, All-Russian, International competitions, but ... we will definitely! Guys, come out!. (Group 3 - 4th class comes out.)

6. Number: "It's very simple"(At the end "…like this!.»)

Ilya: Once I met a stray cat:

How are you doing?

Nothing, just a little.

I heard that you are seriously ill.

So, were you in bed?

Lying on the street for many weeks -

Homeless, I have nowhere to put my bed.

I thought: "It is strange that in the vast world

There is no place for homeless dogs and cats."

Do you hear cat? Come with me -

It's getting dark, which means it's time for us to go home!

We walked with her down the street proudly and boldly -

I, silently, and the cat quietly sang.

What did she sing about? Perhaps about

That everyone needs their own home.

7. Number: "Mongrel cat"

Sonya: The sun is red

Burn-burn clear!

Fly into the sky like a bird

Light up our land

So that gardens and orchards

Green, bloom, grow!

Sasha B: The sun is red

Burn-burn clear!

Swim like a fish in the sky

Revive our land

All the kids in the world

Warm up, heal up!

8. Number: "The sun shines for everyone"

A. Ved: Yes, these will definitely become Laureates. ( And then…! children answer)

And now we are very pleased to invite real Laureates to this stage!

I. Ved: Meet the repeated winners of Republican, All-Russian and International competitions senior group vocal-variety studio "LiKA".

9. Number: "The world that I need"

10. Number: "On the road of stars"

And Ved: Soloist of the group Danil Novoselov with the song:

11. Number: "Ships"

(Anton Polyakov comes out, reads:)

Hey, semindra! All up!

What jokes? What kind of laugh?

We can't stand fun

What we want - we take, we do not ask.

Arguing with us is of little use,

There are no barriers to the sea WOLF.

We know the treasures of all the seas

In the holds of different ships

12. Number: "Grandma and granddaughters"

I. Vedas: The creative reporting concert of the LiKA studio takes place on the eve of a significant date - the 70th anniversary of Great Victory of our people over fascism!

An. Vedas: I know it's not my fault

That others did not come from the war.

That they, who are older, who are younger,

Remained there.

And not about the same speech that I could have them,

But he couldn't save.

It's not about that, but still, still, still ...

I. Vedas: And with great gratitude to those who won this Victory in that terrible, cruel war!

An. Vedas: In memory of those who did not return from it, this number sounds.

13. Number: "Letter from the front" - Kristina Pr. (DK word)

An: The senior group of the vocal-variety studio "LiKA" continues to delight you with its creativity. Meet Anushik Egoyan!

14: Number: "Erazanq"

15. Number: "Swans flew away"

16. Number: "Fly, summer"

17. Number: "Girl - spring"

(I stay, everyone goes to change clothes, I say words of gratitude for the children, about the profession, I thank moms)

18. Number: "Mothers"

Vedas: The guys grow up, leave, others come to replace and everything comes back again. We invite graduates of this year, as well as graduates of our studio, to the stage! Victoria Kolesnikov! Danila Novoselova and Irina Valova!

(Words about the graduates of the studio, words of gratitude and small souvenirs for them, then a song performed by them.)

19. Number: "For what"

Vedas: And so, word by word, song by song, our concert came to an end.

Vedas: And we really hope that you did not look at your watch, remembering the tale of lost time, but enjoyed our work!

Vedas: Good health to you. Happiness, luck and love!

20. Number:"Save the Love"(Performed by all participants of the concert)

Reporting concert of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Domisolka" 2017

Hello to everyone who missed all this year the most talented children of our kindergarten. Traditionally, at the end of spring, we hold a reporting concert of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Domisolka" , headed by Lyubov Anatolyevna Novikova.

Today our concert is called "The best" and this is not accidental, since now we will see children who are again ready to surprise us with their talents. Children are ready, excited, so we start.

1) Song "Funny Matryoshkas"

If you have unnecessary disks, then you do not throw them away. After all, it turns out that you can make musical instruments out of them. The fact is that the following contributors will surprise us with their playing on such instruments. And what they got out of it, we now find out.

2) Tool number on ratchet (tools are made from discs)

Who knocks on the door secretly?
My brother Lenka with a hammer.
He received a thrashing - nails the pen.
He broke it yesterday - he knocked out a milk tooth.

And how our children cope with this problem, we will now find out.

3) Song "Milk Tooth"

And we continue our big concert, about the smallest artists.

And now I will tell you one story that happened to me.

I look and see cats sitting with their backs to me.
I yelled: Kittens! Come along with me!
Let's go down the path, let's go home!"
Meet the most adorable kittens.

4) Pena "Fluffy Kittens"

I walk through the forest, but I look at the berries:
On the bush - a raspberry, on a tree - a mountain ash,
In the grass - strawberries, under the mountain - blueberries,
Klyukovka - on a bump ... Empty in the box.

World-famous berry pickers came to our concert today.

And how they pick berries, we will see now.

5) Song "Berries" (with baskets)

Girls (referring to berries), because picking berries and singing is very difficult. How do you do it? And, of course, this is classified information. Well, then we move on to the awards. Medal "The best" given to these wonderful girls.

(Presenting medals)

And we continue. As you know, in our country lives strong-willed people. Somehow we have already proved to the whole world that we are invincible. So, now we will see real future men who will help carry the bags to the grandmother, and the girl will not be offended, and if necessary, they will stand up to defend the Motherland. Meet!

6) Song "We walk like soldiers"

Yes, that's how soldiers should be (to the boys). And we're moving on to awards. Medal "The best" given to these wonderful guys.

(Presentation of medals.) go away

More recently, these babies have learned to eat on their own, that is, before they could not even hold a spoon. And today they are doing it!

And what else can you do with a mug and a spoon, you will now find out.

Meet our little inventors!

7) Instrument number with mug and spoon

Guys, (addressing kids) You have truly surprised us. Tell me, but, for example, you can play on the pan (and bring the microphone to someone). Yes guys!!! You really have now proved that you are the best and we are awarding you well-deserved medals.

(Presenting medals)

Yes, our members are incredibly talented.

But in order to save the props for the next song, I had to endure a lot. Our participants kept licking their lips while looking at it, sniffing it, drooling and trying to bite it. But thanks incredible strength will, we had to save it. Meet the next members and don't forget that they are the best.

8) Song "Samovar" (children sing around the samovar)

Yes, you have a very good song. And the smell from these fragrant dryers spread throughout the hall, so I wanted to drink tea with dryers, I think everyone. Thank you. Well, we will see you again, so the coveted medal is still ahead of you.

With the following participants, while studying in this hall, we very often had to watch from this window how the birch trees change their outfits. And just like that, admiring these pictures, the idea came to sing a song about the beauty of our land. Meet best voices our kindergarten!

9) Song "Native land" (children sing and play on triangles)

It was very beautiful, musical and professional. Well, we'll see you again.

Long ago, in those distant times, when there was still no electricity, when our grandparents went to the river for water with buckets, because there was no running water ... So, in those days, people did not even imagine that on these same buckets in which they carried water, after many years, children from kindergarten "Gull" start playing...

Yes, indeed, the following participants of our concert are ready to surprise us again. Meet!

10) Instrument number (children play on plastic buckets)

Well, they were surprised, well, they were amazed. After such a performance, it remains only to say that you are the best.

(Presenting medals) We are ready to see the following performers at events of any level. This is a team whose discs are sold in millions of copies. These performers are the hope of the Russian folk art. This year they have erased more than one pair of wooden spoons. Meet!

11) Instrument number "Christmas-Pine Trees" (play folklore instruments)

I know that the guys left, only to put down some tools and take others. The fact is that the following tools are constantly being repaired. What from Great love to them, as well as from a great desire to play more expressively, more emotionally, these instruments do not withstand and break. In secret, these children told me that the next New Year, they will ask Grandfather Frost for new concert tambourines.

The tambourine is one of the most ancient musical instruments. The history of the tambourine begins from time immemorial. Then, when the most respected people in the tribe - the mysterious shamans, performed their ritual dances at any important event.

The tambourine consists of a leather membrane, stretched over a wooden rim, and also has suspended metal bells. He found his main application in Russian orchestras folk instruments, well, in our ensemble.

I see our musicians are ready. Meet!

12) Instrument number "Felt boots" (play drums)

(Presenting medals)

Well, well, the main kindergarten of our country is closed for today. We would be glad not to part with you, but our concert is coming to an end. (During the poem, put 10 chairs)

If you are, be the first
First, whoever you are.
From songs - the best songs,
From books - the best books.

Be the first and only, foamy like the sea,
Better than the second artist - the first painter.
They will ask if you are timid: “Who then will remain,
If everyone is first? Who will go last?

And you do not listen to the cowardly, blow it away like foam.
If you are, be the best
If there is, be the first.
And I will ask all the participants of our concert to come out.

13) Final song "Our favorite garden lives"

This song is performed by all age groups. They come out in turn, starting with the smallest.

Our concert has come to an end. See you again.

reporting concert
Exemplary pop vocal association Zimfirinka

The stage is dark. Ilshat comes out.

Ilshat Good evening! We are glad to welcome you at the reporting concert of the exemplary pop-vocal association Zimfirinka. Spring! The soul sings, and the heart sings along. Today I decided to gather those who live by desire, talent and music!
Peace to all that lives according to the laws of kindness.
Peace to the one who sings the song of friendship and dreams.
Peace to the one who lives next to us in love.
Peace to you, people of the whole Earth!

1. Abdul Just love
2. Olya + Artem Inseparable friends
3. Dasha G. The word is not allowed
4. Kamil Prostokvashino

Ilshat - Where is everyone? Well, for once I decided to bring everyone together and there is no one! (phones) and this one is not available! They probably haven't come back from the competition yet. Yes, rehearsals, concerts, trips to festivals, and again performances, and rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals. Such is the life of our team. It's nothing you can do. But thanks to this, the Zimfirinka Variety and Vocal Association is a multiple winner of International, All-Russian and Republican competitions. Can't be counted on fingers. And for the second year they have been participating in the International Competition for Young Performers New wave, try their hand and hope to win.

A cherished wish came true
The fact that many years ago Zimfira Khamitovna dreamed:
Labor, perseverance, skill, diligence -
In Zimfirinki all of ours were embodied!

5. Ilshat Tatarskaya
6. Artem Crocodile
7. Diana Korablik
8. Dasha Ch. Song about a little friend

Vedas. Now listen to one more funny story. You know, our Zimfira Khamitovna is a very emotional teacher.
Vedas. Yes Yes.
Vedas So, at the next reporting concert Mikoelyan brother and sister sing. Zimfira Khamitovna is worried about how they performed correctly, sings along with them from the audience. And as usual, at the most inopportune moment, the microphones are turned off and the whole hall becomes audible as Zimfira Khamitovna solos at the top of her voice.
Ved Yes. Indeed, it was fun.
Another leader comes out.
Vedas Guys, why are you telling stories to each other, Ilshat has been looking for us there for a long time. Today he gathers the whole team. It must have been some kind of surprise!
Ved Then let's go faster!

9. Lily Balloon
10. Dinar Tatarskaya
11. Albina Boy Denis

Vedas. The whole palace ran around, nowhere he was.
Vedas. Yeah, sometimes you can't find an elephant in our huge building. While you are in one part, the elephant is in another, you run across to the opposite, the elephant already has time to go to the one where you were originally.
Vedas. But, it's wonderful. After all, what is our palace - it's a big house of fussy, burning, creative, talented residents. Of people, creative life which brings joy good mood, smile.
Vedas. And Fatima Rashitovna Sultanova manages all this wealth. Please take the stage.

12.Diana Music School
13. Archil + Kamil Comic composition

Camille exits.
Camille. One, one, check, click, click. Hello, my name is Camille. I am 8 years old. I have already whole year I study in Zimfirinki. I want to become a famous artist.
It comes out.
Vedas. What is that number? Why are you messing with the microphone?
Camille. I do not indulge, but I try my hand. I want to be an artist, just like you.
Vedas. Well, commendable! And you know that you don't become famous overnight.
Camille. Wow, I guess. I wasn't born on the moon.
Vedas. For example, our friend Ilshat. Has been studying with Zimfira Khamitovna for many years. And why over the years there has been no pain of creativity, and good luck, and falling, and hard, daily work, one might say every minute. And look at the result Ilshat is known in our city, but where is it in our city. The whole Republic knows about him. Even at one of the competitions, the professor of the Kazan Conservatory spoke very warmly about him and invited him to study in his class. Understood?
Camille Yeah.
Vedas. I advise you to take it as an example!

13. Ilshat
14. Emil Jazz man
15.Kaledoscope number

Two presenters come out and sing a cappella to different languages
Vedas. - amazing art Music! She has the power to bring people together. different nationalities! People live in different countries but they can communicate and understand each other through music
Vedas. - So our Zimfirinkas are a multinational team, and we sing in different languages. For example, in Greek.

16. Anna Erotaz
17. Olya the Little Prince
18. Dilyara Yagodka

Vedas. Dilyarochka, how small you are, I just want to hug and protect you.
Vedas. Small, but remote. Despite her age, Dilyarochka is already a laureate of the International Competition When We Are Together and the Republican Television Competition Constellation.
Marina runs out
Vedas. Marina, why are you so out of breath?
Marina. - Rushed with all her might.
Vedas - What happened?
Marina.- Archil wanted to kiss me!
Dilara You're lying! Well, I'll ask him! (runs away)
Marina.- Wait, I'm with you!
Boys Girls, where are you going? (looks at each other in disbelief and walks away)

19. Archil Boy in a cap
20. Sveta English
21. Marina It's raining today

Vedas. Now listen to one more funny story, Dinar told me about it.
Veda, well, well.
Vedas Once upon a time, a trio of Ilshat, Niyaz and Dinara were invited to the next national concert. Ilshat asked to go somewhere and Niyaz and Dinar decided to cheat a little and sing to the veneer, no one would notice.
Vedas And what, have you noticed? What's so funny.
Vedas Yes, you listen to what's next. While waiting for his exit, Niyaz accidentally fell asleep backstage. Well, you know, studies, classes, performances, so their soundtrack is already starting to sound on the stage, but Niyaz is not! Dinar runs backstage no Niyaz!
Vedas Wow, so how did they get out?
Ved Dinara had no choice but to go out and sing to the soundtrack. The song approaches the chorus. Niyaz hears voices and also runs out, opening his mouth strongly, as if he had been singing all this time.
Vedas And that, no one noticed embarrassment?
Vedas Noticed did not notice I do not know. But the guys, after their performance, told the audience you don’t think anything, it was so conceived, so to speak, the director’s move!
Vedas (leaves) - Yes, what are you going to do, again they are sharpening lyases. No, to get things done.
VED (accented) EEEE, listen to what you swear.
Vedas in Tatar (calm down, now everything will be fine)

23. Anush Kele-kele
43. Abdul + Archil XXI century Caledoscope

Dilara - Born a girl - be patient
Footboards and kicks.
And substitute pigtails for everyone,
Who pull them is not averse.
But sometime later
Show them the cookie
And you say: `Figures, for you
I will not marry!`
Marina runs out and whispers in Dilyara's ear.
Dilara You're lying, well, I'll ask him!
25. Alina Sea and night
26. Ilshat
27. Trio Wind

Vedas. Finally, here you are!
Vedas And we searched you!
Vedas The whole palace ran around!
Vedas Tell me, on what occasion is the collection?
Vedas Are you going to get married?
Vedas Well, do not Tom, what a surprise?

Ilshat. Friends, not all at once. Firstly, summer is coming soon, beautiful weather, wonderful mood and at the very beautiful time Zimfirinkas gather a variety of guests - friends, relatives, relatives, colleagues and, of course, fans. And secondly, I really prepared a surprise for you. I brought you a special guest. Dear friends, I invite to the stage the Laureate of the most prestigious television competition Totar mone, where the most famous artists Tatarstan. Meet Ruslan Kiramutdinov.

28. Kiramutdinov Ruslan

Leaders come out.
Ved Ooo, what guests!
Ved Ruslan, what fate?
Camille Who is that?
Vedas This is a pupil of Zimfira Khamitovna!
Camille And now you're a real pop star?
Ruslan Nuu, A star is not a star, but they know in Tatarstan.
Ishat It's great that we are all gathered here. Zimfira Khamitovna will be very happy.
Ruslan By the way, where is she?
Zimfira Khamitovna (from the audience without a microphone) I'm here.
Fanfare, Zimfira Khamitovna will take the stage.
Honored Worker of Culture, teacher of higher education qualification category in vocal class, Head of the exemplary pop-vocal association Zimfirinka Zimfira Khamitovna Khasanshina.
Word to Zimfira Khamitovna
1. We are young, we are full of strength and energy
2. We have many desires, ideas and plans for the future.
1. And what is the future.
2. The future is Hope for the best,
3. Hope for new meetings,
4. Hope for victory.
5. Hope for peace in our native Tatarstan!
29. Abdul Tatarstan

Lysenko Angelina
Scenario of the reporting concert of the vocal group "Sounding Voices"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 13"


reporting concert


music director

Lysenko Angelina Petrovna

Republic of Tatarstan


Target: To cultivate interest in music and the art of singing, love and respect for loved ones and for everything that surrounds us. Create joyful mood, cause an emotional upsurge.

(The hall is festively decorated, the children sit in the center of the hall in a semicircle)

Vedas. The sun's ray laughs and teases

Fun in the morning today

Spring gives us a sonorous holiday

AND chief guest there kids!

The kids were looking forward to the party.

They learned songs

So that rascals and pranksters

You were all able to please.

We are very glad to see you - this time!

We all gathered here not in vain - these are two!

And thirdly, we are now

Let's start for all of you...

Chorus: Musical story!

We present to your attention the ensemble "Carousel" (senior subgroup)

Song "Holiday" V. Stepanov, L. Khismatullina,

CD disc "Listen and sing with us"

We happy Holidays looking forward to

Holidays bring joy to every home

A happy day begins with a song

A good light is lit in the heart

How many jokes and miracles we expect every time

We are waiting for all our dreams to come true

We are waiting for gifts of joyful, good news

And joyful smiles from their friends.

Vedas: Full of bird songs

Spring blossomed all around

The sun shone

Everything became beautiful:

And trees and bushes

And spring flowers.

Earth, rejoicing and laughing,

As for the holiday gathered.

Song "Spring Polechka" L. Olifirov,

CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

Vedas. Waking up from a dream

With a soft spring brush

Draws buds on the branches

In the fields - rook chains,

Over the revived foliage

The first stroke of thunder

And in the shade of a transparent garden

Lilac bush near the fence.

Song "Spring" music. and sl. A. Voinova,

CD disk "Young lady".

I saw today

What's on the street spring

We've been waiting for her for so long

And she already came

And in the sun, barbel beetles

Together they sing a song about spring

Answers them in pursuit of drops

I saw spring today

Lilac blossomed on the window

Blizzards and blizzards subsided

Forgotten cold

Like in a good old fairy tale

Spring has come to visit us

Etc. Warm wind played in my hair

The chintz of dresses swirled around the yard

And in the sun, barbel beetles

Together they sing a song about spring

On the asphalt again heels are knocking

Answers them in pursuit of drops

I saw spring today

Lilac blossomed on the window

Vedas. Now the girls from the younger subgroup will perform in front of you. They are only 4 years old, and despite their young age, they can definitely be called the rising stars of our kindergarten.

It’s true that people say: “It’s warm in the sun, but good in the mother’s presence!”

"Mother's heart better than the sun warm!

Song "Mommy" S. Antonova music. A. Pereskokova.

I will sit by the window

next to you,

I will look into your eyes

Like two streams.

They have both joy and sadness.

Sky is blue

You are the best on earth

My mommy!

golden ray of sunshine

I will braid in a wreath

I will give it to you

Joy is not melting.

I will love you

Even very, very

You are the best on earth

My mommy!

You lie down to rest

I will collect toys, do not make noise and do not be naughty

I will ask them.

Because sweet sleep

Best girlfriend.

Because sweet sleep

My mommy!

Kiss mom hard

I will hug her dear

I love her very much

Mom is my sunshine!

Vedas. The junior ensemble "Solnyshko" will perform a song for their beloved mothers.

The song "My mother is my sun" and music. T. A Elport

Our mother is like spring, as if the dawn is clear

And we all call her, my mother-sunshine!

Chorus. Sunshine, sunshine

Our mother is the sun.

Well, we, well, we ...

We are her sunflowers!

My older brother says

I am happy to help my mother

And we all call her

my sunshine mother!

Chorus. Sunshine, sunshine

Our mother is the sun.

Well, we, well, we ...

We are her sunflowers! (chorus repeats 2 times)

Vedas. oh what an insect

So unfamiliar!

Runs among the grass

Straws, blades of grass,

Will never stop -

Probably unwell.

Doesn't drink or dine

Runs around in circles.


The land between the beds,

Maybe looking for kids

Among the bushes and twigs.

Oh what an insect

So far unfamiliar!

Crawls forward, does not back away,

He's wearing a polka dot dress.

Guys, what is this insect?

Children: Ladybug!

The song "Ladybug" L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Familiar insects" from the series " Musical alphabet development".

(performed by the junior ensemble "Solnyshko")

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread.

Bring, cow, a bar of chocolate

50 chewing gum is also very necessary,

And a big banana.

a kilogram of strawberries and another big banana

And a big banana.

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread.

Ladybug didn't come to us

Maybe the cow ate everything along the way

Bring us all of her

Or maybe she couldn't bring us everything

Bring us all of her

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Fly away, fly away

Fly away to the sky

Bo-bo-bo, bo-bo-bo


Bring us some bread...

Vedas: Well done boys! All the guests were cheered up with their cheerful song.

Vedas: Without a song in the world

Can't live a day

After all, immediately be sad

Singing land…

After all, it's not interesting without her

And boredom sets in

Our song is wonderful

She conquers everyone!

The song "Merry song" music. and sl. Varlamov

1) the sun came out

Because of the gray clouds

golden seed

Jumped the first beam.

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

2) And from this song

The silence melts

And with streams fun

Spring is jumping.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

3) Woke up a song

warm rays,

And on the branches it's fun

The rooks are jumping.

They sing a cheerful song to us.

Jumping through the fields, with the sky in half,

They sing a cheerful song to us.

4) Into a fervent song

Just in love

Huge jumping

Children's country.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Vedas: In the center of the flower bed, near Natashka,

Flowers bloomed - daisies.

Beautifying all day long

They admire the dresses.

Like a big saucer

White skirt.

Bright yellow cap

Yes, a green shoe.

Song "Chamomile" and music. K. Makarova,

CD "Sun"

Taught on chamomile

Me grandmother guess.

It is very interesting

Tear off the petals.

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

I sit all day wondering

Not even time to play.

But now I'm talking about Earring

Everything, everything, everything I can know

Chorus: one, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

Just ran out of daisies

Petals scattered

Tomorrow I'll start over

Beware grooms!

Chorus: one, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oops, totally lost!

One, two. three four five

Something I missed again.

One, two. three four seven

Oh, he doesn't like it at all!

Vedas: We invite you to perform the ensemble "Solnyshko"

Vedas: Daisies bloomed everywhere and all insects woke up

They began to buzz merrily, fly from flower to flower

The song "Daisies and Insects" L. Razdobarin,

CD disk "Chamomile songs".

Daisies stand in the meadow

Everything is standing, standing, standing.

And insects sit on them

Everyone is sitting, sitting, sitting!

Etc. Oh, daisies, oh, daisies

How cute are you.

Ah, bugs, oh, bugs

How cheerful!

For some reason, all daisies

Waving, waving their heads

Because all insects

They dance a mischievous dance!

Etc. Oh, daisies, oh, daisies

How cute are you.

Ah, bugs, oh, bugs

How cheerful!

Vedas: What are those sounds in the grass?

Only hear me-e, yes me-e,

A sheep came to the meadow

Frolic on the grass.

Every bug knows

Her soft curls

Gave her flowers

Unusual beauty.

The song "White Sheep" by L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Children's Village Songs" from the "Musical Alphabet of Development" series.

(performed by the "Solnyshko" Ensemble)

Why big snowdrift

Wandering along the path

The snowdrift has a tail

And four legs.

ETC. white, fluffy

good sheep

Like a soft pillow

Warm like an oven

Running across the meadow

Hats, socks

Jacket and mittens

Mom will tie her daughter

ETC. white, fluffy

good sheep

Like a soft pillow

Warm like an oven

Vedas. Prowling the wolf hungry, angry

Bad "gray" in the spring

Yes, as for trouble

He met a bear in the forest...

Let's listen.

Song "Wolf" L. Razdobarin,

CD disc "Forest Adventures"

The gray wolf lives in the forest

Sings songs in the moonlight

The songs are very sad

Where are the hares tasty, tasty, tasty ...

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing.

And one day he is in the forest

Met one fox

And now he's a whole year

She sings serenades, sings to her, sings to her.

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing

This song no one

Doesn't go to listen

And so now

He wants to eat, eat, eat everyone ...

Etc. Wolf once upon a time bear

stepped on the ear

And so now

The wolf has no hearing! Woo!

Vedas: Everyone was frightened by a terrible howl.

The wolf walked through the forest angry,

He was not happy with the holiday

And growled at everyone.

And I met Alyonka -

Didn't growl at her!

The little one smiled sweetly

Gave me a balalaika.

And why now growl,

If you can strum?

The song "Miracle Balalaika" Z. Root,

collection "Songs and holidays for kids".

(performed by the Carousel Ensemble)

The sun rises in the sky

The sky lit up.

With a balalaika for a walk

The good fellow is coming.

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Good fellow goes

And leads a sweetheart.

He plays the strings

And Dunyasha is dancing.

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Three strings, and how he sings!

The round dance began.

Oh, and the miracle of the balalaika,

All honest people are dancing!

Oh, you are my balalaika!

Have fun playing!

play, don't be lazy

Show yourself to the whole world.

Tun dari tun dari,

toon da ri-ra,

tun dari tun dari,

tun da ra.

Vedas: Children are our future, they are the flowers of life, they are our close and dear little people. Let's be caring not only on Children's Day, let's be so every day, every hour, every minute! We will do our best to make them happy! And you can start with the fulfillment of their desires, because our children need so little to be happy!

Song "Three Wishes" lyrics by I. Shevchuk mus. E. Zaritskaya

I have three wishes

Today I will open them for you:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me candy!

I whisper in the doll's ear:

You know, fairy, what I want?

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a flower!

Three wishes like petals

I release into the sky from my hand:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a ring!

To make my dreams come true

Repeat with me together:

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that dad was kind, so that he loved his mother,

So that my friend Seryozhka would give me a car!

To my friend Seryozhka

"Mercedes" gave me!

"Mercedes" gave me!

Vedas. Well, what is a holiday without a festive table.

The snow-white cooks put on caps,

We prepared pots and knives and scoops,

And cutting boards and baking sheets.

Oh, how hot it will be for the cooks at the stove today!

(Junior ensemble "Solnyshko" take spoons)

Song "Funny cooks" "V. Alexandrov

We are fun guys

We are funny cooks

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children

We love saucers, we love spoons

And big ladles

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children

Our dinner was cooked quickly

The cook was even surprised…. Oh!

Cooking, frying everything

For guests and children.

All children line up in the center of the room. (younger-1 row, older 2-row).

Vedas: The hour of fun has come to an end

Thank you for coming!

We were glad to see you...

And we see that you are happy!

Happy song now

We are ending our holiday!

We invite all guests to perform with their children all famous song called "Adults and Children"

Inseparable friends Inseparable friends

There is in the world.

Inseparable friends, inseparable friends -

Adults and children!

Song "Inseparable Friends"

With. Tanich. music V. Shainsky

Ride wonderful

On the shoulders, on my father's.

Get the top of your head

Before the signal: "Stop".

Dads, even important ones,

All single storey

And so with Serezha

Skyscraper dad.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

How tasty is

Bun with apricots.

The guard is not angry

Transport will wait.

Here comes the street

Mom two-part

And the second series

Leads by the hand.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

Children can by sea

Swim as captains

Doctor's drops

Treat runny noses.

manage obedient

tower cranes,

This is just them

We must teach.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

inseparable friends,

inseparable friends -

Adults and children.

Adults and children.

Adults and children.

Vedas: Let's be happy, healthy

We will good light present.

Come visit again -

The path is always open for you!

(children say goodbye and leave the hall to the music)


Song "Holiday" by V. Stepanov, L. Khismatullina, CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

The song "Spring Polechka" by L. Olifirova, CD disc "Listen and sing with us."

Song "Spring" by A. Voinov, CD disc "Young lady".

Song "Mommy" S. Antonova music. A. Pereskokova.

The song "My mother is my sun" by D. Trubachev, V. Trubacheva, CD disc "My Mom".

The song "Ladybug" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Familiar insects" from the series "Musical alphabet of development".

Song "Merry song" A. Ermolov.

Song "Chamomile" by K. Makarov, CD disc "Sun".

The song "Daisies and Insects" by L. Razdobarin, CD disk "Chamomile Songs".

The song "White Sheep" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Children's Village Songs" from the "Musical ABC of Development" series.

Song "Wolf" by L. Razdobarin, CD disc "Forest Adventures"

Song "Miracle Balalaika" by Z. Root, collection "Songs and Holidays for Kids".

Song "Three Wishes" by E. Zaritskaya, CD disk "Farewell, toys".

Song "Funny cooks" V. Alexandrov.

The song "Adults and Children" lyrics by M. Tanich. music V. Shainsky

Used materials and Internet resources

List of used literature

1. Pereskokov A. V. “Songs for Kindergarten” - M .: Iris-press, 2006.-128 p.

2. Root Z. Ya. "Songs and holidays for kids" - 4th ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2006.-96 p. : notes-(“Attention: children)

3. "Bell" No. 3. Educational and methodological and musical and literary magazine for teachers, educators and parents. CJSC "Reprography"

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